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30-08-2018, 06:20 PM
Obviously Saprk is working on what is needed to bring this to a successful conclusion.
They certainly won't wakeup a week before the start and think "better get onto that".

The challenge will be whether other internet providers make the same level of investment for the world cup to be considered a success. They need to augment handovers, cdn, backhaul for a 6 week event which is a lot of investment required and outside Sparks direct control. If offnet customers have widespread issues then Spark may experience the same backlash as Optus. It appears that they have identified this early and engaged with other ISPs so fingers crossed it's a success.

31-08-2018, 08:10 AM
The challenge will be whether other internet providers make the same level of investment for the world cup to be considered a success. They need to augment handovers, cdn, backhaul for a 6 week event which is a lot of investment required and outside Sparks direct control. If offnet customers have widespread issues then Spark may experience the same backlash as Optus. It appears that they have identified this early and engaged with other ISPs so fingers crossed it's a success.

The Opus issue was totally within Opus' control.
I understand what you are saying about the others though.

31-08-2018, 09:17 AM
The Opus issue was totally within Opus' control.
I understand what you are saying about the others though.

Dobby, Optus had a variety of issues, but other ISPs in Australia that did not have sufficient capacity on their Akamai CDNs to meet demand were definitely a contributing factor.

31-08-2018, 09:30 AM
Dobby, Optus had a variety of issues, but other ISPs in Australia that did not have sufficient capacity on their Akamai CDNs to meet demand were definitely a contributing factor.

hi sock ,

so if spark team up with a proven streamer of live events and the isp.s come to the party with back end everything will be sweet?

31-08-2018, 01:06 PM
hi sock ,

so if spark team up with a proven streamer of live events and the isp.s come to the party with back end everything will be sweet?

You can still have customer premises equipment issues, and that traditionally gets blamed on the ISP regardless of the actual cause.

05-09-2018, 02:44 PM
back above 4 , that div is very appealing still even at these prices for some people

05-09-2018, 02:57 PM
I can't help thinking there's a high probability of this falling back to $3:50 or even lower. Historically it's been difficult for Spark to maintain these levels.
But there's also a high probability of me being wrong ... it has happened before. :)

I won't be topping up at these prices. I would want to see a solidly maintained SP above $4.00 before I'm convinced this new higher price is here to stay.

Disc: Holder and employee

05-09-2018, 03:52 PM
May hold at or above current levels until the dividend. -if sp increases from here may sell just before dividend date, not sure it will recover the dividend in a short period of time.
Discl- currently hold with tight stop

05-09-2018, 03:54 PM
I can't help thinking there's a high probability of this falling back to $3:50 or even lower. Historically it's been difficult for Spark to maintain these levels.
But there's also a high probability of me being wrong ... it has happened before. :)

I won't be topping up at these prices. I would want to see a solidly maintained SP above $4.00 before I'm convinced this new higher price is here to stay.

Disc: Holder and employee

bang on oldtech. 4 bucks seems like stupid money to me at the moment
its still the same, standard divi that people were buying into back in the Feb and Apr lows
obviously interest rates being held lower for longer, but are the 'lower interest rates', plus 'cost cutting/agile' really worth a 70 cent swing?
maybe the market is seeing some growth somewhere that I'm not
looking forward to the premier league in 2019 though. unfortunately my team is one of those currently near to the bottom of the table :/

05-09-2018, 04:38 PM
I can't help thinking there's a high probability of this falling back to $3:50 or even lower. Historically it's been difficult for Spark to maintain these levels.
But there's also a high probability of me being wrong ... it has happened before. :)

I won't be topping up at these prices. I would want to see a solidly maintained SP above $4.00 before I'm convinced this new higher price is here to stay.

Disc: Holder and employee Spot on, let's see what happens to the price on the Sept index rebalance.

11-09-2018, 03:28 PM
SPK on new highs hitting $4.055. Wonder if they will stay above $4.00 before going XD in 9 days.

11-09-2018, 04:14 PM
SPK on new highs hitting $4.055. Wonder if they will stay above $4.00 before going XD in 9 days.

wont be long above 4 might be the norm

19-09-2018, 05:32 PM
Have a good look at the charts over three years. They normally drop like a stone after the dividend - about 20 cps seems normal - then they shoot back up again. I look to sell out at market on 21st and then buy back down the bottom somewhere. Should be able to squeeze 10 cps out of it to pay for the chainsaw that some bastard stole from in front of my shed.

19-09-2018, 06:30 PM
Have a good look at the charts over three years. They normally drop like a stone after the dividend - about 20 cps seems normal - then they shoot back up again. I look to sell out at market on 21st and then buy back down the bottom somewhere. Should be able to squeeze 10 cps out of it to pay for the chainsaw that some bastard stole from in front of my shed. Could get a double whack this time around with the index rebalance on the 21st, $3.70 anyone, place your bets.

20-09-2018, 12:10 PM
Could get a double whack this time around with the index rebalance on the 21st, $3.70 anyone, place your bets.

$3.70 would be a nice price. Sold all mine @ $3.95 this morning & hoping for the traditional fall to buy back in over the next few days/weeks.

20-09-2018, 04:36 PM
$3.70 would be a nice price. Sold all mine @ $3.95 this morning & hoping for the traditional fall to buy back in over the next few days/weeks.

Why did you skip the dividend? surely selling after the dividend is more profitable.

20-09-2018, 04:50 PM
XD this morning so got the dividend plus imps.

24-09-2018, 10:59 AM
Price is holding well. Chainsaw came back so alls well.

24-09-2018, 12:51 PM
Price is holding well. Chainsaw came back so alls well.

Where did it go?

24-09-2018, 04:42 PM
Where did it go?

Surely not the pawnshop? (Note the correct spelling of pawnshop!)

08-10-2018, 04:55 PM
Thanks Bull. I must study more how all that works.
NZ has a complicated tax system.
Anyway, maybe we should just sell SPK now and buy TLS :p

A calculation?


25-10-2018, 11:53 AM
Spark trying to take over from Sky
Have now picked up F1 - https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12148307
Plus F2, GP# and Porsche Super cup - for the next 3 years
Think I read that Sky paid about $6M for 4 years back in 2014.

Have yet to announce how much and how, but looks like it will be a separate platform/app or something like Lightbox Sport (copyright to me for the name :)) - as long as I can get it on the TV, Also thought to have a deal with TVNZ as a back up

30-10-2018, 02:39 PM
I'm watching this with fascination - I am very surprised that it is still trading in the 3.80 - 3.90 range.

Wonder if this might be the end of the 3.30 low to the SP range and a new range is being established?

30-10-2018, 03:36 PM
I'm watching this with fascination - I am very surprised that it is still trading in the 3.80 - 3.90 range.

Wonder if this might be the end of the 3.30 low to the SP range and a new range is being established?

What range do you expect it to trade in?

30-10-2018, 05:36 PM
Over the past couple of years I've become used to seeing it trade between 3.30 and 4.00, but never staying at 4.00 for a sustained period.

01-11-2018, 11:27 AM
Hasn't the Spark share price held up well over the last month? I'm so proud of it. "Good Spark!" *puts extra treats in bowl*

01-11-2018, 12:02 PM
Hasn't the Spark share price held up well over the last month? I'm so proud of it. "Good Spark!" *puts extra treats in bowl*

I am also pleased with Spark. Over the last 12 months I have been buying on the lows & selling on the highs (the only share I will do this with) My returns for 12 months including dividends has been 29.65% :D

01-11-2018, 12:13 PM
Nice one thestg. Yes, I think SPK is a good trading share also - although I've never been in a position to try it for various reasons. Tempted now though!

01-11-2018, 12:14 PM
I am also pleased with Spark. Over the last 12 months I have been buying on the lows & selling on the highs (the only share I will do this with) My returns for 12 months including dividends has been 29.65% :D

Before or after TAX.?

01-11-2018, 12:16 PM
Yeah, well done Stg, that's a great return. I bought back into it at $3.61 earlier this year and just hold. Still happy especially with the dividends.

01-11-2018, 12:31 PM
Before or after TAX.?
Before TAX

01-11-2018, 01:22 PM
Before TAX

Would you have been better off buying and holding and therefore not paying tax.?

01-11-2018, 01:33 PM
Would you have been better off buying and holding and therefore not paying tax.? This is one stock where savvy traders could make far more than buy and hold types regardless of divvies and or tax. Disc-Have none, overpriced IMO

01-11-2018, 02:29 PM
Would you have been better off buying and holding and therefore not paying tax.?

Just went back over my records and I started trading SPK back in December 2016. SP was $3.40.
Since then I have 15 Buys & 14 Sells.
Over the almost 2 years my after tax return has averaged out at 38% (19% per year)
Buy & hold would have been just under 34% (17% per year)
So is 2%PA worth it? I've enjoyed the challenge & this has given me a bit extra cash to spend at non-dividend times as well.

01-11-2018, 02:55 PM
Just went back over my records and I started trading SPK back in December 2016. SP was $3.40.
Since then I have 15 Buys & 14 Sells.
Over the almost 2 years my after tax return has averaged out at 38% (19% per year)
Buy & hold would have been just under 34% (17% per year)
So is 2%PA worth it? I've enjoyed the challenge & this has given me a bit extra cash to spend at non-dividend times as well.

