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11-07-2014, 10:46 PM
interesting article if the link works......nice to see SLI exposure from wsj

12-07-2014, 08:48 AM
so do we buy now at 1.40 or just freak out.
the thread is very quiet..........:scared:
Quiet because there is nothing to say until we get some more news or reports still a good company just getting on with its business. Disc-Holding from $2.25, no need for freaking out the cycle will turn:cool:

12-07-2014, 09:21 AM
The other day NBR republished an article they did at the IPO time reminding punters what the true value there is embedded in SLI

And this time of the year punters like these stories and buy during their holidays already to profit in the new year

I think it a great company but somehow they need to get punters aware of what they actually do and the potential there is

Hard to believe that since that post the price has fallen by half

Can't go much lower can it ....or is about fairly priced

12-07-2014, 10:17 AM
What a shame,I am missing all the pain, as I don't own any of them.!!!

12-07-2014, 12:39 PM
Put XRO, GEO, VML, SNK, SLI, PEB, WYN, pretty much all the loss making techies, on a graph and look at the pain over the last few months. If people don't think they have fallen out of favour they are deluding themselves. (Can add SKO to this lot soon as well).

Just when you thought it couldn't go lower... it will! These cycles take a long time to play out, and as global markets haven't corrected yet, i believe there is a lot more to come. Darwinism may start taking effect sooner or later.

The smart amongst us will stay out (but with a close eye on them), with their money busy elsewhere. When the tide starts to turn, as global sentiment constantly does, it will be time to strike. Study your psychology!

Think we could have the next DIL amomgst this lot ($1 IPO, 7 cents low, $8.20 high). Just a matter of picking and choosing ;)

Well, you’re an absolute joy germ for SLI holders, talk about how to make friends and influence people.

I couldn’t say if SLI is fairly valued about here or not as I don’t research it, but at some point the stocks with sound long term fundamentals will peel away as investors jump in taking up value for long term holdings. There may well be quite a lot of that coming up quite soon with XRO having skewed the sector index and most other stocks in one direction along with it.

Sheepish correlations are the markets way of transferring wealth from the fickle to the patient.

12-07-2014, 03:20 PM
Well, you’re an absolute joy germ for SLI holders, talk about how to make friends and influence people.

I couldn’t say if SLI is fairly valued about here or not as I don’t research it, but at some point the stocks with sound long term fundamentals will peel away as investors jump in taking up value for long term holdings. There may well be quite a lot of that coming up quite soon with XRO having skewed the sector index and most other stocks in one direction along with it.

Sheepish correlations are the markets way of transferring wealth from the fickle to the patient.

Time is the friend of a good company,the enemy of a poor company.!!
When the tide goes out we can see who is swimming without trucks on.
I suppose Warren Buffett has a good many more;they are just two that come to mind.

12-07-2014, 03:47 PM
moral of the story; Never swim with trucks.

12-07-2014, 04:53 PM
moral of the story; Never swim with trucks.

Apologies for trucks instead of trunks.

28-07-2014, 09:11 AM
Reasonable announcement this morning. All on track as per forecasts

Of all recent 'tech' IPOs this is one company that I think will still be around in many years and making plenty of money.

Been profitable in past, just scaling up the business at the moment

28-07-2014, 09:16 AM
Reasonable announcement this morning. All on track as per forecasts

Of all recent 'tech' IPOs this is one company that I think will still be around in many years and making plenty of money.

Been profitable in past, just scaling up the business at the moment
Yep all on track but will we see any significant price increase in the current market? I doubt it good medium term prospects but longer term possible Diligent type reinstatement issues could arise?

28-07-2014, 01:12 PM
the statement they refer to : https://www.nzx.com/companies/SLI/announcements/253149

also here is an NBR article

28-07-2014, 01:41 PM
Reasonable announcement this morning. All on track as per forecasts

Did we read different announcements? I agree with your comments regarding longevity. I would like to pick some up when we get some earnings visibility.

"Annualised Recurring Revenue (ARR1) as at 30 June 2014 rose 29.4% to $25 million from the $19 million as at 30 June 20132. This is slightly short of the $26 million we forecast at the IPO."

"Our technology continues to deliver value to our customers well ahead of competing solutions. Our customer retention rate over the year remains strong at 90%, largely in line with our IPO forecast of 91% and our historical retention rates."

Harvey Specter
28-07-2014, 02:06 PM
The question I have is why did the expansion in sales & market staff not go as planned. The lower sales is reasonable based on this but hard to judge how this will effect the long term prospects without knowing the reason.

28-07-2014, 03:11 PM
bit disappointing i thought, money they are spending on the xtra sales and marketing is not translating to sales - think i mentioned this earlier

27-08-2014, 08:26 PM
Does this mean all these people listed can now sell their shares


Under Surveillance
27-08-2014, 09:26 PM
Does this mean all these people listed can now sell their shares

It means they may sell them.
Given they hold 69% of the shares in the company, it is unlikely they can all sell them any time soon.

27-08-2014, 09:49 PM
It means they may sell them.
Given they hold 69% of the shares in the company, it is unlikely they can all sell them any time soon.
Especially if they want to make any profit.

02-09-2014, 08:10 AM
Edisons research 28/8/14 gives a DCF valuation of $2.62 - $2.96 - strong growth and good retention rates. But , I hear you , the options.

22-09-2014, 10:54 PM
Any views on the following?


Accompanied by quite a large volume yesterday.

23-09-2014, 11:11 AM
Any views on the following?


Accompanied by quite a large volume yesterday.
That will fill up any buying support the Company had IMHO....Bit like GEO and others where the market is not too flash with few buyers and no interest.Balance may show up on this announcement....

23-09-2014, 12:41 PM
If a Couta is buying the wrong stock deep in the woods, and there is no Smokin Cubans around to see it, is he still wrong?

23-09-2014, 12:46 PM
Above post reported I'm getting sick of this guy both on the forum and behind the scenes with his insulting manner and personal attacks. He seems to love dredging through old posts and using them against you.

23-09-2014, 12:49 PM
If a Couta is buying the wrong stock deep in the woods, and there is no Smokin Cubans around to see it, is he still wrong?

Gee I wonder who this could be_900? :D:D:D

23-09-2014, 12:51 PM
Above post reported I'm getting sick of this guy both on the forum and behind the scenes with his insulting manner and personal attacks. He seems to love dredging through old posts and using them against you.

Agreed. The definition of forum is an exchange of ideas and opinions. Not something that members should be criticised for.

23-09-2014, 01:01 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I dont think I have ever come across someone as financially illiterate as you are couta.

You keep on saying that you bought xero at $40, you bought SLI at $2.25, etc etc etc

This is just another repost to warn others of Couta - his opinions are worth zilch - he is an ignoramus and should not be trusted with an opinion when it comes to money.

I wish the admins would just ban you.

FOr the love of god - get off this forum and pay someone to invest your money for you.

I for one appreciate Couta's posts exactly because he is so transparent with his thoughts and emotions. Let's be honest, the mistakes he makes happen to all of us (maybe to a lesser extent) with the line between investing and gambling being so thin. Silencing him will only deprive others of their chance to recognise psychological patterns and avoid similar mistakes. Please keep posting Couta (including on the Xro thread), but please do take people's concerns seriously and take professional advice on investing and maybe even problem gambling.

23-09-2014, 01:09 PM
Cheers Casino I haven't actually bought any SLI for over a year and made the mistake of not selling near their high of $2.90 as I was caught up in the tech hype at the time so decided to hold long term and I do listen to peoples genuine concerns and advise especially when its presented in the right manner but not from someone who seldom posts except to insult and put down others and put themselves out there as the forum guru.

23-09-2014, 01:16 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I dont think I have ever come across someone as financially illiterate as you are couta.

You keep on saying that you bought xero at $40, you bought SLI at $2.25, etc etc etc

This is just another repost to warn others of Couta - his opinions are worth zilch - he is an ignoramus and should not be trusted with an opinion when it comes to money.

I wish the admins would just ban you.

FOr the love of god - get off this forum and pay someone to invest your money for you.

So what's wrong with buying Xero at $40 then? Maybe now but how could be someone be wrong when at that time a lot of people too are buying XRO at an even higher price.

23-09-2014, 02:13 PM
Cheers Casino I haven't actually bought any SLI for over a year and made the mistake of not selling near their high of $2.90 as I was caught up in the tech hype at the time so decided to hold long term and I do listen to peoples genuine concerns and advise especially when its presented in the right manner but not from someone who seldom posts except to insult and put down others and put themselves out there as the forum guru.

And yet, he may be your best friend...

23-09-2014, 07:11 PM
That will fill up any buying support the Company had IMHO....Bit like GEO and others where the market is not too flash with few buyers and no interest.Balance may show up on this announcement....
Gor blimey.....didn't think this thread was so volatile...Hope you all settle down and realise John Key is here for another three years..".Thatll probably get you going again. Cheers

23-09-2014, 07:26 PM
Smokin cubans banned, thankyou admin, its unfortunate that some cant show basic goodwill and courtesy to their fellow posters and it comes to this.

