View Full Version : NTL - New Talisman Mine - New board & Directors

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27-01-2021, 02:36 PM
I presume I have heard this before. Same old, same old strategy. Lets look back 9 years ago. It was then Mkopoto, Rahu, Broken Hill, Vanuatu? and now Broken Hill gold ltd. To date, what has happen to Coromandel Gold Ltd.?
Now, as in the past, what follows is another CR. Ever wonder why institutional investors doesnt want a bar of this Outfit, except us mom & dad investors, hoping to see a glimpse of that shinning stuff. From HGL to NTL its no show.

27-01-2021, 05:12 PM
I see that the NBR have done a short story on NTL’s interest in the Broken Hill mine. Shows a picture of the CEO having a good laugh. He must be thinking of the shareholders and how he and the board can draw down on the $1m cash in the bank to pay salaries and the board fees and have absolutely no accountability to the shareholders for their abysmal performance.

27-01-2021, 05:29 PM
Can someone explain :

Under the terms of the agreement and following the payment of $100K NewTalisman has an initial 90 days Due Diligence period with a further right to extendfor up to 90 days. The deal is subject to Due Diligence by New Talisman and approvalby NZPAM. The Final consideration inclusive of the 100K will be determined uponcompletion of Due diligence and final transaction documents being entered into. Theterms contemplate that any share based consideration will be issue at NZD 0.007cents per share.

So does this mean 100K to get the ball rolling and final cost to be defined and what... new shares issued to cover total cost at 0.007 per share?

doesn’t NZD 0.007 cents mean 0.007 of a cent. Not 0.7 cent. Surely this should be written NZD $0.007

27-01-2021, 06:42 PM
Get over yourself Jonu. NTL is a pig run by doubtful management.
It's all gona end badly for holders.

27-01-2021, 07:08 PM


Stuart Rabone, a geologist often appears in references for this region. For around thirteen years until 2012, the Rabone family headed by Stuart conducted limited mining within the historic Broken Hills Mine using hand methods, and employing up to seven people. The money beyond this was used to restore the historic workings, and tours were conducted for the public of the underground workings. This unique experience was brought to an end in 2012 by government red tape, when the Department of Labour insisted on safety measures for the mine in line with industrial scale mining. We hope the information loaded at the beginning of this article is correct, but no information was found of activity beyond 2012.



And then


"enraged hobby mine operator" - sounds like Bullish!!! ahaha

Great work Landyman, thankyou on behalf of all, for doing the research to balance and / or refute some of Matts spin.

Now bullish is banned for life, and Jonu in Colditz for a month, who will be the torch bearer for NTL?

27-01-2021, 07:40 PM
Great work Landyman, thankyou on behalf of all, for doing the research to balance and / or refute some of Matts spin.

Now bullish is banned for life, and Jonu in Colditz for a month, who will be the torch bearer for NTL?

I don’t think we will find anybody. Jonu is irreplaceable.

27-01-2021, 07:43 PM
NTL's first announcement to the market was 9.34 am this morning

For whatever reasons that was amended in a further filing at 1.15 pm

The afternoon Amended Filing still doesn't fix the fact that they have announced
intentions on a Non Existent Company .. ;)

"Broken Hills Historic Gold Mine Limited" = No such Registered NZ Company .. ;)

27-01-2021, 08:09 PM
Well done Landyman & Vince?

Someone should make a movie on the shenanigan's at the mine(maybe a bit too far to call it a gold mine)

Here is some suggestions for backing music
"Bill Staines - Sourdough/The Miner's Song"

Snow Leopard
27-01-2021, 09:13 PM
My favourite gold movie is still Paint Your Wagon, especially where Lee Marvin 'sings' (starting at 1:10):


Anyway this Broken Hill Historic Mine Limited, is it really on song :p to be a commercial enterprise with Mr Hill digging away with his fork & spoon?

27-01-2021, 10:08 PM
Probably because he secured them on the market for .005, as we all tried to guess who bought all those shares. Now gets the rest at .007 as part of the deal. Averages out at .006. Makes the average person with no idea see the company appear to be doing well. Once price goes up he sells, quits the board, most likely after a few decent pay days for nothing. Retires cashed up with no mine.
Jonu your assumptions are always assuming Matt is smarter and more savvy then the people he is buying off. I think the last few years have clearly shown us this is not the case.

28-01-2021, 02:10 AM
This is a very confusing update and strategy.

For me, I'm losing all sense of understanding of the direction the board are trying to take NTL. They are overloading on opportunities when they don't have the capital to act on them. The focus has completely dissipated from the Talisman mine when that should be there sole focus. Once you have the capital flowing in then by all means go for more opportunities like Vanuatu and Broken Hill.

I am just hoping that the delays have been caused by OGC closing the toll treatment plant and that once it is back and operational soon they can kick off mining and processing.

It would be nice for once to have some type of explanation of how Matt and the board see NTL progression over the short / medium term rather than an announcement of ANOTHER 'exciting' opportunity that they cannot act on due to all capital being chewed up by directors fees.

Watch out for ANOTHER capital raise

28-01-2021, 08:12 AM
This is a very confusing update and strategy. For me, I'm losing all sense of understanding of the direction the board are trying to take NTL. They are overloading on opportunities when they don't have the capital to act on them. The focus has completely dissipated from the Talisman mine when that should be there sole focus. Once you have the capital flowing in then by all means go for more opportunities like Vanuatu and Broken Hill.I am just hoping that the delays have been caused by OGC closing the toll treatment plant and that once it is back and operational soon they can kick off mining and processing. It would be nice for once to have some type of explanation of how Matt and the board see NTL progression over the short / medium term rather than an announcement of ANOTHER 'exciting' opportunity that they cannot act on due to all capital being chewed up by directors fees.Watch out for ANOTHER capital raiseTappers I agree with you 100%.I think they have decided Talisman has no hope of success any time soon, and hence are having to search elsewhere to keep the Company going.I have been a supporter for a fair while, but this kind of strategy is just not something I am interested in.Not saying it is wrong, just wish they would be honest about Talisman, because the last 4 years they have not done what they have said or achieved anything close to producing production. Even the bulk sampling promised for years has been a miserable failure.Sure there are many challenges, but come on, front up and be honest about the realities of Talisman. Now we have two other possible mines that really we know sweet FA about or how this will really add value to NTL.To me it's another hole to pour money into without a clear path to producing gold at any profitable level.It's really hard to see this as anything but a big gamble.To my mind, there are far better gambles out there.Good luck to anyone "investing", DYOR and be fair warned.Anyone hyping this stock I question their motives, I just don't see it, but everyone is entitled to their opinions.

28-01-2021, 08:31 AM
Hang on, I missed something, did something happen to Jonu?

Given that most of here seem to be former holders, and like a bit of banter and to warn starry eyed newbies, it still surprises me that Jonu sees everything in such a positive light - fair play, everyone has different perspectives, and everyone has different holdings.

Im also struggling with the concept of the market premium. Bear with me
If the true value (not sure if there is a fair valuation model for a mine) of Broken Hill is say $490,000, then at the premium, Rabone would be "paid" with 70m shares. If Im Rabone, I would expect to be able to sell them for $350,000 on market.
If Rabone thinks thats unfair, then NTL just tell us the mine is worth more, and issue him, say, 90m shares, telling us that its worth plenty more based on their undisclosed due diligence. Rabone gets shares at "premium", but gets $450,000 worth of shares at market value - yes I have assumed market value in NZ is $0.005.

I think the word "premium" is a little misleading.

If anything, I would like to see the purchase made based on an earn-out - Rabone to get half the profits of Broken Hill for next 5 years. Or even better, get 10% of the profits if he can get the snail-hole operating.

Just my thoughts.

28-01-2021, 08:43 AM
Hang on, I missed something, did something happen to Jonu?

im interested to know too

28-01-2021, 09:18 AM
Seems Jonu has been banned.

28-01-2021, 09:31 AM
Seems Jonu has been banned.

I have a fair idea why...

28-01-2021, 09:47 AM
ThaiJohn.. Geez mate, your chat over the last 6 months is tiresome. It's one thing being disgruntled.. it's another thing going on the crusade you are on

28-01-2021, 10:45 AM
Don't read it then.

28-01-2021, 10:59 AM
im interested to know too

He lives up to his pairing on the ST vs WWF thread, Off Market discussions.

28-01-2021, 12:33 PM
Hang on, I missed something, did something happen to Jonu?

Given that most of here seem to be former holders, and like a bit of banter and to warn starry eyed newbies, it still surprises me that Jonu sees everything in such a positive light - fair play, everyone has different perspectives, and everyone has different holdings.

Im also struggling with the concept of the market premium. Bear with me
If the true value (not sure if there is a fair valuation model for a mine) of Broken Hill is say $490,000, then at the premium, Rabone would be "paid" with 70m shares. If Im Rabone, I would expect to be able to sell them for $350,000 on market.
If Rabone thinks thats unfair, then NTL just tell us the mine is worth more, and issue him, say, 90m shares, telling us that its worth plenty more based on their undisclosed due diligence. Rabone gets shares at "premium", but gets $450,000 worth of shares at market value - yes I have assumed market value in NZ is $0.005.

I think the word "premium" is a little misleading.

If anything, I would like to see the purchase made based on an earn-out - Rabone to get half the profits of Broken Hill for next 5 years. Or even better, get 10% of the profits if he can get the snail-hole operating.

Just my thoughts.

Even Goldstein would probably agree with your points

Unfortunately stakeholders too appear to get premium treatment - royally shafted frequently as NTL holders.

From NTL's view I guess - "We found Gold" (Actually someone else did ! and apparently only the odd hobby mining gram
or two, and that's when processing facilities are actually operating/processing)

"We got a fully functioning producing Gold Mine" (Actually only a small non commercial one with issues on consents,
licences, processing, whether it is actually useful or goes ahead - and if it happens for a Large Mysterious Premium)

We did it with not a lot of further money (Actually with the prior Talisman Project - progress still at crawling pace,
Vanuatu if proceeded with being played with and now Broken Hobby Mountain - that will probably change too)

Not exactly large volumes of Gold Bucks coming in anywhere -- maybe time real soon to tap the company's major source
of income - the million buckses in kitty isn't going to go far with the pile of extra projects on the slow burner .. ;)

Let's look at the mostly likely target in range for funding NTL's Wishlist of mostly Broken, Hobby or Snail Projects:


Will it be a SLAM DUNK exercise usually where the SP is not going anywhere fast & many have lost
patience & interest - The Company proceeds to place $50K & $100K blocks of shares where ever
they please - ignoring most if not majority of existing stakeholders and conveniently diluting
all royally across the landscape in the avalanche of even more worthless or sub-cent shares on issue ? ;)

Or will the Shafting include a consolldation wiping out billions of shares on issue (say a 1:1000 consolidation)
so the same rinse & repeat exercise can be done again & again well into the future as the increased
pile of projects all start showing signs of very slow process going nowhere, as with Talisman ? ;)

Of course we all understand -- Company Review looks a nice polite way of seeing where things are going.. ;)

but surely the same exercise also looked at how to ensure the same bums remained parked up warming
a certain quotient of Board Chairs as well .. ;)

Did the "Review" cover large planned Remuneration Hike Up's for by chance finding Specks of the Gold Stuff or getting
a Working Mine or seeing the Outfit into position of processing capability ? ;)

Perhaps buying an existing outfit that may have done all these things (at some stage or as a hobby) and including it into the
fold pre-qualifies some of the bods for all the extra inflated Premium handouts & perkies - but who knows ? ;)

Did anyone catch the score for the friendly cricket game that followed the signing ceremony ? ;)

28-01-2021, 01:54 PM
im interested to know too

Oh dear, a user with a prefix of "bull" - mild panic for a second there.

FMA still working through the process on bullish?

28-01-2021, 03:51 PM
ThaiJohn.. Geez mate, your chat over the last 6 months is tiresome. It's one thing being disgruntled.. it's another thing going on the crusade you are on

Hahaha, if that's tiresome, what's your take on the "chat" NTL have offered over the last 10 years?

28-01-2021, 08:34 PM
Honestly.. frustration with a hint of laughability sprinkled with bewilderment.

29-01-2021, 08:41 AM
Wonder if Jonu's posts are going to be moved into the holding area as well..

29-01-2021, 08:55 AM
Wonder if Jonu's posts are going to be moved into the holding area as well..

Jonu holds a significant number of shares. He has skin in the game. His views are way different to mine. It would be good if he is right and this company is successful. Wealth creation is way better than wealth destruction. If the story changes I will reinvest but this last acquisition certainly hasn’t changed my mind. It has reinforced my scepticism.

Paint it Black
29-01-2021, 10:30 AM
Jonu holds a significant number of shares. He has skin in the game. His views are way different to mine. It would be good if he is right and this company is successful. Wealth creation is way better than wealth destruction. If the story changes I will reinvest but this last acquisition certainly hasn’t changed my mind. It has reinforced my scepticism.

I valued Jonu's commentary and sorry he has been banned. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Any criticism he was posting was in response to that he was receiving. Can Vince please advise what the reason was for his ban?

29-01-2021, 10:35 AM
I dont think Vince has to explain or justify anything.

Jonu's abusive way of denigrating his opposition is plain for all to see.

29-01-2021, 10:36 AM
I hope Jonu comes back too - its good having every end of the spectrum so that the rest of us can read, digest, and make our own decisions.
Have felt bad too, as think he/she is the only one left commentating that NTL has a positive outlook.

PS. Just heard back from the FMA. Investigation into Bullish comments are ongoing, and wont comment until complete.

Another thought, I wonder what KPIs Matt has?

29-01-2021, 10:55 AM
Whatever Key Performance Indicators Matt has, would be self written and monitored.

I think we could guess the bar is set low...

29-01-2021, 11:20 AM
Whatever Key Performance Indicators Matt has, would be self written and monitored.

I think we could guess the bar is set low...

One of the problems when the CEO is also a director. Particularly in this case where the board is very weak. I would imagine that Matt has total control which is why he can get a high salary from a company that doesn’t perform.

29-01-2021, 11:24 AM
Will Mr Rabone have a bone to pick with Matt?

Paint it Black
29-01-2021, 11:35 AM
Thanks Getty but I was asking Vince. Keen to receive his feedback as well.

29-01-2021, 12:10 PM
Thanks Getty but I was asking Vince. Keen to receive his feedback as well.

Recommend you check out post 7805 on the Oceania thread.....

Paint it Black
29-01-2021, 12:56 PM
Recommend you check out post 7805 on the Oceania thread.....

