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10-08-2021, 07:22 PM
I can assure you it's been got! 😂

10-08-2021, 07:45 PM
One of the last posts from Jonu
Where is he? I'm amazed he's not on here with a opinion on the latest expected developments.

Yes Jonu, the Jonu/Getty Joint Venture, otherwise known as the Jetty, needs to know whether we should be buying or selling?

12-08-2021, 09:18 AM
FMA are charging Matt Hill for market manipulation!!!!!!!!!!!



12-08-2021, 09:22 AM
good bloody job. Unfortunately I wont be surprised if it will be NTL shareholders likely to foot the legal bill.

Sideshow Bob
12-08-2021, 09:36 AM
Gets popcorn ready and awaits further posts...... :t_up:

Sideshow Bob
12-08-2021, 09:38 AM
NTL response to media release by FMA - NZX, New Zealand’s Exchange (https://www.nzx.com/announcements/377131)

NTL response to media release by FMA

12/8/2021, 9:24 am GENERAL12 August 2021

New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd notes the announcement recently by the FMA, and confirm we are not aware of any further details about the FMA’s claim, other than what was contained in the announcement.

This civil claim is now before the courts who will ultimately decide its merits. In the meantime it would be premature for us to prejudge the outcome.

We have previously complained to FMA and Tarawera Publishing Limited, operator of the Sharetrader website, about lack of moderation on the Sharetrader website, contrary to Sharetrader’s own terms and conditions. We remain hopeful that FMA will take appropriate action in respect of our complaints.

We continue to call for online publishers to be regulated, and proactive regulatory guidance to be issued, on the use of social media by investors, issuers, intermediaries, and other market participants and their employees.

The Company does not intend at this stage to make any further comments in relation to this matter.

Sideshow Bob
12-08-2021, 09:41 AM
Classic - "not aware of any further details about the FMA's claim" and then make it sound like blame the website and not the one who wrote the posts....

12-08-2021, 09:41 AM
NTL response to media release by FMA - NZX, New Zealand’s Exchange (https://www.nzx.com/announcements/377131)

NTL response to media release by FMA

12/8/2021, 9:24 am GENERAL12 August 2021

New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd notes the announcement recently by the FMA, and confirm we are not aware of any further details about the FMA’s claim, other than what was contained in the announcement.

This civil claim is now before the courts who will ultimately decide its merits. In the meantime it would be premature for us to prejudge the outcome.

We have previously complained to FMA and Tarawera Publishing Limited, operator of the Sharetrader website, about lack of moderation on the Sharetrader website, contrary to Sharetrader’s own terms and conditions. We remain hopeful that FMA will take appropriate action in respect of our complaints.

We continue to call for online publishers to be regulated, and proactive regulatory guidance to be issued, on the use of social media by investors, issuers, intermediaries, and other market participants and their employees.

The Company does not intend at this stage to make any further comments in relation to this matter.

That response is surprising to say the least.

12-08-2021, 09:48 AM
I like how he blsmes sharetrader for his actions. Classic actions of a crook. Blame everyone else and don't take responsibility for their actions

12-08-2021, 09:49 AM
That response is surprising to say the least.

It surprises me, not at all, that Mat (NTL), then try to blame someone else, for what he has done.

Blowing smoke to try and hide behind it.

Maybe the only chance the shareholders who lost money on NTL, the ones who finally woke up, can on the back of the FMA and likely latter the SFO, can make claims personally against Mat to get all that ridiculouse 400k salary back.

12-08-2021, 09:50 AM
I like how he blsmes sharetrader for his actions. Classic actions of a crook. Blame everyone else and don't take responsibility for their actions

Reminds of classic saying "Pot calling the kettle black"

12-08-2021, 09:52 AM

Matt's mining skills will be put to the test in Rock College...

Breaking up rocks in the hot sun..

Oliver Mander
12-08-2021, 10:05 AM
NZSA response to FMA announcement:

August 12th 2021

The NZ Shareholders Association (NZSA) has been working with concerned shareholders of New Talisman Mines (NZX: NTL) for some time in relation to the conduct of its CEO, Matthew Hill, the current governance of the company and ongoing performance issues.

This has included a representation to New Talisman Mines that NZSA does not support Matthew Hill remaining on the Board of the company.

We note that today, the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has filed civil proceedings against Matthew Hill, the CEO of New Talisman Mines, for alleged information-based market manipulation and making false and misleading representations.
This is the first information-based market manipulation proceeding brought by the FMA.

As always, NZSA has been supporting retail shareholders to ensure that their concerns are heard by the NTL Board and to advocate for board changes to support governance improvement. Today’s announcement by the FMA vindicates the position taken by NZSA and the group of concerned shareholders.

NZSA will continue to be instrumental in driving change at NTL, by continuing to work with New Talisman Mines and concerned NTL shareholders.

This is an ongoing process, and we look forward to the upcoming annual shareholders meeting of the company to be held on September 22nd. We intend to communicate more fully with all NTL shareholders prior to the meeting, to highlight governance concerns and the position supported by NZSA.

NZSA offers a free proxy service that allows retail shareholder votes to be counted, including for any upcoming resolutions at the New Talisman Mines shareholder meeting. Contact teresa@nzshareholders.co.nz for further information on this service and the registration process.

12-08-2021, 10:06 AM
So from my limited understanding, if found guilty of dishonesty the court/FMA can ban a person from serving on boards/directorships etc, be interested to hear about other potential outcomes from anyway with more knowledge than a few googles (a.k.a me).

Also I loved the line 'about lack of moderation' when it was in fact the moderation that shed light on potential wrong doing..

12-08-2021, 10:17 AM
Haven't been following this issue too closely, however pretty bad release from the Chairman regarding this. Absolutely weak and paints the entire board as a complete utter disgrace in my personal opinion.


12-08-2021, 10:23 AM
It surprises me, not at all, that Mat (NTL), then try to blame someone else, for what he has done.

Blowing smoke to try and hide behind it.

Maybe the only chance the shareholders who lost money on NTL, the ones who finally woke up, can on the back of the FMA and likely latter the SFO, can make claims personally against Mat to get all that ridiculouse 400k salary back.

That response was from the chairman of the board not Matt. After reading the response my view that the total board should be replaced has been reinforced and of course There in lies the problem who would take this on.

The prospects for NTL do not look good. Investors may get some money back if this ends in a class action but we can only expect cents in the dollar in the very distant future.

12-08-2021, 10:29 AM
And due to announce details of the capital raise tomorrow.

12-08-2021, 10:29 AM
NZSA response to FMA announcement:

August 12th 2021

The NZ Shareholders Association (NZSA) has been working with concerned shareholders of New Talisman Mines (NZX: NTL) for some time in relation to the conduct of its CEO, Matthew Hill, the current governance of the company and ongoing performance issues.

This has included a representation to New Talisman Mines that NZSA does not support Matthew Hill remaining on the Board of the company.

We note that today, the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has filed civil proceedings against Matthew Hill, the CEO of New Talisman Mines, for alleged information-based market manipulation and making false and misleading representations.
This is the first information-based market manipulation proceeding brought by the FMA.

As always, NZSA has been supporting retail shareholders to ensure that their concerns are heard by the NTL Board and to advocate for board changes to support governance improvement. Today’s announcement by the FMA vindicates the position taken by NZSA and the group of concerned shareholders.

NZSA will continue to be instrumental in driving change at NTL, by continuing to work with New Talisman Mines and concerned NTL shareholders.

This is an ongoing process, and we look forward to the upcoming annual shareholders meeting of the company to be held on September 22nd. We intend to communicate more fully with all NTL shareholders prior to the meeting, to highlight governance concerns and the position supported by NZSA.

NZSA offers a free proxy service that allows retail shareholder votes to be counted, including for any upcoming resolutions at the New Talisman Mines shareholder meeting. Contact teresa@nzshareholders.co.nz for further information on this service and the registration process.

Thanks for that Oliver. After reading the chairman of the boards response possibly the NZSA should examine more closely as to whether or not Mr Nader should remain on the board.

Sideshow Bob
12-08-2021, 10:52 AM
Haven't been following this issue too closely, however pretty bad release from the Chairman regarding this. Absolutely weak and paints the entire board as a complete utter disgrace in my personal opinion.


Par for the course from this company. It's a cluster.....

There is only 3 on the board and Matt Hill is one of them!

12-08-2021, 10:54 AM
That response was from the chairman of the board not Matt. After reading the response my view that the total board should be replaced has been reinforced and of course There in lies the problem who would take this on.

The prospects for NTL do not look good. Investors may get some money back if this ends in a class action but we can only expect cents in the dollar in the very distant future.

I think you should have realised by now Brain, that "The Board" is Matt, they including the chairman, do exactly what they are told. I would be very surprised, if he did not write that himself, shocked even.

12-08-2021, 11:23 AM
Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear.

12-08-2021, 11:27 AM
Rotten eggs, tomatoes and bananas to throw at the passing parade.

12-08-2021, 11:40 AM
Certainly about time!!! I feel sorry for the people who continue to be sucked in by this company, and for those who lost money believing the bull****.

As I said in a post the day before yesterday:




1. a territory or sphere of operation controlled by a particular person or group.

Some people pronounce 'th' like 'f'.

(I hope someone gets that :D )

12-08-2021, 11:44 AM
That response was from the chairman of the board not Matt. After reading the response my view that the total board should be replaced has been reinforced and of course There in lies the problem who would take this on.

The prospects for NTL do not look good. Investors may get some money back if this ends in a class action but we can only expect cents in the dollar in the very distant future.

lol, i'd be thrilled to get cents rather than the current parts of cents we are trading at.

A vote of no confidence in the board and management. I certainly will be giving my proxy votes to NZSA.

12-08-2021, 12:24 PM
I like how he blsmes sharetrader for his actions. Classic actions of a crook. Blame everyone else and don't take responsibility for their actions

That's dead right & just who is behind the mouthpiece making the NTL Releases ? Could that be HILL vetting it as well ? ;)

Where was the Chairman hiding while all this was going on ?

Is he not aware of Recommended Governance guidelines ?

If he sides with the the sort of conduct the CEO has allegedly been up to, then is he even qualified to be a Director
or NTL Chairman ? ;)

Time for Shareholders to start considering a Class Action for Losses they have incurred to nail Hill's Butt to the wall properly ? ;)

What has been seen for the nearing $500K a year shelled out by NTL over the past 10 years ?

As an indirect beneficial well diluted STAKEHOLDER - Matt - your behaviour is UNACCEPTABLE in
any circumstances & everyone is entitled to see considerably better from you.

As for Mr Nader - yours may not be much better with this going on under your nose .. then trying to pass the buck for this sort of conduct too .. ;)

Who knows - many Corner Dairies operating as small companies may be able to display a fair bit better governance than has been seen in this instance .. ;)

NTL has certainly provided a Generous Lifestyle for it's CEO over the duration while Stakeholders have been pinged for a constant stream of Cap Raises, with very little (if not Negative overall) Value Added as translated into SP being seen in return .. ;)

12-08-2021, 01:23 PM

I cant see in the post when this may make it to court - did I miss it? Open court room?

12-08-2021, 02:05 PM
Looks like Jonu's tip truck has been working.

Nearly 14M shares sold at.3c

Retraction. Jonu advises 13/8/21 he was not selling.

12-08-2021, 02:53 PM
Potentially that bid for 1 share at $0.001 may be rather generous offer!!

12-08-2021, 03:06 PM
Potentially that bid for 1 share at $0.001 may be rather generous offer!!

I always thought it was yours Landyman :) Brokerage will be a killer :eek2:

I think there will be a lot of shareholders lying on a couch in a darkened room with a cold compress on their foreheads wondering how the f did they get themselves into this position and then, why the f didn't they bail out some time ago.

Hard lesson to learn, but there's still a small escape door at 0.003 and 0.002. The SPP will fail, and then when the moneys gone, so will Hill and the NTL Board.

A company in liquidation and no one to run it.

12-08-2021, 04:44 PM
Good to see NZSA firm response as detailed in this article from Interest.co.nz (https://www.interest.co.nz/business/111739/financial-markets-authority-accuses-ceo-nzx-listed-new-talisman-gold-mines-matthew)

NZSA looking forward to NTL's 22 Sept ASM. GLH.

"As always, NZSA has been supporting retail shareholders to ensure that their concerns are heard by the NTL Board and to advocate for board changes to support governance improvement. Today’s announcement by the FMA vindicates the position taken by NZSA and the group of concerned shareholders."

12-08-2021, 05:17 PM
Well, the market is speaking, as at close only 4m left at 0.003.
Capital raise will be challenging.
That said, if our bullish, epithermal friend is given the all clear, we may see an upwards trend
Interesting times - happy to be sitting on the sidelines at present.

12-08-2021, 06:16 PM
Well, the market is speaking, as at close only 4m left at 0.003.
Capital raise will be challenging.
That said, if our bullish, epithermal friend is given the all clear, we may see an upwards trend
Interesting times - happy to be sitting on the sidelines at present.

Yeah I saw that too.
People getting out at 3 while they can, fair enough.

A massive loss is always better than a total loss.
Live to fight another day I say.

12-08-2021, 06:44 PM
After all of these years this looks like the end of NTL to me. Its ironic that the only person to get rich out of this was the man that hammered the final nail at the end of it all.

Mark Twain described a mine as "a hole in the ground owned by a liar." How right he was.

12-08-2021, 07:30 PM
Looks like there's no gold in them thar 'hills'.

12-08-2021, 07:49 PM
I would like an EGM to be held before the opening of the SPP, there are too many questions that need answering for there not to be one or else the SPP will fail .

12-08-2021, 07:55 PM
Thank you Vince.

Time for a more up to date thread title?

12-08-2021, 08:07 PM
Yes ,without Vince this charade,fiefdom,gravy train etc etc would imo still be unethically reaming the dreamers and hopeful investors alike,3 cheers to Vince.:t_up::t_up::t_up:

13-08-2021, 07:52 AM
It's time for a few at the top of NTL to read this....


13-08-2021, 08:10 AM
Thank you Vince.
Time for a more up to date thread title?

Any suggestions for this new thread title?? (remember the laws of slander, libel etc.)

13-08-2021, 08:14 AM
Just keep it simple and factual - NTL - court case (and SPP) pending. Hill may be in the clear with his posts here, time will tell. As for whether NTL has a future - who knows, would be a shame for it to fail, but thats business, as one who has believed, been concerned, then become a doubter, its hard to watch.