24-09-2014, 02:36 AM
The only moron was whoever he was. If he truly believed what he said he would have encouraged you and used your opinions as a contrary indicator. Instead he just asked to be banned.

24-09-2014, 10:01 AM
Anyone have a comment on this? http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/10535928/Share-sales-jolt-SLI-stocks

24-09-2014, 10:07 AM
Anyone have a comment on this? http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/10535928/Share-sales-jolt-SLI-stocks

"I think you would have to be crazy to sell at this price," Ryan said

24-09-2014, 10:08 AM
Anyone have a comment on this? http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/10535928/Share-sales-jolt-SLI-stocks

** He had considered buying them at $1.15, "but my wife wouldn't let me".
"I think you would have to be crazy to sell at this price," Ryan said. **

They aren't that crazy if the stock marches towards $1.

24-09-2014, 10:14 AM
Anyone have a comment on this? http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/10535928/Share-sales-jolt-SLI-stocks

Usually pays to watch what insiders are doing.
I notice TIL the directors at TILagm said an original founding shareholder's [no longer with TIL] selling has caused the weakness with TIL's share price.
Yet Ryman co-founder John Ryder sold out early.
Maybe it takes a couple of years after listing for the share registry to settle down?

24-09-2014, 10:15 AM
Anyone have a comment on this? http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/10535928/Share-sales-jolt-SLI-stocks
Same thing as mentioned before.When you have a private Company that wants to go public there is always the chance that original shareholders are caught between a rock and a hard place.They don't want to sell because they think they are onward and upward but all of them have day to day expenses that need addressing.At listing a small number of shares is sold and if they don't have a big enough spread then there is never a natural market until the Company thrives and develops demand from the outside.Until this Company really gets going and everyone wants a piece you are forever going to be confronted with the same overhang.IMHO. Cheers

24-09-2014, 01:44 PM

24-09-2014, 01:48 PM
Thanks but it's a paid article - subscribers only :(

30-09-2014, 10:50 AM
Heading for that $1 but I guess what can be expected when a large parcel of over 4 million shares went through a week ago at $1.15, a very frustrating and dissapointing stock to own currently.

Snow Leopard
30-09-2014, 12:29 PM
$1.15 crikey.
I bought these in the $2.10-$2.25 range, missed the top badly and sold for a small (2%) loss.
Looking at the chart, no wonder it has never reappeared on the radar!

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

01-10-2014, 02:15 PM
$1.15 crikey.
I bought these in the $2.10-$2.25 range, missed the top badly and sold for a small (2%) loss.
Looking at the chart, no wonder it has never reappeared on the radar!

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

$1.04 now.

Down, down she goes.

02-10-2014, 09:49 AM
Mr Brash said: ”Some personal and family circumstances initiated my recent sale of SLI shares but this does not change the support and belief I have in SLI and the business we have built. Being one of the original founders of the company 13 years ago required some adjustments to the balance of my personal investments. After the recent share sale I still remain a top 20 shareholder in SLI with a significant investment in the company”

Next minute:

SLI Systems (NZX.SLI) today announces the resignation of Geoff Brash co-founder and Vice President of Business Intelligence.

Mr Brash, who was one of the co-founders of SLI, has decided to pursue his personal business interests. Mr Brash’s resignation is effective today, but he will continue consulting to SLI Systems until the end of the year.

Sounds more like a combination of "cashing up his millions" and "early retirement".

Could be an early summer for him out on his new boat fishing.

SLI seems to be beating their prospectus - so perhaps shares are at discount now??

In August, SLI posted a loss of $5.7 million for the 12 months ended June 30, smaller than the $7.2 million loss forecast in its offer documents in May last year. Operating revenue was $22.1 million, about matching its forecast for $22.2 million, while cash reserves were $11.4 million, versus the $7.3 million flagged in its prospectus.

08-10-2014, 10:26 PM
Edison report has a valuation of DSF. $2.96 i assume, people don't agree with that, being that we are $ 1.18 . .?
Can you help me out here?

08-10-2014, 11:11 PM
Report can be downloaded from here

08-10-2014, 11:22 PM
Thanks, there is a 30th Sept update too. So why the low SP ?

08-10-2014, 11:30 PM
Thanks, there is a 30th Sept update too. So why the low SP ?

Because the market's tanking overseas, no one has any confidence, and tech stocks that aren't making any money are seen as risky. If you think it's cheap, buy up- you'd need some patience though...

Harvey Specter
09-10-2014, 09:04 AM
Because the market's tanking overseas, no one has any confidence, and tech stocks that aren't making any money are seen as risky. If you think it's cheap, buy up- you'd need some patience though...Whats their cash on hand and cash burn. If they can survive a bit longer without having to raise more capital, they should be find provided they keep growing and retaining customers. A capital raising will be difficult at the moment.

01-12-2014, 09:58 AM
Man the number of awards etc this company has won over the last few months the share price should be back over the $2 mark but for all those options, still if the next lot of numbers looks good she should be away hopefully.

01-12-2014, 10:20 AM
Man the number of awards etc this company has won over the last few months the share price should be back over the $2 mark but for all those options, still if the next lot of numbers looks good she should be away hopefully.

I don't think I've seen such a massive and long-running overhang as per SLI. 33 cent USD options are very tempting to convert and slap down on market constantly! This company needs to bundle sellers and negotiate an off-market sale at a better sales price. Either that or list on the ASX where liquidity would opefully take care of it. NZX is too small for this kind of stuff, especially after the company gets a "reputation" for just beign sold into by insiders!

01-12-2014, 10:46 AM
Email just sent to Shaun Ryan re my frustration as a shareholder and suggesting some solutions including your ideas BFG.

01-12-2014, 11:02 AM
Let us know the response, if you get one!

01-12-2014, 11:12 AM
Let us know the response, if you get one!
Will do and won't let it rest until I get a response, I see they issued a whole lot more options last week:t_down:

01-12-2014, 11:36 AM
Will do and won't let it rest until I get a response, I see they issued a whole lot more options last week:t_down:

Nothing you can really do about that if they are employee share options, they have a right to it. Remember, SLI has been around for a while and those older options will be well out of escrow by now! A lot of companies list to get liquidity in so employees/directors can sell out these days. An unfortunate, but necessary, part of the market!

I see the latest have a 1 year escrow and is "only" 200,000 options, so not too bad.

Here's the current rundown on shares:

60,926,672 listed ordinary shares

507,526 unlisted redeemable shares

6,218,402 unlisted options in total

22-01-2015, 07:43 PM
Well, the interminable decline continues. At 9c off the all time low of $1.00 and that being 33% off the IPO and $1.90 down from the high, SLI seems destined to test everyones patience. Assuming this continues down to test $1.00, a double bottom, that would be pivotal ... especially a breakdown. Scott thought people would be "mad to sell at $1.15". It seems there's plenty of madness to go around.

Does anyone have any updates on what's going on?

22-01-2015, 08:43 PM
Well, the interminable decline continues. At 9c off the all time low of $1.00 and that being 33% off the IPO and $1.90 down from the high, SLI seems destined to test everyones patience. Assuming this continues down to test $1.00, a double bottom, that would be pivotal ... especially a breakdown. Scott thought people would be "mad to sell at $1.15". It seems there's plenty of madness to go around.

Does anyone have any updates on what's going on?
Until those allotments stop, either by choice or a big buyer buying in (think Xero & Wynyard), and profits start being made, investors will treat this company for what it is. A loss-making company listed for early holders and employees to make an exit with great gains.

Sentiment is everything, and investors aren't willing to take expensive shares off cheap holders. Until that changes...

22-01-2015, 09:18 PM
Until those allotments stop, either by choice or a big buyer buying in (think Xero & Wynyard), and profits start being made, investors will treat this company for what it is. A loss-making company listed for early holders and employees to make an exit with great gains.

Sentiment is everything, and investors aren't willing to take expensive shares off cheap holders. Until that changes...

Very insightful BFG, I hope you're wrong but think you're probably right, I can't see a big investor, or two, buying in anytime soon (maybe wrong, but ..). An ecommerce search engine is a bit esoteric for many and completely incomprehensible for most.

What it boils down to for me, at the moment, because I do understand what they have and are doing (and no I'm not even a "young un" ;)), and I know they have a good solution in a massive market, is whether $1.00 or so now is reasonable to continue to accumulate a position for the future. That's not a question by the way, it's just my problem to work through.

On face value, SLI is 30% or so off their IPO which many thought was reasonable at the time. History may prove the current price to be very reasonable, cheap even if Scott is correct, but history is made by the future and there's no point in buying something that seems to only exist to exit cornerstone investors, who ironically and upsettingly are the also the brains who actually made the solutions and the company's success in the first place.

