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13-10-2021, 12:12 PM
Yeah he had obviously set himself up as a consultant being paid to do a job.
Maybe there was some personal liability safety in that.
I do hope his liability insurance is fully paid up, he may be needing that maxed out, when the law suits come.

13-10-2021, 12:23 PM
Meanwhile, an observation from the ping pong table, which has been decidedly wobbly since a certain digger driver backed into it.

Recently buyers @.2c stood at $7K, now over $108K worth.

13-10-2021, 01:33 PM
Matt won't sue the company if he wins what does he get?The company has no assets and no money(some would say thanks to him).So he could end up with owning the whole lot.

If he loses he has huge legal bills to pay.

So it's a lose lose situation for him,he would be an idiot to sue,and he is no idiot,thats for sure

13-10-2021, 01:55 PM
Matt won't sue the company if he wins what does he get?The company has no assets and no money(some would say thanks to him).So he could end up with owning the whole lot.

If he loses he has huge legal bills to pay.

So it's a lose lose situation for him,he would be an idiot to sue,and he is no idiot,thats for sure

Yep, he will likely have huge legal bills, but not for this.

13-10-2021, 02:02 PM
Three months notice ($90,000) is a small price to pay to get rid of him.
I laughed when I read this, "For the period of Matthew Hill's three month notice period he will be acting
with reduced delegated authority as Chief Executive Officer"

He didn't do a lot when he had full delegated authority :eek2:.
I wonder how those Australian "sophisticated and institutional" investors are feeling now having just fronted up with $AU670,000 only to see the rights issue disappear, along with the CEO and Board and secretary. (maybe they've got a way of getting out of it?)

I wonder if Matty and his family will be holding on or dumping their 68 million shares?

Maybe about $1.5 million in the bank? (can't be bothered to check)

So, going forward I will be looking forward to the new NTL Board releasing an in depth, honest, transparent and fiscally detailed report into the future strategy of this company. After all Jonu's got 84 million reasons to get that gold out!!!

13-10-2021, 02:11 PM
Meanwhile, an observation from the ping pong table, which has been decidedly wobbly since a certain digger driver backed into it.

Recently buyers @.2c stood at $7K, now over $108K worth.

Well, we know it cant be Jonu buying up!!!! So someone is keen. For first time in a while, Im keen, but will wait to see what comes out in the wash.

13-10-2021, 03:19 PM
Jonu, I know there's plenty on the table to clean up. Don't forget this one.

https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/619310/directors?backurl=H4sIAAAAAAAAAEXLMQ7CMAyF4dtkYSgM jBZigYEOSPQCVmxKpCQOsVvU2xNEEdt7v%2FR1BUfWzksqmENb ylj94%2FAEL1USZuK4GSWS42zBlmEprHDs%2B%2FXfDG3Sc5Wp fHPIDZZTs7DuQcAhUWXVv17DhZeXVAKnhtVg62JIwWC3d3pvkT 5yxuyZrpg5gtWJXRJi%2BPU3Crb4f8EAAAA%3D

13-10-2021, 03:54 PM
Or do get Kelly Wyse to update her Linkedin - now been Director for 2 months - really, it was 2 minutes

13-10-2021, 05:23 PM
Hi Matt. I know you will be reading this page. Bad luck son. I'm still waiting for the de-fam papers. Looks like you lost. All the best.

13-10-2021, 10:54 PM
Hi Matt. I know you will be reading this page. Bad luck son. I'm still waiting for the de-fam papers. Looks like you lost. All the best.

Gee maybe we get really lucky and start to see posts from Bullish again!? :eek2:

14-10-2021, 12:05 AM

Jonu's joy.

14-10-2021, 02:21 AM
Can we please change the name of this thread? While its currently still accurate, I don't think it's fair on Jonu to have any new comers to this forum think negative thoughts about NTL without doing their own research. And it's likely Matt Hill is going to be no more in 3months time - It's going to be a gift for shareholders for Christmas.

14-10-2021, 07:46 AM
Hi Matt. I know you will be reading this page. Bad luck son. I'm still waiting for the de-fam papers. Looks like you lost. All the best.

I think Matt could rightly argue that he may have lost the final battle, but won the war based on the salary he pulled out of NTL.
Wonder if he will hold or sell?

Well those 2 Directors had little to no skin in the game

Paint it Black
14-10-2021, 01:42 PM
Can we please change the name of this thread? While its currently still accurate, I don't think it's fair on Jonu to have any new comers to this forum think negative thoughts about NTL without doing their own research. And it's likely Matt Hill is going to be no more in 3months time - It's going to be a gift for shareholders for Christmas.

Totally agree. Better to have no comments attached to the company names and to no longer have NTL separated away from the main NZX forum as a pariah. Can we leave this with you Vince?

14-10-2021, 01:48 PM
Totally agree. Better to have no comments attached to the company names and to no longer have NTL separated away from the main NZX forum as a pariah. Can we leave this with you Vince?

Agree with you there

14-10-2021, 04:09 PM
As I mentioned on HC forum, with Matt out, he can probably start selling his shares. He really needs to be complimentary about Jonu and hope he can get stuff done if he wants to make some coin. The days of him getting a fat cat salary from us are gone, so now he will need to sell shares to make money.

14-10-2021, 07:28 PM
While I am pleased at this recent turn of events, doesn't it signal the end of the line? It is great that the trash is being taken out, but by so quickly throwing him out it almost confirms that Jonu was wrong this entire time, and that things are really not looking good at all. As most on this forum complained, Matt hasn't been leading the company in the right direction, and getting gold out of the ground may well be incredibly difficult or costly from here out, we just don't know. Despite the 'victory' in ousting Matt, this doesn't actually feel like a positive place to be. Poor Jonu now has the fight for his life to try salvage the value of his shares somehow.

Discl: Sold shares years ago now, very very unlikely to buy back in.

14-10-2021, 08:05 PM
Let's look at Todays Final Departing Director 'Interest Notice' filings:

M Hill: 42,190,903 Ordinaries ; 136,364 Listed Options


M Stevens: 60,000 Ordinaries


C Nader: NIL


14-10-2021, 08:10 PM
As I mentioned on HC forum, with Matt out, he can probably start selling his shares. He really needs to be complimentary about Jonu ............

If it is him posting (and a lot of people think it is) what a nasty vitriolic piece of work he is.

14-10-2021, 10:05 PM
If it is him posting (and a lot of people think it is) what a nasty vitriolic piece of work he is. I think he showed his true colours as bullish and he was a piece of work.

14-10-2021, 10:10 PM
His style on the HC thread is too similar to ignore. Maybe I’m a conspiracy theorist but the best thing that has happened for NTL is the CEO departure. We are in for hard times, no doubt, but i would rather pay Jonu a directors fee than Matt a salary. I’m hanging in by my fingernails at this point.

15-10-2021, 07:53 AM
Whats the HotCopper handle being used?

I cant understand why so many buyers have jumped in at $0.002 - there seems to be general agreement that Matts deaprture is a good thing - but what skills are left. I think Jonu will bring some reality to the Board - he has 84m reasons to do so, what is NTL a dead duck? Guess we will see

Paint it Black
15-10-2021, 10:55 AM
Whats the HotCopper handle being used?

I cant understand why so many buyers have jumped in at $0.002 - there seems to be general agreement that Matts deaprture is a good thing - but what skills are left. I think Jonu will bring some reality to the Board - he has 84m reasons to do so, what is NTL a dead duck? Guess we will see

Seems to be spv1.

15-10-2021, 11:02 AM
Seems to be spv1.

Wonder if FMA are watching Hot Copper now ? ;)

15-10-2021, 11:04 AM
there seems to be general agreement that Matts deaprture is a good thing - but what skills are left.

A better question might be have any skills been diminished since to worried cowards jumped overboard?

The only skills the past board had was capital raising. What good have those skills done for shareholders over many years?

What's done is done. It can't get any worse or more expensive than it did in the past.

15-10-2021, 11:06 AM
Wonder if FMA are watching Hot Copper now ? ;)

I'm wondering if the SFO is looking back in time!

15-10-2021, 11:23 AM
A better question might be have any skills been diminished since to worried cowards jumped overboard?

The only skills the past board had was capital raising. What good have those skills done for shareholders over many years?

What's done is done. It can't get any worse or more expensive than it did in the past.

I've always thought Capital raising was a bit of a non skill in the penny dreadful end of town. The facilitators literally knock on your door

15-10-2021, 11:44 AM
Special Purpose Vehicle 1 = designed now to talk up the SP to try to flick his 45m in shares?

Interesting that SPV1 was a new HC user, and first post was on NTL - seems very knowledgeable in the whole mining space - I guess his ego wont let him die without blowing his own trumpet - IMHO

15-10-2021, 12:42 PM
Special Purpose Vehicle 1 = designed now to talk up the SP to try to flick his 45m in shares?

Interesting that SPV1 was a new HC user, and first post was on NTL - seems very knowledgeable in the whole mining space - I guess his ego wont let him die without blowing his own trumpet - IMHO

Just as interesting, spv1's account was opened on the same day that Matt Hill resigned from the NTL board.

Coincidence, I think not.

15-10-2021, 02:40 PM
Just as interesting, spv1's account was opened on the same day that Matt Hill resigned from the NTL board.

Coincidence, I think not.

If it is Matty, he's already had some posts deleted. The jpeg image putting his/the finger up at Jonu, and his acronym for Jonu shows exactly how epidermis challenged he is.
The FMA charges must really be f...... with his head!!! :t_up:

15-10-2021, 02:51 PM
If it is him posting (and a lot of people think it is) what a nasty vitriolic piece of work he is.

I would think it unlikely, if not it's gross stupidity continuing 'market information-based manipulation' while still employed by NTL. He'd have ASIC breathing down his neck as well as the FMA.

15-10-2021, 02:58 PM
Moving at pace

15-10-2021, 05:15 PM
I would think it unlikely, if not it's gross stupidity continuing 'market information-based manipulation' while still employed by NTL. He'd have ASIC breathing down his neck as well as the FMA.

but then there is the alleged conduct & history on here covering how many years ? ;)

A smart poster would have made themselves aware of posting pre-requisites necessary for a Director.
But then the alleged ST forum conduct is not only in terms of position as a Director but also a CEO

Fairly stupid conduct really if upheld as alleged, so can anything be ruled out ? ;)

15-10-2021, 06:41 PM
spv1 has been very busy over on HC today, yet no posts on the NTL forum.


Maybe it's a trait he picked up from his father, robbo24.

15-10-2021, 07:00 PM
Wonder how many of the 42 million Share stack - Wonderboy has managed to move so far ? ;)

15-10-2021, 07:03 PM
spv1 has been very busy over on HC today, yet no posts on the NTL forum.


Maybe it's a trait he picked up from his father, robbo24.

A really well informed sort of chap on many things mining - isn't he ? ;)

Any missing snails reported from our Mine in the Mountain, aside from the obvious ? ;)

15-10-2021, 08:05 PM
A really well informed sort of chap on many things mining - isn't he ? ;)

Any missing snails reported from our Mine in the Mountain, aside from the obvious ? ;)

Yep, got bored of the day job of bleeding NTL dry as soon as he was dumped, so working on other "projects" with same "Bullish" style we all know.

Very well informed of all things NTL, you dont get that without the kind of knowledge he has.

Nup, he is just looking to find new ways to make the money he will soon be losing.

I am sure on all those years of 400k he will have a lot of investments to manage.

Saw him at one AGM, grab a cell phone from a protesteor, you could see he is a classic ausie battler with an evil bent.

16-10-2021, 08:02 AM
How does spv1 have time to read & post on an internet forum for two or three hours a day at a minimum, during normal working hours, while on the payroll of NTL shareholders?

Any employer I've ever had would take offence to such action.

16-10-2021, 08:13 PM
Maybe it's a trait he picked up from his father, robbo24.

A bit of background evidence which helped me make this accusation.

Good to see Matthew Hill buying more NTL. SPP and on-market.

I've done some research into the guy, he has a surprisingly successful background rubbing shoulders with some enormous companies.

Happy to share if anyone is interested.

And in reply to a lengthy Bullish post

This is consistent with my analysis.

I was never all that worried about the judicial review so didn't consider that a huge risk. However, for those who fear legal action it's safe to say that the bulk sampling programme will go ahead. This means revenue.

Revenue is a good thing for companies and for valuation of companies.

Mining companies, particularly those which are evolving from explorer to developer to producer may very well be "rerated" by analysts and investors.