13-08-2021, 08:30 AM
Just keep it simple and factual - NTL - court case (and SPP) pending. Hill may be in the clear with his posts here, time will tell. As for whether NTL has a future - who knows, would be a shame for it to fail, but thats business, as one who has believed, been concerned, then become a doubter, its hard to watch.

Good title - we should run with that.

13-08-2021, 09:20 AM
Just keep it simple and factual - NTL - court case (and SPP) pending. Hill may be in the clear with his posts here, time will tell. As for whether NTL has a future - who knows, would be a shame for it to fail, but thats business, as one who has believed, been concerned, then become a doubter, its hard to watch.

100% factual. A good suggestion to start but with better wording?

NTL - High Court proceedings underway against the CEO (and Director) for market manipulation.

13-08-2021, 09:49 AM
100% factual. A good suggestion to start but with better wording?

NTL - High Court proceedings underway against the CEO (and Director) for market manipulation.

Too wordy - stick with Landyman’s it is short and flags both concerns

13-08-2021, 09:56 AM
I'd like to hear from Jonu on the matter. Jonu..come in.

13-08-2021, 10:02 AM
Yes Jonu, where are you in our time of need?

13-08-2021, 10:09 AM
Seems the CEO has more than likely breached one of NTL's policies as well, unless the CEO had received board approval to do so in the first instance?

"The Board has directed that no member of staff or the board should post on any online forum without prior board approval and anyone who represents the company must clearly state that they are a representative of the Company."

As for the second instance, he has rather clearly breached the policy.

"The Board has directed that no member of staff or the board should post on any online forum without prior board approval and anyone who represents the company must clearly state that they are a representative of the Company."


Why hasn't NTL as a company acted as of yet. Doesn't the rest of the board understand they too are under the microscope?

13-08-2021, 10:10 AM
And just like that I'm back.
I was (permanently supposedly) banned a few days ago without reason and couldn't even read this thread as a non-logged in. Now the ban has disappeared.

Re a thread title change....NOTE....the action is against Matt Hill not NTL. That also means Matt picks up his own legal bills.

I will be very careful as to commenting. I will say this.

I have been nominated to stand for the Board.

I fully endorse the stance of the NZSA as declared by Oliver Mander.

I am extremely disappointed in the response to the proceedings from Charbel Nader. The board should be conducting its own employment related process establishing whether the CEO has the ability to continue in his role, particularly as the company has expressed a desire to Cap Raise. To say the company needs to await the outcome of Court proceedings is a cop out. The Chair can ask his own questions of the CEO.

Probably enough said from me at the moment. But I reiterate my support of the NZSA's efforts to bring about change in governance standards at NTL.

13-08-2021, 10:14 AM
Oh BTW, in response to Getty speculating that I was selling yesterday.....no I wasn't. Such comments are most unhelpful.

13-08-2021, 10:14 AM
And just like that I'm back.
I was (permanently supposedly) banned a few days ago without reason and couldn't even read this thread as a non-logged in. Now the ban has disappeared.

Re a thread title change....NOTE....the action is against Matt Hill not NTL. That also means Matt picks up his own legal bills.

I will be very careful as to commenting. I will say this.

I have been nominated to stand for the Board.

I fully endorse the stance of the NZSA as declared by Oliver Mander.

I am extremely disappointed in the response to the proceedings from Charbel Nader. The board should be conducting its own employment related process establishing whether the CEO has the ability to continue in his role, particularly as the company has expressed a desire to Cap Raise. To say the company needs to await the outcome of Court proceedings is a cop out. The Chair can ask his own questions of the CEO.

Probably enough said from me at the moment. But I reiterate my support of the NZSA's efforts to bring about change in governance standards at NTL.

Full marks for standing Staunch, and making yourself available Jonu.

13-08-2021, 10:20 AM
And just like that I'm back.
I was (permanently supposedly) banned a few days ago without reason and couldn't even read this thread as a non-logged in. Now the ban has disappeared.

Re a thread title change....NOTE....the action is against Matt Hill not NTL. That also means Matt picks up his own legal bills.

I will be very careful as to commenting. I will say this.

I have been nominated to stand for the Board.

I fully endorse the stance of the NZSA as declared by Oliver Mander.

I am extremely disappointed in the response to the proceedings from Charbel Nader. The board should be conducting its own employment related process establishing whether the CEO has the ability to continue in his role, particularly as the company has expressed a desire to Cap Raise. To say the company needs to await the outcome of Court proceedings is a cop out. The Chair can ask his own questions of the CEO.

Probably enough said from me at the moment. But I reiterate my support of the NZSA's efforts to bring about change in governance standards at NTL.

All the best with your nomination to the board. And that was a good statement that you just made. I am sure many shareholders will give you their support.

13-08-2021, 10:37 AM
Oh BTW, in response to Getty speculating that I was selling yesterday.....no I wasn't. Such comments are most unhelpful.

Thankyou Jonu, I have put a retraction on that post.

13-08-2021, 10:40 AM
Thankyou Jonu, I have put a retraction on that post.

This could be the beginning of what NTL needs for survival.

Paint it Black
13-08-2021, 10:46 AM
Thankyou Jonu, I have put a retraction on that post.

Rather than thanking Jonu perhaps you should apologise.

13-08-2021, 11:17 AM
"All the best with your nomination to the board. And that was a good statement that you just made. I am sure many shareholders will give you their support. "

Absolutely. Well done and good luck.

13-08-2021, 11:20 AM
Best of luck Jonu, I'll be staying out while Matt Hill remains a part of the company (or perhaps an extremely fulsome apology and some genuine practical progress would help me reconsider) but wish you well.

13-08-2021, 01:06 PM
Jonu - very nice, I too applaud you and wish you the best to get on the Board.

Next few months will be very interesting indeed.

13-08-2021, 04:59 PM
Latest from the clown car NTL.

New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd refers to its announcement of 20 July 2021 https://www.nzx.com/announcements/375933 and confirms it has received a number of nominations for additional director appointment.
NTL is in the process of collecting information from the nominees so that it can be put before shareholders so that they are able to make an informed decision.
We had also extended an offer to the New Zealand Shareholders Association to include any advice they would like to share with NTL Shareholders in the meeting materials but regretfully they have declined the offer.
To allow for the above processes to be undertaken the company now plans to hold the Annual meeting of Shareholders on 29 September 2021 at 1pm.
Details of resolutions and proxy voting form will be in the Notice of Meeting to be sent to shareholders prior to the meeting.
S Jane Bell
Company Secretary

13-08-2021, 05:22 PM
Will the election debates be held live on Bloomberg Tv, CNBC, or Sky's cartoon channel?

13-08-2021, 05:23 PM
Latest from the clown car NTL.

New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd refers to its announcement of 20 July 2021 https://www.nzx.com/announcements/375933 and confirms it has received a number of nominations for additional director appointment.
NTL is in the process of collecting information from the nominees so that it can be put before shareholders so that they are able to make an informed decision.
We had also extended an offer to the New Zealand Shareholders Association to include any advice they would like to share with NTL Shareholders in the meeting materials but regretfully they have declined the offer.
To allow for the above processes to be undertaken the company now plans to hold the Annual meeting of Shareholders on 29 September 2021 at 1pm.
Details of resolutions and proxy voting form will be in the Notice of Meeting to be sent to shareholders prior to the meeting.
S Jane Bell
Company Secretary

Will the SPP date be extended till AFTER the AGM, for our sake this has to happen as there are too many questions that need answers for this not to happen ?

13-08-2021, 05:52 PM
Hypothetical, Historical or both?

The SPP will happen & the initial date extended because a mythical shareholder out in the middle of the outback needed more time for the posty to get to him/her.

Then the SPP will get extended because their loyal shareholders were only able to get $15K worth in the first go & want more.

Then the SPP will get extended again & opened up to everyone and those shareholders who reside outside of A/NZ (this will be your chance @ThaiJohn.. lol) because of the overwhelming take up by existing shareholders.

Then it will finally close & NTL will have $100 or $200K more in the bank & able to operate for another couple of months before foreclosure.

Then the current CEO will be stood down without pay because of "internal" employment issues revolving around NTL policies & what is everyone else's current the talk of the town.

Then Jonu will be counting his lucky stars, because he was unable to attract the Hill family votes in his bid to gain entry on the NTL board.

13-08-2021, 06:30 PM
It's a wonder that NZX, FMA & Companies Office haven't put the kibosh on any Cap Raising while Hill
is a Director / CEO & FMA action is in play .. ;)

Our good friend Jonu appears to be braver than most in pursing a seat on the NTL Board .. ;)

14-08-2021, 08:27 AM
It's a wonder that NZX, FMA & Companies Office haven't put the kibosh on any Cap Raising while Hill
is a Director / CEO & FMA action is in play .. ;)

Our good friend Jonu appears to be braver than most in pursing a seat on the NTL Board .. ;)

I agree with you the capital raising should be put on hold.

Jonu gets a chance to look under the bonnet. I hope he finds that all it needs is an oil change and new plugs. Unfortunately he might find that the motor,gearbox,drive shaft and diff are missing. I will sit on the sidelines with my $50 worth of shares until the situation becomes clearer.

14-08-2021, 06:21 PM
It'll be a write off I'm thinking. No oil in the engine, gas tank empty, smashed windscreen, soiled upholstery.

14-08-2021, 06:37 PM
You can be sure of one thing though, that car will never ever get a speeding ticket...

15-08-2021, 09:44 PM
A third of a single bagger on Friday .. what were we promised a few pages back ? ;)

probably evaporate in the next couple of sessions too ..

Have there been nominations asked for a new CEO & Chairman yet ? ;-)

16-08-2021, 12:20 PM
I agree with you the capital raising should be put on hold.

Jonu gets a chance to look under the bonnet. I hope he finds that all it needs is an oil change and new plugs. Unfortunately he might find that the motor,gearbox,drive shaft and diff are missing. I will sit on the sidelines with my $50 worth of shares until the situation becomes clearer.

If anyone can sort this out it will be Jonu fingers crossed

16-08-2021, 04:54 PM
.02 on the buy side, will we ever see good news ?

16-08-2021, 05:03 PM
With the current state of flux, I wouldnt be confident with that buy(s) at $0.001 - if it goes there, it will be probably as NTL closes - could turn into a multiple bagger if things turn round though!!

Challenging times for a SPP.

16-08-2021, 06:59 PM
Some poor unlucky sods - buying at 0.004 on Friday must be happy .. ;)

16-08-2021, 07:02 PM
If anyone can sort this out it will be Jonu fingers crossed

Donations of Heavy Duty Life Jackets & special PPE with rapid emergency eject buttons needed ..

Wouldn't want him going to the bottom with the ship never to be seen again, would we ? ;)

16-08-2021, 07:26 PM
Some poor unlucky sods - buying at 0.004 on Friday must be happy .. ;)

Yes. A bit 'happier' than the poor sods that bought at 3.2 cents almost exactly 4 years ago :eek2: :eek2:.

The share price was destroyed on that occasion by yet another capital raise.
A LOT of money been lost by shareholders in this company. The buyers at 0.004 on Friday can now join the club, and very likely the buyers at 0.003 today will also be joining too. Time will tell!!

16-08-2021, 07:57 PM
Yes. A bit 'happier' than the poor sods that bought at 3.2 cents almost exactly 4 years ago :eek2: :eek2:.

The share price was destroyed on that occasion by yet another capital raise.
A LOT of money been lost by shareholders in this company. The buyers at 0.004 on Friday can now join the club, and very likely the buyers at 0.003 today will also be joining too. Time will tell!!

3.2 is better than north of 10c

Write-off for entertainment value now ;)

Have given up seeing anything worthwhile out of this Long winded Wealth Destroying Lemon, where
the only Shareholder Wealth being created is that landing in NTL's account sucked in off Stakeholders
periodically to see the next chapters of the story appear .. ;)

Motley Crew
18-08-2021, 01:31 AM
I would like an EGM to be held before the opening of the SPP, there are too many questions that need answering for there not to be one or else the SPP will fail .

This company should come with a Health Warning.
Caveat Emptor. Which in the case of NTL translates as "The Cave is Empty"
How can anyone in their right mind support any further SPP's from NTL. What do they have to show for all the millions of shareholder dollars they have reaped (or should that be raped) from NTL investors over recent years. And what do you get for your 5m shares ($15k @ .003) - a highly diluted position in a company heading south at a greater rate of knots than a landslide in free fall down an empty mineshaft; an in specie distribution in a bunch of unproven tenements managed by a bunch of unproven pick-pockets combined with preferential treatment to knowingly have your pockets cleaned out in an NTL MkII capital raise.
Stay away from any further capital raises from this company and let it die the death it deserves.
And move on to Greener pastures.
Discl. My significant NZ$0.006c and A$0.004 sales are now worth the equivalent of A$0.021 by reinvesting the proceeds in an African-based Aussie gold and lithium mining company going places fast. I suggested others follow suit at the time....................
Don't give these clowns any more of your hard earned investment dollars. Let the SPP fail.

18-08-2021, 12:07 PM
Sales at .003 today, I guess that the end of the SPP !

18-08-2021, 12:17 PM
Sales at .003 today, I guess that the end of the SPP !

I see some very brave buyers at .002

Maybe the SPP is going to be at .001 or .0001 or .00000000001

25-08-2021, 08:10 PM
I approve of the new thread title!

Sideshow Bob
26-08-2021, 09:21 AM
Response to Shareholder Assn queries:

353212.pdf (nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com) (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/NTL/377962/353212.pdf)

26-08-2021, 10:16 AM
Death nell announcement

26-08-2021, 12:45 PM
OK, my A=P+L brain says:
So they have capitalised the value of their stock and reflected it in the P&L - its not yet sold.


26-08-2021, 02:08 PM
Or even processed, or anywhere near a processor...

Wonder if those two were the only questions posed by the NZSA, or the only two chosen to be answered by NTL. I'm not an NZSA member (yet) nor a shareholder.

26-08-2021, 02:36 PM
Agree with both - how do they know what it is worth unprocessed ?

Is there a buyer for it now ?

Was there a buyer at balance date ?

