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13-10-2014, 09:01 PM
nah, I bought at 2.98 and then again at 2.95 through the dividend reinvestment scheme. That's enough for me just now.

13-10-2014, 11:06 PM
Todays s/p $287, anybody want to put their hand up for buying.
I don't buy when there's sell signals

Major von Tempsky
14-10-2014, 10:56 AM
Imaginary charting ones....

16-10-2014, 10:35 AM
For the past week or so there have been significant buys, right in the last minute or so of trading. Yesterday I was sitting on the screen with a sell order at 289 cps at a minute to five and suddenly they sold, alonwith a lot of other sell orders.I had noticed this pattern earlier, last week sometime,and decided to stay with depth at closing. It seems to me that someone with very deep pockets knows more than I do and must now be a major in this security. What are the possibilities with SPK related to takeovers? Is someone out there feathering a nest with insider knowledge?

16-10-2014, 10:44 AM
What are the possibilities with SPK related to takeovers?

Telstra is sitting in Australia with a bucket load of cash. Telstra have sold out of their previous ventures in NZ. So there would be no competition related impediment if Telstra wanted to take over Spark outright.


16-10-2014, 11:54 AM
I don't buy when there's sell signals

Imaginary charting ones....

Our posts was when SPK rose up from 293.5 to its short term peak of 2.96 on this Imaginary Chart below...Thats why.. "me ol mate"... I don't buy on TA sell signals ..I leave that Investing Strategy of making Capital losses to you


16-10-2014, 01:15 PM
I bought for 285cps yesterday, or was it Tuesday and sold for 289cps. Bought back this morning for 285cps. Even allowing for 30% tax, it's the best way of making a living that I have found. My biggest fear is that there might be a bid for the company when I'm cashed up, You can trade on a downtrend, if you have the balls.

25-10-2014, 03:22 PM
It was nice to go into a long weekend with the share price at $3.11. That's a 12% increase over the last two weeks. Everything seems red hot at the moment.

29-10-2014, 04:00 PM
It was nice to go into a long weekend with the share price at $3.11. That's a 12% increase over the last two weeks. Everything seems red hot at the moment.

Simon Moutter tweeted about SPK sp hitting a 6-yr high of $3.17 at lunch time. It must be time for it to go down then :t_up:

04-11-2014, 05:53 PM
Simon Moutter tweeted about SPK sp hitting a 6-yr high of $3.17 at lunch time. It must be time for it to go down then :t_up:

Just heard that the company is restructuring again to become more responsive to customers. And many positions are surely going out the door. That maybe why the sp is still going strong.

04-11-2014, 06:15 PM
Interesting, thanks for the info

04-11-2014, 07:11 PM
Simon Moutter tweeted about SPK sp hitting a 6-yr high of $3.17 at lunch time. It must be time for it to go down then :t_up:

Hell no, if it goes down they will need to do a name change again so NEW SPARK can reach a new high

07-11-2014, 09:35 AM
I notice spark is having issues with there email again last 2 days wonder if this has to do with the price drop - co-incidence?

11-11-2014, 01:20 PM
New highs with more to go hopefully

12-11-2014, 09:36 AM
That price drop was the panic merchants reacting to Vodaphone/ and Spark announcing staff cuts. For the traders, it's all good. I have alreday paid for a whole flock of turkeys for Christmas.
I notice spark is having issues with there email again last 2 days wonder if this has to do with the price drop - co-incidence?

12-11-2014, 05:58 PM
That price drop was the panic merchants reacting to Vodaphone/ and Spark announcing staff cuts. For the traders, it's all good. I have alreday paid for a whole flock of turkeys for Christmas.

You might become a turkey if you eat too much turkey lol

25-11-2014, 09:19 AM
I'd had enough of vodafone. Calls get answered o'seas. People who couldn't even understand what you are saying and then cuts you off. Poor customer service, expansive name a few. Few yrs ago had my phone hacked, hackers stored their number in my phone and automatically dialled from my phone. As I had account with vodafone, I managed to see very month these charges to exotic places that I never called . Upon enquiring with vodafone, they put the blame on me. Even the management were very arrogant and rude. Decided to change providers very very happy with new provider. My kids with spark...well worth the money.

25-11-2014, 09:32 AM
Spark investigation team are looking into my complaint re above post let's hope they come up with something meaningful.

25-11-2014, 01:23 PM
Spark investigation team are looking into my complaint re above post let's hope they come up with something meaningful.

With quite a substantial SPK employees being let go on the latest restructure, we should'nt be surprised that some unexplained procedures such as this would not happen. I got at least 12 close friends (Develovers, Architects, Testers and support folks) in the company that were impacted by the latest cull.

25-11-2014, 02:17 PM
Perhaps they neglected to proofread their communications first and therein lies a lesson for all of us I suppose. What's a develovers by the way?:p
With quite a substantial SPK employees being let go on the latest restructure, we should'nt be surprised that some unexplained procedures such as this would not happen. I got at least 12 close friends (Develovers, Architects, Testers and support folks) in the company that were impacted by the latest cull.

25-11-2014, 07:15 PM
Spark investigation team are looking into my complaint re above post let's hope they come up with something meaningful.
Turns out my midnight wakeup call from Spark was spam and not actually from them even though they were trying to sell Spark mobiles so I've removed my original post now that I've cooled off and looking forward to a better nights sleep. PS-Im hoping the Spark share price gets a wake up call soon as its starting to look a bit hammered (Getting near oversold levels hopefully)

Major von Tempsky
26-11-2014, 08:47 AM
Inflation and interest rates go down, Spark's dividend goes up, result Spark's shareprice is hammered.

Time for a good laugh at the stupidity of investors.

26-11-2014, 01:37 PM
Turns out my midnight wakeup call from Spark was spam and not actually from them even though they were trying to sell Spark mobiles so I've removed my original post now that I've cooled off and looking forward to a better nights sleep. PS-Im hoping the Spark share price gets a wake up call soon as its starting to look a bit hammered (Getting near oversold levels hopefully)

seems sp react to your explanation or apologies?

02-12-2014, 08:36 PM
very quite here, any thoughts regarding today's announcement? me think SPK will not easy to pass their claimed 60m extra cost to customers, they may have to cut divvy payout from forecast FY15 18c to 15c or even lower.

03-12-2014, 10:27 AM
Looks like it could be a difficult day for Spark...an awful lot of sellers lined up there and not so many buyers.

Major von Tempsky
03-12-2014, 10:58 AM
Maybe it's time for that economic backwoodsman McDunk ("Duncan MacGregor") to reappear from the woods to say "I told you so", even though he did no such thing. And for Troyvdh to emit more brainless animal noises.

But I suspect that the very competent Simon Moutter is very busy consulting and taking effective action. I back Simon to see us through.

03-12-2014, 01:22 PM

"Forsyth Barr is expecting Spark's share price to drop significantly, setting a $2.40 price target for its shares."


03-12-2014, 01:22 PM
Gee major...you must be desperate for mail if your having to invite me back again....so just for you


03-12-2014, 01:44 PM

"Forsyth Barr is expecting Spark's share price to drop significantly, setting a $2.40 price target for its shares."


I would not put it past Forbar to do a bit of downramping.

04-12-2014, 11:30 AM
Thoughts on this current down trend TAers moving through the MA100 about now?

04-12-2014, 12:03 PM
Thoughts on this current down trend TAers moving through the MA100 about now?

Sometimes the charts really aren't all that helpful, like now with a major re-calibration in the Telecommunications sector. If one had been trading on TA, they probably would have quit SPK at around $3.20 when it broke down from the short term uptrend starting 16 Oct. Ditto for Chorus, one might have used the charts to buy around $175 late Sept, when it broke up through long term horizontal resistance, however right now the chart isn't particularly helpful for either, as SPK and CNU are both re-calibrating - not for 'technical analysis/chart' reasons. JMO, cheers.

04-12-2014, 01:17 PM
Thoughts on this current down trend TAers moving through the MA100 about now?

if no very positive outcome from SPK then sp will continue fall, i bailed at $3.05 with small profit, $2.45 could be too far, but current price still high if revised FY15 earnings less than FY14.Thats my 2 cents opinion.

04-12-2014, 02:32 PM
Im wondering if people are selling down spark and moving to cnu since it is looking "better". Spark/Tel has had its bull run since January, now time for the traditional Christmas collapse... opps I meant Summer siesta

05-12-2014, 04:05 PM
I got out at $2.90 for a 10k loss basically hit 10% down so that's a big enough stop loss. My gut tells me Spark will be facing a lot of uncertainty over the coming months and I'm picking an earning guidance downgrade, if there is a downgrade I think I'll be buying them back significantly cheaper ,more than 10k cheaper and at least I can use the money rather than fretting. I got my timing wrong with this purchase for the first time with Spark and decided not to do my usual and just sit on it forever.

05-12-2014, 04:34 PM
I got out at $2.90 for a 10k loss basically hit 10% down so that's a big enough stop loss. My gut tells me Spark will be facing a lot of uncertainty over the coming months and I'm picking an earning guidance downgrade, if there is a downgrade I think I'll be buying them back significantly cheaper ,more than 10k cheaper and at least I can use the money rather than fretting. I got my timing wrong with this purchase for the first time with Spark and decided not to do my usual and just sit on it forever.

