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27-03-2021, 10:41 PM
Answer some questions ,we would all love to know.Heres a real simple one."Why are you supporting this company and its management with all thats gone on with NTL".

27-03-2021, 10:57 PM
Answer some questions ,we would all love to know.Heres a real simple one."Why are you supporting this company and its management with all thats gone on with NTL".

Names JT. You suggested theft by un-named persons. Name names or take your malice elsewhere.

27-03-2021, 11:25 PM
A little transparency Jonu.Please take off your opaque bully hat (chisel it off if necessary) and put on a brand new kind transparency hat,try walking in the sun without black and white glasses.Think of all the people who have lost their money on this dog eat dog company , if thats possible,do you know what empathy means,look it up ,learn it.Hint.Something to do with being human.
Why do you support this company Jonu?

28-03-2021, 08:38 AM
A little transparency Jonu.Please take off your opaque bully hat (chisel it off if necessary) and put on a brand new kind transparency hat,try walking in the sun without black and white glasses.Think of all the people who have lost their money on this dog eat dog company , if thats possible,do you know what empathy means,look it up ,learn it.Hint.Something to do with being human.
Why do you support this company Jonu?

More diversionary BS. Read this thread and you will find plenty of posts explaining why I invested in this company, and also my frustrations with it.

You however, have suggested theft. Name names JT. Or admit it was malicious BS.

28-03-2021, 03:26 PM
I have also had a drive up there. I think you should of stayed on Crown Hill Road and not turned into the Old Rotokohu Road at all. Just past that turnoff you would have come to a gate across the road which stops you getting too close to the mine. This is the gate that protesters have locked in the past, to stop mine workers accessing the site. The road to this gate is not bad and I am almost certain that it was tar sealed all the way.

Yep you're right on that - it's Crown Hill Road. When I was last there (on foot) you could drive right up to the gate at the actual mine site, which is where the tramping track heads off further up the mountain. I went and had a look through the gate to see if I could see anything, but it was dead silent (presumably because it was the weekend). The road does turn to gravel after that turnoff/gate you mention, but it's not too rough.

28-03-2021, 06:46 PM
So why are you defending this company and its performance and behaviour Jonu.You do as they do eh?.Look up morals and ethics Jonu aswell as empathy,it's never too late being a decent being,overcome that filthy lucre god.

28-03-2021, 09:24 PM
So why are you defending this company and its performance and behaviour Jonu.You do as they do eh?.Look up morals and ethics Jonu aswell as empathy,it's never too late being a decent being,overcome that filthy lucre god.

Names JT. Names.

Motley Crew
28-03-2021, 11:11 PM
Names JT. Names.

Broken Record, Jonu
And Broken Dreams - which at least are Free - unless you invested in NTL

Sorry. I meant "Gave Your Money" to NTL

29-03-2021, 12:07 AM
Oh dear -- this thread is looking like folk have to wear more protective / PPE gear than
is needed down the bottomless pit of broken dreams & much spinning to keep
the piper's keep paid .. ;)

Two months on -- not a whisper on Vanuatu or the Broken Ass Hobby mine .. ;)

What is with that or do the Boys in Welly have microscope out still for a closer examination ? ;)

29-03-2021, 08:55 AM
Broken Record, Jonu
And Broken Dreams - which at least are Free - unless you invested in NTL

Sorry. I meant "Gave Your Money" to NTL

Just calling BS Motley. The "Dream" doesn't get any easier when people make up malicious stuff.

29-03-2021, 10:36 AM
Many disheartened current and former holders venting their frustrations - for a while now.

Jonu, whats your confidence levels that Matt and co will be able to turn the ship around?

I sit a 1%, with the hope that once the Ever Given is finally refloated, that the hero yellow digger will be sent to NZ to attack the hole in the hill - , yes tongue in cheek.

29-03-2021, 10:39 AM
Hi Jonu.
Instead of expecting any individual to name names on here, go and spend some time in the Golden Triangle of Thames, Waihi and Karangahake, rubbing shoulders & talking to people in Gold circles.

You will find many of the opinion that gold has come out of K in the last 2 years.
If you listen intently, you will establish where it was processed.

A man of your litigious intent will know where to look.

29-03-2021, 10:43 AM
Hi Jonu.
Instead of expecting any individual to name names on here, go and spend some time in the Golden Triangle of Thames, Waihi and Karangahake, rubbing shoulders & talking to people in Gold circles.

You will find many of the opinion that gold has come out of K in the last 2 years.
If you listen intently, you will establish where it was processed.

A man of your litigious intent will know where to look.

Sounds like you already have Getty. Let me go straight to the horse's mouth. What do you know? Or are you just spreading more malicious BS like JT? What would you rather deal in? Malicious scuttlebutt or facts?

If you know it to be fact, tell us who took it and where it was processed.

29-03-2021, 10:55 AM
Re read my post.

Your course of action is contained within.

29-03-2021, 11:00 AM
Re read my post.

Your course of action is contained within.

As I expected. Another one FOS. Go join JT with the fishwives on the corner.

29-03-2021, 11:02 AM
Your loss.

29-03-2021, 11:36 AM
I can.t see Matt and co doing anything illegal,what would be the point when he has been paid a small fortune each year for doing F*** all

29-03-2021, 11:41 AM
Before any knives come out, While there is a possibility Matt is complicit, it is in my view far more likely he is involved in no way whatso ever.

29-03-2021, 11:42 AM
Before any knives come out, While there is a possibility Matt is complicit, it is in my view far more likely he is involved in no way whatso ever.

Involved in what?

29-03-2021, 11:42 AM
Well this thread has taken an interesting turn

29-03-2021, 11:49 AM
Involved in what?

I think the evidence points to Matt doing nothing...except a few capital raises and glossy brochures!!

29-03-2021, 02:39 PM
I can.t see Matt and co doing anything illegal,what would be the point when he has been paid a small fortune each year for doing F*** all

Not quite F*** All -- what's with some of his personally owned companies having their Registered Office
/ Address for Service at the New Talisman Office address & Offices ? ;)

The filing times on some Annual Returns is interesting .. ;)

Anyone in doubt on this need only check the NZ Companies Office site ..

All sorts of Companies on that site .. from ones not doing much, trading companies .. through to ones owning
flats & cottages .. ;)

29-03-2021, 02:49 PM
I think the evidence points to Matt doing nothing...except a few capital raises and glossy brochures!!

Not much of that being done lately either .. ;)

30-03-2021, 11:36 AM
Not quite F*** All -- what's with some of his personally owned companies having their Registered Office
/ Address for Service at the New Talisman Office address & Offices ? ;)

The filing times on some Annual Returns is interesting .. ;)

Anyone in doubt on this need only check the NZ Companies Office site ..

All sorts of Companies on that site .. from ones not doing much, trading companies .. through to ones owning
flats & cottages .. ;)

Wow!:eek2: can you put some up on here or can somebody?

Motley Crew
30-03-2021, 01:58 PM
The Coromandel Gold spin-off looks like the new vehicle for capital raises, so the whole NTL saga can start all over.
The NTL machine has about been bled dry, so watch CGL start with a relatively small number of shares on issue (anything is going to be small compared to NTL), and then ask for more shareholder funds through SPP's and issues.................
Just predicting
Remember Matt Hill is a capital raise 'expert', not a mining expert or geologist.
He will use the broad shareholder base of NTL to spin out CGL, and Hey Presto ! - you have the same captive audience you have with NTL to do it all again. One dog looking a bit manky, while the New dog on the block is ready to party. Look closer - they are just the same Dog, dressed differently

And am I right in reading that the current extraction methods at Broken Hill Historic Mine are by Hand-held means ? Get your pans and sluices out, they're going high tech !
Back to the good 'ol days. Wonder what their annual production will be ? Better set up the supplies camp - those are the guys who made the real money back in the Gold Rush days.

30-03-2021, 02:30 PM
Not expecting much cash left after this quarter.

Will need some helicopter finance.

Preferably the HILLer brand.

30-03-2021, 03:23 PM
As I expected. Another one FOS. Go join JT with the fishwives on the corner.

You are right Jonu.
Another one Full Of Sincerity.

The fishwives have conferred, and smell something fishy.

The Ball has been passed to you.

Being the ferocious No 4 , are you going to run with it, knock it forward, kick for touch, or drop it to the ground?

Whatever you do, dont let the team down.

Dont worry, at half time, I will come onto the field to turn you around, so you know which direction to play!

30-03-2021, 03:41 PM
You are right Jonu.
Another one Full Of Sincerity.

The fishwives have conferred, and smell something fishy.

The Ball has been passed to you.

Being the ferocious No 4 , are you going to run with it, knock it forward, kick for touch, or drop it to the ground?

Whatever you do, dont let the team down.

Dont worry, at half time, I will come onto the field to turn you around, so you know which direction to play!

I'll do what I did before. Call your malicious bluff. What are you asserting? And by whom?

Mealy mouthed mutterings of talking to locals without specifics or names sums up you and your ilk.

30-03-2021, 03:47 PM
Jonu, you are starting to sound like you have had your head in a ruck for too long.

It wouldn't be so bad, but for the fact you are in charge of the team finances...

30-03-2021, 03:49 PM
Jonu, you are starting to sound like you have had your head in a ruck for too long.

It wouldn't be so bad, but for the fact you are in charge of the team finances...

As per usual....FOS.

30-03-2021, 04:15 PM
I see now how the next CP is going to go.Matt phones Jonu and offers him a private placement 500K,s worth of shares at .004 and a place on the board.And his role on the board will be???

30-03-2021, 04:18 PM
Left Right Out.

31-03-2021, 09:42 AM
I'll do what I did before. Call your malicious bluff. What are you asserting? And by whom?

Mealy mouthed mutterings of talking to locals without specifics or names sums up you and your ilk.

Grr Grr Greetings Jonu.

You just want some instant coffee served up to you, so you can spit it out, and go "pah".

Show some fortitude, and brew up some Jonu Juice.

Someone's pinched your gold, dining out on it, and you're pretending you dont care.

When I said go and rub shoulders down in TWK, I didnt mean rub them up the wrong way...

31-03-2021, 11:57 AM
...and the NTL circus rolls on and on and on...:laugh:

31-03-2021, 12:01 PM
I still hope Jonu is right, and NTL succeeds, would be nice to jump back on the wagon and see it sky rocket. Days of it being talked about as a 10 bagger seem long gone.

A thought. NTL claim to be an exploration company - so far all they have found is a mine that last produced gold 100years ago, and Rabones "family" mine - hardly what I would call exploring.

As C3P0 says, "we're doomed"

31-03-2021, 02:37 PM
On what conditions would you "jump back on". "Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice.........."

