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14-12-2020, 06:12 AM
I'm sure the appropriate authorities will be in touch at their leisure to quiz you on your motivations for willfully misleading investors on a Public Forum.
Well that just made me snort my tea. Pretty rich when we all recall the bonehead’s dodgy behaviour.

You seem to be Matt’s main (maybe only) cheerleader Jonu. Are you by any chance, a relation as it strikes me as the only reason you could continue to back him.

Just my opinion 😀

14-12-2020, 08:26 AM
Its sad to see that Jonu is probably the last of the long term holders on here with a positive perspective. If there is a CR (it seems likely), it may require fresh blood to get any significant $$$

Ive stuck with HGD/NTL over the years as thought I knew something about what was to come - all I have seen is failed promises/ideas.

NEWBIES - be warned, do your own research. Read the last 10-20 pages of this thread - ignore the "banter" between some of the disgruntled here - a lot of the long term holders are or have exited.

And I believe the FMA review into the CEO is ongoing - happy to be correted.

Im ready to re-invest, but wont do so based on promises, will only do so when production is imminent. - Yes, I will miss some of the upside, but happy to wait.

14-12-2020, 08:57 AM
Well that just made me snort my tea. Pretty rich when we all recall the bonehead’s dodgy behaviour.

You seem to be Matt’s main (maybe only) cheerleader Jonu. Are you by any chance, a relation as it strikes me as the only reason you could continue to back him.

Just my opinion ��

And it will be given the relevant amount of consideration.

14-12-2020, 09:02 AM
Its sad to see that Jonu is probably the last of the long term holders on here with a positive perspective. If there is a CR (it seems likely), it may require fresh blood to get any significant $$$

Ive stuck with HGD/NTL over the years as thought I knew something about what was to come - all I have seen is failed promises/ideas.

NEWBIES - be warned, do your own research. Read the last 10-20 pages of this thread - ignore the "banter" between some of the disgruntled here - a lot of the long term holders are or have exited.

And I believe the FMA review into the CEO is ongoing - happy to be correted.

Im ready to re-invest, but wont do so based on promises, will only do so when production is imminent. - Yes, I will miss some of the upside, but happy to wait.

Bear in mind Landy, several of the biggest moaners on here are nonholders or hold paltry amounts. Easy to talk big when they are anonymous behind a keyboard. We also have a history of protesters posting here spreading misinformation. Digger's down sizing still leaves him a top 20 holder.

14-12-2020, 09:23 AM
Bear in mind Landy, several of the biggest moaners on here are nonholders or hold paltry amounts. Easy to talk big when they are anonymous behind a keyboard. We also have a history of protesters posting here spreading misinformation. Digger's down sizing still leaves him a top 20 holder.

True - but with shareprice as low as it has been for a long time, the second biggest holder chose to exit 60% of holdings, rather than increase - as Digger said (I think), he just saw/had better opportunities elsewhere. Sold 60m - someone bought them though!!!

Agreed - the "moaners" (and I could be classified as one) are potentially here just to help out any new "goldies" from taking the bait without being warned.

Fingers crossed NTL can get up and running

14-12-2020, 09:45 AM
Bear in mind Landy, several of the biggest moaners on here are nonholders or hold paltry amounts. Easy to talk big when they are anonymous behind a keyboard. We also have a history of protesters posting here spreading misinformation. Digger's down sizing still leaves him a top 20 holder.

How do you know they hold "paltry amounts"? Privy are we?
You well know I am no longer a holder but this does not prevent me from airing my views, which I will continue to do now and into the foreseeable future. Matthew Hill pulls a pretty penny from this company. He needs to be held accountable for the sorry state of NTL's share price.

14-12-2020, 09:48 AM
" Easy to talk big when they are anonymous behind a keyboard. "

LOL. The irony.

14-12-2020, 10:04 AM
It is absolutely appropriate for previous holders to comment on here, even if they had holdings jonu would consider small. There are stories to be told about previous broken promises and fruitless distractions that have taken this company away from the main goal.

Others are welcome to present their own opinions and to invest with their eyes open if they wish. Personally I will not buy back in with the current board and management in place and the final straw was the complete lack on consequence after matt hill's indiscretions.

14-12-2020, 10:25 AM
Personally i think to many have had/got gold fever instead of wise investing with this stock.
if you DYOR and lose you only have yourself to blame.

14-12-2020, 10:26 AM
I have just reported this post for malice.

I have not been selling, and in fact think this acquisition is a great added string to the NTL bow. The Board said they were undertaking a strategic review and we are seeing the first fruits.

We don't need idiots like Getty spreading malicious lies about a named substantial holder selling. As to what locals blowing stuff up....more malicious nonsense. I hope Getty's motives are examined at the most serious level of scrutiny available by the appropriate authorities.

Anyone who needs a more 'independent' source than me about things being blown up in this region, just google "mine sabotage in Melanesia".
Then read todays story on NZ City, about mine related violence in very close neighbour, New Caledonia.

This region may not have greenies, but it is full of people capable of taking the law into their own hands.
This is the environment to which NTL wish to lead you.
Imagine spending all your money finding gold there, then facing the above issues at extraction time?
Deja vu anyone?

This statement not issued as "malicious lies", but intended enlightenment.

14-12-2020, 10:36 AM
Personally i think to many have had/got gold fever instead of wise investing with this stock.
if you DYOR and lose you only have yourself to blame.

This is absolutely true. I myself was sucked in by gold fever and I do blame myself - but when I invested there was lots of talker uppers on this thread. So the reality is I share Landyman's view that if a novice comes on to this forum, they can see quite clearly that not everyone thinks this company is smelling of roses, or that we all have "gold" tinted glasses on.

And regardless of my paltry holding, I am a shareholder and I can, and I will, comment. And obviously I'd like to see the company do well so that I can get my money back on that small amount. But I sure as hell am not going to ramp it up to sucker in others.

14-12-2020, 11:21 AM
Come now ladies and gents nobody in their right mind would or should call this an investment.It always has been a bit of a gamble,one that could pay off handsomely.I bought in around 3years ago,have supported a couple of Capital raises,but I never lost focus on the fact that it was just a punt.I recently reduced my stake by 50%,not because I don't believe NTL will get there,I think they will,but I had a couple of better punts elsewhere.One is now a double bagger and the other a quadruple bagger.

As long as you only put in what you can afford to lose,then why not,it can and should be just a bit of fun.

15-12-2020, 08:49 AM
Good morning. My first post, so first of all thanks to all who contribute with their views. NTL has certainly been a roller coaster ride. The gold is there and that keeps me interested. Yes, it is a long drawn out process getting the gold to market. My belief is that it will eventually prove to be a profitable investment (or profitable gamble).
Patience is a virtue.

Disc: holder quietly accumulating at these low levels.

17-12-2020, 03:38 PM
Hi everyone, I would like to share a comment from HotCopper if I am allowed to. The article is about NTL acquiring mine in Vanuatu.
Looking back 8 years ago, it was Mkopoto, and now its Vanuatu. (https://directbroking.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3285038)
NTL will focus on Talisman development, while the Mkopoto investment will be managed by Coromandel Gold Ltd.
Does it sound familiar, like the same strategy to C/R. I personally find this article in HotCopper very appropriate to the situation we find ourselves in.
What has happen to Mkopoto, Rahu and Broken Hill? After 8 years I hope to see NTL start to create some wealth for us S/H.
By the way, I am not a 'moaner' and I still held a small amount of shares here, about a million.

17-12-2020, 08:01 PM
Hi everyone, I would like to share a comment from HotCopper if I am allowed to. The article is about NTL acquiring mine in Vanuatu.
Looking back 8 years ago, it was Mkopoto, and now its Vanuatu. (https://directbroking.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3285038)
NTL will focus on Talisman development, while the Mkopoto investment will be managed by Coromandel Gold Ltd.
Does it sound familiar, like the same strategy to C/R. I personally find this article in HotCopper very appropriate to the situation we find ourselves in.
What has happen to Mkopoto, Rahu and Broken Hill? After 8 years I hope to see NTL start to create some wealth for us S/H.
By the way, I am not a 'moaner' and I still held a small amount of shares here, about a million.

'start to create some wealth for us S/H'

this is all that most here & other long suffering stakeholders have been looking for .. all the way along .. ;)

Something which HGL/NTL has from it's past record had difficulty achieving to date .. ;)

17-12-2020, 08:21 PM
Hi everyone, I would like to share a comment from HotCopper if I am allowed to. The article is about NTL acquiring mine in Vanuatu.
Looking back 8 years ago, it was Mkopoto, and now its Vanuatu. (https://directbroking.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3285038)
NTL will focus on Talisman development, while the Mkopoto investment will be managed by Coromandel Gold Ltd.
Does it sound familiar, like the same strategy to C/R. I personally find this article in HotCopper very appropriate to the situation we find ourselves in.
What has happen to Mkopoto, Rahu and Broken Hill? After 8 years I hope to see NTL start to create some wealth for us S/H.
By the way, I am not a 'moaner' and I still held a small amount of shares here, about a million.

Maybe Matt can step forward and shed some advice?

17-12-2020, 10:31 PM
Maybe Matt can step forward and shed some advice?

Hahaha .. Good one - they must have turned the filing cabinet well & truly upside down
at Head Office to find that one .. ;)

18-12-2020, 08:59 AM
So can someone confirm that this new mine will be traded as a separate stock, and NTL is the financier / share holder, or is Matt Hill and the directors of NTL, shareholders directly.
Do we have structure details ?

My worry, is that this is an admission that NTL mine in NZ is not and never will run, under this current ownership vehicle.
Yet the resources that NTL pays for such as directors, managers, consultants, experts (the money in the NTL bank account) - will be used on this new traded stock for the benefit of that stock and its shareholders.

Has this been clarified ?

Matt is of course a merchant banker, an expert in finance, can he be trusted to structure this correctly and equitably ??

18-12-2020, 10:47 AM
So can someone confirm that this new mine will be traded as a separate stock, and NTL is the financier / share holder, or is Matt Hill and the directors of NTL, shareholders directly.
Do we have structure details ?

My worry, is that this is an admission that NTL mine in NZ is not and never will run, under this current ownership vehicle.
Yet the resources that NTL pays for such as directors, managers, consultants, experts (the money in the NTL bank account) - will be used on this new traded stock for the benefit of that stock and its shareholders.

Has this been clarified ?

Matt is of course a merchant banker, an expert in finance, can he be trusted to structure this correctly and equitably ??

I think we can say with total confidence that Matt and the board will treat the shareholders exactly the same way that they have done in the past.

18-12-2020, 02:59 PM
Inspired by the beetles of Karangahake, we have the ballad of Matty & Yokel 'Onu.

Standing in the dock at Wellington
Trying to get to Holland or France
The man in the share registry said
You've gotta go back
You know, they didnt even give us a chance.

And man you know it aint Getty
You know how hard he can be
The way things are going
Hes gonna crucify me

Finally made the helicopter into Santo
Touching down by the crane
James Shaw called to say
You can make it okay
You can even get mining in Gibraltar near Spain

And man you know it aint easy
You know how hard Getty can be
The way things are going
He's gonna crucify me

Drove from Santo to Canterbury's Hilton
Diving & fishing in the beds for a week
The Sharetrader said
What are you doing instead?
We said, we're only trying to get some peace

And man, you know it aint easy
You know how hard Getty can be
The way things are going
He's gonna crucify me

Saving up your overdraft for a sunny day
Giving all your winter clothes to charity
Last nite the wife said
Poor boy when your dead
You dont take nothing with you, no gold


Feeling like a trip to Vanuatu
Eating chocolate cake into the bag
The newspaper said
He's gone to his head
They just look like 2 guru's in drag

You know how hard Getty can be
The way things ate going
He's gonna crucify me

Caught the early ferry back to Port Vila
Fifty coconuts tied in a sack
The men from the Press
Said we wish you success
Its bad to have the both of you back

And man you know it aint easy
You know how hard Getty can be
The way things are going
He's gonna crucify me.