Seeing as the path has been unfolding and progressing at a good rate I have more confidence in my NTL investment than any time previously. Hence partaking in the SPP (and numerous SPPS in the past to varying degrees).

Might be time to start sharing some more of my research about NTL (and BPL.ASX too for that matter).

17-10-2021, 11:17 AM
Whether or not robbo24 is his dad still a bit speculative though. Would there be any issues if he was?

18-10-2021, 11:33 AM
Would there be any issues if he was?
It very well could be if you take into account the in depth very persuasive posts on HC by robbo24 every time NTL was in a raising capital exercise.

Obvious to me it was robbo24 being the HC persuader at the same time Bullish & Epithermal was on ST.

It's not a coincidence. Daddy seems to know a lot more about things than shareholders did, long after he had left the board. He got the inside info from somewhere.

18-10-2021, 02:21 PM
So you are saying that Matt Hill encouraged shareholders to participate in capital raisings to contine his 400k salary with full knowledge the company was incapable of mining gold !!

That sounds like a serious acusation Weta !!

18-10-2021, 04:59 PM
So you are saying that Matt Hill encouraged shareholders to participate in capital raisings to contine his 400k salary with full knowledge the company was incapable of mining gold !!

That sounds like a serious acusation Weta !!

Well that's the FMA's accusation isn't it?

Matt as "Bullish" was hard at work here on ST, mostly around CR time. Robbo24 was busy around the same times on HC's NTL forum (was also a member here briefly) & it just makes sense that it was his clued up father & former chairman of NGD.

18-10-2021, 05:54 PM
FMA seem pretty toothless, would they pass it on to SFO if they felt sufficient grounds.

Role of FMA

The Financial Markets Authority enforces securities, financial reporting, and company law as they apply to financial services and securities markets.

We also regulate securities exchanges, financial advisers and brokers, trustees and issuers - including issuers of KiwiSaver and superannuation schemes. Shortly we will also regulate auditors.
Role of the SFO

The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) was established in 1990 under the Serious Fraud Office Act in response to the collapse of financial markets in New Zealand at that time. The SFO is a criminal law enforcement agency tasked with the investigation and prosecution of serious or complex fraud and financial crime. Its Financial Markets and Corporate Fraud team specialise in addressing criminal offending in financial services and securities markets.

20-10-2021, 09:08 AM
Did Victor and his mine have agreements with a processing plant where they were doing some processing for BH? One good thing that could come from a full board and management clear out and having Victor in charge is that NTL might be able to use Victors connections to get some processing done

20-10-2021, 05:28 PM
Looks like some housekeeping needed with Officialdom's Public records here:

CEO (Matthew Hill) on the way out still listed as Sole Director here:



Possibly as Director of this NTL Australian subsidiary as well:


21-10-2021, 07:10 PM
All quiet on the mine scene - with SP bobbing between 0.002 & 0.003 ;)

has everyone gone on extended weekend leave already ? ;)

22-10-2021, 08:15 AM
Takes a while to change the direction of the ship, especially one that may have been sinking. I dare say there will be a lot of running round trying to work out the truth of where NTL is really at, and what the future holds. Will the outgoing CEO be helping or hindering?

Im amused at the amount of buyers who have come in at $0.002 though, thinking there could be a win - time will tell.

22-10-2021, 12:12 PM
Had to smile at this:

Trading status Trading
Trades 1
Value $0.01
Volume 3

20 minutes delayed


22-10-2021, 12:15 PM
I always have a laugh everytime I see that guy trying to sell his shares for $1.00

Paint it Black
26-10-2021, 11:29 AM
The NTL banner says it has moved but where to Vince?

Snow Leopard
26-10-2021, 03:31 PM
The NTL banner says it has moved but where to Vince?

Is this some sort of trick question or what?

26-10-2021, 07:04 PM
For a moment I was wondering if the Registered Office had moved North out of Auckland .. however ;)

Wonder if the fill-in CEO has been moved into his temporary new Prefab Office for a few months yet while on absentee leave
.. even if he's not present on Kiwi soil ? ;)

Only right isn't it ? ;)

Could always install a cardboard cut out in his new temporary pew, so no-one forgets to axe the Management payments
when it's finally time's up and time to biff out the rubbish :)

Paint it Black
27-10-2021, 06:55 PM
OK so its now moved into the Threads which is good but still has the negative comment re CEO vs the FMA for manipulation etc. Vince now that NTL has terminated the CEO contract cannot a standard banner of NTL New Talisman Mining be now used as is the case with nearly every other company on the forum as it currently is unfair to the shareholders who want this company to prosper.

27-10-2021, 08:19 PM
Going to be some dour reports coming out soon for this company as reality sinks in.

27-10-2021, 09:07 PM
Going to be some dour reports coming out soon for this company as reality sinks in.

Very possible with NTL too

But on the brighter side there is an ASX listed Company which could be sitting on something
approaching if not exceeding the next MacRae's Gold Deposit unfolding down south
not far from MacRaes

Subscribers to Chris Lee's publications will know all about this one as is evident from
the upwards SP movements .. :)

27-10-2021, 09:07 PM
I still wonder how those "sophisticated and institutional" Australian investors are feeling having fronted up with $AU670,000 only to see the rights issue disappear, along with the CEO and Board and secretary.

I'm not an expert on such matters, but if they were sophisticated and professional enough I would think they would have had an escape clause if the anticipated contractual terms and conditions were not met.
The cancellation of the rights issue would be one such matter imo?!

Gotta feeling Jonus getting a HUGE dose of reality with this company, and a first hand look at the mess that Hill and Nader left behind.
It will be very very interesting reading when the notices start coming out :scared:.

27-10-2021, 09:17 PM
I still wonder how those "sophisticated and institutional" Australian investors are feeling having fronted up with $AU670,000 only to see the rights issue disappear, along with the CEO and Board and secretary.

I'm not an expert on such matters, but if they were sophisticated and professional enough I would think they would have had an escape clause if the anticipated contractual terms and conditions were not met.
The cancellation of the rights issue would be one such matter imo?!

Gotta feeling Jonus getting a HUGE dose of reality with this company, and a first hand look at the mess that Hill and Nader left behind.
It will be very very interesting reading when the notices start coming out :scared:.

Indeed it will be interesting reading

I wonder what gaps there are with Hill facing the exit door to follow Nader..
obviously some element of hired expertise may become necessity, not seeking
to preempt or imagine whatever Jonu & the Board may now be having to look at..

Hope I'm not wrong, but there could be quite a price tag still ahead in trying to get things anywhere near
where they perhaps should be, if that is at all possible .. ;)

Paint it Black
28-10-2021, 10:45 AM
Good to see the new banner now in place, thanks Vince. The September quarterly report should be released tomorrow maybe more abbreviated but hopefully with a straight forward road map towards production. It is great that Murray Stevens is still available as a geological consultant and Jane Bell is helping the office transition.

28-10-2021, 11:10 AM
Shareholder notice of compensation received from former chairman claiming damages !!

28-10-2021, 11:12 AM
Claim Received
New Talisman Gold Mines Limited (NTL) advises it has received a claim from Matthew Hill for constructive dismissal asserting that Mr Hill is an employee, contrary to the contractual position between NTL and Asia Pacific Capital Group Limited (APAC) agreed in March 2014. Given the position taken by APAC, NTL considers the contractual relationship has come to an end with immediate effect.
Mr Hill asserts he is entitled to various employment related entitlements and compensation, provisionally quantified at $892,000.
NTL does not accept that Mr Hill has been an employee and denies the claims.
NTL has recently identified a number of matters of concern arising from the conduct of APAC and Mr Hill throughout the period of the APAC contract and has reserved its rights to make its own claims against APAC and Mr Hill.
Mr J Upperton
New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

28-10-2021, 11:14 AM
Oh dear. Mr Hill appears to be throwing his toys out of the cot. Hic.;)

28-10-2021, 11:35 AM
As I just posed on Hot Copper

Great to see his true qualities coming through.
A real company man aye.

This backs up what we have said all along.
Just someone out for all he can get.

An entintled individual, who thinks Capital Raising, and shareholders funds, are required to fund his lavish $400,000 PA lifestyle.

28-10-2021, 12:10 PM
Oh dear. Mr Hill appears to be throwing his toys out of the cot. Hic.;)

Time for NTL & it's Shareholders to make Hill's miserable butt target practice for every possible
transgression & Shareholder Class Action under the sun IMO

There is a vast trove of 10 Years past history which should provide ample evidence to hit the pillock
with at least two or three multi million dollar claims and bury him in litigation & legal bills for the next 20 years ;)

28-10-2021, 12:37 PM
Yep, I will take a piece of that.

28-10-2021, 12:42 PM
Amazing that he both thinks he deserves more money from shareholders, and that he's prepared to draw further attention to his history of poor performance. Not smart enough to walk away and count his money?

28-10-2021, 01:26 PM
Time for NTL & it's Shareholders to make Hill's miserable butt target practice for every possible
transgression & Shareholder Class Action under the sun IMO

There is a vast trove of 10 Years past history which should provide ample evidence to hit the pillock
with at least two or three multi million dollar claims and bury him in litigation & legal bills for the next 20 years ;)

You should set up a give a little page to sue him on behalf of shareholders (not the company).I am sure we could tie him up in court for years.

28-10-2021, 02:06 PM
Amazing that he both thinks he deserves more money from shareholders, and that he's prepared to draw further attention to his history of poor performance. Not smart enough to walk away and count his money?

Someone who has no empathy, no scruples, and is out for all they can get as the previous salary indicated, a bottom crawler, very vindictive probably not expecting a win, just wanting to tie the company down and screw it over so its resources are tied up in this rubbish and fail.

Not too Flash
28-10-2021, 02:25 PM
The market seems to like the demise of Mr Hill

91m bidding @ .02 cents only 3m selling @.03 cents

28-10-2021, 03:54 PM
I'll take some as well. Lets do this.

Yep, I will take a piece of that.

28-10-2021, 04:06 PM
What an unpleasant human being Mr Hill is.

I only know enough legal to get me into trouble, but if NTL had been deducting PAYE from the payment to APAC, then that would indicate being an employee. If NTL hadnt been deducting, and they should have been, then problem for NTL too.

Nasty business

28-10-2021, 04:13 PM
I'd gladly contribute to the pot to sue HILL & NADER big time on all the Shareholder Wealth that has
evaporated while they were in control of the Board & feeding everyone feel-good stories with each
Cap Raise ;)

Time for this pair to be held accountable & made to pay dearly .. ;)

28-10-2021, 04:15 PM
If NTL were to switch the call forwarding at headquarters back to the CEO, as it was a couple of weeks ago when I rang it, I'm sure there will be an ample number of shareholders that would be more than happy to ring up and make things uncomfortable for him.

Matt didn't seem to like the question I put forward to him very much as he simply muttered & hung up on me.

So when are you going to step down as CEO Matt?

28-10-2021, 04:24 PM
So when are you going to step down as CEO Matt?

Reading the release it looks like it has been terminated with immediate effect given the tactics he has chosen to pursue. I guess it will come down to contractual obligations that he is unlikely to have met for the last few years, and if he was an employee, in my view they have restructured if anything, new board have voted him out as a contractor and replaced the contracted ceo with an operations manager with mining experience. Hard to fight that matt.

28-10-2021, 04:35 PM
Employment law has a tendency to favour the employee - so will have to tread lightly - will be ironic if NTL (as a business) have been doing the wrong thing by APAC, as the only person running the place was Hill - shafted himself, but hopefully not the "New" NTL

28-10-2021, 06:02 PM
Yes all of this is a nasty business. The problem with it is it is a further distraction to the task of getting the mine operating and producing gold. Always best to stay well clear of companies that get involved in litigation. Too much stress and distraction to the task at hand. Jonu took on a big job and it has been made even harder for him.

28-10-2021, 06:13 PM
Jonu is actually earning his money. Matt Hill needs to be held to account. It is a joke he is suing NTL after the damage he has done, an horrible joke.

28-10-2021, 06:13 PM
Thanks Jonu for all your effort!!

28-10-2021, 06:47 PM
Not a miner but a chemist. Perhaps a few of us need to stand up to help him get this duck across the line. I've got an accountant that has a large amount of ntl shares too....