The way it's disclosed it could be Stocks of Tea Coffee & Toilet paper ;)

The past decade's performance may suggest that there could be more dough
in selling that sort of stuff, than trying to find yellow specks down the bottom of a large
hole in the ground .. ;)

Bearing in mind it is material in terms of Revenue - is it even Revenue ?

Where is the Auditor on this or the disclosures on it ?

26-08-2021, 03:19 PM
Agree with both - how do they know what it is worth unprocessed ?

Is there a buyer for it now ?

Was there a buyer at balance date ?

The way it's disclosed it could be Stocks of Tea Coffee & Toilet paper ;)

The past decade's performance may suggest that there could be more dough
in selling that sort of stuff, than trying to find yellow specks down the bottom of a large
hole in the ground .. ;)

Bearing in mind it is material in terms of Revenue - is it even Revenue ?

Where is the Auditor on this or the disclosures on it ?

I am totally confused by the answers but maybe I am a bit thick. (I guess I am a bit thick because I did invest in this company). As you point out above it looks like they have valued the ore carrying rubble as stock which seems more than a bit odd. The other point is that I can’t work out if the CEO is paid a salary or paid as a consultant.

26-08-2021, 05:49 PM
I am totally confused by the answers but maybe I am a bit thick. (I guess I am a bit thick because I did invest in this company). As you point out above it looks like they have valued the ore carrying rubble as stock which seems more than a bit odd. The other point is that I can’t work out if the CEO is paid a salary or paid as a consultant.

You're not the only one .. on the last one, NTL's Jane Beancounter suggests the CEO's Loot heist is also included in the final lot of info
if I'm not mistaken..

There may be a classification error in Ore held for Processing - it should be Unprocessed stock, if there is no contract or agreement existing for it's sale at balance date (very possible if unprocessed rare bulk ripped out of down the mine)

If no sale agreement exists, a better way of disclosure in P&L is 'movement in COGS or Stock held for Resale'
ie negative COGS showing as a Credit in the list of Expenses, not as a Revenue item .. IMO

NTL still has to get it's reporting straight, clear and correct so as to not mislead readers

The Auditor should be ensuring that material items are correctly classified in external reports IMO
so these sort of clarifications do not arise after publication.. ;)

27-08-2021, 10:09 AM
0.2 today me thinkin. :angry:

27-08-2021, 10:33 AM
New Talisman expects that the SPP documents will be prepared, and a timetable confirmed, within the next two-three weeks.

Been four weeks now.

Yet another negative sign

27-08-2021, 11:56 AM
Been four weeks now.

Yet another negative sign

Hope they remembered to add an extra 0 after the dot on the final draft ;)

$ 0.001 might be toying with a likely No Fly at all for an outfit mostly in tatters
with trainer wheels attached & all future dreams for a further stakeholder money grab
on the lengthy past track record of No achieve much at all fast over at least the past 10 years :)

Has a request been put in to NZX to add an extra decimal place on the board especially for NTL ? ;)

It's times like this when just three decimal places to the right may not be quite enough .. ;)

Commiserations for those who have held shares for a while - you're just about to be further diluted
and the small amount at market value you thought you had left is about to be obliterated downwards
yet again, so all get to read a few more chapters in this riveting saga of a collection of bottomless
mine shafts / money pits and well remunerated CEO & assistants overseeing the wealth destruction exercise ;)

Perhaps some kind bod could do a few calculations to see whether a lonely NTL share has descended
lower than the value of a single section of the plain white stationery usually found in the outhouse ? ;)

If that milestone has been reached already - then the good news is - wait a few more months and it may
possible to buy 10 times as many for the same amount - but 10 times as many bags will probably be needed
to cart them away (do remember to watch expiry dates - further future dilutions may be on the cards ) .. ;)

28-08-2021, 02:00 PM
A Milestone plan of the time it takes for outside government departments to make decisions would not really provide any value

Seems they have stated what they are doing and appear to be knocking every brick out of the way on their way to the start of the project.

If I recall correctly they made about 180K out of those gold sales which had grades of over 2 ounces.

Seems a good couple of results for these guys. TMP - last consent needed. Sale of BPL shares which seem to have moved from 2 cents to 5.5 cents.

Good on ya NTL keep on plugging away.

Good on you NTL

Always great to give yourself a nice pat on the back isnt it

28-08-2021, 02:06 PM
NZPAM offices officially opened 18th Jan so 6 days really not long if they had queried whatever was received.

Bullish's posts always seem well informed.

I wonder if they will track the timing of Matt's sale of shares, or friends sale of shares, with the timing of posts.

28-08-2021, 02:09 PM
They have already announced an hoa with newcrest stumpynuts or dont you read?. Funny how ppl whine when company has numerous times stated how much it needs to start the mine in each prospectus its done....had we all participated gold would be pouring out of this mine.

Looks like the mines failures are all due to shareholders, and not Matt

28-08-2021, 02:28 PM
Good on you NTL

Always great to give yourself a nice pat on the back isnt it

If this was released today you'd think mining has commenced according to the heading.


It was released almost exactly three years ago. :scared:
Yeah give yourselves a pat on the back NTL for all the self serving rhetorical crap that's been released over the last few years.

Bullish is a class act aye? Just the sort of guy you want running a publicly listed company!!
I think it'll be worth a trip to Auckland when Hill goes to trial (unless he pleads guilty - then it'll only be for sentencing).
It'll be the best free entertainment in town.

Sideshow Bob
28-08-2021, 02:36 PM
It'll be the best free entertainment in town.

Unless you are a shareholder, then it's probably cost you a bit.....

28-08-2021, 03:27 PM
If this was released today you'd think mining has commenced according to the heading.


It was released almost exactly three years ago. :scared:
Yeah give yourselves a pat on the back NTL for all the self serving rhetorical crap that's been released over the last few years.

Bullish is a class act aye? Just the sort of guy you want running a publicly listed company!!
I think it'll be worth a trip to Auckland when Hill goes to trial (unless he pleads guilty - then it'll only be for sentencing).
It'll be the best free entertainment in town.

I remember that announcement well. I thought that at last we had got somewhere and that NTL were about to generate some cash. I had been invested for 5 years at that point and thought we the long suffering shareholders were about to be rewarded. Absolutely nothing eventuated.

If Hill goes to trial I will be attending. It will be interesting to hear the defence argument.

28-08-2021, 04:37 PM
Looks like the mines failures are all due to shareholders, and not Matt

Re:Bullish's post - I'm illiterate

30-08-2021, 01:28 PM
AGM still scheduled for the 29th of September - havent heard any different.

Will be fun for sure. Price pressure on, with sellers mounting at $0.003.

Jonu, are you allowed to tell us anything about the Board nominations?

30-08-2021, 03:12 PM
AGM still scheduled for the 29th of September - havent heard any different.

Will be fun for sure. Price pressure on, with sellers mounting at $0.003.

Jonu, are you allowed to tell us anything about the Board nominations?

All I am aware of is that there were a number of nominees. I don't know who or how many.

I got this from the Chair Charbel Nader after I requested a lengthy list of materials for due diligence. The materials were declined on the basis that all nominees should have access to the same information, and to that end a pack would be sent out shortly to all nominees. In the interim I was referred to the Company Announcements. Nothing has been forthcoming since, more than 3 weeks later.

I also wrote to the Auditor last week asking for clarification around the growth in stockpiled ore. I got a reply from Mr Nader effectively saying (paraphrasing) the amount involved wouldn't normally interest the Auditor and that he was surprised at my concentration upon it. Mr Nader has not yet made any explanation as to how the stockpile growth (my estimation approx 1075 tonnes growth) was graded or quantified for valuation. Nor has he yet explained how it is a Mining company that is not extracting grows its stockpile. I also queried whether such growth in stockpile should have triggered the Bulk Sampling Consent. Not moving it off site may be a factor here, but then if it hasn't been carted, how did they quantify it?

I have copied my correspondence to the appropriate parties at NZX and they have acknowledged it. It is my expectation that the matter should be clarified before any Cap Raise.

30-08-2021, 04:39 PM
wow Jonu, good info - very interesting - guessing you may have to sign a NDA before you receive any info - though maybe its all publicly available.

4 weeks isnt a long time to review docs - I wish you well, and pleased to hear you are trying to hold them to account.

30-08-2021, 06:43 PM
All I am aware of is that there were a number of nominees. I don't know who or how many.

I got this from the Chair Charbel Nader after I requested a lengthy list of materials for due diligence. The materials were declined on the basis that all nominees should have access to the same information, and to that end a pack would be sent out shortly to all nominees. In the interim I was referred to the Company Announcements. Nothing has been forthcoming since, more than 3 weeks later.

I also wrote to the Auditor last week asking for clarification around the growth in stockpiled ore. I got a reply from Mr Nader effectively saying (paraphrasing) the amount involved wouldn't normally interest the Auditor and that he was surprised at my concentration upon it. Mr Nader has not yet made any explanation as to how the stockpile growth (my estimation approx 1075 tonnes growth) was graded or quantified for valuation. Nor has he yet explained how it is a Mining company that is not extracting grows its stockpile. I also queried whether such growth in stockpile should have triggered the Bulk Sampling Consent. Not moving it off site may be a factor here, but then if it hasn't been carted, how did they quantify it?

I have copied my correspondence to the appropriate parties at NZX and they have acknowledged it. It is my expectation that the matter should be clarified before any Cap Raise.

Clearly the Auditor needs to be replaced along with Nader.

30-08-2021, 06:45 PM
Hey, well done, jonu for asking these questions! These matters should have been clear in the last report, but they certainly were not.
Our chairman is going to struggle to answer some of them, I feel.
The NZSA (shareholders association) would be interested in this also.

Again, well done - we shareholders have every right to know what's going on with our company - don't give up!

PS - absolutely, Brain.

30-08-2021, 08:41 PM
Has anyone got any ideas why Nader would not have been paid the $40,000?


30-08-2021, 09:23 PM
Good on you - Jonu doing your homework on NTL for the potential role

Stakeholders need someone on the Board prepared to ask the difficult questions
and thoroughly interrogate what is going on :)

30-08-2021, 09:25 PM
Has anyone got any ideas why Nader would not have been paid the $40,000?


When does the Aussie Tax year end ? 30 June ? Payment after 30 June may mean 2022 income
& withholding tax deduction in hands of a reciprient over the ditch ?

Perhaps he doesn't need the dough ? ;)

30-08-2021, 10:37 PM
All I am aware of is that there were a number of nominees. I don't know who or how many.

I got this from the Chair Charbel Nader after I requested a lengthy list of materials for due diligence. The materials were declined on the basis that all nominees should have access to the same information, and to that end a pack would be sent out shortly to all nominees. In the interim I was referred to the Company Announcements. Nothing has been forthcoming since, more than 3 weeks later.

I also wrote to the Auditor last week asking for clarification around the growth in stockpiled ore. I got a reply from Mr Nader effectively saying (paraphrasing) the amount involved wouldn't normally interest the Auditor and that he was surprised at my concentration upon it. Mr Nader has not yet made any explanation as to how the stockpile growth (my estimation approx 1075 tonnes growth) was graded or quantified for valuation. Nor has he yet explained how it is a Mining company that is not extracting grows its stockpile. I also queried whether such growth in stockpile should have triggered the Bulk Sampling Consent. Not moving it off site may be a factor here, but then if it hasn't been carted, how did they quantify it?

I have copied my correspondence to the appropriate parties at NZX and they have acknowledged it. It is my expectation that the matter should be clarified before any Cap Raise.

unfortunately those responses suggest that fair value is zero. Hope the auditor and all directors have the book thrown at them, ideally including jail time

31-08-2021, 07:40 AM
Has anyone got any ideas why Nader would not have been paid the $40,000?


Perhaps found a loophole in the companies act, where one can act honorary rather than honourable.

Wouldn't stop one from taking 'consultancy' fees of course.

31-08-2021, 06:50 PM
Perhaps found a loophole in the companies act, where one can act honorary rather than honourable.

Wouldn't stop one from taking 'consultancy' fees of course.

Given that he's been presiding over such a massive Wealth Destruction Exercise with such glowing
future prospects looking ahead, perhaps he should elect to not taking it at all so it doesn't need to
be coughed up by NTL period, and into the distant future working Pro Bono as Honorary Chairman ;)

May be one way of escaping a possible future Shareholder Class Action considering him as
one of the likely fair targets for any due prescribed action & consequences that may arise .. ;)

31-08-2021, 07:23 PM
The SP is one trade away from slipping below the forthcoming capital raise price.

My prediction is that Hill (and maybe others? ) will be resigning in the not too distant future.

Snow Leopard
31-08-2021, 07:31 PM
Managed to trade at 0.25c today on the ASX:

01-09-2021, 10:34 AM
Managed to trade at 0.25c today on the ASX:

Someone got a trade at .002c today 🤢🤮🤮🤮

01-09-2021, 12:10 PM
Cap Raise looks like it could be a dead duck in the water ;)

How long will Nader & Hill hang around if that initiative falls over & no extra coin
gets thrown in the tin ? ;)

Paint it Black
01-09-2021, 12:22 PM
Jonu for Chairman would get my vote.

01-09-2021, 12:25 PM
Jonu for Chairman would get my vote.

Wouldn't wish Chair or a Director seat on board of this outfit on a worst enemy ;)

hopefully our Jonu realises what such role represents before leaping in .. :)

01-09-2021, 12:26 PM
Jonu for Chairman would get my vote.

Jonu what's your actual name?

01-09-2021, 01:09 PM
Jonu what's your actual name?
His surname could well be Hill!

01-09-2021, 01:12 PM
Jonu for Chairman would get my vote.

Why on earth.He defended the company performance and CEO for years and also threatened holders. I guess almost anyone would be better than the current crop though ehh.

01-09-2021, 01:37 PM
Rats normally leave sinking ships, but occasionally mice Board one,

Paint it Black
01-09-2021, 01:50 PM
Most major shareholders will know this. When the the nominations are posted it will be obvious.

Paint it Black
01-09-2021, 01:52 PM
Thats in response to Hawkeyes query!

01-09-2021, 02:01 PM
Why on earth.He defended the company performance and CEO for years and also threatened holders. I guess almost anyone would be better than the current crop though ehh.

Very unfair comment in my view. Jonu like myself believed the companies announcements just like the one in Dubya’s post #7590. Jonu has significant skin in the game and hopefully he will find out the real problems and hopefully there will be a solution. I think most people who read this thread would give him their support.