31-03-2021, 04:21 PM
Hey team,
Im a long time listener and very infrequent caller.
I have invested and got out of these guys a few times, I have a reasonable holding but it owes me nothing. I'm pretty disappointed with these guys these days, they had some pretty decent cash a year or two ago but I have seen very little done with it, I'll admit Covid probably didn't help in terms of accessing supplies or building anything, also local protesting probably not awesome but should have been expected and prepared for. I like Jonu would like to see them succeed but i have some major issues with how much the CEO gets paid, even you jonu must accept the CEO of a loss making company getting paid more than a CEO of a company that turns a profit is a bit cheeky, if he demands that amount of money I feel he demands a certain amount of accountability to us as shareholders and should communicate with us more frequently so we can understand what we are paying for. Do you agree?

31-03-2021, 05:44 PM
On what conditions would you "jump back on". "Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice.........."

If they ever get a confirmed plan to extract and process. IF, thats the worlds biggest IF, they were to announce a partnership with someone, then happy to miss out on the initial jump in SP. Until there is real evidence, Im out.

Ive already been fooled twice!!!

31-03-2021, 05:47 PM
Hey team,
Im a long time listener and very infrequent caller.
I have invested and got out of these guys a few times, I have a reasonable holding but it owes me nothing. I'm pretty disappointed with these guys these days, they had some pretty decent cash a year or two ago but I have seen very little done with it, I'll admit Covid probably didn't help in terms of accessing supplies or building anything, also local protesting probably not awesome but should have been expected and prepared for. I like Jonu would like to see them succeed but i have some major issues with how much the CEO gets paid, even you jonu must accept the CEO of a loss making company getting paid more than a CEO of a company that turns a profit is a bit cheeky, if he demands that amount of money I feel he demands a certain amount of accountability to us as shareholders and should communicate with us more frequently so we can understand what we are paying for. Do you agree?

100% - Im too lazy too look, but given the relative small number of employees, and given Matt is unlikely to be the one trying to complete the paperwork to meet legislative requirements - what does he spend his 40hrs (most MDs would be 60) a week doing? His salary is high, even after he took a cut. Achieved anything? Well, no.

31-03-2021, 08:03 PM
Well its pretty clear nothing is happening down at mine, they openly said that.
400k is obscene for non performance and I dont know how legal the board of NTL have been.

But selling the Waihi mine assets to someone ?
And starting up shop mining shareholders somewhere else, is the only option left here.

Unless they have come up with some way to make money here.
Hopefully for current shareholders that is what they are doing.

I would have thought using the pilot plant to process the best ore straight from the vein face would have worked.
But obviously that didnt pan out.

Although someone here has inferred that this is what they have been doing.
Maybe they are paying the workers in rocks to take home.

The whole thing stinks big time.

31-03-2021, 08:22 PM
If I were a shareholder the thing that would really upset me the most, more than not finding or processing any gold, would be spending the last of the cap raise on two new mines without any reference to strategy, plans or consultation with shareholders. Like it’s not their money and to essentially capitulate on 20 years of investment into a hobby mine and a vacation mine. Well it really is a bloody mess isn’t it?

31-03-2021, 11:08 PM
Here is a nice update for ya Jonu,

Key Highlights
• First gold produced from Martha Underground.
• 2021 production expected to range between 35,000 to 45,000 ounces of gold.
• Indicated Resource increased 36% to 1.0 million ounces of gold grading 5.2 g/t.• Extensive 2021 drill program including 27,000 metres targeting resource definition and extensionalopportunities.
• Feasibility Study with initial Mineral Reserve expected at the end of the first quarter 2021.

Michael Holmes, President and CEO of OceanaGold said, “We are very pleased with the progress we havemade at Martha Underground where we have achieved first gold production and expect steady-state in thesecond half of the year. We will continue to batch process MUG ore this month ahead of the planned millshut down to install a new SAG mill shell which remains on schedule for completion in late second quarter.Once completed, we expect underground production to sustain continuous milling.”“Following our successful 2020 infill drill campaign at MUG, the Company is pleased to announce an increasein the Indicated Resource to one million ounces of gold grading 5.2 g/t; an increase of 36% representing theaddition of approximately 260,000 ounces of gold. The increase in Indicated Resource underpins theminimum ten-year mine life targeted for MUG.

Importantly, we are also on track to complete the MUGfeasibility study that will include our initial Mineral Reserve for the deposit.”“We continue to be very excited for the future of the Waihi operations. We are a responsible mining companythat operates to the highest environmental and social standards. With over 30 years of operational successin New Zealand, we are widely regarded as a valued corporate citizen. We look forward to advancing ourexciting growth projects in New Zealand, which we expect will deliver significant socio-economic benefitsincluding an additional 300 new jobs for the local rural communities.”

oops, wrong company

01-04-2021, 09:37 AM
I'm pretty sure Jonu must be the only person posting on this thread that backs the company. And it does make you wonder, why?
Get rid of Hill and maybe something will happen with this company. In the meantime, I' m with C3PO, it's doomed.

01-04-2021, 09:53 AM
I admire Jonu, glass is half full to be sure - nice to have some positive comments about the company, but given he/she knows as much as the rest of us, its sad to have only one person fighting to support NTL.

Without saying there is an attempt to ramp up, if I was holding, I would keep the positive spin going too, just to hasten my exit.

I took my medicine, now just hope something does happen, so I can make some of my losses back - be clear, I am not holding at the moment though

DYOR - newbies, be very afraid.

01-04-2021, 09:56 AM
I'm pretty sure Jonu must be the only person posting on this thread that backs the company. And it does make you wonder, why?
Get rid of Hill and maybe something will happen with this company. In the meantime, I' m with C3PO, it's doomed.

I'm probably the only person on this thread who is a stakeholder. The Punch & Judy types come and throw rocks and spread slander for their own amusement. Abhorrent behaviour and a sad indictment of this website.

01-04-2021, 10:21 AM
The T20's have decided to do another calendar for 2022, with photos of the top 12 in matching order to each month.

Are you remaining at 4 Jonu, so it is you they will see first on April Fools day, or have you marched into March, No 3?

Sideshow Bob
01-04-2021, 10:26 AM
I'm pretty sure Jonu must be the only person posting on this thread that backs the company.

Maybe need to bring back Bullish and Epithermal........???:sleep::p

01-04-2021, 10:33 AM
Yep, its just not the same without the balanced objective assessments they used to offer.

01-04-2021, 11:10 AM
"rocks and spread 'bull****' for 'his' own amusement"

Much like Bullish & Epithermal ?

01-04-2021, 12:10 PM
I'm probably the only person on this thread who is a stakeholder. The Punch & Judy types come and throw rocks and spread slander for their own amusement. Abhorrent behaviour and a sad indictment of this website.
Stupidly I still hold a pittance. When I decided to sell up as I couldn't stand seeing it in my portfolio anymore, someone suggested I just remove it from my portfolio rather than sell, which I did. In hindsight, I should have just sold them and had a nice massage!. So, yes I still qualify as a stakeholder, albeit ever so small.

It is you that I feel the sorriest for Jonu. As a top 20 holder I suppose you cant sell without alerting everyone to the fact that you too, may have lost all hope. Yes, you have shared your frustrations on here from time to time, but have you shared with the board, told them maybe it's time Hill was shown the door. Or are you best mates with Hill?

01-04-2021, 12:32 PM
Lets play nice everyone.

Remember, as a holder, Jonu already has enough pain.

Turning point for me was when Digger exited, when major shareholders exit, its time to leave the ship.

01-04-2021, 02:37 PM
HAPPY EASTER to ALL the NTL posters.

01-04-2021, 03:23 PM
Not quite F*** All -- what's with some of his personally owned companies having their Registered Office
/ Address for Service at the New Talisman Office address & Offices ? ;)

The filing times on some Annual Returns is interesting .. ;)

Anyone in doubt on this need only check the NZ Companies Office site ..

All sorts of Companies on that site .. from ones not doing much, trading companies .. through to ones owning
flats & cottages .. ;)

So if he is found guilty and banned as a director,he will have to resign from all his other positions as a director?
Could be a bit of a bummer!

02-04-2021, 04:11 AM
I'm probably the only person on this thread who is a stakeholder. The Punch & Judy types come and throw rocks and spread slander for their own amusement. Abhorrent behaviour and a sad indictment of this website.

And wrong again on that count too .. can't you read previous postings here or choose to not read them ? ;)

NTL on it's past & recent performances are most definitely deserving of the hail of rocks thrown at them ., ;)

02-04-2021, 05:05 AM
"rocks and spread 'bull****' for 'his' own amusement"

Much like Bullish & Epithermal ?

Aha .. interesting thoughts .. ;)

02-04-2021, 05:19 AM
Any nominations here for a New CEO - with Gold Mining / Exploration experience
and possible some Merchant Banking exposure - for an $11 m Cap Company with an
extensive track record of things mostly remaining on the Work In Progress List ? ;)

Some Experience in getting Projects reported back on track and delivered to schedule
with end goal of 'Gold on Table' a major essential

Some experience in Financing / Securing Capital a major advantage & reporting
to reassuring burnt & unbelieving stakeholders a major advantage, as with
producing meaningful stakeholder reports that are reasonably expected to be

Salary Package:

Part time Retainer with additional large Achiever Bonuses based on delivery of
of processed Gold out the door to Buyers..


02-04-2021, 05:28 AM
These guys know how it's done:


"Mining giant Gold Fields gives Australian workers 6 per cent pay rise as skills shortage bites"

Do they have a spot for a Merchant Banker to learn about how the job is done ? ;)

02-04-2021, 10:30 AM
I'm probably the only person on this thread who is a stakeholder. The Punch & Judy types come and throw rocks and spread slander for their own amusement. Abhorrent behaviour and a sad indictment of this website.

So is this an apology, or a self indictment, or both?

02-04-2021, 01:29 PM
I still hope Jonu is right, and NTL succeeds, would be nice to jump back on the wagon and see it sky rocket. Days of it being talked about as a 10 bagger seem long gone.

A thought. NTL claim to be an exploration company - so far all they have found is a mine that last produced gold 100years ago, and Rabones "family" mine - hardly what I would call exploring.

As C3P0 says, "we're doomed"

I agree I hope Jonu is right as well and he becomes a very wealthy man. Wealth creation instead of wealth destruction. On the basis that there are high grades of gold in the mine then we need a board and CEO with the ability to make it happen.

1/ Need to upgrade the mine road so serious amounts of ore can be removed.
2/ Need to have permits for way more than one blast event per day.
3/ Ore processing options need to be resolved.
4/ Roadmap to profitable production required
5/ Honest shareholder communication is important.
6/ Excellent Public relations is a must. NTL will never convince the diehard irrational greenies but could certainly get the Public in general on side.
7/ We need a credible board and management and the CEO must not be a board member.

The last is required for a capital raise to succeed and unfortunately will only be achieved by firing the current lot and as I have said before that is an almost impossible task.

