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17-09-2014, 12:42 PM
Sue has been a very capable and loyal ( besides being very attractive ) employee of the company over all the years that I have been a s h, she will be missed at future meetings, Go Sue Go !!

Photo of her with a gold nugget?

20-09-2014, 11:32 PM
Sweet, the Red Threat is gone for a while.

21-09-2014, 12:03 AM
Sweet, the Red Threat is gone for a while.
Did you mean green perchance?

21-09-2014, 12:33 AM
Doesn't look like green was ever much of a threat

21-09-2014, 11:03 AM
Did you mean green perchance?

They're all commies to me, mate.

21-09-2014, 11:28 AM
One Commie in the hand is worth about 85 in the bush as thr Americans learnt the hard way back in the 60s and 70s :p

21-09-2014, 08:03 PM
Well now the election is done and dusted any potential for disruption through a change of Govt seems to have vanished. Perhaps a bit of uplift tomorrow now that is out of the way.

21-09-2014, 08:25 PM
Well now the election is done and dusted any potential for disruption through a change of Govt seems to have vanished. Perhaps a bit of uplift tomorrow now that is out of the way.

As usual, I reakon NTL will not be affected. Its not affected by the POG, why would it change for an election :p

But maybe..

22-09-2014, 12:44 PM
Down 0.001c Not the movement I was hoping for

22-09-2014, 12:58 PM
Down 0.001c Not the movement I was hoping forPrice of gold will have to take effect eventually... What was NTL's breakeven again? $1000US per ounce?

22-09-2014, 01:27 PM
Those test results should be out soon as I suspect they didn't want to release them till after the election.

26-09-2014, 03:35 PM
Gold Testing (http://www.newtalismangoldmines.co.nz/2014/09/stockpiled-talisman-ore-prepared-for-treatment/)
Surely we should have those test results by now? As it's been 2 weeks...

29-09-2014, 09:57 AM
wow so average of 1.5 oz per tonne! just a quick google the world wide gold mine average per tonne is 10 grams....so this is amazing if its throughout the majority of the mine!

(source: http://goldinvestingnews.com/world-class-gold-deposits)

I see this breaking the 1.5c mark today

29-09-2014, 10:53 AM
saying that though if they processes the 70 tonnes with an average grave of 1.5oz thats at least $200k right?

29-09-2014, 10:53 AM
There's two things hanging over NTL and the share price right now, in my view:

Upcoming need for further capital raising, which will be at a discount as per usual.
Gold prices picked to head down to support of $1180US and perhaps even break that to sub $1000.

Number 2 is particularly concerning as NTL's previous guidance is that $1000US is breakeven.

Anyway, the good news is very good news so still a good step.

29-09-2014, 11:11 AM
Phase 2 is where the real gold reserves will be at.

29-09-2014, 12:06 PM
There's two things hanging over NTL and the share price right now, in my view:

Upcoming need for further capital raising, which will be at a discount as per usual.
Gold prices picked to head down to support of $1180US and perhaps even break that to sub $1000.

Number 2 is particularly concerning as NTL's previous guidance is that $1000US is breakeven.

Anyway, the good news is very good news so still a good step.

One needs to consider also where gold is going as a financial instrument, short term it moves as a commodity and responds to geo political risk, long term it is correlated with bond markets, inversely to the TNX. If the 30 year bull run in US bonds ends during this economic cycle, POG may not be all that pretty for the next several years.

US$1000 during 2016 carries a high probability IMO, though I’m undecided on whether the bull market will break or not at that time, watching though, it may be a pivot point whereby POG will either reverse or continue downward. Interested in the thoughts of others on that one ?

29-09-2014, 01:26 PM
And the SP has gone...............nowhere

29-09-2014, 03:25 PM
From July 5th 2013 Report in case you had forgotten:)

Five strongly mineralised rock specimens, each weighing 250g to 500g, were selected visually from BM37
Bonanza zone ore grade material previously collected from the Talisman mine. Each was assayed at SGS
New Zealand’s Waihi laboratory, to assist a geometallurgical study of the ore. The geometallurgical
specimens yielded the following results:

ROCK..... Au.......Au(R).....Ag.......Ag(R).......Notes:
SAMPLE PPM......PPM......PPM......PPM..........Au gold
BIN 1-6 2130...... -.........3660.....3690........Ag silver
PRA 2-1 882.......885....>4000.......-............(R) repeat analysis
PRA 2-2 300........ -........2540.......-.............PPM parts per million
PRA 4-1 766.......755......2670.......-.............% percent
PRA 4-6 1.02%...1.05%>4000 >4000...........> greater than

PRA 4-6 equals 10500 grams per Tonne
Equals 10500/ c 28grams per ounce = 375 ounces of gold
500,000 a ute load, hmm, not bad.
Assume somebody will be riding shotgun from the mine to Waihi:)

And the world average is 10g to the tonne?
I know, I know, they are only specimens but still a great indication of the potential.

29-09-2014, 04:09 PM
From July 5th 2013 Report in case you had forgotten:)

Five strongly mineralised rock specimens, each weighing 250g to 500g, were selected visually from BM37
Bonanza zone ore grade material previously collected from the Talisman mine. Each was assayed at SGS
New Zealand’s Waihi laboratory, to assist a geometallurgical study of the ore. The geometallurgical
specimens yielded the following results:

ROCK..... Au.......Au(R).....Ag.......Ag(R).......Notes:
SAMPLE PPM......PPM......PPM......PPM..........Au gold
BIN 1-6 2130...... -.........3660.....3690........Ag silver
PRA 2-1 882.......885....>4000.......-............(R) repeat analysis
PRA 2-2 300........ -........2540.......-.............PPM parts per million
PRA 4-1 766.......755......2670.......-.............% percent
PRA 4-6 1.02%...1.05%>4000 >4000...........> greater than

PRA 4-6 equals 10500 grams per Tonne
Equals 10500/ c 28grams per ounce = 375 ounces of gold
500,000 a ute load, hmm, not bad.
Assume somebody will be riding shotgun from the mine to Waihi:)

And the world average is 10g to the tonne?
I know, I know, they are only specimens but still a great indication of the potential.

Hence why Phase 2 of the mine is where the true value will be at.

30-09-2014, 08:18 AM
is anyone able to explain in more detail than my novice self the effect the reserve bank shorting the currency is going to have?

Surely it is going to be beneficial for us? if the price of gold stays the same but the value of our currency drops to Mr Key's 'Goldilocks Zone' of 65 cents then NTL would end up with more bang for their ounce right?

Paint it Black
30-09-2014, 06:32 PM
is anyone able to explain in more detail than my novice self the effect the reserve bank shorting the currency is going to have?

Surely it is going to be beneficial for us? if the price of gold stays the same but the value of our currency drops to Mr Key's 'Goldilocks Zone' of 65 cents then NTL would end up with more bang for their ounce right?

Yes indeed the PoG increases when converted into NZ dollars with a depreciating NZ dollar against the greenback. Possibly some of the processing costs will be geared to the $US so some icing will be shaved off the cake.

I think the next couple of days will see a few more investors joining the party with the stars now aligning: ie National is back with a clear majority, the sampling easily met expectations, Newmont are getting involved with the processing, we have strong management in place and the exchange rate is dropping. OK we just need the PoG to rise but we can't be too greedy.

02-10-2014, 10:43 PM

The company had completed about 2,492 metres of drilling at Rahu, which together with previous drilling campaigns and geological investigations, provides evidence its mineralisation and alteration present represents the upper levels of and northern extension of the Talisman epithermal gold system.

It has filed an application to include Rahu into the Talisman permit, allowing for a natural extension of mining operations.

What do you think the chances are of Rahu permit approval being granted as inclusion under current talisman operating permit?
Would it push SP up if only temporarily?

03-10-2014, 02:48 PM
Upcoming need for further capital raising, which will be at a discount as per usual.


28m shares in a private placement at 1nz cent each :)

03-10-2014, 04:24 PM
RIGHT: NTL: Rights issue

And now a rights issue. I'll be taking mine.

04-10-2014, 02:00 PM
$1180 about to break on gold as US jobs report was above expectations. There is not much other than psychological support levels holding up gold if that key support level fails. This then brings into question whether NTL will ever be profitable if the magic $1000 profit mark is breached. Wonder what the new 1c holders are thinking today...

10-10-2014, 11:26 AM

Start Date 13.12.14

10-10-2014, 02:17 PM

Start Date 13.12.14

"Can commence" not will. Sorry to be the pessimistic one. I hope its a "will"

Snow Leopard
10-10-2014, 06:45 PM
One trade of One right (too small for price setting) at 0.4c.

Sort of sums it all up.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

10-10-2014, 07:25 PM
Catherine Delahunty of the Greens is putting forward a Private Member's Bill aiming to extend Schedule Four to include Karangahake Gorge. Seems pretty confident of support from left. Quite a few compliance issues with access to mountain NTG needs to address, too. It's very narrow road, with no room to widen in some places, and long areas with no possible passing bays. New Talisman have to get their traffic management plan approved by council, and locals are out with their tape measures, making submissions and generally getting pretty stroppy, and making it very clear they are not wanting to share this road with a mining company. There's extremely heavy usage during tourism season, which will exacerbate access problems, and will add to road congestion. That, combined with local's own heavy usage of that road... there may be a surprising quantity of flat tyres, and machanically unsound vehicles on that road, and people who love the mountain making an PARTICULAR effort to visit it, and approaching it and parking at NTG's SOLE access point. Be pessimistic, New Talisman Gold investors, be very pessimistic :-(
C de la H can put all the Private Members Bills she likes. It still has to get drawn. On top of that it is against the law to prevent other people from using a public thoroughfare and Im sure the police will be taking a dim view of tampering with vehicles. The Gorge itself will be unaltered except from natural causes.
Why dont the Greens wake up to the fact that it was the previous mining that makes Karangahake the place it is -if that hadnt happened it would just be another bend in the river largely ignored by passing travellers desperate to get through the rough stuff and into the open. Perhaps extracurricular gardening ventures may be the reason for the sudden interest in mining.
NTL has been out there for years - what took so long?:)

10-10-2014, 07:34 PM
Green Party members suffer from a lack of foresight and thinking beyond the immediate term just like every other politician on this planet. Probably believed their own pripaganda as well. They are now on the backfoot and are scrambling. I expect a certain Mr Bridges will helpfully extend a foot to shove them back down the mountain.

Catherine Delahuntin'for'a'thunkin

10-10-2014, 09:18 PM
Sorry, we are not remembering our manners here.
Welcome to sharetrader and thank you for your in depth posting:)

10-10-2014, 09:19 PM
You sound a tad desperate GoodasGold. Election not go the way you wanted?

10-10-2014, 09:31 PM
Unlike goldmining, tourism is a sunrise industry, not a sunset one, and generates a huge amount of jobs for local people who have lived here for generations.

In the South towns like Arrowtown, Glenorcy, Queenstown, Cromwell, Alex, Clyde, etc, would probably not exist without a gold mining heritage, it allowed for in land settlement at a time when none really existed, and many local folk today still earn very good tourism livings from what is now left.

The locals retain a great deal of pride in that history and culture, the difference in the North Island is that you choose to not do so, you allow minority hippie thinking to determine outcomes, and that is the only real problem in this case also.

The private members bill will fail and those behind it very probably anticipate and plan for that occurrence from the get go, as it is most probably intended as a politically correct means of putting the matter to bed.

It should not be required, the hippies have already had their say at resource consent time, and it just serves to waste yet more taxpayer’s money though pandering.

I support the intention of the resource consent process, 25 years on now though increasingly it provides too much reinforcement for the minority and fringe views of self-interested nimby’s and hippies, and now every little matter that comes along is subject to behaviours which have been reinforced and even promoted by the process itself.

It is time for a change, let’s see if Nick Smith as the new environment minister has the balls to make it happen.

10-10-2014, 09:40 PM
Relying on gold to continue operating seems a strange thing for a mining company to do, still, I suppose anything is possible.:eek2:

10-10-2014, 11:01 PM
I'm not here to argue with anyone. I've simply pointed out my perspectives on a company I have had a great deal of personal dealings with, and have witnessed in action. When they were Heritage Gold they strung along investors for years, and "kept the faith" by overstating what they were finding. As New Talisman Gold, they are financially wobbly, have over-reached, and are a high-court injunction from bankruptcy.

Do with that information what you wish.

And if you're dumb enough to invest in a "smoke and mirrors" company like NTG, you deserve what you get (or don't get).

If you are not here to argue with anyone you would be well advised not to insult other investors :p

11-10-2014, 12:16 AM
I don't normally post the letters I write but have referenced this one as an open letter, so I'm comfortable on that basis. I'd encourage others to do the same at this time whilst there is the potential for change in the wind.

I recently wrote to Amy Adams in regard to EPA process and received a response from the Chief Executive of the EPA. They do it seems actually at least read what folk write to them, the more the support the better IMO.


Dear Nick,

Congratulations on your new appointment, I hope you may settle into your new role quickly and may find an opportunity for change without hindrance.

I write you this open letter from a ‘mum and dad’ investor’s perspective.

I have both been involved in the application of resource consents and have made submissions on resource consents frequently over a twenty year timeframe. The resource management act has served new Zealand less than adequately, it has rightfully provided all people with an opportunity to have a say within the democracy in which we live, but it remains a flawed process in terms of facilitating economic growth and provides extreme levels of regulatory risk to business and to those with enough creativity and energy to create jobs.

Over recent years we have seen companies such as New Talisman and Chatham Rock Phosphate which prospectively may offer good regional and national economic benefit tortured by mining permit and resource consent processes to the point whereby they may become significantly less economic or possibly even bankrupt.

The duration and uncertainty of permit and consent processes in New Zealand, often enduring for years in some cases, provides extreme levels of risk for entrepreneurial companies and significantly hinders their ability to seek finance. In addition, these processes really do send a signal to business and investors that New Zealand is closed for development and steers both foreign and local sector capital abroad.

I have personally worked for a company that made a clear and cognisant decision not to invest further in New Zealand after their first resource consent for a $150M facility took over two years to obtain. Not only was the venture rendered less economic by the process itself, it incurred two years of lost production revenues and two years of additional cost of capital. This was two years more than they may experience in other countries where they may choose to alternatively invest.

It does often seem that the quiet majority view of New Zealanders whom benefit from economic diversity and growth are very often ignored by these processes allowing proceedings to become unduly protracted and manipulated by the perspectives of very well funded professional protest groups, NIMBY’s and vocal minority groups .

With a clear mandate for change, many like myself support your efforts in correcting this deficiency.

yours faithfully,

11-10-2014, 04:25 AM
Haha, good point :-) Sorry, just don't have a lot of respect for NTG, they've always seemed a bit of a sham to me, and mislead investors. And when they finally get their RC to mine, there's still a fair bit of sham involved, but to more parties. They've been incredibly tenacious to keep going as long as they have, but I just don't see how they can possibly pull off their plans on Karangahake Mountain. Even the HDC Mayor is starting to talk about getting the Mountain included on Schedule Four.There is quite a bit more to NTL overall than just Karangahake but I guess you know that already. Why dont you look at it from the positive side, if you worked closely with them there may be opportunities for tourists to see a working gold mine in operation. Tourists could help transport the ore in bicycle pannier bags to Waihi for a small fee or tie a trailer on behind the bus. Even reinstall the rail lines and run golf carts like they do in Taranaki :)Just add a trailer.
Think of all the extra meals needed at the cafes for hungry miners and Im sure the Waikino Pub will do a roaring trade.
Of course anyone has the right to operate a tourism business and good luck to all. However it is not the only business on the planet and it might be wise to exhibit the same consideration expected of others.
Geologists, miners, drillers, bobcat operators ( that reminds me - isnt Bobcat coming back?) and truck drivers also have families to feed and are free in a democratic society to pursue whatever legal job opportunities that exist.

11-10-2014, 07:05 AM
Very funny how in little ol' laid back NZ the first movers just CANNOT stand competition or other operators. We have seen this through the greens on the West Coast opposing BRL, fishing industry opposing CRP, pretty much everyone opposing TTR and now tourism operators fighting NTL. Even a high profile crook (Kim Dotcom) got to oppose the government! I'm all for free speech and arguing your point, but it's got to the point where it's now laughable with some of this 'opposition'. Sure you should complain about a single access road and demand it be bettered if it's an only access point, but don't try to sabotage an entire startup company because of it and other issues which can be worked through. There is a sense of constant naysaying pervading NZ and a lot of us are sick of it. Where did the NZ go where we worked together with No8 wire to het things done with our neighbor for the betterment of both? I like to think of this country as a progressive country where things get done and everyone knows everyone else and wants to help them and has RESPONSIBILITY, not a country where everyone complains and sits on their arses and demands handouts because they think it's their right...

11-10-2014, 09:17 AM
I think GoodasGold might be making some very valid points. If I learnt anything from my previous very poor investment in Glass Earth Gold (AXG), it was that the careful spin put on company press releases from this type of company, while not illegal, missed out some other salient facts quite often. Or facts that legally had to be divulged were hidden deep inside documents. You name it, they tried it. In the end, some local knowledge that I obtained, confirmed that my investment was likely going to be toast, at least for the foreseeable future.

