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12-01-2017, 10:18 AM
When is the next report - end of month? Some interesting reshuffling going on depth wise in the NZX and ASX listings. Could be nothing, could be something?

12-01-2017, 01:18 PM
Quarterly report due at the end of this month ....... they did say at the AGM the Amer discussions should be wrapped up by then ..... seems to be a little more buying interest on both the ASX and NZX ...... maybe more after the reports??

12-01-2017, 02:06 PM
Quarterly report at end of month - I would like to see an update on the following:

1) Bulk sampling - which was initiated post very successful CR and expected to finish within 6 months.
2) TMC - been approved in principle since 'ages ago'
3) Amer - Are they still after 70%? what do they want? what do they bring to the party?

Also would be nice to hear what is going on progress wise with Rahu but situation may not have changed yet.

12-01-2017, 06:09 PM
I could be wrong but I thought their recent communications last year mentioned the traffic management situation still wasn't fully signed off, I didn't think they could progress to proper bulk sampling without that.

I think we will see great progress this year but not expecting wonders at this next update. Sadly things tend to move slowly for NTL

12-01-2017, 06:41 PM
Maybe the managers need to stop dining on escargot, and get some hare into their diets.

NTL - 2017 is their year!!

12-01-2017, 11:06 PM
My wife and i climbed to the top of Karangahake mountain over the new year with commanding views to auckland and Waihi . Fantastic walk. Hard work, but worth it . Certainly no lorries going up crown hill rd . And no evidence of earth moving vehicles and the roads are quite small. From the top we could see large earthworks more over to the western side with exits to Rotokohu Rd . But not necessarily mine works, but i would like to think it is . Ive been unable to find any signs for the NTL mine. I doubt they would go in from where all the tourists are. Probably with good reason . There is a bridge too that goes over the river, at the gauge and i wonder if lots of trucks would be allowed to go over that frequently. It would make sense to go out west but thats away from Waihi if thats where they intend to take the ore.
For what its worth.

13-01-2017, 07:06 AM
Sounds like they've started work on the access road ....... anyone local like to check it out?

19-01-2017, 06:18 PM

The golden brick access road :-)

26-01-2017, 12:36 PM
Quarterly probably due Friday 27th or Monday 30th if last year is anything to go by. Then it was released Friday 29 Jan.

26-01-2017, 02:25 PM
NTL Quarterlies often come out on the last day of the month - so I wouldn't expect anything until Tuesday 31 Jan.

Looking forward to see what NTL have been up to while they are all cashed up. Also some clarity on AMER would be nice.

31-01-2017, 01:24 PM
Latest Quarterly Report out...

Is. That. It??? Not much at all!

31-01-2017, 03:52 PM
They raise $6m and they still operate this company as a man and a dog outfit.

31-01-2017, 04:30 PM
Guess the SP will continue sideways until NTL gets an approved traffic management plan ...... I think that's the only holdup. Surely it can't be too far away?

Stock Rooster
31-01-2017, 04:42 PM
Copy of my HC post:

How can NTL explain their projected development costs being dwarfed by their Staff, Admin and Corporate costs yet still spend over half a million in one quarter???

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3


Estimated cash outflows for next quarter



Exploration and evaluation









Staff costs



Administration and corporate costs



Other (provide details if material)



Total estimated cash outflows


It has to be the TMP... Why spend money on a mine if you have no guarantee you can access it!!!!

It appears NTL has gone backwards ("continues to engage with the council and other stakeholders to achieve a design")

I have some inside knowledge of a NZ residential section development where the access was almost identical from a main road. In that case the developer was forced to pay for new turning bays and road widening on the main road, tar sealing, storm water and widening of the access road and the big kicker the replacement of a one lane bridge with a two lane bridge also on the access road.

Trust me this roadway will cost a small fortune if the Hauraki Council demands half decent upgrades!!!!

It doesn't matter if your CEO has stock if shareholders let them draw well over $1,000,000 in salary until the money runs out...

Not many cheerleaders here today after these two announcements!!

31-01-2017, 05:20 PM
The companies office website still shows issued shares as 817722586 whereas there is over 2000,000,000 on issue. These guys can't even keep ahead of basic paperwork.

31-01-2017, 05:33 PM
Where are those costs from Stock Rooster? Section 9 in todays quarterly is regarding tenements. I certainly hope column 3 is not actually in $NZ'000 - I wouldn't want estimated cash outflows to be $531,650,000!

Quarterly cash report...looking fine. $6,027,781 in the bank, YTD burn is $1,026,637 and last quarter burn $430,508. 3.5+ years of cash at current rate, though it is expected that this rate will increase when things start moving... so moving along to activities report....

TMP lack of progress is frustrating, and reports that "...progress is not as rapid as initially hoped" are disappointing. Working with councils means not rapid and disappointing are always possible. Still NTL has dealt with the council on all the other consents so very frustrating this cannot seem to get over the line.

I am also disappointed that no further details regarding the potential deal with Amer were forthcoming. While I am glad NTL are not simply rolling over to them - judging by this lovely line "...however agreement on material matters such as valuation, and asset composition, are not at this stage in a form capable of being considered by the Company and its Shareholders". I still feel somewhat in the dark regarding this potentially significant negotiation.

Rahu carries on, I guess. Nothing definitive at this stage but expected.

I sincerely hope for some more news before the next quarterly.

Stock Rooster
31-01-2017, 06:08 PM
Figures cut and paste straight out of the Cashflow Report.... Agree with the $NZ'000... They should fire their accountant haha

31-01-2017, 07:40 PM
The companies office website still shows issued shares as 817722586 whereas there is over 2000,000,000 on issue. These guys can't even keep ahead of basic paperwork.

Don't think they bother with their website any more ....... have emailed them a couple times re top 20 shareholders with no response/action ..... thought the new secretary may help but obviously not.

There's no doubt they need to get their act together ...... they were quite efficient in their cash raising (even replied to an email from me!) so they can do it.

31-01-2017, 09:14 PM
Disappointing Quarterly, no doubt about that. The TMP parties need a rocket, it can't be that complicated. Especially as they have agreement in principle. The Amer situation doesn't really surprise me. I think Amer have missed the boat in the cheap bargain they were looking for. Their best bet maybe to quietly accumulate on market for a while.
Having said that, there are no nasty surprises, just a snail's progress on all fronts.

31-01-2017, 09:47 PM
From last years report

Mine Access and Consenting
NTL has secured all necessary permits and consents to begin operations and has secured an agreement with the Department of Conservation to close the land to public access of the mine portal area once work commences on site.
Traffic Management Plan
The traffic Management Plan has been approved in principle by the HDC. The plan sets out an analysis of the risks involved with roads transport and the company’s approach to managing these risks. The plan proposes a series of controls, ranging from limitations on speed to structural alterations to the road, aimed at eliminating the risk, isolating users from the risk or minimising the effect of the risk. This approach is consistent with the intent of the 2015 Health and Safety at Work Act.

I sort of naively took this to mean they had traffic sorted.

31-01-2017, 11:13 PM
Figures cut and paste straight out of the Cashflow Report.... Agree with the $NZ'000... They should fire their accountant haha

Not the same quarterly I’m looking at… unless I'm looking at the wrong place?

Ah I see now - looking at the ASX release not the NZX one - my mistake.

01-02-2017, 11:00 AM
From last years report

Traffic Management Plan
The traffic Management Plan has been approved in principle by the HDC...........

Therein lies the fineprint - Approved in principle...

As frustrating as it is with the time it's taking for the traffic planning, I'd rather that any foreseeable problems such as vehicle bottlenecking, unexpected vehicle breakdowns or emergency vehicle access are planned out well in advance of mining activity started.
We don't want another Pike on our hands - That incident has had an influence on NTL with the H&S and traffic planning.

I'm getting a bit sh*tty with speed of progress as well but, we all know the drill.
Council inspector comes to your site to view progress, note down what you need to do, you pay to get necessary works done, resubmit to council, new council inspector comes to your site and finds a flaw with your earlier progress that previous inspector had no qualms with, you pay to get additional things sorted, lather, rinse, repeat.

01-02-2017, 02:41 PM
Someone sold 80,000 shares for $320 into 0.4c line, likely to make sp appear weak.

Aaaand someone (else?) put it straight back up to 0.5c...

01-02-2017, 03:05 PM
Someone sold 80,000 shares for $320 into 0.4c line, likely to make sp appear weak.

Aaaand someone (else?) put it straight back up to 0.5c...

Yeah ...... noticed that ..... very interesting.

I still think once the TMP is sorted out the SP will be on the rise ...... may only take a few weeks.

01-02-2017, 03:41 PM
I can only hope that once the road is complete then the electrical reticulation ,ventilation , reinforcement and what ever else is needed for this mine to operate has already been designed,ordered and delivered so that there are no further delays. These guys have to start digging out gold. Unfortunately it would be worth betting that this will not happen as I do not have much faith in the management and directors.
There might be a mentality here that if they don't do anything they won't make mistakes. They need to set deadlines and no excuses.

01-02-2017, 03:59 PM
TMP is a big issue at the moment for investor confidence. It was approved in principle way back in 13/04/2016 (NZX annoucement). Also just going back through that it mentions an independent review which found

"The independent report showed that volumes of vehicular and non-vehicular are low and that the level of vehicle movements contemplated by NTL will have an insignificant effect on the efficiency and safety of the roads in question"

If the effects are insignificant, what is the massive hold up? Did council put a bunch of burdensome requests on NTL - cause reasons? Did something change between now and then?

Looking back we also have this statement from that announcement.

"The granting of the Traffic management plan demonstrates that NTL can progress its plans under the resource consents granted by HDC"

Hmmm, bugger.

We can only hope that the below statement from the recent quarterly activities means we will have a positive announcement for this in near future (ideally well prior to next quarterly).

"... and having completed the preliminary roadway design, the focus remains on agreeing the final road design parameters with local council."

Hence, TMP completion is crucial to confidence going forward.

Stock Rooster
01-02-2017, 04:36 PM
"The granting of the Traffic management plan demonstrates that NTL can progress its plans under the resource consents granted by HDC"

If this isn't misleading by leaving out "in principle" it is certainly presenting the information in the best possible light haha.

2017-2025 Predictions:

1. Hauraki Council demand major upgrades to roadway not anticipated by NTL including possible work to the bridge adjacent to SH2
2. If any site work commences protests featured on the national news due to possible effects on Karangakahe Tourist Park and residents
3. AMER walks after realising that unless resource consent issued for full scale mining being involved doesn't move the needle
4. Treatment of ore becomes an issue
5. If the project isn't abandoned another capital raise is required for bulk sampling commences

I believe NTL deserves to trade at a discount to cash holdings. A lot of this has to do with the companies performance but also New Zealand red tape and public perception of mining which will make it difficult to ever start mining let alone be profitable.

01-02-2017, 05:10 PM
There is only one man who can fix NTL - Trump. bahahahahahahahaha

"The granting of the Traffic management plan demonstrates that NTL can progress its plans under the resource consents granted by HDC"

If this isn't misleading by leaving out "in principle" it is certainly presenting the information in the best possible light haha.

2017-2025 Predictions:

1. Hauraki Council demand major upgrades to roadway not anticipated by NTL including possible work to the bridge adjacent to SH2
2. If any site work commences protests featured on the national news due to possible effects on Karangakahe Tourist Park and residents
3. AMER walks after realising that unless resource consent issued for full scale mining being involved doesn't move the needle
4. Treatment of ore becomes an issue
5. If the project isn't abandoned another capital raise is required for bulk sampling commences

I believe NTL deserves to trade at a discount to cash holdings. A lot of this has to do with the companies performance but also New Zealand red tape and public perception of mining which will make it difficult to ever start mining let alone be profitable.

01-02-2017, 05:11 PM
All right, I'll bite :)

#1 Hauraki Council has no basis to demand any of that, and has been working with NTL throughout the multi year process so far. Councillors like good new job stories which NTL could be.

#2 Will occur, but it won't stop the re opening of the mine. Not all of NZ opinion is against mining, just a vocal minority. Remember the last attempt to take on NTL at court? Summarily dismissed for lack of any evidence.

#3 Amer didn't get the cheap deal that they wanted, they may yet walk away but what do we lose? As far as we know - nothing.

#4 Possible, always issues to be overcome.

