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  1. #211
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    @Wiz can you change AVZ (delisted) to BOE

  2. #212
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Quote Originally Posted by nomis View Post
    @Wiz can you change AVZ (delisted) to BOE
    refer post #206 - unsure - thinking - as no ASX trade is possible - thinking

    i cannot transfer any ASX money as the AVZ share owners still own the shares. this first occurred 2023.
    Last edited by wizAlvin; 22-05-2024 at 10:42 AM.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  3. #213
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o week

    1 silverblizzard888 : 82.83 % { NEU TSK BOT CLG FND -17.06 109.76 57.89 -13.16 276.7 } cash = 0 div = 0
    2 traineeinvestor : 74.09 % { BOL CCG MMI MLX SRZ 18 -6.15 100 58.62 200 } cash = 0 div = 0
    3 Simple Minds : 45.34 % { NEU DXB PER NTI DRO -17.06 65.85 22.03 7.25 148.65 } cash = 0 div = 0
    4 audiav : 39.41 % { GHY MQG PDN SQ2 SVW 139.16 4.67 61.22 -13.74 5.75 } cash = 0 div = 0
    5 Baa Baa : 35.51 % { SNZ OCA A2M TSK XRO 1.07 -17.24 67.14 109.76 16.82 } cash = 0 div = 0
    6 micket : 21.11 % { EQR HGO ALC SER SEN -8.77 -12.77 -22.67 161.54 -11.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    7 ScrappyO : 18.59 % { SPZ XRF ABB GNX ACF 30 14.41 -12.56 50 11.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    8 jennym : 14.96 % { HAR PFE STN MMA DXB -45.56 -5.77 47.06 13.21 65.85 } cash = 0 div = 0
    9 paulzun : 14.34 % { PGO MAY WMG WES MAG -13.16 -29.33 28.85 11.89 73.47 } cash = 0 div = 0
    10 Watchful : 14.29 % { LRS SMI SLX SVL WGX -8.77 13.37 42.3 25 -0.46 } cash = 0 div = 0
    11 clip : 11.62 % { LRS NEU MAY PEC BOE -8.77 -17.06 -29.33 80 33.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    12 stones : 10.67 % { FMG BHP ZIP JHX SGP -7.75 -11.45 89.76 -16.34 -0.9 } cash = 0 div = 0
    13 Leemsip : 10.22 % { GDI GDC SRV OBL EML -6.92 44.78 19.88 -33.21 26.58 } cash = 0 div = 0
    14 '777 : 9.21 % { ANZ CBA MQG NAB WBC 8.45 6.32 4.67 10.62 15.98 } cash = 0 div = 0
    15 Joshuatree : 7.04 % { ENN MEA PPL SEQ CCR -18.38 44.58 -15.38 -8.93 33.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    16 : 6.98 % { COH LRS WBT XRO ADY 7.49 -8.77 -47.31 16.82 66.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    17 mistymountain : 6.55 % { HZN BOE NHC NST MLM 16.13 33.25 -3.49 4.1 -17.24 } cash = 0 div = 0
    18 ruaboy : 4.48 % { LRT SMI NAE MAY POD -2.4 13.37 -33.33 -29.33 74.07 } cash = 0 div = 0
    19 CAM : 4.38 % { GMN ARV NAE PEC WMG -27.27 -26.32 -33.33 80 28.85 } cash = 0 div = 0
    20 gmatt : 3.6 % { CNB CPM HMX IKE SXG -0.63 -63.24 -23.08 -13.33 118.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    21 Greekwatchdog : 3.22 % { TSK OCA ARV PEB MGA 109.76 -17.24 -26.32 -12.24 -37.84 } cash = 0 div = 0
    22 orchard : 2.78 % { LRS CBA ALD WHC WBC -8.77 6.32 -2.71 3.09 15.98 } cash = 0 div = 0
    23 Ricky-bobby : 2.5 % { FLT TWE WEB S32 BKT -4.17 6.77 18.12 15.62 -23.81 } cash = 0 div = 0
    24 Perky : 2.41 % { MQG MIN RMD HCL BOE 4.67 7.57 25 -58.44 33.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    25 greater fool : 2.15 % { G6M PYC RFX SVM TLX -54.32 9.09 -21.43 23.91 53.47 } cash = 0 div = 0
    26 beetills : 0.61 % { AAC BEN BOQ QRI RFF 0 12.62 -3.95 -0.91 -4.72 } cash = 0 div = 0
    27 NZSilver : -0.56 % { PRO ADA HCL RMD PLS 55.17 -24.28 -58.44 25 -0.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    28 wizAlvin : -1.33 % { ACP ABV ATP CCE RIM 11.11 0 -40.54 -22.22 45 } cash = 0 div = 0
    29 bohemian : -1.66 % { SQ2 DTC MAY WA1 FL1 -13.74 26.32 -29.33 65.73 -57.28 } cash = 0.24 div = 0
    30 airedale : -2.96 % { EVN FXG GOR LRS NST -3.28 12.24 -19.08 -8.77 4.1 } cash = 0 div = 0
    31 Gerald : -3.67 % { TWR CMD URF ORR SRX 28.07 -77.5 1.72 -0.88 30.21 } cash = 0.565 div = 0
    32 JBmurc : -6.4 % { MAY POD IVZ KSN AEE -29.33 74.07 -40.87 0 -35.85 } cash = 0 div = 0
    33 Ziggy : -6.56 % { PNV HAW AVE NEU RMY 25.68 -24.73 -14.29 -17.06 -2.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    34 Nigel : -7.48 % { BCI K2F GOZ IIQ IMC -21.05 -12.73 2.15 -27.82 22.08 } cash = 0 div = 0