02-04-2021, 02:44 PM
I'm putting my head right on the chopping block.

I believe the collective skills of Matt Hill, Charbel Nader, Tony Haworth (resigned) & outside input from Jonu who has been to the mine, are sufficiently capable of bringing ANY inherently viable project to success.

This clearly has not happened at Karangahape.

Shareholders are not being told why not.

I dont think changing the personnel, after all these years, will change the outcome.

I limit my comment on skill to just that, not personalities, integrity or anonymous posting.

04-04-2021, 10:47 PM
How long will the collective skillsets be hibernating this time before the next wake up whistle ? ;)

the way things are going, guide ropes, harnesses and the rest of the H&S kit won't needed - as the accumulating
cobwebs will have created a vast safety net right throughout .. ;)

06-04-2021, 09:52 AM
I see today that finally the pool of brave buyers at .004 is shrinking.

I keep watching this, as I am intrigued by what will happen.

Can a rabbit be pulled out of the hat.

06-04-2021, 02:26 PM
I see today that finally the pool of brave buyers at .004 is shrinking.

I keep watching this, as I am intrigued by what will happen.

Can a rabbit be pulled out of the hat.

Me thinks whatever is left in the hat probably has a foul odour.

06-04-2021, 11:29 PM
I see today that finally the pool of brave buyers at .004 is shrinking.

I keep watching this, as I am intrigued by what will happen.

Can a rabbit be pulled out of the hat.

Might only be three legged ones left soon .. ;)

possibly not fast enough to outrun the traffic on an obscure track on mountain to a
hidden large hole, once rumoured to contain untold life changing fortunes .. ;)

07-04-2021, 08:18 AM
They could diversify, make a nice mountain bike park - what a story if you stacked your pushie into the side of the hill and unearthed a lump of gold!!!

07-04-2021, 01:19 PM
Someone has got fiesty or flighty.

12M disposed of at .4c

Mr .1c has withdrawn his support completely.

Motley Crew
07-04-2021, 01:41 PM
As a former and recent Top 20 Holder, I have now completed my exit on the ASX at .004 in recent weeks.
My NZX holding was dispatched in September 2020.
I joined the Top 20 after a phonecall to Matt Hill a few years ago, on the basis of a pack of lies and assurances of NTL's future, and that there would be limited requirement for continuing capital raises until at least 2022, and only once the mine became productive. All that happened was the funds continued to be squandered on an overpaid CEO, and overpaid directors for that matter, and the capital raises continued unabated.
My liberated $AUD funds will now find a much better home after due diligence on their next destination.
Already the $AUD funds 'recovered' from the sale of NTL on the ASX at .006 in October 2020, and applied to another mining venture in Mali are up over 50%. That's the equivalent of an NTL SP of .009 on the ASX. Currently buyers at .003

I continue to hold a miserable number of the 2022 options exercisable at 5.5c.
Good luck with that.
Glad I am all but Out.

Seeing them still listed on my portfolio sheet was like seeing a toxic pollutant floating on pristine waters..........
The clean up job is complete.
A Quick and Liberating Exorcism.

07-04-2021, 01:46 PM
Thankyou for sharing your candid story, and yes, there is life after NTL.

I think it takes more courage to sell at a loss, than a profit, so well done.

07-04-2021, 01:47 PM
As a former and recent Top 20 Holder, I have now completed my exit on the ASX at .004 in recent weeks.
My NZX holding was dispatched in September 2020.
I joined the Top 20 after a phonecall to Matt Hill a few years ago, on the basis of a pack of lies and assurances of NTL's future, and that there would be limited requirement for continuing capital raises until at least 2022, and only once the mine became productive. All that happened was the funds continued to be squandered on an overpaid CEO, and overpaid directors for that matter, and the capital raises continued unabated.
My liberated $AUD funds will now find a much better home after due diligence on their next destination.
Already the $AUD funds 'recovered' from the sale of NTL on the ASX at .006 in October 2020, and applied to another mining venture in Mali are up over 50%. That's the equivalent of an NTL SP of .009 on the ASX. Currently buyers at .003

I continue to hold a miserable number of the 2022 options exercisable at 5.5c.
Good luck with that.
Glad I am all but Out.

Seeing them still listed on my portfolio sheet was like seeing a toxic pollutant floating on pristine waters..........
The clean up job is complete.
A Quick and Liberating Exorcism.

M C, I wish you the best of luck with your direction, so very sad , Im not sure how the fish heads can sleep at night, Ive been here since the 80's thats the 1980's ! and have lost of my investment but luckily this is not my only only mining share or else I would be pulling out my hair.

I wait for the expected quarterly to see if anything has changed from the top table.

Motley Crew
07-04-2021, 01:57 PM
Getty -
re your post 7060 :

"I'm putting my head right on the chopping block.
I believe the collective skills of Matt Hill, Charbel Nader, Tony Haworth (resigned) & outside input from Jonu who has been to the mine, are sufficiently capable of bringing ANY inherently viable project to success.
This clearly has not happened at Karangahape.
Shareholders are not being told why not.
I dont think changing the personnel, after all these years, will change the outcome.
I limit my comment on skill to just that, not personalities, integrity or anonymous posting."

They really don't have the skills where they are needed.
I think your key words are "Inherently Viable".
A small board with what geological or mining skills ? The only one heard from is the Master of Capital Raises every time the bank balance gets low due to the payment of his over-bloated salary.
Having attended a couple of AGM's in recent years, I was singularly unimpressed with anything that I saw or heard.
My error was putting faith in the future of the mine and not selling out at 2.5c at a sizeable profit, believing the best was yet to come, and the company had turned a corner.
It had turned a corner - into a long, dark cul-de-sac - a bit like the Karangahake mine I would imagine, just without any escape hatches.
Even if this venture has a future, there will have to be a capital reconstruction which will decimate existing shareholder wealth (what is left of it), and then further capital raises will be required to recapitalise the company. To what end ? A continuation of the current non-performance, and further erosion of shareholder wealth of the newbies sucked into the rhetoric, as the SP sinks again.
Even the sacking of the entire board and CEO guarantees nothing - what possible quality of personnel could this company attract ? More of the same - just a different crop.
This is a miniscule mine by most standards, located where people don't want it and won't support it, in a country that makes mining difficult. Why not take your investment funds somewhere where there is action, mining is welcomed, and there is some chance to make a decent ROI while you are still alive ?!

Motley Crew
07-04-2021, 02:02 PM
Having moved in and out of them over the years, especially around the time of the announcement of the 3:1 .005 CR, fortunately the loss is only very modest. At least I have my funds out and have not suffered a 100% stock wipe out which some of us have occasionally experienced over many years of investing elsewhere. That risk goes with the territory. I wasn't hanging around for that to happen again :-)

07-04-2021, 02:17 PM
Someone has got fiesty or flighty.

12M disposed of at .4c

Mr .1c has withdrawn his support completely.

My lucky morning. I picked up half of them. Didn't expect my order to get filled but there you go.

07-04-2021, 02:23 PM
I see today that finally the pool of brave buyers at .004 is shrinking.

I keep watching this, as I am intrigued by what will happen.

Can a rabbit be pulled out of the hat.

The die has been cast, the braver buyers are .004 have their wishes fulfilled.

Motley Crew
07-04-2021, 02:24 PM
My lucky morning. I picked up half of them. Didn't expect my order to get filled but there you go.

And now the only substantial buyers are at .003 on the NZX. Mirroring the ASX.............

07-04-2021, 02:27 PM
My lucky morning. I picked up half of them. Didn't expect my order to get filled but there you go.

You, also, are a courageous man

07-04-2021, 02:30 PM
Who was that guy Belgarion ?? started buying Pumpkin Patch at a dollar , added every 5 cents and more shares at each level .
This reminds me of that scenario......

07-04-2021, 03:22 PM
What are we expecting from the quarterly at the end of April, more of the same old B S or will there be something different this time Matt ?

07-04-2021, 03:28 PM
And now the only substantial buyers are at .003 on the NZX. Mirroring the ASX.............

Looks like a few 0.003's just got traded too

Edit: All of $60 worth. But a milestone nevertheless

07-04-2021, 03:40 PM
I look back at HGD when I bought some at 6.9c - hahahah, fooled me multiple times - gold fever - though Matt cured me!!

Motley Crew
07-04-2021, 03:41 PM
Looks like a few 0.003's just got traded too

Edit: All of $60 worth. But a milestone nevertheless

It's a new blood sport. Watching the diminishing NTL share price !

Well. maybe not so new.......

07-04-2021, 04:09 PM
MC I did the same as you managed to get rid of my 4 mil at 6 and 5 still at a loss though,but nothing I can't live with.I invested the proceeds in the Aussie market with gay abandon,thinking was hey nothing can be as bad as NTL,and of course not all have done well but up over 100% so far is not so bad.

I to have some of the options @ 5.5c is this really what Matt thought the SP would be in sept 22? We should have realised then that he was short a few marbles.

I do hope the guys buying at .004 don't get burned to much.and especially to jonu I have enjoyed your embattled position on this stock,and take my hat off to you for sticking to your guns, Bon Chance.

07-04-2021, 05:51 PM
What are we expecting from the quarterly at the end of April, more of the same old B S or will there be something different this time Matt ?

At the end of the last cashflow quarter (ended 31/12/2020), there was $1.457m available (4.6), or 4 quarters of funding (8.7). This does not include anything relating to Broken Hill, and what considerations will be made regarding Vanuatu.

There are 2-3 quarters of funds available at current burn, means a CR must be on the horizon unless the mine actually starts selling gold. Would hate to see what a CR would look like at the moment, with 2.8 billion shares on issue at current price of 0.004.

07-04-2021, 06:34 PM
Share consolidation on its way, as the next move, or part of the next C R.

1 for 1000 = $4 per share.

Imagine the quandary for the Sharsies folk.

"Oh, I think I'll buy a NTL share today, I'm into gold"
"Oh damn, I've only got $3.80 in my account"!

Imagine all the sub 500 share roundings down of existing shareholders parcels.

08-04-2021, 03:23 PM
there is a gold exploration company in AUS called Twenty Seven Co Ltd (TSC on the ASX) share price is currently .006,there seem to be a lot of similarities to NTL with no income and consistent capital raises.

But there is one huge difference the CEO is on half of what Matt gets!!

08-04-2021, 03:43 PM
there is a gold exploration company in AUS called Twenty Seven Co Ltd (TSC on the ASX) share price is currently .006,there seem to be a lot of similarities to NTL with no income and consistent capital raises.

But there is one huge difference the CEO is on half of what Matt gets!!

And with the 10% salary reduction he took, he's only got to stay 'in the position' (I was going to say 'at work' - jeez, must have been a moment of weakness :scared: ) for an extra 5 weeks and he's got the money back anyway. No real sacrifice!!

