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28-07-2020, 02:02 PM
Looks like it. In last half hour gold has gone up 14 dollars on top of the 100 dollars in the last few weeks. Something worldwide is afoot.

So it is for all of us to ask what would we do if we solely owned the mine.Well I for one would sit on it for a year. We have waited a long time now so what is another year with these fast moving events. This reminds me of an old farmer i used to know. He worked his farm for more than 50years and sold it for one million dollars. Six months later without ever farming it the new owner sold it for two million.

We are with gold on the crest of a wave. lets ride it. Matt your good at doing nothing so do nothing for another year. By then IMHO the world will be on a new gold standard,and from what I have been reading gold will have to be about $30,000 to balance the books.
To HELL with the short term do not sell now.
In the meantime keep your comments coming in about the company. We can be sure MATT reads them so he can have considered answere ready.
See you all at 11 am on the 6th August for the live broadcast.

Using your story above, the farmer sold for $1m and was happy with that at that moment in time, he didnt want to work it for another year I bet!. If I had a $ for everytime someone said if only I'd hung on to that house (or whatever) for another xx period of time, it would be worth more, it would pay for my NTL losses. People want to sell up their asset and get the money AT THE TIME not in 6 months/1 year/10 years etc. I dont want Matt Hill receiving $400k for sitting on his arse, I want him to do some bloody work, hard work please. Knuckle down and get it done. Its easy for some of you to say let it sit as you may be riding free on this, but I'm in the red and I'd like to see the money back sometime.

Frankly I'd just like to see some gold coming out of this mine sooner rather than later.

28-07-2020, 04:05 PM
I have no expertise in how many tonne a blast would loosen, but 2 containers a day is within the current truck movements. 60k per day positive cashflow. Remember they already have a few hundred tonne stockpiled.

As I've said several times before...the POG rise has fallen in our laps. The profitability of this mine has approximately doubled in the last 18 months or so.

From memory they were 10 tonne trucks so yes 2 x 20 tonne containers

There must be something we punters don’t know or understand as to why they are not mining because what you and Getty are proposing should be very obvious to the board and management.

One blast event per day could be an issue but it is more likely there is another more serious fish hook that we investors/punters do not know about

28-07-2020, 04:11 PM
From memory they were 10 tonne trucks so yes 2 x 20 tonne containers

There must be something we punters don’t know or understand as to why they are not mining because what you and Getty are proposing should be very obvious to the board and management.

One blast event per day could be an issue but it is more likely there is another more serious fish hook that we investors/punters do not know about

As I posted earlier, I suspect NTL is timing its run. They don't want to trigger the 2 year bulk sampling until they have their ducks lined up to apply for full consent, and further, don't want to be an election issue.

28-07-2020, 07:16 PM
As I posted earlier, I suspect NTL is timing its run. They don't want to trigger the 2 year bulk sampling until they have their ducks lined up to apply for full consent, and further, don't want to be an election issue.

Which election ? - 2028 ? or later than that ? ;)

It's not surprising that some may be thinking that while chapter has rolled on after chapter after successive Cap Raises Rights & other fancy money gathering tricks on top of earlier money gathering games, a tribe of tamed snails could have been trained up & have brought out more value in ore than NTL has managed to date .. ;)

there obviously isn't any problem in emptying the trough throughout the NTL corporate structure as has been well demonstrated over the decades, however the issue seems to be in performance and in generating results - that is the physical gold stuff on the table (not fancy reports revising earlier educated guesses of what may be there) .. After all the outfit isn't there solely for the purpose of the Incumbent brass holding fancy tea parties at varying depths down the mine on the back of the bucket of shareholder stumped up gold

The Ancient history of the mine back over 100 years ago seems to be pertinent reminder to current management on just how to put gold on the table - which the old miners did very successfully.

28-07-2020, 08:18 PM
steveb, time and time again people have panicked with little basis about an imminent cash raise. Time and time again I have pointed out 2+ million in the bank. Outgoings during lockdown other than the bill for the Peer Review should have been minimal. Strongly positive cashflow is achievable per a number of routes....most recently highlighted by Getty.

I get frustrated with posters determined to shoot us in the foot

$2.4m in the bank according to last annual report, excluding the spend on the peer review. That's about the same amount as the cash used in expenses over the last year. Someone else can do the maths about the proportion of expenses to management costs. Anyway, cash will run out soon. The AGM needs to clarify where cash is going to come from.

28-07-2020, 09:40 PM
I may have it sussed, now that elections have been mentioned.
i'll drop Matty a line, that he contact Shane Jones, for a wee $ 8 million contribution from the regional growth fund.

28-07-2020, 10:46 PM
Questions from the Quarterly Activities Report to 31 March 2020

The primary focus has been on delivering a production route for the Talisman ore following the completion of a majority of the testwork at the pilot plant. I would like to think they are very close/ if not have this route over the line for the AGM.
Question 1 – Please update us on this and if more than one option is still under review what is the process of making timely efficient decisions on this?
The testwork has informed the design of the larger plant with a minimum capacity of 300tpm and forms the basis for the consent. Potential site locations were reviewed which may give some flexibility in council and district plans the plant can operate under.
Question 2 – Can you please clarify how many more consents or applications are required before full production is achieved and what is the current turnaround time for these consents

Talisman Mine Plan
As announced previously the Life of Mine level design continues to be developed. Recent gold prices have risen to such an extent that the impact on the mine design and economic cut-off grade allows for a review of areas such as larger parts of the Woodstock zone which are likely to become economic at the current gold price. Question 3 – Is reviewing these possibilities a distraction to production or current waste of shareholder funds? If not please explain why. As they can be taken up at a later stage
The period saw the completion of the main operational plan which broadly sets out the developmental and infrastructure requirements needed to support the mine.
The work completed on the plan during the quarter and which will accompany an application for mining will assist the team to
• Identify options for exploitation of the orebody and risk/reward analysis to identify the option with the highest value outcome.
• Design flexible mining and engineering infrastructure required for the most favourable option,
• Adopt a long term mine development schedule and production profile.
The remaining work on the plan was used, as noted above, to identify areas, both within the bounds of the existing mine and the larger permit area, with the potential for economic ore deposits which can be readily accessed while restrictions and distancing measures are in place. Following the completion of the resource estimate review the plan will be further developed to exploit any areas within the resource which may not have been previously included.
Question 4 – Can we get a presentation during the AGM of the long term mine development schedule and production profile, main operational plan and the list of infrastructure required

At the same time evaluation of the potential for a collaboration on an independent processing operation is being undertaken which may provide an ability for an alternate funding structure to develop a plant for toll treatment by Talisman. More recently a series of discussions with a high-profile NZ industry group were advanced. The focus was on the potential for a formal collaboration that could facilitate funding, delivery, and operation of a joint processing plant as part of a broader industry offering. NTL is currently working on the delivery of a heads of agreement setting out the key criteria that would need to be met for the development of a Joint venture.
Question 5 – Please update us and provide more information on this

During the quarter, an independent planner was contracted to assess the impact of planned mining operations, which are broadly similar to those for which the operation is already consented, against the requirements of the Operative Hauraki District Plan. This assessment is complete and has identified a number of technical investigations that will be required to underpin the resource consent application.
Question 6 – Please clarify what the technical investigations are? And how you are progressing with these?

While much of the required information has been quantified through the underground rehabilitation, prospecting and test mining programme over the past 2.5 years, there are some aspects that need addressing by subject matter experts. Key individuals and groups with this expertise have been identified and cost estimates and their availability have been sought
Question 7 – I note you are bringing in a number of experts for different areas. I believe this is a good option have you given them a clear scope and list of deliverables and how is this been managed?
Question 8 – Has this been added to the schedule?

During the quarter, the company reviewed a number of opportunities of which a small NZ based project with an existing ML and resource was under review when Level 4 lockdown was 5 implemented. Any further work has had to be delayed until restrictions are at an end and the site can be accessed for field review.
See Question 3

29-07-2020, 07:50 AM
Definitely the right questions to ask Ltw. If these questions were asked of the company and we did not get adequate replies I for one would be reducing my shareholding further.

29-07-2020, 08:55 AM
Yes, I hope all shareholders appreciate the effort you have put into that Ltw, thank you

29-07-2020, 11:10 AM
Thanks LTW. These are the questions we need answers to. Will make sure Matt gets your post.Also send off to our largest shareholder for his thoughts. I have just under a 100 million shares,been through the mine twice ,so working together we should get some results.
Mind you I have not backed away from my post about the rising gold prices from as of two days ago.
Good to get many different ideas,so thanks all. As the virtual meeting is on the 6th August lets wind this thing up on the 4th so the best questions can to sent on to Matt

29-07-2020, 11:42 AM
Last night my wife and I attended the NZSA meeting in Hamilton of the Waikato branch.
Professor Neil Quigley gave a talk about the economy and the many uncertains surrounding it.He stressd that the Reserve Banks number one priorty was to keep the economy stable.
Mostly we were not impressed. To a question about printing money he assured us that Quantative Easing is not printing money . Convinced no-one. A rose by any other name......

Yesterday the gold price ran up from 1940 to 1985 then down to 1915. At the moment it is back up to 1957. I asked the question regarding yesterdays up and down. To me it looks like the worlds central banks [Fed] to sell down gold as it was rising too fast and would harm the stabilty of the dollar and western econimies. No he said they never do that. Great reply. This morning I read on KITCO that the reserve banks are more deeply in curency maniplication than at any other time. So in short Gold will go up but not so fast as to do harm to currency.
But it seems a rising gold price will do no harm to our economy only if we do not talk about it.

29-07-2020, 01:42 PM
Thanks LTW. These are the questions we need answers to. Will make sure Matt gets your post.Also send off to our largest shareholder for his thoughts. I have just under a 100 million shares,been through the mine twice ,so working together we should get some results.
Mind you I have not backed away from my post about the rising gold prices from as of two days ago.

Cheers Guys, it was getting late when i posted it and wasn't sure if it was going to make sense.
I completely understand what your saying in regards to the rising Gold price and the Gold in them Hills. I think Jonu mentioned something similar awhile back and it makes sense but also shows how under valued this stock is, once they get the product to market.
If all the consents and regulatory compliance was meet and it was a matter of pushing a button to start producing I think at that point your option would be very feasible as long as the POG outlook remained high. IMHO as this bullish run in gold continues we need to push hard to production and catch the crest of this wave to miss it will possibility be hard to recover from.
I must say people on here harper on about CR and the doom and gloom if there where to be another one. This is probably worthy of another Question.
However there has been hot debate on this (they will need / they wont need) What I can say and have researched it enough to know, there is a very large proportion of the top holders willing to support this mine to get it to market and that to me is a strong sign to stick this bad boy out.

29-07-2020, 02:15 PM
Leaving the gold in the ground would open the door for the mine to become a political casuality.We don't know what sort of policies might be enforced by future governments.Once the mine is in production political interference would become mute as there would be jobs at risk

29-07-2020, 02:18 PM
True true Steveb
This has to be a good thing: https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/national/panel-suggests-repeal-and-replace-for-resource-management-act/ar-BB17ivZY?ocid=msedgntp the RMA is such a cumbersome system the more people to get behind throwing it out the better.

29-07-2020, 02:31 PM
I see the price is up in aus to .008 with a very small turnover but we will take any positives!

29-07-2020, 03:39 PM
With the price of gold at all time highs, then by the law of averages, it has just as much chance of going down than up.
You reap crops while the sun is shining, if you leave it too long it turns into a drought.
Therefore I stay start harvesting now,rather than leave it in the ground.
Also, the past capital raisings would be rendered as false pretences if the gold is left in situ, as shareholders were investing for mining, not a gold storage scheme.

29-07-2020, 06:59 PM
SP on ASX and NZX the same, .008. Therefore NZ should be .009?Approximately 35 mil available on NZX @ .008 before moving to .009.

29-07-2020, 10:13 PM
Leaving the gold in the ground would open the door for the mine to become a political casuality.We don't know what sort of policies might be enforced by future governments.Once the mine is in production political interference would become mute as there would be jobs at risk

interesting point. Always something else to consider.

30-07-2020, 08:48 AM
This is a gold mining company and that’s what they should be doing not speculating on the price of gold.

30-07-2020, 09:10 AM
This is a gold mining company and that’s what they should be doing not speculating on the price of gold.

Gold explorer - yet to mine anything!!!

But maybe soon........

30-07-2020, 10:08 AM
Sooner rather than later, but not by NTL.
From my previous ad several days ago on this thread, I've recruited 8 burly blokes to do a nidnite raid on the mine, to get the pieces of 8.

We've even got our own chant..

Hi Ho, Hi Ho.
its off to work we go,
With a shovel and a pick,
And a lady in the nick,
Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho...