You take care! mate. Merry Xmas to all sharetrader members.

05-12-2014, 05:13 PM
I too sold out today at $2.92. With a purchase price of $2.34SPK has been kind to me so far, but the future does not look as rosy. Depending on future guidance will look to return prior to the next dividend

08-12-2014, 11:24 AM
Spark chief executive Simon Moutter says the company will finalise price rises within days


08-12-2014, 11:35 AM
An interesting move by many Internet Service Providers.
Orcon are busy removing peoples connections from Spark, and taking ownership so they can provide the telephone service through their own internal systems.... seems that historically Spark was somehow charging the ISP's when someone had a phone with spark but internet with someone else..
Spark seems to be loosing actual telephone connections(paying subscribers), along with the growing trend for Naked Broadband that is now common amongst younger people, as they are all cell-driven.

Perhaps Chorus (the actual infrastructure) may play a more important role in the future

08-12-2014, 11:56 AM
it is a positive move for shareholders, but not for customers.

08-12-2014, 12:09 PM
it is a positive move for shareholders, but not for customers.
Notice he said the price increase won't cover the whole loss of income plus the possibility of backdating, hot potato anyone? plus the splinter groups jumping in on the bandwagon again like they did with chorus last year. The whole ComCom overkill game playing regulation thing is just pathetic and makes us look like a joke to overseas investors, I'm just so over it that's for sure.

08-12-2014, 02:18 PM
Spark and Chorus are quite different company, Chorus is fully regulated, and Spark is not, Spark can (even though not that easy) pass their extra cost to customers, even maybe part of the cost, so should not expect SPK share price to drop as much as Chorus did.

09-12-2014, 09:15 AM
Spark chief executive Simon Moutter says the company will finalise price rises within days


What a sham this is. Companies saying they need to increase their pricing, yet their input costs are falling significantly (14%), just not by the windfall 23% they were expecting.

Any excuse to raise prices on a captive market seems fair game now. Very similar to the NZ petrol market

What has comcom actually acheived here?

Outwardly it appears they have scored an own-goal and given the telco's an excuse to raise margins.

09-12-2014, 10:26 AM
Any excuse to raise prices on a captive market seems fair game now. Very similar to the NZ petrol market

yes, NZ petrol market always the winner.

09-12-2014, 11:08 AM
Relax ..raising margins is something every profit driven enterprise is designed to do...the market place and Commerce Commission will work the way they should and find a balance between return on capital and consumer protection. Easy to focus on one perceived anomaly but much more pertinent to look at the big picture.
What a sham this is. Companies saying they need to increase their pricing, yet their input costs are falling significantly (14%), just not by the windfall 23% they were expecting.

Any excuse to raise prices on a captive market seems fair game now. Very similar to the NZ petrol market

What has comcom actually acheived here?

Outwardly it appears they have scored an own-goal and given the telco's an excuse to raise margins.

09-12-2014, 11:19 AM
The whole uncertainty around this backdating thing is the main issue to me, if it goes back two years rather than just to December 1st then that's going to have a massive impact on Sparks bottom line from April forward. Off course it may go the other way and the FPP may come back a dollar or so which would be bad news for Chorus.The whole situation was completely avoidable if the ConCon hadnt be so intent on playing their power games in the first place by setting the price for Chorus at that ridiculous $34 level,even if Sparks SP goes back over $3 short term until April comes and goes there's just too much uncertainty IMO and I'm staying out of both stocks.

09-12-2014, 11:30 AM
The whole uncertainty around this backdating thing is the main issue to me, if it goes back two years rather than just to December 1st then that's going to have a massive impact on Sparks bottom line from April forward. Off course it may go the other way and the FPP may come back a dollar or so which would be bad news for Chorus.The whole situation was completely avoidable if the ConCon hadnt be so intent on playing their power games in the first place by setting the price for Chorus at that ridiculous $34 level,even if Sparks SP goes back over $3 short term until April comes and goes there's just too much uncertainty IMO and I'm staying out of both stocks.

Remember couta1 Spark is not a regulated company, it is always can find a way go out.

09-12-2014, 11:38 AM
Remember couta1 Spark is not a regulated company, it is always can find a way go out.
True but the extent it can raise its prices by does have a cap and that cap could leave it facing a significant earnings downgrade.

09-12-2014, 11:53 AM
True but the extent it can raise its prices by does have a cap and that cap could leave it facing a significant earnings downgrade.

Cap for non regulated company? I dont think so.

09-12-2014, 12:01 PM
Cap for non regulated company? I dont think so.
Its called the TSO cap and puts a limit on how much price increase Spark can pass on.

09-12-2014, 12:08 PM
Its called the TSO cap and puts a limit on how much price increase Spark can pass on.

oh. this is not major, Spark can figure it out.

09-12-2014, 01:52 PM
oh. this is not major, Spark can figure it out.
Nice Tui quote there Master98, you can't figure a cap out you just have to suck it up:cool:

09-12-2014, 02:43 PM
Nice Tui quote there Master98, you can't figure a cap out you just have to suck it up:cool:

you have to trust those Spark guys can figure it out, they are paid millions a year must be capable of doing their jobs:t_up:

09-12-2014, 03:16 PM
Great stuff for day traders. I've been in and out of SPK four or five times in the last month and the buy sell differential is great - sometimes a bit too much. Was to sell today for 295 for a good profit but stuck the extra 2cents on to 295 because I had to go out. Got back to find mine gone at 297 - had I been here I probably would have played for the 290.5 finish but thems' the breaks. now I need to buy back at 294. Xmas is paid for already

09-12-2014, 03:29 PM

Just holding onto mine. Bought in at 2.29 and have reinvested dividends over the last 4 years.

09-12-2014, 04:20 PM
See he's not just a pretty face.......MVT would be proud of you. (as are we all) Don't forget to keep buying in in the dips.

Just holding onto mine. Bought in at 2.29 and have reinvested dividends over the last 4 years.

10-12-2014, 08:57 AM

I have to say Spark price changes are very fair for both shareholders and customers.

10-12-2014, 09:34 AM

I have to say Spark price changes are very fair for both shareholders and customers.

very good for shareholders not so good for customers

10-12-2014, 09:41 AM
very good for shareholders not so good for customers

Unless you're on the Unlimited Broadband plan which gains you a bit. And as a long time share holder is sort of a double win for me too :)

10-12-2014, 09:49 AM
Unless you're on the Unlimited Broadband plan which gains you a bit. And as a long time share holder is sort of a double win for me too :)

just a marketing trick they make more money getting people to move up plans

10-12-2014, 09:54 AM
Another great reason to speed up the deployment of VOIP on UFB plans! Although these pricing changes pricing do not effect UFB plans, Spark must be incurring additional costs for the copper phone-line connection.

10-12-2014, 10:09 AM
Just as well we are shareholders then isn't it:)
very good for shareholders not so good for customers

10-12-2014, 11:31 AM
good point Birman. That logic has served this company so well for almost ever. Good on you hope you make. Heaps

10-12-2014, 11:32 AM
Spark could catch this comcom ruling train and making more money.

10-12-2014, 02:36 PM
Spk is now higher than just before com com ruling. Crisis over, everyone go back to sleep

10-12-2014, 04:08 PM
No problem....I'd be happy to lend a little to you for some remedial English language lessons if you like.:p
good point Birman. That logic has served this company so well for almost ever. Good on you hope you make. Heaps

10-12-2014, 06:28 PM
I hate this...I really do...but birman ...what does "lend a little "...actually mean.Again I hate this and I will probably regret this post.

19-12-2014, 02:51 PM
SPK not suppose to revise their FY2015 guidance as ComCom final pricing ruling will not happen until September 2015, the backdating will not as earlier as December 01 2014, all looks good.

19-12-2014, 04:22 PM
Chorus plays down court claims

22-12-2014, 09:21 AM
Has anyone else with Spark ADSL noticed that your IP address is now being changed regularly. I'm almost sure that IP address used to be stable unless you restarted your router, and even then you would usually be served the same IP as before the restart.

If you are using Netflix with a geo-unblocking service like unblockus then the changing spark IP makes it necessary to reset unblock-us each time you want to view Netflix.

Obviously this is inconvenient for user. I hope that this isn't a deliberate strategy by Spark to make it inconvenient to use sites like unblockus and hence to drive customers to lightbox in prference to Netflix. I would imagine that wouldn't end well for Spark

22-12-2014, 09:35 AM
Obviously this is inconvenient for user. I hope that this isn't a deliberate strategy by Spark to make it inconvenient to use sites like unblockus and hence to drive customers to lightbox in prference to Netflix. I would imagine that wouldn't end well for Spark

I highly doubt this is the case, if your IP is changing more regularly and you're not being disconnected I would expect there is an operational reason behind this. I can think of a couple off the top of my head but, that's another topic. :-) To solve your Netflix issue though, you can request static IP addresses for a nominal monthly fee & some providers even offer them bundled with the plan.