18-12-2020, 03:06 PM
Classic .:D:t_up::laugh::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol ::lol::lol::closed eyes::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::t_up:

18-12-2020, 03:15 PM
Very, very good sir.:t_up:

18-12-2020, 05:25 PM
Very, very good sir.:t_up:

and seconded here too .. well done Getty ;)

20-12-2020, 12:09 PM
Great replies and very well thought out.
But no one actually answered my question.

I don't know the answers to my questions, and I haven't bothered to investigate, as I crashed and burned big time earlier in the year.
But I have a vested interest.

If this new stock, christ I cant even be bothered looking up whats it called, is not wholly owned by NTL, and therefore NTL shareholders,
Then everybody should get out now while they still can.

I find this stock very interesting, on just what you can get away with, as far as directorship is concerned of listed companies.
Obviously anything you like.

22-12-2020, 11:21 AM
If this new stock, christ I cant even be bothered looking up whats it called, is not wholly owned by NTL, and therefore NTL shareholders,
Then everybody should get out now while they still can.

From the two very limited announcements, it seems
- NTL has agreed to buy the prospect from Canterbury Resources for an undisclosed amount of cash and shares - weakening an already precarious cash situation for NTL and presumably diluting existing shareholders further
- Then NTL will spin off the prospect to a sperate listing while covering its listing fees, which means more cash costs
- The separate listing will be a wholly owned subsidiary of NTL, so this answers your question
- It is not clear how NTL or the subsidiary will fund further exploration, but the HY report notes further information will released to shareholders 'early in the new year'

22-12-2020, 02:20 PM
From the two very limited announcements, it seems
- NTL has agreed to buy the prospect from Canterbury Resources for an undisclosed amount of cash and shares - weakening an already precarious cash situation for NTL and presumably diluting existing shareholders further
- Then NTL will spin off the prospect to a sperate listing while covering its listing fees, which means more cash costs
- The separate listing will be a wholly owned subsidiary of NTL, so this answers your question
- It is not clear how NTL or the subsidiary will fund further exploration, but the HY report notes further information will released to shareholders 'early in the new year'

The further funding without a doubt will likely be one or more of - Ca$h from existing Stakeholder's pockets,
listing a portion of what increased shares NTL have in CoroGold, possible in-specie dish out to HGL holders
of a bit of it, or a very hopeful rights issue to HGL holders at a ticket price & list the rest.. ;)

Directly or Indirectly NTL stake holder's pockets will likely be intended target for things .. ;)
(if that doesn't work maybe recruit further additional targets to the pool)

Remember the scheme of things when E-cademy was floated off HGL shareholder base for listing
Perhaps the same finance talent as was onboard back then is still in place now ? ;)
How long has (Jane?) been onboard looking after the finance strings for NTL / HLG ? ;)

As all can see on the SCANTEST Whiff of this released so far, punters have really taken to
the mulled scheme like ducks to water .. probably mostly flying away, if the SP fall is any indication .. ;)

NTL badly needs to acquire some real credibility in the market, perhaps get onboard professional PR talent
if they expect any of these sort of schemes to garner interest out there and to start delivering results
on long overdue projects that are still in snails pace progress mode .. ;)

22-12-2020, 03:27 PM
Don't forget NTL actually target all and sundry,sure they start a capital raise as a shareholder only CP but usually when this is closed,they then then open it to all and sundry.So it's never a special to reward long suffering shareholders,also there is never an offer to institutions as they know it would never fly.
If there is another CP,I think it would confirm that there is never going to be gold coming out of that mine.It really needed to be in production within a couple of months of the last CP.

22-12-2020, 05:31 PM
This whole thing reminds me a bit of Gold Rush in Guyana. Too much Todd Hoffman and not enough Tony Beets. Tony would have this gold processing in hours

03-01-2021, 10:31 AM
Hi all I am new to this forum keen to listen to any thoughts ideas what is going on with this company seems to be dragging their heels a bit lately

Haven't heard from peebee lately?

The Heels have been moving.

Has anyone else noticed how many 'one hit wonders' come onto the threads, sometimes dropping a bombshell, then no further posts, or disappearing?

With the effort required to register, whats it all about?

03-01-2021, 11:06 AM
Haven't heard from peebee lately?

The Heels have been moving.

Has anyone else noticed how many 'one hit wonders' come onto the threads, sometimes dropping a bombshell, then no further posts, or disappearing?

With the effort required to register, whats it all about?
Or the people who take the time and effort to register multiple aliases, like "bullish" and "epithermal". Maybe they have multiple personalities too, and this allows them to argue back and forwards with themselves.
Those are the sorts of people I want running the companies I own!!!! 😏😏😏

Welcome back Getty lol to the Never Too Late to lose money thread.

03-01-2021, 07:23 PM
Hi Getty I am certainly not a one hit wonder some of us have stronger priorities like serious medical issues to sort out for my wife.
The heels may be moving but the rhetoric sounds the same

03-01-2021, 07:42 PM
Good to have you on board pb, and lets hope your wifes health, and the fortunes of NTL have a dramatic upturn in 2021.

03-01-2021, 07:53 PM
Or the people who take the time and effort to register multiple aliases, like "bullish" and "epithermal". Maybe they have multiple personalities too, and this allows them to argue back and forwards with themselves.
Those are the sorts of people I want running the companies I own!!!! ������

Welcome back Getty lol to the Never Too Late to lose money thread.

LOL, & thanks for the greeting.

04-01-2021, 07:38 AM
POG has leveled off which was the one impetuous for optimism last year.

The writing must be on the wall now. I struggle to see any pathway to success for this long struggling outfit. At least one person made some money out of it 😂 .

06-01-2021, 08:05 PM
cheers for that

06-01-2021, 08:10 PM
LOL, & thanks for the greeting.

Welcome back my friend - Getty .. good to see you back with us ..

06-01-2021, 08:24 PM
Thank you too nztx.
Its good to be back, with a few tailwinds from NWF, 2021 is already looking good, and I've got more entertainment planned...

07-01-2021, 09:08 AM
Happy NY to all my NTL friends - I think 2021 will be NTLs year - for what, I dont know, but somewhere between doing nothing and doing something.

Hopefully they post some photos from the staff Christmas party - flecks of gold in the Xmas pud perhaps?

08-01-2021, 01:43 PM
Back at the ping pong, someones got frisky.

So far, over the last 3 days @ $82k traded @.5c.

They dont want a trip to Vanuatu?

Current score, $335k @.6c , waiting to decimate $13k @ .5c

08-01-2021, 02:39 PM
I hope its Digger exiting, and not the Hill family Trust!!!

08-01-2021, 03:31 PM
Latest update, complete capitulation, now sellers at .5, buyers (not many) at .4c

Most importantly of all, a buyer for one share at .1c, you have to love their sense of humour.
Your bill sir, is .1c, and $29.90 brokerage....

08-01-2021, 04:00 PM
but it could be someone on here - Getty so they could say they still had an eye on things
& were in the game .. ;)

Now if it was AIR - one would have to question whether they were looking forward to
practicing their sky diving .. or looking upwards to see what was falling out of the sky ,
not counting the resident snails crawling past Matt's onsite office .. ;)

08-01-2021, 08:42 PM
Meanwhile..M Hill lies back in his deck chair swilling down a Heineken, laughing his tits off... :t_up:

08-01-2021, 08:54 PM
So what month do people think the next capital raising will be?

I was trying to think what month to put forward as my pick, so I've been trying to put myself into the minds of the CEO Mathew Hill (aka "bullish" aka "epithermal") and the Directors (aka "not directors of very much").

But I actually found the whole process all too hard and depressing, so I've decided to plan a winter holiday in Vanuatu instead for a bit of sun, swimming, snorkeling and sunbathing . (oh wow......I guess I am thinking like them after all :eek2: )

08-01-2021, 08:56 PM
So what month do people think the next capital raising will be?

I was trying to think what month to put forward as my pick, so I've been trying to put myself into the minds of the CEO Mathew Hill (aka "bullish" aka "epithermal") and the Directors (aka "not directors of very much").

But I actually found the whole process all too hard and depressing, so I've decided to plan a winter holiday in Vanuatu instead for a bit of sun, swimming, snorkeling and sunbathing . (oh wow......I guess I am thinking like them after all :eek2: )

Hey dubya. I'm going to report that post for being too sarcastic. (true......but too sarcastic)

To be more balanced you could have compared NTL and their never ending fruitless search for gold - to CRP and their recent announcement to merge and search for phosphate with French Polynesia-based Avenir Makatea Pty Limited.

That's not too far from Bora Bora and Tahiti. The sun, swimming, snorkeling and sun bathing is great there too.

Ya just gotta sell that fantasy and get those pesky shareholders in both companies to front up with some more money first.

08-01-2021, 09:30 PM
Latest update, complete capitulation, now sellers at .5, buyers (not many) at .4c

Most importantly of all, a buyer for one share at .1c, you have to love their sense of humour.
Your bill sir, is .1c, and $29.90 brokerage....

Could be a sharsies order - diversifying their Christmas present.
Or it could be someone who had an order and then tried to cancel it but couldn't so diminished it to least damage possible and hoping like hell it doesn't get hit (done that myself - although not as likely to get hit as this one).

Be brave to go out for a capital raise at the moment. Announcing a successful capital raise of 1cent might not be the message they want to send. I'd be producing some gold from somewhere first. Even if it is like the unsuccessful fisherman who stops at the fish market on the way home.

What the stock
09-01-2021, 09:02 AM
I sold my 7,100,000 shares at a 50% loss - I think they should have had some gold to show by now. I'm using the current price drop in AU to add to my Australian mining shares and possibly some Bitcoin which has price discovery unlike gold which is suppressed. Good luck

09-01-2021, 09:23 AM
So what month do people think the next capital raising will be?

I was trying to think what month to put forward as my pick, so I've been trying to put myself into the minds of the CEO Mathew Hill (aka "bullish" aka "epithermal") and the Directors (aka "not directors of very much").

But I actually found the whole process all too hard and depressing, so I've decided to plan a winter holiday in Vanuatu instead for a bit of sun, swimming, snorkeling and sunbathing . (oh wow......I guess I am thinking like them after all :eek2: )

bullish has just merited the title of Jake the Snake on the ST vs WWF thread, in off Market Discussions
There are small burrowing snakes, and large boa pythons in Vanuatu.
Take you pick (and shovel) as to which ones he will be working with...

09-01-2021, 07:09 PM
Meanwhile pog will continue to rise during 2021 in these uncertain times. All that needs to happen is get it out of the ground. A proven copious supply, come on NTL directors, pull finger and get the show on the road. Get some backers and earn your keep.

10-01-2021, 09:23 AM
Latest update, complete capitulation, now sellers at .5, buyers (not many) at .4c

Most importantly of all, a buyer for one share at .1c, you have to love their sense of humour.
Your bill sir, is .1c, and $29.90 brokerage....

sharesies = brokerage is 0.5% of 1 cent if it goes through...

10-01-2021, 09:54 AM
Yes, imagine the flow on effect of that order being completed, then the price goes to .2c.

Cock sparrow at a cocktail party.
Puffs out chest, then says to the object of his desire, " you know, I'm invested in gold"
"Really"? she coos.
'In fact, I've doubled my money"
"My hero", she swoons, and they all live happily ever after.

Thank goodness for NTL & Sharsies.

Full Apologies to Mills & Boon.

10-01-2021, 01:42 PM
Yes, imagine the flow on effect of that order being completed, then the price goes to .2c.

Cock sparrow at a cocktail party.
Puffs out chest, then says to the object of his desire, " you know, I'm invested in gold"
"Really"? she coos.
'In fact, I've doubled my money"
"My hero", she swoons, and they all live happily ever after.