    35 Jay : -8.32 % { ACF FMG LYC LRS MAY 11.11 -7.75 -6.84 -8.77 -29.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    36 clearasmud : -10.73 % { CCM JLL VR8 AW1 SMI -14.29 -44.23 1.85 -10.34 13.37 } cash = 0 div = 0
    37 RupertBear : -11.16 % { LRS MAY DUB TSK HCL -8.77 -29.33 -69.03 109.76 -58.44 } cash = 0 div = 0
    38 stoploss : -11.29 % { ABY CTD HLI NEU PME -23.93 -29.09 -7.13 -17.06 20.73 } cash = 0 div = 0
    39 Oldiron : -11.45 % { ALK DEG DYL CXO SYA -12.98 -12.35 50.92 -42 -40.85 } cash = 0 div = 0
    40 Aotea : -11.71 % { LRS MAY RNU CNB TLG -8.77 -29.33 -11.54 -0.63 -8.28 } cash = 0 div = 0
    41 Valuegrowth : -12.63 % { AUDS SNAS RIC BEAR ING -8.53 -19.24 -25.45 -0.86 -9.09 } cash = 0 div = 0
    42 whirly : -12.8 % { MAY FDR NST ABV LRS -29.33 -30 4.1 0 -8.77 } cash = 0 div = 0
    43 Daytr : -14.19 % { OAU CST LRS AAU CYM -42.86 4.88 -8.77 -60.87 36.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    44 Percy : -15.02 % { ACF ATP HCL HMY JYC 11.11 -40.54 -58.44 -18.37 31.15 } cash = 0 div = 0
    45 freebee : -16.2 % { CNB CXO LRS MAY PLS -0.63 -42 -8.77 -29.33 -0.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    46 mike2020 : -16.66 % { MIN STX RDN ARV MAY 7.57 -55.21 20 -26.32 -29.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    47 Borneo : -18.79 % { TLG ARX PLS EVS SKC -8.28 -40.96 -0.25 -39.74 -4.72 } cash = 0 div = 0
    48 t.rexjr : -19.23 % { BRL HUM IKE SGC SKO -12.5 -8.08 -13.33 -36.36 -25.87 } cash = 0 div = 0
    49 younga : -19.53 % { TEG PCL FDR MLS MGU -16 38.89 -30 -40.54 -50 } cash = 0 div = 0
    50 Sous87 : -20.04 % { MAY IXR VR8 LRS WDS -29.33 -53.85 1.85 -8.77 -10.08 } cash = 0 div = 0
    51 nztx : -20.15 % { MAY SMI ATP DCX JLL -29.33 13.37 -40.54 0 -44.23 } cash = 0 div = 0
    52 DarkHorse : -20.24 % { ACF CTQ KYP PPE SEQ 11.11 -55.17 -18.33 -29.88 -8.93 } cash = 0 div = 0
    53 nomis : -21.81 % { AVZ MAY LRS PDN HGH -100 -29.33 -8.77 61.22 -32.14 } cash = 0 div = 0 error AVZ [Missing Ticker] AVZ [Zero value Ticker]
    54 Paddie : -23.27 % { MAY EXR TEG TMK BLU -29.33 26.51 -16 -60 -37.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    55 Ferg : -23.51 % { DGL FEX FNX HCL OCA -30.95 12.28 -23.21 -58.44 -17.24 } cash = 0 div = 0
    56 10Bagger : -25.22 % { RNU MEI IXR CNB MAY -11.54 -30.77 -53.85 -0.63 -29.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    57 Azza : -26.88 % { LRS MAY HCL ARV RNU -8.77 -29.33 -58.44 -26.32 -11.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    58 ADogsLife : -28.37 % { ARV CST IMU MAY GRE -26.32 4.88 -36.36 -29.33 -54.74 } cash = 0 div = 0
    59 Scrunch : -33.48 % { A11 CXO GT1 TG6 E25 7.59 -42 -64.91 -31.17 -36.9 } cash = 0 div = 0
    DarkHorse Guest : 58 % { ATP FND HCL MMI OPT -40.54 276.7 -58.44 100 12.28 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Watchful Guest : 33.58 % { EVT EPN CPV NYR CRD -2.21 0 3.06 181.82 -14.78 } cash = 0 div = 0
    JBmurc guest : 30.86 % { LRS AKM ARV TM1 RDM -8.77 109.52 -26.32 4.35 75.53 } cash = 0 div = 0
    stoploss Guest : 16.95 % { CVW CYG MYG STP TPC 1.72 3.97 41.59 26.37 11.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dead ducks : -5.64 % { AER AFL DDT ERG KNO 7.5 -23.08 0 -35.71 23.08 } cash = 0 div = 0
    gmatt guest : -10.53 % { AQI CHN LRS SKO WWI -38.89 -0.88 -8.77 -25.87 21.74 } cash = 0 div = 0
    nztx guest : -12.04 % { STM HMX ARV EVO MFG -13.33 -23.08 -26.32 12.1 -9.59 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest : -19.04 % { ADR ATR COI HGO IDA -58.93 -14.18 -6.82 -12.77 -2.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    '777 Guest : -21.79 % { ATP HGH LRS MAY VR8 -40.54 -32.14 -8.77 -29.33 1.85 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dd lorraina : -26.59 % { CF1 FCT SCL SES TYX -34.62 -50 -10 2.86 -41.18 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 2 Guest : -27.98 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV NEU -29.33 -8.77 -58.44 -26.32 -17.06 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 1 Guest : -32.68 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV ATP -29.33 -8.77 -58.44 -26.32 -40.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  4. #214
