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03-07-2020, 10:02 AM
report to FMA yet? Where there is deception, there is often more.

03-07-2020, 10:04 AM
Well I figure I can hardly be called a downramper but perhaps I should be grateful to them. I've just unexpectedly got my order at 0.6 partially filled on the open. A few million to go.

03-07-2020, 10:11 AM
Well I figure I can hardly be called a downramper but perhaps I should be grateful to them. I've just unexpectedly got my order at 0.6 partially filled on the open. A few million to go.

Whatever people say, I do admire you commitment to NTL, I just wish my hhh-hhhmmms were as big as yours, or that my pockets were as deep.

03-07-2020, 10:17 AM
what made people suspicious ?

03-07-2020, 10:18 AM
Well done Vince, acting to preserve the integrity of the site.
I suspect there are other "insiders' who anonymously post on other companies.
Others like Todd Hunter on Turners post honourably post under their own name, and we welcome that, especially if
it refutes incorrect info from other posters.

03-07-2020, 10:21 AM
Well done Vince, acting to preserve the integrity of the site.
I suspect there are other "insiders' who anonymously post on other companies.
Others like Todd Hunter on Turners post honourably post under their own name, and we welcome that, especially if
it refutes incorrect info from other posters.

Yes, I wish (again, assuming Vince is correct) that the same had happened here. Bullish recent posts that I have seen appeared to be factual rebuttals.

Oliver Mander
03-07-2020, 10:27 AM
report to FMA yet? Where there is deception, there is often more.
yes. done.

03-07-2020, 10:34 AM
Thoughtful post digger.

Assuming Vince is correct, Bullish has breached the terms of this site. Reading his recent posts I see factual responses to some fairly inaccurate claims from others. I doubt there is a breach of the LAW but don't have any expertise there.

I'm not defending staff posting anonymously, but some of the outrage being expressed should perhaps be tempered by reflecting on some of the defamatory and fictional claims made on this site by other anonymous posters. We have no idea as to the connections of these other posters either, many of them apparently hellbent on destroying value in the company by pricing fictional imminent Cap Raises etc.

I have reported what I consider a defamatory post and have yet to have a reply. I hope it is dealt with appropriately.

In terms of the company itself, Matt Hill needs to knuckle down and produce gold that has just been confirmed by Peer Review.

Sounds like you are defending Hill to me but that doesnt surprise me as you have alot of skin in the game free carried by alot, pray tell. The positives could besides you using this to top up, well done why not, could be new management costing less and moving this operation forward to actually extracting the stuff if thats ever going to happen. This is a classic trading stock going by the 1 year chart imo.

As for you reporting me , looks like sour grapes to me.

03-07-2020, 10:47 AM
Sounds like you are defending Hill to me but that doesnt surprise me as you have alot of skin in the game free carried by alot, pray tell. The positives could besides you using this to top up, well done why not, could be new management costing less and moving this operation forward to actually extracting the stuff if thats ever going to happen. This is a classic trading stock going by the 1 year chart imo.

As for you reporting me , looks like sour grapes to me.

Did you not read "I'm not defending..."

Not sour grapes JT, common decency in what you say about others.

03-07-2020, 10:54 AM
A complaint has been made to the FMA regarding Matt Hills conduct.

Written up quickly, although hopefully it gets someone investigating into this. As others have said, if he had used his time, particularly working hours to influence and post misinformation here; what other misconduct can be found?

Even if it amounts to nothing, I believe it’s such a disservice to his shareholders and supporters to have been conducting himself in such a manner as a CEO of a listed company.

03-07-2020, 11:03 AM
Thank you Ace.

Thank you Vince.

HGD / NTL has been a shareholder graveyard for decades.

03-07-2020, 11:25 AM
I'm interested in the investigation process more than the actual outcome.

What events lead to the conclusion that the Sharetrader poster is/was actually MH?
Was it poster's registered email address cross-checked against social media profiles eg. LinkedIn, Facebook etc?
Is it undeniable irrefutable proof or only educated guess?

03-07-2020, 11:34 AM
I say dont answer this question.
It will only show the devious ones how to be smarter next time, in the same way that those Border Patrol TV programmes only educate the smugglers how to be more clever next time...

03-07-2020, 11:37 AM
I'm a but surprised you're all so surprised.
Pseudo-anonymous forums are perfect for this sort of behaviour.

03-07-2020, 11:58 AM
The big question is "has he benefited financially from this" I guess it's something we will never have an answer for.

There are some very talented people who read this thread.I have always had a lot of respect for Snoopys research perhaps he might be able to give us a heads up about trying to prove something?

03-07-2020, 11:58 AM
i assume, havnt checked the holdings but he is the major share holder and therefore controls the company.. Cant understand how the company moves forward from here. The lack of trust must surely pray on investor minds and now understand that nothing much is ever going to happen.

vols up ...

03-07-2020, 01:05 PM
SP holding up considering the volume. Some panic selling going on. Gold still there. What would of happened if Matt was in control of production given his sneaky credentials? Can not be trusted

03-07-2020, 01:23 PM
To be honest,and these are just my thoughts.Matt had passed his sell by date a couple of years ago,and yes I did say similar on this thread.We have to presume he will now step down,so would that be a disaster? No I don't think so.I believe Matt going is probably just what shareholders need.A lot of the negativity would leave with him.
Now should he stay,then yes there could be problems,I don't think they would ever get another SPP off the ground,and what about a processing company like Tera Firma would they want to be associated with the likes of Matt Hill?

03-07-2020, 01:28 PM
SP holding up considering the volume. Some panic selling going on. Gold still there. What would of happened if Matt was in control of production given his sneaky credentials? Can not be trusted

Careful Curly. I say this for you benefit

03-07-2020, 01:33 PM
To be honest,and these are just my thoughts.Matt had passed his sell by date a couple of years ago,and yes I did say similar on this thread.We have to presume he will now step down,so would that be a disaster? No I don't think so.I believe Matt going is probably just what shareholders need.A lot of the negativity would leave with him.
Now should he stay,then yes there could be problems,I don't think they would ever get another SPP off the ground,and what about a processing company like Tera Firma would they want to be associated with the likes of Matt Hill?

Again, assuming Vince is correct, unless MH has posted inaccurate information, I doubt he has broken any laws, just the terms of this site. Extremely doubtful as to a sackable offence but I'm not a markets law expert or employment law expert either.

It maybe an opportunity for the Board to tie MH's salary package to targets met.

03-07-2020, 01:54 PM
Again, assuming Vince is correct, unless MH has posted inaccurate information, I doubt he has broken any laws, just the terms of this site. Extremely doubtful as to a sackable offence but I'm not a markets law expert or employment law expert either.

It maybe an opportunity for the Board to tie MH's salary package to targets met.

Being a CEO, acting under the “guise” as a shareholder stating that he’s participated in CRs, supports management and providing information and speculation/forward looking statements as if he was a shareholder but knew full well as a CEO would not eventuate however knew it would influence participation in CR, share purchases and sentiment? I sure hope there are black and white laws he has broken because that’s downright disgusting. Infact it’s a disservice to you as a long time supporter Jonu.

What he did, did not have your best interests in heart - remember that.

The FMA have advised me they have received the complaint.

03-07-2020, 01:59 PM
Being a CEO, acting under the “guise” as a shareholder stating that he’s participated in CRs, supports management and providing information and speculation/forward looking statements as if he was a shareholder but knew full well as a CEO would not eventuate however knew it would influence participation in CR, share purchases and sentiment? I sure hope there are black and white laws he has broken because that’s downright disgusting. Infact it’s a disservice to you as a long time supporter Jonu.

What he did, did not have your best interests in heart - remember that.

The FMA have advised me they have received the complaint.

Ummm, MH is a holder of a substantial number of shares. I repeat, I'm not defending it if it is substantiated.

03-07-2020, 02:12 PM
Ummm, MH is a holder of a substantial number of shares. I repeat, I'm not defending it if it is substantiated.

Personally, I think that doesn't mean squat - a large number of shares means nothing if you can't liquidate it, and MH knew full well that would be the case, whats the next best thing, secure income of 400k to be posting and frequently post the same quarterlies over and over and keep SHers on a thread, except "bullish" was quite optimistic with what would happen and interpretations of announcements, if only he knew what the CEO would have...oh wait...

Why else would you be posting on a forum especially during and around CRs, wasn't there a shared post about a "mine visit" from HC? Was that even a mine visit or just MH posting under some aliases with quick photos he took from his phone? LOL prior to the CR? Seems so coincidental.

Bullish posts, especially during work hours. You do the math, he had the time to do that, and over work hours - rather than...mining...? Orchestrating his team? I guess he was mining...focused on mining SHers...over increasing value and the SP for the large majority of holding he has. If that isn't a red flag to show what's important to him then I don't know what is.

I don't get the whole "they have a lot of shares, they are as invested as us" arguement. Look at how many companies have founders/CEOs with majority holdings and look at how many unfolded like the trash they were with poor conduct from said CEO/founder/director. Look overseas, the US, across the ditch and so forth. They didn't seem to care about their large holdings?

03-07-2020, 02:15 PM
Personally, I think that doesn't mean squat - a large number of shares means nothing if you can't liquidate it, and MH knew full well that would be the case, whats the next best thing, secure income of 400k to be posting and frequently post the same quarterlies over and over and keep SHers on a thread, except "bullish" was quite optimistic with what would happen and interpretations of announcements, if only he knew what the CEO would have...oh wait...

Why else would you be posting on a forum especially during and around CRs, wasn't there a shared post about a "mine visit" from HC? Especially during work hours. You do the math, he had the time to do that, and over work hours - rather than...mining...? I guess he was mining...focused on mining SHers...over increasing value and the SP for the large majority of holding he has.

I was responding to your previous post which implied he wasn't a shareholder. At least he has substantial skin in the game. Do you?

03-07-2020, 02:16 PM
Ummm, MH is a holder of a substantial number of shares. I repeat, I'm not defending it if it is substantiated.

How many, if any, of those share were bought "on market"?

03-07-2020, 02:17 PM
I was responding to your previous post which implied he wasn't a shareholder. At least he has substantial skin in the game. Do you?

Yeah I was Jonu, I had over 3M shares when it was 0.022-0.025. Are you? I've since sold out too. Anyway, the quarrel isn't between us. The point is, you should be the judge of his conduct and if this is someone you'd trust with your own hard earned money and even your support. I've seen you support NTL and it makes me upset that investors like us have to deal with CEOs/directors and management like that.

How many, if any, of those share were bought "on market"?
Exactly. By that logic with majority shareholder and aligned interests, there would be no bankrupt companies, no director misconduct, probably no need for FMA or NZX listing rules either... It's no secret, go look at how many companies are listed and milked for all they're worth before disappearing into nothing.

Why's NTL any different? because he showed us some gold dust after 10 years at the last AGM? I could buy more gold from crystal mountain for $5 lol. I'm pretty sure some desserts at some restaurants with gold sprinkled on top contain more gold than NTL have produced under MHs tenure.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that "bullish" was the real concentrating unit and the processing unit was his postings.