All we need now is a grumpy little wizened bloke to act as our cox/halfback.

Any volunteers or nominations?

30-07-2020, 02:43 PM
How many votes needed to oust him?

30-07-2020, 07:16 PM
How many votes needed to oust him?

are you talking about how a CEO can be ousted? maybe half of the directors voting to oust him?
i'm sure someone with more clue than i do will provide correct detail though

31-07-2020, 09:32 AM
Hoping for a quarterly report today full of details on milestones that have been met in the last three months

31-07-2020, 09:36 AM
How many votes needed to oust him?

Shareholders cannot oust a CEO. However pressure can be brought on the board by shareholders. The Board has the ability to oust a CEO.

Oliver Mander
31-07-2020, 09:51 AM
Shareholders cannot oust a CEO. However pressure can be brought on the board by shareholders. The Board has the ability to oust a CEO.

interesting that according to their respective LinkedIn profiles, the CEO and the Chair go waaaaay back...I get the impression that Matt worked for the Chair in a different organisation. Given that, I'd be surprised if the 'holding to account' element of good governance is applied in this case. I might be wrong.

disc: no holding, merely an interested bystander

31-07-2020, 09:52 AM
i doubt the other directors cares a gold nugget....

31-07-2020, 10:10 AM
So if the CEO resigns say he has been offered a better job elsewhere,where do we see the SP going,I suppose I am asking would the 190 sellers offering stock at .008 decide not to sell 0n the off chance that NTL find a more competent CEO?

31-07-2020, 10:55 AM
Hoping for a quarterly report today full of details on milestones that have been met in the last three months

Yeah, well its high time the shareholders are able to change the theme song from;
'Why are we waiting?' to
'Gold' by Spandau Ballet.

Some may prefer 'Take the money and run" by Bunny Walters...

31-07-2020, 11:05 AM
The Notorious B.I.G. - Mo Money Mo Problems

Though, I prefer Jerry Maguire

31-07-2020, 11:27 AM
Shareholders cannot oust a CEO. However pressure can be brought on the board by shareholders. The Board has the ability to oust a CEO.
I think that's correct, that the board appoints the CEO, but any shareholder could present a motion of no confidence at an agm (or a special), get it seconded and voted on. If that passed, I would think the board would have to oust him, (maybe not strictly speaking, I don't know.)
Too late for next week's meeting though. And I'm not sure there would be enough votes anyway.

31-07-2020, 02:57 PM
From the Quarterly...at the very end "Following on from the company’s announcement on 6 July 2020, the New Talisman Chairman arrangedfor a third party to review the comments publicly available, alleged by sharetrader.co.nz as beingmade by the company’s CEO on the sharetrader.co.nz site. Following that review, the company issatisfied that the poster has not disclosed any material information not already generally available tothe market."

I'm sorry but if this is all the comment and action we are getting from the board I now know which way I'll be voting next time their seats come up. The CEO of a publicly traded company allegedly engaging in this behavior is not acceptable plain and simple.

31-07-2020, 02:57 PM
Not with 30m of new voter support

31-07-2020, 03:00 PM
Well, after reading that quarterly, and not seeing 1 word about selling any gold, I've decided to activate my second team.

They are 8 recently divorced women, and are all highly experienced gold diggers!

31-07-2020, 03:04 PM
Hoping for a quarterly report today full of details on milestones that have been met in the last three months

Is it progress to draw some flow diagrams and thinking about drilling holes? Sorry, a bit flippant. More patience needed, but the reserves are getting very very low.

31-07-2020, 03:17 PM
"the market climate continues to support the accelerated development of the Talisman Gold Mine"

Far more talk about exploration than extraction for my liking.
Acceleration from 0 is still zero - well, as a percentage

31-07-2020, 03:28 PM
From the Quarterly...at the very end "Following on from the company’s announcement on 6 July 2020, the New Talisman Chairman arrangedfor a third party to review the comments publicly available, alleged by sharetrader.co.nz as beingmade by the company’s CEO on the sharetrader.co.nz site. Following that review, the company issatisfied that the poster has not disclosed any material information not already generally available tothe market."

I'm sorry but if this is all the comment and action we are getting from the board I now know which way I'll be voting next time their seats come up. The CEO of a publicly traded company allegedly engaging in this behavior is not acceptable plain and simple.

So sharetrader alleged it was the CEO, but NTL dont confirm this, instead they say it was all public knowledge.
Cloak and dagger stuff still, just come out and say it.

31-07-2020, 03:29 PM
Note made in diary for 2025.

Check it out, see if the exploration and planning is completed, see if the second hand "new" plant is close to installation, see who owns the mine.

Consider getting back in.

31-07-2020, 03:32 PM
Maybe they are keeping their powder dry for the AGM..........in 2025

31-07-2020, 04:29 PM
Questions from the Quarterly Activities Report to 31 March 2020

The primary focus has been on delivering a production route for the Talisman ore following the completion of a majority of the testwork at the pilot plant. I would like to think they are very close/ if not have this route over the line for the AGM.
Question 1 – Please update us on this and if more than one option is still under review what is the process of making timely efficient decisions on this?
The testwork has informed the design of the larger plant with a minimum capacity of 300tpm and forms the basis for the consent. Potential site locations were reviewed which may give some flexibility in council and district plans the plant can operate under.
Question 2 – Can you please clarify how many more consents or applications are required before full production is achieved and what is the current turnaround time for these consents

Talisman Mine Plan
As announced previously the Life of Mine level design continues to be developed. Recent gold prices have risen to such an extent that the impact on the mine design and economic cut-off grade allows for a review of areas such as larger parts of the Woodstock zone which are likely to become economic at the current gold price. Question 3 – Is reviewing these possibilities a distraction to production or current waste of shareholder funds? If not please explain why. As they can be taken up at a later stage
The period saw the completion of the main operational plan which broadly sets out the developmental and infrastructure requirements needed to support the mine.
The work completed on the plan during the quarter and which will accompany an application for mining will assist the team to
• Identify options for exploitation of the orebody and risk/reward analysis to identify the option with the highest value outcome.
• Design flexible mining and engineering infrastructure required for the most favourable option,
• Adopt a long term mine development schedule and production profile.
The remaining work on the plan was used, as noted above, to identify areas, both within the bounds of the existing mine and the larger permit area, with the potential for economic ore deposits which can be readily accessed while restrictions and distancing measures are in place. Following the completion of the resource estimate review the plan will be further developed to exploit any areas within the resource which may not have been previously included.
Question 4 – Can we get a presentation during the AGM of the long term mine development schedule and production profile, main operational plan and the list of infrastructure required

At the same time evaluation of the potential for a collaboration on an independent processing operation is being undertaken which may provide an ability for an alternate funding structure to develop a plant for toll treatment by Talisman. More recently a series of discussions with a high-profile NZ industry group were advanced. The focus was on the potential for a formal collaboration that could facilitate funding, delivery, and operation of a joint processing plant as part of a broader industry offering. NTL is currently working on the delivery of a heads of agreement setting out the key criteria that would need to be met for the development of a Joint venture.
Question 5 – Please update us and provide more information on this

During the quarter, an independent planner was contracted to assess the impact of planned mining operations, which are broadly similar to those for which the operation is already consented, against the requirements of the Operative Hauraki District Plan. This assessment is complete and has identified a number of technical investigations that will be required to underpin the resource consent application.
Question 6 – Please clarify what the technical investigations are? And how you are progressing with these?

While much of the required information has been quantified through the underground rehabilitation, prospecting and test mining programme over the past 2.5 years, there are some aspects that need addressing by subject matter experts. Key individuals and groups with this expertise have been identified and cost estimates and their availability have been sought
Question 7 – I note you are bringing in a number of experts for different areas. I believe this is a good option have you given them a clear scope and list of deliverables and how is this been managed?
Question 8 – Has this been added to the schedule?

During the quarter, the company reviewed a number of opportunities of which a small NZ based project with an existing ML and resource was under review when Level 4 lockdown was 5 implemented. Any further work has had to be delayed until restrictions are at an end and the site can be accessed for field review.
See Question 3

After reading the activities report I can now say with total certainty that you will never get satisfactory answers to your questions Ltw.

31-07-2020, 04:33 PM
In the quarterly " . . . the comments publicly available, alleged by sharetrader.co.nz as being made by the company’s CEO on the sharetrader.co.nz site"

alleged! pah!

I see Vince is doubling down, not backing down, on this subject. He's changed the text on the NTL Holding area, just to make it clear . . . .

"NTL Holding area for posts made by Matt Hill of NTL under the usernames Bullish and Epithermal"

Well done Vince! No alleged there. Holding power to truth.

31-07-2020, 05:15 PM
I see that all the bids at 0.7c were taken out. An understandable reaction to the quarterly report.

Snow Leopard
31-07-2020, 05:24 PM
In the quarterly " . . . the comments publicly available, alleged by sharetrader.co.nz as being made by the company’s CEO on the sharetrader.co.nz site"

alleged! pah!

I see Vince is doubling down, not backing down, on this subject. He's changed the text on the NTL Holding area, just to make it clear . . . .

"NTL Holding area for posts made by Matt Hill of NTL under the usernames Bullish and Epithermal"

Well done Vince! No alleged there. Holding power to truth.

the quarterly continues:
"Following that review, the company is satisfied that the poster has not disclosed any material information not already generally available to the market. "

Which is an admission by omission that it was the the CEO.

31-07-2020, 05:31 PM
the quarterly continues:
"Following that review, the company is satisfied that the poster has not disclosed any material information not already generally available to the market. "

Which is an admission by omission that it was the the CEO.

Which really means that he needs to go. Just reprehensible in my opinion. The board if they do not get rid of him are complicit and no better. If I were holding, I would sell immediately.

31-07-2020, 05:44 PM
Which really means that he needs to go. Just reprehensible in my opinion. The board if they do not get rid of him are complicit and no better. If I were holding, I would sell immediately.

This what 'bullish' wrote on this thread in reply to another poster on the 30th June 2020, almost exactly a month ago:

"WOW WHAT A SMART INVESTOR YOU ARE ....or possibly a recipient of a fecal transplant..INVESTING BEFORE THE COMPANY LISTED.........1986 you say..............Any tips of stocks not listed yet that we can all invest in????

Its pretty easy to measure CR. Look at every prior CR and cash balance at time of raise........average that and it will give you a better idea than guesses as to likelihood and timing"

What a nasty piece of work 'bullish' is :t_down: :t_down: :t_down: :t_down: .

Even more ironic that 'bullish' talks about capital raises, when 'bullish' didn't participate in the last capital raise.
I guess 'bullish' knew it wasn't going to be the last capital raise NTL would need and 'bullish' would just be wasting his money.
Lots of smoke and mirrors with this company.

And for anyone who has got sick of reading ALL the contents of this NTL thread here's some more enlightened reading for NTL's predecessor.


Not many of those posters still around, their hopes and dreams gone along probably with their money.

01-08-2020, 01:00 AM
Is this still a gold mining company or has it become the reality TV show “Keeping up with the Kardashians”?

01-08-2020, 04:39 AM
Is this still a gold mining company or has it become the reality TV show “Keeping up with the Kardashians”?

you missed the bit about the regularly featuring "time for shareholders to feed the monkeys" sessions throughout the lengthy series ;)

I wonder what Peter Atkinson would say about the further progress achieved abeit still short of being able to slam any sort of gold stuff on the table (that hasn't come out of shareholders pockets)

Are there any examples in the Aussie Mining sector where progress has been slower than training up a troupe of tame snails and the whole job has taken on resemblance a slow moving gravy train lost in grandiose dreams of gold where Many have become confused on who's trying to fool who .. ?

01-08-2020, 06:42 AM
From the Quarterly...at the very end "Following on from the company’s announcement on 6 July 2020, the New Talisman Chairman arrangedfor a third party to review the comments publicly available, alleged by sharetrader.co.nz as beingmade by the company’s CEO on the sharetrader.co.nz site. Following that review, the company issatisfied that the poster has not disclosed any material information not already generally available tothe market."

I'm sorry but if this is all the comment and action we are getting from the board I now know which way I'll be voting next time their seats come up. The CEO of a publicly traded company allegedly engaging in this behavior is not acceptable plain and simple.

We have no idea who the 3rd party is. Probably a magic 8 ball.

Why aren’t the FMA involved here?

01-08-2020, 09:17 AM
Was that 1/4ly written by the Wolf of Cable St's boiler room?
Imagine the cynical smirk on his face as he wrote the 4th paragraph:-

"completed remobilizing to the site and reopening the mine", which is a fancy way of saying, we drove up and unlocked the gate.

Wow, what an achievement, cant have been much else happening in 3 months!!