08-04-2021, 04:16 PM
0.3 ˘


08/04 16:06 NZT


08-04-2021, 04:40 PM
0.3 ˘


08/04 16:06 NZT


Wow. Another 25% lower. Someone wanted out.

08-04-2021, 04:51 PM
It was the guy with the sense of humour who put a bid in for ONE share @ 0.001 that made my day ;).
Before I could screenshot it, someone else with a lazy $1000 bid a million.


08-04-2021, 04:56 PM
It was the guy with the sense of humour who put a bid in for ONE share @ 0.001 that made my day ;).
Before I could screenshot it, someone else with a lazy $1000 bid a million.


Could be the Directors trying to show some faith and backing up the truck lol :t_up::t_up::t_up:

08-04-2021, 06:39 PM
Could be the Directors trying to show some faith and backing up the truck lol :t_up::t_up::t_up:

Did it run over a few of their heads or their toes in the process ? ;)

08-04-2021, 10:14 PM
At this rate NZX may have to add another decimal place to deal with NTL's new found fractions .. ;)

09-04-2021, 07:48 AM
If NTL does wind up shortly, is it their responsibility to remediate the mine site?

If so, wouldn't that account for a significant amount of remaining capital?

09-04-2021, 09:14 AM
If NTL does wind up shortly, is it their responsibility to remediate the mine site?

If so, wouldn't that account for a significant amount of remaining capital?

I doubt if much remediation would be reqd. Remove a few portable buildings and block the mine entrance.

09-04-2021, 09:31 AM
Myself like every fellow S Her is waiting with the March quarterly to see what progress there has been this year, only comfort I have is G H has suffered along with me !

Not too Flash
09-04-2021, 11:11 AM
0.3 ˘


08/04 16:06 NZT


Very quiet Thai John

Up 33.3% today

Odd Fellow
09-04-2021, 01:16 PM
I sold out, a little bit in my pockets is better than nothing

Motley Crew
09-04-2021, 04:07 PM
I doubt if much remediation would be reqd. Remove a few portable buildings and block the mine entrance.

And drive the CEO's Lamborghini away and lock the gate.
Oh. Gate probably doesn't need locking.:)

09-04-2021, 08:03 PM
Gate was repossessed long time ago :laugh:

12-04-2021, 10:59 AM
Competition: please let me know your idea for best personalised plate for Mr Hill.


What you got?

12-04-2021, 11:10 AM

Broken Hill Promises

12-04-2021, 12:18 PM
$u2me .

12-04-2021, 01:05 PM

12-04-2021, 04:42 PM
Troffa .....

12-04-2021, 06:20 PM

12-04-2021, 06:33 PM

(Nick Cage laughing, as per OGG.SKT thread)

13-04-2021, 02:53 PM
Siphon .

14-04-2021, 02:41 PM
Mt mine .

15-04-2021, 10:11 AM
NoNews .

15-04-2021, 10:13 AM
Quarterly be out in 15 days - I guess we will hear a little more about the "strategy", the listing of the explorer entity, and how they have convinced the Rabones to pan for gold at both sites.

15-04-2021, 10:55 AM
JonusM8 .

15-04-2021, 11:05 AM
NoShame .

15-04-2021, 12:02 PM
Quarterly be out in 15 days - I guess we will hear a little more about the "strategy", the listing of the explorer entity, and how they have convinced the Rabones to pan for gold at both sites.

I am looking forward to it. I suspect that my 20,000 shares worth 80 bucks will be worth about $40 after the quarterly is released and the punters understand more about the future direction of the company.

15-04-2021, 12:07 PM
WhyWork .

15-04-2021, 12:26 PM
Admin Can we please clean up all the BS on this page??
Anyone that want to do any research on this forum has to wade through page after page of Getty BS. Not good enough.

Getty I have nothing against you but enough is enough. go and find another bone to chew on or add something worth while.
Or if you still feel so strongly about your campaign please start your own thread where you can rant to the cows come home!!

15-04-2021, 04:37 PM
Lol..what's to research? You'd be better off reading tea leaves, far more info there!

15-04-2021, 09:22 PM
Lol..what's to research? You'd be better off reading tea leaves, far more info there!

Normally haven't found your posts overly inciteful, but I have to admit, that is pretty funny ThaiJohn.
The sad thing is it's not far from the truth ....

16-04-2021, 09:23 AM
So if matt is only working one day a week that's 52 days a year,take off a couple of weeks for holidays say 50days a year at 400k salary that would work out at $8000.00 per day he is being paid ,the mind boggles

Sideshow Bob
16-04-2021, 09:39 AM
Admin Can we please clean up all the BS on this page??
Anyone that want to do any research on this forum has to wade through page after page of Getty BS. Not good enough.

Getty I have nothing against you but enough is enough. go and find another bone to chew on or add something worth while.
Or if you still feel so strongly about your campaign please start your own thread where you can rant to the cows come home!!

Can block out a members posts - click on their name, view profile, add to ignore list.

Personally, I'm just lurking on this thread for the entertainment....

16-04-2021, 09:50 AM
So if matt is only working one day a week that's 52 days a year,take off a couple of weeks for holidays say 50days a year at 400k salary that would work out at $8000.00 per day he is being paid ,the mind boggles

Yep. It's shocking isn't it!!!
Like......they couldn't even reply to the Shareholders Association's two emails. Apparently no one in the office on a day to day basis.

I can sit at home and watch live streaming of the Geldingadalir volcano in Iceland. Wouldn't it be great to have a live stream camera set up outside the mine so shareholders (owners) can see what's going on, because NO shareholder actually knows what is happening at the mine today Friday 16th April 2021.

16-04-2021, 02:00 PM
As they say in the 'Naki, when the cows come home, One mans milk is another mans poison.

So be it.

No one is holding a gun to anyone's head, to make them read every word on every thread.

For such a small company, the NTL thread punches way above its weight in viewer numbers, so can't be upsetting many.

Many threads have dictators emerge, who think they can dictate to posters, what they wish to read.

More LTW is required.

Love, TOLERANCE, and Wisecracks.

16-04-2021, 06:38 PM
Correct as usual Getty. 'LTW' is indeed what's needed. [insert wink emoji]

17-04-2021, 02:20 PM
13 days has April - left for them being obliged to update the Shareholders

18-04-2021, 03:00 PM
Admin Can we please clean up all the BS on this page??
Anyone that want to do any research on this forum has to wade through page after page of Getty BS. Not good enough.

Getty I have nothing against you but enough is enough. go and find another bone to chew on or add something worth while.
Or if you still feel so strongly about your campaign please start your own thread where you can rant to the cows come home!!

Right on! I hardly ever read this thread now. There's almost never anything informative and definitely nothing amusing.

I'm still holding and hoping, but really, I don't need to hear some of you guys trying to out-do each other bad-mouthing Matt and the board - I already know enough. Smell the roses - life is short!
And I definitely don't want to come here for weak puns and bad songs, sorry Getty.

18-04-2021, 03:21 PM
Has the Broken Hobby Mine guy jumped onboard as a Director yet, or has he run away ? ;)

18-04-2021, 07:29 PM
As I understand it, as announced at end of January, 90 days due diligence started after a $100k payment. This can be extended another 90 days before a decision on acquisition value is made. Going on all of my previous experiences with the pace of NTL business decisions, I fully expect the 'Board' to take its sweet time and delay anything until end of July. But who knows? Another business might've given shareholders an update or two by now.

18-04-2021, 09:07 PM
Right on! I hardly ever read this thread now. There's almost never anything informative and definitely nothing amusing.

I'm still holding and hoping, but really, I don't need to hear some of you guys trying to out-do each other bad-mouthing Matt and the board - I already know enough. Smell the roses - life is short!
And I definitely don't want to come here for weak puns and bad songs, sorry Getty.

This is just more of what is seen on threads I've never posted on.

How ironic, that those who demand their version of post/information, seldom give it, and by their own admission, seldom read the thread.

The real agenda, of course, is for vested interests to muzzle dissenters.

As it turns out, there has been a mine of information on the thread, mainly about better investment options for NTL refugees.

Also plenty of questions asked, but never satisfactorily answered by the inner circle.

The solution is simple, provide your style of information, and we will all be winners.

18-04-2021, 10:59 PM
Right on! I hardly ever read this thread now. There's almost never anything informative and definitely nothing amusing.

Out of interest, where DO you go for informative NTL info? The most anyone has got out of Matt the past few years was from this forum, behind a fake name.

22-04-2021, 10:06 AM
Little happening at the actual mine, so little information for them to publish. Quarterly will be out in a week, which should have some info on listing the "explorer" and on the strategy for the way ahead. My expectations are low for any material news and subsequent lift in SP.

27-04-2021, 10:37 AM
Who reckons that 17m at 3 will be wiped out soon.
Sellers at 4 slowly building.

It is fascinating watching, how they plan to dodge this iminent collapse.

I think they threw their last dice on CR's, so its got to be selling rocks to processors, or selling the Coromandel site to someone and focusing on these new holes in the ground.

Very interesting he says, as he winces looking at the red gash on the portfolio dashboard.

However, some greens there with large upside.

27-04-2021, 09:04 PM
Out of interest, where DO you go for informative NTL info? The most anyone has got out of Matt the past few years was from this forum, behind a fake name.

Well, there's not much happening at all lately, is there. I check in here every week or so, and if there was any announcement to the NZX or ASX, I'd see that when I check other shares.

28-04-2021, 08:08 AM
Matthew will be running for 'dem Hills...

28-04-2021, 12:29 PM
Matthew will be running for 'dem Hills...

He is an investment banker. So was his father who was on the board a few years ago.
It will be fascinating to see what they can pull out of the rabbit hole.

Just wondering - might the value on NTL now be so low that they would consider a management-cum-Hill family buy-out ?
This could be their plan, but it is no more than speculation on my part.

28-04-2021, 12:37 PM
Matthew will be running for 'dem Hills...

He is an investment banker. So was his father who was on the board a few years ago.
It will be fascinating to see what they can pull out of the rabbit hole.

Just wondering - might the value on NTL now be so low that they would consider a management-cum-Hill family buy-out ?
This could be their plan, but it is no more than speculation on my part.

At circa $7-8000 a week pay, I reckon Hill will be milking this gravy train for as long as he can!!

https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=sinecure&safe=active&source=hp&ei=1q2IYJ-4OPXC3LUPtcGi-AE&iflsig=AINFCbYAAAAAYIi75g4YLpd55uazBYuQRqzkwxX_q1R l&oq=sinecure&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYADIHCAAQRhD5ATICCAAyAggAMgI IADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADoICAAQsQMQgwE6C wguELEDEMcBEK8BOgsILhCxAxDHARCjAjoFCAAQsQM6CAguELE DEJMCOggILhCxAxCDAToFCC4QsQM6AgguOg4ILhCxAxCDARDHA RCvAToECAAQClCsCVi5IGDnOWgAcAB4AIAB-AGIAbkNkgEFMC4yLjaYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=gws-wiz

28-04-2021, 01:01 PM
He is an investment banker. So was his father who was on the board a few years ago.
It will be fascinating to see what they can pull out of the rabbit hole.