03-07-2020, 02:55 PM
Ummm, MH is a holder of a substantial number of shares. I repeat, I'm not defending it if it is substantiated.
not really substantial:-

42940903 shares (1.60%)

Matthew Geoffrey HILL

Flat 2, 18 Wairakei Street, Greenlane, Auckland, 1051 , New Zealand

42940903 shares (1.60%)

Matthew Geoffrey HILL

Flat 2, 18 Wairakei Street, Greenlane, Auckland, 1051 , New Zealand


03-07-2020, 03:03 PM
not really substantial:-

42940903 shares (1.60%)

Matthew Geoffrey HILL

Flat 2, 18 Wairakei Street, Greenlane, Auckland, 1051 , New Zealand

42940903 shares (1.60%)

Matthew Geoffrey HILL

Flat 2, 18 Wairakei Street, Greenlane, Auckland, 1051 , New Zealand


Work hard to realize 257k worth of shares, maybe 500-600k if you work harder, or 400k a year for 10 years+ ?

03-07-2020, 04:38 PM

The Financial Markets Authority confirmed today that it is looking into a complaint that the chief executive of an NZX-listed firm has been commenting about the company anonymously in a sharemarket chatroom.

03-07-2020, 07:25 PM
Anybody with premium access to NZHerald able to copy and paste the article?

03-07-2020, 09:00 PM
Not much to see , yet.Wheels in motion.

"The administrator, who declined to be named, said visitors from NZX-listed companies, or sharebroking companies, were welcome on the site as long as they revealed their identities."

"If they are representative of, for instance, a listed company we have always had a rule that they need to clearly identify themselves - obviously with all the disclosure rules and all that kind of stuff," he said.
"These people are clearly identified, so there is no hiding or anything else," he said

FMA looks into CEO's internet chatroom comments (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12345266)

03-07-2020, 09:59 PM
Well I must say I didn’t see that coming.
IMO the board need to come out Monday with some clear statements and a sound look ahead of how they intend to move forward from this.
there could well be a silver lining to this.

03-07-2020, 11:11 PM
there could well be a silver lining to this.

No one is here for silver. :p

03-07-2020, 11:38 PM
No one is here for silver. :p

But it might be all that the long tortured & overly patient Holders have rattling in their pockets & be prepared to toss in the NTL hat for next Cap Raise ;)

04-07-2020, 07:18 PM
Hard to tell who you are quoting in that rant....but some of it is defamatory. I'll leave others to judge how that reflects on you. You do seem genuinely pissed that the price hasn't collapsed. Whatever "job is done" entailed, has apparently failed miserably and exposed some of your less appealing qualities in the process IMHO.

S/P and the company are below investment grade and below spekky grade to me. Im not the one who tops up or trades it ,even after Bullish has been exposed. I do not hold it, i do not trade it. I do hold a few aussie gold etc explorer developers.

I hate to see naive/ newbie investors putting their hard earned into extremely risky stocks like this one. i have been consistent over the years about this with various posters/stocks and if i get a whiff of ramping/ pumping etc i respond. This risky sector is littered with failures (ASX mainly) and rules and regulations have been tightened over the years. NTL and the company before it have always been full of promises and have been serial capital raisers and where have they got to? Prob the next cap raise with the usual hype, because they constantly need new blood, new investors as previous ones leave.. This is all imo, and i see many posters saying the same thing about NTL. Your deflection bringing politics on to the thread was completely unacceptable and sets a precedent which lowers the whole website. Your attempt to report me and shut me down says alot to me as does with your CEO's behaviour.. If he had disclosed who he was like ive seen before on stocks on H/C things could be seen in a different light maybe.

04-07-2020, 08:31 PM
I read about Matthew Hill's activity as the poster Bullish in the Herald today, I couldn't believe it. I don't hold any shares at the moment, and I'm still pretty disappointed with Glass Earth Gold's humdrum efforts until they effectively folded up. At least they didn't prod the market in such a direct and illegal way.

I remember with clarity when a firm I had dealings with listed on the market. Their words were: "This is our latest effort in capital raising". They didn't say "After lots of requests from investors, we are giving the stockmarket a shot at some of our future super-profits". In fact that firm is still losing money each year, as far as I know.

I did look hard at FPH and A2 Milk years ago (amongst others) and thought they looked like sound NZ businesses, with a great story. But their shares didn't move very quickly back then, so I didn't keep the shares. Look at them now!

When I invest again, it'll be into sound-looking businesses that don't need to do so much capital raising, and I'll wait a bit longer to see if my research was correct.

06-07-2020, 09:11 AM
Wonder if we'll see an announcement today.

06-07-2020, 10:37 AM
resignation surely.

06-07-2020, 11:22 AM
Comment today, credit BullionVault, on gold doing better than gold miners, that seens relevant.

"You would have been far better off just buying the metal. Far less risk; far greater gain.Management of mining companies have to take a lot of responsibility for this. They haven't run their companies well. Incompetence is a sector-wide affliction. Bad decision follows bad decision. Companies are often run in the interests of management, not shareholders."

06-07-2020, 01:06 PM
resignation surely.

Hard to see that happening. They've got a holiday planned:

This critical milestone allows the scoping siting and ultimately procurement of a suitable plant meeting higher volumes with anapplication for resource consent for the larger plant to be lodged once the specific plant has been identified. While a number ofplants which may suit have been located the travel restrictions still in place mean site visits may be some time away.

From page 7 of the AR.

06-07-2020, 01:35 PM
Nothing to see, blah blah blah:


New Talisman is aware of the allegations published in NZ Herald online late on Friday 3 July in relation to the company CEO.
We understand that the allegations were made by an administrator on Sharetrader after the Company CEO wrote to Sharetrader to complain and to request they investigate and consider removing malicious postings being published on the Sharetrader.co.nz site with respect to the Company CEO personally and the Company.
The Company is investigating the content of the postings made on Sharetrader.co.nz that have been alleged by Sharetrader to have been made by the Company CEO, to ascertain whether the content of those postings gives rise to concerns in respect of disclosure requirements.
The Company, will not be commenting on this matter until the outcome of those enquiries are complete.

06-07-2020, 01:52 PM
"after the Company CEO wrote to Sharetrader to complain and to request they investigate" Are they saying that Matt Hill was the one who wrote to Sharetrader to complain and request the investigation?

06-07-2020, 01:53 PM
The guy deserves to be charged not just resigning. The fact the board hasn’t stood him down pending investigation is very poor. The FMA should be investigating more then just a few rambling comments on this thread. Makes you wonder if there is actually any gold at all!

06-07-2020, 01:56 PM
Removed from thread

06-07-2020, 02:07 PM
New Talisman is aware of the allegations published in NZ Herald online late on Friday 3 July in relation to the company CEO.
We understand that the allegations were made by an administrator on Sharetrader after the Company CEO wrote to Sharetrader to complain and to request they investigate and consider removing malicious postings being published on the Sharetrader.co.nz site with respect to the Company CEO personally and the Company.
The Company is investigating the content of the postings made on Sharetrader.co.nz that have been alleged by Sharetrader to have been made by the Company CEO, to ascertain whether the content of those postings gives rise to concerns in respect of disclosure requirements.
The Company, will not be commenting on this matter until the outcome of those enquiries are complete.[/QUOTE]

No, no, no. Is someone misleading the Board ? The issue was identified in post #5446 by Vince. If you are a CEO or similar then you should id yourself before posting comments. It was not about malicious comments but rather hiding behind a nom de plume


06-07-2020, 02:14 PM
Makes you wonder if there is actually any gold at all!

And what is your motivation with this malicious and ridiculous comment?

NTL has just released a Peer Review of its JORC. Are you also maligning the company that undertook the Peer Review? The author is on the JORC Committee if I recall correctly.

06-07-2020, 02:15 PM
FMA needs to investigate and investigate the release notice and info the NZX of its finding including the boards response. Wider investigation required by FMA to include the boards response to the market and shareholders. If the board is found to have mislead shareholders deliberately. The minutes of the meeting of the board regarding the matter need to be published if there indeed a meeting as yet. If the CEO is found to have mislead shareholders here then the matter is of a far more serious nature.

06-07-2020, 02:19 PM
The Company, will not be commenting on this matter until the outcome of those enquiries are complete.[/QUOTE]

I for one couldn't care less if they comment or don't comment on malicious posts on this thread.

I would however like them to comment on their CEO posting on this thread without full disclosure.

06-07-2020, 02:29 PM
The Company, will not be commenting on this matter until the outcome of those enquiries are complete.

I for one couldn't care less if they comment or don't comment on malicious posts on this thread.

I would however like them to comment on their CEO posting on this thread without full disclosure.

I agree Steve. However, I am still pretty disappointed in the boards response though. Are they acting on behalf of the shareholders or protecting their CEO. Lost confidence in senior management makes me question my holdings in this company.

06-07-2020, 02:30 PM
FMA needs to investigate and investigate the release notice and info the NZX of its finding including the boards response. Wider investigation required by FMA to include the boards response to the market and shareholders. If the board is found to have mislead shareholders deliberately. The minutes of the meeting of the board regarding the matter need to be published if there indeed a meeting as yet. If the CEO is found to have mislead shareholders here then the matter is of a far more serious nature.

Take a deep breath Waltzing.

How have you jumped to wondering if the Board has misled shareholders?

The FMA have criteria they will check. I doubt whether not complying with Sharetrader's site rules is one of them. The FMA's interest would be as to whether any Market Disclosure rules have been breached. Don't confuse that with Sharetrader's disclosure rules.

Paint it Black
06-07-2020, 02:36 PM
New Talisman is aware of the allegations published in NZ Herald online late on Friday 3 July in relation to the company CEO.
We understand that the allegations were made by an administrator on Sharetrader after the Company CEO wrote to Sharetrader to complain and to request they investigate and consider removing malicious postings being published on the Sharetrader.co.nz site with respect to the Company CEO personally and the Company.
The Company is investigating the content of the postings made on Sharetrader.co.nz that have been alleged by Sharetrader to have been made by the Company CEO, to ascertain whether the content of those postings gives rise to concerns in respect of disclosure requirements.
The Company, will not be commenting on this matter until the outcome of those enquiries are complete.

No, no, no. Is someone misleading the Board ? The issue was identified in post #5446 by Vince. If you are a CEO or similar then you should id yourself before posting comments. It was not about malicious comments but rather hiding behind a nom de plume

This is becoming even more murky. Am I right in thinking that MH wrote to Sharetrader on behalf of NTL complaining about malicious statements while in parallel allegedly responding to these 'anonymously' through Sharetrader? What, if anything, was MH telling the rest of the Board while this was happening? What triggered Vince into investigating Bullish rather than the source of these statements? I also look forward to the outcome of Jonu's moderation enquiry. This needs to be resolved decisively to protect NTL with the press already on the trail.

06-07-2020, 02:50 PM
This is becoming even more murky. .....

I agree.
I want to know the timeline - What events lead up to Bullish getting banned?
Did MH message this website directly just before this site's admin investigation?

It's starting to become a case of he said, she said.
Someone could end up with libel/slander accusations?

06-07-2020, 03:03 PM
I agree.
I want to know the timeline - What events lead up to Bullish getting banned?
Did MH message this website directly just before this site's admin investigation?

It's starting to become a case of he said, she said.
Someone could end up with libel/slander accusations?

It sounds pretty simple to me imo it looks like CEO was posting as Bullish on this site and not disclosing who he was . Obviously signed up with an email for this .
Then seperately he took exception to some of the posters on here ( read the thread) bagging him for poor performance etc .... maybe he used the same email to complain to sharetrader with and admin put 2 & 2 together .......