They must be using a longdrop instead of a portaloo up at the hole in the Hill (its not a mine) otherwise the spin doctor would have penned:-
'Our state of the art sanitation plant has been conveyed to the site, GPS positioned in harmony with the environment, synchronised, re leveled, then completely sterilized, and commissioned.
All personel are delighted and relieved with the completion of this very important milestone in NTL's progress.'

02-08-2020, 08:57 AM
Sounds like Hill is staying. Im out.

No good being an investor in a company that you don't trust.

02-08-2020, 10:25 AM
Sounds like Hill is staying. Im out.

No good being an investor in a company that you don't trust.

Yes looks like he will be staying unless the FMA find that he has done something serious.

I am not out yet and will try to ride this out as NTL is only 5% of my portfolio. I pick 0.6 c and lower will be the new normal.Great pity in my opinion as the mine itself clearly has very good potential - rehabilitated and presumably ready to mine - the share price should be much higher than it is now. I have been in and out of this one since 2013. The mine has come a long way since heritage gold days but we still seem to be a long way off mining gold.

02-08-2020, 11:14 AM
you missed the bit about the regularly featuring "time for shareholders to feed the monkeys" sessions throughout the lengthy series ;)

I wonder what Peter Atkinson would say about the further progress achieved abeit still short of being able to slam any sort of gold stuff on the table (that hasn't come out of shareholders pockets)

Are there any examples in the Aussie Mining sector where progress has been slower than training up a troupe of tame snails and the whole job has taken on resemblance a slow moving gravy train lost in grandiose dreams of gold where Many have become confused on who's trying to fool who .. ?

I wonder what Rowan Atkinson would say about these has Beans!

I'm training up a group of Powellian snails I got from Pike River (dont tell DOC) who have since developed rheumatoid arthritis keeping pace with this mob!

Fools gold...

02-08-2020, 12:12 PM
Sounds like Hill is staying. Im out.

No good being an investor in a company that you don't trust.

This is a fair enough decision Rosco.

Everyone should make their own decisions, but personally I am still in. The overall objective for long term shareholders is to get to a fully operational mine, bulk sampling is a major milestone and will generate revenue but is not the final long-term goal.

Obviously, Matt should have declared who is was when posting on Sharetrader. As soon as I was aware of this issue, I personally reviewed all of the posts by “Bullish” and in my opinion I believe there was nothing posted that was not generally available to the market. My own conclusion is that Matt was posting to counter the other overly negative posters such as the protestors/ environmental activists (who also do not declare who they are). We all know there are posters on these sites with questionable motives when they post including a few here in the past few weeks.

Having talked to Matt in person on several occasions my personal view is that he is very qualified and competent to do this role and I would want to have a very real / named option to consider before I was looking for him to be replaced. Yes, this is progressing slower than we all want but it is extremely difficult to navigate everything we need to get to a full operational mine primarily due to political, RMA and other local council consent processes. I have personal experience in dealing with these, and it is far from straight forward or easy to navigate.

This is a speculative investment so individuals need to do their own risk and reward analysis. For me, worst case I lose everything I have invested in NTL, if they get bulk sampling started then I estimate at lease 3x the current share price and if they get to full mining it is more than 10x the current price.

Although my exposure is nothing like Digger and other large shareholders, along with my wife we hold >13M shares. This is after selling down recently to balance my overall portfolio and risk exposure. But at the end of the day, in the worst case I am prepared to lose all of this investment. If I change my mind then I will sell or my shares, I suggest this may be a good option for some other people posters here to consider, that is assuming they do actually own shares in NTL?

02-08-2020, 12:30 PM
Are you also prepared to keep tipping more in as the inevitable cap raises keep coming? Can you handle being diluted , many cant and against their intuition keep tipping more in to keep their %.No one likes crystallising a loss either, im still learning that one elsewhere.

02-08-2020, 01:37 PM
I will defer to your opinion of Matt, Chippie, despite his rude treatment of some posters.

However, 2 important facts remain;
NTL is not a greenfields start up co, but had 2 big headstarts;
Exploration data and test work from Heritage Gold. & An already dug shaft, to provide access, and sampling points underground.

In Aussie, some people just go fossicking in the weekend, and find gold nuggets, or other minerals.

After over 7 yrs of scratching around like headless chooks, I dont think it's unreasonable for shareholders to have expected some banked gold by now.

I also have had experience with councils & RM hearings, and it comes down to 2 things, time & money.
This co has had plenty of both.

02-08-2020, 01:37 PM
No, I put plenty in at the last one and at my maximum for a speculative share.

I am not 100% sure there will be another capital raise but if there is, I will need to be okay with being diluted.

They still have 2.2M in the bank after spending 293K last quarter. At that rate it will be one year before we get down to the last million dollars of cash. The two extracts below from the quarterly will have a material impact on what additional capital is required. In addition, at the AGM two years ago I think it was Charbel Nader who responded to a question on what is required to be able to get a bank loan. From memory (60% confidence) it was completion of the full mining plan along with the JORC 2012 estimate. This could be a good question to ask at the AGM on Friday to confirm.

The two quotes from quarterly below

“As announced last quarter discussions have commenced with a high profile NZ industry group and work is underway on the evaluation of the potential for a formal collaboration that could facilitate funding, delivery and operation of a joint processing plant as part of a broader industry offering. NTL is currently working on the modelling of volumes in line with the current Talisman mine plan and development of a broad commercial business model treating similar volumes. This will determine commercial drivers and allow further due diligence to continue.”

"Over the course of the next six months the company intends to lodge an application for full mining at Talisman and work has commenced on the initial gap analysis for application with the Council aimed at securing consent to mine following the end of the two year bulk sampling plan.”

02-08-2020, 01:40 PM
And yes I agree, I would feel a whole lot better if we had some banked gold by now. That is why I have sold down recently. This is the main question for the AGM and reasonable to expect some good answers

02-08-2020, 07:17 PM
Mr Hill, now I've got you on the Matt,
Stop acting like a goat looking for the greener grass.

As per yr quarterly, 3 mineable targets have already been identified, just pick one that has the best mix of g/t and accessability.and like the Nike ad, just do it!
All this resource proving up etc, Smells like current shareholders funds are being burnt up to create resource proof to a bigger outfit to come in & takeover from existing demoralised s/holders.
I dont think any current s/h gives a **** what other resources are there for the meantime.
They just want to get some cashflow from what is known, to get NTL on a self sufficient footing!
You know, like the sure footed goat!!

02-08-2020, 07:46 PM
Sometimes it feels so close, yet so far. So I'm not invested yet, prefer to see this go from explorer to producer.

I have a story that haunts (sorry if I've said this before) ... had 222,000 shares in a copper miner who did a 400:1 consolidation (yes 400!), ended up with about 555 shares worth f'all. It was a salutary lesson about how minor shareholders can get completely f'ked over by the majors. It's still worth f'all.

gltah, imo you need to exercise your combined shareholder rights and move this company in the direction to want it to go, or be subdued as a minor and risk being obliterated. The large holders will do whatever it takes to maximise their interests or minimise their losses ... at YOUR expense.

True story.

02-08-2020, 07:50 PM
mmm, you make us feel like lambs to the slaughter there Baa, but you are right.

02-08-2020, 08:09 PM
mmm, you make us feel like lambs to the slaughter there Baa, but you are right.

Well yes, but so far not for NTL. Just be wary, the key point of my message is that individually you are NOTHING, impotent, useless, unheard.

Collectively however, you are possibly OMNIPOTENT, you could force the direction of the company. It just takes a little bit of focus and organisation, bringing together a few of the mega-million shareholders and some of the tens of millions will follow, soon you'll have a voting force greater than the core who confound you presently.

Do the numbers, the registry is available to all shareholders. Do the numbers. Take control of your company and stop whining and complaining. You might see that this is destined to greatness, but you might find it is a thinly veiled charade, either way you will be informed and can act as a collective, far more powerful than your individual impotence.

Doing nothing but questioning or whining on a discussion group, with or without the gold digger, will get you absolutely NOWHERE.


02-08-2020, 08:25 PM
Sounds like Hill is staying.

Where did you see this, Rosco?

Chippie, the agm is Thursday 6th, not Friday.

Two US 'experts' see gold at US$15,000 an ounce by 2025.

02-08-2020, 10:29 PM
Where did you see this, Rosco?

Chippie, the agm is Thursday 6th, not Friday.

Two US 'experts' see gold at US$15,000 an ounce by 2025.

Im just assuming from the nature of the quarterly report that he is not being held accountable and has the support of the board.

03-08-2020, 09:24 AM
Have any of you approached the NZSA nzshareholders.co.nz for help and see if they are willing to go into bat for you? They do some good work and with their Proxy Voting Intentions, can hold quite a sway over companies that fail to perform adequately (from a governance perspective)

03-08-2020, 10:10 AM
Well yes, but so far not for NTL. Just be wary, the key point of my message is that individually you are NOTHING, impotent, useless, unheard.

Collectively however, you are possibly OMNIPOTENT, you could force the direction of the company. It just takes a little bit of focus and organisation, bringing together a few of the mega-million shareholders and some of the tens of millions will follow, soon you'll have a voting force greater than the core who confound you presently.

Do the numbers, the registry is available to all shareholders. Do the numbers. Take control of your company and stop whining and complaining. You might see that this is destined to greatness, but you might find it is a thinly veiled charade, either way you will be informed and can act as a collective, far more powerful than your individual impotence.

Doing nothing but questioning or whining on a discussion group, with or without the gold digger, will get you absolutely NOWHERE.


You give good counsel BAA.
Hopefully tho, it doesnt come to that.
I'm just making a simple plea to commonsense,
I see the $ 2m cash running out fast, and its time to produce some new cashflow while we are still in the black.
If we can get NTL self funding, then the SP will go up , benefitting all s/holders, incl Matt,
This is a public forum, which seems a better way to share the logic with other s/holders, and give them a chance to respond, incl a spokesperson from NTL..
Many movers & shakers on the register will privately agree with me, but unfortunately wont pitch in, because their ego stops them from being associated with an underperforming co.
When/if we extract the 1000g/t paydirt tho, we wont be able to shut them up!
Human nature eh?
If there is an agenda I cant see, I welcome all critics, as well as supporters.

Ltw is doing good work, compiling Questions for the meeting.

03-08-2020, 12:27 PM
Have any of you approached the NZSA nzshareholders.co.nz for help and see if they are willing to go into bat for you? They do some good work and with their Proxy Voting Intentions, can hold quite a sway over companies that fail to perform adequately (from a governance perspective)

I am pleased to see NZSA are taking an interest blackcap


03-08-2020, 01:16 PM
My application to attend the online AGM is still pending. Anyone else have success?

Paint it Black
03-08-2020, 02:57 PM
My application to attend the online AGM is still pending. Anyone else have success?

I've registered OK without difficulty. You could email jane@newtalisman.co.nz if you continue to have a problem registering.

03-08-2020, 02:57 PM
My application to attend the online AGM is still pending. Anyone else have success?

I just registered. Got a reply confirmation email within 5 minutes.

03-08-2020, 03:06 PM
Where do you register?


03-08-2020, 06:40 PM
I have never been at an online discussion before so while I am registered what does that mean. Tomorrow I will email Jane and ask for a prerun just so we do not end with a big balls up. I have not yet voted and will not do so until I am happy with the outcome. So far I have not a clue what to do. Is this somehow related to Skype which I do often with my son in Hong Kong//

03-08-2020, 07:19 PM
You might find it necessary to download Zoom and then log in to join a meeting

03-08-2020, 07:57 PM
You might find it necessary to download Zoom and then log in to join a meeting

clear as mud. How do you download Zoom. If so then NTL should be telling us how to do it. As I said I will be asking Jane tomorrow how this is to be done. I can hardly believe I am the only one wanting to know.

03-08-2020, 09:12 PM
clear as mud. How do you download Zoom. If so then NTL should be telling us how to do it. As I said I will be asking Jane tomorrow how this is to be done. I can hardly believe I am the only one wanting to know.

When you click the link you will get a popup asking you to download and run a program, this will install zoom. Once done, the web page will show a link saying click here to join the webinar once zoom is installed - click it to join.

If you dont want to install zoom and just view it in a browser window, you should see a smaller link on the same webpage saying something like click here to join with your browser.

Zoom makes it very easy and provided you click the link they send you to join, at the time of the meeting, you will need to try hard to not be able to make it work within a few mins.

If you get stuck - just close the web page and click the link they email you to try join again from scratch

04-08-2020, 12:31 AM
Is this somehow related to Skype which I do often with my son in Hong Kong//

It is similar in the sense that it is live video interaction with others. IF you've worked Skype this will be easy enough.

