View Full Version : What does National need to do to get your vote next year ??

04-01-2013, 10:08 PM
No good putting this question up later is it ??

Tony Ryall ( No relation ).. is doing great..

So much bad news coming out about other portfolios..

Suggestions and kudos for our employees plesae !!..

05-01-2013, 12:31 AM
...great question.....Like most viewing this post...it may take "some time"...to respond....again a great question...not sure if folk will appreciate it being posted here...but hey...you have done it ...cheers...troy

fungus pudding
05-01-2013, 01:27 PM
No good putting this question up later is it ??

Tony Ryall ( No relation ).. is doing great..

So much bad news coming out about other portfolios..

Suggestions and kudos for our employees plesae !!..

I always use my vote against the party I think would do most harm. That means National will get my vote as long as Parker, Cunliffe and Russel Norman and a couple of other economic wets have any sway within a Labour/Green coalition.

05-01-2013, 01:28 PM
In the publics eye (swing voters that is), I think they need to start seeing results from their hands off approach to the economy. National have taken the approach that they have done what is needed and when the global economy picks up NZ will capitalise. That wait could be too long for those in the struggling middle class.

Labour needs to pick up their game as I fear the Greens are doing a very job - I disagree with a lot/most/all of their policies but they are good at getting in front of the camera with "popular" policies so I fear the swing vote will move to them.

What National really needs to do is not stuff up any more - they did plenty in 2013 from all of Key's brain fades, the persecution of the modern day Robin Hood (though I don't remember Robin Hood being a huge German, living in a mansion and having a huge ego), to ACC, to Christchurch and schools (the back track on teachers and the stuff up on closures looks amateur).

Basically Key needs to hope the economy picks up, smile and hope John Cambell (the true man of the people) smiles back.

Disc: these are my over simplified views to start the conversation.

05-01-2013, 01:46 PM
I will shock you John Key to drop dead & all past & present national candidates do not stand for election. That might need to apply to all present National Party Members as well. Fungus Pudding your philosophy has been applied.

05-01-2013, 03:15 PM
I feel John Key needs to go on radio more often and indulge in whatever the cultural fad of the day is. He is giving this task an honest go, but the fact our economy is not yet booming suggests more is required in this department.

05-01-2013, 04:11 PM
National need a competent education Minister to replace the present fool [of a woman].

fungus pudding
05-01-2013, 04:39 PM
I feel John Key needs to go on radio more often and indulge in whatever the cultural fad of the day is. He is giving this task an honest go, but the fact our economy is not yet booming suggests more is required in this department.

Go for a few months around Europe, the States, and anywhere else you like. NZ looks pretty good to me at the moment compared with the rest of the globe.

05-01-2013, 05:11 PM
good point fungus...Ive often thought in my travels...if some folk who complain of "poverty" could experience some places Ive been to...where one is responsible for what ever you want (no benefits,winz,no grants,no clothing allowance,no free legal aid,no food parcels,no pension...I could go on...)...cheers

...oops sorry ..none of those aforementioned have a flat screen TV either...

05-01-2013, 09:44 PM
Not pay David Bain compensation would work for me. In fact I'd vote crusher for PM.

05-01-2013, 10:02 PM
I have to agree with FP's point and I vote for the party that will keep the ones out that I really can't find any reason to vote for. So National it will be again. Only 3rd time in 30 years mind. If Labour was to get rid of the dim-witted unionist influence and be able to go it alone without the greens then it'd be a closer call.

05-01-2013, 10:14 PM
[QUOTE=troyvdh;389293]good point fungus...Ive often thought in my travels...if some folk who complain of "poverty" could experience some places Ive been to...where one is responsible for what ever you want (no benefits,winz,no grants,no clothing allowance,no free legal aid,no food parcels,no pension...I could go on...)...cheers

...I could go on...)...cheers

Sorry for posting this on the in-correct thread.. Please feel free to any one that can place it on the correct one.

Could go on troyvdh says... The main problem as I see it is ..

It will keep going on..
Even when JK says working for families is Communism by stealth.. He increases it..

Families on $100,000 drawing WFF !!.. Put a lower cap an it ( say $50,000 ) and reduce the cap every year by 10% until gone..

JK appears to me to be all talk and no action..

Not that I am running the flag up the pole for those other spendthrift parties..

Crusher for PM ??.. Would make Ron Paul look like William Booth.. Bring it on :-))

05-01-2013, 10:21 PM
100k Janner? Are you sure? That means I'd be able to qualify and surely I don't.

05-01-2013, 10:25 PM
100k Janner? Are you sure? That means I'd be able to qualify and surely I don't.
You would if you have enough kids.

05-01-2013, 10:36 PM
I have to agree with FP's point and I vote for the party that will keep the ones out that I really can't find any reason to vote for. So National it will be again. Only 3rd time in 30 years mind. If Labour was to get rid of the dim-witted unionist influence and be able to go it alone without the greens then it'd be a closer call.

It is not the " dim-witted unionist influence " that we have to change.. It is their even more " dim-witted " followers...

I have a feeling ( usually correct ).. that this next election will focus on JOB's and OVERSEAS OWNERSHIP..