Thank you for your full reply.
I have recently retired.
I thought of openning a trading a/c for a bit of amusement,however it looked as though it would be a paper war keeping track of things,so I have remained an investor.

01-11-2018, 03:00 PM
Thank you for your full reply.
I have recently retired.
I thought of openning a trading a/c for a bit of amusement,however it looked as though it would be a paper war keeping track of things,so I have remained an investor.

I am very happy with www.sharesight.co.nz that manages all of my portfolio, tracking, reporting etc. It covers watchlists, investments, trades, dividends, splits, autoload buys & sells, cash balance .. you name it, it's a very useful system and is constantly getting better. And NO paper. Easy to use as well.

01-11-2018, 03:09 PM
Thank you for your full reply.
I have recently retired.
I thought of openning a trading a/c for a bit of amusement,however it looked as though it would be a paper war keeping track of things,so I have remained an investor. I'm old school and have never used a computer system for my business as a sole trader during the last 28yrs, I run a simple income and expenditure bookkeeping system, same for shares, I still get all my contract notes by mail and reconcile things every week.

02-11-2018, 12:01 PM
Speech for AGM certainly keen on 5G implementation with a few pushes at government to get through allocation of spectrum on time.
But I agree that its huge for Spark, and something they can use to differentiate themselves from smaller competitors.
As a wireless technology it will reduce their dependence on Chorus and its fixed pricing.
I get enough freebies as a full Spark customer that I dont look around for cheaper pricing. Netflix, Fanpass (not free but cheaper) and Im watching a few things on Lightbox too.

I think Spark can prosper as a modern day telco, though profit growth wont come easy, so on an earnings basis it remains expensive.

02-11-2018, 02:04 PM
I am hoping they come up with a 5G plan that lets me get rid of Enable and my isp...But we will see..

02-11-2018, 02:36 PM
Bit of confusion at AGM about what AI stands for

02-11-2018, 04:52 PM

08-11-2018, 11:22 AM
See you, my beautiful friend. I got to know you in November 2009 (for 2.62) and then just one month later your XT Mobile network stopped working and you were worth just 1.80. But the good times we've had since! Look at you now, at a 12 year high!

We'll keep in touch of course (through the index fund).

08-11-2018, 03:53 PM
See you, my beautiful friend. I got to know you in November 2009 (for 2.62) and then just one month later your XT Mobile network stopped working and you were worth just 1.80. But the good times we've had since! Look at you now, at a 12 year high!

We'll keep in touch of course (through the index fund).

yep what a beauty

16-11-2018, 03:49 PM
who would have guessed lovely old spark is one of the top performing stocks last mth

16-11-2018, 04:06 PM
who would have guessed lovely old spark is one of the top performing stocks last mth Guess is about right, I wouldn't touch it with a 40 foot barge pole at current price with a PE of 20 and growth of around 3%.

16-11-2018, 04:36 PM
who would have guessed lovely old spark is one of the top performing stocks last mth

Certainly not me! I was getting ready to sell last week when it was playing around the $4.07 range, now I'm just sitting and holding tight. Note to self, watch this like a hawk, I don't want to miss out when the trend turns, as I am sure it will do very very soon. Well ... FAIRLY sure. I think. Maybe.

Hell I have no idea where this is going next week!!

16-11-2018, 04:40 PM
Certainly not me! I was getting ready to sell last week when it was playing around the $4.07 range, now I'm just sitting and holding tight. Note to self, watch this like a hawk, I don't want to miss out when the trend turns, as I am sure it will do very very soon. Well ... FAIRLY sure. I think. Maybe.

Hell I have no idea where this is going next week!! It could be a Savage turn when it happens, sometimes best to take the money and run if you have done well to date.

16-11-2018, 05:26 PM
wont be long above 4 might be the norm

looks like the norm alright , must be the juicy div and there move into sports.

16-11-2018, 05:37 PM
wont be long above 4 might be the norm

As an employee for more years than I care to admit :scared: I first started participating in the share scheme in 2004. Just dug out some of my old share transaction forms, which show buy figures well over $6.00 were the norm back then.

Mind you I am sure there are people here who remember just a few years prior the norm was more like $8 or $9!

16-11-2018, 05:52 PM
As an employee for more years than I care to admit :scared: I first started participating in the share scheme in 2004. Just dug out some of my old share transaction forms, which show buy figures well over $6.00 were the norm back then.

Mind you I am sure there are people here who remember just a few years prior the norm was more like $8 or $9!

too true it was a lazy dinorsau with lazy management and directors who had no vision of the future except milking every last cent out of the dinosaur. s/h like wise should have had more vision and got out.

now the company is leaner and more agile with smarter management that why the price is going up.

16-11-2018, 06:27 PM
Yep ... it has taken a very long time (20 years or more) before the company finally started moving away from the NZPO/monopoly mindset.

28-11-2018, 04:07 PM
Politics affecting Spark?


28-11-2018, 05:38 PM
yeh! it seems the GCSB is even against it being in the RAN which is supposedly less critical than the core.
This is interesting and seems a bit weak coming almost immediately after the US statement a few days ago.
Show us the proof.

How hard is it to backengineer this equipment and verify nothing dodgey going on? Personally, I would've thought its not too difficult to be 99.999 % sure there are no backdoors. But I guess you never really know until they pull the plug on you. Who or why you'll never know. (Did you see what I did there?)

Marilyn Munroe
28-11-2018, 11:09 PM
I support the Coalition Government kow towing to the paranoia of friendly nations three letter agencies and banning Spark from using Huawai gear.

The packets of data we send to each other are already puffed after their routing through Whaihopai, Fort Meade and Cheltenham. To expect them to also zip through Shanghai is just a TTL too far.

Boop boop de do

PS. Having the Peoples Liberation Army Great Firewall upstream of the GSCB filters is just not on.

30-11-2018, 03:13 PM
I thought this would negatively impact the SP, but $4.245 ... wow!

30-11-2018, 03:31 PM
As an employee for more years than I care to admit :scared: I first started participating in the share scheme in 2004. Just dug out some of my old share transaction forms, which show buy figures well over $6.00 were the norm back then.

Mind you I am sure there are people here who remember just a few years prior the norm was more like $8 or $9!

I was on the dealing desk when a parcel purchased by Credit Suisse First Boston went through at $10. I think from memory that was pretty much the top before the steady decline.

30-11-2018, 07:39 PM
excellent stuff , huewai stuff not affect the price

01-12-2018, 07:23 PM
excellent stuff , huewai stuff not affect the price

Eventually it will. Either SPK or the larger NZ Inc will pay for the price of being part of the 5 Eyes re Huewai decision. China does not forget.

02-12-2018, 10:52 AM
I think much of this is USA instigated to make us side with USA. I would prefer China as wherever USA goes mayhem results . Lange was correct . Stay away from USA.

03-12-2018, 10:17 AM
excellent stuff , huewai stuff not affect the price The current price is a joke for a low growth company, on a PE of 20 its priced to grow like a mushroom.Lol

03-12-2018, 10:58 AM
The current price is a joke for a low growth company, on a PE of 20 its priced to grow like a mushroom.Lol
Enjoying the joke.!
I brought in a few months ago for their dividend,so a bit surprised by the share price strength.

03-12-2018, 11:02 AM
Enjoying the joke.!
I brought in a few months ago for their dividend,so a bit surprised by the share price strength. I've had some big holdings in SPK over the last few years and missed out on it's latest rise over $4 but I wouldn't touch it again unless it went below $3.80.

03-12-2018, 11:05 AM
The current price is a joke for a low growth company, on a PE of 20 its priced to grow like a mushroom.Lol

wish you were still holding couta ? ,

say this too yourself everyday and the reverse for stocks in a downtrend

dont sell stocks in an uptrend
sell stocks in a downtrend

remember say this as soon as you wake up every day lol

03-12-2018, 11:09 AM
I've had some big holdings in SPK over the last few years and missed out on it's latest rise over $4 but I wouldn't touch it again unless it went below $3.80.

Brought for the divie so the SP does not concern me.

03-12-2018, 11:19 AM
wish you were still holding couta ? ,

say this too yourself everyday and the reverse for stocks in a downtrend

dont sell stocks in an uptrend
sell stocks in a downtrend

remember say this as soon as you wake up every day lol Lol, when I sold it was in a stagnant trend.PS-I buy and sell in all trends except for my no touchy holdings or if I believe the stock is trading above it's intrinsic value, works for me.

03-12-2018, 11:27 AM
"The trend is your friend till the bend at the end"

Still holding, enjoying the stellar rise, but keeping a very close eye on the SP ...

03-12-2018, 11:30 AM
"The trend is your friend till the bend at the end"

Still holding, enjoying the stellar rise, but keeping a very close eye on the SP ... Way to go if you have been holding since a much lower price otherwise no way IMO.

03-12-2018, 12:20 PM
Sold out on 1st November at $3.99. Put the proceeds in ZEL on the 7 November at $5.30 so I feel I done OK out of that. Will look for the next drop in SPK & then see if it's worth selling ZEL & re-investing back into SPK.

