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15-12-2015, 11:49 AM
I think I write this every year:

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year,
I would like a traffic plan with big shiny trucks that drive to the processing plant 24hrs a day - please, not the Tonka variety
I would like a bonanza find in the untouched depths of the mine
I would like to hug the NTL team, this will happen if my first 2 requests come off.

Thanks Santa.

15-12-2015, 11:50 AM
PS Santa.

If you can arrange for my buy at 0.6c to be filled just before the SP flies, I would happily skip next years presents.

PLUS confirm the "4 trucks a day" in the half annual reports is a typo, and that it should be 40.

16-12-2015, 11:22 AM
Surely a decision on the extension of land application isn't far away? A favourable decision would be a perfect Christmas present!

I have been following the NZPAM website but no update yet:


Can anyone access the recent article regarding the application on NZResources.com?

16-12-2015, 11:33 AM
PS Santa.

If you can arrange for my buy at 0.6c to be filled just before the SP flies, I would happily skip next years presents.

PLUS confirm the "4 trucks a day" in the half annual reports is a typo, and that it should be 40.

SP will not stay this low forever, I'm sure of it, even p*ssing away some hefty sums towards NTL.
With such a minimal jump in the amount you would need to pay, wouldn't it just be more prudent to buy at market price and guarantee yourself some extra shares?

16-12-2015, 11:49 AM
I think I write this every year:

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year,
I would like a traffic plan with big shiny trucks that drive to the processing plant 24hrs a day - please, not the Tonka variety
I would like a bonanza find in the untouched depths of the mine
I would like to hug the NTL team, this will happen if my first 2 requests come off.

Thanks Santa.

Im picking Santa has a few of these letters in his home office ;)

16-12-2015, 12:10 PM
SP will not stay this low forever, I'm sure of it, even p*ssing away some hefty sums towards NTL.
With such a minimal jump in the amount you would need to pay, wouldn't it just be more prudent to buy at market price and guarantee yourself some extra shares?

16.6% increase (0.006 - 0.007) in cost is hardly "minimal" - so the reward for leaving a buy at 0.006 is there. The risk is the buy never being fulfilled and it starts increasing. Risk/reward...

16-12-2015, 08:27 PM
Heres and old video I just found. Gives you an idea of the layout of the country. Its worth a watch. From when they were previously known as heritage gold. Of course they have a lot more information now than when the video was made (some time around 2009)


16-12-2015, 08:46 PM
Heres and old video I just found. Gives you an idea of the layout of the country. Its worth a watch. From when they were previously known as heritage gold. Of course they have a lot more information now than when the video was made (some time around 2009)


Very interesting ........ thks

17-12-2015, 10:23 AM
16.6% increase (0.006 - 0.007) in cost is hardly "minimal" - so the reward for leaving a buy at 0.006 is there. The risk is the buy never being fulfilled and it starts increasing. Risk/reward...

True on the 16.6 / 16.67 % part though very rarely over the past few months has it traded at 0.006 cents. The SP over the past few months seems to sit steady at either 0.007 or 0.008, with the occasional drop to 0.006 on very minimal volumes.

Is it safer to pay a small premium on sub 1c SP than to have missed out altogether when the company eventually unearths their 1000g bonanza grade veins?

Phase 2 of their plan is where the big gains are going to be at :t_up:

17-12-2015, 11:28 AM
If they ever get there...

I have been holding a small parcel for fun for a long time, but it is definitely starting to drag on a bit. Bring on the progress!

17-12-2015, 11:29 AM
True on the 16.6 / 16.67 % part though very rarely over the past few months has it traded at 0.006 cents. The SP over the past few months seems to sit steady at either 0.007 or 0.008, with the occasional drop to 0.006 on very minimal volumes.

Is it safer to pay a small premium on sub 1c SP than to have missed out altogether when the company eventually unearths their 1000g bonanza grade veins?

Phase 2 of their plan is where the big gains are going to be at :t_up:

I can see the logic in sitting on 0.006, however I'm with you on this one. I originally bought at 0.010 and have been topping up where I can at 0.007 and 0.008.

18-12-2015, 01:20 PM
I can see the logic in sitting on 0.006, however I'm with you on this one. I originally bought at 0.010 and have been topping up where I can at 0.007 and 0.008.

The Hill Family agrees, spending 200k+ off market at just over .7. Surely Mathew doesn't know anything we don't?:p

18-12-2015, 02:44 PM
The Hill Family agrees, spending 200k+ off market at just over .7. Surely Mathew doesn't know anything we don't?:p

That ain't chump change being spent.
It must mean the mining permit extension into Rahu is imminent.

22-12-2015, 11:11 PM
On the NZPAM permit map for Talisman, the words "change pending" are now gone, which makes me think a decision has been reached. I don't really know how it works but the map still doesn't seem to include the Rahu area. Can someone more enlightened please tell us what's going on and put everyone out of our misery?

23-12-2015, 09:48 AM
On the NZPAM permit map for Talisman, the words "change pending" are now gone, which makes me think a decision has been reached. I don't really know how it works but the map still doesn't seem to include the Rahu area. Can someone more enlightened please tell us what's going on and put everyone out of our misery?

It probably means that the $200k worth of shares recently purchased wasn't a coincidence and likely a sign that Talisman permit is going to be extended out to Rahu, JV also likely on the cards?

Follow the exec team monies.

23-12-2015, 01:00 PM
On the NZPAM permit map for Talisman, the words "change pending" are now gone, which makes me think a decision has been reached. I don't really know how it works but the map still doesn't seem to include the Rahu area. Can someone more enlightened please tell us what's going on and put everyone out of our misery?

Interesting Kane. How long was the "change pending" up for? "Under review" would have meant the status quo could remain or a change implemented, but "change pending" suggests something more juicy!

As Stumpynuts says...folllow the money!

23-12-2015, 01:21 PM
I'm pretty sure it has been "change pending" since I've been checking the NZPAM site (probably the last 3 weeks at least)

23-12-2015, 05:48 PM
I'm pretty sure it has been "change pending" since I've been checking the NZPAM site (probably the last 3 weeks at least)

$200k trade was probably insider trading then, as the dealing was made before the likelihood of an announcement which might end up having material effect on the SP?

24-12-2015, 09:12 AM
This fella on HotCopper has got the right idea as well - Same thinking as me


24-12-2015, 10:02 AM
I find it a little concerning that the Rahu area on the NZPAM map has no colour at all. Is is at all possible that the EOL was declined and the Rahu exploration permit had now lapsed? I vaguely remember it being extended by only around 3 years in 2012.

Call me negative, but it is a possibility. I hope I'm way off the mark, for everyone's sake!

24-12-2015, 12:27 PM
I find it a little concerning that the Rahu area on the NZPAM map has no colour at all. Is is at all possible that the EOL was declined and the Rahu exploration permit had now lapsed? I vaguely remember it being extended by only around 3 years in 2012.

Call me negative, but it is a possibility. I hope I'm way off the mark, for everyone's sake!

More than likely that Talisman MP has been granted extension into Rahu, hence exec buying up large amount last week.
Why else would you buy in if it you knew it was going to be declined and no benefit to yourself and your family?

24-12-2015, 01:36 PM
I hope you're right, I really do. I started adding to my holding when I read Mr Hill was adding to his.

30-12-2015, 11:36 AM
I hope you're right, I really do. I started adding to my holding when I read Mr Hill was adding to his.

I hope I'm right too!

30-12-2015, 12:44 PM
Hmmm, insider trading laws would indicate there is nothing major happening that the market doesnt already know, that Hill might. Thoughts?

30-12-2015, 01:46 PM
Hmmm, insider trading laws would indicate there is nothing major happening that the market doesnt already know, that Hill might. Thoughts?

Correct, i don't think there's any insider trading going on here. reading info on the petroleum and minerals website, it seems Rahu has been considered part of the same geological formation since around some time in the 90's. the application for EOR is just an application to legitimise and incorporate exploration permit area into Talisman Permit. That the way i see it.

30-12-2015, 02:04 PM
I am bullish on this one .
Google petroleum and minerals
Click online exploration database
Click minerals (under recent releases)
Remove the report numbers in search
Type "40117" in title contains then click search. Read the abstracts.

Rahu was exploration permit EP40-117 under heritage gold
Then 51326.05 under laneway resources ltd
Then i think 54902 under talisman

I think the 54902 stuff is hidden for ammendments

30-12-2015, 02:18 PM
I am bullish on this one .

But i have not been buying anymore.

30-12-2015, 02:29 PM
Hmmm, insider trading laws would indicate there is nothing major happening that the market doesnt already know, that Hill might. Thoughts?

I believe that he knows the permit will be granted and extended into Rahu which will have a material effect on the SP.

Upon further reading of current insider trading legislation and my interpretation of what is there, it seems the $200k trade the other week would be a legitimate transaction by way of inheritance or gift through a trust. Section 241, subsection 3b

30-12-2015, 07:00 PM
Permit 40117 is listed as expired on NZPAM website. I'm unsure what this means in regards to the EOL application

30-12-2015, 10:09 PM
Permit 40117 is listed as expired on NZPAM website. I'm unsure what this means in regards to the EOL application

Educated guess would say that it refers to Rahu's pending announcement of ceasing to being an exploration permit and being extended under Talisman's mining permit, hence the removal of EP40117 and also the large buy up of $200k by exec.

40117 would only still be up if Rahu was still going to remain as an exploration permit.

I tell ya it's going to be extended into Talisman's MP on a few of the following baseless statements.
- Current govt is pro-mining (Mineral exploration & deep sea oil etc.)
- The anti-miners have had their day in court, challenged local council decisions that had no opposition whatsoever and have been shot down at all avenues thus far.
- H&S & Traffic management plans have been submitted and haven't had any negatives reported to date
- First sales of gold already came through from those top layers of crap piles of dirt, only going to increase from here on out

Expect a JV announcement in the near short-term.

30-12-2015, 10:11 PM
Permit 40117 is listed as expired on NZPAM website. I'm unsure what this means in regards to the EOL application

Yes, this is not a concern. This is an old number for the Rahu area

31-12-2015, 04:44 PM
That makes sense. Hopefully we get some good news to kick off 2016 with a bang. Happy new year to all shareholders

05-01-2016, 10:26 AM
World markets nervous and plummet...POG up as a consequence. Yeah baby yeah! And did I mention an imminent announcement on Rahu? What this stock needs is the scurrilous rampers on HC to get a hold of it. Surely there's enough smoke for them to see the fire!