01-09-2021, 09:50 PM
Yep I take my hat off to him. Be a thankless job I think even futile. Time will tell

01-09-2021, 10:12 PM
Very unfair comment in my view. Jonu like myself believed the companies announcements just like the one in Dubya’s post #7590. Jonu has significant skin in the game and hopefully he will find out the real problems and hopefully there will be a solution. I think most people who read this thread would give him their support.

Just my experience but thanks for your comments,cometh the hour cometh the man? Having alot of skin in the game is a good motivator for sure .Im not going wish anyone good luck with this gamble of a stock, alot more then luck is required imo.Speculative at best ie be genuinely prepared to lose money(and why would you?) and take up cap raises, and get in too deep,so deep you just can't bring yourself to crystallise a loss.IMO. But yep,it could become a traders dream too.

02-09-2021, 08:10 AM
Jonu for Chairman would get my vote.

This is rather prejudicial and pre-emptive.

I would think it prudent to wait till all nominations & credentials are known.

After all, our Jonu has established himself as a caustic denigrating commentator, to the point where many think/thought he was Mr Hill.

His support & defence of that gent has coincided with a SP drop of many multiples.

Can a leopard change its spots?

02-09-2021, 08:25 AM
This is rather prejudicial and pre-emptive.

I would think it prudent to wait till all nominations & credentials are known.

After all, our Jonu has established himself as a caustic denigrating commentator, to the point where many think/thought he was Mr Hill.

His support & defence of that gent has coincided with a SP drop of many multiples.

Can a leopard change its spots?

Jonu’s post #7595 indicates to me that those spots have faded considerably and he is on a mission.

02-09-2021, 08:37 AM
This is rather prejudicial and pre-emptive.

I would think it prudent to wait till all nominations & credentials are known.

After all, our Jonu has established himself as a caustic denigrating commentator, to the point where many think/thought he was Mr Hill.

His support & defence of that gent has coincided with a SP drop of many multiples.

Can a leopard change its spots?

Let's not forget that you mr Getty have posted some comments that border on vitriol and caustic yourself
Can a pot change to a nice kettle colour

02-09-2021, 08:39 AM
Depends who's in the kitchen...

02-09-2021, 09:59 AM
This is rather prejudicial and pre-emptive.

I would think it prudent to wait till all nominations & credentials are known.

After all, our Jonu has established himself as a caustic denigrating commentator, to the point where many think/thought he was Mr Hill.

His support & defence of that gent has coincided with a SP drop of many multiples.

Can a leopard change its spots?

I am reluctant to post here much at the moment, and in particular wish to avoid the speculatory nature of the comments that are often prevalent here.

I have been harsh in my criticism of some posters previously, but only when I felt they were being malicious or putting themselves at risk of defamation.

I have long held the position that NTL has amazing potential. My confidence in that is based on JORC. I am extremely disappointed in the governance of the company, hence my acceptance of a nomination to stand for the Board.

Not everything Matt Hill has done in recent times is bad. He does seem to have been far too distracted with side deals rather than the main priorities of the company. From the limited knowledge we have, Broken Hills looks like an exciting addition. I am unconvinced as to the Vanuatu deal and the CGL split-off. Without access to DD materials it is hard to have a definitive position on any of it, and obviously if I did have access to such DD material I wouldn't be able to comment on it here.

My "defence" of Matt Hill has been of what I see as malice and defamatory comments by some posters. I have and will defend the value I see in the company. That does not amount to a defence of the current governance.

02-09-2021, 10:12 AM
and obviously if I did have access to such DD material I wouldn't be able to comment on it here.

Well that alone sets you apart from the standards of Matt. Good luck with your nomination.

02-09-2021, 05:12 PM
Sure thing!

I'll even invite Bullish if he/she's up for it, snarky comments and all.

Still inviting him to your party Stumpy :)

02-09-2021, 05:29 PM
This is rather prejudicial and pre-emptive.

I would think it prudent to wait till all nominations & credentials are known.

After all, our Jonu has established himself as a caustic denigrating commentator, to the point where many think/thought he was Mr Hill.

His support & defence of that gent has coincided with a SP drop of many multiples.

Can a leopard change its spots?

Going by his dialogue yes lol.Some diplomacy spots ,getting set.Rinse and repeat.Dont forget to pour it in to the coming cap raise,how many now 10,,20? ,Here we go again , fool me once ,etc etc ,imo.

02-09-2021, 06:17 PM
So am I missing something guys, because this stock seems to polarise people, and I'm firmly of the opinion to avoid it like the plague?

There's definitely high grade gold down there. I think it would be fair to say everyone knows and accepts that.


The resource consents are not in place?
The access road and bridge are not ready for trucks?
It's on Conservation Department land?
The pilot plant is sitting down the mine not being used because it was a waste of money and not fit for purpose?
There is no mining engineer? He resigned over a year ago and hasn't been replaced.?
There is no concrete doable scheme for processing anyway?
The CEO is facing court proceedings for market manipulation, and the Board are essentially ineffective. (they couldn't even answer emails from the NZSA for goodness sake).
The money (leftover from the last SPP) is fast running out, and is only being used to pay exorbitant salaries?
I believe the forthcoming capital raise will fail as I can not see any material way for it to succeed?

The various hair brained ideas that the company comes up with (Vanuatu, Fiji, USA, warrants, loyalty shares, other mining and land acquisitions etc etc) are just designed to camouflage and distract; and the real likelihood is for company failure and liquidation. BUT it keeps the hope and dreams alive for some shareholders who choose to believe the fantasy and/or are too paralysed to exit.

....................Rinse and repeat.Dont forget to pour it in to the coming cap raise,how many now 10,,20? ,Here we go again , fool me once ,etc etc ,imo.

Yes. This rinse and repeat has been going on for many many many years.

Some good reading from the people who had similar gold aspirations for NTL's predecessor! Not many of those posters still around :(


Meanwhile the CEO and management keep drawing wages but don't seem to transparently or effectively communicate to shareholders. (No shareholder knows what is going on at the mine today. No shareholder knows if there are people working down the mine or doing anything else in the area. There haven't been any covid updates. Deadlines and time frames always seem to be missed).

Soooo......am I missing something?

What is keeping people interested in this company when it appears to be skating on a bubble and close to going under?

So, once again, what am I missing?

Disc: Made good money on NTL but lost it on MPG.
Very very unlikely to buy NTL again, but reserve the right to change my mind.

PS. I wish you the best with your Board aspirations Jonu. I’m not very convinced you’re going to like what you find though, but best of luck anyway!

02-09-2021, 06:35 PM
Very unfair comment in my view. Jonu like myself believed the companies announcements just like the one in Dubya’s post #7590. Jonu has significant skin in the game and hopefully he will find out the real problems and hopefully there will be a solution. I think most people who read this thread would give him their support.

this, good luck to all with remaining skin in this game. It would be great to see this amount to something beyond a cash-cow for current board and ceo

03-09-2021, 07:37 AM
So am I missing something guys, because this stock seems to polarise people, and I'm firmly of the opinion to avoid it like the plague?

There's definitely high grade gold down there. I think it would be fair to say everyone knows and accepts that.


The resource consents are not in place?
The access road and bridge are not ready for trucks?
It's on Conservation Department land?
The pilot plant is sitting down the mine not being used because it was a waste of money and not fit for purpose?
There is no mining engineer? He resigned over a year ago and hasn't been replaced.?
There is no concrete doable scheme for processing anyway?
The CEO is facing court proceedings for market manipulation, and the Board are essentially ineffective. (they couldn't even answer emails from the NZSA for goodness sake).
The money (leftover from the last SPP) is fast running out, and is only being used to pay exorbitant salaries?
I believe the forthcoming capital raise will fail as I can not see any material way for it to succeed?

The various hair brained ideas that the company comes up with (Vanuatu, Fiji, USA, warrants, loyalty shares, other mining and land acquisitions etc etc) are just designed to camouflage and distract; and the real likelihood is for company failure and liquidation. BUT it keeps the hope and dreams alive for some shareholders who choose to believe the fantasy and/or are too paralysed to exit.

Yes. This rinse and repeat has been going on for many many many years.

Some good reading from the people who had similar gold aspirations for NTL's predecessor! Not many of those posters still around :(


Meanwhile the CEO and management keep drawing wages but don't seem to transparently or effectively communicate to shareholders. (No shareholder knows what is going on at the mine today. No shareholder knows if there are people working down the mine or doing anything else in the area. There haven't been any covid updates. Deadlines and time frames always seem to be missed).

Soooo......am I missing something?

What is keeping people interested in this company when it appears to be skating on a bubble and close to going under?

So, once again, what am I missing?

Disc: Made good money on NTL but lost it on MPG.
Very very unlikely to buy NTL again, but reserve the right to change my mind.

PS. I wish you the best with your Board aspirations Jonu. I’m not very convinced you’re going to like what you find though, but best of luck anyway!

I think there was also the idea of microbes to process the gold - given that Au has been coming out of the ground for thousands of years, there never seems to have been a good olde (gold) plan to just use manual labour to do the work. Health and Safety maybe doesnt allow.

I still want to see NTL work, but given the stories we have had over the years (since HGD), when they finally came out and said they needed to acquire Rabones (sp??) mine to try to gain economies of scale, for me that was the moment when I lost all hope.
If they can pull a rabbit out of the hat, I will happily jump on teh bandwagon, but cant see it happening - their primary resource just doesnt seem viable.

Just my opinion. I hope Jonu does get on Board, just so that we might see some "truths" come out. With my glass half empty, would think the Board wont want him on, and will just pull in a friendly. Dont forget about the Director who left quietly - in Covid times when all Board meetings are done remotely, why would you leave? Maybe good reasons, maybe he had scrupples.

Fun times, AGM soon. Gold in them hills - just get it out!!

03-09-2021, 09:46 AM
Just my opinion. I hope Jonu does get on Board, just so that we might see some "truths" come out. With my glass half empty, would think the Board wont want him on, and will just pull in a friendly. Dont forget about the Director who left quietly - in Covid times when all Board meetings are done remotely, why would you leave? Maybe good reasons, maybe he had scrupples.

Fun times, AGM soon. Gold in them hills - just get it out!!

I agree. I suspect that the director that resigned did have scruples and it is probably the same reason that Wayne Chowles resigned.

Jonu is up for some resistance from the board for sure but hopefully the shareholders will vote strongly in his favour. I have said it before all of the board needs to be replaced and Jonu is a good start.
Hopefully 2 board members come up for re election and shareholders can deal to both of them and the auditor. At that point shareholders will begin to understand what’s going wrong with the company.

03-09-2021, 10:39 AM
Meanwhile GBR in Aust hit 3 mts @ 150g/T ( 5 oz / T ! ) and there is more.

10-09-2021, 03:02 PM
Trading halt for capital raise.
Maybe one day a halt might be for something positive.
That trader with the 2m bid might be pleased it wasn't fulfilled prior to the halt. Same with the sellers. Let's see.

10-09-2021, 03:11 PM
Interesting from NZX "Stop Play" announcement

"NTL has requested the trading halt while it finalises further details in connection with its capital raising signalled on 30 July 2021, following consideration of feedback from some shareholders and completion of associated negotiations."

Initially planned Cap Raise SP may have been slightly embarrassing for NTL ;)

or more likely looking like a Monumentally GREAT FAIL if it continued unaddended..

Could having a CEO onboard who is the target for a FMA Red Hot poker being waved at him be yet another ? ;)

That's after the Stakeholders give the CEO a right royal roasting for NOTHING MUCH ACHIEVED
over a long duration , on the back of large lengthy past trail of CAP Raises to mostly among other things
keep the Coffee & Tea flowing in the Office, and a part time CEO on full time rewards package overseeing
a further portfolio of new distant unfunded dreams for more future rinse, repeat & dilution exercises .. ;)

10-09-2021, 03:32 PM
Late Friday afternoon. Hmmm. Sort of thing Jacinda and Co do when ducking and diving/ announcement dump.

10-09-2021, 03:35 PM
Why hasn't the CEO Stepped down - with the FMA taking Court action against him ?

10-09-2021, 03:44 PM
Because he's innocent don't cha know and once proven he will have a field day chasing all those dirty defamers of his good name. //

10-09-2021, 04:16 PM
Why hasn't the CEO Stepped down - with the FMA taking Court action against him ?

Cos there's still money in the coffers for him to use up to pay his $1,000 plus per day ($7,000 plus per week!) salary.
It's the best 'sinecure' job I know of :D :D


10-09-2021, 04:22 PM
I love this thread. Its better than any TV you could watch

10-09-2021, 05:15 PM
Wouldn't Miss It for the World agh dabs

13-09-2021, 02:42 PM
Two new fish heads appointed to the top table today !!

13-09-2021, 02:46 PM
New Talisman Gold Mines is pleased to announce the appointment of two new directors Ms Kelly Wyse and Mr Victor Rabone to the New Talisman Board.
Ms Wyse is a seasoned financial professional with strong commercial and operational background in financial management.
Mr Rabone is a Geotechnical Engineer with over 20 years of operational experience in all facets of mining.
Charbel Nader stated: “I am delighted to welcome these two new members to our board, they bring additional skills, diversity and fresh perspectives I am sure they will be important contributors to the company’s progress. It is also pleasing that the Board has been restored to full complement”

13-09-2021, 02:57 PM
One can only assume our Jonu missed out on the basis of diversity.

Lets see how diverse the SP becomes.

Motley Crew
13-09-2021, 03:00 PM
Two new fish heads appointed to the top table today !!

So they have filled their Directorship quota void in advance of the AGM on 29 September. A cynic might interpret this as getting the table filled so that other potential new directors (Jonu) are thwarted, unless they can unseat an existing director. If there are spaces around the table, and nominations to fill them, would they not be obliged to take a serious look at taking them on board if their credentials stacked up. Two new 'fish heads at the top trough' appointments just two weeks out from the AGM smells a bit 'fishy' to me.
Glad I'm out of here apart from a few worthless options !

13-09-2021, 03:21 PM
So they have filled their Directorship quota void in advance of the AGM on 29 September. A cynic might interpret this as getting the table filled so that other potential new directors (Jonu) are thwarted, unless they can unseat an existing director. If there are spaces around the table, and nominations to fill them, would they not be obliged to take a serious look at taking them on board if their credentials stacked up. Two new 'fish heads at the top trough' appointments just two weeks out from the AGM smells a bit 'fishy' to me.
Glad I'm out of here apart from a few worthless options !