#5 A risk for any speculative stock isn't making money. NTL have all the money and time to achieve what they have advised.

I disagree re discount to cash holdings - there is certainly value to progress so far (even if we would like to be further progressed).

Stock Rooster
01-02-2017, 05:25 PM
Antipodean... For some reason I have decided to keep following and ride the directors of this company... Its a bit of a "going short" project... I am actually one of the few shareholders who haven't made a loss on this over the years which makes it a bit strange haha

Is anyone else is willing to go on record with their 2017 predictions??????????

I have obviously gone extremely bearish... but I could be wrong

02-02-2017, 10:26 AM
Is anyone else is willing to go on record with their 2017 predictions??????????

1 cent by Dec 2017, provided an actual TMP gets formalised and announced.
I'd actually be happy with that.

With regards to TMP, I wonder if the continuous review of roadway design implies the need for a separate roadway each for the entry and exit of mine?

This coming back to my post yesterday about the potential for bottlenecking?
Having one way in and also one way out of the mine would be safer should unexpected events occur?

02-02-2017, 11:23 AM
1 cent by Dec 2017, provided an actual TMP gets formalised and announced.
I'd actually be happy with that.

With regards to TMP, I wonder if the continuous review of roadway design implies the need for a separate roadway each for the entry and exit of mine?

This coming back to my post yesterday about the potential for bottlenecking?
Having one way in and also one way out of the mine would be safer should unexpected events occur?

I predict another capital raise, with SP remaining flat at 0.6 for the year, and that the next Quarterly will be a copy and paste job - maybe I need to pop a happy pill today

02-02-2017, 11:44 AM
All right, I'll bite :)

#3 Amer didn't get the cheap deal that they wanted, they may yet walk away but what do we lose? As far as we know - nothing.

Agreed. I suspect the Amer deal will fall though (can't say I'm disappointed), but at least we gain $50k of Amers money.

02-02-2017, 12:26 PM
I’ll give it a shot. All based on current information – outlook hazy.

1. NTLOA will lapse
AUD 0.02 = NZD 0.0208 * 2,076,995,855
Mcap would have to get north of $43.2m to make conversion worthwhile - won't happen until phase 1 mining commences which isn't scheduled until 2018.

2. Amer will leave
Recent wording in announcements – maybe NTL is not going to just sell cheap control to them.
Still unsure what they are bringing to the table

3. TMP will be approved
Prior to May so it can be included in next Quarterly

4. Protests once bulk sampling commences.
As everything is legal and permitted work will continue.

5. PFS will be released

6. SP NZD 0.01 or higher by Christmas
PFS/Bulk sampling/Rahu – lots of irons in the fire.

02-02-2017, 08:48 PM
We don't want another Pike on our hands - That incident has had an influence on NTL with the H&S and traffic planning.

Am i right in thinking coal mines have methane gas that gold mines don't have ..? So shouldn't happen .

02-02-2017, 08:54 PM
Another capital raise is almost for certain unless Amer brings something to the table of benefit. I'm having my doubts anything will come of it.
NTL only have half the cash they need to get going (In reality probably well less than half)
But they should be good for this year and progress will be made which should have a positive influence on the share price....
I'll go for 0.8 by years end.

02-02-2017, 11:35 PM
Am i right in thinking coal mines have methane gas that gold mines don't have ..? So shouldn't happen .

Are you right then in thinking that unexpected events don't happen when you least expect ..?
You don't know what you don't know.

03-02-2017, 10:39 AM
Another capital raise is almost for certain unless Amer brings something to the table of benefit. I'm having my doubts anything will come of it.
NTL only have half the cash they need to get going (In reality probably well less than half)

Capital raise – ?

$6,027,781 in the bank
$531,650 expected costs in next quarter
Cumulative spend $2.1m to get Talisman into positive cash flow?

03-02-2017, 08:10 PM
Are you right then in thinking that unexpected events don't happen when you least expect ..?
You don't know what you don't know.
You are absolutely correct. Off hand statement of mine . And you right , mining is not my strong point . Thanks for the advice . One in ,one out would be wise choice of roading. I would be concerned about the amount of trucks over the bridge though , if that is a route . It currently is 2 lane .

09-02-2017, 07:56 AM
Emailed the district council the other week asking what the delay in processing the TMP, wasn't really expecting anything but received a response today:

"Hello, your query has been passed to me for a reply. Council is awaiting information, from New Talisman Gold Mines LTD, which is required to allow this matter to be progressed."

Not sure how to take that, is the council being picky and making more requests to NTL, or are NTL taking their time with the application?

09-02-2017, 09:14 AM
Emailed the district council the other week asking what the delay in processing the TMP, wasn't really expecting anything but received a response today:

"Hello, your query has been passed to me for a reply. Council is awaiting information, from New Talisman Gold Mines LTD, which is required to allow this matter to be progressed."

Not sure how to take that, is the council being picky and making more requests to NTL, or are NTL taking their time with the application?

With the lack of detail provided by council, no way to be sure if NTL or the council is behind the overall delay. To be fair, the council probably don’t have to disclose anything further and if they did it could be material to the outcome.

They may be waiting on information from NTL – but could be a hypothetical case of
1. Standard request for A, B and C from council for TMP
2. A, B and C provided by NTL
3. Subsequent request for D from council
4. D provided by NTL
5. Subsequent request for E from council
6. E provided by NTL

Which means the council statement could be correct after step 1. (which would be NTL delay). Equally possible is they are at step .3., 5. etc. which wouldn’t really be NTL’s fault, but still technically correct that they are “awaiting formation, from New Talisman Gold Mines LTD…”

Alternatively, we don’t have much more information from NTL themselves in the last quarter announcement. So we are almost equally in the dark here. Though the wording in the last quarter around “a continuous review process” would seem to me to infer that we are currently in one of the hypothetical step 3. or .5 scenarios above.

All speculation, can’t wait to put this (accepted) TMP behind us.

09-02-2017, 09:28 AM
They may be waiting on information from NTL – but could be a hypothetical case of
1. Standard request for A, B and C from council for TMP
2. A, B and C provided by NTL
3. Subsequent request for D from council
4. D provided by NTL
5. Subsequent request for E from council
6. E provided by NTL

^ This - It sounds remarkably similar what I posted up the other week :D

'Council inspector comes to your site to view progress, note down what you need to do, you pay to get necessary works done, resubmit to council, new council inspector comes to your site and finds a flaw with your earlier progress that previous inspector had no qualms with, you pay to get additional things sorted, lather, rinse, repeat. '

09-02-2017, 10:53 AM
Good one Bucko , well done
Emailed the district council the other week asking what the delay in processing the TMP, wasn't really expecting anything but received a response today:

"Hello, your query has been passed to me for a reply. Council is awaiting information, from New Talisman Gold Mines LTD, which is required to allow this matter to be progressed."

Not sure how to take that, is the council being picky and making more requests to NTL, or are NTL taking their time with the application?

13-02-2017, 08:23 AM
New Talisman Gold Mines focused on New Zealand gold mine in 2017

The immediate focus remains on the final road design.

Full article here (http://www.proactiveinvestors.com.au/companies/news/172456/new-talisman-gold-mines-focused-on-new-zealand-gold-mine-in-2017-172456.html#)

03-03-2017, 02:02 PM
1 cent by Dec 2017, provided an actual TMP gets formalised and announced.
I'd actually be happy with that.

With regards to TMP, I wonder if the continuous review of roadway design implies the need for a separate roadway each for the entry and exit of mine?

This coming back to my post yesterday about the potential for bottlenecking?
Having one way in and also one way out of the mine would be safer should unexpected events occur?

Well, another month gone and still no TMP ....... must be close.

I'm picking 1 cent on that announcement :eek2:

03-03-2017, 02:40 PM
Well, another month gone and still no TMP ....... must be close.

I'm picking 1 cent on that announcement :eek2:

I sincerely hope this announcement (or at least an update with some details) is out before 13/04/2017. This would be the dubious anniversary of the "Traffic Management Plan Approved" announcement.

03-03-2017, 05:55 PM
I find their lack of communication disturbing *Best Darth Vader impression*

03-03-2017, 06:59 PM
I find their lack of communication disturbing *Best Darth Vader impression*

This from the December Quarterly Report .....

"Having received approval in principle for the company’s proposals for managing traffic safety on the mine road, and having completed the preliminary roadway design, the focus remains on agreeing the final road design parameters with local council."

We're now a couple months on so surely it is close.

Stock Rooster
04-03-2017, 09:37 AM
Why can't Mr HILL tell shareholders (owners of the company) the specifics of why the TMP has been held up?

Is it because the changes demanded by the council are going to eat up so much of the CR cash that he has to continue to negotiate rather than keep shareholders fully informed?

Tell shareholders what the council position is and what NTL position is... Simple

Stock Rooster
04-03-2017, 10:34 AM
NZX Guidance Note on Continuous Disclosure from December 2014 states:

3.1 The material information test
The most important consideration in relation to continuous disclosure compliance is whether information is “material”, and is therefore required to be disclosed immediately.
“Material information” means information in relation to an issuer that:

a reasonable person would expect, if it were generally available to the market, to have a
material effect on the price of the issuer’s quoted securities (A price movement of 10% or more in a quoted security will generally be treated by NZXR as evidence that information has had a material effect on the price of those quoted securities)

I believe the 12 month delay for the TMP and reasons for it constitute material information as if there are major issues the price would move more than 10%... Next step is there an exception

7 Exceptions to the Rules
There are a number of exceptions to the continuous disclosure rules, which are known as the “safe harbour” provisions. The “safe harbour” provisions permit material information to be withheld from immediate disclosure if certain criteria are met. Material information will not need to be released under rule 10.1.1 when:

(i) a reasonable person would not expect the information to be disclosed; and
(ii) the information is confidential and its confidentiality is maintained; and
(iii) one or more of the following applies:

(A) the release of information would be a breach of law; or
(B) the information concerns an incomplete proposal or negotiation; or
(C) the information comprises matters of supposition or is insufficiently definite to warrant disclosure or;
(D) the information is generated for the internal management purposes of the Issuer; or
(E) the information is a trade secret.

I believe NTL fails on point 1 as the delay is now of sufficient length that a reasonable person now expects disclosure as shown by recent posts.

On point 2 is the TMP with the Hauraki Council confidential and has it been maintained. NZ Resource consent applications are by default not confidential. Applicants can apply for all or some of the application to be made confidential so this need further investigation.

Point 3 is irrelevant until point 2 determined.


I believe NTL should release an update on the TMP as the information is "material" and NTL is not exempted as a reasonable person would expect the information to be disclosed due to the 12 month time delay.


04-03-2017, 11:01 AM
Email them and see if you get a repose. I've seen lots of speculation. ...but everyone has to do their own investigations. Apart from that no issue with the points raised 😊

04-03-2017, 11:24 AM
Agree .... an update to shareholders on the TMP is well overdue.

04-03-2017, 10:08 PM
I dont like the way .005 is becoming so common . Much more often in the last 2 months 8725

do these guys work on bonuses or wages.? If they have nothing to gain whats the hurry ? ( ie no hurry.....) skin in the game ?

05-03-2017, 07:28 AM
I dont like the way .005 is becoming so common . Much more often in the last 2 months 8725

do these guys work on bonuses or wages.? If they have nothing to gain whats the hurry ? ( ie no hurry.....) skin in the game ?

I'm quite happy and surprised that the SP has held on no TMP news at .006 with the odd drop to .005 ...... many reasons why someone needs to sell ..... SP always jumps back to .006 which shows there's a lot of confidence out there.

05-03-2017, 01:41 PM
Your not a shareholder stock rooster just a protester looking for info while downramping which is a breach of securities laws. Thankfully NZX look at these forums so hopefully they will touch base with you. SR why are you actually here if you have no shares ?

Stock Rooster
05-03-2017, 02:44 PM
Your not a shareholder stock rooster just a protester looking for info while downramping which is a breach of securities laws. Thankfully NZX look at these forums so hopefully they will touch base with you. SR why are you actually here if you have no shares ?

I was a shareholder now I'm not

I am not a protestor

Offering an OPINION is not against the law

I am here to offer an opinion or view which is the point of a forum (it just happens to be different than yours)

05-03-2017, 03:30 PM
I was a shareholder now I'm not

I am not a protestor

Offering an OPINION is not against the law

I am here to offer an opinion or view which is the point of a forum (it just happens to be different than yours)

Your also on other forums downramping same. To be clear knowingly putting out misleading information is an offence as you were advised yesterday. You were also advised of your misleading comments.