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    1 silverblizzard888 : 76.63 % { NEU TSK BOT CLG FND -16.06 108.54 52.63 -10.53 248.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    2 traineeinvestor : 76.34 % { BOL CCG MMI MLX SRZ 16 -1.54 100 67.24 200 } cash = 0 div = 0
    3 Simple Minds : 61.04 % { NEU DXB PER NTI DRO -16.06 95.12 27.12 5.8 193.24 } cash = 0 div = 0
    4 Baa Baa : 33.78 % { SNZ OCA A2M TSK XRO -2.79 -19.54 64.55 108.54 18.13 } cash = 0 div = 0
    5 audiav : 29.94 % { GHY MQG PDN SQ2 SVW 96.39 3.19 59.9 -15.28 5.53 } cash = 0 div = 0
    6 jennym : 18.19 % { HAR PFE STN MMA DXB -46.11 -3.85 38.24 7.55 95.12 } cash = 0 div = 0
    7 ScrappyO : 17.55 % { SPZ XRF ABB GNX ACF 28.57 14.41 -13.08 47.22 10.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    8 paulzun : 12.94 % { PGO MAY WMG WES MAG -26.32 -28 44.23 11.54 63.27 } cash = 0 div = 0
    9 Watchful : 12.93 % { LRS SMI SLX SVL WGX -12.28 8.42 41.61 21.88 5.05 } cash = 0 div = 0
    10 Leemsip : 10.09 % { GDI GDC SRV OBL EML -7.69 46.77 18.69 -31.37 24.05 } cash = 0 div = 0
    11 Joshuatree : 10.07 % { ENN MEA PPL SEQ CCR -19.85 45.78 -19.23 -3.57 47.22 } cash = 0 div = 0
    12 stones : 8.81 % { FMG BHP ZIP JHX SGP -11.89 -10.57 82.68 -17.31 1.12 } cash = 0 div = 0
    13 '777 : 7.95 % { ANZ CBA MQG NAB WBC 7.52 5.85 3.19 9.61 13.58 } cash = 0 div = 0
    14 clip : 6.06 % { LRS NEU MAY PEC BOE -12.28 -16.06 -28 70 16.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    15 CAM : 4.85 % { GMN ARV NAE PEC WMG -27.27 -21.05 -41.67 70 44.23 } cash = 0 div = 0
    16 gmatt : 3.35 % { CNB CPM HMX IKE SXG -5.03 -67.65 -25 -7.78 122.22 } cash = 0 div = 0
    17 Greekwatchdog : 3.03 % { TSK OCA ARV PEB MGA 108.54 -19.54 -21.05 -12.24 -40.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    18 : 3.01 % { COH LRS WBT XRO ADY 5.32 -12.28 -46.14 18.13 50 } cash = 0 div = 0
    19 mistymountain : 2.96 % { HZN BOE NHC NST MLM 12.9 16.63 -2.71 5.2 -17.24 } cash = 0 div = 0
    20 orchard : 2.41 % { LRS CBA ALD WHC WBC -12.28 5.85 -2.88 7.8 13.58 } cash = 0 div = 0
    21 Ricky-bobby : 0.67 % { FLT TWE WEB S32 BKT -6.78 2.97 15.94 18.62 -27.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    22 Gerald : 0.34 % { TWR CMD URF ORR SRX 37.72 -77.5 1.72 -0.88 40.63 } cash = 0.565 div = 0
    23 beetills : 0.2 % { AAC BEN BOQ QRI RFF 0.71 12.31 -5.59 -1.22 -5.19 } cash = 0 div = 0
    24 airedale : -0.18 % { EVN FXG GOR LRS NST -0.51 22.45 -15.78 -12.28 5.2 } cash = 0 div = 0
    25 ruaboy : -0.41 % { LRT SMI NAE MAY POD -3.77 8.42 -41.67 -28 62.96 } cash = 0 div = 0
    26 greater fool : -0.65 % { G6M PYC RFX SVM TLX -56.79 0 -28.57 27.17 54.96 } cash = 0 div = 0
    27 NZSilver : -2.45 % { PRO ADA HCL RMD PLS 53.45 -23.7 -62.34 22.09 -1.77 } cash = 0 div = 0
    28 bohemian : -2.87 % { SQ2 DTC MAY WA1 FL1 -15.28 26.32 -28 62.82 -60.19 } cash = 0.24 div = 0
    29 Perky : -3.04 % { MQG MIN RMD HCL BOE 3.19 5.24 22.09 -62.34 16.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    30 micket : -3.23 % { EQR HGO ALC SER SEN -17.54 -14.89 -24 46.15 -5.88 } cash = 0 div = 0
    31 Nigel : -4.48 % { BCI K2F GOZ IIQ IMC -15.79 -9.09 3 -27.82 27.27 } cash = 0 div = 0
    32 Ziggy : -4.99 % { PNV HAW AVE NEU RMY 29.91 -26.88 -14.29 -16.06 2.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    33 wizAlvin : -7.07 % { ACP ABV ATP CCE RIM 11.11 0 -48.11 -33.33 35 } cash = 0 div = 0
    34 clearasmud : -8.75 % { CCM JLL VR8 AW1 SMI -17.14 -46.63 18.52 -6.9 8.42 } cash = 0 div = 0
    35 JBmurc : -9.08 % { MAY POD IVZ KSN AEE -28 62.96 -42.61 0 -37.74 } cash = 0 div = 0
    36 Jay : -9.51 % { ACF FMG LYC LRS MAY 10.63 -11.89 -6.01 -12.28 -28 } cash = 0 div = 0
    37 Oldiron : -11.34 % { ALK DEG DYL CXO SYA -13.74 -9.96 50.46 -44 -39.44 } cash = 0 div = 0
    38 stoploss : -11.4 % { ABY CTD HLI NEU PME -22.14 -31.9 -7.82 -16.06 20.93 } cash = 0 div = 0
    39 whirly : -12.02 % { MAY FDR NST ABV LRS -28 -25 5.2 0 -12.28 } cash = 0 div = 0
    40 RupertBear : -13.01 % { LRS MAY DUB TSK HCL -12.28 -28 -70.97 108.54 -62.34 } cash = 0 div = 0
    41 Valuegrowth : -13.11 % { AUDS SNAS RIC BEAR ING -7.08 -20.51 -25.09 -0.25 -12.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    42 Aotea : -13.79 % { LRS MAY RNU CNB TLG -12.28 -28 -11.54 -5.03 -12.1 } cash = 0 div = 0
