  1. #11241
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Hundreds of jobs on state sponsored life support. The moral hazard in this is institutions have no incentive to get their houses in order as they can see the state will eventually cave & offer up a bailout. We can’t borrow our way out of an unsustainable mess but Labour will do it anyway. Practically a vote buying exercise.


    ‘$128 million bail-out for struggling tertiary sector

    The Government will pour $128 million into the nation’s tertiary education to help universities in a one-off boost to get it through the next two years.

    Education Minister Jan Tinetti made the announcement Tuesday, saying the Government will also review the entire higher education sector as it grapples with huge budget deficits and fewer enrolments.

    “The Government has heard the concerns of the sector,” she said in a statement.’

  2. #11242
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Will ‘universal winter energy payments’ be the next socialist hand out? Amazing that we have so many people claiming they can’t afford to heat their homes when the state already pays a ‘winter energy payment’ to all of the following groups -

    ‘You'll automatically get the Winter Energy Payment if you're getting:
    NZ Superannuation
    Veteran's Pension
    Jobseeker Support
    Jobseeker Support Student Hardship
    Sole Parent Support
    Supported Living Payment
    Young Parent Payment
    Youth Payment
    Emergency Benefit
    Emergency Maintenance Allowance.’

    If the ‘winter energy payment’ is not being spent on energy over winter, then what is it being spent on(?)


    ‘More than 100,000 households can’t afford to keep their homes warm, with Māori and Pacific households, renters and low-income households more likely to experience “energy hardship,” fresh analysis shows.

    According to the latest Report on Energy Hardship Measures from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), about 110,000 households were unable to keep their homes adequately warm in the year to June 2022.’

  3. #11243
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Chinese President Xi Jinping hails relationship with NZ at meeting with PM Chris Hipkins

    Look who has found another knee to perch on for a little cuddle and a sausage roll sharing moment

    No blunder bus large painted Kiwi dragons anywhere in sight to stuff it up either

    Aint that cute

    they might want to see all of the Clown Tricks - Chippie ..

    Want to become Ambassador there after October ?

  4. #11244
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Brace yourselves - Aucklanders & Northlanders - some really Nutty Water reforms on their way

    You lucky folk are guinea pigs for first instalment of the Goon's Halfwit Water Show

    brought to you by the mob who probably have well proven that they can't perform or reform anything out of
    a paperbag without making a complete hash of it

    Just announced in time for a quick chew it over and then kick it back out of the park in October
    before anything much happens

    Three waters reforms: Auckland, Northland first to form new water service entities in July 2024

    Auckland and Northland will be the guinea pigs in a revised three waters model, becoming the first to form one of 10 water entities in July next year, with the remaining staggered out to mid-2026.

  5. #11245
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    Feb 2010


    ‘Former Transport Minister Michael Wood ignored official advice to not toll the new O Mahurangi Penlink road north of Auckland and went ahead with charges for motorists, official documents show.

    Wood, who quit as a Cabinet minister last week over further shareholdings that clashed with his portfolios, used his power to set tolls for Penlink against the advice of the Ministry of Transport.

    He also dismissed public consultation showing 60 per cent of people were opposed to tolls and just 20 per cent in favour. A further 17 per cent supported lower tolls.

    A local councillor says the newly revealed documents cast doubt over the legitimacy of the process to toll Penlink. National says it will reconsider the tolling decision should it win the election.‘

  6. #11246
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    Be kind!

    Well, sounding like Kiri Allan has not been a kind person or minister to work with :

    A staffer seconded to work with Cabinet Minister Kiritapu Allan chose to leave early because of concerns about “working relationships” in the office.

    Problems in the Beehive office saw Department of Conservation chief executive Penny Nelson take her concerns to the Department of Internal Affairs, which manages Ministerial Services.

    Stuff understands that other senior public servants – including from Emergency Management, and the Ministry of Business, innovation and Employment – have also voiced concerns about how staff were treated.

    It comes as Allan is on leave from Parliament, because she is “struggling with mental health and wellbeing”.

  7. #11247
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    Jul 2007
    , , .


    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Be kind!

    Well, sounding like Kiri Allan has not been a kind person or minister to work with :

    A staffer seconded to work with Cabinet Minister Kiritapu Allan chose to leave early because of concerns about “working relationships” in the office.

    Problems in the Beehive office saw Department of Conservation chief executive Penny Nelson take her concerns to the Department of Internal Affairs, which manages Ministerial Services.

    Stuff understands that other senior public servants – including from Emergency Management, and the Ministry of Business, innovation and Employment – have also voiced concerns about how staff were treated.

    It comes as Allan is on leave from Parliament, because she is “struggling with mental health and wellbeing”.
    Yet another labour trougher into witless protection. Bully and harangue staffers until they are forced to leave, then pull the old "struggling with mental health" trick when you are being held to account for your atrocious behaviour.
    Last edited by Bill Smith; 28-06-2023 at 04:46 PM.

  8. #11248
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Hastings, , New Zealand.


    Whatever the circumstances of Kiri Allan's health issues, l'm sure we all wish her recovery.
    If leaving Parliament is part of her recovery, let's respect her decision.

  9. #11249
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Hastings, , New Zealand.


    TV1 news gives the impression that Chris Hipkins acquitted himself well in China on behalf of NZ.

    Well done and thank you.

    We don't need any ruffled feathers with our major trading partners.

  10. #11250
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Getty View Post
    Whatever the circumstances of Kiri Allan's health issues, l'm sure we all wish her recovery.
    If leaving Parliament is part of her recovery, let's respect her decision.

    Fast Rescue plane needed to parachute Chippie back to Kiwiland .. another Minister out of action .. with matters
    being missed, ignored and stacked in the corner unattended to

    The Beehive rats fat on sausage roll biff outs & pastry leftovers might be able to look after a bit of stray paper .. perhaps the staffers should pick a representative specimen and tape a "Kiri" name tag on it, so it can be tracked around the building ?

    No one would raise slightest of eyebrow

    Why doesn't the whole Govt front bench go on holiday while Chippie is away ?

    Let's face it - SFA of any value or substance gets done whether they're there, kicked out the back by Speaker for time out, or nowhere to be seen

    That's clearly evident, with among a multitude of other things - the rising pong coming off areas of the Provincial Growth Slush Fund (PGF) management, formerly Jonesies pet project but now firmly wedged under Allen's basket of things that may be a large problem .. not a great report card entry for Attorney General
    Last edited by nztx; 28-06-2023 at 07:29 PM.


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