22-12-2014, 09:55 AM
I highly doubt this is the case, if your IP is changing more regularly and you're not being disconnected I would expect there is an operational reason behind this. I can think of a couple off the top of my head but, that's another topic. :-) To solve your Netflix issue though, you can request static IP addresses for a nominal monthly fee & some providers even offer them bundled with the plan.

Thanks KiwiGekko, yes you are right, there are any number of solutions to get around it. I was just posting this to see if others had noticed the same behaviour.

31-12-2014, 08:45 AM
Ex CEO Theresa recognised in the New Years Honours ...pretty high up the peking order as well

Good woman that Theresa .....well deserved

31-12-2014, 09:42 AM
I wasn't aware they were going into China as well (now its called Beijing) however you probably knew that W69.:p
Ex CEO Theresa recognised in the New Years Honours ...pretty high up the peking order as well

Good woman that Theresa .....well deserved

31-12-2014, 09:50 AM
Ex CEO Theresa recognised in the New Years Honours ...pretty high up the peking order as well

Good woman that Theresa .....well deserved

Peking??...I think a breed of dog emerged from that part of the world ?

31-12-2014, 09:51 AM
She off to Cambodia next week as well ....seeking out something for spark maybe. Or have they washed their hands of her?

31-12-2014, 09:52 AM
Peking??...I think a breed of dog emerged from that part of the world ?

No she a cat lover .....likes Birmans I believe


31-12-2014, 09:53 AM
Lest we forget Spark wouldn't be where it is today if it wasn't for Theresa

31-12-2014, 11:49 AM
Well in that case...forget the honours list and go straight to Sainthood....St. Teresa's school in Karori here in Wellington has already recognised her anyway.:) Spark/Telecom has been a favourite of mine so any and all contributions gratefully accepted.
No she a cat lover .....likes Birmans I believe


31-12-2014, 12:00 PM
Gattung presided over a massive destruction of shareholder value during her tenure, from a high over $9 in 2000 to $5 in 2007. Her legacy was followed with the share price continuing down to the $1.80s'. Today, Telecom, the once great stalwart of shareholder value returns is 'Spark', just 'one of the retailers' and still languishes under a paltry $3.

31-12-2014, 12:20 PM
Baa Baa...I'm sure Teresa will find 'three bags full" as a complimentary sample for you. Remember the value of a dollar has no stability....the value lies in the % yield return on your capital and Spark has done well for many investors. Like any investment it needs and (needed) to be managed and tweaked regularly. Buying "high" and passively watching is not going to get the job done that's for sure.
Gattung presided over a massive destruction of shareholder value during her tenure, from a high over $9 in 2000 to $5 in 2007. Her legacy was followed with the share price continuing down to the $1.80s'. Today, Telecom, the once great stalwart of shareholder value returns is 'Spark', just 'one of the retailers' and still languishes under a paltry $3.

31-12-2014, 12:39 PM
Baa Baa...I'm sure Teresa will find 'three bags full" as a complimentary sample for you. Remember the value of a dollar has no stability....the value lies in the % yield return on your capital and Spark has done well for many investors. Like any investment it needs and (needed) to be managed and tweaked regularly. Buying "high" and passively watching is not going to get the job done that's for sure.

Sadly, the vast majority of Telecom investors would have no idea about 'managing and tweaking investments', they buy a Telecom because it reliably paid dividends, however they also got with Gattung at the helm, a distressed company haemorrhaging their capital value. Clearly none of those investors are deciding the honours list LOL.

31-12-2014, 02:45 PM
Sadly, the vast majority of Telecom investors would have no idea about 'managing and tweaking investments', they buy a Telecom because it reliably paid dividends, however they also got with Gattung at the helm, a distressed company haemorrhaging their capital value. Clearly none of those investors are deciding the honours list LOL.

Gattung got a gong for services to NZ business and philanthropy. She was well paid by shareholders for doing the job she was paid for when CEO of Telecom. It is so much easier to afford the time for philanthropy when you have money and wealth. Perhaps the real philanthropists are those who have struggled financially yet still give time, effort and limited resources to help. They are true companions of honour.

The government sold telecom to American investors, who made a killing. The Americans got out and sold to many NZ mums and dads, who suffered capital loss as the government then decided that regulation needed to be toughened. All in all a negative influence on encouraging a NZ shareholding democracy. Maybe Gattung got an honour for being paid to be in charge of a hot potato?

31-12-2014, 02:49 PM
The writing was on the wall for Gattung at Telecom when she admitted that their pricing plans were designed to confuse.

01-01-2015, 10:05 AM
Lest we forget Spark wouldn't be where it is today if it wasn't for Theresa

Dont agree

01-01-2015, 10:06 AM
Gattung got a gong for services to NZ business and philanthropy. She was well paid by shareholders for doing the job she was paid for when CEO of Telecom. It is so much easier to afford the time for philanthropy when you have money and wealth. Perhaps the real philanthropists are those who have struggled financially yet still give time, effort and limited resources to help. They are true companions of honour.

The government sold telecom to American investors, who made a killing. The Americans got out and sold to many NZ mums and dads, who suffered capital loss as the government then decided that regulation needed to be toughened. All in all a negative influence on encouraging a NZ shareholding democracy. Maybe Gattung got an honour for being paid to be in charge of a hot potato?

So say all of us!!!

01-01-2015, 11:23 AM
Has anyone else with Spark ADSL noticed that your IP address is now being changed regularly. I'm almost sure that IP address used to be stable unless you restarted your router, and even then you would usually be served the same IP as before the restart.

If you are using Netflix with a geo-unblocking service like unblockus then the changing spark IP makes it necessary to reset unblock-us each time you want to view Netflix.

Obviously this is inconvenient for user. I hope that this isn't a deliberate strategy by Spark to make it inconvenient to use sites like unblockus and hence to drive customers to lightbox in prference to Netflix. I would imagine that wouldn't end well for Spark

I don't think that is the case, our last IP reset was on 18/11/2014. I did have about 2 different IP changes within 1 week before 18/11/2014, but they were probably doing upgrades to the network which usually happens about 1am in the morning. I checked our IP address every couple of days to make sure I exclude our IP Address from Google Analytics data for my eCommerce website.

08-01-2015, 10:07 AM

Some media rumored Vodafone will exit Australian market, and New Zealand market as well.

Major von Tempsky
08-01-2015, 06:21 PM
As a very long standing investor in TEL/SPK I beg to differ.

Theresa Gattung chose to take the Government on, stupid, no company can take the Government on! As a result we the TEL investors were severely crunched!

Also, have a look at her qualifications - Political Science! That's rubbish for the top job at TEL, preferably you needed engineering, accounting, economics.
She's not a saint, just a moron. What TEL needed was a Paul Reynolds/Simon Moutter combination not Theresa Gattung!

08-01-2015, 06:57 PM
I don't think that is the case, our last IP reset was on 18/11/2014. I did have about 2 different IP changes within 1 week before 18/11/2014, but they were probably doing upgrades to the network which usually happens about 1am in the morning. I checked our IP address every couple of days to make sure I exclude our IP Address from Google Analytics data for my eCommerce website.

You are probably right, probably just something strange with my connection. I've moved to Orcon as it seemed easier to do that than to try to contact Spark to get a solution. These days, you can't just pick up the phone and talk to them, they are too modern for that, and I'm a modern kind of guy, but generally I'd prefer to steel myself and make one (usually long) phone call in these situations. Spark doesn't even have a phone number on the website anymore (at least not one that I could discover). Anyway, it's only a couple of residential connections for them, doesn't matter I guess.

08-01-2015, 07:12 PM
I don't think that is the case, our last IP reset was on 18/11/2014. I did have about 2 different IP changes within 1 week before 18/11/2014, but they were probably doing upgrades to the network which usually happens about 1am in the morning. I checked our IP address every couple of days to make sure I exclude our IP Address from Google Analytics data for my eCommerce website.
Did you try requesting a 'static ip address' via the helpdesk?

19-01-2015, 04:34 PM
new highs, nice must be in anticipation of nice div coming

20-01-2015, 08:42 AM
new highs, nice must be in anticipation of nice div coming

From what I gathered, this could be on winning the supply of IT asset financing solutions for Downer New Zealand
Limited. I could be wrong but that was the only buzz I heard :) Yeah, nice new high.

20-01-2015, 02:56 PM
From what I gathered, this could be on winning the supply of IT asset financing solutions for Downer New Zealand
Limited. I could be wrong but that was the only buzz I heard :) Yeah, nice new high.

Well this was an interesting announcement...

20-01-2015, 10:43 PM
They should just stop lightbox now. Sky already has a better option and netflix will crush it once it launches here.

21-01-2015, 10:28 PM
They should just stop lightbox now. Sky already has a better option and netflix will crush it once it launches here.

I don't think so but whatever SPK goal is, it's a good ploy and I'm with them on this one.

22-01-2015, 09:54 AM
IMO there is room for a couple of major players in the market. What we see in the US domestic market is that Netflix has around 1/3 penetration of all homes, with (according to some reports) over 60% of those homes having subscribed to multiple streaming services.