04-12-2018, 09:04 AM
The current price is a joke for a low growth company, on a PE of 20 its priced to grow like a mushroom.Lol

further to your comment , spark move into more sport content is a potential big growth area. sky tv is losing purchasing power which will allow spark over time to pick off more of there good business parts, which eventually im hoping will mean spark will replace sky as the dominant sport provider in nz. only need to look at sky to realise the potential big impact on cashflows such a position gives to the holder of this position.

04-12-2018, 09:16 AM
further to your comment , spark move into more sport content is a potential big growth area. sky tv is losing purchasing power which will allow spark over time to pick off more of there good business parts, which eventually im hoping will mean spark will replace sky as the dominant sport provider in nz. only need to look at sky to realise the potential big impact on cashflows such a position gives to the holder of this position. Time will tell I guess but unless SPK can justify it's current PE going forward I have no interest in the stock, same goes for CNU.

10-12-2018, 03:29 PM
spk in hot demand today , if everyone sell everything else and buys spk lol it be 5 dollars soon

11-12-2018, 02:10 PM
which will allow spark over time to pick off more of there good business parts, which eventually im hoping will mean spark will replace sky as the dominant sport provider in nz. only need to look at sky to realise the potential big impact on cashflows such a position gives to the holder of this position.

Some competition in the market would still serve a useful purpose, otherwise we'll be doomed to repeat the current situation.

12-12-2018, 07:44 AM
Some competition in the market would still serve a useful purpose, otherwise we'll be doomed to repeat the current situation.

in nz theres no such thing as real competition lol anyway i see spark email is fllooding my inbox with spam again happens quite often. thought there new email service was meant to be better than yahoo?

12-12-2018, 08:38 AM
in nz theres no such thing as real competition lol anyway i see spark email is fllooding my inbox with spam again happens quite often. thought there new email service was meant to be better than yahoo?

Interesting as my Xtra email spam has settled a lot.
But for email there absolutely is competition - Xtra is hardly the only kid on the block!

12-12-2018, 08:59 AM
in nz theres no such thing as real competition lol anyway i see spark email is fllooding my inbox with spam again happens quite often. thought there new email service was meant to be better than yahoo?

Well their filter works too well for me.
I have to check my spam, as Grabaseat and the odd other email goes straight there.
Great service.I like the service so much, I brought some SPK shares.!Great investment so far,and the yield is great.

12-12-2018, 12:42 PM
Well their filter works too well for me.
I have to check my spam, as Grabaseat and the odd other email goes straight there.
Great service.I like the service so much, I brought some SPK shares.!Great investment so far,and the yield is great.

percy you be happy to see spk on new highs today in its current upmove.

12-12-2018, 12:53 PM
percy you be happy to see spk on new highs today in its current upmove.

Very pleasantly surprised.GNE and MEL are also very strong. .Lovely divies too.Brought them instead of bonds,so the increase in share prices are an added bonus.

13-12-2018, 11:49 AM
in nz theres no such thing as real competition lol anyway i see spark email is fllooding my inbox with spam again happens quite often. thought there new email service was meant to be better than yahoo?

We have a lot of clients that can't even legitimately email Xtra or Spark business mail addresses without being rejected as spam. That's how SMX (the upstream provider of Spark's anti-spam tech) can claim 99.999% of spam emails are dropped - Just drop everything!

But I digress....

13-12-2018, 11:58 AM
Interesting that this tiny company ($5.4 mill mkt cap)Norwood NOR on ASX has won a contract with Spark.

More info on NOR on ASX Small Disruptive Tech Stocks thread, world voice mail and world WiFi etc.

Norwood wins Contract to Supply Software Technology (https://hotcopper.com.au/threads/4568583/)

13-12-2018, 05:33 PM
Is anybody on here having issues with their xtra emails ? Both my wife and I are locked out and people can' t send us emails. No idea why but do note that I had a huge amount of spam emails yesterday

13-12-2018, 08:21 PM
Is anybody on here having issues with their xtra emails ? Both my wife and I are locked out and people can' t send us emails. No idea why but do note that I had a huge amount of spam emails yesterday

my Xtra email address is working fine.

13-12-2018, 09:51 PM
my Xtra email address is working fine.
same here

Marilyn Munroe
15-12-2018, 12:18 PM
Here is a link to a tech wonk web site which expresses skepticism 5G will be a killer app.

https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/12/14/with_most_punters_unlikely_to_pay_more_for_5g_why_ the_rush/

Boop boop de do

20-12-2018, 03:10 PM
Well, I've been saying for several months that I don't think SPK will stay above $4.00 long-term; so far it's proved me wrong but I've now bitten the bullet and sold half my holding. Happy to be proved wrong, but with an average buy price of around $3.05 I figured I'll take some profit.

I think the upward trend is starting to break, but feel free to leap in and tell me why I'm wrong. :D Finish work tomorrow, off for three weeks and don't fancy sitting on the computer watching it that closely.

20-12-2018, 04:56 PM
my Xtra email address is working fine.

Thought I'd share our experience after both my wife and I lost our emails, i.e. didn't work and when people sent us emails they got a message back saying these email addresses were invalid. We've both had them for about 18-20 years. It turns out they sent us emails advising us they were now going to start charging $5 per month for us having these addresses as we are no longer Spark customers (haven't been for several years). These emails ended up in spam alongside the huge number of others most days. 3 days after sending us the emails and getting no replies, they discontinued our email addresses. It took us 3 days to get hold of them and then another 48 hours to restart the addresses. I have no problem with them charging for us holding our Xtra email addresses but this process is appalling. The huge number of spams also is getting rather annoying.

16-01-2019, 01:19 PM
Like I've always said the big boys are in complete control of this stock at all times, over 15 million shares traded already today, price has moved toward fair value.

16-01-2019, 01:45 PM
Thought I'd share our experience after both my wife and I lost our emails....... but this process is appalling. The huge number of spams also is getting rather annoying.

I guess these days email is a painful customer need with quite complex and ongoing requirements for an ISP and yet it doesnt really provide much opportunity to collect serious revenue or clip any ticket.
I used an Ihug email addy who were taken over by Vodafone (who charged) and then just up and ran from providing the service so after 20 years of having the same email I had to change. It was really time consuming over quite a long period of time!

I think Spark is doing the right thing and doing okay BUT I still cant see how it will easily grow and it is currently priced as if it will grow a lot.

17-01-2019, 01:31 PM
Like I've always said the big boys are in complete control of this stock at all times, over 15 million shares traded already today, price has moved toward fair value.

stay away couta this stocks only for big boys who wanting to drive the price down get it cheap for the div lol

21-01-2019, 08:38 AM
capital group has been selling down there holding , explains the softness in price recently

21-01-2019, 08:38 AM
Like I've always said the big boys are in complete control of this stock at all times, over 15 million shares traded already today, price has moved toward fair value.

Here’s one seller

21-01-2019, 04:23 PM
I wonder if Spark's streaming/content initiatives will be successful.

Disney is doing it tough at the moment and it knows just a tad more about content than Spark (just a tad):


22-01-2019, 03:12 PM
broken down thru 4.05 support

22-01-2019, 03:25 PM
Not surprised ... I said back in September that I thought there's a high probability of this falling back to $3.50.

I sold half my holding just prior to Christmas, watching closely before dumping the rest though.

13-02-2019, 09:58 AM
good buying for when the insto sell down finishes?

20-02-2019, 07:59 AM
looking forward to hear about there sports streaming etc

20-02-2019, 09:38 AM
looking forward to hear about there sports streaming etc
Me too, they have the WRC but no platform to show it as yet, F1 not that far away either, need to get their a into g

20-02-2019, 09:41 AM
Me too, they have the WRC but no platform to show it as yet, F1 not that far away either, need to get their a into g


see skys result was sad , gets worse every yr. think spark has big opp in the future to replace sky and take all that cash flow sky currently has

20-02-2019, 03:44 PM

sky out pricing themselves in the market again $31 sky sports vrs $20 spark sports . spark only need to have a more compelling offer and the wave of people leaving sky to spark will turn into a stampede

20-02-2019, 04:08 PM

sky out pricing themselves in the market again $31 sky sports vrs $20 spark sports . spark only need to have a more compelling offer and the wave of people leaving sky to spark will turn into a stampede

spark have the football. that's all I care about. I am really looking forward to signing up & I think $20 is a very fair price for the average sports consumer - can SPK make it profitable though? first few years might be all about grabbing market share and getting the platform right. might be a long payback period for shareholders.

20-02-2019, 04:26 PM
spark have the football. that's all I care about.
Yeh the AB's!
And for me as well I gotta see the Grand Slams.

21-02-2019, 04:16 PM
Spk not doing so well. Are people waking up to the fact that the "content game" is expensive?

Ferret was expensive. TiVo was expensive. The little excursion to Australia? Expensive. Light box? Expensive.

Looking forward to finding out how much the WRC will cost along with Spark Sport. I imagine it will be...expensive.

21-02-2019, 07:07 PM
Spk not doing so well. Are people waking up to the fact that the "content game" is expensive?