It's up to shareholders now, to keep NTG honest. Sure, the company needs investor funds to get properly started, and they have plans afoot. I don't think they are set in concrete until the funds arrive. In the meantime, the company should be making sure that access to the walking tracks continues unimpeded. Why not even help to upgrade them, surely that would go down well. Similarly, they need to work out ways to share the access road. A few sets of lights controlled by beams, between the passing areas, should do the trick. Not expensive, and done on plenty of private access roads already. Where possible, the mining movements should be done at night, or when other traffic is unlikely.

Discl, I am not investing in shares at the moment.

11-10-2014, 10:54 AM
Very funny how in little ol' laid back NZ the first movers just CANNOT stand competition or other operators. We have seen this through the greens on the West Coast opposing BRL, fishing industry opposing CRP, pretty much everyone opposing TTR and now tourism operators fighting NTL. Even a high profile crook (Kim Dotcom) got to oppose the government! I'm all for free speech and arguing your point, but it's got to the point where it's now laughable with some of this 'opposition'. Sure you should complain about a single access road and demand it be bettered if it's an only access point, but don't try to sabotage an entire startup company because of it and other issues which can be worked through. There is a sense of constant naysaying pervading NZ and a lot of us are sick of it. Where did the NZ go where we worked together with No8 wire to het things done with our neighbor for the betterment of both? I like to think of this country as a progressive country where things get done and everyone knows everyone else and wants to help them and has RESPONSIBILITY, not a country where everyone complains and sits on their arses and demands handouts because they think it's their right...

I reckon BFG it’s about the existing process having become a platform for self reinforcing behaviours.

Twenty years ago the resource consent process was intended to better control environmental standards and to ensure all directly affected parties on the ground got a say, but it’s become totally high jacked.

Some with tall poppy envy use it as a tool to try and financially cripple fledgling companies just to get their jollies, let’s face it iwi interests just want something for nothing out of it, and very well funded foreign lobby groups like greenpeace just want to peddle their franchise because the system allows them to do so and the process here makes New Zealand a very soft touch.

Then there are some who actually believe the tourist sector 100% green image spin and actually try to reinforce it. And, of course there are those who like to think they are rebels with a cause, what a waste of energy that could be put into something constructive.

It is time for a change.

11-10-2014, 04:29 PM
It's almost like complaining has become a type of militancy and is endemic in the population. As EZ said, there is more than enough room for both parties to reach an agreed settlement to the problems before them. One does not trump the other just because it got there first, sorry. Last I checked we live in a free market and open democracy. Act accordingly.

11-10-2014, 09:10 PM
Sounds like the situation is all nicely prejudged. Anyone think of getting some clarification on the alleged instability and what that involves first?
Are you going to stick your hand up and take responsibility if some gaga tourist takes a tumble into the river from the "windows"?
Probably not.
And it is NTL not NTG or NHG
And BFG not BEG
Having got that sorted, you all have a nice day.

11-10-2014, 09:12 PM
At the end of the day Goodasgold, and as much as you may retain bitter and twisted NIMBY objections, gold mining was there long before you were as the primary activity in the area. When one moves into a heritage region one should make an effort to accept that what has gone before will continue.

I would agree with you though, it is nice to see rail trails and walkways making the outdoors more accessible to many, especially outside of the national parks where access is entirely at the discretion of DOC, whom notably do not disagree with gold mining in the area or even on their land.

It is also nice that their walkways notably go from mining point of interest to mining point of interest, when New Talisman are done, they may well add that one too.

It is folk like you that choose to fight with others instead of accepting that all genres may play in the same sand pit nicely together that define exactly the deterioration in cultural behaviours which BFG astutely outlines.

I think you need to find a way to get over it and move on, if bitching about it on an investor’s website works for you in that regard, then by all means knock yourself out. I genuinely hope it makes you feel better about life.

11-10-2014, 10:42 PM
GoodasGold, your comments are appreciated. I have held shares in NTL, but sold them along with other holdings a few months ago. I also had reason to suspect that what they (NTL management) were telling shareholders was different in at least one operational aspect, to what they would tell potential suppliers. Back then, they were not going to really do anything about preparing for mining itself, until the shareholder money was in the bank. Getting some ore piles processed is surely aimed more at potential investors than research.

Your comments about Newmont are also in line with what I've been told: they have decimated their exploration team in NZ, nothing new is going on, just processing existing finds for the meantime. Antipodes Gold has been forced to take over exploration control of the WKP permit near Waihi, which is quite strange since they owe Newmont a few hundred thousand dollars for their share of completed exploration, and are in negative equity territory.

NTL need to be careful not to expend a lot of precious shareholder capital on mining unprofitably, which is exactly what GEL did in Otago (new name AXG). They'll just get one chance, and it sounds like there is not a lot of gold there in total, 7 jobs worth , you wonder how many shareholders will do well out of that longer term. If they clobber part of the tourism industry at the same time, the local council will need to look past whatever resource consent fees NTL might be paying (all councils rely on those fees for a good part of their income, to reduce the burden on vocal taxpayers).

11-10-2014, 11:32 PM
Well I'm not a shareholder, so here's some helpful independent advice;

You may consider that there are 5 million New Zealander's who benefit from economic diversity and new business growth, multiple industries including gold mining provide financial stability to all, yes absolutley everybody, whether cognisantly aware or not, especially gold mining as it acts as an economic hedge.

There are admirable entrepreneurial people involved in business startup's, smart people with energy, drive and determination, whom unlike you wastrel NIMBY whingers, actually make a difference to the benefit of the whole country, its population and its economy.

As a NIMBY you belong to a spectactually selfish group of people who think the entire world revolves around your own petty personal issues.

I bet you even have a gold ring on your finger and gold components within that laptop you are banging away on, but I bet you also hypocritically just over look that because it's not gold mined by your neighbours.

Instead of sitting at your computer with a poison pen writing hate mail and attempting feebly to justify self centred behaviours, you may actually like to consider being neighbourly and knocking on the door of New Talisman will a box of donuts, you might even make some mates, or maybe even actually come to hold some mutual respect or even influence.

12-10-2014, 10:57 AM
Thanks for your input GAG (lol sorry that's what your acronym comes up as!). Always good to have first hand local knowledge, whether positive or negative, to see how things are going on the ground.

I can commiserate with you re students...

I think it is foolish to ignore the negatives/risks of an operation, especially in the mining sector. Last time I checked this isn't Hot Copper. Knowledge is power, and the more you have the better you can make decisions.

12-10-2014, 11:40 AM
Thanks for your input GAG (lol sorry that's what your acronym comes up as!). Always good to have first hand local knowledge, whether positive or negative, to see how things are going on the ground.

Yeah I agree too, it is a facinating insight Goodasgold that you have provided.

You may appreciate from an outsider’s bird's eye perspective, that it does seem to be like one big family feud in the Karangahape gorge, shotguns across fence lines next ?

You should all really try to find a better way to get along with your neighbours, life’s too short to hold grudges particularly for years on end like that.

The good folk at New Talisman are just trying to earn a living and to feed their kids like the rest of yawl.

12-10-2014, 12:17 PM
Yeah I agree too, it is a facinating insight Goodasgold that you have provided.

You may appreciate from an outsider’s bird's eye perspective, that it does seem to be like one big family feud in the Karangahape gorge, shotguns across fence lines next ?

You should all really try to find a better way to get along with your neighbours, life’s too short to hold grudges particularly for years on end like that.

The good folk at New Talisman are just trying to earn a living and to feed their kids like the rest of yawl.

I can go along with some of that Mac. I haven't kept up with all the press releases and research into NTL, but I did knock myself out looking into GEL, and let's say that at the end of it all, I was taught a six-figure lesson in prudent investing, which doesn't imply I'm a super-clever investor. A few others lost a lot more than me, at least for the meantime.

The people at NTL would have very little to work with, if not for investor funds. They seem be more sparing with the funds spent each year, and at least the grades inside the mine (veins) are now generally high by international comparison with other mines. They'll need lots of local goodwill, some luck, and to apply a bit of good NZ engineering to get the ore out cheaply enough. That's the kind of story I'd like to see.

12-10-2014, 01:34 PM
To put it simply, we have to get the gold out to pay for the oil to fly the tourists here to see the hole in the ground where the gold came from.:)

12-10-2014, 03:46 PM
I'm not here to argue with anyone. I've simply pointed out my perspectives on a company I have had a great deal of personal dealings with, and have witnessed in action. When they were Heritage Gold they strung along investors for years, and "kept the faith" by overstating what they were finding. As New Talisman Gold, they are financially wobbly, have over-reached, and are a high-court injunction from bankruptcy.

Do with that information what you wish.

And if you're dumb enough to invest in a "smoke and mirrors" company like NTG, you deserve what you get (or don't get).

Goodasgold who is NTG ? Frankly I have never heard of them.
Also your last statement applies to every company ever formed--that is they are a high court injunction from bankruptcy. Meaningless garbage the way you put it. Are you talking about NTL or this other company NTG? I am confused.

12-10-2014, 04:03 PM
Here is a link to a page from the Hauraki rail trail website. They clearly state that the closure of the windows walk and pumphouse tunnels is not related to NTL. It appears to be a DOC decision to make sure these areas are safe.




12-10-2014, 05:23 PM
Here is a link to a page from the Hauraki rail trail website. They clearly state that the closure of the windows walk and pumphouse tunnels is not related to NTL. It appears to be a DOC decision to make sure these areas are safe.



BrainGood find, Brain. Thanks very much. Puts a different light on things.
So when they declare them safe and reopen them this whole argument about hard done by tourism operators goes out the "window".

12-10-2014, 06:24 PM
A cynical person might see this as an attempt to crash the price to buy cheap shares before the rights record date this Tuesday...

12-10-2014, 10:09 PM
Here is a link to a page from the Hauraki rail trail website. They clearly state that the closure of the windows walk and pumphouse tunnels is not related to NTL. It appears to be a DOC decision to make sure these areas are safe.




About a month ago I organised a view through the proposed working part of the NTL mine. I had to put on special boots,overalls,a light with a back pack battery and a head gear. As well for the 300 metre walk I was always in the middle with miner of about 30 years experience both in front of me and behind.All in all it did not seem any more dangerious than the windows walk that I have done on three occasions,so I commented on that to these NTL miners. Well it turned out that DOC was running sh t scarred at that point that after PIKE the odd rock could possibly kill someone and my understanding is that had the windows never opened after the PIKE changes they certainly never would be allowed. It would not now supprise me if the windows are only opened in the future at set times and in a guided and protected manner just as I was when in went into the nTL mine. In fact today after PIKE anywhere in NZ these safety requirements must be met.... So if you are intending to get all worked up about loseing the windows might as well get worked up about every other crack in the ground while your at it.
Old mines and new mines now have two significant dates---before and after PIKE

12-10-2014, 10:09 PM
In reply to GoodasGold.

Would you rather they turned a blind eye to something dangerous? Clearly the walks weren't closed because of NTL, but because of NTL engineers doing the public a service in spotting a problem. Would you prefer a Cave Creek situation? Perhaps then you would be blaming NTL for not speaking up.

13-10-2014, 06:41 AM
A cynical person might see this as an attempt to crash the price to buy cheap shares before the rights record date this Tuesday...
Think you have stumbled on the truth behind this bombardment madam has unleashed upon us.

An attempt by stealth to influence the punters to NOT take up the rights issue thereby denying NTL the funds to continue.

We shall see if this eclectic smorgasbord continues after the rights issue closes oversubscribed.

13-10-2014, 08:45 AM
GOOD AS GOLD (GAG)........many thanks for your well worded, well constructed and thoughtful contribution. I am a longterm shareholder.......unfortunately. Like you I am obviously not "anti-mining" per say........but there's a place and time. Karangahake Gorge is definitely NOT the place for goldmining in this day and age. It may sound a little "odd" (as a shareholder) but Im hoping in this instance that this venture fails before it even properly gets off the ground. Im more concerned about the environmental impact than a return on my investment.......maybe I should just dump my shares but I have such a longterm association with Heritage (yea right).....well, a bit like your wedding ring I guess. Goldmining is such a backward archaic industry anyway (as you say, taking it out of the ground only to put most of it back in the ground)......but what really concerns me is the fragility and natural beauty of the gorge and its surrounds. We need this sort of industry in this location like we need a hole in the head. Remember also that now most of any financial gains (65%?>>cant remember the figure) will be heading straight off overseas to the Chinese stakeholders. What shameful business structure.....I mean how bizarre is that. I seriously doubt that any profits (if any) will ever get through to us (poor old) long suffering shareholders. I for one wont be holding my breath!

Anyway I hope New Talisman doesnt go down the gurgler (the POG is now well against them) but at the same time I hope they pull out of Karangahake sooner rather than later and concentrate on mining in less fragile and more suitable areas (like the middle of Oz or China for example). A time and place.

13-10-2014, 08:50 AM
GOOD AS GOLD (GAG)........many thanks for your well worded, well constructed and thoughtful contribution. I am a longterm shareholder.......unfortunately. Like you I am obviously not "anti-mining" per say........but there's a place and time. Karangahake Gorge is definitely NOT the place for goldmining in this day and age. It may sound a little "odd" (as a shareholder) but Im hoping in this instance that this venture fails before it even properly gets off the ground. Im more concerned about the environmental impact than a return on my investment.......maybe I should just dump my shares but I have such a longterm association with Heritage (yea right).....well, a bit like your wedding ring I guess. Goldmining is such a backward archaic industry anyway (as you say, taking it out of the ground only to put most of it back in the ground)......but what really concerns me is the fragility and natural beauty of the gorge and its surrounds. We need this sort of industry in this location like we need a hole in the head. Remember also that now most of any financial gains (65%?>>cant remember the figure) will be heading straight off overseas to the Chinese stakeholders. What shameful business structure.....I mean how bizarre is that. I seriously doubt that any profits (if any) will ever get through to us (poor old) long suffering shareholders. I for one wont be holding my breath!

Anyway I hope New Talisman doesnt go down the gurgler (the POG is now well against them) but at the same time I hope they pull out of Karangahake sooner rather than later and concentrate on mining in less fragile and more suitable areas (like the middle of Oz or China for example). A time and place.

What Chinese stakeholder? Do you mean the funding venture NTL pulled out of months ago?

13-10-2014, 09:07 AM
....Hi Jonu. I may have that wrong and Im happy to be corrected but I understood a Chinese consortium now holds a large stake in NTL?? Maybe someone else can confirm that. ??

13-10-2014, 09:23 AM
GOOD AS GOLD (GAG)........many thanks for your well worded, well constructed and thoughtful contribution. I am a longterm shareholder.......unfortunately. Like you I am obviously not "anti-mining" per say........but there's a place and time. Karangahake Gorge is definitely NOT the place for goldmining in this day and age. It may sound a little "odd" (as a shareholder) but Im hoping in this instance that this venture fails before it even properly gets off the ground. Im more concerned about the environmental impact than a return on my investment.......maybe I should just dump my shares but I have such a longterm association with Heritage (yea right).....well, a bit like your wedding ring I guess. Goldmining is such a backward archaic industry anyway (as you say, taking it out of the ground only to put most of it back in the ground)......but what really concerns me is the fragility and natural beauty of the gorge and its surrounds. We need this sort of industry in this location like we need a hole in the head. Remember also that now most of any financial gains (65%?>>cant remember the figure) will be heading straight off overseas to the Chinese stakeholders. What shameful business structure.....I mean how bizarre is that. I seriously doubt that any profits (if any) will ever get through to us (poor old) long suffering shareholders. I for one wont be holding my breath!

Anyway I hope New Talisman doesnt go down the gurgler (the POG is now well against them) but at the same time I hope they pull out of Karangahake sooner rather than later and concentrate on mining in less fragile and more suitable areas (like the middle of Oz or China for example). A time and place.

Some of you anti NTL posters are simply just making up garbage and claiming it as fact.
Who are these Chinese that own 65% of NTL??? The books show a holder at 13% from memory and the name sure does not sound Chinese.
As for the fragility and natural beauty of the area I agree totally. I have walked and biked the trails many times and will comtinue to do so for as long as possible.I can not believe you or GSG love nature any more than I do. However I have gone to see NTL and what they intend to do. None of this activity will impact on this beauty any more than any other activity in the area. In fact true natural beauty only exist with total human absents ,so if we are reasonable humans we have to see not only how the other fellow destroys this beauty but how our own actions destroy it.
A prime example is that before I entered the mine I had to cross the road outside the New Tailsman café. It took a few mintues to get across safely as 4 large trucks went by. None of these trucks were NTL,s. So I am to take it that NTL trucks are beauty destroying but no others are. Sorry GAG I just can not go down the one eyed track you are suggesting to remove NTL from this area. NTL must be compared with all other activity--no more no less. I see nothing that will destroy this natural beauty coming from NTL any more than every other human activity.

13-10-2014, 09:46 AM
[QUOTE=digger;511170] "Some of you anti NTL posters are simply just making up garbage and claiming it as fact."

....YOUR'E TALKING TO A SHAREHOLDER DIGGER. Im NOT anti-NTL at all......Im (now) anti-mining-Karangahake Gorge.....and I have every right to do so. (as do all NZers)

13-10-2014, 10:06 AM
....Hi Jonu. I may have that wrong and Im happy to be corrected but I understood a Chinese consortium now holds a large stake in NTL?? Maybe someone else can confirm that. ??

