View Full Version : NTL - New Talisman Mine - New board & Directors

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17-12-2012, 07:25 PM
With the old guard gone from Heritage Gold, and a new ticker for the compacted company interests, I carried out a bit of research a while back and bought some NTL shares.

The main asset for this company is reflected in the name, it's the old Talisman Mine near Waikino. It's not far from Waihi, but the amount of gold at Talisman is not likely to interest Newmont directly. The very rich grades have been mined out apart from one or two newer seams, but of course gold is worth a lot more now. A boutique miner can still do well here I think.

When I started buying shares in Glass Earth, the two companies had about an even Mcap. Not any more, so is NTL a bargain at the moment? Is it a takeover target?

I'm most intrigued that the massive stamper batteries at Waikino were fed from rectangular shafts cut into the hillside at Talisman. The proposal is to use a miniature monorail with specialised carriages to get into the hillside again without a great deal of effort, and bring the good quality ore out with minimal labour. From there it could be processed a little to concentrate it, and then trucked just a few km to the mill at Waihi (assuming Newmont have spare capacity and would entertain this). Not many vehicle movements a day would be required, and there is even a railway for most of the distance, which could perhaps be of use.

All of the area around Talisman was held for a while by Glass Earth Gold, then they relinquished it and Rennison Consolidated (Australian company) took over the permits and more besides. But this company is a real minnow and appears short of cash.

I might be well off target here, but wondered what other shareholders think. A long term investment, perhaps. They deserve a new thread anyway.

18-12-2012, 10:37 AM
Question, elZorro - do you actually make any gains with the likes of GEL?

Maybe you should spend time on some stocks which actually deliver increased shareholders' wealth?

18-12-2012, 04:32 PM
Question, elZorro - do you actually make any gains with the likes of GEL?

Maybe you should spend time on some stocks which actually deliver increased shareholders' wealth?

It's probably not a good idea to add NTL onto GEL as your main holding, I admit. The fact is that I nearly convinced myself that GEL was going to take out NTL, until the Neavesville permit area was worked on by GEL instead. It's curious that for the sort of money GEL might have to cough up for Neavesville, they could instead buy NTL outright, several times over. I had a good look at background data, and as far as the web is concerned, the Talisman mine didn't look too shabby. But I'm not a geologist.

Junior miners can do nothing or go backwards for years, then keel over. But a few do spectacularly well, and sometimes it just needs the right timing and some capital. NTL is certainly at a changeover point, as I say it's worth keeping an eye on.

Paint it Black
07-01-2013, 02:31 PM
Good to see there has been a recent substantial holder purchase of 5 million shares, which if you allow for the absence of attached options, is at the same price as the recent capital raising. One hopes the NY will see some big steps being made in soon becoming a gold producer.

With the old guard gone from Heritage Gold, and a new ticker for the compacted company interests, I carried out a bit of research a while back and bought some NTL shares.

The main asset for this company is reflected in the name, it's the old Talisman Mine near Waikino. It's not far from Waihi, but the amount of gold at Talisman is not likely to interest Newmont directly. The very rich grades have been mined out apart from one or two newer seams, but of course gold is worth a lot more now. A boutique miner can still do well here I think.

When I started buying shares in Glass Earth, the two companies had about an even Mcap. Not any more, so is NTL a bargain at the moment? Is it a takeover target?

I'm most intrigued that the massive stamper batteries at Waikino were fed from rectangular shafts cut into the hillside at Talisman. The proposal is to use a miniature monorail with specialised carriages to get into the hillside again without a great deal of effort, and bring the good quality ore out with minimal labour. From there it could be processed a little to concentrate it, and then trucked just a few km to the mill at Waihi (assuming Newmont have spare capacity and would entertain this). Not many vehicle movements a day would be required, and there is even a railway for most of the distance, which could perhaps be of use.

All of the area around Talisman was held for a while by Glass Earth Gold, then they relinquished it and Rennison Consolidated (Australian company) took over the permits and more besides. But this company is a real minnow and appears short of cash.

I might be well off target here, but wondered what other shareholders think. A long term investment, perhaps. They deserve a new thread anyway.

Paint it Black
15-01-2013, 09:04 PM
Good to see there has been a recent substantial holder purchase of 5 million shares, which if you allow for the absence of attached options, is at the same price as the recent capital raising. One hopes the NY will see some big steps being made in soon becoming a gold producer.

Good to see an experienced mining engineer Wayne Chowles has now been appointed to get the Talisman project moving. Good luck Wayne.

25-01-2013, 12:11 AM
Well this is the best piece of info I've seen from HGD / HTM/ NTL incarnations over the last decade...


Released today.

25-01-2013, 06:37 AM
Well this is the best piece of info I've seen from HGD / HTM/ NTL incarnations over the last decade...


Released today.

It does look good Mistymountain, I hadn't dug up the report yesterday. It might be too early for them to go into detail about how they'll bring the ore out, and who is going to treat it. I don't think these issues are impossible, and they already have some high-grade ore stockpiles. I guess they can't be very big, but it's a start. There has to be a lot of new technology they can use to make a mine like this work. The comparison table against other explorers and developers points out their low Mcap. Elsewhere they imply that if all goes well, there could be 2Moz in the ground at Talisman. That's a completely different story.

25-01-2013, 07:42 AM
NTL may be going to do what HGD thought they might do for 20 years but just never got around to it. Lets hope NTL have a bit more aggressive go forward.

25-01-2013, 04:56 PM
NTL may be going to do what HGD thought they might do for 20 years but just never got around to it. Lets hope NTL have a bit more aggressive go forward.

I hope so too, Griffin. Still holding and wondering whether to buy more.

This from NZResources today, no extra data from the look of it.

New Talisman gets the development ball rollingRoss Louthean — 25 January 2013
Roadworks and mine access to the old Talisman gold mine at Karangahake have now been completed as a prelude to re-establshing gold-silver mining on the site near Waihi.
An investor brief by New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd (ASX & NZX: NTL) yesterday said the company had recently completed a rights issue that raised $NZ1.5 million and now had in place an experienced mine management team.
Executive director Matthew Hill said a pre-feasibilty underway on Talisman was on track for completion in the current quarter.
Hill said the defined resources at the Talisman were a contained 205,000 ounces of gold and 800,000 oz silver and the high grade zones took in 917,390 tonnes grading 6.94 grams/tonne gold and 27.1 g/t silver.
He said the company would apply any early cash flow from the mine to ongoing resource definition and development.
The business plan for this year would involve bulk sampling and a blueprint to fast-track production and define short-term priority mining targets.
The company considered the geological potential of Talisman was between 55,000t to 2 M oz Au and between 1.65-6 M oz Ag.
Matthew Hill said there was very good infrastructure at Karangahake – power, a container port 80 kilometres away via a State highway, sealed roads, water and two large towns within 15 km.
Beyond the scope at the historic Talisman mine there was scope to expand operations to the nearby targets of Taukani Hill and Rahu.

The significance of the container port might be that they intend to ship out concentrate gold/silver ore. Maybe milling/crushing/recovery treatment at Waihi Gold (Newmont) is not going to be available at any sensible price. OGC did just that for the copper-gold Philippines project (Didipio). That would be good news for shareholders medium term: a lot cheaper to set up.

26-01-2013, 07:48 AM
elZorro, yes you may well be right in that statement and as for buying more i reckon at the current price grab some and sit tight. My thoughts are that the new leadership are going to have a serious crack this time around, i hope so anyway as I'm also holding .

28-01-2013, 04:26 PM
Anyone else watching this? Seems cheap when compared with other gold company's (see latest NZX release comparinf Enterprise value and ore grade) with the latest round of propaganda tour. Only drawback seems to be very illiquid, but it is trading below its latest fund raising price and that 1.2 cent ceiling would be easy to take out...

Someone have a take on this?

The Aussie sell price seems to be a lot higher by comparison, but no-one's testing it. It is still a very low MCap as you say. Why did they bring out this presentation? Could be some other news due soon, or it's for fundraising.

28-01-2013, 05:01 PM
The Aussie sell price seems to be a lot higher by comparison, but no-one's testing it. It is still a very low MCap as you say. Why did they bring out this presentation? Could be some other news due soon, or it's for fundraising.

I suppose it depends on what they are paying themselves and staff but $1.2 or was it $1.4mil willn't go too far.

28-01-2013, 09:50 PM
Here's a bit from DOC about the Victoria Battery at Waikino. It was huge, the biggest in the country by far, but its main job was processing ore from Martha Hill in Waihi, not nearby Talisman.


There were also the Crown, Talisman and the Woodstock stamper batteries nearby. The Talisman had 50 stampers, some on each side of the river. http://www.doc.govt.nz/documents/parks-and-recreation/tracks-and-walks/waikato/karangahake-gorge-brochure.pdf

04-02-2013, 08:15 AM
Some action at last, and interested investors or partners looking around.

New Talisman begins sprucing up Talisman leaseRoss Louthean — 4 February 2013
The long-held Talisman gold project at Karangahake near Waihi is being spruced up as studies leading to a mining revival at the historic centre gets underway.
Owner New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd (ASX & NZX: NTL) says in its December quarter report that the upgrading of roads and mine surface access at Talisman has begun and that it expects to have a pre-feasibility study by the end of March.
New Talisman is considering candidates to assist with the next stage of the company’s development for appointment to its board.
“A number of high calibre candidates are currently being reviewed,” the company said.
A number of investor groups indicated interest in Talisman and discussions with these groups “are continuing.”
Following the appointment of Wayne Chowles as principal mining engineer in December a survey of the mine was undertaken to seek further levels within the historic mine for accessing the various identified ore bodies.
New Talisman said initial scoping identified high-grade mined ore and previously bulk sampled material available for test-work to assist developing metallurgical treatment options.
“The prefeasibility study will identify the sequence for each mineable resource for removal from the initial Woodstock target through to the bonanza grade Dubbo vein which can be accessed via existing workings,” the report said.
“The mine will be a low-impact, high-grade, small-scale gold and silver mine utilising best practice methods for sustainable development.”
Meanwhile, unlisted subsidiary Coromandel Gold Ltd holds the granted licence EP 53706 through its subsidiary Northland Minerals Ltd, west of Whangarei and covering 1,188 hectares of private land and conservation land.
The licence is prospective for gold and copper. A literature research is being undertaken on the exploration and mining history of the area to aid exploration planning.

04-02-2013, 06:35 PM
Wonder who the "high-calibre" investors are? Don't think Ross Asset Management would be into something this risky. If they did though, price would get a major boost just like with BFW. Interesting, seems like the activity is finally going somewhere. We may never see 1.2 again hopefully!

Since Talisman already has a good network of tunnels, it shouldn't take too much capital to set it up. This sort of rework, triggered by the higher gold prices, is going on all around the world. In real terms, the gold is possibly worth 2-3 times what it was when mining was stopped in the past. So a big change in the Aussie price today, onwards and upwards..

04-02-2013, 07:59 PM
I've been watching a lot of Gold Rush: Alaska on Discovery Channel over the last few weeks so I bought a chunk of these last week.

One thing that struck me about the investor presentation is the existing road access (even if it needs to be done up a bit).

I'll keep watching Gold Rush: Alaska for more tidbits of information about gold mining and hoping for good news out of the mine!

06-02-2013, 08:08 PM
Thanks for the info

Road access is enough for trucks from what I could tell. It's just up from the highway. there are trails near there but the mine is securely locked away it seems. Looking forward to seeing the study out.

They have Canaccord who underwrote rights issue and never seem to have trouble finding cash.

@ Robbo Gold mining Alaska is a big step off underground high grade gold mining. Probably closer to GEL than these guys not quite what Sprott asset expected I'm sure!!!

Although the Alaska guys probably have bigger alluvial plants than GEL...lol

06-02-2013, 09:38 PM
.........the bridge across the Ohinemuri will need to be rebuilt first before heavy machinery and trucks can get in and out of there. Possible re-strengthening might do it but it looks pretty ancient to me.....considerable costs could be involved......who's gonna pay for that I wonder?? (Answer= us shareholders!)