Ferret was expensive. TiVo was expensive. The little excursion to Australia? Expensive. Light box? Expensive.

Looking forward to finding out how much the WRC will cost along with Spark Sport. I imagine it will be...expensive. Market is just rerating it according to its result which was only just okay plus a lot of overseas big boys trimming their holdings currently. Disc-Im back in and looking to keep adding now it's heading back down toward my fair value estimate.

21-02-2019, 07:39 PM
i brought some more on the close divee very nice

22-02-2019, 04:40 PM
i brought some more on the close divee very nice

Decided recently it was time to buy some of these wonderful divee shares (MEL, CEN, GNE and now SPK) that everyone talks about as part of the Bears maturing defensive approach to investing :D. Well so far I am down the gurgler with this one and the divee wont cover my loss. :( And yes I know its only a paper loss, but I dont think these divee shares are for me. I think I should have done me a Couta and bought more ATM! :)

22-02-2019, 04:52 PM
Decided recently it was time to buy some of these wonderful divee shares (MEL, CEN, GNE and now SPK) that everyone talks about as part of the Bears maturing defensive approach to investing :D. Well so far I am down the gurgler with this one and the divee wont cover my loss. :( And yes I know its only a paper loss, but I dont think these divee shares are for me. I think I should have done me a Couta and bought more ATM! :)

as part of my diversified portfolio i want income and top it up with trading gains. spark with a2 fits the bill lol anyway im expecting 5g in the future to be a positive earner for spark

22-02-2019, 05:20 PM
Decided recently it was time to buy some of these wonderful divee shares (MEL, CEN, GNE and now SPK) that everyone talks about as part of the Bears maturing defensive approach to investing :D. Well so far I am down the gurgler with this one and the divee wont cover my loss. :( And yes I know its only a paper loss, but I dont think these divee shares are for me. I think I should have done me a Couta and bought more ATM! :) Dont worry young bear, $3.70 looks to be a good support level and once the big boys take their foot off the sell pedal it should come back up to the $4 level, just do a Couta and average down if you want a lower price. PS- My milk bathtub is now at a very low level, only enough for a bit of a body splash till I see where its heading.

22-02-2019, 05:31 PM
Dont worry young bear, $3.70 looks to be a good support level and once the big boys take their foot off the sell pedal it should come back up to the $4 level, just do a Couta and average down if you want a lower price. PS- My milk bathtub is now at a very low level, only enough for a bit of a body splash till I see where its heading.

Did a wee Couta today at $3.73 ;)

22-02-2019, 07:26 PM
Decided recently it was time to buy some of these wonderful divee shares (MEL, CEN, GNE and now SPK) that everyone talks about as part of the Bears maturing defensive approach to investing :D. Well so far I am down the gurgler with this one and the divee wont cover my loss. :( And yes I know its only a paper loss, but I dont think these divee shares are for me. I think I should have done me a Couta and bought more ATM! :)

No worries mr Bear. In my 8 years of investing with SPK (TEL back in the day), every time the price goes down alot, it'll always come back up eventually. Could be several months. The times I have averaged down, it's been painful watching the price keep heading lower, but it's never failed to go back up and pay a nice big dividend!!!

22-02-2019, 09:44 PM
No worries mr Bear. In my 8 years of investing with SPK (TEL back in the day), every time the price goes down alot, it'll always come back up eventually. Could be several months. The times I have averaged down, it's been painful watching the price keep heading lower, but it's never failed to go back up and pay a nice big dividend!!!

Thanks JayRiggs, thats reassuring, i was beginning to think maturity was over rated :D

25-02-2019, 10:03 AM
nice bounce on the open today

25-02-2019, 05:08 PM
nice bounce on the open today Didnt last long once the big boys came out to play, big day with 11 million shares crossing.

25-02-2019, 05:25 PM
Didnt last long once the big boys came out to play, big day with 11 million shares crossing.

Are these being shorted Couta? Dont really understand the swings with this one :confused:

25-02-2019, 05:47 PM
Are these being shorted Couta? Dont really understand the swings with this one :confused: Think of it more of a very large call account where the big boys park their money for a while.

26-02-2019, 01:12 PM
as part of my diversified portfolio i want income and top it up with trading gains. spark with a2 fits the bill lol anyway im expecting 5g in the future to be a positive earner for spark

Why do you think 5g will be a positive earner for Spark? I've talked about it why it possibly won't be previously (in fact it has an enormous potential to destroy shareholder wealth), just wondering what your perspective is?

26-02-2019, 02:12 PM
Looks as though the big boys are back for post-lunch fun and games...

26-02-2019, 02:12 PM
Why do you think 5g will be a positive earner for Spark? I've talked about it why it possibly won't be previously (in fact it has an enormous potential to destroy shareholder wealth), just wondering what your perspective is?

maybe able to charge a premium if you want 5g on your ph also all the upgrades to new devices also fixed wireless will save them money by converting people over from fibre broadband. be plenty of other opps to scale businesses into the cloud with 5g and even ones we dont even know yet. im picking spark will be the dominant telco in nz and the dominant provider of sport content esp over 5g networks

im buying on the way down 7% yield for div is too juicy

26-02-2019, 03:02 PM
Ok thanks for your response.

28-02-2019, 11:42 AM
spark on the move back up , panic sellers finished?

02-03-2019, 06:19 AM
Treaty claim looms as new stumbling block for Spark's 5G ambitionshttps://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12208669

i dont get how maori own radio signals? does that mean they own the air? anyway dont really see how this prevents spark buying there share of the spectrum

02-03-2019, 09:37 AM
Treaty claim looms as new stumbling block for Spark's 5G ambitions


i dont get how maori own radio signals? does that mean they own the air? anyway dont really see how this prevents spark buying there share of the spectrum
I'm with you on this, not sure how they own it/entitled to anything either

04-03-2019, 02:15 PM
spark might be breaking out to the updside

04-03-2019, 02:25 PM
spark might be breaking out to the updside Low volume so Big boys having a break so a very big might.

04-03-2019, 02:26 PM
Low volume so Big boys having a break so a very big might.

im following it in aus and 3.60 was big resistance

04-03-2019, 02:34 PM
im following it in aus and 3.60 was big resistance Will be a very interesting watch as there is an index rebalance the day after it goes ex divvy, these rebalance haven't always been kind to SPK, potential for it to go below $3.60NZ.

04-03-2019, 02:37 PM
Will be a very interesting watch as there is an index rebalance the day after it goes ex divvy, these rebalance haven't always been kind to SPK, potential for it to go below $3.60NZ.

plenty of funds like to buy before div too

04-03-2019, 02:44 PM
plenty of funds like to buy before div too Too tough to call with that index rebalance so close to the ex date, I'm covering both bases by having powder dry for rebalance day as well as holding a good number for the divvy.

04-03-2019, 03:15 PM
From a divvy perspective I'm considering flicking off my SPK shares and buying AIR instead ... on current SP the divvy return from AIR is considerably better than SPK.

04-03-2019, 04:46 PM
From a divvy perspective I'm considering flicking off my SPK shares and buying AIR instead ... on current SP the divvy return from AIR is considerably better than SPK.

Bought some more AIR today. Happy to back my own judgment and not worried by other nervous nellies in that thread that think its going lower.

05-03-2019, 04:04 PM
Low volume so Big boys having a break so a very big might. As I was saying yesterday bull, the big boys having a break but are back in town today.Lol

05-03-2019, 04:54 PM
that resistance was tough , sold my trading portion for square . watching for re entry .... but retain my lovely div shares

06-03-2019, 03:43 PM
spark moving up , big potential for spk when skt goes bust. by my calc's 1m mobile subscribers say they get 500k at $20/mth of these thats 10m a mth and 120m a year. how about they double that 240m a yr in revenue woopie now we are starting to see the potential and dont forget the 1 off big events lets add another 100m lol or maybe 200m just to be safe

07-03-2019, 10:05 AM
encouraging open above the 3.75 resistance , see if it holds

07-03-2019, 12:11 PM
getting lift off run up into the div?

07-03-2019, 12:15 PM
getting lift off run up into the div? Low volume so only if big boys stay away.

07-03-2019, 12:21 PM
Low volume so only if big boys stay away.

big people selling and big people buying last week or so if you look at the volumes

07-03-2019, 07:59 PM

Another article about the folly of 5g.

In my view, there won't be significant 5g coverage in NZ for many years (if ever) and returns will be razor thin (if any). Time will tell.

I'm back in Spark at early $3.70s.

Oh and fibre will always be the superior product - Spark knows this of course. Wireless in any form will never come close.

07-03-2019, 09:23 PM
Your so wrong, except for the bit about buying SPK.
PS the article gets it wrong. Mobile phones are not the target for 5g, but will provide plenty of
revenue. If need VR on your ride to work, you can have it for $$$$
PSS embrace disruption: 5g makes fibre redundant, like wifi did to ethernet cables.

Takes a while for people to understand, maybe longer for those who shoot from the lip apparently without having any knowledge or understanding of what they prognosticate on. Give it time, people will eventually understand the enormity of wireless connections of all devices and appliances. Early days yet, Spark see and understand the future and their role in bringing the future into the now. Give it time.