I'd like to hear from Scott I suppose. I'd ask him the question 'why should I invest in your company right now', and I'd expect a better answer than 'I'd be mad not to'.

Putting it out there ..


22-01-2015, 10:10 PM
Email just sent to Shaun Ryan re my frustration as a shareholder and suggesting some solutions including your ideas BFG.
Hi all, ive been a bit slack I did get a reply from the company about a week after sending my email re my concerns as a shareholder. Basically they are focusing on growing the business which on all accounts they are doing quite well and picking up several awards along the way. The CFO informed me that options must be exercised in appropriate time windows and staff must seek approval before selling any shares that are received as a result of exercising those options, they also work with brokers to facilitate off market transactions for staff. Re an ASX listing they couldn't make a public comment at this stage but are looking at such opportunities. IMHO the business has continued to grow and expand and hasn't really put a foot wrong from an operational viewpoint so I'm looking forward to the next financial update but the subdued share price is very testing due to its prolonged nature. Disc- Holding and waiting patiently for a turnaround

28-01-2015, 02:42 PM
Heading back to $1 again.

That looks the floor but SLI still on the watchlist hoping for something less than a buck

10-02-2015, 02:18 PM
Heading back to $1 again.

That looks the floor but SLI still on the watchlist hoping for something less than a buck

Below $1 mark now, $.97c to be precise with not much support in bid side, interesting times...:confused:

10-02-2015, 02:22 PM
Below $1 mark now, $.97c to be precise with not much support in bid side, interesting times...:confused:

Don't think its ever gone below a $1 before ....ouch

10-02-2015, 02:50 PM
Don't think its ever gone below a $1 before ....ouch

For those 33c option holders still a 3 bagger to the rest of us holders.just a dog.

10-02-2015, 03:41 PM
break down below 1.09 on the mthly support is significant lower price of 70c possible

10-02-2015, 03:58 PM
break down below 1.09 on the mthly support is significant lower price of 70c possible

Any significance of 70 cents?

DEATH CROSS at 215 seems to have been a good time to sell .... great signals those Death Crosses

No sign of any golden cross yet

10-02-2015, 04:18 PM
For those 33c option holders still a 3 bagger to the rest of us holders.just a dog.

I think the 33c options are in USD, so more like 45c NZD.

10-02-2015, 06:09 PM
I think the 33c options are in USD, so more like 45c NZD.

Might take a look into these guys if they get near 70c

10-02-2015, 06:12 PM
Might take a look into these guys if they get near 45c and allotment holders stop converting and volume picks up and a big buyer like Milford/Morgan/Thiel step in and they start keeping shareholders properly informed and they start retracing from loss making to breakeven/profitable and the growth sector looks favourable again THEN I MIGHT consider a buy in...

There, fixed for ya ;) :D

10-02-2015, 06:20 PM
I think the 33c options are in USD, so more like 45c NZD.
Still a great level of profit for those exercising their options and a big dissapointment for long term holders sitting on large paper losses, how low could it go well with basically no resistance whatsoever then very low id say. The explanation they gave to me a while back about arranging brokers to sell the options off market on behalf of staff doesn't wash with me, just spin I reckon.

11-02-2015, 07:43 AM
Fixed you.


Haha too true Moosie. Hopefully some thoughts by the posters here and other info will come to light if it gets that low. What is the current reason for this recent fall? Slower growth than expected or traders losing patience?

11-02-2015, 08:18 AM
Haha too true Moosie. Hopefully some thoughts by the posters here and other info will come to light if it gets that low. What is the current reason for this recent fall? Slower growth than expected or traders losing patience?
Has been nothing in this stock for traders for a long while just option holders selling for peanuts and no financial info(6 monthly due end of Feb)

11-02-2015, 09:28 AM
Has been nothing in this stock for traders for a long while just option holders selling for peanuts and no financial info(6 monthly due end of Feb)

Hmm, not sure you can assume it is option holders selling. From what I can tell from reading http://www.sli-systems.com/sites/all/files/resource/Securities%20Trading%20Policies%20and%20Guidelines .pdf all employees are restricted from trading in the period leading up to the announcement of half year results - i.e the period from 31 Dec to when the results are announced. I assume option holders are all employees, so may not be able to sell at present. Not sure about ex-employees and whether options expire once they leave.

Would be interested in feedback from anyone with greater knowledge of the trading rules for employees/insiders.

20-02-2015, 04:09 PM
Wow.... .96 to 1.02 with some backing ...what did i miss?

24-02-2015, 11:20 AM
Wow.... .96 to 1.02 with some backing ...what did i miss?

news out this morning re: 2014 results. offers now paid at $1.25. i would suggest politely that somebody clearly knew something. FMA investigation? won't hold my breath.


Snow Leopard
24-02-2015, 03:12 PM
Results out and the market likes it but cash is still being burnt (at an increased rate to previous period)

Claims that this will reverse (net outflow rate will decrease)
will the cash jar be empty within the year, if they don't get a top-up?

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

25-02-2015, 05:40 AM

03-03-2015, 11:44 PM
30% rise in the last few weeks and no one is saying anything ? Xro up, DIL up, and SLI up over recent weeks. Do you think this is a general trend? Maybe WYN might follow ?
maybe this time the 50 will cross the 200, but by then it could be at 1.50...

04-03-2015, 04:43 AM
30% rise in the last few weeks and no one is saying anything ? Xro up, DIL up, and SLI up over recent weeks. Do you think this is a general trend? Maybe WYN might follow ?
maybe this time the 50 will cross the 200, but by then it could be at 1.50...

Maybe because price overshot when it listed then overshot on the downside when investors realised how many options they had still to be exercised and bailed out

11-03-2015, 09:21 AM
Edison report 10 March here: http://search.edisongroup.com/search?view=grid&w=SLI+Systems
"DCF produces a valuation of NZ$2.92, down from NZ$2.96 previously" (current SP $1.14)

11-03-2015, 09:33 AM
Edison report 10 March here: http://search.edisongroup.com/search?view=grid&w=SLI+Systems
"DCF produces a valuation of NZ$2.92, down from NZ$2.96 previously" (current SP $1.14)
Whatever the valuation the share price isn't going to gain any significant traction for a long time IMO as soon as it shows signs of advancement like a couple of weeks ago its quickly kicked back into touch by all those small time option mice. Disc- Hold but not that enthusiastic .

11-03-2015, 09:53 AM
Edison report 10 March here: http://search.edisongroup.com/search?view=grid&w=SLI+Systems
"DCF produces a valuation of NZ$2.92, down from NZ$2.96 previously" (current SP $1.14)

DCF about as subjective as technical analysis isn't it!

Harvey Specter
11-03-2015, 10:20 AM
DCF about as subjective as technical analysis isn't it!DCF is correct as long as the assumptions are correct. So - can they maintain 10 years of growth (or whatever the assumption is). Hard to say what Tech will be in 5 years, let along 10.

Disc: holding (small)

28-04-2015, 08:55 AM
You know when the announcement is headed just 'Trading Update' its not all good news

Bloody Brazilians

At least they still selling some stuff


29-04-2015, 07:23 AM
Here's Shaun and the excuses



04-05-2015, 04:25 PM
SLI is bombing hard. Why? Bearish sentiments or dogged stock?

Cut losses and run? or hold n hope?

Holding: some.

04-05-2015, 04:34 PM
the charts say down, dog stock

04-05-2015, 05:27 PM
the charts say down, dog stock

Today's 90 cents is the lowest it's ever been I think

Chart says even lower then bull?

04-05-2015, 06:04 PM
the charts say down, dog stock
Trading volume small though and still a company with a lot of big clients and a lot of potential market so jury would be out on whether its a dog stock or not, I'd say you will have to wait another few years before you could speak with any authority on that for sure ,and remember the old saying every dog has its day.

04-05-2015, 06:12 PM
SLI is bombing hard. Why? Bearish sentiments or dogged stock?

Cut losses and run? or hold n hope?

Holding: some. I wouldn't listen to anyone's advise on here to make your decision, contact the company with your concerns and then use your gutometer to make your decision.:cool: Disc-Holding Some plus a few more.

04-05-2015, 06:48 PM
Forsyth Barr reiterates it as an 'outperform' today, but did downgrade its target from $1.75 to $1.35. I sold out a few weeks ago at $1.15... unfortunately I brought those shares at $1.91. The price is on a now long formed downtrend, so I figured why hold and watch them keep going down. If/when it bottoms I would consider buying back in.

04-05-2015, 10:15 PM
Forsyth Barr reiterates it as an 'outperform' today, but did downgrade its target from $1.75 to $1.35. I sold out a few weeks ago at $1.15... unfortunately I brought those shares at $1.91. The price is on a now long formed downtrend, so I figured why hold and watch them keep going down. If/when it bottoms I would consider buying back in.

I think For bar has a +/- 40% limit on price to valuations. I think other brokers do as well. It's so they don't look out of touch with the market. Re the recommendation - it would be pretty difficult to put anything other than an outperform on a company your firm listed and is in so much of your clients portfolios. Probably better off looking at a brokers research that wasn't involved with the listing?