07-02-2013, 10:07 AM
.........the bridge across the Ohinemuri will need to be rebuilt first before heavy machinery and trucks can get in and out of there. Possible re-strengthening might do it but it looks pretty ancient to me.....considerable costs could be involved......who's gonna pay for that I wonder?? (Answer= us shareholders!)

GR8DAY - Im not sure where you get that from. Im pretty sure the trucks and machinery clearing the road and pad didnt fly in......nor were the many houses on the other side of the bridge hand carted in.......

07-02-2013, 10:16 AM
GR8DAY - Im not sure where you get that from. Im pretty sure the trucks and machinery clearing the road and pad didnt fly in......nor were the many houses on the other side of the bridge hand carted in.......

Hi there BULLISH.....Im thinking it's a very different scenario.......way back when? they probably dragged it out with horse and cart.......1/2 ton at a time? Comparing that to many many truckloads per day with maybe 30/40 ton per load.........hmmmmmm not so sure. Any buzz around Waihi yet concerning this finally getting under way?

07-02-2013, 01:25 PM
Hi there BULLISH.....Im thinking it's a very different scenario.......way back when? they probably dragged it out with horse and cart.......1/2 ton at a time? Comparing that to many many truckloads per day with maybe 30/40 ton per load.........hmmmmmm not so sure. Any buzz around Waihi yet concerning this finally getting under way?

Hey Gr8

They just finished the upgrades in the last few weeks according to their latest presentation.

The buzz if you would call it that in Waihi all about one mine.....:) and how to hug a tree and kiss a frog.....

07-02-2013, 01:34 PM
..........you'll never talk this one up Moosie.......but good try!! ( we've all heard it before AND for way too long).....time for the talking to stop and the shovels to come out. That cud still be sometime away, but then good things do take time.......yawn.

07-02-2013, 02:58 PM
Gr8 your pretty bearish.....there appears to be movement at the station here. clearly you havent read anything before casting a shot. (evidenced from your thought that the road was upgraded many years ago versus this year!!). Thus the shovels seem to be out.

I tend to agree with the moose...they have shifted to developer and are making good inroads its seems. They jumped 46% in Aus up 10% or so here last week and there they remain....The oppies look like a go but not much out there .....

The prefeas due out this Q will be interesting particularly with Wayne Chowles who is a specialist engineer in gold from my read......Go wayne and New Talisman team get it home...!

07-02-2013, 03:36 PM
Before we all get inundated with enthusiasm I have a link for you to have a look at if you haven't already.It gives you an idea of the amount of work that went on there in the early 1900s and how they went about it. Very interesting read.
The Ohinemuri flooded to the level of the dartboards at the Waikino pub in the early 80s and took out several buildings on the opposite side of the road, dont know if that flooded the mines such as they were but be aware it can get a bit dicey around the Karangahake when it rains heavily.
Disc: Holding NTL just in case.:D

07-02-2013, 04:00 PM
.....Yes I remember the flood well Major......lived just down the road for many years. Bullish.....perhaps you havnt been around this stock long enough?...........just prepare yourself for yet another "ask" ( and another dilution) to buy a few more shovels!.......but I hope your right and Im wrong.......HOLDER.

07-02-2013, 04:33 PM
.....Yes I remember the flood well Major......lived just down the road for many years. Bullish.....perhaps you havnt been around this stock long enough?...........just prepare yourself for yet another "ask" ( and another dilution) to buy a few more shovels!.......but I hope your right and Im wrong.......HOLDER.


They will raise further I am realistic about the costs to move from explorer to junior develop/producer - as long as they deliver their prefeas showing the costs and options forward thats good progress as it means they are doing what they say.

Give the new guys a chance to get into the saddle. Hasnt been long and they have made great progress. The price is back up to last rights issue add back the oppies and they seem better than issue. I havent seen Canaccord raise on any other juniors here and even in aus not underwritten have you? GEL market cap very high with bugger all resource. These guys have a JORC compliant resource and little market cap.

Major - The targets they have are in level 7 or 8 I think and above where the old timers flying fox took ore down not sure how flood prone up the mountain is. :confused:

DISC : Not holding.....YET.......DYOR

07-02-2013, 04:53 PM
........hey good work BULLISH.......your obviously better informed on this one than I am.....even tho Im a (yawn) HOLDER! Keep us posted m8 with any further info please cos' quite frankly I cant be bothered ( yawn again)!!

07-02-2013, 08:18 PM
I have a feeling that seller at 1.3 for the entire day (and at the end of the day, 1.2 to match a bid) is going to be sorry soon. Anyone buying up at 1.4 tomorrow? ;)

You should ;)

Disc: Not holding.. yet.. love a good mine :t_up:

07-02-2013, 09:24 PM
Cant see much flooding up the mountain if that is where it is all happening - I was meaning more the access roads and bridges being taken out in a severe flood and subsequent loss of production. Also
some parts of the mine are actually below sea level. One wonders how much pumping will be required if any at the proposed levels. Worked in the Coromandel many years ago in the Tairua Forest. The whole place is riddled with mine shafts. I doubt they got everything with hand tools.
Maybe modern mining methods and machinery will make many men millions. :D

Whether it is at NTL remains to be seen.

Sure hope so.

07-02-2013, 10:46 PM
Anyone think there will be a capital raising in the near future? Sorry if its been answered previously - its late (forgive my laziness)

07-02-2013, 11:11 PM
Anyone think there will be a capital raising in the near future? Sorry if its been answered previously - its late (forgive my laziness)

Unsure, depends on how much drilling is going to happen soon. It doesn't cost too much for planning exploration procedures and background work.

Thanks for the data supplied earlier in the thread. The mines now held by NTL delivered about 622,000 oz of gold over a 20-odd year period, with an average grade of 27.8 g/tonne. These days that's a huge grade. The same ore held 129g/tonne of silver. All up 3.5Moz of bullion taken out.

The new Mystery Vein discovered in 1980 (http://www.newtalismangoldmines.co.nz/talisman-project/)is at a more modest grade of 6.9 g/tonne, but that's still OK. 205,000 oz as JORC to start with.

08-02-2013, 11:09 AM
Why would someone buy 5000 shares ($70 worth)? Significant holder trying to goof the market with a tiny buying, hoping someone might not notice the upping in price is on extremely weak volume?
Probably the same reason someone is trying to sell 10000 at .008 in OZ. IDK

08-02-2013, 11:19 AM
Interesting. I see on other highly traded stocks that there are buyers/sellers at 1, 5 or 10 share parcels.

Not long ago I made a complaint to the FMA regarding my suspicions of market manipulation about massive small parcels of shares being traded... This is what they said:

"OL stands for "Odd Lot" referring to trades of a very small size and appears when algorithmic trading takes place. The use of automated algorithmic ('algo') trading has been steadily rising on the NZ market for the past 2 years. In and of itself this type of trading is not considered manipulative. This trading was likely to be part of an automated trading strategy.

Odd Lot trades do not contribute to market statistics recorded, such as “last price”, “high” or “low”."

However, if someone was looking just at recent trades then they may be "goofed" (great terminology moosie)...

08-02-2013, 11:20 AM
I think those numbers are residual from trades where 10000 say have been for sale and someone only wanted 9957 to round off their own holding. Have you never bought or sold shares where they come through as small parcels. I sold some AIR once and they came through in 26 small parcels for the total.They were all combined on the contract note so all good.:eek2:

08-02-2013, 11:42 AM
You may also get the situation where a seller of 10000 gets 9900 sold and goes .5 or 1 lower with the remaining 100 on the same contract just to finish up. Getting back to talisman - we are dealing with pretty low numbers here and wild gyrations are to be expected if going up .002 amounts to 14%
If you have several million it makes a difference alright but you still have to sell them. This is one step at a time this venture by the look of it. Back of the bottom drawer I think. Patience

08-02-2013, 11:45 AM
Dont forget the exchange rate and Aussie Tax

08-02-2013, 11:50 AM
Good on yer, mate

08-02-2013, 02:09 PM
Your enthusiasm knows no bounds, Moosie. Trust you will be equally so when they are under 1.2 and you will be adding to your stake no doubt. Nothing like a goldmine to get the punters stirred up.
Disc: Holding NTL @ 1.2 and no I wasnt the buyer

08-02-2013, 02:25 PM
Gold is a beautiful, amazing element: http://gerarddirect.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/gold.jpg

I just find the prospect (no pun intended) of owning shares in a gold mine to be exciting. It's just like being part of Gold Rush: Alaska.

Who could ask for more from an investment?

08-02-2013, 02:51 PM

Someone else is now aboard the Gold Rush: Alaska adventure!!

08-02-2013, 04:04 PM
Plus 30.00 brokerage.:scared:

08-02-2013, 04:18 PM
Not me. Let me know if you find out.
Seems a bit odd that they are prepared to pay 30.00 for 15.00 worth of shares.
Maybe its the broker - hes using your money, vodka and steaks.
Pardon my suspicious nature but one of my legs seems to be getting longer than the other at the moment.

08-02-2013, 04:41 PM
.......pretty obvious isnt it......just some try hard trying to lift the price to make himself look good (expecting others to jump in) and for the papers to report accordingly. WOW! Interesting tho isnt it how someone can spend just $30 or so to revalue an entire company by sometimes many millions?? RIDICULOUS!

08-02-2013, 05:13 PM
AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH. You havent made or lost any money until you sell. Full Stop

11-02-2013, 05:26 PM

Probably the same guy trying to raise the price again! So much money involved - a WHOLE $80 worth.

Is this you moosie? :p

11-02-2013, 07:55 PM
lol, all 15 dollars of them. What a risk taker :t_up:Thats fantastic money management , i'm @ the conclusion he is risking only 1% of his capital. Well done lol

11-02-2013, 08:17 PM
Now I'm getting the other leg pulled. The waterways in Venice seem a long way off

12-02-2013, 08:17 PM
Hope you can swim if you're going to Venice. I'm a Bermuda/Bahamas man myself.
As all good canadians are. What part of Alberta are you from, Red Deer or Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan:D

12-02-2013, 08:22 PM
At the current rate of erosion we should be back at 1.2 in a couple of days. Intend having a bit of a scout around at this area in March - ear to the ground so to speak. Will keep you posted.

13-02-2013, 08:59 AM
At the current rate of erosion we should be back at 1.2 in a couple of days. Intend having a bit of a scout around at this area in March - ear to the ground so to speak. Will keep you posted.

Major your quite downrampy on this one...........anything we should know or do you just need to hug it out.....:)

13-02-2013, 08:49 PM
Major your quite downrampy on this one...........anything we should know or do you just need to hug it out.....:)
Having been bitten on the bum a few times, ALF,PGW and RNS all spring to mind and having a tendency for doing the wrong thing at the wrong time then perhaps you will excuse me if I sound a little perverse. Trying to apply reverse psychology - convince myself they will go down and the reverse will happen.
Actually I'm just as much in the dark about NTL as anyone - bit like being down a mine i suspect. Just thought I'd throw a few roubles at it. Will probably sell at $1.50

14-02-2013, 04:29 PM
Gold rush: Africa - new episodes begin 2014

14-02-2013, 04:59 PM
Yeah, me too. See you in Bermuda ;)
Make that 3.00

14-02-2013, 05:14 PM
.......yawn. Gosh whats that pink thing flying past my window??

Now there's 2 projects to suck more cash from the gullible. Same old same old. Hasnt anyone told them the CONGO is one of the most politically unstable pieces of dirt on the planet and besides most of the gold (if any) will be carried out in lunch boxes!!