No majority Chinese holder as attached

Convertible notes were issued instead

13-10-2014, 10:10 AM
[QUOTE=digger;511170] "Some of you anti NTL posters are simply just making up garbage and claiming it as fact."

....YOUR'E TALKING TO A SHAREHOLDER DIGGER. Im NOT anti-NTL at all......Im (now) anti-mining-Karangahake Gorge.....and I have every right to do so. (as do all NZers)

You have indeed very right to your views,I was just questioning the accuracy of some of the statements made. Where did you get the 65% ownership of NTL by Chinese from. I need this education and if any where near true I will join the GAG crowd ,as the Chinese record with pollution needs cleaning up. Pun intended

13-10-2014, 11:06 AM
Most people find NIMBY’s like you GAG intolerable, you should really take a few minutes to look in the mirror and reflect on why that is so, ask yourself if your behaviours are what you would want your kids to emulate, you should really be welcoming new people and business into a community not throwing rocks at them shouldn't you, here’s what wiki has to say about you;

“Nimby is a pejorative characterization of opposition by residents to a proposal for a new development because it is close to them, often with the connotation that such residents believe that the developments are needed in society but should be further away”

NTL have a resource consent to do what they will do, they have satisfied the legal, safety and environmental requirements required in obtaining one. NZ has the most rigorous process for this in the world and NTL have satisfied that process.

It is not NTL’s intention to in anyway alter the gorge, its scenery or its walkways outside of their immediate mine entrances and stockpile area which will be done with the acceptance and approval of the landowner and caretaker.

The gorge is not in a national park and you NIMBY’s are not the landowner of the mine site.

If that is what you really would like, a national park, then that is what you should be lobbying for, I would have no objection to that, but it is in no way appropriate or morally acceptable in society to harass small companies who are just a group of honest people that just want to go about their business and earn a law abiding living like everyone else.

I think it should be entirely appropriate for companies like NTL to take out civil law suits against people like you for defamation, inciting others if unlawful, and if it comes to it cost recovery for any operational impedance.

13-10-2014, 12:10 PM
Most people find NIMBY’s like you GAG intolerable, you should really take a few minutes to look in the mirror and reflect on why that is so, ask yourself if your behaviours are what you would want your kids to emulate, you should really be welcoming new people and business into a community not throwing rocks at them shouldn't you, here’s what wiki has to say about you;

“Nimby is a pejorative characterization of opposition by residents to a proposal for a new development because it is close to them, often with the connotation that such residents believe that the developments are needed in society but should be further away”

NTL have a resource consent to do what they will do, they have satisfied the legal, safety and environmental requirements required in obtaining one. NZ has the most rigorous process for this in the world and NTL have satisfied that process.

It is not NTL’s intention to in anyway alter the gorge, its scenery or its walkways outside of their immediate mine entrances and stockpile area which will be done with the acceptance and approval of the landowner and caretaker.

The gorge is not in a national park and you NIMBY’s are not the landowner of the mine site.

If that is what you really would like, a national park, then that is what you should be lobbying for, I would have no objection to that, but it is in no way appropriate or morally acceptable in society to harass small companies who are just a group of honest people that just want to go about their business and earn a law abiding living like everyone else.

I think it should be entirely appropriate for companies like NTL to take out civil law suits against people like you for defamation, inciting others if unlawful, and if it comes to it cost recovery for any operational impedance.

This last bit about defamation and inciting others in unlawful acitivies is why i suspect GoodasGold [GAG] does not use the company code NTL but calls it something else. Can always then claim he or she was really talking about some other company.

13-10-2014, 12:20 PM
Minerbarejet, I have raised very valid and legitimate points, based on a rather unique and indepth perspective that all of you shareholders lack, and conversations at an executive level that you are not privy to. If any of the users of this page wish to use my information to their advantage, then surely that is a good thing? I would have done those users a service, and am quite comfortable with that. I have enjoyed communicating with you all, and appreciate your perspectives on what can be a very polarizing issue. I was asking myself the attraction to investing in gold, and I do understand it. There's the thrill of the chase and the lottery of what the ore might contain, the sentimental attraction we have to the stuff, and there's something very manly about the whole process of getting it out of the ground. And for older people, there's a sense of security that comes with gold, much like bricks and mortar. However, that does not mean it is a good and sound business investment. We live in a rapidly changing world. I am relatively young, and am constantly having to adapt and rethink my business approach to things that were a given just a few years ago, given the astonishingly swift changes the digital age is bringing. The microchip made gold's "store of value" purpose obsolete, as evidenced by the flat-lined gold market. If you want to throw your money at a failing industry, with a company trying to work in a virtually untenable location, then that is your choice, and I wish you the very best of luck. We shall both watch the rights issue with interest. And if any of you wish to open a nice, clean wholesome operation like a brothel in the Gorge, get in touch with me. I would gladly open some doors for you. :)
Excellent work. Divide and conquer. Make them feel guilty then play the sex card.
But if you think a brothel can ever be a nice clean wholesome operation then by comparison NTL must be squeaky clean.
Do have a lovely day, madam. You are hilarious

13-10-2014, 12:26 PM
Excellent work. Divide and conquer. Make them feel guilty then play the sex card.
But if you think a brothel can ever be a nice clean wholesome operation then by comparison NTL must be squeaky clean.
Do have a lovely day, madam. You are hilarious

More like stir up a hornets nest with a bunch of disinformation and then shift the argument each time she is exposed. I won't be bothering to reply to GAG any further. Right from her first posting it felt like a desperate attempt to derail the rights take up. All a bit sad really. I think Digger had a good point about the continuous NTGing. Disingenous from the get-go.

13-10-2014, 12:46 PM
Minerbarejet, I have raised very valid and legitimate points, based on a rather unique and indepth perspective that all of you shareholders lack, and conversations at an executive level that you are not privy to. If any of the users of this page wish to use my information to their advantage, then surely that is a good thing? I would have done those users a service, and am quite comfortable with that. I have enjoyed communicating with you all, and appreciate your perspectives on what can be a very polarizing issue. I was asking myself the attraction to investing in gold, and I do understand it. There's the thrill of the chase and the lottery of what the ore might contain, the sentimental attraction we have to the stuff, and there's something very manly about the whole process of getting it out of the ground. And for older people, there's a sense of security that comes with gold, much like bricks and mortar. However, that does not mean it is a good and sound business investment. We live in a rapidly changing world. I am relatively young, and am constantly having to adapt and rethink my business approach to things that were a given just a few years ago, given the astonishingly swift changes the digital age is bringing. The microchip made gold's "store of value" purpose obsolete, as evidenced by the flat-lined gold market. If you want to throw your money at a failing industry, with a company trying to work in a virtually untenable location, then that is your choice, and I wish you the very best of luck. We shall both watch the rights issue with interest. And if any of you wish to open a nice, clean wholesome operation like a brothel in the Gorge, get in touch with me. I would gladly open some doors for you. :)If you are in fact privy to executive level information as you claim and are enticing others to use this information to their advantage then might I be permitted to suggest an investigation into insider trading could be forthcoming.
We are not under parliamentary priviledge here, are we?
Once again
Have a nice day, etc , etc

13-10-2014, 01:23 PM
I think many of these comments in reply are seriously OTT. In my own case, I found it very hard to be convinced that shares that I'd invested in for years, and done serious due diligence over, were in a company that was carefully pulling the wool over my eyes (GEL), along with everyone else. Nothing they could be pinged on, but the reality compared to what shareholders were being told at the time, might have been a few months out. Some stuff, we were never told. I'm sure GoodasGold will be a fair bit better informed than most of us, about the chances for success at the Talisman mine. However looking back, I see there is a suggestion by NTL that up to 2Moz of gold could be left in the area of the mine. Maybe GoodasGold knows that to be very hopeful.

That $150,000 spent on uni students to no avail by NTL could have been used to repair walking tracks and keep them open, and that sort of PR would be invaluable. Everyone knows that DOC is being stripped of funds and employees by the current govt, that won't change for a while. They need all the help they can get.

13-10-2014, 07:25 PM
Look out, boys, she's gone into stereo mode.:)

Press edit post on one of them, delete.
If you want practice at it go do all the rest of your posts.
You cant delete anything but your own posts
Just trying to be helpful:)

13-10-2014, 07:27 PM
I agree with a past poster, my time on this thread has definitely run its course. Thanks to the contributors who have taken the time to read and consider my comments. elDorro, you have a remarkable skill for seeing through the fluff, and drawing the most important information, I'm very impressed. I don't invest in the stockmarket, but if I ever did, you would be someone I would ask for advise. And Gr8day, thank you so much for your words, they touched me deeply, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment. You are what my father would refer to as, "Nature's Gentleman", and I'm sure if we ever met in person, would like each other enormously - (but just to clarify for the easy confused and confuddled that I've encountered here, I'm very happily married!)

Shame to see you go so soon. I was just trying to get some thoughts going. I do not go along with the suiing bit because I do not think it will go that way. What I see is that NTL has been given with a lot of high hurdles to get started. These barriers my be too hard ,time will tell. The biggest part for all others will be the hurdlers set against NTL will remain and others will as a result have to also clean up there act. Note even now the windows are not up to the safety standers that NTL has to meet.And believe me from my previous post the windows are not up to standard for the general public. Do you not wonder in many other regards how many other businesses are not up to the standards set for NTL.
Could you not answer my questions before leaving being so articulate and all.
Strange you use the term Articulate to describe yourself as other say I am as well. But articulate to one is motor mouth to others. It all depends from where the listener is coming from.

13-10-2014, 07:39 PM
Thanks for the kind words, GoodasGold, and leave your posts intact. They will help somebody. When I was starting out in business, I was told by a tutor that the main reason for doing so should be to make good money. Later on, one of my customers listed on an exchange. They said it was their latest effort to raise funds. Note that they didn't say they thought they had such a strong business that they could share it with many others, and everyone would do well. Getting funds is the primary aim at first, and often there are some old bills that need sorting.

13-10-2014, 08:53 PM
Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean. I did delete a post, but only because it was an accidental duplicate. I have edited a couple of my posts, but only if I've seen spelling and grammatical errors... not to change the meaning. Everything I wrote, is to the best of my knowledge, accurate. If anybody can correct me, I will happily delete the offending post, and apologize, too.Bad luck, nice try
Post 1121 edited at 7.27. Two minutes after mine at 7.25
And your buddy elDorro is actually el Zorro
You would be indeed wise to take note of el Zorro's advice as he is number 8 in the 2014 stock picking contest.
But- wait theres more,:) No, can it be - YES! :eek2:His leading stock is none other than OGC:scared:

Thought that might cheer you up
Noah fence

13-10-2014, 09:07 PM
Bad luck, nice try
Post 1121 edited at 7.27. Two minutes after mine at 7.25
And your buddy elDorro is actually el Zorro
You would be indeed wise to take note of el Zorro's advice as he is number 8 in the 2014 stock picking contest.
But- wait theres more,:) No, can it be - YES! :eek2:His leading stock is none other than OGC:scared:

Thought that might cheer you up
Noah fence

Only because I have a limited imagination with shares! Anyway it is a bigger company, that is being a bit smarter.

Here is a link to an article about the Karangahake meeting, if it hasn't been posted. On average, the bulk sampling will have three or four small truck movements a day, plus some smaller service vehicles.


Blasting is for about 4 m3 per day of sample, one blast only, located about 1.5km inside Karangahake mountain. If the mine was to go to full production later, it would employ 50 people. I guess the traffic would be a bit more noticeable then.

13-10-2014, 09:40 PM
Oh yes, sorry, I do see what you mean, "stereo" refers to the double post, which I tried to delete, but apparently wasn't successful. Sorry, I haven't used one of these forums for years, my friends all use facebook, but this doesn't seem to have such a user-friendly edit function. I prefer this formatt, though, Facebook is designed for posts to disappear, and is very much designed for the "now", whereas this is formatt is more solid and tangible - even if it does keep logging out on me.Its actually a goldmine of information, you get these little nuggets of wisdom that you will lose if you were to leave, ore you could stick around and see how it pans out.
Hope the "Windows" upgrade is successful and you find an interested party for the orehouse. Would suggest you keep the doors closed rather than open. Cant have the locals upset with noise levels can we.

13-10-2014, 10:08 PM
Its actually a goldmine of information, you get these little nuggets of wisdom that you will lose if you were to leave, ore you could stick around and see how it pans out.
Hope the "Windows" upgrade is successful and you find an interested party for the orehouse. Would suggest you keep the doors closed rather than open. Cant have the locals upset with noise levels can we.

Miner you are on fire!

I see GAG is still shifting around on the walk closure- this after supposedly giving us the REAL reason herself.

13-10-2014, 10:23 PM
Excellent, Miner, let's do a debrief. If the issue is a sell-out, then I shall be the first to congratulate you. And as for keeping doors closed, and those noise levels, the suburban decibel ratings rules don't apply in public parks, regrettably. Just one of countless things we've investigated. However, there are other things we are pursuing that are FAR more interesting and promising, haha.
Dont tell me you are drilling for oil in Senegal.

13-10-2014, 11:07 PM
Haha, now you're just being silly. If you can't be sensible, that chummy debrief might have to be postponed, which would be a shame. Especially for me, as I might need a bit of it explained to me, not being a much stockmarket follower. Although, provided I haven't offended my friend el Zorro with my endless mis-spelling of his name, (which I doubt) is definitely nice enough to talk me through the finer points, if necessary.
FAR is an outfit drilling for oil in Senegal.
They have just found a heap so you should be getting some more tourists for the orehouse:)
And in case you havent twigged, our buddy el Zorros top share OGC is Oceana Gold Corp, a goldmine no less.:lol:

14-10-2014, 04:17 AM
Hahahaha, how funny. I wasn't quite planning to go into that business myself, but am always receptive to a good business proposal. Perhaps if you don't sink too much money into the share issue tomorrow, you could be a silent partner :p It's a proven business model, and would be in an ideal location, (heaps of passing traffic, but quite discrete at the some time), we'd make a KILLING!!!!! And you'd be way too rich to bother with this grubby, risky mining lark, lol.Naturally I would be a silent partner, the noise level would get pimpossibly high otherwise.
I can just see the sign " Gorge yourself at the Bro Tel -2k"
That could be price and distance so there is no confusion.:)

14-10-2014, 06:38 AM
Naturally I would be a silent partner, the noise level would get pimpossibly high otherwise.
I can just see the sign " Gorge yourself at the Bro Tel -2k"
That could be price and distance so there is no confusion.:)

I think signage like that could earn a stiff fine.
But enough banter for now... Christmas only 90 days away. "Ho ho ho" :)

14-10-2014, 08:31 AM
...GAG I wouldnt be too concerned about having "wronged" anybody. You may have just ruffled a few feathers of the small minded.....and thats a healthy thing in my opinion. We all need to be challenged in our beliefs and philosophies from time to time and the young need to see there are many different ways to skin a cat. As for talk about defamation claims etc against you......haha clearly you ruffled a bit more than feathers on that person!! ( what utter clap trap from someone who doesnt understand the concept of freedom of speech). All power to you and thanks for your comments above. No need to worry I also wear a GOLD wedding ring so your'e safe on that count!

14-10-2014, 11:32 AM
[QUOTE=GoodasGold;510893]The issue is slightly more complicated than a few greenies getting stroppy. Matthew Hill, the CEO of NTG did an unbelievably stupid thing. NTG engineers reported the Windows Walkway (the most popular DOC walkway in NZ) as unstable to DOC, and this and the Pumphouse Walk are now closed for "inspection".

This member is protect karangahake. Not worth anyone's time.

Resource consents cannot be reversed.

Bye bye Sue get your broomstick and fly away.

14-10-2014, 11:39 AM
GAG.....please check your Private Messages in answer to the above. Gr8day.

14-10-2014, 11:49 AM
No I think getting the code wrong as she does on her protect karangahake page is unlikely to protect her from a suit.

14-10-2014, 11:55 AM
GAG- Don't you get PAID BY A MINER IN THE GORGE FOR MINING RIGHTS? tell us all the truth about your naughty little secret.

14-10-2014, 11:59 AM
Now its getting real interesting:)

14-10-2014, 12:00 PM
Protect Karangahake Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Protect-Karangahake/1498387450419176?sk=timeline) Seems like a rehash of what's been posted here...

14-10-2014, 12:02 PM
Actually I think she should be a little concerned,

NTL or any shareholder of NTL may raise a defamation case, and I’m sure that amongst the hundreds of loyal shareholders there are bound to be a few young lawyers all keen, twitching and eager to add to their reputations, and well probably for no fee.

Here’s exactly how to go about it for those that are interested;


14-10-2014, 12:32 PM
Actually I think she should be a little concerned,

NTL or any shareholder of NTL may raise a defamation case, and I’m sure that amongst the hundreds of loyal shareholders there are bound to be a few young lawyers all keen, twitching and eager to add to their reputations, and well probably for no fee.

Here’s exactly how to go about it for those that are interested;


Sue gag

What about your naughty little secret. Do you really get paid ....what a joke after all that diatribe here!!!!