07-01-2016, 02:49 PM
After looking like a decision on the EOL application may be forthcoming, everything seems to have gone quiet again...

07-01-2016, 08:09 PM
After looking like a decision on the EOL application may be forthcoming, everything seems to have gone quiet again...

Ummm... A small thing called Christmas/New year got in the way, wouldn't you think Kane? I doubt any of the govt depts. are due back until Mon 11th, possibly even 18th.

07-01-2016, 08:17 PM
You're right, we did just have Christmas and New Year. I had a great holiday, which seems like a distant memory already! According to their website, NZPAM were back at the office on 5th January. Patience has never been a strong point of mine...

07-01-2016, 08:52 PM
You're right, we did just have Christmas and New Year. I had a great holiday, which seems like a distant memory already! According to their website, NZPAM were back at the office on 5th January. Patience has never been a strong point of mine...

Back on the 5th? That's good news, although maybe a skeleton staff. Either way hopefully it means we get an answer sooner rather than later.

If anything will teach you patience Kane it is surely NTL :bored:

07-01-2016, 09:02 PM
I've been a shareholder for almost 10 years, you would think I would have learnt to be patient by now! I'm confident about the EOL application and subsequent joint venture with Newmont and significantly increased my shareholding late last year

08-01-2016, 10:30 AM
The only poster on HotCopper put up this link.


08-01-2016, 10:44 AM
I have been following his posts for a while now, they are usually very informative. Do we know if he is linked to any posters on this forum?

08-01-2016, 03:00 PM
You're right, we did just have Christmas and New Year. I had a great holiday, which seems like a distant memory already! According to their website, NZPAM were back at the office on 5th January. Patience has never been a strong point of mine...

I would think an announcement before the 18th would be in order. Just a feeling. Nzpm will want to have all their model answers prepared for the media etc once the decision is announced either way.

08-01-2016, 03:01 PM
You're right, we did just have Christmas and New Year. I had a great holiday, which seems like a distant memory already! According to their website, NZPAM were back at the office on 5th January. Patience has never been a strong point of mine...

I would think an announcement before the 18th would be in order. Just a feeling. Nzpm will want to have all their model answers prepared for the media etc once the decision is announced either way.

08-01-2016, 03:01 PM
You're right, we did just have Christmas and New Year. I had a great holiday, which seems like a distant memory already! According to their website, NZPAM were back at the office on 5th January. Patience has never been a strong point of mine...

I would think an announcement before the 18th would be in order. Just a feeling. Nzpm will want to have all their model answers prepared for the media etc once the decision is announced either way.

09-01-2016, 09:58 PM
I noticed on the NZPAM website that the permit held by Laneway, surrounding the Talisman, is pending a change. I'm of the understanding that Laneway would have to agree to a small overlap of their permit if our EOL application is to be approved. Is the pending change to Laneways permit (54216) related to our pending application or something totally separate?

10-01-2016, 05:46 PM
The link:


12-01-2016, 12:05 PM
Someone was keen to pick up a parcel this morning

12-01-2016, 06:53 PM
All the 8 gone might finaly see some progress.

12-01-2016, 08:08 PM
All the 8 gone might finaly see some progress.

Its on.... time to put my sell in at 5.3c :eek2:

12-01-2016, 08:56 PM
Bit on the cheap side:t_up:

12-01-2016, 10:05 PM
Unfortunately it's never the sell price that moves a share, it's the buy price...

13-01-2016, 06:17 AM
Here's the link to the most recent disclosure notice, detailing Mr Hill's recent "purchase"


If you read the last two pages, it seems it isn't a purchase as such, more like settlement of a loan. Also of interest is the connection between the lender and company involved. Can anyone help shed some light on this?

13-01-2016, 09:15 AM
Someone was keen to pick up a parcel this morningmight have been the owner of boolswool up on Rahu

13-01-2016, 09:37 AM
Here's the link to the most recent disclosure notice, detailing Mr Hill's recent "purchase"


If you read the last two pages, it seems it isn't a purchase as such, more like settlement of a loan. Also of interest is the connection between the lender and company involved. Can anyone help shed some light on this?

Here's my interpretation in easy, non-legal speak.

Terms of agreement.
1. It's basically saying that Hill Family Trust will accept the transfer of ownership of the shares from So Co Ltd. to HFT Trust, but only after 'full satisfaction and discharge of the loan' is completed.
In other words - Once the shares have been paid for to So Co Ltd the shares will be transferred into full ownership into Hill Family Trust.

2. Second term is basically saying that the shares are protected from the repo men/liquidators etc.

it all just seems to be a basic transfer of the 28,000,000 shares from one investment vehicle to another, all for personal benefit at the end of the day.

13-01-2016, 09:58 AM
it all just seems to be a basic transfer of the 28,000,000 shares from one investment vehicle to another, all for personal benefit at the end of the day.

Check out what the poster put up here.
Personal benefits-y see - Daddy basically topping up the trust account


15-01-2016, 12:40 PM
As the permit application was removed from the NZPAM permitting website more than a few weeks ago, I'm now convinced that a decision has been reached. I understand only applications that are accepted, under evaluation, awaiting approval or approved remain on the website. The way I see it, there are two possible scenarios:

1. NTL have been advised that the EOL application has been declined and are yet to inform this market. This would also mean the Rahu exploration permit has expired. I hope for everyone's sake, this is not the case. I also believe withholding commercially sensitive information is somewhat frowned upon.

2. NTL have been advised that the EOL application has been successful and are yet to inform this market. Reasons may include; still on holiday / still typing an announcement / finalising JV discussions, etc. If this was the case, NTL would have had to request NZPAM delay updating the online status to accepted (as this would be commercially sensitive information). I am unsure if this is even possible???

Without getting too negative, I'm starting to get a slightly sick feeling in my stomach...

15-01-2016, 12:54 PM
As the permit application was removed from the NZPAM permitting website more than a few weeks ago, I'm now convinced that a decision has been reached. I understand only applications that are accepted, under evaluation, awaiting approval or approved remain on the website. The way I see it, there are two possible scenarios:

1. NTL have been advised that the EOL application has been declined and are yet to inform this market. This would also mean the Rahu exploration permit has expired. I hope for everyone's sake, this is not the case. I also believe withholding commercially sensitive information is somewhat frowned upon.

2. NTL have been advised that the EOL application has been successful and are yet to inform this market. Reasons may include; still on holiday / still typing an announcement / finalising JV discussions, etc. If this was the case, NTL would have had to request NZPAM delay updating the online status to accepted (as this would be commercially sensitive information). I am unsure if this is even possible???

Without getting too negative, I'm starting to get a slightly sick feeling in my stomach...

Either way the market would have to be informed immediately Kane. We haven't had an announcement so I think it's safe to assume NTL haven't received a decision. Have a ginger beer to settle your stomach :cool:

15-01-2016, 01:10 PM
My thoughts exactly. However, it doesn't explain why the application has been taken off the NZPAM website

15-01-2016, 01:13 PM
My thoughts exactly. However, it doesn't explain why the application has been taken off the NZPAM website

Perhaps NZPAM have made a decision but not written it up and forwarded it yet. Fun speculating I guess. Bit like gold mining really! (Burps satisfying ginger beer burp)

15-01-2016, 02:37 PM
Looks like someone just burped up some at 0.7c today.

22-01-2016, 03:39 AM
Sadly, I think the sick feeling in my stomach may prove correct. The Rahu area is now listed as NAA (newly available acreage) on the NZPAM website

22-01-2016, 08:06 AM
Sadly, I think the sick feeling in my stomach may prove correct. The Rahu area is now listed as NAA (newly available acreage) on the NZPAM website

NAA meaning newly available to be prospected or for the prospecting rights? Big difference

22-01-2016, 08:44 AM
Hi jonu, do you believe this is good or bad news for us?

22-01-2016, 09:05 AM
Hi jonu, do you believe this is good or bad news for us?

I really don't know Kane, hence my previous post. I'm unfamiliar with the terms used on NZPAM. However as discussed earlier anything significant, good or bad, has to be immediately released to market by NTL and we have heard nothing, so I'm not too concerned.

22-01-2016, 12:54 PM

22/01/2016 12:45
REL: 1245 HRS New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

MINE: NTL: Rahu Update

22nd January 2016



New Talisman announced today that pursuant to the Heads of Agreement with
Newcrest Mining Limited dated 19th May 2015, the parties are working together
on options available to them following receipt by New Talisman of advice on
12 January 2016 that its application for an extension of land over Rahu had
been declined by New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals.

Matthew Hill said that "New Talisman is excited by the prospect of working
with a major international gold producer on the discovery that New Talisman
made at Rahu. We continue to progress the options open to us in the spirit of
the Heads of Agreement and will update the market in due course."

22-01-2016, 12:54 PM
Sadly, I think the sick feeling in my stomach may prove correct. The Rahu area is now listed as NAA (newly available acreage) on the NZPAM website

For all we know this could just be the update of the now-outdated exploration permit formally being cancelled.
Only the insiders whether it's going to now become mining permit or not?

Follow the exec monies...... I've done this quite a few times on ASX shares where the directors bought up just before a pending market announcement, and the result was SP increased significantly and I cashed up making several thousands on top of my initial capital once all settled.

22-01-2016, 12:56 PM
Excited that it was declined? Excited that his recent share purchase (or was it just a transfer) is worth less? Excited that we are all incredibly patient and optimistic? :scared:

22-01-2016, 12:59 PM
Certainly not good in the short term. Sellers already lining up. I don't think it changes the long term outlook too much. More than one way to skin a cat. NTL still holds the info on the area.

22-01-2016, 01:01 PM
Jonu, is that you, 1m at $0.001?

22-01-2016, 01:31 PM
They were notified on 12th January. Why has it taken this long to let us know?

22-01-2016, 01:46 PM
They were notified on 12th January. Why has it taken this long to let us know?

