  1. #12221
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Has'nt been a great week for PEB--3 wacks in a few days---and no one around to defend them...

    How did you know it was 4 days NBT?--It was a week last time--(maybe it merited less due to the importance of reporting season?)

    Miner--Looks like you called it in terms of rockets rather than the''more of the same'' I thought (unless this is just the initial flurry?)

    Gonna be hard for those just getting home from work--could be alot worse--my first foray into PEB was just before the announcement before last--I got out by the skin of my teeth with a 10% loss( got worse after)...

    For those who bought today ..welcome aboard--theres never a dull moment around here.

  2. #12222
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Well... the end of the trading day, finished at 66 cents down 8.3%. What seemed to be reasonably good results was unfortunately overshadowed by a capital raising at 61 cents, sending almost 1.8m shares "running for the high hills" (although I don't think many would have made a profit selling at that price). I am a 'believer' in the PEB story, their science is proven to work, they just need to sell it.

    At the end of the day, good things do take time. In my view, its a game of patience.

  3. #12223
    Senior Member
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    May 2012


    Gee, you would think this "young growing company" should have known better eh ....

  4. #12224
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsuba View Post

    My apologies if this has already been posted.
    Oh God...look at the source...must be ramping!

  5. #12225
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader_jackson View Post
    Well... the end of the trading day, finished at 66 cents down 8.3%. What seemed to be reasonably good results was unfortunately overshadowed by a capital raising at 61 cents, sending almost 1.8m shares "running for the high hills" (although I don't think many would have made a profit selling at that price). I am a 'believer' in the PEB story, their science is proven to work, they just need to sell it.

    At the end of the day, good things do take time. In my view, its a game of patience.
    On ya mate!!

    I don't know why people go negative just because the words "capital raising" are used (Ignorance?). I see it as being expected and completely normal commercial behaviour for a company like PEB. If it was a well established company trying to clean up their balance sheet, I would be a lot more concerned.

    Like it or not, they have to invest to reach their lofty (& obtainable) goals and I would prefer them to get the dosh from their shareholders rather than going down the "debt" line. If they start doing that - then I'm out!

    Perhaps if they use the word "invest" instead of "CR"?
    Last edited by Dentie; 28-05-2015 at 05:34 PM.

  6. #12226
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    Aug 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by trader_jackson View Post
    Well... the end of the trading day, finished at 66 cents down 8.3%. What seemed to be reasonably good results was unfortunately overshadowed by a capital raising at 61 cents, sending almost 1.8m shares "running for the high hills" (although I don't think many would have made a profit selling at that price). I am a 'believer' in the PEB story, their science is proven to work, they just need to sell it.

    At the end of the day, good things do take time. In my view, its a game of patience.
    What do you think is good about the results?

  7. #12227
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    May 2015


    The 1208% increase in sales revenue, with alot of that appearing to be from the US, while not stand out amazing, I think it is promising.

    And as with any growth company, it is more about the commentary, which broadly seems positive. In case anyone has forgotten, it still points out that they making "good progress" towards $100m gross revenue (ie they have not turned around and admitted defeat... at least not yet)

  8. #12228
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by trader_jackson View Post
    Well... the end of the trading day, finished at 66 cents down 8.3%. What seemed to be reasonably good results was unfortunately overshadowed by a capital raising at 61 cents, sending almost 1.8m shares "running for the high hills" (although I don't think many would have made a profit selling at that price). I am a 'believer' in the PEB story, their science is proven to work, they just need to sell it.

    At the end of the day, good things do take time. In my view, its a game of patience.
    Lot of noise from non holders as is the usual on this thread, my 50k shares are in the bottom 5 year drawer. Do i believe PEB will make it in the long run? sure do but hey im a medical dude so I understand the mindset required to make it in this industry,this is best of breed product here with patents. Sure sales are now what's needed to reach the goal but at the end of the day good products sell themselves once all the other important groundwork is put in place. As always the panickers will panic and sell out for a loss (I'm sure we have all been there before) but as you say its a game of patience and I have learnt that a lot of it is required to stay in the market.

  9. #12229
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    Sep 2012


    I do think people are reading a little too much into the revenue column at the moment. What we know is that if they can obtain confidence through their user programmes being successful then you'll see the test become part of protocol for a number of large organisations. As of yet Pacific edge has a number of user programmes under-way or near completion. I see these as the most important avenue to their lofty sales targets. User programmes that turn into a "yes, we'll make it a part of how we want others to proceed with their patients" will break their "revenue dam" wide open. That's where the growth is. If, in the next 12 months we see a large number of user programmes come and go and have little take-up or positive announcements regarding their feelings towards the test then I can confidently say that, while PEB has a great product they are unable to sell it. PEB, in my mind haven't reached that point yet and I remain cautiously confident we'll see positive signs over the next 6 months.

  10. #12230
    Jeremy Clarkson's Punchbag
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