Silly to have claimed your words given the above.

Perhaps NTL or shareholders will let you stay on your farm after the lawsuit.

Not sure why the racist slurs. I'm quite partial to the Chinese cuisine myself.

And Gr8 day. Perhaps you might fess up as to your noise or should someone do it for you.

14-10-2014, 12:36 PM
NTL are lawfully just doing what they do with the blessing of the land owner and local councils.

If individuals like you cross the line to defame or incite others to unlawful acts or generally harass small companies then it is you alone that are personally liable and are the only one who should be concerned.

The best advice I can offer you GAG is to reflect on why it is that you should hold so much bitter and twisted resentment for a group of people who are just going about their business.

If you would like to go out and get a bunch of lawyers in an attempt to change the gorge to national park status, I would at least consider supporting you, but your hatred is misdirected and I suspect right now you are just too blind to see what others see, life is really too short to live that way.

14-10-2014, 12:44 PM
interesting but unfortunately incorrect. Just because you defame a person or company doesn't require them to respond. The liability rests with you.

They can act up to the statute of limitations.

MAC life's too short to try and talk sense to gag and the like.

Now back onto this thread.

Great news the health and safety plan is lodged seems such allows mining in 2 months. the hurdles have all been met which is fantastic.

While POG is an issue its smart NTL have run on an assumed 1200 use gold price. Anyone done the math versus recent nzd to usd? as while POG has fallen in real terms the fact NTL get paid in nzd should provide some shelter no? Surely one of the pointier heads here can look at that. My abacus doesn't allow for such.

14-10-2014, 01:45 PM
I lived for four years in a relatively isolated high country town of under 400 folk and understand just how things can become polarised and insular, feudal even sometimes, the world really can seem a smaller place.

I live on a bus route in Christchurch now and my windows rattle quite every time a fully loaded bus goes by, it’s all relative I guess and when you live in the country every noise within a quiet backdrop can seem eventful.

I don’t know if the consent should have been notified or not, I’m not an RMA lawyer, but one should expect the council had valid and fair reasons not to do so. You may question that, but if so then you’re focus and discussion should be with the council not NTL, I’m sure the council would reply to your letter.

District plan and resource consent noise limits are really very low indeed and it takes a big effort for any business on behalf of the community to meet them. It is not in NTL's interests to operate outside the rules they have agreed to.

If there are a few parties with rattley windows due to vibration, or perceived vibration at least, then they should be chatting to NTL over the fence about that. It becomes a matter of amicable interpersonal communication and perhaps even resolution if so required between them and the mine manager.

But, such matters are in no way justification for defamation or harassment are they !

14-10-2014, 01:54 PM
Proactiveinvestors Australia

Full New Talisman Gold Mines profile here

New Talisman Gold Mines (ASX: NTL), formerly Heritage Gold NZ, is a mining exploration company with gold projects in the Coromandel region of New Zealand and cobalt and base metal projects near Broken Hill in Australia.

Gold development and production from the Talisman mine in New Zealand.
New Talisman Gold Mines is fast-tracking gold development and production from the Talisman mine in New Zealand.
New Talisman Gold Mines (ASX: NTL, NZX NTL) is a dual-listed (Australian and New Zealand) explorer and gold developer that is fast tracking gold development and production from the Talisman mine.

Recommendation: Speculative Buy 6-9 month target of $0.021 per share
Share Price: $0.01
52 Week -:
High: $.021
Low: $.006
Issued Ordinary Shares: 565.9M
Options: 8.5M
Cash: NZ$0.33M /A$0.31M Funding of NZ $2.26M / A$2.1M underway
Market Cap: A$5.6M
Enterprise Value: $4.55M

Major Shareholders
Hamish Elliott Brown: 6.6%
HFT Nominees: 5.8%
Top 20: 44.2%

Managing Director: James Murray McKee
Executive Director: Matthew Geoffrey Hill
Director: Dr. Ian James Pringle

- Talisman is located on the Coromandel Peninsula which is a prolific gold field located at the northern end of the North Island of New Zealand, and currently includes Newmont Mining as operator of the nearby Waihi Mine.

- Talisman produced 1 million high grade ounces of gold and 3 million ounces of silver, and New Talisman has proved up a JORC compliant resource of 205k oz inclusive of a JORC compliant reserve of 28800 oz au.

- Mineralised potential within the talisman permit area has been estimated at 0.55 million to greater than 2 million ounces of gold. Additional silver potential is measured at 1.5 million to 6 million ounces.

- New Talisman Gold Mines is currently completing a rights issue that is raising NZ$2.26 million. This will fund a $1 million bulk sampling programme that is forecast to become cash flow positive within 7 months and will conclude in 17 months.

- Permits have been obtained to annually process up to 10,000 cubic metres of remnant ore and underground bulk samples. An off-site agreement to toll treat this feedstock is expected shortly. The mine is well supported by existing infrastructure including roads and water supply.

- The bulk sampling programme is intended to validate parameters for a Phase One gold production programme focussed on the current JORC compliant reserve of 28,800 oz AU. The full production programme will require funding of NZ$5.4 million.

- Annualised production is forecast to reach 12,115 ounces of gold and 36,000 ounces of silver over an initial mine life of 5 years. Phase Two will is expected to lead to a significant increase in production.

- We forecast a 6-9 month share price target of $0.021 per share on an undiluted basis (see analysis and valuation), and is based on validation of the production model.

- Phase One is expected to commence in 18 months after initiation of bulk mining, and is forecast to generate NZ$68.2 million in revenues and a total cash surplus of NZ$23.4 million, or an annualised 5 year average of NZ$4.64 million. At 4 - 6 times free cash flow this will produce an estimate valuation of $18.6 to $27.9 million or $0.033-$0.059 per share (undiluted).


New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd (ASX: NTL, NZX NTL) retains a 100% interest in the Talisman Mine, Rahu Project which is immediately to the north of the Talisman mine and a wholly owned subsidiary known as Coromandel Gold Ltd which holds a significant land position within the Coromandel Peninsula in the North Island of New Zealand. NTL also holds 17.9 million shares in Broken Hill Prospecting Ltd (ASX: BPL) representing a current interest of 20.8% in BPL valued at $0.75 million.


Alluvial gold was discovered on the Coromandel Peninsula in the 1850’s and was quickly followed by gold production from quartz gold in 1862. Major gold production to the current date includes Thames with 1.4 million ounces, Golden Cross 1.4 million ounces and Waihi which is operated by Newmont with 7.1 million ounces of gold.

Gold mining at Mount Karangahake took place between 1875 to the 1940’s and occasionally until 1992, and reported historic production of gold with silver credits. New Talisman Gold Mines has completed an exploration programme within Mount Karangahake at the 8 Level of the historic Talisman Gold Mine and announced gold reserves and resources developed by New Talisman. Underground production of gold and silver ore is forecast to commence within 6 months.


New Talisman Gold Mines owns a 100% interest at Mount Karangahake which had historic production of 1 million ounces of gold, and 3 million ounces of silver from two mines, the Talisman and Crown Mines. The vein systems within these two mines extended over a strike length of 1,000 metres and depth of 700 metres.

Both historic mine areas are now held under a single 25 year permit to mine that covers 299 hectares and lies between the towns of Waihi (population 3,900) and Paeroa (4,300) in the Hauraki goldfield.

Historic gold and silver production from various vein systems included:

- Crown / Welcome vein is estimated over a width of 0.6 to 1 metres and produced 366,411 tonnes at an average grade of 15.6 g/t gold and 12.2 g/t silver to yield 351,736 ounces of bullion (combined gold and silver ounces).
- Maria vein is estimated at a width of 1 to 3 metres and produced 687,043 tonnes at an average grade of 27.8 g/t gold and 128.6 g/t silver to yield 3,510,691 ounces of bullion.
- Woodstock Vein produced 49,165 tonnes at an average grade of 15.3 g/t gold and 71.6 g/t silver for 139,767 ounces of bullion.
- Mystery vein was discovered in the late 1980’s and was never mined. The Company has evaluated the Mystery vein on 8 Level and estimated at 1.8 metres in width. Chip sampling over the extent of the vein has assayed at grades exceeding 50g/t Au

The Talisman Mine was mined on 16 Levels and good access is available on 8 Level where the Company has completed refurbishment for extensive channel sampling and drilling. Talisman comprises the Maria, Crown/Welcome and Mystery veins and 8 Level leads into Crown, Mystery Woodstock and Dubbo veins.

Gold resource potential is very extensive and is marked in yellow on Diagram One on Page Two. Geological resource potential is estimated at 0.55 million to +2 million ounces of gold, and 1.65 million to 6 million ounces of silver plus gold and silver in remnant stockpiles.

The Woodstock block is located 160 metres from the 8 Level portal and represents immediate on reef development potential that is also accessible from the 7a Level. The initial resource target is estimated over a strike length of 335 metres and includes an initial target resource of 92,100 tonnes at a grade of 4.7 g/t au for 13,800 ounces of gold.

The Dubbo block is an immediate on reef development that is accessed from the 8 Level portal and possibly from the 9 Level. The initial resource target is estimated over a 204 metre strike length and includes an initial resource target of 23,000 tonnes at a grade of 38.3 g/t au for 26,800 ounces.

The Mystery block is an unmined virgin target that is accessed from the 8 Level portal. The initial resource target is estimated over a strike length of 105 metres and includes an initial resource target of 7,400 tonnes at a grade of 17.7 g/t au for 4,200 ounces of gold. This block has potential to develop into a long life mining opportunity.

The Crown / Welcome blocks represent medium term and long life development potential that is accessed from the 8 Level. The initial resource target is estimated over a combined 335 metre strike length and includes an initial development target of 46,500 tonnes at a grade of 8.8 g/t au for 13,200 ounces of gold.


The current JORC compliant Resource Estimate included:

- Inferred Resource of 507,000 tonnes at 8.5 g/t Au for 139,100 ounces of gold, and 27.2 g/t Ag for 442,800 ounces of silver
- Indicated Resource of 197,690 tonnes at 5.0 g/t Au for 31,660 ounces of gold and 26.5 g/t Ag for 168,140 ounces of silver
- Measured Resource of 212,500 tonnes at 5.0 g/t Au for 34,000 ounces of gold and 27.5 g/t Ag for 187,900 ounces of silver
- Grand total of 917,390 tonnes at 6.9 g/t Au for 204,760 ounces of gold and 27.1 g/t Ag for 798,840 ounces of silver.


In September of 2013 Hatch Goba conducted a gap analysis on the Pre-Feasibility study and found it to comply with the requirements of a Techno-economic study. The company then announced an Ore Reserve for the mine as follows:

- a Probable Reserve of 19,600 tonnes at 8.5 g/t au for 5,400 ounces of gold and 36.9 g/t ag for 23,300 ounces of silver
- Proved Reserves of 62,900 tonnes at 11.6 g/t au for 23,400 ounces of gold and 51.6 g/t ag for 104,500 ounces of silver
- Grand total of 82,500 tonnes at 10.8 g/t au for 28,800 ounces of gold and 48.1 g/t ag for 127,800 ounces of silver (at a cut-off grade of 1.7 g/t au).


In April of 2013 the Company announced the completion of a Pre-Feasibility Study for underground mining at Talisman that confirmed an initial Phase One life of mine of 5 years to generate NZ$68.2 million in revenues to generate a cash surplus of NZ$23.4 million.

Start-up capital to generate this level of revenue was estimated at NZ$5.4 million.

Production from Phase One is forecast to peak at an annualised extraction rate of 35,000 tonnes of ore to produce 12,115 ounces of gold and 36,000 ounces of silver.

Phase One operations incorporate funding for additional resource development that is expected to build into Phase Two operations that will exceed 5 years.

A sub-level stoping method will be deployed to exploit steeply dipping, narrow vein deposits, and allow mining crews to switch between hand-held and long bore-hole drilling techniques. Gold ore reserves located below the 8 Level will be extracted via a trackless mine fleet that will traverse between stopes along a series of small ramps.

Majority of the ore will initially be derived from the Mystery and Dubbo sections.

The Company has completed rehabilitation of the mine access road and hardstand area.


A sealed road leads to within 1 km of the mine site and access to the portal is via a well maintained unformed road. Lines carrying 3 phase power are equipped to the mine site and can be reconnected at minimal cost, service water is available within the mine.

A stable and fit for purpose engineered landfill immediately outside the No 8 portal provides sufficient area for ore transport requirements, engineering infrastructure, offices and stores area.


The Company has completed initial testing to confirm that Talisman ore does not contain unwanted contaminants and is in discussions with a local treatment facility to process feedstock. Further metallurgical testing is expected to confirm that the feedstock is suitable for the proposed toll treatment process circuit.

The Company currently has cash of NZ$334,745 and maintained a very lean cash burn of NZ$181,523 for the March quarter. The Company is also completing a one for two rights issue to fund development and production from the Talisman Mine.

To prepare for initial mining activity New Talisman Gold Mines has:
- Restructured the board and executive team
- Identified a mining team to carry out bulk sampling and mining activities
- Completed a Pre-Feasibility Study
- Announced a maiden JORC Reserve for gold and silver
- Agreed an access arrangement to the Talisman Mine with the dept of conservation
- Obtained a Resource Consent from Hauraki District Council
- Completed a bulk sampling project plan
- Launched a Health and Safety Management plan.


The Hauraki District Council granted resource consent and the Department of Conservation granted an access arrangement that allows for trial mining to commence at a rate of approximately 400 tonnes of fresh rock per month. The total tonnage that can be removed from the property is currently set at an annualised rate of 10,000 cubic metres and includes high grade gold stockpiles that can be processed via toll treatment.

These high grade stockpiles carry gold grades that range from less than 1 g/t and up to 10,000 g/t gold. Proceeds from treating the stockpiles will be re-invested into development of the Talisman Mine.

Initial work will entail installation of surface infrastructure that includes compressors and power generation capacity to support underground mining.

This will be followed by mine refurbishment that will include replacement of old supports in existing mine tunnels to allow safe ingress and egress of personnel and machinery into the mine works. Engineering services will then be installed from the mine portal to the working faces that will allow for bulk sampling via drill and blast to take place.

Installation of surface plant, refurbishment of mine tunnels and installation of engineering services to the mine face is expected to take approximately 6 months before the first fresh ore is hauled to the surface.

The projected cash flow model is based on a gold price of US$1,200 per ounce and a C1 cash production cost of US$568 per ounce that includes labour and material to deliver run of mine ore to the surface. Exchange rate is based on NZ$0.80 (currently NZ$0.86).

The cash flow projection allows for a cumulative spend of NZ$1 million over 7 months to bring the Talisman Mine into positive cash flow in the 8th month of operations, and recovery of a total of NZ$1.3 million investment in the 18th month assuming a $1200 gold price.

This does not take into account the value of stockpiles that may provide additional upside if assaying and recoveries are positive.

Once the 18 month bulk sampling phase is completed the Company will then move into Phase One operations that will produce at an annualised rate of 12,115 ounces of gold and 36,000 ounces of silver.


Multiple discovery opportunities are available across the entire strike line of 4 kilometres that covers Mount Karangahake, Taukani Hill and Rahu Ridge (see Diagram, One Page Two).

There are a number of untested veins and chutes that run parallel to the Maria and Welcome /Crown vein systems. The newly discovered Mystery vein is indicative of this potential, where assays confirm a vein width of 1.8 metres at a grade of 52 g/t gold.

Broken Hill Prospecting LTD

New Talisman Gold Mines retains a 20.8% interest in ASX listed Broken Hill Prospecting Ltd (ASX: BPL) that owns large pyrite and cobalt deposits that are located beside the Sydney to Adelaide railway link, and 25 kilometres west of Broken Hill.

A Scoping Study has been completed to process 7.5 million tonnes per annum of ore to produce 7,000 tonnes of cobalt per year, and generate significant volumes of sulphuric acid from the pyrite material. This acid could be sold as a building block to make fertiliser or utilised by the mining industry to extract metals from sulphides.

Cobalt is used in rechargeable batteries, environmental technologies and hard metals. LME cobalt is currently priced at US$13.45 per pound after reaching historic highs of US$50 per pound in 2007 to 2008.


Coromandel Gold Ltd (CGL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of NTL and has a separate board and management. CGL was established to ensure that exploration of the company’s prospective ground did not distract from the strategic focus on the development of the Talisman mine. CGL owns EP 40-736 Golden Valley that is a broad strip of land that abuts Newmont’s gold operations at Waihi. The Exploration Permit includes geological structures that appear to be analogous to the structures that produce gold in the highly productive Waihi district.

The Company also holds 1,100 hectares that are located 30 kilometres west of Whangarei that is prospective for gold and base metals.


- Completion of current one for two rights issue to raise up to NZ$2.26 million by early June 2014
- Complete metallurgical trial and secure gold and silver process agreement with toll treatment facility
- Retain contractors and mining team to install surface plant, refurbish mine tunnels and bring engineering works to mine faces, 6 months from completion of funding arrangements
- Commence toll treatment on high grade gold stockpiles to drive early cashflows
- Commence extraction of hard rock bulk samples from underground vein systems in 6 months from completion of current funding and continue into 17th month
- Update data from additional underground resource developments through mining IE Mystery developments
- Commence Phase One mining operations in 18th month from completion of current funding


New Talisman Gold Mines is currently capitalised at A$5.6 million, of which $0.3 million is cash and $0.75 million is the current market value of the interest in Broken Hill Prospecting, and places an Enterprise Valuation “EV” on the Talisman Gold Mine of $4.55 million or A$22.20 per ounce of JORC compliant gold resource (for 205,000 JORC Inferred Indicated and Measured ounces).

