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Thread: SKC - Sky City

  1. #81
    Senior Member
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    May 2005

    Cool BOTTOM in SIGHT.. & NOW THERE..

    WELL the magic number was reached $2.92 but did not go lower as UBS let it be know they
    being the largest holder of the company has been selling millions and now below the 4.9% level
    so they don't have to tell us now of there position and continued to sell a $8 million lot yesterday.
    But as the share price did not fall again means a NEW buyer is out there who is it who cares as the ledger is wide open top 20 only have 48% control, so still say its overpriced its up to you if you chase this DIVIDEND..

  2. #82
    Junior Member
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    Hey Bricks,

    Where does your $2.92 number come from? Is this a previous low for SKC?

  3. #83
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    Smile BOTTOM in SIGHT..

    Quote Originally Posted by AJ View Post
    Hey Bricks,

    Where does your $2.92 number come from? Is this a previous low for SKC?
    YES, it was but today with very light Turnover its gone up and you can tell that UBS is not selling so there is NO need for the price rise as the same conditions still prevail the same applies to GPG..

  4. #84
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    Massive comeback since UBS finished selling off their holding I guess.

    27% in 3 weeks, only 2 down days in the last 14.

    The buy side still looks alot healthier than the sell side. Question now I guess is where will the price come to rest. The price seemed pretty happy in the $3.80 - $4 range for the first half of the year, so I could be soon.

  5. #85
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    next time you find out that a big player has finished moving in/out of a stock

    can you please post

    I missed this SKC move......but gosh for those who got in its beck a heck of ride up.
    Well done

    personally if i'd got in at 3.00 id be taking profit here
    “If you're worried about falling off the bike, you’d never get on.”

  6. #86
    On the doghouse
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy View Post
    Hello from Adelaide :-)

    I am over here checking out Sky City's problem child. Saturday night and the gaming tables seemed largely full, with the slot machines probably around 75% ultilised. It wasn't a bad night so no excuse for the facilities not to be well used. The restaurants certainly were and doing a good trade around 9pm.

    Friday the previous night was much quieter. Pokie machine utilisation only 50%. The smoking lounge was not that well used so perhaps the smoking ban is having an effect?
    Just to add a bit more to my on the spot impressions of 'Sky City Adelaide' six weeks ago.

    The casino is sited in the old railway station building. However, that possibly gives a wrong impression. Railways management may long have moved out. But the commuter trains still go to the 'old station'. The situation is analagous to Wellington Railway station. Except there is also a new railway station in Adelaide on the outskirts of town. But that new station is principally there to service the interstate trains: "The Ghan" that runs from Adelaide to Darwin and the "Indian Pacific" that passes through Adelaide on route from Sydney to Perth.

    It is true that the old station is not really in what I call the commercial centre of the city for residents. It is however in the tourist district (right over the road from my hotel which was convenient) and adjacent to the river and town hall complex, with the museums, state art gallery and state library within easy walking distance. Furthermore, there is a free tram (actually it's more like a light train) that runs from the 'old railway station' to the main Adelaide business district and vica versa. Before visiting Adelaide I had the impression that the location of the casino was far from ideal. But really, I don't think location is a problem. The casino is easy to get to. I certainly didn't see any "car park full' signs. That made me think that the new car park project (since cancelled) might be of dubious merit. I was surprised how well city founder Captain Willam Light's layout of Adelaide city worked. Adelaide is a city the size of Auckland, but it was seemingly immune from traffic jams, even of the kind I see daily in Christchurch - a considerably smaller place.

    The other factor I hadn't fully appreciated was that Adelaide is the slowest growing of the state capital cities (behind Darwin, Perth, Sydney and Melbourne in that order). So there isn't the population push to keep Adelaide moving forward at the same pace as those other capital cities. Interesting as Adelaide was, I think it is fair to say that it is part of the 'secondary tourist circuit' in Australia. You can partly tell that by the restaurants. Dine out anywhere in Sydney and Melbourne and you can more or less guarantee that you will be served by an an ethnic European who has made Australia home or a tourist on an OE working holiday from the Continent. And some of those 'working holidays' can last for several years! In Adelaide, most of the hospitality industry workers are born and bred Australian and, if not, likely to be educated in Adelaide which houses a well respected university (one of three) majority dedicated to the tourist trade.

