Quote Originally Posted by Saamee View Post
I feel that time will tell about replies....

It looks like it may move very slowly!!

FSCL directed LC to engage but nothing yet!

I hear Crickets
Seems Lending Crowd are creating a turn-about/escape route by stating in their email (to me) "... whilst we have put in place a system to start methodically winding down the LCL service, it is early days and your comments and suggestions have been noted and are important to us. We are committed to reviewing all feedback."

A finance company that loses investor goodwill loses all eventually. They have erred, and the quickest, best and cheapest remedy/ damage control is to reinstate daily client withdrawals urgently. It would be quite hard to defend how they are serving the investor by cheating him of the pre-contracted right to withdraw available cash "at will", or denying market interest payment on "available cash" by unilaterally changing TOS in an existing contract.