14-02-2013, 08:16 PM
Sorry to keep you up old bean. Having bought in at 1.2 the next logical step is to sell half at 2.4 if it gets there. That way I get my money back and NTL can do what it likes after that. Its all hugely speculative. The pink thing is probably african nuisance and there is a lot of leg pulling going on here one way or another. :D

15-02-2013, 07:56 AM
A pre-feasability report due end of March and one out of Africa in NTL's major shareholding in April, this stock has major potential now! Excite! :t_up:

I think we just hit gold?? :t_up: (hopefully)

15-02-2013, 09:42 AM
The African venture is an option, so NTL can back out at any time if it doesn't look up to scratch and will not make it any money. If it does make money for the company, this, I presume, would be funneled into the Waihi development, therefore not requiring further cash backing from the long-suffering shareholders. The feasibility study will just confirm what we already know; that the mine is of a very high-grade and ready to be mined in 2014 at a low cost.

The money is about to start rolling in, I suggest acting accordingly.
All this is a bit hairy as far as I can see. Having the development of the Waihi mine without further shareholder input sitting on the back of a mine in an area known for its corruption, propensity for civil and tribal wars, religious agitation, armed uprisings not to mention disease, general malaise and poverty is drawing a rather long bow so to speak. Any funnelling going on would likely be into the back pockets of officialdom unless they have had a change of heart and are now all Miss Goody Two Shoes about it. However there is always potential and it may just be a (miner) problem- just hope it all (pans) out.:ohmy:

15-02-2013, 09:44 AM
... However there is always potential and it may just be a (miner) problem- just hope it all (pans) out.:ohmy:

Thank you for your honesty :)

Nothing like some mining puns for a Friday morning - now ready for the weekend!

15-02-2013, 11:58 AM
This one just for you moosie. If its good enough for the likes of these guys......

Predominant Canadian corporate presence. In mid-2012, the business database Datamonitor 360 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datamonitor) (formerly MarketLine Business Information Centre) identified twenty-five international mining companies as being active in the D.R. Congo, including a plurality of nine Canadian-domiciled mining companies (African Metals Corporation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Metals_Corporation), Africo Resources (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africo_Resources), Banro Corp., Delrand Resources - formerly BRC DiamondCore Ltd., El Niņo Ventures Inc., First Quantum Minerals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Quantum_Minerals), Lundin Mining (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lundin_Mining) Corp., as well as Anvil Mining (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anvil_Mining), misidentified as Australian, andKatanga Mining (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katanga_Mining), misidentified as British); by comparison, five were registered in Australia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia) (BHP Billiton (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BHP_Billiton), Erongo Energy, Green Machine Development Corporation, Mawson West Ltd.,Tiger Resources (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger_Resources)), three from South Africa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Africa) (African Rainbow Minerals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Rainbow_Minerals), AngloGold Ashanti (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AngloGold_Ashanti), Chrometco Ltd.), three in the United Kingdom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom) (Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_Natural_Resources_Corporation), Mwana Africa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mwana_Africa), Randgold Resources (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randgold_Resources)), and one each from China (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China) (CIC Mining Resources Ltd., with Japanese Eco Energy Group's African subsidiary, Eco Project Company Ltd.), India (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India) (Jindal Steel & Power (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jindal_Steel_and_Power)), Malaysia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia) (Malaysia Smelting Corporation Berhad), Morocco (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morocco) (Managem SA) and the United States (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) (Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeport-McMoRan)).[7] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-7) In 2011, the Congolese operations of two major companies, AngloGold Ashanti,[8] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-8)[9] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-9) and BHP Billiton[10] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-10) were only in the exploration phase, whereas Canada had four companies undertaking large-scale commercial extraction for several years or more: Anvil Mining,[11] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-anvil2010-11) First Quantum Minerals,[12] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-fqm2009-12) Katanga Mining[13] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-katangamining-13) and Lundin Mining.[14] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-lundin2009-14)

17-02-2013, 10:56 AM
This one just for you moosie. If its good enough for the likes of these guys......

Predominant Canadian corporate presence. In mid-2012, the business database Datamonitor 360 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datamonitor) (formerly MarketLine Business Information Centre) identified twenty-five international mining companies as being active in the D.R. Congo, including a plurality of nine Canadian-domiciled mining companies (African Metals Corporation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Metals_Corporation), Africo Resources (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africo_Resources), Banro Corp., Delrand Resources - formerly BRC DiamondCore Ltd., El Niņo Ventures Inc., First Quantum Minerals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Quantum_Minerals), Lundin Mining (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lundin_Mining) Corp., as well as Anvil Mining (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anvil_Mining), misidentified as Australian, andKatanga Mining (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katanga_Mining), misidentified as British); by comparison, five were registered in Australia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia) (BHP Billiton (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BHP_Billiton), Erongo Energy, Green Machine Development Corporation, Mawson West Ltd.,Tiger Resources (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger_Resources)), three from South Africa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Africa) (African Rainbow Minerals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Rainbow_Minerals), AngloGold Ashanti (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AngloGold_Ashanti), Chrometco Ltd.), three in the United Kingdom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom) (Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_Natural_Resources_Corporation), Mwana Africa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mwana_Africa), Randgold Resources (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randgold_Resources)), and one each from China (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China) (CIC Mining Resources Ltd., with Japanese Eco Energy Group's African subsidiary, Eco Project Company Ltd.), India (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India) (Jindal Steel & Power (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jindal_Steel_and_Power)), Malaysia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia) (Malaysia Smelting Corporation Berhad), Morocco (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morocco) (Managem SA) and the United States (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) (Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeport-McMoRan)).[7] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-7) In 2011, the Congolese operations of two major companies, AngloGold Ashanti,[8] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-8)[9] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-9) and BHP Billiton[10] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-10) were only in the exploration phase, whereas Canada had four companies undertaking large-scale commercial extraction for several years or more: Anvil Mining,[11] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-anvil2010-11) First Quantum Minerals,[12] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-fqm2009-12) Katanga Mining[13] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-katangamining-13) and Lundin Mining.[14] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_mining_in_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_ Congo#cite_note-lundin2009-14)
Thanks for posting that bullish - all good information.
Moosie has gone all quiet - probably had an (ore)gasm:eek2:

19-02-2013, 02:07 PM
No trading so far this week - thrilling stock to watch! ;)

19-02-2013, 02:15 PM
The market seems to be in limbo mode again, waiting for outcomes of reports. NTL is no different, won't be any shift in price until March when the feasibility study is due. Unless the speculators get into it, it's going nowhere fast as usual!

Either way, still a happy holder!

21-02-2013, 09:57 AM
.........buyers heading for the hills!!..........1.1c by end of day??

21-02-2013, 10:09 AM
.........buyers heading for the hills!!..........1.1c by end of day??

I dont see it either?

21-02-2013, 11:33 AM
.........buyers heading for the hills!!..........1.1c by end of day??

Gr8day more rubbish from you, do you think you should maybe change your signon. All i read is down rampy posts from you. Has it ever been a great day ???

21-02-2013, 11:56 AM
.....so you see $3500 worth of buy orders to 1.1c as reason to celebrate do you JUNIOR........better go give those rose tinted glasses a good clean I think laddy!!

21-02-2013, 12:00 PM
.......and how long have you lads owned Heritage for?.......oh sorry you might not have been around when it traded under that name?? LOL

21-02-2013, 12:04 PM
........me too...........a long long long time ago (last century to be precise). HOLDER

26-02-2013, 03:07 PM
Huge $260 dollar trade so far today...

28-02-2013, 12:56 PM
Renison Consolidated moving in next door to NTL soon in this massive area:


[Cheers to elZorro for the info - thought I would repost for ya] ;)

Good idea Moosie. You have to wonder how they're going to pay for a permit this size, in fees, let alone the exploration costs. Is this all to get themselves in a position to be bought out? And by whom?

Renisson name changed to Laneway Resources, ASX:LNY

Mcap $6mill

01-03-2013, 08:44 AM
I can see a deal between NTL and them being discussed one day. Having discussions about investing 20% in an African mine in a war-torn country and not seeing into their own backyard? Yeah right. You never know, but this is far, far off speculation!

NTL (previous heritage) have been around for a very long time. Looks like rennison are trying what Glass earth tried previously grab ground around a known area in the hope that NTL causes their moose pasture to get a lift in value or trying to sell it to NTL. NTL could have applied for the tenement after GEL wonder why they didnt?

It been a trend for opportunistic explorers for a while now. Peg out areas around known resources and hope the tenement owner of the resource area lifts their values through activity. GEL tried it previously on same tenement. Zero result.

Disclosure - Holding options

13-03-2013, 09:41 PM
Hey moosie, NTL had a bit of a backtrack today - got a few at .013. Still awaiting the report - any idea when its coming?

14-03-2013, 11:40 AM
One question that some newer sharetraders may be asking, which I don't believe has been answered yet?

Do shareholders who previously held HGD shares get all their shares converted into NTL shares automatically when the company changed names?

15-03-2013, 01:52 PM
Some big gaps appearing as the report time nears. Uptrend in place, looking good! :t_up:

Eternally optomistic :p

15-03-2013, 04:04 PM
Just liking what the charts are saying to me and the fact a report is due soon. Undervalued company always worth the gamble!
heads up. oz up 10%

15-03-2013, 05:41 PM
1.6 here now. Looking good ;)

Moosie, or Goldie as you are also known, what do you propose is the maximum value of this company their NZ gold mining operations are as successful as their current predictions?

19-03-2013, 07:33 PM
Moosie, when you expecting the feasibility and DRC reports to occur? Should be this week or next for the pre-feasbiliity I am pressuming? Later for the DRC.. Are you still in?

19-03-2013, 07:38 PM
Moosie, when you expecting the feasibility and DRC reports to occur? was a date placed on them? cant find any information anywhere, and are you still accumulating?

The investor presentation slide show said pre-feasibility report by "End of Q1 2013" if I recall correctly.

19-03-2013, 10:36 PM
The investor presentation slide show said pre-feasibility report by "End of Q1 2013" if I recall correctly.

Cheers Robbo!

21-03-2013, 03:11 PM
Good news for Coromandel Gold via Broken Hill Prospecting on the ASX...

Interesting, good find. Looking forward to some good upcoming reports.

22-03-2013, 04:59 PM
16 dropped to 14 and taken out nearly - next ask 17

24-03-2013, 08:06 AM
I agree moosie, i have quite a few in the bottom draw as to speak from the Heritage days. I tend to think there is some traction about to kick in with NTL so will stick with them.

25-03-2013, 09:26 AM
Going in big this morning eh major?

Cant see it going above 1.4 today without any news??? Or am I missing something...

Disc: Hold NTL

25-03-2013, 09:30 AM
No, I doubt it will go any higher. But there is a distinct lack of sell side, so anyone bidding at 1.5 might get instantly taken out as we have seen at previous times.

Just be patient and wait for the good news ;)

We are all jsut waiting for the sneaky outbreak :p

25-03-2013, 11:33 AM
Some interesting buying going on in NTLOA, someone keeps buying up the asks at increasingly larger prices, up to 0.8 cents now with exercise option of 2 cents (AUD). Someone has a bit of faith in the future of NTL (I swear it isn't me!)

Maybe time to buy more?

25-03-2013, 11:40 AM
Think the days of buying opportunities at or just above the SPP price are over now. I have enough bet on NTL right now for me to be happy anyways. Onwards and upwards!

No decent sellers anyways! Always a good sign

25-03-2013, 02:03 PM
All sold at 0.016 next 0.017

25-03-2013, 02:12 PM
All sold at 0.016 next 0.017

Nice! Small volumes though

25-03-2013, 02:22 PM
up 14% in one day - wish a few more would do that eh moosie

26-03-2013, 01:22 PM
1.7 getting taken on this morning. Old resistance of 1.6 might become new support. Happy times! :t_up:

UPDATE: Wow Nellie, 1.9 and seller at 2.4! Big buyer coming in at 1.5 now as well. Good news ahead!

Even the Aussie side is warming up Moosie, a couple of cheaper shares there, but they might not last long. Looking forward to seeing the prefeasibility study on the mine. This will mark an important step change for the company.