05-05-2015, 03:16 AM
I think For bar has a +/- 40% limit on price to valuations. I think other brokers do as well. It's so they don't look out of touch with the market. Re the recommendation - it would be pretty difficult to put anything other than an outperform on a company your firm listed and is in so much of your clients portfolios. Probably better off looking at a brokers research that wasn't involved with the listing?
Median target of a$1.60 and low of $1.35 with a buy recommendation from 2 brokers.

05-05-2015, 06:36 AM
Median target of a$1.60 and low of $1.35 with a buy recommendation from 2 brokers.

Hey couta, who is the other broker? Were they involved with the listing? Cheers

05-05-2015, 06:41 AM
Just did a quick google - I hope you're not including Edison - paid for research only results in one outcome

05-05-2015, 07:29 AM
Today's 90 cents is the lowest it's ever been I think

Chart says even lower then bull?

made a post some pages back about possible price target based on charts

05-05-2015, 07:32 AM
Median target of a$1.60 and low of $1.35 with a buy recommendation from 2 brokers.

was 2 dollars a few mths ago looks like they are chasing the stock down

like everyone was saying ages ago continued option selling dilutes your holdings and because they are not performing is why the price is where it is

05-05-2015, 09:16 AM
Hey couta, who is the other broker? Were they involved with the listing? Cheers
Not sure as the info comes from Reuters so not named.

05-05-2015, 09:18 AM
Not sure as the info comes from Reuters so not named.
Craigs cover the stock. Not sure if they were involved with the listing.
I think Edison also provide some coverage.

05-05-2015, 10:06 AM
Craigs cover the stock. Not sure if they were involved with the listing.
I think Edison also provide some coverage.

Just googled the prospectus - Craig's and forbar were the joint lead managers. Take the recommendations and valuations with a grain of salt.

05-05-2015, 10:19 AM
Just googled the prospectus - Craig's and forbar were the joint lead managers. Take the recommendations and valuations with a grain of salt.
A rule you should apply to ALL listed companies me thinks.

Harvey Specter
13-05-2015, 08:36 AM
SLI is worth $2.78*. Get in there people!

* per latest Edison report

Disclosure: Hold a very small amount after investing a small amount :ohmy:

13-05-2015, 08:45 AM
SLI is worth $2.78*. Get in there people!

* per latest Edison report

Disclosure: Hold a very small amount after investing a small amount :ohmy:
Sounds great we are going back to the future then to where the share price was nearly two years ago:cool:

13-05-2015, 04:40 PM
I like the 2.78 valuation, but for me its too much because its not a profitable company yet.

My valuation is 1.48 due to it not being profitable right now and the time you have to wait is the downside.

Of course this is just my calculations or two cents and its best people come up with their own numbers.

11-08-2015, 06:36 PM
This stock is performing like a real dog, down to 72c and no good news seems to be able to lift it for any length of time, I sense a good sized paper loss being realised at some stage.

11-08-2015, 06:44 PM
This stock is performing like a real dog, down to 72c and no good news seems to be able to lift it for any length of time, I sense a good sized paper loss being realised at some stage.

Yep, looks more like the next zero, rather than the next xero. Todays fall was on tiny volume - but that's about as positive as it gets.

It's concerning that repeatedly the con listed by employees is the low remuneration (pay peanuts get monkeys) and a recent claim of poor customer retention.

26-08-2015, 11:24 AM
break down below 1.09 on the mthly support is significant lower price of 70c possible

hit our 70c price target still don't see anything in there results to get me excited

27-08-2015, 07:04 PM
hit our 70c price target still don't see anything in there results to get me excited
One good thing is that they are aiming to be cash flow positive in the near future so no more capital raising needed. The share price is on the rise with sellers on the retreat after Shaun Ryan's media blurb stating the share price is undervalued by around a factor of four and that the number of employees exercising options over the last year has been minimal ( I sent a couple of emails to the CFO re this over the last year) This company may produce the goods yet for patient holders.

Harvey Specter
27-08-2015, 07:33 PM
I think he said they were exercising options, but not many selling the shares. Tax wise, it's best to exercise early for a growth company.

Snow Leopard
11-09-2015, 01:39 PM
Of the tech shares on the NZX markets this, to me, looks like the most de-risked and most worth a punt.
But it is still a speculative share in my opinion.

Have acquired a small position and will see how it goes.

It is difficult to buy into without moving the price though, seems it is not getting a lot of attention.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

Disc: Have previously held SLI shares and sold out completely at a loss (which would be an awful lot bigger if I had kept them).

17-09-2015, 08:37 AM

Probably just a puff piece but those are some impressive improvement stats.

30-09-2015, 09:24 AM
New CEO by the looks.... thoughts? US Based - might give some more profile in their main market?

Harvey Specter
30-09-2015, 09:27 AM
New CEO by the looks.... thoughts? US Based - might give some more profile in their main market?Looks like a good hire. Has founded a tech co through to takeover. US based which should also help. Founder still there in a key role so no negative signal.

30-09-2015, 09:46 AM
time will tell as they say, but wouldn't take much to improve on there past performance

21-10-2015, 11:08 AM
Their "growth strategy" has been burning through the cash. The June 2015 accounts show a cash balance of $5.58m down from $11.39m the previous year. This cash outflow was raised at the recent AGM with the CFO indicating that some economies had been made (shedding under performing sales staff) and that the net cash outflow in the second half year was reduced to $1.8m. They claim that some $20m is "growth directed" and can be readily wound back and that break-even is foreseen. But they did not say when! The elephant in the room is Oracle, their major competitor.

21-10-2015, 11:28 AM
Their "growth strategy" has been burning through the cash. The June 2015 accounts show a cash balance of $5.58m down from $11.39m the previous year. This cash outflow was raised at the recent AGM with the CFO indicating that some economies had been made (shedding under performing sales staff) and that the net cash outflow in the second half year was reduced to $1.8m. They claim that some $20m is "growth directed" and can be readily wound back and that break-even is foreseen. But they did not say when! The elephant in the room is Oracle, their major competitor.

havnt seen any evidence of growth have you

22-10-2015, 11:18 AM
havnt seen any evidence of growth have you

Well revenue was up 27% in the 2015 accounts but a lot of that was from the declining NZ$. On a same currency basis the revenue growth was about 16%.
Of course the other figure to grow was the Loss of $7.1m up 25% from the previous year!

22-10-2015, 11:26 AM
Well revenue was up 27% in the 2015 accounts but a lot of that was from the declining NZ$. On a same currency basis the revenue growth was about 16%.
Of course the other figure to grow was the Loss of $7.1m up 25% from the previous year!
On the plus side they are projecting to be cash flow positive in the near future,regarding Oracle there's room for more than one big player in this market space with its global opportunities.

Snow Leopard
04-11-2015, 05:49 PM
Today's announcement (https://nzx.com/companies/SLI/announcements/272796) nicely boosted the share price by 5.3% to $0.79 on massive :p turnover of 60,900 shares.

So market cap now $48M5 with expected turnover of $17M3 (+29% YoY, [don't you love a weaker Kiwi$]) for the first half of the financial year.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

Disc: Still a speccy, DYOR, eat more fruit.

Snow Leopard
17-11-2015, 06:40 PM
Sitting on a loss of nearly 9% on my re-entry into SLI, it was worse.

But I am beginning to get 'hopeful' that there is sufficient support for it to at least hold its own now.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

19-11-2015, 09:25 AM
I have a few, part of my speculative group of stocks, which focuses on good products going global but developed in NZ.

Using the quadrant approach of Stars, Dogs, Cash Cows and Problem Children I assess SLI as a Problem Child with benefits (so to speak).

The main benefits being good and increasing global penetration and the expanding online marketplace. Possibly also a takeover offer.

Of course I hope the Problem Child will become a Star in time. But overall the spec portfolio is well up so no worries either way.

25-02-2016, 04:44 PM
wow, so 3 months since the last post on this thread. How time flies ...

So results out in the morning. Really looking forward to hearing progress on moving to profitability and hopefully we will see some buyer action to move the SP up above $1. With a MC of $46m and 1H projected revenue of $17M (annualised to $34M), they are trading at 1.35 x revenue. If they could just move to profitability I think we would see a decent jump in the SP. Will be interesting, because if they are still unprofitable they must be bearing the end of their cash reserves. The big unknown for me is how will the change of leadership to a US based CEO change things. Hopefully all will be revelaed in the morning. Disc: holding with blind faith waiting for a turnaround (or takeover) :) DYOR

Harvey Specter
25-02-2016, 09:26 PM
Cash burn and runway will be interesting. After the WYN debacle, I think the loss making tech stocks need to talk a leaf out of XRO playbook and ensure they raise money before they need to raise money.