Thanks RTM. No mention of Jonu however which I can see.
Interesting though. I'm just asking the moderator a simple question or is that not allowed?

29-01-2021, 01:56 PM
One of the problems when the CEO is also a director. Particularly in this case where the board is very weak. I would imagine that Matt has total control which is why he can get a high salary from a company that doesn’t perform.

probably not far wrong .. ;)

possibly not an easy ask finding a replacement skillset to transplant into a tinpot broken miner either
if majority of holders decided something was to happen .. ;)

If privatised - as anyone may guess - there would be fair bit more A** kicking happening to see enhanced performance
and productivity and an end to all the BS & excuses with a refocus of things .. ;)

Take a look around the other miners & explorers - who is producing, who is engaged in real productive exploration
with very definite prospects .. and who is pretending something may happen ? ;)

29-01-2021, 02:31 PM
I see the quarterly excuse sheet has just been released !!

29-01-2021, 02:46 PM
Hmmmm, we have to get bigger to make processing viable????

"One of the previously identified options to process ore underground has
identified risks of a single operational entry 2m x 2m addit system at
Talisman has been the risks associated with any disruptions to operations and
the potential 'idling' of any plant throughout such disruption. This 'single
source' interruption risk makes the financing of any plant or the entering
into of processing arrangements with third parties challenging.
In addition operating in New Zealand, which has some of the most stringent
Health and Safety regulations in the world, and a complex system for
consenting, permitting and undertaking mine activities through multiple
stakeholders, means that the fixed initial costs can be significantly higher
than most other comparable countries for this type of mining. As a result of
this 'initial fixed cost hurdle' right sizing the scale of operations needs
to be managed carefully to ensure operation at an economic scale.

The Company has been pursuing ways to create efficiencies with other small
scale operators that have the ability to right size development and
production investment. This lead to the identification of the Broken Hills
operations, near Tairua on the Coromandel Peninsula."

But this sounds good
"Broken Hills have indicated that there may be potential to process ore on
behalf of Talisman with their existing plant and equipment as well as an
existing arrangement with a small scale processing facility for which the
Broken Hills team have exclusive access. A review of the treatment capability
is yet to be undertaken and will be a focus of the Due Diligence process."

Exclusive access??? Maybe someone in the Rabone family???

29-01-2021, 02:58 PM
Must be a few more weekend hobby sized diggings throwing out a few mere grams
every once in a while - surely ;)

Mind you - the amounts of ore they put out in 6 months would probably fit in a few shoeboxes under the CEO's desk
when they can be bothered migrating in for a weekend's break from the big smoke, and even then be dwarfed by
the executive briefcase carting out the shareholder's gold .. ;)

Hang on a moment - what was the scale again ? ;)

29-01-2021, 03:39 PM
$400k spent in the quarter, $1.5m left, so they are good for another 3-4 quarters. Oh dear

29-01-2021, 03:48 PM
$400k spent in the quarter, $1.5m left, so they are good for another 3-4 quarters. Oh dear

That's before they start playing Ring a Ring a Rosies with what gets hidden under what company banner

Also before arrival of a further intake of new cash swallowing pet hobby projects probably generating SFA as
they currently stand

Possibly be a CAP RAISE when Coro Gold hits ASX and / or NZX as well so it has a bit of coin in the tin

Remember for all this deciding what goes in what Company Tin, the CEO & Team (when not away on holiday,
playing a bit of friendly cricket, deciding on next year's holiday away, and how many trips to Vanuatu are to slotted in,
or dodging large brick bats thrown their way) have unilaterally decided to be paid at a mere 80% of the contracted take ;)

Of course it doesn't appear to matter one ioata that very little if any Revenue has landed in the corporate coffers
or much tangible progress has occurred across the duration for the remuneration still continuing to being shelled out
for their previously acclaimed glowing star project - Talisman shunted to one side seemingly crawling at snails pace if that.. ;)

The next rounds of Shareholder contributions (aka Company major Income source) however in near future are definitely
expected to be the full 100% extraction job for which all suckers sitting in line for the punishment will be subjected ..
unless alternative pots of new shareholder gold are located over yonder hill in larger amounts first .. ;)

Remember - there be Gold in them there .. Hill - they have frequently called out .. ;)

29-01-2021, 04:04 PM
..the beat goes on


29-01-2021, 04:52 PM
So how much gold did we dig up this quarter after all that is what we are here for ?

29-01-2021, 06:01 PM
Hmmmm, we have to get bigger to make processing viable????

"One of the previously identified options to process ore underground has
identified risks of a single operational entry 2m x 2m addit system at
Talisman has been the risks associated with any disruptions to operations and
the potential 'idling' of any plant throughout such disruption. This 'single
source' interruption risk makes the financing of any plant or the entering
into of processing arrangements with third parties challenging.
In addition operating in New Zealand, which has some of the most stringent
Health and Safety regulations in the world, and a complex system for
consenting, permitting and undertaking mine activities through multiple
stakeholders, means that the fixed initial costs can be significantly higher
than most other comparable countries for this type of mining. As a result of
this 'initial fixed cost hurdle' right sizing the scale of operations needs
to be managed carefully to ensure operation at an economic scale.

The Company has been pursuing ways to create efficiencies with other small
scale operators that have the ability to right size development and
production investment. This lead to the identification of the Broken Hills
operations, near Tairua on the Coromandel Peninsula."

But this sounds good
"Broken Hills have indicated that there may be potential to process ore on
behalf of Talisman with their existing plant and equipment as well as an
existing arrangement with a small scale processing facility for which the
Broken Hills team have exclusive access. A review of the treatment capability
is yet to be undertaken and will be a focus of the Due Diligence process."

Exclusive access??? Maybe someone in the Rabone family???

I recall reading that Broken Hill ore was processed at OceanaGold in Waihi?

It is not processed by Broken Hills Historic Mine themselves as that would not be economic."

29-01-2021, 06:05 PM
I recall reading that Broken Hill ore was processed at OceanaGold in Waihi?

It is not processed by Broken Hills Historic Mine themselves as that would not be economic."

Yes - I recall that too ..

29-01-2021, 06:14 PM
And I recall reading Broken Hill hasn't operated for 5 years due to Health & Safety ?

29-01-2021, 06:21 PM
And we must not forget that at $2600 an oz a shareholder might reasonably expect the Talisman mine would be profitable. But no in this latest update we are advised that NTL need bigger scale and to that end they think that Broken Hill ( could be good nick name for Mathew) and Vanuatu will solve the problem. The company is now pointing out to us that H&S and also the consenting process is what makes mining expensive in NZ. But this is a mine with grades amongst the highest in the world or so we are told. Remember the Dubbo carrot of 1kg / tonne of gold and then of course that came to nothing because that was in an area that was totally unstable and very dangerous to mine. And The Mystery vein continues to be a mystery.

I could write a book about this company.

Fool me once Mr Hill shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. I am deeply embarrassed by my investment with this company.

I feel sorry for the shareholders. I am nearly out completely but nearly as I am part of the queue selling @ 0.6 c. I will keep a few so that I can turn up to the next shareholders meeting. I hope it will be very entertaining.

29-01-2021, 06:36 PM
probably not far wrong .. ;)

possibly not an easy ask finding a replacement skillset to transplant into a tinpot broken miner either
if majority of holders decided something was to happen .. ;)

If privatised - as anyone may guess - there would be fair bit more A** kicking happening to see enhanced performance
and productivity and an end to all the BS & excuses with a refocus of things .. ;)

Take a look around the other miners & explorers - who is producing, who is engaged in real productive exploration
with very definite prospects .. and who is pretending something may happen ? ;)

Yes it is a no win situation - useless board and useless management. The shareholders have to get rid of the board and replace them with competent people and then the new switched on board has to fire and rehire the management team. This is too hard and is not going to happen. The alternative is that the company becomes a shell and is purchased and taken private by someone who understands mining. Of course this will not be of any use to current shareholders. Board and management understand this. No accountability.

29-01-2021, 07:55 PM
So out of recent announcements - NTL is looking towards a further collection of broken dysfunctional
prospects presumably at a premium cost / value / swap - due to pink tints worn with a bit of talking them
up somewhere ;)

If we look at the existing Talisman Project, will NTL's remaining resources cover getting this to 'extracting
the gold stuff' to a marketable processed finished stage or possibly not ? ;)

If not, the existing project which NTL has doesn't have resources to bring up to 'operating producing stage'

As for the new collection of proposed broken disfunctional & possibly dormant bits & pieces, warts
deficiencies & all - what of all the further loot to bring these up from token 'White Elephant stage' up to
operational or even looking that way ? ;)

How deep is the vast pit that money may be seemingly chucked into by the bucket full for the new lot of broken bits ?

The answer probably lies in the millions thrown at and around Talisman itself over the years.. does it not ? ;)

The non functioning Broken A** Hobby Mine may require less to throw out a few grams here and there
so it looks a little better than a Hobby outfit, but what of Vanuatu ?

Is what is coming out - potentially looking like the dubious territory of adding / incurring obligations NTL
clearly has inadequate / insufficient resources to fund/finance or cover from reasonably expected sources ? ;)

Then all existing overheads etc being incurred as seen quarterly are needing to be thrown in the mix
to be funded from somewhere .. ;)

Borrowing is possibly out of the question - who would lend on a few holes in the ground that have seen little more than a
bit of poke around down under, no freehold owned , no tangible revenue flowing in to speak of ? ;)

A SP sitting not far off the bones of it's A** (after past similar unpopular dilutionary fundraising antics) probably
doesn't assist trying a further Cap Raise either, as many more wake up fast & hoof it a billion miles away fearing
being slam-dunked and unceremoniously diluted across to the other side of the galaxy .. ;)

So good luck with that avenue too, as past announced talk ups & hot air come badly unstuck .. ;)

29-01-2021, 08:45 PM
So out of recent announcements - NTL is looking towards a further collection of broken dysfunctional
prospects presumably at a premium cost / value / swap - due to pink tints worn with a bit of talking them
up somewhere ;)

If we look at the existing Talisman Project, will NTL's remaining resources cover getting this to 'extracting
the gold stuff' to a marketable processed finished stage or possibly not ? ;)

If not, the existing project which NTL has doesn't have resources to bring up to 'operating producing stage'

As for the new collection of proposed broken disfunctional & possibly dormant bits & pieces, warts
deficiencies & all - what of all the further loot to bring these up from token 'White Elephant stage' up to
operational or even looking that way ? ;)

How deep is the vast pit that money may be seemingly chucked into by the bucket full for the new lot of broken bits ?

The answer probably lies in the millions thrown at and around Talisman itself over the years.. does it not ? ;)

The non functioning Broken A** Hobby Mine may require less to throw out a few grams here and there
so it looks a little better than a Hobby outfit, but what of Vanuatu ?

Is what is coming out - potentially looking like the dubious territory of adding / incurring obligations NTL
clearly has inadequate / insufficient resources to fund/finance or cover from reasonably expected sources ? ;)

Then all existing overheads etc being incurred as seen quarterly are needing to be thrown in the mix
to be funded from somewhere .. ;)

Borrowing is possibly out of the question - who would lend on a few holes in the ground that have seen little more than a
bit of poke around down under, no freehold owned , no tangible revenue flowing in to speak of ? ;)

A SP sitting not far off the bones of it's A** (after past similar unpopular dilutionary fundraising antics) probably
doesn't assist trying a further Cap Raise either, as many more wake up fast & hoof it a billion miles away fearing
being slam-dunked and unceremoniously diluted across to the other side of the galaxy .. ;)

So good luck with that avenue too, as past announced talk ups & hot air come badly unstuck .. ;)

That's a heck of a long way of saying, Talisman is basically pronounced a dead duck, that they've bought into a couple of minnow long shots without consulting shareholders, and the next cap raise is around the corner cos they've got no money to progress anything much. All the while not delivering any gold or commercial success, again.

The only thing that will stop this charade is a failed cap raise and the company fails. Odds are though, based on twenty+ years of history is that greater fools will stump up the ponies to eek out this company's eye watering failures and excessive salaries.

Honestly this is better than a soap opera, but clearly there are still people not watching it through channel ST.

29-01-2021, 10:49 PM
That's a heck of a long way of saying, Talisman is basically pronounced a dead duck, that they've bought into a couple of minnow long shots without consulting shareholders, and the next cap raise is around the corner cos they've got no money to progress anything much. All the while not delivering any gold or commercial success, again.

That would have to be the most beautifully concise summation of the latest announcement and current state of this outfit. Am not a shareholder but can certainly feel the pain of those that are as they demand better.

30-01-2021, 08:47 AM
It's so good I'm going to repost it again so that Matthew Hill gets to read it twice.

"That's a heck of a long way of saying, Talisman is basically pronounced a dead duck, that they've bought into a couple of minnow long shots without consulting shareholders, and the next cap raise is around the corner cos they've got no money to progress anything much. All the while not delivering any gold or commercial success, again.

The only thing that will stop this charade is a failed cap raise and the company fails. Odds are though, based on twenty+ years of history is that greater fools will stump up the ponies to eek out this company's eye watering failures and excessive salaries.

Honestly this is better than a soap opera, but clearly there are still people not watching it through channel ST."

30-01-2021, 10:40 AM
It's so good I'm going to repost it again so that Matthew Hill gets to read it twice.

"That's a heck of a long way of saying, Talisman is basically pronounced a dead duck, that they've bought into a couple of minnow long shots without consulting shareholders, and the next cap raise is around the corner cos they've got no money to progress anything much. All the while not delivering any gold or commercial success, again.

The only thing that will stop this charade is a failed cap raise and the company fails. Odds are though, based on twenty+ years of history is that greater fools will stump up the ponies to eek out this company's eye watering failures and excessive salaries.

Honestly this is better than a soap opera, but clearly there are still people not watching it through channel ST."

Funny, been away in south island for 10 days, got back, and was going to post something.

Then I read your post, and it said exactly what I was going to say.

So I wont add to that at all, bye.

30-01-2021, 11:27 AM
It's so good I'm going to repost it again so that Matthew Hill gets to read it twice.

"That's a heck of a long way of saying, Talisman is basically pronounced a dead duck, that they've bought into a couple of minnow long shots without consulting shareholders, and the next cap raise is around the corner cos they've got no money to progress anything much. All the while not delivering any gold or commercial success, again.

The only thing that will stop this charade is a failed cap raise and the company fails. Odds are though, based on twenty+ years of history is that greater fools will stump up the ponies to eek out this company's eye watering failures and excessive salaries.