Excuse the pun - but that stance appears to be "Wyse' ;)

13-09-2021, 03:27 PM
So we got the Import from Broken Hole Hobby Mining Shaft seconded in onboard

Lengthy experience Nader points to - but did that Broken Hole Hobby Mine go anywhere fast or NTL decided they liked the bits left over
after it got shut down & gates locked ? ;)

His coming onboard becomes sensible from the Chair's view with HILL potentially under a murky cloud which may
or may not lead to him being in danger of being thrown overboard - should FMA exact full punishment ;)

Does anyone see any real IMPROVEMENT in the Skills set onboard capable of actually seeing something to fruition
@ NTL or just more of the same - RINSE DILUTE REPEAT ? ;)

As for the Cap Raise - how many will call it simply another addition to the pile of paper for fire starters ? ;)

How many will actually believe that anything is actually achievable & swallow the
NTL pavlova offering believing it all (hook line & sinker) is going to happen ? ;)

Let's face it -- basically the same set of inhabitants ARE STILL sucking up large at the board table
as in the past and new entrants, if they stay around long enough will likely be shut down quick as
by the Chair & CEO (that is if the FMA's medicine isn't deployed in dealing to the CEO first)

That leaves Stakeholders in an unchanged position, potentially being presented with further demands for new Capital
to finance further future Dreams, achievable or otherwise, which the Company may or may not have resources to cover .. ;)

Ultimately, if not enough take up their CAP Raise - then will we see the Board seeking to flick off stakes to any Joe Bloggs
out there who rocks up with $5K $10K in desperation to suck in the desired amount of readies ? ;)

It has happened before on a number of occasions .. and the answer which would have soon become obvious to
existing stakeholders following each of these Cap Raise occasions was:



YOU JUST GOT FURTHER BADLY DILUTED Down the River - Suck it up and Enjoy ;)

If you like - NTL's version of Under Arm bowling it's Long-suffering Stakeholders .. ;-)

13-09-2021, 03:30 PM
Excuse the pun - but that stance appears to be "Wyse' ;)

O J will have a few wyse & wherefores, as to wyse he wasn't shoulder tapped.

13-09-2021, 03:35 PM
One can only assume our Jonu missed out on the basis of diversity.

Lets see how diverse the SP becomes.

Uh no, highly likely they never received the info pack he was waiting on, lost in the post, much like all positive news from the mine. He/she most likely didn't get on because they asked tough questions of the chair.

13-09-2021, 03:36 PM
The agreement to purchase Broken Hill required Mr Rabone to be appointed to the Board after the acquisition is finalised:

Under the terms of the agreement Victor Rabone, Director of Broken Hills is to be appointed to the board of New Talisman subject to standard nomination processes and upon completion of the acquisition. https://announcements.nzx.com/detail/366747

(https://announcements.nzx.com/detail/366747So)So I guess the standard nomination process is [?], and that the purchase has been completed.

13-09-2021, 03:50 PM
I might be wrong but I believe these 2 will have to go up for re-election at the SGM so that shareholders can have their say. The theory being that directors serve the best interest of share holders a concept which is foreign to NTL.
Murray Stevens was re-elected last SGM

13-09-2021, 04:00 PM
Must be more to come??!!
A trading halt to announce two new seat fillers???!!!

13-09-2021, 04:10 PM
Must be more to come??!!
A trading halt to announce two new seat fillers???!!!

Notice of Annual Meeting & Poxy Form @ 4.08 pm on NZX - must be important ? ;)

13-09-2021, 04:13 PM
Jonu up for election and the board does not recommend his appointment.

13-09-2021, 04:16 PM
Jonu up for election and the board does not recommend his appointment.

Perhaps he was undermined, rather like NTL actually.

13-09-2021, 04:29 PM
Did someone forget to File a Notice of "NO CONFIDENCE" in most of the encumbent well paid inhabitants on the BOARD ? ;)

NADER & HILL maybe can't like our JONU being on these forums .. ;)

Mind you - Our JONU would probably be more than capable of achieving more in a week that NTL have managed
to achieve in 5 years .. ;)

Guess it was a Completely Different Story when someone was allegedly posting anonymously here with NO Disclosures of who he was .. ;)

Has it sunken in with Hill as to why the FMA are chasing him for alleged conduct on here .. or NOT ? ;)

13-09-2021, 04:35 PM
Notice of Annual Meeting & Poxy Form @ 4.08 pm on NZX - must be important ? ;)

Well that was worth waiting for :scared:.
Jeez I've never seen a trading halt before for such normal administration releases :D

Bad luck Jonu.
As I said in a previous post I didn't think you'd like what you found, and I believe the NTL Board would know that.
Best to keep their secrets 'in house' huh???!!!

13-09-2021, 04:35 PM
Perhaps he was undermined, rather like NTL actually.

Good chance for the shareholders to have their say and I will vote for Jonu but my 20,000 shares doesn’t count for much. It will be interesting to see if the discussions on sharetrader will have any influence on the board composition.
I wish Jonu well but unfortunately if he is elected and even with the possible event of Hill being disqualified he will be outnumbered.

Always best to invest in well run companies.

13-09-2021, 05:00 PM
Good chance for the shareholders to have their say and I will vote for Jonu but my 20,000 shares doesn’t count for much. It will be interesting to see if the discussions on sharetrader will have any influence on the board composition.
I wish Jonu well but unfortunately if he is elected and even with the possible event of Hill being disqualified he will be outnumbered.

Always best to invest in well run companies.

Can he vote for himself? Probably got enough votes on his own. Its kind of rude they have said not to vote from him, instead of remaining neutral.

13-09-2021, 05:11 PM
NTL Board must be nervous of the 7.5% or so of the Capital held by Sharesies holders ;)

13-09-2021, 05:14 PM
Can he vote for himself? Probably got enough votes on his own. Its kind of rude they have said not to vote from him, instead of remaining neutral.

They are clearly worried about the possibility of him being elected. I cannot recall a board ever recommending that a candidate not be elected.

He can vote for himself and yes that’s a good start.

13-09-2021, 05:23 PM
They are clearly worried about the possibility of him being elected. I cannot recall a board ever recommending that a candidate not be elected.

He can vote for himself and yes that’s a good start.

The Board's STANCE & Announcement in the vein seen seems a bit questionable - could be worth getting a good lawyer to cast an eye over it .. IMO ;)

If there was a doubt over independence - then surely the onus is on NTL to ask the pertinent questions before going into a Media Announcement identifying the party & publically NOT RECOMMENDING that individual ?

If found to be questionable, then members of the Board & others associated with the release may or may not find themselves in further hot water over their conduct and public released statements ? ;)

In any event if the other party is a large stakeholder then the Company's conduct in the matter certainly looks to STINK to the HIGH HEAVENS .. ;)

HOW is RABONE Not independent & yet the person with a larger stake seeming an Independent or maybe not, or maybe NTL couldn't be bothered asking the questions .. ? ;)

13-09-2021, 05:46 PM
STILL in "HALTED" status

Must be waiting filing of the upcoming CASH GRAB Docs to pay the upcoming year's Office Rent, Coffee Machine Lease, Coffees & Sugars, Long Drop Supplies, Salaries & Director's fees .. so further chapters in the long & winding saga of the bottomless hole inside a HILL can be written for release .. ;)

13-09-2021, 05:56 PM
It may be construed that the current board not recommending O J, is indeed the strongest endorsement he could get.

13-09-2021, 06:00 PM
Perhaps he was undermined, rather like NTL actually.

I dont think so, NTL are not capable of mining :)

13-09-2021, 06:04 PM
All the below is my honest opinion and should not be taken as investment advice.

Early Appointment of Directors

There has been a massive amount going on behind the scenes leading to this, including 3 Resolutions being rejected by the Company, which in my and others opinion, puts NTL in breach of the Companies Act Clause 9. This may invalidate the ASM. I will probably post those Resolutions here when I have taken advice. Needless to say Mr Nader and Mr Hill were not favourably disposed to them proceeding. And with good reason.

Murray Stevens was not named in my Resolutions and seems to me to add value to the Board with his knowledge of the mine Geology. He is someone I look forward to working with if I am elected to the Board.

I am taking advice on a number of issues. But to clarify a few things. The company can appoint new directors leading into the ASM. They will need to be voted in at the ASM, but in appointing them early they have effectively given them the tick of approval and hope that most voters just roll with it. You can vote them out.

I can vote for myself.

While the NoM states that Victor Rabone is non-independent, it does not disclose his massive conflict of interest in the sale process of Broken Hills to NTL or to CGL, however it is currently structured. I think people voting for Mr Rabone should take into account his loyalty to Mr Hill in this regard.

As for Ms Wyse, if anything, I feel the tick of approval from the current Board is not something I would have been seeking. That should tell you something.

The NoM states on page 4 that I nominated myself. I did not. I was nominated by another shareholder.

The NoM declares I will likely cause disruption if elected to the Board.

If disruption is defined as setting expectations for the CEO, I am a disruptor.

If disruption is defined as concentrating on finding a processing route for NTL ore, I am a disruptor.

If disruption is defined as getting bulk sampling underway, then I am a disruptor.

If you think these things are disruptive then you should vote for me. The only person on the current board who I identify as adding real value is Murray Stevens, and sadly his skills haven't been utilised while millions of dollars have been spent achieving very little.

Further to all this, to my knowledge, Matt Hill the CEO, is currently resident in Sydney and has been for some time after choosing to stay there when the trans-Tasman bubble stopped and around the time the FMA took their action against him. Read into that what you will.

There will be more to come.

We are still in the dark as to what is going on with the Cap Raise and CGL split off, and what assets are being put into CGL. I have fears around an asset strip of NTL. Bear in mind any announcement from now on will have been voted on by the new directors. You will see where they stand and if it is good for the long suffering shareholders.

I am expecting a drip feed of good news alongside any Cap Raise. I'm not being cynical am I?

13-09-2021, 06:19 PM
Nightmare. Good luck, Jonu.

13-09-2021, 06:38 PM
What a freakin mess alright :scared:

If Hill is residing in Australia, at least it's a pretty good exchange rate for him if he wants to transfer his $NZ1,000 plus per day salary over ;)

13-09-2021, 06:58 PM
I Must admit that I am truly amazed by all of that. Thanks for posting Jonu and all the best to you.

Paint it Black
13-09-2021, 08:28 PM
Thanks Jonu - you will definitely be getting my votes (ex top 10 but still hold quite a few). I'm not unhappy with Victor Rabone's appointment with his geological background and family's Coromandel experience. However totally against Kelly Wyse with her Australian background. She is likely to be another patsy on the Board along with the Chairman. Jane Bell to me is doing a fine job and likely the only NZ resident keeping the show on the road at present. We want the company run by NZers who are passionate and hands on to work at the mine face with the local community - not pushing buttons and getting nowhere from Sydney and Melbourne while costing us ridiculous fees. The fact Jonu's nomination has been rejected by the Board speaks volumes they are concerned about scrutiny and a complete Board overhaul is needed. Only then would I, and I'd say many other shareholders, consider purchasing new shares.

Motley Crew
14-09-2021, 02:24 AM
As I mentioned in my previous post, the appointment of two new directors so close to the AGM smells very fishy, and has been done by the existing board members for good reason, as Jonu explains - "The company can appoint new directors leading into the ASM. They will need to be voted in at the ASM, but in appointing them early they have effectively given them the tick of approval and hope that most voters just roll with it. You can vote them out."
Shareholders (not aware of the discussions on this forum) will usually 'just roll with' voting in the incumbents. By filling the void in advance, it reduces the chance of Jonu getting onto the Board.
I have never in NZ, in over 35 years of investing in listed companies, seen anything the like of what NTL has included in its Resolutions in its NoM for 2021. I have never seen a footnote, with double '##' marks for extra emphasis, added to a Resolution regarding the potential election of a new member to the Board, where the existing directors have decided to come out and so strongly and openly recommend that shareholders NOT vote for a candidate.
I have, however, seen this happen in Australia when companies (quite often junior miners) under duress, are being challenged by disgruntled shareholders, or shareholder groups. It does not surprise me in the slightest, knowing the calibre and track record of the incumbent directors and the CEO, that they have gone down this track. It is consistent with the pressure the company is under. They do not want 'outsiders' with good intentions coming in and upsetting their carefully stacked apple cart. They do not want someone from 'the outside' being in a position to challenge current processes, and let the outside world know what is truly going on inside the company. This is their definition of 'hostile', a term usually reserved for unwanted takeover activity. But they use the term here because the psychology and emotiveness of the word in the investing sense suits their purpose.
On the one hand they state that Jonu has nominated himself for a board position, yet elsewhere in the same release they state that he has been nominated 'by a shareholder'. Such irregularities in their release are designed to cast a very dark pall over Jonu's nomination.
Ms Wyse's bio provides no confidence that she can provide any additional skills to the Board. She is a (fellow) bean counter and apparently has M&A experience, which I doubt she will ever get to use at NTL as Matt Hill and Nader have those activities tightly under control. There are different levels of M&A experience - it would be useful to know where Ms Wyse sits on that spectrum. As PiB says, she is likely just a Board 'patsy' for the Chairman and CEO, a 'bum on seat' filling a void.

As far as I can deduce, all recent activities that the Board has undertaken have been done as 'patch protection'. It is not coincidence. The Board and CEO are fully aware of comments being made on this forum about the company, the CEO is under investigation for his incognito comments on this forum. In short, they are a Board under pressure. They do not want outsiders spoiling their party. Finding out where shareholder $$ are actually 'spent'.
Jonu - I would certainly be taking advice on this release, and if a formal complaint about the company's 'undermining' of the democratic process is an option, I would certainly be going down that track. The release shows that the Board is quite willing to reach into their bag of 'dirty tricks' to achieve their ends, and usurp the election of a shareholder to the Board who has the best interests of other shareholders at heart.
The hostility contained in the release is the real hostility, so if they want 'hostile', give it to them. The more bad press the company gets about their AGM antics, the better.

Re the drip feed of 'good news' alongside the capital raise, this is always NTL's modus operandi. But as we have all seen, the 'good news' has always proved to lack long-term substance due to promises of over-delivery and embellishment, and any share price uptick is short lived, and often exploited by the company with subsequent capital raises to take advantage of the higher SP

14-09-2021, 08:01 AM
All eyes will be on the ping pong table when play resumes.