Thank goodness for NTL & Sharsies.

Full Apologies to Mills & Boon.

What ? - was you reading them or writing them while on holiday
and giving deep thought to NTL's future fortunes .. ? ;)

10-01-2021, 01:47 PM
I was writing them.

A not so charming prince, Matt, & his lovely princess, GOLDilocks.

Only trouble is that Goldilocks is BALD!!

10-01-2021, 01:49 PM
I was writing them.

A not so charming prince, Matt, & his lovely princess, GOLDilocks.

Only trouble is that Goldilocks is BALD!!

Well can you blame her .. being down that mine for over 100 years
with no love & attention seen, and no gold yielding up either ? ;)

11-01-2021, 09:43 AM
I sold my 7,100,000 shares at a 50% loss - I think they should have had some gold to show by now. I'm using the current price drop in AU to add to my Australian mining shares and possibly some Bitcoin which has price discovery unlike gold which is suppressed. Good luck

Is that a quick welcome, and then goodbye WTS? Sorry for your loss.
Agree, there are some very good opportunities in Aus at the moment.

11-01-2021, 12:29 PM
ASX going gangbusters. 36 million volume at 0.6 as I write.

NZX starting to follow suit.

11-01-2021, 12:39 PM
50 m on NZX....

11-01-2021, 12:41 PM
Inconceivable - those snails cant keep their mouths shut - there must be some activity - maybe someone is frying up the garlic butter.

Could there be a Meridian moment coming?

11-01-2021, 12:53 PM
About 3.5 % of all shares have changed hands today ... major shareholder selling (unlikely as price increasing ), or someone knows something us mere mortals don't know

11-01-2021, 01:07 PM
About 3.5 % of all shares have changed hands today ... major shareholder selling (unlikely as price increasing ), or someone knows something us mere mortals don't know

and in Aust as well, is Mr Hill getting out ?

11-01-2021, 01:11 PM
and in Aust as well, is Mr Hill getting out ?

The price and volume is lifting. It aint someone dumping.

11-01-2021, 01:12 PM
About 3.5 % of all shares have changed hands today ... major shareholder selling (unlikely as price increasing ), or someone knows something us mere mortals don't know

Or something else.

Speculating seems risky, especially given the Board manage to sign out cash flow statements with mistakes like:

The actual development expenditure for the quarter was $103,061 compared to a budget of $203,000. The reason for the variancewas due to the entity completing less mining work during the quarter than expected. Activities originally scheduled for the followingquarter have commenced earlier than anticipated.

11-01-2021, 01:14 PM
Or something else.

Speculating seems risky, especially given the Board manage to sign out cash flow statements with mistakes like:

I don't see any mistake there. Read it again.

11-01-2021, 01:15 PM
The price and volume is lifting. It aint someone dumping.

Correct, price up. Biggest "up" volume we have seen for a while - very bold move.

11-01-2021, 01:16 PM
I don't see any mistake there. Read it again.

No, you. Here's a hint: The reason for the variance was due to the entity completing less mining work during the quarter than expected. Activities originally scheduled for the following quarter have commenced earlier than anticipated.

11-01-2021, 01:19 PM
No, you. Here's a hint: The reason for the variance was due to the entity completing less mining work during the quarter than expected. Activities originally scheduled for the following quarter have commenced earlier than anticipated.

I stand by my comprehension skills. They are now playing catchup with the brought forward work not yet allowed for in the reported figures.

11-01-2021, 01:21 PM
It is an inconsistent explanation of an underspend. But hey, those are some fine rose tinted glasses.

Paint it Black
11-01-2021, 01:25 PM
ASX going gangbusters. 36 million volume at 0.6 as I write.

NZX starting to follow suit.

Still travelling well on both NZX and ASX with strong sales. Any ideas on what the trigger is? Perhaps a partner/purchaser found for the mine production now that the exploration side is to be split off into Coromandel Gold?

11-01-2021, 01:25 PM
It is an inconsistent explanation of an underspend. But hey, those are some fine rose tinted glasses.

Getting rosier by the minute. ASX has traded @0.7 today. NZX heading fo 0.8 before long.

There has been a massive wall of over 100 million shares available under 1 cent leading up to today. Down to a little more than 1/3 of that now. In one morning's trading. Been a long time coming, but this puppy is about to pop!

11-01-2021, 01:30 PM
open days will be next. bring your own bucket and spade for share holders only...

11-01-2021, 01:31 PM
Still travelling well on both NZX and ASX with strong sales. Any ideas on what the trigger is? Perhaps a partner/purchaser found for the mine production now that the exploration side is to be split off into Coromandel Gold?

Plenty of possibilities. The mining community in Oz has no doubt heard of NTL's different dots they have been joining, plus who knows what discussions are being held as part of the strategic review. It's all going to generate interest in a mine that is seriously undervalued with m/cap in relation to JORC grades.

11-01-2021, 01:58 PM
Good to see efficient market hypothesis is alive and well. $200k is a truckload of money though - either someone knows something, or someone has very deep pockets.

11-01-2021, 02:02 PM
Good to see efficient market hypothesis is alive and well. $200k is a truckload of money though - either someone knows something, or someone has very deep pockets.

Make that nearly 800kAUD on the ASX and 300k on NZX. The volume is being driven across the Tasman, which is great news in itself.

11-01-2021, 02:43 PM
Make that nearly 800kAUD on the ASX and 300k on NZX. The volume is being driven across the Tasman, which is great news in itself.

86m shares traded on the ASX at VWAP of 0.603c comes to A$510k by my reckoning, jonu.

The excitement seems to have died down now, anyway, hasn't it? I wonder what was happening?

11-01-2021, 03:03 PM
86m shares traded on the ASX at VWAP of 0.603c comes to A$510k by my reckoning, jonu.

The excitement seems to have died down now, anyway, hasn't it? I wonder what was happening?

Don't know where you are getting your figures from Lion. 133 million shares gone through on ASX today. The 800kAUD I referred to was dollars not shares.
The Oz market has a sniff of something. It might have quietened today, but I reckon it's just the start.

11-01-2021, 03:47 PM
Don't know where you are getting your figures from Lion. 133 million shares gone through on ASX today. The 800kAUD I referred to was dollars not shares.
The Oz market has a sniff of something. It might have quietened today, but I reckon it's just the start.

I'm getting my figures from ASBSEC, which shows 90m shares traded in Aus now. Still around A$540k.
I don't want to start an argument here, but I wonder where you are getting your figures from.

Perhaps you are counting in Chi-X too?

11-01-2021, 03:50 PM
I'm getting my figures from ASBSEC, which shows 90m shares traded in Aus now. Still around A$540k.
I don't want to start an argument here, but I wonder where you are getting your figures from.

Jarden/Directbroking showing 140 million shares traded on ASX. Another 56 million on NZX.

11-01-2021, 03:59 PM
Jarden/Directbroking showing 140 million shares traded on ASX. Another 56 million on NZX.

ASB showing 56m shares traded on NZX and 91m on ASX

Crikey, efficiency market hypothesis out the window when we cant all agree on the trade volume for the day :-)

11-01-2021, 04:11 PM
open days will be next. bring your own bucket and spade for share holders only...

just so long as Stakeholders dont get shafted (yet again) on an exorbitant entry ticket price
for the privilege .. ;)

Didn't my good friend suggest somewhere a while back that a mystery map had been found that indicated
something was likely lurking underground right under where the Camp Long Drop is located ? ;)

11-01-2021, 04:30 PM
ASB showing 56m shares traded on NZX and 91m on ASX

Crikey, efficiency market hypothesis out the window when we cant all agree on the trade volume for the day :-)
I think the difference is ASB is showing ASX only and not Chi-x. Total is what DB has 91 mil ASX,49 Mil Chi-x

11-01-2021, 04:35 PM
perhaps the mushroom farm,that some of you vaunted a while back is going to take off.I suspect management might have been experimenting with the more hallucinogenic ones though

11-01-2021, 05:08 PM
I think the difference is ASB is showing ASX only and not Chi-x. Total is what DB has 91 mil ASX,49 Mil Chi-x

I hate to be ignorant, but whats Chi-x? Be gentle with me :-)

11-01-2021, 05:21 PM
I hate to be ignorant, but whats Chi-x? Be gentle with me :-)
Speeding ticket in Aussie ...

12-01-2021, 11:25 AM
Speeding ticket in Aussie ...

We confirm NTL is not aware of any information concerning the increase in our share price that has
not been announced to the market which, if known by some in the market, could explain the recent
trading in its securities.

Sarcasm - this could be true for the past few year - "we are not aware"..........but we want your money

Renewed trading interest in 2021 - NTL - get into it - but DYOR!!!!

12-01-2021, 12:29 PM
Hi all. Long time follower but first time poster. I've been in NTL for about 6 or 7 years now and share the same frustration as alot of you.

How do we all feel this year will go?

Personally I lost complete faith in the board after the Matt/bullish episode let alone being further behind now than they were 4 years ago.

I feel like the Vanuatu project is there just to take attention off of the lack of progress and will come to nothing after 9 months of messing about with it.

Is this the year NTL swims or all our money sinks?!

I'm continuing to hold as there is no point selling out at current prices but can't see too much of a future based on the boards efforts of 2020

Snow Leopard
12-01-2021, 05:02 PM
I hate to be ignorant, but whats Chi-x? Be gentle with me :-)

Chi-x is another [Australian] stock exchange:

ASX >> https://stocknessmonster.com/quotes/ntl.asx/

Chi-x >> https://stocknessmonster.com/quotes/ntl.chia/

If you buy & sell Oz listed shares your broker will/should/can place the order on either or both exchanges.

Snow Leopard Photo of the Day (https://news.microsoft.com/transform/snow-leopard-selfies-ai-save-species/):

12-01-2021, 07:59 PM
Hi all. Long time follower but first time poster. I've been in NTL for about 6 or 7 years now and share the same frustration as alot of you.

How do we all feel this year will go?

Personally I lost complete faith in the board after the Matt/bullish episode let alone being further behind now than they were 4 years ago.

I feel like the Vanuatu project is there just to take attention off of the lack of progress and will come to nothing after 9 months of messing about with it.

Is this the year NTL swims or all our money sinks?!

I'm continuing to hold as there is no point selling out at current prices but can't see too much of a future based on the boards efforts of 2020

I have been in about the same amount of time. My answers to your questions are as follows.

1/ This year will be as disappointing as the last year.
2/ I wasn’t impressed with the Matt/Bullish episode but more importantly they have achieved nothing of any significance other than rehabilitating the mine which should have preceded the mining of gold.
3/ Vanuatu is a diversion and will go nowhere.
4/ Further destruction of shareholder value this year.

Disclosure I still have a 100,000 shares worth about $500 which will probably be worth $200 by years end.

Can anybody recommend a good psychiatrist?

12-01-2021, 08:44 PM
@Brain the best psychologist is not to be involved.

Everyone should know Mr Hill is touted by the company as expert in capital raising (see reports), less so in mining. He’s more than proved that skill.

This ‘explorer’ has no expertise in producing gold, mining it, or refining it into into saleable product. None.

Unbelievable they do Vanuatu, just unbelievable out of nowhere comes another exploration without sealing the deal on the current plot. Where was that in the strategy?

12-01-2021, 09:25 PM
For an historically small gold exploration company, who have obviously struggled to gain any traction in developing the mine that they have pinned their hope's on, I cannot believe that anyone in the head office thinks that Vanuatu is anything other than a distraction. It would be very different if any progress had been made at Talisman and that Vanuatu was just the next project. The timing of bringing it in is just crazy. Unless they think Talisman is a non goer

12-01-2021, 09:48 PM
Speeding ticket in Aussie ...


Just saying ...