Correct, it is unacceptable. They have done this in the past re: the potential investors before the potential chinese investor. Weeks went by and they knew the first investor walked away. Then, when they updated, they said they were looking at other options. I Think if someone wanted to put a formal complaint in, they would get their arse kicked by FMA with a nice big fat $400,000 or there abouts fine. It would certainly make them think think twice before leaving it so long to inform the market next time.

On a side note. If they know longer hold Rahu resourse, what would that reduce their net tangible assets by?

22-01-2016, 01:48 PM
They were too busy digging gold out of the hills. Fairly typical for NTL. Everything, slow slow, hang on, a snail overtook them.

22-01-2016, 03:23 PM
Correct, it is unacceptable. They have done this in the past re: the potential investors before the potential chinese investor. Weeks went by and they knew the first investor walked away. Then, when they updated, they said they were looking at other options. I Think if someone wanted to put a formal complaint in, they would get their arse kicked by FMA with a nice big fat $400,000 or there abouts fine. It would certainly make them think think twice before leaving it so long to inform the market next time.

On a side note. If they know longer hold Rahu resourse, what would that reduce their net tangible assets by?

NZPAM offices officially opened 18th Jan so 6 days really not long if they had queried whatever was received.

22-01-2016, 03:48 PM
Once could argue, that based on no SP movement, this information was fully priced in already....OR
The only people who care (us) are happy sitting on our hands for another couple of years becasuse....WE HAVE NO CHOICE

22-01-2016, 04:14 PM
Once could argue, that based on no SP movement, this information was fully priced in already....OR
The only people who care (us) are happy sitting on our hands for another couple of years becasuse....WE HAVE NO CHOICE

I like the emphasis on the last sentence, lol

22-01-2016, 04:52 PM
Jonu, is that you, 1m at $0.001?

No. Why would you assume that?

22-01-2016, 05:24 PM
No. Why would you assume that?

Just being cheeky, skinning a $0.001 cat

22-01-2016, 05:43 PM
Just being cheeky, skinning a $0.001 cat

Fair enough.

I am disappointed but I think more will unfold on this. My understanding (and I don't know the local area) is that NTL have the best access to that block. It still is a logical hook-up for a JV regardless.

25-01-2016, 08:35 AM
Fair enough.

I am disappointed but I think more will unfold on this. My understanding (and I don't know the local area) is that NTL have the best access to that block. It still is a logical hook-up for a JV regardless.

It would be pretty dumb for NTL exec to purchase such a large amount knowing that application was imminently going to be denied. The reason for permit being denied is also void of a reason for denial?

Who knows what the full story is - Perhaps it's an engineered case of Newcrest offering to pay fully for exploration of Rahu instead, in exchange for a share of the discovered gold?

22-02-2016, 03:01 PM
That sinking feeling - there is patience, and there is economics. My fear is that with the SP still in gradual fall, that raising capital is going to become more and more of a problem for NTL - yes, offer more shares to us to raise the $$$ required, but hardly likely to cover major capital costs. Nervous.:confused:

22-02-2016, 03:08 PM
There was mention of an "executive meeting in China" in January's Quarterly Activity Report ......... I guess they're hoping the Chinese could provide some capital ....... or was it just a "teaser"?

02-03-2016, 10:27 AM
Been awhile since any substantial news from the mine, correct me if I'm wrong but were we not just waiting on permission for the road construction to be able to initiate production?

SP taken a bit of a dive with no positive news since that court case concluded.

02-03-2016, 11:15 AM
Been awhile since any substantial news from the mine, correct me if I'm wrong but were we not just waiting on permission for the road construction to be able to initiate production?

SP taken a bit of a dive with no positive news since that court case concluded.

Am beginning to get tetchy with these guys. Maximising shareholder value doesn't seem to be a priority. Am still hopeful of significant potential here, especially with POG rising nicely, and neighbouring OGC bulging with cash, but it might be despite of rather than because of current management. Maybe I'm being harsh but it has been one disappointment after another on the JV and Rahu front.

On the upside, maybe they are in the middle of a negotiation right now, hence the reason it is so quiet! Hurry up and wait as always.

03-03-2016, 09:26 AM
Am beginning to get tetchy with these guys. Maximising shareholder value doesn't seem to be a priority. Am still hopeful of significant potential here, especially with POG rising nicely, and neighbouring OGC bulging with cash, but it might be despite of rather than because of current management. Maybe I'm being harsh but it has been one disappointment after another on the JV and Rahu front.

On the upside, maybe they are in the middle of a negotiation right now, hence the reason it is so quiet! Hurry up and wait as always.

NTL is definitely a long term hold
Quite a lot of important milestones have happened over the past 5-7 years.
- Mining permit granted
- First scraps of gold sold
- Environmental plans consulted and approved at local council/iwi level
- TMP awaiting approval
- Court case stalling tactics dismissed, hopefully no more.
- Potential upside if economists are correct in predicting a financial meltdown, which would likely lead to precious metals being invested into heavily

A bummer if you've been holding since the 80's

15-03-2016, 12:17 PM
Do you get delisted if share price goes to .1 of a cent?

15-03-2016, 12:57 PM
Traffic management plan still not approved?

Does anyone recall the date Talisman "MUST" begin mining by? I think its early this year. What happens if they don't satisfy this date. I cant find the document i was reading that stated the date.

17-03-2016, 09:16 AM
Traffic management plan still not approved?

Does anyone recall the date Talisman "MUST" begin mining by? I think its early this year. What happens if they don't satisfy this date. I cant find the document i was reading that stated the date.

I remember it being that they had to start within 5 years of mining permit being granted. Can't remember specifics though.

22-03-2016, 12:13 PM
There appears to be too much bullion on the ship - its sinking. $12k of trading is big for NTL, shame its at 0.5 and not 1.5. Some 0.4 buys next (potenitally foolish), but some are mine - I want more!

22-03-2016, 04:31 PM
There appears to be too much bullion on the ship - its sinking. $12k of trading is big for NTL, shame its at 0.5 and not 1.5. Some 0.4 buys next (potenitally foolish), but some are mine - I want more!

I have a small buy order too.

But, I think this one could be shot. I think they may be going to forego there mining license , and we wont be updated till after the fact. Im pretty sure times up very shortly or already. No mining and no traffic managment plan. I guess it may come down to what "mining" is by definition. Ill have another look to see if I can find the dates they must start mining by.

22-03-2016, 06:12 PM

Did a search there and permit 51326 active all others had expired or been surrendered over the years


22-03-2016, 10:52 PM
I have a small buy order too.

But, I think this one could be shot. I think they may be going to forego there mining license , and we wont be updated till after the fact. Im pretty sure times up very shortly or already. No mining and no traffic managment plan. I guess it may come down to what "mining" is by definition. Ill have another look to see if I can find the dates they must start mining by.

Dug this out from the archives.

When you say times up very shortly or already - You're referring to that 60months commence mining / 60months commence drilling part from way back in 2009?

Going back through previous announcements they sold the 60 ounces back in November 2014, which was just a few weeks within the 60months cutoff (If the 60months cutoff date was even still relevant at that stage?)
Could you argue that they techinically commenced mining well within the 60months when they dug up those 2 truck loads of stockpiled ore off site for processing and sale?

23-03-2016, 09:49 AM
Hmmm, seems NTL is right for the plucking, just no one wants to take it.

23-03-2016, 10:11 AM
someone trying to get out ? 0.4c

23-03-2016, 10:25 AM
Rats are jumping off the ship

23-03-2016, 12:40 PM
Dug this out from the archives.

When you say times up very shortly or already - You're referring to that 60months commence mining / 60months commence drilling part from way back in 2009?

Going back through previous announcements they sold the 60 ounces back in November 2014, which was just a few weeks within the 60months cutoff (If the 60months cutoff date was even still relevant at that stage?)
Could you argue that they techinically commenced mining well within the 60months when they dug up those 2 truck loads of stockpiled ore off site for processing and sale?

Hey Stumpy. Thats goods reseach. It was either a document or a website that gave a date. The info above could refer to the same date or not. Its probably at least a year ago I read it, as the date didnt concern me then. It could even have been 2 yr ago , which would put the above info in the right time frame.

I think you could argue that technically they commenced mining. But I also think you could argue that all their information stated it was sampling or bulk sampling. Im not sure if they have used explosives to remove any material from underground. And I dont know if removing stockpiled ore for sampling is "mining". Im not a lawyer.

Incidentally , the website http://www.newtalismangoldmines.co.nz/ doesnt show current stock prices. and I dont know when the stock quotes on their website were last updated.

They are not very good at picking up the phone either.

Hopefully we get some clarrification of whats happening soon.


23-03-2016, 12:45 PM

24-03-2016, 12:38 PM
Hey Stumpy. Thats goods reseach. It was either a document or a website that gave a date. The info above could refer to the same date or not. Its probably at least a year ago I read it, as the date didnt concern me then. It could even have been 2 yr ago , which would put the above info in the right time frame.

I think you could argue that technically they commenced mining. But I also think you could argue that all their information stated it was sampling or bulk sampling. Im not sure if they have used explosives to remove any material from underground. And I dont know if removing stockpiled ore for sampling is "mining". Im not a lawyer.

Incidentally , the website http://www.newtalismangoldmines.co.nz/ doesnt show current stock prices. and I dont know when the stock quotes on their website were last updated.

They are not very good at picking up the phone either.

Hopefully we get some clarrification of whats happening soon.


They did announce they were in discussions with the Chinese I suspect they are unlikely to announce until they have completed such discussions. Seems they have done well if I am reading the HOA with Newcrest is still in place on Rahu.

24-03-2016, 12:55 PM
They did announce they were in discussions with the Chinese I suspect they are unlikely to announce until they have completed such discussions. Seems they have done well if I am reading the HOA with Newcrest is still in place on Rahu.

It isn't the first time discussions have been held with Chinese investors, and not the first time that discussions could amount to nothing.
I'd wish they'd stop dicking around and just announce a JV with Newcrest already. The two companies seem to complement each other very well.

25-03-2016, 01:38 PM
It isn't the first time discussions have been held with Chinese investors, and not the first time that discussions could amount to nothing.
I'd wish they'd stop dicking around and just announce a JV with Newcrest already. The two companies seem to complement each other very well.

They have already announced an hoa with newcrest stumpynuts or dont you read?. Funny how ppl whine when company has numerous times stated how much it needs to start the mine in each prospectus its done....had we all participated gold would be pouring out of this mine.