    The Adelaide casino does have a high roller high value tourist element. But in order to prosper my feeling is that it will have to look to the local community. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. But it does mean growth prospects will always be limited, in particular in comparison with Darwin and Auckland. One tip to keep fellow shareholders amused should you ever dine in the 'Norths' ground floor a la carte restaurant. If you are ordering wine for dinner, make it the most expensive bottle you can afford. The more expensive the bottle is, the futher up it is on the 'wine wall' . And it is quite an amusment watching the staff scaling the equivalent of a two story building by ladder to retrieve your wine request!


    discl: hold SKC
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  7. #87
    On the doghouse
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRICKS View Post
    GOOD work Snoopy enjoy yourself but tell us would you invest more at current prices, So try a gamble and let us KNOW.. GOOD LUCK..
    Well Bricks, almost a year has gone by since you made that comment. Since that time I have been steadily increasing my investment in SKC to the extent that I have nearly doubled the number of shares that I own. You picked a bottom of $2.90ish. Well, if managment had not gone ahead with that capital raising earlier in the year you might have been right.

    I can't say that my investments in SKC over the last year, or the last three years for that matter, are looking good. The shares I have been issued in lieu of dividends may have been 'tax effective'. But I am well underwater on those dividend entry prices overall (I have 'bought' shares at $5.36, $4.78, $4.53, $4.36, $3.85 and $3.60 since April 2006). My only saving grace are the shares that I bought under the dividend plan at $2.52 earlier this year.

    Likewise my 'on market' purchases over the last twelve months at $3.06, $3.23 and $2.90 are all under water too. I managed to snaffle up some more shares under the shareholder top up offer in May at the institutional capital raising price of $2.61. But like everyone else I had my application to buy scaled back. I rectified that late last week by picking up some shares at $2.59 as the market dipped below the top up offer price. Today the share has been trading around $2.62. That is a long way from the $5.50 plus when former CEO Evan Davies responded to any drop in share price with a public news release saying that Sky City was ripe for takeover. I don't think anyone would believe that takeover hype today. But the hot air that has come out of the share price since, has made SKC -I think- an outstanding investment prospect today.

    The queues outside of the Lotto shops when 'Big Wednesday' jackpotted a couple of weeks ago brought home to me that the kiwi gamblers instinct is still alive and well, even in these times of recession. I don't see a 'crow about' result coming from SKC this year, despite the encouraging signs from both the Adelaide and Darwin investments. Even next year (FY2010) I would be surprised if the result is any better than 'steady as she goes'. Looking further out than that though I think many investors will be cursing themselves that they didn't stock up on SKC shares at around $2.60 in the middle of 2009 when they had the chance. Even at a reduced annual dividend rate of 18cps that still gives a gross dividend yield of 10% with the promise of better to come. It is investments like SKC that prove that for the long term investor, you don't have to buy and sell to do well.


    discl: hold SKC, average entry price $2.60
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  8. #88
    Senior Member kizame's Avatar
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    SKC is currently in a steep downtrend with OBV also declining steeply.
    Good that you are long term,but there are actually stocks trending upwards at the moment,not many,but they are there.

  9. #89
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    Nice post Snoop

    I’ve been fascinated over the fall of SKC, and so close to getting in so many times thinking “surely this is the bottom” – I took the plunge the other day at 2.57 to a) To free up my time/stop me watching this dam stock so close b) I’m a long term investor and see no reason why this stock can’t get back to its high post recession/consumer fear.

    If the swine flu scare is to hang around this could have adverse impact on people staying away from packed areas. I can’t see this panning out.

    I’m looking forward to Auckland’s rugby world cup proposal – all towns involved need to send these in to advertise there offers to tourists, they are based on the WC but essentially future looking at what they are going to do to attract tourists to their town post WC.

    Either way the WC is expected to bring $500m + to NZ, and with the majority of it being in Auckland – Sky City should eat a nice chunk of this.

    Rumour has it, cinemas are recession proof. I’ve read it from a few sources now -

    Looking forward to the cinema results.

  10. #90
    On the doghouse
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    Quote Originally Posted by kizame View Post
    SKC is currently in a steep downtrend with OBV also declining steeply.
    Good that you are long term,but there are actually stocks trending upwards at the moment,not many,but they are there.
    Could the OBV be declining steeply because those 'weak holders' who got their shares cheaply in the recent share issue:

    1/ have now 'sold out'? -OR-
    2/ are no longer able to sell out at a profit?

    Just because a share price is trending down kizame, that does not mean it will continue to go down (if that company is making a profit). At some point the downtrend will end. If the share is cheap enough I often buy at or near historic 'support' points. Particularly if that support point co-incides with a significant dividend yield figure, like a gross yield of 10% (based on an estimated annual dividend of 18cps and a share price of $2.60). That kind of SKC return is double what you will get from a bank term deposit these days.

    Watch out for the most persistent and dangerous version of Covid-19: B.S.24/7


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