28-10-2021, 08:36 PM
Claim Received
New Talisman Gold Mines Limited (NTL) advises it has received a claim from Matthew Hill for constructive dismissal asserting that Mr Hill is an employee, contrary to the contractual position between NTL and Asia Pacific Capital Group Limited (APAC) agreed in March 2014. Given the position taken by APAC, NTL considers the contractual relationship has come to an end with immediate effect.
Mr Hill asserts he is entitled to various employment related entitlements and compensation, provisionally quantified at $892,000.
NTL does not accept that Mr Hill has been an employee and denies the claims.
NTL has recently identified a number of matters of concern arising from the conduct of APAC and Mr Hill throughout the period of the APAC contract and has reserved its rights to make its own claims against APAC and Mr Hill.
Mr J Upperton
New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

What a nasty little …

Paint it Black
28-10-2021, 11:00 PM
Yes all of this is a nasty business. The problem with it is it is a further distraction to the task of getting the mine operating and producing gold. Always best to stay well clear of companies that get involved in litigation. Too much stress and distraction to the task at hand. Jonu took on a big job and it has been made even harder for him.

Never fear, reading the announcement I'm confident Jonu is one step ahead following the advice of Chapman Tripp NTL's solicitor.

29-10-2021, 10:48 AM
Top marks to Jonu, for pruning the dead wood out at the stump.

It appears no one will receive any payment, unless they are adding value.

Lets hope for no lawsuits, along the lines of unfair dismissal, etc.

I did post a warning, but lets hope Matt's parachute has a hole in it.

29-10-2021, 10:49 AM
Hill - if you read this, be a BETTER man, not a BITTER man.

29-10-2021, 11:12 AM
I just can't see this thing ever getting to court,Hill is clearly after a settlement.Why would you start legal proceedings,which are going to take years to resolve.When you have driven the company close to insolvency due to your own bad management.

The chances of collecting any sort of settlement would have to be pretty slim,no he is after a settlement,and if I was Jonu I would offer him $1.00,and a limp handshake!

29-10-2021, 11:23 AM
I would think NTL announcing they are employing a forensic accountant would focus Matt's attention.

29-10-2021, 11:28 AM
I would think NTL announcing they are employing a forensic accountant would focus Matt's attention.

Big call, but I think Matt took all cash from NTL out the front door, not the back door.

29-10-2021, 12:04 PM
With the FMA Case & Allegations lingering around -- Hill's chances may be likened to facing into a stiff Southerly gale ;)

29-10-2021, 03:29 PM
Well hats off to our Jonu, a quarterly activities report that is clear and concise. What the future holds is unclear, but at least they seem to be focused on achieving some form of progress.

29-10-2021, 03:40 PM
Long time listener, first time caller here...

I thought i would use my first post to congratulate John on setting the house on fire so all the rats ran out..

I was sucked into the NTL story a few years ago in my investing innocence but managed to get out with some of my shirt before it all turned to custard.

I hope this is a turning point for NTL and some transparency is finally provided on whether money is actually to be made at an economical cost of whether the old timers got the proper stuff.

Hopefully shareholders manage to get their moneys worth in a few years and NTL becomes a worthwhile investment again.

29-10-2021, 05:10 PM
Well hats off to our Jonu, a quarterly activities report that is clear and concise. What the future holds is unclear, but at least they seem to be focused on achieving some form of progress.

Indeed - can't dispute any of that :)

The old guard have been well and truly disrupted in their tracks and sent packing
(bar a bit of whimpering yelling & screaming from land of the well baked)

Jane Beancounter is still assisting with Secretarial stuff and the new course is
being formulated ;)

29-10-2021, 05:23 PM
$287,000 for admin in the last qr, for what buying a off shore so called asset !!!

29-10-2021, 06:19 PM
$287,000 for admin in the last qr, for what buying a off shore so called asset !!!

Wonder who is paying Hill's accommodation costs while in Sydney, not to forget his travel & relocation expenses
while full Management fees are being extracted ? ;)

and for that matter - Nader's travel & accommodation expenses over the past x years ? ;)

Neither are probably on mere budget rate fares or basic fare and digs ;)

29-10-2021, 06:39 PM
Hills a windbag..aren't ya Matty! I'm still waiting on the defamation papers you blew on about when you called me, pissed I might add. Every dog has his day. Looks like yours is coming around REAL fast.

30-10-2021, 11:04 AM
Hi to all s/h. Anyone thought of starting a Fund to initiate a class action against would be destructors who is bend on destroying the company and its sh. Are we going to let Mat and co to bring us all down?

30-10-2021, 05:27 PM
Hi All

I'd be delighted to assist.

Back in the Day I invested in HGD.

Stuck with the Story. Saw some Red Herrings.

Believed some NTL coms.

Contacted Matt Hill via voice call a number of times for reassurance.

Listened to him on the phone.

Then saw The Writing on the Wall to Sell Out.

Feel so sorry for all Investors who hadn't got lied to.

30-10-2021, 06:03 PM
I would also be happy to contribute to any legal action.

Also came through from HGD days.

Participated in a number of cap raises.

Naively bought in to their BS to be honest.

Thankfully saw the light after last year's online ASM where they looked and acted untrustworthy and sold completely out within a week or so to get out with a modest loss.

I feel sorry for everyone who didn't get out...

Not too Flash
01-11-2021, 10:11 AM
Interesting appointments
New Talisman Gold Mines is pleased to announce the appointment of two new
independent directors, Ms Samantha Sharif and Mr Michael Stiassny, to the New
Talisman Board.

Chairman John Upperton stated:" I am delighted to welcome two new directors
of such calibre to the Board. Both Michael and Samantha have observed the
shareholder activism that prompted positive change at New Talisman and it is
heartening to have their support and expertise in realising the company's
potential. These are exciting times to be involved and working with a team
that sees that potential, and that has the ability to deliver results for
shareholders and wider stakeholders. It is also pleasing that the Board has
been restored to full complement"

01-11-2021, 11:01 AM
Wow - Directors with strong credentials - nice work Jonu.

Now, how much $ is required to start production and when?

01-11-2021, 11:34 AM
Yes well done Jonu. NTL now have a very strong board. A great achievement.

Paint it Black
01-11-2021, 11:54 AM
Yes well done Jonu. NTL now have a very strong board. A great achievement.

Yep - the expertise, diversity and focus boxes have been quickly ticked with a new high quality cutting edge Board - brilliant work Jonu. Keep it rolling.

01-11-2021, 03:54 PM
Well done Jonu!

I'm picking 18 of the top 20 Shareholders will be impressed.

I'm picking 2 of the top 20 Shareholders will be very worried.

https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/276623/shareholdings (https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/276623/shareholdings?backurl=H4sIAAAAAAAAAC2MMQrDMBAEf6NG hV8gQqo0LgL2Bxbd4Qikk6I7Jfj3ESbd7rCzS8PBusRaGiTNpI weX7dSiYMahNDJ2dk4sFiyOXHvIPz1hpy0QPxRM%2FmShNVnB% 2FpAItMTwjlYH%2Bwu79znhYb7uv77ZrChj15Hu%2FAP4MjavY kAAAA%3D)

01-11-2021, 05:25 PM
Clearly it was a tumultuous October for NTL but what an outstanding outcome. For Jonu to achieve what he did in such a short space of time is really impressive, not forgetting the stress he would have been under during that process. that should not be under-estimated. The quality of the communications (I read all the NZX releases today), having the backing of the majority of shareholders, and re-building the destroyed capacity to a better standard so quickly - I am blown away. I suspect the incumbents under-estimated his capability and tenacity. Notch one up for Jonu and shareholder activism.

Snow Leopard
01-11-2021, 05:57 PM
So having pulled
several rabbits
out of the hat

can they now pull
gold out of the ground
and transmogrify it
into cash
or even profit?

01-11-2021, 07:11 PM
Has anyone seen smoke clouds coming off Hill yet as the strengthened Board expect something real out him ? ;)

(in fact probably more than has been seen over all of the past decade)

Let's hope that they dont dig up something they find amusing or the red hot pokers could be out ;)

Has the previous Chair finished digging a very deep cave to hide in ? ;)

01-11-2021, 09:42 PM
Can this Co rebuild?
S/H will be hoping it can afford this "experience?

01-11-2021, 10:55 PM
Can this Co rebuild?
S/H will be hoping it can afford this "experience?

but there is a small collection of apparently very wealthy former directors, awaiting some skillful harvesting activities ;)

Stakeholders should not be too worried when clouds of feathers & fluff start appearing in near future :)

Paint it Black
02-11-2021, 11:36 AM
Seems to me listing on the ASX is a constraint on the NZX trading as it usually trails the NZX price, has low volumes, and is several hours behind. Many NZers are reluctant to trade in Australia with its tax and registration complications. With the Aussies now dismissed perhaps the Board could save some annual fees by keeping it simple and delist from the ASX?

02-11-2021, 12:35 PM
Maybe its possible


Processing plant there will cost $50m

Paint it Black
02-11-2021, 12:43 PM
Maybe its possible


Processing plant there will cost $50m

Paeroa can go the same way with the community behind it. Win Win.

Snow Leopard
02-11-2021, 12:53 PM
Paeroa can go the same way with the community behind it. Win Win.

I heard Paeroa was a lemon. ;)

02-11-2021, 03:23 PM
I heard Paeroa was a lemon. ;)

Perhaps NTL should start a new Export division - I'm told Lemons are in hot demand over in OZ ;)

The really sour ones are especially sought after :)

Paint it Black
03-11-2021, 01:11 PM
Some good volume on the NZX and surprisingly the ASX this morning. Maybe its the the new Board investing and the Hills selling?

07-11-2021, 03:13 AM
Some good volume on the NZX and surprisingly the ASX this morning. Maybe its the the new Board investing and the Hills selling?

Just 158 K traded on Friday - everyone must be busily resigned to stuffing their scrip back in the bottom draw

With such limited interest & trading - Hill may have have to wait 1000 years to finally depart the share
register or alternatively donate all his shares all back to NTL ;)

He could be stuffed if he wants some fast Ca$h out of his share pile in a hurry ;)

Initial new Director disclosures - filed 4 Nov:

M Stiassny - Nil Holding
S Sharif - 3 million

07-11-2021, 01:27 PM
Just 158 K traded on Friday - everyone must be busily resigned to stuffing their scrip back in the bottom draw

With such limited interest & trading - Hill may have have to wait 1000 years to finally depart the share
register or alternatively donate all his shares all back to NTL ;)

He could be stuffed if he wants some fast Ca$h out of his share pile in a hurry ;)

Initial new Director disclosures - filed 4 Nov:

M Stiassny - Nil Holding
S Sharif - 3 million

Jeez nztx. You posted at 3.13am this morning. The only reason I’d be awake at that time and unable to sleep was if I had shares in this company. :scared: ;) I'm sure you haven't lol!

From the AGM five weeks ago: “We spent a good part of the year investigating and pursuing less capital
intensive paths that would enable treatment of Talisman ore without major capital outlays by the Company. Joint ventures, toll treatment arrangements etc. Those options despite at varying times showing some promise proved to be illusive, influenced at times by non-financial considerations, that are bought into play by the complex environment in which we operate”.

Then Hill has been quoted as saying at the AGM it would need $12 million to get the mine into production.

Where’s all the money going to come from to do all this, and what mugs are going to buy shares in the newly to be spun off company with fairy tale fantasies of gold exploration in Vanuatu?

07-11-2021, 01:52 PM
Jeez nztx. You posted at 3.13am this morning. The only reason I’d be awake at that time and unable to sleep was if I had shares in this company. :scared: ;) I'm sure you haven't lol!

From the AGM five weeks ago: “We spent a good part of the year investigating and pursuing less capital
intensive paths that would enable treatment of Talisman ore without major capital outlays by the Company. Joint ventures, toll treatment arrangements etc. Those options despite at varying times showing some promise proved to be illusive, influenced at times by non-financial considerations, that are bought into play by the complex environment in which we operate”.

Then Hill has been quoted as saying at the AGM it would need $12 million to get the mine into production.

Where’s all the money going to come from to do all this, and what mugs are going to buy shares in the newly to be spun off company with fairy tale fantasies of gold exploration in Vanuatu?