26-02-2016, 08:49 AM
Cash flow neutral for the past 6 months and 5.6m in the bank. Looks like they will not need to raise any capital.
$35.6 million in annual recurring revenue.

26-02-2016, 08:56 AM
Cash flow neutral for the past 6 months and 5.6m in the bank. Looks like they will not need to raise any capital.
$35.6 million in annual recurring revenue.

Yes, very happy with cash burn rate, although high powered executives added in the last couple of months will have a temporary set back to their cash flow neutral position. I'm very happy with the tone of result presentation and looks like they are on the right track although I am very concerned about the no growth in the Americas region (in constant currency). I realize they have been restructuring their sales and marketing in that region, but flat growth will not be acceptable over the next 6 months. They need to be growing revenue at 30%pa.

26-02-2016, 09:07 AM
Cash flow neutral for the past 6 months and 5.6m in the bank. Looks like they will not need to raise any capital.
$35.6 million in annual recurring revenue.

And still only a $46m company

26-02-2016, 09:22 AM
And still only a $46m company

And PAY has a MCap of $382M. Overhyped.

Harvey Specter
26-02-2016, 10:01 AM
Cash flow neutral for the past 6 months and 5.6m in the bank. Looks like they will not need to raise any capital.
$35.6 million in annual recurring revenue.That is a great that they dont need to raise capital. The question now is should they to put their foot on the accelerator (A Rod Drury'isim) or just keep going as they are going.

Based purely on the information in the last few posts, this company looks undervalued.

26-02-2016, 10:06 AM
That is a great that they dont need to raise capital. The question now is should they to put their foot on the accelerator (A Rod Drury'isim) or just keep going as they are going.

Based purely on the information in the last few posts, this company looks undervalued.

No market reaction yet, but maybe an insto will look more closely now and start accumulating. IMO we need to wait another 6 months before we will see much sp action, but I am happy to hold as I feel they are heading in the right direction. I like the additions they have made to the management team in the US but really need to put a rocket under sales in the US to justify their increased staff spend in the US office.

26-02-2016, 11:22 AM
No market reaction yet, but maybe an insto will look more closely now and start accumulating. IMO we need to wait another 6 months before we will see much sp action, but I am happy to hold as I feel they are heading in the right direction. I like the additions they have made to the management team in the US but really need to put a rocket under sales in the US to justify their increased staff spend in the US office.

Looking good... Surely there isn't enough sell side volume right now for any instos to jump in 'on market'.

26-02-2016, 08:16 PM
Looking good... Surely there isn't enough sell side volume right now for any instos to jump in 'on market'.

Take over target?

Snow Leopard
01-03-2016, 06:46 PM
From $0.75 to $0.89 in a week on a nearly profitable, nearly cash-flow positive result.

One hopes that things just keep getting better.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

01-03-2016, 07:19 PM
From $0.75 to $0.89 in a week on a nearly profitable, nearly cash-flow positive result.

One hopes that things just keep getting better.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger


* Confident they will be cash flow positive.
* No CR
* Revenue up 30% for 6 months

Good launchpad for 2016.

02-03-2016, 10:50 AM
Up again today though on small volume and few sellers.

09-03-2016, 11:12 AM
SLI is on a tear, still small volumes though. Takeover target I wonder?

18-03-2016, 07:44 AM
nice bounce 70c was my target price it bounced around this level for quite a while and became support so was a easy play

18-03-2016, 10:56 AM
SLI is well respected and proactive in the online marketing business. For example - www.sli-connect.com.au

06-05-2016, 09:21 AM
Is this a good announcement ...or just a reassuring one?


Always interested in SLI for what do but they do seem to find it hard to live up to potential.

Like what does this really mean "While we have lost these three customers, we still have approximately 600 customers and over 100,000 potential ecommerce companies to target."

06-05-2016, 09:43 AM
Is this a good announcement ...or just a reassuring one?


Always interested in SLI for what do but they do seem to find it hard to live up to potential.

Like what does this really mean "While we have lost these three customers, we still have approximately 600 customers and over 100,000 potential ecommerce companies to target."

Its bad, losing big customers is always bad esp if you cant replace them, the operating revenue headline is deflecting from this point.

Harvey Specter
06-05-2016, 09:51 AM
2 lost due to insolvency - was Dick Smith a customer?

Blue Horseshoe
06-05-2016, 10:00 AM
Is ASB Securities a customer. LOL.

06-05-2016, 10:09 AM
Is ASB Securities a customer. LOL.

Sorry to bring it up on this thread, is anyone else here having trouble getting onto ASB Sec log in this morning, I can't get in.

06-05-2016, 10:10 AM
ransom-ware attack asb?


06-05-2016, 10:39 AM
Sorry to bring it up on this thread, is anyone else here having trouble getting onto ASB Sec log in this morning, I can't get in.

Yes, same here.

06-05-2016, 10:53 AM
Sorry to bring it up on this thread, is anyone else here having trouble getting onto ASB Sec log in this morning, I can't get in.

Ditto. And the interruption is now broadcasted on their site :t_down:

30-05-2016, 10:43 AM
Transfer to family trust?

Harvey Specter
30-05-2016, 11:58 AM
Transfer to family trust?
https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/236496.pdfWhy do you think that. Looks like an outright disposal. if it was to a family trust, he would have to disclose that.

30-05-2016, 12:28 PM
Why do you think that. Looks like an outright disposal. if it was to a family trust, he would have to disclose that.

Hi HP was it on market?Damned confusing to me.It didn't state that it was on market.Do you think it was?

08-06-2016, 10:56 PM
Zoiks, 25% down in less than 3 months and no sign of a pause. Clearly, how I value this thing and where the market does are poles apart. Anyone else holding ?

09-06-2016, 09:21 AM
I've held for a while- bought it when I thought SaaS was the way to go. Since then SaaS companies have fallen out of favour and prices have dropped. However, I think the market is behind where SaaS companies that have matured a bit and have potential should/could be valued now and this could possibly be a good longer-term play. XRO's movement of the last few weeks shows what can happen when investors get comfort in this space.

I think these guys do have potential, and their numbers show they are tracking in more or less the right direction. Still risky, and you have to note that they aren't kicking any big goals in the US right now, but if they do get moving they could be interesting. So, my view is that they are more likely to be undervalued than overvalued, but I'm not buying any more and I reckon we need 12 more months to confirm they're on the right track...

09-08-2016, 11:20 AM
Hmmm seems to be rising, which makes me happy. Any ideas why?

09-08-2016, 11:37 AM
Hmmm seems to be rising, which makes me happy. Any ideas why?

Because the boat is starting to float?

Snow Leopard
09-08-2016, 05:47 PM
Yesterdays announcement (https://nzx.com/files/attachments/240855.pdf):

"SLI Systems Limited has confirmed that its annual results for the year ended 30 June 2016 will be released to the NZX on Thursday, 25 August 2016"

Market likes their confidence that they will still be in business at the end of the month.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

Disc: hold SLI, slightly deja-vu-ish (http://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?9139-SLI-Systems&p=609790&viewfull=1#post609790), and singing along:


09-08-2016, 08:09 PM
Yesterdays announcement (https://nzx.com/files/attachments/240855.pdf):

"SLI Systems Limited has confirmed that its annual results for the year ended 30 June 2016 will be released to the NZX on Thursday, 25 August 2016"

Market likes their confidence that they will still be in business at the end of the month.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

Disc: hold SLI, slightly deja-vu-ish (http://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?9139-SLI-Systems&p=609790&viewfull=1#post609790), and singing along:


Thanks PT ,brings back memories :t_up:
Which month? I'm guessing a few years down the track as they are quite relevant.Indirect holding :) & in my NZX stock pick

09-08-2016, 09:14 PM
Kicked this alleycat into touch about 6 months ago, wasn't willing to wait untold years to possibly break even, forfeited a substantial sum of money.

10-08-2016, 09:57 AM
Kicked this alleycat into touch about 6 months ago, wasn't willing to wait untold years to possibly break even, forfeited a substantial sum of money.

Based on fundamentals, this is probably the best tech investment on the NZX right now. It's enterprise value to revenue multiple is 1.2 whereas others in the saas space are trading on 5 to 10 multiples. (e.g. I think TradeMe are on 9). Revenue growth last year was 20+%. They just need to consolidate their move to profitability and show growth in the US market and I can see the SP heading well north from here. Will be interesting to see the result announcement later this month, but I expect we probably need to be patient for another 6-12 months.

25-08-2016, 11:02 AM
Results out today. Actually not too bad. In fact everything looks good apart from a decrease in ARR. Net loss down from $7m to under $200k, revenue up, positive cashflow, improved cash position, ARR down slightly due to a couple of lost customers, but otherwise tracking well with loads of upside if they get it right. This one could be a slow burner, at the start of its "story". Compare and contrast with WYN.

It'd be a brave call to say this is undervalued, but with a market cap of $53m, operating revenue of $35m, a net loss under $200k and metrics improving, it'd be a brave call to say it was overvalued.