Honestly this is better than a soap opera, but clearly there are still people not watching it through channel ST."

There you go Mathew Hill can read it 4 times. The problem is it will make no difference. His interests are not aligned with the shareholders. He probably gets a good laugh out of it.

31-01-2021, 04:55 PM
If NTL doesn't have enough available ore within Talisman to purchase the machinery needed to process it why did they buy the first "test" plant, which we were told was fully upscalable if deemed appropriate for the task at hand?

Seems they successfully tested the toy concentrate maker & now all of a sudden they don't have enough ore to purchase a bigger plant. Huh?

Why can't the board & management just tell us the truth? It's not like the truth would scare away any further shareholders then they already have. In fact, they could make an INFORMED decisions on whether to stump up more cash when they come crying for it.

Without being given information & insight that I actually believe by the way of market releases, I'd rather invest my capital in a VCR tape rental shop, as I could more accurately gauge how fast my investment would be near worthless.

NTL - Save the stamp & envelope costs when you're ready to come crying for more money from me & put it towards what you were supposed to be doing with my previous investments, bulk sampling @ Talisman. If you send an offer packet you wont be getting it back, the buck stops here.

31-01-2021, 05:10 PM
"Without being given information & insight that I actually believe by the way of market releases, I'd rather invest my capital in a VCR tape rental shop"

Careful. You'll give Mr Hill ideas.

31-01-2021, 05:34 PM
If NTL doesn't have enough available ore within Talisman to purchase the machinery needed to process it why did they buy the first "test" plant, which we were told was fully upscalable if deemed appropriate for the task at hand?

Seems they successfully tested the toy concentrate maker & now all of a sudden they don't have enough ore to purchase a bigger plant. Huh?

Why can't the board & management just tell us the truth? It's not like the truth would scare away any further shareholders then they already have. In fact, they could make an INFORMED decisions on whether to stump up more cash when they come crying for it.

Without being given information & insight that I actually believe by the way of market releases, I'd rather invest my capital in a VCR tape rental shop, as I could more accurately gauge how fast my investment would be near worthless.

NTL - Save the stamp & envelope costs when you're ready to come crying for more money from me & put it towards what you were supposed to be doing with my previous investments, bulk sampling @ Talisman. If you send an offer packet you wont be getting it back, the buck stops here.

I believe that if they told the truth there would be no more chances of a capital raise. Right now if they continue to put the right spin on things there may be some shareholders , particularly the top 20 guys who might stump up some cash. The logic being if they don’t support the company they will take a big loss on their shares. I was once very positive about this company. The rehabilitation of the mine to me seemed that these guys really meant business but unfortunately that was the only achievement, and nothing of any note followed.

31-01-2021, 05:38 PM
If NTL doesn't have enough available ore within Talisman to purchase the machinery needed to process it why did they buy the first "test" plant, which we were told was fully upscalable if deemed appropriate for the task at hand?

Seems they successfully tested the toy concentrate maker & now all of a sudden they don't have enough ore to purchase a bigger plant. Huh?

Why can't the board & management just tell us the truth? It's not like the truth would scare away any further shareholders then they already have. In fact, they could make an INFORMED decisions on whether to stump up more cash when they come crying for it.

Without being given information & insight that I actually believe by the way of market releases, I'd rather invest my capital in a VCR tape rental shop, as I could more accurately gauge how fast my investment would be near worthless.

NTL - Save the stamp & envelope costs when you're ready to come crying for more money from me & put it towards what you were supposed to be doing with my previous investments, bulk sampling @ Talisman. If you send an offer packet you wont be getting it back, the buck stops here.

Unfortunately Weta, the only thing that comes out from NTL are weasel words.
NTL stands for 'Never Too Late' (to lose money).

This from one of their quarterly reports just over THREE years ago:

“The company is continuing along its path and upon completion of prospecting and commencement of bulk sampling will be well positioned as the newest underground gold mine in NZ to commence underground operations for many years."

Its all just a load of crap isn't it? All rhetorical stuff. There's no real substance, because these types of statements are only made to keep the carrot (gold) dangling in front of people, and to perpetuate the fantasy of untold riches being mined and shareholders becoming tremendously wealthy.
The pilot plant was a waste of time effort and money, as were most of the reports commissioned by NTL and paid for by shareholders.

There's lots of smoke and mirrors with this company.

Oh.....and when they printed the above quarterly report, the share price was 1.8c per share, and since then the CEO Hill has been paid circa $1.2 million.

31-01-2021, 05:40 PM
If NTL doesn't have enough available ore within Talisman to purchase the machinery needed to process it why did they buy the first "test" plant, which we were told was fully upscalable if deemed appropriate for the task at hand?

Seems they successfully tested the toy concentrate maker & now all of a sudden they don't have enough ore to purchase a bigger plant. Huh?

Why can't the board & management just tell us the truth? It's not like the truth would scare away any further shareholders then they already have. In fact, they could make an INFORMED decisions on whether to stump up more cash when they come crying for it.

Without being given information & insight that I actually believe by the way of market releases, I'd rather invest my capital in a VCR tape rental shop, as I could more accurately gauge how fast my investment would be near worthless.

NTL - Save the stamp & envelope costs when you're ready to come crying for more money from me & put it towards what you were supposed to be doing with my previous investments, bulk sampling @ Talisman. If you send an offer packet you wont be getting it back, the buck stops here.

Good post - same thoughts here

The propensity of the beast however (as seen in past) if not mistaken is to scurry around gathering in
placements on large parcels ignoring basically most of those already onboard, is it not ? ;)

Anyone remember past CR's where it was $10k & $20k etc dallops of cash they were chasing & stuff
any of the smaller holders under the prescribed levels..

That way NTL effectively shaft all those already in, by diluting them across to the other side of the galaxy
if they don't stump up .. ;)

31-01-2021, 05:44 PM
I believe that if they told the truth there would be no more chances of a capital raise. Right now if they continue to put the right spin on things there may be some shareholders , particularly the top 20 guys who might stump up some cash. The logic being if they don’t support the company they will take a big loss on their shares. I was once very positive about this company. The rehabilitation of the mine to me seemed that these guys really meant business but unfortunately that was the only achievement, and nothing of any note followed.

Yes, we see that bias from time to time on this thread don't we??!! Yet....surely.....if you've got enough money tied up (I didn't want to use the word invested :scared:) in this company, and enough money to be a top 20 shareholder.......surely to goodness you can't be sooooo asinine to realise that all you are actually doing is paying Hills wages and the salaries of a few others as well.

31-01-2021, 05:52 PM
It seems that all posters except Jonu are in agreement that NTL is dead in the water. I miss Jonu’s posts already.
We are preaching to the converted.

31-01-2021, 06:12 PM
I still like posting on this thread cos I reckon Hill still comes here and has a read lol. As a guest mind you, not as a poster.

And if there's any new people reading this, have a read of how the CEO of this company trolls and the language he uses.
Remember that if you even consider for a nano second to support the soon to be announced capital raise!!


31-01-2021, 06:12 PM
Yes, we see that bias from time to time on this thread don't we??!! Yet....surely.....if you've got enough money tied up (I didn't want to use the word invested :scared:) in this company, and enough money to be a top 20 shareholder.......surely to goodness you can't be sooooo asinine to realise that all you are actually doing is paying Hills wages and the salaries of a few others as well.

Yes you would think that the bloke with 350M shares would be banging the table and demanding some action. I asked Jonu once on this thread if there was communication between the top 20 shareholders and he seemed to indicate that there wasn’t much. The Shareholders seem to be a passive and polite bunch. All part of the problem. I do not expect fireworks at the next sgm. The shareholders will dutifully vote the same directors back onto the board and NTL will continue to do what it does best - spending shareholders money for absolutely no gain.

01-02-2021, 08:10 AM
I think they have said the plan is to dual list the "explorer" entity - guaranteed to get some starry eyed new investors.

Digger, correct me if Im wrong, but I think it was you who said that you were in touch with some of the other big shareholders - but now you have reduced your holdings.
Then there was teh $300k worth of NTL sold on NZX the other week. Another big boy getting out?
Then again, someone bought them.

I agree, the plan seems to be keep it afloat as long as the cash cow keeps on giving - to the Directors that is. Sad times. I very much hope we are all wrong.

I only do this to warn others - and it helps me vent!

01-02-2021, 01:22 PM
The hype didn't last long. Sellers once again happy to let them go at 0.005

01-02-2021, 01:24 PM
I think they have said the plan is to dual list the "explorer" entity - guaranteed to get some starry eyed new investors.

Digger, correct me if Im wrong, but I think it was you who said that you were in touch with some of the other big shareholders - but now you have reduced your holdings.
Then there was teh $300k worth of NTL sold on NZX the other week. Another big boy getting out?
Then again, someone bought them.

I agree, the plan seems to be keep it afloat as long as the cash cow keeps on giving - to the Directors that is. Sad times. I very much hope we are all wrong.

I only do this to warn others - and it helps me vent!

Many may have serious reservations as to whether a dual listed upside down ice cream cart would fly better than the current direction
things are taking .. ;)

Perhaps a nice little Shareholder Class Action aimed at the Boardroom Chair legs would wake things up to reality ? ;)

01-02-2021, 04:58 PM
So I thought I would seek some Monday afternoon stimulation and read the last annual report.....(but I got a bit depressed when I got to the words on page 4. The old photos on the first three pages were good though :t_up:)
Then I came across this. What a sterling looking photo. I'm sort of wondering if they went into the mine, or it was just a photo opportunity at the entrance.


So these four men have the interests of NTL at their fingertips.
Talking of fingertips, I'm reminded of skin, and it can hardly be said that there's too much of their skin in the NTL game.

Stevens 60,000 shares worth about $300

Haworth 4,500 shares worth about $22

Nader not a single solitary (massively diluted) share

Hill 42,159,085 shares worth about $210,000.
Not sure how or where he got these. Someone might know if he actually bought them or got them some other way. Not a lot anyway when you've been paid circa $1.2 million over the last three years for the tiring mentally draining work that comes from being the NTL CEO.

Not a single cent was spent by these four men at the last capital raise. They knew aye??!!
I hope anyone reading this who did support the last CR remembers that when the hat is put out soonish for the next one. It should be called an SR (Salary Replenishment) not a CR, cos that's where most of the last lot went.

I can't quite work out whether there are smiles/smirks/grimaces in the photo. All eyes are open tho - so there's no winking.

01-02-2021, 06:43 PM
...and not a speck of dirt on their shiny arse overalls.

02-02-2021, 10:05 AM
So I thought I would seek some Monday afternoon stimulation and read the last annual report.....(but I got a bit depressed when I got to the words on page 4. The old photos on the first three pages were good though :t_up:)
Then I came across this. What a sterling looking photo. I'm sort of wondering if they went into the mine, or it was just a photo opportunity at the entrance.


So these four men have the interests of NTL at their fingertips.
Talking of fingertips, I'm reminded of skin, and it can hardly be said that there's too much of their skin in the NTL game.

Stevens 60,000 shares worth about $300

Haworth 4,500 shares worth about $22

Nader not a single solitary (massively diluted) share

Hill 42,159,085 shares worth about $210,000.
Not sure how or where he got these. Someone might know if he actually bought them or got them some other way. Not a lot anyway when you've been paid circa $1.2 million over the last three years for the tiring mentally draining work that comes from being the NTL CEO.

Not a single cent was spent by these four men at the last capital raise. They knew aye??!!
I hope anyone reading this who did support the last CR remembers that when the hat is put out soonish for the next one. It should be called an SR (Salary Replenishment) not a CR, cos that's where most of the last lot went.

I can't quite work out whether there are smiles/smirks/grimaces in the photo. All eyes are open tho - so there's no winking.

Its almost amusing. Had the Directors been seen to be supporting the CR's, then confidence would be a lot higher - and funds would have flowed easier. For every $1 Hill (or family) put in, would probably get it back tenfold.

Anyone been involved in a listing before? I cant imagine the costs are astronomical, but the preparation of docs and trying to sell it to the public wont be done for a dime either.

02-02-2021, 10:28 AM
Then I came across this. What a sterling looking photo. I'm sort of wondering if they went into the mine, or it was just a photo opportunity at the entrance.


Green screen places them right in the action?

02-02-2021, 12:23 PM
I'm reminded of a bit of action by shareholders to get the former CEO of BLT (Blis) voted on to the Board. At the time the share price had done nothing but go backwards and people were feeling a bit antsy. The Board and CEO at the time did not want the former CEO on the board and recommended against voting him on. People gave their proxies (I did as well) and he was voted in. The share priice of BLT went up, quite probably nothing to do with him being on the board, possibly just the hard yards had started to pay off for the new CEO, but nonetheless, the shareholders spoke. Perhaps it is time the NTL shareholders did something similar.

Frankly I'm appalled that the FMA did not act on Matt Hill posing as bullish on here. Another slack agency not earning their keep.

I only keep reading this thread for the humour.

02-02-2021, 12:25 PM
Black humour that is

02-02-2021, 01:27 PM
This thread reminds me of the old saying - never ruin a good prospect by mining it!

02-02-2021, 01:49 PM
Time for Matty Boy to go on Minimal Retainer - Say $50K and Performance Bonus on getting processed Gold
to market in commercial quantities IMO .. ;)

That's the only way things will be done & frankly what is being syphoned out is ridiculous for what has been seen
after the carrot dangling sessions .. ;)

The Board needs to get Honest with stakeholders and probably sooner rather than later .. ;)

Is Talisman stuffed ? or if not how much to get things rolling with a game plan NTL can comfortably achieve .. ?

If it is stuffed, unachievable or a lost cause NTL can't possibly hope to make any good out of this side of 2100
then likely impairment, write-offs & winding down / reinstatement costs surely mean SP should be nearer to $0.001
on a good day ? ;)

Or is this why there is now furious scurrying around going on at NTL with exploring any sort of other broken a** or
weekend hobby prospect that even looks like it may be a hole in the ground with slightest glimmer of gold in the bottom ? ;)

02-02-2021, 02:00 PM
This thread reminds me of the old saying - never ruin a good prospect by mining it!

Or making the Engineer the Head Chef in the kitchen because he makes good coffee ..
but cant operate the oven .. ;)

02-02-2021, 02:51 PM
I'm reminded of a bit of action by shareholders to get the former CEO of BLT (Blis) voted on to the Board. At the time the share price had done nothing but go backwards and people were feeling a bit antsy. The Board and CEO at the time did not want the former CEO on the board and recommended against voting him on. People gave their proxies (I did as well) and he was voted in. The share priice of BLT went up, quite probably nothing to do with him being on the board, possibly just the hard yards had started to pay off for the new CEO, but nonetheless, the shareholders spoke. Perhaps it is time the NTL shareholders did something similar.