07-03-2019, 10:08 PM
Takes a while for people to understand, maybe longer for those who shoot from the lip apparently without having any knowledge or understanding of what they prognosticate on. Give it time, people will eventually understand the enormity of wireless connections of all devices and appliances. Early days yet, Spark see and understand the future and their role in bringing the future into the now. Give it time.

Don't be rude - seriously, it's just unnecessary. I'm basing my comments on what I've picked up in numerous articles but, of course, not being a telecoms guy my knowledge and understanding will always be limited.

There are plenty of people questioning whether 5g is necessary and a good investment. I've raised these issues before and provided links.

Anyway enough of this nonsense - I'm rage quitting this Forum.

07-03-2019, 10:29 PM
Don't be rude - seriously, it's just unnecessary. I'm basing my comments on what I've picked up in numerous articles but, of course, not being a telecoms guy my knowledge and understanding will always be limited.

There are plenty of people questioning whether 5g is necessary and a good investment. I've raised these issues before and provided links.

Anyway enough of this nonsense - I'm rage quitting this Forum.

As you wish, no offence intended. You just lost us when you mentioned 'Apps', like 5G has something fundamentally or intrinsically solely linked to mobile device applications, it doesn't.

5G is about mind blowingly fast interconnectivity of all digital and many (currently) analogue devices over a wireless connection. It super-sizes existing capabilities and enables new capabilities not even thought about yet. Sometimes it's better to be silent on a discussion and let it unfold, maybe learn something, use it as a prompt for learning rather than ... "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"

Maybe I spoke and removed all doubt, but with deep insights into the digital future, I doubt it. SPK are laying the foundations for that future. I admire their pluck and courage, it's really only a matter of their timing, whether they're late, on time, or too early. As an investor, these are the questions I am more interested in understanding. The pathway, is sound.

08-03-2019, 09:32 AM
2 degrees exploring spark sport


08-03-2019, 09:52 AM
before we even have 5g nokia say they are researching 6g


wonder if in the future wireless becomes the primary network and wired the accessory.?

hey bob spark will save heaps of money in the future because 5g will lower the fixed cost of getting new customer , also wont the roll out of cells be small cells instead of the big cell thay have now further reducing the cost of 5g. also the potential to premium charge for 5g at launch. the business case is compelling thats why spark is in a hurry. 5g will equal foot it with hard wire as far as consistancy goes and data availability

08-03-2019, 10:01 AM
hey bob spark will save heaps of money in the future because 5g will lower the fixed cost of getting new customer , also wont the roll out of cells be small cells instead of the big cell thay have now further reducing the cost of 5g.

But they will need LOTS of those small cells because they are very localised. And each cell still needs to connect back in to the network.

08-03-2019, 10:04 AM
But they will need LOTS of those small cells because they are very localised. And each cell still needs to connect back in to the network.

wont they integrate the 5g in with the existing 4g network? and agree they will need to have a large dense small cell 5g network to give them a advantage over chorus

08-03-2019, 11:11 AM
wont they integrate the 5g in with the existing 4g network? and agree they will need to have a large dense small cell 5g network to give them a advantage over chorus

They'll add it to the 4G sites where it suits and add a whole heap more - they all cost money and won't be cheap.

08-03-2019, 04:40 PM
I see that Vodafone UK will loose hundreds of millions (GBPounds) if they have to pull all the Huawei gear out of their network. Have SPK integrated any Huawei kit yet do we know?

13-03-2019, 08:55 PM
Well so much for me thinking the sp would rise with the divi just around the corner. Gonna be down the gurgler with this one for a while I think, stinker! :(

13-03-2019, 11:47 PM
surely though, they (telcoms) wont have to pull equipment out. This process of vetting equipment didnt just start last week they've been doing that for years so would it be too much to assume that no retroactive ruling could apply. Well of course anything could happen but it shouldnt!

14-03-2019, 08:27 AM
surely though, they (telcoms) wont have to pull equipment out. This process of vetting equipment didnt just start last week they've been doing that for years so would it be too much to assume that no retroactive ruling could apply. Well of course anything could happen but it shouldnt!

The vetting is project by project. The denial for the use of Huawei gear is for the 5G proposal only - not Huawei across the board.
Telcos don't have to discuss anything with GCSB about existing installations - the obligation is only for changes.

14-03-2019, 09:01 AM
Is spark still showing the Australian Grand Prix this weekend

14-03-2019, 09:07 AM
Is spark still showing the Australian Grand Prix this weekend

im signed up , just waiting for the details , supposed to be friday. might get a bounce in spark shares monday if it works a treat

14-03-2019, 09:07 AM
Is spark still showing the Australian Grand Prix this weekend

Yes! And it will be live on Duke as well in case the streaming technology falls over. It will be a big test for them for sure.

14-03-2019, 10:54 AM
Talk about leave to last minute, suppose nothing to watch as yet!
Except they have had the WRC as well and not seen that yet, highlights were Duke?? for the previous event but I could not find it for the one that finished last weekend.
3 WRC events gone and no way to see it on their app that does not exist.... yet
Think they could have tested it with the WRC.
One wonders if they were deliberately trying to knock Sky down and then take them over?

Been in and out in recent times, in at present and about even to positive with the dividend as at time of writing

14-03-2019, 11:14 AM
Talk about leave to last minute, suppose nothing to watch as yet!
Except they have had the WRC as well and not seen that yet, highlights were Duke?? for the previous event but I could not find it for the one that finished last weekend.
3 WRC events gone and no way to see it on their app that does not exist.... yet
Think they could have tested it with the WRC.
One wonders if they were deliberately trying to knock Sky down and then take them over?

Been in and out in recent times, in at present and about even to positive with the dividend as at time of writing

hope your right and they tested it before going live this weekend otherwise mon could be a heads you win tails you lose senario

14-03-2019, 11:16 AM
just checking my email and i see spark sport is live im all go for testing it ..... cant wait

14-03-2019, 11:23 AM
okay im watching nz vrs china womens hockey a little bit of buffering ( im not sure if its live or a replay i think its a replay) anyway the buffering could be because of the huge trading platform i have running which hogs 30% of my cpu resources and im also running cnbc at the same time from the platform.

watching rally highlights not bad im pretty sure running my trading platform and 2 streams at once is causing the slight buffering due to much strain on my bandwidth

my cpus running at 40% 2 live streams , 10 google pages open and a platform hogging 20% on a fairly good computer

14-03-2019, 12:12 PM
Talk about leave to last minute, suppose nothing to watch as yet!
Except they have had the WRC as well and not seen that yet, highlights were Duke?? for the previous event but I could not find it for the one that finished last weekend.
3 WRC events gone and no way to see it on their app that does not exist.... yet
Think they could have tested it with the WRC.
One wonders if they were deliberately trying to knock Sky down and then take them over?

Been in and out in recent times, in at present and about even to positive with the dividend as at time of writing

Remember this is about the Rugby World Cup so anything now is towards that journey - not last minute.

14-03-2019, 02:01 PM
big volume on spark

14-03-2019, 02:28 PM
big volume on spark

Index rebalancing

15-03-2019, 01:28 PM
aussie gp practice about to stream

15-03-2019, 01:40 PM
aussie gp practice about to stream

Quick to load and streaming full quality no probs. 3 minutes in and fully stable so far, which is more than I can say from my experiences with Fanpass.
Been watching WRC highlights all day as well

15-03-2019, 02:01 PM
Quick to load and streaming full quality no probs. 3 minutes in and fully stable so far, which is more than I can say from my experiences with Fanpass.
Been watching WRC highlights all day as well

And they managed to get the Android app out at launch - a few late nights for that one no doubt

15-03-2019, 02:02 PM
Quick to load and streaming full quality no probs. 3 minutes in and fully stable so far, which is more than I can say from my experiences with Fanpass.
Been watching WRC highlights all day as well

great pic quality , dont you love the sound of those f1 cars. went to the melbourne gp yrs ago well worth the experience.

15-03-2019, 02:14 PM
great pic quality , dont you love the sound of those f1 cars. went to the melbourne gp yrs ago well worth the experience.
Unfortunately I've never had the chance to see them live. Melbourne would be the one to go to though, and see the V8 Supercars at the same time

15-03-2019, 04:11 PM
Presume Sky are showing the V8 races at Melbourne but obviously not the F1 races!

18-03-2019, 10:17 AM
Watched the F1 on Duke channel 23. If that is the same coverage that was available on Spark I won’t be signing up . For long periods of time the coverage was cars 10-14 . Significant things were happening at the front of the race , including in the last 5 laps with Verstappen chasing down Hamilton , didn’t get much airtime .The producer must be in love with Lando Norris featured more airtime than either Mercedes ...,

18-03-2019, 10:25 AM
Watched the F1 on Duke channel 23. If that is the same coverage that was available on Spark I won’t be signing up . For long periods of time the coverage was cars 10-14 . Significant things were happening at the front of the race , including in the last 5 laps with Verstappen chasing down Hamilton , didn’t get much airtime .The producer must be in love with Lando Norris featured more airtime than either Mercedes ...,

i watched on both duke and spark sport and the coverage was way better on spark sport no ads and it was focused mainly on the leading bunch as it should.

didnt have any issues with the stream although there seemed to be a slight delay between what you saw on the tv compared to the stream guess thats to do with radio waves being quicker than data streams?

