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  1. #831
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    I think you will find Balance has me on ignore so bad assumption on your part.

    It's true that it's rare Balance and I agree on something, especially regarding politics, but even Balance has a limit and Trump appears to be well below it. And for anyone with decency it should be obvious why. Trump is a festering boil that needs to be lanced

    Although Balance & I have agreed quite regularly on threads about various stocks etc.
    Well before he put me on ignore at least...

    There was an interesting and well written couple of posts from Muse on here a few days ago about Trump and what a degenerate he is and I was then surprised to see that Muse is an ACT supporter. Again there aren't too many situations where I would agree with someone who votes for ACT, but there you go.

    So Trump does in fact unite people, just not in the way he or you would like.
    I would suggest Datyr that the real reason you detest Trump so emphatically is actually a smokescreen position for your resolute allegiance to the woke left. Of course you will attempt to denounce anything and everything that opposes that.

  2. #832
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    Quote Originally Posted by ynot View Post
    I would suggest Datyr that the real reason you detest Trump so emphatically is actually a smokescreen position for your resolute allegiance to the woke left. Of course you will attempt to denounce anything and everything that opposes that.
    Oh you guys....
    You are soooo good!
    At making bad assumptions.

    I have voted right more than I have voted left.
    And if the right would show some respect for the environment I could perhaps vote for them again.

    But I'm sure you thinking that makes you feel better. If someone like John McCain had stood for president against Biden I wouldn't have an issue at all as he had respect and dignity.

    So nope I hate Trump, and there are very few people I would use that strong a word for, because he has no moral compass whatsoever, he has no respect for women and he's a serial liar. I could go on but that's more than enough.

  3. #833
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Oh you guys....
    You are soooo good!
    At making bad assumptions.

    I have voted right more than I have voted left.
    And if the right would show some respect for the environment I could perhaps vote for them again.

    But I'm sure you thinking that makes you feel better. If someone like John McCain had stood for president against Biden I wouldn't have an issue at all as he had respect and dignity.

    So nope I hate Trump, and there are very few people I would use that strong a word for, because he has no moral compass whatsoever, he has no respect for women and he's a serial liar. I could go on but that's more than enough.
    Fair enough, that is your prerogative. Me, What I detest more than Trumps failings are the bigger interests controlling the left.

  4. #834
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    Quote Originally Posted by ynot View Post
    I would suggest Datyr that the real reason you detest Trump so emphatically is actually a smokescreen position for your resolute allegiance to the woke left. Of course you will attempt to denounce anything and everything that opposes that.
    If the positions of NZ Political Parties were transposed to the American political spectrum, National and Labour would both be probably to the left of the majority of the Democrat Party. ACT and NZF would be somewhere between the Democrat and Republican Parties. The leaders of both ACT and NZ First would undoubtedly be more statesman-like than Trump.

  5. #835
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getty View Post
    Obviously i don't pick the Presidential candidates.

    All I can do is follow them through the lens of my own political views.

    Commenting as one who has never offered up my backside for kissing, I can honestly say I have been CONSISTENT with my outlook from NZ to Global politics.

    You however appear to be corrupted since Daytr took you up on your offer to kiss your sweet spot and make up.

    After many years severely castigating the Left in NZ, you now fly the flag for the US Left?

    And don't shoot the messenger.
    I knew little about Kamala. so availed myself to current news and comment.
    It does not show her in good light.
    Twists. backflips, and lack of execution.

    Remember, the US election in not decided on ST.

    Bottoms up!
    What garbage.

    It’s simple - there is no redeeming quality in Trump as a person or leader imo and anyone is better than him. And I do mean anyone because it is impossible with the US system that anyone could be worse than him - impossible.

  6. #836
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    If the positions of NZ Political Parties were transposed to the American political spectrum, National and Labour would both be probably to the left of the majority of the Democrat Party. ACT and NZF would be somewhere between the Democrat and Republican Parties. The leaders of both ACT and NZ First would undoubtedly be more statesman-like than Trump.
    Whats that got to do with the price of fish ?

    Woke left is woke left.

  7. #837
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    anyone is better than him. And I do mean anyone because it is impossible with the US system that anyone could be worse than him - impossible.
    What about Gary Ridgway - is he worse than Trump?

  8. #838
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    Quote Originally Posted by ynot View Post
    Whats that got to do with the price of fish ?

    Woke left is woke left.
    You cannot hide behind labels all the time. Does “woke left” have the same definition the World over? Are all lefties “woke”? Can you be woke on some issues and reactionary on others or does being woke with respect to one issue make you woke left overall? Many American Republican Party supporters, the ones who bandy about the “woke” label especially, would be aghast at the Leftie social policies supported by NZ National Party members.

    National have been woke in selecting their candidates too.

    Luxon is woke.
    Last edited by Bjauck; Yesterday at 10:35 PM.

  9. #839
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferg View Post
    What about Gary Ridgway - is he worse than Trump?
    Excellent point Ferg!

    I should have qualified my comment - anyone else put forward on the Republican or Democrat as candidate.

  10. #840
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    I should have qualified my comment - anyone else put forward on the Republican or Democrat as candidate.
    Just did partly qualify your post with "with the US system" but that could be interpreted many ways. I'm sure nztx could come up with plenty of interpretations....

    P.S. I had to do quite a big of digging to find an incarcerated notorious (as in top 10) US criminal who was still alive. All the other big names are dead insofar as I can see.
    Last edited by Ferg; Yesterday at 10:51 PM.


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