26-03-2013, 02:09 PM
Gold Rush: Alaska here we come!

26-03-2013, 02:15 PM
Woops yes indeed, silly me.

Or alternatively Gold Rush: Up North Cuzz

27-03-2013, 09:16 PM
Another good day, hope we have good news tomorrow, last trading day of March!

You should watch Jungle Gold moosie - firearms, tribal tariffs and in a sodden African rain forest. Gold mining in NZ is where it's at.

27-03-2013, 10:32 PM
You should watch Jungle Gold moosie - firearms, tribal tariffs and in a sodden African rain forest. Gold mining in NZ is where it's at.

I love those programs! Im up to date with all of them. They are, infact, what got me into looking into goldies on the ASX such as PGI. That returned me around 30% quite fast at end of January, but what I was more interested in was the updates you got sent. If you are interested in that sort of stuff, the information is quite good.

I then thought I would bring the money home, and thats when I found NTL. Its now a stock that I can be apart of all the way through, from the beginning to end, rather than the ASX stocks which are generally pretty well established.

Just thought I would share my story :p whats nice about NTL is I am already abover 30% gains currently in a shorter time than PGI, but the stock is a lot more volatile. PGI trades a bit more volume than NTL. Im all for this little rocket ship!

27-03-2013, 11:34 PM
I love those programs! Im up to date with all of them. They are, infact, what got me into looking into goldies on the ASX such as PGI. That returned me around 30% quite fast at end of January, but what I was more interested in was the updates you got sent. If you are interested in that sort of stuff, the information is quite good.

I then thought I would bring the money home, and thats when I found NTL. Its now a stock that I can be apart of all the way through, from the beginning to end, rather than the ASX stocks which are generally pretty well established.

Just thought I would share my story :p whats nice about NTL is I am already abover 30% gains currently in a shorter time than PGI, but the stock is a lot more volatile. PGI trades a bit more volume than NTL. Im all for this little rocket ship!

Just imagine all the crap the people on those shows have to go through to mine gold - and it's still profitable. Meanwhile NZ is so much more accessible and secure.

Except for resource consent, compliance, etc... Although NTL say they want to start mining in little over a year according to their Annual Report 2012. The Annual Report 2013 should have some good bits and pieces in it for discussion on consent and approval because NTL started that process in 2012.

28-03-2013, 10:13 AM
Thats just the hangover from the dual listing HGD had. They always released after the ASX opened.

28-03-2013, 11:34 AM
NTL is dual-listed as well, so guess after 11 will have to do now...

28/03/2013 11:22

REL: 1122 HRS New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

DIRECTOR: NTL: Chair Appointed and Talisman Prefeasibility Completed

Board Appoints New Chair / Talisman Prefeasibility Completed

New Talisman Gold Mines Limited (NZX: NTL) is pleased to announce that Mr J
Murray McKee has been appointed Chair of the New Talisman Gold Mines Board,
effective today. Mr McKee has been Acting Chair from 1st August 2012.

Murray McKee practices as a public policy and risk management adviser in
Wellington specialising in the emergency services and minerals industries. He
previously held operations management positions with a US offshore oil and
gas exploration company (1975-1987), senior management positions with Coal
Corporation of New Zealand Limited (1987-1995) and the NZ Fire Service
Commission (1996 to 2012). He was Chairman of the Coal Research Association
of New Zealand (1995) and a councillor on the New Zealand Minerals Industry
Association (1993-1995). He was a ministerial appointee to the New Zealand
Conservation Authority for two terms and has served on both the West Coast
and Tongariro/Taupo Conservation Boards.

Mr McKee has served on the Board for 17 years, being appointed a Director on
16 March 1996.

In line with earlier advice to the market the Board received the draft
pre-feasibility report on the Talisman gold mine today. The Board expects to
release a summary of the report's finding in the coming days.

Mr McKee welcomed delivery of the pre-feasibility report and congratulated
the company's managers and advisers on bringing such a comprehensive body of
work together on time and on budget. "With my fellow directors I look
forward to studying the report over the long weekend. Subject to the detailed
findings and recommendations of the report I anticipate moving to the next
stage in the development of the Talisman gold mine within a very short time
frame" Mr Mckee said.

Matthew Hill
Executive Director
New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

28-03-2013, 12:22 PM
Mr McKee welcomed delivery of the pre-feasibility report and congratulated
the company's managers and advisers on bringing such a comprehensive body of
work together on time and on budget.

Excellent, always a good outcome, especially in a sector where unknowns and roadblocks are always just around the corner.

"With my fellow directors I look forward to studying the report over the long weekend. Subject to the detailed findings and recommendations of the report I anticipate moving to the next stage in the development of the Talisman gold mine within a very short time frame" Mr Mckee said.

Possible early mining for those higher/more accessible grades?
Exciting! Can't wait for next week now! :t_up:
Moosie, I swear you would be up there with a pick and shovel if you could.
Good news possibly turning to great.
Note Aus is starting to firm up

28-03-2013, 12:27 PM
Moosie, I swear you would be up there with a pick and shovel if you could.
Good news possibly turning to great.
Note Aus is starting to firm up

Moosie is the eternal optomist - nothing to be ashamed off, expecially for us holders! Almost doubled ;)

28-03-2013, 01:14 PM
Moosie is the eternal optimist - nothing to be ashamed of, especially for us holders! Almost doubled ;)

And it's still a very low MCap, for an outfit close to mining quite productive ground within an existing mine network. That study is only a draft, so I guess they'll edit it a bit here and there, and then release it. Doesn't sound like we need to wait too long.

28-03-2013, 02:39 PM
:)Aus up 14% - action stations:)
New Buyer in at .020 NZ
Another 60000 bought over the top late at .021

28-03-2013, 04:50 PM
Given the run up in the share price over the last few days do you think the good news is already priced in?

28-03-2013, 06:06 PM
Given the run up in the share price over the last few days do you think the good news is already priced in? Quite possible, but this is a highly speculative share and anything could happen. You are the one with 10000 to spend I believe - wouldn't risk more than you are prepared to lose with this one or perhaps wait. If the euphoria dies off I'd pick some up a bit lower in the mean time and wait.

28-03-2013, 06:40 PM
Quite possible, but this is a highly speculative share and anything could happen. You are the one with 10000 to spend I believe - wouldn't risk more than you are prepared to lose with this one or perhaps wait. If the euphoria dies off I'd pick some up a bit lower in the mean time and wait.

Except MBJ, you are forgetting the normal 5, 10, 20-bagger response that often occurs when a small junior explorer gets to the mining stage. In this case, the MCap is about 10mill for NTL. There is a possibility that there is 3Moz in the Talisman permit area. That's $6,000 million worth. Even at $200/oz inground valuation, the MCap would be $600mill, which looks like a 60-bagger.

Stepping back a bit and looking at the few hundred thousand ounces they're talking about initially, with probably a plan to ship concentrate to the nearby port, and the current interest looks well founded. Especially if they've figured out a way(s) to get the gold out relatively quickly, and for little real capital cost.

28-03-2013, 07:04 PM
Except MBJ, you are forgetting the normal 5, 10, 20-bagger response that often occurs when a small junior explorer gets to the mining stage. In this case, the MCap is about 10mill for NTL. There is a possibility that there is 3Moz in the Talisman permit area. That's $6,000 million worth. Even at $200/oz inground valuation, the MCap would be $600mill, which looks like a 60-bagger.

Stepping back a bit and looking at the few hundred thousand ounces they're talking about initially, with probably a plan to ship concentrate to the nearby port, and the current interest looks well founded. Especially if they've figured out a way(s) to get the gold out relatively quickly, and for little real capital cost.
Good thoughts - perhaps mine are somewhat clouded by AOH on the ASX which has gone pretty well nowhere after entering production in Finland.
I have this strange feeling that NTL is going to be enormous but its probably gold fever. Of course there is the Congo connection and BPL to figure in yet as well - hmmmm, things are getting interesting - even the better half is listening with more concentration than usual
Just a point - where would the ore concentrate most likely go to if it was shipped out?
Disc: Holding NTL

28-03-2013, 08:46 PM
[QUOTE=moosie_900;392651]The eternal optimist (within reasonable bounds) majorbarejet. If it goes below then yes I will probably buy more. Always an opportunity to invest as I see it.
I'm looking for a target of 2 cents (NTA value), so I am reasonable at times :P[/QUOTE And so whats happened now then moosie

28-03-2013, 09:57 PM
Good thoughts - perhaps mine are somewhat clouded by AOH on the ASX which has gone pretty well nowhere after entering production in Finland.
I have this strange feeling that NTL is going to be enormous but its probably gold fever. Of course there is the Congo connection and BPL to figure in yet as well - hmmmm, things are getting interesting - even the better half is listening with more concentration than usual
Just a point - where would the ore concentrate most likely go to if it was shipped out?
Disc: Holding NTL

Hi MBJ, I looked a bit harder at the NTL figures and they have mentioned 2Moz as the top of their range for gold at Talisman, quite a bit more silver would add to the net bullion. The 200,000oz of gold they are after initially is a JORC resource though.

In this data from a month or two back they spell out what the prefeasibility report would contain. It'll be a big document.

http://www.newtalismangoldmines.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/NTL-Presentation_240113.pdf (http://www.newtalismangoldmines.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/NTL-Presentation_240113.pdf)

Since OGC has used Trafigura to pick up their concentrate, that would be an option for NTL, from PoT. But OGC had to spend a lot on plant, even to get the concentrate. Whatever Newmont is using at Waihi would probably be the best bet, if money was no object. I'm not sure if 'toll processing' means using the Waihi mill as an option.

31-03-2013, 08:35 PM
Have just used Easter to do some reading on NTL and this thread. One question that keeps popping up is " if the Mystery vein was discovered in the 80s or 90s why was it not mined?" Was it uneconomic at the time, too hard to get out due to infrastructure requirements or lack of enthusiasm on Heritage's part. I am basically unfamiliar with Heritage's role in all this but will research it if necessary. It appears it was intersected at level 8 and all the information I have indicates that it was never mined. I'm only hazarding a guess but this would surely be the first port of call after whatever residual ore lying around is taken out, if they go ahead. Anyone else have an opinion on this?
This post is a straightforward request for information relating to the the thread.
No offense is intended to any participant in sharetrader forums.

31-03-2013, 10:47 PM
Have just used Easter to do some reading on NTL and this thread. One question that keeps popping up is " if the Mystery vein was discovered in the 80s or 90s why was it not mined?" Was it uneconomic at the time, too hard to get out due to infrastructure requirements or lack of enthusiasm on Heritage's part. I am basically unfamiliar with Heritage's role in all this but will research it if necessary. It appears it was intersected at level 8 and all the information I have indicates that it was never mined. I'm only hazarding a guess but this would surely be the first port of call after whatever residual ore lying around is taken out, if they go ahead. Anyone else have an opinion on this?
This post is a straightforward request for information relating to the the thread.
No offense is intended to any participant in sharetrader forums.

I'll put my C on the B and surmise that mining techniques have evolved to a point that low-environmental-impact mining is more cost effective that it once was. I think I picked that up from somewhere, maybe a director's comment. Don't quote me.

01-04-2013, 07:45 PM
With the pre-feasibility report imminent I contacted my man on the ground in the region. I asked if he had heard anything mentioned around the area in the course of his dealings in Waihi. It was all about Newmount but no whispers about Talisman. The word doesn't seem to be out generally and I'm sure another family member who has a degree in M&M would have heard by now.

This post is intended for information only related to the thread and expresses an opinion.
No offense is intended to any person by this post.

02-04-2013, 10:08 AM
Guess we have the ol'wait until the open of the ASX for the announcement!

02-04-2013, 11:18 AM
There announcement last week was at 11.22am. Maybe around then

02-04-2013, 11:40 AM
Tick Tick Tick :sleep:

02-04-2013, 11:50 AM
DB was only out for 5 minutes here in Wellington. No news on there yet....