06-07-2020, 03:36 PM
Gee I find this all quite amusing
You lot are like a pack of rapid dogs or my kids on FB
all of a sudden you've got some dirt to throw and everyone jumps on the band wagon Ra Ra this Bla Bla that
I'm not supporting actions or condoning them yet but all im seeing is a whoile lot of past or non-shareholders making a big fuss over this so called penny dreadful stock without all the facts.
I think Jonu's comment is right take a deep breath people let the correct people deal with it and move on.
As for the SP it seems to be holding up well considering - you might not see it this cheep again.

06-07-2020, 03:40 PM
"after the Company CEO wrote to Sharetrader to complain and to request they investigate" Are they saying that Matt Hill was the one who wrote to Sharetrader to complain and request the investigation?

Yeah I read that comment and thought that'll teach him, he pissed on his own shoes.

06-07-2020, 03:41 PM
Ironic that he may be the cause of his own demise, which in turn could lead to NTLs success.

Tongue in cheek, well...

Still a holder, please disregard my opinions.
Discl: Not employed by NTL or any other mining company. Not related to MH, and if he drives a Landy, I didnt sell it to him.

06-07-2020, 04:41 PM
"Take a deep breath Waltzing."

i always take a breath when reading Lord Denning. I always appreciate the technical posts as i dont follow gold mining but boards conduct is under the companies act. On the surface there may well be nothing much to answer for but upon an audit matters can and often do come to light that contravene company law. Dont under estimate the technical nature of procedures.

06-07-2020, 05:06 PM
I sent an email this afternoon voicing my displeasure as a share holder and got the 'no comment' response.

It's an election year, thankfully the Green party spend more time focused on welfare than environmental issues otherwise this could go down a very steep slope rather quickly.

I don't know if anyone follows the NBA but Kevin Durant was caught having several social media burner accounts that he used to talk himself up, this is a little more serious of a situation and sure does make me wonder...the culture and accepted norms of a company usually flow from the top down, I sure hope that isn't the case with this kind of behaviour.

06-07-2020, 05:15 PM
A company representative needs to make full disclosure of who they are regardless of the rules on this website. Their utterances have direct consequences for the company (and themselves personally) in a financial context. Whether they are disclosing anything that is not public knowledge is somewhat irrelevant. Without disclosure of who they are, they are effectively manipulating peoples opinions and potentially their financial decisions. For what cause who knows, but the consequence is almost certainly financial...

06-07-2020, 05:25 PM
Sadly, I suspect Matthew Hill has the ultimate say in any communications. I would hazard to guess that he most likely even wrote the letter released today. I would not expect any action from NTL unless it is forced on by the FMA.

Regardless of the outcome, the credibility of the company IMO has been shot to smithereens.

06-07-2020, 06:00 PM
Sadly, I suspect Matthew Hill has the ultimate say in any communications. I would hazard to guess that he most likely even wrote the letter released today. I would not expect any action from NTL unless it is forced on by the FMA.

Regardless of the outcome, the credibility of the company IMO has been shot to smithereens.

Who appoints the CEO? The board does.

Who appoints the Board? Shareholders do.

Therein lies your solution.

06-07-2020, 06:52 PM
Time for No Confidence vote in both the current Board & CEO from shareholders

If enough do this & a majority, then things should start seeing action

06-07-2020, 08:57 PM
VINCE,, Can you enlighten us as to how you decided that BULLISH and other names were in fact posted by Matt Hill? Did you do a Sherlock Holmes and work it all out yourself or was the information you acted on given to you or appear annonymously. To me it makes a world of difference.
The Mineral Resource Estimate [MRS] was released and within a few short days we have this issue with Matt Hills assumally posting on Sharetrader. The MRS is a hugh factor for NTL. This MRS was backed by a internationally recognized AMC Consultants and confirmed that NTL is a world class mine. So now I find it very strange that just as soon as millions of dollars [Maybe 100 of millions] are shown to be in them there hills this info that was just as available back in 2013 suddenly appears. I guess we all know when that amount of money is on the cards the knifes come out.
So again I would ask did you Sherlock all this info yourself of did it fall on your desk.?

06-07-2020, 09:56 PM
NTL Holding thread

06-07-2020, 10:18 PM
And what is your motivation with this malicious and ridiculous comment?

NTL has just released a Peer Review of its JORC. Are you also maligning the company that undertook the Peer Review? The author is on the JORC Committee if I recall correctly.

Theres that malicious word again.I will agree its not a knowledgeable comment but intending to do harm? And maligning wow ee.
Come on what is this a defensive attack.?

06-07-2020, 10:54 PM
Looks like some/all of the posts from Bullish and Epithermal have been removed from this thread and parked somewhere, access has just now been removed. Vince had the last marker post on the new thread.

From a quick google search I see that Matthew Hill has an MBA from the University of the South Pacific, where fees can be quite cost-effective from the look of it. Whoever Bullish was, he/she always seemed to write "your" when "you're" was more appropriate. But it's not that unusual for CEOs to be hopeless at writing a letter, is it?

06-07-2020, 11:19 PM
Yes hes parked them for safe keeping i guess. I counted i think roughly 115 posts from Bullish alone! The other nick Epithermal ? no idea how many posts.

07-07-2020, 08:53 AM
There are still some posts from bullish on page 1 of this thread.

07-07-2020, 09:12 AM
This is better than a movie.

Question: the user robbo24 was is banned here, but still posting on HC claiming he's not Matt Hill - was that user banned for something else or was their suspicion he is another throwaway account? I ask because that guy on HC had literal access to the mine and was posting photos!

07-07-2020, 09:22 AM
This is better than a movie.

Question: the user robbo24 was is banned here, but still posting on HC claiming he's not Matt Hill - was that user banned for something else or was their suspicion he is another throwaway account? I ask because that guy on HC had literal access to the mine and was posting photos!

Best not to go too far down rabbit holes Caesius. I have met robbo, I can assure you he is not Matt Hill who I have also met.

No conspiracy there either unfortunately. I met them both separately at ASMs.

07-07-2020, 09:38 AM
Jan 2013

Gr8 your pretty bearish.....there appears to be movement at the station here. clearly you havent read anything before casting a shot. (evidenced from your thought that the road was upgraded many years ago versus this year!!). Thus the shovels seem to be out.

I tend to agree with the moose...they have shifted to developer and are making good inroads its seems. They jumped 46% in Aus up 10% or so here last week and there they remain....The oppies look like a go but not much out there .....

The prefeas due out this Q will be interesting particularly with Wayne Chowles who is a specialist engineer in gold from my read......Go wayne and New Talisman team get it home...!

...."shifted to developer" thats 7 years ago!. Still developing now dilution and cap raises and M Hills big imo, fleecing salary later.

07-07-2020, 09:48 AM
Yeah whether or not he's technically broken any laws is of zero interest to me, using that argument a CEO could take yearly trips to a lawless country to participate in dog fighting rings, stream it on their website, and no one should care because it's not illegal.

There are certain things you don't do as CEO whether they're legal or not and "attempt to deceive" should be right up there. This guy (if true, should add that I guess) has definitely attempted to deceive. Otherwise, the username would have been "Matt Hill". It is literally the definition of deception.

07-07-2020, 09:57 AM
Message for 'bullish" (cos I reckon ya still come to this forum to read it :cool:) but now only as a guest.:t_up:

I didn't get a chance to reply to your personal message the other night when you asked me about Mathew Hill lmfao.
Hopefully you'll have a lot more free time on your hands in the very near future, so if you're ever down Christchurch way, get hold of me and we can catch up for a coffee and I can tell you what I think face to face.

07-07-2020, 10:02 AM
Wow just Wow.

07-07-2020, 10:13 AM
Yeah whether or not he's technically broken any laws is of zero interest to me, using that argument a CEO could take yearly trips to a lawless country to participate in dog fighting rings, stream it on their website, and no one should care because it's not illegal.

There are certain things you don't do as CEO whether they're legal or not and "attempt to deceive" should be right up there. This guy (if true, should add that I guess) has definitely attempted to deceive. Otherwise, the username would have been "Matt Hill". It is literally the definition of deception.

Careful Caesius. You had better hope Matt Hill isn't litigious. If posting here under a pseudonym is an "attempt to deceive" then so are you. We don't know your affiliations or motivations, or those of many other posters on here. We do know that previously Project Karangahape people were posting here and down ramping and spreading misinformation.

07-07-2020, 10:19 AM
Righto, while this sideshow is going on, lets not lose sight of the main event.
Due to all the inertia and procastination of current management, I've decided to get my bucket and spade out, and head up to the mine to collect a dividend, by way of some late night embezzlement.
If there are any able bodied gents who wish to join me, you are welcome, as long as you can push heavily laden wheelbarrows.
Please apply within.
All applications treated with strictest confidence.

07-07-2020, 10:20 AM
Careful Caesius. You had better hope Matt Hill isn't litigious. If posting here under a pseudonym is an "attempt to deceive" then so are you. We don't know your affiliations or motivations, or those of many other posters on here. We do know that previously Project Karangahape people were posting here and down ramping and spreading misinformation.

jonu thank-you for the warning that litigation could be coming my way - wow this could be costly.

07-07-2020, 10:24 AM
Golly Gosh, Does this out fit need some good/great/fantastic NEWS !!! come on guys please !

07-07-2020, 10:39 AM
Righto, while this sideshow is going on, lets not lose sight of the main event.
Due to all the inertia and procastination of current management, I've decided to get my bucket and spade out, and head up to the mine to collect a dividend, by way of some late night embezzlement.
If there are any able bodied gents who wish to join me, you are welcome, as long as you can push heavily laden wheelbarrows.
Please apply within.
All applications treated with strictest confidence.

Gotta be able to have a laugh! Well done Getty. You could always raid your namesakes' mansion.

07-07-2020, 10:41 AM
jonu thank-you for the warning that litigation could be coming my way - wow this could be costly.

I have no idea whether he would pursue you or the site. But there is an awful lot of not very well thought out mudslinging going on.

07-07-2020, 11:14 AM
Yeah whether or not he's technically broken any laws is of zero interest to me, using that argument a CEO could take yearly trips to a lawless country to participate in dog fighting rings, stream it on their website, and no one should care because it's not illegal.

There are certain things you don't do as CEO whether they're legal or not and "attempt to deceive" should be right up there. This guy (if true, should add that I guess) has definitely attempted to deceive. Otherwise, the username would have been "Matt Hill". It is literally the definition of deception.

I respect your views and a CEO posting on here if verified for 7 years plus in 2 nicks to me is a very serious thing. Going by the reaction on here im not alone. I note jonu continually warning people and trying to scare people off, dampen things down, limit the damage in what looks like avery defensive approach. It looks to me he is too close and has too much at stake to be unbiased here.

07-07-2020, 11:55 AM
I respect your views and a CEO posting on here if verified for 7 years plus in 2 nicks to me is a very serious thing. Going by the reaction on here im not alone. I note jonu continually warning people and trying to scare people off, dampen things down, limit the damage in what looks like avery defensive approach. It looks to me he is too close and has too much at stake to be unbiased here.