28-03-2016, 09:20 AM
They have already announced an hoa with newcrest stumpynuts or dont you read?. Funny how ppl whine when company has numerous times stated how much it needs to start the mine in each prospectus its done....had we all participated gold would be pouring out of this mine.

Yes I've reading NTL/HGD's announcements for the past 10yrs - A HOA isn't a formalised JV-anything.
And I wasn't whining either I was just having a cheeky dig at the company.

Seriously was there any need for your tone of comments?

Disappointed in your post.

29-03-2016, 11:57 AM
Guys, lets chill out - PoG is on the rise :-)

29-03-2016, 09:14 PM
Patience is a virtue.
Patience can wear thin.
Toss that gold dime and see which way it lands with HGD / NTL...

08-04-2016, 04:25 PM

Newcrest has hook out for deals (https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http://www.nzresources.com/showarticle.aspx%3Fid%3D8435%26guid%3D30008435&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTMjcxNDM3NjAxNDc4MDY3MDA3NTIcYjhjMzljM2I 1ZTA3NDI1YTpjby5uejplbjpOWg&usg=AFQjCNEqLHIdvHFyeemTL1a7pFzwdenYJA)NZResources .com (subscription)
Also, it has reached advanced negotiations with New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd (NZX & ASX: NTL) on its Rahu gold prospect adjacent to NTL's slow ...

10-04-2016, 02:54 PM

Newcrest has hook out for deals (https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http://www.nzresources.com/showarticle.aspx%3Fid%3D8435%26guid%3D30008435&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTMjcxNDM3NjAxNDc4MDY3MDA3NTIcYjhjMzljM2I 1ZTA3NDI1YTpjby5uejplbjpOWg&usg=AFQjCNEqLHIdvHFyeemTL1a7pFzwdenYJA)NZResources .com (subscription)
Also, it has reached advanced negotiations with New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd (NZX & ASX: NTL) on its Rahu gold prospect adjacent to NTL's slow ...


11-04-2016, 09:41 AM
Thanks Hilskin and Stumpy. I guess NTL will get around to informing us in their quarterly activities report. Very positive. I wish I had some spare cash to hoover up some more at these sub spp prices.

12-04-2016, 12:14 PM
Good to see a bit of buying interest in NTL

13-04-2016, 03:21 PM
13/04/2016 15:19
REL: 1519 HRS New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

MINE: NTL: Traffic Management Plan Approved

13th April 2016



The Board of New Talisman Gold Mines Limited (NTL) is delighted to announce
that it has received notification from the Hauraki District Council that the
Traffic Management plan submitted on 04 April 2016 has been approved in
A valid Traffic management plan was approved for the proposed truck movements
on the mine road on 15 May 2014 and NTL removed 100Tons of ore for treatment
at (then) Newmonts Waihi treatment plant. Subsequently such was reviewed by
the Hauraki District Council and a request made for a new application to be
accompanied by an independent road user survey. The independent report showed
that volumes of vehicular and non-vehicular are low and that the level of
vehicle movements contemplated by NTL will have an insignificant effect on
the efficiency and safety of the roads in question.
NTL has been working closely with the Planning and Roading teams at the
Hauraki District Council and are grateful for their efforts in ensuring that
both the mine and the community can work alongside one another safely within
the legal requirements of the District plan.
NTL takes the safety of the public and other road users as a priority and has
been working with the Department of conservation with an aim of designing a
walking track which would provide an alternative route to ensure trampers and
pedestrians continue to have access to the area (with the exception of the
Mine portal which will be closed off to the public at the appropriate time).

NTL takes the safety of the public and other road users as a priority and has
implemented a number of self-imposed safety precautions to further enhance
the effectiveness of the TMP.
Matthew Hill said " We are delighted to accomplish yet another major
milestone for the Talisman mine on its journey to regaining its stature in
the New Zealand gold industry. The granting of the Traffic management plan
demonstrates that NTL can progress its plans under the resource consents
granted by HDC and the community can be satisfied that measures are proposed
which ensure the highest levels of public safety are maintained with minimal

13-04-2016, 03:22 PM
SP is moving as fast as they trucks on the road. ;)

13-04-2016, 03:39 PM
Really? Two years to get a Traffic Management Plan? Perhaps an updated Milestone Plan would be better to give investors a clearer idea of when they expect to actually start mining.

13-04-2016, 04:04 PM
The market is speaking...........softly. SP up, on light trade. Might make the news tonight.

Yes, NTL has made me a cynical, sarcastic person

13-04-2016, 04:13 PM
Really? Two years to get a Traffic Management Plan? Perhaps an updated Milestone Plan would be better to give investors a clearer idea of when they expect to actually start mining.

A Milestone plan of the time it takes for outside government departments to make decisions would not really provide any value

Seems they have stated what they are doing and appear to be knocking every brick out of the way on their way to the start of the project.

If I recall correctly they made about 180K out of those gold sales which had grades of over 2 ounces.

Seems a good couple of results for these guys. TMP - last consent needed. Sale of BPL shares which seem to have moved from 2 cents to 5.5 cents.

Good on ya NTL keep on plugging away.

13-04-2016, 06:59 PM
I would love some better communication out of NTL. That announcement suggests they only submitted this revised plan a week ago on April 6th. But their quarterly activities report in January stated "For the quarter through to December 30, New Talisman focussed primarily on finalising the revised Traffic Management Plan (TMP). This has now been submitted and approval is expected shortly". So... it was submitted then? Which is it?

I am really looking forward to some solid deadlines on when mining will begin. If they need funding to start, then so be it, I just want them to commit to a deadline.

14-04-2016, 08:52 AM
It sure feels like they're treading water ....... maybe the Quarterly Report in a couple weeks will be more forthcoming?

14-04-2016, 09:46 AM
It sure feels like they're treading water ....... maybe the Quarterly Report in a couple weeks will be more forthcoming?

Maybe more like a duck swimming :cool: Things look calm on the surface. I hope anyway. Newcrest wouldn't have mentioned the advanced JV discussions in their investor update if they didn't think they were going to go somewhere. I think it is starting to click, but yes it has been painfully slow to this point.

14-04-2016, 11:00 AM
Just traded at 0.9. I suggest a party when it trades at 1, and another when it trades at 2 a week later:p

14-04-2016, 11:41 AM
Just traded at 0.9. I suggest a party when it trades at 1, and another when it trades at 2 a week later:p

Holy Hell, got caught short there, already traded at 1. No cold ones in the fridge. Best Stumpy hosts. No problem eh Stumpy?

14-04-2016, 11:41 AM
Just traded at 0.9. I suggest a party when it trades at 1, and another when it trades at 2 a week later:p

Party Time...!!

14-04-2016, 11:43 AM
Party Time...!!

Yep, party at Stumpy's, pass it on.

14-04-2016, 11:51 AM
Holy Hell, got caught short there, already traded at 1. No cold ones in the fridge. Best Stumpy hosts. No problem eh Stumpy?

Was caught short mean? Same as caught by surprise?

14-04-2016, 11:54 AM
Was caught short mean? Same as caught by surprise?

Yes, not the trading type "short". Should be more aware of my surroundings.

14-04-2016, 12:21 PM
Yes, not the trading type "short". Should be more aware of my surroundings.

Lol, good to know.

14-04-2016, 12:41 PM
Yep, party at Stumpy's, pass it on.

Sure thing!

I'll even invite Bullish if he/she's up for it, snarky comments and all.

14-04-2016, 05:34 PM
I'll take a Golden Ale thanks

14-04-2016, 05:40 PM
I'll take a Golden Ale thanks

You're late Landy. We're already into the top shelf.

14-04-2016, 06:21 PM
Still... GAFMO. my bedsores have bedsores waiting for this boat to sail. Stoopid bureaucracy we live in, a pyramid of ticket clippers.

15-04-2016, 10:23 AM
And here we go.....



The Board of New Talisman Gold Mines Limited (NTL) is delighted to announce
that it has received formal notification that its application for a Change of
Conditions" COC" to the Talisman Mining permit has been received and is
currently being processed by New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals.
NTL has submitted its application consistent with the terms included in the
Change of Conditions granted in April 2015, for a minor amendment.
As has been announced previously NTL anticipates the lead time from receipt
of all consent to the first removal of ore from Talisman will be 6 months.
During the lead time NTL will install infrastructure including ventilation,
power and water systems as well as complete mine road upgrade prior to
commencement of heavy vehicle movements.
With all necessary consents now complete the company is in the process of
implementing its plans at Talisman.

Blue Horseshoe
15-04-2016, 10:32 AM
Really? Two years to get a Traffic Management Plan? Perhaps an updated Milestone Plan would be better to give investors a clearer idea of when they expect to actually start mining.
Ask and you shall receive, woo hoo.

15-04-2016, 10:33 AM
And.....We're off to the races. Get ready for the ride!

15-04-2016, 10:36 AM
who snapped up the 0.8s - SP down to start they day. Can anyone remember what the market analysis said, something like 1.3-1.4 is fair value? Maybe Im imaging things.

15-04-2016, 10:45 AM
who snapped up the 0.8s - SP down to start they day. Can anyone remember what the market analysis said, something like 1.3-1.4 is fair value? Maybe Im imaging things.

Fair Value dependant on the POG and NZ dollar. POG in NZ dollars has lifted a lot and therefore so has NTL's margins for getting the stuff out of the ground. On top of that is RAHU which is waiting to be unlocked...by the sound of it with Newcrest's help by way of JV. As I said, get ready for the ride.

Discl; Holding plenty (if you hadn't guessed)

15-04-2016, 10:58 AM
Thanks Jonu.

Discl: Holding plenty too, and way out of the money at the moment.

15-04-2016, 11:44 AM
Thanks Jonu.

Discl: Holding plenty too, and way out of the money at the moment.

Me too.

Hopefully all things going to plan I'll be able to retire early in the next few years.
If NTL SP even got to a fraction of where OGC SP has ended up I'd be a happy chappy.

15-04-2016, 11:47 AM
Thanks Jonu.

Discl: Holding plenty too, and way out of the money at the moment.

Me too.