Frankly I'm appalled that the FMA did not act on Matt Hill posing as bullish on here. Another slack agency not earning their keep.

I only keep reading this thread for the humour.

I checked with FMA last week, they said the investigation was ongoing....they couldnt indicate when they would come out with their findings.

02-02-2021, 03:38 PM
T O has died, in the famous words of the Doors, " Is this the end ? "

02-02-2021, 03:53 PM
My prediction is that there will not be a physical SGM. They will play the COVID card.

02-02-2021, 04:53 PM
The reason the meeting was virtual, is that they know when I attend co. meetings, I have a propensity to grab under performing and overpaid directors/CEO's by the scrotum, & give them a tweak.
For reasons I'm yet to fathom, they dont seem to like it!

Heres why...

02-02-2021, 04:58 PM
Will be interesting to see how much this has changed next time we see it

Rank Name Units % of Units
1. HAMISH EDWARD ELLIOT BROWN 311,081,818 11.55
2. BEVERLEY IDA EVANS 93,104,545 3.46
3. RIUO HAURAKI LIMITED 89,855,819 3.34
4. JOHN KILDARE UPPERTON 69,301,709 2.57
55,705,865 2.07
6. RA KOURA LIMITED 46,999,999 1.75
7. MATTHEW GEOFFREY HILL 42,940,903 1.60
35,758,910 1.33
13. CHI HUA CHEN 20,546,588 0.80
14. BOYI WEI 20,000,000 0.74
15. PETER WILLIAM HALL 20,000,000 0.74

02-02-2021, 05:15 PM
We need to Roll Matthew Hill.
Is there anyone on here with some real shares, that will help vote him off? or is it mostly wishful thinkers with a few $ in the game?
I have about 20m, close to a half a starting point and would like NTL to go for gold instead of go broke paying CEOs

02-02-2021, 05:33 PM
We need to Roll Matthew Hill.
Is there anyone on here with some real shares, that will help vote him off? or is it mostly wishful thinkers with a few $ in the game?
I have about 20m, close to a half a starting point and would like NTL to go for gold instead of go broke paying CEOs

I had about 8m shares but have sold down to about 100k because I could see the writing on the wall and finally bit the bullet and admitted that I was wrong. So I am now no help whatsoever. From memory the top 20 shareholders own about 20% of the company and I would guess way less than 100 shareholders control 50% of the shares. Jonu is a top 20 shareholder and he has communicated with the others so that could be a good place to start. Names and addresses of the top 20 are on the companies office website.

02-02-2021, 05:45 PM
I think you will find it to be very tricky to roll Matt. He is 1 of 3 directors as well as being the CEO. I think Matt is in a very strong position.

02-02-2021, 08:25 PM
Will be interesting to see how much this has changed next time we see it

Rank Name Units % of Units
1. HAMISH EDWARD ELLIOT BROWN 311,081,818 11.55
2. BEVERLEY IDA EVANS 93,104,545 3.46
3. RIUO HAURAKI LIMITED 89,855,819 3.34
4. JOHN KILDARE UPPERTON 69,301,709 2.57
55,705,865 2.07
6. RA KOURA LIMITED 46,999,999 1.75
7. MATTHEW GEOFFREY HILL 42,940,903 1.60
35,758,910 1.33
13. CHI HUA CHEN 20,546,588 0.80
14. BOYI WEI 20,000,000 0.74
15. PETER WILLIAM HALL 20,000,000 0.74

I’m feeling a bit sorry for Hamish Brown.

02-02-2021, 09:19 PM
I’m feeling a bit sorry for Hamish Brown.

Well it gets worse. Look on the companies office website and you will see that the top 5 have all increased their shareholding. Not Matt though.

02-02-2021, 10:01 PM
Well it gets worse. Look on the companies office website and you will see that the top 5 have all increased their shareholding. Not Matt though.

Matt, his trusts, companies and family trusts have more than you think. DYOR.

03-02-2021, 08:40 AM
Will be interesting to see how much this has changed next time we see it

Rank Name Units % of Units
1. HAMISH EDWARD ELLIOT BROWN 311,081,818 11.55
2. BEVERLEY IDA EVANS 93,104,545 3.46
3. RIUO HAURAKI LIMITED 89,855,819 3.34
4. JOHN KILDARE UPPERTON 69,301,709 2.57
55,705,865 2.07
6. RA KOURA LIMITED 46,999,999 1.75
7. MATTHEW GEOFFREY HILL 42,940,903 1.60
35,758,910 1.33
13. CHI HUA CHEN 20,546,588 0.80
14. BOYI WEI 20,000,000 0.74
15. PETER WILLIAM HALL 20,000,000 0.74

Mr Brown now 350m
Bev 96m
Riuo 38m
John U 88m
NZ Dep - gone?
RA Koura 55m

Top 5 now 22%, but then drops away pretty quick. GOing to be hard to muster 50%

03-02-2021, 09:17 AM
I also sold down and only have 2mil now,but you get my vote.

Has anyone with a few more than my 2 mil thought about contacting the chair and asking him if he has confidence in Hill and if so why?

03-02-2021, 10:52 AM
Someone just sold about 19 million shares. People abandoning the ship


03-02-2021, 11:08 AM
Someone just sold about 19 million shares. People abandoning the ship


If someones sold, then someone is buying - who is smarter will be determined in the future - maybe its Jonu with spare time on their hands. My BUY at $0.001 shows where I rate them.

03-02-2021, 12:00 PM
Mr Brown now 350m
Bev 96m
Riuo 38m
John U 88m
NZ Dep - gone?
RA Koura 55m

Top 5 now 22%, but then drops away pretty quick. GOing to be hard to muster 50%

No wonder Jonu was always so positive.

03-02-2021, 12:22 PM
i just flicked back through some old annual reports. Hamish had 85m in 2015, 270m by 2017 and 311m by 2020 and now 350m. He must have money to burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnn
Jonu moved into top 20 in 2018 with 13m and then lost his mind because in 2020 had 69m and now 88m.

I honestly wish them both the best of luck - I think they and the rest of us holding shares are going to need it.

I shall check back in again in another 6 months!

03-02-2021, 01:35 PM
i just flicked back through some old annual reports. Hamish had 85m in 2015, 270m by 2017 and 311m by 2020 and now 350m. He must have money to burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnn
Jonu moved into top 20 in 2018 with 13m and then lost his mind because in 2020 had 69m and now 88m.

I honestly wish them both the best of luck - I think they and the rest of us holding shares are going to need it.

I shall check back in again in another 6 months!

Some serious lies have led to people buying bigger when price dropped.
At the end of the day, its NZ's officious health and safety rules and red tape that have doomed the mine.
When school caretakers need to fill out a plan of attack and get a form signed to go up on the roof to get a ball, how on earth is this mine going to meet all the requirements.
Deep down I knew this, but for some reason, they seemed confident it could be done, and I believed them.
20 years ago this would have worked, not now.
This mine has ZERO chance of being operable.

Matt Hill has a Master of Finance, not a Master of Mining.
50 Million worthless shares does not compare to 400k cold hard cash each year.
Thats what you get for putting an Australian in charge :)

03-02-2021, 02:03 PM
Matt, his trusts, companies and family trusts have more than you think. DYOR.

I only know about the shareholding’s listed on the companies website and the annual report. His personal shareholding doesn’t change and the family group which would be associated with his family and it used to be called a trust hasn’t changed either. You seem to think he has personal shares hidden in other entities. There is no way I would be able to DYOR on these if they existed. I have to rely on the annual report recording the correct figure.

If Matt is increasing his shareholding (or decreasing) all shareholders need to know that and that is why the NZX requires changes in directors and management shareholding’s to be notified no matter how small.

03-02-2021, 02:14 PM
I only know about the shareholding’s listed on the companies website and the annual report. His personal shareholding doesn’t change and the family group which would be associated with his family and it used to be called a trust hasn’t changed either. You seem to think he has personal shares hidden in other entities. There is no way I would be able to DYOR on these if they existed. I have to rely on the annual report recording the correct figure.

If Matt is increasing his shareholding (or decreasing) all shareholders need to know that and that is why the NZX requires changes in directors and management shareholding’s to be notified no matter how small.

As an interesting comparison, you look at NTL, lots of promises but the Directors dont put in. VUL.asx have announced a $100m CR and in the presentation has openly stated that the boss will be fully subscribing AUD250k as long as he is approved to do so.

03-02-2021, 02:15 PM
I was going to add your last paragraph, but you have covered it with your edit Brain.

Latest update from the ping pong, $136700 @ .5c traded, someone didnt like their holding being disclosed?

03-02-2021, 04:43 PM
Well it gets worse. Look on the companies office website and you will see that the top 5 have all increased their shareholding. Not Matt though.

Of all the guff posted since I was banned a week ago.....apparently for "being too aggressive", this post from Brain should grab your attention . Strong hands getting stronger. Weak hands listening to Nztx and Getty et al. What was Buffet's mantra again?

03-02-2021, 04:52 PM
Anyone else notice how quiet Nztx got when I started questioning their motivation? And then how noisy they got once I was banned?

Nztx reminds me strongly of a certain moose that had a negative fixation with NTL on another platform that is now defunct. The same moose used to wander these boards and at one time had a positive fixation with snakk....until the worm turned and he raged against it nonstop. I recall an exchange I had with the moose about the merits of snakk (the moose's sweetheart) vs Vmob (now Plexure) as to which would be successful. Vmob took a long time but now has a m/cap of 191 million. Snakk....well, consigned to history.

Methinks the moose is back. Tell me it isn't so Nztx.

03-02-2021, 04:57 PM
Of all the guff posted since I was banned a week ago.....apparently for "being too aggressive", this post from Brain should grab your attention . Strong hands getting stronger. Weak hands listening to Nztx and Getty et al. What was Buffet's mantra again?

I'm honoured and priveledged to be recognised, for services to shareholders.

03-02-2021, 06:09 PM
Anyone else notice how quiet Nztx got when I started questioning their motivation? And then how noisy they got once I was banned?

Nztx reminds me strongly of a certain moose that had a negative fixation with NTL on another platform that is now defunct. The same moose used to wander these boards and at one time had a positive fixation with snakk....until the worm turned and he raged against it nonstop. I recall an exchange I had with the moose about the merits of snakk (the moose's sweetheart) vs Vmob (now Plexure) as to which would be successful. Vmob took a long time but now has a m/cap of 191 million. Snakk....well, consigned to history.

Methinks the moose is back. Tell me it isn't so Nztx.

You're mistaken & probably looking something like the moose on that score .. ;)

Have never explored or wanted to know about SNAKK either ..

03-02-2021, 06:26 PM
For all those reading - HGL now NTL has been a truly wonderful investment exercise spanning the years

$200 for example thrown their way say 20 years ago ignoring all the frequent 'hand outstretched for more' since
has rapidly grown to become in very rough estimates the Life Changing princely sum of:

$12 to $15

No dividends anywhere on the spectrum, just the clouds of further enhanced BS to top up
the coffers for yet more of the same & to keep the Office open .. ;)

A couple of in-specie distributions of bits in 'borrow the share register to list' minnows along the way

say at best $20 value if lucky Today

Participating in any of the CR's along the way would probably produce similar reduction in that
added value wiped off the ledger as well .. ;)

It's surprising that the few with any enthusiasm for this serial Wealth Destroyer with not a lot
further enhanced prospects 20 years down the track, haven't woken up and seen the light .. ;)

And the Motivation for someone who was interested:

You see it above from someone who has had an interest in this outfit for as long or probably
longer than that someone asking .. don't make the same mistake with your hard earned .. ;)

03-02-2021, 09:49 PM
Anyone else notice how quiet Nztx got when I started questioning their motivation? And then how noisy they got once I was banned?

Nztx reminds me strongly of a certain moose that had a negative fixation with NTL on another platform that is now defunct. The same moose used to wander these boards and at one time had a positive fixation with snakk....until the worm turned and he raged against it nonstop. I recall an exchange I had with the moose about the merits of snakk (the moose's sweetheart) vs Vmob (now Plexure) as to which ....

Blah blah

Play the ball, not the man

03-02-2021, 10:32 PM
oh well the fat lady clearly will not sing....

a mine in another country that would be a mine.

04-02-2021, 08:37 AM
The buy side is looking a bit thin. I will change my attitude to this company if the insiders start buying.

04-02-2021, 09:10 AM
The buy side is looking a bit thin. I will change my attitude to this company if the insiders start buying.

Im only going to change my mind once the gold starts to flow - surely there wont be any insider trading ;-)

Humour (or attempt at): I wonder if Matts favourite band is Dire Straits?

09-02-2021, 06:26 PM
I was hoping that I would be able to quit my remaining shares at 0.6 but most of the shares have traded at 0.5c in recent days. Looks like the shares are headed to 0.4c which from my memory would be an all time low.

09-02-2021, 09:42 PM
Im only going to change my mind once the gold starts to flow - surely there wont be any insider trading ;-)

Humour (or attempt at): I wonder if Matts favourite band is Dire Straits?

Absolutely correct, and his favourite song is Money for Nothing.

09-02-2021, 09:50 PM
I was hoping that I would be able to quit my remaining shares at 0.6 but most of the shares have traded at 0.5c in recent days. Looks like the shares are headed to 0.4c which from my memory would be an all time low.

You may have left your run too late Brain.
$4680 to buy @ .5c , about to be expunged by $351k to sell at .6c.
We hit .4c a few weeks ago, so return to sender..

09-02-2021, 09:53 PM
Absolutely correct, and his favourite song is Money for Nothing.

And cheques for free, maybe get a blister on your bum, or something like that.