I should add that I owned shares in this company for approximately 10 years and attended many AGMs. From the time of Matthew Hill's involvement my faith in the board has declined.

Last year I accepted the negative implications of the growing body of evidence before me & sold out.
It was bitter pill to swallow.

Why would I comment now ?
My motivation is to save others the disappointment & financial losses that I have sustained since investing un NTL.

13-01-2021, 06:32 AM

Just saying ...

I should add that I owned shares in this company for approximately 10 years and attended many AGMs. From the time of Matthew Hill's involvement my faith in the board has declined.

Last year I accepted the negative implications of the growing body of evidence before me & sold out.
It was bitter pill to swallow.

Why would I comment now ?
My motivation is to save others the disappointment & financial losses that I have sustained since investing un NTL.

But NTL have just responded to their ASX Speeding Ticket

They know of no factors for any Aussie price jack-ups .. ;)

Maybe there have been some Chinese Rumours on some unknown forum
about a mysterious golden glow alleged to be coming off the NTL Site Long Drop ? ;)

Spend a penny Lose most of a penny with NTL .. as many have already repeatedly suffered it seems .. ;)

13-01-2021, 08:41 AM
I tend to agree with above.

Ive been with HGD/NTL for 10+ years, bought in, sold out, and currently sitting on the sidelines wondering if I will ever get in again.

There has been many capital raises, quite a few promises. From my memory (happy to be proven wrong), nearly all teh capital raises have come along with the "golden glow" of some good news - resource estimate increases, Rahu, Mystery Veins, now Vanuatu.
From my cynical view, with no progress on the actual mine, and money slowly (think they have a years worth left???) depleting, what good news can Matt give us? A new carrot - Vanuatu - Im not even going to call it golden carrot, seems a little optimistic.

DYOR - all the promises, well, I just dont believe. When we see some progress in extraction and processing options I will buy back in - likely I will have missed the initial surge in price, but will be a safer bet.

For newbies, I understand from others here that the FMA is yet to finalise their view on "Bullish" comments - were the neutral, was it info that was already in the market place - not sure.
In reference back to capital raise, it was Bullish himself who posted to see what the average cash balance was to see when the CR will be required - sarcasm, it seems that Matt likes to make sure he has at least 2 years of salary locked away in the company coffers!!!

Will remain a cynic until we see some tangible progress.

14-01-2021, 06:04 PM
But NTL have just responded to their ASX Speeding Ticket

They know of no factors for any Aussie price jack-ups .. ;)

Maybe there have been some Chinese Rumours on some unknown forum
about a mysterious golden glow alleged to be coming off the NTL Site Long Drop ? ;)

Spend a penny Lose most of a penny with NTL .. as many have already repeatedly suffered it seems .. ;)

Yep the only admission so far, to admitting, that their is no hope for the company.

They openly now admit they see no reason for the shares to be worth anything.


15-01-2021, 06:45 AM
Answer your phone Matt. I can see you hiding behind the curtain in your Greenlane home.

15-01-2021, 07:20 AM
Answer your phone Matt. I can see you hiding behind the curtain in your Greenlane home.


15-01-2021, 02:42 PM

Not as disturbing as NTL's share price and company direction.

Sideshow Bob
15-01-2021, 03:57 PM
This thread is pure gold!!! :t_up:

Apart from if you are a holder......:( Definitely none of that......

15-01-2021, 04:29 PM
Answer your phone Matt. I can see you hiding behind the curtain in your Greenlane home.

He might be in the basement following threads on here about what everyone considers to be better Shares than NTL .. ;)

Probably a darn long list .. needing a really fat Salary & Allowances to do so too .. ;)

15-01-2021, 04:58 PM
Company Profile:

NTL (Nothing Tangible Located) to date

Major Activities over the past 20 Years

1. Explore Holes in ground alleged to be old producing gold shafts
2. Decipher the colour of Rocks in varying shades of light to determine extent of shafting
3. Exit Hole when purse runs low
4. Feed Stakeholders feel good stories on length of walk underground to view colour in shafts
5. Tap Stakeholders for contributions to keep Company Office Open, Staff Employed, Resident Spin
Artists and Experts in Colours in Clover & see if any new colours can be found at bottom of hole
6. Repeat Steps above

Major Source of Revenue over past 20 years:

Shareholders tapped on shoulder for further Contributions

Tangible Desired Product produced over past 20 years:

Near on Nothing

Emissions Credits:

None claimed or gained for all the Hot Air emitted along the way

Anything missed ? ;)

15-01-2021, 05:16 PM
What happened to the Sampling taken out of the Mine ?

There was Material removed in past - was there not ?

Surely if it was as good as the Experts Reports - then SOME GOLD & other Resident Metals would have resulted ?

It can't have just disappeared without trace never to warrant a mention again - surely ?

Did it get stolen ? or lost ? or forgotten about ?, or simply came out as a Nothing found within" ? ;)

Others may be able to point to the Announcements released in the past regarding this..

Whatever, NTL appear to be THE SLOWEST version of a Gold Explorer / Miner on the Planet
or perhaps possibly not "On to It" / "Up to the Task" if the progress to date is to go by .. ;)

15-01-2021, 05:55 PM
Tucked away in the middle of CR after CR, was this.

It was the batch of cherry pick leftover ore in the mine, sent to Waihi for Newmont (at the time) to run as a test batch looking towards toll treatment possibilities.


As for the test tube of concentrated ore from the waste of money mini processing plant they purchased, maybe management haven't yet realized that Newmont has moved on & OGC has taken over. Maybe it was such a small amount they simple misplaced it? Maybe it was used to pay off the ASX speeding ticket?

15-01-2021, 07:01 PM
Wow, 2014....
100k of reneveue. Wasn't that roughly when Matt had a nice little salary increase?

15-01-2021, 07:36 PM
From Same Article above:

"A further batch of stockpiled high grade ore will be prepared for treatment following analysis."

Is this still sitting in the stockpile ? ;)

In the length of time between now & then - the stockpile has probably migrated back to where it originally came from .. ;)

"CEO Matthew Hill said "This is the first production of commercial gold from the historical Talisman mine site in over 30 years
and represents a significant milestone for the company."

Do we assume that this has the same meaning as FIRST and LAST Time so far to date ? ;)

It's been a darn productive almost 7 years where nothing has moved much... aside from a few Remuneration Packages ..
the growing trail of Billions of even more worthless Shares .. the continuing clouds of Hot Air & BS all to justify the
continuing Cap Raise trail & fuel even more distant hopes of something amazing lurking at the end of rainbow, down an old
Gold Mining hole .. ;)

Has Matt reached the stunning accomplishment of having been paid $1 million or perhaps $2 m over the duration for overseeing such feats ... or possibly more ? ;)

16-01-2021, 07:11 AM
Has Matt reached the stunning accomplishment of having been paid $1 million or perhaps $2 m over the duration for overseeing such feats ... or possibly more ? ;)

A particularly impressive remuneration considering that it is probably a part time job.

16-01-2021, 01:54 PM
A particularly impressive remuneration considering that it is probably a part time job.

Yes indeed - not wrong there ;)

Have stakeholders really obtained value for the remuneration money stumped up for part time, half or a third of a job though ? ;)

18-01-2021, 05:32 AM
No regrets here at selling nearly all my NTL shares at a giant loss. Have made those losses back (and much more) in less than 6 months - a result of me doing research on the company management and BOD I invested in. My only real regret now is that I didn’t sell the every last share as then I wouldn’t need to check in here from time to time to se. If any progress. As I expected, none!!

18-01-2021, 09:20 AM
Suse. My situation is like yours. They say 'dreams are free' but this is not the case with NTL. Holding to long on to has costed but sold nearly all my shares in Nov and bought the digital gold. Recouped my losses in 2 months.

18-01-2021, 09:42 AM
Has Matt reached the stunning accomplishment of having been paid $1 million or perhaps $2 m over the duration for overseeing such feats ... or possibly more ? ;)

Annual reports between 2014-2020, notes to financials 4., showing a combined Director remuneration for M. Hill of $2,109,257 for the period

18-01-2021, 10:58 AM
Annual reports between 2014-2020, notes to financials 4., showing a combined Director remuneration for M. Hill of $2,109,257 for the period

So it is a gold mine after all.

18-01-2021, 02:54 PM
Annual reports between 2014-2020, notes to financials 4., showing a combined Director remuneration for M. Hill of $2,109,257 for the period

Probably not necessary to run a poll on whether folk think that NTL Stakeholders have gotten fair value for their large pile
of readies thrown at Matt's Remuneration package for the duration .. ;)

18-01-2021, 09:33 PM
Annual reports between 2014-2020, notes to financials 4., showing a combined Director remuneration for M. Hill of $2,109,257 for the period

Pop culture would refer to this M. Hill as a bit of a "Gold Digger"..

But the term doesn't quite seem to fit :rolleyes:

18-01-2021, 10:32 PM
Pop culture would refer to this M. Hill as a bit of a "Gold Digger"..

But the term doesn't quite seem to fit :rolleyes:

Would "Fools" inserted in front make things look a bit more appropriate ? ;)

19-01-2021, 08:36 AM
Matt is a genius.
He's earnt 2 million plus bucks in 6 odd years, promising to show us the gold, now he's planning a few holidays, sorry I mean business trips to Vanuatu, where I'm sure we are going to be told of the huge opportunity awaiting us patient shareholders.
If we can just stump a little more cash to get this over the line.
We'll all live happily ever after.

19-01-2021, 09:09 AM
There used to be another NZX focused forum that seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth (maybe it went private) where a certain oversized ungulate would constantly rip into the prospects of NTL well before it soured with the posters on here. I wonder how he's doing.
IIRC I recall him saying they have been at this in some form or another for decades.

Disc: Not a holder of anything but popcorn

19-01-2021, 10:45 AM
Oh how I wish to see another post from Bullish refuting you all :-)

Im slowly on the way to recouping my losses by placing money elsewhere - some good performances in Aus at the mo.

NTL - will buy back in when I see tangible extraction, not promises of Fijian Gold, though could go a Fiji Bitter right about now.

19-01-2021, 02:56 PM
Matt is a genius.
He's earnt 2 million plus bucks in 6 odd years, promising to show us the gold, now he's planning a few holidays, sorry I mean business trips to Vanuatu, where I'm sure we are going to be told of the huge opportunity awaiting us patient shareholders.
If we can just stump a little more cash to get this over the line.
We'll all live happily ever after.

The problem is the darn line (imaginary as it seems) appears to move every time it rains
around the the Mine .. if we wait long enough it may even migrate faster than the resident
snail population to somewhere out to sea, with our well paid CEO then looking for another
pile of shareholder dough to remap the prospect again somewhere offshore in the bay off
Waihi and to fund swimming lessons for the whole crew .. ;)

19-01-2021, 09:30 PM
I am enjoying the humour on this thread.
Some of the comments are "pure gold".

20-01-2021, 11:09 AM
I am enjoying the humour on this thread.
Some of the comments are "pure gold".
So I would guess you are not holding the stock,it's not quite so funny if you are a holder!

20-01-2021, 12:10 PM
So I would guess you are not holding the stock,it's not quite so funny if you are a holder!

That's absolutely true & I sympathise with all holders.
I have no time for management.

I bought my first holding in what was then Heritage Gold Ltd in the 1990s & finally extracted myself in 2020.

If you look back at my earlier posts you will see that I have tried to dissuade other members of Sharetrader from going anywhere near this company.
I hope I am having some success.

Good luck, but if you want a punt with better prospects I suggest looking elsewhere.

22-01-2021, 10:21 AM
I would think there is some short term opportunities with NTL - SP is at historic low, cash is running out, CR seeming around the corner - therefore if they stay true to form, there will be very good news published just as, or just before the CR is announced. Day traders dream!!!!

An optimistic cynic!!