Of course I'm biased JT. I have a significant (for me) stake in what will be a very profitable goldmine. A gold mine with a recently Peer Reviewed Resource at extremely high grades per tonne. All I have tried to do is warn people of the consequences of throwing mud on a public forum. I would have thought I could potentially be saving ill informed, thoughtless posters a lot of money and grief.

As for your own reported post, I have yet to have the courtesy of a reply from this site, or seen any action taken. Maybe it has been deemed to be OK. I hope for your sake a Court doesn't decide it.

07-07-2020, 12:03 PM
"I hope for your sake" what do you mean? that sounds little like a threat?

07-07-2020, 12:09 PM
"I hope for your sake" what do you mean? that sounds little like a threat?

I'm won't be taking you to Court JT. You have no need to feel threatened by me. Whether you have dropped yourself in it with others is not something I have any influence over.

07-07-2020, 12:20 PM
I'm won't be taking you to Court JT. You have no need to feel threatened by me. Whether you have dropped yourself in it with others is not something I have any influence over.

MH and NTL aren’t in a position to take anyone to court and plus there is no basis. It’s ok for us to express our opinion and views but it’s different for a CEO to do so without disclosure and potentially misinforming market participants with information he would know to be incorrect and in in-factual. It also stands that NTL practically confirmed his guilt in posting without disclosure through the announcement yesterday.

07-07-2020, 12:22 PM
MH and NTL aren’t in a position to take anyone to court and plus there is no basis. It’s ok for us to express our opinion and views but it’s different for a CEO to do so without disclosure and potentially misinforming market participants with information he would know to be incorrect and in in-factual. It also stands that NTL practically confirmed his guilt in posting without disclosure through the announcement yesterday.

Please correct me if I'm wrong:
- he's also a director
- which carries higher expectations, if not requirements, of disclosure than as just an employee

07-07-2020, 12:26 PM
MH and NTL aren’t in a position to take anyone to court and plus there is no basis. It’s ok for us to express our opinion and views but it’s different for a CEO to do so without disclosure and potentially misinforming market participants with information he would know to be incorrect and in in-factual. It also stands that NTL practically confirmed his guilt in posting without disclosure through the announcement yesterday.

Two separate issues Ace.

Expressing your opinion about others on a public forum also carries responsibilities.

07-07-2020, 12:57 PM
So we've been expressing opinions for years as has the CEO(to be verified) who has not been open with us , why?. All he had to do is be transparent in the beginning like ive seen on a few H/C stocks but he chose not to. Suddenly it all changes?. Looks to me like an attempt to deflect from his own transgressions(if verified).

Im guessing here but two things you took exception to and your CEO and you reported it to him and the Mods!!?? ? Was it my Mark Twain quote (below in various incarnations)which i found on H/C and is used in the high risk spekky /explorer tiny mkt cap miner stocks.


And my "fleecing" which i think fits, with the income the CEO gets out of NTL, is very excessive for such a microcap which to me looks a long way off from producing after 7 years.And your continual promoting/ramping as well. What have we got after all these years of dilution and cap raises. Alot of holders have lost money here. Think about that.They are often naive or newbies tempted by all that glistens, theres gold in them there hills A few have timed it well and got earlier . Some have traded it successfully.Deception is what i think of with the CEO if he has posting all these years under two nicks

07-07-2020, 01:00 PM
So we've been expressing opinions for years as has the CEO(to be verified) who has not been open with us , why?. All he had to do is be transparent in the beginning like ive seen on a few H/C stocks but he chose not to. Suddenly it all changes?. Looks to me like an attempt to deflect from his own transgressions(if verified).

Im guessing here but two things you took exception to and your CEO and you reported it to him and the Mods!!?? ? Was it my Mark Twain quote (below in various incarnations)which i found on H/C and is used in the high risk spekky /explorer tiny mkt cap miner stocks.


And my "fleecing" which i think fits, with the income the CEO gets out of NTL, is very excessive for such a microcap which to me looks a long way off from producing after 7 years.And your continual promoting/ramping as well. What have we got after all these years of dilution and cap raises. Alot of holders have lost money here. Think about that.They are often naive or newbies tempted by all that glistens, theres gold in them there hills A few have timed it well and got earlier . Some have traded it successfully.Deception is what i think of with the CEO if he has posting all these years under two nicks

Yes you are guessing.

And, thinking further on it....you have just provided any litigant with your defence in advance...for which I'm sure any litigant would be grateful.

07-07-2020, 01:29 PM
So far I have not heard from VINCE about contents of my post 5428,either by private email or on sharetrader.

The computer world has many ways to deceive. Just the other week I bought a iphone for 599 dollars. Three days later i receive an urgent warring on my bank's letterhead that someone was trying to break into my account and withdraw 600 dollars. I knew it was rubbish and that the only one trying to withdraw money was those issusing the warning. Neverthelesss I took it to the bank and as expected was told to give out no details.

Now what has all this to do with NTL. Well my son and grandson are really into computer. I am informed that anyone can post under your username from their home computer all they need is your email address and password.
So that makes one more complication. Firstly did Matt mades these posts himself. Did he very in the last 10 years leave his computer ungarded,so this info was stolen . Also it would not be that difficult for a sophisticated organization get your email address and password and post at will. After all is that not what the americans are saying about the Chinese and their G5 network

So to wrap it all up all we know is that someone [may be Matt himself] started posting on Sharetrader way back in 2013 under the usename Bullish some very bullish comments supporting NTL. I remain ignorant as to what has really happened but two things stand out.
1/ my post 5428 needs to be answered
2/ As with my warning that someone was trying to steal money from my account we need to all be a little bit guarded about what we read on our computers----especially Sharetrader. Do not assume your conclusion is the correct one,as many here seem to be doing.

07-07-2020, 01:30 PM
I can see your true colours coming through here Jonu, im glad all can see it.

07-07-2020, 01:33 PM
So far I have not heard from VINCE about contents of my post 5428,either by private email or on sharetrader.

The computer world has many ways to deceive. Just the other week I bought a iphone for 599 dollars. Three days later i receive an urgent warring on my bank's letterhead that someone was trying to break into my account and withdraw 600 dollars. I knew it was rubbish and that the only one trying to withdraw money was those issusing the warning. Neverthelesss I took it to the bank and as expected was told to give out no details.

Now what has all this to do with NTL. Well my son and grandson are really into computer. I am informed that anyone can post under your username from their home computer all they need is your email address and password.
So that makes one more complication. Firstly did Matt mades these posts himself. Did he very in the last 10 years leave his computer ungarded,so this info was stolen . Also it would not be that difficult for a sophisticated organization get your email address and password and post at will. After all is that not what the americans are saying about the Chinese and their G5 network

So to wrap it all up all we know is that someone [may be Matt himself] started posting on Sharetrader way back in 2013 under the usename Bullish some very bullish comments supporting NTL. I remain ignorant as to what has really happened but two things stand out.
1/ my post 5428 needs to be answered
2/ As with my warning that someone was trying to steal money from my account we need to all be a little bit guarded about what we read on our computers----especially Sharetrader. Do not assume your conclusion is the correct one,as many here seem to be doing.

1. IP addresses?
2. The very fact that NTL released an announcement stating that “The Company is investigating the content of the postings made on Sharetrader.co.nz that have been alleged by Sharetrader to have been made by the Company CEO, to ascertain whether the content of those postings gives rise to concerns in respect of disclosure requirements.” If it wasn’t the CEO, why investigate and have concerns re: disclosure requirements? Sounds like they tried to be vague yet ultimately implicated himself as said poster.
3. I don’t think a sophisticated organisation is going to hack and compromise multiple systems to post under “bullish” to ramp up the price of a microcap stock all the way in kiwi land and hope for the ramping to affect the share price. If they had the capability they would do other things that would yield more results lol. This isn’t a conspiracy. Either he posted or he didn’t and if he did, did he mislead for financial gain. It seems likely he did post because if not he would have already stated otherwise and the FMA have already indicated they are looking into the complaints. The fact the posts have moved to a holding thread on the main board is another sign he did because the first fact the FMA would look at is if the user was MH, and if not they wouldn’t bother continuing. The fact the posts are moved and held in a password protected thread says enough about that if we use logical deduction. Is that clear?

07-07-2020, 03:19 PM
Vince "confirmed" that Bullish was Matt Hill which suggests he is confident MH was Bullish. What are the chances of him being hacked for 7 odd years. Or why hacked now if that's what you are suggesting... if something smells like a dead rat, it usually is.

As for MH's ginormous salary, and knowing enough to be dangerous about executive salary arrangements in listed and non listed companies, it is completely out of whack with the market. We've been had alright. Time for MH to go, and the Board, and get some competent management in so that we can ALL FINALLY make some bloody money out of this dog.

Just my opinion of course :)

07-07-2020, 04:05 PM
Have just received notice of the virtual annual meeting. Questions can be submitted in advance but they will not answer individual questions, rather they will "endeavour" (my quote marks) to address commondly raised questions.

My first question will be how did they benchmark MH's salary. Suggest others put similar questions to them.

I think it is high time us small investors took a more active interest in this company.

07-07-2020, 05:08 PM
Looking at the current SP we'll be back at .008 next week and here i was hopping to pick some up at .005 dam it. Wish some of you would sell out cheaper.

07-07-2020, 07:48 PM
Have just received notice of the virtual annual meeting. Questions can be submitted in advance but they will not answer individual questions, rather they will "endeavour" (my quote marks) to address commondly raised questions.

My first question will be how did they benchmark MH's salary. Suggest others put similar questions to them.

I think it is high time us small investors took a more active interest in this company.

Goodluck all who want more from their company.

2020 Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Form (https://hotcopper.com.au/threads/5488332/)

07-07-2020, 08:39 PM
Best not to go too far down rabbit holes Caesius. I have met robbo, I can assure you he is not Matt Hill who I have also met.

No conspiracy there either unfortunately. I met them both separately at ASMs.

is robbo also an employee or director of NTL?

07-07-2020, 09:03 PM
There's a lot of discussion on this thread about who is who and who's impersonating who.

I wonder if that mysterious guy from the mysterious country representing the mysterious firm who could mysteriously see a huge downturn in the world economy in the forthcoming 12 months, who flew in all the way from this mysterious place to attend the last NTL AGM in little old NZ with a view to buying into this hole in the ground will be there again? :confused: :confused:

AGM's coming up. Should be a doozy. :eek2: :eek2:

07-07-2020, 09:06 PM
It's a virtual AGM unfortunately.

07-07-2020, 09:11 PM
is robbo also an employee or director of NTL?

As far as I'm aware robbo24 (not robbo who's another user) is not an employee or Director of NTL as far as I'm aware. Robbo24 was banned from this site some time ago by one of the Mods.
Needed to clarify this.


07-07-2020, 09:14 PM
It's a virtual AGM unfortunately.

Pity. It didn't have to be tho. Lots of smoke and mirrors with this company isn't there ???!!!

08-07-2020, 07:24 AM
Hi there I'm a journalist for Stuff.co.nz and have been following the recent thread about NTL CEO. If you're a shareholder and would like to share your opinion on the allegations about Matt Hill's behaviour feel free to get in touch with me at anuja.nadkarni@stuff.co.nz


08-07-2020, 09:25 AM
It's a virtual AGM unfortunately.