    43 mike2020 : -17.01 % { MIN STX RDN ARV MAY 5.24 -56.25 15 -21.05 -28 } cash = 0 div = 0
    44 Daytr : -17.3 % { OAU CST LRS AAU CYM -42.86 4.88 -12.28 -69.57 33.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    45 Sous87 : -17.43 % { MAY IXR VR8 LRS WDS -28 -53.85 18.52 -12.28 -11.56 } cash = 0 div = 0
    46 Borneo : -17.78 % { TLG ARX PLS EVS SKC -12.1 -33.13 -1.77 -37.18 -4.72 } cash = 0 div = 0
    47 t.rexjr : -17.99 % { BRL HUM IKE SGC SKO -13.54 -9.09 -7.78 -36.36 -23.2 } cash = 0 div = 0
    48 freebee : -18.22 % { CNB CXO LRS MAY PLS -5.03 -44 -12.28 -28 -1.77 } cash = 0 div = 0
    49 Percy : -19.99 % { ACF ATP HCL HMY JYC 10.63 -48.11 -62.34 -21.43 21.31 } cash = 0 div = 0
    50 younga : -20.44 % { TEG PCL FDR MLS MGU -20 33.33 -25 -40.54 -50 } cash = 0 div = 0
    51 DarkHorse : -21.94 % { ACF CTQ KYP PPE SEQ 10.63 -55.17 -23.33 -38.25 -3.57 } cash = 0 div = 0
    52 Paddie : -22.22 % { MAY EXR TEG TMK BLU -28 38.55 -20 -60 -41.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    53 Ferg : -22.38 % { DGL FEX FNX HCL OCA -31.55 15.79 -14.29 -62.34 -19.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    54 nomis : -22.86 % { AVZ MAY LRS PDN HGH -100 -28 -12.28 59.9 -33.93 } cash = 0 div = 0 error AVZ [Missing Ticker] AVZ [Zero value Ticker]
    55 10Bagger : -25.45 % { RNU MEI IXR CNB MAY -11.54 -28.85 -53.85 -5.03 -28 } cash = 0 div = 0
    56 Azza : -27.04 % { LRS MAY HCL ARV RNU -12.28 -28 -62.34 -21.05 -11.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    57 ADogsLife : -27.63 % { ARV CST IMU MAY GRE -21.05 4.88 -38.18 -28 -55.79 } cash = 0 div = 0
    58 Scrunch : -31.75 % { A11 CXO GT1 TG6 E25 20.25 -44 -65.61 -32.47 -36.9 } cash = 0 div = 0
    59 nztx : -42.87 % { MAY SMI ATP DCX JLL -28 8.42 -48.11 -100 -46.63 } cash = 0 div = 0 error DCX [Missing Ticker] DCX [Zero value Ticker]
    DarkHorse Guest : 46.92 % { ATP FND HCL MMI OPT -48.11 248.54 -62.34 100 -3.51 } cash = 0 div = 0
    JBmurc guest : 31.81 % { LRS AKM ARV TM1 RDM -12.28 119.05 -21.05 -2.17 75.53 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Watchful Guest : 29.54 % { EVT EPN CPV NYR CRD -2.29 0 -1.02 172.73 -21.74 } cash = 0 div = 0
    stoploss Guest : 16.51 % { CVW CYG MYG STP TPC -1.72 -1.38 39.82 34.33 11.51 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dead ducks : -8.27 % { AER AFL DDT ERG KNO 0 -25.64 0 -35.71 20 } cash = 0 div = 0
    gmatt guest : -10.52 % { AQI CHN LRS SKO WWI -44.44 5.6 -12.28 -23.2 21.74 } cash = 0 div = 0
    nztx guest : -12.71 % { STM HMX ARV EVO MFG -13.33 -25 -21.05 8.87 -13.04 } cash = 0 div = 0
    '777 Guest : -20.76 % { ATP HGH LRS MAY VR8 -48.11 -33.93 -12.28 -28 18.52 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest : -22.49 % { ADR ATR COI HGO IDA -69.64 -16.31 -9.09 -14.89 -2.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 2 Guest : -27.95 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV NEU -28 -12.28 -62.34 -21.05 -16.06 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dd lorraina : -28.2 % { CF1 FCT SCL SES TYX -42.31 -50 -7.5 0 -41.18 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 1 Guest : -34.36 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV ATP -28 -12.28 -62.34 -21.05 -48.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  5. #215
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland



    Appendix 3A.3 - Notification of security consolidation or split
    Appendix 3A.3 - Notification of security consolidation or split 1 / 5
    Announcement Summary
    Entity name
    Applicable security for the reorganisation


    Date of this announcement 30/5/2024


    Part 3 - Consolidation or split timetable and details
    3.1 +Record date
    3.2 Date of +security holder meeting
    3.2a Effective date of consolidation or split
    3.3 Last day for trading in the pre consolidation or split +securities
    3.4 Trading in the post consolidation or split +securities commences on a deferred settlement basis.
    3.5 Record date
    3.6 First day for entity to update its register and to send holding statements to +security holders reflecting the
    change in the number of +securities they hold.