10-02-2021, 02:51 PM
Wow people still buying at 5

How many months to go until Matts 400k eats through all the cash in the bank

10-02-2021, 04:42 PM
Wow people still buying at 5

How many months to go until Matts 400k eats through all the cash in the bank

Dont forget all the extra costs associated with Vanuatu & Broken Hill Hobby Mining .. ;)

then there's restructure & reshuffle costs with Coro Gold gonna be doing the sniffing around, while
the 'pretend to do some mining' is left in the NTL shell .. that was the future plan roughly - wasn't it ? ;)

Anyone's guess but how many are gonna get to clip the ticket twice from the pot with not much left in it
before the Divvy up between the two pots and potentially launch a raid or even two on stakeholder's pockets again ? ;)

The punters mightn't be too happy if some of the bods get to cream a double-up out of things with still
not a hell of a lot of specks of gold appearing and SFA productive still happening .. ;)

10-02-2021, 08:47 PM
This evening I thought to myself why am I even bothering to hang on to the last 50k of shares. I honestly don’t think this company will ever come to anything with Matt Hill at the helm. Just imagine if they got somebody else in the share price would jump to 1 cent straight away. I’ve decided that the pitiful couple of hundred bucks I’ll get will be way better spent having either a nice spa treatment or stuck on red at the roulette table. Relaxing or fun, neither of which I get from owning shares in NTL. There comes a time when you just have to accept your losses and remove the ugly reminder in the portfolio every time you log in to your account. Tomorrow I’m out.

Ii sincerely wish all remaining long term holders good luck and I am forever grateful to those of you that opened my eyes to the fact that NTL is a waste of time. If nothing else this has been a valuable learning experience.

10-02-2021, 08:55 PM
The whole things a rort. NTL.." Not Today Love"

10-02-2021, 09:17 PM
This evening I thought to myself why am I even bothering to hang on to the last 50k of shares. I honestly don’t think this company will ever come to anything with Matt Hill at the helm. Just imagine if they got somebody else in the share price would jump to 1 cent straight away. I’ve decided that the pitiful couple of hundred bucks I’ll get will be way better spent having either a nice spa treatment or stuck on red at the roulette table. Relaxing or fun, neither of which I get from owning shares in NTL. There comes a time when you just have to accept your losses and remove the ugly reminder in the portfolio every time you log in to your account. Tomorrow I’m out.

Ii sincerely wish all remaining long term holders good luck and I am forever grateful to those of you that opened my eyes to the fact that NTL is a waste of time. If nothing else this has been a valuable learning experience.

Good luck Suse, we all have to face up to our realities sometime or other. You can always buy in later if this dog ever has its day. Alternately you could just hold, delete it from your portfolio (write it off your book) and one day who knows, it might just surprise you. Sacrifice a spa or a facial for a few years . Us long terms have at least one or a few dogs we’ve lost a bundle on but who knows one day someone might buy the shell and get our money back. I never sell the spec dogs that I’ve made a mistake on. Time heals all wounds. Well some wounds anyway

11-02-2021, 08:01 AM
... Alternately you could just hold, delete it from your portfolio (write it off your book) and one day who knows, it might just surprise you...
Done just that last year with my measly few. Never know might be a nice little bonus one day!

11-02-2021, 08:37 AM
Still more buyers coming in at 0.005 - pleasantly surprised - its the number of orders that confuses me. 64 for a total of 7.5m shares - is this sharesies fault? Wouldnt have thought there are 64 individuals wanting to buy - therefore people with multiple orders, but why?

From the quarterly, the most damning thing I still see is "The review of the Talisman project has identified the need to achieve greater scale to enable any investment in processing plant to be recouped within the short to medium term." And then "As a result of this 'initial fixed cost hurdle' right sizing the scale of operations needs to be managed carefully to ensure operation at an economic scale."
So the JORC which sounded so good with so much potential Au isnt enough to make it economic even in the medium term - noting HGD/NTLs perception of timeliness is probably longer than most of us.
For my mind, short is 2 years or less, medium is 5 and under, and long is greater than that.

Suse, I would hold for now, expect a rose-tinted presentation, a short increase in SP, then back to normal - if you can sell in the blip, you might get a cocktail with your spa treatment.

11-02-2021, 11:04 AM
.005 wiped out :eek2:
Some big holders getting sick of this merry go round by the looks.

11-02-2021, 01:07 PM
Jonu's vacuum cleaner must be working overtime...

11-02-2021, 02:05 PM
"Coming in hot... .004" !

Sideshow Bob
11-02-2021, 02:24 PM
The whole things a rort. NTL.." Not Today Love"

I prefer:

Nothing To Lose
No Time Limit
Never Too Late
None The Less
Need The Loo
Nah Too Lazy

11-02-2021, 02:32 PM
Non Trading Liquidation
Formerly, Had Good Days

11-02-2021, 02:41 PM
This evening I thought to myself why am I even bothering to hang on to the last 50k of shares. I honestly don’t think this company will ever come to anything with Matt Hill at the helm. Just imagine if they got somebody else in the share price would jump to 1 cent straight away. I’ve decided that the pitiful couple of hundred bucks I’ll get will be way better spent having either a nice spa treatment or stuck on red at the roulette table. Relaxing or fun, neither of which I get from owning shares in NTL. There comes a time when you just have to accept your losses and remove the ugly reminder in the portfolio every time you log in to your account. Tomorrow I’m out.

Ii sincerely wish all remaining long term holders good luck and I am forever grateful to those of you that opened my eyes to the fact that NTL is a waste of time. If nothing else this has been a valuable learning experience.

I do it to torture myself and to make sure I remember this lesson well.
They say you learn more from your mistakes, so I have learnt a lot.

I guess it all makes sense now the talk last year of the grand "Strategic Review".

Basically this amounted to acceptance of the fact that for whatever reason, the excuse used that health and safety requirements were to expensive to implement cost affectively, they were unable to set up the mine to actually operate and be a mine.
And to scamper around for some idea's to keep the show rolling, which were to purchase a few cheap dodgy penny dreadful mining opportunities, to keep looking like they were doing enough to keep the directories salaries rolling in.

Luckily enough, one of those being on a tropical island.
This whole operation reminds me of the treatment that was given to the Rainbow Warrior murderers, medals and money and tropical holidays.

11-02-2021, 02:58 PM
What, the Rainbow community are on board now too?
I hope they find their pot of gold...

11-02-2021, 04:41 PM
Let's be realistic, If Talisman with its world class ore isn't economical to operate, the addition of the hobby mine & anything years down the road coming from the tropics still isn't going to make Talisman economical.

There are other possibilities for the processing of Talisman ore while OGC's machinery is on holiday, yet the NTL board decide to grasp at straws? There has to be something seriously wrong at Talisman that they simply aren't telling us. Maybe the problem is with the mine itself or maybe it is the ulterior intentions of those who have been paid for far to long to cover up what's really is happening. I know where I'd hedge my bet as the Mystery Vein is nearly within the distance daylight travels through the mine portal.

The project was costed at a gold price far lower than it is today, yet even at todays prices it isn't economical? Draw a line between those two bullet points if you're expecting gold to ever come out of Talisman. It's never going to happen with this board & management.

11-02-2021, 08:51 PM
What, the Rainbow community are on board now too?
I hope they find their pot of gold...

The Rainbow with the legendary pot of gold at the end of it however is known to frequently move
very mysteriously - infact probably more frequently than NTL's Collective Boardroom Chair inhabitants
may even change their grundies .. ;)

Finding the Pot of Gold at the end of any Rainbow appears similarly to be as elusive an event as NTL's progress
in succeeding with throwing the large quantities of Gold Specks on the table that they have frequently told
everyone is there & and even tossed everyone many glowing JORC reports verifying the alleged large resource .. ;)

12-02-2021, 06:04 AM
Continuous Disclosure: New Talisman CEO still under eye of regulator, what the power companies will pay out

Sorry its premium.

12-02-2021, 12:31 PM
Why don't they bundle the ore into 20 ft containers and send over to aussie for processing? With the price of gold still high it could work out ok $$ wise.
Great idea eh Matt?
That'll be 50K

12-02-2021, 12:31 PM
Continuous Disclosure: New Talisman CEO still under eye of regulator, what the power companies will pay out

Sorry its premium.

It's been posted on HotCopper. (Probably shouldn't have been.)

12-02-2021, 01:10 PM
Why don't they bundle the ore into 20 ft containers and send over to aussie for processing? With the price of gold still high it could work out ok $$ wise.
Great idea eh Matt?
That'll be 50K

That be too simple - No extended Directors Fees, Allowances & Management fees in it for extended sessions of poking in
deep holes and feeding the boys & girls BS 'Pot of Gold at end of Rainbow stories' with attached Cap Raise bill
for said latest instalment of progress in the very long winding NTL Saga of disappointments .. ;)

If it was the answer that Matty & the Other Directors would be kicked hard from here & elsewhere to eternity on
why it hasn't happened earlier while they were d*cking around with kitchen bench toy processing plants ..
and for all the earlier fail to deliver on wishful promises given out ;)

The whole board may risk being sent down the road by Angry stakeholders .. ;)

The friendly Goat tidying up the long grass out at front gate may have some interesting stories and if talked to nicely
probably could have been trained to bring out vastly more Specks of Gold on a regular basis than .. well .. you know,
has so far happened .. ;)

15-02-2021, 01:17 PM
Some serious lies have led to people buying bigger when price dropped.
At the end of the day, its NZ's officious health and safety rules and red tape that have doomed the mine.
When school caretakers need to fill out a plan of attack and get a form signed to go up on the roof to get a ball, how on earth is this mine going to meet all the requirements.
Deep down I knew this, but for some reason, they seemed confident it could be done, and I believed them.
20 years ago this would have worked, not now.
This mine has ZERO chance of being operable.

Matt Hill has a Master of Finance, not a Master of Mining.
50 Million worthless shares does not compare to 400k cold hard cash each year.
Thats what you get for putting an Australian in charge :)

If the Dept of Mines, or its equivalent, has imposed unworkable restraints on Talisman/Karangahake, and Rabones' boutique, then this should have been disclosed, especially at any Capital Raising.

If not, FRAUD has been committed.

Is this why Tony Haworth resigned?

Who will lead the class action against the directors?

17-02-2021, 10:02 AM
Bit of a dump this morning. Someone happy to unload 11.5m shares at 0.004

17-02-2021, 10:43 AM
Mr .1c is still offering his reassuring safety net.


17-02-2021, 11:06 AM
Credit to Mr Hill, how to capital raise when your mothership is falling/faltering/failing (a SPP would have to be at something like $0.003 based on recent trading) - start a new entity and list it with promises of gold.

Interesting times, strategic review snipets so far have been enlightening - extraction seems no closer.

17-02-2021, 11:17 AM
Credit to Mr Hill, how to capital raise when your mothership is falling (a SPP would have to be at something like $0.003 based on recent trading) - start a new entity and list it with promises of gold.

I agree that is exactly what he is doing. Hopefully he will not be successful.

17-02-2021, 04:21 PM
Helloooo 0.4 how ya feeling Matt ? What's the next step? What rabbit ya going to pull out of ya big hat this time?

17-02-2021, 05:28 PM
Large volume trades on both sides of the Tasman after the close of the NZX.

4.3 million on NZX and 15 million on ASX.....both at 0.5.

I'm still baffled by what's going on with these large trades and have no idea what went on a month or so ago when massive volume went through. Doesn't look like arbitrage trading.

The most likely is someone accumulating through nominees which are very hard to track. All the continual uninformed negative ranting is no doubt feeding someone cheap stock.

17-02-2021, 05:30 PM
Yeah it's got to be all over for them .....surely??!!
Having said that, there's A LOT of people out there who aren't particularly astute and don't have very much financial acumen, and will lap up the garbage that comes out at the next capital raise.

'Fengels' on the other forum posted a beauty yesterday about Hill. It was removed soon after. Pity though, as it was a perfect description imo :t_up:

17-02-2021, 05:42 PM
Large volume trades on both sides of the Tasman after the close of the NZX.

4.3 million on NZX and 15 million on ASX.....both at 0.5.

I'm still baffled by what's going on with these large trades and have no idea what went on a month or so ago when massive volume went through. Doesn't look like arbitrage trading.

The most likely is someone accumulating through nominees which are very hard to track. All the continual uninformed negative ranting is no doubt feeding someone cheap stock.

Pull the other one!

You know exactly what it is!

XT & SP.

All to create a false impression of liquidity & interest in the stock, when its existing manipulators moving their own stock backwards & forwards, in preparation for cap raise.

Now, you wouldnt play any games like that would you Jonu?

17-02-2021, 05:42 PM
Yeah it's got to be all over for them .....surely??!!
Having said that, there's A LOT of people out there who aren't particularly astute and don't have very much financial acumen, and will lap up the garbage that comes out at the next capital raise.

'Fengels' on the other forum posted a beauty yesterday about Hill. It was removed soon after. Pity though, as it was a perfect description imo :t_up:

Care to inform us as to why it was removed if it was so perfect? Couldn't be that it was uninformed malicious garbage could it?

See above post from dubya and you have a "perfect" example of what I was describing in my previous post.

17-02-2021, 05:47 PM
Pull the other one!

You know exactly what it is!

XT & SP.

All to create a false impression of liquidity & interest in the stock, when its existing manipulators moving their own stock backwards & forwards, in preparation for cap raise.

Now, you wouldnt play any games like that would you Jonu?

You misrepresent what has happened. Most of the volume on the ASX this afternoon was straight purchase. No conditions. The "SP" trade on the NZX just means it was the same broker acting for both parties.

The fact that the ASX trades went through after NZX close looks to me like someone trying not to spook the market higher. All the better to accumulate.

Selling at 0.5 on the ASX to buy on NZX at 0.5 is a clear arbitrage trade. That isn't what is happening here.

17-02-2021, 05:58 PM
Hey Jonu.
When I posted this 30 months ago:

Yep. Just more of the same. :):) Sold the last few I had @ 1.7 and am happy to be gone.

And you replied with this:

As, no doubt, those who bought your shares are happy to be in. Aint no rinse and repeat. Mining has commenced!

Mmmmh.....arrrgh......let me think (didn't have to think for more than a nanosecond)........arrgh.......nah.......I think I'll stick with my post......I don't think the purchaser will be happy at all.!!!!!

If they're still holding (heaven forbid) and have been too paralysed to sell (as I have seen with lot's of others on this thread) they have:
1. Lost almost 80% of their purchase (I won't use the word 'investment')
2. Had to participate in yet another capital raise.
3. Watched their companies shares being diluted to oblivion.

So when it comes down to it Jonu, I BET you wish you had bailed at 1.7.
"Aint no rinse and repeat. Mining has commenced" REALLY LOL:scared:

17-02-2021, 06:11 PM
Hey Jonu.
When I posted this 30 months ago:

And you replied with this:

Mmmmh.....arrrgh......let me think (didn't have to think for more than a nanosecond)........arrgh.......nah.......I think I'll stick with my post......I don't think the purchaser will be happy at all.!!!!!