26-01-2015, 04:46 PM
another new high today

27-01-2015, 01:50 PM
Enjoying this run immensely

28-01-2015, 01:00 PM
I take it not too many of us are holding Spk? It seems to be the best show in town at the moment

28-01-2015, 02:13 PM
I take it not too many of us are holding Spk? It seems to be the best show in town at the moment

its never looked back from that 2.20 which was big support

28-01-2015, 02:35 PM
I take it not too many of us are holding Spk? It seems to be the best show in town at the moment

My average buy was $2.9 and still hold, I guess oversea is the major buyers not many locals.

Major von Tempsky
28-01-2015, 03:26 PM
I think its doing pretty well given the large falls on overseas exchanges overnight, the lower NZ dollar against the US would help overseas would be investors in Spark. Maybe there's a bidder in the wind (and I don't mean Zerocommission) Telstra?....
My holding is now worth several hundred thou :-) , A toast to the confusion of McDunk and Troyvdh.

28-01-2015, 06:03 PM
That's some serious cash, major. It's been a great month.

28-01-2015, 08:21 PM
The current price looks way overcooked to me considering there may be a forecast earnings downgrade coming due to their recent price increases not making up for the extra they have to pay CNU. Disc- Have been in and out but leaving well alone at these prices, let's see how long the NZX keeps cooking at this rate before the temp is turned down. If your a long term holder then congrats you have done well:cool:

28-01-2015, 09:07 PM
I had a sell order at $3.4 but cancelled. will close watching tomorrow, but surely i am not a long term holder.

28-01-2015, 10:20 PM
Given 6% growth my current valuation is 3.72

I think Moutter is a good manager and maybe that 6% figure could go up.

28-01-2015, 10:53 PM
Where's Craic? He's been strangely silent over recent weeks. Hope he wasn't caught out selling during the recent surge in price and missed an opportunity to buy back in again.

I haven't participated in all his buy/sell activities but as a long term holder with average cost of $1.79 I'm very happy with the current SP.

29-01-2015, 12:20 PM
Me too. Ave buy price of 2.29 not counting reinvested dividends. Mind you, I need this to make up a substantial whs loss. Not all sunny in my portfolio.

29-01-2015, 12:29 PM
Me too. Ave buy price of 2.29 not counting reinvested dividends. Mind you, I need this to make up a substantial whs loss. Not all sunny in my portfolio.
You may want to take some profit now while the price is overinflated:cool:

29-01-2015, 12:55 PM
Yes, sensible advice. I did sell a small parcel over the last few days - but I decided to put the money into another much smaller, Wellington based telecommunications company :)

Major von Tempsky
29-01-2015, 05:58 PM
I love these little immature hysterical panics. Some silly news media piece taking fright at Spark going up and all the Mums and Dads bail out, blissfully ignoring the differential between SPk's gross dividend yield of 7.1% +and the interest rates you can get on deposit.

29-01-2015, 06:15 PM
I love these little immature hysterical panics. Some silly news media piece taking fright at Spark going up and all the Mums and Dads bail out, blissfully ignoring the differential between SPk's gross dividend yield of 7.1% +and the interest rates you can get on deposit.

Next dividend I'm taking the cash rather than reinvesting for the first time ever. Feels dirty but I need to do some work on my house.

29-01-2015, 06:55 PM
I love these little immature hysterical panics. Some silly news media piece taking fright at Spark going up and all the Mums and Dads bail out, blissfully ignoring the differential between SPk's gross dividend yield of 7.1% +and the interest rates you can get on deposit.

Looks like mums and dads kept the price above 340 until the big boys sold their millions near the end of the day

29-01-2015, 08:19 PM
exit today at $3.48, so stress to hold this stock, looking forwards to next entrance, think support will be at $3.25, if break through then will down to $3.10.

Major von Tempsky
30-01-2015, 06:16 PM
Spark buys services from Chorus, so if Chorus goes up Spark goes down and vice versa.

Obviously something happened yesterday or late the day before because Chorus has gone up and Spark has gone down.

It's supposed to be NZX's job to ensure that the market is fully informed so what's been happening in Chorus v Spark? I see on the CNU thread something about ComCom extending its deadline for settling CNU until Sept. Has that caused this up CNU down SPK?

NZX? Hello? Hello? Anyone home? How about a please explain to both CNU and SPK?

30-01-2015, 06:42 PM
Spark buys services from Chorus, so if Chorus goes up Spark goes down and vice versa.

Obviously something happened yesterday or late the day before because Chorus has gone up and Spark has gone down.

It's supposed to be NZX's job to ensure that the market is fully informed so what's been happening in Chorus v Spark? I see on the CNU thread something about ComCom extending its deadline for settling CNU until Sept. Has that caused this up CNU down SPK?

NZX? Hello? Hello? Anyone home? How about a please explain to both CNU and SPK?

Kindly consider that Chorus buys IT service from SPK too so it's not a complete one-way traffic on that regard.

30-01-2015, 06:46 PM
Spark buys services from Chorus, so if Chorus goes up Spark goes down and vice versa.

Obviously something happened yesterday or late the day before because Chorus has gone up and Spark has gone down.

It's supposed to be NZX's job to ensure that the market is fully informed so what's been happening in Chorus v Spark? I see on the CNU thread something about ComCom extending its deadline for settling CNU until Sept. Has that caused this up CNU down SPK?

NZX? Hello? Hello? Anyone home? How about a please explain to both CNU and SPK?
Nothing unusually unusual going on here quite simply CNU had been in a downward trend for a period and was oversold while SPK was in an upward trend and was overbought so they are now switching places.

30-01-2015, 07:32 PM
I agree, no big deal. My god, spk is 3.30, that's fantastic. There's dividends and great capital appreciation aplenty.

I love you spk, even if you have dropped 5 per cent in a day. I mean it, I honestly love you and your free lightbox. Sleep tight sweet telco you've worked hard this week, so very hard *kiss*

30-01-2015, 10:24 PM
LOL wait till the relationship is in its second decade and then we'll see if you still whisper sweet nothings into it:ps sh(ears).
I agree, no big deal. My god, spk is 3.30, that's fantastic. There's dividends and great capital appreciation aplenty.

I love you spk, even if you have dropped 5 per cent in a day. I mean it, I honestly love you and your free lightbox. Sleep tight sweet telco you've worked hard this week, so very hard *kiss*

04-02-2015, 12:54 PM
SPK has just announced about "the formation of a new fibre construction joint venture with Vocus Communications where they will acquire 50% of the new company, which is to be called Connect 8. Vocus and Spark New Zealand will be equally represented on the joint venture board and receive equal distributions of profit. They will continue to work with Chorus as they currently do, but it will mean they now have other options to deploy fibre, albeit on a much smaller scale".

Hope this bodes well for the company. Your thoughts?

04-02-2015, 03:26 PM
SPK has just announced about "the formation of a new fibre construction joint venture with Vocus Communications where they will acquire 50% of the new company, which is to be called Connect 8. Vocus and Spark New Zealand will be equally represented on the joint venture board and receive equal distributions of profit. They will continue to work with Chorus as they currently do, but it will mean they now have other options to deploy fibre, albeit on a much smaller scale".

Hope this bodes well for the company. Your thoughts?

Was speaking with a family member who works for spark. He told me spark are looking to start construction and building there own network because Chorus are charging far to much.

I wasn't sure about it at the time. but it seems this company could be the catalyst for that. Having there own Fibre connections would allow spark to be more competitive in pricing and make more by not forking out disgusting sums of money to Chorus.

From my IT background it is a sound plan but couldn't it lead telecom to be regulated again by the comcom? even thought they already should be in my opinion. Spark is the only company I wont invest in out of my disdain for the company.

Just a shame they are the only teleco making the big bucks.

04-02-2015, 03:31 PM
Was speaking with a family member who works for spark. He told me spark are looking to start construction and building there own network because Chorus are charging far to much.

I wasnt sure about it at the time. but it seems this company could be the cataylst for that. Having there own Fibre connections would allow spark to be more competetive in pricing and make more by not forking out disguesting sums of money to Chorus.

From my IT background its a sound plan but couldnt it lead telecom to be regulated again by the comcom? even thought they already should be in my opinon. Spark is the only company I wont invest in out of my distain for the company.

Just a shame they are they only teleco making the big bucks.

Hells teeth PP, you sure have a lot of spelling mistakes in those few lines, I guess IT has predictive all the way and you are not required to know how to spell, concerns me a bit that younger generations struggle with the printed word.

04-02-2015, 03:41 PM
Hells teeth PP, you sure have a lot of spelling mistakes in those few lines, I guess IT has predictive all the way and you are not required to know how to spell, concerns me a bit that younger generations struggle with the printed word.

Nooooo caught by the lack of spell check on my smart phone(which I just preformed now on my laptop dam you were right several mistakes). Spelling defiantly isn't my strong point.

04-02-2015, 03:56 PM
Nice to see you are not defiant about it ..there's hope yet.....well maybe not but I'm sure you have lots of good features to make up for it (and that's features not feet):)
Nooooo caught by the lack of spell check on my smart phone(which I just preformed now on my laptop dam you were right several mistakes). Spelling defiantly isn't my strong point.