22-01-2021, 10:37 AM
I'm watching with interest.
Not a holder. I'm not crazy lol

22-01-2021, 10:39 AM
Wow talk about timing! I need to borrow your crystal ball.

22-01-2021, 10:39 AM
Trading halt here we go...

Of course when a person has no income and isn't looking like they will generate an income in the near future, the smart thing to do is to go spend more money on other things that also produce no income.

Hill > Buffett

22-01-2021, 11:26 AM
get your bucket and spade out... it will be all hands to the dig soon...its a conversation thread right?

maybe they can start classes on how to set up a mine...

turn it into a hands on training site or geo studies !

Take students from around the world... when the world is back to being rounded of course..

22-01-2021, 11:45 AM
As of 30/09/2020 they had $1,869,706 in cash available.
They expected to have 5 quarters of operational funds remaining effective this point.
So from today, about 4 quarters, 1 year of funds for normal operations remaining.

There are already 2,792,225,363 (2.8 BILLION) shares on issue.

How much are they spending and how will it be paid for...?

22-01-2021, 12:06 PM
As of 30/09/2020 they had $1,869,706 in cash available.
They expected to have 5 quarters of operational funds remaining effective this point.
So from today, about 4 quarters, 1 year of funds for normal operations remaining.

There are already 2,792,225,363 (2.8 BILLION) shares on issue.

How much are they spending and how will it be paid for...?

Exactly ! .. good posting ;)

22-01-2021, 12:08 PM
get your bucket and spade out... it will be all hands to the dig soon...its a conversation thread right?

maybe they can start classes on how to set up a mine...

turn it into a hands on training site or geo studies !

Take students from around the world... when the world is back to being rounded of course..

Maybe the Camp Director needs to be hit over the head with the spade to get him back focused
on what was long supposed to be happening .. ie finding yellow flecks in a large hole ? ;)

22-01-2021, 12:11 PM
The share price already seems to be anticipating what is likely coming up

It wont be gold found & probably wont be good news for stakeholders either .. ;)

It's debatable on where a new Shrink is most needed - as a Corporate Recruit or for any poor unfortunates
thinking of becoming a contributing stakeholder in this ongoing circus of 'there must be gold somewhere' .. ;)

22-01-2021, 12:18 PM
The usual suspects are posting their normal uninformed bull**** as normal.

Appears to me the Strategic Review is kicking into gear. Seems it's damned if they do and damned if they don't with the armchair critics around here.

Remember the massive day of trading a couple of weeks ago? 130 odd million shares through on the ASX alone? Big wheels in motion I reckon.

22-01-2021, 12:22 PM
The usual suspects are posting their normal uninformed bull**** as normal.

Appears to me the Strategic Review is kicking into gear. Seems it's damned if they do and damned if they don't with the armchair critics around here.

Remember the massive day of trading a couple of weeks ago? 130 odd million shares through on the ASX alone? Big wheels in motion I reckon.

Remember that some of the long suffering have had to swallow over 20 years of "bull****" from this outfit .. as well as being hit
regularly in the pocket for next chapters in the saga which yielded very little further of what was being sought .. mostly on glowing expert reports upgraded along lines of almost 'we found it - it just needs to be brought out' .. ;)

22-01-2021, 12:24 PM
"Maybe the Camp Director needs to be hit over the head with the spade to get him back focused"


In another universe.....some miners have actually dig up some gold and sold it.

22-01-2021, 12:25 PM
they say it's a potential acquisition,so no money has been spent,but if it's price sensitive it would have to be major.I can't see them borrowing funds,not sure anyone would lend them money,they could try to offer the target company shares in lieu,but if the target company is worth having I can't see them accepting shares in NTL.So a capital raise would be required,but that would only work if the target was worth something.

So speculation on the target lets start with Terra Firma would they be worth it.and would you stump up your hard earned to fund it?

22-01-2021, 12:28 PM
Remember that some of the long suffering have had to swallow over 20 years of "bull****" from this outfit .. as well as being hit
regularly in the pocket for next chapters ;)

Let me connect some dots for you nztx.

Around 15% of the company's stock trades in a single day and yet no large holder announcement triggered. Looks like careful buying through nominees to me.

Company enters Trading Halt about likely acquisition.

Sounds pretty damned exciting to me.

22-01-2021, 12:29 PM
The usual suspects are posting their normal uninformed bull**** as normal.

Appears to me the Strategic Review is kicking into gear.

The irony.

22-01-2021, 12:31 PM
The irony.

Perhaps some intelligent analysis would be more useful.

22-01-2021, 12:34 PM
Let me connect some dots for you nztx.

Around 15% of the company's stock trades in a single day and yet no large holder announcement triggered. Looks like careful buying through nominees to me.

Company enters Trading Halt about likely acquisition.

Sounds pretty damned exciting to me.

Real exciting when one looks at the Share Price .. ;)

The Share Price reflects what - Learned Friend ? ;)

Is Matt trying some serious wall climbing in the office with his back to the wall ? ;)

Did News of this just happen to sneak out, or were tickets sold to a few of the company's mates ? ;)

22-01-2021, 12:34 PM
Perhaps some intelligent analysis would be more useful.

It would be just speculation at this stage, like yours. Except for factual posts like Antipodean's and any recap of the long list of failures.

22-01-2021, 12:35 PM
Perhaps some intelligent analysis would be more useful.

They probably all sold up & run away long ago .. before they got diluted to next to nothing .. ;)

22-01-2021, 12:40 PM
Real exciting when one looks at the Share Price .. ;)

The Share Price reflects what - Learned Friend ? ;)

In NTL's case a mine that is hugely undervalued in relation to JORC. We all know the current reasons why. Doesn't mean it has to remain that way.

22-01-2021, 12:45 PM
In NTL's case a mine that is hugely undervalued in relation to JORC. We all know the current reasons why. Doesn't mean it has to remain that way.

and likely to remain the same way for another 100 years based on progress so far .. ;)

Around 35 years from start of project .. basically all gold stuff still sitting in hole ? ;)

even the resident snail population moves faster than that .. ;)

22-01-2021, 12:52 PM
and likely to remain the same way for another 100 years based on progress so far .. ;)

Around 35 years from start of project .. basically all gold stuff still sitting in hole ? ;)

even the resident snail population moves faster than that .. ;)

So what do you make of the massive days trade? Over $1 million bought up for the hell of it? Carefully hidden purchasing by the look of it.

22-01-2021, 01:01 PM
So what do you make of the massive days trade? Over $1 million bought up for the hell of it? Carefully hidden purchasing by the look of it.

possibly -- there may be a leak somewhere .. ;)

22-01-2021, 01:10 PM
Is it a chance the acquisition is actually the board purchasing the CEO's "Employment Contract "

22-01-2021, 01:59 PM
Maybe another company purchasing NTL for the land/mine, not NTL purchasing something else?

22-01-2021, 02:02 PM
Maybe another company purchasing NTL for the land/mine, not NTL purchasing something else?

they dont own much if any land though -- the Mine is on DOC Land / Reserve - isn't it ? ;)

Office in Auckland is leased too

22-01-2021, 02:05 PM
If this is NTL being acquired, rather than NTL acquiring something.
Then I expect the entity doing the acquisition may leverage the current situation to get a very good deal for themselves.
However in that scenario it would be a terrible deal for the current shareholders.

22-01-2021, 02:07 PM
If this is NTL being acquired, rather than NTL acquiring something.
Then I expect the entity doing the acquisition may leverage the current situation to get a very good deal for themselves.
However in that scenario it would be a terrible deal for the current shareholders.

The Board surely not selling the Crystal Jewells - would that not be NTL's ultimate admission of Defeat & Failure at Talisman ? ;)

What of the glowing ever enhancing JORC - which NTL were continually trotting out up to just a year or so back ? ;)

Was this all just B****it to extract more Loot from Stakeholders & nothing more ? ;)

If this is the scenario - then have NTL been straight up in their reporting & keeping the market informed at ALL TIMES ? ;)

22-01-2021, 02:09 PM
The NZX notice was clear:
... a potential acquisition to be made by the company

22-01-2021, 02:13 PM
with what money... want the reserves supposed to be used to build a processing plant.

what could they possible be purchasing?

and the show goings on. More acts than a Net Flicks series.

If something doesnt come from this movie then or if it does then Houdini will be put to shame.

22-01-2021, 02:20 PM
Remember this late last year:


NTL Acquires Vanuatu Project


The new Holiday Getaway resort for tired Board members could be what the latest lot of Hot Air & fluffing about is all about too .. ;)

We already knew that this distraction is potentially bad news for stakeholders anyway .. ;)

The gold seems to flow one way with this company & that doesn't appear to be into Shareholders hands, nor ever has been .. ;)

22-01-2021, 02:24 PM
The NZX notice was clear:
... a potential acquisition to be made by the company

Maybe they are taking over Sky TV... 😂 Shall we tell Ogg...?

22-01-2021, 02:29 PM
Maybe they are taking over Sky TV... �� Shall we tell Ogg...?

Didn't think there was enough space to park SKY's fleet of trucks down the mine though .. ;)

Perhaps Ogg has some suggestions ? ;)

22-01-2021, 02:48 PM
Could be an offshore processing plant. I recall one of the reports noting they had investigated a few potential plants offshore but weren't able to progress analysis further until they were able to visit them. Will be a wee time gap between the inevitable capital raise and actually selling gold, but that won't stop the hype.

22-01-2021, 02:51 PM
If this is NTL being acquired, rather than NTL acquiring something.
Then I expect the entity doing the acquisition may leverage the current situation to get a very good deal for themselves.
However in that scenario it would be a terrible deal for the current shareholders.

The announcement states " a potential acquisition to be made by the company". So your scenario is baseless.

22-01-2021, 02:58 PM
The announcement states " a potential acquisition to be made by the company". So your scenario is baseless.

but any potential acquisition probably needs a few readies or swapables to give out as well .. ;)

how & where do you fathom Matt will be able to pull a few fluffy bunnies out of a mysterious magic hat from for this ? ;)

22-01-2021, 03:18 PM
might be a long early weekend @ the Corporate Office after such inspiring releases .. ;)

Don't go away folks, or you'll miss the next life changing chapter of corporate life in a deep hole ;)

22-01-2021, 05:35 PM
I would think there is some short term opportunities with NTL - SP is at historic low, cash is running out, CR seeming around the corner - therefore if they stay true to form, there will be very good news published just as, or just before the CR is announced. Day traders dream!!!!

An optimistic cynic!!

Excellent call Landyman.
Any punter buying into this "opportunity" will need to be quick on their toes, otherwise they will join the ever-growing throng of disenchanted shareholders.

22-01-2021, 05:44 PM
There some stocks we would not day trade if they were the only stocks left on the exchange.

22-01-2021, 05:45 PM
There some stocks we would not day trade if they were the only stocks left on the exchange.

That's a fair call.

22-01-2021, 06:43 PM
Excellent call Landyman.
Any punter buying into this "opportunity" will need to be quick on their toes, otherwise they will join the ever-growing throng of disenchanted shareholders.

There some stocks we would not day trade if they were the only stocks left on the exchange.

Unfortunately there's a lot of shareholders who don't know about Sharetrader. I read a post a while ago about a top 20 shareholder who didn't know this site existed.

So I'm a guessing there'll be lotsa 'gold plated' grandiose fantasy stuff and vague projections in the new NTL aquisition. Those that don't read this site will get sucked in and front up their hard earned dollars for the dream. Just like those who did in the past. (remember all the other capital raises, bonus shares, options etc etc. All relatively worthless now )

Hill knows this.

Hill et al will be handsomely remunerated for a bit longer, and the never ending story will continue to be a never ending story with nothing in it for shareholders. And then it will be time for the next capital raise.........

Caveat Emptor folks!!

Similar fantasy stuff is happening with CRP too.