I personally cannot think of a reason why the AGM should not happen in a nonvirtual situation unless they are hiding behind NZX's requirements.

Im picking that the fish heads are using this to dodge hard questions form concerned share holders who have valid concerns about their hard earned .
With the last SPP I hoped ( it now appears misplaced ) that they had sufficient monies to take us into semi commercial production but it now appears that this is not the case and we will be hit with another SPP without any definite timeline for this ( semi commercial production ) happening.

NOT GOOD imo!!!

08-07-2020, 09:45 AM
I personally cannot think of a reason why the AGM should not happen in a nonvirtual situation unless they are hiding behind NZX's requirements.

Im picking that the fish heads are using this to dodge hard questions form concerned share holders who have valid concerns about their hard earned .
With the last SPP I hoped ( it now appears misplaced ) that they had sufficient monies to take us into semi commercial production but it now appears that this is not the case and we will be hit with another SPP without any definite timeline for this ( semi commercial production ) happening.

NOT GOOD imo!!!

Hi whatsup, are you a member of the NZSA? https://www.nzshareholders.co.nz/

Take it up with them as they are always interested in these kind of things. The more we let them know the more they can push back on nonsense like this from NTL.

08-07-2020, 10:30 AM
Did they also miss the deadline for the quarterly report due end of last month?Or are they also going to blame the virus.

I really don't expect Matt to be at the AGM.hopefully they will be announcing his replacement

08-07-2020, 10:34 AM
i bet he is there.

08-07-2020, 10:41 AM
Did they also miss the deadline for the quarterly report due end of last month?Or are they also going to blame the virus.

No. Quarter end is end of June, so report due in July. Releasing quarterly reports has always taken NTL until the afternoon of the very last day of the month, naturally.

08-07-2020, 11:32 AM
Why do so many small orders go through the nzx?

08-07-2020, 11:40 AM
Likely to be Sharsies trades

08-07-2020, 11:46 AM
Hatch, Shares etc you can buy one share for minimal no brokerage or someone manipulating price, logrythmic bots etc.

08-07-2020, 01:59 PM
Loyalty :) is that re another 3.57% dilution?

Share Purchase Plan Loyalty Shares Allotted (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/NTL/355946/326045.pdf)

08-07-2020, 02:05 PM
Hi whatsup, are you a member of the NZSA? https://www.nzshareholders.co.nz/

Take it up with them as they are always interested in these kind of things. The more we let them know the more they can push back on nonsense like this from NTL.

I have informed the board of the NZSA and they are discussing the AGM being of a virtual nature.

I really do think NTL are on pretty thin ground when they argue that travel restrictions due to covid are why they are having this virtually. I don't know of any travel restrictions currently operating in NZ.

08-07-2020, 02:54 PM
I could hazard some guesses as to "who thinks the jury is still out"

09-07-2020, 10:40 AM
Well the stuff article makes it pretty hard to believe Bullish was not Matt Hills pen name, if the IP's matched up then it could be theorised that the poster could be someone in his household or someone with access to the NTL internet on site. However seeing as though Vince seemingly has confirmed he matched the emails sent by MH asking for IP addresses etc, and the email used to create bullish and this other account it makes it a huge stretch to think that someone has gained access to his account and posted since 2013, this along with NTL itself not denying the fact he posted and just saying they will look into whether he broke any laws. The only other possibility is that the person that emailed Vince was posing as MH in order to get peoples IP and send some threats of litigation, but i think this is a stretch also.

I looked through the holding thread when it was open for access and while I will admit I know virtually nothing about the laws that could have been broken here, it was clear that Bullish's posts were intended to paint the company in a much more positive light than was sentiment at the time, to the point of being pretty self congratulatory. The lack of clear condemnation from the NTL board for his actions speaks volumes really, laws broken or not its a terrible look. This along with moving the AGM to a virtual setting makes it seem like the board is prepared to put MH well before the shareholders, and gives the impression that they are running this like a small private venture between mates rather that a publicly listed company that has lived off of Capital raising while continually failing to meet targets that they set themselves.

I do however find it hilarious if it is him he was found out in some weird attempt to litigate people in here making negative/derogatory posts about the company (I assume and hope that these details would not be given out willy nilly). It now makes it pretty hard for him to turn around and say that he doesn't believe his positive posts were intended to increase the SP or change opinions on the company, when he obviously believed that the negative opinions on here were serious enough to warrant litigation.

I think NTL needs to come out and say whether the posts were him or not unequivocally for a start, its up for the FMA to decide whether his posts broke any laws but its up to the company to be clear to shareholders on whether it was in fact MH or not.

Disclosure: Smallish holding and not planning to sell, my old boy used to tell me before we would go to the casino "If your not prepared to throw the money out of the car window before you get there, then you shouldn't take it to the casino" to me its a side gamble, nothing more nothing less.

14-07-2020, 04:30 PM
This thread is going to go very silent with no so-called good news just round the corner from Jonu. I see he too, is banned. How will i know when to throw more good money after bad.

14-07-2020, 04:35 PM
What Jonu got banned too? I knew he/she was optimistic, but everyone (bar those in the know) have the right to an opinion.

Paint it Black
14-07-2020, 04:59 PM
What Jonu got banned too? I knew he/she was optimistic, but everyone (bar those in the know) have the right to an opinion.

Totally agree - the forum needs to be open to all opinion within the rules. If he/she is banned we should be told why - are there any others?

Possibly Jonu has just got weary of the negativity and is now happily accumulating at 0.6c.

14-07-2020, 05:02 PM
Totally agree - the forum needs to be open to all opinion within the rules. If he/she is banned we should be told why - are there any others?

Possibly Jonu has just got weary of the negativity and is now happily accumulating at 0.6c.

May be accumulating at 0.5c soon, hahahah -just my opinion!!!

Paint it Black
14-07-2020, 05:08 PM
May be accumulating at 0.5c soon, hahahah -just my opinion!!!

Even better!!

14-07-2020, 08:26 PM
VINCE,, Can you enlighten us as to how you decided that BULLISH and other names were in fact posted by Matt Hill? Did you do a Sherlock Holmes and work it all out yourself or was the information you acted on given to you or appear annonymously. To me it makes a world of difference.
The Mineral Resource Estimate [MRS] was released and within a few short days we have this issue with Matt Hills assumally posting on Sharetrader. The MRS is a hugh factor for NTL. This MRS was backed by a internationally recognized AMC Consultants and confirmed that NTL is a world class mine. So now I find it very strange that just as soon as millions of dollars [Maybe 100 of millions] are shown to be in them there hills this info that was just as available back in 2013 suddenly appears. I guess we all know when that amount of money is on the cards the knifes come out.
So again I would ask did you Sherlock all this info yourself of did it fall on your desk.?

Hi Vince
Are you able to answer this question?

14-07-2020, 08:27 PM
What! No Jonu...
Maybe to busy telling posters to be careful forgetting about himself.
So what’s happening about Matt Hill?

14-07-2020, 08:28 PM
I got my bonus shares allocated today, so happy with my 20% return on last years capital raising.

Would like it to be more with some good news, but will take the 20% for now.

14-07-2020, 09:21 PM
Cannot for the life of me see any good news coming out for NTL for quite some time. These accusations against Matt Hill are going to be a total distraction. I have always taken the view that I would not invest in a company that is engaged in any legal action because it totally distracts the management and board from doing what they are supposed to be doing and that is enriching share holders. While the problems associated with Mr Hill have not and I hope will not result in any legal action from my point of view as an investor there will be a significant effect.

Since December I have halved my shareholding. I am sure this mine has the potential to be very profitable but we seem to be a very long way now from production.

The problems are mainly political.

1/ Hauraki District Council restricting the truck movements to 4 on average per day.
2/ HDC restricting the mine to 1 blast event per day.
3/ Still waiting for mining consent to follow on from bulk sampling and this may become highly political.
4/ These guys still have not decided on how they will process the ore.

Good news to hand though. Judith Collins has been elected leader of the National Party. Maybe they will stop being wet and develop a spine and some principles. As is often the case these days if you want a job to be done give it to a woman.

16-07-2020, 12:58 PM
Matty Hill needs to be replaced by Crusher Collins.
She knows how to put her oar/ore in, and get the crushers going...

16-07-2020, 02:56 PM
All's been very quiet with half of the posters on this thread band for one reason or another.

I'm happy to see that a number of the top share holders took up the SPP contradicting someones post on here awhile back.
Just to make sure no one thinks I'm ramping or leading the public or members on here astray ill post the link to where i got the info.

http://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/276623/29629346/entityFilingRequirement?backurl=%2Fcompanies%2Fapp %2Fui%2Fpages%2Fcompanies%2F276623%2Fdocuments

By my calcs as a collective they have increased there holdings by 34m shares and correct me if I am wrong here but that would equate to 170m shares purchased during the SSP that's pushing close to half of the total raised.
Given most have continued to increase there holding over the years I'd say this is a sign of faith in the company.

16-07-2020, 04:43 PM
All's been very quiet with half of the posters on this thread band for one reason or another.

I'm happy to see that a number of the top share holders took up the SPP contradicting someones post on here awhile back.
Just to make sure no one thinks I'm ramping or leading the public or members on here astray ill post the link to where i got the info.

http://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/276623/29629346/entityFilingRequirement?backurl=%2Fcompanies%2Fapp %2Fui%2Fpages%2Fcompanies%2F276623%2Fdocuments

By my calcs as a collective they have increased there holdings by 34m shares and correct me if I am wrong here but that would equate to 170m shares purchased during the SSP that's pushing close to half of the total raised.
Given most have continued to increase there holding over the years I'd say this is a sign of faith in the company.

That is good research and good to know. I think you should be safe from being accused of ramping, although you never know :)

16-07-2020, 06:13 PM
Probably the best approach with this company is to invest in it at the point when gold is actually being extracted or about to be extracted. The major shareholders Brown and Evans have been invested in this company for many years. Their opportunity cost like mine has been huge. When I see the insiders buy shares then I will take a renewed interest.

16-07-2020, 06:25 PM
Totally agree - the forum needs to be open to all opinion within the rules. If he/she is banned we should be told why - are there any others?

Possibly Jonu has just got weary of the negativity and is now happily accumulating at 0.6c.

I'm baaaack!

Yep got banned for apparently threatening people with litigation (I didn't). I did suggest some posters were putting themselves in harm's way. As was this site IMHO.

Those of you questioning why the ASM is online might like to consider where the Chair of the Board is based. It will then no doubt become abundantly clear.

16-07-2020, 06:27 PM
Probably the best approach with this company is to invest in it at the point when gold is actually being extracted or about to be extracted. The major shareholders Brown and Evans have been invested in this company for many years. Their opportunity cost like mine has been huge. When I see the insiders buy shares then I will take a renewed interest.

The thing is, Brain your key words to invest is ‘actually being extracted’, completely agree with that. The ‘when’ is the big unknown. I’m sure plenty of investors would be happy to pay 10x maybe 100x the current share price if they were producing high quality gold in quantity. Prior to that it’s a punt and has been since day one, 20 years ago. Sure buy a open lotto ticket for 7 tenths of one cent, who knows it could make you a millionaire … and I think this is what attracts people to putting their money into NTL, a bet on a possibility. That is not investing imo, but still it’s obvious enough people and their money are attracted to have kept this going for oh so many years.

