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Thread: RAK Rakon

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  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    london, , United Kingdom.


    Well, my day got even worse after selling up this morning.
    I was pushing my boy along a footpath in his buggy here in Surfers and managed to get a stick poke 2 inches into my foot. Off to hospital I went with blood everywhere. The doc said that I was lucky as it missed all of the nerves. But, the hole is about the size of a one cent piece so I am laid up on drugs. And NO swimming.

    So much for predicting a good week for me this week.

    RAK will recover, but whats the point owning a stock going sideways for the next six months.
    Last edited by Toddy; 19-11-2007 at 04:42 PM.


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