Valuations for small scale developers of higher grade underground gold resources include near term production from Octagonal Resources (ASX: ORS) which is developing the Union Hill Mine at Maldon, Victoria. Union Hill carries at Enterprise Valuation of $6 million for an Inferred JORC Resource of 245,000 ounces of gold for an EV of $24.49 per ounce.

A1 Consolidated (ASX: AYC) is developing the A1 Gold Mine in North Eastern Victoria. A1 is a very near term producer and carries an EV of $16.4 million for Inferred and Indicated Resources of 281,200 ounces of gold at 6.2 g/t gold and an EV of $58.32 per ounce. A1 Consolidated has also arranged to toll treat its ore off-site by an independent third party.

Both of these developers are small scale gold operators with a very similar gold resource base and grade, and represent a very fair comparison with operations that are under development at the Talisman Mine. These operations provide us with an Enterprise Valuation range of $24.49 to $58.32 per JORC resource ounce.

We note that A1 Consolidated, Octagonal Resources and New Talisman Gold Mines have seen share price depreciation over the past 12 months, and represent a peer group that carries extremely depressed valuations at a time when the gold price has shown volatility.

We believe that Talisman has strong potential to develop into a small scale producer based on the current business plan and resource potential. Gold resource EV should approach $58.32 per ounce as applied to A1 Consolidated, and as bulk sampling develops and validates the resource model at Talisman.

This should occur over the next 6-9 months, and we assign an EV of $11.96 million on current resource ounces, or A$0.021 per undiluted (pre-rights issue) share. Further upside will be garnered from an increase in gold resources and reserves, and additional potential upside may flow from an increase in the gold price.

Talisman Gold Mines samples 1.5oz/t gold in New Zealand
Sampling of stockpiled ore from has returned very high grades of gold averaging 1.5 ounces per tonne, setting the foundation for commercial terms on processing ore from New Talisman Gold Mines’ Talisman gold mine in New Zealand.

New Talisman Gold Mines prepares Talisman ore for pilot testing
Sampling and pilot processing of stockpiled ore from the Talisman Mine in New Zealand will allow New Talisman Gold Mines to ascertain the value of its ore and finalise toll treatment arrangements. Previous spot samples had returned average grades greater than an ounce per tonne.

New Talisman Gold Mines granted operational authority
The receipt of authorisation to enter and operate the Talisman gold mine permit in New Zealand puts New Talisman Gold Mines another major step ahead on the road from explorer to producer.

New Talisman Gold Mines on track to commence year-end gold production
First production from New Talisman Gold Mines’ Talisman gold mine in New Zealand remains on track to start by the end of this year. The company has raised $634,069 from its rights issue.

Additional Information
Market: ASX
Sector: General Mining
Latest Price: A$0.012 (0.000%)
52-week High: A$0.013
52-week Low: A$0.006
Market Cap: A$8.01M

14-10-2014, 01:58 PM
Statistically six out of every seven dwarves are not happy.

Hi Ho, hi Ho, it's off to work we go…….

14-10-2014, 04:20 PM
Statistically six out of every seven dwarves are not happy.

Hi Ho, hi Ho, it's off to work we go…….Maybe Grumpy has an Altar Ego:)

Well done bullish, nothing like a few facts to give interested parties something to mull over.

15-10-2014, 10:10 AM
Thanks for posting that bullish, I hadn’t considered using EV before to value NTL just DCF until now.

For the alluvial gold mines in the South it is customary, as I understand, for DOC to take 15 to 20% of recovered gold in compensation for both use of land and for access. Can anyone point me to what NTL have agreed with DOC for New Talisman ?

kind regards, Mac

15-10-2014, 10:35 AM
Statistically six out of every seven dwarves are not happy.

Hi Ho, hi Ho, it's off to work we go…….

This dwarf must have been the outlier then

16-10-2014, 01:31 PM
POG seems to have given NTL a bit of a boost today.

16-10-2014, 08:28 PM
POG seems to have given NTL a bit of a boost today.

No, shares traded would have to be at least a million to be meaningful.And that is only 11 or 12 thousand so todays trade is a bit thin.

16-10-2014, 09:03 PM
Amazing how the shouting and screaming has died down now the rights issue record date has passed
It was fun there for a while, .---- wonder if she bought any shares.:)

Paint it Black
17-10-2014, 02:23 PM
Amazing how the shouting and screaming has died down now the rights issue record date has passed
It was fun there for a while, .---- wonder if she bought any shares.:)

$1.5m just went through at 1.1c so maybe she has seen the light!

Can anyone direct me to the application form to purchase the rights issue shares? I can see the Offer Document on the web but nothing else. Possibly the application form is coming in the post - has anyone received theirs yet?

17-10-2014, 02:41 PM
$1.5m just went through at 1.1c so maybe she has seen the light!

Can anyone direct me to the application form to purchase the rights issue shares? I can see the Offer Document on the web but nothing else. Possibly the application form is coming in the post - has anyone received theirs yet?

I haven't had anything arrive

17-10-2014, 05:14 PM
Just received mine in the post.

Paint it Black
17-10-2014, 05:41 PM
Just received mine in the post.

Thanks Psychic - are you going to buy some? I'll be taking up my allocation which is reasonably substantial and I hope there will be a few more with me.

17-10-2014, 05:57 PM
Yup, I'm going to support this. Only entitled to an extra 115k shares, but mulling over the over subscription facility.

18-10-2014, 02:59 PM
Got mine in the post, will be going for entitlement 1 for 5.:)

30-10-2014, 06:40 PM
Au hunters, really dumb question, but how do I transfer shares out of the wifes name into mine? Is there a form we fill in and sign?

30-10-2014, 08:59 PM
Au hunters, really dumb question, but how do I transfer shares out of the wifes name into mine? Is there a form we fill in and sign?
Not dumb at all mate, off market transfer, your broker or bank should be able to get you the transfer form. Transferred a grandsons holdings to mine to enable him to trade on my account. Under my direct supervision of course.

30-10-2014, 09:06 PM
Au hunters, really dumb question, but how do I transfer shares out of the wifes name into mine? Is there a form we fill in and sign?

Fill this form out and send it to the registry...



One is for Link, the other for Computershare. Not sure which NTL use :) aka (cant be bothered checking it out)

30-10-2014, 09:31 PM
QE has ended and gold is making lower highs. Looks like a fourth test of multi year low of $1180 is up again very soon. Not looking healthy at all...

30-10-2014, 09:35 PM
QE has ended and gold is making lower highs. Looks like a fourth test of multi year low of $1180 is up again very soon. Not looking healthy at all...

Thanks BFG, I have just gone and bought an "ING Gold Sprinter Short 1260" for Euro 7,56. Lets see how this goes :)

03-11-2014, 02:57 PM
With the close of the rights issue at the end of today who is/has taken up their rights at a bargain price of .001 / share?

03-11-2014, 03:16 PM
Too soon. Its been extended till next monday 10th.

03-11-2014, 03:18 PM
With the close of the rights issue at the end of today who is/has taken up their rights at a bargain price of .001 / share?

You mean .01 per share. Rights remain open for another 2 weeks as per announcement extending offer.

03-11-2014, 03:18 PM
Too soon. Its been extended till next monday 10th.

That alone dosent sound great for a successful uptake !!

03-11-2014, 03:25 PM
That alone dosent sound great for a successful uptake !!

Not entirely sure Whatsup that it reflects necessarily on the efficacy of the business though, there’s been a lot of IPO’s and other rights issues gobbling up investors cash of late.

The fact that they didn't drop the asking price back to 0.8c suggests they are still confident of raising all the capital they need to in the time remaining.

03-11-2014, 03:53 PM
Not entirely sure Whatsup that it reflects necessarily on the efficacy of the business though, there’s been a lot of IPO’s and other rights issues gobbling up investors cash of late.

NTL/HGD has always had a shortage of cash uptake. This is due to the lack of progressiveness in the Director's from the previous decades as well as gold being in a 2 year+ bear market. Has nothing to do with the tiny amounts NTL always seeks to raise!

03-11-2014, 05:21 PM
NTL/HGD has always had a shortage of cash uptake. This is due to the lack of progressiveness in the Director's from the previous decades as well as gold being in a 2 year+ bear market. Has nothing to do with the tiny amounts NTL always seeks to raise!

Really ?? Im not sure you can honestly say that.

Last rights issue raised 700K which was a good result and far exceeding most juniors rights issues in NZ, previous rights issue was fully underwritten by Cannacord raising the full amount sought.

I much prefer them to raise apply funds raise again than sit money in term deposits as other companies have done.

03-11-2014, 05:35 PM
NTL/HGD has always had a shortage of cash uptake. This is due to the lack of progressiveness in the Director's from the previous decades as well as gold being in a 2 year+ bear market. Has nothing to do with the tiny amounts NTL always seeks to raise!

Happy to leave others to respond as to the progressiveness of management, I won't comment as I've not made an effort to research their personal backgrounds, so it would be arrogant to do so, it seems pretty entrepurnerial and inspiring to me though, re-opening a gold mine generally.

If you had read my second paragraph whilst busy mis-quoting me, I referred to price, NTL could raise more faster at a lower asking price that provides a better risk/reward, but for now if they have the time then they are doing the right thing for shareholders, raising capital in dribbles at 1c.

We will see on the 10th if there are enough shareholders that see a good enough risk/return to buy at 1c for now, else NTL may just have another go later in the year, and/or drop the price, or just delay mine opening a few months which would not be a really big deal.

03-11-2014, 07:28 PM
Really ?? Im not sure you can honestly say that.

Last rights issue raised 700K which was a good result and far exceeding most juniors rights issues in NZ, previous rights issue was fully underwritten by Cannacord raising the full amount sought.

I much prefer them to raise apply funds raise again than sit money in term deposits as other companies have done.

Suggest you look at the amounts they were looking to raise with these placements. FAR from optimal by any stretch of the imagination.

Of much more concern is golds recent smash through huge support @ $1180...

04-11-2014, 06:34 AM
Could be an interesting day. Google alert says New Talisman considering JV or farm in arrangement at Rahu with unnamed major company. Cant get into article, well not for 195.00. Did I miss something? Perhaps Newmont was really impressed with NTLs little pile of scrapings off the hardstand area.
Would have thought it would be price sensitive.
We await a revisit from GoodAsGold due to this being on her doorstep.

04-11-2014, 07:53 AM
Could be an interesting day. Google alert says New Talisman considering JV or farm in arrangement at Rahu with unnamed major company. Cant get into article, well not for 195.00. Did I miss something? Perhaps Newmont was really impressed with NTLs little pile of scrapings off the hardstand area.
Would have thought it would be price sensitive.
We await a revisit from GoodAsGold due to this being on her doorstep.

If it is something new surely there will be an announcement befroe opening this morning. Maybe this was the reasoning behind the extension in the rights offer.

04-11-2014, 08:01 AM
If it is something new surely there will be an announcement befroe opening this morning. Maybe this was the reasoning behind the extension in the rights offer.
One would hope so or its BLT all over again.:(

04-11-2014, 09:35 AM
BLT.... :confused:

Better Luck Tomorrow? :t_down:

Buy Lotsa Talisman? :t_up:
Bacon, lettuce and tomato.:)

BLIS Technologies
Made an announcement to the press on a Sunday and didnt get an announcement to market out before opening, a few minutes late if I recall. FMA trying to ping them 50000 I believe.

04-11-2014, 09:44 AM
The point is, has anyone else seen anything in relation to a joint venture or farm in with regards to the Rahu prospect previously.
It appears new to me however I am no expert in these things and it may be old hat.

04-11-2014, 10:10 AM
I have not.

What I can say is during my tour of the mine a few years back, Anton was far more excited with the future prospects for Rahu than he was about what's left in Talisman. His eye's seemed to light up every time we were facing north.
Probably a reflection from all the gold over there. Or possibly the sun was out.:)

04-11-2014, 02:09 PM
New Talisman considers joint venture for Rahu
One of the long-held gold prospects near an historic gold mining centre has been prodded as a potential joint venture or farm-in arrangement for a significant but unnamed gold company.

Can anyone get these details and post them if possible. from NZResources.com

04-11-2014, 08:44 PM
New Talisman considers joint venture for Rahu
One of the long-held gold prospects near an historic gold mining centre has been prodded as a potential joint venture or farm-in arrangement for a significant but unnamed gold company.
Can anyone get these details and post them if possible. from NZResources.com

New Talisman considers joint venture for Rahu
By Ross Louthean
A joint venture is being considered by New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd (NZX & ASX: NTL) for its Rahu exploration prospect near Karangahake.
Rahu has long been considered a potential continuation of the nearby historic gold deposits at Karangahake, where NTL is advancing test work and having stockpiled ore from the Talisman mine treated at Newmont Waihi Gold’s gold plant at nearby Waihi.
New Talisman’s September quarter report reiterated the work and progress the company has made on the Talisman project in the past three months. However, the fact NTL has had another company undertaking a site visit at Rahu, and at some of its other permits including Golden Valley, is new.
NTL said “a significant gold producer” had seen core samples from NTL’s drilling at Rahu.
“At the date of this report discussions on a potential joint venture or farm-in continue to be advanced and an update will be provided to the market in due course,” NTL reported.
Some observers may put two-and-two together by considering this other party is Newmont Waihi Gold, but that may not necessarily add up to four.
New Talisman said that the potential partner may also be interested in unlisted Coromandel Gold Ltd which was set up by the company as a separate entity in 2012.

http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/img/icons/pdf.jpg Activity report. (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/attachments/6529/NTL%20Quarterly%20Activity%20Report.pdf) (64.2 kilobytes)
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/img/icons/pdf.jpg Cashflow report. (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/attachments/6529/ASX%20Quarterly%20Cashflow%20Report%20%20-%20Appendix%205b.pdf) (90.1 kilobytes)

Companies mentioned in article
New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd

That could be interesting. It might explain why Newmont is now able to toll-treat Talisman ore.

I thought for a nano-second it might be AXG that was keen. Maybe they would be, if they had any capital backing.

04-11-2014, 09:28 PM
That could be interesting. It might explain why Newmont is now able to toll-treat Talisman ore.

I thought for a nano-second it might be AXG that was keen. Maybe they would be, if they had any capital backing.

OceanaGold is my bet.

04-11-2014, 09:32 PM
:blush:Red alert over. All in page 3 Quarterly activities report. Must have missed it somehow. Apologies all round.
(Dozy old sod):blush:

05-11-2014, 12:04 PM
Edison Research has a quickie report out but not much in there we dont already know.

05-11-2014, 01:33 PM
Edison Research has a quickie report out but not much in there we dont already know.

It would be good to see a full valuation work up from Edison, even if just a stage one valuation only;

“Based on global average unit costs of discovery, NTL’s resource of 205koz should have required an investment of US$2.6m to delineate, or NZ$16.15/oz (US$12.60/oz). This compares to NTL’s current resource multiple of NZ$32.82/oz, or US$25.60/oz, against a global valuation average of US$11.37/oz. This suggests the market may be either applying a premium valuation to the existing resource (thereby making it value accretive to NTL to continue exploration drilling to extend the resource) or already discounting the expansion of the resource by 2.25x to 452koz (at global average valuation) for a relatively modest investment”

I just wonder how much of that excess discovery cost is due to the ridiculous cost required in achieving mining permits and resource consents in New Zealand, …… it’s time for a change.

05-11-2014, 02:30 PM
It would be good to see a full valuation work up from Edison, even if just a stage one valuation only;

“Based on global average unit costs of discovery, NTL’s resource of 205koz should have required an investment of US$2.6m to delineate, or NZ$16.15/oz (US$12.60/oz). This compares to NTL’s current resource multiple of NZ$32.82/oz, or US$25.60/oz, against a global valuation average of US$11.37/oz. This suggests the market may be either applying a premium valuation to the existing resource (thereby making it value accretive to NTL to continue exploration drilling to extend the resource) or already discounting the expansion of the resource by 2.25x to 452koz (at global average valuation) for a relatively modest investment”

I just wonder how much of that excess discovery cost is due to the ridiculous cost required in achieving mining permits and resource consents in New Zealand, …… it’s time for a change.
Suspect the length of time involved in getting NTL resurrected has probably contributed a fair bit to costs, MAC.
Its a bit of a delicate balance with all the little raisings and it drags things out.
Got to keep the bureaucrats paid, even the ones that dont actually do anything much.

05-11-2014, 03:15 PM
Suspect the length of time involved in getting NTL resurrected has probably contributed a fair bit to costs, MAC.
Its a bit of a delicate balance with all the little raisings and it drags things out.
Got to keep the bureaucrats paid, even the ones that dont actually do anything much.

Yeah I think there is an element of that, although raising capital at 1c as at present seems very market efficient IMO from a risk/reward perspective.