22-01-2021, 07:07 PM
The announcement states " a potential acquisition to be made by the company". So your scenario is baseless.

Fair enough, just a hypothetical.

Then I return to my original thoughts.
What are they buying... how much will it cost... and where is this money going to come from?

22-01-2021, 07:35 PM
My guess this is about Vanuatu?

22-01-2021, 08:12 PM
My guess this is about Vanuatu?

Vanuatu literally came out of nowhere, a perfect diversion from the Talisman mines (prospects). Almost looks like a capitulation on Talisman? Simply, we just don't know WTF is going on.

Anyway, comms is so opaque no shareholder who's not an insider would really have no idea. That's what makes it a gamble rather than an investment. Suits some, doesn't suit others.

BTW, all those big BUYS were accommodated by someone(s) who sold big as well. It's almost like a soap opera, entertaining but no substance and somehow not rewarding.

22-01-2021, 08:39 PM
Unfortunately there's a lot of shareholders who don't know about Sharetrader. I read a post a while ago about a top 20 shareholder who didn't know this site existed.

So I'm a guessing there'll be lotsa 'gold plated' grandiose fantasy stuff and vague projections in the new NTL aquisition. Those that don't read this site will get sucked in and front up their hard earned dollars for the dream. Just like those who did in the past. (remember all the other capital raises, bonus shares, options etc etc. All relatively worthless now )

Hill knows this.

Hill et al will be handsomely remunerated for a bit longer, and the never ending story will continue to be a never ending story with nothing in it for shareholders. And then it will be time for the next capital raise.........

Caveat Emptor folks!!

Similar fantasy stuff is happening with CRP too.

Well said Dubya.
A sad but predictable scenario.

22-01-2021, 09:22 PM
The usual suspects are posting their normal uninformed bull**** as normal.

Appears to me the Strategic Review is kicking into gear. Seems it's damned if they do and damned if they don't with the armchair critics around here.

Remember the massive day of trading a couple of weeks ago? 130 odd million shares through on the ASX alone? Big wheels in motion I reckon.

I am going to risk it and admit that I am thinking along the same lines as Jonu. There is a possibility money can be made on NTL and I have plenty of skin in the game. It looks Jonu and i may be the only posters with any optimistic views on Sharetrader.

Hopefully the acquisition is a processing plant along with a full mining permit. Although to be honest this could be too optimistic for this announcement.

The proof will be in the puddling and I will expect we will know within the next 6 months. Worst case this is a write off of my investment, but comfortable in my cost benefit analysis.

22-01-2021, 09:26 PM
Unfortunately there's a lot of shareholders who don't know about Sharetrader. I read a post a while ago about a top 20 shareholder who didn't know this site existed.

I would suggest there are a lot more than just one of the top 20 shareholders who do not know about shareholder. It would be scary if too many people took some of the comments on this site seriously for investment decisions

22-01-2021, 09:48 PM
[QUOTE=Chippie;868244]I am going to risk it and admit that I am thinking along the same lines as Jonu. There is a possibility money can be made on NTL and I have plenty of skin in the game. It looks Jonu and i may be the only posters with any optimistic views on Sharetrader.

"DONT DONT DONT DONT You forget about me" by Simple Minds.

22-01-2021, 10:21 PM
"Ive been down so long ,it looks like up to me. " The Doors

22-01-2021, 10:39 PM

23-01-2021, 12:10 PM
Considering Vanuatu has already been announced and surely there cannot be another project NTL are looking at so I'm presuming the board have finally pulled their finger out might be about to announce the purchase of the upgraded processing plant.

Paint it Black
25-01-2021, 08:50 AM
Considering Vanuatu has already been announced and surely there cannot be another project NTL are looking at so I'm presuming the board have finally pulled their finger out might be about to announce the purchase of the upgraded processing plant.
You may well be right Tappers, which would be brilliant, or at least a way to best control and utilise the 2 year bulk sampling window. At the right price of course. We shall see.

25-01-2021, 08:58 AM
Potential acquistion - little cash - solution may be that its on an earn-out basis.

Exciting times

25-01-2021, 09:52 AM
probably buying Terra Firma,which would give them some sort of cashflow.Probably promised Terra Firma large bonuses when the gold is finally processed,and given that Terra Firma are actually in a position to see whats going on at the mine it would have to be a positive move and good for shareholders.

But I am probably wrong and please do your own research

25-01-2021, 10:00 AM
Real left field but what about the plant of OGC's that is currently under care and Maintenance?
Or would the value of that be to great

25-01-2021, 11:12 AM
Based on past experience, they will be buying a white elephant, a very hungry one, and will be advertising for a mahout to look after it.

25-01-2021, 12:36 PM
Based on past experience, they will be buying a white elephant, a very hungry one, and will be advertising for a mahout to look after it.

Charging loyal fans huge sums for the privilege of watching it go for walkies around mine may be a far
more lucrative activity than re-exploring deep holes all over again for chance missed gold flecks .. ;)

25-01-2021, 03:21 PM
Some optimistic comments this morning from SteveB and Landyman. Perhaps you guys put on the wrong glasses this morning - the rose tinted ones. I would be putting my money on Getty and NZtx being correct based on the previous performance of the company.

25-01-2021, 04:05 PM
Where's the gold Matt?

25-01-2021, 04:10 PM
Where's the gold Matt?

What sorta gold you wanting Thaijohn ? .. may be some fool's gold sitting somewhere .. ;)

25-01-2021, 04:40 PM
Where's the gold Matt?

The Golds in Australia at the moment - E25 up 25% in a past few days - thanks to Suse and co for encouraging me to bite the bullet and move on.

Discl. still want to get back in, but only when the gold is coming out of the hole.

25-01-2021, 05:04 PM
Someone who shall remain nameless purchased more shares in ARR so money to some is not a problem

25-01-2021, 05:44 PM
NTL T H imho extension until Thursday to see if they can find the gold, Im picking !!

25-01-2021, 07:43 PM
I'm picking cap raise at .005 to fund a plant to be imported and shared with other processors. I'm also picking multiple opportunities to enter the CR, at least one due to postal issues in Australia, and that two years from now it still won't be working.

25-01-2021, 08:24 PM

5/1/2021, 5:04 pm HALT

To: Market Participants
From: NZX Product Operations
Date: Monday, 25 January 2021

Subject: New Talisman Gold Mines Limited (“NTL”) – Extension of Trading Halt of Securities


NZ RegCo (“RegCo”) advises that the trading halt placed on New Talisman Gold Mines Limited (“NTL”) ordinary shares and options (“NTLOB”) has been extended.

The halt has been extended to allow for verification of details of the acquisition before the details are made public.

The trading halt will remain in place until the earlier of:

a) An announcement by NTL about the acquisition; or

b) Market open on Thursday, 28 January 2021.

25-01-2021, 08:26 PM
Will they consolidate all the NTL Shares as part of this ?

If they do - How badly ? ;)

Bound to be some different sort of Gold Mining being done to bankroll things .. ;)

unless some magic pink fluffy bunnies with gold teeth have been found deep in the mine depths in recent days .. ;)

25-01-2021, 08:41 PM
Well it wouldn't be any great loss to just leave NTL permanently Suspended on both NZX & ASX ..

Most would probably not even miss NTL - aside from those following the NTL Entertainment Channel .. ;)

26-01-2021, 10:21 AM
I'm picking cap raise at .005 to fund a plant to be imported and shared with other processors. I'm also picking multiple opportunities to enter the CR, at least one due to postal issues in Australia, and that two years from now it still won't be working.

If they cant execute, they should be executed.

As Lord Sugar says, YOU"RE FIRED!

26-01-2021, 10:59 AM
Serious question, was there some blasting due to happen soon on site? I can remember reading it somewhere.

26-01-2021, 12:17 PM
Serious question, was there some blasting due to happen soon on site? I can remember reading it somewhere.

Yes that is correct.. It was 5 or 6 years ago

26-01-2021, 12:35 PM
A blast from the past...

26-01-2021, 12:56 PM
A blast from the past...

Very well done!!

26-01-2021, 01:07 PM
Fools gold..bedder than nothing. I'm stocking up on chips and popcorn in preparation for the big announcement.
Exciting times alright. Wish I was still in.//

26-01-2021, 01:15 PM
Fools gold..bedder than nothing. I'm stocking up on chips and popcorn in preparation for the big announcement.
Exciting times alright. Wish I was still in.//

Unfortunately the truck here is too busy elsewhere .. to even be bothered with more uncertain things, with overly wishful hopes attached .. based on NTL's past track records .. ;)

26-01-2021, 01:28 PM
If these blasted jokers dont get on with some blasting, shareholders will be the ones exploding.

Directors should be charged for being idle and disorderly, including junkets to Vanuatu.

26-01-2021, 01:52 PM
Maybe it would be faster if they converted to a bitcoin mine....ventilation is already installed

26-01-2021, 03:35 PM
Don't think they need to do any blasting given the huge stockpiles that have been sitting there for years,but you never know they might need a bit of powder just loosen the stockpiles up a bit!

27-01-2021, 09:43 AM
Purchasing a revenue producing asset and adding some much needed expertise to the board? I might have to eat my words if this turns out well after DD

27-01-2021, 09:45 AM
Life in this old dog yet?? See announcement here. (https://www.nzx.com/announcements/366747)

Or just another excuse for a Cap raise??

• Binding option to acquire Broken Hills Historic Gold Mine Limited signed
• Small scale high grade producing mine with consistent profitable production for last 21 years
• Special Purpose Mining Permit using traditional mining methods and Mining Permit both granted
• Significant potential to expand resources at depth through existing underground infrastructure
• Similar geological setting to Wharekirauponga project (“WKP”)
• All ore mined processed through a toll treatment agreement via Waihi processing plant for the last 21 years

27-01-2021, 09:58 AM
This has me worried " we look forward to applying our experience to
progressing Broken Hills alongside our flagship Talisman mine."

27-01-2021, 09:58 AM
Life in this old dog yet?? See announcement here. (https://www.nzx.com/announcements/366747)

Or just another excuse for a Cap raise??

• Binding option to acquire Broken Hills Historic Gold Mine Limited signed
• Small scale high grade producing mine with consistent profitable production for last 21 years
• Special Purpose Mining Permit using traditional mining methods and Mining Permit both granted
• Significant potential to expand resources at depth through existing underground infrastructure
• Similar geological setting to Wharekirauponga project (“WKP”)
• All ore mined processed through a toll treatment agreement via Waihi processing plant for the last 21 years

I like Matts comment "We see a genuine opportunity to leverage our footprint and expertise in highly prospective hydrothermal Coromandel gold projects as well as other opportunities in New Zealand and abroad".

Leverage our expertise in ?????

Good if Rabone joins NTL though

27-01-2021, 10:04 AM
Good deal for Mr Rabone.
Getting paid $100K for Matt to check out his hole in the ground.
The one in which NASA have stared into space...

27-01-2021, 10:07 AM
Their statement included the following words :
"NTL has developed a strong knowledge base in the region - we look forward to applying our experience to progressing Broken Hills alongside our flagship Talisman mine".

I hope NTL has more success with Broken Hill than it has achieved in the last 20 years with it's "flagship Talisman mine".
A cash-raising is inevitable.

I prefer to invest in companies & boards whose pronouncements can be trusted.
Good luck to all investors.

27-01-2021, 10:11 AM
I like Matts comment "We see a genuine opportunity to leverage our footprint and expertise in highly prospective hydrothermal Coromandel gold projects as well as other opportunities in New Zealand and abroad".

Leverage our expertise in ?????

Good if Rabone joins NTL though

IMO Lets hope that Mr Rabone gets to be chairman at the next AGM as he appears to be someone who gets things done unlike the current board !!