    3.7 Last day for entity to update its register and send holding statements to +security holders reflecting the change
    in the number of +securities they hold and to notify ASX that this has occurred. (+Issue Date)
    3.8 Trading starts on a normal T+2 basis
    3.9 First settlement of trades conducted on a +deferred settlement basis and on a normal T+2 basis

    Part 4 - Event type and details
    4.1 The event is
    4.1a Consolidation ratio: the +securities will be consolidated on the basis that every
    (pre-consolidation) +securities will be consolidated into
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  6. #216
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    the battle of the 76%'s . . . well done
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  7. #217
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o week 86% AND 2 X 70+% - BLOODY WELL DONE

    1 traineeinvestor : 86.27 % { BOL CCG MMI MLX SRZ 20 -3.08 138.1 62.07 214.29 } cash = 0 div = 0
    2 Simple Minds : 74.47 % { NEU DXB PER NTI DRO -13.34 141.46 37.29 2.9 204.05 } cash = 0 div = 0
    3 silverblizzard888 : 72.52 % { NEU TSK BOT CLG FND -13.34 107.32 52.63 -13.16 229.13 } cash = 0 div = 0
    4 Baa Baa : 34.47 % { SNZ OCA A2M TSK XRO -1.82 -19.54 66.2 107.32 20.21 } cash = 0 div = 0
    5 jennym : 29.37 % { HAR PFE STN MMA DXB -44.44 1.92 44.12 3.77 141.46 } cash = 0 div = 0
    6 audiav : 27.68 % { GHY MQG PDN SQ2 SVW 81.93 3.99 61.73 -15.46 6.21 } cash = 0 div = 0
    7 paulzun : 18.7 % { PGO MAY WMG WES MAG -21.05 -24 61.54 13.76 63.27 } cash = 0 div = 0
    8 ScrappyO : 18.36 % { SPZ XRF ABB GNX ACF 28.57 14.41 -11.79 50 10.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    9 Greekwatchdog : 13.33 % { TSK OCA ARV PEB MGA 107.32 -19.54 -21.05 -8.16 8.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    10 Watchful : 11.72 % { LRS SMI SLX SVL WGX -8.77 6.93 38.85 15.63 5.96 } cash = 0 div = 0
    11 Leemsip : 9.17 % { GDI GDC SRV OBL EML -7.69 51.24 21.96 -38.01 18.35 } cash = 0 div = 0
    12 '777 : 8.76 % { ANZ CBA MQG NAB WBC 8.99 6.92 3.99 10.46 13.45 } cash = 0 div = 0
    13 stones : 7.41 % { FMG BHP ZIP JHX SGP -14.75 -11.7 79.53 -17.17 1.12 } cash = 0 div = 0
    14 Joshuatree : 6.92 % { ENN MEA PPL SEQ CCR -19.12 45.18 -25 -5.36 38.89 } cash = 0 div = 0
    15 greater fool : 5.65 % { G6M PYC RFX SVM TLX -59.26 -4.55 -29.29 41.3 80.06 } cash = 0 div = 0
    16 CAM : 4.16 % { GMN ARV NAE PEC WMG -36.36 -21.05 -33.33 50 61.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    17 clip : 3.95 % { LRS NEU MAY PEC BOE -8.77 -13.34 -24 50 15.88 } cash = 0 div = 0
    18 orchard : 3.2 % { LRS CBA ALD WHC WBC -8.77 6.92 -3.96 8.33 13.45 } cash = 0 div = 0
    19 Ricky-bobby : 2.2 % { FLT TWE WEB S32 BKT -7.42 5.1 20.3 19.22 -26.19 } cash = 0 div = 0
    20 beetills : 1.74 % { AAC BEN BOQ QRI RFF 8.57 13.03 -5.43 -1.83 -5.66 } cash = 0 div = 0
    21 mistymountain : 0.92 % { HZN BOE NHC NST MLM 9.68 15.88 -3.68 5.13 -22.41 } cash = 0 div = 0
    22 ruaboy : 0.62 % { LRT SMI NAE MAY POD -2.05 6.93 -33.33 -24 55.56 } cash = 0 div = 0
    23 bohemian : -0.09 % { SQ2 DTC MAY WA1 FL1 -15.46 26.32 -24 70.97 -58.25 } cash = 0.24 div = 0
    24 gmatt : -0.59 % { CNB CPM HMX IKE SXG -23.9 -73.24 -25 -7.78 126.98 } cash = 0 div = 0
    25 wizAlvin : -0.81 % { ACP ABV ATP CCE RIM 22.22 -1.92 -37.84 -36.51 50 } cash = 0 div = 0
    26 Ziggy : -1.61 % { PNV HAW AVE NEU RMY 35.95 -24.73 -14.29 -13.34 8.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    27 airedale : -1.74 % { EVN FXG GOR LRS NST -1.01 12.24 -16.28 -8.77 5.13 } cash = 0 div = 0
    28 : -2.1 % { COH LRS WBT XRO ADY 8 -8.77 -46.6 20.21 16.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    29 Perky : -3.07 % { MQG MIN RMD HCL BOE 3.99 2.37 23.43 -61.04 15.88 } cash = 0 div = 0
    30 micket : -3.17 % { EQR HGO ALC SER SEN -19.3 -15.96 -22.67 53.85 -11.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    31 NZSilver : -3.25 % { PRO ADA HCL RMD PLS 50.86 -25.43 -61.04 23.43 -4.05 } cash = 0 div = 0
    32 Gerald : -3.48 % { TWR CMD URF ORR SRX 34.21 -77.5 -3.45 -0.88 30.21 } cash = 0.565 div = 0
    33 Nigel : -5.67 % { BCI K2F GOZ IIQ IMC -17.54 -4.55 1.72 -30.08 22.08 } cash = 0 div = 0