04-08-2020, 09:27 AM
Cynical, but

If NTL are true to form, this will be a free zoom session and cut out after the mandatory 40 minutes - "oh dear, we seem to have lost our connection, no time for questions".

Looking forward to it.

04-08-2020, 02:14 PM
Cynical, but

If NTL are true to form, this will be a free zoom session and cut out after the mandatory 40 minutes - "oh dear, we seem to have lost our connection, no time for questions".

Looking forward to it.
that wouldnt surprise me. I dont think I'll be zooming in for this, but someone should ttell them to stay on the line, as you can rejoin the original zoom call after it chucks you out.

04-08-2020, 03:25 PM
I found the quarterly very disappointing - six months into 2020 and what have we achieved?? reading the last quarter and this latest quarter not a lot.

Here is a few more questions to ponder:
During the quarter the company received an estimate for drilling the Mystery as part of the development program being costed alongside vein development at the Mystery face as previously announced.
Question - Is this drilling assisting with the progress to production or are we just drilling to increase the resource?

Terra Firma have now commenced the preparatory planning work including procuring consumables for the commencement of blasting the drive forward of the Mystery Vein.
Wasn’t it reported last quarter that as we went into lockdown they were about to push the button!! - so not a lot of progress on the cold face then.....

From a financial perspective with the additional cost cutting measures, the quarter resulted in expenditure of NZ$290k and cash at the end of the quarter of NZ$2.2m.
Question - Can you please provide us with details of these additional cost cutting measures are?

Maintaining cash through reduced capital and operating expenditure while completing activities which add to the gold resources and/or provide further stockpiled paydirt are the near-term objectives while the processing route is secured.
This one sentence frustrated me and got me rather worried.

Maintaining cash through reduced capital and operating expenditure - is this to insure we have enough cash to pay wages/salaries while reducing the spend to get us to production?
Add to the Gold resources – Now come on, how long now have we been adding to the resources while another year goes past and our money in the bank dwindles away. One report says wow look we have heaps of Gold in them the next is talking about let find some more. Are we saying it’s easier to find Gold than produce??
Processing route - We have been chasing a processing route for some time now, what are the challenges? What’s holding it up? They need to be very clear on this one. Is it that it just cant be processed efficiently

Focus – While we are getting so close to the line we seam to have started to lose focus or change direction each time this happens it costs us this has to stop. Make a plan and stick to it.

04-08-2020, 05:03 PM
Plan? replan? change plan? a better newer plan, until recycled is an old plan thats a new plan.....plan to have a new plan... which is a newer plan of a revised plan that was an old plan... plans for plans... new old and future plans derived from past plans....its a master class in planning...:confused:

04-08-2020, 06:07 PM
I found the quarterly very disappointing - six months into 2020 and what have we achieved?? reading the last quarter and this latest quarter not a lot.

Here is a few more questions to ponder:
During the quarter the company received an estimate for drilling the Mystery as part of the development program being costed alongside vein development at the Mystery face as previously announced.
Question - Is this drilling assisting with the progress to production or are we just drilling to increase the resource?

. [/B]

I cannot answer all your questions, but the extract below from the quarterly indicates that Mystery is the focus for the near term bulk sampling. This is the right time to get these questions to NTL before the AGM though.

"It is possible that production from the Mystery vein will play an increasingly important role in the mine’s overall production profile so it is important to consider the placement of critical infrastructure so that both the Maria and Mystery veins can be mined concurrently without duplicating access and ventilation systems.
In parallel with this process NTL is planning to focus initially on the Mystery vein for its near term bulk sample ore."

04-08-2020, 06:12 PM
Plan? replan? change plan? a better newer plan, until recycled is an old plan thats a new plan.....plan to have a new plan... which is a newer plan of a revised plan that was an old plan... plans for plans... new old and future plans derived from past plans....its a master class in planning...:confused:

if the plan is/was to continue to be paid a lot of money for doing and delivering nothing, then when funds run low simply returning to the bank of suckers via capital raise to continue to be paid a lot of money for doing and delivering nothing...


they've planned well for a reasonably long time now

04-08-2020, 06:52 PM
Excellent work #5828 Ltw.

I'm sure you speak for every independent shareholder.

A broker put out a report NTL is funded for next 2 years.
Unless the intent is to stutter along doing nothing.
Matt will chew up $800k of that alone.

The company's entire FOCUS from today onwards should be page 2 Talisman plant.
Either buy a second hand plant in full with part of our $ 2m if possible, or put down a deposit , with balance vendor financed.
OR follow the 'High profile NZ group' offering.
I get the inference we will have to put money into that, it will take longer to eventuate, & we wont have control.
I would still settle for it if means we finally pull our finger from our bum!

If either of those cant be done near term, then send our best ore & concentrate to wherever it needs to go for toll treatment.

If thats not possible, then tell the s/holders why not?

04-08-2020, 09:08 PM
"they've planned well for a reasonably long time now"

give that man a gold nugget...

04-08-2020, 09:16 PM
that man deserves a DB, - Gold.

04-08-2020, 11:04 PM
Excellent work #5828 Ltw.

I'm sure you speak for every independent shareholder.

A broker put out a report NTL is funded for next 2 years.
Unless the intent is to stutter along doing nothing.
Matt will chew up $800k of that alone.

The company's entire FOCUS from today onwards should be page 2 Talisman plant.
Either buy a second hand plant in full with part of our $ 2m if possible, or put down a deposit , with balance vendor financed.
OR follow the 'High profile NZ group' offering.
I get the inference we will have to put money into that, it will take longer to eventuate, & we wont have control.
I would still settle for it if means we finally pull our finger from our bum!

If either of those cant be done near term, then send our best ore & concentrate to wherever it needs to go for toll treatment.

If thats not possible, then tell the s/holders why not?

Agreed mate.
however one slight correction Matt is currently on $320k a year $1230 a day, $824 a day after tax. :scared:
I’d recently increased my holding by another million after that quarterly I sold it.
i expected the SP to take a lot more of a battering after that and I’m pleased to see it’s holding up well but I expect the AGM will either give it some confidence or shoot it in the foot.
In the past when managing some large projects you tend to shout from the roof when all is well and hold your cards close when things aren’t so good or your’ve just Ducked up.
There hasn’t been a lot to shout from the roof about and Matt has recently duck up but it’s the lack of real progress that is concerning me the most.
They have a chance to address the issues at hand at the AGM and give us confidence they can handle it and work their way out of it with a defined plan to production and not this bouncing around achieving very little. If not IMO Matt needs to half his salary bring in someone to manage it into production while he focuses on finding more of the shiny stuff.

05-08-2020, 06:48 AM
Did anybody receive the log in details (log in ID and password or code) for the webinar yet. I registered a few days ago, but did not receive any communication from the company so far.

05-08-2020, 09:13 AM
Gold over $2000/ oz $3000/oz Kiwi last night, the synic in me says the fish heads are playing this game to perfection, ( keeping the gold in the ground while it appreciates), but that can go on for so long, imo once they start to dig it out this will be a barn burner of a stock !!

05-08-2020, 12:41 PM
Just before the commencement of meeting when you log in you will see it there simply click to "join a meeting" If you don't ask to attend you will not get the invite.

05-08-2020, 01:31 PM
Gold over $2000/ oz $3000/oz Kiwi last night, the synic in me says the fish heads are playing this game to perfection, ( keeping the gold in the ground while it appreciates), but that can go on for so long, imo once they start to dig it out this will be a barn burner of a stock !!

I agree, could be a 5-10 bagger, just we have no idea when "once they start to dig it out" will be. Long line of failed/misleading/non-commital timelines over the years.

We wait patiently.

05-08-2020, 02:42 PM
Could also go bust. One of my fears if NTL takes a bank loan.

05-08-2020, 02:46 PM
I find it very amusing that all the doom and groomers have disappeared or all of a sudden gone very quiet am i missing something? or where they just down rampers?
and here I was banded for leading, ramping bla bla etc.

I hope there is some good news and clarity shared tomorrow.

05-08-2020, 02:59 PM
I find it very amusing that all the hypers and promoters have disappeared or all of a sudden gone very quiet am i missing something? or was Jonu just an up ramper?

Fixed that for you

05-08-2020, 03:04 PM
POG as high as US$2031 in last 24 hours = ALL TIME HIGH.

NTL VWAP .71cent.

Aussie goldies been racing ahead.

Conclusion, Mr Market does not see NTL & its reserves as a proxy for the price of gold.
= no reason to delay production.

05-08-2020, 03:23 PM
I reckon the price of gold is almost inconsequential at this stage.

Does anyone think that any mining will be going on here in the next 2-3 years?? Could be back down by the time anything digging happens.

05-08-2020, 03:28 PM
Hence all my politicking to get production started.
I still have faith good things can happen to this co, but the time to act is NOW!!!

05-08-2020, 03:33 PM
We already have a stockpile and some concentrate, cash it up to fund the co's progress, not stagnation!

05-08-2020, 03:33 PM
POG as high as US$2031 in last 24 hours = ALL TIME HIGH.

NTL VWAP .71cent.

Aussie goldies been racing ahead.

Conclusion, Mr Market does not see NTL & its reserves as a proxy for the price of gold.
= no reason to delay production.

Not far Wrong -- The way many & the Market are reading it is -

THE POG IG @ NTL = Something very different (if & when it happens)

05-08-2020, 03:37 PM
I reckon the price of gold is almost inconsequential at this stage.

Does anyone think that any mining will be going on here in the next 2-3 years?? Could be back down by the time anything digging happens.

Someone may have to consult with the tame Snails parked up at the bottom of the Shaft, on whether they have seen anything inspiring ..

05-08-2020, 04:38 PM
Does anyone think that any mining will be going on here in the next 2-3 years?? Could be back down by the time anything digging happens.

Based on the following extracts from the last quarterly, I am hoping bulk samplings starts before end of October. With the full mining application submitted by December, which may result in full mining within 2 years. Although based on the comment below it looks like there is a risk that it could take more than 2 years for approval?

“Over the course of the next six months the company intends to lodge an application for full mining at Talisman and work has commenced on the initial gap analysis for application with the Council aimed at securing consent to mine following the end of the two year bulk sampling plan”

“In parallel with this process NTL is planning to focus initially on the Mystery vein for its near term bulk sample ore.”

Jane from NTL said they have received a lot of questions for the AGM. Assuming Digger has passed questions on from here, then I would be amazed if the question on when they start bulk sampling is not answered due to Diggers substantial holding in NTL.

Fingers crossed for a good outcome tomorrow.

05-08-2020, 05:03 PM
Fixed that for you

To edit a quote from another poster ( especially when you don't highlight the editing) is a pretty low thing to do.

I have a positive outlook for NTL. I also have considerable skin in the game, in fact would go so far as to suggest Digger is the only regular poster to hold more than I do. I always give logical reasons for my optimism. I don't hide the fact that I am also frustrated by the slow progress.

The main reason I have resisted posting and responding to the normal array of ignorant and misinformed posts regularly found here, is that I can no longer be arsed. I am comfortable with my position and expect this to be a 3-5+ bagger from here. Responding to the tom, DICKs and harrys that post here, many who aren't even shareholders, or if they are, hold bugger all, is largely pointless.

There was general outrage over the supposed identity of Bullish. Fair enough. It would be interesting to have disclosure from all posters, so that their holdings and motivations were clear.

Discl. Longterm substantial holder.

05-08-2020, 07:22 PM
I sat through the PEB SGM this afternoon. Many questions from shareholders which were answered in considerable detail. Only one question was not answered because it was commercially sensitive.

I am hopeful that tomorrow we will get a similar performance from the NTL board.

05-08-2020, 08:41 PM
I have passed on to Jane the best of the sharetrader discussion for consideration. Also our largest shareholder has put in quite a few questions.. So if the linkup is successful tomorrow a lot of ground should be covered,--every reasonable question asked.
Hope the organisers of this online discussion have factored in that Protect Karangahake will try to highjack the proceeding in some way and have a counter action inplace in such an event happening.
The price of gold is still climbing. 2032 just now.

So lets bring on tomorrow

05-08-2020, 09:55 PM
To edit a quote from another poster ( especially when you don't highlight the editing) is a pretty low thing to do.

I have a positive outlook for NTL. I also have considerable skin in the game, in fact would go so far as to suggest Digger is the only regular poster to hold more than I do. I always give logical reasons for my optimism. I don't hide the fact that I am also frustrated by the slow progress.

The main reason I have resisted posting and responding to the normal array of ignorant and misinformed posts regularly found here, is that I can no longer be arsed. I am comfortable with my position and expect this to be a 3-5+ bagger from here. Responding to the tom, DICKs and harrys that post here, many who aren't even shareholders, or if they are, hold bugger all, is largely pointless.