25-08-2016, 11:18 AM
Results out today. Actually not too bad. In fact everything looks good apart from a decrease in ARR. Net loss down from $7m to under $200k, revenue up, positive cashflow, improved cash position, ARR down slightly due to a couple of lost customers, but otherwise tracking well with loads of upside if they get it right. This one could be a slow burner, at the start of its "story". Compare and contrast with WYN.

It'd be a brave call to say this is undervalued, but with a market cap of $53m, operating revenue of $35m, a net loss under $200k and metrics improving, it'd be a brave call to say it was overvalued.
Yes starting to look interesting.
The chart is showing the sp is still in a down trend,but being such an illiquid stock, that could change quickly.
So they will need to make a profit,before they start paying a divie,or will profits be used to grow the business?

25-08-2016, 11:21 AM
Yes starting to look interesting.
The chart is showing the sp is still in a down trend,but being such an illiquid stock, that could change quickly.
So they will need to make a profit,before they start paying a divie,or will profits be used to grow the business?

Without a doubt they'll grow the business, and anyone who owns shares should be both supportive of that and expect nothing less. Dividend junkies should buy utilities. These guys (along with most other early stage tech stocks) will be all about growth for the foreseeable future. Once they start paying a dividend it's probably time to sell up and find someone else- unless you're only after income.

25-08-2016, 11:28 AM
The other day NBR republished an article they did at the IPO time reminding punters what the true value there is embedded in SLI

And this time of the year punters like these stories and buy during their holidays already to profit in the new year

I think it a great company but somehow they need to get punters aware of what they actually do and the potential there is

That was back in 2014 - still watching

I've seen what SLI can do for a business - really good stuff but never seems to convert to $ and great shareholder value

One day though it probably will be different.

Can't find that NBR story

25-08-2016, 11:34 AM
That was back in 2014 - still watching

I've seen what SLI can do for a business - really good stuff but never seems to convert to $ and great shareholder value

One day though it probably will be different.

Can't find that NBR story Will require marathon style endurance for those holders who bought in as high as $2.90 back in 2013 during the hype phase.

25-08-2016, 11:40 AM
Here is that old article

Suppose still relevant


25-08-2016, 11:40 AM
Will require marathon style endurance for those holders who bought in as high as $2.90 back in 2013 during the hype phase.

It will... but probably a better and more positive experience than the marathon endurance required for holders of WYN who bought at similar levels

25-08-2016, 11:47 AM
It will... but probably a better and more positive experience than the marathon endurance required for holders of WYN who bought at similar levels Yes I was always puzzled why when SLI dropped to around the $1 level, Wyn was still over $2, it didn't add up comparing the two companies.

25-08-2016, 11:49 AM
Without a doubt they'll grow the business, and anyone who owns shares should be both supportive of that and expect nothing less. Dividend junkies should buy utilities. These guys (along with most other early stage tech stocks) will be all about growth for the foreseeable future. Once they start paying a dividend it's probably time to sell up and find someone else- unless you're only after income.

Thanks for your reply.

Snow Leopard
25-08-2016, 01:53 PM
While it is nice to see that they were:
a - (just) profitable in the second of the year;
b - cash flow positive over the year.

And it is also nice that they have a few dollars in the bank.

they remain a speculative share.

And whilst I hold these and will continue to do so, I, at the current moment in time, see a diverse range of possibilities for the near and medium term for this company, and not all of those possibilities are good.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

Under Surveillance
31-08-2016, 09:29 PM
Results out today. Actually not too bad. In fact everything looks good apart from a decrease in ARR. Net loss down from $7m to under $200k, revenue up, positive cashflow, improved cash position, ARR down slightly due to a couple of lost customers, but otherwise tracking well with loads of upside if they get it right. This one could be a slow burner, at the start of its "story". Compare and contrast with WYN.

It'd be a brave call to say this is undervalued, but with a market cap of $53m, operating revenue of $35m, a net loss under $200k and metrics improving, it'd be a brave call to say it was overvalued.

At the time of this post I was fully in agreement, Santiago. However trading since suggests that it wasn't a brave call at all to say it was overvalued. After closing at 86 on the day of the results, having touched 90 during the day, it has closed at 84, 80, 75 and, today, 69. That is a hammering.

31-08-2016, 09:31 PM
At the time of this post I was fully in agreement, Santiago. However trading since suggests that it wasn't a brave call at all to say it was overvalued. After closing at 86 on the day of the results, having touched 90 during the day, it has closed at 84, 80, 75 and, today, 69. That is a hammering.

Look at the volumes.

31-08-2016, 09:53 PM
Craigs still rate it as a BUY with target price $1.17 but with less conviction as turnaround may take longer. "A prime takeover target"

01-09-2016, 10:03 AM
uninspiring report and sitting right on long term support sums it up really - will it crash thru

01-09-2016, 03:36 PM
I don't see the moat for SLI - seem like a minor player in a large market. Losing any customers / churn is a bad sign for a SAAS business. Means someone else can provide a similar solution cheaper / faster etc. Avoid IMHO

01-09-2016, 03:49 PM
I don't see the moat for SLI - seem like a minor player in a large market. Losing any customers / churn is a bad sign for a SAAS business. Means someone else can provide a similar solution cheaper / faster etc. Avoid IMHO

You might be right... shareholders should now be hoping someone bigger like Oracle buys their IP for a reasonable sum.

30-09-2016, 03:37 PM
Anyone got any thoughts on these guys? SP keeps dropping like a stone- when would be a good time to buy, if at all? If they keep growing at 30-35% and start turning a small profit next year, this could be pretty cheap. Or it could be like throwing money down the toilet if you look at what can happen (thinking WYN).

03-10-2016, 01:19 PM
uninspiring report and sitting right on long term support sums it up really - will it crash thru

That was posted 1/9 when share price was about 70

Now sub 50 and not many buyers

Obviously market not too impressed with SLI at the moment

04-10-2016, 11:40 AM
Anyone got any thoughts on these guys? SP keeps dropping like a stone- when would be a good time to buy, if at all? If they keep growing at 30-35% and start turning a small profit next year, this could be pretty cheap. Or it could be like throwing money down the toilet if you look at what can happen (thinking WYN).

Market cap of $26m. Op revenue last year $35m and break-even forecast. Yet no insiders are buying. Might be worth waiting for the AGM for some guidance.

05-10-2016, 12:55 PM

Doesn't sound like a game changer?

06-10-2016, 12:07 PM
Am new here. Bought at just over $1, averaged down recently and am hoping that the stock can mirror DIL when it bottomed out at $3 after the accounts fall out.

Dreams are free

06-10-2016, 10:32 PM
Am new here. Bought at just over $1, averaged down recently and am hoping that the stock can mirror DIL when it bottomed out at $3 after the accounts fall out.

Dreams are free

Welcome to ST! Dreams are free, share purchases - not so much.

SLI hasn't shown the exponential growth their IPO promised. There are big question marks about where they're heading from here. Perhaps one of the biggest questions I have is, if their product is so good why then with the market capitalisation collapse have they not had even a hint of a takeover?

26-10-2016, 02:10 PM
Share price below 40 - it's getting a bit ridiculous eh

Patented a 'auto complete' thingie recently - adds serendipity to the search experience. First time I have seen serendipity used in an announcement

Chart looking like a WYN, PPL one - where will it end?

26-10-2016, 02:19 PM
What caused that rise in the share price to over a $1 in June?

26-10-2016, 08:09 PM
Patented a 'auto complete' thingie recently - adds serendipity to the search experience. First time I have seen serendipity used in an announcement

I built one of those in a couple of days once. Pretty basic feature for a company that focuses on search.

Rich Auto Complete™ they call it:

Dr. Ryan added, “I’m very proud of what the team has achieved with this product. It demonstrates the industry leadership that we have shown for many years. A month after we published our blog, Google bought out their Instant Search product. The e-commerce industry has followed and this is now a standard feature on many e-commerce sites. This patent puts us in a strong position with respect to our competition who watch and try to copy our innovations.”

Above from the below press release, sounds like they might try a bit of patent harvesting:

28-10-2016, 09:22 AM
Ding Ding (bell ringing for the 37c bottom)

01-11-2016, 11:14 AM
Bit of a jump up. Any ideas why?

04-11-2016, 02:13 PM
Great achievement "Net loss before tax reduced from $7.6m to $162k" says Chairman...

04-11-2016, 02:14 PM

04-11-2016, 02:27 PM
Could this be a sleeper stock bouncing off its lowest low? (Check out the last 3 months SP)...

08-11-2016, 01:16 PM
Anyone know when the 6 monthly FORECAST is expected to be released? I'm guessing it'll be a good one...

08-11-2016, 01:37 PM
Anyone know when the 6 monthly FORECAST is expected to be released? I'm guessing it'll be a good one...

Didn't say much at the ASM did they

Last year they gave H1 revenue guidance this time of year .....nothing this year - is that a bad sign?