27-01-2021, 10:15 AM
Sounds like a fast road to immense wealth - if this is any indication:

"... applied for a mineral exploration permit over the area in 1991 and in 2000 were granted a Special Purpose Mining Permit over the historic mine workings allowing mining to be carried out on a small scale using historical and traditional (essentially hand-held) techniques which have been used at Broken Hills effectively over the last 2 decades.."

probably darn sight more effective & faster than NTL have managed over 25 or so years .. ;)

Perhaps Matty boy should resign & let the Real Gold Miners look after the job for long suffering stakeholders ? ;)

$100K presumably is NTL gold flushed down the pan if the limited time option for NTL's DD rubbernecking
around the job doesn't pan out ..

How is NTL going to pay for this ?

What is the likely TOTAL Cost going to be ? ;)

In essence out of this NTL looks like it may land another Hole in the ground moving at a slightly faster Hand Held Snail's
pace but successfully finding a few grams of Gold Stuff here and there .. ;)

Probably not the sort of corner store size family operated mine you'd be expecting to to see injected in to NTL
which in return not only sees the same tired ineffective deadwood continue at the Board Table but adds a further spot
or two for the ride, possibly until they get sick and tired of things, so depart.

How much Gold a Year & What Revenue & EBIT did Matty Boy tell us that this gloriously successful potentially
life changing add-on mine being looked at (to toss into the NTL stable of poor performing projects) has been dragging
in recent years - or are those figures insignificant in comparison to Matty's annual package being syphoned out of NTL ? ;)

27-01-2021, 10:24 AM
Good deal for Mr Rabone.
Getting paid $100K for Matt to check out his hole in the ground.
The one in which NASA have stared into space...

Most must be very confused -- Didn't Matty say it was a major announcement & major acquisition .. ? ;)

If it's so major then doesn't it have to be put to Shareholder Vote ?

Wonder how Matty is on using the hand tools in the depths to find a few grams down under ? ;)

Indications on any sort of extraction ability would have to be graded on past performances at NTL surely
which has been a real B***dy Ripper (out of stakeholder's wallets of course) .. ;)

Any exposure to NTL or reading here, most will have learned the meaning of "Moving at a Snail's pace"

It is of course still out to the jury whether NTL are going to likely be paying a vast premium for a colony
of faster moving snails .. ;)

27-01-2021, 10:29 AM
Interesting to note the Rabones have had a toll treatment arrangement with Waihi for 21 years.
NTL, none.
Perhaps those who have been saying there is NO gold in Talisman have been right all along.

27-01-2021, 10:32 AM


Stuart Rabone, a geologist often appears in references for this region. For around thirteen years until 2012, the Rabone family headed by Stuart conducted limited mining within the historic Broken Hills Mine using hand methods, and employing up to seven people. The money beyond this was used to restore the historic workings, and tours were conducted for the public of the underground workings. This unique experience was brought to an end in 2012 by government red tape, when the Department of Labour insisted on safety measures for the mine in line with industrial scale mining. We hope the information loaded at the beginning of this article is correct, but no information was found of activity beyond 2012.



And then


"enraged hobby mine operator" - sounds like Bullish!!! ahaha

27-01-2021, 10:36 AM


Stuart Rabone, a geologist often appears in references for this region. For around thirteen years until 2012, the Rabone family headed by Stuart conducted limited mining within the historic Broken Hills Mine using hand methods, and employing up to seven people. The money beyond this was used to restore the historic workings, and tours were conducted for the public of the underground workings. This unique experience was brought to an end in 2012 by government red tape, when the Department of Labour insisted on safety measures for the mine in line with industrial scale mining. We hope the information loaded at the beginning of this article is correct, but no information was found of activity beyond 2012.



Now, who was that bloke who mentioned white elephants the other day?

27-01-2021, 10:37 AM
Many many years HGL/NTL had a 33% or higher holding in an Australian company floated
out of the able - Broken Hill Cobalt - was it ? ;)

Some may remember it & where that went .. ;)

27-01-2021, 10:38 AM
Well, based on that announcement, Im keeping my hands in my pockets.

27-01-2021, 10:41 AM
Now, who was that bloke who mentioned white elephants the other day?

Not wrong Getty it seems ;)

This fine major acquisition appears to be little more than a glorified expanded Hobby mine .. ;)

Definitely looks like some wool pulling going on .. ;)

27-01-2021, 10:47 AM
It looks a few Nomads have sighted the smoke rising from NTL's camp fire and
pushed the curiosity rating up to 0.006 in hope of seeing a few grams of real stuff
this morning .. ;)

27-01-2021, 10:48 AM
So, assuming all this is still the current situation with Dept of Labour, no one allowed in, how is Matt going to check it out, send in a drone, or one of the pet Powellians from Karangahake with a camera on its shell?

The things that man does on behalf of shareholders, are amazing!

27-01-2021, 10:55 AM
PLEASE, Jonu, chime in with a post to put all the cynics out of their doubts?

27-01-2021, 10:56 AM
So, assuming all this is still the current situation with Dept of Labour, no one allowed in, how is Matt going to check it out, send in a drone, or one of the pet Powellians from Karangahake with a camera on its shell?

The things that man does on behalf of shareholders, are amazing!

Who knows - the vendors may not have been able to give it away for love nor money .. ;)

After all can't be too much demand for a hobby mine when an old digger wants to cash up &
wind down to take it easy, after decades of fossicking around down a large hole .. ;)

.. then mysteriously along come Man from NTL waving $100K promise for a bit of a geezer around
the old trappings and promising paid job around company board table to spin all sorts of fables
and toss out all variety of Expert Spinnings on what may lay beneath the acreage, in the same
manner as the current incumbents have been resorting to to earn their keep .. ;)

27-01-2021, 10:58 AM
I am not generally an advocate for small companies that ‘buy’ income via acquisitions, especially in industries they are themselves ‘operating in’ but not yet making a profit. I have lost in the past on this pattern of behaviour from companies - as executive and board promising that purchases will be eps accretive & profitable from day one, are on a good price multiple, - but rarely turn out to be.

Not saying this is the case here, but there are some red flags for me. Ask yourself if the following terms would apply and make your own call. Lack of income combined with continual capital spending, repeated capital raises to stay afloat, slow release of information to market, deadlines slipping that lack and/or have no further explanation, lack of full and concrete detail for future plans to make company profitable, then… promising acquisitions.

There are many outstanding questions regarding this latest potential acquisition. What will the cost operating be? What are the expected/actual incomes, when will these occur (ideally - are these occurring already?), are those earnings sustainable, what multiple of those earnings will NTL and NTL shareholders pay for this?

As mentioned before NTL is not exactly flush with cash. This acquisition will without a doubt increase NTL’s operating expenditure. It may bring income. I still don’t know what this will cost, and all the details. Private operations don't have to disclose in the same manner so still so many unknowns. This is where solid due diligence will be critical.

NZX companies can issue 15% of equity over a year (NTL... over 418m more shares, if at say $0.005 will provide just over $2m) without shareholder approval. However, in my opinion, a good company that has a really good acquisition on the table, should not have trouble seeking approval if the acquisition is truly in the interest of the shareholders.

I really hope this is a step in the right direction for NTL and all holders. However, I personally wouldn’t bet on it with my own money.

27-01-2021, 11:00 AM
It just goes from bad to worse with NTL. Totally hopeless. Oh and please don’t remind me how much the CEO and the board are being paid. All these guys are having a good laugh at the expense of the shareholders.

27-01-2021, 11:18 AM
Play it again Matt.


Even the bad times sound good.

27-01-2021, 11:19 AM
Im happy to due the DD for free- accountant for hire.

27-01-2021, 11:47 AM
I see the normal ignorant rants continue. I am astounded by some of the drivel being uttered this morning by the usual suspects.

Mr Rabone is something of a legend in the geology/prospecting community. This is the paydirt he chose for himself. He didn't bother doing a drilling programme to prove up JORC....he knew it was there. So do OGC who surround Broken Hills. Rabones have the principal structure.....Stuart knew it and so do OGC who are currently drilling on his boundary.

Broken Hills have been processing through OGC, so OGC know his grades.

Note the comparison in geology to WKP. OGC have just released stellar grades at WKP.

This is a master stroke from NTL. An absolute game changing belter. There is no reason NTL has to be limited to Talisman. The Strategic Review is coming to fruition.

27-01-2021, 11:54 AM
NTL would do well to get the Company Name intended on being acquired correct in NZX releases

Broken Hills Historic Gold Mine Limited

No such Registered NZ Company ;)



27-01-2021, 11:57 AM
I see the normal ignorant rants continue. I am astounded by some of the drivel being uttered this morning by the usual suspects.

Mr Rabone is something of a legend in the geology/prospecting community. This is the paydirt he chose for himself. He didn't bother doing a drilling programme to prove up JORC....he knew it was there. So do OGC who surround Broken Hills. Rabones have the principal structure.....Stuart knew it and so do OGC who are currently drilling on his boundary.

Broken Hills have been processing through OGC, so OGC know his grades.

Note the comparison in geology to WKP. OGC have just released stellar grades at WKP.

This is a master stroke from NTL. An absolute game changing belter. There is no reason NTL has to be limited to Talisman. The Strategic Review is coming to fruition.

What of all the earlier glowing growing & frequently enhanced Expert JORC Reports on Talisman ? ;)

Were they all puffed up BS to extract further Shareholder Gold ? ;)

Or the half job & floundering away on securing processing facilities for raw ore piles up to now ? ;)

Or do we have a CEO now desperate in the face of years of No Perform on Extracting any reasonable Gold Stuff floundering
away trying to throw anything & everything into the mix in attempts to try to make things look slightly better ? ;)

Remember the track record on Cap Raises, where these were aimed at short notice & where the resultant SP currently lays
ultimately are the prime indicators of what Joe Investor things of things .. ;)

27-01-2021, 11:57 AM
It's a master stroke alright.

27-01-2021, 12:02 PM
What of all the earlier glowing growing & frequently enhanced Expert JORC Reports on Talisman ? ;)

Were they all puffed up BS to extract further Shareholder Gold ? ;)

JORC is JORC. You don't get to inflate it or "puff" it.

I get it you hate this company, but the ignorance on display from you and your small cohort is damaging to genuine investors.

How long before OGG come knocking with whatever it takes?

27-01-2021, 12:06 PM
This is a waste of $100,000. What are Tailsman getting for there money ? Very little. The way Broken Hills is described makes it sound like a low key tourist venture. Mr Rabone sounds like a well educated enthusiast, but what will be his role on the Board ? The fact that they have a permit and agreement to process is irrelevant. That does not help Tailsman. All in all, a waste of money that could be spent on advancing Tailsman's own development.

What I would like to know is who purchased all those shares a week or so ago.


27-01-2021, 12:11 PM
Not much happening with the SP,so looks like investors are not really interested.I think matt find getting support for a CP on this little gem would be impossible at the mo.They will probably have to wait 6 months to at least show the plan is working.

Just my thoughts though

27-01-2021, 12:11 PM
JORC is JORC. You don't get to inflate it or "puff" it.

I get it you hate this company, but the ignorance on display from you and your small cohort is damaging to genuine investors.

How long before OGG come knocking with whatever it takes?

You dont get anything of the sort

Many here had a lot of time for NTL & HGL

It is only fair that all severely critique NTL on the past & recent chapters of No Perform to date

OGG even being interested is wishful thinking .. even the Chinese Investor some years ago backed away

Probably well aware looking that throwing further Loot at things was chucking good money down an endless pit
under current governance .. ;)

27-01-2021, 12:12 PM
This is a waste of $100,000. What are Tailsman getting for there money ? Very little. The way Broken Hills is described makes it sound like a low key tourist venture. Mr Rabone sounds like a well educated enthusiast, but what will be his role on the Board ? The fact that they have a permit and agreement to process is irrelevant. That does not help Tailsman. All in all, a waste of money that could be spent on advancing Tailsman's own development.

What I would like to know is who purchased all those shares a week or so ago.