    34 Jay : -8.78 % { ACF FMG LYC LRS MAY 10.63 -14.75 -6.98 -8.77 -24 } cash = 0 div = 0
    35 whirly : -8.91 % { MAY FDR NST ABV LRS -24 -15 5.13 -1.92 -8.77 } cash = 0 div = 0
    36 clearasmud : -8.93 % { CCM JLL VR8 AW1 SMI -4.29 -48.08 11.11 -10.34 6.93 } cash = 0 div = 0
    37 stoploss : -9.7 % { ABY CTD HLI NEU PME -23.21 -32 -5.29 -13.34 25.35 } cash = 0 div = 0
    38 JBmurc : -9.83 % { MAY POD IVZ KSN AEE -24 55.56 -46.09 5 -39.62 } cash = 0 div = 0
    39 Oldiron : -11.55 % { ALK DEG DYL CXO SYA -14.5 -9.56 50.92 -48 -36.62 } cash = 0 div = 0
    40 RupertBear : -11.62 % { LRS MAY DUB TSK HCL -8.77 -24 -71.61 107.32 -61.04 } cash = 0 div = 0
    41 Valuegrowth : -11.91 % { AUDS SNAS RIC BEAR ING -7.51 -17.47 -23.64 -0.31 -10.61 } cash = 0 div = 0
    42 Daytr : -13.74 % { OAU CST LRS AAU CYM -28.57 4.88 -8.77 -69.57 33.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    43 Sous87 : -16.88 % { MAY IXR VR8 LRS WDS -24 -51.92 11.11 -8.77 -10.82 } cash = 0 div = 0
    44 t.rexjr : -17.12 % { BRL HUM IKE SGC SKO -11.98 -7.07 -7.78 -36.36 -22.4 } cash = 0 div = 0
    45 Percy : -17.8 % { ACF ATP HCL HMY JYC 10.63 -37.84 -61.04 -20.41 19.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    46 mike2020 : -18.2 % { MIN STX RDN ARV MAY 2.37 -58.33 10 -21.05 -24 } cash = 0 div = 0
    47 Aotea : -18.87 % { LRS MAY RNU CNB TLG -8.77 -24 -15.38 -23.9 -22.29 } cash = 0 div = 0
    48 younga : -19.07 % { TEG PCL FDR MLS MGU -24 33.33 -15 -43.24 -46.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    49 Ferg : -20.13 % { DGL FEX FNX HCL OCA -32.14 22.81 -10.71 -61.04 -19.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    50 Paddie : -20.39 % { MAY EXR TEG TMK BLU -24 38.55 -24 -46.67 -45.83 } cash = 0 div = 0
    51 Borneo : -20.64 % { TLG ARX PLS EVS SKC -22.29 -31.33 -4.05 -38.46 -7.08 } cash = 0 div = 0
    52 nomis : -20.99 % { AVZ MAY LRS PDN HGH -100 -24 -8.77 61.73 -33.93 } cash = 0 div = 0 error AVZ [Missing Ticker] AVZ [Zero value Ticker]
    53 freebee : -21.74 % { CNB CXO LRS MAY PLS -23.9 -48 -8.77 -24 -4.05 } cash = 0 div = 0
    54 DarkHorse : -22.22 % { ACF CTQ KYP PPE SEQ 10.63 -55.17 -23.33 -37.85 -5.36 } cash = 0 div = 0
    55 Azza : -26.05 % { LRS MAY HCL ARV RNU -8.77 -24 -61.04 -21.05 -15.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    56 ADogsLife : -27.22 % { ARV CST IMU MAY GRE -21.05 4.88 -39.09 -24 -56.84 } cash = 0 div = 0
    57 10Bagger : -28.43 % { RNU MEI IXR CNB MAY -15.38 -26.92 -51.92 -23.9 -24 } cash = 0 div = 0
    58 Scrunch : -34.84 % { A11 CXO GT1 TG6 E25 8.86 -48 -69.47 -29.87 -35.71 } cash = 0 div = 0
    59 nztx : -40.6 % { MAY SMI ATP DCX JLL -24 6.93 -37.84 -100 -48.08 } cash = 0 div = 0 error DCX [Missing Ticker] DCX [Zero value Ticker]
    DarkHorse Guest : 51.56 % { ATP FND HCL MMI OPT -37.84 229.13 -61.04 138.1 -10.53 } cash = 0 div = 0
    JBmurc guest : 33.14 % { LRS AKM ARV TM1 RDM -8.77 104.76 -21.05 15.22 75.53 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Watchful Guest : 26.48 % { EVT EPN CPV NYR CRD -4.82 0 2.04 159.09 -23.91 } cash = 0 div = 0
    stoploss Guest : 17.46 % { CVW CYG MYG STP TPC 0 -0.86 39.82 38.31 10.01 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dead ducks : -8.17 % { AER AFL DDT ERG KNO 0 -28.21 0 -35.71 23.08 } cash = 0 div = 0
    gmatt guest : -11.8 % { AQI CHN LRS SKO WWI -47.22 -2.36 -8.77 -22.4 21.74 } cash = 0 div = 0
    nztx guest : -14.15 % { STM HMX ARV EVO MFG -20 -25 -21.05 7.26 -11.96 } cash = 0 div = 0
    '777 Guest : -18.69 % { ATP HGH LRS MAY VR8 -37.84 -33.93 -8.77 -24 11.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest : -22.52 % { ADR ATR COI HGO IDA -71.43 -14.89 -9.09 -15.96 -1.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 2 Guest : -25.64 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV NEU -24 -8.77 -61.04 -21.05 -13.34 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dd lorraina : -28.43 % { CF1 FCT SCL SES TYX -38.46 -57.5 -5 0 -41.18 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 1 Guest : -30.54 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV ATP -24 -8.77 -61.04 -21.05 -37.84 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  8. #218
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Hi wizAlvin, could I switch out TSK for Cash please?