02-04-2013, 11:52 AM
DB was never out for me! Thats Auckland though

02-04-2013, 12:06 PM
I must admit that I would almost like a few of these because its an interesting story involving gold and you can own hundreds of thousands of shares for not a lot of money. If I bought a couple of hundred thousand I would expect a seat on the board...

02-04-2013, 12:09 PM
A flurry of activity as people pile in at 2.2. Do you think there has been a report leak?

02-04-2013, 12:16 PM
I have 4 parcels showing as having sold at 2.2. Is there a way to tell that its only 1 buyer or is that implied by the timing?

02-04-2013, 12:34 PM
I have 4 parcels showing as having sold at 2.2. Is there a way to tell that its only 1 buyer or is that implied by the timing?

There's quite a bit of interest in the ASX listing (NTL.ASX) today too. Solid buying at 1.7.

02-04-2013, 01:26 PM
2.4 being nibbled away! Almost my first 2-bagger :t_up: (I think thats the word)

02-04-2013, 01:28 PM
2-bagger :t_up:

LOL! What on EARTH is a 2-bagger???

02-04-2013, 01:32 PM
LOL! What on EARTH is a 2-bagger???

A smaller ten-bagger :p


02-04-2013, 01:33 PM
lol, someone who hits you with 2 bags (won't say which ones) while you're watching the stock exchange go up.

Wouldn't it be a 1 so far? I am under the assumption a 10 bagger is up 1000%? (correct me if I'm wrong).

I thought that ten meant 10x original investment, so 2 would be 2x original investment (double) - note wiki link I posted!

"someone who hits you with 2 bags" bags of money :t_up:

02-04-2013, 01:52 PM
Yes, taking its ques from the NZX. Keep the money local I say, unless the Ozzies are slow to react (as we all know they are) :P

The Aussies would also say something about Fat Ladies Singing.

However being I'm an optimist regarding Gold in general due to global governments (Russians, China et al) purchasing gold for national reserves as the USD potentially weakens over time I think NTL is a great place to keep a watching brief regarding management decisions. By 2014 / 15 the gold in those hills could be very lucrative...

Fingers crossed for you all. Cheers

02-04-2013, 02:17 PM
Must be a big report - suppose it will take time for the decisions to be made.

This post expresses an opinion only.
No flamingoes were harmed in making this post.
No offense is intended with any so called humour or unrelated comments

02-04-2013, 02:31 PM
After more stress and worry I have become the latest addition to the NTL shareholder register. A vast 80,000 shares are now under my control so expect to see some sweeping changes to management as I exercise my influence.;)

02-04-2013, 02:31 PM
Wouldn't dare Moosie! Collective nouns are peculiar at times - murder of crows springs to mind

Back to the thread - a good time to put a stoploss in place I feel after a sensational advance to a double from a very few weeks ago.

This post has an off thread conversation with the previous poster.
This is followed by an opinion only relating to the thread.
No offense is intended to any Sharetrader Forum Member

02-04-2013, 02:34 PM
Good on you Toasty - welcome aboard

This post is just an encouraging remark to a previous poster

02-04-2013, 02:53 PM
[QUOTE ; Back to the thread - a good time to put a stoploss in place I feel after a sensational advance to a double from a very few weeks ago.

I'm new to this so this may seem like a silly question.
How do I put in a stop loss - I use ASB securities so if I put in a sell price below the market price wont that be there for all to see and people can buy it at that price there and then?

02-04-2013, 03:01 PM
When you go to "place an order" on ASB they will give you four options. Buy,Sell, Target Buy and Stop Loss Sell. It will not be included in the depth until triggered I believe. Perhaps go to google and check it out first. Plus it is not a silly question at all!
This post is for information only in regards to the thread question.

02-04-2013, 03:04 PM
Thanks major, would have been funny if I tried to put a stop loss in using the sell button. Thanks for clearing that up :)

02-04-2013, 03:52 PM
ANZ doesnt let you have trigger orders it seems :(

02-04-2013, 04:32 PM
So here's one for you experts...

How come Toasty and the other trader's trades at 2.5c are listed as SP?

02-04-2013, 04:35 PM
ooooo i know that one! are you on about on DB? I asked one of the guys there last time i spoke with one of them, it means DB bought/traded the shares themselves not to another investor (thats what i got told) Im a noob too dont worry

02-04-2013, 04:44 PM
I see - I wonder why they still charge the same fees then! Lol Thanks for that.

02-04-2013, 04:47 PM
I wondered that as well. I am on DB so that thanks for clearing that up Bucko. Learning something all the time.

What I would really like to know though, is who is that guy that sold 32,900 at 2.4 this afternoon putting me in a loss situation the day I bought my speculative mining shares at 2.5...:(

02-04-2013, 05:21 PM
What I would really like to know though, is who is that guy that sold 32,900 at 2.4 this afternoon putting me in a loss situation the day I bought my speculative mining shares at 2.5...:(

Just chill (and hope the report confirms 6b of gold under them hills).

02-04-2013, 05:26 PM
Hopefully they send a free sample to those shareholders who have stuck with them from the beginning..ie: today...

02-04-2013, 05:29 PM
yeh after researching this all day im on board, only 50,000 shares though. I bought into GEL for less info and more hope of future returns than what ive been reading about NTL all day!

Im still pretty new to investing and young in age so dont hate on me for jumping on a band wagon :cool:

02-04-2013, 05:41 PM
My biggest concern that the biggest HGD/NTL optimist GR8DAY has been quiet throughout the recent lift. GR8DAY, any thoughts if you are still out there, and still holiding?

Im still holding mine from the day the permit got announced, and I got smashed when there was no further action. You live, and you learn.

02-04-2013, 05:52 PM
So here's one for you experts...

How come Toasty and the other trader's trades at 2.5c are listed as SP?

I am pretty sure it stands for Special Purchase and its an off market transaction where brokers line up two people within their own firm. Something along those lines

02-04-2013, 06:48 PM
Bought the first shares for my portfolio today looking forward to the ride. Now I play the waiting game...

P.s. whichever way the shares go thanks for the tip Robbo24

02-04-2013, 07:07 PM
I welcome all the new holders - but I hope you all understand the nature of stocks like NTL, illiquid and speculative!

Good luck to one and all, and as always Do Your Own Research (DYOR)

Disc: hold large parcel of NTL

02-04-2013, 08:45 PM
Just chill (and hope the report confirms 6b of gold under them hills).
I would be amazed if that's what came out of the report. This is PRE - feasibility which would indicate to me that based on the positive outcome (and all indications are that) of the present forthcoming report further steps will be taken with sampling to prove the feasibility. One step at a time boys and wait for this report to be perused by the management. And welcome to all newbies and first timers - you will gain much from the characters on these threads, (eh moosie.)

This post is an opinion and could be quite wrong.
Hopefully it is and there is 6b of gold in them thar hills.
The above statement has the intent of humour.
No offense is intended toward any member of Sharetrader Forum

02-04-2013, 08:49 PM
don't worry about the day to day fluctuations matey, its the hardest thing to learn starting out. the market is starting to wake up to this stock, don't sell out early, hold on to this puppy!

btw, take a look at mod.asx if you like gold stocks, another one of my picks ;)

disc- holding ntl, not mod
Have you got a thread on this, moosie?

02-04-2013, 09:07 PM
Major, why do all your posts have a justification after them?

This is a post is solely a question.
The above question is asked in actual concern.
No harm was meant by the above question.
Excuse the posters naivety if the answer is blatantly obvious.


02-04-2013, 09:27 PM
Just covering my rear end if someone gets the wrong end of the stick and takes exception to something I may have said in all sincerity or during a moment of frivolity, cameraderie, bonhomie or general good humour have upset some learned soul who has a more serious view of life. My intentions have always been harmless and I feel these need to be spelt out to those who possibly dont understand.
I could shorten it to Noah Fence if you like.:)

Noah Fence:)

02-04-2013, 09:32 PM
I see whatchu did there!

Noah Fence: A phrase that gives the user the right and privilege to say whatever they want about the person they're talking to or anyone the two parties know, providing they say this before they begin their offensive rant. Can be substitued with, "Im sorry, but..."


02-04-2013, 09:42 PM
can't believe how well ntl has done without any news yet. should be amazing once it comes out hopefully!

Same with Xero ;). Must be something to do with all these new investors to the market.

(Just taking the piss :) )

02-04-2013, 09:45 PM
You may have noted that it comes in after whatever may be construed as an offensive rant.

Noah Fence

Sorry - we have got off thread again

02-04-2013, 10:10 PM
That's so funny because I thought majorbarejet was a financial adviser who gave specific pieces of investment advice which could be relied on!

Are you telling me that he's not??? LOL

03-04-2013, 08:31 AM
I gotta agree with moosie, after a few years of holding and wondering if I made a smart buy or bought a complete dog, random movement out of the blue! But knowing NTL/HGD a little by now I wont hold my breath for news....great to be back on the positive side though...go you good thing go! Early retirement looks imminent:t_up:...yeah right!

03-04-2013, 08:55 AM
yeh i tend to agree with moosie...after reading the release from the 28/03:

"With my fellow directors I look

forward to studying the report over the long weekend. Subject to the detailed

findings and recommendations of the report I anticipate moving to the next

stage in the development of the Talisman gold mine within a very short time


my eyes widen with anticipation at the end within a very short time frame:D

03-04-2013, 10:07 AM
11 today hopefully! Maybe the NTL board just had a long weekend (like the universities) LOL

03-04-2013, 10:25 AM
yeh another block of 275K came up @ 2.5

03-04-2013, 10:31 AM
May just be someone derisking their original investment, given we have seen almost a 100% gain in a few weeks.

03-04-2013, 10:42 AM
I love the optimism of the guy/girl with the sell order at 30 cents.. LOL

03-04-2013, 10:50 AM
It is a FIFO system! Lol (First In First Out/served)

03-04-2013, 10:52 AM
I love the optimism of the guy/girl with the sell order at 30 cents.. LOL
LOL. Probably meant for 03 cents - bit like the 75.00 on HNZ last week.:)

03-04-2013, 02:13 PM
These board members have long weekends :sleep:

03-04-2013, 02:28 PM
What about just a press release photo with the CEO wearing a big grin and giving a thumbs up...

That would work for me.

03-04-2013, 02:55 PM
Thanks for that moosie, guess after years of nothing worth writing home about I actually stopped paying attention. Im awake now and ready for the next part of the ride to begin.

04-04-2013, 09:31 AM
Suspect the awaited announcement will become part of the quarterly report which by past indications should be out around end of april. No doubt an update to DRC will be forthcoming as well. Patience.

04-04-2013, 10:01 AM
If the report is large and involved it may take a while to sort the guts of it out for public announcement.

Off thread: If the plural of goose is geese why are 2 moose not meese.
noah fence

04-04-2013, 10:35 AM
Goose is from the Germanic root, and its plural was adopted into Old English as "geese". This is an abnormal plural. Moose is of Algonquin (Amerindian) origin and has a plural of "moose".

From wikianswers (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/If_the_plural_of_goose_is_geese_why_isn't_the_plur al_of_moose_meese)

04-04-2013, 11:09 AM
is there something out? down.003

04-04-2013, 11:18 AM
Nope, probably just someone taking profits and de-risking.
probably buying some peb -they've had a boost.

Thanks for the moosages from you and banksie
Know a fence

04-04-2013, 11:34 AM
is there something out? down.003

Let's not forget the relatively low volumes of trades at the peak from 2 days ago.

The speculative nature of the shares dictates that profit-taking/de-risking will occur, but I like to focus on the longer term prospects of these shares.. A few weeks ago they were still sitting at 1.2 cents (as they had done for a long time) so as long as the volumes continue upwards just sit back and watch it unfold..

04-04-2013, 12:06 PM
Don't expect things to happen too quickly with this outfit after all NTL is born out of Heritage Gold which took years to do very little except wave the odd carrot to get cash from share holders. I do hope NTL is a lot more serious in extracting gold in the not to distant future.