If they're still holding (heaven forbid) and have been too paralysed to sell (as I have seen with lot's of others on this thread) they have:
1. Lost almost 80% of their purchase (I won't use the word 'investment')
2. Had to participate in yet another capital raise.
3. Watched their companies shares being diluted to oblivion.

So when it comes down to it Jonu, I BET you wish you had bailed at 1.7.
"Aint no rinse and repeat. Mining has commenced" REALLY LOL:scared:

I guess a lot of it depends on the scale you are operating at....and what your average cost is. Easy to say in hindsight shoulda, woulda, coulda.
Most of us here have expressed our frustration at the lack of mining activity....that's not news. Does it mean NTL is stuffed? No, it doesn't.

17-02-2021, 07:12 PM
Gotta be pretty optimistic to see a happy ending in all this.

17-02-2021, 07:16 PM
Gotta be pretty optimistic to see a happy ending in all this.

Haha.. and that's being optimistic .. ;)

17-02-2021, 07:43 PM
Nah, nothing to worry about.

I've been working on behalf of the top twenty, with the Aussie pump & dump exponents.

We are going to say that Karangahake & Rabone are going to be repurposed as GREEN Hydrogen storage facilities.

Watch your money & SP quadruple.

Who can be bothered with boring old gold anymore?

Remember where you heard it first...

17-02-2021, 08:01 PM
Pull the other one!

You know exactly what it is!

XT & SP.

All to create a false impression of liquidity & interest in the stock, when its existing manipulators moving their own stock backwards & forwards, in preparation for cap raise.

Now, you wouldnt play any games like that would you Jonu?

So, no reply on being called out on this pile of nonsense? Wreak havoc with other people's investments and then just change tack with another BS post? Classy Getty.

17-02-2021, 08:07 PM
I thought that may wake you up.

Anybody who has access to the buy/sell volumes & associated suffix's on both exchanges will see what I mean.

17-02-2021, 08:08 PM
I thought that may wake you up.

Anybody who has access to the buy/sell volumes & associated suffix's on both exchanges will see what I mean.

I do, and your post regarding the suffixes didn't add up sunshine.

17-02-2021, 08:13 PM
You misrepresent what has happened. Most of the volume on the ASX this afternoon was straight purchase. No conditions. The "SP" trade on the NZX just means it was the same broker acting for both parties.

The fact that the ASX trades went through after NZX close looks to me like someone trying not to spook the market higher. All the better to accumulate.

Selling at 0.5 on the ASX to buy on NZX at 0.5 is a clear arbitrage trade. That isn't what is happening here.

It's surprising that anyone would think there was anything or one interested to be spooked .. let alone think of upwards drift .. ;)

especially given frequent CR's & disappointments -- with NTL inflicting more self punishment on itself .. ;)

17-02-2021, 08:15 PM
I will let others judge that Jonu, the same ones who if they have been following your pleasant exchanges, will find they have a not so pleasant portfolio balance.
[in reply to#6897]

17-02-2021, 08:18 PM
It's surprising that anyone would think there was anything or one interested to be spooked .. let alone think of upwards drift .. ;)

especially given frequent CR's & disappointments -- with NTL inflicting more self punishment on itself .. ;)

15 million purchase on the ASX (not a dump) indicates someone is interested.....despite the ongoing punch and judy show from yourself and Getty.

17-02-2021, 08:20 PM
I will let others judge that Jonu, the same ones who if they have been following your pleasant exchanges, will find they have a not so pleasant portfolio balance.
[in reply to#6897]

I'm just blunt with perpetual bullsh****ers who have no defence when they make harmful posts. Again...your post about the suffixes and volume didn't stack up.

17-02-2021, 08:27 PM
Oh dear, how times change.
I still remember the private message you sent, telling me how switched on I was.

I wonder which one of us changed?
Perhaps the decline in SP answers that?

17-02-2021, 08:33 PM
Oh dear, how times change.
I still remember the private message you sent, telling me how switched on I was.

I wonder which one of us changed?
Perhaps the decline in SP answers that?

As I recall that was at a time when you were making constructive contributions rather than continual Punch and Judy nonsense, so to answer your question...it is you who changed! That's your right....just be prepared to back up your statements, rather than just throwing more rocks.

17-02-2021, 08:38 PM
Perhaps you seek a false truce, where I and others dont post "harmful" honest outlooks, but only rosy hype , to suck in others, so you can off load your stash.
Who is showing the most personal integrity Jonu?

17-02-2021, 08:55 PM
Perhaps you seek a false truce, where I and others dont post "harmful" honest outlooks, but only rosy hype , to suck in others, so you can off load your stash.
Who is showing the most personal integrity Jonu?

It'd be good if they were "honest" posts....then you would have no trouble defending them. Trouble is....you're so determined to bash this stock that your mouth runs away with you. "Honest" opinion has sadly been replaced with a 2 bit satire that is both tiresome and harmful.

17-02-2021, 09:08 PM
Mate, if you were to climb off your high horse for a moment, You would realise that if NTL is so great, then it would speak for itself, and have a number of champions backing it.

Dont expect me or others, who are not in collusion, or Punch & Judy as you put it, to be suppressed, just to please you.

Many have found NTL to be a loss making exercise, and are putting red flags in front others who may fall into the same trap.
If the fortunes of NTL go up, or down, wont be due to me

17-02-2021, 10:13 PM
if NTL is so great, then it would speak for itself, and have a number of champions backing it.

It does speak for itself. It said 0.004 today.

Jonu had 20% wiped out today. Can understand the animosity.

18-02-2021, 08:52 AM
Ok, back to the "facts" -the quarterly report had some juicy info, the comments around cost of processing and making it econcomical by increasing scale - I saw that as a big issue, without scale it wasnt economic in the "short to medium" term.
"The review of the Talisman project has identified the need to achieve greater
scale to enable any investment in processing plant to be recouped within the
short to medium term"

Jonu, serious question, what good bits did you see?
For me, I think they are on the brink of failure, and trying one last roll of the dice (dual lisitng a subsidiary, attempting to find gold in Fiji, buying a "hobby" mine) before it all goes belly up. Yes, that sound negative, but after this many years, to finally come out and say that Talisman doesnt warrant a processing plant means they have been floundering a long time.

18-02-2021, 09:08 AM
Yes, and while you are working on that Jonu, just to show there is no ill feeling, I will let you shout me a raspberry & lemonade at the next shareholders meeting, while we discuss the inevitable capital raise.

Or will it just be the raspberry?

18-02-2021, 09:28 AM
Ok, back to the "facts" -the quarterly report had some juicy info, the comments around cost of processing and making it econcomical by increasing scale - I saw that as a big issue, without scale it wasnt economic in the "short to medium" term.
"The review of the Talisman project has identified the need to achieve greater
scale to enable any investment in processing plant to be recouped within the
short to medium term"

Jonu, serious question, what good bits did you see?
For me, I think they are on the brink of failure, and trying one last roll of the dice (dual lisitng a subsidiary, attempting to find gold in Fiji, buying a "hobby" mine) before it all goes belly up. Yes, that sound negative, but after this many years, to finally come out and say that Talisman doesnt warrant a processing plant means they have been floundering a long time.

Excellent post & agree completely.

One point (question) I can add to this is how many millions of dollars has it taken to come to this conclusion? CR after CR now gone. For all that capital expended we have a toy processing plant (that we're not even using to our advantage) and a refurbished mine (that we're not going to be bringing any ore out of because it's not economical), even though the gold price is significantly higher today & for some time than the project was costed at.

For me, it just doesn't add up. I believe we were told lie after lie to get where we are today and now those lies are catching up with them. Now they're pulling at straws to make something out of nothing and the first two straws they've pulled (Vanuatu & Hobby mine) have failed to impress miserably.

I have no trust in the management. NTL will not receive any further capital from me, no matter how pretty the dress that they are wearing is when they come asking for it.

18-02-2021, 10:11 AM
Read chattam phosphate page...mirror image of ntl...new caledonia mine..low cadmium...excellent prospects..rah rah rah

18-02-2021, 10:25 AM
Ok, back to the "facts" -the quarterly report had some juicy info, the comments around cost of processing and making it econcomical by increasing scale - I saw that as a big issue, without scale it wasnt economic in the "short to medium" term.
"The review of the Talisman project has identified the need to achieve greater
scale to enable any investment in processing plant to be recouped within the
short to medium term"

Jonu, serious question, what good bits did you see?
For me, I think they are on the brink of failure, and trying one last roll of the dice (dual lisitng a subsidiary, attempting to find gold in Fiji, buying a "hobby" mine) before it all goes belly up. Yes, that sound negative, but after this many years, to finally come out and say that Talisman doesnt warrant a processing plant means they have been floundering a long time.

The way I read it, it means placing the processing plant underground means it will be sitting idle for long periods of time as opposed to being able to feed it from more than one source.....ie Broken Hills, or the other alternative, not requiring a plant of our own at all.

Brink of failure? Methinks you have been consuming too much Punch & Judy.

18-02-2021, 10:55 AM
The way I read it, it means placing the processing plant underground means it will be sitting idle for long periods of time as opposed to being able to feed it from more than one source.....ie Broken Hills, or the other alternative, not requiring a plant of our own at all.

Brink of failure? Methinks you have been consuming too much Punch & Judy.

My reasoning is based on:
1. Cash in bank
2. Salary and wage costs of NTL -yes, they are on reduced rates, but still MD salary is decent chunk
3. Operating costs, incl need for further development
4. Payment to Rabone for Broken Hill -what development is required there?
5. The stated need to get a return on processing and that upfront costs (I assume) are significant
6. Cost to dual list and get all the facts round Fiji opportunity and then "sell" that to investors.

My interpreatation of the report (and I have no mining knowledge) indicates that extraction and processing cant happen without further cash injection from shareholders or banks.

Dont get me wrong, I want NTL to suceed - I would love to make some money and see a 10x bagger - I just see them at breaking point. I will invest if the business case makes sense, but I admit, my view is fairly tarnished based on years of promises but still no income.
I also see big, long-term holders like Digger (PLEASE CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG) who saw better opportunities elsewhere.

Someone is buying though, so a CR (if it happens) may have some success.

DYOR - the more we can debate the information Hill has given us, the better. Facts, interpretation, assumptions. Only time will tell.

18-02-2021, 11:09 AM
6. I dont think Fiji is in the equation.
It is Vanuatu that is the new acquisition, but NTL have referred to Fiji mines in quarterly, and previous announcements, to score some brownie points.

18-02-2021, 11:19 AM
6. I dont think Fiji is in the equation.
It is Vanuatu that is the new acquisition, but NTL have referred to Fiji mines in quarterly, and previous announcements, to score some brownie points.

Doh - sorry, my mistake.

18-02-2021, 11:22 AM
You would only be one of many , who are taken in by the way NTL wrote things up, about the Pacific ring of fire, and mentioning all those poly/melanesian names, seeking to get some ruboff.

26-02-2021, 02:15 PM
$ 0.004

Hope the canary somewhere down there is OK .. ;)

26-02-2021, 02:26 PM

Grab some beer crates, to prop the ping pong table up, or else it wont have a leg to stand on!

I noticed a certain gentleman driving away, with a decided left list on his truck...

26-02-2021, 03:25 PM
$ 0.004

Hope the canary somewhere down there is OK .. ;)

Some lucky sod just made 25%!

Punch and Judy at it again. What a team.

26-02-2021, 03:31 PM
Kiora Jonu.

The sod will only make 25% if he finds a way of getting to the front of the 30 million that are on market @.5c.

But you will bale him out, wont you Jonu?

26-02-2021, 03:33 PM
And you will point out he will lose 25% if the price drops to .3c?

26-02-2021, 03:34 PM
some luck sod just made 25%

Unlikely given the volume bought at 0.4 so far. Much more likely to be someone relieved to receive some cash for their disappointing expensive mistake.

26-02-2021, 03:34 PM
Kiora Jonu.

The sod will only make 25% if he finds a way of getting to the front of the 30 million that are on market @.5c.

But you will bale him out, wont you Jonu?

The same way it is only a disaster if you dump your shares at 0.004. In other words....in light volume it is largely immaterial. Except to Punch & Judy!

26-02-2021, 03:36 PM
And you will point out he will lose 25% if the price drops to .3c?

My reply was loaded with sarcasm Getty. Perhaps I didn't lay it on thick enough for you & Punch.

26-02-2021, 03:39 PM
Quick Jonu, get ready with your order at .5c , so we can finish the month on a good note.

26-02-2021, 05:12 PM
Some lucky sod just made 25%!

Punch and Judy at it again. What a team.

That's nice .. is it time for a new packet of cornflakes yet ? ;)

perhaps some well aged grape juice would go nicely with them .. ;)

26-02-2021, 09:53 PM
My reply was loaded with sarcasm Getty. Perhaps I didn't lay it on thick enough for you & Punch.

When you have finished Punching & Judge Judying, Jonu, you will realise what an utter dweeb you are.

You have a bad case of Buyers Remorse.

The good news though, is that I can treat you.

Deep Breaths now, In, out, In out, In out, good, now keep it up for 10 minutes.

Ok, relaxing now.

Good, you are feeling better already.

Now, think of a nice faraway tropical Island, ..., like, ah, Vanuatu...

BTW, that will be $95 + GST for the consultation.

Worth it eh?

27-02-2021, 06:49 AM

01-03-2021, 09:04 AM
Lets play nicely kids.

Trying to day trade NTL for some short term gain isnt easy, given the queue on both sides, however the 25% gain is a nice carrot.

More to the point, people are exiting (short or long term holders, we dont know), but SOMEONE IS STILL BUYING - again, could be new or old blood.

Vanuatu part of a NZ travel bubble? How the heck are they going to do their due diligence?

Discl: still sitting on the sidelines waiting, pleasingly making some coin on the ASX miners :-)

PS: I wonder if snails can catch covid?

01-03-2021, 02:56 PM
I used to smile at the hopeful sellers over 1 cent but now I see there are way more delusional people out there.

edit: sorry the link I tried to paste didnt work, but there are crazy people that think they might get $3 LOL

01-03-2021, 04:37 PM
Jonu thinks being sarcastic is a human trait that everyone uses:t_up:

01-03-2021, 08:06 PM
looks like it's getting down to where even the snail's get to have chomp away at the edges .. ;)

02-03-2021, 01:13 PM
I think its just window dressing. 3 bucks..Really!

02-03-2021, 01:59 PM
Hey Jonu,

Theres a bit of a fracas broken out on the ATM thread.

Some of the boys have lost over half their money, and are getting fractious.

