View Full Version : Whitehaven hoax - jail or let him off

12-01-2013, 12:36 PM
Whitehaven a siren call for a host of hoaxes

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/whitehaven-a-siren-call-for-a-host-of-hoaxes-20130111-2clnh.html#ixzz2HiF9OQDD

He achieved his objective .....but pissed the capitalists off so he must go to jail

Should the trades be reversed? Those who lost will say yes ....those who bought off the those who panicked will say no way and want to keep the profits eh

Prob was wrong what this dude did but that's activism for you

I say just tell him off .....and remind the punters to be careful who they listen to in future .....reacting to the first bit of news is just part of the game

12-01-2013, 03:53 PM
In my view there is no way the trades can be reversed. Where would the cutoff point be on price of trade, and time of trade since the 'press' release. Would volume of trade play a part? It's all too messy to sort out in my view.

I am interested in HOW he distributed the false info to the masses. If he hacked into the Sydney Morning Herald's website and posted an authentic looking article, he should go to jail for both hacking and deception.

If he just wrote the hoax to a blog and it somehow went viral, then those who sold out of fear without checking have no one to blame but themselves.

12-01-2013, 04:05 PM
He sent press releases to the media outlets ..... although he did set up a fake ANZ email account (naughty man) and made up something that looked like ANZ letterhead (easy done but naughty) and changed the phone number of thr ANZ guy to his mobile number so he could answer media enquiries in the forest (very very naughty)

But most of the media didn't check the story out with proper bank contacts or the the company ..... and jsut ran with it

Sucked in good and proper they were .... but this guy has been very very naughty .... and stuffing up the financial markets pisses off the rich greddy capitalists .... so he has to do time

But deep down he is a hero ... well done .... hope they make a martyr of you

12-01-2013, 04:07 PM
Really bad for ANZ ..... they are taking the real high morale ground (to appease caring shareholders no doubt) and dont lend on projects that will harm the environment ..... yeah right

12-01-2013, 04:14 PM

Just shows you what can do if they put their mind to it. Yes, I agree he probably should do time (as a martyr of course) haha.

The media who published should get a rap over the knuckles too. Just plain shoddy journalism... publishing without proper fact checking in an effort to get the scoop. Not sure if an individual or company who lost out could sue those that published. Interesting to see where this goes (if anywhere).

13-01-2013, 09:33 AM
I am pretty sure this kind of thing is protected speech as is almost all political satire. Punish him and what point democracy? Business exists to serve the people not the other way round.

If you are stupid or greedy enough to trade on a media report without first checking the ASX announcements for the company then you get what you deserve.