04-04-2013, 12:44 PM
Don't expect things to happen too quickly with this outfit after all NTL is born out of Heritage Gold which took years to do very little except wave the odd carrot to get cash from share holders. I do hope NTL is a lot more serious in extracting gold in the not to distant future.

Griffin your obviously a bitter and twisted holder sell them if you don't hold much hope.

I think the share price speaks for the new team. Good on them. In 6 months they have done a PFS, restructured and replaced their exec and engineer, acquired an option over a solid advanced African project and raised 1.5m!!!!

That's a fair bit of activity in a short time.

04-04-2013, 01:42 PM
hey bullish whats the goss around Waihi, still all newmont going east and Martha? Anything in the local rag

04-04-2013, 04:11 PM
ASX:NTL UP 15% to .022

04-04-2013, 04:17 PM
ASX:NTL UP 15% to .022

Comparatively heavy trading to in respect of the number of shares trading hands at this SP.

.022 AUS is .027 NZ if my calculations are correct...

05-04-2013, 11:53 AM
I don't feel any better about having lost $240.00 on my recent NTL investment. Its eating into my $150k XRO profit (and counting).

Luckily SUM is up too.

06-04-2013, 08:18 AM
Well NTL did not finish the week in bullish fashion and the report never surfaced so it took a 17% knock yesterday. I think the pending report will have some positives for the long term but the key point will be the time frame in firing the project into producing.If it gives some certainty into an actual start up time then buying next week around 2 cents would be worth while.

06-04-2013, 01:57 PM
Well NTL did not finish the week in bullish fashion and the report never surfaced so it took a 17% knock yesterday. I think the pending report will have some positives for the long term but the key point will be the time frame in firing the project into producing.If it gives some certainty into an actual start up time then buying next week around 2 cents would be worth while.

Make your money on gold now - give it a few years and post-scarcity will slowly become reality with asteroid mining: http://www.stuff.co.nz/science/8517193/Nasa-plans-to-lasso-asteroid

In fact, all the gold (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold) ... mined from the Earth's crust, and that are essential for economic and technological progress, came originally from the rain of asteroids that hit the Earth after the crust cooled: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteroid_mining

07-04-2013, 11:40 AM
sorry robbo, but that's just wishful thinking. they can't even put a man on the moon again. nor can they effectively keep down costs here on earth. the usa camt? ven properly fund its own schools or service its own debt, you really think obama is going to give nasa a blank cheque? maybe some time well after we are gone, but not while were investing in this lifetime!

Moosie, I have been aware for some years that this is the Nasa plan.My main reading material is about space and what Nasa is up to. Mining the asteroid is the only resource finite thing that the planet earth can do and it makes sense. It is the way of the present and the future to use robots just as is the current plan to use drones instead of manned fighter aircraft. So it will all happen but will it make gold or any other trace rare element cheaper. I certainly think not and am currently investing in NTL and NTLOA and in my lifetime do not expect to be under cut by nasa asteroid wealth. In fact the fact that we have to move out into space just shows the value of the mineral and its value well into the furure long after I have gone.

08-04-2013, 11:26 AM
There has been a considerable uptick in Gold late last week - heres hoping it holds and gains further.
Is no news good news - gone awfully quiet

08-04-2013, 11:30 AM
too quiet! ive been on the edge of my seat all week~

08-04-2013, 12:57 PM
I'd rather wait for something to be properly analysed and presented than have a hurried "hope we are right" with half the facts. Anyway I quite enjoy suspense added to something that may be quite viable - however I'd prefer it to be revealed before I pass on.

08-04-2013, 01:48 PM
Yes, the announcement is more than worth waiting for. Selling out now is just a wee bit silly.

Can't be that old can ya major? Are you just referring to the sense that HGD/NTL has taken forever to get to this stage?

Lets just say you are right on three out of four statements and what remains of the bucket list includes going round a golf course in my age. Also on the list is owning part of a goldmine.

08-04-2013, 02:08 PM
Which one out of Cruden Bay, Royal Troon or Gleneagles would ya choose then?
none-I'd have to be 150:):)

10-04-2013, 12:08 AM
Well NTL did not finish the week in bullish fashion and the report never surfaced so it took a 17% knock yesterday. I think the pending report will have some positives for the long term but the key point will be the time frame in firing the project into producing.If it gives some certainty into an actual start up time then buying next week around 2 cents would be worth while.

Griffin gold took a massive knock which affected all gold stocks. NTL didn't budge in Aus only on NZX likely a few cautious punters locking in profits. Given your dour view I'm surprised you were not one of the sellers!!! The stock has tripled in a very short time from .7 Aus issued a further 150m shares and 50m options which are now in the money and liquidity is coming back into the stock.

I doubt it has anything to do with micro report release its the macro end which is playing in.

On gold All of the fundamentals say that gold should be soaring. The US debt, the QE3, the Japanese QE, the Middle East(Syria, Iran) situations, the North Korean situation, the Central Banks buying, Chinese accumulating, all these factors, historically, would make gold just explode. Instead it is being depressed.

For technical players looks like a remake if the 2006/7 breakout where gold jumped 20+ %. Fingers crossed.

10-04-2013, 04:19 PM
thought that whoever took that 65000 at .021 first thing out might shake things up a bit.
and lo and behold a couple of wing waiters at .023 and .024 make a cameo appearance.

11-04-2013, 03:23 PM
I hope someone out there has friends in News Ltd, when the study is released to market we need a headline "NZ Goldrush" to get any significant move in price.

article could follow the lines of "......teh long dormant remenants of HGD have stumbled across a miracle with the richest vein of minerals seen in NZ for over 80yrs........NTL shareholder are all patting themselves on their backs and have managed to solve NZ GDP concerns as they spend thir gains"

Tui ad anyone?

11-04-2013, 09:20 PM
I hope someone out there has friends in News Ltd, when the study is released to market we need a headline "NZ Goldrush" to get any significant move in price.

article could follow the lines of "......teh long dormant remenants of HGD have stumbled across a miracle with the richest vein of minerals seen in NZ for over 80yrs........NTL shareholder are all patting themselves on their backs and have managed to solve NZ GDP concerns as they spend thir gains"

Tui ad anyone?
Having detected a slight note of sarcasm in this post I'm prepared to send you a dozen tui if NTL doubles from my BE of .0142. In return I expect you to repost #310 with some additional wording along the lines of my mistake, sorry, etc
Unless of course you think that 100% is not good enough in which case we will have to renegotiate.
Would you prefer the new Dark Tui?:)

11-04-2013, 11:37 PM
Landyman doesn't watch Gold Rush: Alaska - he's a layperson when it comes to this stock.

12-04-2013, 08:36 AM
I just downloaded the first season haha I'm going to be a pro at this by the end of next week...yeh though if there is a large deposit discovered and there are those kind of headlines theres going to be the obvious "everyone suddenly woke up to become environmentalists" movement. and as what has happened when MRP was hinting at floating there will me some 'Waitangi claim' ......some say pessimist...I say realist

12-04-2013, 09:52 AM
Agreed, also because its pre mined i doubt the environmentalist faction will be to strong either.

Here we are though, still waiting for a prefeasibility study!

12-04-2013, 10:04 AM
Are the birds flamingoes?

12-04-2013, 10:11 AM
That they are ;)

Thank god, i was worried :-P

12-04-2013, 11:45 AM
:scared:oh no- not flamingoes again

12-04-2013, 02:31 PM
I just wish my portfolio average SP was as low as your Major.

12-04-2013, 10:38 PM
the environmentalist faction

If there is dissent from environmentalists then moose and I will head up there with axe handles and duct tape and there will be dissent no more.

13-04-2013, 02:56 AM
:Ddont forget your pick and shovel - and if you are down a mine you will need dark tui.

13-04-2013, 09:09 PM
I don't know about gold looking too healthy right now short term. You have to take into account there are a lot of momentum traders out there holding big losses on such sentiment, and if they have had enough of those losses the effect of a sell-off below $1525 would be catastrophic to the gold price. You also have to remember physical buying in many countries is way down as well, and that many are following Soros, who has sold out (and probably buy back in big time on a big fall!). Then would be the time to buy... Well its certainly had a kick in the guts today down to 1475 so what now?

15-04-2013, 11:17 AM
Agree - whats your bottoms pick for spot gold price moosie? I say $1250 ish... Its still a precious metal in my mind. Silver is also quite interesting to watch!

15-04-2013, 11:34 AM
Silver producers are on smaller margains than most of the goldies, and silver price follows gold. We have a more industrial demand for silver over gold, thats why i find silver interesting because it seems soon the silver margins will be too small for it to be viable to make it! Could be a good time to buy silver soon given the demand wont change but supply will drop!

I agree about NTL and think it will be excluded from price fluctuations (hopefully), and yes i was talking medium term :-)

15-04-2013, 03:17 PM
Sweet, good to see we are on the same page! Yes, read somewhere that "silver is like gold, but on crack". Those price and percentage fluctuations are pretty massive on some days. Good thing I keep some of it on my fingers! ;)

Maybe someone took my advise today and sold $38 dollars worth of shares and bought an ounce of silver.... ;)

15-04-2013, 03:21 PM
No way they bought a gold pan!

15-04-2013, 03:26 PM
No way they bought a gold pan!


Join me and moosie :p

Disc: Got me some NTL

15-04-2013, 03:52 PM

Join me and moosie :p

I've already got my gold pan - ready to go.

15-04-2013, 07:07 PM
The Board expects to release a summary of the report’s finding in the coming days.
Mr McKee welcomed delivery of the pre-feasibility report and congratulated the company’s managers and
advisers on bringing such a comprehensive body of work together on time and on budget. “With my fellow
directors I look forward to studying the report over the long weekend. Subject to the detailed findings and
recommendations of the report I anticipate moving to the next stage in the development of the Talisman gold
mine within a very short time frame” Mr Mckee said.
The promise contained in the press release (late March) is beginning to fade. What is the span of attention of the average sharetrader, that is the question.

http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=share%20traders%20span%20of%20attention&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CEoQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.forbes.com%2Fsites%2Fgreatspe culations%2F2011%2F01%2F21%2Fstock-market-becomes-short-attention-span-theater-of-trading%2F&ei=cKdrUfe-CYiPiAf1uoHwDQ&usg=AFQjCNFDOQBaCnFXRmqxv6i-5JZitz_FQw (http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=share%20traders%20span%20of%20attention&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CEoQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.forbes.com%2Fsites%2Fgreatspe culations%2F2011%2F01%2F21%2Fstock-market-becomes-short-attention-span-theater-of-trading%2F&ei=cKdrUfe-CYiPiAf1uoHwDQ&usg=AFQjCNFDOQBaCnFXRmqxv6i-5JZitz_FQw)

16-04-2013, 10:37 AM
You seriously mentioning "gold" and "buying" in the same sentence? Yee hah...I'd be dumping anything remotely connected to "dont mention the word".
Down down down she goes, where she stops nobody knows! Nearly back at my buy-in price now. Good ol' fear driving the market today, looks like it's buying time again ;)

And NTL, get your A into G and RELEASE THE REPORT ALREADY!!!

16-04-2013, 12:39 PM
Jeepers nothing on the bid side at all, looks a rather sad case today.

16-04-2013, 12:43 PM
Jeepers nothing on the bid side at all, looks a rather sad case today.

Moosie would call this an opportunity...

Why is it taking so long for them to discuss the report?

16-04-2013, 01:13 PM
Jeepers nothing on the bid side at all, looks a rather sad case today.


16-04-2013, 02:55 PM
chin up moosie. All things are cyclic. Even viewpoints on forums

17-04-2013, 04:02 PM
falling gold price probably didnt help but it seems to have flattened out currently. I suppose now having said that it will take another dive on the hysterical gold chart

17-04-2013, 04:09 PM
Price drop has...