There was general outrage over the supposed identity of Bullish. Fair enough. It would be interesting to have disclosure from all posters, so that their holdings and motivations were clear.

Discl. Longterm substantial holder.
Totally agree Jonu.
Given we where both banned for less I think Vince needs to sort this carry on out...

06-08-2020, 07:19 AM
I have passed on to Jane the best of the sharetrader discussion for consideration. Also our largest shareholder has put in quite a few questions.. So if the linkup is successful tomorrow a lot of ground should be covered,--every reasonable question asked.
Hope the organisers of this online discussion have factored in that Protect Karangahake will try to highjack the proceeding in some way and have a counter action inplace in such an event happening.
The price of gold is still climbing. 2032 just now.

So lets bring on tomorrow

Thanks for organising that digger - greatly appreciated by all I am sure.

06-08-2020, 07:37 AM
There was general outrage over the supposed identity of Bullish. Fair enough. It would be interesting to have disclosure from all posters, so that their holdings and motivations were clear.

Discl. Longterm substantial holder.

Many years ago I was the first one to get a company to post on sharetrader. That was through NZOG and the poster worked for the company. He acknowledged all post. We all knew who he was and it was all very informative and balanced out some of the crap you get on these sites. I think NTL should do a similar thing here on this NTL posting site. I fully agree that Bullish did not disclose any info that was not available anyways but that is not the point. The point is that misinformation and crap will be posted deleberate or otherwise that needs spoken out about. The unpleasent fact is that humans are not all logical and rubbish spoken often enough sticks with many people.
I susgest that NTL appoint a NTL facts poster,just as I got NZOG to do so many years ago.

06-08-2020, 08:59 AM
Just before the commencement of meeting when you log in you will see it there simply click to "join a meeting" If you don't ask to attend you will not get the invite.

Thank you, Swissboy. I got the code now.

06-08-2020, 09:18 AM
surely in there position they would even get the office staff if there are any to haul stuff from the coal face... im mean gold face... i mean seam? what ever they call the dirt place hole in the ground where the dust or rock is stored... i mean ah.. what ever the geo scientology experts call the mud where this stuff is sticking to the rocky strata underneath them there hills....

06-08-2020, 09:29 AM
I have tried to register for the AGM but no luck, any success out there ?

06-08-2020, 09:42 AM
yes did so this am,you need to go here:-


06-08-2020, 09:47 AM
yes did so this am,you need to go here:-


Did that twice but the page would not open !!

06-08-2020, 10:05 AM
It opened for me just now.

06-08-2020, 10:20 AM
Did that twice but the page would not open !!

Still no luch page comes up blank, what am I doing wrong ?

06-08-2020, 10:28 AM
I'm wondering if some kind person would be available to give digger help to get on the agm if he needs it. Via phone, perhaps. He says he's never done a zoom meeting before and some of you are having trouble getting on. I know I found it tricky the first time or two.

I would do this myself, but I'm going to be on the road or busy in town.

Could somebody PM him to swap phone numbers or something? Just a thought.

06-08-2020, 10:31 AM
Try clicking on this - registering and then following instructions https://newtalisman.onlineagm.co.uk/login

06-08-2020, 10:37 AM
Try clicking on this - registering and then following instructions https://newtalisman.onlineagm.co.uk/login

Have done numerous times but just will not open for me, looks like I will miss out on the live feed, dammmm !

06-08-2020, 10:38 AM
Works for me both in Edge and Chrome, maybe try one of these browsers

06-08-2020, 10:41 AM
It opened for me on Chrome
(Its not on zoom platform)

06-08-2020, 10:46 AM
Try using another device to log in on - your smartphone or another laptop - as it may be a block on the one that you're using....

06-08-2020, 10:52 AM
Clear your cookies. Or what works for me nine times out of ten: make a cup of tea while you restart your PC.

Carrying out a strategic review of the company over the next 3-4 months. Be good to know exactly when decisions would be annouced. This vagueness haunts the quarterlies too.

06-08-2020, 10:55 AM
There is a chairmans report on the NTL web page nothing exciting here atm, same old same old, good news is there is no C R atm!

06-08-2020, 10:57 AM
once you have registered, then click on the link in the confirmation email titled "Thank you for registering"

Then click on the link in this email which will take you to the webinar and also generate the login clode for you.

it worked for me using chrome

06-08-2020, 11:03 AM
Has this thing started. I am getting nowhere. Tells me i need to registra first. Done that about 10 times.then i need a code. In the process I now have two of them . My daughter has also tried and got another code.

By 11.10 will ring Jane who I have been emailing about my registering problem for the last two weeks.She says I am registered but the computer says I must to that first. Going round and round in a circle.
So if I do not get on would like a report of the meeting.

06-08-2020, 11:04 AM
It's now after 11am and my screen still just says that the New Talisman AGM will start shortly!

06-08-2020, 11:09 AM
I am connected but no sound

06-08-2020, 11:11 AM
Digger, did you get in
Once regsitered, you will need to login by entering you email address, then "Get code". Check you emails, and get the code and type in, then should get through

06-08-2020, 11:13 AM
Zoom has a facility to record meeting, hopefully they have so that those who miss out (I have to leave early) can watch and listen later.

11:13: Here comes bullish

06-08-2020, 11:13 AM
Has it actually started? I am logged in correctly but there is no video or sound.

06-08-2020, 11:14 AM
Digger, did you get in
Once regsitered, you will need to login by entering you email address, then "Get code". Check you emails, and get the code and type in, then should get through

Not a dog show. Did all that . It comes back and says invalid user name or password. Then we go round again in another circle. I now have four codes.

06-08-2020, 11:15 AM
Audio quality very poor during virtual meeting.

06-08-2020, 11:18 AM
Yes, its defenitely on and running.

06-08-2020, 11:19 AM
All working for me ...

06-08-2020, 11:31 AM
Ok - it was my work's firewall. I am all connected through my mobile now.

06-08-2020, 11:34 AM
There is an error in the link --- try copying this https:/newtalisman.onlineagm.co.uk/

06-08-2020, 11:36 AM
Hmmm. Has the CEO offered an apology for his behaviour yet?

06-08-2020, 11:41 AM
Wow what a joke

06-08-2020, 11:41 AM
ASM 45 minutes long

06-08-2020, 11:41 AM
That was nonsence --- I asked a number of questions that weren't answered and they were getting the questions because they answered one of them.

06-08-2020, 11:44 AM
As for Charbel's comment at the end there - if they commincated properly in the first place there wouldn't ne a need for other forums

06-08-2020, 11:45 AM
Well that didn't fill me with any confidence that gold was on its way out of the mine anytime soon...

06-08-2020, 11:46 AM
I still found it interesting though.They didn't come over as a bunch of cowboys,it would have been nice to ask questions from the floor,so hopefully they can have the meeting streamed next year from whatever venue is used,

06-08-2020, 11:49 AM
ahhh - that felt good...

Managed to offload just north of 3.7m shares off-loaded at .007 after that joke of an AGM....

Still holding far too many, but at least that was a start...

06-08-2020, 11:53 AM
It's cute how pleased the CEO was that the share price managed to stand still in a year where the price of gold increased by about 40%.

06-08-2020, 11:55 AM
ahhh - that felt good...

Managed to offload just north of 3.7m shares off-loaded at .007 after that joke of an AGM....

Still holding far too many, but at least that was a start...

I tried to reduce my holding by a further 1m at 0.7 but missed out. You were quicker off the mark. Will let it sit there for a while but after that meeting 0.6 c or lower will be the new normal.

06-08-2020, 12:02 PM
I tried to reduce my holding by a further 1m at 0.7 but missed out. You were quicker off the mark. Will let it sit there for a while but after that meeting 0.6 c or lower will be the new normal.

Sorry mate - you snooze, you lose... :-)

Unfortunately I agree with the 0.006 or lower.... at least until they get the consent for the processing plant, which I think they said they are just about ready to think about starting on the paperwork for or something like that....

06-08-2020, 12:09 PM
well from what I'm reading it sounds like the zoom agm was a dogs breakfast. They just dont want to front up do they. I hate this stock more and more everyday but i'm so far in the red I'll just have to stick it out for now. I've got more gold on my fingers than is ever coming out of this mine i think. I'm starting to feel sorry for Digger and Jonu with their significant holdings.

06-08-2020, 12:10 PM
Shareholders need to band together and get rid of the directors. Shareholders are those that vote directors onto a board. The directors then recruit a CEO. If enough shareholders get together you can easily get rid of directors if you think they are not governing properly.
Of note, the current CEO is also a director which is not best practice.

If anyone has concerns they should get in contact with the NZ shareholders association. They will go in to bat for you and as someone earlier pointed out, they have made a comment on their latest PVI (proxy voting intention) that they will ask the company to address the CEO and his commenting on here.

Time for some change at the top there. (disc, non holder but could be interested with better governance and leadership)

06-08-2020, 12:40 PM
well from what I'm reading it sounds like the zoom agm was a dogs breakfast. They just dont want to front up do they. I hate this stock more and more everyday but i'm so far in the red I'll just have to stick it out for now. I've got more gold on my fingers than is ever coming out of this mine i think. I'm starting to feel sorry for Digger and Jonu with their significant holdings.

I agree with all of that. I have got NTL down to 2.5% of my portfolio. I have taken a loss in so doing but the rest of my portfolio is quite good and it is in times like this it is best for a bloke to look at the wider picture than just NTL.

I will keep these shares and keep an eye on the company. I believe in the mine but after that meeting I do not have much faith that the current management can deliver. Closing the meeting after 45 mins really said it all. If the board and management get their act together and also buy some shares I will take up a more significant holding.

06-08-2020, 12:42 PM
Reminds me of "The Emperor's New Clothes"

Wake up people!

06-08-2020, 12:50 PM
So, what did I miss out on by not attending the UGLY BUG BALL?
now that you've had a chance to digest your lunch?

06-08-2020, 12:53 PM
I hope the club sandwiches were fresh, and the savouries warm...

06-08-2020, 01:03 PM
Reminds me of "The Emperor's New Clothes"

Wake up people!
sounds like you just woke up,where have you been for the last 10 years?

Welcome back

06-08-2020, 01:10 PM
Ugh. At the very least I guess they are hoping that this has put some closure on the recent shenanigans and will be hoping for a fresh start... They must know that they must deliver now!

06-08-2020, 01:12 PM
Wow oh wow!!!!! Just more of the same hopes and promises according to the posts of the people who tuned in.
Obviously there will be no gold coming out any time soon. The only thing coming out in due course will be yet another capital raise.

Well done to those that exited @ 0.007 this morning.

At last years AGM there was some black slurry on display that evidently contained some gold flecks. Did they have any virtual black slurry on display this year?
It's abysmal that NTL took the cowardly route by having a virtual AGM with questions forwarded beforehand and then selectively picked for a sanitised response.

Oh, and while I'm on here since 'bullish' got banned (about 5 weeks ago) he's been paid close to $40,000. Good to see he's taken a pay cut though. Probably the only positive to come out of this mornings meeting by the sound of it.

Still good reading if anyone's got time:

06-08-2020, 01:21 PM
The reason the meeting was virtual, is that they know when I attend co. meetings, I have a propensity to grab under performing and overpaid directors/CEO's by the scrotum, & give them a tweak.
For reasons I'm yet to fathom, they dont seem to like it!

06-08-2020, 01:33 PM
I'm genuinely interested in this. I believe the time has come.

What is the process for appointing the new board? Who is qualified to recruit/interview and appoint the new directors? What happens in the interim when there is effectively no board? How do you ensure the outgoing sacked directors don't throw a grenade over their shoulder on the way out the door?

Disc: holding close to 10M shares but at a decent average price (so not nearly as disgruntled as some...)

06-08-2020, 01:46 PM
Oh well - that was an interesting 2 year ride with NTL. I finally exited today due to my lack of confidence in the board or CEO at the AGM. I can now re-invest my funds somewhere they may actually give me a return. Farewell and good luck.

06-08-2020, 02:04 PM
Oh well - that was an interesting 2 year ride with NTL. I finally exited today due to my lack of confidence in the board or CEO at the AGM. I can now re-invest my funds somewhere they may actually give me a return. Farewell and good luck.

Good on you.
I posted the following post just before the last capital raise, when I also said "I just hope before anyone puts any more of their hard earned money into this 'rinse and repeat' company, they go back on this thread one year to 01 June 2018 and spend an hour reading. You owe it to yourself to do this at least!!!" [Post#4218]

Even top 20 holders get sick of NTL.

Likewise ...... I bought big at their .005 cap raising about 3 years ago ...... was a top 20 holder ...... but after all the cap raises finally sold the last at the start of this year ..... totally disenchanted!!