Hopefully all things going to plan I'll be able to retire early in the next few years.
If NTL SP could follow in the footsteps of OGC SP I'd be a happy chappy, even if a portion of their SP.

15-04-2016, 11:55 AM
Been waiting for a while...BUT ... If HGD / NTL can keep joining those dots we may get good news from that mine...

15-04-2016, 11:56 AM
Given the "good news", I wonder if there will be another SPP soon. Would fit the trend

15-04-2016, 11:59 AM
Given the "good news", I wonder if there will be another SPP soon. Would fit the trend

Can't see why Landy. They are on the verge of positive cashflow. Their costs of extraction are low and they still have the old spoil to process. PLUS who knows what shape the possible JV with Newcrest might take? I think they have plenty of other options available to them. For once with these guys, a nice position to be in.

15-04-2016, 12:18 PM
I would love some better communication out of NTL. That announcement suggests they only submitted this revised plan a week ago on April 6th. But their quarterly activities report in January stated "For the quarter through to December 30, New Talisman focussed primarily on finalising the revised Traffic Management Plan (TMP). This has now been submitted and approval is expected shortly". So... it was submitted then? Which is it?

I am really looking forward to some solid deadlines on when mining will begin. If they need funding to start, then so be it, I just want them to commit to a deadline.

Its pretty easy to follow if you go back through their releases.

They had a TMP in 2014 i think. Removed ore then such was magically revoked. Was around same time "good as gold" was on here showcasing the nimby view before being banned.

They had to do some road survey. If you follow all the announcements you will probably get a much better picture on cash timings and plan if you look at last 3 last offer documents and 2 annual reports as that is where most of the summaries and timing appear. As they have done so much since 2012 when they were heritage it is hard to get the full view without going back a fair way. The company has veen very consistent with communications compared to when they were heritage. Others here would probably remember the Heritage type of comms.

This change of conditions is a fairly good move.

The timeline appears to be as soon as they possibly can.

15-04-2016, 12:50 PM
Hey guys wondering if anyone can help...

I seem to be missing some shares! when i participated in the capital raising previously I have manually added them to my portfolio on the ANZ Securities but just going back through the paperwork from computershare and they show me owning a less amount...

15-04-2016, 01:05 PM
Hey guys wondering if anyone can help...

I seem to be missing some shares! when i participated in the capital raising previously I have manually added them to my portfolio on the ANZ Securities but just going back through the paperwork from computershare and they show me owning a less amount...

Contact computershare. Have your transfer of funds or evidence of payment handy. You should also have retained a copy of the completed application form of the spp for your accounting records, have that handy as well. Or contact your broker and get their confirmation of your holdings

15-04-2016, 01:51 PM
Have to say I'm surprised with the muted response today to further good news. Especially after yesterday's surge. Put it down to Fridayitus perhaps?

22-04-2016, 03:31 PM
Well here we are at Friday and back trading at 1. Appears to be a bit of interest today, maybe leading into the quarterly activities report. Next week could be the breakout. Party at Stumpy's for 2 cent mark still booked in.

22-04-2016, 06:47 PM
Well here we are at Friday and back trading at 1. Appears to be a bit of interest today, maybe leading into the quarterly activities report. Next week could be the breakout. Party at Stumpy's for 2 cent mark still booked in.

No party until we get to the magic $1.00 mark!
Hold me to my word and we can organise a get together in person.

22-04-2016, 09:16 PM
So no party for several years then.....

25-04-2016, 05:15 PM
Bummer... I was hoping someone would correct me and say "oh no, it should be over $1.00 by the end of the year, start planning your retirement" oh well wishful thinking....

25-04-2016, 08:04 PM
Think this week's quarterly report will get the sp moving ...... but not to your $1 ..... I'd be more than happy with 10c by the end of the year!!

26-04-2016, 09:34 AM
Bummer... I was hoping someone would correct me and say "oh no, it should be over $1.00 by the end of the year, start planning your retirement" oh well wishful thinking....

$1.00 medium to long term is more than realistic. End of year - Your dreammmmmmmmming.

29-04-2016, 04:32 PM
Quarterly Activity is out. Looks like the Chinese are serious. Just topped up some more.

30-04-2016, 12:03 PM
Quarterly Activity is out. Looks like the Chinese are serious. Just topped up some more.

Surprised by the lack of interest about this. Google Amer International and see what you come up with. 38 billion in sales in 2014. Actively seeking acquisitions in base metals. One of the world's largest players in copper. Oh and by the way they are making eyes at little old NTL

30-04-2016, 12:56 PM
Surprised by the lack of interest about this. Google Amer International and see what you come up with. 38 billion in sales in 2014. Actively seeking acquisitions in base metals. One of the world's largest players in copper. Oh and by the way they are making eyes at little old NTL

Takeover prospect?

30-04-2016, 01:39 PM
Takeover prospect?

The Quarterly says "Both parties are working closely with one another to deliver an outcome which is beneficial to Amer and our existing shareholders."

Takeover is a possibility by that statement, or perhaps significant stakeholding by way of cash injection. Either way it means true value can begin to be realised.

30-04-2016, 03:27 PM
The Quarterly says "Both parties are working closely with one another to deliver an outcome which is beneficial to Amer and our existing shareholders."

Takeover is a possibility by that statement, or perhaps significant stakeholding by way of cash injection. Either way it means true value can begin to be realised.

Yes I've had the feeling that for the first part of this year they've been short of capital and waiting for something to happen ...... they met Amer a couple months ago ..... with gold going the way it is I'm very optimistic about the future.

30-04-2016, 10:56 PM
Either way it means true value can begin to be realised.

Phase 2, Mystery vein and the deeper parts of the mine is where & when the party at my place will be.

30-04-2016, 11:00 PM
Great post by Robbo at H/C

Blue Horseshoe
01-05-2016, 08:43 AM
Wow, just read it, he really loves this stock, good info.

NTL might be a lump of coal about to turn into a diamond or should I say GOLD.:t_up:

01-05-2016, 09:03 AM
Great post by Robbo at H/C

Yeah, pity he doesn't post on here any more ..... very knowledgeable on NTL

01-05-2016, 10:59 PM
Another update from Robbo this little company (NTL) certainly has some huge company sniffing around.
Amer International is 247 of the 2016 Fortune 500 list. I quoted its 2013 ranking of 387.

Amer International has grown a lot in 2 years, hasn't it? :)

02-05-2016, 09:08 AM
Could be an interesting day. Opening is already looking strong. I've long held hopes for this (was a shareholder of Heritage), I reckon its time has finally arrived. Longer term could be a 10 bagger for those who have managed to average low enough (my average is under 0.8) but in the shorter term 2.5 is achievable in my view. POG at $1290 US isn't doing any harm either!

02-05-2016, 09:53 AM
Could be an interesting day. Opening is already looking strong. I've long held hopes for this (was a shareholder of Heritage), I reckon its time has finally arrived. Longer term could be a 10 bagger for those who have managed to average low enough (my average is under 0.8) but in the shorter term 2.5 is achievable in my view. POG at $1290 US isn't doing any harm either!

Early to mid tens once speculative traders start to get a whiff...

02-05-2016, 10:29 AM
Cant help but feel there is a little bit of ramping going on here....

02-05-2016, 10:32 AM
Cant help but feel there is a little bit of ramping going on here....

I'm offended by that Hawkeye. Perhaps you could elaborate as to why NTL aren't onto something fantastic here?

02-05-2016, 10:42 AM
Sorry Jonu, I didn't mean to offend, and while I expect some gains in NTL this year, I'm failing to see what recent news would get us into the tens, I would be delighted if that happened, but given NTL's lacklustre performance in the past after what seemed to be big announcements, I'm reluctant to believe the hype straight away.

02-05-2016, 10:49 AM
Sorry Jonu, I didn't mean to offend, and while I expect some gains in NTL this year, I'm failing to see what recent news would get us into the tens, I would be delighted if that happened, but given NTL's lacklustre performance in the past after what seemed to be big announcements, I'm reluctant to believe the hype straight away.

Thanks Hawkeye. I'll admit I've been at the end of my tether with these guys, but as long as they negotiate well with Amer, I think they really have cracked it. The JORC figures and current margins on extraction are very exciting.

It was Stumpy's comment about mid tens, I actually wonder if he meant teens as in 1.5 - 1.6. Guess he can speak for himself.

02-05-2016, 11:35 AM
Thanks Hawkeye. I'll admit I've been at the end of my tether with these guys, but as long as they negotiate well with Amer, I think they really have cracked it. The JORC figures and current margins on extraction are very exciting.

It was Stumpy's comment about mid tens, I actually wonder if he meant teens as in 1.5 - 1.6. Guess he can speak for himself.

1.5 - 1.6 is the sensible and more realistic SP to achieve this year, however it wouldn't surprise me if it did get to 10cents in short term.
As we've seen in the past spec traders can push up share prices to stupid and unrealistic prices - XRO $40.00 + is a good example of SP going up without the underlying fundamentals behind it.

I agree with the sentiment that NTL really have turned the company around in the past few years.

Speculative trading...

02-05-2016, 11:48 AM

02-05-2016, 12:17 PM
1.5 - 1.6 is the sensible and more realistic SP to achieve this year, however it wouldn't surprise me if it did get to 10cents in short term.
As we've seen in the past spec traders can push up share prices to stupid and unrealistic prices - XRO $40.00 + is a good example of SP going up without the underlying fundamentals behind it.

I agree with the sentiment that NTL really have turned the company around in the past few years.

Speculative trading...

Stumpy. I agree that other than a positive quarter which frankly i took more from the HOA with Newcrest and their updating the data on Talisman than Chinese is unlikely to bring anything more than a few speculators to the sp.

Doing business with the Chinese is always a drawn out process and from memory NTL have had signed binding deals with Chinese parties which for whatever reason were not honoured. Most recently they did a placement with a Chinese investor who simply failed to settle.

What will drive the sp is the company pulling out ore for which imo they have done a great job navigating the landmines that are present in the NZ mining industry. Nimbys, doc, resource consents, nzpam etc.

If the company can now gain the funds which it needa for bulk sampling we are underway.

02-05-2016, 12:27 PM
Stumpy. I agree that other than a positive quarter which frankly i took more from the HOA with Newcrest and their updating the data on Talisman than Chinese is unlikely to bring anything more than a few speculators to the sp.

