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  1. #1
    Permanent Newbie
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by satan View Post
    You also need capital appreciation to keep up with inflation. Otherwise, if you live for 30 years after retirement, your $70K won't go far at the end.
    That is even more depressing then. What if we have deflation instead. I have looked at my savings, compounding returns etc and it would be a dream to be financially free for me. If opportunities arise I can amplify my returns with debt but debt has its own risks.

    Maybe debt isn't so risky in this new age of modern finance. I read that Germany was criticised for "a fixation that money should always be repaid". I guess in these days of high finance my thinking and Germanys thinking is old fashioned. If it is my money I am lending I funnily enough expect it to be repaid, with interest. How insane is the world of finance/debt/currency getting. Common sense says that if you lend money you expect to have it repaid. Unless I suppose you work for a bank and it is someone else's money then it might not be such a problem.
    But more seriously though, this website has been reported for phishing threats. Did anyone else get this message when logging in.
    Last edited by Aaron; 22-04-2015 at 03:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2014
    rural canterbury


    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    That is even more depressing then. I have looked at my savings compounding returns and it would be a dream to be financially free for me. If opportunities arise you can amplify your returns with debt but debt has its own risks.
    But more seriously though this website has been reported for phishing threats. Did anyone else get this message when logging in.
    No, I did not get a phishing message. My personal goal was a mortgage-free lifestyle property plus a million invested. I've always lived on the smell of an oily rag, all my tenants have flasher cars than me and I've never owned an i-phone etc, am a slow adopter of expensive technology and if I ever retire, I'll be the old guy in rags at the back of the company meetings eating all the sandwiches.


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