As I keep saying, there's lots of smoke and mirrors with this company.
GLTAH (I mean that too)

06-08-2020, 02:24 PM
Per the Companies Act 1993
121 Special meetings of shareholders

A special meeting of shareholders entitled to vote on an issue—(a)
may be called at any time by—(i)
the board; or

a person who is authorised by the constitution to call the meeting:

must be called by the board on the written request of shareholders holding shares carrying together not less than 5% of the voting rights entitled to be exercised on the issue.

156 Removal of directors(1)

Subject to the constitution of a company, a director of the company may be removed from office by ordinary resolution passed at a meeting called for the purpose or for purposes that include the removal of the director.


The notice of meeting must state that the purpose or a purpose of the meeting is the removal of the director.

06-08-2020, 03:32 PM
SO did the give any idea when they might start producing? 1 year, 5 years, or just silent on that???

06-08-2020, 04:08 PM
So the company mantra will still be;
"Wasted days and wasted nights" by Freddy Fender?

The shareholders are divided between;
"Don't go breaking my heart " by Elton John, or
"What is love, don't hurt me no more" by Haddaway?

06-08-2020, 04:23 PM
I just sold out aswell. Originally went in back in 2013 as my first ever share that I invested in.

I didn't have much in there but was an extremely frustrating stock to own. Feels good to be out.

06-08-2020, 05:03 PM
I would expect at the very least,that all the unanswered questions from the general meeting should be answered via the web site.If not I am sure we can email board members with our questions,and publish the responses on this forum.
It's not asking to much is it?

06-08-2020, 05:07 PM
Amen to that Steve

06-08-2020, 05:17 PM
I would expect at the very least,that all the unanswered questions from the general meeting should be answered via the web site.If not I am sure we can email board members with our questions,and publish the responses on this forum.
It's not asking to much is it?

I had a chat to Matt post meeting. He said there weren't many questions submitted. Don't believe what you read from many the of posters on this thread.

Reading today's comments has been enlightening as to the comprehension skills of many of the posters. It would appear very few of them actually listened to what is in train.

I'm reminded of the old Buffet mantra. I'm not here to lead horses to water. DYOR.

06-08-2020, 05:22 PM
Could you expand on that please Jonu?
The co. put out an ann .today, that the direction of the co was under review, and could change direction, yet most posters here are saying more of same old same old.
Who is right?

06-08-2020, 05:31 PM
Could you expand on that please Jonu?
The co. put out an ann .today, that the direction of the co was under review, and could change direction, yet most posters here are saying more of same old same old.
Who is right?

Would you listen to the company or a bunch of misinformation spreading posters on this thread with who knows what agenda? DYOR

06-08-2020, 05:34 PM
Message understood.
Perhaps more of a hint of the new direction please?
Is it what I have been advocating?

06-08-2020, 06:04 PM
Message understood.
Perhaps more of a hint of the new direction please?
Is it what I have been advocating?

The chairman's address states that the company will go through a strategic review over the next 3 to 4 months.

In my opinion there was nothing new in the meeting (apart from the fact that they said that the main the objective of the pilot plant had been to show that the waste material is inert).

It appeared that they have decided to build their own processing plant and there was no discussion of any other processing options.

They talked about low lying fruits - mystery, stockpiles, infill, but nothing about low hanging ones... 🙂

There were a few questions about alternative funding and how they could ensure that the gold would not be stolen, and some questions about resources and potential targets.

The sound was a bit flaky so I might have missed something (eg I didn't hear the chairman's comments at the end)...

There were no time frames expressed but they did say they were not expecting a CR at this stage...

Disclaimer: I am mostly out after this. I think there will be plenty of opportunities to get back in at these levels...

06-08-2020, 06:16 PM
The chairman's address states that the company will go through a strategic review over the next 3 to 4 months.

On my opinion there was nothing new in the meeting (apart from the fact that they said that the main the objective of the pilot plant had been to show that the waste material is inert).

It appeared that they have decided to build their own processing plant and there was no discussion of any other processing options.

They talked about low lying fruits - mystery, stockpiles, infill, but nothing about low hanging ones... ��

There were a few questions about alternative funding and how they could ensure that the gold would not be stolen, and some questions about resources and potential targets.

The sound was a bit flaky so I might have missed something (eg I didn't hear the chairman's comments at the end)...

There were no time frames expressed but they did say they were not expecting a CR at this stage...

Disclaimer: I am mostly out after this. I think there will be plenty of opportunities to get back in at these levels...

Thanks for that BigBob much appreciated. Have dipped my toes in

06-08-2020, 06:17 PM
I had a chat to Matt post meeting. He said there weren't many questions submitted.

Jonu aka Rampy Mc Ramperson.

Since you’re such a buddy of Matt did you actually ask him what demented mind he was in when he posted rubbish on this forum misleading holders?

It’s all blue sky dreams, ramp here, ramp there, ramp everywhere.

I’m not a holder and would never be in such a little cuddle club of a over hyped dishonest company.

06-08-2020, 06:21 PM
Unfortunately I agree with the 0.006 or lower.... at least until they get the consent for the processing plant, which I think they said they are just about ready to think about starting on the paperwork for or something like that....

If consent has not even started to build the plant, you're going to be looking at 2 years min. Not to mention the objections to a plant being built which could drag on for another year or two. Day dreamers!

06-08-2020, 06:38 PM
Jonu's post about ignoring all the disgruntled holders on here is somewhat amazing to read, completely against the tide, and I don't really understand the position - Matt says there were no questions submitted? Well blow me down, I guess he doesn't have to share any information then! :eek2:

We saw some very good questions posted here, we know not all questions submitted were answered... but even if we assume nobody submitted anything, trying to justify a lack of transparency with 'nobody is asking' is terrible. They don't HAVE to be submitted, the company should be all over this and giving us that information anyway.

06-08-2020, 06:45 PM
Jonu's post about ignoring all the disgruntled holders on here is somewhat amazing to read, completely against the tide, and I don't really understand the position - Matt says there were no questions submitted? Well blow me down, I guess he doesn't have to share any information then! :eek2:

We saw some very good questions posted here, we know not all questions submitted were answered... but even if we assume nobody submitted anything, trying to justify a lack of transparency with 'nobody is asking' is terrible. They don't HAVE to be submitted, the company should be all over this and giving us that information anyway.

Agreed .. Continuous disclosure & keeping the market as well as stakeholders informed

What does Matt & the NTL Board not understand about observing those conventions

The Lack of anything of substance looks quite equally to represent it aint happening yet and yet and yet again

A different story when it comes to Cap Raise time to keep the Gravy Train chugging along into the future, however ..

06-08-2020, 06:46 PM
Yes Meister, with regard to your last paragraph, I would have thought from a PR viewpoint, they would have addressed some of the info expressed here on this thread, its no secret Matt reads it.
Also, LTW assembled good questions, I hope they were asked, and answered?

06-08-2020, 07:38 PM
Jonu's post about ignoring all the disgruntled holders on here is somewhat amazing to read, completely against the tide, and I don't really understand the position - Matt says there were no questions submitted? Well blow me down, I guess he doesn't have to share any information then! :eek2:

We saw some very good questions posted here, we know not all questions submitted were answered... but even if we assume nobody submitted anything, trying to justify a lack of transparency with 'nobody is asking' is terrible. They don't HAVE to be submitted, the company should be all over this and giving us that information anyway.

This is the epitome of the ignorance I struggle to contend with. Who said "Matt says there were no questions submitted"?

Why wouldn't the company ignore the ridiculous, misleading and ignorant claims that are continuously made on this thread by anonymous posters who may or may not hold shares and are pushing who knows what agenda? Charbel's final comment along the lines of... your best source of information is the Company...not social media, sums it up.

The Chair has just made his annual address. The Ceo ditto. Read it and make your investment decision.

The Geologist on the Board has relayed important information that should figure strongly in anyone's decision making. Not hearing too many here commenting on that.

Just people making up fictitious quotes and wondering why the company doesn't bother to respond to the Einsteins here present. Go figure.

What the stock
06-08-2020, 08:35 PM
Long time reader/first time poster here -holding just below 7M. In for the long haul on this one warts & all. I just need to find ways to distract myself from it in the meantime to avoid the frustration. It's like a watched kettle...

06-08-2020, 08:40 PM
Hi all. First time caller, be gentle.;) I was in NTL for a while but bailed last week. Taken a loss. Couple of questions. Has the CEO admitted to previously posting under the guise of bullish etc? I have not heard, yes or no. If he has admitted to it, why is he still in the role of CEO? How can he stay on?

06-08-2020, 08:48 PM
"your best source of information is the Company."...
Jacinda Ardern said something very similar.

07-08-2020, 08:10 AM
Hi all. First time caller, be gentle.;) I was in NTL for a while but bailed last week. Taken a loss. Couple of questions. Has the CEO admitted to previously posting under the guise of bullish etc? I have not heard, yes or no. If he has admitted to it, why is he still in the role of CEO? How can he stay on?

Hi TahiJohn, that's the bit I struggle with too. The quarterly implied that the CEO was here posting under the "bullish" moniker. However they said that nothing that was posted was outside of the rules. So all is good. Nothing to see here.

07-08-2020, 08:30 AM
If they are not able to generate any cashflow from mining any time soon, what about re-exploring the avenue they were looking into when bullish originally contacted sharetrader - that is, getting posters real names and taking them to court. Could be some hefty settlements for the company from what other posters tell me. How does that income get categorised for accounting purposes?

That seems much more likely than cashflow from gold.

07-08-2020, 08:39 AM
Hi all. First time caller, be gentle.;) I was in NTL for a while but bailed last week. Taken a loss. Couple of questions. Has the CEO admitted to previously posting under the guise of bullish etc? I have not heard, yes or no. If he has admitted to it, why is he still in the role of CEO? How can he stay on?

Your reputation precedes you from HC.

No he hasn't admitted that...Furthermore the Board had a third party look at the posts and concluded they didn't contain any info not already available to the market. The FMA haven't shown any interest, presumably for the same reason.

07-08-2020, 08:44 AM
Your reputation precedes you from HC.

No he hasn't admitted that...Furthermore the Board had a third party look at the posts and concluded they didn't contain any info not already available to the market. The FMA haven't shown any interest, presumably for the same reason.

It does show very poor governance from the Board that they would be satisfied that their CEO was posting on a board under a pseudonym. It shows conduct unbecoming a CEO etc etc. Ethically it is a big no no and does not belong to this time. Other execs post here under their own names. ie Todd Hunter, John Southworth, John Pagani (when working at NZO). It would not have been that hard for Matt to identify himself. But for whatever reason, he obfuscated and deliberately hid behind a pseudonym whilst being an insider. Not on.

07-08-2020, 08:45 AM
If they are not able to generate any cashflow from mining any time soon, what about re-exploring the avenue they were looking into when bullish originally contacted sharetrader - that is, getting posters real names and taking them to court. Could be some hefty settlements for the company from what other posters tell me. How does that income get categorised for accounting purposes?

That seems much more likely than cashflow from gold.
I think all this is deflecting away from the real point and everybodys frustrations, total lack of performance of the NTL shareprice. The M/D has to take that on his shoulders.
There are lots of Gold miners up 500 % on the ASX this year .

07-08-2020, 09:09 AM
It does show very poor governance from the Board that they would be satisfied that their CEO was posting on a board under a pseudonym. It shows conduct unbecoming a CEO etc etc. Ethically it is a big no no and does not belong to this time. Other execs post here under their own names. ie Todd Hunter, John Southworth, John Pagani (when working at NZO). It would not have been that hard for Matt to identify himself. But for whatever reason, he obfuscated and deliberately hid behind a pseudonym whilst being an insider. Not on.

There's a fair bit of presumption in there blackcap. I agree with the general sentiment. Regardless, whoever bullish was, they haven't misled the market, unlike several other anonymous posters here.

While circumstances have forced a reshuffle in priorities, the main ones being pushing Mystery forward, consenting the plant and full tilt into bulk sampling, I'm excited about what the next 3-6 months will bring. All under pinned by the POG sitting at all time highs with most pundits predicting it to go much higher in the next 12-18 months. Happy Days!

07-08-2020, 09:23 AM
I believe the real problems are political.

It took NTL a very long time to get approval for a traffic management plan and even then only 4 x 10 tonne trucks Per day were allowed.

NTL are still under a restriction of one blast event per day.

I doubt that we have a viable mining operation with the above restrictions.

When NTL get proper access to this mine I am sure it will be very profitable and be great for shareholders. I look forward to that day.