06-03-2017, 09:23 AM
"Reasonable Person" is the subjective part here - which makes it difficult to say either way.

One could argue that the lack of extra and specific TMP news hasn't affected the SP over 12 months - so a reasonable person could infer that it isn't material. In addition the market has been updated several times in the past 6 months alone (31/01/2017, 14/12/2016, 31/10/2016, 14/09/2016) that the TMP is still ongoing. So I believe that a repetition of this type of statement would not affect the SP based on previous history. Am I a reasonable person? Who knows.

If there are specific issues with the negotiations but they are in no way related to NTL's provision of information, as per the example in previous pages, then again it could be argued that this process does not warrant an announcement.

If the TMP had been flat out denied, or had a material effect on NTL's funding, or something to that effect, a reasonable person may expect an announcement.

Without knowing what is going on, I don't believe we can state either way that an update is required by NTL. Though it would certainly ease some shareholders (including my own) concerns. However I wouldn't want an update simply stately that it is underway, or that there are issues - as pointed out earlier we have plenty of those. I would rather wait and have the announcement stating the TMP has been fully approved. Looking forward to that day.

06-03-2017, 02:23 PM
Where do I find a list of NTL's top 20 shareholders ....... their website hasn't been updated ...... is it available anywhere else?

06-03-2017, 04:52 PM
Where do I find a list of NTL's top 20 shareholders ....... their website hasn't been updated ...... is it available anywhere else?

The companies office has a list of the larger shareholders (https://www.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/276623/shareholdings) unsure how often this gets updated though.

06-03-2017, 05:34 PM
Where do I find a list of NTL's top 20 shareholders ....... their website hasn't been updated ...... is it available anywhere else?

Hmm... I don't know if the share register would give that information or how you go about obtaining it but I know:
Section 87 Companies Act 1993 (Company to maintain share register).

06-03-2017, 07:50 PM
The value of NTL is in the van that leaves the site each day and takes the "goods" to be flown out of the country... to the owners

06-03-2017, 08:04 PM
The companies office has a list of the larger shareholders (https://www.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/276623/shareholdings) unsure how often this gets updated though.

Great ..... thanks .......... it's up to date.

06-03-2017, 08:54 PM
The value of NTL is in the van that leaves the site each day and takes the "goods" to be flown out of the country... to the owners

Dreamer, or state your evidence. Just stirring the pot, isn't helpful.

07-03-2017, 08:41 AM
Great ..... thanks .......... it's up to date.

No no it's not up to date there are 2000,000,000 shares on issue but the companies office records only 817,000,000 .

companies office says that changes in shareholding system should be notified within 10 working days

07-03-2017, 09:11 AM
My holding on that list is up to date!! ... so presume the others on the list are correct ..... obviously the percentages are all wrong because the number of shares is incorrect.

07-03-2017, 09:26 AM
No no it's not up to date there are 2000,000,000 shares on issue but the companies office records only 817,000,000 .

companies office says that changes in shareholding system should be notified within 10 working days

Looks correct and up to date to me


07-03-2017, 10:09 AM
The first list was only the top 13.

07-03-2017, 01:11 PM
Looks correct and up to date to me


Hi W69
That looks interesting site.Can anyone get on & how.I haven't seen it before.

07-03-2017, 01:24 PM
Hi W69
That looks interesting site.Can anyone get on & how.I haven't seen it before.

It's just the normal Companies Office site

To get that shareholders list search for the company and go the Documents tab and you will find the Extensive Shareholders List i linked to

The Shareholders tab only gives the main shareholders

NTL obviously got Computershare to provide the info though

07-03-2017, 02:22 PM
My holding on that list is up to date!! ... so presume the others on the list are correct ..... obviously the percentages are all wrong because the number of shares is incorrect.

Yes it is just the number of shares and hence the % that are incorrect.

Congratulations on having the guts to be in the top 13 Gmatt

07-03-2017, 02:27 PM
It's just the normal Companies Office site

To get that shareholders list search for the company and go the Documents tab and you will find the Extensive Shareholders List i linked to

The Shareholders tab only gives the main shareholders

NTL obviously got Computershare to provide the info though

Ah hah,finally found it.Thanks v much w69,Champion. I've never seen this before

07-03-2017, 02:35 PM
It's just the normal Companies Office site

To get that shareholders list search for the company and go the Documents tab and you will find the Extensive Shareholders List i linked to

The Shareholders tab only gives the main shareholders

NTL obviously got Computershare to provide the info though

Looked for a few other co register of shareholders.They don't seem to be updated.Wonder why?

04-04-2017, 08:35 AM
"MINE: NTL: Traffic Management Plan Approved

13th April 2016



Wonder if they're any further with this a FULL YEAR later???

04-04-2017, 09:34 AM
Someone is slowly accumulating, depth on 0.5 is constantly getting reloaded.

04-04-2017, 09:56 AM
Someone is slowly accumulating, depth on 0.5 is constantly getting reloaded.

Yes ...... noticed that over the last couple weeks ..... my take is that the buyer thinks the TMP is close ...... I'm also optimistic that we haven't long to wait.

04-04-2017, 04:06 PM
Be fair, we are a massive 9 days short of a full year....

"MINE: NTL: Traffic Management Plan Approved

13th April 2016



Wonder if they're any further with this a FULL YEAR later???

04-04-2017, 04:49 PM
I think we are at the point where a concerted barrage of questions from frustrated shareholders needs to be directed to management. A year on from agreement in principle is unacceptable. If the District Council is to blame, let it be known, if not pull finger and be up front with your long suffering shareholders.

Is there support for this stance?

Stock Rooster
04-04-2017, 08:19 PM
Benjamin Graham wrote “Ever since 1934 we have argued in our writings for a more intelligent and energetic attitude by stockholders toward their managements”

I sold out after I stopped believing in the story and the management. They used the uptick in interest around AMER and Rahu to raise a good amount of money and now the information flow has dried up. As soon as I believed they weren't going to keep their 6 month timeframe to extract ore my opinion changed.

The mistake I made was initially believing the bulk sampling was "fully consented". The 12 month delay in the TMP has shown that I was incorrect in my analysis. Luckily I exited with no damage done. Unfortunately I think at this point in time NTL is hamstrung as if they don't have access nothing else really matters.

The next quarterly is going to be very interesting!!

Stock Rooster
04-04-2017, 08:26 PM
Jonu... I support your stance but I no longer hold so the Directors won't be too interested in my opinion haha

Have any of the new Directors purchased any shares??? That may be a big clue as to whether this project goes ahead

04-04-2017, 08:35 PM
It'll all be right some day, he says optimistically for suffering shareholders.

As long as they can keep churning the investors, year after year, they'll stay solvent, the 'management' will earn their pay packet and the promises will keep coming.

For goodness sake, there are way way better Gold mines all over the world who are digging up the yellow stuff and selling it profitably, some are even paying dividends. Why bother with a wanna-be explorer in a clapped out mine with ambitions to be a producer when the facts are staring you in the face.

You could buy this on a confirmed 'discovery' (hopefully) at some later date and still enjoy a massive upside. There's no need to bugger around parking capital in this dog at .005 and below.

That's just gambling and it's not working out very well is it?

Monthly price chart, yes that's 17 years.

Footnote: The savvy traders who most will not want to acknowledge, scalped a WHOPPING % on the recent ramp from .00288 to .0148. If you don't know how to do that, you shouldn't be in this stock, imho.

Stock Rooster
04-04-2017, 09:00 PM
Wait for it to be priced as a shell (did that) and then sell on the next big promise (missed that)... I'll leave it to the traders!!

04-04-2017, 09:35 PM
Well we have heard from two non-holders.

I still have high hopes for the company. Remember CEO Mathew Hill bought up large in the last capital raising. You don't do that if all you intend to do is chew through it on wages! However progress, or lack of it, in 12 months is unacceptable.

05-04-2017, 07:54 AM
Well we have heard from two non-holders.

I still have high hopes for the company. Remember CEO Mathew Hill bought up large in the last capital raising. You don't do that if all you intend to do is chew through it on wages! However progress, or lack of it, in 12 months is unacceptable.

Agree we're well overdue for an update ...... I'm also optimistic - the CEO's shareholding supports this ....... next Quarterly Report due this month and it has to be more detailed than the last!!

05-04-2017, 10:48 AM
What I am struggling with is the length of time it has taken to sign off the TMP when agreement in principle was reached a year ago. Forestry companies do these all the time with logging trucks on narrow shingle roads. If traffic lights operated by sensors on blind corners or narrow parts are required it would not appear to be a major issue.

Management need a rocket where the sun don't shine!

Stock Rooster
08-04-2017, 08:42 AM
Jonu... Not much of a response from holders... Maybe the next quarterly will awake the passive beast.

08-04-2017, 09:25 AM
Jonu... Not much of a response from holders... Maybe the next quarterly will awake the passive beast.

Yes, we would appear to be a lethargic bunch! A rinse and repeat Quarterly won't wash (pun intended). As said earlier with agreement in principle on the TMP, how hard can it be to sign off? Coming up 12 months so you have to assume management haven't made it a priority. Maybe they are timing their run to coincide with finishing engineering on the re-opening of the mine. Either way, the lack of progress is unacceptable

08-04-2017, 05:04 PM
Another holder here. The traffic management plan is something we have been waiting on for years. The agreement in principle was exciting because it had already been a long time. For it to have been another year is crazy and you have to wonder if something is seriously wrong.

They strongly implied they would be able to start the bulk sampling program within 6 months of the latest capital raising. The delays are extremely unfortunate given they have failed to deliver on that promise, and it was something that helped drive the capital raising to be so successful. This company has a lot of potential and I was happy to hold. That may change if it turns out they are messing around and just going to slowly bleed away the capital they raised.

They have never been amazing at keeping shareholders informed, so this current run doesn't surprise me, but it is disappointing. I continue to hold and try to remain optimistic but my patience and tolerance are both starting to waver.

09-04-2017, 04:23 PM
Another holder (albeit small time) here. Been playing this stock for close to 10yrs, and the graphs other members have posted paint the story. Slowly diminishing, with burst of hope.

I am optimistic too, and feel a change could be just round the corner, but with the TMP, Amer, and so many other promises, you have to wonder.

I picked up another (very small) parcel last week, just hope $0.004 doesn't become a reality.

09-04-2017, 08:52 PM
Another holder (albeit small time) here. Been playing this stock for close to 10yrs, and the graphs other members have posted paint the story. Slowly diminishing, with burst of hope.

I am optimistic too, and feel a change could be just round the corner, but with the TMP, Amer, and so many other promises, you have to wonder.

I picked up another (very small) parcel last week, just hope $0.004 doesn't become a reality.

The uptake by the Hill family interests has kept me interested, otherwise I'd be out based on the lack of progress the last 12 months

10-04-2017, 07:59 AM
The uptake by the Hill family interests has kept me interested, otherwise I'd be out based on the lack of progress the last 12 months

About a year ago I was walking the nature trails around the old mine and started a talk with another walker. He was very anti mining and said he knew that NTL was a long way off the TMP and had contact with some on the council that intended to keep it that way. So now I am wondering just what is the problem with the the TMP. If some on the council are using the council to block assess then NTL must accept this head on and take up the fight. Maybe bring in the govt and take it out of the councils hands. Now I do not know what the problem is but I do know it has gone on long enough and we holder need to be told the true problem from NTL.

10-04-2017, 11:39 AM
About a year ago I was walking the nature trails around the old mine and started a talk with another walker. He was very anti mining and said he knew that NTL was a long way off the TMP and had contact with some on the council that intended to keep it that way. So now I am wondering just what is the problem with the the TMP. If some on the council are using the council to block assess then NTL must accept this head on and take up the fight. Maybe bring in the govt and take it out of the councils hands. Now I do not know what the problem is but I do know it has gone on long enough and we holder need to be told the true problem from NTL.

I wouldn't rely too much on what the anti-mining lobby says. They've been spreading misinformation for years

10-04-2017, 11:12 PM
I wondered if it was anti miners in the council. Just get everything in writing and when hit a wall, ask what the options are. And if you dont like those options, ask for some more options. Just got to play these games unfortunately.