  9. #219
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    Hi wizAlvin, could I switch out TSK for Cash please?
    2nd is sunday
    is the next available trade time - TSK opened at $0.84 ==> to cash for Baa_Baa
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  10. #220
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o week

    1 Simple Minds : 87.56 % { NEU DXB PER NTI DRO -22.03 180.49 42.37 -13.04 250 } cash = 0 div = 0
    2 silverblizzard888 : 73.65 % { NEU TSK BOT CLG FND -22.03 98.78 44.74 -10.53 257.28 } cash = 0 div = 0
    3 traineeinvestor : 72.27 % { BOL CCG MMI MLX SRZ 16 -7.69 133.33 48.28 171.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    4 jennym : 34.71 % { HAR PFE STN MMA DXB -48.89 -3.85 38.24 7.55 180.49 } cash = 0 div = 0
    5 Baa Baa : 32.06 % { SNZ OCA A2M TSK XRO -2.57 -25.67 68.54 104.88 15.13 } cash = 0.84 div = 0
    6 audiav : 26.51 % { GHY MQG PDN SQ2 SVW 75.3 6.88 55.63 -14.14 8.86 } cash = 0 div = 0
    7 paulzun : 18.26 % { PGO MAY WMG WES MAG -26.32 -2.67 57.69 17.71 44.9 } cash = 0 div = 0
    8 ScrappyO : 17.36 % { SPZ XRF ABB GNX ACF 31.43 11.86 -10 47.22 6.28 } cash = 0 div = 0
    9 '777 : 12.86 % { ANZ CBA MQG NAB WBC 12.58 12.3 6.88 14.76 17.77 } cash = 0 div = 0
    10 Leemsip : 10.61 % { GDI GDC SRV OBL EML -2.31 52.74 18.4 -32.84 17.09 } cash = 0 div = 0
    11 Watchful : 9.5 % { LRS SMI SLX SVL WGX -17.54 6.93 31.95 15.63 10.55 } cash = 0 div = 0
    12 stones : 9.17 % { FMG BHP ZIP JHX SGP -16.02 -11.66 88.19 -17.79 3.15 } cash = 0 div = 0
    13 clip : 5.89 % { LRS NEU MAY PEC BOE -17.54 -22.03 -2.67 60 11.66 } cash = 0 div = 0
    14 greater fool : 3.93 % { G6M PYC RFX SVM TLX -65.43 0 -25 36.96 73.12 } cash = 0 div = 0
    15 Greekwatchdog : 3.69 % { TSK OCA ARV PEB MGA 98.78 -25.67 -31.58 -16.33 -6.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    16 Joshuatree : 3.54 % { ENN MEA PPL SEQ CCR -21.32 46.99 -26.92 -11.61 30.56 } cash = 0 div = 0
    17 CAM : 3.28 % { GMN ARV NAE PEC WMG -36.36 -31.58 -33.33 60 57.69 } cash = 0 div = 0
    18 orchard : 3.16 % { LRS CBA ALD WHC WBC -17.54 12.3 -4.67 7.93 17.77 } cash = 0 div = 0
    19 Ricky-bobby : 2.81 % { FLT TWE WEB S32 BKT -4.81 11.97 20.44 16.22 -29.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    20 beetills : 2.81 % { AAC BEN BOQ QRI RFF 4.29 16.75 -1.64 -0.61 -4.72 } cash = 0 div = 0
    21 ruaboy : 1.92 % { LRT SMI NAE MAY POD -2.05 6.93 -33.33 -2.67 40.74 } cash = 0 div = 0
    22 mistymountain : 0.07 % { HZN BOE NHC NST MLM 12.9 11.66 -3.29 6.67 -27.59 } cash = 0 div = 0
    23 : -0.81 % { COH LRS WBT XRO ADY 11.18 -17.54 -46.14 15.13 33.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    24 Gerald : -2.07 % { TWR CMD URF ORR SRX 35.09 -80 0 -0.88 35.42 } cash = 0.565 div = 0
    25 airedale : -2.17 % { EVN FXG GOR LRS NST 1.52 12.24 -13.74 -17.54 6.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    26 Ziggy : -3.11 % { PNV HAW AVE NEU RMY 38.37 -24.73 -14.29 -22.03 7.14 } cash = 0 div = 0
    27 bohemian : -3.54 % { SQ2 DTC MAY WA1 FL1 -14.14 26.32 -2.67 32.02 -59.22 } cash = 0.24 div = 0
    28 NZSilver : -3.56 % { PRO ADA HCL RMD PLS 55.17 -26.01 -64.94 25.59 -7.59 } cash = 0 div = 0
    29 wizAlvin : -3.88 % { ACP ABV ATP CCE RIM 22.22 3.85 -40.54 -34.92 30 } cash = 0 div = 0
    30 Nigel : -4.53 % { BCI K2F GOZ IIQ IMC -17.54 -9.09 3.43 -15.04 15.58 } cash = 0 div = 0
    31 Perky : -4.55 % { MQG MIN RMD HCL BOE 6.88 -1.96 25.59 -64.94 11.66 } cash = 0 div = 0
    32 gmatt : -5.25 % { CNB CPM HMX IKE SXG -32.08 -77.06 -32.69 -6.67 122.22 } cash = 0 div = 0
    33 whirly : -6.94 % { MAY FDR NST ABV LRS -2.67 -25 6.67 3.85 -17.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    34 Jay : -7.39 % { ACF FMG LYC LRS MAY 6.28 -16.02 -6.98 -17.54 -2.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    35 clearasmud : -9.56 % { CCM JLL VR8 AW1 SMI -5.71 -54.81 9.26 -3.45 6.93 } cash = 0 div = 0
    36 JBmurc : -10.18 % { MAY POD IVZ KSN AEE -2.67 40.74 -48.7 5 -45.28 } cash = 0 div = 0
    37 stoploss : -10.68 % { ABY CTD HLI NEU PME -27.5 -31.54 -3.68 -22.03 31.35 } cash = 0 div = 0