07-08-2020, 09:36 AM
There's a fair bit of presumption in there blackcap. I agree with the general sentiment. Regardless, whoever bullish was, they haven't misled the market, unlike several other anonymous posters here.
Evidence please. Or are you hypocritically presuming also?

While circumstances have forced a reshuffle in priorities, the main ones being pushing Mystery forward, consenting the plant and full tilt into bulk sampling, I'm excited about what the next 3-6 months will bring.
Get real. There won't be any consenting or sampling in the next 6 months. There will a bit of time wasting back patting under the guise of a strategic review.

All under pinned by the POG sitting at all time highs with most pundits predicting it to go much higher in the next 12-18 months. Happy Days!
Ramp on.

07-08-2020, 09:37 AM
I believe the real problems are political.

It took NTL a very long time to get approval for a traffic management plan and even then only 4 x 10 tonne trucks Per day were allowed.

NTL are still under a restriction of one blast event per day.

I doubt that we have a viable mining operation with the above restrictions.

When NTL get proper access to this mine I am sure it will be very profitable and be great for shareholders. I look forward to that day.

40 tonne of ore per day @ 15g tonne = approx 24 ounces x approx 2k Profit! per ounce = 48k per day.

Sounds viable to me

07-08-2020, 09:42 AM
I believe the real problems are political.

It took NTL a very long time to get approval for a traffic management plan and even then only 4 x 10 tonne trucks Per day were allowed.

NTL are still under a restriction of one blast event per day.

I doubt that we have a viable mining operation with the above restrictions.

When NTL get proper access to this mine I am sure it will be very profitable and be great for shareholders. I look forward to that day.

It did seem odd that consent was needed to access a public road, a farmer on a way back country rd doesn't get consent for 4 fertilser, hay or stock trucks, a day to visit his farm.
Being restricted to 2 blasts a day, never stopped the operator of the 3 Kings quarry in Auckland from making a massive hole in the ground, and only taking low cost aggregate, not high value gold ore.

Never the less, Ntl HAS these permits now, and if they had of been doing 5 blasts a week, they would have made it to OGC's pit in Waihi, by now, to pinch some of their gold!
4 truck movements a day is plenty for this boutique.
This aint Martha Hill, its Matt Hill...

07-08-2020, 09:50 AM
I believe the real problems are political.

It took NTL a very long time to get approval for a traffic management plan and even then only 4 x 10 tonne trucks Per day were allowed.

NTL are still under a restriction of one blast event per day.

I doubt that we have a viable mining operation with the above restrictions.

When NTL get proper access to this mine I am sure it will be very profitable and be great for shareholders. I look forward to that day.

This is a good point. Yesterday we were advised that NTL is releasing Rahu as unable to get access from DOC. Then same day OGC confirm getting a mining permit on DOC land 10km away from their Waihi processing plant.

07-08-2020, 10:06 AM
NTL wanted to use resue mining which requires 2 blasts so that the waste and ore could be mined separately. The one blast event per day would in my opinion seriously limits their ability to extract ore. I could be wrong of course and I am happy for somebody to say so.

People on this website and myself on occasions have been critical and frustrated with the board and management but what’s going in the background - being the regulatory environment and particularly the politics is the real problem and unfortunately this is not being discussed openly.

NTL seem to be very careful to avoid engaging in the discussion of the politics.

I am as optimistic of the potential of the mine as Jonu but he is way more optimistic than me with the time frame.

Matt Hill is wading through treacle and maybe we shareholders need to cut him some slack.

07-08-2020, 10:08 AM
This is a good point. Yesterday we were advised that NTL is releasing Rahu as unable to get access from DOC. Then same day OGC confirm getting a mining permit on DOC land 10km away from their Waihi processing plant.

I was very disappointed to hear that they had to release Rahu. They paid an undisclosed sum for Rahu.

07-08-2020, 10:11 AM
It did seem odd that consent was needed to access a public road, a farmer on a way back country rd doesn't get consent for 4 fertilser, hay or stock trucks, a day to visit his farm.
Being restricted to 2 blasts a day, never stopped the operator of the 3 Kings quarry in Auckland from making a massive hole in the ground, and only taking low cost aggregate, not high value gold ore.

Never the less, Ntl HAS these permits now, and if they had of been doing 5 blasts a week, they would have made it to OGC's pit in Waihi, by now, to pinch some of their gold!
4 truck movements a day is plenty for this boutique.
This aint Martha Hill, its Matt Hill...

Blasting in a quarry is different from narrow vein mining.

07-08-2020, 10:12 AM
Be that as it may, this co. needs no other distractions, just 'concentrate' on the main game.

07-08-2020, 10:22 AM
Be that as it may, this co. needs no other distractions, just 'concentrate' on the main game.

Unfortunately we as shareholders would like the main game to be mining but it is more likely to be politics.

There would be many people in positions of influence that do not want the the mine to go ahead.

The mining engineering is tricky but nothing compared to the politics.

07-08-2020, 10:26 AM
Hi ThaiJohn, that's the bit I struggle with too. The quarterly implied that the CEO was here posting under the "bullish" moniker. However they said that nothing that was posted was outside of the rules. So all is good. Nothing to see here.
Yes it does not sit well with me. Maybe if the CEO spent more time focussing on the job at hand rather than ramping on here.
For the board to seemingly go along with it and as you say blackcap " nothing to see here " is concerning.
Jona. Noted your comment.

07-08-2020, 10:31 AM
Yes it does not sit well with me. Maybe if the CEO spent more time focussing on the job at hand rather than ramping on here.
For the board to seemingly go along with it and as you say blackcap " nothing to see here " is concerning.
Jona. Noted your comment.

Problem I have with governance is that it is a board of 4, one of them also being the CEO, and another having worked for the company for a long time.

07-08-2020, 10:48 AM
Evidence please. Or are you hypocritically presuming also?

Get real. There won't be any consenting or sampling in the next 6 months. There will a bit of time wasting back patting under the guise of a strategic review.

Ramp on.

More determined ignorance!

An independent third party came to the conclusion around the bullish posts. Your welcome to your views on what won't happen next, but given the ignorance on display I know what value to place on them.

07-08-2020, 11:21 AM
More determined ignorance!

An independent third party came to the conclusion around the bullish posts. Your welcome to your views on what won't happen next, but given the ignorance on display I know what value to place on them.
You might want to tone it down a bit.I do remember picking you up a couple of times on incorrect facts you quoted on this thread,and also not reading things fully.And before you get on your high horse yes I do hold a good number of shares in the company,and of course we want them to succeed.

07-08-2020, 11:26 AM
You might want to tone it down a bit.I do remember picking you up a couple of times on incorrect facts you quoted on this thread,and also not reading things fully.And before you get on your high horse yes I do hold a good number of shares in the company,and of course we want them to succeed.

haewai accused me of hypocrisy and ramping, while at the same time displaying ignorance of the facts and down ramping without substantive argument. I reckon that deserves a decent return of serve!

07-08-2020, 11:58 AM
Peoples perceptions can be so interesting.

Digger, did you ever get on the conf call? Any thoughts?

I did pose the question yesterday whether a recoriding on the AGM was being made, and whether we could access it later.

Patience is not helping my red arrows.

07-08-2020, 12:15 PM
There was supposed to be a copy on their website, but I was unable to find it

07-08-2020, 12:17 PM
Peoples perceptions can be so interesting.

Digger, did you ever get on the conf call? Any thoughts?

I did pose the question yesterday whether a recoriding on the AGM was being made, and whether we could access it later.

Patience is not helping my red arrows.

The Chair answered the question about a recording. He said it wasn't recorded but the addresses would be released to the market, which is standard.

07-08-2020, 05:03 PM
Will be interesting to see which mine hits proper production first.


07-08-2020, 05:08 PM
There was supposed to be a copy on their website, but I was unable to find it

Much like the gold...

07-08-2020, 06:04 PM
Will be interesting to see which mine hits proper production first.


So my previous comments re Matt approach Shane for a Quick $8m were on target!, if Reefton can get $15m.
This govt aint anti mining...

07-08-2020, 06:07 PM
Much like the gold...

What a hoot.
Said with great thaiming...

07-08-2020, 06:18 PM
Will be interesting to see which mine hits proper production first.


As Blackwater are building tunnels and doing exploratory drilling at a cost of $50m in attempt to prove that the mine is viable I would hope that NTL would beat them by a country mile.

08-08-2020, 09:56 AM
It would be nice to know how much the ceo was being paid,probably worth his weight in "gold" if he can extract a loan from Shane Jones.

08-08-2020, 10:00 AM
It would be nice to know how much the ceo was being paid,probably worth his weight in "gold" if he can extract a loan from Shane Jones.

From memory during the ASM Matt Hill said the interest rates were to high for these loans.

08-08-2020, 04:56 PM
From memory during the ASM Matt Hill said the interest rates were to high for these loans.

Some free Ca$h dished out from Shaney's PGF Slush Fund may make the folk around the area feel a bit less ignored

Let's face it - the bucket has been busy sloshing Loot left, right & sideways at anything & everything (probably to many less deserving causes as well)

There may come a time when Govt needs every last productive enterprise there is working hard earning to help fill the large C-19 Hole, that the Socialists have managed to dig themselves into..

10-08-2020, 11:05 AM
More determined ignorance!

An independent third party came to the conclusion around the bullish posts. Your welcome to your views on what won't happen next, but given the ignorance on display I know what value to place on them.

We have no idea who the independent third party was so how sure can you actually be that they were independent or they did anything more than a cursory review. You get on so well with the Matt obviously, why dont you ask them to release that information to the market so we can be the judge of that.

10-08-2020, 11:26 AM
We have no idea who the independent third party was so how sure can you actually be that they were independent or they did anything more than a cursory review. You get on so well with the Matt obviously, why dont you ask them to release that information to the market so we can be the judge of that.

Hit the nail on the head there suse. Who was this 3rd party 'independent reviewer'? It could be the CEO's cat for all we know.

10-08-2020, 11:49 AM
We have no idea who the independent third party was so how sure can you actually be that they were independent or they did anything more than a cursory review. You get on so well with the Matt obviously, why dont you ask them to release that information to the market so we can be the judge of that.

Hit the nail on the head there suse. Who was this 3rd party 'independent reviewer'? It could be the CEO's cat for all we know.

And who paid for the 3rd party 'independent reviewer'???? Yup we all know the answer to that one I guess.

10-08-2020, 11:52 AM
Regardless, whoever bullish was, they haven't misled the market, unlike several other anonymous posters here.

SPP bonus shares have been issued and didn't collapse the price. Why? Because they would largely have been taken up by holders who realise the potential of the company. Combine that with a rocketing POG, Peer Reviewed JORC and NTL saying they are in talks with a processor, it is hardly surprising that serious investors are lining up.

NTL are not "in talks with a processor":

...discussions have commenced with a high profile NZ industry group andwork is underway on the evaluation of the potential for a formal collaboration that could facilitatefunding, delivery and operation of a joint processing plant

You also stated this earlier:

The FMA haven't shown any interest, presumably for the same reason.

Evidence please

10-08-2020, 11:52 AM
If your so worried Sell out and be done with it.

10-08-2020, 12:00 PM
Ltw, I wondered what happened to you.
Other posters were saying there were few questions at meeting,
Did you air yours, and what were the answers?

10-08-2020, 12:28 PM
If your so worried Sell out and be done with it.

I think we just want some answers. Its not asking too much for the details of the independent reviewer, and the comment about no interest shown from the FMA. Lets find out, put it to bed and move forward.

10-08-2020, 01:04 PM
I think we just want some answers. Its not asking too much for the details of the independent reviewer, and the comment about no interest shown from the FMA. Lets find out, put it to bed and move forward.

Happily NTL doesn't need to jump for every ranter on H/C and this site. ThaiJohn says he sold out....so has no right to demand anything. Suse...who knows whether they are a shareholder? Ask the question of them yourself if you are so concerned. Various posters are ranting on the assumption the Directors are misleading the market. They of course have no evidence for this...but don't let it get in the way of a good conspiracy!

If someone is a shareholder they should seek clarification from NTL about the third party if they so wish. As usual, mud is being slung, conspiracies dreamed up and the usual suspects demanding to be spoon fed answers to their own conspiracies.

In response to haewai around the FMA. There is no evidence....that's my point. As to being in talks with a processor....I stand by the comment. Haewai appears to interpret the company statement differently.

10-08-2020, 01:28 PM
Thanks Jonu. I have been in direct contact with the CEO. I am not going to go into great detail about the conversations and text messaging plus the late night phone call. I wanted some answers and accountability like most other shareholders, as I was sick of the standard 'its coming' so I approached the CEO direct back in March. I asked him straight up " what's the delay, when are we going to see any gold?" What followed was a barrage of abuse, (in both directions I must add) threats of defamation ( from a post I wrote on HC ) "Defamation suit in absentia..its like taking candy from a baby" was one of the replies from this guy, plus other dribble. So I sold down all of my holding at a loss. The questions is still valid though. Who was the independent reviewer and the comment about no interest from the FMA. Why is is so difficult for NTL to reach out and let us know?