18-03-2019, 10:33 AM
Watched the F1 on Duke channel 23. If that is the same coverage that was available on Spark I won’t be signing up . For long periods of time the coverage was cars 10-14 . Significant things were happening at the front of the race , including in the last 5 laps with Verstappen chasing down Hamilton , didn’t get much airtime .The producer must be in love with Lando Norris featured more airtime than either Mercedes ...,

i should have mentioned to you spark sport was foucused on the top bunch but mainly on verstappen as he looked likely to challenge for lead as he was clocking fastest laps at one stage

18-03-2019, 12:01 PM
Wife would not let me near the Telly.We only have one TV in our new house and its SKY.
Watched on my computer,via TV on demand..Excellent.
Don't know what I will do for the next race.
Great seeing Bottas perform.
Can't figure out why the Ferraris were slow.
Surprised at the Honda engine's performace.About time.
Makes things interesting.
Just need a bit more grunt from the Renaults.

18-03-2019, 01:05 PM
I would have thought it was the same coverage, both coming from the British SkyF1 coverage. Recorded it on Duke, both Qualifying and the Race, but also checked out the website coverage by chrome casting it to the TV. seemed to all work well, also watched the WRC highlights that way.
Yes was a bit annoying with the adds on Duke. At least they were not as long as usual. 2nd race may not be on Duke - I read this morning - Spark head of Sport still to make the decision.

Big gap back to Hamilton though Percy as well.

I can see a few mishaps happening to some when trying to get the extra point for fastest lap... "I'm going go for the extra point... oops sorry guys.." :)

26-03-2019, 09:16 PM
Haven’t heard from craic for nearly six months

Hope nothing has happened to him and he’s all ok and still collecting those spark dividends

26-03-2019, 10:17 PM
Haven’t heard from craic for nearly six months

Slow internet?

26-03-2019, 10:18 PM
Slow internet?

Fast Chainsaw.?

27-03-2019, 03:16 PM
rocking back above the ex div price now looking strong

27-03-2019, 09:11 PM
Haven’t heard from craic for nearly six months

Hope nothing has happened to him and he’s all ok and still collecting those spark dividends

Didn't Craic have a son working in London or something? Maybe he and his wife are having a grand world trip touring around the UK and Europe, while catching up with the whanau? If so, good on him for taking a break from this share trading stuff.

I always thought that if I had to nominate the most sensible poster on sharetrader, Craic would be near the top of the list. Maybe that reputation was slightly tarnished when he retreated to trading in and out of Spark only. But hey, it worked for him. A question of having only one egg in the basket but watching it very closely. Go well Craic, wherever you be. I wish I was as 'on the ball' with my own Spark shares as you are!


27-03-2019, 11:57 PM
Hear hear. Hope you've put that chainsaw away craic (after one more tree) and are enjoying the things that count, having a flutter and visiting your successful children for two ,and having a snifter of your own whisky.:)

28-03-2019, 08:31 AM
notice the biggesst chair leader of spark has gone too ... major von t

30-03-2019, 08:54 AM
I’ve heard on the grapevine craic is fine and still out chopping up the firewood

That’s cool ....was getting a bit worried about him

31-03-2019, 07:23 PM
A bit of an oops with the F1 qualifying this morning, trying to watch after breakfast (not live) got an error then it had vanished of the site/app, nothing on the home page/F1 page to say anything.
Until you went to go to the live chat then it had a message.
Something about a issue with their platfrom provider they tweeted later.
Will see how the live run goes tomorrow morning, watched the first one on Duke live

01-04-2019, 09:13 AM
Race streamed without any problems, good race it was too, though at 4:00am not many around my way up using the internet I would think.
The next one being China will be at a more respectable hour around 6 or 7 pm I think. May be 1 or 2 others using the internet then:)

01-04-2019, 10:56 AM
Race streamed without any problems, good race it was too, though at 4:00am not many around my way up using the internet I would think.
The next one being China will be at a more respectable hour around 6 or 7 pm I think. May be 1 or 2 others using the internet then:)

yes no problems.

I have to agree with these comments in regard to lightbox concentrate on the sports market

I'd suggest Spark go one further and offload Lightbox altogether.
It's impossible to compete with the likes of Netflix and Amazon's Prime Video in an entertainment market that's going global. Competing against Sky TV in sport - especially local sport - will be tough but doable.


03-04-2019, 08:43 AM
Simon Moutter resigning as from 1 July 2019


03-04-2019, 08:53 AM
Simon Moutter resigning as from 1 July 2019


...and good to see Jolie taking over ...she’ll be a good leader

03-04-2019, 08:56 AM
Simon Moutter resigning as from 1 July 2019


Is there something about the RWC tie up that we do not know about, is Simon protection his reputation by getting out now ?

03-04-2019, 10:24 AM
Market not like.

03-04-2019, 11:10 AM
Simon Moutter resigning as from 1 July 2019


disappointing he was doing a good job , will we ever really know why?

03-04-2019, 11:30 AM
One of the possibilities to my mind that could be relevant is the Huawei ban.

Edit: OR, the fact that Huawei were well exposed as shonky in that UK report (not espionage shonky - just lazy bad vulnerable code shonky)

03-04-2019, 11:41 AM
Moutter is resigning, so be it. We will have to trust the judgement of the board on his replacement. If they back her like they did Moutter she could be OK in the long term.

03-04-2019, 12:16 PM
One of the possibilities to my mind that could be relevant is the Huawei ban.

Edit: OR, the fact that Huawei were well exposed as shonky in that UK report (not espionage shonky - just lazy bad vulnerable code shonky)

shock resignation is not a transition is it

lets speculate too - as you said or board doesnt believe in moutters strategy anymore or he wants out before the rugby world cup or he unwell or hes had enough of the bs or .....

03-04-2019, 12:24 PM
shock resignation is not a transition is it

lets speculate too - as you said or board doesnt believe in moutters strategy anymore or he wants out before the rugby world cup or he unwell or hes had enough of the bs or .....

Shock resignation?
"Ms Smyth said when Mr Moutter became Managing Director in August 2012, he had done so in the expectation of a likely five- to seven-year tenure. "
They had a succession plan and enacted it.

03-04-2019, 01:09 PM
Shock resignation?
"Ms Smyth said when Mr Moutter became Managing Director in August 2012, he had done so in the expectation of a likely five- to seven-year tenure. "
They had a succession plan and enacted it.

yea but there was no hint given , normally when a transition is too take place the market is fore warned

03-04-2019, 01:12 PM
yea but there was no hint given , normally when a transition is too take place the market is fore warned

If it was a shock to the Board they might not have received 3 month's notice and certainly wouldn't have announced the new appointment on the same day as the resignation.

03-04-2019, 02:10 PM
i decided to sell all my holding , invested to fellow mouter which proved well rewarded. might come back in time once see how company goes now

03-04-2019, 06:32 PM
Not really unexpected as we're betting that when he came on board then, he will be staying for just 5 years. He lasted 7 yrs and all those years was just to let the bottom figure shine by reducing staff almost every 6 months so those on the top can collect their bonuses.

disc: took the company to mediation when I was made redundant and I was happy with the result :t_up:

04-04-2019, 07:53 AM
Not really unexpected as we're betting that when he came on board then, he will be staying for just 5 years. He lasted 7 yrs and all those years was just to let the bottom figure shine by reducing staff almost every 6 months so those on the top can collect their bonuses.

disc: took the company to mediation when I was made redundant and I was happy with the result :t_up:

you have to adjust any company to the times even if it means removing staff unfortunately im sure he doesnt enjoy doing it but his job is to ensure the company is fit for purpose.

anyway in my eyes this was a sudden departure not a talked about transition , i have listened in on numerous results calls and never recall hearing moutter say he was leaving soon in any of them. so in my eyes we now have a un proven person in the role of ceo running a big company in a huge year as far as there new strategy goes. considerable risk has been added now to any bad outcomes.

04-04-2019, 08:35 AM
Jolie Hodson has been with Spark for six years, and in that time was CEO of the Spark Digital unit before everything was consolidated, so not entirely unproven. But as you say, big year for Spark so she has a challenge ahead of her.

I hate to say this, but I really hope that Spark, in its big push for diversity over the past couple of years, hasn't chosen Jolie in part because they thought having a female CEO would look good.

Time will tell ...

Disc: Employee, hold a small parcel (sold most off in the past five months)

04-04-2019, 08:42 AM
Jolie Hodson has been with Spark for six years, and in that time was CEO of the Spark Digital unit before everything was consolidated, so not entirely unproven. But as you say, big year for Spark so she has a challenge ahead of her.

I hate to say this, but I really hope that Spark, in its big push for diversity over the past couple of years, hasn't chosen Jolie in part because they thought having a female CEO would look good.

Time will tell ...

Disc: Employee, hold a small parcel (sold most off in the past five months)

big difference between running a unit and running a whole company. spark has outperformed telco peers share price wise for a long time , it would be terrible if this proves the turning point in hindsight of when spark plays catch up.