Doing business with the Chinese is always a drawn out process and from memory NTL have had signed binding deals with Chinese parties which for whatever reason were not honoured. Most recently they did a placement with a Chinese investor who simply failed to settle.

What will drive the sp is the company pulling out ore for which imo they have done a great job navigating the landmines that are present in the NZ mining industry. Nimbys, doc, resource consents, nzpam etc.

If the company can now gain the funds which it needa for bulk sampling we are underway.

Some fair points Bullish, but I see a major difference between Amer and the last clown who reneged. Amer have been anything but sluggish in the last 3-4 years and have a reputation to keep. They are seriously large players on the world stage.

Blue Horseshoe
02-05-2016, 12:58 PM
NTL going through at .014 over the ditch.

02-05-2016, 01:03 PM
NTL going through at .014 over the ditch.

So I see Blue. Do keep up NZX. We should be 1.5 to match. (Mind you on bugger all volume)

02-05-2016, 01:08 PM

02-05-2016, 02:26 PM
If the company can now gain the funds which it needa for bulk sampling we are underway.

Agreed. Funds will definitely get there - we now have two large players possibly wanting to partner with us.

Nek minnit - Third, fourth and fifth company want to do a deal.

03-05-2016, 09:25 AM
Early bids indicate a trip further north this morning. Oh happy day! POG tested $1300 late yesterday and just hovering below again. All bodes well:)

03-05-2016, 10:29 AM
Coming back to the Aussie closing price now, profit taking imo.

03-05-2016, 10:40 AM
Coming back to the Aussie closing price now, profit taking imo.

The ASX question is interesting. Volumes have been very low over there recently, but I reckon it will be what drives it higher if they wake up to it. Robbo is doing his share on Hotcopper. His recent posts there are worth a read.

03-05-2016, 02:54 PM
Old article, but Hill said that once they had the cash they needed ( I dont think they ever got it), that it would be 6 months before they got the ore out (or started too).

Anyway, still lots of positives at the moment, Ive been pressing the refresh key many times watching it trade :-)

03-05-2016, 03:07 PM
Old article, but Hill said that once they had the cash they needed ( I dont think they ever got it), that it would be 6 months before they got the ore out (or started too).

Anyway, still lots of positives at the moment, Ive been pressing the refresh key many times watching it trade :-)

Lookes like the ausies are waking up.

03-05-2016, 03:11 PM
Lookes like the ausies are waking up.

Yep, volume on ASX double the NZX today. Looks promising all right.

EDIT: Oz is up and off. 3x NZX volume and trading at 1.4 OZ. with a healthy bid at that price.

04-05-2016, 10:28 AM
Hi Ho, Hi Ho it's up to 2 we go (apologies to Walt Disney). Ready or not Stumpy!

In all seriousness this is turning into a fun ride. NTL traded in a 50% range yesterday on the ASX (1---1.5) on a much higher volume than the NZX.

04-05-2016, 10:32 AM
Sellers are thinning out, do I dare to dream, that it can skip all the way to 2.0?

04-05-2016, 10:41 AM
Sellers are thinning out, do I dare to dream, that it can skip all the way to 2.0?

Do the maths on the JORC, costs of extraction and the POG in NZD. It can go a lot higher than 2. The unknown is the deal they strike with Amer and what other resource that opens up for them.

04-05-2016, 10:46 AM
Hi Ho, Hi Ho it's up to 2 we go (apologies to Walt Disney). Ready or not Stumpy!

In all seriousness this is turning into a fun ride. NTL traded in a 50% range yesterday on the ASX (1---1.5) on a much higher volume than the NZX.

10cents isn't entirely unrealistic after all isn't it?
Speculative trading.

04-05-2016, 12:09 PM
And just because its Star Wars day, I can bust out a quote...."They guns, they've stopped". Well trades in this case

And now "we are going in, we are going in full throttle". 1.5, Im almost back to cost - yes one of those long termers who used to participate in the SPP's when they were at 3 and 4 cents.

05-05-2016, 09:37 AM
Is NTL going to set new heights today ? certainly looks like it.

05-05-2016, 11:44 AM
Kees - new heights for today - 1.6 done, 1.8 next.

That said, Im old school and still remember the day (and cringe) when I bought on the market at 6.2c. That was my last foray into day-trading - learnt my lesson!

05-05-2016, 11:46 AM
Kees - new heights for today - 1.6 done, 1.8 next.

That said, Im old school and still remember the day (and cringe) when I bought on the market at 6.2c. That was my last foray into day-trading - learnt my lesson!

Yes been sitting on these for quite a while to, good to see it moving the right way for a change might even make a $ if it keeps on going.

Blue Horseshoe
05-05-2016, 11:47 AM
Kees - new heights for today - 1.6 done, 1.8 next.

That said, Im old school and still remember the day (and cringe) when I bought on the market at 6.2c. That was my last foray into day-trading - learnt my lesson!

0.18 ticked off, next?

05-05-2016, 11:51 AM
0.18 ticked off, next?

Stumpy opens the bar, that's what's next! 2 on the way. I like a drop of water in my Glenfiddich (sacrilege to some I know)

05-05-2016, 12:37 PM
Stumpy opens the bar, that's what's next! 2 on the way. I like a drop of water in my Glenfiddich (sacrilege to some I know)

Rahu awarded to Newcrest NTL JV partner.........here we go!!! see inside resources.....

05-05-2016, 12:38 PM
If only NTL had some good "mystery vein" data to release, then we would really be headed to the bar!

05-05-2016, 12:38 PM
Stumpy opens the bar, that's what's next! 2 on the way. I like a drop of water in my Glenfiddich (sacrilege to some I know)

No water for me just ice thanks

05-05-2016, 12:38 PM
Newcrest awarded Rahu NAAMatt Freeman - Thu, 05 May 2016

http://www.insideresources.co.nz/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/images/2016/05/05/rahu.jpg?itok=WVOEx2TsMap showing the Rahu NAA area in red (http://www.insideresources.co.nz/sites/default/files/images/2016/05/05/rahu.jpg)

Australian gold mining company Newcrest Mining has been awarded a minerals exploration permit (MEP) over the Rahu gold prospect immediately north of the Karangahake Gorge near Waihi.
The move is the first acreage position Newcrest has taken out as the operator, having previously farmed in to ASX-listed Laneway Resources’ neighbouring permits covering the South Coromandel gold project.
The Rahu permit area is entirely surrounded by and abuts Laneway’s permits MEP 53469 (Waitekauri) and MEP 54216 (Owharoa). It also abuts New Talisman Gold Mines’ minerals mining permit for the Talisman gold mine project MMP 51326.
Late last month Newcrest and Laneway started drilling a 3000-metre, multi-hole programme at the South Coromandel gold project using Alton Drilling. The main target areas lie west-northwest and nearby the Waihi gold mine system, owned by OceanaGold.
A Newcrest spokesperson says the company is pleased to have been awarded the Rahu exploration permit. “We will now progress our exploration plans in line with the work programme provided to the Government. A review of existing geological data will commence immediately, followed by fieldwork and eventually drilling should appropriate targets be identified.”
Underlying gold mineralisation from Talisman to Golden Cross ‘linked’
Newcrest and Laneway identified five priority drill targets for the South Coromandel project following a soil sampling, geochemical analysis and an induced polarisation programme. The targets lie near the old Golden Cross gold mine.
Reprocessing historic information and merging this with newly acquired data confirmed a “corridor of mineralisation” in the 15 kilometre stretch from the old Golden Cross mine site to the historic Karangahake workings at Talisman.
How the Newcrest/Laneway JV works
Under the South Coromandel joint venture, Newcrest can earn an 80 per cent stake in the project by funding the first two stages of minimum work programmes. Laneway maintains its role as manager of the project during the earn-in period and earns a management fee. Once the two minimum work programmes are completed over either of the project’s permits Newcrest will have earned 80 per cent of that permit and will be named on the title of the permits.
New Talisman remains in discussions with Newcrest over Rahu
In 2014 New Talisman applied for a 390-hectare land extension for its Talisman mining permit (MMP 51326) over the Rahu acreage. This was declined by NZP&M in January this year. The company has a non-binding heads of agreement in place with Newcrest to jointly explore the Rahu gold prospect which it struck during the land extension application process.
Newcrest says that in line with the spirit of the original non-binding heads of agreement, it is in discussions with New Talisman “about how we can work together in relation to the Rahu exploration permit.”
New Talisman is advancing the Talisman gold project after receiving further regulatory approvals from the Hauraki District Council, and has embarked on a pre-feasibility study. The company needs to raise fresh capital for the project and is presently in discussions with Amer International, a Chinese metals company.
The company has stated that, based on analysis of drilling and historical data, Rahu and Talisman share the same vein of high grade gold. It had previously declared an indicated resource of 2.39 million tonnes at 0.54 grams per tonne of gold for 41,591 ounces of gold at Talisman.
NAA process used in areas of known prospectivity
The Newly Available Acreage (“NAA”) process is one of four methods that the Government can use for allocating minerals permits and is generally chosen for areas that become available when a permit lapses or is revoked and where it is determined there will be a level of competition for the acreage given known mineralisation and prospectivity.
Other NAAs in play at present include the Sparrowhawk, and Rise and Shine gold prospects in Otago.
Majors now operating in New Zealand
Newcrest Mining ranks in the top 10 gold miners in the world based on annual production of 2.4 million ounces (Moz) and reserves of 69 Moz.
The impressive company owns the big Cadia and Telfer gold mines in Australia and Lihir in Papua New Guinea, amongst a portfolio of producing and exploration assets that also includes Indonesia, Cote d’Ivoire, Fiji, Nicaragua and now New Zealand. The company was started by Newmont in 1966.
In further news today Newcrest completed additional hedging of a portion of Telfer’s expected FY18 and FY19 gold sales, with a further 200,000 ounces of gold sales being hedged at an average Australian dollar gold price of $1,773 per ounce. A number of gold producers are using the high gold price to hedge production now.
Gold shining in New Zealand
Gold exploration and development is picking up in New Zealand and around the world off the back of a strong gold price (in US and New Zealand dollars). OceanaGold is exploring at pace within the Waihi gold mine system and has announced it intends to drill the WKP prospect further to the north during this quarter.
The Neavesville gold project was drilled last year and in Northland ASX-listed gold mining company Evolution Mining is advancing the Puhipuhi gold project and extending its acreage position.
Alluvial gold mining on the West Coast is also enjoying solid activity levels.