There has been far too much di*king around courtesy of Hill at the helm while he has been filling
his pockets at stakeholders expense ;)

And a fair amount of BS fed to stakeholders to cover it .. One would have thought that Hill had
or should have had the connections & experience to get things going / happening, or did that only
extend to flicking off extra blocks of NTL Shares into the laps of his mates & those on his contact list ? ;)

The job needs first of all to establish there is ample stated resource there
Secondly a finite timeframe for getting a Commercial Mining Licence
Third - Issues on processing Ore
Fourth - How to Finance it - Loans / Gold Loans / whatever

Let's face it - some Aussie & Offshore Mining outfits in many places have covered all this
in a fraction of the time in which NTL has seemingly been moving at a snails pace

As we have all seen - Hill's past indications on say $12 Mil or whatever needed have usually turned into yet another dallop needed after that, and another lot a few years later & more a year later .. a continual rinse & repeat, with very little tangible progress ;)

If we look at the Wealth Destruction to Shareholders this would be considerable - likely a fair chunk
of all the Cap Raises over the past decade

Enough fuel for a large Shareholder Class Action against Nader & Hill ? ;)

3.00 am is research / work time here - but dont be concerned - I've usually put in a full day's
before most even open their eye lids a few hours later :)

09-11-2021, 07:59 AM
IMHO, everything Hill said has to be taken with a grain of salt, given that he seemed to be feeding the us a line just to keep the CRs going.

That said, I dont think he could manipulate a JORC estimate. Whether the gold can be extracted safely, and at what cost seems key.

09-11-2021, 08:56 AM
Now that Hills history I've jumped back in. Jonu has got very small boots to fill so I'm sure he will out perform the former cabal.

09-11-2021, 11:26 AM
Now that Hills history I've jumped back in. Jonu has got very small boots to fill so I'm sure he will out perform the former cabal.
wow, that's a real vote of confidence for Jonu.

10-11-2021, 01:40 AM
A domain name & live website that the new board dont know about ?



All the old Board still appear on that one

And the Website & Domain that appears on NZX filings etc:



Here we have all the New Board & an Updated Website

Why was there two separate Domains & Live websites published each with their own separate files & hosting ? ;)

Seems a bit wasteful on the part of the old Board - doesn't it ;)

Is this where some the previous Cap Raises have gone ? ;)

How many more stand alone NTL websites each with their own separate hosting account are there ? :)

10-11-2021, 12:39 PM
Domain Name: talisman.gold
Updated Date: 2020-11-03
Creation Date: 2017-11-20
Registry Expiry Date: 2021-11-20

All other info has been made private

probably just a bulgwarian prince

10-11-2021, 01:50 PM
Congrats to Jonu..I am keen to learn more about NTL..

To be honest don't really know much about Gold mining (nether did the old NTL)
Has any one got any rough figures?

Eg Amount of Gold recoverable, cost to recover..

If the potential reward is sizeable, then keen to invest.

Paint it Black
11-11-2021, 10:13 PM
Congrats to Jonu..I am keen to learn more about NTL..

To be honest don't really know much about Gold mining (nether did the old NTL)
Has any one got any rough figures?

Eg Amount of Gold recoverable, cost to recover..

If the potential reward is sizeable, then keen to invest.

The latest resource estimate at the Talisman contained in the company's 24/6/20 announcement is 380,000 equivalent ounces of gold. The cost to mine and process it I recall from AGM's has been estimated at around $1,000 (US?) per ounce. At today's gold price of around $US1800/oz this makes the profit around $NZ400 million or 12 cents a share. Suggest you access the publicly released reports on the NZX to get all the background. Very rough numbers and obviously the challenge is cashflow to realise the profit. The costs are also needing further review by the new Board.

12-11-2021, 08:47 AM
I still think they should send the ore over to Aussie to be processed. Stick it containers and ship it out.

12-11-2021, 09:08 AM
Thanks Paint it Black, appreciate it. I will investigate it further...

12-11-2021, 04:09 PM
Thanks Paint it Black, appreciate it. I will investigate it further...

I'd be very wherry relying on any releases to market prior to Jonu gaining his seat on the board.

The previous boards underlying intent wasn't to mine gold, it was to mine shareholders. Therefore I consider anything put in black and white prior to a month or so ago very suspect.

If you want to have a go as a complete punt right now, then your odds of making some serious cash is better now then a couple of months ago with the current s/p level. But if you want to "invest" into something you believe to be real, I'd wait for the dust to settle & get some more reliable information on the future intentions & direction of NTL from the new board.

12-11-2021, 04:42 PM
I'd be very wherry relying on any releases to market prior to Jonu gaining his seat on the board.

The previous boards underlying intent wasn't to mine gold, it was to mine shareholders. Therefore I consider anything put in black and white prior to a month or so ago very suspect.

If you want to have a go as a complete punt right now, then your odds of making some serious cash is better now then a couple of months ago with the current s/p level. But if you want to "invest" into something you believe to be real, I'd wait for the dust to settle & get some more reliable information on the future intentions & direction of NTL from the new board.

Good point thanks for that

12-11-2021, 08:34 PM
Must be a large job untangling the mess & maze left behind by the small bunch of departed souls
who ran away from the ship in a hurry ;)

Should something in way of a further announcement be expected early next year at earliest ? ;)

12-11-2021, 08:59 PM
I bet M Hill is sweatin like a rapist right now. If not, he should be.:cool:

13-11-2021, 02:21 PM
I bet M Hill is sweatin like a rapist right now. If not, he should be.:cool:

Well he did rape the shareholders.

13-11-2021, 06:34 PM
The latest resource estimate at the Talisman contained in the company's 24/6/20 announcement is 380,000 equivalent ounces of gold. The cost to mine and process it I recall from AGM's has been estimated at around $1,000 (US?) per ounce. At today's gold price of around $US1800/oz this makes the profit around $NZ400 million or 12 cents a share. Suggest you access the publicly released reports on the NZX to get all the background. Very rough numbers and obviously the challenge is cashflow to realise the profit. The costs are also needing further review by the new Board.

I don't think any previous cost can be relied upon when they still don't know if & how to extract the ore or how it will be processed. I. E capex for a plant which with such small scale in my view is unlikely to warrant the spend or do they get it toll treated in Australia which means a large volume of ore to be shipped. So lots of questions to be answered.

13-11-2021, 06:40 PM
Hopefully the previous Chair & CEO/Director's comprehensive insurance covers were fully paid up ;)

Prisoners wont likely be taken.. only the scalps to be mounted on the NTL Boardroom wall
as a momento of a large episode of successful reverse gold mining once achieved .. ;)

15-11-2021, 11:46 AM
I would just like to see a business plan,it's not to much to ask for is it?

Sideshow Bob
15-11-2021, 11:53 AM
I would just like to see a business plan,it's not to much to ask for is it?

I think to be fair, it has only been a short time and plenty has happened in the last few weeks. CEO has gone and only just getting a new board together.

Company will need capital, and expect need to show a decent plan for any raise.

15-11-2021, 08:17 PM
Share Consolidation on the way soon ? ;)

may be necessary to pave the way for future Cap Raises ..

After all NTL may need a bit of coin in the tin to chase a few recently departed directors
if any glowing transgressions get tipped out on the table ;)

16-11-2021, 12:58 PM
I think we are all hoping that Hill was just incompetent, and that was the reason that NTL arent extracting gold rather than there being real mining issues with it.

Time will tell. With Jonu (and his 84m shares) and Rabone jnr at the helm, theres a chance, once they have trolled through whatever info is at hand, the business case to production will be interesting, especially the cost to get there.

16-11-2021, 06:56 PM
I think we are all hoping that Hill was just incompetent, and that was the reason that NTL arent extracting gold rather than there being real mining issues with it.

Time will tell. With Jonu (and his 84m shares) and Rabone jnr at the helm, theres a chance, once they have trolled through whatever info is at hand, the business case to production will be interesting, especially the cost to get there.

Yes the cost to get to production will be the issue. Looking back I can see that there was an honest intention to actively mine gold. This is obvious because of all the time and money spent on the mine rehabilitation and ventilation.
It all went to custard when they tried to get into the Dubbo vein and found that it was unsafe to mine that area. I believe that the high gold grades in that area were the low hanging fruit and was going to contribute substantially to progressing the mine. After the Dubbo collapse there was no good news just incomprehensible delays and bad decisions. Now we are left with a mine with access issues and restriction on blasts and no clear path to processing.
If they do need to raise a significant amount of money say north of 12M$ then that will dilute the shareholding of the current shareholders significantly. A very difficult situation. I find it very hard to see a positive side to this. I hope I am wrong.

Paint it Black
16-11-2021, 09:25 PM
Yes the cost to get to production will be the issue. Looking back I can see that there was an honest intention to actively mine gold. This is obvious because of all the time and money spent on the mine rehabilitation and ventilation.
It all went to custard when they tried to get into the Dubbo vein and found that it was unsafe to mine that area. I believe that the high gold grades in that area were the low hanging fruit and was going to contribute substantially to progressing the mine. After the Dubbo collapse there was no good news just incomprehensible delays and bad decisions. Now we are left with a mine with access issues and restriction on blasts and no clear path to processing.
If they do need to raise a significant amount of money say north of 12M$ then that will dilute the shareholding of the current shareholders significantly. A very difficult situation. I find it very hard to see a positive side to this. I hope I am wrong.

Hi Brain - reading the 30 June 2019 quarterly activities report my understanding is that the Dubbo collapse was historical not a recent event caused by NTL as you possibly imply. The report describes how the work that quarter focused on making safe this access route and excavation of loose material. As the report says and you correctly point out this resulted in significant unexpected strengthening work and costs to work around the historical collapse but credit needs to be given to mining contractor that this was being successfully achieved.

16-11-2021, 09:41 PM
Yes the cost to get to production will be the issue. Looking back I can see that there was an honest intention to actively mine gold. This is obvious because of all the time and money spent on the mine rehabilitation and ventilation.
It all went to custard when they tried to get into the Dubbo vein and found that it was unsafe to mine that area. I believe that the high gold grades in that area were the low hanging fruit and was going to contribute substantially to progressing the mine. After the Dubbo collapse there was no good news just incomprehensible delays and bad decisions. Now we are left with a mine with access issues and restriction on blasts and no clear path to processing.
If they do need to raise a significant amount of money say north of 12M$ then that will dilute the shareholding of the current shareholders significantly. A very difficult situation. I find it very hard to see a positive side to this. I hope I am wrong.

Very succinct summation Brain.

Motley Crew
17-11-2021, 01:58 AM
Good point thanks for that

Will the dust ever settle on this one.
Share consolidation and further capital raises, and continued diminution of shareholder value is all I can see in the future unless some definitive plan can be formalised to economically extract whatever gold is in them thar hills. As has been previously pointed out, the relatively small amount of gold recoverable will soon consume the US$800oz margin with capital expenditure on plant, or shipping elsewhere to extract the yellow stuff from the ore. While you wait for that, your 'investment' continues to head south. 12c a share SP is pie in the sky. There are simply too many issues both historical and current for any serious re-rating of the share price any time soon, if ever.
Sorry to pour cold water on the company's prospects but that is the reality we have been living with for a long time now. I wish Jonu all the very best trying to right the ship and enhance shareholder value, but with his significant stake in the company his move to be elected onto the Board was self-preservation of investment first and foremost.
Glad to be watching from the sidelines now........

Paint it Black
17-11-2021, 07:53 AM
To me its obvious processing the stockpiled ore asap to generate revenue is key and I have confidence Jonu and Victor will soon advise progress on this.

18-11-2021, 06:58 AM
Yes I should of made that clearer. The Dubbo collapse was historical and nothing to do with the mining contractor or The mining engineer. I was an enthusiastic investor prior to and during the mine rehabilitation phase because at that time NTL seemed to be making very real progress.My only criticism at the time was no effort with regard to public relations and engagement with politicians. Any reasonable person could see that this mine would have next to no effect on the environment and it was my hope that a highly profitable NTL would be able to enhance the environment and add to the prosperity of the local community and be a good corporate citizen. I was expecting to make a fair bit of dosh from it too of course.

The above was in reply to Paint it Blacks comments #8137 I missed the reply with quote button

Paint it Black
18-11-2021, 12:34 PM
Yes I should of made that clearer. The Dubbo collapse was historical and nothing to do with the mining contractor or The mining engineer. I was an enthusiastic investor prior to and during the mine rehabilitation phase because at that time NTL seemed to be making very real progress.My only criticism at the time was no effort with regard to public relations and engagement with politicians. Any reasonable person could see that this mine would have next to no effect on the environment and it was my hope that a highly profitable NTL would be able to enhance the environment and add to the prosperity of the local community and be a good corporate citizen. I was expecting to make a fair bit of dosh from it too of course.

The above was in reply to Paint it Blacks comments #8137 I missed the reply with quote button

Cheers Brain for confirming the collapse was historical. I believe we are like minded with the need for NTL to engage with and add to the prosperity of the local community with green mining practice in hand with restoring and preserving the areas mining heritage. Unlike the obviously commercial Waihi open cast mine Talisman has an immense opportunity to provide a win win. It would be great to have more local shareholders to provide their voice to how the mine is developed. There will always be the radicals but hopefully in time they will also see the community benefits NTL can deliver.

