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  1. #181
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    , , New Zealand.


    Loss for the second half only $57K. Sales rising. But still no evidence of progress on distribution/partnership arrangements portended earlier.

  2. #182
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    Loss of only $57k means this company can actually be profitable without the new developments, which is itself very reassuring. Especially with sales increasing fairly exponentially still.

    Nestle deal proceeding to trials must mean they managed to do preliminary tests and also to install it into food successfully, which also is promising. Depends how effective it is after this presumably, for whether they go into production later.

    Disappointing no signed deals on the various fronts, but they do not seem to have given up. No talk of the various shorter term deals, like the Irish chemist, though.

    The usual "good news but we're still waiting" result? Although things are verging on profitable now, no matter what, it would appear.

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Waimamaku, Northland NZ


    "...The increasing complexities of the international regulatory environment have inhibited progress... "

    That says it all really. No new Ireland/Spain rollout ...and nothing said about the USA sales. A marketing stuffup with Parmabroker ...and a FY loss down 30% on last year. Thats the positive bit ...the continuing trend towards profitability.

    The capitalising of $567K means they are anticipating a continuing cashflow to cover the annual depreciation of that sum. In plain English, they are borrowing against future earnings to make today's accounts look good.

  4. #184


    Hmm, I know takeover speculation (I should say HOPE) took place in this forum before but...I really wonder. Barry keeps indicating that huge chunks of Blis' anticipated revenue will come from ingredients and licensing. Now if this is really to become the multi-million dollar business as Barry promises, why wouldn't a multi-BILLION dollar giant like Nestle just gobble up Blis for the $8m it's currently 'worth'?? Somebody please explain that to a layperson like myself...I mean that money is pocket-change for Nestle,...less than pocket-change. So A) Nestle has very, very dumb managers who do not see the amazing opportunity to buy the goose that will lay their big, golden eggs, OR B) Nestle has very, very smart managers who can assess the potential value of this business much better than Barry + board and rather keep dealing with Blis at arm's length ( far for the grand sum of $180k...certainly much less than what Barry + board are costing us).

  5. #185
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    The statement does not make clear if the capitalising is part of these figures yet, and yes, that could be massaging the figures significantly. But I still feel good about this, because sales of $657k is pretty solid stuff, especially being 41% up on last year. That looks real, and that means this company now has two futures. Yes, we want the current grand plans to come off, but this means the old original plan of profit out of sales direct to consumer is actually coming to pass after all. But it would be refreshing to get some plain, unambiguous, good news from Blis.

  6. #186
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    Impatient, you're dead right about the takeover point, of course. But don't the multinationals usually only buy the huge success stories, not speculative deals? Take the Microsoft bid for Yahoo, for example.

  7. #187
    Join Date
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    It is disapointing that their is no real mention about the international sales, in particular
    in USA which was meant to start early 2008.
    Hopefuly we will see sales in Ireland soon?, and Japan, Taiwan end of year.

    It would have been good if they went into more detail, especially after last years
    disapearing distributors.

    I agree Simla it is very ambiguous, you need to read between the lines alot

    If Blis realy wanted too i am sure they could easily start selling as a retail product internationaly, which makes me wonder what is happening behind the scenes.
    As they have stated there goal is to sell as an ingredient to big multi national who buy in bulk.

    If they didnt have any decent negotiations happening, i think they would have been
    pushing their retail strategy more.

    Other than that there are a few positives.
    I wonder what are the odds of the Nestle trial being succesful?
    It reminds me that most of blis costs are fixed and once sales increase,
    Blis could be a very profitable company.

    Hopefuly we will know more at the AGM, anyone going?
    I probably will go

  8. #188
    Junior Member
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    report like this dont know how the BLT share price going to react on monday

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Waimamaku, Northland NZ


    I think we have the answer to the above. The SP is 5 cps and there are almost no buyers. No surprises there.

    The next milestone is the full report & accounts due 30 June, but I don't expect much interest in BLT until some substantial good news is produced ...that may take a few months yet ...did I hear the sceptics say '...a few years!'

  10. #190
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    Interesting bits in the report that I noticed:

    - expanded agreement with Australian Breezecare.
    - sales & marketing agreement with US Jack Klein & Associates, for multiple sales platforms in US
    -other international research & development agreements being negotiated
    - new marketing manager
    - work done in Ireland (ambiguous!)
    - several ingredient products in US before year end
    - new products into NZ this month
    - early sales of neutraceticals ingredients into US
    - production scale launch in retail in US in August
    -a fair amount of work internally as well, which will presumably pay off over time

    Quite a bit to chew on. Sounds promising to me.

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