11-04-2017, 01:59 PM
Here is a copy of message sent to Mathew Hill via the NTL website.

"Mathew I hold approx ....... NTL shares on the NZX. It is with a growing sense of frustration that I observe no visible progress in getting the TMP signed off. The last Quarterly Activities report was essentially a reprint of the one previous in this regard. Another repeat will not be acceptable.
If there is a problem with the District Council we should be informed. If there is some other obstacle, likewise. With no information other than "We are working on it" forthcoming, questions begin to arise as to the quality of that work.
I am hesitant to be critical as I am sure we both want good things for the company, but the vacuum of information/progress is growing tiresome.


Will let you know of Mathew's reply

11-04-2017, 03:23 PM
Here is a copy of message sent to Mathew Hill via the NTL website.

"Mathew I hold approx ....... NTL shares on the NZX. It is with a growing sense of frustration that I observe no visible progress in getting the TMP signed off. The last Quarterly Activities report was essentially a reprint of the one previous in this regard. Another repeat will not be acceptable.
If there is a problem with the District Council we should be informed. If there is some other obstacle, likewise. With no information other than "We are working on it" forthcoming, questions begin to arise as to the quality of that work.
I am hesitant to be critical as I am sure we both want good things for the company, but the vacuum of information/progress is growing tiresome.


Will let you know of Mathew's reply

Great ...... your views are mine, and I also hold quite a few shares ..... look forward to the reply, or better still an actual NZX update.

11-04-2017, 04:16 PM
Here is a copy of message sent to Mathew Hill via the NTL website.

"Mathew I hold approx ....... NTL shares on the NZX. It is with a growing sense of frustration that I observe no visible progress in getting the TMP signed off. The last Quarterly Activities report was essentially a reprint of the one previous in this regard. Another repeat will not be acceptable.
If there is a problem with the District Council we should be informed. If there is some other obstacle, likewise. With no information other than "We are working on it" forthcoming, questions begin to arise as to the quality of that work.
I am hesitant to be critical as I am sure we both want good things for the company, but the vacuum of information/progress is growing tiresome.


Will let you know of Mathew's reply

Have received a very prompt and courteous reply from Matthew Hill, indicating I would have to wait until the imminent Quarterly Activities report for an update.

Given that I asked him pointedly if there was a problem or obstacle I'm taking that there isn't

Stock Rooster
11-04-2017, 05:11 PM
I look forward to the quarterly Jonu...

I predict Hauraki DC are going to demand road widening, upgrading of the bridge, new turning bays on SH2, parking, new traffic control signs as a minimum. I base this only on my limited knowledge of large residential subdivision developments. Below are some outtakes regarding roading from the Hauraki District Plan:


To ensure that subdividers and developers pay a fair and reasonable share of the costs of upgrading or providing new infrastructure to meet demands generated by the development.

7.10.5 RULES


(a) New Roads and Streets in all Zones

The total cost of developing new roads and streets (including unformed legal roads and streets) required to service a development or subdivision shall be met entirely as a cost to the developer.
file:///page4image22984 file:///page4image23144file:///page5image1136

(b) Upgrading and Extensions to Existing Roads

Where any development or subdivision in the Rural, Coastal and Karangahake Gorge Zones will cause the need to upgrade and/or extend an existing road (or part thereof), the Financial Contribution shall be calculated as the cost of upgrading and/or extending the road to the level set out under Performance Standard 8.4.9, that is directly attributable to the development or subdivision.

Any cash contribution will be determined based on the following formula:

Estimated Cost of x Additional AADT
Roading Upgrading Existing AADT plus Additional AADT

Where AADT is the estimated annual average daily traffic for the section of road concerned. Each additional lot is deemed to generate 10 vehicle movements per day.

(c) Where any development or subdivision in a Structure Plan area will cause the need to upgrade and/or extend an existing road (or part thereof), the total costs shall be met entirely as a cost to the developer.

(d) Where any development or subdivision in the Residential or Low Density Residential Zone will cause the need to upgrade and/or extend an existing road (or part thereof) to the urban standard (road width, kerb and channel, footpath, street lights) the financial contribution shall be calculated as the cost of upgrading and/or extending the road to the level set out under performance standard 8.4.9.

Stock Rooster
11-04-2017, 05:30 PM
From council report 2014:

Traffic Management

A commitment was given to working with the local community on the development of the trafficmanagement plan.

Key concerns which will be addressed are:
Safety of walkers/cyclists on the narrow road
Road insufficient width for passing
Heavy Traffic movements
Structural strength of, and wear and tear on, the Crown Hill Road Bridge.

Our District Engineer is following up on this issue in conjunction the Mayor and a group ofKarangahake residents.

11-04-2017, 05:40 PM
From council report 2014:

Traffic Management

A commitment was given to working with the local community on the development of the trafficmanagement plan.

Key concerns which will be addressed are:
Safety of walkers/cyclists on the narrow road
Road insufficient width for passing
Heavy Traffic movements
Structural strength of, and wear and tear on, the Crown Hill Road Bridge.

Our District Engineer is following up on this issue in conjunction the Mayor and a group ofKarangahake residents.

Thanks StockRooster, although this obviously predated the agreement in principle to the TMP

Stock Rooster
11-04-2017, 05:44 PM

Full report.. hopefully link works

Stock Rooster
11-04-2017, 05:51 PM
Thanks StockRooster, although this obviously predated the agreement in principle to the TMP

I take it they have never released the "agreement in principle" document and details to shareholders??

11-04-2017, 06:15 PM
Have received a very prompt and courteous reply from Matthew Hill, indicating I would have to wait until the imminent Quarterly Activities report for an update.

Given that I asked him pointedly if there was a problem or obstacle I'm taking that there isn't

With respect, your email received the appropriate and predictable reply, and at least the reply was prompt and courteous. There's no way a listed company is going to provide any information directly to a shareholder that is not privvy to the market. The FMA Act disclosures prevent that. That said, your email didn't actually ask any direct questions, though it did express your dissatisfaction and one would assume that of many shareholders.

11-04-2017, 06:23 PM
With respect, your email received the appropriate and predictable reply, and at least the reply was prompt and courteous. There's no way a listed company is going to provide any information directly to a shareholder that is not privvy to the market. The FMA Act disclosures prevent that. That said, your email didn't actually ask any direct questions, though it did express your dissatisfaction and one would assume that of many shareholders.

Fair comment Baa, rereading my email I gave him the opportunity to detail any obstacle or problem rather than asking it. If anything I hope I have given Matthew the message that a rinse and repeat Quarterly won't cut the mustard!

Stock Rooster
11-04-2017, 06:30 PM
Good on you Jonu for having a crack...

If the next quarterly is a rinse and repeat... As mentioned in the past an OIA to the Hauraki Council requesting all documents, emails etc relating to the Talisman TMP should flush out the information everyone is after... I can't see how a TMP would be commercially sensitive therefore be able to be withheld...

11-04-2017, 08:02 PM
Good on you Jonu for having a crack...

If the next quarterly is a rinse and repeat... As mentioned in the past an OIA to the Hauraki Council requesting all documents, emails etc relating to the Talisman TMP should flush out the information everyone is after... I can't see how a TMP would be commercially sensitive therefore be able to be withheld...

Yes, good on Jonu for having a crack at getting some info, albeit certain to be rebuffed. Shareholders deserve to be kept in the know, but this company plays it's cards very close to its chest. Not surprising perhaps, in that they have suffered the ignominy of the environmental and NIMBY crowd for donkey's years, so why would they say anything publicly that might draw further ire and undue contention?

Doesn't make sense to be a tall poppy beating ones chest in NZ, while defiling the indigenous landscape for capitalistic outcomes. Better to chip away at the fringes with the end goal in mind. One day they might dig up some gold and better still, enough to make a profit and make their share holders rich.

In the meantime, and it has been a long long mean time, this is and has been a traders delight. I know there are a few devoted who hate hearing this, but a little patience and a timely entry and exit, are making a select few quite a nice profit. The rest are just fodder, putting up their cash for the management salaries and the eternal promises.

I'm no greenie in case you were wondering, but I have an eye to the opportunity. This time around, NTL is plumbing the depths of their SP again and anything but stellar news will be reflected in a lacklustre SP response. The traders will be hovering here, looking to buy now or maybe a click or two lower, and ride the euphoria that will certainly be part of the NTL announce.

Talk about the rinse and repeat. There it is, there are only two parties making money from NTL. They are the management who can string the faithful along for god knows how many years, and the nimble traders who know how to buy into the depths of despair and sell into any SP rally, however small is still a sizeable percentage gain.

Think about it.

11-04-2017, 09:31 PM
Yes, good on Jonu for having a crack at getting some info, albeit certain to be rebuffed. Shareholders deserve to be kept in the know, but this company plays it's cards very close to its chest. Not surprising perhaps, in that they have suffered the ignominy of the environmental and NIMBY crowd for donkey's years, so why would they say anything publicly that might draw further ire and undue contention?

Doesn't make sense to be a tall poppy beating ones chest in NZ, while defiling the indigenous landscape for capitalistic outcomes. Better to chip away at the fringes with the end goal in mind. One day they might dig up some gold and better still, enough to make a profit and make their share holders rich.

In the meantime, and it has been a long long mean time, this is and has been a traders delight. I know there are a few devoted who hate hearing this, but a little patience and a timely entry and exit, are making a select few quite a nice profit. The rest are just fodder, putting up their cash for the management salaries and the eternal promises.

I'm no greenie in case you were wondering, but I have an eye to the opportunity. This time around, NTL is plumbing the depths of their SP again and anything but stellar news will be reflected in a lacklustre SP response. The traders will be hovering here, looking to buy now or maybe a click or two lower, and ride the euphoria that will certainly be part of the NTL announce.

Talk about the rinse and repeat. There it is, there are only two parties making money from NTL. They are the management who can string the faithful along for god knows how many years, and the nimble traders who know how to buy into the depths of despair and sell into any SP rally, however small is still a sizeable percentage gain.

Think about it.

I don't doubt the traders hover around stocks like NTL but you need to take a look at the top 20 shareholders list. There are 3 Hill family entities in there in different guises, and as pointed out earlier they bought up large in the last cap raising. There is no incentive for them to sit back drawing salaries that are chewing up their own investment.

12-04-2017, 10:23 AM
Have received a very prompt and courteous reply from Matthew Hill, indicating I would have to wait until the imminent Quarterly Activities report for an update.

Given that I asked him pointedly if there was a problem or obstacle I'm taking that there isn't

If there is an obstacle or problem, this could be consider material and would not be able to be 'delayed' until the quarterly for announcement.

However on the flip side, if there had been progress would this not also be material and have been released? Certainly there is appetite for any kind of news from shareholders.

Which concerns me as a holder that we may be in for another "still ongoing" type quarterly announcement at a time we should be deep into bulk sampling...

21-04-2017, 03:20 PM
Its on! Really great news - SP reacting already!

21-04-2017, 03:22 PM
The traffic management plan still isn't sorted though, and I didn't see any commentary on why its being held up so much given the approval in principle over a year ago?

I am pleased they can get in and start something, but still a bit cautious here.

21-04-2017, 03:24 PM
From Robbo24 on Hot Copper...
"Mine construction mode ACTIVATED!

Talisman Deeps project in the lower levels appears to be a permitted activity.

Great work by NTL in hitting two birds with one stone and getting bulk sampling construction AND Talisman Deeps work underway at the same time.

This is really exciting stuff:

Many of the activities are core to safe operations at the site and therefore will not have to be duplicated upon commencement of bulk sampling under the resource consent.The works being undertaken at site include: -

? Perimeter fencing - erection of safety and security fencing around theportal site;
? Construction of the portal pad and associated structures;
? Ventilation fan - installation of a new ventilation fan at the entrance tothe mine;
? Installation of a Generator and Air compressor;
? Installation of reticulation services through the underground workings;
? Removal of old beams and replacement of underground structures;
? Sampling and Drilling at Mystery and other targeted areas.;
? Establishment of site office and security office;
? Road use and maintenance - to enable safe and efficient transport ofprospecting vehicles; and
? Vegetation management - trimming and weed control as necessary within thesite and within the existing footprint of the mine road."

21-04-2017, 03:38 PM
The traffic management plan still isn't sorted though, and I didn't see any commentary on why its being held up so much given the approval in principle over a year ago?