22-11-2021, 02:37 PM
NTL Purchases yesterday over $25000 and today $48000 what gives ?

22-11-2021, 03:03 PM
Should have said on the ASX and also today over $84000

22-11-2021, 03:14 PM
Should we take insurance out on this one -- the man from Tower is at the table isn't he ? ;)

Let's hope our tower of imaginary difficult gold alleged to be lurking down that dark mine doesn't get blown over
or washed out to sea in a fierce Coromandel storm ;)

Paint it Black
22-11-2021, 08:19 PM
Should have said on the ASX and also today over $84000

Certainly a shake up on the ASX and it will be interesting to see if any disclosures from past or current directors are published in the next 5 days in accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 Sections 297 to 303. Maybe it is the Hills selling and a new director buying but 0bviously only speculating. If so I see it as being very positive with more director skin in the game.

Paint it Black
25-11-2021, 11:40 AM
See below which to me is another positive as I understand it saves NTL $750K of costs purchasing the BH mine which can be better spent focusing on Talisman production and not having the complication of separately listing Coromandel Gold. Presumably the $100K deposit will be retrieved from BH and Victor Rabone will continue on the NTL Board.

Broken Hills contract terminated
New Talisman Goldmines Limited (NZX/ASX: NTL) advises that its independent
directors have decided to terminate the agreement for the Sale and Purchase
of Broken Hills Historic Mine Limited, as the condition of obtaining consent
under the Crown Minerals Act 1991 by 31 December 2021 has become incapable of
being satisfied.
New Talisman intends to focus its efforts on its existing Assets. In light
of this, the board of New Talisman no longer has plans to pursue a separate
listing of its subsidiary Coromandel Gold Limited.
As a consequence of termination of the Broken Hills agreement, the trust
arrangement in respect of 80 million shares in New Talisman has been
extinguished and, by operation of sections 82 and 58(3) of the Companies Act
1993, those shares are cancelled. New Talisman therefore has 3,127,225,363
quoted shares on issue.

Mr J Upperton
New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

25-11-2021, 01:27 PM
See below which to me is another positive as I understand it saves NTL $750K of costs purchasing the BH mine which can be better spent focusing on Talisman production and not having the complication of separately listing Coromandel Gold. Presumably the $100K deposit will be retrieved from BH and Victor Rabone will continue on the NTL Board.

Broken Hills contract terminated
New Talisman Goldmines Limited (NZX/ASX: NTL) advises that its independent
directors have decided to terminate the agreement for the Sale and Purchase
of Broken Hills Historic Mine Limited, as the condition of obtaining consent
under the Crown Minerals Act 1991 by 31 December 2021 has become incapable of
being satisfied.
New Talisman intends to focus its efforts on its existing Assets. In light
of this, the board of New Talisman no longer has plans to pursue a separate
listing of its subsidiary Coromandel Gold Limited.
As a consequence of termination of the Broken Hills agreement, the trust
arrangement in respect of 80 million shares in New Talisman has been
extinguished and, by operation of sections 82 and 58(3) of the Companies Act
1993, those shares are cancelled. New Talisman therefore has 3,127,225,363
quoted shares on issue.

Mr J Upperton
New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

New broom sweeping clean !

25-11-2021, 02:42 PM
See below which to me is another positive as I understand it saves NTL $750K of costs purchasing the BH mine which can be better spent focusing on Talisman production and not having the complication of separately listing Coromandel Gold. Presumably the $100K deposit will be retrieved from BH and Victor Rabone will continue on the NTL Board.

Broken Hills contract terminated
New Talisman Goldmines Limited (NZX/ASX: NTL) advises that its independent
directors have decided to terminate the agreement for the Sale and Purchase
of Broken Hills Historic Mine Limited, as the condition of obtaining consent
under the Crown Minerals Act 1991 by 31 December 2021 has become incapable of
being satisfied.
New Talisman intends to focus its efforts on its existing Assets. In light
of this, the board of New Talisman no longer has plans to pursue a separate
listing of its subsidiary Coromandel Gold Limited.
As a consequence of termination of the Broken Hills agreement, the trust
arrangement in respect of 80 million shares in New Talisman has been
extinguished and, by operation of sections 82 and 58(3) of the Companies Act
1993, those shares are cancelled. New Talisman therefore has 3,127,225,363
quoted shares on issue.

Mr J Upperton
New Talisman Gold Mines Limited

No more blind faith of Matt's crew, and no more leading shareholders on a merry dance.

25-11-2021, 03:15 PM
Jonu should become a SKY director sort them out as well..

26-11-2021, 03:47 AM
Jonu should become a SKY director sort them out as well..

Hey come on there .. he's doing a great job on this one & we don't want him to be distracted
while this patient is still laid out for further corrective operations on the Surgeon's table ;)

Besides that - it wouldn't be good if there were further things thrown around the SKY boardroom
to confuse our good friend Ogg further :)

26-11-2021, 03:51 AM
SP suffered a bit of indigestion yesterday 25th .. didn't think the Aussies were so into Hobby Mining ;)

26-11-2021, 11:25 AM
Will Rabone stay on with NTL?

Paint it Black
26-11-2021, 03:55 PM
Will Rabone stay on with NTL?

Personally I hope he does as he has likely much to offer as a civil engineer with local Coromandel knowledge. It is interesting that Jonu emphasised in his announcement that the independent directors (ie Staissny and Sharif) made the decision to exit Broken Hills but presumably Jonu supported it. Much will depend on whether Rabone is prepared to accept the majority Board decision and move forward with NTL with the necessary energy and commitment. If he only to be a part timer with his loyalties divided it is best he leaves.

27-11-2021, 11:32 AM
It is interesting that Jonu emphasised in his announcement that the independent directors (ie Staissny and Sharif) made the decision to exit Broken Hills but presumably Jonu supported it.

Surely Victor (non independent) would have abstained because of conflicts of interest.


Jonu just crossing the T's with his wording, something the previous board couldn't be bothered with.

Side note: I can see why the previous board did not recommend a vote for Jonu's appointment to the board. He has proven to be very disruptive as they had predicted. However his disruption has been the best thing for the company as we all knew.

28-11-2021, 05:32 AM
Personally I hope he does as he has likely much to offer as a civil engineer with local Coromandel knowledge. It is interesting that Jonu emphasised in his announcement that the independent directors (ie Staissny and Sharif) made the decision to exit Broken Hills but presumably Jonu supported it. Much will depend on whether Rabone is prepared to accept the majority Board decision and move forward with NTL with the necessary energy and commitment. If he only to be a part timer with his loyalties divided it is best he leaves.

But why was it of interest to the former Board ?

Was there something regarding links for processing ore ?

28-11-2021, 08:32 AM
But why was it of interest to the former Board ?

Easy answer, deceive shareholders into handing over more money in the .002 CR.

Was there something regarding links for processing ore ?

Any links for processing ore would be via Victor, not the mine. If Victor stays (which I assume he agreed to prior to canceling the mine deal) those links would remain intact. If the initial deal included equipment, that could be purchased stand-alone much much cheaper.

The next matter of business, find someone as stupid as Charbel & Matt to flick off the Vanuatu dream for whatever they can get for it?

29-11-2021, 11:55 AM
So M H has sold 25,000,000 shares on market of his 40,000,000 shares, Q is who bought ?

Paint it Black
29-11-2021, 12:12 PM
Certainly a shake up on the ASX and it will be interesting to see if any disclosures from past or current directors are published in the next 5 days in accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 Sections 297 to 303. Maybe it is the Hills selling and a new director buying but 0bviously only speculating. If so I see it as being very positive with more director skin in the game.

So it was M Hill selling a week ago in the disclosure this morning. Likely other Hill interests who did not need to disclose also selling the same day at 0.2c. There are still 33 million shares at 0.2c still waiting to be sold on the ASX which are likely to be the remaining M Hill holdings. Once this is tidied up I hope NTL delists from the ASX because as we see from many NZ owned stocks (ATM, PX1, FBU etc) on the ASX imho they are constrained by OZ sentiment which is not well tuned to that actually happening in NZ. The time delay also doesn't help and NZ investors are often unwilling to invest on the ASX due to their registration and tax complications.

29-11-2021, 01:30 PM
Little less than $1m in the bank - at least Matts not milking the cash cow any more.

29-11-2021, 01:58 PM
Little less than $1m in the bank - at least Matts not milking the cash cow any more.

So what did we get/gain from his stewardship ?

29-11-2021, 02:15 PM
Knowledge: That even CEO's can be as useless as the proverbial. At least there is no financial fraud like Enron or Worldcom - IMHO I think he failed ethically and morally.

Still has an FMA case coming his way too - wonder if he will just claim "incompetence" as a defence.

29-11-2021, 02:40 PM
Now the focus is back on Karangahake, and while there is still some cash in the kitty, I still see an opportunity to produce nett cashflow, from a low base.

We have been led to believe there is a stockpile already extracted, to give a headstart.
Is there?

See what, if anything, is re usable, or scalable from pilot plant, ann 26/7/2019.

If nothing, go to the mining museum in Thames, and copy the stamper, which I have already measured as capable of fitting in the mine.
Get stamping, get some high grade ore crushed, centrifuged and despatched for final treatment elsewhere.

No water necessary, no cyanide, no grizzling and no excuses .

No noise coming out of the mine either, several strategically placed canvas sheets will suffice.

Sometimes the old way is best, remember Grandma's apple pie?

30-11-2021, 11:48 PM
So M H has sold 25,000,000 shares on market of his 40,000,000 shares, Q is who bought ?

Is he running out of coin (with little more likely coming from a speculatively hopeful Employment case) or is
stationery running short in the outhouse over the way ? ;)

With all them acclaimed Fancy banker skills & Mining experiences - shouldn't there be a queue waiting to knock on the door ? ;)

Or did someone whisper there was hard hitting new Board posse about to pounce to see what loose crockery & china
there is laying about .. ;)

The $500K roughly from the share liquidation wont go far with squadrons of Aussie & NZ Legal Eagles taking aim at it ;)

01-12-2021, 07:07 AM
Is he running out of coin (with little more likely coming from a speculatively hopeful Employment case) or is
stationery running short in the outhouse over the way ? ;)

With all them acclaimed Fancy banker skills & Mining experiences - shouldn't there be a queue waiting to knock on the door ? ;)

Or did someone whisper there was hard hitting new Board posse about to pounce to see what loose crockery & china
there is laying about .. ;)

The $500K roughly from the share liquidation wont go far with squadrons of Aussie & NZ Legal Eagles taking aim at it ;)
25,000,000 x .002 = $50,000 . That makes me feel a bit better than $500k.

01-12-2021, 09:16 AM
25,000,000 x .002 = $50,000 . That makes me feel a bit better than $500k.

Thanks for that .. those decimal places have caught many :)

08-12-2021, 08:08 AM
Im looking forward to the NTL Christmas poem - Getty, is that your work?- will have a more positive flavour this year - future still uncertain, but at least the bleeding has stopped.

Sideshow Bob
08-12-2021, 04:34 PM
Still lightening the load.....

361248.pdf (nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com) (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/NTL/384341/361248.pdf)

Sad endictment on his leadership that sells 14 million shares for a mere $28,000.

08-12-2021, 09:02 PM
Still lightening the load.....

361248.pdf (nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com) (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/NTL/384341/361248.pdf)

Sad endictment on his leadership that sells 14 million shares for a mere $28,000.

A little bit of Christmas coin & a fair bundle put aside to to keep Lawyers in keep defending FMA matters ? ;)

All those vast acclaimed Skills & still hasn't found another pigeon hole to start weaving new corporate dreams in ? ;)

it must hurt seeing the skids being put under the newer pet excuses added to the NTL camp under the past reign
now being given the push by the current Board .. ;)

09-12-2021, 08:23 AM
Wouldnt it be ironic/awesome that just as Matty sells his last share, Jonu and co. pull a rabbit out of the hat and get this thing working.

Discl. not holding, but still hold some hope

13-12-2021, 11:41 AM

13-12-2021, 02:28 PM
IMO with the amount of free funds available that it will be touch and go if this thing can get out of the mess that the previous fish heads have dug us into, there is tremendous S Her goodwill here and " if " there is a agreeable business plan from the top table Im sure that we the S Hers can/will see their way to strumpting up with our hard earned to make sure that we can see sunlight in the near future.

