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  1. #171
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Ohaupo in the waikato


    My pics are pretty much my portfolio, just missing USH, who would have thought the worst performer of the 5 would have been trusty old SPK.

  2. #172
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2021


    In golf circles they call it "moving day" and Monday was just massive for the sharetrader competition, with unprecedented changes on the ladder for a single daily session. The rise in retirement stocks, particularly ARV which was the subject of a private equity offer announcement, and sister OCA which benefitted from some of the gloss spilling over and which was frequently picked together with ARV in portfolios, meant many entrants were up sharply, and curiously there were others less fortunate who fell significantly too.

    I decided to mark the occasion by nominating the podium finishers who achieved the record one day rises - Bubble has Gold up 63 places, Ratkin silver up 62 and Gotagiggle bronze up 57. At least another eight or nine folk were up 40 or more - outstanding. Bearing the brunt on the downside is poor clip who had just last week relinquished the woodenspoon so inevitably will be a serious contender again cum Friday this week, falling 29 places, with Ricky-bobby in relatively close attendance.

    I bet page views on this thread were high yesterday, especially after the market closed. Quite a few will be reassessing their prospects, and the number positive overall is the most it has been for months! What will today bring!
    Last edited by ronaldson; Today at 03:00 AM.


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