I am pleased they can get in and start something, but still a bit cautious here.
Even though " the Board is delighted to announce it has today been granted a certificate of compliance which will allow commencement of activities at the site immediately."

21-04-2017, 04:04 PM
Even though " the Board is delighted to announce it has today been granted a certificate of compliance which will allow commencement of activities at the site immediately."

Activities yes, but not the bulk sampling which still appears to be waiting for the TMP. Its great that they can start something, but its disappointing that a year on from announcing approval in principle and the capital raising on the basis of the bulk sampling starting within 6 months, that nothing has progressed on that front.

Paint it Black
21-04-2017, 05:58 PM
Activities yes, but not the bulk sampling which still appears to be waiting for the TMP. Its great that they can start something, but its disappointing that a year on from announcing approval in principle and the capital raising on the basis of the bulk sampling starting within 6 months, that nothing has progressed on that front.

I agree Meister re the TMP delay and would really like to know what the issue is. If it's loading restrictions on the bridge or roads maybe there is a way to use smaller vehicles during off peak periods or do more processing at the site? I really hope the delay is not politically motivated. Surely the majority of the locals can see the benefits a boutique mine could bring to the community. I can see how management do not want to rock the boat if the approval is almost there but if they see that unreasonable political games are being played within Council then the matter needs to be quickly escalated to Wellington (well before the election).

Still, not withstanding the TMP, a very positive report with physical work now well and truly underway.

21-04-2017, 07:26 PM
Excellent announcement. A week earlier than expected, with some tangible good news in there. Very glad to be in this one now.

21-04-2017, 09:13 PM
I agree Meister re the TMP delay and would really like to know what the issue is. If it's loading restrictions on the bridge or roads maybe there is a way to use smaller vehicles during off peak periods or do more processing at the site? I really hope the delay is not politically motivated. Surely the majority of the locals can see the benefits a boutique mine could bring to the community. I can see how management do not want to rock the boat if the approval is almost there but if they see that unreasonable political games are being played within Council then the matter needs to be quickly escalated to Wellington (well before the election).

Still, not withstanding the TMP, a very positive report with physical work now well and truly underway.

Maybe we can reach 4000% gain within 7 years like ATM :-)
but the locals wont be happy. And no i don't think they see the benefits. It's a lovely place and tourism booming . Large car park full of tourists last weekend ,who wont want a mine... But hopefully the 2 can live side by side

22-04-2017, 07:38 AM
Excellent announcement. A week earlier than expected, with some tangible good news in there. Very glad to be in this one now.

Yeah ..... a very good announcement ..... great that we're going to see some action on the ground ...... maybe we'll see some action on the share price too??

22-04-2017, 08:59 AM
Very strong announcement and a week earlier than expected I guess because they figured the Certificate of Compliance was news that was price sensitive. I agree with Robbo's post over on Hotcopper; it would appear they have taken some good plannning advice and managed to circumvent delays. Note they specifically mention traffic movements are allowed for.
Strong prospect of more gold lower down and Rahu underway which is money for jam. I note the ASX volume was 3x the NZX. Once the ASX wakes up to it the sp will look after itself.
And here I was worrying about a rinse and repeat Quarterly! Well done Matthew and the team...excellent progress.

Discl. Bought more yesterday post announcement.

26-04-2017, 08:29 AM
Fairly muted response so far, although the sp has maintained a higher level. NTL shareholders are certainly a placid/passive bunch. Maybe because of the years of frustration of getting to this point. Hopefully that's behind us now!

26-04-2017, 09:31 AM
Monday wasn't much of a trading day given many people took the chance for a long weekend. Check back on the sp in a week or so when news has spread and been adjusted for. Though I don't expect a huge jump, this is still going to be a slow burn until we get further along into production.

26-04-2017, 12:25 PM
You might be right Antipodean. I still think it will be the ASX that will drive it. Our opening trade this morning...$300.... ASX opening...25k. I find it hard case about the length of time it takes the market to jump on board at times. Even 0.1 0f a cent means a 15% gain today. Last friday it meant 20%. The longer they wait the less the return. I suppose they see it as lesser risk. My motto DYOR and be happy!

26-04-2017, 02:49 PM
ASX looking like it will tip over to 0.7 today.

27-04-2017, 07:35 AM

27-04-2017, 09:21 AM
Great news from a looooooong time s here , circs 1986 !

27-04-2017, 01:10 PM
Just in case anyone wondering about that NTL NCM relationship this short video from 2016 is an excellent summary:


Stock Rooster
01-05-2017, 04:10 PM
Very strong announcement and a week earlier than expected I guess because they figured the Certificate of Compliance was news that was price sensitive. I agree with Robbo's post over on Hotcopper; it would appear they have taken some good plannning advice and managed to circumvent delays. Note they specifically mention traffic movements are allowed for.
Strong prospect of more gold lower down and Rahu underway which is money for jam. I note the ASX volume was 3x the NZX. Once the ASX wakes up to it the sp will look after itself.
And here I was worrying about a rinse and repeat Quarterly! Well done Matthew and the team...excellent progress.

Discl. Bought more yesterday post announcement.

Hey Jonu,

Are you satisfied with NTL response and amount of detail in relation to the delayed TMP?

As announced in the previous quarterly report the company and council are working together on finalising a traffic management plan (TMP) that meets the needs of council and NTL. Whilst Company mine traffic on the road will be minimal, with reference to safety guidelines we have sought specialist input from our engineers and the council engineers

01-05-2017, 06:26 PM
Hey Jonu,

Are you satisfied with NTL response and amount of detail in relation to the delayed TMP?

As announced in the previous quarterly report the company and council are working together on finalising a traffic management plan (TMP) that meets the needs of council and NTL. Whilst Company mine traffic on the road will be minimal, with reference to safety guidelines we have sought specialist input from our engineers and the council engineers

Not entirely...but as per earlier post, I think they have circumvented whatever holdup there is with the council via the Compliance Cert.
They are now able to get on with sampling, installation of gear etc which they had to do before serious mining anyway. The Talisman Deeps and Rahu are set to add serious value when the sample results come through.

01-05-2017, 08:33 PM
.. The Talisman Deeps and Rahu are set to add serious value when the sample results come through.

What year is that going to be and how serious is the value you're expecting?

01-05-2017, 08:51 PM
What year is that going to be and how serious is the value you're expecting?

I suggest you read the latest quarterly Baa, it is quite lengthy, but you may as well get it from the horse's mouth. Can't see why it wouldn't be this year personally, but I have no experience in the JORC code which is mentioned in the release, and how long it takes to get your samples verified. The historic grams per tonne are eye-watering and their data suggests there is plenty more lower down. Newmont also appear to be full steam ahead at Rahu and that is complete bonus material for NTL.

01-05-2017, 09:01 PM
I suggest you read the latest quarterly Baa, it is quite lengthy, but you may as well get it from the horse's mouth. Can't see why it wouldn't be this year personally, but I have no experience in the JORC code which is mentioned in the release, and how long it takes to get your samples verified. The historic grams per tonne are eye-watering and their data suggests there is plenty more lower down. Newmont also appear to be full steam ahead at Rahu and that is complete bonus material for NTL.

I've read it, typically lengthy and optimistic. Finally they have access, it's time to dig up some gold though, then we can all get excited.

01-05-2017, 09:09 PM
I've read it, typically lengthy and optimistic. Finally they have access, it's time to dig up some gold though, then we can all get excited.

As far as Rahu goes it'll be Newmont digging it up with NTL having the option of a 20% JV stake or 2% royalty (I think those figures are correct).

If NTL can increase it's own JORC it effectively becomes a higher value tangible asset to the company, without having dug it up. So yes, while actual mining is the main target, there is value to be added before we get there.

02-05-2017, 12:09 PM

02-05-2017, 01:35 PM
"Enjoyed by Hundreds of Thousands of people annually" the latest figures I can find is from DoC in 2013 there was 80,000 visitors, and only 60,000 the year before.

If they're going to complain at least be accurate, come on guys.

02-05-2017, 04:47 PM

Seems like these folks should stop looking at the private land on the mountain and focus on the public land at the seashore.

04-05-2017, 10:58 AM
"Enjoyed by Hundreds of Thousands of people annually" the latest figures I can find is from DoC in 2013 there was 80,000 visitors, and only 60,000 the year before.

If they're going to complain at least be accurate, come on guys.
maybe they are including the cars that drive past , looking at the scenery :-)

05-05-2017, 02:11 PM
maybe they are including the cars that drive past , looking at the scenery :-)

I'm guessing many others including myself don't believe PK's visitor numbers one bit.
Thousands - Yes. Tens of thousands - Quite possible. Hundreds of thousands - Dream on.

To prove those sort of numbers perhaps PK should consider using the same tech that counts the number of cycle users at the bottom of Queens Wharf/Britomart in Auckland CBD.


06-05-2017, 08:55 PM

Looks like an awesome place for a picnic tomorrow whose coming???!!!.

I think they are holding the next one in a sewer.....:)

08-05-2017, 08:14 PM
Interesting reading over on Hotcopper thread. Project Karangahape has been exposed as being driven by a hypocrite who got an unnotified RC to substantially increase traffic on the road.
Anyone know how woodstock :p went?

08-05-2017, 09:48 PM
Interesting reading over on Hotcopper thread. Project Karangahape has been exposed as being driven by a hypocrite who got an unnotified RC to substantially increase traffic on the road.
Anyone know how woodstock :p went?

Woodstock went a little bit like this.......88338834.......looks like they are going to Thi Chi the mine. :t_up:

09-05-2017, 08:02 AM
Woodstock went a little bit like this.......88338834.......looks like they are going to Thi Chi the mine. :t_up:

Looks like it was correct about P being the worst pollution in our water. [A TV program about 6 months ago] Smoke that stuff and it gets in the water system and has an extremely long half life ends up doing far more damage than mining ever will do . About half the people in this photos look like they live on the stuff. So if it is clean water you want begin at the beginning and stay clear of the drug. When all your members are clean then turn to other pollutions of which gold mining is way down the list.

09-05-2017, 02:10 PM
Interesting reading over on Hotcopper thread. Project Karangahape has been exposed as being driven by a hypocrite who got an unnotified RC to substantially increase traffic on the road.
Anyone know how woodstock :p went?

Jonu is that the same one who was on here ages ago? Gag I think was the name?

09-05-2017, 08:31 PM
Jonu is that the same one who was on here ages ago? Gag I think was the name?

I suspect so but I can't remember the profile name. Classic case of nimbyism and people using the RMA/planning process to obstruct others. I really hate how this has crept into NZ society over the last 20 odd years. I have had personal experience of similar b/s in my own life with hypocrytical neighbours. The strange thing is that they are so blatant about it. Maybe I look back with rose tinted glasses, but I don't remember NZ being like that years ago.

31-05-2017, 08:24 AM

01-06-2017, 12:56 PM
01/06/2017 12:22
REL: 1222 HRS New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

GENERAL: NTL: Talisman Site Secured

__________________________________________________ ___
1st June 2017

New Talisman today is pleased to announce that the Department of Conservation
has approved the fencing off of the mine portal area to ensure the safety of
the public and workers at the mine site, as increasing mine activities are
carried out.

The board acknowledges the hard work of the dedicated team at the Department
of Conservation who have made a careful and considered assessment of the
safety issues in granting this approval. The Company will now take the
necessary steps to implement the approval in the interests of protecting the
health and safety of the public, our employees, and to secure our equipment.

The area to be fenced off is the immediate area around the mine site portal
and will not affect access to any of the tramping tracks in the area, nor
will it infringe on anyone's enjoyment of the area.

Matthew Hill stated "The portal pad which is a highly modified industrial
site that was closed for many years and will be once again closed off as we
take this historically very productive mine back on the road to development.
These steps were necessary given the duty of care imposed by the Health and
Safety at Work Act. The health and safety of the public and our employees and
contractors remains our paramount concern."

An update on the mine related activities at site will be provided to
shareholders shortly.