It is though improbable that a mining permit and resource consent could have been achieved in NZ for less than US2.6M, crumbs there would be a chance that the Taniwha's would want just that much alone to bugger off somewhere else. Then on top of all that there is the requisite cost of defining the resource to a JORC level.

06-11-2014, 04:09 PM
SOLD - $100,000 - keep selling those stockpiles.

06-11-2014, 04:10 PM
Just in.....amazing grades of gold and silver.

6th November 2014

NTL is very pleased to announce that the company has concluded the first sale of precious metal in the company’s history. Fifty tonnes of ore despatched from the Talisman Mine site were analysed and found to contain 64.5 ounces of gold and 227.3 ounces of silver at a recovered grade of 42.56g/t and 150.01g/t respectively. The sale was on commercial terms satisfactory to the company and will generate revenues of approximately NZ$100,000.
The sale represents another major milestone for the company on its journey from explorer to producer.
As previously announced the batch of 50 tonnes of ore delivered to the treatment facility was part of a residual stockpile of high grade ore stored on the hard stand area at the Talisman mine. Smaller batches removed from the stockpile over the last 18 months were used to determine the metallurgical characteristics of the ore that will be produced from the Talisman mine in future and a preferred treatment process. Samples taken from the stockpile for earlier laboratory analysis graded 1.5 oz of gold per tonne and 8 oz of silver per tonne. A further batch of stockpiled high grade ore will be prepared for treatment following analysis.
CEO Matthew Hill said “This is the first production of commercial gold from the historical Talisman mine site in over 30 years and represents a significant milestone for the company.”

06-11-2014, 04:15 PM
It would be good to see a full valuation work up from Edison, even if just a stage one valuation only;

“Based on global average unit costs of discovery, NTL’s resource of 205koz should have required an investment of US$2.6m to delineate, or NZ$16.15/oz (US$12.60/oz). This compares to NTL’s current resource multiple of NZ$32.82/oz, or US$25.60/oz, against a global valuation average of US$11.37/oz. This suggests the market may be either applying a premium valuation to the existing resource (thereby making it value accretive to NTL to continue exploration drilling to extend the resource) or already discounting the expansion of the resource by 2.25x to 452koz (at global average valuation) for a relatively modest investment”

I just wonder how much of that excess discovery cost is due to the ridiculous cost required in achieving mining permits and resource consents in New Zealand, …… it’s time for a change.

MAC Proactive did quite a good valuation piece.....see http://www.proactiveinvestors.com.au/companies/news/55293/new-talisman-gold-mines-to-fast-track-production-in-new-zealand-55293.html

06-11-2014, 04:19 PM
Nice milestone for shareholders and the company after a few years hard work, corks popping tonight probably. How does one even christen a mine, a bottle of champaign down a shaft perhaps ?

06-11-2014, 04:30 PM
I thought maybe they put the decimal point in the wrong place. 42.56g/tonne is astounding.

06-11-2014, 04:45 PM
That rights issue should get a bit of a boost with that.
Now we know why they extended it.
Good stuff. Congratulations ÑTL and about time.
See Aussie hasnt woken up yet.:)

06-11-2014, 04:52 PM
MAC Proactive did quite a good valuation piece.....see http://www.proactiveinvestors.com.au/companies/news/55293/new-talisman-gold-mines-to-fast-track-production-in-new-zealand-55293.html

Thanks Epithermal for that, perhaps it's just a bit early yet for the analysts to issue prospective cashflow based valuations rather than EV or relative capital comparisons. It might be that they are waiting like the rest of us for a confirmation of a POG bottom is my guess, but then that's what sensitivity analysis is for.

I'm comfortable with my own DCF though, there's some SP upside for NTL on stage one, we may see some de-risking balancing up with that to match next year, stage 1 capitalised, POG outlook, a better estimation of stage 2 capitalisation and dilution.

06-11-2014, 06:20 PM
That rights issue should get a bit of a boost with that.
Now we know why they extended it.
Good stuff. Congratulations ÑTL and about time.
See Aussie hasnt woken up yet.:)

Yes NZX certainly has up 27%!!!. 1M rights also traded.

I just hope enough shareholders took up their rights and NTL can get going.

At least one company is moving forward against the gold price and other conditions. This JV on Rahu could be interesting, someone may GAG on it though :) !! Nice end to a very very solid year for this company.

06-11-2014, 06:59 PM
Yes NZX certainly has up 27%!!!. 1M rights also traded.

I just hope enough shareholders took up their rights and NTL can get going.

At least one company is moving forward against the gold price and other conditions. This JV on Rahu could be interesting, someone may GAG on it though :) !! Nice end to a very very solid year for this company.
There may be a chance the rights issue will close fully subscribed with this gem of an announcement. Certainly woken the punters up here, Aussie will be two days later as usual.:)

06-11-2014, 09:45 PM
For some background, characters and what has gone on before here is a really interesting read.
Thank goodness NTL is not letting them all down.


Of particular interest,
The "Cinnabar (read mercury) mine up Rahu Rd"
and the "Imperial" whatever that might be
looking intuit:)

Makes losing internet connection, your boyfriend or girlfriend not answering you on facebook or the latte going from 3.50 to 4.00 look a bit insignificant doesnt it.:):)

07-11-2014, 08:40 AM
Two trading days for rights and another week to rights cutoff. Will be interesting to see if there is much activity today.

Seems the Cinnabar was explored and tested with good results but lack of funds did not allow much progress.

With its location on Rahu it is probably quite appropriate to call it a basket case.:D

07-11-2014, 11:52 AM

Bit of exposure, more so than the usual local papers

10-11-2014, 08:03 AM

Bit of exposure, more so than the usual local papers
The Australian apparently has a bit about NTL getting its first gold and silver sales.
Its behind a paywall though and Im too cheap to get it.
Might give the Aussie market a bit of a prod now the rights issue has ended for them.

10-11-2014, 09:23 AM
Gold up 3.4% to $1178.50 on Friday to test resistance @ $1180. Now that NTL is officially producing, holders should watch the gold price eagerly!

12-11-2014, 11:38 AM
Quite a lot of trades going through this week, just sent off my rights issue too and one of my friends first foray into share trading is now with NTL :)

13-11-2014, 11:43 AM
Yes NZX certainly has up 27%!!!. 1M rights also traded.

I just hope enough shareholders took up their rights and NTL can get going.

At least one company is moving forward against the gold price and other conditions. This JV on Rahu could be interesting, someone may GAG on it though :) !! Nice end to a very very solid year for this company.

So who is taking up their rights now ?

13-11-2014, 11:50 AM
So who is taking up their rights now ?

I have applied for a sum that if I get them will more than double my holding. Remember if you take up all your rights you can apply for more.
All NTL holders should think very carefully here. First there will be no dilution if you take up your rights in full. Secondly this rights issue is very likely to be the last every held by this company,so now or forever hold your piece.
If your interested you have only till Friday to act.

13-11-2014, 12:55 PM
I've sent off my cheque for my entitlement. Would have applied for more if cashflow allowed.

13-11-2014, 01:40 PM
...so now or forever hold your piece.
I'm sure many will be holding it if the company gets mining the good stuff :O :D :P

Paint it Black
13-11-2014, 03:09 PM
I'm sure many will be holding it if the company gets mining the good stuff :O :D :P

Yes also bought my full allocation of NZ Rights but let the Australian ones sit - too complicated with the exchange rate etc and they still have a last sale at 0.9c. It will be very interesting seeing how the trading runs once all the shares are allocated. If fully subscribed there could be a good lift with the knowledge the company has a good financial platform. Rahu is the next front perhaps but lets get Talisman paying it's way first.

13-11-2014, 04:33 PM
Yup, got all mine. Bought a heap on mkt as well so done my bit..

13-11-2014, 08:20 PM
Yes got mine as well and buying extra on market.

13-11-2014, 08:26 PM
As far as I understood the offer you could pay for AU right in NZ dollars. I paid through the bank NZ dollars 1 cent per AU rights you just had to cross out the denomination that you weren't paying in.

Paint it Black
14-11-2014, 06:57 PM
As far as I understood the offer you could pay for AU right in NZ dollars. I paid through the bank NZ dollars 1 cent per AU rights you just had to cross out the denomination that you weren't paying in.

The form was very confusing to me - I think they really wanted an Australian cent per Australian share but agree the form didn't seem to stipulate that. Good luck I guess.

14-11-2014, 11:03 PM
Yes wait and see, I would have been like you if I thought we had to pay in AU. was picking them up at .08 in the last week which was even cheaper than NZ 1 cent. although that doesn't help them start the mining.

20-11-2014, 01:25 PM
Closure and Shortfall notice - not everyone took up the rights???

Paint it Black
20-11-2014, 02:42 PM
Closure and Shortfall notice - not everyone took up the rights???

Another $0.5 million in the bank is an excellent result.

Cheers Rob

20-11-2014, 02:58 PM
Another $0.5 million in the bank is an excellent result.

Cheers Rob

I think so too, there's a lot of competition for investors cash with all the IPO's this year and with CRP raising capital within the same local mining sector space, although they are done now.

28-11-2014, 10:18 AM
Shaking my head.

03-12-2014, 03:48 PM
[QUOTE=GreatReturns;519554]Anti-miners put up water issue for Talisman project
By Ross Louthean

GAG didnt you get banned.......???

15-12-2014, 10:30 AM
Whats the chance of an AU Xmas present?

15-12-2014, 10:57 AM
Whats the chance of an AU Xmas present?

Wait and see my good friend...


15-12-2014, 11:15 AM
hopefully there is an update soon, work was able to start on the 13th of December correct?

I'm hoping they announce they've started soon

22-12-2014, 03:18 PM
Does anybody out there have access to NZResources.com article dated 15 December 2014?

It would be greatly appreciated if someone could post the article for those of us who are non-subscribers.

Thanks :)

23-12-2014, 03:06 PM
Moosie has been very quiet - maybe he is the new Director?

23-12-2014, 03:35 PM
Mossie has been very quiet - maybe he is the new Director?

Yes, I am too busy as the new Director concocting a JV between NTL/OGC/Newmont...

Oh crap, did I say that out loud???

Disc - not a Mossie nor a dirrctor. Only things I direct are paperflows :)

27-12-2014, 01:45 PM
Anti-miners prepare court case

27-12-2014, 06:59 PM
I wonder what exactly they are going to take NTL to court for? It appears that they have followed whatever process the council required.... and what happens if the council loses - will NTL then sue them as well...?

27-12-2014, 08:29 PM
I wonder what exactly they are going to take NTL to court for? It appears that they have followed whatever process the council required.... and what happens if the council loses - will NTL then sue them as well...?

"The community group wants to go to the High Court to challenge why a resource consent was granted without public consultation."

Anyone want to have a trawl and see if this was the case or if these guys are living in a little bubble of their own making?

I sure hope this doesn't turn into another NWF...

27-12-2014, 08:56 PM
Looks like these guys need to prove the consultant is wrong and that there is more than "minor or non-existent issues". I suspect this will hinge around ground water supply and use of hazardous materials. They then have to prove there was a need to consult them. I think they're wasting their money as the history of the mine has never seen water pollution imho... (see page 6)


29-12-2014, 01:07 PM
Looks like these guys need to prove the consultant is wrong and that there is more than "minor or non-existent issues". I suspect this will hinge around ground water supply and use of hazardous materials. They then have to prove there was a need to consult them. I think they're wasting their money as the history of the mine has never seen water pollution imho... (see page 6)


TLDR: Hippies wasting time - anyone with any nous saw it coming - nobody cares.

Disc: Holding.

Disc: Not losing sleep.

Applications for judicial review are commonly used to be a spanner in the works but even amount to anything. The scope of this judicial review will be to consider the exercise of the Hauraki District Council's power to decide whether to publicly notify the application or not. NTL doesn't really even need to do anything but they might as well intervene just to make sure the High Court is aware that nobody can be bothered waiting for this tripe.

The judicial review is highly unlikely to take into account the factual matters that the Red Threat/Anti-Mining Communists are dreaming up. It will simply be a question of did the Council exercise its powers in accordance with the Resource Management Act and other related laws.

Hell, even if the Court finds that the HDC exercised its powers with bias, improper purpose or was made taking into account irrelevant information or not taking into account relevant information, the worst - in my bullish NTL holding opinion - is that the matter is reverted back to the HDC with instructions on what to take into account.

It is then open to HDC to say "ok we've taken this into account, still no public notification."

Here's some fundamental sections of the Act for some context:


29-12-2014, 01:34 PM
TLDR: Hippies wasting time - anyone with any nous saw it coming - nobody cares.

Disc: Holding.

Disc: Not losing sleep.

Applications for judicial review are commonly used to be a spanner in the works but even amount to anything. The scope of this judicial review will be to consider the exercise of the Hauraki District Council's power to decide whether to publicly notify the application or not. NTL doesn't really even need to do anything but they might as well intervene just to make sure the High Court is aware that nobody can be bothered waiting for this tripe.

The judicial review is highly unlikely to take into account the factual matters that the Red Threat/Anti-Mining Communists are dreaming up. It will simply be a question of did the Council exercise its powers in accordance with the Resource Management Act and other related laws.

Hell, even if the Court finds that the HDC exercised its powers with bias, improper purpose or was made taking into account irrelevant information or not taking into account relevant information, the worst - in my bullish NTL holding opinion - is that the matter is reverted back to the HDC with instructions on what to take into account.

It is then open to HDC to say "ok we've taken this into account, still no public notification."

Here's some fundamental sections of the Act for some context:


Cheers Rob. If you need any references for HIGH COURT LITIGATION I'm your man :D :D :D

04-01-2015, 09:06 PM
Seems the anti-miners are actually taking the wrong people to court (Hauraki District Council)
As per attached document, the subjects raised from a public meeting held on 30 September 2014 are not the responsibilities of Hauraki District Council. Responsibilities lie with DOC, NZ Petroleum and Minerals, and Regional council.


The document as a whole is also rather interesting to read as it gives those of us who aren't locals a general idea of the things that are being discussed.

04-01-2015, 09:49 PM
Who cares? Let them chase the straw man (which they would never win anyways) and waste their limited funds! Can't even sue the right people. Pitiful.

04-01-2015, 10:39 PM
Seems the anti-miners are actually taking the wrong people to court (Hauraki District Council)
As per attached document, the subjects raised from a public meeting held on 30 September 2014 are not the responsibilities of Hauraki District Council. Responsibilities lie with DOC, NZ Petroleum and Minerals, and Regional council.


The document as a whole is also rather interesting to read as it gives those of us who aren't locals a general idea of the things that are being discussed.

I disagree - they are applying to the HC for judicial review of the decision not to publicly notify an RMA consent application. They are "taking the right people to Court."

04-01-2015, 11:16 PM
It does seem that with the consent having been granted already, that this is really just a matter of a minority group trying to making a point, whether they are directly affected by the mining or well probably not.

It will be interesting but I would agree with BFG that it is unlikely to have any impact on NTL.

As a test case and perhaps as a matter of forming precedence, I hope it gets kicked out of the court room, the country, particularly the North Island for some reason, seems to have evolved a pathetic whinging nimby culture amongst some, they more they are discouraged by precedence the better IMO.

There may be one or two farmers immediately affected, but that doesn’t seem reason to notify, imagine if every one of thousands on consents each year were notified when consultation is required only with a handful of affected folk, and NTL seem to have done that.

As for it being “our mountain”, well it’s not, so get over it or make an offer to buy the land.

04-01-2015, 11:39 PM
It does seem that with the consent having been granted already, that this is really just a matter of a minority group trying to making a point, whether they are directly affected by the mining or well probably not.

It will be interesting but I would agree with BFG that it is unlikely to have any impact on NTL.

As a test case and perhaps as a matter of forming precedence, I hope it gets kicked out of the court room, the country, particularly the North Island for some reason, seems to have evolved a pathetic whinging nimby culture amongst some, they more they are discouraged by precedence the better IMO.

There may be one or two farmers immediately affected, but that doesn’t seem reason to notify, imagine if every one of thousands on consents each year were notified when consultation is required only with a handful of affected folk, and NTL seem to have done that.

As for it being “our mountain”, well it’s not, so get over it or make an offer to buy the land.

There will be very little precedent value from this application for judicial review (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judicial_review) regardless of outcome.

By all means, partake in a review of similar judicial review cases (http://www.nzlii.org/cgi-bin/sinosrch.cgi?method=auto&query=public+AND+notification+AND+%22judicial+revi ew%22&meta=%2Fnz&mask_path=nz%2Fcases%2FNZHC) or just take my word for it.

PS - BFG is not a reliable source for this type of information :D:D:D:D:D

05-01-2015, 07:22 AM
That's why we have you Robbo :p

05-01-2015, 12:40 PM
I disagree - they are applying to the HC for judicial review of the decision not to publicly notify an RMA consent application. They are "taking the right people to Court."

We all know it's a stalling tactic - Anti-miners just have their knickers in a twist.

The documents state that for the queries raised no significant impacts would likely occur in the future.
eg. Decibel levels regarding the one mine blast per day underground vs. standard lawnmower decibel level reading.
eg. Local iwi were consulted and their approval was given for possible cultural impact.

Plus the other queries that were raised which HDC declared not likely to have significant future impact, thus no public notification required.