04-04-2019, 09:01 AM
Jolie Hodson has been with Spark for six years, and in that time was CEO of the Spark Digital unit before everything was consolidated, so not entirely unproven. But as you say, big year for Spark so she has a challenge ahead of her.

I hate to say this, but I really hope that Spark, in its big push for diversity over the past couple of years, hasn't chosen Jolie in part because they thought having a female CEO would look good.

Time will tell ...

Disc: Employee, hold a small parcel (sold most off in the past five months)

Spark got a female Chair as well .....that’s good

05-04-2019, 09:06 AM
im calling 4.25 area as the top now and recent action suggests a downtrend has commenced , next test recent lows around early 3.50s , big pivot area 3.30

05-04-2019, 09:10 AM
I see very good value at current price, yield 6+% and Spark is growing (cf other yield plays on nzx) down trend and momentum is not in our favour though. I'm buying a few at current levels, should return to $4

05-04-2019, 09:21 AM
I see very good value at current price, yield 6+% and Spark is growing (cf other yield plays on nzx) down trend and momentum is not in our favour though. I'm buying a few at current levels, should return to $4

im picking the new ceo will not be as good as moutter , the business will decline slowly and the div will reduce next yr. my assumptions are based on the change of guard

05-04-2019, 09:38 AM
I see very good value at current price, yield 6+% and Spark is growing (cf other yield plays on nzx) down trend and momentum is not in our favour though. I'm buying a few at current levels, should return to $4 Yep a better divvy play than the power companies at current prices and the share is not overvalued like they are.Disc-Buying

05-04-2019, 10:33 AM
im picking the new ceo will not be as good as moutter , the business will decline slowly and the div will reduce next yr. my assumptions are based on the change of guard

I have done a small amount of research - she has a very strong finance background, always good to have someone who "knows there numbers". I'm quietly confident.

05-04-2019, 10:47 AM
I have done a small amount of research - she has a very strong finance background, always good to have someone who "knows there numbers". I'm quietly confident.

yep bean counter , doesnt mean there good at managing such a huge business. look at telstra. penn was a cfo like the current spark appointed and precided over a massive loss in s/h wealth since his appointment. who knows if the same will happen at spark we will only know in hindsight but it adds risk to any investment because the person is unproven esp in a very challenging industry. i will be the first to congratulate if she succeeds but thats for a future date to decide

10-04-2019, 02:35 PM
southern cross building new cable will mean no div to spark , i think moutter say if they do this could shave 1c of div?

10-04-2019, 02:57 PM
southern cross building new cable will mean no div to spark , i think moutter say if they do this could shave 1c of div?

I recall from the HY result conference call during QA, either Moutter or the CFO said they will still pay a 12.5c dividend, even if they don't get paid the Southern Cross dividend.

Marilyn Munroe
11-04-2019, 02:40 AM
While predicting the future is difficult I am unsure given the high penetration of fiber to the premises in New Zealand whether 5G will produce the sunlit uplands Spark are hoping for.

Boop boop de do

11-04-2019, 03:16 PM
I recall from the HY result conference call during QA, either Moutter or the CFO said they will still pay a 12.5c dividend, even if they don't get paid the Southern Cross dividend.

yea i think say safe this yr , next yr the special div may not be repeated

26-04-2019, 08:33 AM
Technical problems strike Spark Sport again, Black Sticks coverage affected

bit of a worry so soon after the other f1 issue

26-04-2019, 08:42 AM
Technical problems strike Spark Sport again, Black Sticks coverage affected

bit of a worry so soon after the other f1 issue

Just fine tuning things ...no worries

26-04-2019, 08:43 AM
Technical problems strike Spark Sport again, Black Sticks coverage affected

bit of a worry so soon after the other f1 issue

If it all turns to custard whats the cost to Spark?

Sideshow Bob
26-04-2019, 10:38 AM
Just fine tuning things ...no worries

Yeah because millions would have tuned in for the Black Sticks......

29-04-2019, 09:56 AM
how did the f1 coverage go last night

29-04-2019, 10:51 AM
Mine was fine, though could not get it to cast to my TV from either the PC or my phone, so watched it on the PC instead - Not sure if it was me???
Earlier on Sunday, watched the qualifying by casting to the TV without problem (not live)

Some had issues so it seems - missing part of the grand prix - https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12225999

29-04-2019, 11:30 AM
the all black tests could be a black swan event for the stock price if there are problems

29-04-2019, 11:33 AM
the all black tests could be a black swan event for the stock price if there are problems Lol you mean a panic driven buying opportunity.

29-04-2019, 01:21 PM
Mine was fine, though could not get it to cast to my TV from either the PC or my phone, so watched it on the PC instead - Not sure if it was me???
Earlier on Sunday, watched the qualifying by casting to the TV without problem (not live)

Some had issues so it seems - missing part of the grand prix - https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12225999

I'm trialling SparkSport as I'm quite enthusiastic about being able to stream the RWC.
I watched the F1 this morning on replay. Must admit I was impressed. Streamed really well, iPhone -> Apple TV -> Smart TV. Have not watched anything much live as yet....was disappointed that in spite of having the US Basketball, they didn't have access to OCT and Steve Adams.

We live in a oldish coastal subdivision, the local Chorus Box is hooked to local town using Fibre, but then copper to the houses. So VDSL. Seems to work a treat, my wife and I can be streaming different things with no obvious performance degradation.

Quietly optimistic that the RWC will be a success for them.


29-04-2019, 01:29 PM
Don't know if my issue was just me or a spark issue, watched the previous GP live cast to my TV (with built in chrome cast) without problems

Would start it either on my phone or PC then cast it the TV - would come up Spark Sport casting on the TV then nothing but a blank screen- as soon as I stop casting, the stream returns to the phone or PC without problems.
As I said gave up trying as the GP was about to start so I watched on the PC screen (24")

29-04-2019, 01:59 PM
Spark have been pretty responsive to any questions I've had for them.
They might be able to assist.
I'd be interested in what they have to say.....I've had no issues with iPhone / Apple TV / TV system. But have not watched much live as yet.
Looking at the times live events are mostly on....I can see why I haven't watched anything much live.
Will perhaps try one of the hockey games...5th May.

29-04-2019, 10:19 PM
I have just "live" chatted with them. Did not really answer my question, but said to start the GP at 43 minutes and what do you know it worked. "She" went on to say they had no issues with the live stream except for a loss of sound at some stage this morning, even though i said i had the same issue (not casting) while trying to watch it live. They added it was a temporary issue and it was being worked on "as we speak"

I tried to cast a random website/tab from the PC and it was fine, so definitely their issue, not me - yay for that at least! (I could not get the replay of the WRC day 1 & 2 highlights to cast either earlier tonight).

I prefer to watch the F1 GPs live (actual race) so then it is not spoiled if I hear the news/sports news etc and I get to watch it in peace and quiet and no interruptions, being getting up in the middle of the night for some years now to watch, going all the way back to TV1 having it live I think(before Sky was invented!)

30-04-2019, 08:03 AM
Thanks for update....interesting that its a casting (Android) issue and that Apple is working ok. I'm sure they will sort it quickly.
I get up in the morning without turning on radio's / phones etc and watch it without knowing the result. To late for me to watch live ! Very pleasant first few hours of the day !

30-04-2019, 08:21 AM
Wouldn't cast from my IPhone either.
For the ones around Midnight/1:00am or even the 3am approx. ones I don't stay up, I go to bed a bit earlier and set the alarm to wake up at the appropriate time, seems to work for me OK, otherwise I'd fall asleep watching it!
Only once I fell asleep and missed the start and first lap - lucky I could just rewind the sky decoder and back in business!

30-04-2019, 08:41 AM
Wouldn't cast from my IPhone either.
For the ones around Midnight/1:00am or even the 3am approx. ones I don't stay up, I go to bed a bit earlier and set the alarm to wake up at the appropriate time, seems to work for me OK, otherwise I'd fall asleep watching it!
Only once I fell asleep and missed the start and first lap - lucky I could just rewind the sky decoder and back in business!

No...I can't "cast" from my iPhone either. iPhone -> Apple TV -> TV is what worked for me.

30-04-2019, 10:47 AM
Sorry I meant to say wouldn't cast from the SparkSport app which has built in casting, on my iPhone - worked previously until my issues yesterday

Just noticed there is an update to the App as well today - here's hoping!

01-05-2019, 07:14 AM
for the last 6 mths my router modem which is a Huawei HG659b has lost its internet connection like clock work once a day. after having it replaced twice from spark it still does it so im baffled?

the internet says it could be these reasons

If all devices on your network have the same problem with the Internet, it is likely an issue with the cable or DSLmodem, network router, or ISP. If only one computer is disconnecting and reconnecting, it's likely a problem with the computer.

so ive replaced the parts and spark says it not them ( do they have a program that causes them to switch off automatically to flush them?) but still no joy ?

now a article today from vodaphone saying there are hidden backdoors in home router/modems from huawei which allow them to access your home computers, could this be the reason?

Vodafone asked Huawei to remove backdoors in home internet routers in 2011 and received assurances from the supplier that the issues were fixed, but further testing revealed that the security vulnerabilities remained

In Vodafone’s case, the risks included possible third-party access to a customer's personal computer and home network, according to the internal documents.