Matthew Hill
Chief Executive Officer
New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

About New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd
New Talisman Gold is a dual listed (NZSX & ASX: NTL) with over 2,300
shareholders who are mainly from Australia and New Zealand. It is a leading
New Zealand minerals development and exploration company with a mining permit
encompassing the Talisman mine one of New Zealand's historically most
productive gold mines. Its gold properties near Paeroa in the Hauraki
District of New Zealand are a granted mining permit, including a JORC
compliant mineral resource within the original Talisman underground mine, and
a Heads of agreement with Newcrest on an adjacent exploration permit along
strike from the mine. The company is now advancing its plans to develop the
mine, and advance the exploration project.

More about New Talisman

01-06-2017, 01:01 PM
Woooh lets build a fence!

01-06-2017, 03:36 PM
Woooh lets build a fence!

Let's build a mine ;)


01-06-2017, 06:24 PM
Such a shame this announcement was slightly overshadowed by the "build a fence" statement earlier...

New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

as at 15:09:41, Thursday 01 June, 2017 (NZT)

01/06/2017 15:09
REL: 1509 HRS New Talisman Gold Mines Limited


__________________________________________________ ___
1st June 2017

New Talisman today is delighted to announce that the Board has approved the
direct expenditure of 2.2M NZD budget for its mine related activities.
Equipment has begun to be purchased and will be mobilised to site as of
Friday 2nd June and the days ahead.

Chairman Charbel Nader stated "Our team has, with the support of our
shareholders and stakeholders, worked tirelessly to get to this important
milestone, and we are pleased to be at a stage where we can commit to the
advancement of this storied mine's development. We are thankful for all the
local community and government support which has ensured that this
development proceeds in a manner that provides benefits to all stakeholders
and the broader community."

The activities being undertaken include

o Site establishment and security
o Installation of ventilation management systems
o Installation of water storage facilities
o Installation of compressed air supply
o Installation of Generator
o Upgrades of water pond
o Mobilisation of bogger and digger to mine
o Refurbishment of level 8 from portal through to Mystery vein location

Terra Firma Mining Ltd an experienced local company have been engaged to
provide civil engineering services to the project. The company's knowledge
and experience operating in the local mining and underground construction
sectors, coupled with a strong track record in health and safety management,
will be of considerable value in the safe and efficient execution of the

Placement of other technical and safety critical roles is progressing well,
NTL are fortunate to be able to draw on the abundant skills of both companies
and individuals in the area and are gratified at the level of interest in,
and strong support for, our endeavours shown by local residents.

The company does not require a Traffic management plan for the activities
above which fall within the Certificate of Compliance recently issued by the
Hauraki District Council.

Site Closure

As announced The Department of Conservation has advised that the company's
application for closure of the mine site at the portal, has been approved and
closure will shortly commence

We would emphasise the need for public to be aware of dangers of entering
mine sites without the appropriate safety equipment and knowledge. In due
course the company will offer the ability for tours to the mine as has been
done in previous years in a safe and secure way.

Talisman Deeps

The significant body of works on the Talisman deeps project is nearing
completion. Following the initial technical work such will be peer reviewed
to ensure conformity with JORC 2012. The work being undertaken provides
significant potential for expanded operations at the extensions of the mine
and are likely to be complete by the end of Q1.

CEO Matthew Hill said "We are delighted to finally begin operations which we
hope will bring this historically productive New Zealand mine once again on
the road back to full production. We are very excited by the technical
developments on the deeps which provide for the potential to significantly
increase the upside and extended mine life to our future operations."

Matthew Hill
Chief Executive Officer
New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

About New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd

About New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd
New Talisman Gold is a dual listed (NZSX & ASX: NTL) with over 2,300
shareholders who are mainly from Australia and New Zealand. It is a leading
New Zealand minerals development and exploration company with a mining permit
encompassing the Talisman mine one of New Zealand's historically most
productive gold mines. Its gold properties near Paeroa in the Hauraki
District of New Zealand are a granted mining permit, including a JORC
compliant mineral resource within the original Talisman underground mine, and
a Heads of agreement with Newcrest on an adjacent exploration permit along
strike from the mine. The company is now advancing its plans to develop the
mine, and advance the exploration project.

More about New Talisman Gold at www.newtalisman.co.nz
End CA:00302069 For:NTL Type:MKTUPDTE Time:2017-06-01 15:09:41

01-06-2017, 06:38 PM
Nice - so, traffic plan may still be an issue, but they can steam ahead and resolve later. End of Q1 means production starts, or am I too optimistic?

01-06-2017, 08:39 PM
Nice - so, traffic plan may still be an issue, but they can steam ahead and resolve later. End of Q1 means production starts, or am I too optimistic?

You sure are given that Q1 has passed 3 months ago. Two optimistic for end of Q2 as it just passed the other day. Probably somewhere between Q3 and q4 is my take and even then expect some teething problems.

Yesterday I drove up to where the first gate is across the road. Or put it another way to as far as you can drive my ute. Met two anti miners and had a chat with them. Told them I was a holder of the company and a lover of NZ natural environment. Also told them they should buy shares in the company and help me from the inside to make sure this small mining company does no more damage to the environment than any other group of human activity,and from what I can make out that is the feeling of every other shareholder I have met including the management.
I did not convince them but we parted in good grace. They said that every day they came to inspect the area. Guess that is about to end.

01-06-2017, 08:55 PM
You sure are given that Q1 has passed 3 months ago. Two optimistic for end of Q2 as it just passed the other day. Probably somewhere between Q3 and q4 is my take and even then expect some teething problems.

Yesterday I drove up to where the first gate is across the road. Or put it another way to as far as you can drive my ute. Met two anti miners and had a chat with them. Told them I was a holder of the company and a lover of NZ natural environment. Also told them they should buy shares in the company and help me from the inside to make sure this small mining company does no more damage to the environment than any other group of human activity,and from what I can make out that is the feeling of every other shareholder I have met including the management.
I did not convince them but we parted in good grace. They said that every day they came to inspect the area. Guess that is about to end.

I stand to be corrected but the full year results were to March 31st, so that would put us in Q1, finishing June 30.

02-06-2017, 10:16 AM
You sure are given that Q1 has passed 3 months ago. Two optimistic for end of Q2 as it just passed the other day. Probably somewhere between Q3 and q4 is my take and even then expect some teething problems.

Yesterday I drove up to where the first gate is across the road. Or put it another way to as far as you can drive my ute. Met two anti miners and had a chat with them. Told them I was a holder of the company and a lover of NZ natural environment. Also told them they should buy shares in the company and help me from the inside to make sure this small mining company does no more damage to the environment than any other group of human activity,and from what I can make out that is the feeling of every other shareholder I have met including the management.
I did not convince them but we parted in good grace. They said that every day they came to inspect the area. Guess that is about to end.

Did both you and the protestors part ways on gracious terms?
What sort of reasoning did you guys discuss with each other in regards to the environmental impact?
Do protestors make their way up to the tracks via environmentally damaging combustion engine vehicles or do they make their way up via bicycle/horse?

02-06-2017, 01:17 PM
I stand to be corrected but the full year results were to March 31st, so that would put us in Q1, finishing June 30.

Hahaha, I was being generous, I read Q1 as 31 March 2018!!!

08-06-2017, 01:53 PM
Looks like it's heating up on the ASX ;)

09-06-2017, 11:52 AM
Little bit of fuss up at the mine ...... guess it'll take a few weeks for everyone to settle down and accept that NTL is starting operations.


Paint it Black
09-06-2017, 07:32 PM
Little bit of fuss up at the mine ...... guess it'll take a few weeks for everyone to settle down and accept that NTL is starting operations.


I'm sure it will - maybe even offer them a job.

It's good to see the ASX is now up to 0.7 and lots of buyers and few sellers. The NZX up to 0.9 end of next week? Even the options went up 0.1c today. Keep those regular progress reports coming in management - they really help the momentum.

09-06-2017, 08:42 PM
"We don't want to hurt the workers and we don't want to inconvenience the local contractors."

So long as they protest like that , we are happy !
I don't think we will see any more trades at .005

11-06-2017, 01:48 PM

11-06-2017, 02:52 PM

Good on them I say

Money shouldn't be the reason to degrade and destroy such beautiful places

Better leave it at that - else probably get banned

11-06-2017, 10:32 PM
Good on them I say

Money shouldn't be the reason to degrade and destroy such beautiful places

Better leave it at that - else probably get banned

The protesters like to get emotionally carried away and in the process just make up stories. They lost in the court because the legal process requires facts and most of what they presented was just plane incorrect.No cycnide will be used and the processing will not be done on site contrary to what the protesters say.The water is a closed loop and will not be dumped into the river.

Now look at winner69 says. Who is going to degrade and destroy this beautiful place ? I would put the destruction as tourist,holiday makers, trampers,farmers and somewhere way down the line miners. Without a doubt the area would be cleaners and more environmentally friendly if we all cut our own throats.
To say that it is the miners that will degrade and destroy this place is just emotional crap .The miners are and will be heavily watched and if others human uses of this area came under the same microscope the area will stay a beautiful place..

12-06-2017, 10:15 AM
Volume on the ASX is what will drive this now. They seem to be waking up to it over there, with $60-80K trading daily last week. Robbo's great posts on HC are spreading the word. If test grades come through at anything near the high end historic levels taken from this mine start looking for your nearest bags shop. The best I have ever had was a 5 bagger but if the new JORC levels stack up it is just a simple case of multiplication to see where the M/Cap should be, which would be an awful lot higher than now

Discl: holding waaay too much :t_up::t_up::t_up:

12-06-2017, 12:19 PM

12-06-2017, 03:49 PM
I seem to remember Moosie saying 2-3 years ago that NTL was a possible 10 bagger!!!

Volume on the ASX is what will drive this now. They seem to be waking up to it over there, with $60-80K trading daily last week. Robbo's great posts on HC are spreading the word. If test grades come through at anything near the high end historic levels taken from this mine start looking for your nearest bags shop. The best I have ever had was a 5 bagger but if the new JORC levels stack up it is just a simple case of multiplication to see where the M/Cap should be, which would be an awful lot higher than now

Discl: holding waaay too much :t_up::t_up::t_up:

12-06-2017, 08:26 PM
The protesters like to get emotionally carried away and in the process just make up stories. They lost in the court because the legal process requires facts and most of what they presented was just plane incorrect.No cycnide will be used and the processing will not be done on site contrary to what the protesters say.The water is a closed loop and will not be dumped into the river.

Now look at winner69 says. Who is going to degrade and destroy this beautiful place ? I would put the destruction as tourist,holiday makers, trampers,farmers and somewhere way down the line miners. Without a doubt the area would be cleaners and more environmentally friendly if we all cut our own throats.
To say that it is the miners that will degrade and destroy this place is just emotional crap .The miners are and will be heavily watched and if others human uses of this area came under the same microscope the area will stay a beautiful place..

Well said digger

21-06-2017, 09:48 PM

22-06-2017, 08:00 AM
Wow that is just not on, protesting is one thing but intent to cause harm is a totally different ball game.

I'd like to see NTL involve the authorities on this and come down hard on them, NTL has been accommodating of their protests but this crosses a line.

22-06-2017, 08:58 AM
Interesting article, Murray Stevens comment ..."It will take another three years and $5-6 million more before prospecting shows life should be kicked into the mine's 35-kilometre network, spanning 700-vertical metres inside Karangahake mountain and plunging 200 metres below sea level".


22-06-2017, 09:44 AM
Interesting article, Murray Stevens comment ..."It will take another three years and $5-6 million more before prospecting shows life should be kicked into the mine's 35-kilometre network, spanning 700-vertical metres inside Karangahake mountain and plunging 200 metres below sea level".


I salivated reading the article where it said that 1mil ounces in today's gold prices is equivalent to about $1bn.
It's like buying lotto tickets with their tagline being 'Imagine'

22-06-2017, 09:45 AM
Interesting article, Murray Stevens comment ..."It will take another three years and $5-6 million more before prospecting shows life should be kicked into the mine's 35-kilometre network, spanning 700-vertical metres inside Karangahake mountain and plunging 200 metres below sea level".


They have the $6 million in cash and will be generating positive cashflow through the bulk sampling process. The game changer in terms of the sp will be the updated JORC and inclusion of Talisman Deeps which could be as soon as the next quarterly

29-06-2017, 11:24 AM

29-06-2017, 12:15 PM

Why is she protesting the miners when they saw a dead cow in the river...such a pollutant from agriculture not mining! :sleep:

29-06-2017, 01:25 PM
Why is she protesting the miners when they saw a dead cow in the river...such a pollutant from agriculture not mining! :sleep:

Next week they will be protesting about painted rocks in the river.

