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Thread: GOLD

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  1. #11
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
    Central Otago


    Quote Originally Posted by peat View Post
    I would think it would be physical possession , but I dont know that for sure. Anyone??

    If I was buying anything for 6 billion I think I would want to see it and touch it and maybe even drill a few bars to see they're not tungsten , then store it somewhere I trusted , rather than rely on someone else to give me a certificate saying they would keep it safe for me .
    Yes or it could be just like the -Fort Knox Gold-It's there but you can't see it or audit it but it is there because the powers that be say so.....

    My 45kilo soon to be 47kilo of silver bullion is about 7 metres away from me in my personal safe just where I want it to be
    Last edited by JBmurc; 04-11-2009 at 02:29 PM.
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