13-12-2021, 04:55 PM
See it's reported that Hill has put his wishful mits out for $892K

The Donation & Contributions Bowl smashed down on his paws for at least twice that being put
back into NTL's coffers seems more appropriate, along with recovery of all Losses relating
to what the previous board signed up for in way of Overly Wishful dream commitments ;)

The previous Board all had an underlying duty to Shareholders and the company to not trade the company
in a reckless manner likely to cause losses, or to enter into commitments that the company could not
reasonably meet ;)

The casting off of in places "previously stated binding' projects & commitments by the new Board tends to suggest
that the processes of the earlier Board in even entering these warrant very much closer examination and
action, if current Board consider appropriate to pursue IMO

Most may be happy to contribute to the "Pursue Hill & Nader for all Losses & Compensation Recovery Fund" as a side project ;)

13-12-2021, 05:19 PM
Well said. I would throw money at that.

14-12-2021, 01:05 PM
Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is a productive mine, and to destroy Matty!

Merry Christmas all.

14-12-2021, 01:22 PM
May 2022 be the year Karangahake turns into The Tunnel Of Love, without any dire straights.


Rock away, rock away.

15-12-2021, 07:37 AM
It would be good if by mid year 2022 shareholders are presented with the facts about the commercial viability of the mine and I think the new board are more than capable of doing that. It is a great outcome having Michael Stiassny on the board with his wealth of commercial experience. Jonu is doing a great job.

I am hopeful that all this will end well and shareholders will be ultimately rewarded.

22-12-2021, 09:05 AM
Well, thats me done for the year.

All the banter, facts and changes have made for an interesting year.

Jonu, hope you are still checking the board here - thanks for cleaning house, whether you can get NTL to producer is the big question, so hope its on your Santa list.
2022 just around the corner, onwards and upwards.
Matt, if you are looking - all the best, guess we will see you in court!!

31-12-2021, 08:55 AM
Looks like they are proceeding with the Vanuatu buy.
Does this mean the capital raise is on the board now? Soonish 😁

31-12-2021, 09:33 AM
More shareholder dilution for Hills diversionary white elephant!!
Yet another capital raise looming.


31-12-2021, 09:48 AM
More shareholder dilution for Hills diversionary white elephant!!
Yet another capital raise looming.

Well this is under Jonathan now. So he must have seen potential for Vanuatu for this to proceed. But it does set the scene for the next capital raise

31-12-2021, 11:09 AM
Well this is under Jonathan now. So he must have seen potential for Vanuatu for this to proceed. But it does set the scene for the next capital raise

Yeah.... I guess time will tell......
The cynical would say he's got 84 million good reasons to keep this company chugging along:


From memory they went through a million dollars of shareholder funds last year, and have got about a million left.
Could be some expensive legal bills and payouts in the forthcoming year, depending on the outcome of the ex CEO's claim.

The markets have reacted favourably to today's news. $494 of shares traded.

...... and then Hill said at the last AGM that it would take 12 million dollars to get Karangahake into production. (I guess that's why it has essentially been abandoned)
I can therefore see why a mine in Vanuatu suddenly became something to divert everyone's attention from reality!!!!!!

There's just not a lot with this company to get me financially excited (anymore).

16-01-2022, 12:46 PM
Yeah.... I guess time will tell......
The cynical would say he's got 84 million good reasons to keep this company chugging along:


From memory they went through a million dollars of shareholder funds last year, and have got about a million left.
Could be some expensive legal bills and payouts in the forthcoming year, depending on the outcome of the ex CEO's claim.

The markets have reacted favourably to today's news. $494 of shares traded.

...... and then Hill said at the last AGM that it would take 12 million dollars to get Karangahake into production. (I guess that's why it has essentially been abandoned)
I can therefore see why a mine in Vanuatu suddenly became something to divert everyone's attention from reality!!!!!!

There's just not a lot with this company to get me financially excited (anymore).

Was there ever any breakdown of how that 12 million was made up ? or was this another case of " mine the miner " ?

16-01-2022, 03:34 PM
Was there ever any breakdown of how that 12 million was made up ? or was this another case of " mine the miner " ?

I'm not sure. The figure of $12 million was quoted by Brain. Mine the miner, but more likely imo 'Mine the Shareholder' :scared: :scared:

.................................................. .
Jonu has a huge task ahead of him. I think I recall Hill saying that it will take a further $12M or so to bring the mine to production and if that is the figure now it is more than likely (based on previous experience with NTL)to be more than that with no gaurentee of success.

From my point of view this is a bridge to far and it makes no sense to pour more money into this company.

Was that from yesterday's AGM?

Yes it was

16-01-2022, 04:45 PM
I'm not sure. The figure of $12 million was quoted by Brain. Mine the miner, but more likely imo 'Mine the Shareholder' :scared: :scared:

Going to be interesting if $12m is the case to get things rolling on a current Market Cap of just over half that :)

Finding some real gold fast with the appropriate spin may help ..

16-01-2022, 04:48 PM
All quiet from the Boardroom for now

When does Northland / Coromandel Holiday time revert back to normal ? ;)

16-01-2022, 07:55 PM
All quiet from the Boardroom for now

When does Northland / Coromandel Holiday time revert back to normal ? ;)

We might have to be a bit patient with this one. It will take a while for the new board to get their heads around how this mine can be progressed. Stiassny’s appointment should ensure that shareholders get quality information about the prospects of NTL which has been sadly lacking in the past.

Sideshow Bob
18-01-2022, 11:49 AM
Slightly off-topic, but an article about gold around the Coromandel, and a bit of a road trip around the area.

Gold in them there hills | Otago Daily Times Online News (odt.co.nz) (https://www.odt.co.nz/lifestyle/travel/gold-them-there-hills)

23-01-2022, 02:08 AM
Well this is under Jonathan now. So he must have seen potential for Vanuatu for this to proceed. But it does set the scene for the next capital raise

What did NTL effectively shell out for it ?

62 m NTL Shares - Total $200 K in shares - possibly a bit more in costs what have you..

(if the Sydney Cafes and fine dining outfits were open for the meetings tucker sessions etc)

Was there a deposit paid ?

If the shares haven't been sold by Canterbury since - they can call it NZ $124 K now on
Friday's closing NZX SP ;)


Capella Vanuatu after write off's, Debt forgiveness, fair value adjustments etc etc was recorded on
Canterbury's Resources books at 30 June 2020 around AU $30.5 K

(Canterbury Resources 30 June 2020 Annual Report is filed on the ASX site for those interested)

What did Hill & the other Boardroom Squatters of the time see in this Vanuatu "Asset"
that Canterbury had impaired, wrote off loans on & finally arrived at A$30.5 K Fair Value
for at 30 June 2020 ? ;)

Canterbury Resources HY Report to 31 Dec 2020:

https://cdn-api.markitdigital.com/apiman-gateway/ASX/asx-research/1.0/file/2924-02353199-2A1286933?access_token=83ff96335c2d45a094df02a206a 39ff4

Page 21 - Note 12:

During the current year, an impairment of $569,466 was recorded with respect to tenements
in Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu that are being relinquished

The same note as above appears in FY 30 June 2021 Canterbury Annual Report here:

Page 39, Note 12

https://cdn-api.markitdigital.com/apiman-gateway/ASX/asx-research/1.0/file/2924-02428745-2A1327159?access_token=83ff96335c2d45a094df02a206a 39ff4

Page 43, Note 23 - Subsidiaries

... Capella Vanuatu Limited was sold to a NZ registered company, Coromandel Gold Limited
on 30 June 2021

Page 47 - Operating Segments - 2020 Year Comparatives


Revenue A $849

Debt Forgiveness A 343,260

Impairment of Capitalised EXpenditure A $(403,240)

Loss before Income Tax A $(67,762)

Segment Assets A $ 30,465

Reading Canterbury's Report they state in 2021 Capella Ventures was wound up
and Capella Vanuatu Ltd sold to NTL's Coro Gold to clean out their Vanuatu Assets

No figures for 2021 Year - perhaps Canterbury regarded it as a dead duck that
wasn't going anywhere and still didn't warrant a look in to review until
Hill appeared waving $200 K Kiwi in NTL Stock around

(whilst possibly on fully paid NTL Covid-19 Holiday lockdown leave hanging out
in Sydney / NSW .. but who knows ?) ;)

Where will the 62 M NTL shares wind up, if they haven't been moved on already ?

Why was $200 K Kiwi paid by NTL for Assets - Canterbury had Fair Valued at just $30 K Aussie
and their reports suggest were included as Tenements being relinquished?

Let's face it - the scale of undeveloped tenements basically requiring bucket loads of dosh thrown
at it alone to even start looking at what sort of resource is there, let alone mine it - is possibly
dream world stuff (not remotely likely to fly) to even an Aussie Smallcap Miner.

Parked up in an even smaller listed $6.3 Mil Cap NZ Mining Company, NTL - does it look any better ? ;)

Is there something more that hasn't come out on this curious acquisition - which Canterbury
no longer wanted a bar of and impaired /intended to relinquish - but Hill was prepared to wave wads
more value around for to acquire ? ;)

23-01-2022, 09:21 AM
What did NTL effectively shell out for it ?

62 m NTL Shares - Total $200 K in shares - possibly a bit more in costs what have you..

(if the Sydney Cafes and fine dining outfits were open for the meetings tucker sessions etc)

Was there a deposit paid ?

If the shares haven't been sold by Canterbury since - they can call it NZ $124 K now on
Friday's closing NZX SP ;)


Capella Vanuatu after write off's, Debt forgiveness, fair value adjustments etc etc was recorded on
Canterbury's Resources books at 30 June 2020 around AU $30.5 K

(Canterbury Resources 30 June 2020 Annual Report is filed on the ASX site for those interested)

What did Hill & the other Boardroom Squatters of the time see in this Vanuatu "Asset"
that Canterbury had impaired, wrote off loans on & finally arrived at A$30.5 K Fair Value
for at 30 June 2020 ? ;)

Canterbury Resources HY Report to 31 Dec 2020:

https://cdn-api.markitdigital.com/apiman-gateway/ASX/asx-research/1.0/file/2924-02353199-2A1286933?access_token=83ff96335c2d45a094df02a206a 39ff4

Page 21 - Note 12:

The same note as above appears in FY 30 June 2021 Canterbury Annual Report here:

Page 39, Note 12

https://cdn-api.markitdigital.com/apiman-gateway/ASX/asx-research/1.0/file/2924-02428745-2A1327159?access_token=83ff96335c2d45a094df02a206a 39ff4

Page 43, Note 23 - Subsidiaries

Page 47 - Operating Segments - 2020 Year Comparatives

Reading Canterbury's Report they state in 2021 Capella Ventures was wound up
and Capella Vanuatu Ltd sold to NTL's Coro Gold to clean out their Vanuatu Assets

No figures for 2021 Year - perhaps Canterbury regarded it as a dead duck that
wasn't going anywhere and still didn't warrant a look in to review until
Hill appeared waving $200 K Kiwi in NTL Stock around

(whilst possibly on fully paid NTL Covid-19 Holiday lockdown leave hanging out
in Sydney / NSW .. but who knows ?) ;)

Where will the 62 M NTL shares wind up, if they haven't been moved on already ?

Why was $200 K Kiwi paid by NTL for Assets - Canterbury had Fair Valued at just $30 K Aussie
and their reports suggest were included as Tenements being relinquished?

Let's face it - the scale of undeveloped tenements basically requiring bucket loads of dosh thrown
at it alone to even start looking at what sort of resource is there, let alone mine it - is possibly
dream world stuff (not remotely likely to fly) to even an Aussie Smallcap Miner.

Parked up in an even smaller listed $6.3 Mil Cap NZ Mining Company, NTL - does it look any better ? ;)

Is there something more that hasn't come out on this curious acquisition - which Canterbury
no longer wanted a bar of and impaired /intended to relinquish - but Hill was prepared to wave wads
more value around for to acquire ? ;)

Great post nztx. Another early morning gem :D

I believe it was a diversionary tactic by Hill to focus people's attentions elsewhere while quietly mothballing / abandoning the mine at Karangahake.

Sort of....... start all over again with this fantasy fairy tale type stuff, and suck in a new breed of gullible investor.
Maybe we'll never know, but that's my opinion and view of it anyway. ;)

23-01-2022, 12:41 PM
Great post nztx. Another early morning gem :D

I believe it was a diversionary tactic by Hill to focus people's attentions elsewhere while quietly mothballing / abandoning the mine at Karangahake.