04-02-2015, 03:56 PM
Very interesting. I assume Spark would initially use this new venture to provision connections to specific commercial customers in much the same way they did with Chorus was an integral part of Telecom. Ironically, they would risk regulatory intervention if they were seen to complete with the UFB rollout due to the investment central government has ploughed into this project.

04-02-2015, 04:03 PM
Very interesting. I assume Spark would initially use this new venture to provision connections to specific commercial customers in much the same way they did with Chorus was an integral part of Telecom. Ironically, they would risk regulatory intervention if they were seen to complete with the UFB rollout due to the investment central government has ploughed into this project.

Pretty much sums up my thoughts when I was told via my family member. Honestly didn't believe him at first because Spark are now basically building Chorus 2.0

12-02-2015, 05:19 PM
what's up today! down 13.5c because mobile network was troubled or HY report is looming?

12-02-2015, 08:42 PM
none of the above. Warren Buffet and other experts have clearly stated that a major downturn or crash is imminent. Look around, contact Energy have their report next week and they are just as far down. Overeas investors are cashing up and this has a radical effect on tiny markets like ours. The world we live in is close to the edge of several disasters - wars or the like.

12-02-2015, 08:53 PM
Ho hum...what's new....SP has over the last month alone gone from 3.15 to 3.33 down to 3.20 back up to 3.50 down to 3.30 up to 3.50 down to 3.30. People making (and losing) money would be more likely. But this time it could be different of course...or maybe not.
none of the above. Warren Buffet and other experts have clearly stated that a major downturn or crash is imminent. Look around, contact Energy have their report next week and they are just as far down. Overeas investors are cashing up and this has a radical effect on tiny markets like ours. The world we live in is close to the edge of several disasters - wars or the like.

12-02-2015, 10:43 PM
What I'm hearing is that SPK will report a tad better on all fronts. If that come to pass, then maybe you'll really worry or you may not :)

13-02-2015, 08:21 AM
Personally I'd like it to go down to the 2.10 area so I could buy more for my dividends....but traders don't really give a toss. Always money to be made with this regardless. So either way..no worry.
What I'm hearing is that SPK will report a tad better on all fronts. If that come to pass, then maybe you'll really worry or you may not :)

13-02-2015, 10:24 AM
none of the above. Warren Buffet and other experts have clearly stated that a major downturn or crash is imminent. Look around, contact Energy have their report next week and they are just as far down. Overeas investors are cashing up and this has a radical effect on tiny markets like ours. The world we live in is close to the edge of several disasters - wars or the like.
The secular fundamentals have been showing Wall St being overvalued for the last 2 years (embarrassing some guru commentators into sounding like Permabears/Dr Doom) and this 6 year old Wall St Bull market is now starting to break records..but it keeps on going and going and while it does its "thing" the Equity world is a happy place,,abet..a more nervous one as time goes on..So while the equity party is in full swing it pays to stay connected with that market using bull market investment strategies such as buy & hold or short term cyclic trading buy in the dips sell at the crests..Slight portfolio losses when a cyclic reversal is identified is not a portfolio capital loss problem...it is what the investor does with their portfolio after the reversal happens..

Re: SPK..Yes I've noticed sudden overall investor exits too especially after sudden forex movements...I agree this could be foreign money exiting but it could be argued that the sudden upswings could be foreign investors returning..The OBV on the chart below shows a new uptrend (last 2 months) suggesting investor accumulation (buying) is larger than trading distribution (selling)...Also the candlesticks show SPK's volatile daily price movements are common therefore these recent noticeable swings are not out of the normal occurences...As with large liquid companies it's probably trader noise

Ho hum...what's new....SP has over the last month alone gone from 3.15 to 3.33 down to 3.20 back up to 3.50 down to 3.30 up to 3.50 down to 3.30. People making (and losing) money would be more likely. But this time it could be different of course...or maybe not.

Yep..SPK been in a bull market cycle since Sept 2013 commencing after a long 9 month (Dec2012 - Aug2013) flattish complex double bottom pattern period...It has risen over 50% since then and as with all bull market cycles there has been corrections followed by rallies within this uptrend pattern..

This upward channel pattern is still intact therefore the bull cycle has to be assumed as still operating..

http://i458.photobucket.com/albums/qq306/Hoop_1/SPK%2012022015.png (http://s458.photobucket.com/user/Hoop_1/media/SPK%2012022015.png.html)

Major von Tempsky
13-02-2015, 05:30 PM
So, using your ultra-sophisticated "technical" analysis package Hoop, what will be the price of Spark when the NZSE opens next Friday morning?

Maybe that's too hard and you'd prefer to say it will be somewhere between $1 and $5?

Snow Leopard
13-02-2015, 05:36 PM
So, using your ultra-sophisticated "technical" analysis package Hoop, what will be the price of Spark when the NZSE opens next Friday morning?

Maybe that's too hard and you'd prefer to say it will be somewhere between $1 and $5?

If Hoop is going to venture an answer to this then I would think it only fair that you first proffer your own value range for the same time point.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

13-02-2015, 05:46 PM
He's thinking about it and will get back to you...soon...needs to replace one of the circuit boards first.
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMbWNCGKkibyfDjpFbB4y9-XzVK06HClIewQFfcN_VP0xFjwzs (http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.logsoku.com%2Fr%2Fmorningcoff ee%2F1399947108%2F&ei=_YDdVLiXKIji8gXnyICABw&bvm=bv.85970519,d.dGc&psig=AFQjCNFOP7t8_vkZ5J-cepU6YGivofYWsQ&ust=1423888807311984)

If Hoop is going to venture an answer to this then I would think it only fair that you first proffer your own value range for the same time point.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

16-02-2015, 06:38 PM

Interesting article. At least if the price drops I'll get to buy more shares through the DRP. I like to look on the bright side.

Edit: and another article saying things might be getting a little ahead of themselves. I have TME, SPK, and GNE reporting in the next few days - if the bad news rolls in I'll quietly chant "In for the long haul and my bonus bonds have earned me nothing". Don't think that will help.


16-02-2015, 07:17 PM
Exercise: From the article, if one bought in at the brokers valuations - let's take the high sp quoted at $2.97, and assuming the divi of 5.1%, and the sp has appreciated to $3.34, would it be better to sell and take the profit, or not sell and take the dividend?


Interesting article. At least if the price drops I'll get to buy more shares through the DRP. I like to look on the bright side.

16-02-2015, 07:55 PM
Exercise: From the article, if one bought in at the brokers valuations - let's take the high sp quoted at $2.97, and assuming the divi of 5.1%, and the sp has appreciated to $3.34, would it be better to sell and take the profit, or not sell and take the dividend?

I don't know, my trading skills are pretty poor. I just buy and hold now and reinvest dividends. I have an average buy price of $2.29 and have been reinvesting through the DRP for the last 3-4 years. I guess I'm going to have to sell one day but at the moment I'll wait and see what happens.

16-02-2015, 08:09 PM
Guessing a solid result, approx 6% increase in underlying NPAT, div up from 8c to 8.5c, heading for 18c FY, or 7.5% GY on current SP (more ex-div).

Value guess: 3.61

Chart says don't sell, much as I'd like to.7069

17-02-2015, 05:30 PM
Sharpened up the chainsaws, drop a couple more trees and get stuck in from first light. With the Contact bombshell and the dire predictions from experts on the markets overall, I don't expect a lot from Spark on Friday? and I think that a seige mentality is the best option. It would be nice if I was wrong but it's a nasty world out there at present

17-02-2015, 05:37 PM
Sharpened up the chainsaws, drop a couple more trees and get stuck in from first light. With the Contact bombshell and the dire predictions from experts on the markets overall, I don't expect a lot from Spark on Friday? and I think that a seige mentality is the best option. It would be nice if I was wrong but it's a nasty world out there at present

Nice comment, I agree entirely.

Hope for the best but expect the worst. The good times can't last forever.

18-02-2015, 07:54 AM

seems most brokers or analysts down play spark, i treat it as good sign, let's watch tomorrow's show.

19-02-2015, 09:31 AM
Here it is .....http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11404436&ref=nzhbiz_tw

19-02-2015, 10:07 AM
Here it is .....http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11404436&ref=nzhbiz_tw That would be an Ouch!

19-02-2015, 10:18 AM
That would be an Ouch!

i dont think so, divv is up and directors remain on 2015 FY guidance.

19-02-2015, 10:27 AM
i dont think so, divv is up and directors remain on 2015 FY guidance.
The backdating thing is the wildcard.

19-02-2015, 10:33 AM
The backdating thing is the wildcard.

backdating will be for next year, i am in at $3.2 for divv.

19-02-2015, 10:34 AM
SP is good opportunity now ...will be up in 3.30's soon....IMHO!!!!

19-02-2015, 11:32 AM
http://i458.photobucket.com/albums/qq306/Hoop_1/spark%20image_1.png (http://s458.photobucket.com/user/Hoop_1/media/spark%20image_1.png.html)

Major von Tempsky
19-02-2015, 11:52 AM
A quick read of the results looks pretty good to me, with an increased dividend to 9cps fully imputed :-) Haven't much time at the mo -

anyone spotted the ex div date and div payable dates?

