  1. #10061
    Join Date
    Jul 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by justakiwi View Post
    Yep, safest place to be right now. That's an excellent letter. Very impressed.
    Yes and surely all Retirement Villages to follow suit or in process.

  2. #10062
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    Dec 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Rawz View Post
    Sheesh OCA taking a hammering. I've been buying the dip as they say you should do.. however the dip keeps dipping!

    Looking at the OCA chart ASB provides. Blue SP line looks to have dropped below Red 180MA line. My understanding is thats not good.
    No doubt some selling still ongoing by those departed (Stockton and Gasparich), they had millions of shares. Likely to keep the price depressed until it's all done

  3. #10063
    Guru Rawz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackPeter View Post
    Jeez - SP is still above MA200 and appears to even bounce back upwards. But of course it will (as any other stock) keep jittering with whatever the international markets do.

    MA180 means little to most people, but whatever indicator you choose - you need to give markets a second (or minute, or hour, or day) to sort themselves out before you get jittery. They call this "confirmation of indicator". If you don't it is just the broker who makes the money ... same as in the casino - the bank wins always ;

    No need to get excited - yet.

    Still better - just imagine the SP in 10 years from now, smile and go for a walk ...
    Can always rely on wise words from BP, time for that walk.

    BTW- i have no idea why ASB gives MA90 and MA180 instead of MA100 and MA200. Weird.
    Last edited by Rawz; 05-10-2021 at 12:58 PM.

  4. #10064
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rawz View Post
    Can always rely on wise words from BP, time for that walk.

    BTW- i have no idea why ASB gives MA90 and MA180 instead of MA100 and MA200. Weird.
    'Wise words' depend on whether you are holding or not
    “ At the top of every bubble, everyone is convinced it's not yet a bubble.”

  5. #10065
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Beau View Post
    Monday 04 October, 2021

    Dear residents and family members,

    One more week at Level 2 over and done with.

    Let’s keep doing what we’ve been doing to support our friends in Auckland and the Waikato.

    Thanks to everyone for following the rules, wearing those masks and keeping your distance – your hard work is paying off.

    This week we’ve got some more great speakers lined up for you, with art, exercise and ancestry on the agenda.

    Importantly, and in response to the ongoing presence of Delta in the community, we have made a change to visitation arrangements for our residents who are in care.

    Please see the details below and contact your Village Manager if you have any questions or concerns.

    Arrangements for non-vaccinated visitors to our care residents
    At Alert Level 2, we have re-opened our village care centres for visit, but you would have noticed some extra precautionary measures.

    As each week passes with the Delta variant in the community, we continue to actively look for ways to ensure we are keeping our residents safe. With this in mind, and out of an abundance of caution, we are now requiring anyone who is unvaccinated who wishes to visit their loved ones in our care centres to contact the Village Manager so a suitable COVID-safe visit can be arranged.

    This will include:

    • The visit occurring in a dedicated and separate space outside of the care centre
    • Our team providing full PPE for the visitor to wear
    • Shortened visits only, and
    • Our team cleaning the visiting area between visits.

    We also respectfully request that people do not bring in under 12s to the care centre until we start to see the number of vaccinations in the general population increase.

    If you are visiting a resident in palliative care, we will work with you to allow this to happen. Once again, please talk to the Village Manager.

    Please be aware that you may be asked for evidence of vaccination when making your entry declaration.

    This is a high risk time for us while we wait for better vaccination rates in the community but we want to assure you that we will make every effort to provide a COVID-safe visit while we continue to look for ways to keep our residents safe.

    Otherwise, for anyone who is vaccinated who wishes to visit a resident in care, the process remains unchanged. This includes having a temperature check and wearing a mask, with visits limited to two people at a time.

    Visitors to our serviced apartment residents are also required to check in, have a temperature check and wear a mask.

    This is because our serviced apartments are positioned close to our care centres and many serviced apartment residents receive care services from our team.

    Rymans new COVID update / New requirements for non-vaccinated visitors.
    Fortunately I stopped being a contractor to RYM homes a few yrs ago, another private home rung me up this morning asking when I was coming as I haven't been for 3 months, I asked what their requirements were and the unit manager said to see each resident in their in own room and handwashing after each one, I said that's standard practice anyway so see you tomorrow. Lol

  6. #10066
    ShareTrader Legend Beagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackPeter View Post
    Still better - just imagine the SP in 10 years from now, smile and go for a walk ...
    Predicting some things about the future, (your signature line) are actually quite easy and almost a dead certainty.
    1. The share price in 10 years will be dramatically higher than it is today.
    2. The share price will bounce around a bit and be up and down on a daily basis and it is best not to worry about this
    3. The sun will come up tomorrow
    4. If the Beagle doesn't have regular walks he will be more stressed and much unhealthier and fatter and a fat and unfit dog is not a happy dog
    Ecclesiastes 11:2: “Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.
    Ben Graham - In the short run the market is a voting machine but in the long run the market is a weighing machine

  7. #10067
    Guru justakiwi's Avatar
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    So you think the Ryman approach is overkill?

    Quote Originally Posted by couta1 View Post
    Fortunately I stopped being a contractor to RYM homes a few yrs ago, another private home rung me up this morning asking when I was coming as I haven't been for 3 months, I asked what their requirements were and the unit manager said to see each resident in their in own room and handwashing after each one, I said that's standard practice anyway so see you tomorrow. Lol

  8. #10068
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by justakiwi View Post
    So you think the Ryman approach is overkill?
    For sure and environmentally wasteful to boot with all that PPE which is unnecessary IMO.

  9. #10069
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    Apr 2008


    And I really hope that all works out JustaKiwi. But I also look at our current outbreak, I guess it came from our MIQ facilities (still not identified ? Can't recall ) These facilities supposedly well managed. And of course then we have people and compliance and becoming to familiar with all the rules after working with them for a while....well...I am not at all confident the industry will be able to avoid it..even with great controls and people. Happy with my 50% sized holding. Good luck,

    Quote Originally Posted by justakiwi View Post
    It may, but residents are significantly better protected from covid, than they would be living out in the community. Aged care providers take huge precautions, even when national levels are reduced. We are at Level 2 here in the South Island, but our rest home is operating somewhere between Level 2 and 3. Staff and visitors must wear masks at all times. Visitors are by appointment only, must sign in, use hand sanitiser, and can only visit in the resident's room. All but three of our residents are fully vaccinated. Any resident with cold symptoms is isolated to the room and must have a negative covid test before coming out. Staff with cold symptoms must stay home until they have had a negative test.

    If I were an elderly person right now, I would feel far safer living in an OCA facility than in my own home or living with family.

  10. #10070
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    landskrona sweden


    "PPE which is unnecessary"

    a science degree friend and health practitioner thought that ...

    caught a plane to Thailand, feudal kingdom.... never returned and is still waiting.. his practise closed...

    I thought at the time "dont board that plane" but as a health professional and he thought he knew best and i thought he was rolling the dice.

    A dutch sport doctor while in rotterdam, said to me "boarders could close" and "its a flue we dont know much about"

    I thought hang on, "little flue" , "borders could close" and it was then something in the back of my mind went "get out", walk dont run...

    Overkill? id say patients will still be a little nervous.

    Last edited by Waltzing; 05-10-2021 at 03:15 PM.

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