Sort of....... start all over again with this fantasy fairy tale type stuff, and suck in a new breed of gullible investor.
Maybe we'll never know, but that's my opinion and view of it anyway. ;)

Yes I agree diversionary nothing more nothing less.

24-01-2022, 04:39 PM
Someone's short of booze money

24-01-2022, 07:57 PM
Someone's short of booze money

must hurt a bit having to dump them @ $0.002 ;)

24-01-2022, 08:32 PM
Someone's short of booze money

I invited him down to Christchurch about 18 months ago. Maybe he wants to pay for the coffee (and I still want to tell him what I think) :t_down::D

Message for 'bullish" (cos I reckon ya still come to this forum to read it :cool:) but now only as a guest.:t_up:

I didn't get a chance to reply to your personal message the other night when you asked me about Mathew Hill lmfao.
Hopefully you'll have a lot more free time on your hands in the very near future, so if you're ever down Christchurch way, get hold of me and we can catch up for a coffee and I can tell you what I think face to face.

That was: Post #5573 - 07 July 2020

26-01-2022, 01:47 PM
Soooo NTL doesn’t have a CEO, but having an effective CEO is something it hasn’t had for a long time.
I wonder if they’re looking for one, or if they’re waiting for the outcome of Hill’s claim?
Either way it’s money not being spent at the moment so that's a positive.

I further wonder if Jonu has any such aspirations? Could be the only way he’s going to recoup his money??!!
If he’s as busy as I’m assuming he is, his directors fee isn’t going to cover the work he’s putting in.

I also haven’t seen the any of the new Directors (McKenzie – Stiassny – Rabone) backing the proverbial truck up to buy any shares in this “outstanding and underpriced” company. Sharif has an egg cup full. (3,000,000 shares worth $6,000 - possibly bought before becoming a Director)

If too early at present, they should soon know the viability and likely prospects for NTL going forward, so I’ll be keenly watching for SPH notices.

And Stiassny ain’t no slug when it comes to knowing whether a companies a dog or not:


As an afternote:
NTL wouldn’t meet the NZX new market listing capitalisation requirement today which is $10 million.
NTL is $6.3 million.
(Embarrassingly enough CRP is higher at $9.8 million and that fantasy company is one of the biggest crocks of CRaP that has ever been listed!)

Sideshow Bob
26-01-2022, 02:10 PM
Sharif has 3,000,000, so about $6,000 worth.

358554.pdf (nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com) (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/NTL/382255/358554.pdf)

If she had 6,000 shares, that would be only $12 worth!! :p

26-01-2022, 02:22 PM
Sharif has 3,000,000, so about $6,000 worth.

358554.pdf (nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com) (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/NTL/382255/358554.pdf)

If she had 6,000 shares, that would be only $12 worth!! :p

Yep :D. I put her total $ amount down as shares then multiplied it by the sp. Thanks

28-01-2022, 06:38 PM
Statement of December 21 Quarter Cra$h Flows released today:


Roughly 40% of opening Cash gone in the quarter, courtesy of the usual culprit - "Admini$tration"

At least Admin looks slightly reduced over the earlier quarter, but now roughly only 1 & 1/2 Quarters Cash left in Kitty..

Then what ? ;)

Is there a plan in action to have previous Directors placed over a barrel to hurriedly regurgitate all the Remuneration they have taken over the last 5 years ? ;)

A break down of "Admini$tration Expenditure" would be interesting
obviously begging the question -

How the H3LL does a small listed Company not doing very much manage to burn
through $400K in a Quarter - of which $360K was Admini$tration ? ;)

The December 21 Statement of "Tidy up the Mess left behind by the earlier Deposed Boardroom $quatters"
also released today:


Of interest, not a Single NTL Share traded today either ;)

31-01-2022, 08:13 AM
Statement of December 21 Quarter Cra$h Flows released today:


Roughly 40% of opening Cash gone in the quarter, courtesy of the usual culprit - "Admini$tration"

At least Admin looks slightly reduced over the earlier quarter, but now roughly only 1 & 1/2 Quarters Cash left in Kitty..

Then what ? ;)

Is there a plan in action to have previous Directors placed over a barrel to hurriedly regurgitate all the Remuneration they have taken over the last 5 years ? ;)

A break down of "Admini$tration Expenditure" would be interesting
obviously begging the question -

How the H3LL does a small listed Company not doing very much manage to burn
through $400K in a Quarter - of which $360K was Admini$tration ? ;)

The December 21 Statement of "Tidy up the Mess left behind by the earlier Deposed Boardroom $quatters"
also released today:


Of interest, not a Single NTL Share traded today either ;)

IF Hill was teminated in the quarter, then he would have had to have his notice period paid out, plus any outstanding leave - that would be another interesting tidbit - given that he was pretty much a one man band, suspect no annual leave would have been booked, 20 days/yr adds up quick!

14-02-2022, 11:08 PM
All unusually quiet in the NTL Camp - not a squeak since spitting out the Quarterly

Should we send out a Search Party to check that Jonu & mates on Board are okay ? ;)

Would hate to hear that they've fallen down a deep mine shaft where screams for help
can't be heard, or the pod of Exploratory Canoes destined for Vanuatu have gone down in a storm
somewhere between here and Vanuatu with all passengers believed to be perished .. ;)

15-02-2022, 10:39 AM
Think most now realise what a bottom of the barrel,doped horse trading ultra spun sorta punt this toon is by now..

15-02-2022, 10:39 AM
All unusually quiet in the NTL Camp - not a squeak since spitting out the Quarterly

Should we send out a Search Party to check that Jonu & mates on Board are okay ? ;)

Would hate to hear that they've fallen down a deep mine shaft where screams for help
can't be heard, or the pod of Exploratory Canoes destined for Vanuatu have gone down in a storm
somewhere between here and Vanuatu with all passengers believed to be perished .. ;)

My guess is that they are still trying to unwind Mattys pile of brown. Have to get info ready to defend his claim; then find out the truth of mining opportunities.
So probably going hard, but yet to achieve anything, hence no announcements.
Given its taken this long for HGD/NTL to get to this point, suspect it will take Jonu and Co a bit longer to lock in their business plan.

Paint it Black
18-02-2022, 11:04 AM
My guess is that they are still trying to unwind Mattys pile of brown. Have to get info ready to defend his claim; then find out the truth of mining opportunities.
So probably going hard, but yet to achieve anything, hence no announcements.
Given its taken this long for HGD/NTL to get to this point, suspect it will take Jonu and Co a bit longer to lock in their business plan.

Price of Gold at $US1897 and US exchange rate at 0.66c which is the most favorable its been for many years. Time for NTL to cash in!

18-02-2022, 01:18 PM

It looks like HILL has sold all the remaining NTL shares he held

A vote of confidence in the projects he championed in
or a vote of confidence that the new Board will probably
do a far better job of leading the company ? ;)

02-03-2022, 01:42 PM
Gold getting close to record high again - can Jonu get it out?

Who's for a working bee?

02-03-2022, 02:26 PM
Gold getting close to record high again - can Jonu get it out?

Who's for a working bee?

Hope he hasn't got lost in the bottom of the deep dark hole trying
to locate the golden elephants HILL thought he had seen down there.. ;)

Should we send out a Rescue Party to check everythings okay ? :)

Surely rations, supplies and the kitty must be running low by now ? :)

Sideshow Bob
02-03-2022, 03:14 PM
Who's for a working bee?

Might be the best chance.....:mellow:

Good luck to Jonu and board to try to unravel the mess and steady the ship.

02-03-2022, 07:48 PM
POG $1938 US
PIG 0.002c NZ.
[healthy days trading today - 2 trades and $4 changed hands]

I still haven't seen any of the Directors backing the truck up.
It's something Jonu used to boast and brag about when he (evidently) did it at prices up to 10 times higher than the share price today.

Exactly 6 months ago today I posted this :

....... I wish you the best with your Board aspirations Jonu. I’m not very convinced you’re going to like what you find though, but best of luck anyway!

I think we all know the reason for no further backing up of the Jonu truck at 0.002c. ;) ;)

Those "sophisticated and institutional" Australian investors who fronted up with $AU670,000 at the last aborted rights issue haven't come back either.

Oh dear.....what a shambles!!!!
The 1 year Ukraine war bonds @ 11% have got a better chance of a return :scared:

02-03-2022, 11:19 PM
Market Cap $6.38M (could halve or increase by 50% easily any day)

Wonder if the Boardroom Liquidator is having serious thoughts on how the next lot of
Director's Fees is going to be extracted in a few months time yet ? ;)

Surely must be some fairly kaput Businesses' residual abandoned assets that could be
thrown NTL's way, so it can be renamed Heritage Furniture Liquidations Ltd
and make at least one or two million a year cleaning up after Auckland's Corporate
failures ? ;)

A large & growing sector - it has been suggested & an easy goldmine on a continuous
supply of cheap fresh stock, without hassle of any messy hobby digging in deep holes ;)

03-03-2022, 08:08 AM
Well, I admire Jonu - he didnt like what he saw, put his name forward, and boom, got on the Board (was the Board for a few days there). He has shares, so is invested in getting this thing going, and he will be pulling a fee for his work - so win win for him.

I suspect in his position he wouldnt be allowed to buy on the open market given the extra information he has that isnt public. Potentially that is also blockin him from selling...after all $0.002 is better than $0.001 or nothing.

Next quarterly will be interesting - or more of nothing.

Not The Chosen One
03-03-2022, 03:04 PM
$4 traded yesterday and $3 traded so far today. Those 61 million shares at 0.003 might take a while to clear....

03-03-2022, 03:07 PM
$4 traded yesterday and $3 traded so far today. Those 61 million shares at 0.003 might take a while to clear....

It puzzles me how Hill could sell down his shareholding so quickly.

03-03-2022, 07:57 PM
It puzzles me how Hill could sell down his shareholding so quickly.

Ring Ring.

Hello, Jonu speaking/

Um, er, its Matt here Jonu.

Oh yeah, what do you want?

Well you know that scurrilous claim I made for wrongful dismissal?


Well if you can arrange for an, um, er entity to take my NTL holding off my hands, at a ptice better than Mr .1c is offering, I may be able to make the claim go away.

I'll see what I can do...

04-03-2022, 08:24 AM
Ring Ring

Hello, Jonu speaking

Um, er its Matt here Jonu.


05-03-2022, 03:43 PM
Who was it promised us that NTL could be a multibagger a while back ? ;)

08-03-2022, 08:15 AM
Multi-bugger?- Im sure Jonu has said it a few times since he took the helm

08-03-2022, 10:39 AM
Jonu will have earned every dollar he is paid for what he has to do. He deserves a big bonus if he can turn it around, it is a big ask.

09-03-2022, 08:40 PM
Multi-bugger?- Im sure Jonu has said it a few times since he took the helm

Yes, well here we are in the middle of record gold prices, so will Goldilocks unlock the wealth, or will Matts last 7 years of quarterly and annual reports be re published, as Grimm's fairy tales?

14-03-2022, 01:41 PM
As the old saying goes, "Ya have to know when to hold them, and ya have to know when to fold them".

Unfortunately none of us get it right all the time.

But all the NTL naysayers over the last couple of years who suggested that holders exit at prices substantially higher than the embarrassing current price, dissed the management, rubbished the companies strategy, warned people against participating in the capital raises, laughed at the loyalty shares idea, scoffed at the options being issued, ridiculed the pilot plant, were flabbergasted when NTL said they were considering microbes to process the gold, dumbfounded when this penny dreadful company said they were looking to the USA for opportunities etc etc etc.

Well...... all those naysayers got it 100% right.

They also had to vigorously defend themselves from the pro NTL supporters pack, admirably led by Jonu, 'bullish'' (Hill) :mellow:, 'epithermal' (Hill) :mellow:, and for a brief period 'Tappers12' who I'm guessing was posting from a cheap trailer trash park in Barstow California, until he/she/non binary gender fluid was banned :eek2:. (posts #6585 thru to #7295)

Well.........all those defenders and supporters got it 100% wrong.

There still is no mining engineer. He resigned over 18 months ago and hasn't been replaced.
There is no concrete doable scheme for processing anyway.
But then there is no need for an engineer or a processing plan because the mine has, for all intents and purposes, been abandoned (unused million dollar pilot plant entombed)

With regard to the above 'ring ring' posts, If NTL don't raise some money soonish and/or produce some income (unlikely imo) the only phone contact anyone will have with this company will be via the liquidator.