01-05-2019, 08:22 AM
for the last 6 mths my router modem which is a Huawei HG659b has lost its internet connection like clock work once a day. after having it replaced twice from spark it still does it so im baffled?

the internet says it could be these reasons

If all devices on your network have the same problem with the Internet, it is likely an issue with the cable or DSLmodem, network router, or ISP. If only one computer is disconnecting and reconnecting, it's likely a problem with the computer.

so ive replaced the parts and spark says it not them ( do they have a program that causes them to switch off automatically to flush them?) but still no joy ?

now a article today from vodaphone saying there are hidden backdoors in home router/modems from huawei which allow them to access your home computers, could this be the reason?

Vodafone asked Huawei to remove backdoors in home internet routers in 2011 and received assurances from the supplier that the issues were fixed, but further testing revealed that the security vulnerabilities remained

In Vodafone’s case, the risks included possible third-party access to a customer's personal computer and home network, according to the internal documents.


FWIW….my modem is HG659 on Skinny.
I have no problems....so far.

01-05-2019, 08:29 AM
No problems with mine either (a Huawei from Spark) - just one PC drops it wifi connection, seems to be every other day or so - have not looked into it yet , must do that.

Though in saying that, occasionally it seems to slows down (the router/modem) and I just turn it off and turn it on again and away we go - maybe once every couple or so months

02-05-2019, 11:35 AM
Speculation Sky Television may take on Spark by entering broadband markethttps://www.stuff.co.nz/business/112399353/speculation-sky-television-may-take-on-spark-by-entering-broadband-market

makes sense for a dying business to go on the offensive

02-05-2019, 12:51 PM
Speculation Sky Television may take on Spark by entering broadband markethttps://www.stuff.co.nz/business/112399353/speculation-sky-television-may-take-on-spark-by-entering-broadband-market

makes sense for a dying business to go on the offensive

So from the link...

"Spark is estimated by one industry source to have spent about $30 million to $40m buying sports rights for its Spark Sport service, including the Rugby World Cup. "
Back calculating to users...
At 75,000 users for 20 weeks paying $20/wk one would recover $30,000,000
And 100m 000 users for 20 weeks to recover 40Mil
If I have my figures right....and I know there are other costs to be accounted for, it feels like it will be quite possible for them to make a dollar. I for one will be in. Especially for RWC.

02-05-2019, 01:04 PM
So from the link...

"Spark is estimated by one industry source to have spent about $30 million to $40m buying sports rights for its Spark Sport service, including the Rugby World Cup. "
Back calculating to users...
At 75,000 users for 20 weeks paying $20/wk one would recover $30,000,000
And 100m 000 users for 20 weeks to recover 40Mil
If I have my figures right....and I know there are other costs to be accounted for, it feels like it will be quite possible for them to make a dollar. I for one will be in. Especially for RWC.

Isnt it $20 a month?

02-05-2019, 01:45 PM
Isnt it $20 a month?

Not for the RWC, but yes for the current sports offering mcdongle

02-05-2019, 02:11 PM
Isnt it $20 a month?

Details details.....thx, yes, that will make it a bit harder.
Multiply the subscribers by 4.
I’ll re-work it later.
PS...even so....seems within reach in a country of 4.5 mil people.

02-05-2019, 04:55 PM
for the last 6 mths my router modem which is a Huawei HG659b has lost its internet connection like clock work once a day. after having it replaced twice from spark it still does it so im baffled?

the internet says it could be these reasons

If all devices on your network have the same problem with the Internet, it is likely an issue with the cable or DSLmodem, network router, or ISP. If only one computer is disconnecting and reconnecting, it's likely a problem with the computer.

so ive replaced the parts and spark says it not them ( do they have a program that causes them to switch off automatically to flush them?) but still no joy ?

now a article today from vodaphone saying there are hidden backdoors in home router/modems from huawei which allow them to access your home computers, could this be the reason?

Vodafone asked Huawei to remove backdoors in home internet routers in 2011 and received assurances from the supplier that the issues were fixed, but further testing revealed that the security vulnerabilities remained

In Vodafone’s case, the risks included possible third-party access to a customer's personal computer and home network, according to the internal documents.


Are you seriously thinking China has an interest in you? lol well unless you are Bull.... James Bull....

re the router have a look at the logs and see if there is anything of interest. Gotta start with the simple tools that are available. If you're not up to logging onto your router you might need assistance. Is there anything interesting going on in your network such as monitored alarm or online surveillance cameras?

02-05-2019, 05:30 PM
Are you seriously thinking China has an interest in you? lol well unless you are Bull.... James Bull....

re the router have a look at the logs and see if there is anything of interest. Gotta start with the simple tools that are available. If you're not up to logging onto your router you might need assistance. Is there anything interesting going on in your network such as monitored alarm or online surveillance cameras?

they might be after the amazing bull.... trading system lol anyway i check logs ta

17-05-2019, 04:29 AM
The White House’s campaign could disrupt 5G rollouts globally


Guess spark wont be rolling out 5g next yr.

17-05-2019, 08:18 AM
The White House’s campaign could disrupt 5G rollouts globally


Guess spark wont be rolling out 5g next yr.

Spark advised in February this year that it could roll out 5G without Huawei


17-05-2019, 02:16 PM
Spark advised in February this year that it could roll out 5G without Huawei


be surprised if they were first out of the block now, other countries may slow down there 5g ambitions to see what happens with huewai.
See wilbur ross says it not to do with trade war the ban on huewai but security.

17-05-2019, 02:35 PM
It's not just a concern of the country of origin of the Huawei network equipment, but also that the gear is seemingly rubbish.


17-05-2019, 02:40 PM
It's not just a concern of the country of origin of the Huawei network equipment, but also that the gear is seemingly rubbish.


my router crappy huewai stuff on my third one from spark. anyway if wilbur says its security reason then i guess huewai is history

17-05-2019, 03:26 PM
be surprised if they were first out of the block now, other countries may slow down there 5g ambitions to see what happens with huewai.
See wilbur ross says it not to do with trade war the ban on huewai but security.
I don't think the 5G deployments will slow down Bull and my guess is that most telcos will have already abandoned any notion of having Huawei as part of their 5G network and likely to have gone with Ericsson or Nokia.

22-05-2019, 06:10 AM
I don't think the 5G deployments will slow down Bull and my guess is that most telcos will have already abandoned any notion of having Huawei as part of their 5G network and likely to have gone with Ericsson or Nokia.

heres some more update on why 5g roll out may slow down


09-06-2019, 09:10 PM
You can see from this report why not everyone's happy with Spark (Telecom NZ).
https://wiki.vuze.com/w/Bad_ISPs#New_Zealand (https://wiki.vuze.com/w/Bad_ISPs#New_Zealand)

13-06-2019, 05:39 PM
Rebounding from recent low point, attractive yield cf others on NZX

14-06-2019, 07:41 AM
Rebounding from recent low point, attractive yield cf others on NZX

good be the telstra effect rubbing off on the whole sector

14-06-2019, 11:35 AM
Heading to $3.90 then $4, good little run by the looks. When you speak.of the Telstra effect what do you mean - have they had good results

14-06-2019, 11:53 AM
Heading to $3.90 then $4, good little run by the looks. When you speak.of the Telstra effect what do you mean - have they had good results

telstra lifted the whole sector out of a downtrend in aus , also the vocus takeover has lifted the appeal of the whole sector

04-07-2019, 11:59 AM
having a good run at the moment. i see in japan telcos gonna share 5g infrastructure to keep costs down

09-07-2019, 11:35 PM
I think it is wiser to concentrate on Spark's transformation activity - so called Agile process. Agile has been applied to IT for over two decades and is just as capable of producing failed projects as other methods and may not reduce costs in the long term. The whole point of Spark's transformation is to reduce costs and be competitive in the world of unbundled and regulated local loop services. Traditional telecom processes are notoriously complicated and inefficient and replacing legacy systems while maintaining customer service is difficult. Telstra has begun that process (yet again) in the past 2 years while Spark has been working at it since about 2011. Much of Spark's ongoing overheads have been diverted to contracted activity and so what may look to be reductions may not be in the total picture.
Mobile has been the salvation of a decent Spark share price and they escape Government regulation with that and I consider them to be doing well in that space.
Their entry into content (Lightbox, Spark Sport etc) has yet to prove itself as a profit centre.
5G will take some years to fully roll out with a higher infrastucture cost than 3G and 4G. Uptake by customers will also spread out timewise.
Digital services definitely worth pursuing and growing but still relatively small scale.

31-07-2019, 12:19 PM
wonder if we will crack the $4 mark , spk significantly under performing ytd -5% compared to TLS up 39% ytd go figure

11-08-2019, 08:22 AM
After last nights rugby maybe the demand for Spark Sport might fall away (significantly)

At least there’s still the beautiful game

11-08-2019, 09:23 AM
After last nights rugby maybe the demand for Spark Sport might fall away (significantly)

At least there’s still the beautiful game

At least it is working very well, not even a single stutter watching Tottenham this morning