They will be right to do so.. We do need jobs.. We do need to own more of our own assets.. ( Personally )..

For Fonterra to sell 40% offshore when Kiwi's were standing there with money in their hand was a disgrace..

With the upcoming asset sales National needs to ( IMHO ) sell to the man in the street for the good of their grandchildren..

Tug the heart strings.. With promises of FREE MONEY ( dividends )..

Why not use the FREE MONEY statement.. Asians already refer to NZ as the land of FREE MONEY..

05-01-2013, 10:38 PM
You would if you have enough kids.

Spot on CJ.

05-01-2013, 11:03 PM
You would if you have enough kids.

The more kids you have the cheaper it is to cloth them.. The oldest gets the new clothes.. the others get the pass downs..

Hard for people today to comprehend..

We went to school showing off with a baggy new pair of pants.. ( Trousers )..

Two or three years later .. We went to school showing off our OLD trousers..

With a New V of material sewn into the back because we had GROWN... ..

The V resewn back in was cut out from Fathers Trousers so it fitted me..

It was kept and resewn back in as I grew..

Craic would understand..

But ... Before I go into Hole in Road !!.. Luxury !!!.. ..

$100,000 income for Government help !!...


06-01-2013, 08:39 AM
I'm buggered then,I only had as many kids that I knew I could afford.

06-01-2013, 08:54 AM
Like some of the other posters have said, I will vote National unless they do something really stupid before the elections. I definitely do not want a Labour/Greens/Winston coalition. It would be disastrous and unlikely to last the full term.

But some of the things I would like to see National to do before the elections or campaign on are:

# Scrap WFF immediately on any families earning over $50k and rest over 3 years. Implement no tax on the first $ 8k of earnings
for individuals and 16k for couples, transferable between them

# Scrap interest free student loans

# Shake up the Government in January with a new Education Minister that would go about scrapping ACT’s unpopular and badly
explained Charter School program and be more inclusive in major restructuring decisions such as Christhcurch new school plan and
special education units etc. Then quickly get into rebuilding relationships with Principals and Teachers, which is not an easy job as
the Teachers Union is one of Labour's biggest funders !
Tony Ryall would be ideal for the job but probably can’t risk losing him from Health where he reigns supreme. My 2nd choice would
be Nick Smith

# Get some good new mining/drilling projects started

# Float/down sell the 4 SOEs as planned, ASAP and ensure as much as possible that shareholding is spread widely amongst the

# Restore Budget to surplus at almost all cost

# Increase Super to 66 in 2020 and 67 in 2022 and make Kiwisaver compulsory with contributions to rise over time to 6% of earnings

# Find a way to revoke Kim Dotcom’s residency permit, which should never have been issued

# Put even more resources into cleaning up our lakes and rivers

# Legislate to ban local Councils from spending money on anything other than clearly defined and rate payer approved core services

That would do for me as a good start !

06-01-2013, 09:02 AM
Iceman - hard to disagree.

In a FPP world, that is what National would have/be doing. With MMP, we are stuck with "popular" policy which are impossible to remove.

06-01-2013, 09:35 AM
Well thought out sensible post.Great.

06-01-2013, 01:01 PM
great post iceman, but probably too much commonsense in it

06-01-2013, 03:36 PM
They won't get my vote anyway!

06-01-2013, 04:16 PM
We must be in the minority here tim23, the question should really be what else do national have to do to lose past voters and the election.

Cool Bear
06-01-2013, 04:35 PM
maybe start governing for a change.. Country felt a bit directionless at the moment.

06-01-2013, 05:06 PM
Like some of the other posters have said, I will vote National unless they do something really stupid before the elections. I definitely do not want a Labour/Greens/Winston coalition. It would be disastrous and unlikely to last the full term.

These three parties have showed a lot of maturity in 2012, why couldn't they make it?

But some of the things I would like to see National to do before the elections or campaign on are:

# Scrap WFF immediately on any families earning over $50k and rest over 3 years. Implement no tax on the first $ 8k of earnings for individuals and 16k for couples, transferable between them

Because these families don't deserve a tax break any more? It was a contra set up at the time. Your second idea would be very much more expensive for the state.

# Scrap interest free student loans
Again, this is a fair enough deal as is, and students pay a good portion when previous generations didn't. National should repeal the free interest, they'll lose all student votes and many of their parents.

# Shake up the Government in January with a new Education Minister that would go about scrapping ACT’s unpopular and badly explained Charter School program and be more inclusive in major restructuring decisions such as Christchurch new school plan and special education units etc. Then quickly get into rebuilding relationships with Principals and Teachers, which is not an easy job as the Teachers Union is one of Labour's biggest funders !
Tony Ryall would be ideal for the job but probably can’t risk losing him from Health where he reigns supreme. My 2nd choice would be Nick Smith

Some areas do suit charter schools, but this idea should be tested with a small pilot. So the teachers union funds the Labour party to a small amount. Who funds National then? big business, to a much greater degree. Is that good for the middle and lower income majority in NZ? Not likely.

# Get some good new mining/drilling projects started

Nothing stopping these now, except business confidence and a bit of govt backing. National is largely directionless.