05-07-2017, 09:29 AM
I expected the Annual Report to be just a rehash of the Quarterlies (which it largely was) but there was an interesting nod to what lies ahead in the next few months. We can look forward to a drip feed of results from the different levels of sampling, each one more than likely adding to the JORC. The wording of "material changes" in the pipeline should be noted :t_up:

I topped up yesterday at 0.7 (above my average) and am now sitting just outside the top 20 shareholders. The possibility of exceptional grammes/tonne in the sampling is by no means remote given the historical grades pulled from the mine. Market cap currently 14.5 million with existing JORC profits multiple times higher than that. I only wish I had more free cash to sink into it at this level

07-07-2017, 09:33 PM
The asx has quite a few more buyers than on the NZX . May be being a country with more large mines they see the potential of what might happen here.

10-07-2017, 11:27 AM
Trading in HALT pending announcement...

10-07-2017, 11:55 AM
Trading in HALT pending announcement...

This may shake the SP up a bit ........


10-07-2017, 12:10 PM
"...pending the spectacular results of a resource update for the Dubbo resource at Talisman Deeps..."

I'd anticipate this is going to shake it up a lot!

10-07-2017, 12:32 PM
I feel 'well positioned' :)

10-07-2017, 12:49 PM
Im wishing I was a Top 20 shareholder.........

10-07-2017, 02:12 PM

10-07-2017, 02:34 PM

Surely that is just speculation at the moment? Nothing official out yet to back that up other than what was hinted at in the annual report?

10-07-2017, 02:35 PM

Set to announce a boost, that is a little presumptuous...

10-07-2017, 02:41 PM
Just showing the info that's out there. All free to make own judgements as you've done. All speculation till we hear from the company.

10-07-2017, 03:03 PM
Surely that is just speculation at the moment? Nothing official out yet to back that up other than what was hinted at in the annual report?

Check the asx announcement - it is quite different from the nzx one.

"The Company wishes to halt trading pending the spectacular results of a resource update
for the Dubbo resource at Talisman Deeps which is anticipated to materially increase the

overall Company resources."

10-07-2017, 03:14 PM
just to clarify.............ASX
Request for trading halt:
New Talisman Gold Mines Limited ASX Code NTL NZX Code
We request a trading halt to be applied to our securities under ASX Listing Rule 17.1 and
NZX Main Board/Debt Market Listing Rule 5.4.1(a) and set out below details of the request
as per the rules of each of ASX and NZX.
We would like the trading halt to commence immediately.
The Company wishes to halt trading pending the spectacular results of a resource update
for the Dubbo resource at Talisman Deeps which is anticipated to materially increase the
overall Company resources.
The Company expects the trading halt to last until the resource upgrade is released which
is anticipated to be released by no later than Wednesday 12
th July.
We expect the halt to cease once the Talisman Deeps resource upgrade is released.
We confirm that we are not aware of any reason why the trading halt should not be granted.

10-07-2017, 04:42 PM
Well, that is embarrassing. I didn't notice the second page of the announcement with the letter from NTL. I wondered what ddrone was talking about earlier. Rechecked the announcement at the time but still missed this part!

Thanks. Great to know it is good news.

10-07-2017, 04:55 PM
2 bagger? 5 bagger? 10 bagger? Well well, after 10 years (of me supporting) HGD/NTL may be about to arrive.

10-07-2017, 05:25 PM
Is there any analysis of the mines potential yield and therefore revenue and capitalisation? Feels like a good time to get educated on prospective valuation at production...

10-07-2017, 06:19 PM
what are people hoping for/realistically expecting with this possible announcement?

IMO if they announce there is a crap tonne more gold in the mine than originally though there would be an immediate bump in price but may see it trickle back down over time until this darn traffic management plan gets approved.

pretty stoked to see a company announce a hold pending 'spectacular' information.

10-07-2017, 07:00 PM
Spectacular seems like a very brave word!...I hope the announcement lives up to the dictionary definition!
I don't have the biggest holding but it might look a little more interesting after a spectacular sp rise!

10-07-2017, 07:05 PM

Words that come to mind ;-)

10-07-2017, 08:43 PM
what are people hoping for/realistically expecting with this possible announcement?

IMO if they announce there is a crap tonne more gold in the mine than originally though there would be an immediate bump in price but may see it trickle back down over time until this darn traffic management plan gets approved.

pretty stoked to see a company announce a hold pending 'spectacular' information.

That is my take too. An upgrade of reserves should create a bounce, but it ultimately means nothing unless they can truck the ore out. The real fun will happen once (if) the traffic management plan is sorted with acceptable conditions.

11-07-2017, 09:35 AM


*5 minutes later*

Repeat all day

11-07-2017, 09:39 AM
I expected the Annual Report to be just a rehash of the Quarterlies (which it largely was) but there was an interesting nod to what lies ahead in the next few months. We can look forward to a drip feed of results from the different levels of sampling, each one more than likely adding to the JORC. The wording of "material changes" in the pipeline should be noted :t_up:

I topped up yesterday at 0.7 (above my average) and am now sitting just outside the top 20 shareholders. The possibility of exceptional grammes/tonne in the sampling is by no means remote given the historical grades pulled from the mine. Market cap currently 14.5 million with existing JORC profits multiple times higher than that. I only wish I had more free cash to sink into it at this level

Hate to say I told you so :cool::t_up::p I think this is just the first of a lovely drip feed of JORC adjustments.

"Spectacular" would not be used lightly (Gold being somewhat heavy :t_up:)

11-07-2017, 09:45 AM
Remember a few months back some of the posters were speculating what the SP could be by end of this year?

My pick was that SP might be 10c by end of this year, will stick to my guns.

11-07-2017, 09:49 AM
Remember a few months back some of the posters were speculating what the SP could be by end of this year?

My pick was that SP might be 10c by end of this year, will stick to my guns.

Not outside the realms if "spectacular" lives up to its definition. From here on it is just a case of do the maths of ounces x gold price (NZD) less extraction plus silver ounces and whacko $$$$$ is your answer

11-07-2017, 10:58 AM
Lets not get ahead of ourselves - 10c per share implies a more than $207m market cap which isn't going to happen for a pre-production mine in NZ.

We could potentially settle between 1.5 - 2c per share by end of year if the good news keeps flowing.

11-07-2017, 11:02 AM
Lets not get ahead of ourselves - 10c per share implies a more than $207m market cap which isn't going to happen for a pre-production mine in NZ.

We could potentially settle between 1.5 - 2c per share by end of year if the good news keeps flowing.

Surely that depends on where the JORC ends up.

"Isn't going to happen" based on what? If the JORC indicates 500m in profits...why not?

11-07-2017, 11:41 AM
Lets not get ahead of ourselves - 10c per share implies a more than $207m market cap which isn't going to happen for a pre-production mine in NZ.

We could potentially settle between 1.5 - 2c per share by end of year if the good news keeps flowing.

It's a speculative stock, nobody knows what can happen.
I can guarantee that a majority of people here weren't picking British & Irish Lions to draw with ABs either, but it happened.

11-07-2017, 12:19 PM
As Jonu pointed out, it should be simple math, resource* price - cost, then throw in some market expectation for good (further upside in resource or price of Au) and bad (NTL ability to do it).
I love the idea of 10c, even 6c (10 bagger), hell, after all this time 3c would be stellar.

"Spectacular" to me says SP should be North of 1c VERY soon, how far above........well, who knows.

11-07-2017, 12:19 PM
Sure, it depends on what the updated details are. I just don't think the details are going to warrant this stock suddenly having a end of year market capitalisation of greater than say HLG ($184m) for example - and I'm a bullish holder. While not impossible, I think that outcome this year is extremely unlikely.

To demonstrate - your 500m in profits. Using $1672.06 NZD per ounce, $568.00 USD prod cost (NTL annual report 2016), $1.37 USD to NZD - would need 560,000 oz gold to generate that profit. That's assuming both that the gold price doesn't diminish or production costs don't go up (both dicey). Either way wouldn't change the fact that we aren't producing yet.

I'm all on board NTL and looking forward to the future. Let's see what tomorrow brings and not count our chickens before they hatch yeah?

Also, I don't think comparing sports betting to investing is a good comparison.

EDIT: Although now I think about it, 560,000 oz would be a 'spectacular' upgrade....

11-07-2017, 01:13 PM
Sure, it depends on what the updated details are. I just don't think the details are going to warrant this stock suddenly having a end of year market capitalisation of greater than say HLG ($184m) for example - and I'm a bullish holder. While not impossible, I think that outcome this year is extremely unlikely.

To demonstrate - your 500m in profits. Using $1672.06 NZD per ounce, $568.00 USD prod cost (NTL annual report 2016), $1.37 USD to NZD - would need 560,000 oz gold to generate that profit. That's assuming both that the gold price doesn't diminish or production costs don't go up (both dicey). Either way wouldn't change the fact that we aren't producing yet.

I'm all on board NTL and looking forward to the future. Let's see what tomorrow brings and not count our chickens before they hatch yeah?

Also, I don't think comparing sports betting to investing is a good comparison.

EDIT: Although now I think about it, 560,000 oz would be a 'spectacular' upgrade....

I know 10c isn't realistic, just saying that stranger things have happened in the world as evidenced by the rugby in the weekend. 10c was just a number thrown up in the air.
It's not realistic to assume total ounces would go to 500,000oz this fast, but like I just said - stranger things have happened...

11-07-2017, 05:58 PM
Sure, it depends on what the updated details are. I just don't think the details are going to warrant this stock suddenly having a end of year market capitalisation of greater than say HLG ($184m) for example - and I'm a bullish holder. While not impossible, I think that outcome this year is extremely unlikely.

To demonstrate - your 500m in profits. Using $1672.06 NZD per ounce, $568.00 USD prod cost (NTL annual report 2016), $1.37 USD to NZD - would need 560,000 oz gold to generate that profit. That's assuming both that the gold price doesn't diminish or production costs don't go up (both dicey). Either way wouldn't change the fact that we aren't producing yet.

I'm all on board NTL and looking forward to the future. Let's see what tomorrow brings and not count our chickens before they hatch yeah?

Also, I don't think comparing sports betting to investing is a good comparison.

EDIT: Although now I think about it, 560,000 oz would be a 'spectacular' upgrade....

Yes fair enough, we are in wait and see mode. By the way, your calcs make no mention of the silver reserve. A "material increase" combined with "spectacular" has me on the optimistic side.

11-07-2017, 06:39 PM
Being a large holder I'd love to see it jump to 10cents!.....but I agree with Antipodean it just isn't going to happen. Impossible to say where the price will settle when the trading halt is lifted without knowing what the new reserves are. (I'll take a guess at double from now). And still that stuff is worthless until there is consent to get it out of the ground and full scale mining is underway. Given it's taking months and months, almost years, just to get a traffic management plan in place there is no certainty this mine gets past bulk sampling....and then still the glod price and exchange rate to consider....so lots of water to flow yet, but yes, I think this puppy is looking good...but I think we'll need a bit of paitence until we hit the 10c mark :)

12-07-2017, 08:48 AM
Well today's the big day. My pick is they won't lift the halt while one of the exchanges is closed so they may release the update this morning but maintain the halt until mid-day.

I have been pondering on the extraction costs. Someone with mining experience may be able to help out, but surely the higher the g/t the cheaper the finished gold to produce. So it becomes a delicious double whammy, more gold and cheaper per ounce to extract. Robbo over on H/C says historically this mine rates as one of the highest g/t for an underground mine world wide.

Good luck to all holders. It's been a long and frustrating ride. Let's hope this is the start of big things.

12-07-2017, 09:09 AM
We've still got to get past the council traffic plan and greenies?
I've been telling my mate at work to buy some for weeks , but he has been procrastinating. So today he decides to buy !! Better late that never. My daughter bought some with her Christmas present money, so we are having fun with this as a family. She said she would have wasted it all on junk anyway, so isn't worried if she looses it all, but I think she will be happy today.

12-07-2017, 09:39 AM

12-07-2017, 09:42 AM
JORC now up to 388k with more to come by the end of the month from other levels!!!!

That 500k oz not so far away is it?

12-07-2017, 11:09 AM
JORC now up to 388k with more to come by the end of the month from other levels!!!!

