Quote Originally Posted by bottomfeeder View Post
Didnt mean to lecture, just that already I have seen so much economic destruction, that is going to take years, for some people to recover, if they ever will. I know a young woman who worked so hard and spent so much money becoming a commercial pilot. She worked hard at secondary airlines, and finally started at Air New Zealand, domestic. It was starting to look as if it was all going to pay off. Now out of work, each day passing, no doubt will mean her skills will slowly subside, and if Air NZ ever recovers enough in the next 5 years, she will no doubt require full retraining. I could relate many such stories and I hardly know anyone. More deaths in NZ. When the government realises how much this has cost them, be prepared for, superannuation cuts and surcharges, less benefits, working for families cuts, GST increases to 20%, health system cuts and a whole lot more. That is where the depression will really hit.
You may think I am being negative, but it is just realism. If I dont buy shares as they reach an all time low, no doubt there will be many others to take my place.
Bottomfeeder,I started this thread so that people could try and think of positive's that might come from this pandemic and pass them on.Your comments however seem to border on the alarmist.
I take it due to the lockdown you are unable to walk around wearing your sandwich board,with the "end is nigh repent now" written on both sides.