Just wondering - might the value on NTL now be so low that they would consider a management-cum-Hill family buy-out ?
This could be their plan, but it is no more than speculation on my part.
Probably easier and cheaper to let the company fold,and pick up the assets on the cheap

28-04-2021, 01:09 PM
So, is anyone wondering what has happened to all the "stock piled" high grade ore?

28-04-2021, 03:43 PM
Jonu, if you can perhaps forward my note on to Charbel that would be great! I emailed on Feb 12th (see original note below) and again on March 1st - Perhaps you have a better email address than I do.

Thanks in advance.

From: Oliver Mander
Sent: Friday, 12 February 2021 8:49 AM
To: info@newtalisman.co.nz
Subject: Request for meeting


My name is Oliver Mander, CEO of the NZ Shareholders Association.
I would like to set up a meeting with your Chair, Charbel Nader, to gain further clarity on behalf of our members around NTL’s governance and strategies.

Would be very happy to make this a “virtual” meeting, given location and can send a meeting request once a time has been agreed.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Oliver did you make contact with the Chairman Mr Nader?

29-04-2021, 12:19 PM
Matthew will be running for 'dem Hills...

How dare you say that !!!!!!!!!!

He is diligently planning his investigation into mine opportunities in the pacific, to expand NTLs growing portfolio outside of NZ.

Feverently hoping borders open up, before NTLs funds run out.

One way tickets are cheaper anyway, arent they.

Paint it Black
30-04-2021, 11:26 AM
Oliver did you make contact with the Chairman Mr Nader?

Yes it would be good to get Oliver's feedback and any reason for the delay. Quarterly due today which in my eyes is pivotal ie any real progress towards gold production and board changes.

30-04-2021, 11:57 AM
Finally! Firm processing options outlined in the Quarterly.

Now let's get some cashflow happening!

30-04-2021, 12:10 PM
Cutting it mighty fine to produce some revenue....$1.1m cash remaining, if they don't buy any more prospects there's 3-4 quarters left....or 2.5 years of Mr Hills salary

30-04-2021, 12:13 PM
Cutting it mighty fine to produce some revenue....$1.1m cash remaining, if they don't buy any more prospects there's 3-4 quarters left....or 2.5 years of Mr Hills salary

True....but processing has been the big stumbling block from what I can tell. The beauty of the path they are taking is no plant cost and no RC required.

30-04-2021, 12:21 PM
Very pleasing to read that electric locomotives are available, with no diesel fumes.

30-04-2021, 01:29 PM
More waffle and story telling. "Gunna do this, gunna do that. Nothing to see here...move on.

30-04-2021, 03:10 PM
"The actual development expenditure for the quarter was $117,354 compared to a budget of $203,000. The reason for the variance
was due to the entity completing less mining work during the quarter than expected" ;)

Probably the story of NTL's existence there too .. "Less of everything including achieving much .. period" ;)

30-04-2021, 03:26 PM
"The actual development expenditure for the quarter was $117,354 compared to a budget of $203,000. The reason for the variance
was due to the entity completing less mining work during the quarter than expected" ;)

Probably the story of NTL's existence there too .. "Less of everything including achieving much .. period" ;)

So you ignore the massive positive of finding options for processing for the sake of another pointless jibe. Back under your bridge.

30-04-2021, 03:57 PM
I just can't get excited about this quarterly.
These "options" should have taken a couple of weeks research, a few phone calls and emails. And they are nothing more than that....options. I'm sorry but it's simply unacceptable to have taken these years to find options. To me it only confirms my belief of the incompetence that is NTL.
Glad I sold most of my 20 million, I wish those holding some positive action in the future, but to me it's just another dangling carrot.

30-04-2021, 04:01 PM
Still no mention of when they expect production to begin,how can you not know when your first 100t of ore was going to be treated! One of my first questions would be "when can you start our shareholders need some answers"

Less work has been done which in itself brings up more red flags,why do less work when you need to get some sort of production going,unless of course there is not going to be any production.

They should change the name of Broken Hills to Broken promises,just so that we all know where we stand.

30-04-2021, 04:01 PM
Very pleasing to read that electric locomotives are available, with no diesel fumes.

Hey Jonu, all aboard.

Pull out a gold Crunchie bar, watch and enjoy....https://youtu.be/gIC94gEUuc8

30-04-2021, 04:12 PM
Still no mention of when they expect production to begin,how can you not know when your first 100t of ore was going to be treated! One of my first questions would be "when can you start our shareholders need some answers"

Less work has been done which in itself brings up more red flags,why do less work when you need to get some sort of production going,unless of course there is not going to be any production.

They should change the name of Broken Hills to Broken promises,just so that we all know where we stand.

Not much point stockpiling ore when your processing route isn't clear. That appears now to be solved. I'm not happy it took so long either, but onwards and upwards.

30-04-2021, 04:14 PM
Not much point stockpiling ore when your processing route isn't clear. That appears now to be solved.

Looks like a lot more testwork than a solution to me. Oh, and financing a 'mobile processor'.

30-04-2021, 04:20 PM
Not much point stockpiling ore when your processing route isn't clear. That appears now to be solved. I'm not happy it took so long either, but onwards and upwards.
But you are missing the point,the processing route has never been clear as you put it.So why budget the work.At best it makes management look incompetent at worst it's the red flag argument.

30-04-2021, 04:24 PM
But you are missing the point,the processing route has never been clear as you put it.So why budget the work.At best it makes management look incompetent at worst it's the red flag argument.

Fair enough...it appears it took longer than expected, and I've already acknowledged my frustration with that.

However, I'm not going to spit the dummy to spite my face (excuse the mixed metaphors, but you get the picture). It's still good news.

30-04-2021, 04:30 PM
I have to admit that I got a good laugh from the following

New Talisman Gold Mines Limited and Broken Hills Historic Mine Limited are currently working with Mint Innovation Limited (a New Zealand company) to determine the feasibility of using their novel technology for gold recovery using microorganisms. Mint’s pioneering technology is cyanide free and enables precious metal recovery from challenging materials in an environmentally responsible manner. NTL is engaged with Mint Innovation, (who have previously worked with Broken Hills), to determine suitability of their solution in respect of both Talisman and potentially Broken Hills. Mint Innovation have indicated they have capacity for batch treatment as of July.

30-04-2021, 06:17 PM
So you ignore the massive positive of finding options for processing for the sake of another pointless jibe. Back under your bridge.

At least that bridge goes somewhere .. unlike another bridge .. ;)

30-04-2021, 06:19 PM
I have to admit that I got a good laugh from the following

New Talisman Gold Mines Limited and Broken Hills Historic Mine Limited are currently working with Mint Innovation Limited (a New Zealand company) to determine the feasibility of using their novel technology for gold recovery using microorganisms. Mint’s pioneering technology is cyanide free and enables precious metal recovery from challenging materials in an environmentally responsible manner. NTL is engaged with Mint Innovation, (who have previously worked with Broken Hills), to determine suitability of their solution in respect of both Talisman and potentially Broken Hills. Mint Innovation have indicated they have capacity for batch treatment as of July.

Is it time for another 'Test Sampling' to be thrown through trials? When was the last test lot done ? ;)

Perhaps that might save the day in place of another Cap Raise .. to fund the growing pile of hobby & other
projects being added just to justify the exorbitant Top Management package for a such tiny company ;)

30-04-2021, 06:24 PM
Oh look - another potential project has been added to the potential list ..;)


Hope it runs on the smell of any oily rag -

Coromandel Gold identify additional assets on the NZ West Coast.
• Coromandel Gold has completed Vanuatu due diligence and transaction documents being finalised.
• Broken Hills Historic Mine Limited acquisition progress update.

Yet another addition to the existing pile progressing at a snails pace if lucky .. ;)

30-04-2021, 06:42 PM

From processing computers to processing 100 t of rocks?

Same same but different?

30-04-2021, 07:13 PM
Its moments like these ya need MINTies.

They must think the shareholders have rocks in their heads

30-04-2021, 07:38 PM

From processing computers to processing 100 t of rocks?

Same same but different?

What MINT do is very cool and they have some backers with serious $ but yea I'm not sure how that translates to rocks... no capacity till July though anyway so be at least another couple of quarterlies before any update on that haha..

30-04-2021, 08:03 PM
Its moments like these ya need MINTies.

They must think the shareholders have rocks in their heads

I think you nailed it Getty.

30-04-2021, 08:20 PM
Its moments like these ya need MINTies.

They must think the shareholders have rocks in their heads

I think you nailed it Getty.

Unsurprisingly I agree.
Unfortunately there's a lot of mugs out there :scared:


30-04-2021, 09:12 PM

From processing computers to processing 100 t of rocks?

Same same but different?

I looked for Mint Innovation on the NZ companies office website and see that the company was removed from the register. Maybe there is another incarnation of them somewhere but I haven’t been able to find it.

30-04-2021, 09:29 PM
I looked for Mint Innovation on the NZ companies office website and see that the company was removed from the register. Maybe there is another incarnation of them somewhere but I haven’t been able to find it.

This is them:

https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/5997767?backurl=H4sIAAAAAAAAAC2LMQoDMQwEf%2BMmxb1A hFRprggkH1gscRHEsmPJB%2Ff7mCPdzjC7NGziS66lwXQuF%2F T8vpbKQh4wRucURxMSC42ZpC8VtbioWd0RWi2Bd1gWfsDkQ9GH pLM%2BXvPodFvXPz8DMfze62in%2FgGEBNu%2BfwAAAA%3D%3D

https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/7405396?backurl=H4sIAAAAAAAAAC2LMQoDMQwEf%2BMmxb1A hFRprggkH1gscRHEsmPJB%2Ff7mCPdzjC7NGziS66lwXQuF%2F T8vpbKQh4wRucURxMSC42ZpC8VtbioWd0RWi2Bd1gWfsDkQ9GH pLM%2BXvPodFvXPz8DMfze62in%2FgGEBNu%2BfwAAAA%3D%3D

30-04-2021, 09:33 PM
Reminds me of NTL in a way. Round and round we go.