IMO - The anti-miners should address their grievances with the appropriate departments as suggested in the document.

12-01-2015, 01:35 PM
Which one of you sneaky buggers picked up that 200000 parcel for 0.01 this morning and immediately listed 150000 of them at 0.011?

Definitely sounds like a Robbo move, the "180 snap and flip, Denny Crane" move ;)

12-01-2015, 02:27 PM
Definitely sounds like a Robbo move, the "180 snap and flip, Denny Crane" move ;)

Don't drag me into this.

14-01-2015, 04:42 PM
Seems that Santa skipped the NTL mine this year :( Oh well, must be something on the horizon shortly. Ive got my buy in at 0.9 anyway.

14-01-2015, 05:00 PM
Seems that Santa skipped the NTL mine this year :( Oh well, must be something on the horizon shortly. Ive got my buy in at 0.9 anyway.

Listen, people can still email the company and buy new shares at 1 cps until February, as per the resolutions made in the last AGM and the undersubscribed capital raising. It would be silly if they released awesome news before then ;)

Paint it Black
18-01-2015, 03:01 PM
Listen, people can still email the company and buy new shares at 1 cps until February, as per the resolutions made in the last AGM and the undersubscribed capital raising. It would be silly if they released awesome news before then ;)

Yes this continues until the 14/2/15, however, some progress news from NTL and a reminder to investors the 1 cps offer is still in place may help the bank account.

22-01-2015, 12:57 PM
With todays sales @ .011 this is the first time that they have sold above the recent issue price, could things be achanging, hmmmmmm !

22-01-2015, 01:34 PM
With todays sales @ .011 this is the first time that they have sold above the recent issue price, could things be achanging, hmmmmmm !
With gold hovering around $1300, a possible JV with a big partner and the extra shares running out soon I'm not surprised that things are looking up :)

22-01-2015, 02:04 PM
With todays sales @ .011 this is the first time that they have sold above the recent issue price, could things be achanging, hmmmmmm !

Don't get too excited just yet. Things don't need to "change" because they are already fine. The only thing keeping the SP down is the 1 cent overhang from the recent capital raising, due to expire in Feb.

Let's not forget (http://www.proactiveinvestors.com/companies/news/58982/new-talisman-gold-mines-appoints-trevor-rintoul-a-director-58982.html):

Last month the company delivered a major milestone on its journey from explorer to producer, with the first production of commercial gold from the historical mine site in over 30 years.

A potential re-rating catalyst for New Talisman would include the possibility of more batches of ore being treated with similar grades, and the formal change of conditions relating to the mine lodged mid-year.

Other share price kickers to look out for could be a joint venture, farm-in or ore processing agreement on Rahu with a significant gold producer.

Rahu currently has an Indicated and Inferred Resource of 41,591 gold ounces and 258,419 silver ounces.


22-01-2015, 07:37 PM
Let's not forget that long term there is phase 1 and phase 2 which has been discussed previously.

Phase 1 is what we are seeing now with the surface rock being removed, ore sold and cash reserves being built up for phase 2 which should be to explore mystery vein and dubbo/maria vein.

Phase 2 is where the gold will be at!

23-01-2015, 11:21 AM
It’s not common to find market view in summary form, an interesting suggestion at the end for gold bugs too, or at least those in explorer stocks.


23-01-2015, 12:23 PM
It’s not common to find market view in summary form, an interesting suggestion at the end for gold bugs too, or at least those in explorer stocks.

Good little piece this, thanks MAC.

23-01-2015, 03:46 PM
With todays sales @ .011 this is the first time that they have sold above the recent issue price, could things be achanging, hmmmmmm !

Further sales above the recent issue price .

02-02-2015, 02:49 PM
Century old data to aid Karangahake mine development

A detailed digital model of the Talisman gold mine at Karangahake, based on historical maps dating back more than 100 years, has been presented to New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd (NZX & ASX: NTL).
The data, which include assay and other geological records, take in information on areas previously unknown to the company.
NTL said in its December quarter report it was in the process of finalising an agreement to acquire the data which will provide significant value in mine planning and resource development.
Areas of significant interest were identified and will be further analysed for future mine planning once the data has been acquired.
NTL said it has completed the road survey which will support submission and finalisation of the Traffic Management Plan for the Talisman mine project.
Once approved NTL intends proceeding with road works to facilitate passage by heavy vehicles to transport equipment to the mine site and begin the process of restoring the underground workings.
For the Rahu gold prospect, seen as a potential extension of mineralisation that has been mined at Karangahake, the company lodged an application to extend the area of land of its Mining Permit MMP 51326 at Talisman to include the Rahu exploration permit.
“Extending the area of the Talisman mining permit over Rahu is part of the company’s strategy to ensure the future growth and expansion of the Talisman project.” the company said.
The application was being processed with the company’s geologist providing further details to assist in the evaluation of the resource defined in the application.
“The company has long recognised that the gold mineralised vein system at Talisman extends into Rahu where less erosion has preserved the upper levels of the mineralisation and the likelihood of high grade veins at moderate depth.”
New Talisman said it continued to work closely with a “significant gold producer” and have received a draft joint venture agreement. This assumedly is Newmont Waihi Gold at nearby Waihi which has a gold treatment plant that has tested and processed early stockpiled ore from Talisman.
NTL said following completion of the application process then it will be in a position to update the market on the Rahu joint venture. This process could be complete by March

02-02-2015, 02:51 PM
NTL said following completion of the application process then it will be in a position to update the market on the Rahu joint venture. This process could be complete by March

Come on... Don't draw attention to this, some of us are trying to stock up below 1 cent ;)

02-02-2015, 02:52 PM
New Talisman Gold Mines has hit back at detractors saying the company is confident of its application for resource consents.
A statement reveals the consents were sought by the company from Hauraki District Council for exploration and bulk sampling operations and fell within the council's own policy for non-notified applications.

New Talisman Gold Mines say the current project is similar to previous phases of exploration in Karangahake Gorge.
Last week community group Protect Karangahake lodged a claim with the Auckland High Court challenging the granting of resource consents for planned gold mining activity in the gorge.
The group's submission to the High Court claims there was a lack of public consultation and inadequate assessment of how recreation would be affected in the area.
However, New Talisman chief executive Mathew Hill says they intend to vigorously defend the decisions reached by the Hauraki council and its advice from legal counsel on consenting matters.
The company understand the Hauraki council was advised by an independent specialist company on whether the application should be notified or not.
The independent company's report considered that conservation, visual, amenity, recreation, heritage and cultural values would be maintained during the project.
It also considered appropriate measures would be put in place to ensure noise, vibration, hazardous substances and traffic effects would be avoided, remedied or mitigated.
Accordingly it recommended the application be non-notified.
Mathew states the current project is similar in scope to previous phases of exploration undertaken by the company in 2003/2004 and again in 2005/2006.
“The only difference is that in this case ore samples will be removed from the underground workings,” says Mathew.
“Worker numbers, equipment usage and vehicle movements will be very similar to previous operations.
“It's important to note that no adverse effects were reported during either of these previous phases.”
Mathew says the granted consents are for a limited bulk sampling operation restricted to four truck movements plus one single blast per day. They also require no water discharge into the river system.
He adds that New Talisman is not seeking to undertake surface exploration as the company is only operating within the existing underground mine shafts.
Because the operations will be underground and within the footprint of the historic mine, the impact on flora and fauna is minimal, he says.
“The Hauraki District Council and its independent consultant as well as the Department of Conservation recognised this.
“That is why they granted the access agreement and resource consent applying some of the toughest environmental controls in the world.”
New Talisman believes information being supplied to the public by Protect Karangahake misunderstands the scale and nature of the intended bulk sampling and exploration operations.
Mathew says they extended an offer to the founder of Protect Karangahake to meet and explain the scale of its proposed operations.
“Regrettably our offer met with a point blank refusal to meet and an offensive and abusive response,” he explains.
“The request for a judicial review appears to be based on an earlier conceptual prefeasibility plan.
“That plan bears little relation to the limited bulk sampling operation for which consents were sought and granted.”
The Talisman mine has been mined on-and-off over the last 100 years and has been a significant gold producer during that period. New Talisman has held the permit for over 20 years.
Mathew believes from both an environmental and economic perspective, the project is positive for the area.
The company's view is that mining and the community “can work in harmony” and find balance between protecting the environment while providing employment opportunities to the community.
“The benefits from re-establishing exploration activity in the area are potentially significant,” he says.
“Direct economic benefits include the total expenditure of approximately $1.8 million as well as employment for approximately six people with wages and expenditure spent locally as part of general operational business expenses.”

02-02-2015, 03:17 PM
[QUOTE=epithermal;528836]New Talisman Gold Mines has hit back at detractors saying the company is confident of its application for resource consents.
A statement reveals the consents were sought by the company from Hauraki District Council for exploration and bulk sampling operations and fell within the council's own policy for non-notified applications.

Tell the anti-miners to give up all gold fillings, all of their electronics goods, all their jewellery and anything else containing gold in their possession. The hypocrisy is dumbfounding at times.

02-02-2015, 03:38 PM
Mathew says they extended an offer to the founder of Protect Karangahake to meet and explain the scale of its proposed operations. “Regrettably our offer met with a point blank refusal to meet and an offensive and abusive response,” he explains.

Well, that confirms we are up against fundamentalists whose minds cannot be changed. They say "it's our way our the highway"; well, they will end up with nothing, whereas if they had gone through negotiations they may have received concessions where NTL did not need to do so. Whoops!

“The request for a judicial review appears to be based on an earlier conceptual prefeasibility plan. That plan bears little relation to the limited bulk sampling operation for which consents were sought and granted.”

Another misguided step. Not even arguing the right stats! Never mind, I'm sure they'll call on Captain Planet (the ****tiest superhero ever created) to help them our since there is no way they can win this! :D :D :D

02-02-2015, 03:51 PM
It still astonishes me a little that all the good hard working silent majority of reasonable folk in Waihi with all that family and community history in gold mining don’t all get together and take hippie nimby’s like these to court.

Perhaps a nice hefty law suit for defamation denting their personal bank accounts will make them think twice for next time, and others for that matter.

Might even consider making a donation to such a cause if such a group existed, just on principle, they just represent an intolerable element in society.

11-02-2015, 01:40 PM
Alas, finally pulled my sell order for 300,000 shares of NTL @ .010 - Thought i might be going to spending those funds on CRP but it is not so.

12-02-2015, 10:06 AM
So only a few more days of 1 cent shares on tap at the discretion of the NTL board...

The shortfall shares can be placed at the discretion of the Board no later than 3 months after the closing date of the offer which is 14 February 2015. (https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/204152.pdf)

Upside mode activated :D

19-02-2015, 12:41 PM
Activation complete.....1.1 today on tiny sales

24-02-2015, 07:49 AM
"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet".....so much patience

25-02-2015, 02:45 PM
If the 1cps closed 14 Feb, surely by now NTL could have tallied tens/hundreds/thousands/millions/billions of dollars applied for and assigned them, hence diluting us all (unless you were buying)?? All is quiet, and my buy of 0.9 is about to go in.....

25-02-2015, 09:33 PM
If the 1cps closed 14 Feb, surely by now NTL could have tallied tens/hundreds/thousands/millions/billions of dollars applied for and assigned them, hence diluting us all (unless you were buying)?? All is quiet, and my buy of 0.9 is about to go in.....

Where did you get that idea from? NTL can only issue at one cent the number that were not sold in the last cash issue. Have not looked it up but somewhere I thought it was about 80 million not taken up.

26-02-2015, 01:33 PM
Hey digger, from Robbo's comment on the 12th in relation to the shortfall in shares applied for in last round.

26-02-2015, 01:57 PM
Hey digger, from Robbo's comment on the 12th in relation to the shortfall in shares applied for in last round.

I was refering to your comment that nTL could issue billions of shares at 1 cent. They can not .They cAN ONLY SELL THE SHORT FALL.

26-02-2015, 10:40 PM
I would have expected an annoucement on the status of the shortfall shares by now. There hasnt been any new information since December and they are normally pretty good with updates/announcements. I suspect (guess/hope) the delay is waiting on adding some other information for us when the announcement actually comes. Eg like update on progress of mine access etc

27-02-2015, 05:52 PM
I was refering to your comment that nTL could issue billions of shares at 1 cent. They can not .They cAN ONLY SELL THE SHORT FALL.

Yes, I may have been going the sarcastic/hyperbole route there.

Im hoping to grab some at 0.9 before the good news comes out!

28-02-2015, 10:54 AM

Looks like 5th March is the court hearing date and gosh these guys are even having a party? Why is it always more fun on the opposing side haha.

03-03-2015, 06:54 PM
I've just started looking into NTL, was wondering which stage they are at currently? ie. exploration, mining?

03-03-2015, 11:23 PM
I've just started looking into NTL, was wondering which stage they are at currently? ie. exploration, mining?

Early stages of mining and producing. Currently they are only just processing the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

NTL is a medium/long term hold if you google as much info as you can find, and join the dots of the bigger picture.

04-03-2015, 06:42 AM
I've just started looking into NTL, was wondering which stage they are at currently? ie. exploration, mining?

They used to be called Heritage Gold (HGD on NZX) and have been working toward this for some time.

04-03-2015, 03:15 PM
They used to be called Heritage Gold (HGD on NZX) and have been working toward this for some time.

Has it not already been 30 odd years or so of trying to make it? :)
Good things take time...

05-03-2015, 06:49 PM
So, on the high court decision today,.... the judge has a agreed to a hearing set in July for a judicial review of the decisions surround the council consent.

News articles



So what does a judicial reivew mean .... A review by a judge to make sure the government body (Hauraki Council) acted within its legal powers when carrying out its authority.


I personally am not too concerned. It doesnt appear that any injunctions have been imposed on the company ( at least not from the news reporting), so for the most part it should be business as usual.

I would view the hearing as a case of following formalities.

Anyone else have any thoughts or anything to add???

05-03-2015, 11:39 PM
So, on the high court decision today,.... the judge has a agreed to a hearing set in July for a judicial review of the decisions surround the council consent.

News articles



So what does a judicial reivew mean .... A review by a judge to make sure the government body (Hauraki Council) acted within its legal powers when carrying out its authority.


I personally am not too concerned. It doesnt appear that any injunctions have been imposed on the company ( at least not from the news reporting), so for the most part it should be business as usual.

I would view the hearing as a case of following formalities.

Anyone else have any thoughts or anything to add???

Just ask the greatest lawyer on the forum :D

06-03-2015, 06:52 AM
From NZResources today:

6/3/2015 — Other Minerals and Metals

CRP provides new guidance for the way ahead

The aspiring seafloor phosphate miner Chatham Rock Phosphate Ltd (NZAX:CRP), which had its project development plans hit for a six by an Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) ruling, has detailed what its planning ahead may be.
Chief executive Chris Castle said CRP has no intention of abandoning its Chatham Rise phosphate project and was continuing to develop strategies for progressing the project.
“Of critical importance to this is preserving its experienced and highly specialised executive team and maintaining the support of its key partners.” The company said it had made strong progress on both accounts.
Castle said CRP was likely to pursue a re-submission of its marine consent application.
“However before it makes a final decision to do so CRP intends to continue to work with the EPA to seek clarity on the interpretation of the EEZ legislation and the EPA’s policies and procedures for managing the consent process,” he said.
“CRP is also contributing where possible to the discussions about changes to the EEZ legislation and will incorporate any changes in our plans.”
Castle said it was encouraging that the Government was investigating changes given the procedural and legal concerns with the process that CRP has previously detailed.
Castle said the executive team and directors all confirmed a commitment for CRP to progress Chatham Rise over the next 12 months and they also agreed to significant reductions in remuneration to reduce overheads.
The capital requirement for the company over the next 12 months on the marine consent process and on advancing the company’s seabed phosphate permit applications in Namibia was considered to be about $1.25 million.
The company planned a rights issue or share purchase plan in the near future.
“Given the prevailing market price of shares CRP is conscious that the offer will be highly dilutive and therefore will ensure shareholders have first priority to invest. Any shortfall from such offer will then look to be placed to non-retail investors,” Castle said.
CRP said that one option for the company would be to focus on its Namibia permit applications in the short term to help diversify CRP’s risk from primarily focusing on a single project.
“Because of the significant expertise that CRP has developed through the Chatham Rise project, it is also being approached with new offshore mining opportunities and other onshore and offshore phosphate mining opportunities,” he added.

06-03-2015, 08:35 AM
From NZResources today:

RE: CRP's application. It seems CRP got shot down at some of the first few sets of hurdles. Getting any sort of environmental management plan drafted up, submitted and then approved by Govt. departments can sometimes be more challenging than the actual mining itself. TBH I don't follow CRP so don't know how long they were trying and how far they got before being denied.

I feel that NTL has cleared so much more of these pointless and costly legal hurdles already. And you would have thought that opposition would be on the ball with regards to every little move or announcement a mining company would be making. Especially when it's right in your own backyard and such a touchy topic.

Rant over. :ohmy:

06-03-2015, 09:35 AM
RE: CRP's application. It seems CRP got shot down at some of the first few sets of hurdles. Getting any sort of environmental management plan drafted up, submitted and then approved by Govt. departments can sometimes be more challenging than the actual mining itself. TBH I don't follow CRP so don't know how long they were trying and how far they got before being denied.

