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  1. #1
    Senior Member pierre's Avatar
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    Hawkes Bay, New Zealand

    Default Need some advice please....

    I am soon to receive about $100k from an inheritance and would appreciate some thoughts on where to invest it. I already have a reasonable portfolio of NZ shares but not much in Oz (apart from BHP and TAL).

    I think I should probably add more Oz shares but don't really know the market that well. I don't need income right now so I'm looking for best opportunities for cap growth over next 4-5 years. I would quite like to include a bank (which one?) but would be interested in your thoughts on 3-4 best prospects for investment right now (in NZ or OZ).
    "Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps." David Lloyd George

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Wellington, , New Zealand.


    You may never have a better opportunity to get into U.S. stocks. Prices are low and the NZ$ is high. If you don't want to be bothered trying to pick stocks then just buy an index such as S&P500.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Christchurch New Zealand.


    You might like to take a look at some Aussie Coal Seam gas shares, in particular Bow Energy (BOW) Victoria Petroleum (VPE) Blue Energy (BUL) and Westside Corp. (WCL).

    These are all considered by many pundits, to have outstanding growth prospects.
    Last edited by Rabbi; 06-09-2009 at 01:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Mr Market has good advice. Global shares are a good way to go. Perhaps choose 10 global companies like Johnson and Johnson, Vodafone etc any reputable broker will supply info.

  5. #5
    Legend shasta's Avatar
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by pierre View Post
    I am soon to receive about $100k from an inheritance and would appreciate some thoughts on where to invest it. I already have a reasonable portfolio of NZ shares but not much in Oz (apart from BHP and TAL).

    I think I should probably add more Oz shares but don't really know the market that well. I don't need income right now so I'm looking for best opportunities for cap growth over next 4-5 years. I would quite like to include a bank (which one?) but would be interested in your thoughts on 3-4 best prospects for investment right now (in NZ or OZ).
    With your stated timeframe of 4 - 5 years, the two key areas i'd be looking at for you are Energy & Healthcare.

    Both are not "cheap" sectors but seem fairly resilent to the economic environment.

    The ASX has on there website a section dedicated to these areas, including the different sector indexes, & all the companies that are in it

    Thats probably a good place to start

  6. #6
    The Member
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    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    Your going to get different answers from everyone, personally I would be looking for stocks with the lowest P/E ratios and highest dividend yeilds which are not in a downtrend.

    Then from their pick the ones which are most fundamentally sound, or primed for recovery.

    Theres not always something worth buying, if in doubt wait

    100k could disappear very quickly in the wrong hands

    Good Luck!

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    North Shore


    The mortgage? Debt reduction?

    Perhaps an education in shares, both fundamental and technical analysis firstly.
    Disclaimer: Do not take my posts seriously. They are only opinions.

    AMR has sold all shares and is pursuing property.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    it depends on how interested, educated, motivated, and how much time you have to monitor your investments.

    if you want something hands off i would buy into a managed fund or an index (or several indexes).

    Stock picking isnt the easiest thing in the world and diversification is the number 1 rule of portfolio management.

    I know good financial advisers may be hard to come by but a good financial advisor is worth their salt. Just make sure you ask for their disclosure statement so you can see hom commission is affecting their opinions. Better yet find a fee for service one (no commission).

    100k is a reasonable amount to invest in shares - do it right

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Hamilton New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by AMR View Post
    The mortgage? Debt reduction?

    Perhaps an education in shares, both fundamental and technical analysis firstly.
    We don't know your financial position in life and we do not know your personality profile so can't advise much...if you have got debt then do as AMR suggests.

    If you are debt free but don't have much time in your life to spend keeping updated on your shares and the general market as a whole then invest the 100k into some else*.

    Note:... Many Equity markets (Australia included) are in a secular bear market cycles. Therefore investing in sharemarket index funds may not be your best option

    * Long term (e.g 5+ years) [invest and forget] investment strategy produces very poor results in a secular bear market cycle periods. Therefore look for other markets that are in Secular Bull market cycles
    Last edited by Hoop; 07-09-2009 at 12:03 PM.

  10. #10
    SRV is a God STRAT's Avatar
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    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    I suggest Shove it in the bank till you have a better idea. An inheritance is pretty much someone elses life savings and someone who thought a lot of you. Personally out of respect I wouldnt put it on anything that wasnt a sure thing.

    Good luck finding a sure thing. Im still looking


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