30-04-2021, 09:46 PM
This is them:

https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/5997767?backurl=H4sIAAAAAAAAAC2LMQoDMQwEf%2BMmxb1A hFRprggkH1gscRHEsmPJB%2Ff7mCPdzjC7NGziS66lwXQuF%2F T8vpbKQh4wRucURxMSC42ZpC8VtbioWd0RWi2Bd1gWfsDkQ9GH pLM%2BXvPodFvXPz8DMfze62in%2FgGEBNu%2BfwAAAA%3D%3D

https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/7405396?backurl=H4sIAAAAAAAAAC2LMQoDMQwEf%2BMmxb1A hFRprggkH1gscRHEsmPJB%2Ff7mCPdzjC7NGziS66lwXQuF%2F T8vpbKQh4wRucURxMSC42ZpC8VtbioWd0RWi2Bd1gWfsDkQ9GH pLM%2BXvPodFvXPz8DMfze62in%2FgGEBNu%2BfwAAAA%3D%3D

Thanks for that. If they can get microorganisms to refine gold cost effectively that would revolutionise gold mining. The thing about applying it to e waste is that the gold produced just needs to be a bit more valuable than the cost of producing it and all is good whereas in gold mining we expect to make way more than that to justify the prospecting and development of a mine.

One thing in their favour is that microbes work 24hours per day don’t have tea breaks, no minimum wage and no unions.

30-04-2021, 10:04 PM
Some serious shareholders but it would be interesting to hear from Mint I LTD what theit plans with this is

Paint it Black
01-05-2021, 11:14 AM
Some serious shareholders but it would be interesting to hear from Mint I LTD what theit plans with this is

Perhaps give them a call and report back kiora?

I'm all for as much 'green gold' production and innovation as possible using local resources. IMHO this is key to the success NTL is striving to achieve with the local community and should be applauded.

01-05-2021, 12:09 PM
P it B
Just highlighting my curiosities on this
NTL has never been, or will be my cup of tea.
I'm just a curious bystander but if a shareholder is also curious about this it may be worth giving them a call.

01-05-2021, 01:43 PM
Some serious shareholders but it would be interesting to hear from Mint I LTD what theit plans with this is

Wonder if they may want to consider doing a take-over of NTL ? ;)

Let's face it the curious growing bundle of interests & hobbies going no where fast
with little in the way of forward funding ability probably aren't worth a lot more than
a bucket of dimes, without someone coming onboard possessing the skillsets to advance
them past wishful thinking stage, which currently seems apparent .. ;)

01-05-2021, 05:04 PM
One question. Why is M Hill still raking in $7000.00 plus per week? That's a hell of a lot of sausage. Bordering on obscene given the snail-pace of (in)activity.

01-05-2021, 05:41 PM
Wonder if they may want to consider doing a take-over of NTL ? ;)

Let's face it the curious growing bundle of interests & hobbies going no where fast
with little in the way of forward funding ability probably aren't worth a lot more than
a bucket of dimes, without someone coming onboard possessing the skillsets to advance
them past wishful thinking stage, which currently seems apparent .. ;)

I am nearly 100% sure they wouldn't consider TO

What become of the implication of ore processing at Martha Mine during Broken Hill announcement???
Very curious

01-05-2021, 06:24 PM
One question. Why is M Hill still raking in $7000.00 plus per week? That's a hell of a lot of sausage. Bordering on obscene given the snail-pace of (in)activity.

The man needs to be paid. These quarterly activity reports are exceptionally hard to write. They require much thought. I think that Some of those that read this thread think he spends much of his time playing golf but no I can assure you all that right now he is probably working on the first draft of the next quarterly report.

01-05-2021, 06:28 PM
The man needs to be paid. These quarterly activity reports are exceptionally hard to write. They require much thought. I think that Some of those that read this thread think he spends much of his time playing golf but no I can assure you all that right now he is probably working on the first draft of the next quarterly report.

Probably extremely hard work on the CEO's part supervising "Jane" the Beancounter
who likely puts more work into them, while Matt drinks all the Coffee in the Office .. ;)

01-05-2021, 06:41 PM
I am nearly 100% sure they wouldn't consider TO

What become of the implication of ore processing at Martha Mine during Broken Hill announcement???
Very curious

Yep that's exactly it -- how many more of these sort of inferences & 'exploring options type' statements
have there been in NTL Announcements in past 10 years, which barely see any further mention or daylight
subsequently .. only to be followed by more statements mostly following the same pattern .. ? ;)

Are they just more NTL Feelgood ? or just Boardroom BS musings thrown in to hopefully put readers off the trail ? ;)

02-05-2021, 09:18 AM
from the end of 2019:-
 The planning assessment for resource consent application for the long term mine has been completed and subject matter specialists are being recruited. Once the application is submitted the external stakeholders will determine the timing and pathway to long term consenting for the mine. With less than minor environmental effect from the mine development the company is confident in securing the resource consents to mine for the duration of the Mining Permit.
Does anyone know what happened to t5his consent? was it ever filled?

02-05-2021, 11:31 AM
from the end of 2019:-
 The planning assessment for resource consent application for the long term mine has been completed and subject matter specialists are being recruited. Once the application is submitted the external stakeholders will determine the timing and pathway to long term consenting for the mine. With less than minor environmental effect from the mine development the company is confident in securing the resource consents to mine for the duration of the Mining Permit.
Does anyone know what happened to t5his consent? was it ever filled?

We shareholders have been played like a fiddle.

Paint it Black
03-05-2021, 11:03 AM
With the old guard gone from Heritage Gold, and a new ticker for the compacted company interests, I carried out a bit of research a while back and bought some NTL shares.

The main asset for this company is reflected in the name, it's the old Talisman Mine near Waikino. It's not far from Waihi, but the amount of gold at Talisman is not likely to interest Newmont directly. The very rich grades have been mined out apart from one or two newer seams, but of course gold is worth a lot more now. A boutique miner can still do well here I think.

When I started buying shares in Glass Earth, the two companies had about an even Mcap. Not any more, so is NTL a bargain at the moment? Is it a takeover target?

I'm most intrigued that the massive stamper batteries at Waikino were fed from rectangular shafts cut into the hillside at Talisman. The proposal is to use a miniature monorail with specialised carriages to get into the hillside again without a great deal of effort, and bring the good quality ore out with minimal labour. From there it could be processed a little to concentrate it, and then trucked just a few km to the mill at Waihi (assuming Newmont have spare capacity and would entertain this). Not many vehicle movements a day would be required, and there is even a railway for most of the distance, which could perhaps be of use.

All of the area around Talisman was held for a while by Glass Earth Gold, then they relinquished it and Rennison Consolidated (Australian company) took over the permits and more besides. But this company is a real minnow and appears short of cash.

I might be well off target here, but wondered what other shareholders think. A long term investment, perhaps. They deserve a new thread anyway.

Hi Moderators
As other posters are allowed to change the original banner on this thread could I now change it to NTL - New Talisman Gold - IGNORE THE TROLLS.

03-05-2021, 01:32 PM
This is like a long running TV series, tune in to this weeks episode.

Fascinating as to where the plot goes from here.

03-05-2021, 01:37 PM
Come in 0.3 ! :ohmy:

03-05-2021, 02:07 PM
How many 1,000's per week are NTL shareholders paying the CEO to produce this sort of ongoing c**k up ? ;)

03-05-2021, 02:09 PM
Hi Moderators
As other posters are allowed to change the original banner on this thread could I now change it to NTL - New Talisman Gold - IGNORE THE TROLLS.

You're probably over ruled there by a larger number of trolls with stakes (mostly small for entertainment value) in NTL .. ;)

The larger trolls probably still haven't seen the light yet .. ;)

03-05-2021, 03:34 PM
How many 1,000's per week are NTL shareholders paying the CEO to produce this sort of ongoing c**k up ? ;)

Just imagine how much money the man would be demanding if he did something worthwhile.

Motley Crew
05-05-2021, 01:57 AM
This is like a long running TV series, tune in to this weeks episode.

Fascinating as to where the plot goes from here.

If this was a TV series it would have been canned long ago for being a financial disaster - it would never have got to the 'long-running' stage.
As for the plot - they lost that a long time ago.
All we are seeing now are reruns, bloopers and out-takes.
Except there is no out take either. If there was this company might have gone places by now.

I like the irony of the latest investment "Broken Hill". At $7k a week he isn't broke, but NTL sure is.
A better investment for all would have been "Bugger Off Hill". Now there's an investment that would have gained traction.

06-05-2021, 04:44 PM
The emperors new clothes, oh dear.

10-05-2021, 09:57 AM
I think NTLs press releases has more trolling that this thread, the amount of BS that comes out.

Well looks like like no one believes the latest update, as the buyers seem to be evaporating .

For all the honest believers on board I really do hope they can actually sell something to somebody and you dont lose all your money.

10-05-2021, 10:22 AM
Who gets to change the name of a thread? Why do genuine holders have to put up with this trolling nonsense? Sharetrader does it self no favours allowing trolls to wreak havoc and provide a continual platform of misinformation.

We have had slanderous accusations here that I have complained about to the moderator....to no response. And yet someone unknown gets to muck around with the thread title, which is not the title I have been posting to over a long period of time.

Lift your standards Sharetrader!

10-05-2021, 10:58 AM
Think on the bright side Jonu.

All this cheap script available, you & I will have 80% soon, and can compulsory take over those of little faith!

Even Mr .1c and his sidekick are no longer offering their support.

10-05-2021, 11:26 AM
Think on the bright side Jonu.

All this cheap script available, you & I will have 80% soon, and can compulsory take over those of little faith!

Even Mr .1c and his sidekick are no longer offering their support.

There is no "you and I" Getty. I consider you a malicious troll with too much time on his hands.

Interesting that you claim to be accumulating whilst trashing the stock.

10-05-2021, 11:36 AM
Aw, Jonu.


10-05-2021, 02:46 PM
Hey Jonu

Was that you that changed the thread title to NTL, similar to Plus SMS?

Is that a negative to a positive, or are your wires crossed?

10-05-2021, 03:43 PM
Hey Jonu

Was that you that changed the thread title to NTL, similar to Plus SMS?

Is that a negative to a positive, or are your wires crossed?

Except NTL appear to be mainly MINUS rather than PLUS .. ;)

and appear to have enlisted a few of the blinder support crew, who probably wouldn't know a troll
even if they bumped into one with all the lights turned on .. ;)

Blue Horseshoe
10-05-2021, 06:15 PM
Who gets to change the name of a thread? Why do genuine holders have to put up with this trolling nonsense? Sharetrader does it self no favours allowing trolls to wreak havoc and provide a continual platform of misinformation.

We have had slanderous accusations here that I have complained about to the moderator....to no response. And yet someone unknown gets to muck around with the thread title, which is not the title I have been posting to over a long period of time.

Lift your standards Sharetrader!

What a disgrace this site is, hope incoming court action will follow.

10-05-2021, 06:18 PM
What a disgrace this site is, hope incoming court action will follow.

It would be very interesting to see a company sue the very website that their CEO posted on under a pseudonym, using very unflattering language. I think they'd be wiser to keep quiet about what goes on on here.