Wrong on almost every count. Have a look at the tenement map. Broken Hills is smack in the middle of and surrounded by OGC Twin Hills prospect. The processing through OGC is hugely relevant.

The Rabones may have mined it at their leisure, but you do Stuart Rabone a disservice calling him a "well educated enthusiast". He cherry picked Broken Hills for himself with his wealth of knowledge.

27-01-2021, 12:18 PM
Wrong on almost every count. Have a look at the tenement map. Broken Hills is smack in the middle of and surrounded by OGC Twin Hills prospect. The processing through OGC is hugely relevant.

The Rabones may have mined it at their leisure, but you do Stuart Rabone a disservice calling him a "well educated enthusiast". He cherry picked Broken Hills for himself with his wealth of knowledge.

You know something - based on NTL's progress to date on Talisman would it not be fair that
many may have little confidence on NTL getting Broken Hills to point of being worthwhile prospect
ie: worthwhile commercial viable producing prospect. If it was worthwhile then why have the Rabones
not already done it instead of basically leaving as small handpicked hobby type operation ? ;)

27-01-2021, 12:27 PM
You know something - based on NTL's progress to date on Talisman would it not be fair that
many may have little confidence on NTL getting Broken Hills to point of being worthwhile prospect
ie: worthwhile commercial viable producing prospect. If it was worthwhile then why have the Rabones
not already done it instead of basically leaving as small handpicked hobby type operation ? ;)

The Rabones have operated it as family business, mining when they see fit. I'm sure they don't give a rat's behind what you or anyone else thinks about how they went about things.

OGC sure as hell did though.

27-01-2021, 12:45 PM
The Rabones have operated it as family business, mining when they see fit. I'm sure they don't give a rat's behind what you or anyone else thinks about how they went about things.

OGC sure as hell did though.

but we're not so concerned with what Rabones did or didn't do are we ? ;)

Let's put it this way a family business probably doesn't have the onerous reporting
cost or profit expectation that may be associated with a listed company..

On the current permits, licences, ability to operate etc, based on past NTL history
does anyone have any faith in NTL to even add to or enhance what is there at Broken
Hills with what should be overall NTL company goal in mind (ie get the stuff out of the mine
in commercial quantities) ? ;)

Or more of the same old to repeat again in future -- take shareholder's gold, go on holiday,
deliver up sparse excuses on what isn't happening, talk things up more - if more
shareholder gold needed etc etc in repeating circles .. ? ;)

Earlier we saw that NTL CEO could not even get the correct legal name of the potential
company for buy out correct in NZX releases .. If that sort of digression is seen, what else
is being missed by NTL ? ;)

27-01-2021, 12:57 PM
Here's a question. If the prospect is so good, and right in the area that OGC are actively expanding, and they have an existing relationship with OGC... Why on earth are they selling to NTL with 1 million in the bank rather than OGC with the ability to borrow significantly more than that?

If Broken Hill was worth having, I suspect OGC would have snapped them up. I know they have some cash issues with Didipio, but anything NTL can afford would be small fry.

27-01-2021, 01:03 PM
Here's a question. If the prospect is so good, and right in the area that OGC are actively expanding, and they have an existing relationship with OGC... Why on earth are they selling to NTL with 1 million in the bank rather than OGC with the ability to borrow significantly more than that?

If Broken Hill was worth having, I suspect OGC would have snapped them up. I know they have some cash issues with Didipio, but anything NTL can afford would be small fry.

Good point mfd - maybe jonu might have some answers ;)

27-01-2021, 01:10 PM
Here's a question. If the prospect is so good, and right in the area that OGC are actively expanding, and they have an existing relationship with OGC... Why on earth are they selling to NTL with 1 million in the bank rather than OGC with the ability to borrow significantly more than that?

If Broken Hill was worth having, I suspect OGC would have snapped them up. I know they have some cash issues with Didipio, but anything NTL can afford would be small fry.

I strongly suspect OGC thought they could pick up Broken Hills whenever they liked. They aren't drilling on the boundary for nothing. The Rabones have their ways of doing things. That is their perogative. I don't see a seat on the Board of OGC being part of an offer from them.

27-01-2021, 01:22 PM
Intriguing .. wonder if they're aware of the full extent of the dogs breakfast they're about to
descend into .. ;)

maybe a few dilutions & large Cap raises may help things along .. ? ;)

27-01-2021, 01:24 PM
Amended announcement to meet ASX requirements includes this gem.

"The terms contemplate that any share based
consideration will be issue at NZD 0.007 cents per share."

That's at a premium and a massive statement of confidence.

27-01-2021, 01:26 PM
well done .. like a dinner .. ;)

was it a forced sale to have to take sub penny dreadfuls at such a premium
when no-one else thinks they're a premium delight ? ;)

be real interesting to see what the 0.007 is actually buying in terms of value
of real things acquired .. ;)

probably no gold bars in the bucket tho .. ;)

27-01-2021, 01:27 PM
well done .. like a dinner .. ;)

Might be time to front up with what your real motivations are nztx. You either have an unhealthy fixation or you have malignant intentions.

27-01-2021, 01:28 PM
Few points of interest to me from the release.

“The ore has been toll-treated at the Martha processing plant in Waihi since BHHG commenced production up until 2020”

Much further down we see a little more detail -
“ To date all ore has been processed at the Waihi plant of Oceana Gold. Recently, under the leadership other processing methods using gravity have been tested to investigate the potential extraction without the need to use cyanide.”

There’s no obvious reason you couldn’t run that testing yourself alongside continued commercial processing to ensure cashflow, unless.. ?

So OGC was processing it for them, but as of last year, no longer.. which makes the header bullet point below perhaps a little misleading, as to many readers it would imply an ongoing relationship.

“• All ore mined processed through a toll treatment agreement via Waihi processing plant for the last 21 years.”

One possible interpretation - processing relationship with OGC may have broken down, ceased, or is no longer commercially viable, hence the family looking to offload the mine as they can no longer complete processing of the end product.

27-01-2021, 01:30 PM
Few points of interest to me from the release.

“The ore has been toll-treated at the Martha processing plant in Waihi since BHHG commenced production up until 2020”

Much further down we see a little more detail -
“ To date all ore has been processed at the Waihi plant of Oceana Gold. Recently, under the leadership other processing methods using gravity have been tested to investigate the potential extraction without the need to use cyanide.”

There’s no obvious reason you couldn’t run that testing yourself alongside continued commercial processing to ensure cashflow, unless.. ?

So OGC was processing it for them, but as of last year, no longer.. which makes the header bullet point below perhaps a little misleading, as to many readers it would imply an ongoing relationship.

“• All ore mined processed through a toll treatment agreement via Waihi processing plant for the last 21 years.”

One possible interpretation - processing relationship with OGC may have broken down, ceased, or is no longer commercially viable, hence the family looking to offload the mine as they can no longer complete processing of the end product.

Waihi plant has been offline most of the last 12 months due to their own works programme

27-01-2021, 01:40 PM
Might be time to front up with what your real motivations are nztx. You either have an unhealthy fixation or you have malignant intentions.

Ask yourself - why would anyone take shares 16-20% above what they could secure them on the market for ?

and certainly - the shares have traded for most of the past 6 months at between 0.004 & 0.006 - mostly 0.005 ;)

What's not being disclosed ? not rocket science is it - jonu ? ;)

Don't worry - there will be plenty of us still here to severely critique NTL on every step of the way, every move,
and probably long after you're no longer with us or decide to go too .. ;)

but hang on a moment -- NTL still haven't reached any fixed point on buying -- the $100k fee for
x days sniffing around Broken Mountain for sign of any grams is still to play out .. to make sure
that no-one is being done over unduly or nothing is being hidden either way .. ;)

27-01-2021, 01:41 PM
well done .. like a dinner .. ;)

was it a forced sale to have to take sub penny dreadfuls at such a premium
when no-one else thinks they're a premium delight ? ;)

be real interesting to see what the 0.007 is actually buying in terms of value
of real things acquired .. ;)

probably no gold bars in the bucket tho .. ;)

Matt Hill negotiates a deal that values NTL shares at a premium to current market price. nztx manages to see that as a negative.

Again nztx....what is your true motivation here? You can't be that stupid!

27-01-2021, 01:43 PM
Ask yourself - why would anyone take shares 16-20% above what they could secure them on the market for ?

and certainly - the shares have traded for most of the past 6 months at between 0.004 & 0.006 - mostly 0.005 ;)

What's not being disclosed ? not rocket science is it - jonu ? ;)

Gee let me spell it out for you. Talisman gold plus Broken Hill gold makes NTL share price worth more. Mr Rabone clearly sees this....nztx....not so much.

Stupid or malignant?

27-01-2021, 01:47 PM
Can someone explain :

Under the terms of the agreement and following the payment of $100K NewTalisman has an initial 90 days Due Diligence period with a further right to extendfor up to 90 days. The deal is subject to Due Diligence by New Talisman and approvalby NZPAM. The Final consideration inclusive of the 100K will be determined uponcompletion of Due diligence and final transaction documents being entered into. Theterms contemplate that any share based consideration will be issue at NZD 0.007cents per share.

So does this mean 100K to get the ball rolling and final cost to be defined and what... new shares issued to cover total cost at 0.007 per share?

27-01-2021, 01:51 PM
Can someone explain :

Under the terms of the agreement and following the payment of $100K NewTalisman has an initial 90 days Due Diligence period with a further right to extendfor up to 90 days. The deal is subject to Due Diligence by New Talisman and approvalby NZPAM. The Final consideration inclusive of the 100K will be determined uponcompletion of Due diligence and final transaction documents being entered into. Theterms contemplate that any share based consideration will be issue at NZD 0.007cents per share.

So does this mean 100K to get the ball rolling and final cost to be defined and what... new shares issued to cover total cost at 0.007 per share?

Could be that. Could be a mix of payment options....cash, production...all sorts of things. Some deals have the seller paid in so many ounces of production. Purely speculative on my part.

27-01-2021, 01:54 PM
Thanks Jonu

27-01-2021, 01:55 PM
Gee let me spell it out for you. Talisman gold plus Broken Hill gold makes NTL share price worth more. Mr Rabone clearly sees this....nztx....not so much.

Stupid or malignant?

The Market & all the Joe Investors out there looking in amazement at NTL must be similar by your yardstick too ;)

27-01-2021, 01:57 PM
Matt Hill negotiates a deal that values NTL shares at a premium to current market price. nztx manages to see that as a negative.

Again nztx....what is your true motivation here? You can't be that stupid!

Have yet to see anything in the rusty bucket that justifies any premium added

Nothing much has been released on the nuts & bolts values by NTL past the initial wishy washy ;)

that included the last two announcements tossed in

The Market suggests I'm correct ;)

Pray do tell - why does market not see upwards through same visionary tinted glasses as yourself ? ;)

27-01-2021, 02:00 PM
The Market & all the Joe Investors out there looking in amazement at NTL must be similar by your yardstick too ;)

So far only you appear to find negotiating a deal with a premium to the share price a negative. Stupid or malignant? What's your motivation nztx?

We've had greenies posting here before posing as protectors of investors. You're so determined to present positives as negatives that it doesn't make sense.

27-01-2021, 02:13 PM
Look over there.....A SQUIRREL!

And now look over here... ANOTHER SQUIRREL!

Misdirection and the art of a swindler.

"Look here, we're going to pick up a mine in the south pacific with no business plan as to how we're processing it or getting it out, because we cant work out how to process or get gold out of our existing one".

"Now look here again, we're buying a mine 2 hours away from our other mine, which the old owner will sell to us as he cant process it and he'll come on board with us because at least he's managed to get gold out of a mine so we might learn something....can everybody pay him heapsa tin over the next few years while we learn how to do it?"

Pull your money and go to oz...market is going stupid over there. This dribbler needs a beating.