16-07-2020, 07:18 PM
The thing is, Brain your key words to invest is ‘actually being extracted’, completely agree with that. The ‘when’ is the big unknown. I’m sure plenty of investors would be happy to pay 10x maybe 100x the current share price if they were producing high quality gold in quantity. Prior to that it’s a punt and has been since day one, 20 years ago. Sure buy a open lotto ticket for 7 tenths of one cent, who knows it could make you a millionaire … and I think this is what attracts people to putting their money into NTL, a bet on a possibility. That is not investing imo, but still it’s obvious enough people and their money are attracted to have kept this going for oh so many years.

Yes and I agree with your sentiments. That’s why I will be watching for insider buying in the future.
NTL gambling has been good fun for me and hopefully will continue to be and who knows eventually they may get over the political hurdles and I along with many others will make some dosh. Nothing wrong with shareholders making money. For me this share must be less than 5% of my portfolio as I still consider it to be Very high risk, more so now than a few years ago when I was more positive about the prospects and didn’t understand the problems.

I believe there will be another capital raising and that one maybe very challenging.

16-07-2020, 08:43 PM
When I see the insiders buy shares then I will take a renewed interest.
Yeah, but isn't that the tricky part, Brain?? The time between first good news becoming available to the 'insiders' and then the rest of us mugs can be quite short. The share price could rise very sharply in a short time and it would be easy to miss the bus, unless you watch things very closely. In an ideal regulated world there should be no time gap at all and it would be an even playing field, with everyone having equal access to any information. But in the real world, well, workers at the mine and management and a few of their mates are going to know any good news first. That's life, I guess.
Good luck with that strategy. I don't think I'm going to be that lucky and have quite a bit of my money invested in NTL, so I shouldn't miss the bus.

Hey, welcome back, jonu!

And hey, there haven't been any postings about our masquerading CEO for many days, either here or on Hot Copper. Personally, I think it was an outrageous deception, possibly illegal, probably against NZX rules and definitely against the ST rules.
I worry that if the heat comes off him, in the chat sites, that he will feel he has got away with it.

Charbel Nader, our chairman, has a Sydney street address according to the NTL website. I suppose it would be difficult for him to get here for the AGM, although not impossible, with quarantines. But is that a reason to have the whole AGM virtual? I wouldn't think so. Mr Nader could appear virtually at a real meeting in NZ. Oh no, surely they wouldn't be wanting a virtual meeting to avoid confronting real shareholder anger, would they??

PoG is still rising, with some analysts talking about US$3k or even $5k.

Come on Matt - are you going to get any gold out soon? Just tell us man! (=Talisman. Oh, sorry for that groaner)

17-07-2020, 09:56 AM
POS (Price of Silver) is apparently rising even faster than POG

Any Silver under that there mountain that can be dug out real quick ?

Or too difficult / Another wild dream for another future Decade or Century ?

17-07-2020, 10:21 AM
OGC has been using their downtime fruitfully.


This will likely draw further attention to NTL's amazing grades in the same district. This is where the value of the Peer Reviewed JORC lies.

17-07-2020, 11:36 AM
Looks like someone has just placed an order for 30 million shares at 0.6 (It's not me)

17-07-2020, 11:43 AM
Looks like someone has just placed an order for 30 million shares at 0.6 (It's not me)

I just saw that someone's quite serous

17-07-2020, 11:54 AM
I just saw that someone's quite serous

He is safe for a week or 2 with 30 million in front of him.

17-07-2020, 11:58 AM
He is safe for a week or 2 with 30 million in front of him.

Unless he/she becomes impatient and takes out all those on offer at 0.7 :D

17-07-2020, 03:34 PM
"Just tell us man! (=Talisman. Oh, sorry for that groaner)"


17-07-2020, 05:45 PM
Yeah, but isn't that the tricky part, Brain?? The time between first good news becoming available to the 'insiders' and then the rest of us mugs can be quite short. The share price could rise very sharply in a short time and it would be easy to miss the bus, unless you watch things very closely. In an ideal regulated world there should be no time gap at all and it would be an even playing field, with everyone having equal access to any information. But in the real world, well, workers at the mine and management and a few of their mates are going to know any good news first. That's life, I guess.
Good luck with that strategy.

Yes There are risks but but I am happy with my approach. Maybe the price doubles because of insider buying or some really good news. I would be happy with that because my current shareholding will double in value and then I will look at buying again and may consider that 1.4 c is cheap and I will buy more or I may be happy to sit on the shares I have. I am not greedy - stupid sometimes but not greedy. I took this approach with the good news from PEB. The share more than doubled on good news I bought a fair few and the price doubled again.

I hope one day I can repeat that with NTL.

20-07-2020, 11:50 AM
I have signed up for the virtual AGM - Im a small holder, but really interested to see what fall out there has been from "bullish incident". ANy ideas how long the investigation would take?

20-07-2020, 12:39 PM
I dont think they really care eh.

If they don't make reference to it, i’m out.

21-07-2020, 09:48 AM
I dont think they really care eh.

If they don't make reference to it, i’m out.

I am the same, Rosco.

In my mind this is last chance saloon... There has to be meaningful progress and proper commentary / action on Hills shenanigans, otherwise I am gone.

I have held for a long time and supported a number of CRs, but enough is enough.

In the meantime I am keeping an eye on the depth at 0.006, as I am considering reducing my exposure before the agm. At least I picked up the bulk at 0.005...

21-07-2020, 11:03 AM
I dont think they really care eh.

If they don't make reference to it, i’m out.

If it isn't addressed in the slightest shareholders can exit but they do have rights, like calling for an emergency meeting and having a vote of no confidence

21-07-2020, 01:40 PM
I now choose to look at it differently.
What he has done might not be ethically correct but who should know the future of the Company better than the man himself and he actually cares when negative comments oblige him to respond. It might show a lack of self control but the point is - he cares.

21-07-2020, 01:54 PM
I now choose to look at it differently.
What he has done might not be ethically correct but who should know the future of the Company better than the man himself and he actually cares when negative comments oblige him to respond. It might show a lack of self control but the point is - he cares.

The fact that he cares could be entirely based in his own self interests. He is on a good wicket which would come under even more scrutiny should the next CR fail to deliver the goods.

21-07-2020, 04:38 PM
I now choose to look at it differently.
What he has done might not be ethically correct but who should know the future of the Company better than the man himself and he actually cares when negative comments oblige him to respond. It might show a lack of self control but the point is - he cares.

Whether right or wrong, he should have identified himself.

21-07-2020, 04:48 PM
Whether right or wrong, he should have identified himself.

Yes he should have. Hardly conduct becoming of a highly paid CEO of a listed NZX company is it?!


(Not my annotations. Taken from another forum)

Blue Horseshoe
22-07-2020, 08:25 AM
Gold up to $1840.00 USD/Oz, NTL'S underlying assets going up every day, good job they didn't start mining three years ago.
I think Matt Hill knows exactly what he is doing, why sell an asset today when it will likely double in the not to near future. Very exciting times ahead.

22-07-2020, 10:13 AM
Gold up to $1840.00 USD/Oz, NTL'S underlying assets going up every day, good job they didn't start mining three years ago.
I think Matt Hill knows exactly what he is doing, why sell an asset today when it will likely double in the not to near future. Very exciting times ahead.

Are you joking?
if they started mining 3 years ago, they could of had a truck load in the bank or paid it out to shareholder, to do as they chose, reinvest in real gold if you wished.

22-07-2020, 10:46 AM
Gold up to $1840.00 USD/Oz, NTL'S underlying assets going up every day, good job they didn't start mining three years ago.
I think Matt Hill knows exactly what he is doing, why sell an asset today when it will likely double in the not to near future. Very exciting times ahead.

As I have said before, the rising POG has been handed to us on a plate. Some rough calcs

400,000 confirmed JORC oz at ball park $1000 USD PROFIT per oz = $400 million USD

= $600 million NZD at today's exchange rate

Current Market Cap 19.5 million @ 0.7 cents

The market at some point will wake up and smell the coffee!

Always do the Maths!

22-07-2020, 11:01 AM
As I have said before, the rising POG has been handed to us on a plate. Some rough calcs

400,000 confirmed JORC oz at ball park $1000 USD PROFIT per oz = $400 million USD

= $600 million NZD at today's exchange rate

Current Market Cap 19.5 million @ 0.7 cents

The market at some point will wake up and smell the coffee!

Always do the Maths!

Except for the MCap, that's not maths, that's dreaming.

22-07-2020, 11:02 AM
coffee prices, gold prices. if this was a coffee stock it would be worth ? nothing much?... a coffee bean in the grinder is worth more then one in the bush? i have no idea what a bean in the grinder is actually worth...

22-07-2020, 11:12 AM
Except for the MCap, that's not maths, that's dreaming.

Thems the facts of the matter. I kinda like them.

22-07-2020, 11:13 AM
Gold up to $1840.00 USD/Oz, NTL'S underlying assets going up every day, good job they didn't start mining three years ago.
I think Matt Hill knows exactly what he is doing, why sell an asset today when it will likely double in the not to near future. Very exciting times ahead.

Do you suspect that 3 or even 1 year ago that MH knew that a pandemic was going to hit and that POG would skyrocket. If that was the case then he should have been stockpiling the gold ready to sell when it hit the high. If he has played this game then it's a gamble with the shareholders money that hasn't as yet actually paid off.

22-07-2020, 11:36 AM
Well we know the gold is there,maybe it's time to look at staff incentives to actually mine the stuff.A commission on actual production would be a starter.However I guess if you are picking up $400k a year why bother.

It's time for NTL to get more professional starting with a business plan!

22-07-2020, 11:40 AM
If there's a vaccine tomorrow then the POG will drop like a stone. I believe there'll be a vaccine before any gold from this Mickey Mouse outfit gets dug up.

22-07-2020, 11:41 AM
If you're so keen on a penny dreadful then perhaps you should 'invest' in BGI - at least you'll get something toot sweet...

22-07-2020, 11:53 AM
If there's a vaccine tomorrow then the POG will drop like a stone. I believe there'll be a vaccine before any gold from this Mickey Mouse outfit gets dug up.

The POG might take a temporary drop on vaccine news, but fundamentally many fiat currencies are screwed due to the nature of the debt their nations have already taken on. Confidence in currencies is shot, and a higher POG is now being priced in. Some Goldbugs are predicting 3-5k USD in the next 24 months.

22-07-2020, 12:13 PM
The POG might take a temporary drop on vaccine news, but fundamentally many fiat currencies are screwed due to the nature of the debt their nations have already taken on. Confidence in currencies is shot, and a higher POG is now being priced in. Some Goldbugs are predicting 3-5k USD in the next 24 months.
ahh Jonu, I see you are back and still singing the same positive story. Dont you get exhausted trying to keep the faith.

22-07-2020, 12:15 PM
ahh Jonu, I see you are back and still singing the same positive story. Dont you get exhausted trying to keep the faith.

Well the numbers just keep getting betterer and betterer suse.

22-07-2020, 01:03 PM
Gold up to $1840.00 USD/Oz, NTL'S underlying assets going up every day, good job they didn't start mining three years ago.
I think Matt Hill knows exactly what he is doing, why sell an asset today when it will likely double in the not to near future. Very exciting times ahead.