Mr .01c, who had been considered by many to be a non travelling reserve, could become a dominant player.

14-09-2021, 08:29 AM
How can I give my proxy vote to jonu? The investorvote.co.nz site needs a six digit control number which is supposed to be 'on the front of the voting form', but I don't have a paper form and the online "Notice of Annual Meeting & Proxy Form (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/NTL/379029/354585.pdf)" leaves it blank. I have only a couple of million shares, but I guess everything helps to try and get him in.

Oliver Mander
14-09-2021, 08:53 AM
How can I give my proxy vote to jonu? The investorvote.co.nz site needs a six digit control number which is supposed to be 'on the front of the voting form', but I don't have a paper form and the online "Notice of Annual Meeting & Proxy Form (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/NTL/379029/354585.pdf)" leaves it blank. I have only a couple of million shares, but I guess everything helps to try and get him in.

Hi Bart...NZ Shareholders Association (NZSA) will be be supporting John in the upcoming ASM vote. You can contact Computershare to offer your proxy to NZ Shareholders Association. Simply send in the proxy form that should have been sent to you. Alternatively, you can download this form (https://www.nzshareholders.co.nz/docs/Computershare_Standing_Proxy_NZSA_Appointment_Form _27_May_2019.pdf) from the NZSA website - that is for a standing proxy (ie, one that applies across all of your shareholdings), but if you only want it to apply to NTL, you can simply indicate that in the box provided.

Hope this helps.
Oliver Mander (CEO, NZSA)

14-09-2021, 09:02 AM
Hi Bart...NZ Shareholders Association (NZSA) will be be supporting John in the upcoming ASM vote. You can contact Computershare to offer your proxy to NZ Shareholders Association. Simply send in the proxy form that should have been sent to you. Alternatively, you can download this form (https://www.nzshareholders.co.nz/docs/Computershare_Standing_Proxy_NZSA_Appointment_Form _27_May_2019.pdf) from the NZSA website - that is for a standing proxy (ie, one that applies across all of your shareholdings), but if you only want it to apply to NTL, you can simply indicate that in the box provided.

Hope this helps.
Oliver Mander (CEO, NZSA)

Thanks, I'll do it that way.

14-09-2021, 09:15 AM
As I mentioned in my previous post, the appointment of two new directors so close to the AGM smells very fishy, and has been done by the existing board members for good reason, as Jonu explains - "The company can appoint new directors leading into the ASM. They will need to be voted in at the ASM, but in appointing them early they have effectively given them the tick of approval and hope that most voters just roll with it. You can vote them out."
Shareholders (not aware of the discussions on this forum) will usually 'just roll with' voting in the incumbents. By filling the void in advance, it reduces the chance of Jonu getting onto the Board.
I have never in NZ, in over 35 years of investing in listed companies, seen anything the like of what NTL has included in its Resolutions in its NoM for 2021. I have never seen a footnote, with double '##' marks for extra emphasis, added to a Resolution regarding the potential election of a new member to the Board, where the existing directors have decided to come out and so strongly and openly recommend that shareholders NOT vote for a candidate.
I have, however, seen this happen in Australia when companies (quite often junior miners) under duress, are being challenged by disgruntled shareholders, or shareholder groups. It does not surprise me in the slightest, knowing the calibre and track record of the incumbent directors and the CEO, that they have gone down this track. It is consistent with the pressure the company is under. They do not want 'outsiders' with good intentions coming in and upsetting their carefully stacked apple cart. They do not want someone from 'the outside' being in a position to challenge current processes, and let the outside world know what is truly going on inside the company. This is their definition of 'hostile', a term usually reserved for unwanted takeover activity. But they use the term here because the psychology and emotiveness of the word in the investing sense suits their purpose.
On the one hand they state that Jonu has nominated himself for a board position, yet elsewhere in the same release they state that he has been nominated 'by a shareholder'. Such irregularities in their release are designed to cast a very dark pall over Jonu's nomination.
Ms Wyse's bio provides no confidence that she can provide any additional skills to the Board. She is a (fellow) bean counter and apparently has M&A experience, which I doubt she will ever get to use at NTL as Matt Hill and Nader have those activities tightly under control. There are different levels of M&A experience - it would be useful to know where Ms Wyse sits on that spectrum. As PiB says, she is likely just a Board 'patsy' for the Chairman and CEO, a 'bum on seat' filling a void.

As far as I can deduce, all recent activities that the Board has undertaken have been done as 'patch protection'. It is not coincidence. The Board and CEO are fully aware of comments being made on this forum about the company, the CEO is under investigation for his incognito comments on this forum. In short, they are a Board under pressure. They do not want outsiders spoiling their party. Finding out where shareholder $$ are actually 'spent'.
Jonu - I would certainly be taking advice on this release, and if a formal complaint about the company's 'undermining' of the democratic process is an option, I would certainly be going down that track. The release shows that the Board is quite willing to reach into their bag of 'dirty tricks' to achieve their ends, and usurp the election of a shareholder to the Board who has the best interests of other shareholders at heart.
The hostility contained in the release is the real hostility, so if they want 'hostile', give it to them. The more bad press the company gets about their AGM antics, the better.

Re the drip feed of 'good news' alongside the capital raise, this is always NTL's modus operandi. But as we have all seen, the 'good news' has always proved to lack long-term substance due to promises of over-delivery and embellishment, and any share price uptick is short lived, and often exploited by the company with subsequent capital raises to take advantage of the higher SP

An absolutely superb post Motley Crew.
I trust the NZ Herald will pick up and run a story about the shenanigans going on with this company ;)

14-09-2021, 09:47 AM
? Private placement completed and renounceable rights issue, bit link to attached document not working (direct broking)

14-09-2021, 09:50 AM

2,792,225,363 shares are currently on issue (with an additional 335,000,000 ordinary sharesissued under the private placement to be allotted shortly). Up to 1,565,612,682 new sharesand 521,204,227 loyalty shares could be issued in the rights issue.


14-09-2021, 09:50 AM
Thanks Jonu - you will definitely be getting my votes (ex top 10 but still hold quite a few). I'm not unhappy with Victor Rabone's appointment with his geological background and family's Coromandel experience. However totally against Kelly Wyse with her Australian background. She is likely to be another patsy on the Board along with the Chairman. Jane Bell to me is doing a fine job and likely the only NZ resident keeping the show on the road at present. We want the company run by NZers who are passionate and hands on to work at the mine face with the local community - not pushing buttons and getting nowhere from Sydney and Melbourne while costing us ridiculous fees. The fact Jonu's nomination has been rejected by the Board speaks volumes they are concerned about scrutiny and a complete Board overhaul is needed. Only then would I, and I'd say many other shareholders, consider purchasing new shares.

I will not be voting for either Ms Wyse or Mr Rabone

The voting is likely to be close. I will not be giving any support to either of Jonu's "opponents" as to do so would undermine his chances.


Snow Leopard
14-09-2021, 09:54 AM
Have 6? Buy 3 new more and join our loyality scheme!


14-09-2021, 09:56 AM
Have 6? Buy 3 new more and join our loyality scheme!


and at a good price too! (unless we expect the current price to drop by 33%)

14-09-2021, 10:07 AM
I want to buy back in just to support Jonu, and "finding the truth" - that said, I cant afford to lose ant more money on NTL - from no geological POV, I just dont ever see the mine going commercial - all the promises (dating back to HGD), all the money raised, has got us where?

Keep fighting the good fight Jonu.

Actually, how late can I buy some shares to be able to vote?

14-09-2021, 10:17 AM
So why the interest today, is it a carry over from yesterday ?

14-09-2021, 10:29 AM
Read docs, 24 September allows for voting.

My interest, really just to poke the bear, and try to help Jonu onto the Board - Hill and co. needs to be held to account.

14-09-2021, 10:45 AM
Time for some real Solid Gold, best sung in the forlorn voice of the original, by the Animals.

The House of the Capital Raising Sum.

"There is a house in New Talisman
They call the capital raising sum,
And its been the ruin of many a poor boy,
And God I know, I'm one.

My mother was a trader,
She stowed her old blue chips.
My father was a gambling man,
Going down in New Talisman!

Now the only thing a gold digger needs,
Is a share listing and a punk report,
And the only time he's satisfied
Is when he's done a rort.

Oh mother, tell your children
Not to do what I have done,
Spend your cash in spin and misery
In the house of the Capital Raising Sum.

Well I got one foot on the platform
One foot on the rabone train

I'm not going back to New Talisman
To get more of the same..."


14-09-2021, 11:11 AM
Time for some real Solid Gold, best sung in the forlorn voice of the original, by the Animals.

The House of the Capital Raising Sum.

"There is a house in New Talisman
They call the capital raising sum,
And its been the ruin of many a poor boy,
And God I know, I'm one.

My mother was a trader,
She stowed her old blue chips.
My father was a gambling man,
Going down in New Talisman!

Now the only thing a gold digger needs,
Is a share listing and a punk report,
And the only time he's satisfied
Is when he's done a rort.

Oh mother, tell your children
Not to do what I have done,
Spend your cash in spin and misery
In the house of the Capital Raising Sum.

Well I got one foot on the platform
One foot on the rabone train

I'm not going back to New Talisman
To get more of the same..."


Very good :)

14-09-2021, 11:21 AM
Have 6? Buy 3 new more and join our loyality scheme!


Some loyalty & performance coming back the other way is well overdue ;)

about all that has been seen so far from NTL are regular BS Dreams to support another plundering
of shareholder pockets, with follow on dilution and Share price descending further into the Gutter

If NTL were a Ponzi Scheme then it would have been put down
and stopped in it's tracks at least 10 years ago

The way things are going, with the amount of shareholder dough hovered up & lost
by NTL probably deserves comparison to many medium sized Ponzi schemes ;)

14-09-2021, 11:30 AM
Private Placement

This is how I see it.

NTL announced a priced SPP at the end of July. As is normal the share price descended to the SPP price level.

NTL have now abandoned the SPP and done a placement with persons unknown that NTL claims in their announcement is on the same terms as the Rights Offer.

New Talisman is pleased to advise that it has concluded a private placement of
AU$670,000 for 335,000,000 ordinary shares on the same terms as the upcoming Rights

This can not be true. The price is the same at 0.2, but the terms are not, as the new holders could not have had enough shares to buy 335 million on the Rights Issue.

So effectively, persons unknown, have been able to buy approx 10% of the company at a 30% discount to an already depressed share price created by the abandoned SPP.

This is of course fantastic for the new holders. Not so good for the dilution of existing holders that have no chance to counter it ahead of the ASM, given that Rights shares will be issued after.

We do not know who the new holders are. But I imagine they are feeling very pleased with themselves, as will NTL's Board who no doubt have just gained the support of approx 10% of the register ahead of the ASM.

14-09-2021, 11:41 AM
And Don't forget this:


Final Paragraph

Following completion of the Rights Issue, the Company intends to consolidate the shares on
issue (including entitlements to loyalty shares) into a smaller number of shares, with details
of the record date and ratio of shares consolidated to be advised in due course.

so more Rinse, Repeat & Dilution into the future on the cards

And not to miss this choice addition buried in the announcement -

Here's some "ASS Covering" stated in black & white in case things don't pan out:

New Talisman reserves the right to withdraw the
Offer and issue new shares at any time before the Issue Date in its absolute discretion.

So if Board wish - they will consider dishing out even more to unknown parties in placements ?

And so here is a Capital Raise, but there may not be a Cap Raise at all for existing holders .. ;)

It looks like the top brass are intently focussed on ensuring they stay in position - never mind
the existing stakeholders one iota - a bit of Australian under arm bowling at it's finest - folks ;)

14-09-2021, 11:49 AM
IMO these fish heads are no better than blood suckers !!!

14-09-2021, 11:55 AM
SP - Buy 0.003 - Sell 0.004

Unbelievable, when the announcements are considered for what they represent .. ;)

14-09-2021, 11:58 AM
Everyone must be busy lodging their complaints with NZX REG on the deficiencies, omissions
and other visible issues contained in NTL's announcement yesterday ;)

Bound to be a few more glaring issues to the fore with today's as well

Could there be an NZX REG Censure coming up for NTL's wayward board ? ;)

How does NZX view a CEO / Director with the announced FMA Case hanging over his head
being involved in Management & further CAP Raising antics ? ;)

An absentee CEO on full pay & Aussie based Chairman at that too, if a past posting is correct ;)

14-09-2021, 12:11 PM
SP - Buy 0.002 - Sell 0.003

Oh dear - what just happened ? - did someone just bail ? ;)

or was there a bit of pump & dump ? (possibly out of opening over the ditch)

Will NZX be investigating what sort of bull haggling is going on ? ;)

14-09-2021, 12:58 PM
.................................................. ...............

If NTL were a Ponzi Scheme then it would have been put down
and stopped in it's tracks at least 10 years ago

The way things are going, with the amount of shareholder dough hovered up & lost
by NTL probably deserves comparison to many medium sized Ponzi schemes ;)

Yes indeed.


New Talisman is pleased to advise that it has concluded a private placement of
AU$670,000 for 335,000,000 ordinary shares .................................

We do not know who the new holders are. But I imagine they are feeling very pleased with themselves, as will NTL's Board ...............................

There's their salaries guaranteed for the next coupla years too ;).
Gotta be the best job in town, irrespective of which side of the ditch you're in.


14-09-2021, 01:16 PM
Does anyone know why the ASX would still be in trading halt? Something to do with 10% more shares to be issued? It seems strange that the halt was lifted on NZX only.

14-09-2021, 01:21 PM
Does anyone know why the ASX would still be in trading halt? Something to do with 10% more shares to be issued? It seems strange that the halt was lifted on NZX only.

They haven't announced the placement or Cap Raise on ASX yet.
Seems very odd that they can be trading on one exchange only.

14-09-2021, 02:31 PM
Well that has to be a breach of the trading rules?
Not all shareholders are on a level playing field.
NTX shares have more information released about them than ASX shares do.

14-09-2021, 03:01 PM
Well that has to be a breach of the trading rules?
Not all shareholders are on a level playing field.
NTX shares have more information released about them than ASX shares do.

