Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy View Post
What you haven't realised is that it is likely Chorus increasing broadband pricing, with Spark merely passing the price rise on. All other retail players in the broadband market will be facing the same broadband cost pressures. So I don't think this is a competitive mis-step by Spark.

I was not implying it was a mis-step. kiwikeith summed it up 30% of there customers on wireless.

anyway snoopy have you taken account of the last yr mobile growth has benefited from massive immigration, this is no longer the case. i am thinking the growth driver of the company may be flat as with immigration now declining from lofty levels and people holding off handset upgrades and downgrading there plans. add in soft it spend as they have said and i imagine people downgrading broadband plans a further downgrade in earnings may be possible although they will probably lay of more people too try to off-set this decline.
was not the increased div's from the tower sale ? if so they may fall a little as well ?
So maybe thats why price under pressure still ?
be a buy at some stage for sure but the guess is when.
pe currently 16 too high or right ?