10-05-2021, 07:14 PM
It would be very interesting to see a company sue the very website that their CEO posted on under a pseudonym, using very unflattering language. I think they'd be wiser to keep quiet about what goes on on here.

On setting better standards - NTL would appear where the buck stops & starts first - could be a bit of a large minefield
to be dragged out there in first instance .. ;)

If that were to happen then the SP might reach levels where buyers were near on being paid to take shares off sellers .. ;)

11-05-2021, 06:54 PM
Bullish, from 2013..
"They will raise further I am realistic about the costs to move from explorer to junior develop/producer - as long as they deliver their prefeas showing the costs and options forward thats good progress as it means they are doing what they say.

Give the new guys a chance to get into the saddle. Hasnt been long and they have made great progress. The price is back up to last rights issue add back the oppies and they seem better than issue. I havent seen Canaccord raise on any other juniors here and even in aus not underwritten have you? GEL market cap very high with bugger all resource. These guys have a JORC compliant resource and little market cap.

Major - The targets they have are in level 7 or 8 I think and above where the old timers flying fox took ore down not sure how flood prone up the mountain is. :confused:

DISC : Not holding.....YET.......DYOR"


11-05-2021, 07:30 PM
Wow. Almost a year since Hill was exposed as a troll!!!
This was always one of my favourites. Just the sort of guy I want running a company I have shares in lol.

WOW WHAT A SMART INVESTOR YOU ARE ....or possibly a recipient of a fecal transplant..INVESTING BEFORE THE COMPANY LISTED.........1986 you say..............Any tips of stocks not listed yet that we can all invest in????

Its pretty easy to measure CR. Look at every prior CR and cash balance at time of raise........average that and it will give you a better idea than guesses as to likelihood and timing

And almost a year since I posted this. I thought about sending an official invitation by email, but as NTL doesn't even respond to the Shareholders Association, it's a pretty slim chance they'd respond to me.

Message for 'bullish" (cos I reckon ya still come to this forum to read it :cool:) but now only as a guest.:t_up:

I didn't get a chance to reply to your personal message the other night when you asked me about Mathew Hill lmfao.
Hopefully you'll have a lot more free time on your hands in the very near future, so if you're ever down Christchurch way, get hold of me and we can catch up for a coffee and I can tell you what I think face to face.

11-05-2021, 07:36 PM
Thats the man Jonu is backing to the HILLt.

Jonu loves telling trolls to get under the bridge, the one over troubled water, where he spends his time

11-05-2021, 11:33 PM
These were some of my favourites, a lot of irony and hypocrisy..

Just because the admins here decided to let you get away with your misleading and deceptive statements under section 206 of the FMA thankfully Hotcopper didn't...nor ASIC. SO busy playing games you missed it all!!!!!!!

Your not a shareholder stock rooster just a protester looking for info while downramping which is a breach of securities laws. Thankfully NZX look at these forums so hopefully they will touch base with you. SR why are you actually here if you have no shares ?

FROM 2017:

counting chickens isn't as fun as watching a gold mine hatch over the next couple of years as that means a real producer is delivered from what was once a speculative explorer......

And the award for most self-congratulatory posts:

What's your guys view. I like that new tal are focussed.

Anyone know these guys running it?

Major do you know anything about the managment team?. It seems they have really changed this co.

12-05-2021, 08:50 AM
Perhaps Jonu is just another Hill pseudonym

12-05-2021, 09:17 AM
Perhaps Jonu is just another Hill pseudonym

I'm almost certain of it.

Sideshow Bob
12-05-2021, 10:10 AM
Has anything come of the FMA? Or are the FMA "still looking into it".....??

12-05-2021, 10:35 AM
Ring Ring.

Good morning, FMA OFFICE.

Can I speak to whoever is handling the NTL file please?

Yes, that will be Snow.

Snow who?

Snow way anythings being done about that!

12-05-2021, 10:37 AM
Ring Ring.

Good Morning, FMA Office..Matthew Hill speaking.

12-05-2021, 10:41 AM

12-05-2021, 11:09 AM
Just prior to start of NTL shareholders meeting.

Knock Knock.

Whos there?


Matt who?

Yep, Matt who's got all ya money!

Meanwhile at the entrance to Karangahake mine.

Knock Knock.

Whos there.


Whaddya bl00dy mean, nobody?

Theres no body of ore in there mate!

Later, at an undisclosed address.

Knock Knock.

Whos there?


Jo who?

Jo who nu his money is getting turned to dust...

12-05-2021, 11:27 AM
Such is my distrust for anything NTL say or do, when I read this in the recently released quarterly cash flow report:

"The actual development expenditure for the quarter was $117,354 compared to a budget of $203,000. The reason for the variance was due to the entity completing less mining work during the quarter than expected."

I went straight to the place of:
Less money spent on "mining work" equals more money available for management to keep drawing wages for a bit longer. :scared: :scared: :scared:

12-05-2021, 11:51 AM
Not sure of the rest as my chart doesn't g ok back thst far but looks OK to me....

May 2016 - CR @ .005 post raising - 2 cents
August 2017 - CR @ .022 (ouch) post raising - 3.1 cent high
June 2019 - CR @ .007 current .08

When the CEO thinks shareholders are more interested in short term trading gains than business development and use of capital...

12-05-2021, 05:10 PM

14-05-2021, 11:35 AM
This thread is an active reflection of the NTL business itself, very little info, and just a joke (to which I have contributed poorly). Gotta keep ourselves amused in troubled times.

It was a few months since I contacted the FMA direct and got "still under investigation, cant comment anymore". Based on the comment that the Chair of the Board wasnt the best at responding to information requests, I would imagine the FMA may face similar issues - that said, the comments here are black and white - whether they were illegal or immoral, we can only guess.
Golds still in the hole they say - just get it out!!!!

14-05-2021, 11:55 AM
This thread is an active reflection of the NTL business itself, very little info, and just a joke (to which I have contributed poorly). Gotta keep ourselves amused in troubled times.

I concur 100%.

It was a few months since I contacted the FMA direct and got "still under investigation, cant comment anymore". Based on the comment that the Chair of the Board wasnt the best at responding to information requests, I would imagine the FMA may face similar issues - that said, the comments here are black and white - whether they were illegal or immoral, we can only guess.
Golds still in the hole they say - just get it out!!!!

It's been almost a year since Hill was exposed. Sometimes I think we live in a third world country with the time it takes to get things done. FMA should have a bit more to say by now imo.
After all there's still people prepared to buy shares in this company.


This dude better be careful. His wish might get granted as it's slowly grinding down towards him.
One share at one tenth of one cent. :D :D

As Landyman said above, "Gotta keep ourselves amused in troubled times" :p

14-05-2021, 01:42 PM
This thread is an active reflection of the NTL business itself, very little info, and just a joke (to which I have contributed poorly). Gotta keep ourselves amused in troubled times.

It was a few months since I contacted the FMA direct and got "still under investigation, cant comment anymore". Based on the comment that the Chair of the Board wasnt the best at responding to information requests, I would imagine the FMA may face similar issues - that said, the comments here are black and white - whether they were illegal or immoral, we can only guess.
Golds still in the hole they say - just get it out!!!!

I am quite happy to be included in the law suit against Mat Hills personal assets when NTL founds.
He cost me money, well, him and my stupdity beliveing him.
Should only take as long as Feltex when they valued all their rubbish carpet at full price and floated.

14-05-2021, 01:54 PM
4.4 M shares "executed" at .3c so far today.

14-05-2021, 02:13 PM
Keep calm.
Jonu's on.

100K rescued at .4c now.

14-05-2021, 02:16 PM
4.4 M shares "executed" at .3c so far today.

$411,000 of sellers :t_up:

$41,000 of buyers :eek2:

14-05-2021, 02:30 PM
Keep calm.
Jonu's on.

100K rescued at .4c now.

I think that guy with a bid in for one share at one tenth of a cent could be this guy??
He doesn't own a single share in NTL so maybe he wants to get some 'skin in the game', but doesn't want to risk too much of his NTL Board salary.

NTL Chairman Mr Charbel Nader B.com, M App Fin, CA, CTA Chairman and Non-executive Director

( I see he's a 'Non-Executive Director of Madman Entertainment' - an apt description for this company :D)

Mr Nader is an investment banker with extensive experience in corporate finance and strategic advisory and board roles, including experience in mergers and acquisitions project finance. Charbel has worked across a range of industries and has expertise in the finance of capital intensive projects with volatile returns. Charbel was formerly deputy chairman of Aspermont Ltd publisher of the Mining Journal and organiser of the Mines and Money events in Hong Kong, London and Melbourne.Mr Nader was, head of Pitt Capital Partners Melbourne office (a subsidiary of Washington H Soul Pattinson), and founding Chairman of a successful media start up and oversaw its sale to Fairfax Ltd for in excess of $100m. He is Non-Executive Director of Madman Entertainment, distributor of the highly successful New Zealand film The Hunt for the Wilderpeople. He has been a director of gold mining companies with assets in Hungary. Mr Nader is a non executive Director of United Networks Ltd, Chairman Growth Factor Ltd. He has a Bachelor of Commerce and Masters of Applied Finance from the University of Melbourne, is Chartered Accountant and is fellow of the Tax Institute of Australia. First appointed August 24, 2016 and re-elected September 18, 2019

14-05-2021, 02:58 PM
By the look of it, he's the go to bloke for token appointments to boards that others wont touch.

Nothing token about Charbels renumeration of course.

14-05-2021, 05:48 PM
By the look of it, he's the go to bloke for token appointments to boards that others wont touch.

Nothing token about Charbels renumeration of course.

Being on the Board however must pre-qualify for any possible future Shareholder Class Action, along
with his fellow Boardroom Seat occupiers .. ;)

A few other obvious promoters & supporters of the long trail of 'No Happen" may also have placed themselves
in the firing line as well .. ;)

14-05-2021, 06:25 PM
Best title change so far!!

14-05-2021, 08:21 PM
Best title change so far!!

I concur. :t_up:

14-05-2021, 09:11 PM
Being on the Board however must pre-qualify for any possible future Shareholder Class Action, along
with his fellow Boardroom Seat occupiers .. ;)

A few other obvious promoters & supporters of the long trail of 'No Happen" may also have placed themselves
in the firing line as well .. ;)

Punch and Judy back at it again. What an interminable pile of BS this site tolerates.

14-05-2021, 09:20 PM
Ah Jonu.
Everyone seems to agree with your most recent thread title change, CEO under FMA investigation.

I didnt get your drift with the Grift one.

What does it mean?

14-05-2021, 11:09 PM
Punch and Judy back at it again. What an interminable pile of BS this site tolerates.

