View Full Version : Purchasing international etfs

26-10-2014, 08:18 AM
Purchasing global etfs like ones that reflecting the total US market have become complicated after reading material on this. If they are domiciled from the Us market non us residents need to pay US death duties if you hold more than $60000 worth. Looking at the long term this is likely. This rules buying etfs on the asx exchange as they are domiciled to the US. Other exchanges like the uk and Canadian do have these etfs not domiciled from the US. I do not want life with finances to be too complicated. Has anyone solved this problem.
Also I am looking for a discount broker with low fees to do this. Any suggestions?

GTM 3442
27-10-2014, 07:28 PM
Try the expat-focussed European banks like Saxo or TD Direct.

Harvey Specter
28-10-2014, 09:27 AM
Just hold them in a Trust or company. They wont die in which case the death duty wont apply.

28-10-2014, 06:19 PM
thanks for that, which is the better of the 2 options, trust or company HS.

28-10-2014, 09:37 PM
I'd suggest you look at Interactive Brokers for better rates.
Note also, with US based ETFs there will be withholding taxes on short term capital gains, but not with UK based ETFs. Most large US ETFs have a clone UK ETF, so look at those.