# Float/down sell the 4 SOEs as planned, ASAP and ensure as much as possible that shareholding is spread widely amongst the electorate.

No point, the idea with shares is that you can sell them at anytime to anyone. By all means, sell out the taxpayer work from previous generations. It will lose National heaps of votes.

# Restore Budget to surplus at almost all cost.

By slashing budgets and not increasing taxes at the top end? Who will pay for this I wonder. Why not increase business confidence instead and work ourselves out of it. National are too idiotic to think of it in a new way.

# Increase Super to 66 in 2020 and 67 in 2022 and make Kiwisaver compulsory with contributions to rise over time to 6% of earnings

Not bad on the first part, but all employers would probably have to cover 50% of the costs here, won't employ more, could even be a disincentive.

# Find a way to revoke Kim Dotcom’s residency permit, which should never have been issued.

Yes, National let him in. Use the learning to beef up rules in future.

# Put even more resources into cleaning up our lakes and rivers

Whoops, that wouldn't go down well with the National farmer voters, as point and wide sources from farm effluent are major issues with water quality.

# Legislate to ban local Councils from spending money on anything other than clearly defined and rate payer approved core services

So stop things like checking waterways? District plans always include the words 'making the area better to live, work and play in, isn't that what local rates are partly for?

That would do for me as a good start !

The market has not fixed any big issues in NZ, because that is not the motive for business. There is only one big motive, that is to make a profit. There might be spin around this, but that is all it is. So National have backed the wrong horse, and so have all the National voters. Unless they are already doing well of course.

08-01-2013, 12:50 PM
They won't get my vote anyway!

"Ditto" land thieving ****s.

Major von Tempsky
09-01-2013, 08:04 AM
(a) Fix the ComCom Chorus stuff-up and revise the ComCom terms of reference so equal weight is given to Investors and Consumers and there is an incentive to switch to UFB Broadband.

(b) Get somebody more adroit into Minister of Education - Hekia Parata has the anti-Midas touch.

(c) Draw a Treaty of Waitangi cut-off point and stick to it.

(d) Stop the exponential expansion of hobby farms and life-style blocks around our cities and return these areas to productive farming.

(e) return to using using prudential deposit ratios for housing loans.

(f) buy-out the Australian owned NZ banks and float them to NZers. This would practically solve NZ's balance of payments deficit on current account in one hit.

09-01-2013, 10:26 AM
I'm with you El Z and Major Von T's "(f) buy-out the Australian owned NZ banks and float them to NZers. This would practically solve NZ's balance of payments deficit on current account in one hit." has much to recommend it. NZ savings being used for the benefit of the country as a whole would be a really nice change. ....if only.........

10-01-2013, 08:56 PM
(a) Fix the ComCom Chorus stuff-up and revise the ComCom terms of reference so equal weight is given to Investors and Consumers and there is an incentive to switch to UFB Broadband.

(b) Get somebody more adroit into Minister of Education - Hekia Parata has the anti-Midas touch.

(c) Draw a Treaty of Waitangi cut-off point and stick to it.

(d) Stop the exponential expansion of hobby farms and life-style blocks around our cities and return these areas to productive farming.

(e) return to using using prudential deposit ratios for housing loans.

(f) buy-out the Australian owned NZ banks and float them to NZers. This would practically solve NZ's balance of payments deficit on current account in one hit.

With you MVT on (C) The time is well over due..

The best comment in my opinion.. is ..

( e ).. Return to using prudential deposit ratios for housing loans..

My gripe with that staement.. ??..

It should apply to ALL LOANS.. A 20 % Minimum deposit on everything..

If you can not afford to pay 20% on a new TV .. You can not afford to buy it !!...

Not to sure where I stand on hobby Farmers.. :-)

11-01-2013, 09:10 AM
On point D-alot would argue that land close to the cities would be put to better use for housing rather than more productive farming--having said that,it would be nice if things got a bit more decentralized,with more farmers local markets around,which not only tend to lead to healthier food,but tend to bring communities together more [social benefits]--Perhaps these would be best suited in areas just a bit farther out like Matakana etc.

fungus pudding
11-01-2013, 09:33 AM
I'm with you El Z and Major Von T's "(f) buy-out the Australian owned NZ banks and float them to NZers. This would practically solve NZ's balance of payments deficit on current account in one hit." has much to recommend it. NZ savings being used for the benefit of the country as a whole would be a really nice change. ....if only.........

Why worry about the banks? Whyt not just buy out Apple, Microsoft, General motors or a heap of others more profitable and lower risk than banks? There's a lot of emotive claptrap about such things.

11-01-2013, 10:56 AM
(c) Draw a Treaty of Waitangi cut-off point and stick to it.

Agreed! this has been going on far too long, i was under the impression there was supposed to be a deadline a few years ago on submissions of claims?

and i agree something needs to be done with the benefit system in this country, i work in a bank and i see a lot of people earning more than people working two jobs trying to stay ahead just by popping out a few kids and sitting on the pokies all week!

Just as long as Capital Gains doesn't come in, that would put off so many small time investors (like myself)