05-05-2016, 01:11 PM
Did we ever find out why the Rahu extension was rejected by NZP&M?

05-05-2016, 01:26 PM
Did we ever find out why the Rahu extension was rejected by NZP&M?

Who cares?

As it appears they announced they have an HOA they announced same when they said Rahu was declined and again in quarterly.

05-05-2016, 01:31 PM
Rahu awarded to Newcrest NTL JV partner.........here we go!!! see inside resources.....

From what I can tell Newcrest will have to include NTL in some form or other because of the access up the gorge which I believe NTL has the monopoly on.

05-05-2016, 01:37 PM
From what I can tell Newcrest will have to include NTL in some form or other because of the access up the gorge which I believe NTL has the monopoly on.

Bullish, I see you are from Waihi, am I right about this? Geographically access is very constrained?

05-05-2016, 03:59 PM
Bullish, I see you are from Waihi, am I right about this? Geographically access is very constrained?

Not really its open at either side. However NTL mine is the centre of the gold veins proven and mined since lat 1800s. NTL has been working the area since it was heritage 25 years ago so would have the best knowledge particularly on Rahu which it discovered. That in itself if is a huge achievement to have made discovery at Rahu.

Seems they cut an each way deal as I have read all announcements and cant see them stating they signed a new agreement just extended an agreement.

05-05-2016, 04:08 PM
Not really its open at either side. However NTL mine is the centre of the gold veins proven and mined since lat 1800s. NTL has been working the area since it was heritage 25 years ago so would have the best knowledge particularly on Rahu which it discovered. That in itself if is a huge achievement to have made discovery at Rahu.

Seems they cut an each way deal as I have read all announcements and cant see them stating they signed a new agreement just extended an agreement.

Thanks Bullish.

Remembering also that NTL purchased all the historic data of those old workings.

05-05-2016, 04:48 PM
Just traded at 0.9. I suggest a party when it trades at 1, and another when it trades at 2 a week later:p

And there she blows!!!!!:t_up:

OK so maybe I was a week out.

05-05-2016, 04:52 PM
Hahahah, I like the sell at 20c, ambitious, or someone who knows more than the rest of the market - seems we may all end up in the Forbes rich list for 2016!

05-05-2016, 04:55 PM
What? No speeding ticket?

05-05-2016, 05:03 PM
What? No speeding ticket?

What for? It's obvious why it has taken off.

05-05-2016, 05:05 PM
What for? It's obvious why it has taken off.

The ausies are a bit shy back to 1.3

05-05-2016, 09:23 PM
Could be an announcement tomorrow as have noticed a preference to release news on Fridays...

06-05-2016, 01:26 PM
Oz finally woken up and trading at 1.9.
Not surprised to see a bit of profit taking on NZX, especially being Friday, however most are holding tight. Best is still to come.

09-05-2016, 04:52 PM
Oz finally woken up and trading at 1.9.
Not surprised to see a bit of profit taking on NZX, especially being Friday, however most are holding tight. Best is still to come.

Agree ...... best yet to come ..... need confirmation of Amer International's intentions ...... maybe the Rahu situation with Newcrest ..... and I'm sure once they start operations it'll all be on!

13-05-2016, 11:32 AM
Nice solid support for the week at 1.7.

Lets hope the next bit of good news (whatever it may be) comes out soon, and the climb continues.

16-05-2016, 03:56 PM
Just found this news from a Chinese economic site 24/11/2015


Good if you can understand Chinese, basically it said Amer has bought 4 mining company from 4 different countries, Australia, New Zealand, US and Canada,

The one from US is "GMO", and the other three unname, they are all listed companies from their country with priced only 1/30, /50 and 1/100 from their peak.


16-05-2016, 04:24 PM
Just found this news from a Chinese economic site 24/11/2015


Good if you can understand Chinese, basically it said Amer has bought 4 mining company from 4 different countries, Australia, New Zealand, US and Canada,

The one from US is "GMO", and the other three unname, they are all listed companies from their country with priced only 1/30, /50 and 1/100 from their peak.


Shame you don't know the other 2 if one of them was NTL that would set a rocket under the share price ?

16-05-2016, 04:38 PM
just as if you want to know what happened to GMO

General Moly, Inc. (http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.generalmoly.com%2Fabout.php&esheet=51233999&newsitemid=20151130006162&lan=en-US&anchor=General+Moly%2C+Inc.&index=1&md5=1e91275075a19def7e40c9f06dc8caf6) (the 'Company' or “General Moly”) (NYSE MKT and TSX: GMO), a U.S.-based molybdenum mineral development, exploration, and mining company, announced it has closed its sale of the first tranche of equity to AMER International Group (http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.amer.com.cn%2FDefault.aspx&esheet=51233999&newsitemid=20151130006162&lan=en-US&anchor=AMER+International+Group&index=2&md5=6f93ca5830d5ac9c9048a27293c90b4e) (“AMER”), for $4 million. The transaction included the issuance of 13,333,333 shares of General Moly common stock at $0.30 per share, representing a 10.5% fully diluted interest (12% of outstanding interest). - See more at: http://www.noodls.com/view/E13BFC4C229B709E23A1AAA786398F2EEBADE0D9#sthash.Ds MZszps.dpuf


16-05-2016, 04:45 PM
just as if you want to know what happened to GMO

General Moly, Inc. (http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.generalmoly.com%2Fabout.php&esheet=51233999&newsitemid=20151130006162&lan=en-US&anchor=General+Moly%2C+Inc.&index=1&md5=1e91275075a19def7e40c9f06dc8caf6) (the 'Company' or “General Moly”) (NYSE MKT and TSX: GMO), a U.S.-based molybdenum mineral development, exploration, and mining company, announced it has closed its sale of the first tranche of equity to AMER International Group (http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.amer.com.cn%2FDefault.aspx&esheet=51233999&newsitemid=20151130006162&lan=en-US&anchor=AMER+International+Group&index=2&md5=6f93ca5830d5ac9c9048a27293c90b4e) (“AMER”), for $4 million. The transaction included the issuance of 13,333,333 shares of General Moly common stock at $0.30 per share, representing a 10.5% fully diluted interest (12% of outstanding interest). - See more at: http://www.noodls.com/view/E13BFC4C229B709E23A1AAA786398F2EEBADE0D9#sthash.Ds MZszps.dpuf


what do you make of the latest notice?

16-05-2016, 05:50 PM
what do you make of the latest notice?

I do not like the sound of it.Hope in this non honor world it is not just a plot to push NTL out. The comment stating that NTL has held the exploration permit for 19 years seems to be a plea asking for others to be reasonable. Hope I am wrong but it makes me uneasy.

16-05-2016, 06:18 PM
The 3 for 1 share offer at .005 seems to well received wonder if the right are tradable .

16-05-2016, 09:18 PM
I only had a quick glance, but if the HOA is non-binding, and the other party has all the rights, wont they just let the HOA lapse, and do it themselves. I hope not

16-05-2016, 10:32 PM
I do not like the sound of it.Hope in this non honor world it is not just a plot to push NTL out. The comment stating that NTL has held the exploration permit for 19 years seems to be a plea asking for others to be reasonable. Hope I am wrong but it makes me uneasy.

Given the hoa was in place when ntl already had lodged the Eol (follow announcements back) and there is no such suggestion of anything except extension of same hoa. That says it all does it not. Why would Newcrest extend an hoa once Eol declined??

17-05-2016, 08:31 AM
Given the hoa was in place when ntl already had lodged the Eol (follow announcements back) and there is no such suggestion of anything except extension of same hoa. That says it all does it not. Why would Newcrest extend an hoa once Eol declined??

Because of the data and expertise NTL have on board for the area, and the access from their end. That latest board appointment was for good reason.

17-05-2016, 10:02 AM
What? Someone didnt like the announcement yesterday - dumped on market first thing this morning.....and continuing.

17-05-2016, 10:22 AM
I'm happy to snap up a few more

17-05-2016, 10:23 AM
What? Someone didnt like the announcement yesterday - dumped on market first thing this morning.....and continuing.

Read this ....


17-05-2016, 10:33 AM
MY bad, I missed the rights announcement completely. I will go back to my cave now.

17-05-2016, 10:42 AM
MY bad, I missed the rights announcement completely. I will go back to my cave now.

:) Will be interesting to see what the SP is at end of day's trading

17-05-2016, 10:54 AM
MY bad, I missed the rights announcement completely. I will go back to my cave now.

when and where was it announced?

17-05-2016, 11:04 AM
I've got to say that I missed this aswell.

Found the announcement on the NZX. No explanation of reasons etc, pretty poor form by NTL. Almost as if they are trying to 'slide it under the radar'.


Blue Horseshoe
17-05-2016, 11:13 AM
The old" appendix 7" trick.

17-05-2016, 11:13 AM
can anyone shed some light around the reason for this, what are the motivations for doing this?

17-05-2016, 11:15 AM
Does this ann make since as its price senative why its it released as a rights ann on the company web page, what are they doing and why is the NZX not making they complying with listing requirements ?

17-05-2016, 11:18 AM
I've got to say that I missed this aswell.

Found the announcement on the NZX. No explanation of reasons etc, pretty poor form by NTL. Almost as if they are trying to 'slide it under the radar'.


The announcement is a joke... What are the funds for, how will it impact on time frames, is the issue underwritten, are the rights tradeable?

Those questions are the bare minimum of information required - until some of the uncertainty is removed anyone in their right mind would dump all the way to half a cent..!

17-05-2016, 11:18 AM
:) Will be interesting to see what the SP is at end of day's trading

Holding up quite well I say 0.9 this has to be looking good for a take over.

17-05-2016, 11:34 AM
probably a shady way for the Chinese company to pick up the shares without having to make a formal takeover offer. Was kind of expecting a capital raise at about .012

17-05-2016, 11:49 AM
Probably likely any shortfall shares will be placed to amer

17-05-2016, 11:51 AM
If I read the annoucement correctly (and yes, I do live in a cave), its a 3 for 1 (held) offer at half a cent, therefore will need to front up 1.5c for every current share held to avoid dilution assuming everyone participates. Given that the share price has hovered below 1c for a long time before the recent "good" news, seems a bit rich.