Maybe the ASX has twigged the Placement wasn't done on a level playing field either. The announcement claimed it was made on the same terms as the Rights issue but this can't be true. No one on the register had enough shares to get 335 million rights at 0.2

14-09-2021, 03:26 PM
Just what I was thinking Jonu.
That would explain lifting the halt on the NZX (naïve market) but not the ASX.
This might get very interesting.

14-09-2021, 03:32 PM
Hi Bart...NZ Shareholders Association (NZSA) will be be supporting John in the upcoming ASM vote. You can contact Computershare to offer your proxy to NZ Shareholders Association. Simply send in the proxy form that should have been sent to you. Alternatively, you can download this form (https://www.nzshareholders.co.nz/docs/Computershare_Standing_Proxy_NZSA_Appointment_Form _27_May_2019.pdf) from the NZSA website - that is for a standing proxy (ie, one that applies across all of your shareholdings), but if you only want it to apply to NTL, you can simply indicate that in the box provided.

Hope this helps.
Oliver Mander (CEO, NZSA)

My proxy votes are with the NZSA, so voting for John. I wonder how NZSA is voting on resolutions 1 & 2 (Wyse & Rabone).

Shameful behaviour by our board recently - unbelievable. I think they must realise the game is almost up and must be sh***ing themselves.

Go jonu!!

14-09-2021, 03:53 PM
Just what I was thinking Jonu.
That would explain lifting the halt on the NZX (naïve market) but not the ASX.
This might get very interesting.

The ASX do have some different rules that have tripped Matt Hill up previously (from memory around Au grades and JORC). Whatever the delay is, it must be more than a subtle change of wording problem.

14-09-2021, 03:56 PM
In the past mention of ASX Listing rules also posted here

Capitalisation / NTA / Working Capital etc

Perhaps NTL have crossed the line on those ASX requirements ?

It is a possibility

BTW Jonu - I support your bid for NTL Board

NTL's Board have shown themselves to be well deserving of a good shake up,
a vast improvement in governance & focused direction :)

14-09-2021, 04:23 PM
The Capital Change Notice for the NZX says the placement was approved by the Board last Friday (before the new appointees), which makes sense, because they had to have the cash to pay Victor Rabone's interests for Broken Hills before he was a lock-in for the Board.

I guess the question now is, how many shares will they be issuing to Rabone interests and at what rate? 0.2 as well? That's assuming the Broken Hills purchase is a mix of cash and shares.

14-09-2021, 04:28 PM
Hi Bart...NZ Shareholders Association (NZSA) will be be supporting John in the upcoming ASM vote. You can contact Computershare to offer your proxy to NZ Shareholders Association. Simply send in the proxy form that should have been sent to you. Alternatively, you can download this form (https://www.nzshareholders.co.nz/docs/Computershare_Standing_Proxy_NZSA_Appointment_Form _27_May_2019.pdf) from the NZSA website - that is for a standing proxy (ie, one that applies across all of your shareholdings), but if you only want it to apply to NTL, you can simply indicate that in the box provided.

Hope this helps.
Oliver Mander (CEO, NZSA)

Hi Oliver,

Jonu, your opinion would be of value too.

Quick question if I may.

If I choose to cast my votes utilizing the link provided to me by NTL (investorvote.com.au), is it your belief that my votes will actually be counted in the way I had cast them or is there a possibility of them being changed into something other than what I had voted for/against?

I know it's a stupid question, but I don't feel I can believe or trust anything provided to me by the NTL board or management.

14-09-2021, 05:05 PM
ASX just released the four announcements.


14-09-2021, 06:05 PM
Hi Oliver,

Jonu, your opinion would be of value too.

Quick question if I may.

If I choose to cast my votes utilizing the link provided to me by NTL (investorvote.com.au), is it your belief that my votes will actually be counted in the way I had cast them or is there a possibility of them being changed into something other than what I had voted for/against?

I know it's a stupid question, but I don't feel I can believe or trust anything provided to me by the NTL board or management.

Not a stupid question . I will give my proxy to the NZSA to safe guard against this

14-09-2021, 06:49 PM
Hi Oliver,

Jonu, your opinion would be of value too.

Quick question if I may.

If I choose to cast my votes utilizing the link provided to me by NTL (investorvote.com.au), is it your belief that my votes will actually be counted in the way I had cast them or is there a possibility of them being changed into something other than what I had voted for/against?

I know it's a stupid question, but I don't feel I can believe or trust anything provided to me by the NTL board or management.


The share registry is collecting and collating everyone's votes.

Not the Company.

What your describing would be a colossal fraud and exceptionally unlikely.

The main risk for holders who would like to see Jonu elected to the Board is that generally speaking the majority of holders don't bother to vote.

Particularly when the vast majority of shareholders (by number of shareholders) will have done their dough on this tray of kitty litter.

Go back and look at the voting numbers from previous AGM's etc.

14-09-2021, 07:15 PM
What your describing would be a colossal fraud and exceptionally unlikely.

Market manipulation is unlikely as well & the CEO is facing charges for it, which I personally believe he is guilty of.

I do not trust him to count and apply my votes in the way I cast them. I do not trust the remainder of the board to hold him to account for an accurate count nor do I trust their integrity either. I do not trust anything NTL suggests to me to do as I believe they will 100% be looking towards their own personal best interest, not mine as a lowly shareholder.

If it's the share registry that does the actual count then I'm quite happy with that, but I'd rather ask the question now then just cast my votes in the way NTL suggested I do so.

14-09-2021, 08:24 PM
Never, ever voted or given a proxy in my years of investing but will be giving my proxy to nzsa. Good luck Jonu.

Paint it Black
14-09-2021, 10:42 PM
Never, ever voted or given a proxy in my years of investing but will be giving my proxy to nzsa. Good luck Jonu.

One positive is that the closing date of the rights offer is the 19/10/21 so shareholders can base their decision to invest further on whether Jonu is elected to the Board and who is not.

Paint it Black
14-09-2021, 11:01 PM
My proxy votes are with the NZSA, so voting for John. I wonder how NZSA is voting on resolutions 1 & 2 (Wyse & Rabone).

Shameful behaviour by our board recently - unbelievable. I think they must realise the game is almost up and must be sh***ing themselves.

Go jonu!!

Thanks Lion - I'd also like to know how we can vote on resolutions 1 & 2 via the NZSA or whether we need to do this on line at the meeting. Can you assist please Oliver as this is very important to get Jonu across the line.

Motley Crew
15-09-2021, 01:39 AM
If someone wanted to, you can get a full listing of shareholders from the registry for about $90. I believe their contact details are included in the printout, but have never done it so don't know for sure. A quick call to the registry would confirm that. Circulate the largest shareholders (have to be quick now) and encourage them to cast their votes for Jonu only, and not support the other resolutions. Might cost a bit in postage and time, but Matt Hill and his associated interests have large blocks of shares and we know which way they won't be used. A short covering letter explaining the situation and how to vote (lodging with NZSA best option) should be included.

Motley Crew
15-09-2021, 02:01 AM
PLACEMENT CLEANSING NOTICE New Talisman Gold Mines Limited (the Company) has placed 335,000,000 ordinary shares
at AU$0.002 per new share to raise A$670,000 to sophisticated and professional investors
under section 708 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Act)."

Not very sophisticated investors IMHO
But let them waste their money - throwing hundreds of thousands at this company.
Who have they found to do that ? With the placement representing 11.9% of the issued share capital, unless they have found a few 'smaller' investors, there ought to be a SSH notice coming out if one individual has coughed up for a large chunk of the placement. Will be interesting to see if that happens.
A shareholder listing from the registry, compared with the Top 20 shareholdings in the latest annual report, will identify who has taken up these 335m shares

15-09-2021, 07:52 AM
PLACEMENT CLEANSING NOTICENew Talisman Gold Mines Limited (the Company) has placed 335,000,000 ordinary shares
at AU$0.002 per new share to raise A$670,000 to sophisticated and professional investors
under section 708 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Act)."

Not very sophisticated investors IMHO
But let them waste their money - throwing hundreds of thousands at this company.
Who have they found to do that ? With the placement representing 11.9% of the issued share capital, unless they have found a few 'smaller' investors, there ought to be a SSH notice coming out if one individual has coughed up for a large chunk of the placement. Will be interesting to see if that happens.
A shareholder listing from the registry, compared with the Top 20 shareholdings in the latest annual report, will identify who has taken up these 335m shares

They may well be very smart investors. They may well have a game plan and it might not align itself with the interests of existing shareholders. The way this plays out is anybody’s guess and it is vital that Jonu is elected to the board.

15-09-2021, 08:44 AM
PLACEMENT CLEANSING NOTICENew Talisman Gold Mines Limited (the Company) has placed 335,000,000 ordinary shares
at AU$0.002 per new share to raise A$670,000 to sophisticated and professional investors
under section 708 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Act)."

Not very sophisticated investors IMHO
But let them waste their money - throwing hundreds of thousands at this company.
Who have they found to do that ? With the placement representing 11.9% of the issued share capital, unless they have found a few 'smaller' investors, there ought to be a SSH notice coming out if one individual has coughed up for a large chunk of the placement. Will be interesting to see if that happens.
A shareholder listing from the registry, compared with the Top 20 shareholdings in the latest annual report, will identify who has taken up these 335m shares

At the end of the day, 670k is not much, its one more year of Mats salary and some fossicking and exploration costs, which is all they are capable of doing.

They are buying 1 more years time to ????????????????

Find enough potential gold resource and method to either find a buyer, find a processor or find a JV partner to do the work.

In no way, as evidenced it previously, is it enough to actually get mining underway.

It buys then 1 year.

15-09-2021, 09:07 AM
To put another dollar into this company is neither sophisticated or professional.

It would be an act of blind faith.

15-09-2021, 09:26 AM
I would hate to think that its Hill or one of his family trusts who is the sophisticated investor - takes his salary for the last x years, buys some more of the company, then pays it back to himself losing only a small chunk of it paying other directors - money go round, but might capture some other investors on the way with a CR .

COnspiracy theory anyone - apologies for my negativity, but Hill use of pseudonyms on here lead me to think the worse of him

15-09-2021, 12:49 PM
Whats up, this thread was included in the NZX menu, now separate.

Has a rabone locomotive switched tracks?

15-09-2021, 12:55 PM
The remainder of the forum is an "Action" based movie.

NTL is more of a "Comedy" or "Drama" based movie.

Therefore it deserves it's own spot.

15-09-2021, 01:01 PM
The remainder of the forum is an "Action" based movie.

NTL is more of a "Comedy" or "Drama" based movie.

Therefore it deserves it's own spot.

Good answer, but I prefer it "free to air", rather than have to dial up, log in.

15-09-2021, 01:10 PM
Good answer, but I prefer it "free to air", rather than have to dial up, log in.

I suspect they have blocked unlogged people from viewing it.

15-09-2021, 01:12 PM
true, but why?

15-09-2021, 01:14 PM
true, but why?

Can't be sure what Vince's reasoning would be, but you can guarantee certain NTL employees have been having a nosey.

15-09-2021, 01:14 PM
I suspect they have blocked unlogged people from viewing it.

That would mean Matt needs a new ST account to view all of us singing his praises, unless he already has one.

If Matt can't view, he can't complain. That would greatly ease the workload on Vince!

15-09-2021, 05:55 PM
A clear reminder of the following from the T & C's:

"Any employee, director, officer of a listed NZX or ASX company shall not post any material or statements without clearly identifying they work for the said company and have a verified profile stating such"

Those found will be refereed to the FMA including those who have and have had multiple identities without notice.


16-09-2021, 08:10 AM
I declare that I am a disgruntled former shareholder, who continues to follow NTL to protect potential new investors, and one who will buy back in if the opportunity is right to try to recoup my lost coin - though largely have done that already investing in E25 in ASX.

16-09-2021, 08:18 AM
I declare that I am a disgruntled former shareholder, who continues to follow NTL to protect potential new investors, and one who will buy back in if the opportunity is right to try to recoup my lost coin - though largely have done that already investing in E25 in ASX.

Hi Landyman, good on you. I am in pretty close to the same situation, but made it back through AKP on ASX (DYOR but I expect this to go from 27.5 to at least 275 and potentially, as high as 940 eventually if Apple buy them out for 20 Billion).

Except, I am not so sure about buying back in.
I considered buy nows at .001 but besides speculation on bull**** announcements and NTL's own pump and dump propoganda, I dont see value as a geniune producer, as I dont think they are set up or have to funds to be an actual producer.
I think you are a very brave man to risk losing money - again - on this stock - with what you now know.

Paint it Black
16-09-2021, 05:03 PM
Hi Bart...NZ Shareholders Association (NZSA) will be be supporting John in the upcoming ASM vote. You can contact Computershare to offer your proxy to NZ Shareholders Association. Simply send in the proxy form that should have been sent to you. Alternatively, you can download this form (https://www.nzshareholders.co.nz/docs/Computershare_Standing_Proxy_NZSA_Appointment_Form _27_May_2019.pdf) from the NZSA website - that is for a standing proxy (ie, one that applies across all of your shareholdings), but if you only want it to apply to NTL, you can simply indicate that in the box provided.

Hope this helps.
Oliver Mander (CEO, NZSA)

Hi Oliver

Could you please advise how the NZSA will also vote on resolutions 1 & 2 if I assign my proxies to the NZSA so that John's support is maximised? I'm also having a problem doing a dry run getting onto the online virtual meeting platform. I know my CSN and postcode details are entered accurately but it keeps coming back they are incorrect. I suggest others also do a dry run before the meeting. There is a help desk quoted so I will try that next. Thanks.

Oliver Mander
19-09-2021, 09:15 PM
Hi all,

Sorry for the delay. We have just issued NZSA's proxy voting intentions to members - we will vote against Resolutions 1 and 2, although there is some context around Resolution 2 that we feel is relevant. We are voting in favour of Resolution 3. We are in the process of communciating with most of NTL's shareholders.

For holders of shares listed on the ASX, please direct your proxy to the Australian Shareholders Association. They will vote their proxies in the same way. For holders of shares on the NZX, please direct proxies to the NZ Shareholders Association to support this position.

Hope this helps.

Oliver Mander, NZSA

Oliver Mander
19-09-2021, 09:18 PM
Hi all,

Sorry for the delay. We have just issued NZSA's proxy voting intentions to members - we will vote against Resolutions 1 and 2, although there is some context around Resolution 2 that we feel is relevant. We are voting in favour of Resolution 3. We are in the process of communciating with most of NTL's shareholders.

