I agree with Jacinda that the Opposition should channel their energy into New Zealand’s overall response to this resurgence e.g. encouraging compliance. Unity is important just as it was during the first lockdown, and which Simon Bridges observed.

One reason for Jacinda’s popularity and Collins lower ranking is that Jacinda does not do the petty politicking that Collins is doing now. New Zealanders want a government and leader that puts the best interest of New Zealand and its people first especially in a crisis, not their own party and its re-election first. Parliament is more than a place of politics. It is where the decisions about how the country is run are made. This is not a game, people’s lives and welfare are at stake.

On Wednesday Adern took a dig at the Opposition for its conspiratorial talk, refusing to say another word on the matter. Instead, she asked the Opposition to “channel” their energy into “supporting New Zealand’s overall response to this resurgence”.
She said she wanted “unity” in the response, “there should not be politics in this, it is a resurgence that no-one wanted”.
The statement is partly ridiculous.
Parliament is a place of politics – politicians are political. Collins and her party think they could do a better job of managing the outbreak, and they’ve got every right to make that case to New Zealanders.