19-02-2015, 12:05 PM
A quick read of the results looks pretty good to me, with an increased dividend to 9cps fully imputed :-) Haven't much time at the mo -

anyone spotted the ex div date and div payable dates?
Ex is March 25th

19-02-2015, 12:17 PM
Ex is March 25th

And paid 10 April.

19-02-2015, 01:38 PM
I'm a NZ resident keen to buy some Spark, all my money is in AUD though, which I don't want to move back here given the rate. If I buy Spark on the ASX, do the dividends still get paid in NZ under NZ tax rules etc? Sorry if silly question.

The two share prices mimic each other fairly well http://www.google.com/finance?chdnp=1&chdd=1&chds=1&chdv=1&chvs=maximized&chdeh=0&chfdeh=0&chdet=1424322000000&chddm=261&chls=IntervalBasedLine&cmpto=NZE:SPK&cmptdms=1&q=ASX:SPK&ntsp=0&ei=LTDlVPmqOLS1iALE94GYAw

19-02-2015, 04:24 PM
Whats good about the result exactly?
Seems to be no real growth in phone or internet, and thats on the bck of charging more for internet than nerly every country in the world. How much longer will they be able to get away with fleecing their customers?

19-02-2015, 04:48 PM
I'm a NZ resident keen to buy some Spark, all my money is in AUD though, which I don't want to move back here given the rate. If I buy Spark on the ASX, do the dividends still get paid in NZ under NZ tax rules etc? Sorry if silly question.

The two share prices mimic each other fairly well http://www.google.com/finance?chdnp=1&chdd=1&chds=1&chdv=1&chvs=maximized&chdeh=0&chfdeh=0&chdet=1424322000000&chddm=261&chls=IntervalBasedLine&cmpto=NZE:SPK&cmptdms=1&q=ASX:SPK&ntsp=0&ei=LTDlVPmqOLS1iALE94GYAw

Better talk to your broker.

Assuming that SPK have an Australian register - as opposed to merely being listed on the ASX - shares bought on the ASX would normally get registered there although it is usually possible to have them "removed" to the NZ register - and vice versa.

25-02-2015, 09:37 PM
Woof woof gnarl. Gee it would be good if 2 degrees were listed. And slaughter these mongrels

Major von Tempsky
26-02-2015, 11:13 AM
Two degrees has lost heaps of money, is losing heaps more, and will lose heaps more. The discussion in financial circles is whether Two degrees will have continued support from its backers.
You are hallucinating.

Major von Tempsky
27-02-2015, 08:07 AM
Further to the above there's a news report in The Press today (and no doubt elsewhere) pointing out that the minor shareholders in Two Degrees are deserting the sinking ship and noting that Two Degrees will probably have to come to an arrangement with Spark or Vodafone to survive. Listing? Haw! Haw!

01-03-2015, 12:47 PM
Further to the above there's a news report in The Press today (and no doubt elsewhere) pointing out that the minor shareholders in Two Degrees are deserting the sinking ship and noting that Two Degrees will probably have to come to an arrangement with Spark or Vodafone to survive. Listing? Haw! Haw!

Just adopt the could technology accounting model and the problem is solved! ;)

18-03-2015, 06:29 PM
The big boys in action again today with over 26 million shares changing hands at a value of over $82 million, they own this stock and can drive it either up or down at will I've noticed for a long time now. The charts mean diddly squat as on Monday I watched it go to $3.27 by 11 a.m then it started its desent to where it is now yet RSI and W%R both looked okay sitting around the 50 mark. I've come to the conclusion that charts are generally of limited use if you want to trade this stock and you can do just as well without them especially if you happen to have a cash pile available for days like today. Disc- Holding a good number for the divvy next week

18-03-2015, 06:37 PM
The big boys in action again today with over 26 million shares changing hands at a value of over $82 million, they own this stock and can drive it either up or down at will I've noticed for a long time now. The charts mean diddly squat as on Monday I watched it go to $3.27 by 11 a.m then it started its desent to where it is now yet RSI and W%R both looked okay sitting around the 50 mark. I've come to the conclusion that charts are generally of limited use if you want to trade this stock and you can do just as well without them especially if you happen to have a cash pile available for days like today. Disc- Holding a good number for the divvy next week

couta, happy to see you back on board again, i am keep buying since interim report, of course including today, spk now take up over half of my book.

Snow Leopard
18-03-2015, 07:53 PM
...The charts mean diddly squat as on Monday I watched it go to $3.27 by 11 a.m then it started its desent to where it is now yet RSI and W%R both looked okay sitting around the 50 mark. I've come to the conclusion that charts are generally of limited use if you want to trade this stock and you can do just as well without them...

For all of us:
Charts are are as useful as we want them to be.
RSI and W%R are as useful as we want them to be.
Other forms of technical analysis are as useful as we want them to be.
Fundamental analysis is as useful as we want it to be.

:huh: :huh: :huh: :cool: :rolleyes:

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

18-03-2015, 08:26 PM
Very Profound PT:cool:

19-03-2015, 10:58 AM
For all of us:
Charts are are as useful as we want them to be.
RSI and W%R are as useful as we want them to be.
Other forms of technical analysis are as useful as we want them to be.
Fundamental analysis is as useful as we want it to be.

:huh: :huh: :huh: :cool: :rolleyes:

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

:) Okay, that leaves us only "gut feel". But then gut feel is only a useful feeling when we want it to be :cool:

19-03-2015, 02:57 PM
:) Okay, that leaves us only "gut feel". But then gut feel is only a useful feeling when we want it to be :cool:
The Gutometer it is then at least as good as any TA tool and constantly up to date without ever pushing a button:cool:

20-03-2015, 06:43 PM
Massive volume again today 41.5 million shares at $122 million value must be March madness as SPK hasn't come out of any index, maybe the big boys doing an end of year rebalance or reducing taxable profits.

21-03-2015, 05:01 PM
Whats good about the result exactly?
Seems to be no real growth in phone or internet, and thats on the bck of charging more for internet than nerly every country in the world. How much longer will they be able to get away with fleecing their customers?
So it simple to work out - if you compare it to the UK, they have fifteen potential customers to our one. Their longest distance is less than half of ours. This applies to almost everywhere. And that is why some of Sparks much vaunted opposition are not doing as well as some people imagine. If they were fleecing their customers, then it wouldn't be long before they lost them all to the opposition.

22-03-2015, 10:58 AM
Whats good about the result exactly?
Seems to be no real growth in phone or internet, and thats on the bck of charging more for internet than nerly every country in the world. How much longer will they be able to get away with fleecing their customers?

Do you have a cite for that? A few years ago I'd have agreed straight away, but not now.

22-03-2015, 01:30 PM
I am stay with spark(telecom) since 1995, never think their charge me more compare to other suppliers( not other countries), and service is good and stable.

24-03-2015, 06:20 PM
Massive volume again today 41.5 million shares at $122 million value must be March madness as SPK hasn't come out of any index, maybe the big boys doing an end of year rebalance or reducing taxable profits.

SPK be manipulated by those big boys, they buy just for sale or sell just for buy.

25-03-2015, 05:10 PM
Nice drop today. Hopefully will stay in the 2.90 range over the next few days for those of us in the DRP (am I right in thinking that the strike price is based on the average price for the 5 days after xd?)

25-03-2015, 05:31 PM
Nice drop today. Hopefully will stay in the 2.90 range over the next few days for those of us in the DRP (am I right in thinking that the strike price is based on the average price for the 5 days after xd?)

I believe it is the average price for the 5 days after the record date.
Record date is 27/03/2015 I think? So it'll be the 5 days from 30/03/2015 to 3/04/2015.

25-03-2015, 06:40 PM
I believe it is the average price for the 5 days after the record date.
Record date is 27/03/2015 I think? So it'll be the 5 days from 30/03/2015 to 3/04/2015.
NO, start from ex divvy day.
"A Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) is available for holders whose shares are registered on the New Zealand and Australian stock exchanges. The strike price for the DRP is calculated as the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) over the five business days commencing the NZX ex date. Management does not intend to buy-back on market an approximately equivalent number of shares issued under the Plan."

25-03-2015, 06:59 PM
Ok thanks Jay and Master. All good (as the kids say). Looks like some cheap (only time will tell) shares are heading our way.

25-03-2015, 07:12 PM
NO, start from ex divvy day.
"A Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) is available for holders whose shares are registered on the New Zealand and Australian stock exchanges. The strike price for the DRP is calculated as the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) over the five business days commencing the NZX ex date. Management does not intend to buy-back on market an approximately equivalent number of shares issued under the Plan."

Hmmm thanks very interesting.
Never realized that some companies take the average DRP price starting on the ex-dividend date (like SPK and CNU) and some on the record date (like FPH and SUM).

25-03-2015, 08:06 PM
So did the shares go ex dividend today?

25-03-2015, 08:13 PM
So did the shares go ex dividend today?
They sure did.

25-03-2015, 08:21 PM
So down 7.5 as expected in NZ but down 20 in OZ on the ASX. Looks like they are oversold in OZ.