Looks like you have to wait until after xmas fir an update, maybe even late feb when H1 announced

17-11-2016, 05:39 PM
Uggg and down she goes....feeling more and more like Wynyard....and infortunately I hold both :(

23-02-2017, 10:50 AM
Pulling myself out of this bear trap. Great idea,strategy etc etc but have never been able to translate these into profits.. Time to move on

23-02-2017, 04:22 PM
Pulling myself out of this bear trap. Great idea,strategy etc etc but have never been able to translate these into profits.. Time to move on

I have two bear feet stuck in this bear trap as well :( another stinker share for me! I seem to have a talent for picking up duds! Will loose my paws if I pull out now, uggh please dont do a Wynyard on me! :eek2:

23-02-2017, 04:42 PM
I have two bear feet stuck in this bear trap as well :( another stinker share for me! I seem to have a talent for picking up duds! Will loose my paws if I pull out now, uggh please dont do a Wynyard on me! :eek2:

I don't think there is much chance of it doing a Wynyard. Been around for years and has plenty of cash on hand to fund activities. Just needs to get back to revenue growth and cash flow positive and all will be fine. Current market cap of $22m on annual revenue of $30m+. I assume they could pull back on all costs and milk the recurring revenue for a while if they needed to, but from what I have seen they are investing in product improvements etc which is needed for long term growth.

23-02-2017, 05:02 PM
I don't think there is much chance of it doing a Wynyard. Been around for years and has plenty of cash on hand to fund activities. Just needs to get back to revenue growth and cash flow positive and all will be fine. Current market cap of $22m on annual revenue of $30m+. I assume they could pull back on all costs and milk the recurring revenue for a while if they needed to, but from what I have seen they are investing in product improvements etc which is needed for long term growth.

Thanks for the reasurance Bilbo I am a tad paranoid after Wynyard died on my watch! I shall keep the faith! ;)

23-02-2017, 05:48 PM
Pulling myself out of this bear trap. Great idea,strategy etc etc but have never been able to translate these into profits.. Time to move on I extracted myself from this lemon a year or so ago at a loss of 20k (Bought at $2.25 during the 2013 tech stock hype season and sold at $1.14) Happy to be out, and can't see it getting anywhere within a stone's throw of its former brief glory, and grossly overinflated shareprice. Ain't hindsight a wonderful thing.

12-05-2017, 08:41 AM
This puppy is down to 30 cents......... it would be great to see it claw back, but with current losses and contracts it lost, I see a Wynyard future. Very sad.

12-05-2017, 03:11 PM
This puppy is down to 30 cents......... it would be great to see it claw back, but with current losses and contracts it lost, I see a Wynyard future. Very sad.

Hope its not another Wynyard, I am trying to keep the faith but at 29 cents its looking a bit bleak alright. :(
Craigs have it rated as a buy with take over potential but who would know :confused:

13-05-2017, 12:20 PM
Craigs had it as a buy at $1.10 14 months ago. I do hope they know something we don't. I unfortunately followed their advise then averaged down at 60c. This could well be a sobering experience. If they can't trade their way out of the current pessimism around future earnings potential then a takeover at 40c or so is likely.

13-05-2017, 06:42 PM
Craigs had it as a buy at $1.10 14 months ago. I do hope they know something we don't. I unfortunately followed their advise then averaged down at 60c. This could well be a sobering experience. If they can't trade their way out of the current pessimism around future earnings potential then a takeover at 40c or so is likely.

Brokers ratings should be the very last thing you look at...

13-05-2017, 07:08 PM
Brokers ratings should be the very last thing you look at...

Why do you say that? I have always used them as part of my research :confused:

13-05-2017, 08:23 PM
Why do you say that? I have always used them as part of my research :confused:

I could have been more clear, I do not mean completely disregarding brokers insight and research, it is the buy/hold/sell ratings and price targets that often push people over the edge into or out of investments.

You have to come to your own conclusion on an investment, too many people follow broker's advice blindly without doing their own research.

If you blindly follow the sentiment of a broker and that investment flops, will you be looking at the underlying issues that lead to the loss and learn from it? or will you just move onto the broker across the road?

Brokers understanding of the market is far beyond that of a retail investor.

As you said " part of my research " is just the way to use it...

15-05-2017, 09:39 AM
Brokers ratings should be the very last thing you look at...

Totally never trust anything without doing some of your own research as well, might save you some money.

13-07-2017, 04:45 PM
Well this is one stock that is circling the drain. One final chance coming up to demonstrate they have a business with a future...

05-09-2017, 07:13 PM
I am barking mad at myself for still holding this dog! :( I was hoping they might have turned things around by now but nope. Stinker share :t_down:

05-09-2017, 07:43 PM
I am barking mad at myself for still holding this dog! :( I was hoping they might have turned things around by now but nope. Stinker share :t_down: Do yourself a favour and cut your ties with this dog, to think this mongrel was once $2.90, pass a Tui please.

05-09-2017, 07:47 PM
Do yourself a favour and cut your ties with this dog, to think this mongrel was once $2.90, pass a Tui please.

Thank goodness .
When I saw you had posted on this thread,I thought oh no.!!!...lol.

05-09-2017, 08:02 PM
Thank goodness .
When I saw you had posted on this thread,I thought oh no.!!!...lol. Yeah Nah, a 20k loss selling at $1.14 was more than enough.

05-09-2017, 08:55 PM
Do yourself a favour and cut your ties with this dog, to think this mongrel was once $2.90, pass a Tui please.

Geez I wish I could Couta but I cant make myself sell the mongrel for such a loss :( Shoulda gotten out ages ago dam it!

05-09-2017, 08:59 PM
Geez I wish I could Couta but I cant make myself sell the mongrel for such a loss :( Shoulda gotten out ages ago dam it! Learning to sell down losses without going into a state of depression is a learned and necessary art form, and one im well practiced in.

05-09-2017, 09:22 PM
Learning to sell down losses without going into a state of depression is a learned and necessary art form, and one im well practiced in.

Yep it is a bit depressing watching ya money dissapear but I am more mad at myself for being stupid enough to buy shares like these in the first place. Lesson learned and never again! You are way braver than me Couta :) I havnt learnt the art of selling down losses yet so I will probably just stick my head in the sand and pretend I dont own any SLI :D

05-09-2017, 09:35 PM
Yep it is a bit depressing watching ya money dissapear but I am more mad at myself for being stupid enough to buy shares like these in the first place. Lesson learned and never again! You are way braver than me Couta :) I havnt learnt the art of selling down losses yet so I will probably just stick my head in the sand and pretend I dont own any SLI :D

Try to have just winners in your portfolio.
Let profits run.Add to your winners.
Losses.Face up to your mistakes quickly.Sell on first bit of bad news.

05-09-2017, 10:15 PM
Try to have just winners in your portfolio.
Let profits run.Add to your winners.
Losses.Face up to your mistakes quickly.Sell on first bit of bad news.

Yes I would very much like to have just winners in my portfolio Percy and then add to them as you have suggested.

As a newbie investor I thought I was doing the right thing simply buying and holding shares. I honestly thought I was meant to hold on to them even though they were going down and down. Never sell for a loss was my thinking. They will come back up. What a mistake! That thinking has meant I have watched good money dissapear down the drain never to rise again.

So yes I really like your thinking thanks Percy :)

28-09-2017, 07:36 AM
From the latest Edison report:

"A recovery in SLI Systems (NZE:SLI) growth remains stubbornly elusive, with falling revenues and rising losses in line with our forecasts. SLI Systems is treading water from a momentum perspective. However, operational metrics provide signs of encouragement, with ARR increasing slightly, and a substantial uptick in client retention rates. As of H218, SLI will employ a more indirect sales strategy, which could improve uptake of the solutions available. Double-digit revenue growth and 10% margins would imply 20% upside."

Double-digit revenue and 10% margins would imply a miracle.

10-01-2018, 11:03 AM
Been a wee bit of low volume activity going on with this dog recently, any ideas why? :confused:

Is that you buying in again Couta? :D

10-01-2018, 11:08 AM
Been a wee bit of low volume activity going on with this dog recently, any ideas why? :confused:

Is that you buying in again Couta? :D No way, this stock is one of the biggest disaster cases to ever find its way into the NZX :eek2:

10-01-2018, 11:22 AM
[QUOTE=couta1;699268]No way, this stock is one of the biggest disaster cases to ever find its way into the NZX :eek2:[/QUOTE

I think Wynyard actually deserves that honour! :p

10-01-2018, 11:26 AM
[QUOTE=couta1;699268]No way, this stock is one of the biggest disaster cases to ever find its way into the NZX :eek2:[/QUOTE

I think Wynyard actually deserves that honour! :p Yes, but I never lost money in Wynyard, your best hope is a takeover with this mongrel.

16-01-2018, 10:18 AM
SP up 40% in last month. 5 weeks or so until next financials due. Any idea what's happening?