The calls for the price of Gold to soar into the $3000 - $5000 range is becoming quite regular from a number of directions.
IMO: we haven't seen it kick off yet, all the major world economy's are crawling along or for a better line "kicking the can down the road" with all this printing of paper money and stimulus. At some point the market is going to crash and crash properly!
When that starts to roll out then we will see Golds real break out (something tells me that could be 2022 or 3) I just have everything crossed that by that time NTL are producing well.

22-07-2020, 01:16 PM
If there's a vaccine tomorrow then the POG will drop like a stone. I believe there'll be a vaccine before any gold from this Mickey Mouse outfit gets dug up.

I disagree the POG will not drop like a stone it may dip. Here's how i look at it - The stone (In this case Covid19) has been thrown into the middle of the lake (world) as the ripple from the stone slowly rolls out towards the edge of the lake it takes time to get there, as it reaches the shore it peaks then crashes and that sir is when we will see some fireworks. The damage is done the effects are still coming and i believe its still a way off yet. Currently People still have money the Government is still feeding the cow but what happens when that stops??

22-07-2020, 01:20 PM
... Currently People still have money the Government is still feeding the cow but what happens when that stops??

Good point there LTW

I see Ozzie are continuing their C-19 Subsidies out to basically the end of the year past September on recent developments

So what will happen here in our effective 'isolation' from outside world ?

22-07-2020, 01:35 PM
We can even advertise our gold as "Covid-free" and "made in NZ" - hahahaha

I too would like to see some incentives to get it out of the ground in place of "generous" salary.

22-07-2020, 01:39 PM
Good point there LTW

I see Ozzie are continuing their C-19 Subsidies out to basically the end of the year past September on recent developments

So what will happen here in our effective 'isolation' from outside world ?

It amazes me as a business owner how many aged debtors are all of a sudden paying there bills (i'm talking upto 3yr old debts that where written off, not big debts) it's crazy. I've been racking my brain on what's causing it?? All i can come up with is that these businesses all of a sudden have some surplus money and are actually doing the right thing. However they will be staying on the Bad debtor list and doing business in future will be done money up front.
What dose scare me though, is when it all dry's up who are they then going to have hanging and when this becomes a dominos effect, then what happens. However the Government prolongs the pain now the pain still must come but it is what they are doing now that dictates how bad the pain is going to be in the future. USA, USA, USA their ducked and when they come to terms with it, how big will that stone be when thrown in the lake? possibly be a lot bigger ripple than Covid.

23-07-2020, 09:33 AM
Gold has pushed through $1870 USD overnight. Not far from all time highs.

23-07-2020, 10:45 AM
Yeah my Goldies are booming whats happening to yours;)

23-07-2020, 10:59 AM
Gold has pushed through $1870 USD overnight. Not far from all time highs.
Yes, and silver up 7% overnight. We have some of that!

NTL's operation must become 'bankable' soon if this keeps up - i.e. a bank loan and no dreaded capital raise.

Either that or we'll become a tempting takeover target.
What would people consider selling at? I'd hope the big shareholders would resist, but many of the negative posters here might be glad to get out at under a cent.

23-07-2020, 11:45 AM
Yes, and silver up 7% overnight. We have some of that!

NTL's operation must become 'bankable' soon if this keeps up - i.e. a bank loan and no dreaded capital raise.

Either that or we'll become a tempting takeover target.
What would people consider selling at? I'd hope the big shareholders would resist, but many of the negative posters here might be glad to get out at under a cent.

Ive asked the same question but without full resource consent i can't see a take over coming. However with full mining resource consent (even a bit of production) i could see it happening very easily and possibly very quickly.

Like Jonu states, saying you have 400,000 oz in the ground means very little but having a JORC report (pair reviewed) stating you have 400,000oz in the ground now that has creditability and IMHO I'm sure it is on more than 1 company's radar or watch list.

The AGM will be very interesting as i hope or have read a number of the larger SH's have now got profiles on here and have probably been reading this thread. I'm quietly hoping for some good news or a resignation before hand.

23-07-2020, 12:20 PM
Yeah my Goldies are booming whats happening to yours;)

Me too, I picked up a bunch of ASX producers when we had the COVID crash. Most have doubled or close to it.

23-07-2020, 01:33 PM
When do take-overs happen? When others see potenital to make profit from acquisition. Business case will look at potential (400,000oz and JORC) versus the risk and cost of getting to the end game.
So far, no one interested, so we have to ask why?

I hope NTL can do it under their own steam (with or without Hill), but a take-over may be a shorter term way for shareholders to recoup their investment.

Interesting times for sure, AGM will be interesting.

23-07-2020, 01:43 PM
When do take-overs happen? When others see potenital to make profit from acquisition. Business case will look at potential (400,000oz and JORC) versus the risk and cost of getting to the end game.
So far, no one interested, so we have to ask why?

I hope NTL can do it under their own steam (with or without Hill), but a take-over may be a shorter term way for shareholders to recoup their investment.

Interesting times for sure, AGM will be interesting.

The problems are political I believe

Hauraki District Council restrictions

4 truck movements per day = 40 tonnes per day only
one blast event per day.

23-07-2020, 02:10 PM
The problems begin before the trucks and blasting.

There's no processing plant. And none on the horizon.

The reason for this isn't political.

23-07-2020, 02:15 PM
The problems begin before the trucks and blasting.

There's no processing plant. And none on the horizon.

The reason for this isn't political.

yes I agree with that. There are many issues that NTL have failed to resolve.

23-07-2020, 02:23 PM
Thanks. And let's not forget the failed promises, like this from two and a half years ago regarding the pilot processing plant:

...Such a plant will provide the opportunity to produce a saleable high-grade concentrate while still meeting the requirements of traffic movement flows from the mine specified in the existing resource consent.

23-07-2020, 02:33 PM
With my glass half empty (or maybe less than that) - why would anyone want to buy NTL? $2m in bank will run out in next 6-12-24 months?? Without an income stream they face loan(s) or Capital Raise - how succesful would a CR be right now - not very (IMHO). Cash dwindles, progress slows, stops, and someone can just walk in and take it all over.

Time for me to fill my glass!!! Maybe some Smirnoff with those pretty gold flecks in it!!.


Paint it Black
23-07-2020, 03:11 PM
Good to remind us all of that Haewai. There was also talk of the pilot plant, followed by the big concentrator, operating inside the mine with the 'tailings' being returned inside the mine. It seemed an excellent strategy to me to circumvent the transportation and environmental issues. Then all of a sudden an RC was needed to establish the little pilot plant somewhere outside the mine (which seemed ridiculous) after which we were then told at the last AGM without explanation the pilot plant was not viable to produce saleable concentrate. With the POG getting better by the day why can't they stay with the original plan?

23-07-2020, 03:13 PM
Are you saying that the pilot plant does not produce a saleable high grade concentrate?? I’m certain it doses maybe not in large enough batches, but the product is certainly saleable.

23-07-2020, 03:53 PM
It clearly doesn't. Can you point at any revenue?

IMHO the most egregious series of promises were made in the last CR. For example:

23-07-2020, 04:18 PM
Good to remind us all of that Haewai. There was also talk of the pilot plant, followed by the big concentrator, operating inside the mine with the 'tailings' being returned inside the mine. It seemed an excellent strategy to me to circumvent the transportation and environmental issues. Then all of a sudden an RC was needed to establish the little pilot plant somewhere outside the mine (which seemed ridiculous) after which we were then told at the last AGM without explanation the pilot plant was not viable to produce saleable concentrate. With the POG getting better by the day why can't they stay with the original plan?

Yes at that time they had no permission for truck movements. Eventually HDC gave them permission for truck movements and after that they seemed to change tack and decided to apply for a permit outside. They have always offered the carrot of cash flow from the pilot plant and it has always seemed plausible that they could process high grade ore and produce some cash flow and of course that has never eventuated and doesn’t seem much closer now.

I was originally under the impression that the pilot plant would be producing gold but my understanding Now is that it produces a concentrate. Put in ore at 20 gms per tonne at get a concentrate of 80 gms per tonne. Also the recovery rate did not seem to be very good. My impression was that a fair bit of the gold maybe 30% or so was left behind in the tailings.

Maybe Jonu has a better understanding of this and could put some light on it.

I do believe that this mine has potential but to me there are more problems than you can poke a stick at and they are not being addressed and we shareholders are kept in the dark.

23-07-2020, 04:44 PM
So is NTLs NTA 0.59cents, $0.59 or $0.0059???

23-07-2020, 04:48 PM
Am curious as BGI had a trading halt put on it for stating NTA in cents and not $ and this could mean that people are buying shares at 0.6c thinking that NTA it is 59c when perhaps it's really $0.0059... and ASB lists NTA as 0.59...

Paint it Black
23-07-2020, 07:09 PM
Yes at that time they had no permission for truck movements. Eventually HDC gave them permission for truck movements and after that they seemed to change tack and decided to apply for a permit outside. They have always offered the carrot of cash flow from the pilot plant and it has always seemed plausible that they could process high grade ore and produce some cash flow and of course that has never eventuated and doesn’t seem much closer now.

I was originally under the impression that the pilot plant would be producing gold but my understanding Now is that it produces a concentrate. Put in ore at 20 gms per tonne at get a concentrate of 80 gms per tonne. Also the recovery rate did not seem to be very good. My impression was that a fair bit of the gold maybe 30% or so was left behind in the tailings.

Maybe Jonu has a better understanding of this and could put some light on it.

I do believe that this mine has potential but to me there are more problems than you can poke a stick at and they are not being addressed and we shareholders are kept in the dark.

The latest annual report still talks about it (see below) and quotes 800g of Au/tonne concentrate not 80g of Au/tonne concentrate. From this I understand the 20g Au/tonne of ore concentrates to 1/40th of it's original weight which is much easier to transport etc..

This plan was outlined to shareholders at the
2019 AGM. This planning was complete in the
first quarter of the financial year while at the
same time the pilot plant was consented and
commenced processing high grade ore into a
concentrate which graded at 800g/t Au

23-07-2020, 07:20 PM
Yes, and silver up 7% overnight. We have some of that!

NTL's operation must become 'bankable' soon if this keeps up - i.e. a bank loan and no dreaded capital raise.

From my AGM notes in 2017: Prior to the meeting one of the geologists said that Gold is the priority to recover but the silver ratio to gold is 4 to 1. They may only recover 2/3 of the silver (ratio will come out with the final plan)

From memory (so could be wrong)... Charbel Nader mentioned that they need the JORC and the final mining plan to be able to get a bank loan. It would be worth asking at the next AGM.

23-07-2020, 08:38 PM
It clearly doesn't. Can you point at any revenue?

IMHO the most egregious series of promises were made in the last CR. For example:

sorry I didn’t see anywhere in you post talk about revenue. As for a “saleable product” I’d happily buy all they have produced! The pilot plant produces and product that could be sold but you have assumed it was a production plant, that it it not. They did talk about the pilot plant being able to be up scaled to produce more but decided that would be a waste of our funds. You are reading and stating only what you you want to. Playing with words and I don’t believe you are being honest or your intentions don’t add up.

23-07-2020, 09:48 PM
Am curious as BGI had a trading halt put on it for stating NTA in cents and not $ and this could mean that people are buying shares at 0.6c thinking that NTA it is 59c when perhaps it's really $0.0059... and ASB lists NTA as 0.59...