Gotta be in to win though.

17-05-2016, 12:37 PM
I smelt something when broken hill sold out those shares. Should have acted upon it.

17-05-2016, 02:25 PM
Tradeable rights wonder what the price will be set at ?
Thanks to Robbo.
The rights issue announcement from yesterday.

3 rights for every 1 share. Rights exercisable at 0.5 cents each. I think they will be tradeable rights which means you can sell them on market (if they are tradeable there will be a separate code for this).

There will be announcements covering all the info in due course, it is a requirement of NZX/ASX rules.

17-05-2016, 02:36 PM
Its On




New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd (ASX, NZSX : NTL) is pleased to announce that it
will provide eligible shareholders the opportunity to participate in a
pro-rata renounceable rights issue of new NTL shares (New Shares) at an issue
price of NZ$0.005 or AU$0.005 per New Share to raise up to approximately
NZ$12.265 million (Offer).

The Offer price represents a significant discount to the closing price on the
NZX as at 16th May 2016 of 1.5 cents. This provides existing shareholders
with a very attractive opportunity to participate in the growth of the
company at a time when the gold price is firming and sits currently around
approximately 1900 NZD per ounce.

The Company intends utilising the funds raised through this offer and current
cash reserves as follows:
1) Initiating the bulk sampling programme and associated works immediately
following completion of the raise
2) Accelerating the bulk sampling programme to maximise ore extraction within
the terms of the granted resource consents which allow for up to 20,000 cubic
metres per annum. This will be determined through detailed analysis of the
updated prefeasibility study and project plan currently being undertaken.
3) Accelerating the transition from bulk sampling to Phase 1 of the longer
term production plan upon completion of the definitive feasibility study.
4) Identifying additional mineral resources from the recently acquired
digitised historic production data and opening up new ground based on targets
identified through the recent analysis of the Talisman database
5) Fund the Company's obligations under the Rahu Joint Venture with Newcrest
6) Working Capital requirements

Eligible shareholders will be able to purchase three (3) New Shares for every
one (1) existing NTL ordinary share held as at 7.00pm (NZT) on Tuesday, 24th
May 2016 (Record Date). New shares issued under the Offer will rank equally
with existing NTL ordinary shares on issue.

Matthew Hill said "While this is the largest capital raise undertaken by the
company since its inception the funds raised provide for a significant
opportunity to capitalise on the wealth of new data, expanded opportunities
which have recently been made available and the ability to work towards
generating the maximum gold ore in line with the current resource consents
and plans".

The Offer will also include a shortfall facility that will provide eligible
shareholders the opportunity to also request additional shares in excess of
their pro-rata entitlement.

17-05-2016, 02:37 PM
Tradeable rights wonder what the price will be set at ?
Thanks to Robbo.
The rights issue announcement from yesterday.

3 rights for every 1 share. Rights exercisable at 0.5 cents each. I think they will be tradeable rights which means you can sell them on market (if they are tradeable there will be a separate code for this).

There will be announcements covering all the info in due course, it is a requirement of NZX/ASX rules.

As I read it yesterday the rights will not be tradeable. Also if all rights are exercised about 12.5 million will come in to the company. Now the super big question is what does the company need with 12.5 million. last I heard it needed 1.5 to get the mining underway. So what is up????

17-05-2016, 02:43 PM
As I read it yesterday the rights will not be tradeable. Also if all rights are exercised about 12.5 million will come in to the company. Now the super big question is what does the company need with 12.5 million. last I heard it needed 1.5 to get the mining underway. So what is up????

Very poorly handled announcement, but they have just issued more detail saying rights trading starts 23rd May.

17-05-2016, 02:44 PM
Are the current option holders able to participate without exercising their options ?

17-05-2016, 02:45 PM
very cloak and dagger aye digger, should this announcement not have been made in conjunction with the appendix 7 yesterday?

$12.5mill is a heck of a lot for NTL number 5 sticks out: 5) Fund the Company's obligations under the Rahu Joint Venture with Newcrest
Mining...what are NTL's obligations?

17-05-2016, 11:35 PM
At least we've been given the option of the first choice and preferred method of raising equity.


19-05-2016, 10:16 AM
Does the record date take effect the same day one sells their shares? For example if one sold on Tuesday would one still be on record as a holder at 7pm given settlement takes 2 days...

19-05-2016, 10:34 AM
Does the record date take effect the same day one sells their shares? For example if one sold on Tuesday would one still be on record as a holder at 7pm given settlement takes 2 days...

........you are still recorded as the owner the day you sell and the day after.......however 2 days after you sell them (in your example thursday)......the new owner is recorded. Hope this helps.

19-05-2016, 05:31 PM
Hmmmm, this is a huge dilution (if you dont participate). Fair enough, if the $12m can be used well, and generate good returns. I just hope the Board arent going to line their own pockets and give themselves massive bonuses for the first real "production" of gold.

19-05-2016, 07:53 PM
Hmmmm, this is a huge dilution (if you dont participate). Fair enough, if the $12m can be used well, and generate good returns. I just hope the Board arent going to line their own pockets and give themselves massive bonuses for the first real "production" of gold.

Landy, if you have read the companies notices you would discover that the top table has been the main provider of funds for several years now, they deserve a pat on the back at least for their efforts both financially and dedication to the cause , if it wasn't them we wouldn't be here now, lets hope that they get this funding away either from current share holders or the underwriters ( chinese ).
If all goes well we may have a reasonable chance of success .

20-05-2016, 01:40 PM
today is the last day to gain rights

20-05-2016, 01:52 PM
Landy, if you have read the companies notices you would discover that the top table has been the main provider of funds for several years now, they deserve a pat on the back at least for their efforts both financially and dedication to the cause , if it wasn't them we wouldn't be here now, lets hope that they get this funding away either from current share holders or the underwriters ( chinese ).
If all goes well we may have a reasonable chance of success .

Fair call, Im just frustrated as dont have the cash to stump up for full entitlement

21-05-2016, 12:46 PM
Are the current option holders able to participate without exercising their options ?

To my mind NTL has no moral right and maybe no legal right to undertake a 3 for one issue at .005 cents without taking into account the effect this will have on their options NLTOA. When undertaking a rights issue any company must take into account all securities so that no security is unduly advantaged or disadvantaged. In this case NTLOA is effectively wiped out.
I believed this action is not in the best long term interest of the company or in fact any company.It is in the care and responsibility of directors to always built trust in their investors. While I have only about 10% of my holding in NTL in its options I feel in this regard NTL has stabbed the NTLOA holders in the back.

NTL should restore the same perscentage value in its options that were there before the recent very large capital raisings,if for no other reason than a future exists and the company needs to keep faith with all its equity holders.

My suggestion given the size of this rights issue is that the company extend the life of the options from november /2017 to november 2021 and leave the exercise price at 2cents.
I have not yet talked the M Hill about this but will if other of you options holders feel as I do
Comments please.

21-05-2016, 12:57 PM
To my mind NTL has no moral right and maybe no legal right to undertake a 3 for one issue at .005 cents without taking into account the effect this will have on their options NLTOA. When undertaking a rights issue any company must take into account all securities so that no security is unduly advantaged or disadvantaged. In this case NTLOA is effectively wiped out.
I believed this action is not in the best long term interest of the company or in fact any company.It is in the care and responsibility of directors to always built trust in their investors. While I have only about 10% of my holding in NTL in its options I feel in this regard NTL has stabbed the NTLOA holders in the back.

NTL should restore the same perscentage value in its options that were there before the recent very large capital raisings,if for no other reason than a future exists and the company needs to keep faith with all its equity holders.

My suggestion given the size of this rights issue is that the company extend the life of the options from november /2017 to november 2021 and leave the exercise price at 2cents.
I have not yet talked the M Hill about this but will if other of you options holders feel as I do
Comments please.

Not following this one closely but normally would you not change the terms of the options (via a complex mathematical formula) so that the effect is the same as before the issue of the rights? That would be equitable.
You might even be able to see if they are breaching the Companies Act but issuing such a huge rights issue and deeply discounted without considering option holders. But option holders are not "equity" holders so I do not know if they have any say. Maybe worth pursuing?
If not getting in touch with company would be the best way forward.

21-05-2016, 11:19 PM
I would like to see long term holders get the option to buy shortfall shares before any other group. The capital raise does not mention the plan for any shortfall shares should the capital not be raised (suspicious). And this is where I think Amer may be involved. Able to scoop up a "significant investment" in NTL for cheap as chips without even having to make a formal takeover offer - cause that would have seen the SP skyrocket.

22-05-2016, 08:37 AM
" The Offer will also include a shortfall facility that will provide eligible shareholders the opportunity to also request additional shares in excess of their pro-rata entitlement.To be an eligible shareholder, you must, as at 7.00pm (NZT) on the Record Date: "I would have thought those who wanted more have that option already.

22-05-2016, 09:26 AM
I would like to see long term holders get the option to buy shortfall shares before any other group. The capital raise does not mention the plan for any shortfall shares should the capital not be raised (suspicious). And this is where I think Amer may be involved. Able to scoop up a "significant investment" in NTL for cheap as chips without even having to make a formal takeover offer - cause that would have seen the SP skyrocket.

Agree that Amer involvement would have seen the SP skyrocket ..... but would that have given them the $12.5m necessary to get production underway? What they need is capital and I think this rights issue is the best way.

22-05-2016, 09:31 AM
Is this one of the more promising penny dreadfuls on the NZX? Or is it expected to just go through the process of raising funds --> flounder --> rot

22-05-2016, 10:44 AM
" The Offer will also include a shortfall facility that will provide eligible shareholders the opportunity to also request additional shares in excess of their pro-rata entitlement.To be an eligible shareholder, you must, as at 7.00pm (NZT) on the Record Date: "I would have thought those who wanted more have that option already.

Okay. Well that at least makes me a bit happier. Thanks.

22-05-2016, 11:03 AM
Is this one of the more promising penny dreadfuls on the NZX? Or is it expected to just go through the process of raising funds --> flounder --> rot

It has some strong, perhaps even familiar, supporters on hotcopper.