14-03-2022, 02:42 PM
And so the hairy question still lingers - is the Mine an economic do-able resource
in any term or does the Board need to now consider impairing and writing off the lot ? ;)

The listed shell may still be worth a mil or two in the right hands to back something
else into ;)

but then again as some may imagine, it probably comes down to how well the Auditors
sitting in their air conditioned offices well away from the Mine Entrance
are likely to digest BS or otherwise on some value or going concern actually still existing.. ;)

Perhaps all the dough raised along the way may have seen better value retained
invested in the THREE ASX listed Gold Miners active elsewhere in NZ ?

At least one seems to be well on the way to getting pay dirt out of their projects ;)

17-03-2022, 12:02 AM
Psssst - there's a rumour of loose gold hidden somewhere in NZ

Here's a FOURTH Aussie company having a go this side of the ditch:




Don't tell anyone will you :)

Wonder if they might have interest in buying NTL's interests which don't appear to be going anywhere fast ? ;)

A ready made Large Hole in a Mountain with a long GOLD History - ventilation system thrown in for free

What could possibly go wrong ?

Deferred payment terms and a share of the buyers spoils on a Royalty basis can be considered - please contact our JONO for full details of what's on the available list :)

17-03-2022, 03:38 PM
It just keeps getting better :eek2: :


17-03-2022, 04:37 PM
I don’t recall seeing any market update or shareholder notification that NZ RegCo’s were conducting any sort of investigation.
Maybe I missed it? Did anyone see it? Link please.

Surely it is/was of importance to any potential purchaser of shares over the last few months that company irregularities and possible breaches were being investigated!!

Talking of share purchasers,…it’s beyond me why would anyone want to put a single cent (you'll get 5 shares for that amount tho :scared: ) into this shambles of a company.

I guess when you were being paid $400,000+ per year as CEO, you'd do anything to keep ya snout deeply immersed in the sinecure trough.

a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit.

"NZ RegCo’s investigation concluded that NTL breached several NZX Listing Rules as a result of these events. NZ RegCo determined to pursue an educative, rather than enforcement, outcome in relation to NTL’s breaches."

If Hill is found guilty or pleads guilty to the FMA charges, I hope the outcome is 'enforcement' and not 'educative':sleep:

Surely he's been served by now.
Anyone know if or when he's appearing in court?

19-03-2022, 01:45 AM
I don’t recall seeing any market update or shareholder notification that NZ RegCo’s were conducting any sort of investigation.
Maybe I missed it? Did anyone see it? Link please.

Surely it is/was of importance to any potential purchaser of shares over the last few months that company irregularities and possible breaches were being investigated!!

Talking of share purchasers,…it’s beyond me why would anyone want to put a single cent (you'll get 5 shares for that amount tho :scared: ) into this shambles of a company.

I guess when you were being paid $400,000+ per year as CEO, you'd do anything to keep ya snout deeply immersed in the sinecure trough.

a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit.

"NZ RegCo’s investigation concluded that NTL breached several NZX Listing Rules as a result of these events. NZ RegCo determined to pursue an educative, rather than enforcement, outcome in relation to NTL’s breaches."

If Hill is found guilty or pleads guilty to the FMA charges, I hope the outcome is 'enforcement' and not 'educative':sleep:

Surely he's been served by now.
Anyone know if or when he's appearing in court?

Not a Dicky Bird in past announcements as far as I can see on NZRegCo having a delve
into things and I dont recollect seeing anything either .. you'd think the Board would
have an idea of what's going on when NZRegCo start making noises and get digging ? :)

Wonder if they tried getting in touch with Matt whilst he was on Covid holiday leave in Oz ? ;)

19-03-2022, 12:45 PM
Ring Ring.

Good morning, FMA OFFICE.

Can I speak to whoever is handling the NTL file please?

Yes, that will be Snow.

Snow who?

Snow way anythings being done about that!

In response to post 8224 above, NzRegCo different outfit, but same response.

20-03-2022, 01:33 PM
Has any body else had the same trouble as I have, trying to book a flight to Port Vila via Air Vanuatu?

I have packed my Ice axe, and was going to fly over to do a bit of prospecting to help out Jonu, but no joy with the bookings website.

Looks like the Nambawan Cafe will have to wait a bit longer for my return patronage.

These delays do not augur well for NTL's cash burn.

21-03-2022, 10:12 AM
Quarterly report is unlikely to have much good news - SP cant go too much lower though.

In my perfect world, FMA, NZRegCo, and the courts will nail Matt to the wall and get some cash back from him - unfortunately, I don't think that's realistic.

23-03-2022, 05:40 PM

Hill's Employment Claim Update

Off to the ERA things go ;)

A $817 K claim - for a Part Time CEO :)

could be interesting how that goes ..

Presumably if Hill's ERA claim is upheld then that must in turn render him personally
liable for a raft of possible actions going the other way ? ;)

Not forgetting possible Shareholder Class actions also being thrown at him ;)

but the Cashbox might be looking fairly skint by then without any further mining activities
being done by NTL

23-03-2022, 06:07 PM
Hill is an absolute slime bag. Not only has he taken shareholders for years, but now he wants to empty the bank account and attempt to finish the company. Not to mention the time that is being taken up dealing with this rubbish.

Because of this latest claim I would personally contribute to any class action against him. What a D..k

23-03-2022, 06:38 PM
I've said before, I'll throw coin in to fight Hill. He needs to be held to account.

24-03-2022, 07:57 AM
Hill is a tool - pity it wasnt of the pick axe variety.

24-03-2022, 08:52 PM

Revised 31 Dec 2021 Reports to keep ASX happy, it seems:)

$623K in the tin at period end by looks of things

The position likely wont have improved unless someone has dug up a humungous treasure lode in the current quarter and hasn't let on, or the current Board have loaned a few bucket fulls to NTL so it can embark on exploring a HILL ;)

Maybe it's already time to start on some large scale reverse mining of HILL and some of the other departed sidekicks ? ;)

29-03-2022, 04:40 PM
Is there a way for shareholders to pony up funds to help out with the Hill issue, im getting squeezed pritty hard with inflation right now but if it keeps the mine dream alive i'd consider chucking some money at it so NTL can get a decent lawyer and have a better chance, i'd imagine there are several people on here holders or not who would like to see M Hill get served for the way he has treated holders in the past.

29-03-2022, 06:14 PM
Is there a way for shareholders to pony up funds to help out with the Hill issue, im getting squeezed pritty hard with inflation right now but if it keeps the mine dream alive i'd consider chucking some money at it so NTL can get a decent lawyer and have a better chance, i'd imagine there are several people on here holders or not who would like to see M Hill get served for the way he has treated holders in the past.

It might be a good idea to wait for a bit until we all understand how much of a dream this mine is. With Michael Stiassny on the board , (the man with the reputation as a corporate undertaker) I am hopeful of and expect some objectivity as to the future of the mine.

You wouldn’t get any argument from any of the shareholders on your view of Hill.

30-03-2022, 08:24 AM

30-03-2022, 11:27 AM

That was a good find. He had that reputation 20 years ago. This will be interesting because he goes into this as a director with no shareholding and probably the directors fees are not too flash for a man of his experience so that is not his motivation.

30-03-2022, 12:46 PM
Yes, seems he will call a spade a spade, and wont call a hole in the ground a gold mine - well, until they can get it operating!

22-04-2022, 10:26 AM
Also seems that he is not following his usual Doctor Doom patern

Paint it Black
22-04-2022, 10:27 AM
An action plan from Jonu just announced which involved raising $3.5m additional private capital to fund the recommencement of underground works including a 2nd egress route. $1m already pledged. All subject to shareholders approval at the end of June which no doubt will cover the commercial terms of the funding eg how much share dilution may result etc. IMHO the dilution is likely to be fairly irrelevant to the big picture where the potential earnings are in cent multiples not in the current decimal points. A processor still to be found so I like the idea of doing this in house.

22-04-2022, 11:27 AM
I expect to see more detail than that very broad action plan before making any judgement but it is a good start. Well done Jonu and the board.

22-04-2022, 12:46 PM
Also seems that he is not following his usual Doctor Doom patern

Hopefully being reserved for delivering HILL up something fairly life changing ;)

22-04-2022, 01:06 PM
That's interesting - a 12.50pm HALT after a 9.41am Announcement :)

22-04-2022, 01:13 PM
That's interesting - a 12.50pm HALT after a 9.41am Announcement :)

I think the halt is only on the ASX, and possibly because the NZX announcement was not made over there.

I'm surprised there's not more positive reaction to this, I think it's great news.

22-04-2022, 04:39 PM
I think the halt is only on the ASX, and possibly because the NZX announcement was not made over there.

I'm surprised there's not more positive reaction to this, I think it's great news.

Okay it looks like a move forward.. but:

there is still the HILL Employment Case Overhang

Possible further Capital Dilution possible

The existing Stakeholders in part have probably gotten Cap-Raised out
under the previous Board's watch and have had a guts full of new Capital
raised evaporating with little further tangible progress only to see more
dreams & excuses being spun for the next Cap Raises that then followed.

Not enough info released for the Market to make an informed choice.

Sure - the Easter Bunny or Lotto or one of Robbo's Slush Funds weren't going to front
with the extra millions to advance things, so it had to come from somewhere ;)

In this case outside funders (possible further shareholders from this) and probably
at a fairly sizey price too - if I'm not mistaken :)

No matter how it's cut or presented - is it likely that existing Stakeholders are going
to see to much out of this on the billions of shares already issued ?

I have difficulty seeing it - quite frankly IMO there are far cleaner, nicer, more prospective,
advanced ASX Goldies operating on NZ turf than NTL looks now or is likely to be in future :)

One of these is very significantly ahead in SP already this year, with a second ASX company following
upwards, while NTL has headed where ? ;)

but I may be wrong

Paint it Black
22-04-2022, 05:38 PM
I expect to see more detail than that very broad action plan before making any judgement but it is a good start. Well done Jonu and the board.

Agree. The way I see it is NTL is already light years ahead from where it was a year ago in terms of credibility with a strong board and locally connected equity raising advisors.

22-04-2022, 05:56 PM
Agree. The way I see it is NTL is already light years ahead from where it was a year ago in terms of credibility with a strong board and locally connected equity raising advisors.

But is it investible yet at Retail Levels in it's present structure without a
hefty consolidation at current SP levels in near / medium term ? ;)

Other ASX Goldies operating here in NZ have YTD 2022 SP's up 40% - 60% more or less
and are going places rapidly, with very significant upgrades to their deposits / strikes :)

I know where I would be flinging further Ca$h and it's nowhere near Coromandel :)

Paint it Black
22-04-2022, 07:37 PM
But is it investible yet at Retail Levels in it's present structure without a
hefty consolidation at current SP levels in near / medium term ? ;)

Other ASX Goldies operating here in NZ have YTD 2022 SP's up 40% - 60% more or less
and are going places rapidly, with very significant upgrades to their deposits / strikes :)

I know where I would be flinging further Ca$h and it's nowhere near Coromandel :)

Everyone to their own but 40% to 60% is nothing to what this one could become in the next couple of years.

22-04-2022, 08:31 PM
But is it investible yet at Retail Levels in it's present structure without a
hefty consolidation at current SP levels in near / medium term ? ;)

Other ASX Goldies operating here in NZ have YTD 2022 SP's up 40% - 60% more or less
and are going places rapidly, with very significant upgrades to their deposits / strikes :)

I know where I would be flinging further Ca$h and it's nowhere near Coromandel :)

It might pay to keep an open mind on this one. The recent changes for NTL have been huge. Replacing a very poor performing board is a huge achievement and something that I thought was not going to happen.
The new board has no past to hide and as Paint it Black points out NTL has credibility now.
Having a second egress and funding the traffic management plan was never mentioned by the previous board. Market cap of NTL is currently about $6m which is peanuts if this can become a profitable mine.
I will wait patiently for more detail.
I am also patiently waiting for the FMA investigation of Hill

23-04-2022, 05:58 PM
It might pay to keep an open mind on this one. The recent changes for NTL have been huge. Replacing a very poor performing board is a huge achievement and something that I thought was not going to happen.
The new board has no past to hide and as Paint it Black points out NTL has credibility now.
Having a second egress and funding the traffic management plan was never mentioned by the previous board. Market cap of NTL is currently about $6m which is peanuts if this can become a profitable mine.
I will wait patiently for more detail.
I am also patiently waiting for the FMA investigation of Hill

probably sufficient time to keep playing elsewhere then & come back here with some small change :)

26-04-2022, 07:15 PM
Going to be great if this trading halt is to announce a processing agreement being signed