For holders of shares listed on the ASX, please direct your proxy to the Australian Shareholders Association. They will vote their proxies in the same way. For holders of shares on the NZX, please direct proxies to the NZ Shareholders Association to support this position.

Hope this helps.

Oliver Mander, NZSA

I should add that you can 'direct' your proxies on the proxy form if you do not support our position on Res 1 or 2. That means we are bound to vote in whichever way you wish.

20-09-2021, 08:19 AM
Hi Oliver, I support resolution 3 wholeheartedly, but are there reason you are going against 1&2 - are they of bad character? Unqualified? Related party?
I ask only for information purposes, as I would vote the same, but wondering if there are reasons you know that we dont?

20-09-2021, 12:41 PM
"In particular, in the short-term, the planned spin-off of the exploration centric Coromandel Gold Limited (“CGL”),
a subsidiary of the Company, and its envisaged separate market listing, should provide some additional return to

Accounting 101 would say that "rebranding" would not change the value of the company, therefore bring no additional return to shareholders.

20-09-2021, 01:43 PM
I am most interested in why the current board doesn't want Jonu. There is so much in this statement from them that irks me.
The Board unanimously recommends that shareholders vote against Resolution 3.
Mr Upperton has nominated himself for the Board. The Board and Management of the Company have found Mr Upperton to be hostile to the existing Board and Management. His election is likely to cause disruption to the Company and will in the opinion of the Board and Management be an impediment to the smooth and efficient functioning of the Board and Company. Mr Upperton’s skills and qualifications do not bring to the Board any additional benefits. The Company is not able to verify that the above Biography provided by Mr Upperton is accurate.
Did Jonu nominate himself for the board or did someone else, I think we all know many of us were keen for him to do it, so if NTL cant even get that first statement right, jeez! Yes Mr Upperton has every right to be hostile at the moment, but to be fair, Jonu has been nothing but patient and the only hostility is with posters on here who were truly fed up with the shenanigans at NTL. His election is likely to cause disruption.... well blimming heck, I hope so. Cause disruption to their padded out lifestyle I hope. I think Jonu's skills are probably more worthy than Kelly Wyse. And finally, I think NTL are casting aspersions against Jonu.... they should be very careful....

My vote is definitely going against the other 2 and for Jonu. Although I despair as to how long he will last.

Motley Crew
20-09-2021, 03:22 PM
Hi Landyman, good on you. I am in pretty close to the same situation, but made it back through AKP on ASX (DYOR but I expect this to go from 27.5 to at least 275 and potentially, as high as 940 eventually if Apple buy them out for 20 Billion).

Except, I am not so sure about buying back in.
I considered buy nows at .001 but besides speculation on bull**** announcements and NTL's own pump and dump propoganda, I dont see value as a geniune producer, as I dont think they are set up or have to funds to be an actual producer.
I think you are a very brave man to risk losing money - again - on this stock - with what you now know.

Got all my lost coin back and 3x as much again by buying into FFX last year. How long would I have been waiting to reach that position staying with NTL, especially as they are going to lop at least one '0' off the number of shares on issue with the upcoming consolidation. Potentially after the 'rights issue' there could be over 5b shares on issue, so a 1:10 consolidation brings shares on issue down to 500m. At .02 to .03 the share price won't stay there very long and will soon be heading back under .01 again. Huge loss of capitalisation and shareholder worth. Selling now at .002 might still be the wise thing to do.

20-09-2021, 04:31 PM
Votes haven't even been done yet but the decision being made by the looks otherwisr jonos disclose would gave been made.
Oliver what's your take

20-09-2021, 04:56 PM
The Latest NTL "Money Grab Sheet":


Free Bonus & All for those brave enough to want to stump up their 0.2c only worth to be watered down, consolidated
on BUT after that still then wanting to look remotely LOYAL in slightest to this Wealth Destroying Bottomless Pit of an Outfit ;)

Board should register NTL as a Charitable Trust with GOAL of preserving ancient Mine Workings
and the precious wildlife (Snails & Spiders) residing in the Shafts - then Stakeholders may be
able to extract their 33% worth out of Donations (Contributions) in Govt sponsored Donations credits .. ;)

Let's forget that there's anything down there - NTL haven't been able rescue too much for the
millions thrown down the hole in over a decade of inventing new ways of spinning the stories .. ;)

20-09-2021, 05:24 PM
Buried in the Money Grab Sheet release is this:

Page 18

FMA allegations about Matt Hill social media website postings

The Board acknowledges the announcement by the New Zealand Financial Markets Authority (“FMA”) on 12 August 2021, relating to a civil lawsuit it planned to bring against CEO Matthew Hill alleging misleading postings by Mr. Hill on the Sharetrader social media website. The Company released a response to that FMA announcement on the same day confirming that it is not aware of any further details about the FMA’s civil claim, other than what was contained in the announcement. As at the date of this document, the Company has no further information and understand that the claim is still yet to be served on Mr. Hill.

To be clear the claim is not a criminal prosecution, and is not against New Talisman at all. Mr. Hill has indicated he strongly disputes what little he knows about the allegations made. As the claim will be before the courts in due course, which will ultimately decide if it has any merit, the Board has no further comment on the matter.

Please note: the Colour Red has been added to the quoted text & is not part of the Original Text - it is added here, so no-one reading it here can miss it ;)

Perhaps NTL should enlighten everyone on Mr Hill's whereabouts OVERSEAS possibly being the reason why
they include in the announcement "..understand that the claim is still yet to be served on Mr. Hill." ;)

The FMA action may be the least of NTL & it's Boards worries, if the Stakeholders decide that a few Chapters
of EMU PLUCKING to purge & reclaim the Company with majority Kiwi governance forwards is in order ;)

Let the sizeable Sharesies Nominee Shareholding in NTL be fair warning to NTL of what may happen
and that NTL & it's Board would be advised to not overly P*ss Off it's Stakeholders .. or could face
the consequences .. ;)

20-09-2021, 07:58 PM
Votes haven't even been done yet but the decision being made by the looks otherwisr jonos disclose would gave been made.
Oliver what's your take

They are up for re-election at the SGM. Approval or disapproval is up to the shareholders. Shareholders always have a say in the election of their representatives being the board members.

20-09-2021, 08:06 PM
The Latest NTL "Money Grab Sheet":


Free Bonus & All for those brave enough to want to stump up their 0.2c only worth to be watered down, consolidated
on BUT after that still then wanting to look remotely LOYAL in slightest to this Wealth Destroying Bottomless Pit of an Outfit ;)

Board should register NTL as a Charitable Trust with GOAL of preserving ancient Mine Workings
and the precious wildlife (Snails & Spiders) residing in the Shafts - then Stakeholders may be
able to extract their 33% worth out of Donations (Contributions) in Govt sponsored Donations credits .. ;)

Let's forget that there's anything down there - NTL haven't been able rescue too much for the
millions thrown down the hole in over a decade of inventing new ways of spinning the stories .. ;)

That is a very uninspiring document. I think that NTL has lost the touch or maybe this is a turd that cannot be polished

21-09-2021, 01:01 AM
That is a very uninspiring document. I think that NTL has lost the touch or maybe this is a turd that cannot be polished

Could be too .. how many times can a company go back cap in hand to it's Stakeholders, if very little
tangible progress is being seen at the Mine Face dragging out meaningful physical Gold stuff
without re-spinning the 'same old same old' in hope of more pennies being tossed into the cap ? ;)

Hinted "Share Consolidation" should be construed (if not mistaken) as "THIS WON'T BE THE LAST"
Cap Raise either .. ;)

The chapters of the long tale have their origins back to mid 1980's, and forward the last decade or so under
the current Leadership.

So over THIRTY SOMETHING YEARS of picking, scratching, analysing, digging around Talisman, Drafting up
Cap Raise & Feel Good Reports along the way .. and that's just so far .. and look where NTL is at now ? ;)

Cap Raises, Shareholder Stake Dilution, Loss of SP value all appear to have been most prolific / worst in the past 10 years

How much Revenue from Gold sales has been seen over the period for all the new Capital raised and billions
of new shares ? ;)

The SP trend for a solitary share in NTL / HGL may be comparable to the downwards dive in the value of the German
currency during the hyper inflationary 1920's, with simply vast quantities more printed in attempt to fill the gap .. ;)

Let's hope that the Stakeholder's Millions over the years have at least seen the resident snails & spiders in the shaft
afforded a secure & safe home, if nothing more ;)

If they had ability to write or talk, then undoubtedly some further interesting accounts of things could come out .. ;)

21-09-2021, 08:05 AM
Anyone in contact with Hamish Brown? As at last report, he was the largest shareholder - wonder what way he is leaning with upcoming vote.

Not too Flash
21-09-2021, 08:09 AM
Votes haven't even been done yet but the decision being made by the looks otherwisr jonos disclose would gave been made.
Oliver what's your take

They have already been made Directors

Hopefully Jonu will need to make a disclosure shortly - when he is elected !! - has my votes

21-09-2021, 12:06 PM
Anyone in contact with Hamish Brown? As at last report, he was the largest shareholder - wonder what way he is leaning with upcoming vote.

Anyone in contact with Hamish Brown?

Yes - been wondering that myself

21-09-2021, 12:25 PM
A bit of NTL Duress or 'Congrats - the Company is going to UNLOVE you" ?

From the latest NTL MONEY GRAB Sheet - Page 19:


Intended sale of less than A$500 post rights issue share parcels

Under the Company’s constitution and the NZX Listing Rules and ASX Listing Rules, the Company is permitted to exercise its power
of the sale of shares held by any person with less than a “Minimum Holding” (NZX Listing Rules) or “marketable parcel” (ASX Listing
Rules) of A$500.

If you currently hold less than A$500 of shares (25,000 shares at the Issue Price, pre any share consolidation), in accordance with
clause 16.1 of the Company’s constitution, NZX Listing Rule 8.1.6(c), and ASX Listing Rule 15.13 the Board gives you notice that at
the expiration of not less than three months after this notice, the Company may exercise its power of sale unless you increase your
shareholding to more than A$500 shares (25,000 shares, pre the share consolidation), whether through the rights issue or otherwise,
unless you expressly request that the Company does not do so by writing to jane AT newtalisman Beancounters desk.
The Company will arrange to pay the proceeds of any such sale to you, after deducting reasonable sale expenses as long as the amount payable exceeds A$2.50.

Most self respecting Companies which valued it's stakeholders would offer an opportunity for stakeholders to increase
their holdings up to the minimum holding. (And that's not just take up over-subscriptions either..)


It's always been attempt to take everyone's money on the most pitiful of progress and results across most of a decade
and for those holders who chose not to or stopped "Donating" to the Scheme & Spin - NTL come back with "Stuff You"
after horrendously diluting all holdings and driving the SP down through the floor boards over the duration ;)

Intended share consolidation

Following completion of the Rights Issue, the Company intends to consolidate the shares on issue (including entitlements to loyalty
shares) into a smaller number of shares, with details of the record date and ratio of shares consolidated to be advised in due course.

Any reason why NTL wouldn't disclose details of the CONSOLIDATION upfront - aside from possible
point that if it was disclosed, then no-one would take up their CAP RAISE Entitlements ? ;)



21-09-2021, 12:59 PM
Sydney - cheap place to live I hear - hahaha

21-09-2021, 03:46 PM
Where the NTL thread is now placed, you have to go to the first page, then move to the last page.

The reading on just the first page from NINE years ago is a very salient reminder why this company is on a one way trip to nowhere.
'Griffin', 'elZorro', 'mistymountain' .... all long gone from this forum. Probably all lost money. All dreamed the dream but all ended up in a horrible expensive nightmare.

Roll on up everyone here we go again!!!


Well this is the best piece of info I've seen from HGD / HTM/ NTL incarnations over the last decade...


Released today.

It does look good Mistymountain, I hadn't dug up the report yesterday. It might be too early for them to go into detail about how they'll bring the ore out, and who is going to treat it. I don't think these issues are impossible, and they already have some high-grade ore stockpiles. I guess they can't be very big, but it's a start. There has to be a lot of new technology they can use to make a mine like this work. The comparison table against other explorers and developers points out their low Mcap. Elsewhere they imply that if all goes well, there could be 2Moz in the ground at Talisman. That's a completely different story.

NTL may be going to do what HGD thought they might do for 20 years but just never got around to it. Lets hope NTL have a bit more aggressive go forward.

I hope so too, Griffin. Still holding and wondering whether to buy more.

This from NZResources today, no extra data from the look of it.

The significance of the container port might be that they intend to ship out concentrate gold/silver ore. Maybe milling/crushing/recovery treatment at Waihi Gold (Newmont) is not going to be available at any sensible price. OGC did just that for the copper-gold Philippines project (Didipio). That would be good news for shareholders medium term: a lot cheaper to set up.

elZorro, yes you may well be right in that statement and as for buying more i reckon at the current price grab some and sit tight. My thoughts are that the new leadership are going to have a serious crack this time around, i hope so anyway as I'm also holding .

23-09-2021, 12:09 PM
Sad news, placed here only because of the Rabone family recent transactions with NTL.


23-09-2021, 12:24 PM
Thankyou for the post Waikaka.

An interesting article on a man with a pioneering spirit.

Paint it Black
23-09-2021, 02:16 PM
Sad news, placed here only because of the Rabone family recent transactions with NTL.


Thanks also Waikaka to receive this sad news which imho reinforces his son's (assuming he is somewhat of a 'chip off the block') value to NTL's progress. Crucially however if it means tactically voting against him to ensure Jonu's election, as proposed by Oliver Mander of NZ Association, then this is needed. Most importantly is to ensure Kelly Wyse is not elected at the expense of Jonu as she with her credentials put forward in the Board recommendation will likely add no value to NTL's future with her obvious alignment with Nader and Hill.

23-09-2021, 02:46 PM
Kelly Wyse looks to me like a Sydney based Patsy for Mat Hill, and a back up in case he fell foul of the law and cant be a director for whatever reason.
Current CR looks like a last desperate gamble for survival doesnt it, looks like Mat spent quite a lot of time wording it.

23-09-2021, 06:48 PM
Just got a call from a lady from Talisman asking me to make sure I'd fill in the proxy form and support the boards recommendations. Had to disappoint her, and told her I had no confidence in the current board and hoped Jonu was going to make a difference.