You're pretty brave taking on THE WHOLE SITE & almost all of it's members .. ;)

Most here have no difficulty seeing that the mineable has still yet to become mined on any great scale

15-05-2021, 06:31 AM
Punch and Judy back at it again. What an interminable pile of BS this site tolerates.
I concur :t_up:

15-05-2021, 08:21 AM
I think the saying for this company is
If it smells like **** and looks like ****..... Its probably ****.
Sorry Jonu but its nothing against you if it makes you feel any better ATM is another one I stay away from. But here I am with a crap load of shares in skytv. 😂

15-05-2021, 08:45 AM
You're pretty brave taking on THE WHOLE SITE & almost all of it's members .. ;)

And there we have it in a nutshell. EGO.

Don't over value your own BS nztx. You and a handful of others spend your days getting your jollies from trolling this thread. Vince and his moderators are apparently happy to let it run. which is a shame, as they have trashed the standards of the whole site by doing so.

BTW, you're going to wear out the wink emoji. And I wouldn't rely on it as protection from defamation action either.

Meanwhile, I look forward to further details of the ore processing.

15-05-2021, 10:35 AM

The CEO was big on that word when he called me one night, pissed. I laughed at him. That would have been 12 months ago now.
As usual, all puff and no wind. An acquaintance in the know tells me the FMA report is due out next week. I shall stock up my supplies of chips and popcorn. ;)

15-05-2021, 10:37 AM
Good to see you back to your snapping & snarling best Jonu, making threats and bullying anyone you can to get your own way.

Do you direct any of it to Matt?

Last time you threatened posters with action from the "highest authorities", I oiled up my war surplus Gatling, and have had it trained on the gate 24/7 full alert, in case any suits turn up.

Only trouble is I'm getting cramp in my trigger finger, and running out of Papa Surf's Maxigesic to ease it.

Can you stand me down please?

15-05-2021, 11:27 AM
Holy heck there are some pathetic people on this page. I get it... you lost money.. get over it and move on. Better yet go out and find a husband or wife (whatever floats your boat) to actually spend time with instead of being keyboard warriors. Instead of coming here with your dull repetitive comments go do something worthwhile with your life. If you're not holding or not looking to buy then whats the point of you being here and commenting. I used to come to this site to find interesting points of views and discussion points but you are all becoming a rather sad and boring joke

15-05-2021, 12:42 PM
Holy heck there are some pathetic people on this page.

What are you talking about? Bullish hasnt posted here for nearly 12 months.

15-05-2021, 01:06 PM
What are you talking about? Bullish hasnt posted here for nearly 12 months.

Thanks for all your originality. I haven't read a comment like that here before! Must have put your big boy pants on today and copied a dozen other people with the one liner

15-05-2021, 01:23 PM
I post basically to warn others not to throw their money away.
Unless the mod says otherwise I shall continue to do so.
You don't have to read it you know.

15-05-2021, 01:30 PM
And there we have it in a nutshell. EGO.

Don't over value your own BS nztx. You and a handful of others spend your days getting your jollies from trolling this thread. Vince and his moderators are apparently happy to let it run. which is a shame, as they have trashed the standards of the whole site by doing so.

BTW, you're going to wear out the wink emoji. And I wouldn't rely on it as protection from defamation action either.

Meanwhile, I look forward to further details of the ore processing.
Pot kettle black?

15-05-2021, 01:37 PM
I post basically to warn others not to throw their money away.
Unless the mod says otherwise I shall continue to do so.
You don't have to read it you know.

Maybe a year ago you were because you got bitten financially by the company.. but now after 12 months of rehashing old posts you just a sad little man sat behind a computer screen with a colossal chip on your shoulder

15-05-2021, 02:09 PM
Maybe a year ago you were because you got bitten financially by the company.. but now after 12 months of rehashing old posts you just a sad little man sat behind a computer screen with a colossal chip on your shoulder

Sheesh why are you taking it so personal? Is it a coincidence your account was created just after bullish was banned?

This thread has newcomers viewing it all the time. Especially the sharesies crowd who find it appealing to own thousands of shares in penny stocks. They need to be made aware of all the risk that comes with "investing" in this company.

Perhaps if the company gave shareholders and potential shareholders something worthwhile to discuss, we wouldn't be where we are now.

15-05-2021, 02:27 PM
Sheesh why are you taking it so personal? Is it a coincidence your account was created just after bullish was banned?

This thread has newcomers viewing it all the time. Especially the sharesies crowd who find it appealing to own thousands of shares in penny stocks. They need to be made aware of all the risk that comes with "investing" in this company.

Perhaps if the company gave shareholders and potential shareholders something worthwhile to discuss, we wouldn't be where we are now.

As I'm currently living in California, I'm pretty sure I'm not Bullish but good for you proving my point for a second time!

So is NTL the only company you have lost money on in an investment? How long were you invested for? You reckon you did the proper due diligence before investing or did you jump on the hype in an instant because you saw the $ signs in your dreams?

15-05-2021, 02:31 PM
I post basically to warn others not to throw their money away.
Unless the mod says otherwise I shall continue to do so.
You don't have to read it you know.

Basically presuming other people should bow down to your investment prowess? Whether someone is a newbie, long term investor or whatever in between they should all DYOR. They don't need you mate.. no one does

15-05-2021, 02:42 PM
Punch and Judy back at it again. What an interminable pile of BS this site tolerates.

good news is that there is now an objective thread sub-title.
Most of the others were a bit off, there is no argument about the CEO of NTL being under investigation by the FMA. I hope the title remains unchanged until such time as the investigation is completed and the outcome made public.

15-05-2021, 04:04 PM
Basically presuming other people should bow down to your investment prowess? Whether someone is a newbie, long term investor or whatever in between they should all DYOR. They don't need you mate.. no one does

That last sentence gives it away.
I seem to recognise the DNA.

Are you Bullish's calf, or Jonu's Joey??

15-05-2021, 04:32 PM
Thanks for all your originality. I haven't read a comment like that here before! Must have put your big boy pants on today and copied a dozen other people with the one liner

Same comment/question from me as my previous post.

15-05-2021, 04:55 PM
And there we have it in a nutshell. EGO.

Don't over value your own BS nztx. You and a handful of others spend your days getting your jollies from trolling this thread. Vince and his moderators are apparently happy to let it run. which is a shame, as they have trashed the standards of the whole site by doing so.

BTW, you're going to wear out the wink emoji. And I wouldn't rely on it as protection from defamation action either.

Meanwhile, I look forward to further details of the ore processing.

People spend their days doing what ? :)

Do they ? Really ?

Wake up & get a grip - there are actually people on here who bought into the "NTL / HGL" company over a decade ago
seeing Cap Raise & Dilution time and time again over the years with now only Deep Red Ink to show for it

Accounts of that is very FAIR WARNING to others reading the numerous pages here, regardless of the
BS a few choose instead to post on here ..

This site does not need your nastiness, regardless of whatever stake you may or may not hold in NTL

15-05-2021, 05:09 PM
As I'm currently living in California, I'm pretty sure I'm not Bullish but good for you proving my point for a second time!

So is NTL the only company you have lost money on in an investment? How long were you invested for? You reckon you did the proper due diligence before investing or did you jump on the hype in an instant because you saw the $ signs in your dreams?

Never touched NTL. I was saved by the good people on this thread who showed me the joke it was.

15-05-2021, 05:49 PM
[QUOTE=porkandpuha;885348]Never touched NTL. I was saved by the good people on this thread who showed me the joke it was.[/QUOTE

I mean.. if you haven't proven my point already.. you have now. Some of you need to invest in dogecoin.. live a little... get a rush.. some excitment. Instead you spend your Saturday afternoons on here on a page of a company you've never invested in.. haha

15-05-2021, 05:58 PM
Instead you spend your Saturday afternoons on here on a page of a company you've never invested in.. haha

Ignoring the hypocrisy for a sec, thats just not true... I spent it watching Eduardo win the Doomben 10,000 over 1200m. I got on at $2.10 on Thursday. Shortened into $1.70 today. Easy money. But even if it lost, I would still have been on par with NTL returns.

15-05-2021, 06:41 PM
[QUOTE=porkandpuha;885348]Never touched NTL. I was saved by the good people on this thread who showed me the joke it was.[/QUOTE

I mean.. if you haven't proven my point already.. you have now. Some of you need to invest in dogecoin.. live a little... get a rush.. some excitment. Instead you spend your Saturday afternoons on here on a page of a company you've never invested in.. haha

If your from California it's not Saturday but Friday over there...I smell a raaaat

15-05-2021, 06:43 PM
Sheesh why are you taking it so personal? Is it a coincidence your account was created just after bullish was banned?

This thread has newcomers viewing it all the time. Especially the sharesies crowd who find it appealing to own thousands of shares in penny stocks. They need to be made aware of all the risk that comes with "investing" in this company.

Perhaps if the company gave shareholders and potential shareholders something worthwhile to discuss, we wouldn't be where we are now.

We have just had a Quarterly that gave us plenty to discuss. Instead the thread descended into the normal Punch & Judy BS.

I would be interested in hearing your (and Tappers12) views on NTL's progress on finding a processing route for their ore. This was a major obstacle that looks to have been solved.

15-05-2021, 07:04 PM
Me also. I'm sitting on the edge of my chair in anticipation..

15-05-2021, 07:05 PM
We have just had a Quarterly that gave us plenty to discuss. Instead the thread descended into the normal Punch & Judy BS.

I would be interested in hearing your (and Tappers12) views on NTL's progress on finding a processing route for their ore. This was a major obstacle that looks to have been solved.

Jonu I applaud your enthusiasm but if your talking about mint innovation and a few microbes munching their way thru tonnes of rock...I just cant see it

15-05-2021, 07:29 PM
Jonu I applaud your enthusiasm but if your talking about mint innovation and a few microbes munching their way thru tonnes of rock...I just cant see it

I wasn't talking about Mint, but they are interesting in their own right. I think you have been a little simplistic describing their tech....but I see that as very much a sideshow. The Quarterly describes a processor capable of handling large amounts, quite separate to Mint.

15-05-2021, 08:54 PM
I used to come to this site to find interesting points of views and discussion points but you are all becoming a rather sad and boring joke

Unfortunately this is where I am at also. There use to be quality debate. But this is just rubbish.

People thinking they are saving others is a bit egotistical. Risk goes both ways, and some people will look rather silly if NTL does start to process gold. And if it does not I will still be okay as I have diversified my share portfolio. That is an old school method to manage risk exposure.

15-05-2021, 09:01 PM
This is the comment that Jonu mentioned above from the quarterly. This will be a game changer if in fact this happens

"A number of options have been identified for processing ore in NZ. The next steps
over the coming weeks will be to test up to 100t sample (in batches of 5-10t) at
one or more facility to determine recovery rates and economic feasibility prior to
entering commercial agreements. The capacities'