As you have experience, and skills in such matters, what say you put on your boxing gloves, if you ever take them off, and go & sort it out?

Report back when you are done.

02-03-2021, 04:52 PM
Theres a bit of a fracas broken out on the ATM thread.

Some of the boys have lost over half their money, and are getting fractious.

Only 50% :mellow: :eek2:. Jeez I feel for the people who bought into this fine company a couple of years ago at between 2.5 and just over 3 cents a share. :scared:
Up to 90% gone, plus a capital raise to pay management wages, plus NTL's shares diluted to.......OBLIVION!!

02-03-2021, 05:44 PM
The Thread Title looks as if it needs some serious modification ..

NTL - New Talisman NO GOLD Mines - not worth a look

looks rather more appropriate .. ;)

03-03-2021, 10:27 AM
The Thread Title looks as if it needs some serious modification ..

NTL - New Talisman NO GOLD Mines - not worth a look

looks rather more appropriate .. ;)

ha - lets keep the glass half full - NTL has a lot of potential....... :-)

03-03-2021, 10:39 AM
In response to suse's earlier post about the $3 sellers, its best answered by Confucius.

"Man who have hands in pockets, feel cocky all day"!

03-03-2021, 11:17 AM
Hey Jonu

Are you MIA Or KIA?

The actions continuing on the ATM thread, and you're the only pugnacious bloke we know, who is capable of dealing with it.

03-03-2021, 11:20 AM
Anyone had previous experience with the FMA? They confirmed that they were still looking into Mr Hills "anonymous" posts here - seems to be taking a very long time for what should be relatively simple matter - did he try to mislead the public (us chumps here) or did he not?

03-03-2021, 09:27 PM
The Thread Title looks as if it needs some serious modification ..

NTL - New Talisman NO GOLD Mines - not worth a look

looks rather more appropriate .. ;)

Gee nztx, did you pull off the title change, ?
Now about being cautious, safe sex and all that jazz,,,

A certain gentleman is going to be ropeable!

He must be sulking, because he hasnt blessed us with his presence lately.

03-03-2021, 09:28 PM
deleted, the system posted twice.

05-03-2021, 02:18 AM
1979 Report by C R Moore on Broken Hills which makes interesting reading:

"N.Z, Journal of Geology and Geophysics Vol. 22, No.3 (1979): 339-51

Geology and mineralisation of the former Broken Hills gold mine,

Hikuai, Coromandel, New Zealand


Department of Geology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand"

PDF at the link under:


05-03-2021, 05:33 PM
Our company chair seems too busy to reply to the NZSA. How much are we paying him?

Oh - just found it - last year it was $ 68k

The NZSA reports the following.

A few members have contacted me asking if NZSA has plans to meet with New Talisman Mines (NTL) as part of this year's proxy research process. Given recent corporate actions, including the purchase of mine prospects in Vanuatu and a small mine in the Coromandel, we've sent a couple of requests to meet with company chair, Charbel Nader, over the past month - but as yet, have not heard anything back.

Thanks for that Oliver.

08-03-2021, 11:52 AM
Our company chair seems too busy to reply to the NZSA. How much are we paying him?

Oh - just found it - last year it was $ 68k

The NZSA reports the following.

A few members have contacted me asking if NZSA has plans to meet with New Talisman Mines (NTL) as part of this year's proxy research process. Given recent corporate actions, including the purchase of mine prospects in Vanuatu and a small mine in the Coromandel, we've sent a couple of requests to meet with company chair, Charbel Nader, over the past month - but as yet, have not heard anything back.

Thanks for that Oliver.

NZSA, New Zealand Society of Authors - with NTL, are we dealing with fiction or non-fiction?

Apologies, couldnt resist on a Monday morning.

08-03-2021, 11:59 AM

Another -25% anyone ? ;)

Most normal sorts of any Cap Raise must presumably be well out the back door now ..

Vanuatu & other Hobby Mining thoughts may be no go, unless they run on fresh air..

Possibly not worth even cutting things up between CoroGold & NTL anymore .. Review
looks like it was a waste of time with things in tatters ..

How fast can the boys man the shovels to go back to old strategy of just getting some Gold
Specks out of original Hole ? ;)

May be time for some 'Work for Free' from the Boardroom squatters ? ;)

08-03-2021, 02:37 PM

Another -25% anyone ? ;)

Most normal sorts of any Cap Raise must presumably be well out the back door now ..

Vanuatu & other Hobby Mining thoughts may be no go, unless they run on fresh air..

Possibly not worth even cutting things up between CoroGold & NTL anymore .. Review
looks like it was a waste of time with things in tatters ..

How fast can the boys man the shovels to go back to old strategy of just getting some Gold
Specks out of original Hole ? ;)

May be time for some 'Work for Free' from the Boardroom squatters ? ;)

Well Rabone has experience in this, so he will at least be able to tell Hill what end of the shovel is correct one - finance people dont know their *beep* from their *beep*

08-03-2021, 03:22 PM
No surprises the NZSA have been ignored.

Dont be surprised if Matt has been busy spreading some gold flakes, from that chunk shown in NTL reports, in one or two strategic locations, for Charbel to 'discover', as visible gold.

Then of course the prospectus can be written up...

08-03-2021, 03:47 PM
Our company chair seems too busy to reply to the NZSA. How much are we paying him?

Oh - just found it - last year it was $ 68k

The NZSA reports the following.

A few members have contacted me asking if NZSA has plans to meet with New Talisman Mines (NTL) as part of this year's proxy research process. Given recent corporate actions, including the purchase of mine prospects in Vanuatu and a small mine in the Coromandel, we've sent a couple of requests to meet with company chair, Charbel Nader, over the past month - but as yet, have not heard anything back.

Thanks for that Oliver.

I emailed Charbel Nader asking if this is correct. He said NZSA has not been in touch asking for a meeting.

It would be interesting to know who NZSA tried to contact, or if it is a complete fabrication.

08-03-2021, 04:03 PM
Brain, where did you source your info?

Jonu, did Charbel say anything about the ongoing FMA? - I can vouch a reply from them that confirmed the investigation was ongoing - given its been so long, my guess is that its not going to come to much, if it was clear cut good/bad, then quick decision. But Im only guessing.

08-03-2021, 04:11 PM
Brain, where did you source your info?

Jonu, did Charbel say anything about the ongoing FMA? - I can vouch a reply from them that confirmed the investigation was ongoing - given its been so long, my guess is that its not going to come to much, if it was clear cut good/bad, then quick decision. But Im only guessing.

I didn't ask Charbel about the FMA. He has previously made it clear what the independent review result was.

IMHO any continued investigation from the FMA is likely to be around the scurrilous BS spouted by sundry anonymous posters on this website!

08-03-2021, 04:27 PM
I didn't ask Charbel about the FMA. He has previously made it clear what the independent review result was.

IMHO any continued investigation from the FMA is likely to be around the scurrilous BS spouted by sundry anonymous posters on this website!

Interesting perspective on what the FMA may be looking at - would have thought us shareholders (former and current) only have info limited to public arena, therefore have to allow us to make a few assumptions, conjecture, debate, wild accusations about the future based on that. Yes, we are all anonymous, but thats different to a Director making comments under the same anonymity.

For discl purposes, this is the response I got from the FMA
"Thanks for your email. The FMA is continuing to make enquiries into this matter and cannot comment further at this time."

Oliver Mander
08-03-2021, 04:49 PM
I emailed Charbel Nader asking if this is correct. He said NZSA has not been in touch asking for a meeting.

It would be interesting to know who NZSA tried to contact, or if it is a complete fabrication.

Jonu, if you can perhaps forward my note on to Charbel that would be great! I emailed on Feb 12th (see original note below) and again on March 1st - Perhaps you have a better email address than I do.

Thanks in advance.

From: Oliver Mander
Sent: Friday, 12 February 2021 8:49 AM
To: info@newtalisman.co.nz
Subject: Request for meeting


My name is Oliver Mander, CEO of the NZ Shareholders Association.
I would like to set up a meeting with your Chair, Charbel Nader, to gain further clarity on behalf of our members around NTL’s governance and strategies.

Would be very happy to make this a “virtual” meeting, given location and can send a meeting request once a time has been agreed.

Look forward to hearing from you.

08-03-2021, 04:54 PM
Jonu, if you can perhaps forward my note on to Charbel that would be great! I emailed on Feb 12th (see original note below) and again on March 1st - Perhaps you have a better email address than I do.

Thanks in advance.

From: Oliver Mander
Sent: Friday, 12 February 2021 8:49 AM
To: info@newtalisman.co.nz
Subject: Request for meeting


My name is Oliver Mander, CEO of the NZ Shareholders Association.
I would like to set up a meeting with your Chair, Charbel Nader, to gain further clarity on behalf of our members around NTL’s governance and strategies.

Would be very happy to make this a “virtual” meeting, given location and can send a meeting request once a time has been agreed.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Kia Ora Oliver

I have forwarded your post to Charbel.

Oliver Mander
08-03-2021, 04:55 PM
thanks jonu!

08-03-2021, 05:04 PM
I didn't ask Charbel about the FMA. He has previously made it clear what the independent review result was.

IMHO any continued investigation from the FMA is likely to be around the scurrilous BS spouted by sundry anonymous posters on this website!

I'd have thought it would be terrible PR for the FMA to chase after minnows on share trader while allowing the CEO to post anonymously and insultingly. I sold out after the company completely failed to acknowledge hill's transgressions, let alone punish him, and would not consider reinvesting until he is removed. Preferably together with the rest of the board.

08-03-2021, 05:32 PM
I wonder who is responsible for clearing the info@newtalisman.co.nz inbox ? Oliver sent the email twice. You would think the first would of been forwarded let alone the second. It is just more of the same from NTL. At best incompetence, at worse - well no more needs to be said.

09-03-2021, 05:49 PM
Its so nice to have you back Jonu,

Just the other day I overheard a couple discussing you, one said you had died and gone to heaven, but the other one said, no, simply not possible, God doesn't want you, and the Devil is afraid of you!

Anyway, I hope that isn't you pinging the site, to stifle objective comment on NTL?

09-03-2021, 07:22 PM
Its so nice to have you back Jonu,

Just the other day I overheard a couple discussing you, one said you had died and gone to heaven, but the other one said, no, simply not possible, God doesn't want you, and the Devil is afraid of you!

Anyway, I hope that isn't you pinging the site, to stifle objective comment on NTL?

may be waiting for the No. 4 newly printed tee to arrive before coming back here .. ;)

11-03-2021, 09:24 PM
Should orders be placed for a reserve supply of "No. 3" Teeshirts just in case ? ;)

wouldn't want to be caught short & left having to post naked on here .. ;)

11-03-2021, 10:13 PM
At number 4, Jonu is playing lock, and due for the high jump.

At number 3, in the front row, he may be "too aggressive"

15-03-2021, 09:25 AM
If our Jonu props himself into the front row, it will have to be number 1, Loosehead.

15-03-2021, 11:16 AM
Play the ball, not the man... all the posts about jonu are getting a bit old..

16-03-2021, 09:34 AM
Downward pricing pressure continues, with the $0.005 sellers almost double the $0.004 buyers. I hope they can pull a rabbit out of the hat.

Did they ever say when the would complete the strategic review? Buying Rabones hole in the ground, and Vanuatu gamble announced - whats left? Gold production is going to be when?

16-03-2021, 09:43 AM
Posted twice

16-03-2021, 02:03 PM
Downward pricing pressure continues, with the $0.005 sellers almost double the $0.004 buyers. I hope they can pull a rabbit out of the hat.

Did they ever say when the would complete the strategic review? Buying Rabones hole in the ground, and Vanuatu gamble announced - whats left? Gold production is going to be when?

They are having a review of the strategic review to review the strategy. Once complete the mirror man, MH, will look into it and the postman MH will address it.

16-03-2021, 03:10 PM
They are having a review of the strategic review to review the strategy. Once complete the mirror man, MH, will look into it and the postman MH will address it.

but doesn't the man down the hole have a hand in things ? ;)

He probably still needs a guiding hand on exactly where the alleged resources were thought to be hiding too .. ;)

the way things are going, he may also be needing some protection from an avalanche of abandoned NTL bits
being thrown down the hole from up above, as more start running away in disgust .. ;)

16-03-2021, 03:26 PM
Hawk see blind mice on edge of hole with gold coin trying to decide when to push it
over edge & wondering if it will bounce when it hits the bottom .. ;)

16-03-2021, 03:36 PM
Downward pricing pressure continues, with the $0.005 sellers almost double the $0.004 buyers. I hope they can pull a rabbit out of the hat.

Did they ever say when the would complete the strategic review? Buying Rabones hole in the ground, and Vanuatu gamble announced - whats left? Gold production is going to be when?

Hard to believe they actually announced "New Talisman Commences Mining Activities" 2 and a half years ago LOL:


Yeah, I know, there will always be someone who will say' mining activities' are not the same as 'gold production'.

IMO you just can't believe anything these extremely well paid guys say.

I bet those regular posters who bailed at 0.006 - 0.007 are feeling particularly smug!! Well done guys.

So glad to see someone changed the thread title too. :t_up:

16-03-2021, 03:55 PM
Jonu will be wishing he had changed his title too, to Jonah, & been sinbinned off for an early shower..

Instead, he's going to take a bath, when the rights issue comes out at .2c

16-03-2021, 03:56 PM
Jonu will be wishing he had changed his title too, to Jonah, & been sinbinned off for an early shower..

Instead, he's going to take a bath, when the rights issue comes out at .2c

18-03-2021, 10:06 AM
Jonu will be wishing he had changed his title too, to Jonah, & been sinbinned off for an early shower..

Instead, he's going to take a bath, when the rights issue comes out at .2c

I dont take any glee in this, Jonu I think was just too honest and had the wool pulled over his eyes just like the rest of us.
When things get dark and you are in too deep you hope you see a light at the end of the tunnel, and instead its Mat Hill running a train over you.

Initially NTL probably did have the best of intentions, but they just didnt have the ability and balls to ride the wild tiger that is health and safety red tape in NZ.
In US or possibly Ausie, or 20 years ago in NZ, it would have worked.

NTL in my mind, did move on from realistic prospects, to hiding big time, the **** they were in, and obviously directors with integrity jumped ship.
It must be near criminal to keep being paid 400k when nothing is happening, but as we know from Feltex its an impossibly high hurdle to make anything stick.

18-03-2021, 10:14 AM
Jonu will be wishing he had changed his title too, to Jonah, & been sinbinned off for an early shower..