25-03-2015, 08:37 PM
So down 7.5 as expected in NZ but down 20 in OZ on the ASX. Looks like they are oversold in OZ.
There's still some big sellers around at the moment, Blackrock investments sold 31million Spark shares over the last while as an example but interestingly they then purchased 21 million SKT shares, the finishing price today would be the first time the MA200 has been breached for a good while (About a year) but it doesn't look like the selling is over on the NZX just yet, actually I didn't expect it to finish down 16.5c from yesterdays close which highlights the selling pressure.

25-03-2015, 08:49 PM
Hi Couta, Excuse me for straying off topic but with all the competition the Sky TV will have to deal with this year from other emerging players in the TV space, I wouldn't be buying them.

25-03-2015, 08:55 PM
Hi Couta, Excuse me for straying off topic but with all the competition the Sky TV will have to deal with this year from other emerging players in the TV space, I wouldn't be buying them.
Yeah I agree that big purchase from Blackrock surprised me unless they know something we dont.

25-03-2015, 08:58 PM
So down 7.5 as expected in NZ but down 20 in OZ on the ASX. Looks like they are oversold in OZ.

Some finance guru at AUT reckons that 91% of SPK's price discovery comes from the ASX .....ie SPK price is driven by Aussies and what NZX participants hink doesn't really have any effect.

So maybe not oversold on the ASX

25-03-2015, 09:03 PM
Yeah I agree that big purchase from Blackrock surprised me unless they know something we dont.
they could just spread eggs over different baskets.

25-03-2015, 09:09 PM
they could just spread eggs over different baskets.
Possibly Master98 as they now own 6.3% of SPK and 5.5% of SKT.

25-03-2015, 09:19 PM
Possibly Master98 as they now own 6.3% of SPK and 5.5% of SKT.

And 5% of FBU and heaps of SKC

Major von Tempsky
10-04-2015, 01:26 PM
Can anyone get into the Investor Update announced today by Spark? If so please paste here or a link to it that actually works!

10-04-2015, 02:00 PM
Can anyone get into the Investor Update announced today by Spark? If so please paste here or a link to it that actually works!


10-04-2015, 02:12 PM
There are many areas where NZX frustrate. Today is a good example. On my stockness watchlist I have SPK on both exchanges. Click to the NZX ann, it takes me to nowhere except to a roundabout story and a hint that there is a story somewhere else.
Click to the same ann on the ASX and it opens up the story IMMEDIATELY. It is time that the NZX came in to the 21st century.

GTM 3442
10-04-2015, 04:07 PM
. . It is time that the NZX came in to the 21st century.

Twentieth century would be a big enough improvement. Don't want to rush things.

21-04-2015, 05:08 PM
$2.85, haven't been down here for 9 months by my calculation, where is the bottom ??

21-04-2015, 06:05 PM
At $2.77 is where I would wait to buy some more :p

Nasi Goreng
21-04-2015, 06:13 PM
Pretty good investment at these levels I think. Would have to think there is offshore interest for a relatively stable high yielding stock.

21-04-2015, 06:24 PM
$2.85, haven't been down here for 9 months by my calculation, where is the bottom ??
$2.80 will offer huge resistance IMO.

21-04-2015, 06:25 PM
Pretty good investment at these levels I think. Would have to think there is offshore interest for a relatively stable high yielding stock.
That's where all the big selling is and normally comes from in this stock.

Major von Tempsky
22-04-2015, 05:40 PM
It's all a matter of patience for the long term with value investing. Lots of people have the attention span and patience of a gnat and will rush off to Snakk or high yielding Greek bonds or gold or currency speculation and after 5 months of frantic ADHD then find it is too late to get back in for the next Spark dividend. Pity them.

22-04-2015, 05:55 PM
It's all a matter of patience for the long term with value investing. Lots of people have the attention span and patience of a gnat and will rush off to Snakk or high yielding Greek bonds or gold or currency speculation and after 5 months of frantic ADHD then find it is too late to get back in for the next Spark dividend. Pity them.

originally bought into SPK just for short time frame, now have to be long haul and patience, but no worry at all.

disc: still buying.

23-04-2015, 04:17 PM
Just broke $2.80 so obviously long sell down in progress, did a panic sell last year when I went 10% down which cost me 10k( ComCom price adjustment for CNU time) NO panic this time ( Just over 10% down as we speak) just ride the SPK rollercoaster out she'll go up and down forever and a day anyways. Actually my panic sell was the only time I have ever lost money on this stock. Disc- Holding Heaps

23-04-2015, 04:27 PM
Just broke $2.80 so obviously long sell down in progress, did a panic sell last year when I went 10% down which cost me 10k( ComCom price adjustment for CNU time) NO panic this time ( Just over 10% down as we speak) just ride the SPK rollercoaster out she'll go up and down forever and a day anyways. Actually my panic sell was the only time I have ever lost money on this stock. Disc- Holding Heaps

glad you are learned from....

23-04-2015, 05:03 PM
another buy at $2.8.

23-04-2015, 05:04 PM
Just broke $2.80 so obviously long sell down in progress, did a panic sell last year when I went 10% down which cost me 10k( ComCom price adjustment for CNU time) NO panic this time ( Just over 10% down as we speak) just ride the SPK rollercoaster out she'll go up and down forever and a day anyways. Actually my panic sell was the only time I have ever lost money on this stock. Disc- Holding Heaps

Im assuming you are not into charts --cause even to a novice like me ,this ones looking uglyyyy

23-04-2015, 05:04 PM
Topped up early today @ $2.86, if just I had waited till days end I could have saved myself $480

23-04-2015, 05:08 PM
Topped up early today @ $2.86, if just I had waited till days end I could have saved myself $480

if you compare those bought at $3.54 then how much you already saved:t_up:

23-04-2015, 05:40 PM
Im assuming you are not into charts --cause even to a novice like me ,this ones looking uglyyyy
Actually I am but bought most of my holding pre divvy when the charts didn't look so bad but this sell down started from the big overseas boys and you never know when they may strike ,but like I said at the end of the day it doesn't really matter this rollercoaster will head back up again at some point and in the meantime we get to clip a nice divvy ticket along the way so all good:cool:

Major von Tempsky
23-04-2015, 05:45 PM
If you look around you'll see that the other majors (well the ones I quickly looked at) have also been hit. The trouble is Spk is used as a proxy for the NZ dollar and NZ Inc, instead of buying NZ dollars they buy Spk and then take profits or run from possible trouble. I suppose they make marginally more profit than making losses on that activity but they must get caught out quite a bit....

Nasi Goreng
23-04-2015, 07:02 PM
The chart is really ugly atm. I've been looking at the Aussie chart and its crossed 200 day, 3 black crows in the last 3 days which is big sell signal.

There is not much supporting it and I'm wondering if one analysts call of it reaching $2.40 is on the cards.

Can't quite think it would reach there though... Yield players should hit this soon.

23-04-2015, 08:05 PM
The chart is really ugly atm. I've been looking at the Aussie chart and its crossed 200 day, 3 black crows in the last 3 days which is big sell signal.

There is not much supporting it and I'm wondering if one analysts call of it reaching $2.40 is on the cards.

Can't quite think it would reach there though... Yield players should hit this soon.

MA50(3.116) just over MA200(3.057), miracle could just start here, next few days will be interesting.

23-04-2015, 08:32 PM
If you look around you'll see that the other majors (well the ones I quickly looked at) have also been hit. The trouble is Spk is used as a proxy for the NZ dollar and NZ Inc, instead of buying NZ dollars they buy Spk and then take profits or run from possible trouble. I suppose they make marginally more profit than making losses on that activity but they must get caught out quite a bit....

That was the case in the "old days" but I wonder if it still applies to the same degree, particularly since the split from Chorus and the listing of the electricity gentailers? I guess the movement of shares in and out of the big nominee holdings of these companies as disclosed by SSH announcements would offer a few clues.

24-04-2015, 08:58 AM
sold out a while ago it had a nice run but lots of emerging threats appearing to there business another one here as google have just announced they are entering mobile plans test pilot in us then roll out to the world just like there other products.


24-04-2015, 06:57 PM
Gee at $2.80 the net is 6.4% that's pretty handy, I still hold for yield.

24-04-2015, 08:52 PM
Gee at $2.80 the net is 6.4% that's pretty handy, I still hold for yield.

at $1.5 the net yield will be 12%;)

24-04-2015, 09:35 PM
Well good luck with that - it will mean all your other stocks will have been beaten to hell and SPK will be at an all time low!

24-04-2015, 09:46 PM
at $1.5 the net yield will be 12%;) Your talking total market destruction mode there Master98:eek2:

24-04-2015, 10:03 PM
Your talking total market destruction mode there Master98:eek2:

not me here it is:
Spark's market cap slips, as investors weigh increased competition"Uncertainty is one thing that share markets and share prices do not like," Smalley said. "Until that uncertainty is removed, you might see continued selling."

24-04-2015, 10:08 PM
not me here it is:
Spark's market cap slips, as investors weigh increased competition

"Uncertainty is one thing that share markets and share prices do not like," Smalley said. "Until that uncertainty is removed, you might see continued selling."
Yeah I read that, just one persons opinion,continued selling may not necessarily be below $2.80, the uncertainty of competition is here to stay.