That 500k oz not so far away is it?

560k oz - so still some way off. However this announcement certainly is spectacular. The rest of the announcement is gold (sorry pun intended) too. Funded to 2020? Underground development? Bring it on.

I'll still stick with my earlier assessment of potential 1.5c-2.0c by end of year, though would expect the upper end of that range with continued good progress. Years beyond, who knows...

12-07-2017, 11:22 AM
560k oz - so still some way off. However this announcement certainly is spectacular. The rest of the announcement is gold (sorry pun intended) too. Funded to 2020? Underground development? Bring it on.

I'll still stick with my earlier assessment of potential 1.5c-2.0c by end of year, though would expect the upper end of that range with continued good progress. Years beyond, who knows...

Oz and Oz will drive it from here.

Ounces and Australia. If the ASX goldies cotton on and speculate prior the results due end of July I think it will blow 2c away, at which point the options come into play.

Yes, the announcement certainly lived up to spectacular.

12-07-2017, 12:03 PM
Oz and Oz will drive it from here.

Ounces and Australia. If the ASX goldies cotton on and speculate prior the results due end of July I think it will blow 2c away, at which point the options come into play.

Yes, the announcement certainly lived up to spectacular.

Agreed. Aussies will keep driving this one up! Happy holder

12-07-2017, 12:04 PM
A bit slow on lifting the trading halt at the ASX ?

12-07-2017, 12:10 PM
A bit slow on lifting the trading halt at the ASX ?

They stagger the open on the ASX

12-07-2017, 01:23 PM
Both NZX and ASX seem to have settle at around the 1.2c mark - not a bad day at all! Spectacular even.

Itchy trigger finger, but I read the key statements:
"...after the completion of the first module..." - double estimate of resource AND
"...Mineral resources upgrades to JORC 2012 standards are underway at three other
modules ..."

Well hold the phone, 3 modules to go, that we will know about by 31 July. Christmas is coming early.

discl:holding not enough!!!

12-07-2017, 02:04 PM
Yes, the results of those 3 other modules may really get the SP going ..... great so far today and we may yet see a late spurt ....... Christmas is definitely early!!

Both NZX and ASX seem to have settle at around the 1.2c mark - not a bad day at all! Spectacular even.

Itchy trigger finger, but I read the key statements:
"...after the completion of the first module..." - double estimate of resource AND
"...Mineral resources upgrades to JORC 2012 standards are underway at three other
modules ..."

Well hold the phone, 3 modules to go, that we will know about by 31 July. Christmas is coming early.

discl:holding not enough!!!

12-07-2017, 04:23 PM
Article from Proactive Investors


12-07-2017, 08:45 PM

12-07-2017, 09:47 PM
"The company has a 25-year mining permit and is preparing the site for bulk sampling. Consents allow for the extracting of 20,000 cubic metres of ore each year."

I didnt realise that. That will give them plenty of time to get the SP to $1 haha 😎

13-07-2017, 05:25 PM
According to those stuff comments, ntl isn't even an nzx company.... hmmm...

"The company has a 25-year mining permit and is preparing the site for bulk sampling. Consents allow for the extracting of 20,000 cubic metres of ore each year."

I didnt realise that. That will give them plenty of time to get the SP to $1 haha 

$1 SP! Would be almost the highest mcap on the nzx! 300,000 oz of au is worth over $500m NZD but that sp may be stretching it a bit heh.

13-07-2017, 06:21 PM
yea I was just dreamin'.....not serious. but by wife's spending it already............... I am much more realistic having lost a lot before,

13-07-2017, 06:28 PM


14-07-2017, 10:11 AM
Does anyone know how much gold / silver there might be in 20,000 m3 per year ? They have consent for that but not production yet.. Correct ?

14-07-2017, 10:37 AM
Does anyone know how much gold / silver there might be in 20,000 m3 per year ? They have consent for that but not production yet.. Correct ?

So a quick google and 20,000 cubic metres of concrete is approx 48,000 metric tonnes.
Average grade of gold per tonne in the release was 21.98g/t
48,000 * 21.98 = 1,055,040 g
1,055,040g / 31.1 (Troy Ounce) = 33,924
33,924 * $1,217 = $41,285,648 USD
= $56,416,582 NZD

I don't know how accurate that would be but that's what I would assume is approximate

14-07-2017, 10:43 AM
So a quick google and 20,000 cubic metres of concrete is approx 48,000 metric tonnes.
Average grade of gold per tonne in the release was 21.98g/t
48,000 * 21.98 = 1,055,040 g
1,055,040g / 31.1 (Troy Ounce) = 33,924
33,924 * $1,217 = $41,285,648 USD
= $56,416,582 NZD

I don't know how accurate that would be but that's what I would assume is approximate

I realise concrete might not be the best conversion to use haha so according to Google Top Soil is about 1.44 tonnes per cubic metre:

Average grade of gold per tonne in the release was 21.98g/t
28,000 * 21.98 = 633,024 g
633,024g / 31.1 (Troy Ounce) = 20,354
20,354 * $1,217 = $24,770,818 USD
= $33,872,312 NZD

It is very much a rough as it gets estimate

14-07-2017, 10:47 AM
So a quick google and 20,000 cubic metres of concrete is approx 48,000 metric tonnes.
Average grade of gold per tonne in the release was 21.98g/t
48,000 * 21.98 = 1,055,040 g
1,055,040g / 31.1 (Troy Ounce) = 33,924
33,924 * $1,217 = $41,285,648 USD
= $56,416,582 NZD

I don't know how accurate that would be but that's what I would assume is approximate

I think concrete is a lot heavier than uncompacted metal. I think about 1.5 tonne per m3 is close.
Of course you have to allow extraction costs which per oz will be cheaper than previous estimates because of the high grades.
On top of that there is the silver.
Using Bucko's formula I come up with 30,000 tonne of ore
21220 troy oz gold plus unknown silver

14-07-2017, 11:26 AM
Hi, anyone willing to do a gut feeling on these topping the .013 mark this month?

14-07-2017, 11:39 AM
Hi, anyone willing to do a gut feeling on these topping the .013 mark this month?

Already have Clints :)

3 more JORC upgrades due around end of the month according to the Annual Report. Hopefully fed out one by one over the course of 10 days or so. Depending on how many ounces are added I reckon .013 will look a tad undervalued (note massive understatement to avoid any possible accusation of ramping :p)

14-07-2017, 11:39 AM
hints for more resource report coming before 31 July, also remember there are $2m plus worth Options at $0.02 each expiring at 28th Nov 2017.

My gut feeling told me they will have at least one more push.

14-07-2017, 11:40 AM
I think concrete is a lot heavier than uncompacted metal. I think about 1.5 tonne per m3 is close.
Of course you have to allow extraction costs which per oz will be cheaper than previous estimates because of the high grades.
On top of that there is the silver.
Using Bucko's formula I come up with 30,000 tonne of ore
21220 troy oz gold plus unknown silver

Thanks guys that's helpful. Sounds like it should be profitable even on the current amount allowed , then ?
Say it works out to be $20 mil a year, even 10, gross profit, where you you estimate the SP to be ?
thanks for the maths breakdown ,Bucko and Jonu.

14-07-2017, 11:52 AM
Thanks Jonu - i pickup 4.5mil of these shares on Wed and curious to see what happens. Back to 10 year high of 70c would be nice 😏

18-07-2017, 08:31 PM
News spotted by randosmit on hotcopper:cool:


20-07-2017, 09:49 AM
News spotted by randosmit on hotcopper:cool:


lots of articles recently, local and this one - international .Thanks Crow :-)
Hopefully will bring a few people into the share market. The protesters should actually get jobs and be working on a Monday morning .
most of the work is underground , so I don't see the problem is, and I love the area. The walks are one of my favourites . Its not going to turn into Waihi now is it !! (that is the open-cast mine 15 kms away ,and why all the locals are jittery))

I mean if I was a rabbit underground, I could understand but , come on ....... !

20-07-2017, 10:28 AM
lots of articles recently, local and this one - international .Thanks Crow :-)
Hopefully will bring a few people into the share market. The protesters should actually get jobs and be working on a Monday morning .
most of the work is underground , so I don't see the problem is, and I love the area. The walks are one of my favourites . Its not going to turn into Waihi now is it !! (that is the open-cast mine 15 kms away ,and why all the locals are jittery))

I mean if I was a rabbit underground, I could understand but , come on ....... !
Just keeping eye on the news feed, seven working days left till end of the month, so surely some news soon. Maybe they will tell us the news bang on the 31st of this month?

20-07-2017, 11:33 AM
Ah... those were the days 1994
from .003 to .37 in 3 months :-)

I haven't looked into details, but fun to see..:-)

20-07-2017, 12:35 PM
Ah... those were the days 1994
from .003 to .37 in 3 months :-)

I haven't looked into details, but fun to see..:-)

Lol, forget the details, let's just wish for the gold old days...:t_up:

20-07-2017, 07:07 PM

21-07-2017, 03:54 PM

Interesting the exchange tagged this as price sensitive. Some clear indications of progress which is positive.

Good to see some balance regarding the environmental issues recently gaining attention in the media.

21-07-2017, 04:26 PM

Interesting the exchange tagged this as price sensitive. Some clear indications of progress which is positive.

Good to see some balance regarding the environmental issues recently gaining attention in the media.

Think back to the last Dubbo upgrade. Just before NTL releasing it restated the existing JORC. Next upgrade is imminent in my view.

21-07-2017, 04:27 PM
The ASX is all over it. Already trading at 1.3 AUD

Make that 1.4 AUD:t_up:

21-07-2017, 06:16 PM
0.015 NZX. Looks good. Let's see if it settles back on Monday

21-07-2017, 06:49 PM
0.015 NZX. Looks good. Let's see if it settles back on Monday

That's rather a glass half empty view Clints! I prefer the glass half full approach after 2.9 million traded at 1.5 on the close. My comment would be "let's see if it legs on up on the imminent release of JORC rerates x 3" (due end July)

Being Friday night my glass is 3/4 full of a rather nice merlot so you may have to excuse my exuberance.

21-07-2017, 07:58 PM
ASX buyers are lňoking poitive at 1.4 many more than NZX. Looking goo today

21-07-2017, 09:19 PM
it does seem like the ASX has some wind behind it with buyers wanting at 1.4. steep climbs worry me in case of steep falls, like PEB WYN XRO BLS however we should compare apples with apples, and this is different .
its a great Friday night as you say Jonu,
This has jumped to 25% of my portfolio,
I must go down there and pick up a few Z nails off the track in the next few weeks :p

24-07-2017, 09:27 AM
That's rather a glass half empty view Clints! I prefer the glass half full approach after 2.9 million traded at 1.5 on the close. My comment would be "let's see if it legs on up on the imminent release of JORC rerates x 3" (due end July)

Being Friday night my glass is 3/4 full of a rather nice merlot so you may have to excuse my exuberance.

Monday morning, no merlot in the system, and it still looks good to me. Going to be a very interesting week!

24-07-2017, 09:36 AM
Monday morning, no merlot in the system, and it still looks good to me. Going to be a very interesting week!
Wise move. You can't see the gold if you're still in recovery mode,:t_up:

24-07-2017, 09:52 AM
Monday morning, no merlot in the system, and it still looks good to me. Going to be a very interesting week!

Surely is going to be interesting ...... seems to be a lot more interest on the ASX and I think that'll drive the SP ...... however another trading halt would really make it interesting!

24-07-2017, 11:49 AM
WOW! Current ASX opening match at 1.8 AUD! Wonder if it will hold. It leaps around a bit over there before the open

24-07-2017, 02:37 PM
With NTL getting out in the market place, we may see some new investors, possibly get the "day-traders" trying to make a buck off it. Either way, its going to be a fun week.

24-07-2017, 02:40 PM
With NTL getting out in the market place, we may see some new investors, possibly get the "day-traders" trying to make a buck off it. Either way, its going to be a fun week.
Ain't that the truth:t_up:

24-07-2017, 05:53 PM
I have a few options that mature in a couple of months. What is the process on converting those into ordinary shares.

24-07-2017, 06:44 PM

24-07-2017, 08:44 PM
Its tempting to sell everything else and go all in , but that would be irresponsible. So tempting though...... Anyone done that?
PEB went from 1c to 139 right ? On a hype . Correct me if I'm wrong