Now NTL coming to close on a 7% rise (all be it small volumes) and my oil play in Austalia is down... go figure. :confused:

17-04-2013, 04:25 PM
You in OXX Dej?

Yep! Again small volumes ($300), its a small volume day for me :p

18-04-2013, 01:29 PM
I reckon the PF report must be a cracker and the reason there is a delay in advising the market is that they are confused just which prime spot to have a go at first.

18-04-2013, 02:00 PM
yaaaaaaaaaay finally

18-04-2013, 02:09 PM
I reckon the PF report must be a cracker and the reason there is a delay in advising the market is that they are confused just which prime spot to have a go at first.

Half right, GRIFFIN $_$

18-04-2013, 02:10 PM
phew that took a while to get through,

Ore Reserves - The formal documentation and public report pertaining to the Talisman's JORC compliant maiden Ore Reserve statement are being prepared and will be released within the coming weeks....something else to look forward to?

18-04-2013, 02:13 PM
They say coming weeks... They mean coming months LOL!

Thoughts people?? 'pan' them out..

18-04-2013, 02:17 PM
i think the 35% increase in share price in the last 20 minutes says it all!

18-04-2013, 02:18 PM
i think the 35% increase in share price in the last 20 minutes says it all!

I bet borderline-top-20-largest-holder moosie will be getting excited.

18-04-2013, 02:22 PM
Have you got over 1,000,000 shares moosie? :-P

18-04-2013, 02:39 PM
POST 356 well done GRIFFIN.

18-04-2013, 02:48 PM

Nostadamus here with his views...

18-04-2013, 02:48 PM
You bet moosie congrats to the NTL team and i may even have a cold TUI in the fridge.

18-04-2013, 02:55 PM
Good buying on the Aussie side no one up with the play there yet.

18-04-2013, 02:56 PM
Nostadamus here with his views...

.......long way to go to get this dog off the ground yet Robbo. How much are they gunna be asking shareholders for now.........$5.4m isnt it? When was this prefeasability study completed anyway........cos if it was more than a week ago (as Im sure it wud have been) then their figures arnt worth the paper they'te written on ( given the 15% plus drop in GP over the last 7days)........in fact I doubt the whole thing is even viable now. Hey good luck tho m8 if you wanna keep throwing money at this puppy......I think they'll be needing lots of it.

18-04-2013, 03:07 PM
How much are they gunna be asking shareholders for now.........$5.4m isnt it?

Nil, I believe:

The company intends to fund

this work with a small scale mining operation, focussed on the immediately

available, Measured and Indicated resources to ensure that the project is


Initial mining would produce a projected cash surplus of NZ$23.4 million from

total ore milled of 106,500 tonnes at a recovered grade of 9.4g/t Au and

30.0g/t Ag. A total of 32,200 ounces of gold would be recovered along with

102,800 ounces of silver.

in fact I doubt the whole thing is even viable now.

No need to doubt - do the math.

Robust C1 cash cost of US$588/oz and C3 Cash cost of US$1075/oz - well

below current prices

18-04-2013, 03:13 PM
From the announcement:

Project Economics – A Discounted Cash Flow analysis based on a weighted consensus average gold price forecast of US$1600/oz, a NZ$:US$ exchange rate of 1:0.8 and a 10% discount rate indicated a net present value (NPV) for the project of NZ$15.5 million. Unit cash costs were estimated at NZ$692/oz with an all in cost, including capital expenditure of NZ$1166/oz.

Somewhere else they mention 12000oz of gold a year. At $1600 that is a 6.3mil profit but at todays price $1360 that is only a $3.4mil profit - approximately a 50% reduction.​

18-04-2013, 03:16 PM
Wow! Compared to some other hopeful miners, the amount of capital required is very low. Just a few mill, and these details on the operation are tantalising in their simplicity.

Mining Method - Ore veins are steeply dipping, from 70? to near vertical,

with widths ranging from ~1.0m in the Welcome/Crown area to >6.0m in the

Woodstock. Preliminary stope designs have been constructed encompassing the

volume of estimated payable ore in each resource block. Analysis indicates

that the geometry of the lodes is potentially suitable for a number of mining

methods. The study recommended that a sub-level stoping design be implemented

to provide the flexibility to switch between hand-held and long-hole drilling

techniques where applicable.

Materials Handling - An option analysis was carried out on the installation

of rail bound transport systems underground compared with the deployment of a

fleet of small, rubber tyred loaders and trucks. Results clearly demonstrated

that the flexibility of a trackless fleet, which would enable extraction of

the resources below 8 Level through a series of small ramp systems, held

significant advantage to the project.

Production Plan - A production plan was developed based on the above

assumptions. It indicated that an initial five-year operation, with peak

production of 35,000 tonnes per annum and 12,000 gold ounces in years 3 and 4

was possible. 65% of the total 106,000 tonnes mined would be derived from the

better understood Woodstock and Dubbo Sections. Production planned from the

Mystery and Welcome/Crown blocks would primarily comprise on-reef development

required to improve and extend the confidence of resource estimates within

these areas.

Services - Systems required to support mining operations, such as power,

water and compressed air reticulation, have been designed to support double

the production rates estimated in the plan. This would permit the possible

future expansion of the mine into newly proven areas. Considerable

consideration has been given to designing systems that would minimise impact

on the environment.

Processing and Metallurgy - The study evaluated several processing options

including non-chemical gravitation separation, flotation and cyanide

leaching. Historically, cyanide leaching of ore from Talisman achieved a 95%

gold recovery and 70% silver. Costs included in this study reflect the

capital and operating costs for a dedicated CIL plant. NTL is awaiting

results of test-work undertaken by Auckland University and intends to embark

on a bulk sampling program and further metallurgical test-work to inform

detailed design of the ore processing flow-sheet. Additionally the company is

holding discussions with a number of local gold producers to investigate the

potential for a toll treating agreement.

Great cashflow numbers from a boutique operation, and I'm not as worried as GR8DAY about the gold price, especially by the time they're ready to go. Which might not be very long, if initial funding and permitting is forthcoming. It's an old mine, how tough will the permit process be? And 35,000 tonne p.a. is only about 50 cubic metres of treatable ore a day. There is not going to be a big fleet of vehicles needed, capital needs are very low. The heap leach treatment is very low cost too, even OGC do this at Macraes sometimes. And their grades are nowhere near this good.

NTL is about the only good story on the NZX today, nearest other share increase is about 3.5%. The MCAP of NTL is still only a mere $12mill. Plenty of room to move yet.

18-04-2013, 03:26 PM
It's an old mine, how tough will the permit process be?

It's as simple as: http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1991/0069/latest/DLM231910.html

It's not necessarily simple, actually, but the fact that it has been mined before should reduce the threshold for obtaining a resource consent to get it all going again. The mining methods seem less intrusive than other methods commonly used (from what I've seen on Gold Rush: Alaska!). I'm not one of these big city lawyers but things like trucks, noise, traffic, etc, all have to be taken into account and can result in a costly little experience. Although, the local counsel might be very welcoming of the application and if you pay off the enviro-warriors and other groups who commonly appeal to the environment court then you're good to go!

18-04-2013, 03:44 PM
Thanks for that Robbo. Here's a tidier version of the report.
http://www.newtalismangoldmines.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/SX_180413_Prefeasibility-Study.pdf (NTL should tidy up their logo resolution. I think they can afford to now).

While the price of gold is an issue for the first stage of the mining, this should be a precursor for drilling down within the Talisman mine to hopefully intercept other new veins. A lot of the original Coromandel area gold was target-mined underground from veins in the bonanza-grade region of 2-3 oz/tonne, or 60-90 grams/tonne. In that case, any value over US$1,000 an ounce will be more than acceptable.

18-04-2013, 07:56 PM
I've been following the price of gold for a while, and there are more reasons for it to go up in value, than down. While sentiment does have a part to play, it looked like there was an orchestrated move to pull gold down, and some huge eyewatering profits would have been made by shorters on the inside of the move. The point remains that a big portion of the world's population covets gold, and it's getting harder and more expensive to find it underground.

Back to the long-awaited Pre-Feasibility Study from New Talisman. There are no glossy photos or fancy drawings, which is a pity. But the numbers are there. I reckon they're good numbers.

The total resource is 204,760 oz gold, 798,840 oz silver, of which a fair bit is inferred, but the average grade of all the gold is 8.5g/tonne. This is way over the new normal grades at Martha Hill and Macraes. It's high enough to go digging underground for it. Note that NTL is only going for the easiest gold at first, just 32,000oz of gold over 5 years, or 15.6% of the known/inferred resource.

Over 5 years, they'll hope to remove $60mill of bullion (gold and silver) but only about 5% of the value will be in the silver. $60mill assumes gold at US$1600/oz, exchange rate 0.8, minus a 10% discount for error. That still looks like being in the ballpark for a goldbug like me.

They predict a cash surplus of $23,400,000 after the five years, by which time they'll be using some of the surplus to investigate other parts of the mine, and pull out more of the known gold (self-funded after 2-3 years).

But this figure of $23,400,000 is even better than it looks: it means that the capital cost of setting up the mining operation (a total of $11-15mill odd) has all been paid for already. Of course the books will be better than that, as a lot of this cost will be capitalised and depreciated over say 10 years, not five. In any case, the equipment and setup can be used on other gold recovery work afterwards. If the grades keep improving based on exploration work, cash costs per ounce should fall further.

The Net Present Value (NPV) of just this subset project is calculated as $15.5mill, which would value every NTL share at NZ3.2c. However the currently known/inferred resource of 205,000 oz gold, 800,000 oz silver, if recovered and sold today, would be worth about NZ$380mill.

Toll treatment: some info which implies the mine owner delivers ore, it's weighed and grades are fairly well known, then the toll miller runs it through their plant. CIL means Carbon in Leach, not heap leaching?

http://www.im-mining.com/2010/05/03/toll-treatment-issues-for-gold-advice-from-mets/ (http://www.im-mining.com/2010/05/03/toll-treatment-issues-for-gold-advice-from-mets/)

18-04-2013, 10:24 PM
You have two "if's " in this post moosie.. That is two, to many for me..

Think that " GOLD " ... Could possibly go below $1000.. It is being manipulated as always IMHO.

Disc. Never touched the stuff..

Cheers for that elZorro, great post as always. Yes, those reserves are looking much closer to being mined and at no more cost to the shareholder. If the gold price keeps going up as it has tonight in Asian trading then follows through on US trading then I think we might be on to a winner over the next few weeks. Although 3.2 cents is a new target, I think there is much, much more upside, especially when we see Mpokoto come into play (if it is feasible and worth the options). Add to that this governments new-found friendliness to miners, as well as the shares in Broken Hill (although it has been going down with every miner lately, even though they recently DOUBLED their reserves...) and I see quite a few positives here!

19-04-2013, 07:41 AM
I just hope they offer to shareholders some of this 5m when they raise rather than the Aussies who tend to raise all the money for this company.

While companies fall over at the current price this little gem is well insulated and has a second run with Congo.

Looking forward to seeing the Congo project data released.

steve fleming
19-04-2013, 09:10 AM
I haven't commented on this stock for a few years, but one of my pet hates are mining project NPVs that have been overstated by using crazy low discount rates.

10% is prettty much the cost of capital of a stable property trust. Applying the same discount rate to a mining project which has additional financing risk, development risk, commissioning risk, production risk, and obviously commodity pricing risk is a huge risk factor. So to adopt 10% is IMO bizarre, but NTL is not alone among companies using this discount for gold projects.

If you really wanted to get any sort of comfort around the NPV you would generally need to see all the sensitivities of the NPV to the various gold prices, and adopt a discount rate of at least 18% to 20%.

Also need to be aware that C1 costs (and development costs) are so low as intention is to toll-treat, so significantly reducing operating margins.

To give an idea of value attributed to these small scale gold operators, ORS on the ASX is producing from multiple sources, AND has its own production plant (valued at $15m), yet has a market cap of just $12m.