25-04-2015, 10:11 AM
Yeah I read that, just one persons opinion,continued selling may not necessarily be below $2.80, the uncertainty of competition is here to stay.
If SPK employees can get their interest free loan to buy the share at the discounted price of $2.77 as I was told, then surely we should be placing our buy prizes at that price or even lower.

25-04-2015, 10:31 AM
If SPK employees can get their interest free loan to buy the share at the discounted price of $2.77 as I was told, then surely we should be placing our buy prizes at that price or even lower.

totally agree, we paid DRP price $2.97, then these employees should not pay less than $2.97 for shares.

25-04-2015, 11:49 AM
I believe it makes more sense to keep employees happy as opposed to you.. As far as I'm aware they actually do the work and generate the profits. You on the other hand do what? Many workplace studies show happy workers are more engaged and enthusiastic and participate more fully in the business.
totally agree, we paid DRP price $2.97, then these employees should not pay less than $2.97 for shares.

25-04-2015, 01:52 PM
I believe it makes more sense to keep employees happy as opposed to you.. As far as I'm aware they actually do the work and generate the profits. You on the other hand do what? Many workplace studies show happy workers are more engaged and enthusiastic and participate more fully in the business.
disagree, those employees are well paid to their jobs, should do the work properly, otherwise the management has problems.

26-04-2015, 02:41 PM
Are you under the misapprehension that these are sweat shop workers in Guangjou or Mumbai? These are in all probability, well trained, above average intelligence, educated and aware people who could probably walk away and get a similar job anywhere at any time. The assumption that employees owe the company and should kowtow to management is a shallow and outdated way of thinking. To retain top staff and well trained employees often requires extra incentive...employee share purchase options are just one of the many things that are used. In a different time and different country and in different work environment your theory is possible. But not here.
disagree, those employees are well paid to their jobs, should do the work properly, otherwise the management has problems.

27-04-2015, 06:30 AM
Off topic, but can anyone suggest where I can find the share price of Telecom on 22nd June 1999 please? Taxes )-:

27-04-2015, 08:00 AM
Off topic, but can anyone suggest where I can find the share price of Telecom on 22nd June 1999 please? Taxes )-:

$6.98 close

All care/no responsibility

27-04-2015, 09:30 AM
$6.98 close

All care/no responsibility

Thanks winner

30-04-2015, 05:50 PM
Up 3.3% today, that's a good lift. Punters looking for a yield source or something else ?

30-04-2015, 06:14 PM
Up 3.3% today, that's a good lift. Punters looking for a yield source or something else ?
That plus getting to oversold levels, just in time to stop that death cross from forming hopefully.

30-04-2015, 07:43 PM
$6.98 close

All care/no responsibility

Note that subsequent capital returns, including the floating off of Chorus, were all particpated in by shareholders in Telecom holdinng shares since 22nd June 1999. Shareholders who have bought into Spark since the name change have not had those capital returns.


30-04-2015, 07:57 PM
Note that subsequent capital returns, including the floating off of Chorus, were all particpated in by shareholders in Telecom holdinng shares since 22nd June 1999. Shareholders who have bought into Spark since the name change have not had those capital returns.


my average buy price still under the water, but start to see the light.

30-04-2015, 08:00 PM
So, as a trader,how high can I go tomorrow? $3? Or hang in for a bit more?

30-04-2015, 08:19 PM
So, as a trader,how high can I go tomorrow? $3? Or hang in for a bit more?

Morningstar valuation nzd$3.1 still in place.

30-04-2015, 08:33 PM
Morningstar valuation nzd$3.1 still in place.
I don't think valuations mean diddly squat with this share, it could just as easily go to around $3.30 in a week or so, the big boys seeking yield or a temporal money stop will determine where the price goes irrespective of true value.

06-05-2015, 08:15 AM
What's the chance of a lift in dual listed yield stocks today ?

Oz interest rates getting lower and lower

06-05-2015, 08:49 AM
What's the chance of a lift in dual listed yield stocks today ?

Oz interest rates getting lower and lower

also NZD drop to 0.95 AUD, SPK could start to fly.

06-05-2015, 09:01 AM
also NZD drop to 0.95 AUD, SPK could start to fly.
Plus the launch of their new phone based ultra fast broadband service cutting out the copper and the money it pays to Chorus for using it, great.

06-05-2015, 09:11 AM
Plus the launch of their new phone based ultra fast broadband service cutting out the copper and the money it pays to Chorus for using it, great.

exactly, and attracts more customers

06-05-2015, 10:38 AM
Plus the launch of their new phone based ultra fast broadband service cutting out the copper and the money it pays to Chorus for using it, great.
Couta. It is great that this product is now available as it will cut costs for Spark. But it is worth pondering why this product took so long to come to market. UFB has been out for quite some time. Are they too big and slow to deliver timely products?

06-05-2015, 10:46 AM
Couta. It is great that this product is now available as it will cut costs for Spark. But it is worth pondering why this product took so long to come to market. UFB has been out for quite some time. Are they too big and slow to deliver timely products?

Their so called "ReEngineering" of their legacy software/hardware systems have just been put into action early this year so YES, they're big and slow. But hopefully they can now ramp it up from this point.

06-05-2015, 01:04 PM
Do you have an option if you want to keep your landline and have Fibre or does the fibre connection take the copper landlines place end of story
I note it say if the power goes off no internet (obviously) but no phone either - can't call 111
Granted most people will have a mobile as well, but...

It (Fibre) is at least a couple of years away in our area even though the Fibre goes to their cabinet around the corner - must be where it stops at present

27-05-2015, 12:05 PM
Anyone have an explaination or any thoughts on the current downwards trend?

27-05-2015, 12:08 PM
Anyone have an explaination or any thoughts on the current downwards trend?
Expectations of an earnings downgrade I'd say whether real or imagined coupled with general bear market sentiment.

27-05-2015, 12:18 PM
My feeling is that downtrend is slowing and a base is forming. Last year they increased the divi from the previous year. They are unlikely to decrease it this year, more people are consuming more data. An increase in divi this year is possible. I think that it is a hold.

27-05-2015, 12:23 PM
My feeling is that downtrend is slowing and a base is forming. Last year they increased the divi from the previous year. They are unlikely to decrease it this year, more people are consuming more data. An increase in divi this year is possible. I think that it is a hold.
The upcoming ComCom decision on the final copper pricing is also weighing on the stock, no one knows whether it will end up favoring CNU or SPK, worse case scenario for SPK would be an increase in the draft price plus backdating. Disc- Holding heaps at large paper loss currently but definitely a long term hold in my book.

27-05-2015, 12:58 PM
The upcoming ComCom decision on the final copper pricing is also weighing on the stock, no one knows whether it will end up favoring CNU or SPK, worse case scenario for SPK would be an increase in the draft price plus backdating. Disc- Holding heaps at large paper loss currently but definitely a long term hold in my book.

downgrade this year earnings is unlikely, spark(and other ISPs) already hike price from this Feb. regarding the comcom drifts, they always can pass costs to customers.

27-05-2015, 01:03 PM
downgrade this year earnings is unlikely, spark(and other ISPs) already hike price from this Feb. regarding the comcom drifts, they always can pass costs to customers.
You can only pass on so much cost in the face of stiff competition and it would be very bad news for SPK if the ComCom increase the draft price for copper come the FPP. PS- Airedale that base is still falling:eek2:

27-05-2015, 01:18 PM
You can only pass on so much cost in the face of stiff competition and it would be very bad news for SPK if the ComCom increase the draft price for copper come the FPP. PS- Airedale that base is still falling:eek2:

my next buy order is at $2.5

Nasi Goreng
27-05-2015, 01:21 PM
The way things look at the moment, $2.40 looks more probable than $3.

27-05-2015, 01:21 PM
my next buy order is at $2.5

After having had my fill at $2.70 (same price that SPK employees got their shares with interest free loan from the company), we can certainly try that price :)

27-05-2015, 01:23 PM
Sold out yesterday at 275 and put a buy in at 272 to make me decent profit. Have edited that twice so far, downwards and currently at 265. I'm not sure of a reason but uncertainty alone, related to the ComCom decision is enough. The banks, the big shareholders, will be happy to soak up any real surplesses so a range of 230 - 240cps is where I see the bottom line.

27-05-2015, 01:24 PM
my next buy order is at $2.5
What's your average buy price now? I'm holding 104k at $3.14 so no money to average down.

27-05-2015, 01:31 PM
What's your average buy price now? I'm holding 104k at $3.14 so no money to average down.

dear couta, i hold 56k at $3.1

27-05-2015, 01:33 PM
What's your average buy price now? I'm holding 104k at $3.14 so no money to average down.

i will sell some performing ones to fund the purchase.

27-05-2015, 01:40 PM
i will sell some performing ones to fund the purchase.
I've only got 3 blue arrows out of 16 stocks and I want to keep them, good luck with your averaging down, we will both have another good divvy payment come September to look forward to anyways:cool: