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19-08-2020, 01:37 PM
... (pilot plant with no consent that’s meant to produce gold that can’t produce gold that is of no use at all but to prove results that are worse then the ones that we paid for a trip to South Africa to obtain that aren’t relevant)...

This for me is the single biggest disappointment. I'd have to re-read documents from the time to be sure (and I'm not going to - I am now out too as I'm simply not seeing a viable plan), but my strong recollection from the time was that it was to take us to production. It turned out to be an expensive toy, with terrible recovery rates.

19-08-2020, 04:54 PM
So why was not a pilot plant sourced from Aust Im sure that there are plenty of the required type that operate over there successfully, then again N Z has over 150 years of gold mining so were we not asked for advice on that subject from the West Coast, S I ?

19-08-2020, 05:48 PM
Post removed

20-08-2020, 10:21 AM
Hands up everyone who thinks Matt's' review' will be positive for the SP?

Heck, not enough for a quorum.
When these reviews happen at others like STU, RAK, FBU, they seldom produce the goods.
If you're lucky, you may get a statement along the lines of:

We've performed like HEADLESS CHOOKS, but we've never been FOUL.

Will Matty be so gracious?


I'D rather sleep with an old hen, than pullit.

20-08-2020, 01:18 PM
NTL's SP will stay in its current range until a gold bar is produced. I cant see that being anytime soon. They need some fresh blood at the top.

24-08-2020, 11:38 AM
I see more than 3% of the market cap., is for sale on the first rung of sellers, NZX open market.
Is this a record for the NZX?.
What have you done wrong Matt?
What is the shareholder base saying?
Are you listening?


Free personality bypasses.

24-08-2020, 06:35 PM
Took management 24 days to update the cash flow statement on the ASX after re-releasing the previous quarters by accident. 24 days. Even after publishing the right one on the NZX at the right time.

24 days.

24-08-2020, 06:45 PM
Took management 24 days to update the cash flow statement on the ASX after re-releasing the previous quarters by accident. 24 days. Even after publishing the right one on the NZX at the right time.

24 days.

As a long time investor and hence observer of NTL this comes as no surprise to me.

24-08-2020, 06:52 PM
I dug out one of Matt's school Reports;

Mathematics, Very Good, knows how to add up small totals, to make a large SUM for himself.

Capability . Limited.

Attention. Nil.

Geography. Willing to explore faraway places, rather than local regions.

Written Expression. Much better than Oral, but Mathew likes to keep his head down.

Social Studies, What?

Home Economics. High maintenance, not thrifty at all.

Sports. Brilliant sidestep, can evade any opposition.

Overall. Mathew must dig deep, and try harder.

Somethings don't change do they?...

25-08-2020, 08:25 AM
I dug out one of Matt's school Reports;

Mathematics, Very Good, knows how to add up small totals, to make a large SUM for himself.

Capability . Limited.

Attention. Nil.

Geography. Willing to explore faraway places, rather than local regions.

Written Expression. Much better than Oral, but Mathew likes to keep his head down.

Social Studies, What?

Home Economics. High maintenance, not thrifty at all.

Sports. Brilliant sidestep, can evade any opposition.

Overall. Mathew must dig deep, and try harder.

Somethings don't change do they?...

In the time it took to write your post, Mr Hill earned another $223.65 :-)

Not too Flash
25-08-2020, 08:26 AM
Had a million sitting for sale @ .8c from 24/7 - got to top of queue yesterday....

59,999 sold yesterday and order then expired .... Bugger

25-08-2020, 09:24 AM
Can someone please give an honest breakdown of where we are at or do I have to wait for the companys review ? please no snipping from posters just an honest upgrade.

25-08-2020, 10:00 AM
Had a million sitting for sale @ .8c from 24/7 - got to top of queue yesterday....

59,999 sold yesterday and order then expired .... Bugger


Where do you see the queue ?

25-08-2020, 10:25 AM
Took management 24 days to update the cash flow statement on the ASX after re-releasing the previous quarters by accident. 24 days. Even after publishing the right one on the NZX at the right time.

24 days.

You have arrived at the FACTOR that NTL operates by.
Any other co. would rectify mistake within 1 day,

Any other co. would have reinstated mine to production within 1 year.

Ntl time to production will be 24 years.


In the year 2525
If man is still alive..

25-08-2020, 10:30 AM
Had a million sitting for sale @ .8c from 24/7 - got to top of queue yesterday....

59,999 sold yesterday and order then expired .... Bugger

It probably doesnt bother you, but the .8c buyer wasnt genuine, but a broker who is offloading large orders, and wants to pull some more .7c buyers out of the gloom of the mineshaft.
Keep watching the VWAP if you dont believe me.

25-08-2020, 10:36 AM
Can someone please give an honest breakdown of where we are at or do I have to wait for the companys review ? please no snipping from posters just an honest upgrade.

You would have a breakdown if you knew the answer.
Please contact Matt via the co, and publish the answer on here.

25-08-2020, 10:49 AM

Where do you see the queue ?

I only know where I am in the queue if my order trades.

25-08-2020, 10:58 AM
It probably doesnt bother you, but the .8c buyer wasnt genuine, but a broker who is offloading large orders, and wants to pull some more .7c buyers out of the gloom of the mineshaft.
Keep watching the VWAP if you dont believe me.

How do you figure that when there's
64,741,249 on offer at $0.008 from 326 sellers? Thats an average ask of $1,588

25-08-2020, 11:09 AM
Yes, well lets consider your question.
If there was 2900 shareholders at last report, your logic is that 326 of them all placed a sell order at .8c, in a few days?

Not so.

The brokers will break up large orders, especially for non internet clients, down into much smaller lots, supposedly not to give the show away that a large seller is exiting.
Thus, an order to sell 25m shares is broken down into many smaller orders.
There not called brokers for nothing...


Figures dont lie,
But liars can figure!

25-08-2020, 11:17 AM
You would have a breakdown if you knew the answer.
Please contact Matt via the co, and publish the answer on here.

Does anyone know his contact mob ?

25-08-2020, 11:21 AM
you have reached voicemail
Please leave a message, and Matt will contact you in 24 days time..

25-08-2020, 11:27 AM
Thus, an order to sell 25m shares is broken down into many smaller orders.

Former broker here. Yes large orders are broken into smaller ones. But usually not put on market at the same time. Generally drip fed.

25-08-2020, 11:33 AM
Correct, but in amounts that are relative to the average turnover of the size of the co.

Otherwise, others will get to the front of the que

25-08-2020, 12:02 PM
Does anyone know his contact mob ?

Try these

25-08-2020, 01:29 PM
$2.2m in the tin according to the quarterly cash flow report which is around 8 quarters without any additional expenditure.

I'm sure the Co. is aware a CR will fail.

It's sink or swim now to get into production. If we're going to see anything happen, it's now or never.

25-08-2020, 01:55 PM
To allay some fears, I need to reveal the master plan.

Step 1.
Shane is going to stump up enough cash from the Provincial Growth Fund to NTL, to get mining started.
Step 2.
From the higher grade ores, enough cash will be generated for NTL to do a reverse takeover of OGC. & ramp up extraction of their new proven reserves.
The new entity will be known as Tellitruth Mining.
Step 3.
The real reason for Crusher Collins' 4 lane highway from Tauranga via Auckland to Whangerei is so that the massive production from the 2 mines can easily find its way through 3 ports, to circumvent any wharfies blockades.

Vote accordingly.

25-08-2020, 08:31 PM
To allay some fears, I need to reveal the master plan.

Step 1.
Shane is going to stump up enough cash from the Provincial Growth Fund to NTL, to get mining started.
Step 2.
From the higher grade ores, enough cash will be generated for NTL to do a reverse takeover of OGC. & ramp up extraction of their new proven reserves.
The new entity will be known as Tellitruth Mining.
Step 3.
The real reason for Crusher Collins' 4 lane highway from Tauranga via Auckland to Whangerei is so that the massive production from the 2 mines can easily find its way through 3 ports, to circumvent any wharfies blockades.

Vote accordingly.

Step 3: Rethink:

No need for some of that -- NPH wont be seeing Cruise ships any time soon
so could rail it south to Palmy & back up the East Line

Can't have too much of a concentration of PGF dough up Northland
and the few mill thrown at a Mushroom Farm is peanuts when
more could be thrown at HB infrastructure ;)

25-08-2020, 08:33 PM
$2.2m in the tin according to the quarterly cash flow report which is around 8 quarters without any additional expenditure.

I'm sure the Co. is aware a CR will fail.

It's sink or swim now to get into production. If we're going to see anything happen, it's now or never.

Instead of a Cap Raise - NTL may be considering getting some of the noisier holders out on shovel duties
to bridge the gap (bring your own lunch + PPE though & dont expect bonus shares for the work
or any of the Boardroom Table perks for the duration) ;)

25-08-2020, 08:39 PM
Re post#6027
Dont tell any body I told you, but another reason for the 4 laner, is to allow multiple points of access for the radioactive material for Shanes Nuke power station at Ruakaka.
Are you volunteering the use of Napier Port as well?

25-08-2020, 08:45 PM
Re post#6027
Dont tell any body I told you, but another reason for the 4 laner, is to allow multiple points of access for the radioactive material for Shanes Nuke power station at Ruakaka.
Are you volunteering the use of Napier Port as well?

I didn't realise that Shane was parked up on some fairly hot stuff - perhaps he should take it with him in a couple of months time ..
Well now, we have a Port pursuing usual Utility tricks of spending copious bundles on new junk that probably wont get used fully
in next 10 years -- why build more up north to probably face similar fate ? ;-)

KiwiRail would probably appreciate a little NZF/Labour focus their way with extra volume to learn not to misplace along the way

25-08-2020, 08:47 PM
Instead of a Cap Raise - NTL may be considering getting some of the noisier holders out on shovel duties
to bridge the gap (bring your own lunch + PPE though & dont expect bonus shares for the work
or any of the Boardroom Table perks for the duration) ;)

Don't tell any body I told you, but I've already been up in the gorge, shall we say protecting my investment, bringing home some samples of visible gold, so my previously mentioned teams, will know what they are looking for.

Actions speak louder than words, so I decided a pre emptive strike was called for...

25-08-2020, 08:49 PM
I didn't realise that Shane was parked up on some fairly hot stuff - perhaps he should take it with him in a couple of months time ..
Well now, we have a Port pursuing usual Utility tricks of spending copious bundles on new junk that probably wont get used fully
in next 10 years -- why build more up north to probably face similar fate ? ;-)

KiwiRail would probably appreciate a little NZF/Labour focus their way with extra volume to learn not to misplace along the way

Seems like you have a very good handle on how these entities operate!

25-08-2020, 08:49 PM
Don't tell any body I told you, but I've already been up in the gorge, shall we say protecting my investment, bringing home some samples of visible gold, so my previously mentioned teams, will know what they are looking for.

Actions speak louder than words, so I decided a pre emptive strike was called for...

You'll be a suitable target for self trained Shovel Patrol when they call, to save as much of that $2.2 mil pile as possible, then

25-08-2020, 08:54 PM
Seems like you have a very good handle on how these entities operate!

Indeed - just imagine - KiwiRail could even send a few trainloads a week up the under-utilised Wairoa line
by mistake so no-one then thinks it's still a newly opened very under-utilised branch line anymore
(even if Shane's 'can't see the reality for prospect of a billion trees', ignoring counting them, was mostly BS)

PGF may be needed to get things moving further north up the east for mistaken sendings to make it across Gisborne
Airport & reassure the Gisborne folk that they wont forget what a KiwiRail Long Haul Loco looks like..

25-08-2020, 08:54 PM
The callouses on my hands were not formed by punching computer keys..

25-08-2020, 08:58 PM
With all the money thats been thrown into that line by govt, & local bodies in the last 15 yrs, we could of paid for a 4 laner to Gisborne, so East coast 'Greens' could make it to HB.

25-08-2020, 09:05 PM
You mentioned Mushrooms before, if they were grown in NTL's mine, less capex would be necessary, and the interim return to s/holders would have been much higher.

25-08-2020, 09:20 PM
You mentioned Mushrooms before, if they were grown in NTL's mine, less capex would be necessary, and the interim return to s/holders would have been much higher.

Perhaps NTL should just lease the whole mine for Mushroom growing instead -- it might be considerably more
profitable without end on end Cap Raises than the current trajectory of trying table some gold dust .. ;)

26-08-2020, 09:02 AM
the holes in the ground not big enough for acres of mushroom. Some weed could take root and if they are lucky harvest those.......sell to local hippies....

26-08-2020, 10:52 AM
Perhaps they are growing a few mushrooms on the side,thats why they are in no hurry to start producing gold!

26-08-2020, 12:37 PM
Perhaps the 3 month review will recommend they convert the shaft to a hole sale wine cellar...

26-08-2020, 01:24 PM
I can understand a 3 month review in a large Corporate that has many channels to market, many different operational functions, many goods and services being supplied to the market place.

NTL: you try to find gold (tick in the box, well done there); you try to extract gold (hmmmm, lets give that a could do better). Whats to review? Surely its just BAU?

Really has left me wondering if we will ever see a return. Sorely tempted to sell my meagre holdings, but will hold onto the dream for another 12 months.

26-08-2020, 01:27 PM
there is a new updated activity report on nzx 5 minutes ago, but I cant access it, can someone else try, & spill the beans on here?

26-08-2020, 01:47 PM
there is a new updated activity report on nzx 5 minutes ago, but I cant access it, can someone else try, & spill the beans on here?

I just got it - nothing interesting. It's about a page long, with just sort of "added at the bottom of page 5" type stuff. It's not listed as price sensitive.

26-08-2020, 01:48 PM
26/8/2020, 1:20 pm GENERALQuarterly report to 30 June 2020 updated to include a competent persons statement at the end of the report, a table of Crown Vein Resource Estimate and references to previous releases
Updates are as follows:
Bottom of page 2
These targets were first reported on in a release to the ASX/NZX on 8 June, 2016, https://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20160608/pdf/437rrdbmhdt90d.pdf
Top of page 3
Mystery/Roderick Dhu
(See release to ASX/NZX dated 24 June, 2020 2019 Mineral Resource Estimate Update, https://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20200624/pdf/44jxg7jlm05d5q.pdf.
New Talisman confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information in the referenced market announcement and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates continue to apply and have not materially changed.
Middle of page 4
Currently there is a measured, indicated and inferred resource here of 29,500 oz gold estimated to JORC 2004 requirements as shown in the following table;
Crown Vein 2006 Resource Estimate
Category Tonnes Gold Grade g/t Gold Ounces Silver Grade g/t Silver Ounces
Inferred 80,100 6.3 16,200 12.7 32,700
Indicated 35,900 6.3 7,300 12.7 14,700
Measured 30,100 6.2 6,000 12.4 12,000
Total 146,100 6.3 29,500 12.6 59,400
Note: There may be small variations due to rounding. Resource estimated in 2006 in compliance with JORC 2004. There have been no material changes to the data with which this estimate was made since first reporting.
Bottom of page 7
Competent Person Statement
The information in this report that relates to exploration results, exploration targets and mineral
resources is based on information compiled by or supervised by Mr Murray Stevens. Mr Stevens is a consulting geologist and director of New Talisman Gold Mines Ltd, who is a corporate member of the AusIMM. Mr Stevens has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 and 2012 Editions of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr Stevens consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which they appear.

26-08-2020, 01:48 PM
I posted the announcement here but suse just beat me

26-08-2020, 01:49 PM
I can only delete the text of a post. Is it possible to delete the whole post, does anyone know?

26-08-2020, 01:53 PM
Thankyou Team.

29-08-2020, 01:26 PM
Ah, what a peaceful place the Karangahake Gorge is,

No truck movements, no drilling, no blasting. no prospects at all.

Ideal place to do a bit of snail watching.

I might retire there.

My only concern would be how my pension will get paid, if there's no GOLD leaving these parts anytime soon, and my NTL shares are not performing to expectation.

Maybe my Gold Card will see me through...

29-08-2020, 08:13 PM
Ah, what a peaceful place the Karangahake Gorge is,

No truck movements, no drilling, no blasting. no prospects at all.

Ideal place to do a bit of snail watching.

I might retire there.

My only concern would be how my pension will get paid, if there's no GOLD leaving these parts anytime soon, and my NTL shares are not performing to expectation.

Maybe my Gold Card will see me through...

A perfect place to retire

And if one wants an interesting project - start training up some of the resident tame snails to bring out some gold stuff

Probably be a darn sight faster than NTL in their lingering dreams of slapping some of the illusive on the table in distant future

Who knows, those snails who have been resident since long before NTL or HGL arrived on the scene
may even be in the know on where even richer veins are lurking undiscovered down there ;)

No fear of inflaming some green muppet, provided the said snails dont overload themselves, sh*t too much in the river,
start chewing the signage, or cross over some obscure regulation that applies to the native wildlife itself ..

30-08-2020, 10:51 AM
You've just sNAILed it!

31-08-2020, 04:02 PM
Keep your voices down, otherwise Matt will have escargot on the menu!!

31-08-2020, 04:27 PM
mmm, you're on the trail Landy, might bring him out of his shell,

But its a bit of CARGO I want to to see them bring out of the mine...

viva a la Karangahake!

01-09-2020, 09:38 AM
can we get some up rampers on this thread please. I'd like to cash in my NTL shares and put my money with a share that will actually make me some money but I'm just too far down the hole to cut my losses at the moment. In fact I'm so far down the hole I could probably dig the friggin gold out of the mine myself.

01-09-2020, 09:53 AM
can we get some up rampers on this thread please. I'd like to cash in my NTL shares and put my money with a share that will actually make me some money but I'm just too far down the hole to cut my losses at the moment. In fact I'm so far down the hole I could probably dig the friggin gold out of the mine myself.

su, so where would you put your money?

01-09-2020, 09:58 AM
there's not many charities as worthwhile as NTL.

01-09-2020, 09:58 AM
su, so where would you put your money?

Have a look on the ASX thread-gold stocks JBMurc has some good picks . CNB.ax doing really well currently

01-09-2020, 10:14 AM
Have a look on the ASX thread-gold stocks JBMurc has some good picks . CNB.ax doing really well currently

That's basically what I did - sold down about 75% of NTL after the ASM and picked up some speccie aussie goldies instead - used JBMurc's list as a basis for research... I haven't exactly done brilliantly, but at least there are regular announcements and action, and far, far more liquidity. Looking to get rid of the last 25% (never to come back...!) if/when one of my aussie ones take off....

01-09-2020, 10:24 AM
there's not many charities as worthwhile as NTL.

Name change coming up,

Robin Hood Mining,

or, should it be Robbing Hood's Mining?

01-09-2020, 10:31 AM
su, so where would you put your money?
currently have my eye on WBT on the ASX. Now that is a board of directors and a management team that know what they are doing, setting goals, achieving milestones. Currently on the up and up. I admit I've been waiting patiently for 3 years but I always knew and understood I would need to wait. I probably should sell my pittance in NTL and invest in WBT cause I bet I would have made up my losses and tripled my money within a few years, while NTL will still sit around less than 1c. It's hard to admit one's mistakes and bail though.....

01-09-2020, 11:01 AM
"When honey, you know I never lied to you
Mmm, yeah yeah,
we're caught in a trap.
I cant walk out.
Cos I love you too much Matty,

We cant go on together with Suspicious Minds"

Play it again ELVIS.

01-09-2020, 11:23 AM
I probably should sell my pittance in NTL and invest in WBT cause I bet I would have made up my losses and tripled my money within a few years, while NTL will still sit around less than 1c. It's hard to admit one's mistakes and bail though.....

I have doubled my money on a couple of mines in on the ASX in the past three months. You just have to know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em.

01-09-2020, 12:06 PM
I went with Northern Star Resources (NST) and OceanaGold (OGC) back in March when the sh*t the fan. Both have had a good run and are up around 60% plus some small dividends.

Like others i would personally cut my losses and run. NTL is a dog, no other way to say it.

01-09-2020, 01:29 PM
Director resigns. Announcement available at 1:33 NZ time.
Who is it, who is it? Says not price sensitive.

Getty, I've put you on ignore until you say something useful about the company and less about snails, songs, Matt's report cards, psychoanalysis etc.

01-09-2020, 01:31 PM
There is none so blind as those who dont want to see
Ostrich anyone?

01-09-2020, 01:33 PM
Tony Haworth has taken his worth elsewhere.

01-09-2020, 01:34 PM
I did it. I sold nearly all my NTL (I've left a few in there which will be assigned to the bottom drawer just in case in 10 years they actually get off their butt). God I feel so free! Thanks to all of you who helped me come to my senses. Yes I made a loss. But I'm going to have the courage of my convictions and invest in a company that I feel pretty confident in the management and that I have done some research on.

I've said it before, but it's timely to say it again, in case any newbie investors get sucked in here:
do some research and dont get sucked in by the hype (this was me!)
Bye whoever Bullish is now..(perhaps he's changed the spelling to bullsh*t). Bye Jonu, bullish's best mate! :)

01-09-2020, 01:38 PM
Suse, you sound like a nice girl.
Now you have parted from your lover, how about a hug for me?

Blue Horseshoe
01-09-2020, 01:41 PM
Can you stop spamming the threads with all your dribble

01-09-2020, 01:42 PM
The company has been an abortion in the meantime

01-09-2020, 01:47 PM
Dribble!!, this thread is turned into a joke! with the volume for the day at 826k @ around $5k hopefully whomever snapped up your shares Suse is consolidating there large total.
Getty please keep it on topic and constructive

01-09-2020, 03:44 PM
I did it. I sold nearly all my NTL (I've left a few in there which will be assigned to the bottom drawer just in case in 10 years they actually get off their butt). God I feel so free! Thanks to all of you who helped me come to my senses. Yes I made a loss. But I'm going to have the courage of my convictions and invest in a company that I feel pretty confident in the management and that I have done some research on.

I've said it before, but it's timely to say it again, in case any newbie investors get sucked in here:
do some research and dont get sucked in by the hype (this was me!)
Bye whoever Bullish is now..(perhaps he's changed the spelling to bullsh*t). Bye Jonu, bullish's best mate! :)

6 is a better number than zero.

Jonu is a good honest man.

Same cant be said for the management.

01-09-2020, 03:49 PM
many will lose money in shares and hopefully the shareholders will now get some reward and indeed the board will do something to get some gold out of them there hills.....

01-09-2020, 04:34 PM
10m Maybe that was Tony out or someone's had enough! Blue?

Do share holders get a say in nominations for a new director?

01-09-2020, 06:25 PM
That's basically what I did - sold down about 75% of NTL after the ASM and picked up some speccie aussie goldies instead - used JBMurc's list as a basis for research... I haven't exactly done brilliantly, but at least there are regular announcements and action, and far, far more liquidity. Looking to get rid of the last 25% (never to come back...!) if/when one of my aussie ones take off....

Well, that happened a bit quicker than anticipated - fully exited NTL today (great feeling...!) to top up on RXL on today's eagerly awaited announcement...

01-09-2020, 08:24 PM
Director (and now others) jumping off a sinking ship... This is so very very sad....

02-09-2020, 06:05 AM
10m Maybe that was Tony out or someone's had enough! Blue?

Do share holders get a say in nominations for a new director?

10 million yesterday......couple of weeks ago it was 30 million in one day...lot of sellers but also buyers as well...these numbers arn,t mum and dad investors.....

02-09-2020, 07:21 AM
10 million yesterday......couple of weeks ago it was 30 million in one day...lot of sellers but also buyers as well...these numbers arn,t mum and dad investors.....

10 million shares sounds a lot.
But it's not.
Only 60k. With the amount of trades I think it's exactly mum and dad investors looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

02-09-2020, 02:56 PM
Anyone know outgoing Director Tonys details. Be interesting to know why he left.

05-09-2020, 01:05 AM
Post Removed

05-09-2020, 05:09 AM
I wonder what Matt Will do now he can’t go on a overseas “prospecting” trip. Probably make up something about some potential in Queenstown, need a couple weeks down there for prospecting. Is there any way we can get rid of him?

It would be good if he stepped aside and let some fresh blood take the company to the next step of actual mining. Its been going on for too long now.

06-09-2020, 06:41 PM
I did it. I sold nearly all my NTL (I've left a few in there which will be assigned to the bottom drawer just in case in 10 years they actually get off their butt). God I feel so free! Thanks to all of you who helped me come to my senses. Yes I made a loss. But I'm going to have the courage of my convictions and invest in a company that I feel pretty confident in the management and that I have done some research on.

I've said it before, but it's timely to say it again, in case any newbie investors get sucked in here:
do some research and dont get sucked in by the hype (this was me!)
Bye whoever Bullish is now..(perhaps he's changed the spelling to bullsh*t). Bye Jonu, bullish's best mate! :)

Well, that happened a bit quicker than anticipated - fully exited NTL today (great feeling...!) to top up on RXL on today's eagerly awaited announcement...

Director (and now others) jumping off a sinking ship... This is so very very sad....

And 40 million ($AU200,000) thru on the ASX late Friday afternoon @ 0.005c


07-09-2020, 01:16 PM
That 20m at 6 wont last long, I find this whole thing very sad, management did not have to lie to keep propping up the operations, they could have told the truth and stuck to original plan to get the pilot plant operating crunch the vein face.
But the Matt Hill megalomania set in, go big or go home, they should have put Nader in charge to make the hard calls.

07-09-2020, 01:39 PM
21 million shares sold at 0.006c is this from the director who just resigned?

07-09-2020, 02:43 PM
Highly unlikely.
As at last annual report, only 1 holder has 11.5%, rest 3.46% or less, & 13th biggest 20.546M shares, down to 16.393M shares for 20th place.

This means we wont see any SPH notices come through, as top 19 all below 5% threshhold, unless No1 is selling.

What you can assume if 21M shares are being traded in 1 day, is that one/some of the top cats has had enough punishment, and is selling at a loss @.6c

07-09-2020, 02:52 PM
With the exception of Matt Hill, I can find no reference to the other directors owning ANY shares.

07-09-2020, 03:17 PM
Clutching at straws if you think they are selling at a loss @.6c They might well be but i doubt it.
As for Directors owning shares - as you state Matt is the only one with his name on the list that's not to say the others aren't tied up in trusts or other investment company's
Between NZX and ASX over 60m shares have been dumped. that is around 2% 1 approx 40m (ASX) and 1 Approx 20m (NZX) if these are individuals they would be in the top 20 holders
Tony is a Investment manager so this might be him pulling out or someone who sees it as time to leave as the person whom advised on the investment has decided to part ways.

His Linked in profile states:
As an Investment Manager within the NZTE Investment team I originate, prepare and connect investment opportunities to investors that accelerate the growth of New Zealand. Current projects in the forestry and wood processing sector include timber, pulp and paper, solid bio-fuels, CLT and other engineered wood products.

Maybe forestry & wood is more exciting than Gold right now!! - Pays to do your own research guys

07-09-2020, 03:37 PM
Directors Interest Notices exist, to allow directors to disclose trusts etc.
Last one for Tony Haworth is in 2016, when he sold the princely amount of 4500 shares, if @.6c = $270, to reduce his holding to the grand total of, wait for it, ZERO.

07-09-2020, 03:41 PM
Edit that near another 9m sold down @ .5c so far on the ASX today.

Worst thing a company can say, is were going to have a strategic review. At that point I was out. review of what they haven't done much lately!! Thankfully I came out on top :t_up: not bad, given I started in at 1.8c.
I see no vision or planning and I must say this strategy generally fails. I have run enough and been involved in enough projects to know how a good one operates.

I offered to help a couple of times.
Anyway I hope they turn this around but for now I will sit on the side line until I see something solid in view of a direction, a vision or a measurable business plan.

Good luck all bye for now

07-09-2020, 03:53 PM
I knew you were a seller, when you didnt publish the answers to your questions at virtual meeting on here.

07-09-2020, 04:12 PM
Hands up everyone who thinks Matt's' review' will be positive for the SP?

Heck, not enough for a quorum.
When these reviews happen at others like STU, RAK, FBU, they seldom produce the goods.
If you're lucky, you may get a statement along the lines of:

We've performed like HEADLESS CHOOKS, but we've never been FOUL.

Will Matty be so gracious?


I'D rather sleep with an old hen, than pullit.

Looks like we were in concurrence on this one..

07-09-2020, 05:23 PM
Edit that near another 9m sold down @ .5c so far on the ASX today.

Worst thing a company can say, is were going to have a strategic review. At that point I was out. review of what they haven't done much lately!! Thankfully I came out on top :t_up: not bad, given I started in at 1.8c.
I see no vision or planning and I must say this strategy generally fails. I have run enough and been involved in enough projects to know how a good one operates.

I offered to help a couple of times.
Anyway I hope they turn this around but for now I will sit on the side line until I see something solid in view of a direction, a vision or a measurable business plan.

Good luck all bye for now

Well done ;).
Yep you certainly have to know "when to hold them and know when to fold them".

Now's a good time imho to fold them.

It's a bit of old news now but I've never forgotten this SPH notice from Mathew Hill, and it was from that time on I started to become a lot more wary of NTL.

I have no idea why 'the personal restructuring' took place and it's none of my business, but Mathew Hill suddenly no longer had a directing interest or was a 'beneficial owner' of some of the entities that owned very large amounts of NTL shares, and therefore he did not have to disclose to the market any future sales (or purchases).
That's the way I read it anyway.
Price then was about 2.4cents, four times more than at present :D:D.


08-09-2020, 10:41 AM
I knew you were a seller, when you didnt publish the answers to your questions at virtual meeting on here.

Sadly I didn't get any answers to any of the questions and had a feeling the stock was going to do what it has done. I will possibility get back in one day as I do like the thrill of risk however this stock taught me a couple of valuable lessons on playing risky stocks.

08-09-2020, 10:51 AM
Thanks for trying anyway, and I guess a few feel the same way.

08-09-2020, 01:16 PM
Getty for inderpendent director

Because Tony Haworth has resigned, I decided to ring Matt, & offer my services as "inderpendent" director.

I made it clear I dont mind getting my hands DIRTY, but he said no, MUCK off.

At least, I think thats what he said??

09-09-2020, 11:12 AM
Just popped in to say that after selling out and reinvesting with a company with great management that are going places, I'm up 24% on what I bought with the sale of the NTL shares. I'm also 10% on the way to recovery of my NTL losses and have high hopes that they will be recovered in a couple of years, while I imagine NTL will still be doing CR's and feeding stories of hope. I'll still keep an eye here as have tiny investment left in NTL that I'm prepared to lose, (but hope will maybe get back to what I paid one day).

09-09-2020, 03:42 PM
Nice work Suse, good to get a win every now and then

09-09-2020, 05:25 PM
Good work Suse - NTL is a whole lot less stressful when you don't have skin in the game. There are far more entertaining places to lose money :)

09-09-2020, 05:43 PM
The directors are hiding in the mine.....

11-09-2020, 08:26 AM
I too got out 3 months ago. After 3 years of expecting some poured gold, and the price to then treble. Enough was enough, and good to no longer feel being stiffed by management. I put it all into 14 NYSA gold silver and platinum stocks. Up 18%. Sad misinformation throughout. What I dont understand is why the other directors let it all go on. And why the $400k salary was ever authorised.

11-09-2020, 12:03 PM
In my most recent conversation, Matt was reasonably accommodating,

He thought my idea to paint the wall around the light switch at the mine with bright luminous paint, so the last shareholder out could see what they were doing was good,

Not so enthusiastic though on my suggestion to have a Door Matt, so they could wipe their dirty boots in.

12-09-2020, 01:20 AM
A tourist attraction? Past managing directors, and dirrectirs, wax works, in cowboy hats? Tours of the old workings?....flash forward... that business would be worth maybe $ 500K...

12-09-2020, 01:46 AM
If a private investor bought out NTL and goes ahead: probably a good buy for whole company at say $12m, $0.004. NTL has become a joke, but like a bad lover - I still like NTL for all its faults. Diluted shareholding means everything is abit difficult because no one can buy a controlling shareholding.
If they could, they could then hold Matt on a pitchfork over a fire, and fire him, and the current team
If all the directors and Matt could be made to walk the plank, I would put everything I had done, back in...at market value now I think, at 0.004c. Matt declined my suggestion, in phone conversation, to recapatilize 1000 to 1. Your share would be worth $6.00, and none of us would feel the idiots of the exchange.
Love the company. Not the managment. Will buy back after regime change

12-09-2020, 07:52 AM
Matt declined my suggestion, in phone conversation, to recapatilize 1000 to 1. Your share would be worth $6.00, and none of us would feel the idiots of the exchange.
Love the company. Not the managment. Will buy back after regime change

And your share could drop back to 10c. Where has your money gone then? Good way to lose a lot of money.

12-09-2020, 10:12 AM
Seems like a lot of us have sold out over the last few months.

I think the buck stopped for most people when senior management were not held accountable for their actions. A sure way to erode shareholder confidence and trust.

12-09-2020, 10:13 AM
If they could, they could then hold Matt on a pitchfork over a fire, and fire him, and the current team
If all the directors and Matt could be made to walk the plank, I would put everything I had done, back in...at market value now I think, at 0.004c. Matt declined my suggestion, in phone conversation, to recapatilize 1000 to 1. Your share would be worth $6.00, and none of us would feel the idiots of the exchange.
Love the company. Not the managment. Will buy back after regime change

What's your guys view. I like that new tal are focussed.

Anyone know these guys running it?

-Bullish, 2013

12-09-2020, 11:48 AM
Matt declined my suggestion, in phone conversation, to recapatilize 1000 to 1. Your share would be worth $6.00, and none of us would feel the idiots of the exchange.

Sensible suggestion, but Mbro, then I wouldn't have a million shares - one of the reasons I haven't exited completely.

12-09-2020, 03:50 PM
Focussed alright..on his salary. Money for jam.
WTF does the CEO do all day?

12-09-2020, 09:34 PM
Focussed alright..on his salary. Money for jam.
WTF does the CEO do all day?

how bouts browse the S/T forum for ideas on where to invest the surplus Filthy Loot ? ;)

13-09-2020, 02:18 PM
Post Removed

14-09-2020, 10:24 AM
If a private investor bought out NTL and goes ahead: probably a good buy for whole company at say $12m, $0.004. NTL has become a joke, but like a bad lover - I still like NTL for all its faults. Diluted shareholding means everything is abit difficult because no one can buy a controlling shareholding.
If they could, they could then hold Matt on a pitchfork over a fire, and fire him, and the current team
If all the directors and Matt could be made to walk the plank, I would put everything I had done, back in...at market value now I think, at 0.004c. Matt declined my suggestion, in phone conversation, to recapatilize 1000 to 1. Your share would be worth $6.00, and none of us would feel the idiots of the exchange.
Love the company. Not the managment. Will buy back after regime change

MBro, you have highlighted one of my biggest fears - why hasnt a gold producer come in and just snap up the resource? The estimates all point to good return on investment, but none of the experts seemingly want to either take-over or partner with NTL. WHY?

Still holding, but only because Im stubborn.

14-09-2020, 11:41 AM

Did someone read article and not like what they saw? Few fair shares sold today @.6

14-09-2020, 11:52 AM
Just popped in to say that after selling out and reinvesting with a company with great management that are going places, I'm up 24% on what I bought with the sale of the NTL shares. I'm also 10% on the way to recovery of my NTL losses and have high hopes that they will be recovered in a couple of years, while I imagine NTL will still be doing CR's and feeding stories of hope. I'll still keep an eye here as have tiny investment left in NTL that I'm prepared to lose, (but hope will maybe get back to what I paid one day).

Transferring JB murc's link over, may invest some. Re 178 goldies 1 year performances.

https://stockhead.com.au/resources/g...%20this%20week (https://stockhead.com.au/resources/gold-digger-heres-how-178-asx-gold-stocks-measured-up-this-week/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Weekend%20Email%20-%20Saturday%2012%20September%202020&utm_content=Weekend%20Email%20-%20Saturday%2012%20September%202020+CID_8da4ccf567 e9b77ce24ee5819d1d4404&utm_source=Campaign%20Monitor&utm_term=Gold%20Digger%20Heres%20how%20178%20ASX%2 0gold%20stocks%20measured%20up%20this%20week)

15-09-2020, 11:23 AM
.6 eh..I wonder how long it will be before .5 becomes the 'new normal' for this mutt.

15-09-2020, 05:23 PM
Could be a rush exit stage left through the 6 and 5's and with zero buyers, maybe we are talking 1, 2 and 3.

But who is brave enough to take this up at any price if end price is 0.

Other players would have been signing up to take this ore if it was any good, we never ever got a real figure on ounces per ton of rock pulled.

The lie on the last CR to get funds to get the pilot plant making a few mill of gold over 2 years really hurt.

16-09-2020, 07:36 AM
Other players would have been signing up to take this ore if it was any good, we never ever got a real figure on ounces per ton of rock pulled.

The lie on the last CR to get funds to get the pilot plant making a few mill of gold over 2 years really hurt.

To true Blue, I'd sat on the fence positively for some time waiting for some good news. It just seemed like time was running out and catching up with them.
I'm still hopeful That they will sort it and ill jump back in

16-09-2020, 07:50 AM
Could be a rush exit stage left through the 6 and 5's and with zero buyers, maybe we are talking 1, 2 and 3.

But who is brave enough to take this up at any price if end price is 0.

Other players would have been signing up to take this ore if it was any good, we never ever got a real figure on ounces per ton of rock pulled.

The lie on the last CR to get funds to get the pilot plant making a few mill of gold over 2 years really hurt.

The SP will probably not go to zero after all there is gold in the mine and we have been told that the grades are good. I don’t see any upside in the share price for a while. The next capital raise will fail because the management have absolutely no credibility now in the eyes of the investors.

New CEO and board may be the only solution and I cannot see that happening unless there is a takeover and that is probably unlikely since the big boys would not be interested in a boutique mine with operational restraints. Maybe a new cornerstone shareholder that calls the shots and shakes up the CEO and management could be the solution.

Yes the backtracking over gold production was the catalyst for me to sell down.

disclosure - still hold a few but not enough to loose sleep over.

16-09-2020, 01:58 PM
If anyone is looking for a co. to benchmark NTL against, have a look at AUL on ASX.

Similar boutique type operation, Mcap, visible gold up to 2540g/t 11/7/19, pilot plants, regular cap raising/dilution. high price of gold.

After all the excitement of their high grades, what has it done for s/holders?

Well they have been politely rewarded with a 1 for 10 cap raise this month. to keep the co. stuttering on.

If you look at their graph, I would say they were where NTL is now, back in May 2019,

NTL's next 15 months is mapped out there for you.

16-09-2020, 02:00 PM
If anyone is looking for a co. to benchmark NTL against, have a look at AUL on ASX.

Similar boutique type operation, Mcap, visible gold up to 2540g/t 11/7/19, pilot plants, regular cap raising/dilution. high price of gold.

After all the excitement of their high grades, what has it done for s/holders?

Well they have been politely rewarded with a 1 for 10 cap raise this month. to keep the co. stuttering on.

If you look at their graph, I would say they were where NTL is now, back in May 2019,

NTL's next 15 months is mapped out there for you.

What's their JORC Resource?

17-09-2020, 01:35 PM
Just reading the annual report again - they did indicate further funds would be required unless they can get a third party to JV on the plant required
"Joint venture opportunity
While planning has been focused on the development of a plant internally, the board determined that there is a potential opportunity
for a third party to finance the plant or part of a plant with NTL reducing the funding requirement from shareholders for a processing
capability which did not form part of the previous capital raising"

17-09-2020, 02:18 PM
Just reading the annual report again - they did indicate further funds would be required unless they can get a third party to JV on the plant required
"Joint venture opportunity
While planning has been focused on the development of a plant internally, the board determined that there is a potential opportunity
for a third party to finance the plant or part of a plant with NTL reducing the funding requirement from shareholders for a processing
capability which did not form part of the previous capital raising"

A JV of that nature has been talked about in their reports in vague terms for quite some time. If it was going to happen, I can't see why it wouldn't have by now. Another reason why I sold. There is never any feedback to indicate if genuine progress is being made, or if an idea is essentially dead in the water. Was the same when they talked about external toll treatment options.

Disc: Grumpy ex-(small)holder.

17-09-2020, 03:51 PM
It just seems strange to me why management do not engage with their shareholders.Surely they must be aware of how unhappy the majority of shareholders are.

Just a simple business plan would put most concerns to bed,but we seem to stagger from meaningless repetitive updates with no obvious goals in place to well more meaningless repetitive updates.

At least with a business plan in place we can judge how well progress is going,and if management are heading off in a tangent or are sticking to the plans.If they are not sure about a business plan,then they should get a professional in to write it.

I would offer but I don't have a clue whats going on!

17-09-2020, 04:22 PM
Mine was established late 1800s - and shut about 30 years later - probably for economic reasons.
Southern Cross Minerals has a crack in the 70s and 80s, but their licence lapsed ealy 90s (im not sure why, could they not get the numbers to work either?)
Hertirage Gold got permit in 1993 - thats a long time ago!!!!

Patience. Feels like they are still inching closer, but Gettys snail racing analogy seems accurate.

17-09-2020, 05:12 PM
In my recent conversation with Matt, I mentioned there was a 'cathedral' area in the mine, big enough to set up a ping pong table.
Why? he demanded.
So we could play .1c to .2c ping pong I replied.

In what I thought was a magnaminous gesture, he said, 'Dr, you play with your scalpel, and I'll play with my shovel'.

It was only later I realised I may have come off second best.

17-09-2020, 05:25 PM
Meanwhile, back in the real world. We shouldn't be too far off seeing some grade results from blasting at Mystery vein and other targets underground. With some dot joining for JORC purposes, NTL gets its Resource up another level and starts to get on the radar of other explorer/producers. POG isn't doing us any harm either.

17-09-2020, 06:36 PM
Mine was established late 1800s - and shut about 30 years later - probably for economic reasons.
Southern Cross Minerals has a crack in the 70s and 80s, but their licence lapsed ealy 90s (im not sure why, could they not get the numbers to work either?)
Hertirage Gold got permit in 1993 - thats a long time ago!!!!

Patience. Feels like they are still inching closer, but Gettys snail racing analogy seems accurate.

Slow progress way back, was due to a 'hanging wall'

Now, they have their back to the wall, someone's due for a hanging.

17-09-2020, 07:58 PM
Jonu, you dont really believe that...do you?

17-09-2020, 08:08 PM
Perhaps its time you explained to him, the finer points of Patpong Ping pong.

18-09-2020, 08:52 AM
A good article on what others are doing out there and the resistance building at lease this take the heat off NTL. Time for them to act is now don't miss the opportunity

18-09-2020, 11:55 AM
Someones still keen, 8m buy at 0.006 = $48,000

18-09-2020, 11:57 AM
BOOM - I take that back, 0.006 bids all gone - I should have sold!!!

18-09-2020, 12:00 PM
BOOM - I take that back, 0.006 bids all gone - I should have sold!!!

I've got the truck backed up and ready at 0.5! Sell away Landy

18-09-2020, 12:04 PM
Why pay 0.006c now when it'll be 0.005c next week... Then 0.004c the week after that...

18-09-2020, 12:05 PM
Why pay 0.006c now when it'll be 0.005c today.....

18-09-2020, 12:22 PM
It's sadly consistent with previous rate of progress that the strategic review will take the rest of the year to complete.

Motley Crew
18-09-2020, 12:25 PM
Someones still keen, 8m buy at 0.006 = $48,000

I sold my sizeable holding today as there was a mountain forming at .007 and very few sales at that price. There are so many better options at the moment for your money, rather than sitting on an 'investment' going nowhere. Matt crows that investors had made a 20%+ return in the last 12 months - that is just the movement from 0.005 to 0.006. It can do that daily. There are some Gold Juniors in Oz that are about to do exciting things. If you want a gold stock that might go somewhere have a hunt over there. A 50% gain on that investment lifts a 0.006 NTL SP to the equivalent of 0.009c. When did that last happen ? Time to move on. Future CR with NTL will fail as shareholders have lost all confidence in the board and management. How many actually know anything about gold ? Matt Hill is a specialist in capital raising, not much gold expertise there. I think his luck might have run out with NTL. 2.8b shares and counting.

18-09-2020, 12:25 PM
It's sadly consistent with previous rate of progress that the strategic review will take the rest of the year to complete.

Given extension to COVID 2.5, probably be delayed.

18-09-2020, 12:31 PM
I sold my sizeable holding today as there was a mountain forming at .007 and very few sales at that price. There are so many better options at the moment for your money, rather than sitting on an 'investment' going nowhere. Matt crows that investors had made a 20%+ return in the last 12 months - that is just the movement from 0.005 to 0.006. It can do that daily. There are some Gold Juniors in Oz that are about to do exciting things. If you want a gold stock that might go somewhere have a hunt over there. A 50% gain on that investment lifts a 0.006 NTL SP to the equivalent of 0.009c. When did that last happen ? Time to move on. Future CR with NTL will fail as shareholders have lost all confidence in the board and management. How many actually know anything about gold ? Matt Hill is a specialist in capital raising, not much gold expertise there. I think his luck might have run out with NTL. 2.8b shares and counting.

Each to their own Motley. I can't think why you would sell before the Mystery blast results are through, but we all have our own decisions to make.

Motley Crew
18-09-2020, 12:45 PM
Each to their own Motley. I can't think why you would sell before the Mystery blast results are through, but we all have our own decisions to make.

Still have a few left on the Oz register. Will watch and wait........... Those Oz funds might be better deployed elsewhere. It is inevitable that the company will come to shareholders for more capital - that is what Matt is good at. But at what price and with how much dilution ? 1b shares at 0.003c ?? Only raises $3m. The way NTL go through their funds that will last a year.

18-09-2020, 09:57 PM
Each to their own Motley. I can't think why you would sell before the Mystery blast results are through, but we all have our own decisions to make.

How have the results from the last few blasts or JORC reviews and results been? Lol this will be just as much of a flop as the rest of them

22-09-2020, 12:31 AM
Jonu, nothing seems to get you down! I've sat through about 5 promising upcoming events. All very anticlimactic. Sold out 3 months ago and very happy to be in other gold stocks. Think the 0.5, 0.4c predictions are the most likely outcome, soon. Fill your boots. . I keep an eye here because of a discontent about having been so mislead by managment for so long. I want to see where this goes....

22-09-2020, 06:57 AM
Jonu, nothing seems to get you down! I've sat through about 5 promising upcoming events. All very anticlimactic. Sold out 3 months ago and very happy to be in other gold stocks. Think the 0.5, 0.4c predictions are the most likely outcome, soon. Fill your boots. . I keep an eye here because of a discontent about having been so mislead by managment for so long. I want to see where this goes....

What he said...!

22-09-2020, 07:46 AM
How have the results from the last few blasts or JORC reviews and results been? Lol this will be just as much of a flop as the rest of them

The last main addition to JORC was the Talisman Deeps. Took the share price to 3c. How'd you like them apples?

Mystery is called that for a reason. Given the nature of the mine it is basically a given that there will be high grades within. It's the size of the number that is the mystery. Could be 6-8g, could be a pocket of 1000g (not unknown in this mine). Exciting eh?

22-09-2020, 08:03 AM
Jonu, nothing seems to get you down! I've sat through about 5 promising upcoming events. All very anticlimactic. Sold out 3 months ago and very happy to be in other gold stocks. Think the 0.5, 0.4c predictions are the most likely outcome, soon. Fill your boots. . I keep an eye here because of a discontent about having been so mislead by managment for so long. I want to see where this goes....

Hi MoBro,
My wife and I met you and your daughter after the AGM held Sept 2007.

It is fair enough to come to the conclusion to sell up your NTL shares, I am sure you are not alone.

Personally, I also had a very hard look at also selling out. But after redoing my own calculations, decided the upside risk outweighs the downside risk.

If NTL make progress on any of the commitments in the last quarterly, then these shares can easily jump one cent or more in a hurry. That includes updates on Mystery for its near-term bulk sample ore, processing route, full mining permit submission. And last but not least progress with the high-profile NZ industry group on the evaluation of the potential for a formal collaboration that could facilitate funding, delivery and operation of a joint processing plant.

Hope I am right, but also prepared to lose all of my NTL investment if it turns out I am wrong.

Best of luck with your other investments.

22-09-2020, 10:40 AM
Starting with your last point, the previously mentioned in quarterly 'discussions' with the high profile NZ group, which I assume to be either Fulton Hogan, Downer, or Higgins, will be just that, talk.

In the 1/4ly 30/4/20 NTL mentioned a 'broader industry offering' for a processing plant.
In the Ann rep., they go on to explain they have to bring other goldies [plural] into a potential JV.

Considering none of them have a current mining licence, what chance of success?.
If you were the 'NZ based group', would you risk your capital baling this lot out with that uncertainty?
I take it that OGC are paddling their own waka, if not, a bizarre case of the New Tailisman wagging the dog, or is NTL the dog?
The closure of the previous toll treatment option at Waihi, was a major nail in NTL's coffin.
Why did it close?
Did 'the challenging geotechnical conditions' at NTL have the last word?

Did Tony Haworth resign on principle, because his conscience was troubling him, taking $32k pa from a go nowhere top heavy co, that he had no skin in the game with, or did he just run out of places to spend the money?

Many posters place faith in reserves/resources.
Well, with the POG so high, do you think there should be a corresponding increase in the SP?

SEA Dragon had the entire ocean as their R & R.
What good did it do them?
Unless you are harvesting & selling, you are just parking your money, & keeping one or two notables in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.
Is NTL the next candidate for the USX?

22-09-2020, 11:41 AM
Starting with your last point, the previously mentioned in quarterly 'discussions' with the high profile NZ group, which I assume to be either Fulton Hogan, Downer, or Higgins, will be just that, talk.

In the 1/4ly 30/4/20 NTL mentioned a 'broader industry offering' for a processing plant.
In the Ann rep., they go on to explain they have to bring other goldies [plural] into a potential JV.

Considering none of them have a current mining licence, what chance of success?.
If you were the 'NZ based group', would you risk your capital baling this lot out with that uncertainty?
I take it that OGC are paddling their own waka, if not, a bizarre case of the New Tailisman wagging the dog, or is NTL the dog?
The closure of the previous toll treatment option at Waihi, was a major nail in NTL's coffin.
Why did it close?
Did 'the challenging geotechnical conditions' at NTL have the last word?

Did Tony Haworth resign on principle, because his conscience was troubling him, taking $32k pa from a go nowhere top heavy co, that he had no skin in the game with, or did he just run out of places to spend the money?

Many posters place faith in reserves/resources.
Well, with the POG so high, do you think there should be a corresponding increase in the SP?

SEA Dragon had the entire ocean as their R & R.
What good did it do them?
Unless you are harvesting & selling, you are just parking your money, & keeping one or two notables in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.
Is NTL the next candidate for the USX?

Great post Getty.
I think CRP is another good example too!!

22-09-2020, 11:45 AM
Yes, another Castle, built on sand..

22-09-2020, 01:08 PM
I hear what you are saying. But pretty comfortable with my own decision.
Only time will tell who is right and i am comfortable with my risk exposure

22-09-2020, 07:24 PM
Starting with your last point, the previously mentioned in quarterly 'discussions' with the high profile NZ group, which I assume to be either Fulton Hogan, Downer, or Higgins, will be just that, talk.

In the 1/4ly 30/4/20 NTL mentioned a 'broader industry offering' for a processing plant.
In the Ann rep., they go on to explain they have to bring other goldies [plural] into a potential JV.

Considering none of them have a current mining licence, what chance of success?.
If you were the 'NZ based group', would you risk your capital baling this lot out with that uncertainty?
I take it that OGC are paddling their own waka, if not, a bizarre case of the New Tailisman wagging the dog, or is NTL the dog?
The closure of the previous toll treatment option at Waihi, was a major nail in NTL's coffin.
Why did it close?
Did 'the challenging geotechnical conditions' at NTL have the last word?

Did Tony Haworth resign on principle, because his conscience was troubling him, taking $32k pa from a go nowhere top heavy co, that he had no skin in the game with, or did he just run out of places to spend the money?

Many posters place faith in reserves/resources.
Well, with the POG so high, do you think there should be a corresponding increase in the SP?

SEA Dragon had the entire ocean as their R & R.
What good did it do them?
Unless you are harvesting & selling, you are just parking your money, & keeping one or two notables in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.
Is NTL the next candidate for the USX?

There's so much wrong in this post I'm not going to bother even starting on it. Which makes me wonder...why you would bother with a spiel of that length when you are so ill informed?

22-09-2020, 07:48 PM
There's so much wrong in this post I'm not going to bother even starting on it. Which makes me wonder...why you would bother with a spiel of that length when you are so ill informed?

There may be a lot wrong with that post but the thing it does bring out is that no one knows what this company is really doing!

Your optimism is encouraging but history would say it’s misplaced. The differentiating feature of discussion in recent times from many years prior is the substantially growing lack of tolerance for being kept in the dark.

We haven’t seen enmass long term shareholder departures for a long time, something stinks here, a few things possibly, but you and the other shareholders really wouldn’t have any idea tbh, the company is a closed book milking a proven method of extracting incremental shareholder funding year after year. 21 years to be more precise.

Until they produce a gold bar, this is a terrible investment. If someone wants to invest or speculate in gold, the ASX has so many better propositions, it makes NTL by contrast look like the dud it has been and still is. There’s no investment more wasted than an investment in a company with resources and potential that has continually failed and continues to fail to realise it.

I’m sure you’ll have some positive spin to keep yourself and others engaged, but really, your money is better working elsewhere where there are real gains are happening. Opportunity cost.

22-09-2020, 07:59 PM
There's so much wrong in this post I'm not going to bother even starting on it. Which makes me wonder...why you would bother with a spiel of that length when you are so ill informed?

Hey .. what's so wrong with this:

"Unless you are harvesting & selling, you are just parking your money" ? ;)

22-09-2020, 08:03 PM
There may be a lot wrong with that post but the thing it does bring out is that no one knows what this company is really doing!

Your optimism is encouraging but history would say it’s misplaced. The differentiating feature of discussion in recent times from many years prior is the substantially growing lack of tolerance for being kept in the dark.

We haven’t seen enmass long term shareholder departures for a long time, something stinks here, a few things possibly, but you and the other shareholders really wouldn’t have any idea tbh, the company is a closed book milking a proven method of extracting incremental shareholder funding year after year. 21 years to be more precise.

Until they produce a gold bar, this is a terrible investment. If someone wants to invest or speculate in gold, the ASX has so many better propositions, it makes NTL by contrast look like the dud it has been and still is. There’s no investment more wasted than an investment in a company with resources and potential that has continually failed and continues to fail to realise it.

I’m sure you’ll have some positive spin to keep yourself and others engaged, but really, your money is better working elsewhere where there are real gains are happening. Opportunity cost.

I'm wondering what sort of breed of investor has such long range patience to take all the punishment
& frequent 'time to open your wallets" again and again over the decades on far flung further prospects
upgrades, potential Share dilution into Oblivion & no deliver any of the gold stuff onto the table ;)

Arguably there would be many if not a majority of the other listings on NZX Boards which would have potentially
offered a far more rewarding investment for any investor across the years.. for those with a few clues
on when to jump off the moving lorry with a respectable bundle..

For the term of shuffling the NTL/HGL Board Chairs & Spring cleaning, many an Investor could have been in & out
of dozens & dozens of other Goldies listed elsewhere globally and be sporting far more impressive smiles than
anything HGL and NTL has produced over the time since 1980's

23-09-2020, 07:17 AM
Jonu, nothing seems to get you down! I've sat through about 5 promising upcoming events. All very anticlimactic. Sold out 3 months ago and very happy to be in other gold stocks. Think the 0.5, 0.4c predictions are the most likely outcome, soon. Fill your boots. . I keep an eye here because of a discontent about having been so mislead by managment for so long. I want to see where this goes....

Jonu must be a true optimist. He doesn’t let the negatives get him down. He only focuses on the positives. Jonu is having more fun owning this share than any of the contributors to this thread. If he has the same outlook in all areas of his life I would say that he must be a very happy man.

23-09-2020, 07:56 AM
Jonu must be a true optimist. He doesn’t let the negatives get him down. He only focuses on the positives. Jonu is having more fun owning this share than any of the contributors to this thread. If he has the same outlook in all areas of his life I would say that he must be a very happy man.

I'd like to think I'm an optimistic pessimist. I focus on the positive while taking into account the negative.

NTL's negatives are far outweighed by the positive. It's called gold and they are sitting on a lot of it. If the history of the mine is anything to go by, a lot more of it than the JORC suggests. Gold price is near all time highs and while it may pull back a little in the short term, all predictions I have heard is of it going on to 3k and higher medium term.

The connecting the dots to add to JORC is being done for a reason, which is obvious to anyone who knows anything about the cycle of Junior/Explorer/Producer and M&A. It takes a lot of time and money to establish JORC, and the last 10 years has seen it underfunded world wide, so as the POG rises, the heat goes on to acquire JORC. NTL, perhaps through its misfortunes, has found itself in a sweet spot of the cycle.

23-09-2020, 09:35 AM
If I put my Jonu hat on.......

Its 101 years since Talisman last produced gold..........therefore its due to deliver again.

Non-Jonu hat.,
My expectations:
NTL will have some good news to release (more resource maybe) that will get investors excited, then do another capital raise, pushing the SP back down.
The "review", will we ever see what their plan is, and will it include some $ and timelines? I certainly hope so. SOmething like this - THESE ARE NOT FACTS, JUST ME HYPOTHESISING
A. Partner with processor. NTL invest $0, but will be charged a premium rate for processing. Gold production expected 2022
B. Sell NTL to third party. NTL invest $0. Expected sale price expected to be $x million
C. NTL go it alone. NTL invest $5m to get there. Gold production excptected 2023.
D. Produce waffle and promises. Matt gets rich, Gold prodcution = end of days.

Note Point D is driven from 15 years of investment in HGD/NTL.

Holding 0 - I finally ditched. I will reinvest again, but based on my own research and judgement, expect to do this after then next CR and price reduction.
I will be very happy if this thing ever gets going - even if it means I miss the initial uplift in price.

DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH - gold fever does not put dinner on the table.

23-09-2020, 10:33 AM
From the chairmans address August 2020
"We continue to work hard in trying to navigate the multi layered, and at times contradictory regulatory environment, conscious that an election year in particular can present an added level of complexity"
There you go, that's the next red flag for absolutely nothing happening....

23-09-2020, 02:50 PM
From the chairmans address August 2020
"We continue to work hard in trying to navigate the multi layered, and at times contradictory regulatory environment, conscious that an election year in particular can present an added level of complexity"
There you go, that's the next red flag for absolutely nothing happening....

This from 2 years ago. Long time since that news flash :sleep:

I guess "mining commencing" (with the associated announcement) can actually amount to no more than a wheelbarrow of rock coming out. :eek2:


23-09-2020, 04:37 PM
This from 2 years ago. Long time since that news flash :sleep:

I guess "mining commencing" (with the associated announcement) can actually amount to no more than a wheelbarrow of rock coming out. :eek2:


“Activities under resource consent commenced“

Wasn’t the activities under the resource consent only valid for 2 years?

23-09-2020, 05:38 PM
“Activities under resource consent commenced“

Wasn’t the activities under the resource consent only valid for 2 years?

I thought it was 20 (bulk sampling), but if I'm wrong I'm sure someone will correct it.

24-09-2020, 08:41 AM
Gold now 10% off its high, trading at USD1,860, and silver off big time.

24-09-2020, 08:53 AM
Buy in the dip

24-09-2020, 10:02 AM
Buy in the dip


Which 'Dip' exactly?


24-09-2020, 10:34 AM
There's so much wrong in this post I'm not going to bother even starting on it. Which makes me wonder...why you would bother with a spiel of that length when you are so ill informed?
Jonu, I dont mind if you do a blow by blow, total demolition of every point I've ever made on this thread.

What I have noticed though, is you project a certain air, that you know more than the rest of us garden variety NTL investors.
Some inside knowledge maybe?

How about spilling the beans?

Are you Matt, or his spin doctor incognito?
Who knows, you may rescue NTL from its next .1c click downwards, which is -16.6%

In the event of earth shattering news, there is already $796K to sell @.7 & .8 so not much chance of executing any order tacked on the back of that lot.


All that glitters, is not gold.

24-09-2020, 10:39 AM
Pressure 1894 、 1906 、1925, support 1855 、1844 、 1825, dividing line 1874.
The above content is for learning only, not as a basis for trading!
By the way, how many years will I have to wait to see the gold dug out? Wait, keep waiting, wait till the earth is gone:scared:

24-09-2020, 01:13 PM

Which 'Dip' exactly?


Sorry I meant dips in gold price not this share.

24-09-2020, 02:26 PM
Sorry I meant dips in gold price not this share.

I'm not sure how that resurrects your advice from being anything other than terrible :-)

Motley Crew
29-09-2020, 12:17 AM
Just referencing my own post #6136. The funds realised from the sale of my rather large NZX holding were mostly reinvested into HLG prior to last Friday's profit announcement. An 80c (17%) gain with a FI 24c dividend to come payable December. That's the first equivalent .001 gain on NTL funds. Try joining the queue to sell at .007 and see how you get on behind 73m others. Looking at HLG SP to move towards $6 as the the div gets closer to payment. I sleep easier knowing I have added to my existing holding of a quality company paying a gross div yield of 10%. In this environment investors are flocking to companies paying any kind of reasonable dividend, let alone those with high yields. With a few decent investments like this the NTL sale proceeds will be worth over .01 equivalent in no time, while the NTL SP drifts off further with inactivity and a falling Gold price. What activities are the NTL directors actually up to at present given they are mostly Aussies. Probably cooped up at home in Oz, sheltering from covid and involving themselves in affairs closer to home. All the while Gold has peaked at just over NZ$3,100 per ounce and is now back at NZ$2,830. Surely the litmus test for the company was to be in a position to take advantage of these high gold prices and have some ore that they could extract gold from to assist cashflow. The fact that they were not in this state of readiness, or were even working towards it while the gold price was going up, just shows their commitment to increasing shareholder wealth, rather than lining their own pockets with overblown directors fees. They have missed the boat. But hey - its easier to tap obliging gold bug shareholders for additional capital to squander, than to actually mine the stuff they reckon they have underground. Maybe this mining lark is just all a bit too difficult - nice glossy pictures and all in the Annual Reports, but they do look highly posed - studying plans by torchlight deep in the mine. Read the bio's of both Charbel Nader and Matt Hill in the 2020 Annual Report - both investment bankers - and tell me how much mining expertise you see. Kind of reinforces the predicament of the company in a nutshell.

29-09-2020, 02:21 AM
Just referencing my own post #6136. The funds realised from the sale of my rather large NZX holding were mostly reinvested into HLG prior to last Friday's profit announcement. An 80c (17%) gain with a FI 24c dividend to come payable December. That's the first equivalent .001 gain on NTL funds. Try joining the queue to sell at .007 and see how you get on behind 73m others. Looking at HLG SP to move towards $6 as the the div gets closer to payment. I sleep easier knowing I have added to my existing holding of a quality company paying a gross div yield of 10%. In this environment investors are flocking to companies paying any kind of reasonable dividend, let alone those with high yields. With a few decent investments like this the NTL sale proceeds will be worth over .01 equivalent in no time, while the NTL SP drifts off further with inactivity and a falling Gold price. What activities are the NTL directors actually up to at present given they are mostly Aussies. Probably cooped up at home in Oz, sheltering from covid and involving themselves in affairs closer to home. All the while Gold has peaked at just over NZ$3,100 per ounce and is now back at NZ$2,830. Surely the litmus test for the company was to be in a position to take advantage of these high gold prices and have some ore that they could extract gold from to assist cashflow. The fact that they were not in this state of readiness, or were even working towards it while the gold price was going up, just shows their commitment to increasing shareholder wealth, rather than lining their own pockets with overblown directors fees. They have missed the boat. But hey - its easier to tap obliging gold bug shareholders for additional capital to squander, than to actually mine the stuff they reckon they have underground. Maybe this mining lark is just all a bit too difficult - nice glossy pictures and all in the Annual Reports, but they do look highly posed - studying plans by torchlight deep in the mine. Read the bio's of both Charbel Nader and Matt Hill in the 2020 Annual Report - both investment bankers - and tell me how much mining expertise you see. Kind of reinforces the predicament of the company in a nutshell.

With you there too MC -- HLG has been gets my vote too

29-09-2020, 10:41 AM
Well said MC. Couldn't have summed it up better myself. NTL is just a flea covered mutt.

29-09-2020, 11:00 AM
At the beach in the weekend I told my daughter there was gold buried below a rock. She dug ferociously for 3 hours until the tide came in and filled the hole. I said to her that is why it has never been dug up before, because the tide always comes and fills in the hole before it can be retrieved.

I told her I'd tried for over 40 years to dig it up and failed. Undeterred she's keen to go back and try again...

29-09-2020, 11:04 AM
Just referencing my own post #6136. The funds realised from the sale of my rather large NZX holding were mostly reinvested into HLG prior to last Friday's profit announcement. An 80c (17%) gain with a FI 24c dividend to come payable December. That's the first equivalent .001 gain on NTL funds. Try joining the queue to sell at .007 and see how you get on behind 73m others. Looking at HLG SP to move towards $6 as the the div gets closer to payment. I sleep easier knowing I have added to my existing holding of a quality company paying a gross div yield of 10%. In this environment investors are flocking to companies paying any kind of reasonable dividend, let alone those with high yields. With a few decent investments like this the NTL sale proceeds will be worth over .01 equivalent in no time, while the NTL SP drifts off further with inactivity and a falling Gold price. What activities are the NTL directors actually up to at present given they are mostly Aussies. Probably cooped up at home in Oz, sheltering from covid and involving themselves in affairs closer to home. All the while Gold has peaked at just over NZ$3,100 per ounce and is now back at NZ$2,830. Surely the litmus test for the company was to be in a position to take advantage of these high gold prices and have some ore that they could extract gold from to assist cashflow. The fact that they were not in this state of readiness, or were even working towards it while the gold price was going up, just shows their commitment to increasing shareholder wealth, rather than lining their own pockets with overblown directors fees. They have missed the boat. But hey - its easier to tap obliging gold bug shareholders for additional capital to squander, than to actually mine the stuff they reckon they have underground. Maybe this mining lark is just all a bit too difficult - nice glossy pictures and all in the Annual Reports, but they do look highly posed - studying plans by torchlight deep in the mine. Read the bio's of both Charbel Nader and Matt Hill in the 2020 Annual Report - both investment bankers - and tell me how much mining expertise you see. Kind of reinforces the predicament of the company in a nutshell.

Well done Motley.

Yep opportunity cost is always a factor and I've missed a few.

You're off track about the Board and management. Only Charbel is based in Oz.

Matt's investment banking expertise is in the minerals sector.

You have to rest easy with your own investment decisions and sounds like you are. Best of luck.

01-10-2020, 04:47 PM
There were a lot of posts saying that nothing has happened re: FMA and Matt Hill and that there is no action is being taken. This is not true and I just wanted to inform other holders or potential holders that I have received an update from the FMA stating that investigations are still ongoing. Whether it will result in action is another story however the investigations have not fizzled out as others may have portrayed.

01-10-2020, 05:01 PM
There were a lot of posts saying that nothing has happened re: FMA and Matt Hill and that there is no action is being taken. This is not true and I just wanted to inform other holders or potential holders that I have received an update from the FMA stating that investigations are still ongoing. Whether it will result in action is another story however the investigations have not fizzled out as others may have portrayed.

Care to share the letter?

01-10-2020, 05:05 PM
They pretty much advised me that investigations are ongoing and cannot give me any further details asides from that until it's complete, and that if they need further information they will contact me.
I assume it must be quite thorough and they would be building up a case and assessing any ramifications his actions might have had onto the market? There must be something of substance for investigations to continue all these months onwards, although that being said COVID could have hindered any progress and it could be nothing of substance.

01-10-2020, 05:12 PM
They pretty much advised me that investigations are ongoing and cannot give me any further details asides from that until it's complete, and that if they need further information they will contact me.
I assume it must be quite thorough and they would be building up a case and assessing any ramifications his actions might have had onto the market? There must be something of substance for investigations to continue all these months onwards, although that being said COVID could have hindered any progress and it could be nothing of substance.

Would be great to see the letter Ace...on FMA letterhead. "pretty much advised me" is a tad vague on a serious matter.

02-10-2020, 11:35 AM
They pretty much advised me that investigations are ongoing and cannot give me any further details asides from that until it's complete, and that if they need further information they will contact me.
I assume it must be quite thorough and they would be building up a case and assessing any ramifications his actions might have had onto the market? There must be something of substance for investigations to continue all these months onwards, although that being said COVID could have hindered any progress and it could be nothing of substance.

Thanks for the update Ace. I watch with interest the outcome of all of this.

Paint it Black
02-10-2020, 07:03 PM
Would be great to see the letter Ace...on FMA letterhead. "pretty much advised me" is a tad vague on a serious matter.

Still waiting Jonu?

Anyway some renewed interest in Australia late this afternoon. No announcements that I can see though.

Paint it Black
02-10-2020, 07:40 PM
Except the Trump news!

Motley Crew
05-10-2020, 01:32 PM
Well done Motley.

Yep opportunity cost is always a factor and I've missed a few.

You're off track about the Board and management. Only Charbel is based in Oz.

Matt's investment banking expertise is in the minerals sector.

You have to rest easy with your own investment decisions and sounds like you are. Best of luck.

Took the opportunity to offload a few more on the Oz market on Friday..............

05-10-2020, 02:37 PM
Took the opportunity to offload a few more on the Oz market on Friday..............

Were those 12 million shares yours? Your offload is someone else's bargain I guess.

Motley Crew
05-10-2020, 07:38 PM
Were those 12 million shares yours? Your offload is someone else's bargain I guess.

Possibly an opportunity for someone, but a 'bargain' - well that remains to be seen. As a holder for 12 years I could have made many, many times my money anywhere else. And with those funds that I have deployed elsewhere I have done just that. Still holding a few more NTL yet, but I have a very good opportunity in Oz at present that I need some funds for so something had to go. And it wasn't going to be my XRO holding.
My patience has run out. No doubt the company will try to talk the price of the shares up before announcing the next capital raise. Will that work ? Who knows - there are still enough 'newbies' coming into this stock (among the broad 3000 shareholder base) with their eyes lit up thinking they are going to strike it rich quickly, that undoubtedly the company will raise some cash. And then something will crop up that slows the whole operation down again. Wasn't covid a godsend for them ? Without a SP at least twice what it is now, what price the next capital raise, and how many shares will need to be issued to raise even a modest amount of capital. I will retain a few for now, just on the off chance something actually happens - like they produce and sell some gold from the stockpiled ore. But as I have commented on here recently, my pick is that it is easier to shoulder tap the broad shareholder base for funds than actually having to go to the trouble of pulling the yellow stuff out of the hillside. Time will tell. My new opportunity has the potential to be a 10 bagger in very short time (a year or two as opposed to 12 years) and they have the yellow stuff right now to mine and sell, which will fund operations well into the future. Does any of this ring distant bells in the case of NTL. Promised so much and still we wait. And unless they find a new motherlode, the resource really is only modest in size to begin with. Trouble seems to be in getting permission to dig holes and mine anywhere else on their tenements in order to find that elusive motherlode.
Good luck. I hope your continued patience is well rewarded. I will probably still be there too in some small way, just not up to my eyeballs in this under-performing stock.

Motley Crew
08-10-2020, 01:23 PM
Just referencing my own post #6136. The funds realised from the sale of my rather large NZX holding were mostly reinvested into HLG prior to last Friday's profit announcement. An 80c (17%) gain with a FI 24c dividend to come payable December. That's the first equivalent .001 gain on NTL funds. Try joining the queue to sell at .007 and see how you get on behind 73m others. Looking at HLG SP to move towards $6 as the the div gets closer to payment. I sleep easier knowing I have added to my existing holding of a quality company paying a gross div yield of 10%. In this environment investors are flocking to companies paying any kind of reasonable dividend, let alone those with high yields. With a few decent investments like this the NTL sale proceeds will be worth over .01 equivalent in no time, while the NTL SP drifts off further with inactivity and a falling Gold price. What activities are the NTL directors actually up to at present given they are mostly Aussies. Probably cooped up at home in Oz, sheltering from covid and involving themselves in affairs closer to home. All the while Gold has peaked at just over NZ$3,100 per ounce and is now back at NZ$2,830. Surely the litmus test for the company was to be in a position to take advantage of these high gold prices and have some ore that they could extract gold from to assist cashflow. The fact that they were not in this state of readiness, or were even working towards it while the gold price was going up, just shows their commitment to increasing shareholder wealth, rather than lining their own pockets with overblown directors fees. They have missed the boat. But hey - its easier to tap obliging gold bug shareholders for additional capital to squander, than to actually mine the stuff they reckon they have underground. Maybe this mining lark is just all a bit too difficult - nice glossy pictures and all in the Annual Reports, but they do look highly posed - studying plans by torchlight deep in the mine. Read the bio's of both Charbel Nader and Matt Hill in the 2020 Annual Report - both investment bankers - and tell me how much mining expertise you see. Kind of reinforces the predicament of the company in a nutshell.

I reference my own post from last Tuesday 29 September. Today HLG hit a high of $6.02. Considerably sooner than I had anticipated, but you can't keep quality yielders down. Still a long way off until the dividend gets paid. Should I revise my price target higher between now and then ? It certainly has the ability to test $6.50 and above - still yielding 9% gross and a move to $6.50 only brings the yield back to 8.3% gross. That's on a 39c div - chances are the total payout will return to FI 44c before too long so SP should still have some upside yet, especially with the Xmas period being the busiest for HLG. So 30% gain in just 2 weeks with more to come. That's equivalent to .002c on NTL SP - anyone see any buyers currently at .008 ?
Oh. And XRO up over $110 today (+$3). That's how you make serious $$ on the sharemarket - not waiting around for some long-shot 'Maybe' to do something, all the while you watch your holding get diluted every year.

08-10-2020, 01:48 PM
NTL - a motely crew indeed.. but MC has made the right choices and they are not motely choices!

Motley Crew
08-10-2020, 01:59 PM
NTL - a motely crew indeed.. but MC has made the right choices and they are not motely choices!

Cheers Waltzing. But really it's just sensible investing for the long term. Not parking your valuable $$ in something that you Hope might go somewhere. Diversify, Growth and Divs, Quality. It's not rocket science. A modest sum invested for 20 years can turn into a very nice retirement if you take that time horizon and don't try the Get Rich Quick route. You don't even have to go offshore to do it, but it certainly helps to have an exposure to quality Oz stocks.

08-10-2020, 03:00 PM
VWAP and bids point to NTL touching $0.005 before the 3 month review is done, so MC your decisions seem wise.

09-10-2020, 04:57 PM
So the quarterly review time has come around again.I am looking forward to this one,management know that without significant progress,the SP will never support another capital raise,also top management will also be under serious pressure to resign.Here were the highlights from 12 months ago:-
• Phase 1 Metallurgical testwork complete
• Positive results from gravity circuit
• Successful capital raise of 3.6M
• First gold and concentrate produced from pilot plant
• Terra Firma proposal under review

12-10-2020, 12:03 PM
Just when $0.005 was on the cards, another 25m buy at $0.006 - those Sharsie traders are getting greedy :-)

12-10-2020, 01:27 PM
DIY soon... bring your own bucket and spade...

havnt read it but is MC having another DIG... sorry terrible pun...

12-10-2020, 06:42 PM
So the quarterly review time has come around again.I am looking forward to this one,management know that without significant progress,the SP will never support another capital raise,also top management will also be under serious pressure to resign.Here were the highlights from 12 months ago:-
• Phase 1 Metallurgical testwork complete
• Positive results from gravity circuit
• Successful capital raise of 3.6M
• First gold and concentrate produced from pilot plant
• Terra Firma proposal under review

"Woof Woof..*scratches flea* Woof"...

12-10-2020, 07:01 PM
DIY soon... bring your own bucket and spade...

havnt read it but is MC having another DIG... sorry terrible pun...

Would probably generate better returns than have been seen to date, off just Domestic Tourism alone ;)

Motley Crew
13-10-2020, 01:21 AM
DIY soon... bring your own bucket and spade...

havnt read it but is MC having another DIG... sorry terrible pun...

You'd have to know where to DIG. I don't think NTL does - they have holes all over the place and still they can't get the stuff out. If you're a gold mining company and rate yourself as a wannabee producer, and the price of gold goes up 50% and your share price goes down 33%, and you still can't make any money while the going is good, then what are you actually ? Just a bunch of Charbel-tains - not looking into holes, but staring into the abyss.

Motley Crew
13-10-2020, 01:47 AM
NTL - a motely crew indeed.. but MC has made the right choices and they are not motely choices!

Just did a review of the last month - in which I have done nothing other than sell off some of these junk shares and reinvested the proceeds into HLG. Everything else has been going gang-busters. I'm up $100k since mid September with holds and with absolutely no contribution from this DOG. There is very definitely a message there for all you other hanger's-on-in-eternal-hope !

13-10-2020, 08:01 AM
where's jonu when you need him?

He's either on mute, or taken the money & run!

13-10-2020, 09:37 AM
Digger has been quiet too, and is one of the larger shareholders - that said, theres not much to comment on, as NTL are just doing their thing.

Discl. Sold out, but will buy in again when SP drops or CR is announced - IMHO

13-10-2020, 10:14 AM
Not sure if this has been posted, Matt freeing up his time to devote more to NTL...
Disc. Sold most, still hold a few just in case we end up with a working goldmine one day.


13-10-2020, 12:37 PM
well between retiring as a director from ARR, and not posting drivel on here, he should certainly have some time free to get to work on NTL.

Paint it Black
13-10-2020, 12:45 PM
Not sure if this has been posted, Matt freeing up his time to devote more to NTL...
Disc. Sold most, still hold a few just in case we end up with a working goldmine one day.


Yes he is also out of Cobalt Blue responsibilities so let's hope he can really get the NTL show on the road in the next couple of months. Also good to see some good movement in Australia this morning at 0.6.

Disc: Accumulating

13-10-2020, 12:55 PM
Going by the tone of the last 3 posts, Matt is going to be doing things for NTL that he wasn't doing/ should have been doing before.

Does that mean he will be refunding the $800K pa that he was paid before, over several years, back into the company, for achieving so little for shareholders?

Motley Crew
13-10-2020, 02:18 PM
Yes he is also out of Cobalt Blue responsibilities so let's hope he can really get the NTL show on the road in the next couple of months. Also good to see some good movement in Australia this morning at 0.6.

Disc: Accumulating

Well let's hope with all this time he is freeing up elsewhere, he will redirect it into the NTL 'gold-cause' and not onto the golf course. However, the lack of progress and the company's cash burn record is not good, and unless they can extract some yellow stuff and sell it to support cashflow, the inevitable CR will follow. I rang Matt at the time of the 3:1 issue in 2016 and asked him why I should support it. He gave me a long spiel about the exciting times ahead, and how NTL was about to become a Producer (Still waiting). The other thing he said was that if that CR was successful (which it was in spades - pardon the pun), there would be no need for any further CR until 2021 / 2022. That all sounded very positive, but history shows that was not true - how many CR have there been since then ? I suspect he was being sneaky with his answers, and may have referred to the particular activities the CR funds were going to be used for, and not ALL of NTL's operations. However, most Junior miners (in Oz) would die to be able to raise over $6m in one CR and would use the funds to set the company up for the future - NTL just took advantage of it at the time to fleece shareholders thinking there was obviously plenty more where that came from. That was the time to make progress - a heavily diluted capital structure (so no further dilution was necessary), plenty of $$ in the bank, and the promise of gold extraction to fund future activities. Didn't happen. Shareholders have long memories, and will shun future CR if they perceive their money is going to be used 'inefficiently' and for the benefit only of the officers of the company. Why would you participate in, and aggravate your own position in a self-dilutionary process ?

Discl : sold more on the ASX today. Have reduced holding by 50% and will reduce further on share price strength. HA ! Further CR dilution will just give the SP further headwinds to battle against

13-10-2020, 06:49 PM
I agree with that Motley. Of course the problem now for me and I would guess most shareholders is that NTL has no credibility. I do not know how they can convince me to put more money in. As you say Nothing that they have said has eventuated. I intend to keep my remaining shares in the vain hope they can pull a rabbit out of the hat.

13-10-2020, 07:07 PM
Promise after promise after promise. NTL and Matt Hill are an absolute disgrace. A cleanout of the Board and Mr Hill as CEO is essential. Until that happens, nothings gonna happen.

13-10-2020, 08:46 PM
Since our Matt resigned from ARR, the s/price has taken off like a scolded cat.

Imagine the effect if we had a Mattexit at NTL.

NTL = Nothing To Like, or Nothing To Lose?

14-10-2020, 09:57 AM
there does not appear to be any incentive at all for Matt Hill to actually perform,Correct me if I am wrong but are there any performance bonuses in place?I am sure he is quite happy being paid by NTL his basic 400K a year,I presume he is getting directors fees as well.I wonder how many productive hours he puts in each week for NTL considering he seems to be moonlighting as well!

14-10-2020, 10:58 AM
there does not appear to be any incentive at all for Matt Hill to actually perform,Correct me if I am wrong but are there any performance bonuses in place?I am sure he is quite happy being paid by NTL his basic 400K a year,I presume he is getting directors fees as well.I wonder how many productive hours he puts in each week for NTL considering he seems to be moonlighting as well!

If he was busy and productive he wouldn't have time to come on here and create mayhem......
Look at the Gold sector in Australia,going Gangbusters....tells you something ....

15-10-2020, 07:56 PM
“His (Matt’s) contribution, especially as chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee and in capital raising efforts, has been significant.”

Might be focusing his attention on NTL, but he’ll be focusing it on what he’s good at.

16-10-2020, 09:40 AM
There is a potential issue with boutique miners, I've been reluctant to raise till now, but best done while SP is low, rather than some optimistic newbie pay too much.

Its politely known as shrinkage or leakage.

In a large scale project, say a 12g or larger piece of gold, gets extracted with a bucket load of ore by an excavator, dumped on the back of a truck, and makes it all the way through the processing plant, sight unseen, till it emerges with other gold dust & flakes in the collection tray, under appropriate security & supervision.

However, in a boutique, where they are scratching around with hand tools, and have only produced 5 tonnes (half a small truckload) of material in a Quarter, that 12 g piece will be seen, all the way through their chain.
You all know about the devil and temptation...

Put simply, shareholders carry all the risks/costs, but maybe not all the rewards/returns.


Figures don't lie, but liars may figure.

18-10-2020, 04:48 AM
[QUOTE=Fundamentalfinder;850265]“His (Matt’s) contribution, especially as chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee and in capital raising efforts, has been significant.”

Got to give him credit on the capital raises. His salary has taken a large portion of that money over the years. What has actually been achieved in the last years should have been done in 1. And still we flounder along without a clear path. A plan is one thing, execution another.

19-10-2020, 01:28 PM
Is it too dangerous to even buy at .001
That is the level I would consider to get back in.

It has to now be a matter of time.
Can they hang in long enough to find a buyer of rocks or the mine itself, before they run out of money.

The writing on the tunnel walls is clearly that they don't have the money and time to get a gold processing plant operating themselves, in any form or fashion.

Potential for total bankruptcy and zero return on funds invested by shareholders is now real in my mind.

19-10-2020, 02:04 PM
Any assets that get liquidated will also need to be used to remediate the mine site aswell. It's not cheap to close a mine in this day and age.

19-10-2020, 02:16 PM
Is it too dangerous to even buy at .001
That is the level I would consider to get back in.

It has to now be a matter of time.
Can they hang in long enough to find a buyer of rocks or the mine itself, before they run out of money.

The writing on the tunnel walls is clearly that they don't have the money and time to get a gold processing plant operating themselves, in any form or fashion.

Potential for total bankruptcy and zero return on funds invested by shareholders is now real in my mind.

You're spot on Bluemanarc. I'm gobsmacked that people can still call this company an investment, but each to their own I guess.

I laugh when people post the "POG" on this thread because it means nothing. The only letter that could be changed is the middle letter to another vowel, which more than adequately describes this venture.
Pilot plant was a waste of time, effort and money.
Consents aren't in place.
Can't get any meaningful amounts of gold out.
Nowhere to process.
No one is going to appear on a magic carpet to make an offer to buy the mine.
JORC 'triple peer reviewed gold plated indicative document' was a waste of time. SP down since then and at the end of the day just another document to say there's high quality gold down there, but there it lies.
CEO nor management put any of their easy earned money into the last SPP. (They new aye??!!)
CEO hasn't confirmed or denied his involvement with trolling on this forum. Disgraceful IMO.
All in all a sad state of affairs.
Money will soon run out, and another capital raise will be a disaster (even though NTL will call it a success :) and it will pay management wages for a bit longer)

This from over TWO years ago. (maybe technically correct, but really just taking the piss I reckon)

I'm really pleased for all those long term holders who have exited and mentioned that they have done so on this thread. Good luck to those too paralysed to exit, or still believe the NTL fairy tale.

19-10-2020, 03:29 PM
I laugh when people post the "POG" on this thread because it means nothing. The only letter that could be changed is the middle letter to another vowel, which more than adequately describes this venture.

What about changing the last letter to an "S"? That could work too..

19-10-2020, 08:22 PM
It is pretty early to be calling for capital raisings or bankruptcy

NTL still has 2.2M in the bank after spending 293K in the last reported quarter to June 2020. At that rate it will be one year before we get down to the last million dollars of cash. The two extracts below from the quarterly will have a material impact on what additional capital is required.

The two quotes from last quarterly below

“As announced last quarter discussions have commenced with a high profile NZ industry group and work is underway on the evaluation of the potential for a formal collaboration that could facilitate funding, delivery and operation of a joint processing plant as part of a broader industry offering. NTL is currently working on the modelling of volumes in line with the current Talisman mine plan and development of a broad commercial business model treating similar volumes. This will determine commercial drivers and allow further due diligence to continue.”

“Over the course of the next six months the company intends to lodge an application for full mining at Talisman and work has commenced on the initial gap analysis for application with the Council aimed at securing consent to mine following the end of the two year bulk sampling plan.”

Quarterly should be out before the end of October, so it will be interesting to see if they have made any progress.

Yes things could go pear shaped and we lose our “investment” but at the same time they could actually make progress and eventually produce some gold. I do not think NTL is a fairy tale, based on my own analysis do think there is a possible positive outcome and will be okay with the eventual outcome either way.

Motley Crew
20-10-2020, 12:31 AM
It is pretty early to be calling for capital raisings or bankruptcy

NTL still has 2.2M in the bank after spending 293K in the last reported quarter to June 2020. At that rate it will be one year before we get down to the last million dollars of cash. The two extracts below from the quarterly will have a material impact on what additional capital is required.

The two quotes from last quarterly below

“As announced last quarter discussions have commenced with a high profile NZ industry group and work is underway on the evaluation of the potential for a formal collaboration that could facilitate funding, delivery and operation of a joint processing plant as part of a broader industry offering. NTL is currently working on the modelling of volumes in line with the current Talisman mine plan and development of a broad commercial business model treating similar volumes. This will determine commercial drivers and allow further due diligence to continue.”

“Over the course of the next six months the company intends to lodge an application for full mining at Talisman and work has commenced on the initial gap analysis for application with the Council aimed at securing consent to mine following the end of the two year bulk sampling plan.”

Quarterly should be out before the end of October, so it will be interesting to see if they have made any progress.

Yes things could go pear shaped and we lose our “investment” but at the same time they could actually make progress and eventually produce some gold. I do not think NTL is a fairy tale, based on my own analysis do think there is a possible positive outcome and will be okay with the eventual outcome either way.

Good luck with all of that. Your entire Post wreaks of HOPE. Notice how all the statements made are futuristic and have always been that way. All the while, cash is being consumed at whatever rate - maybe at $300k per quarter the existing cash will last a bit longer, but "over the course of the next 6 months the company intends to lodge an application.........." Beyond that how long will it take to receive (or not) the green light to mine. More Time, More $$ consumed. Then the inevitable CR. 3 billion shares now, 4 billion on the horizon. SP languishes - how many NTL shareholders were sucked in by the 'loyalty share scheme' of 2019 / 2020. At .006 (including your loyalty shares) how much of a return did you achieve on holding for a year - maybe 5% at most. If you were lucky enough to sell at .007 or even .008 in July / August then well done on a decent gain, but volumes suggest not many did.
By continuing to pump out the 'futuristic hopeful messages', the company convinces the eternally hopeful brethren to keep the faith. That is the trap. There will be capital expenditure and wages and salaries to pay. More $$. More CR. Then something unexpected will crop up, a delay, a breakage, unexpected mine refurbishment for safety reasons........Look at the history. There are so many hurdles the company has to clear to even get to production, it will be years before anything substantial comes out of the hillside, if at all. All the while, what is the lost Opportunity Cost of leaving your 'investment' $$ in NTL.
If you want to take a look at a gold mine that is about to go places, take a look at MLL (AUS). Moving from minnow to Producer, with potentially over 1.3M oz gold in the Morila mine being purchased from AngloGold and Barrick. SP at 18c, cashflow positive immediately, and good prospects to self fund and find additional reserves. Where might the SP be in 2 years? A better bet to double your money than NTL right now.

Good luck with your NTL 'investment'.
Discl : Sold more on Oz market today at .006

20-10-2020, 09:58 AM
Probably not the best time to sell at the mo,the SP is so low they will need to do something positive to give it a bit of a boost before the next capital raise.Don't forget Matt is an old hand now at raising capital,it seems like, its probably the only thing he does well.

But of course this is just my opinion and do your own research please.

Motley Crew
20-10-2020, 10:38 AM
Probably not the best time to sell at the mo,the SP is so low they will need to do something positive to give it a bit of a boost before the next capital raise.Don't forget Matt is an old hand now at raising capital,it seems like, its probably the only thing he does well.

But of course this is just my opinion and do your own research please.

There was no SP boost last year when the 2019 CR was carried out. The only method to get shareholders interested was to offer the loyalty shares to be issued a year after the CR (subject to not selling shares taken up in the CR), which, if my memory serves me right would result in an average take up price of about .0057. With the current SP at .006, that is a very small return compared to what could have been achieved just about anywhere else in the market over the same time period. Hardly a reward at all for holding the shares for 16 months.

20-10-2020, 12:50 PM
There was no SP boost last year when the 2019 CR was carried out. The only method to get shareholders interested was to offer the loyalty shares to be issued a year after the CR (subject to not selling shares taken up in the CR), which, if my memory serves me right would result in an average take up price of about .0057. With the current SP at .006, that is a very small return compared to what could have been achieved just about anywhere else in the market over the same time period. Hardly a reward at all for holding the shares for 16 months.
The SP was .009 when the last SP was announced ,I like a lot of others sold out at .008 and .009 and bought back in at an average of .0065 then waited for the bonus shares.As I said before the SP is to low now,so expect a boost in the SP with some good news and then a capital raise.Or of course they might not need one,if they can crank up production.

20-10-2020, 02:03 PM
The SP was .009 when the last SP was announced ,I like a lot of others sold out at .008 and .009 and bought back in at an average of .0065 then waited for the bonus shares.As I said before the SP is to low now,so expect a boost in the SP with some good news and then a capital raise.Or of course they might not need one,if they can crank up production.
don't forget the $8 million dollars over 2 years on the pilot plant as part of bulk sampling...….(am ducking under table to avoid the obvious cow dung that will come my way)

20-10-2020, 04:22 PM
Oh yes, the much vaunted pilot plant, the one that never flew, the one based on hot air, the one that with the exception of the centrifuge, could have been cobbled together with a couple of old bathtubs and tables from the demolition yard for $250.

Only a space cadet could have dreamt up & costed that one..

20-10-2020, 04:36 PM
They misspelt pilot, they meant pile it down the dump!

20-10-2020, 04:39 PM
Meanwhile, in the real world, the ASX has been happily paying a 8-9% premium to the NZX the last few days.

20-10-2020, 04:51 PM
No doubt Matt will use up a bit of shareholder funds to patent his pilot plant, as it was patently useless!

20-10-2020, 04:55 PM
I see someone has placed a buy for 5m Shares at .001 with a speculative punt.

Motley Crew
22-10-2020, 02:02 AM
The SP was .009 when the last SP was announced ,I like a lot of others sold out at .008 and .009 and bought back in at an average of .0065 then waited for the bonus shares.As I said before the SP is to low now,so expect a boost in the SP with some good news and then a capital raise.Or of course they might not need one,if they can crank up production.

Every time the SP pokes its head above the waterline, Matt clobbers it with another CR. A few years ago (2017 ?) when the SP hit 2.7 - 2.8c, in what looked like the company getting up off the canvas, Matt smacked it back down again with a CR priced at 2.2c. The price fell immediately, as it always does, to the level of the CR price, only it kept heading south because 'investors' didn't believe the funds would be utilised efficiently. It was just the same old same old - cashing in on a higher SP. That CR wasn't a resounding success because the 3:1 issue the previous year was still fresh in many 'investors' minds.
In terms of 'cranking up production' - there currently is no production to 'crank up'. If there was some sign of production then maybe the company could self fund itself - but as I have mentioned previously (and others have eluded to as Matt doing 'what Matt does best'), the directors find it far easier to shoulder tap shareholders for funds than having to actually mine the supposed yellow stuff in the mine. It's about time they did produce some gold from the mine, but the only mining they seem to know best is 'mining' in shareholder's pockets - for investor brass, not gold. You might like to call it "Fool's Gold" !

Motley Crew
22-10-2020, 02:08 AM
Meanwhile, in the real world, the ASX has been happily paying a 8-9% premium to the NZX the last few days.

Yes I have taken advantage of that to raise funds for MLL which is up about 40% in the last couple of weeks - that equates to A$0.0084 in NTL terms (NZ$0.009). Anyone see that SP going through recently ? The longer you stick with NTL the further behind the market you become = Opportunity Cost, or in this case = The Cost of Lost Opportunity

Motley Crew
22-10-2020, 02:21 AM
don't forget the $8 million dollars over 2 years on the pilot plant as part of bulk sampling...….(am ducking under table to avoid the obvious cow dung that will come my way)

And this is exactly the gross inefficiency (I am tempted to call it something else that would be far more accurate) with the use of funds that other junior miners would not allow. $8m to many small explorers is a gold mine in itself, and enough for them to do some serious sniffing around. But our NTL finds it all too easy to get shareholders to reach into their pockets and hand over the dosh. Trouble is, how many 'investors' are sitting on the sidelines waiting for the SP to crack .01+ so that they can sell out. There will be a mountain of resistance to the SP reaching any spectacular heights from now on, with an ever increasing number of shares on issue. And Matt will get in first with a CR before the SP is allowed to get too high. The only remaining avenue will be to lop a couple of 0's off the issued capital with a consolidation, with a dramatic loss of value to all shareholders at the time, but a new base platform for Matt to start a fresh round of CR's and no doubt pull a fresh crop of suckers into the fray.
Am I being too cynical. I think not.

22-10-2020, 09:55 AM
Well said MC. I invested 4 years ago and gave myself 3 years to find the gold.
Sold out over the last 3 months and like you invested in a couple of Aussie miners and starting to recover my lost opportunities and money.
NTG are highway robbers.

22-10-2020, 09:59 AM
https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by ziggy415 https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?p=851299#post851299)
don't forget the $8 million dollars over 2 years on the pilot plant as part of bulk sampling...….(am ducking under table to avoid the obvious cow dung that will come my way)
Am I being too cynical. I think not.[/QUOTE]
Yes you are a tad cynical which is your right,but please don't believe everything that is posted here is gospel.Where on earth does ziggy415 comes up with his facts! For the year ended Mar2018 NTL paid out a total of $1.575mil,on development costs and for year ended Mar2019 $2.487mil.
A simple look at the books would show they have never had $8mil to spend on a pilot plant!

22-10-2020, 10:48 AM
https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by ziggy415 https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?p=851299#post851299)
don't forget the $8 million dollars over 2 years on the pilot plant as part of bulk sampling...….(am ducking under table to avoid the obvious cow dung that will come my way)
Am I being too cynical. I think not.
Yes you are a tad cynical which is your right,but please don't believe everything that is posted here is gospel.Where on earth does ziggy415 comes up with his facts! For the year ended Mar2018 NTL paid out a total of $1.575mil,on development costs and for year ended Mar2019 $2.487mil.
A simple look at the books would show they have never had $8mil to spend on a pilot plant![/QUOTE]

22-10-2020, 11:27 AM
Yes you are a tad cynical which is your right,but please don't believe everything that is posted here is gospel.Where on earth does ziggy415 comes up with his facts! For the year ended Mar2018 NTL paid out a total of $1.575mil,on development costs and for year ended Mar2019 $2.487mil.
A simple look at the books would show they have never had $8mil to spend on a pilot plant!
Sorry Ziggy I thought you were talking about the cost of the pilot plant!

Motley Crew
22-10-2020, 12:00 PM
Sorry Ziggy I thought you were talking about the cost of the pilot plant![/QUOTE]

Hi Steve. Fair point. But I think regardless of the actual $$ raised and spent, NTL has shown itself to be a highly inefficient user of capital. If I had the time I would go back 10+ years and work out exactly how much they have raised through CR. And then you would compare that to the time spent 'refurbishing' the mine and 'refurbishing' the CEO's pocket against the anticipated eventual payback in terms of gold extracted. The equation keeps getting worse with every successive CR. At current gold prices I think the net proceeds per Oz of gold is about US$650. Estimated reserves (if they can get them all proven and out of the ground) is about 400,000 Oz (?) - so not a huge amount compared to what is available offshore = US$260m. But realising all of that (or any of that) still seems a very long way off. That equates to about 9.3cps US (=NZ14c) based on 2.8b shares on issue at present. There will be more shares issued yet, and it will be many years before any substantial returns are generated, and probably nowhere near the net value of US$260m will be realised - unless the gold price goes up to the much vaunted $10k per Oz that keeps being bandied about.
Have any of us got that kind of patience when there are so many better opportunities out there, Right Now. Take a look at the MLL chart and tell me what's not to like about that. Up 6/16c in recent days with a big mine purchase and plenty of unexplored potential. Saved themselves $300m capex having to build a mine from scratch.

22-10-2020, 02:05 PM
The valiant battle on the ping pong table continues.

Mr .6c has only 8M strokes left, against Mr .7c with 77+ M strokes to unleash.

Mr .1c waiting in the wings is warming up, and on current progress, could be in the match soon.

All this while the POG is strong.

22-10-2020, 06:19 PM
Not sure whether to laugh or cry at this ongoing pitiful NTL saga ...

but looking at the US Listed Canadian based KINROSS GOLD CORP (KGL) gives very good indication of
what a successful Gold producing Company looks like ;)

Hey - they have even paid a dividend this month ..

23-10-2020, 10:24 AM
Quarterly due by next Friday. Am expecting results on Mystery blast and progress around a processor. Am guessing they have waited to see how the cards fell with respect to the Greens. Generally favourable in that regard.

23-10-2020, 10:57 AM
Anything material (a low bar now for NTL?) should have been announced in the quarter, so I'm not expecting anything big in this report. Political parties are irrelevant. Regulatory environment hasn't changed in years, including at the local level.

29-10-2020, 04:53 PM
Im bemused following the SP - VWAP stuck at $0.006, but closing price half the time (over the past few weeks) is $0.007. Just the way of the market, and normal with sharsies bringing small players to the market.

Had a mate ask whether he should buy in - my recommendation was to hold as downward pressure on price seems the trend.

Hoping the quarterly lifts things.

30-10-2020, 03:02 PM
You reckon they will release today or blame COVID?

30-10-2020, 03:58 PM
Quarterly due by next Friday. Am expecting results on Mystery blast and progress around a processor. Am guessing they have waited to see how the cards fell with respect to the Greens. Generally favourable in that regard.

Zero progress on both.

30-10-2020, 04:10 PM
Looks like they have all had a 3 month holiday on us!

30-10-2020, 04:22 PM
Beyond a joke

30-10-2020, 04:27 PM
BUY IN? are you joking? seriously who would buy into this? youd have to be completely bonkers!

30-10-2020, 05:31 PM
Looks like they have all had a 3 month holiday on us!

Hopefully Directors Fees & the sleeping Top Brass's Salaries will not be being drawn for the three months as well ;)

The resident Wild Life around the Mine has probably been more productive in the 3 months than NTL have been
for most of the whole year .. ;)

30-10-2020, 05:39 PM
Oh what's this:



Quarterly Crashflow & Quarterly Sleeping Activities for the Quarter

SP seems a bit volatile - LOW 0.005 this arbo HIGH 0.007

Did someone see something they liked just before closing for 0.007 to be reached ? ;)

More CASH BURN Reported

Opening Cash $ 2.212 K
Closing Cash $ 1.870 K

How long will that last & what will that buy ?

All the new processing plant, or just the concrete pads to put it on in the distant future ? ;)

30-10-2020, 05:52 PM
- Interesting news about Rahu though; some green shoots of interest there maybe, when all was given up.
- A worry that the replacement director might come from 'in-house'. That isn't what is needed, although perhaps is cheaper?
- A bigger worry is the total lack of information on processing options and progress

30-10-2020, 06:29 PM
- Interesting news about Rahu though; some green shoots of interest there maybe, when all was given up.
- A worry that the replacement director might come from 'in-house'. That isn't what is needed, although perhaps is cheaper?
- A bigger worry is the total lack of information on processing options and progress

The comments about Rahu are probably just spin like most of the Statements they have made in the past. They never do what they say they will do. There is absolutely nothing in the report that is remotely positive.

30-10-2020, 08:27 PM
Why is this company doing quarterly updates when nothing has happened within that time frame? Wanting to burn more cash preparing the report?

30-10-2020, 09:04 PM
NTL is a disgrace. All hui but no dui. Hill needs to step down and let somebody with a bit of nouce step in and take NTL to the next level. Unfortunately, Matthew Hill is not the answer.

Motley Crew
31-10-2020, 02:17 PM
The comments about Rahu are probably just spin like most of the Statements they have made in the past. They never do what they say they will do. There is absolutely nothing in the report that is remotely positive.

Absolutely. I have nothing more to add that any of my previous comments have already said.
No surprises in the total lack of action and continued excuses.
Note under 'Strategic Review' that after the first review of the overall business and current mine plan has been completed, the Board will then perform a review of the Current Strategic Direction of the company (Board Strategy Review), to be followed by a detailed outline of the project plan and strategic direction of the business to be provided to shareholders. YAWN !!
REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW. If they don't know where they are going by now, they never will. All the while this is soaking up the funds in the bank in readiness for the next CR............
Get out while the going is good. There is no positive spin in any of this.

31-10-2020, 04:55 PM
the Dana Carvey Show....

Steve Carell

Das Motely Creeewwwww!

no insult to Motely Crew.

Dana Carvey...

Outraged , "they will neeeever get away with it..!!!!"

Mat Hill

"I think i will.... i think i will..." :scared: ...:t_up:

31-10-2020, 06:52 PM
Yeah Motley Crew and coy, why can’t they just move on. Boring.

31-10-2020, 07:41 PM
what DC boring ? neeveer hes killing em ..:D