19-04-2013, 11:22 AM
I haven't commented on this stock for a few years, but one of my pet hates are mining project NPVs that have been overstated by using crazy low discount rates.

10% is prettty much the cost of capital of a stable property trust. Applying the same discount rate to a mining project which has additional financing risk, development risk, commissioning risk, production risk, and obviously commodity pricing risk is a huge risk factor. So to adopt 10% is IMO bizarre, but NTL is not alone among companies using this discount for gold projects.

If you really wanted to get any sort of comfort around the NPV you would generally need to see all the sensitivities of the NPV to the various gold prices, and adopt a discount rate of at least 18% to 20%.

Also need to be aware that C1 costs (and development costs) are so low as intention is to toll-treat, so significantly reducing operating margins.

To give an idea of value attributed to these small scale gold operators, ORS on the ASX is producing from multiple sources, AND has its own production plant (valued at $15m), yet has a market cap of just $12m.


Not sure 10% is that far off for a lower risk boutique mine. I would agree on the initial scoping study be previous managment but clearly the new team are working on a mineable to expansion scenario. ORS is an ambitious existing open pit producer having to resort to earning by processing A1 ore as its can only chug out 6500T at 6-7G/t. Not sure where you got the plant refurbishments gave them a 15M asset. CLearly the market doesnt believe that. With 1.x in cash and a major decline going on its a different kettle of fish and has a much higher per oz cost and is like measuring apples to watermelons.

18-20% is a little on the crazy high side. Financing doesnt seem to be that much of an issue for Heritage/NTL and they have continually stumped me with their ability to raise cash. Development risk on an existing on ore set of tunnels already developed is less than an open pit on greenfields sites. Commissioning risk I assume relates to a plant which is fair but they are likely to toll treat in imo. Production risk based on the info I can find suggests that with existing addits and on ore resources getting the ore out wont be an issue.

Clearly it will be the Bankable feasibility which shows the way for this little goer and hopefully the variability will be ironed out as it is important to remember its a PRE FEASIBILITY which is more accurate than the scoping study but 10-12% usually off what the bankable would be.





19-04-2013, 12:38 PM
The shareprice ticking along nicely, but perhaps hasn't moved enough to interest big purchasers yet. A bit of extra info at the tail end of this report from NZResources today.

Pre-feasibility shows “robust” economics for Talisman mine19 April 2013
The pre-feasibility study for the historic Talisman gold-silver mine at Karangahake at the base of the Coromandel Peninsula showed the mine could deliver a cash surplus of $23.4 million in its phase one development.
New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd (NZX & ASX: NTL) said in releasing the report yesterday that re-establishing a mine showed there were robust C1 cash costs of $US588/ounce and C3 cash costs of $US1,075/oz.
The pre-feasibility showed that in the initial five year start-up, Talisman would generate $68.2 M in revenue, with an initial capital requirement of $5.4 M.
Peak annual output was projected at 12,115 oz of gold and 36,000 oz silver.
Commenting, executive director Matt Hill said: “This finding is a very positive step for the company’s plan to re-open the Talisman mine in the world class Waihi gold district.
“The pace of work has stepped up so that the project can get underway once detailed mine planning and permitting has been concluded. The development initially of a small low impact high grade gold mine sets the platform for the exploitation of target areas for future phase two developments”.
Previous underground drilling and sampling delineated a resource of 204,760 oz gold at a grade of 6.9 grams/tonne and 798,840 oz silver at a grade of 27 g/t.
The mining operation examined in the pre-feasibility study involves only part of this resource, generating income with an aim to develop an extended operation. The measured resource was 212,500t @ 5 g/t gold for 34,000 oz and 27.5 g/t Ag for 187,900 oz.
Hill said work by the company identified several additional target areas contained in both remnant areas within existing workings and strike and dip extensions of the Maria and Crown-Welcome veins. Of particular interest was the Mystery vein, which has not previously been mined and which lies between the Maria and Crown-Welcome vein systems.
“Establishing that the new target areas contain economic mineralisation will require opening up of existing tunnels and new development within the underground mine as well as further exploration,” he said.
The company intends to fund this work with a small scale mining operation, focussed on the immediately available measured and indicated resources.
The projected cash surplus of NZ$23.4 M would come from milling 106,500t at a recovered grade of 9.4 g/t Au and 30 g/t Ag. A total of 32,200 oz of gold would be recovered along with 102,800 oz silver.
The Study found that the new mine plan is “conservative and achievable” with relatively low risk and would generate an internal rate of return of 83% and the payback period would be 2.5 years.
Gold was initially found in alluvial material at Karangahake, near the Talisman mine workings, in 1875. Shortly after, a gold vein was found at nearby Mt Karangahake and ore was being removed from the Talisman, Woodstock and Crown mines by 1880.
Crown, the last of the three mines to remain in operation, closed in 1928. About 37 kilometres of mine tunnels exist at Talisman, and 3.5 km have been recently explored.
Chairman Murray McKee said the mine development strategy set out in the report makes sound sense. Targeting the resources that have the highest level of confidence and are closest to the existing underground access reduces risk.
The study analysed a range of options on mining method, materials handling and backup services. The immediate development focus would be on resources adjacent to the accessible 8 Level drives.
On materials handling an option analysis was carried out on installation of rail bound transport systems underground compared with deployment of a fleet of small, rubber tyred loaders and trucks. Results demonstrated the flexibility of a trackless fleet, which would enable extraction of the resources below 8 Level through a series of small ramp systems.
For the initial five years plan, peak production was projected at 35,000 tpa for 12,000 oz gold per annum in years 3 and 4.
For ore processing, several options for processing included non-chemical gravitation separation, flotation and cyanide leaching.
Costs included in this study reflect the capital and operating costs for a dedicated CIL plant. The company was awaiting results of test-work undertaken by Auckland University and intends to embark on a bulk sampling programme and further metallurgical test-work to inform detailed design of the ore processing flow-sheet.
New Talisman was also holding discussions with a number of local gold producers to investigate the potential for a toll treating agreement. The mine is less than 10 kilometres from the Newmont Waihi Gold mill in Waihi. However, discussions in the past on toll treatment with Newmont had not progressed.

19-04-2013, 02:02 PM
felsic intrusion...sounds dirty

19-04-2013, 02:07 PM
Felsic rocks are rich in minerals like quartz which are light in colour, and an intrusion is just by definition... if my memory serves me right atleast (correct me if im wrong)


19-04-2013, 02:16 PM
Gr8 d*ck

You clearly have NFI. If you can show any other gold mine starting up with these returns for a mere 5.4m show it. Your math needs a little work 1380 less 1075 = much more viable than your opinions.

You are merely a downramper on this stock and not even a holder. It's sad really I've seen it many times bitter and twisted holders of stocks who cannot let go of their bitterness when stocks change to a positive momentum.

I just hope they offer to shareholders some of this 5m when they raise rather than the Aussies who tend to raise all the money for this company.

While companies fall over at the current price this little gem is well insulated and has a second run with Congo.

Looking forward to seeing the Congo project data released.

......and you watch your mouth BULLS**T......Ive held this stock longer than your dick probably isnt! And yes Im still a holder BUT NOT a holder of breath.........in fact I cud take every buyer out in one swoop if I wanted so YOU get your facts right buddy or you might find I'll do just that for the hell of it!!

19-04-2013, 02:25 PM
[QUOTE=GR8DAY;402610....in fact I cud take every buyer out in one swoop if I wanted so YOU get your facts right buddy or you might find I'll do just that for the hell of it!![/QUOTE]

I had to look up NFI. What would taking out every buyer do? Just drop the price temporarily? Its sort of hard to fly in the face of the research... Just wondering.

19-04-2013, 02:36 PM
Hahaha I love the banter on this thread - it's way more exciting than the boring old Ryman thread.

19-04-2013, 02:36 PM
I had to look up NFI. What would taking out every buyer do? Just drop the price temporarily? Its sort of hard to fly in the face of the research... Just wondering.

.....havnt bothered to look it up myself TOASTY......but he sure pushed the right buttons if that's what he was trying.!! (apologies to anyone else that might take offence....it was only aimed at one BSter).....and by the way I cud take out 10 times the buyers at the moment.....didnt realize there were so few! Dont get me wrong either I hope this co does finally come right.........I obviously have no reason to intentionally "DOWNRAMP" as was suggested.

19-04-2013, 03:03 PM
great stuff! I look forward to the next report in june...potential for 1Moz!!!!

19-04-2013, 03:24 PM
Great to see good communication coming from NTL - I hope they keep up good communication after a relatively quiet period.

19-04-2013, 04:03 PM
......and you watch your mouth BULLS**T......Ive held this stock longer than your dick probably isnt! And yes Im still a holder BUT NOT a holder of breath.........in fact I cud take every buyer out in one swoop if I wanted so YOU get your facts right buddy or you might find I'll do just that for the hell of it!!

oh dear gr8ape do we need a hug. Go sell away your 750k shares oooooooo bow wow little doggy- they will be gobbled up. Seeing that you have downramped and put such sell threats in writing I am pretty sure ASX and NZX trading rules would leave you in a nice little cage.

I do my research unlike yourself.

Lets see downramper or not?

Lets look at the last few posts of diatribe without one bit of rational thought. Banana anyone?


.......WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED?? WITH THE GP PLUMMETING STILL, I DOUBT THIS DOG WILL EVER FIND IT'S LEGS AGAIN.......back into the bottom drawer for another 20yrs.......YAWN.
.......and how long have you lads owned Heritage for?.......oh sorry you might not have been around when it traded under that name?? LOL
........me too...........a long long long time ago (last century to be precise
....so you see $3500 worth of buy orders to 1.1c as reason to celebrate do you JUNIOR........better go give those rose tinted glasses a good clean I think laddy!!
.........buyers heading for the hills!!..........1.1c by end of day??
.......yawn. Gosh whats that pink thing flying past my window??
Now there's 2 projects to suck more cash from the gullible. Same old same old. Hasnt anyone told them the CONGO is one of the...
.......pretty obvious isnt it......just some try hard trying to lift the price to make himself look good (expecting others to jump in) and for the papers to report accordingly"


I think new Talisman have done well and are as the thread is labelled are worth a look.

19-04-2013, 04:44 PM
Im suprised the SP hasnt jumped a bit more given the recent announcements.... its more liquid which is people taking their quick 50%+ profit, but theres so much more than that here! Imma hold for the time being!

19-04-2013, 05:38 PM
It's cause of the schlacking gold has taken this week, has fallen out of favour. If it can hold above $1400 tomorrow in US trading we should be good and start to see some retracement.

Hopefully, I still think this stock currently doesnt follow the gold trend, but time will tell I suspect!

I reakon that if this stock 10 baggers, we should have an NTL get together and have a few!

We can even invite management :t_up::p

19-04-2013, 05:48 PM
Hopefully, I still think this stock currently doesnt follow the gold trend, but time will tell I suspect!

I reakon that if this stock 10 baggers, we should have an NTL get together and have a few!

We can even invite management :t_up::p
Count me in -what would it have to reach. .12cents?

19-04-2013, 06:01 PM
I reakon that if this stock 10 baggers, we should have an NTL get together and have a few!

I'll be in for that (along with a couple of other mates that have been drawn in for the ride).

Here is a good read for you all, http://www.ohinemuri.org.nz/journal/43/talisman_mine.htm. Give's you an idea of the scale of this operation in the heyday and the yield that was coming out of the place. Also note that this was only 1 of 2 major mines on the mountain with the adjacent Crown Mine also producing a not insubstantial 350,000 ounces of gold.

Hopefully there is abit more in that mountain aye ;)

19-04-2013, 07:02 PM
yup party indeed with gr8day as guest of honour lol. gold price just shot up over 1400 so will get some support next week :)

......hey you can count me in Moose, just as long as I don't have to sit next to a certain person in need of some serious help!!

19-04-2013, 07:04 PM
........damn, didnt get the "evil face" where it was to meant be.......you'll have to give me a lesson m8!