10-08-2020, 01:37 PM
i concur that any response I got out of Matt, was delayed, brief, and terse.
Hence my use of this forum.

10-08-2020, 02:03 PM
I got on the AGM at about the time Matt was saying there was no recording of the meeting. Shortly after that the meeting concluded. I put in all LTW,s questions and some of my own. Also our largest shareholder asked questions. From comments I have on sharetrader it seems few were answered. Also Matt was recorded as saying there were few questions. More correct would be that few were answered.
I have the feeling that we are not given all the facts.It could be that all can not be released until finalized. Who knows. Watch this space.

11-08-2020, 07:49 PM
I have finally sold out my position after a few years and a moderate loss. The recent embarrassment from the CEO took me close and the complete failure to even mention it, let alone reveal the disciplinary outcome, at the AGM has pushed me over the edge. It's difficult to admit I was wrong and to drop the 'maybe it'll all pay off one day' hope of making back the lost money, but I think I will be happier detached from this company. The promises have been endless, the progress glacial. My own particular pet peeve is that for the duration of me holding shares in this company, every single quarterly cashflow statement includes a paragraph like this at the end, word for word with the relevant numbers copy and pasted into place:

"The actual development expenditure for the quarter was $209,935 compared to a budget of $143,000. The reason for the variancewas due to the entity completing more mining work during the quarter than expected. Activities originally scheduled for the followingquarter have commenced earlier than anticipated."

No further reasoning was ever given, the company has still not managed to meet a budget as far as I can tell, and despite completing so much more work than they expected they still feel a long way from pulling decent amounts of gold out the ground. I would hate to see the state of the company if they had only completed the amount of mining work they expected each quarter.

All the best to those still with the company - I hope the board and management start to treat shareholders with more respect and actually end up getting some results. I will chalk this one up as a valuable lesson - maybe the loss comes out of my 'training' budget.

12-08-2020, 09:38 AM
PoG, boom. I expect the share price will..........stay the same.

12-08-2020, 10:26 AM
I am still waiting for some answers.
Who was the independent reviewer.
FMA, have they made any announcements and if so, when and what did it say?

12-08-2020, 10:31 AM
I am still waiting for some answers.
Who was the independent reviewer.
FMA, have they made any announcements and if so, when and what did it say?

Oh dear....a non-holder that admitted to giving abuse to the CEO over the phone rants from the sidelines. Could be a long wait before anyone takes you seriously. Check yourself to see if the FMA has made any announcements.

{Edit Vince: Removed your offensive comments towards another member.}

12-08-2020, 10:46 AM
Jonu - it was you who said the FMA hadn't shown any interest. Which is factually incorrect going on publicly available information.

So why do you mislead?

12-08-2020, 10:50 AM
Jonu - it was you who said the FMA hadn't shown any interest. Which is factually incorrect going on publicly available information.

So why do you mislead?

Point me to a statement from the FMA haewai! You can jump for Thaijohn if you wish!

12-08-2020, 10:54 AM
Point me to a statement from the FMA haewai! You can jump for Thaijohn if you wish!

Just answer the question then, Jonu. Show us the announcement that the FMA has said there is nothing to see.

12-08-2020, 11:01 AM
Just answer the question then, Jonu. Show us the announcement that the FMA has said there is nothing to see.

About which company? Does the FMA spend its time releasing statements about all companies shouting "Nothing to see! Carry on!"? I think rather when it has concerns or wishes to rebuke a company, it makes an announcement. I see no such announcement regarding NTL.

Ask sensible questions when you want answers.

12-08-2020, 11:36 AM
The FMA haven't shown any interest, presumably for the same reason.
not quite the same as my understanding.

My understanding is that FMA investigations take some time, and that on conclusion they tend to release something.

My further understanding is that the FMA has announced that it was looking into a complaint alleging the boss of an NZX-listed mining company attempted to manipulate shareholders by posting favourable comments about the business online, and had no further comment to make on the matter at that time.

So, they're interested enough to be looking into the complaint. No idea where it will land, agree with Jonu that it may very well end up in a "nothing to see here" state, and with other posters that it may not. Wait and see I guess :)

14-08-2020, 04:08 PM
After a few months of psychoanalysis of posters who purport to be long term or significant shareholders in companies like NTL, SKT. I've come to the inescapable conclusion many, if not all, have developed Stockholm Syndrome., if you pardon the pun.
Also the patience of Saints.

Is this a virtue?


It means you become APOLOGISTS for the directors/managers.
Accepting, excusing and justifying their short comings.
Instead of being ACTIVISTS for change & improvement.

New patients welcome.

14-08-2020, 04:14 PM
PLEASE NOTE TODAYS BOOK MARK, 300 PAGES OF CHAT ( from 17-12-2012 ) and still no mine !!!!

14-08-2020, 09:42 PM
PLEASE NOTE TODAYS BOOK MARK, 300 PAGES OF CHAT ( from 17-12-2012 ) and still no mine !!!!

Who needs a troublesome MINE any time too soon, when you've got the captive pockets of the ever hopeful shareholders to MINE
many times over as an easier target to ensure longetivity of stories & to justify existence said project(s) .. ? ;)

Discl: well diluted & many times Cap Raise screwed over NTL small holder

15-08-2020, 12:48 PM
After a few months of psychoanalysis of posters who purport to be long term or significant shareholders in companies like NTL, SKT. I've come to the inescapable conclusion many, if not all, have developed Stockholm Syndrome., if you pardon the pun.
Also the patience of Saints.

Is this a virtue?


It means you become APOLOGISTS for the directors/managers.
Accepting, excusing and justifying their short comings.
Instead of being ACTIVISTS for change & improvement.

New patients welcome.

Been watching this one from the sidelines for a while now, and haven't bothered to comment with my two cents as not a holder, but this comment is the first reasonable thing thing I have seen in 300 pages...

15-08-2020, 05:40 PM
Also a lurker on this thread - have to agree with P+P and Getty
I've been a modest holder for some years, not selling yet, but won't be participating in the next CR.

16-08-2020, 03:24 PM
I think there's a general consensus here that most would not partake in another CR without seeing refined gold out of the mine. This isn't rocket science, far from it. We should set up a poll on here and show him investor sentiment on his next CR.

If he's unable to negotiate his way through some bureaucracy he needs to be gone. Sell the ore unrefined, do a deal and get some throughput sold and trigger the mine running. Who cares if it shortens the other end of a mining permit? Demonstrate some low impact mining as promised and you'll be invited to continue......

Money coming out begets more money in; to push the mining harder. Otherwise its passed the line to get a Like Minded Investors Group of shareholders together and force some changes.

Couple four trailers to each tractor unit; show the creative thinking to get around the issues. The internal mine refining is not a terrible idea, but production and sale should have preceded process refinements and bleating out some frilly "green" chemistry that an undergrad chemistry student could have cobbled together out of lecture material and some basic laboratory skills.

Show what you've got and the investment will flood in again. Stop pissing around.

16-08-2020, 05:25 PM
I would only participate in a CR if it was the final CR and I would be expecting the company to be putting a good case as to why it is the last. I would also expect management and directors to be participating in the CR. This company must be generating cash flow. I agree with Cammo it now does not matter about the length of the permit or continuity of mining , by now it is a matter of survival of the company. We have a rehabilitated mine, permit for bulk sampling and HDC permission for 4 x 10 tonne trucks per day. One blast event per day seems to be restrictive but the company needs to work around that.

16-08-2020, 05:31 PM
Great post cammo!

17-08-2020, 08:49 AM
CR/SPP - I will be another (very small holder) facing dilution - I cant gamble any more on NTL. Im concerned that there so many disgruntled holders saying the same thing. No cash injection sees NTL fall over - yes, they have $2m in the bank, but thats not going to last long with production/processing still on the distant horizon - I hope NTL can give us better guidance soon.

On the upside, some of the larger holders (well, Im happy to believe most comments on this thread) have said they are committed to funding this thing - Im happy to accept a smaller return and let them win.

NTL - give us a cash flow prediction please.

17-08-2020, 09:14 AM
If they had a working business plan in place,there would not be quite so many negative comments on this thread.Investors would be able to determine for themselves if the business was heading in the right direction for them and their investment,and plan accordingly.

17-08-2020, 10:23 AM
If they had a working business plan in place,there would not be quite so many negative comments on this thread.Investors would be able to determine for themselves if the business was heading in the right direction for them and their investment,and plan accordingly.

They probably have a business plan it’s just that they are not telling the shareholders what it is.

18-08-2020, 02:10 PM
the Animal in me, inspired this song.
Some of you may know the tune...

"In this dirty old part of the mine,
Where the sun refuse to shine,
People tell me there ain't no use in tryin'

Now, my Gold, you're so rich and shiny,
And the one thing they know is Rahu,
You'll be in debt before your time is due,
I know it,

Watch my money in here a dying,
Watch my bank balance turning Red, Yeah,
I've been working, saving my life away,
Oh yes, I know it, Yeah,

I've been working so hard, yeah,
Every night I pray,
Fear, scare, oh dear, yeah,

We gotta get out of this place,
If its the last thing we ever do.
Cos girl, there's a better share for me and you,
Somewhere baby,
Somehow I know it,
We gotta get out of this disgrace,
Believe me Matty,
You know it too!


Treating MINERS with DIGnity.

18-08-2020, 03:46 PM
I think there's a general consensus here that most would not partake in another CR without seeing refined gold out of the mine. This isn't rocket science, far from it. We should set up a poll on here and show him investor sentiment on his next CR.

If he's unable to negotiate his way through some bureaucracy he needs to be gone. Sell the ore unrefined, do a deal and get some throughput sold and trigger the mine running. Who cares if it shortens the other end of a mining permit? Demonstrate some low impact mining as promised and you'll be invited to continue......

Money coming out begets more money in; to push the mining harder. Otherwise its passed the line to get a Like Minded Investors Group of shareholders together and force some changes.

Couple four trailers to each tractor unit; show the creative thinking to get around the issues. The internal mine refining is not a terrible idea, but production and sale should have preceded process refinements and bleating out some frilly "green" chemistry that an undergrad chemistry student could have cobbled together out of lecture material and some basic laboratory skills.

Show what you've got and the investment will flood in again. Stop pissing around.

You're dead right there..

Based on the progress to date to the ultimate getting gold stuff on the table, there are far more inspiring
prospects elsewhere ..

It doesn't take much looking to find other worthy mining companies in this Sector, showing great growth & paying dividends as well

18-08-2020, 05:30 PM
You're dead right there..

Based on the progress to date to the ultimate getting gold stuff on the table, there are far more inspiring
prospects elsewhere ..

It doesn't take much looking to find other worthy mining companies in this Sector, showing great growth & paying dividends as well

I think that all the holders large or small are living in hope that one day hopefully sooner than later NTL will surprise us.

18-08-2020, 07:18 PM
For those not watching the PoG, it's just bobbing above US$2,000 again now.
Some 'expert' US analysts say the recent correction below $2k was healthy and it can now continue its rise.
Let's hope they are right.

Agree with your post above, Brain

18-08-2020, 07:51 PM
Has anyone heard the result of the FMA investigations into the CEO and his posting under the name 'bullish'?

18-08-2020, 11:22 PM
Why do you need the results to come to a conclusion? The CEO was commenting on here trying to justify himself whilst also harassing people via text message. All the positive comments from SH are simply trying to convince themselves everything is ok. The slow progression of this company would be ok if every move they made was calculated and precise. Sadly every move they make is not only slow but also a shambles (pilot plant with no consent that’s meant to produce gold that can’t produce gold that is of no use at all but to prove results that are worse then the ones that we paid for a trip to South Africa to obtain that aren’t relevant). It’s simple, the management of this business are incompetent and until this changes this company is a terrible investment. I dare to even bring up the trip we paid for to Fiji a wee while ago to “scope new investment opportunities” lol good luck everyone

18-08-2020, 11:42 PM
I know the answer alright..I just want it confirmed by the authorities. Had the CEO posted under his own name there would be no issue. I would like to see some accountability and a head to roll.

19-08-2020, 11:39 AM
Ah, as the POG moves relentlessly upward, currently US$2004, NTL continues its sideways/backwards drift.
In the land of Dairy, this co should move its expertise to milking machines.
Ask any shareholder...

19-08-2020, 01:23 PM
Digger, any words of wisdom post the AGM from you? I think you said you struggled to get on call though.