    38 micket : -11.74 % { EQR HGO ALC SER SEN -22.81 -20.21 -34.67 30.77 -11.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    39 RupertBear : -11.98 % { LRS MAY DUB TSK HCL -17.54 -2.67 -73.55 98.78 -64.94 } cash = 0 div = 0
    40 Valuegrowth : -12.69 % { AUDS SNAS RIC BEAR ING -6.36 -23.29 -23.27 -2.22 -8.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    41 Daytr : -14.34 % { OAU CST LRS AAU CYM -35.71 -1.22 -17.54 -73.91 56.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    42 Sous87 : -14.67 % { MAY IXR VR8 LRS WDS -2.67 -50 9.26 -17.54 -12.4 } cash = 0 div = 0
    43 Oldiron : -16.79 % { ALK DEG DYL CXO SYA -14.5 -9.96 43.58 -58 -45.07 } cash = 0 div = 0
    44 Percy : -19.72 % { ACF ATP HCL HMY JYC 6.28 -40.54 -64.94 -20.41 20.98 } cash = 0 div = 0
    45 nomis : -19.84 % { AVZ MAY LRS PDN HGH -100 -2.67 -17.54 55.63 -34.64 } cash = 0 div = 0 error AVZ [Missing Ticker] AVZ [Zero value Ticker]
    46 Aotea : -20.3 % { LRS MAY RNU CNB TLG -17.54 -2.67 -23.08 -32.08 -26.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    47 Ferg : -21.29 % { DGL FEX FNX HCL OCA -33.33 21.05 -3.57 -64.94 -25.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    48 mike2020 : -21.32 % { MIN STX RDN ARV MAY -1.96 -60.42 -10 -31.58 -2.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    49 younga : -22.44 % { TEG PCL FDR MLS MGU -28 27.78 -25 -40.54 -46.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    50 Paddie : -22.7 % { MAY EXR TEG TMK BLU -2.67 20.48 -28 -53.33 -50 } cash = 0 div = 0
    51 t.rexjr : -23.12 % { BRL HUM IKE SGC SKO -14.58 -13.13 -6.67 -54.55 -26.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    52 Borneo : -23.23 % { TLG ARX PLS EVS SKC -26.11 -25.3 -7.59 -39.74 -17.4 } cash = 0 div = 0
    53 freebee : -23.58 % { CNB CXO LRS MAY PLS -32.08 -58 -17.54 -2.67 -7.59 } cash = 0 div = 0
    54 DarkHorse : -24.47 % { ACF CTQ KYP PPE SEQ 6.28 -55.17 -20.83 -41.04 -11.61 } cash = 0 div = 0
    55 10Bagger : -27.33 % { RNU MEI IXR CNB MAY -23.08 -28.85 -50 -32.08 -2.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    56 Azza : -27.96 % { LRS MAY HCL ARV RNU -17.54 -2.67 -64.94 -31.58 -23.08 } cash = 0 div = 0
    57 ADogsLife : -28.18 % { ARV CST IMU MAY GRE -31.58 -1.22 -45.45 -2.67 -60 } cash = 0 div = 0
    58 nztx : -38.22 % { MAY SMI ATP DCX JLL -2.67 6.93 -40.54 -100 -54.81 } cash = 0 div = 0 error DCX [Missing Ticker] DCX [Zero value Ticker]
    59 Scrunch : -39.66 % { A11 CXO GT1 TG6 E25 11.39 -58 -73.33 -40.26 -38.1 } cash = 0 div = 0
    DarkHorse Guest : 54.05 % { ATP FND HCL MMI OPT -40.54 257.28 -64.94 133.33 -14.91 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Watchful Guest : 39.37 % { EVT EPN CPV NYR CRD -1.88 0 -2.04 227.27 -26.52 } cash = 0 div = 0
    JBmurc guest : 26.96 % { LRS AKM ARV TM1 RDM -17.54 119.05 -31.58 0 64.89 } cash = 0 div = 0
    stoploss Guest : 18.68 % { CVW CYG MYG STP TPC -3.45 -2.76 38.94 48.76 11.91 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dead ducks : -7.55 % { AER AFL DDT ERG KNO 0 -28.21 0 -35.71 26.15 } cash = 0 div = 0
    nztx guest : -16.51 % { STM HMX ARV EVO MFG -26.67 -32.69 -31.58 16.13 -7.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    gmatt guest : -16.57 % { AQI CHN LRS SKO WWI -52.78 -3.24 -17.54 -26.67 17.39 } cash = 0 div = 0
    '777 Guest : -17.23 % { ATP HGH LRS MAY VR8 -40.54 -34.64 -17.54 -2.67 9.26 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest : -20.28 % { ADR ATR COI HGO IDA -69.64 3.55 -11.36 -20.21 -3.75 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 2 Guest : -27.75 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV NEU -2.67 -17.54 -64.94 -31.58 -22.03 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dd lorraina : -30.24 % { CF1 FCT SCL SES TYX -30.77 -62.5 -5 0 -52.94 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 1 Guest : -31.45 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV ATP -2.67 -17.54 -64.94 -31.58 -40.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

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