I feel that NTL has cleared so much more of these pointless and costly legal hurdles already. And you would have thought that opposition would be on the ball with regards to every little move or announcement a mining company would be making. Especially when it's right in your own backyard and such a touchy topic.

Rant over. :ohmy:

NTL is on a differerent process altogether. I wouldn't draw much analogy between NTL and CRP. :D:D

06-03-2015, 11:32 AM
NTL is on a differerent process altogether. I wouldn't draw much analogy between NTL and CRP. :D:D

Yep I get that.
Though I would still draw the similarities with the fact that before any sort of exploration/mining permits were granted they both would have legal obligations to submit a management plan for environmental impact, H&S, financial viability etc. before any further progress could go ahead.

06-03-2015, 11:42 AM
Yep I get that.
Though I would still draw the similarities with the fact that before any sort of exploration/mining permits were granted they both would have legal obligations to submit a management plan for environmental impact, H&S, financial viability etc. before any further progress could go ahead.

Yeah that's true but the Exclusive Economic Zone where CRP wants to mine is covered under under different laws - in my view NTL is at an advantage in its process.

06-03-2015, 12:19 PM
Is it correct they wont be doing any processing on site & that they will be getting all ore toll treated by Newmont's existing plant?
If so I think that is a major plus in regards environmental issues as there should be no need for a tailings dam which is where more issues in regards toxic heavy metal & chemical spills happen particularly in high rainfall areas such as the Coromandel.
There will obviously be other environmental hurdles around the actual mining & I'm sure it won't be popular, but if they are toll treating that may help their cause.

06-03-2015, 12:48 PM
Is it correct they wont be doing any processing on site & that they will be getting all ore toll treated by Newmont's existing plant?
If so I think that is a major plus in regards environmental issues as there should be no need for a tailings dam which is where more issues in regards toxic heavy metal & chemical spills happen particularly in high rainfall areas such as the Coromandel.
There will obviously be other environmental hurdles around the actual mining & I'm sure it won't be popular, but if they are toll treating that may help their cause.

As it stands, NTL had their first batch of ore treated at Newmont's treatment facility at Waihi - 10-15kms down the road if I recall off the top of my head. IMO it doesn't make sense for 2x seperate mining companies so close to each other to have their ore treated on separate sites, especially when considering the environmental impact that having 2x separate sites would have. Also, you can't expect Newmont's ore reserves at Waihi to last forever so there's the cost of logistics to factor in if they were to close down. Why not just keep the existing plant and equipment going with more reserves from a JV partner?

This alongside previous hints from NTL that JV discussions could be in the pipeline to help extend current mining permit north into Rahu permit.

Newmont would be d*cks not to work together, financially it just makes more sense for both companies.

09-03-2015, 09:33 PM
Hi all,
A long term, but small holder, thought i'd drop by and read the forum. Its been a while.

To clarify a judicial review isn't too concerning to me. Its a last ditch effort to hinder. the guts is, if the councils have followed due process appropriately they will be cleared. It is a check to determine whether each decision step was done fairly, properly and within the scope of the rma.

All good, and bring on progress.


17-03-2015, 08:58 AM
Hi All,

When is the Judicial Review over? It started on 5th March?

and I'm guessing they would be waiting till that is over before making any announcements?

17-03-2015, 01:19 PM
Hi All,

When is the Judicial Review over? It started on 5th March?

and I'm guessing they would be waiting till that is over before making any announcements?

I am quessing that too but I do wonder if it is not in some way letting the greenies take charge.

17-03-2015, 01:44 PM
The Judicial Review is in July (see earlier posts) ...... hopefully we'll hear more about the JV this month

18-03-2015, 10:56 AM
Hi all,
A long term, but small holder, thought i'd drop by and read the forum. Its been a while.

To clarify a judicial review isn't too concerning to me. Its a last ditch effort to hinder. the guts is, if the councils have followed due process appropriately they will be cleared. It is a check to determine whether each decision step was done fairly, properly and within the scope of the rma.

All good, and bring on progress.


I agree. I don't think the news reports were very accurate and suggested the entire consent was up for review. I think the review will only apply to whether it should have been publicly notified or not.

20-03-2015, 10:10 PM
I agree. I don't think the news reports were very accurate and suggested the entire contents was up for review. I think the review will only apply to whether it should have been publicly notified or not.

I contacted the High Court at Auckland and asked for a copy of the pleadings under the High Court Rules. If they are interesting I'll ask for the affidavits in support of the application, etc.

See what I can find out ;)

21-03-2015, 07:48 AM

A Hauraki iwi, Ngāti Tamaterā, fears its tribal waterways could become polluted because of mining work by a company running tests at Karangahake, south of Paeroa.

Members of the iwi have rallied alongside a small group called Protect Karangahake, with both opposing New Talisman Gold Mines' operation.

They protested outside the Waikato Regional Council.

The group of about 15 people sang before its chair, Duncan Shearer, presented the council with water from the Waitawheta River, in what looked like a cup and corked jug made from clay.

He said they were there because of water.

He told members of council, including the chair, Paula Southgate, that the water he held was clean enough to drink, and is consumed by people of Paeroa.

"I want to make sure it stays like this for future generations."

They also showed off a petition with nearly 5,000 signatures, which will be delivered to the council in due course.

After the proceedings, 26-year old Rebecca Brownlee, who is a Ngāti Tamaterā descendant, had some strong words for the council.

"I just want to say, use your common sense. I mean, you've already raped this country enough.

"Why are you trying to do it to something so precious and beautiful like the Karangahake Gorge and our river?

"Think of all the other people, who want to experience it, like my kids, and my kids' kids....".

Protect Karangahake said the council had failed to consult the public properly, and it was worried New Talisman's work could result in acid ending up in the waterways.

But the chair at the Regional Council, Paula Southgate, made it clear that clean waterways are important.

"I recognise the passion, and I acknowledge that most people in the Waikato share the same passion about quality.

"The Waikato Regional Council is here to enhance and maintain water quality [and] not to see it degrade, and that's the ultimate goal for all people."

The resource consent issued to New Talisman in 2013 specifies that it should ensure contaminants don't end up in the water, and also says that there shall be no discharge of contaminants to any flowing water channel.

The company's chief executive, Matthew Hill, questioned why anyone would think the water would become contaminated:

"When you're not discharging any water, how could it possibly pollute any water?"

Meanwhile, a trustee with the Ngāti Tamaterā Treaty Settlement Trust, Liane Ngamane, who was not at the rally, said it was not opposed to mining, but wanted the environment protected.

This was why it is in treaty talks with the government about co-management rights, which include the area where the company is working, which she says aims to provide a long term solution.

She wants to make sure that previous mining problems, which she recalled a kaumatua told her about, do not happen again.

"One of our kaumatua, who... a number of times recounts swimming in the awa [river], [and that] they had to leave at a certain time when the old mine would release the contaminates... the cyanide etc.... into the awa. They knew to get out at a certain time."

"And they also witnessed things like our tuna [eels] kind of [swimming] with their heads above the water struggling to breath.

"That doesn't mean that Ngati Tamatera is opposed to mining, necessarily, today. [But] it's about the effects of any activity on that awa that count. Whether it's mining or whether it's agricultural use further down stream."

Protect Karangahake will legally challenge the consent, and said a judicial review was to be held later in the year.

21-03-2015, 08:34 AM

Just a bunch of hyped up fear from a small, ignorant bunch.

24-03-2015, 08:02 AM
This was why it is in treaty talks with the government about co-management rights, which include the area where the company is working, which she says aims to provide a long term solution.

i.e. someone wasn't paid before the consent was given and now said party has realised there will be a profit to make from this mining project. Said party wants 'co-management' rights...for a fee

same thing time and again, spout all this talk about the history of the land and culture when it all comes down to how much money they can get

24-03-2015, 10:38 AM
......OMG you lot talk a load of bollocks. You really think these protesters are doing this for money do you? So who's going to pay them? What do you think the miners are in there decimating the land for?.....do you think they are doing it for love?.....ha! what an ironical thing to say. Most if not all of these protesters are working caring people who have taken time off from there day jobs to devote themselves and families (at considerable cost in both energy and financial terms) ......they are doing what all NZers should be doing ie standing up for their rights and those of their families to protect our precious environment from greed driven multi national mining companies (and the like) who have absolutely no interest in looking after Aotearoa for ourselves and future generations. There is a place for mining and Karangahake Gorge is DEFINITELY NOT the place.

24-03-2015, 10:47 AM
......OMG you lot talk a load of bollocks. You really think these protesters are doing this for money do you? So who's going to pay them? What do you think the miners are in there decimating the land for?.....do you think they are doing it for love?.....ha! what an ironical thing to say. Most if not all of these protesters are working caring people who have taken time off from there day jobs to devote themselves and families (at considerable cost in both energy and financial terms) ......they are doing what all NZers should be doing ie standing up for their rights and those of their families to protect our precious environment from greed driven multi national mining companies (and the like) who have absolutely no interest in looking after Aotearoa for ourselves and future generations. There is a place for mining and Karangahake Gorge is DEFINITELY NOT the place.

The protesters throwing as much of their benefit money as they can scrape together - after cheap bourbon and smokes, of course.

24-03-2015, 11:08 AM
......OMG you lot talk a load of bollocks. You really think these protesters are doing this for money do you? So who's going to pay them? What do you think the miners are in there decimating the land for?.....do you think they are doing it for love?.....ha! what an ironical thing to say. Most if not all of these protesters are working caring people who have taken time off from there day jobs to devote themselves and families (at considerable cost in both energy and financial terms) ......they are doing what all NZers should be doing ie standing up for their rights and those of their families to protect our precious environment from greed driven multi national mining companies (and the like) who have absolutely no interest in looking after Aotearoa for ourselves and future generations. There is a place for mining and Karangahake Gorge is DEFINITELY NOT the place.

Karangahake Gorge has already been mined, its a historical mine.

I have no doubt they could be nice people, I am confused as to why they would start protesting after mining consent has been given, to protest against water pollution when it has been shown no water pollution will take place.

It's my opinion, if these are informed protesters then there is some alterior motive in play

24-03-2015, 11:13 AM
The protesters throwing as much of their benefit money as they can scrape together - after cheap bourbon and smokes, of course.

......and who's the ignorant one now Robbo? What gives you the right to be so condescending (and why would you anyway?) to those trying to protect a beautiful place for all of us to enjoy? If you can only focus on the money side of things then surely you understand? that the cycleway and all it's ancillary business' will create far more revenue than any tin pot goldmine like this one will ever do. And not only is the cycleway low impact environmentally, sustainable, positive physically and mentally, but also the profits will remain with KIWIS and their families.......NONE of this applies to NTL. (oh and by the way, as far as Im aware none of the protesters smoke or would bother with cheap bourbon...a bottle of quality Jamiesons maybe but definitely not cheap bourbon! )

24-03-2015, 11:21 AM
Greenday. Its a NZ company always has been. Has been operating as Heritage Gold in this area for 20 years. Its the same out of towners protesting who protest against any development in this country. The recent article below shows clearly that the anti miners like yourself just make stuff up!!

24-03-2015, 11:24 AM
23 March 2015
NTL welcomes independent review of Water Management Plan
of historic Gold Mine

New Talisman Gold Mines Limited (“NTL”) welcomes a review of its draft Water Management Plan by an independent expert in response to water contamination concerns raised.
The review, conducted by Dr James Pope, who has 20 years’ experience in the minerals sector and 12 years research experience into mine drainage chemistry, concluded that “any potential adverse effect on groundwater quality from [NTL’s] exploratory activities will be small scale and negligible in nature and overall likely immeasurable from existing background levels.”
NTL CEO Matthew Hill says that Dr Pope’s independent review and subsequent report for the Waikato Regional Council should help to allay concerns by local groups about the environmental impact of NTL’s bulk sampling operations at the historic Talisman Gold Mine, which are due to commence in June.

“We completely understand why the protection of the waterways in the Gorge is a real concern both to iwi and local groups. That’s why we’re not undertaking any treatment of the ore onsite; we’re simply extracting rock in low quantities and sending it offsite for processing,” says Mr Hill.

“Plus, there will be no direct discharge of impacted water into any waterways, instead it will be retained within a closed water system that merely recirculates water within the mine to holding tanks, where it is monitored, treated and reused.”

The Talisman Gold Mine has been mined on and off over the last 100 years. Kiwi company, NTL, previously Heritage Gold, has held a land use consent for mining activities from Hauraki District Council for 20 years (and undertook two similar activities on the same site, with no adverse consequences) and plans to undertake underground exploration and bulk sampling within the existing underground mine shafts. NTL’s current project plan for underground operations have been consented for one blast per day and plan to remove 600 tonnes a month for two years, which is the equivalent of just four 10 tonne trucks a day.
“We hope that Dr Pope’s report, which takes into account the existing environment and actual activities we propose to commence on the site, gives these groups peace of mind that the scale of our operation will make very little difference to the chemical conditions that currently occur in the mine,” says Mr Hill.
In his report, Dr Pope found that “[the] scale of tonnage removed by bulk sampling and scale of water use on a daily basis are the main factors that makes it unlikely that the operation will have impact on mine drainage chemistry or surrounding water chemistry.”

24-03-2015, 11:26 AM
......and who's the ignorant one now Robbo? What gives you the right to be so condescending (and why would you anyway?) to those trying to protect a beautiful place for all of us to enjoy? If you can only focus on the money side of things then surely you understand? that the cycleway and all it's ancillary business' will create far more revenue than any tin pot goldmine like this one will ever do. And not only is the cycleway low impact environmentally, sustainable, positive physically and mentally, but also the profits will remain with KIWIS and their families.......NONE of this applies to NTL. (oh and by the way, as far as Im aware none of the protesters smoke or would bother with cheap bourbon...a bottle of quality Jamiesons maybe but definitely not cheap bourbon! )

I guess I'll chuck in some capital letters to get my point across then...

I am a KIWI and have a KIWI FAMILY. I am quite HAPPY for NTL money to come my way and to those employed by MY CAPITAL. As will be the OTHER NTL SHAREHOLDERS I am sure.

Seems to me to be another "unlikely union" akin to the Internet Mana party. Where the SCHEDULES of iwi and the lumpenproletariat overlap then they GET TOGETHER and have a good old fashioned shindig. Much like the CHRISTIANS who KNOCK ON MY DOOR ALL THE TIME.

Meanwhile, others just want to go about their BUSINESS.

It's a small underground mine that is not going to bother you or the environment. That is the best OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE that is AVAILABLE and all the rest of the INFORMATION OUT THERE is OPINION a lot like the nonsense SOUTED BY THE CHRISTIANS who KNOCK ON MY DOOR all the time.

24-03-2015, 11:37 AM
Here's a good end use for all that gold that is going to come out of NTL. :)


24-03-2015, 11:46 AM
It’s becoming an increasingly disgusting trend in NZ that a minority of individuals with too much time on their hands, who don’t represent the majority of reasonable and balanced people, think they have the god given right to interfere with the business of others when all they are doing is lawfully doing what they are permitted to do so on their own land or claim.

It is not a national park and the owner may do what they wish with their land, including mining it, within the bounds of the law and environmental responsibility.

Personally I think such behaviours are a product of poor parenting and local government pandering to minority groups for so long they have breed and reinforced such attitudes.

If folk really cared about a specific area outside of a national park they have every right to lobby government for that area to be scheduled, or, alternatively they have every right to buy the land outright and to put it into trust.

Otherwise any local and national government response should simply be, put up or shut up.

24-03-2015, 08:13 PM
I believe in trying to obtain the best of both worlds...
I dont mind a cycle way through the gorge, that way I can keep an eye on how my mine is progressing :D

26-03-2015, 11:16 PM
I believe in trying to obtain the best of both worlds...
I dont mind a cycle way through the gorge, that way I can keep an eye on how my mine is progressing :D

Rahu JV announcement due before end of March... Price of gold up to 1211... Borderline vexatious judicial review...

Is NTL undervalued? :D

27-03-2015, 12:37 PM
Something's up. 1 cents cleaned out and a big order at 0.9. Announcement imminent?

27-03-2015, 12:58 PM
They did say they expected the JV stuff to be sorted by end March. Might be the breakthrough!

27-03-2015, 01:57 PM
Rahu JV announcement due before end of March... Price of gold up to 1211... Borderline vexatious judicial review...

Is NTL undervalued? :D

I'd have thought so Robbo. But for every optimist there is a pessimist I guess, as I see the 1 cent slot filled again. She's a hard road being a lone voice in the wilderness!

27-03-2015, 02:06 PM
I'd have thought so Robbo. But for every optimist there is a pessimist I guess, as I see the 1 cent slot filled again. She's a hard road being a lone voice in the wilderness!

If nothing else, NTL owns 19% of BPL:ASX with an MCAP of $5.5m AUD.

NTL has NTA/Share of 3.91 cents.

The JV, if announced, is unaffected by the judicial review.

Price of gold is ticking up a bit, and NTL would still be profitable at $1000USD per ounce.

NTL has been dormant a long time but the sleeper will awaken... :D