Instead, he's going to take a bath, when the rights issue comes out at .2c

Jeez Getty. I'm with clip on this one. You really need to back it off. A lot! Some of your posts a week or so ago probably needed to be reported, they were sufficiently nasty. Time to talk about the company, if you have anything to say ...

18-03-2021, 11:35 AM
It is admirable that posters advocate what they see as fair play.

However, one can assume you are late arrivals to the thread.

If you bother to read the last 12 months of posts, you will see for yourselves Jonu has been the Jonu Spithill pitbull of the thread, savaging any dissenters of the NTL illusion.
Many insults, challenges and threats have been issued.
His views may have helped lead lemmings over the cliff.

To suggest he is a victim of Matt Hill is a total falsehood.

They have been in regular contact, and Jonu has defended Mr Hill, to the extent that many thought he was in fact Mr Hill.

18-03-2021, 11:37 AM
Deleted, posted twice

18-03-2021, 02:38 PM
I dont take any glee in this, Jonu I think was just too honest and had the wool pulled over his eyes just like the rest of us.
When things get dark and you are in too deep you hope you see a light at the end of the tunnel, and instead its Mat Hill running a train over you.

Initially NTL probably did have the best of intentions, but they just didnt have the ability and balls to ride the wild tiger that is health and safety red tape in NZ.
In US or possibly Ausie, or 20 years ago in NZ, it would have worked.

NTL in my mind, did move on from realistic prospects, to hiding big time, the **** they were in, and obviously directors with integrity jumped ship.
It must be near criminal to keep being paid 400k when nothing is happening, but as we know from Feltex its an impossibly high hurdle to make anything stick.

BlueM - I think you have hit the nail on the head.

18-03-2021, 02:38 PM
I dont take any glee in this, Jonu I think was just too honest and had the wool pulled over his eyes just like the rest of us.
When things get dark and you are in too deep you hope you see a light at the end of the tunnel, and instead its Mat Hill running a train over you.

Initially NTL probably did have the best of intentions, but they just didnt have the ability and balls to ride the wild tiger that is health and safety red tape in NZ.
In US or possibly Ausie, or 20 years ago in NZ, it would have worked.

NTL in my mind, did move on from realistic prospects, to hiding big time, the **** they were in, and obviously directors with integrity jumped ship.
It must be near criminal to keep being paid 400k when nothing is happening, but as we know from Feltex its an impossibly high hurdle to make anything stick.

BlueM - I think you have hit the nail on the head.

18-03-2021, 02:38 PM
Twice even :-)

18-03-2021, 04:26 PM
It is admirable that posters advocate what they see as fair play.

However, one can assume you are late arrivals to the thread.

If you bother to read the last 12 months of posts, you will see for yourselves Jonu has been the Jonu Spithill pitbull of the thread, savaging any dissenters of the NTL illusion.
Many insults, challenges and threats have been issued.
His views may have helped lead lemmings over the cliff.

To suggest he is a victim of Matt Hill is a total falsehood.

They have been in regular contact, and Jonu has defended Mr Hill, to the extent that many thought he was in fact Mr Hill.

Bollocks. I have savaged FOS posts such as this one.

18-03-2021, 06:40 PM
Nice to see such long ranging signs of dedicated enthusiasm here of this serial non performer .. ;)

but hey -- it may even get to fly to the moon one day ... possibly as a hitchhiker or stowaway ..

but .. the jury remains out on which century that could happen .. the next one .. or more likely the one after that .. ;)

let's hope that the deposit requirements for prospecting permits on Moon or Mars don't exceed the available kitty .. ;)

18-03-2021, 06:53 PM
These guys seems to know how finding the gold stuff is done -



19-03-2021, 10:21 AM
Deleted, posted twice

I'm obviously with you on this one Getty. Jonu has posted some savage comments in the past. Bit rich to be moaning about others. Those in glasshouses yada yada...

19-03-2021, 11:13 AM
No point us moaning at each other - there is only one Board/MD we should be aiming our darts at

25-03-2021, 01:19 PM
I retract my last statement, better to be some chat rather than none :p

25-03-2021, 01:44 PM
It is admirable that posters advocate what they see as fair play.

However, one can assume you are late arrivals to the thread.

If you bother to read the last 12 months of posts, you will see for yourselves Jonu has been the Jonu Spithill pitbull of the thread, savaging any dissenters of the NTL illusion.
Many insults, challenges and threats have been issued.
His views may have helped lead lemmings over the cliff.

To suggest he is a victim of Matt Hill is a total falsehood.

They have been in regular contact, and Jonu has defended Mr Hill, to the extent that many thought he was in fact Mr Hill.

Spot on imo.In a nutshell. be warned any newbies.

25-03-2021, 01:49 PM
Last time I was having a quiet cappuccino at the Nambawan Cafe, on the seawall at Port Vila, Vanuatu, I contemplated how serene and inactive it was.

A bit like the environs of the Karangahake Gorge actually.

25-03-2021, 04:34 PM
Satisfied sigh - normality has returned - hahahaha

Motley Crew
26-03-2021, 02:50 AM
Last time I was having a quiet cappuccino at the Nambawan Cafe, on the seawall at Port Vila, Vanuatu, I contemplated how serene and inactive it was.

A bit like the environs of the Karangahake Gorge actually.

Yes - I took a drive through the Karangahake Gorge just a couple of weeks ago on a short tour of the Waihi / Coromandel / Waikato while visiting from Christchurch. Thought I might as well consult Google Maps for the location of the mine. Turned off SH2 onto Old Rotokohu Road (which I hope was the right road as that is the one listed in the annual report). The standard of the road was pretty much in keeping with how I perceive the company - narrow, rough and rutted, and the further up the road you go the greater the sense of impending doom. No sign of a mine anywhere - it must be well hidden, but then gauging by the signs hanging off signposts and trees in the area I get the impression mining of the Karangahake area isn't that welcome, so that probably explains it. No signs that any large trucks or machinery could easily navigate that road. But again - I hope I was on the right one, and the road listed in the annual report isn't just a decoy !
Finding nothing, we returned to the highway and stopped to walk the very interesting Karangahake Windows Walk - well worth doing - except that the ruins of the batteries of the earlier Crown and Talisman mines of the early 20th century kept haunting me for days after - I don't know why ! At least these ruins were out in the open. The ruins of the New Talisman are well hidden from view. I think my decision to sell most of my holding at .006 late 2020 was well considered after all.
It's funny how just 15kms away, Waihi welcomed the mining and a town grew up around the Martha pit, which is now closed and has plans for remediation. I get the feeling Matt Hill and his comrades aren't welcome in the area. Time to quit the rest of my holding and move on........

26-03-2021, 09:46 AM
A good post that aptly describes the impression one gets when hunting down the 'mine'.

It raises a few points to me;

The project is virtually invisible, 99.99% of visitors to the beautiful area wouldn't even know it was there, so it cant be viewed as a blot on the landscape unless viewed from the air.
Green opposition to that aspect is unjustified.

The road doesn't need to be better than what it is, for a boutique operation, with 10tonne restrictions, which are no impediment to such an operation.

As for decoys in the reports, well yes, the roaring season has begun...and duck shooting not far away...

26-03-2021, 10:25 AM
A good post that aptly describes the impression one gets when hunting down the 'mine'.

It raises a few points to me;

The project is virtually invisible, 99.99% of visitors to the beautiful area wouldn't even know it was there, so it cant be viewed as a blot on the landscape unless viewed from the air.
Green opposition to that aspect is unjustified.

The road doesn't need to be better than what it is, for a boutique operation, with 10tonne restrictions, which are no impediment to such an operation.

As for decoys in the reports, well yes, the roaring season has begun...and duck shooting not far away...

I always assumed that the truck movements restrictions were caused by greenies embedded in council. I was probably wrong. It may well be that the road that Mr Crew describes is so dodgy that from a road engineering point of 4 x 10 tonne trucks per day is the best it can handle. More reasons not to invest.

26-03-2021, 01:28 PM
All due diligence I did on the Karangahake project, told me it was a goer.

The area is riddled with gold in concentrations and grades that make it commercially viable.

It doesn't need massive amounts of capital to buy large machinery, conveyor systems, dump trucks, etc.
Its on the backdoor of a conservation estate, totally unobtrusive from tourist perspectives.

However, after all these years, it clearly isnt going anywhere!

Why not?

They have not even tried to get a full mining licence, so you cant blame the govt or greens for declining one.

Logic says management would not be looking for "greener grass" like Vanuatu if K was proceeding.
Why are shareholders and potential investors left guessing & speculating as to what the problem/s is/are?

Either the problems are insurmountable, or delays are a deliberate attempt to demoralise shareholders to hand over the project for a pittance.

It would be great if a Terra Firma insider was to anonymously spill the beans on here.

26-03-2021, 03:00 PM
*Pulls on Cautious Cap" .. wouldn't want to fall into uncharted hole (aka Hobby Mine)

Has anyone identified where Mystery Hole in Mountain is yet ? ;)

26-03-2021, 06:11 PM
Have to wonder with the access work they did, have they already squirrelled away those easy access super hi grade oz's?

27-03-2021, 08:01 AM
Have to wonder with the access work they did, have they already squirrelled away those easy access super hi grade oz's?

Let's be clear JT. Just so the lawyers get it straight. Who are you accusing of theft?

Wouldn't want the wrong people up on charges would we?

Name some names.

27-03-2021, 01:30 PM
I have also had a drive up there. I think you should of stayed on Crown Hill Road and not turned into the Old Rotokohu Road at all. Just past that turnoff you would have come to a gate across the road which stops you getting too close to the mine. This is the gate that protesters have locked in the past, to stop mine workers accessing the site. The road to this gate is not bad and I am almost certain that it was tar sealed all the way.

27-03-2021, 01:34 PM
Let's be clear JT. Just so the lawyers get it straight. Who are you accusing of theft?

Wouldn't want the wrong people up on charges would we?

Name some names.

That's assuming there was some gold to steal , might be the best thing to ever happen to them , have to turn up in court with some evidence :)

27-03-2021, 02:36 PM
I am always surprised when i see people still discussing this dog stock and wanting answers. Fun fact, your not getting any!

This has been listed on the nzx since 1980. We are now in 2021 and what has happened apart from capital raises and management getting paid handsomely? Jack.

Plenty of good value mining stocks on the asx so I don't know why anyone bothers.

They will burn through whatever cash is left. Do a cap raise if they still can and IF, a big IF, people would even subscribe. But I don't see how or why i don't know. Surely Noone still believes in this company? where has SH money gone I wonder?

We've had management using an alias on sharetrader ramping up this stock illegally.

How many red flags and constant dilution do you need?

27-03-2021, 05:42 PM
Holy smokes Jonu,
There is absolutely no way that lawyers are getting involved over accusations a theories presented on a forum discussing stocks. Hell there will be probably sweet FA repercussions for the CEO to be posting without disclosure to this very board.

How you can jump on posters here for what they postulate, when you seem to not care that the CEO was posting without disclosure is beyond me. When I first came to this board there was actually a decent amount of positive posts with hopeful people. that died in a hurry when it became obvious that Matt was posting here. But the crazy thing to me is that is the content of those posts, just go back and read them everything he was saying and "expecting" NTL to do actually for the most part did not happen. Like what does that say? Either he is full of it or he cant deliver.

Everyone is entitled to present their opinion on here, the fact that there is very little positive posts on NTL is 100% down to the performance of the management team. Over the last six months have seen a run up and a drop in the gold price, a general bullish outlook in the precious metals sector and there has been no effort on NTL's part to capitalise.

Like I want to see it realise value, I think if it ever blows up I will crack a bottle for you. I love seeing people being right against all odds. I won't be involved, there's no shortage of mining companies in the world and most don't have such an impeccable track record of shareholder wealth destruction than Matt and his team have so I would rather put my money (win or loose) in a team that I have some sort of faith in to make some sort of tangible progress.

But I cant help but end this with a warning for new investors in this company, the NZX is devoid of proper mining stocks and for some people on certain investment platforms it can be an easy trap. While I do think that there is potential in the resource there is quite obviously some gold there, people looking to buy this need to understand that New Zealand is a very poor jurisdiction for mining. Obtaining permits for full scale production is a huge hurdle for this mine, whether it eventually gets a permit or not is sort of moot IMO, the process to try and get this mine operational is years of trying to gain a permit. That's years of cash burn on top of whatever capital they need to actually build a mine. and NTL is all out of cap raising potential (at least in any significant quantity). I mean if this ever gets going it will have more shares on issue than the US Govt has debt.

NTL is currently an exploration company, that has shown no real interest in actually becoming a producer. Maybe they know that the permitting process is either doomed to fail or will sink the company with the wait, there are very little options (IMO) for another company to buy the resource or put up cash just to be locked in a legal battle to get rights to mine (probably with a tonne of stipulations that increases AISC).

All this stuff buying other tenements etc in my honest opinion is smoke and mirrors, if you want to get into a junior miner that is searching for a resource then get on the ASX. Go for a company that has a management team with some sort of positive track record, you can buy shares in companies on the ASX that are looking for and actually creating value from resources basically anywhere in the world. Investing in juniors is a speculative game at the best of times, at least try to tip the odds in your favour.

My honest opinion? The odds of this company succeeding died long ago, Matt has known for a while but is taking his salary anyways, and milking the cow by trying to "find" another resource. I honestly believe he is taking shareholders for as much as he can, his results are appalling and him moving to a company that I owned shares in would cause me to sell immediately no questions asked. Any BOD that actually gave half a **** would have canned him as soon as it became obvious that he was posting here. I don't think he is stealing the gold, why would he bother? Doesn't matter the grade when you can just sit on your date, and pocket a salary.

Shout out to whoever changed the title of the thread on here, it was needed that's for sure.

27-03-2021, 10:13 PM
That's the problem.The only thing clear with NTL is the smell around here and the fact that most investors who believed in this company have atp lost their dough except a few,and you Jonu ,on paper? You with your bully boy threats and your support of management.How could you do that!Why would you !
Because to you Its a black and white dog eat dog world out there ? No shades of gray.Everyone for himself.

27-03-2021, 10:30 PM
That's the problem.The only thing clear with NTL is the smell around here and the fact that most investors who believed in this company have atp lost their dough except a few,and you Jonu ,on paper? You with your bully boy threats and your support of management.How could you do that!Why would you !
Because to you Its a black and white dog eat dog world out there ? No shades of gray.Everyone for himself.

Name names JT. Don't attack me to cover your arse.