16-01-2018, 10:22 AM
SP up 40% in last month. 5 weeks or so until next financials due. Any idea what's happening?

Yes I have been watching with interest myself and wondering what is going on....havnt managed to find any clues as yet... :confused:

16-01-2018, 10:47 AM
Up to $0.30 now...something definitely going on...but what?

16-01-2018, 01:12 PM
As a share holder, I like it to mean something. However, the small volumes indicate little is going on, other than some (hopeful) bargain hunters.

16-01-2018, 01:44 PM
Up to $0.30 now...something definitely going on...but what? Wake me up when it goes over $2 again, that might mean something.

16-01-2018, 01:53 PM
Wake me up when it goes over $2 again, that might mean something.

Aww couta I was sure that was you nibbling away and getting me all excited! :D It will probably be back to $0.20 soon as Louloubell pointed out its on low volumes, but I still remain HOPEFUL :lol::lol:

16-01-2018, 02:05 PM
Aww couta I was sure that was you nibbling away and getting me all excited! :D It will probably be back to $0.20 soon as Louloubell pointed out its on low volumes, but I still remain HOPEFUL :lol::lol: Your a Tiger(Whoops I mean Bear) for punishment, death by a thousand cuts it is then.

16-01-2018, 02:11 PM
Your a Tiger(Whoops I mean Bear) for punishment, death by a thousand cuts it is then.

This bear has had soo many cuts its a wonder its still standing let alone smiling :D

19-01-2018, 09:24 AM
You see; back to where we came from. We all need some dogs to prevent us from becoming big-headed about our better investments

23-02-2018, 08:57 AM
Maiden first half profit before tax of $1.2m, up $2.4m as retention rates improve and cost reductions amid a pivot of SLI’s product strategy.

23-02-2018, 09:36 AM
A good result but achieved by slashing sales and marketing expenditure. I wonder if this will have implications down the line.

The new strategy seems reasonable, but they are treading water until that is implemented.

23-02-2018, 09:45 AM
A good result but achieved by slashing sales and marketing expenditure. I wonder if this will have implications down the line.

The new strategy seems reasonable, but they are treading water until that is implemented.

Their RND spend did increase by 28%

Solid result considering the low expectations.

26-02-2018, 11:00 AM
Nice to finally see a wee rise out of this mutt :) might get me back to break even one day :eek2: you be wishing you had held Couta! Not too late to buy back in :p:D

26-02-2018, 11:02 AM
Nice to finally see a wee rise out of this mutt :) might get me back to break even one day :eek2: you be wishing you had held Couta! Not too late to buy back in :p:D Wake me up when it's gets back around the $2 plus level. Lol

26-02-2018, 11:04 AM
Wake me up when it's gets back around the $2 plus level. Lol

You may be asleep for quite some time Couta :p

26-02-2018, 11:06 AM
You may be asleep for quite some time Couta :p Yep, permanently with daises on top.

09-03-2018, 04:27 PM
Milford and Pie Funds buying in. Sniffing a takeover target? I've been thinking for a while that could be the case.

09-03-2018, 04:33 PM
Game on.................................
Couta1.Hang on for the fun ride.

09-03-2018, 04:42 PM
looks like milford paid early 30s for theres and pie slightly lower ..... im in

09-03-2018, 05:07 PM
Game on.................................
Couta1.Hang on for the fun ride. HaHa having sold out at $1.14 after buying at $2.20, it would have to be the takeover offer of the century to have put me in the money. Perhaps those that bought under 60c might now have some hope.

09-03-2018, 05:28 PM
Hope I am "well positioned" buying in at 26cents twice, and a few more late this afternoon at 28.5 cents.
Well I think those 28.5 cents ones are mine.?

09-03-2018, 05:34 PM
Hope I am "well positioned" buying in at 26cents twice, and a few more late this afternoon at 28.5 cents.
Well I think those 28.5 cents ones are mine.? Hope you double your money.

09-03-2018, 05:36 PM
Hope you double your money.

Thank you.
Wish you were still here.

09-03-2018, 05:57 PM
Come on Couta join the party again! Ya dont want to miss out on it rocketing up :D

09-03-2018, 05:58 PM
Hope I am "well positioned" buying in at 26cents twice, and a few more late this afternoon at 28.5 cents.
Well I think those 28.5 cents ones are mine.?

Nice to see you on board Percy, I find it quietly reassuring! :)

09-03-2018, 06:02 PM
Nice to see you on board Percy, I find it quietly reassuring! :)

Thank you.
I was very lucky [again] a friend alerted me to them.
I reread their interim report, and saw he was right.

09-03-2018, 07:18 PM
Good golly, this forum is schitzo. I've read nothing but dog 'n' fleas comments here about SLI for eons. Then overnight, BOOM ... and they're a pedigree pup! NOTHING in the interim is significantly better than the 6 months ago. They're still not generating the exponential growth they need ... and there's big questions as to IF the new model will deliver this. I wouldn't beat on it as a takeover target either. I'd suggest spending some serious research time on the competitive market they're in... & to actually understand the product...& to consider why past performance has been so poor...& if the change in sales model will sufficiently correct this.

I got in at IPO, sold for silly money but wrongly retained a tiny parcel. For mine, a very low conviction 'hold' at best.

09-03-2018, 07:27 PM
i was a huge critic of the company way back on this threaad and deservely so , but after there interim result , positive financials , business costs more realistic.
the companies looking more attractive compared to anytime in its listed history i reckon so im taking a punt see what happens , if the cashflow can keep positive and grow should re- rate im thinking.

09-03-2018, 07:31 PM
Good golly, this forum is schitzo. I've read nothing but dog 'n' fleas comments here about SLI for eons. Then overnight, BOOM ... and they're a pedigree pup! NOTHING in the interim is significantly better than the 6 months ago. They're still not generating the exponential growth they need ... and there's big questions as to IF the new model will deliver this. I wouldn't beat on it as a takeover target either. I'd suggest spending some serious research time on the competitive market they're in... & to actually understand the product...& to consider why past performance has been so poor...& if the change in sales model will sufficiently correct this.

I got in at IPO, sold for silly money but wrongly retained a tiny parcel. For mine, a very low conviction 'hold' at best.

A good bit of buying support should you decide to sell.

12-03-2018, 10:06 AM
40c again should be on the cards , spiked there after the results then sold down due to pioneer ditching out , so now thats all out of the way and we got some savy funds on the register wh could still be buying? should be positive i reckon.

12-03-2018, 10:31 AM
Good golly, this forum is schitzo. I've read nothing but dog 'n' fleas comments here about SLI for eons. Then overnight, BOOM ... and they're a pedigree pup! NOTHING in the interim is significantly better than the 6 months ago. They're still not generating the exponential growth they need ... and there's big questions as to IF the new model will deliver this. I wouldn't beat on it as a takeover target either. I'd suggest spending some serious research time on the competitive market they're in... & to actually understand the product...& to consider why past performance has been so poor...& if the change in sales model will sufficiently correct this.

I got in at IPO, sold for silly money but wrongly retained a tiny parcel. For mine, a very low conviction 'hold' at best.

Thank you for sharing your well balanced perspective.

12-03-2018, 11:13 AM
i can see why milford and pie brought in at these prices .... cheap if they can maintain profitability and profitability is the key here

at current full yr im thinking 2.3m npat , eps 3.7c for a pe 10

for the following year 4m npat , eps of 6.45cps for a pe of 10 still would equate to a share price of 65c roughly if we put a pe of similar companies on say 15pe would mean a share price of 96c.

wow i can see why the funds brought in big gains to be made if as i say the company can make more npat anyway im in for a punt see how it pans out , hopefully the company learnt from there past mistakes.

12-03-2018, 01:33 PM
someone just brought over 7 mil shares today by the look of the announcement

12-03-2018, 01:45 PM
someone just brought over 7 mil shares today by the look of the announcement

bul that was the milfords/Pie ann from last week .

12-03-2018, 01:47 PM
bul that was the milfords/Pie ann from last week .

at the very bottom of todays announcement it looks like anz sold over 7 mill shares over a period sorry mis read this is above pioneer sales so who brought?

12-03-2018, 02:55 PM
at the very bottom of todays announcement it looks like anz sold over 7 mill shares over a period sorry mis read this is above pioneer sales so who brought?

I suspect it was Couta :D

27-03-2018, 01:09 PM
i can see why milford and pie brought in at these prices .... cheap if they can maintain profitability and profitability is the key here

at current full yr im thinking 2.3m npat , eps 3.7c for a pe 10

for the following year 4m npat , eps of 6.45cps for a pe of 10 still would equate to a share price of 65c roughly if we put a pe of similar companies on say 15pe would mean a share price of 96c.

wow i can see why the funds brought in big gains to be made if as i say the company can make more npat anyway im in for a punt see how it pans out , hopefully the company learnt from there past mistakes.

bull, does your comment still hold true ?