The NTL NTA per share at 31 Mar 2020 is $0.0059 ; or 0.59 of a Cent per share

($15.9 m / approx 2,692 m shares )

24-07-2020, 10:05 AM
Unless he/she becomes impatient and takes out all those on offer at 0.7 :D

Well lookie there. Our friend looking for 30 million shares did get impatient this morning.

24-07-2020, 10:05 AM
Someone's keen this morning....

Offers at 0.007 just about gone on just over $210k...

Is something finally going to happen...??

24-07-2020, 10:13 AM
Someone's keen this morning....

Offers at 0.007 just about gone on just over $210k...

Is something finally going to happen...??

Hopefully, whatever the Company comes up with in the Quarterly, the ping pong tading from 0.6 to 0.7 is finished.

24-07-2020, 10:19 AM
I hope whoever bought the 30mil didn't think the NTA was $0.59c a share

24-07-2020, 10:28 AM
Crystal ball must be shinier than mine.

Go you good thing!!
Im now picturing one of those glass balls when you shake them the snow falls, but instead of white flakes, they are golden - in my happy place now.

Blue Horseshoe
24-07-2020, 10:29 AM
I hope whoever bought the 30mil didn't think the NTA was $0.59c a share

The thing is it probably is

24-07-2020, 10:39 AM
Crystal ball must be shinier than mine.

Go you good thing!!
Im now picturing one of those glass balls when you shake them the snow falls, but instead of white flakes, they are golden - in my happy place now.

Despite the dramas of the last month....NTL has some great things in the pipeline. Heading into the Quarterly with the company under pressure to produce (literally), I'd say it is a smart move by the purchaser. I'm sure they will have done their homework before sinking 210k into the stock.

24-07-2020, 11:09 AM
Well lookie there. Our friend looking for 30 million shares did get impatient this morning.
Wonder who it might be?? Possibly someone worried they are about to lose a $400k pa job?

Good to see anyway. Yeah, I hope we break out of this .6/7 ping pong, it's boring.
PoG still rising.

24-07-2020, 11:09 AM
NTL has some great things in the pipeline

Like a shareholder funded tour of processing plants overseas? Great for one party, not so for the other.

24-07-2020, 11:18 AM
Good to see anyway. Yeah, I hope we break out of this .6/7 ping pong, it's boring.
PoG still rising.

Just over 4 mill is now on the bid side at .07c... Looks like it's finally breaking out from the ping pong range...

24-07-2020, 11:20 AM
Just over 4 mill is now on the bid side at .07c... Looks like it's finally breaking out from the ping pong range...

Yes, that purchaser has put their hand up for 6,000,000 shares. Wait for the holders of 1000 shares to continue with their foot shooting.

24-07-2020, 11:27 AM
The past month has made me more skeptical/suspicious - I dont remember ever seeing that amount of shares trade in a day - all on the back of no new info. Very odd.

Deep pockets taking a punt? Or maybe they have something special in their pipe(line)

Either way, great to see!!

24-07-2020, 11:33 AM
The past month has made me more skeptical/suspicious - I dont remember ever seeing that amount of shares trade in a day - all on the back of no new info. Very odd.

Deep pockets taking a punt? Or maybe they have something special in their pipe(line)

Either way, great to see!!

SPP bonus shares have been issued and didn't collapse the price. Why? Because they would largely have been taken up by holders who realise the potential of the company. Combine that with a rocketing POG, Peer Reviewed JORC and NTL saying they are in talks with a processor, it is hardly surprising that serious investors are lining up.

24-07-2020, 11:43 AM
Could be someone in the know at the council regarding the resource consent or a takeover,or just the old NTA which is showing as:-


Thats on ASB

24-07-2020, 11:55 AM
SPP bonus shares have been issued and didn't collapse the price. Why? Because they would largely have been taken up by holders who realise the potential of the company. Combine that with a rocketing POG, Peer Reviewed JORC and NTL saying they are in talks with a processor, it is hardly surprising that serious investors are lining up.

Eye's wide open ay Jonu, i bet that's making a few sit up in their seats. hopefully it continues.

24-07-2020, 11:57 AM
Eye's wide open ay Jonu, i bet that's making a few sit up in their seats. hopefully it continues.

I should have mentioned OGC's announcement of long term commitment to the district in the mix. Cheap pickings for them.

24-07-2020, 12:54 PM
Could be Mattie doing a mismanagement buyout, seeing he's lost his voice on here!

24-07-2020, 12:59 PM
Up .2 in Aus to .007 not huge volume but at least the trend is in the right direction.Just 2.5m left at .007.There are a few on the NZX looking to buy at .007 perhaps they should gobble up the ones on the ASX?

24-07-2020, 04:29 PM
Is this stock about to do a BGI? :p

25-07-2020, 08:29 AM
The virtual AGM will beheld on 6th August at 11.00am. Hope as many as possible will be tuned in.
I think it is time for us sharetrader to get together and have some group questions put together. I have a few of my own that I would like considered. One is a big one which I will not outline now as it is a question on its own. For now lets consider the obvious ones. Also I like the idea of all question given to the board in advance as,not to make it easier for the board ,but to give time for the best considered answer. This is not about pulling off some fast trick question to score a point. I want an indept answer.

My first questionis POG. If you privately own NTL and now seeing the value of gold rise in the last two years would you if you had the advantage of hindsight began markening gold two years ago. For the future and with the likely continued rise in gold price how do you see the balance between production and just leaving it in them there hills.I have read serious central bank reports that gold is in for a steep climb in the next few years. The big rise has not happened yet. Is this factored into NTL non production.
I am hopefull that we holders can get some group questions started here on sharetrader.
I will be back later with another concern.

25-07-2020, 08:39 PM
About 12 hours since my last post.. Looks like everyone is very happy with the status que,as no replies.

One point needs making. While this FMA investigation is still underway Matt or any other board members will not be able to discuss the matter. That is the way our judicial system works. Probably why VINCE has not replied to my post last week as well.
Anyways it appears very one is happy. Have to be with gold closing over 1900 US. That is about 2900 kiwi and extraction cost are less that 1000 kiwi.[[Actuall posted as 750 but better add a bit].
Question for the AGM. How is the full mining concent proceeding. When can we expect some update on progress??

25-07-2020, 11:30 PM
Hi Digger
I am sure there will be replies, I think a lot of people take the weekend off sharetrader?

For me it would be really good to understand exactly what needs to be completed to start bulk sampling as we thought this would have been a lot sooner than now. Ideally it would also be good to have a timeframe, but would settle for knowing what milestones need to be completed before we start generating revenue

26-07-2020, 09:00 AM
I see horizon have poured first gold from their aussie mine and are planning to treat 159 tonnes of ore per month at....wait for it...an average of 1.86 grams per tonne....ntl has something like an average of 15 grams per tonne and in some sections of the mine 1000 grams per tonne?....if only we could get it out...we can only hope

26-07-2020, 09:04 AM
Hi Digger
I am sure there will be replies, I think a lot of people take the weekend off sharetrader?

For me it would be really good to understand exactly what needs to be completed to start bulk sampling as we thought this would have been a lot sooner than now. Ideally it would also be good to have a timeframe, but would settle for knowing what milestones need to be completed before we start generating revenue

You beat me to it Chippie. I think this is what's most holder want to know. An honest timeline to production is what i believe will ease frustrations of holders and give the SP confidence to move, is it 1, 2, 3years away? . What are the challenges i don't believe this is that hard I'd happily do it for them if they gave me the details. when i'm back infront of my computer i will post some more

Paint it Black
26-07-2020, 08:25 PM
About 12 hours since my last post.. Looks like everyone is very happy with the status que,as no replies.

One point needs making. While this FMA investigation is still underway Matt or any other board members will not be able to discuss the matter. That is the way our judicial system works. Probably why VINCE has not replied to my post last week as well.
Anyways it appears very one is happy. Have to be with gold closing over 1900 US. That is about 2900 kiwi and extraction cost are less that 1000 kiwi.[[Actuall posted as 750 but better add a bit].
Question for the AGM. How is the full mining concent proceeding. When can we expect some update on progress??

Thanks Digger.

My questions would be around the concentrator as follows:

When is the upscaled concentrator expected to be ready for production following the success of the pilot plant advised in the 2020 annual report being able to produced 800g Au/tonne of concentrate?
Is consideration still being given to locating the concentrator and disposing the tailings within the mine with the associated transportation contraints being eliminated and environmental advantages maximised?
When the upscaled concentrator is ready will the two year bulk sampling consent then be immediately triggered?
If the upscaled concentator is still more than 6 months away, and with the PoG quickly escalating, has any thought been given to commencing production of the concentrate now with the pilot plant?

Thanks again Digger.

27-07-2020, 05:09 AM
You beat me to it Chippie. I think this is what's most holder want to know. An honest timeline to production is what i believe will ease frustrations of holders and give the SP confidence to move, is it 1, 2, 3years away? . What are the challenges i don't believe this is that hard I'd happily do it for them if they gave me the details. when i'm back infront of my computer i will post some more

It would be good to see some really tangible progress past the recent years (or decades) snails pace progress amidst the
chapters of ongoing Cap Raises on Cap Raise to top up the supply of available Readies for the next snail crawl at NTL
(And not the feel-good prerequisite BS priming up for the next mining of Shareholder Pockets)

It's probably just as well no very rare snails were found down the mine depths or the whole job would likely be more screwed
and sailing backwards further.

How long did it take the old school Miners digging in the depths of these very mines 100-120 years ago to start getting production out of the same holes that HGL/NTL are still playing around with, but haven't to date dragged out meaningful pay dirt from below, past perhaps still dreaming about it ? ;)

It's not as if any very major digging etc has been necessary by NTL/HGL - the holes & levels were probably basically there and always have been from old workings, needing maybe strengthening, better access, where flooded - draining, Upgraded Services, H&S and other add-ons.

Will they be announcing a new CEO soon ? ;)

27-07-2020, 08:56 AM
1. Does there need to be another CR, if so, whats the least amount of money needed to get production going? What the worst case scenario for cash required?

27-07-2020, 09:41 AM
1. Does there need to be another CR, if so, whats the least amount of money needed to get production going? What the worst case scenario for cash required?

Probably another CR and possibly another after that. The problem with this type of investment is that the punters are not told and do not understand the reality. If everybody was told 10 years ago that in 10 years time we still would not be seeing any gold no money would have been raised then or in any other subsequent CR. It could be said it would be stupid for management to present the facts. As long as the mine produces gold profitably in the end then the end justifies the means. If the mine never produces and management has always believed that was a more than likely outcome then of course that is a different story. I do believe that management and the board believe this mine will be profitable and so I do understand to an extent the pressure Matt Hill would have felt.

I am sure that Matt Hill has a lot of knowledge and has had a very positive effect on the operation aside from the recent alleged events.

In my view this company has not been good with public relations. A board member with PR expertise could have made a significant difference.

I only wish that all these past events could be put behind us and production could be started as soon as possible.

27-07-2020, 09:50 AM
Probably another CR and possibly another after that. The problem with this type of investment is that the punters are not told and do not understand the reality. If everybody was told 10 years ago that in 10 years time we still would not be seeing any gold no money would have been raised then or in any other subsequent CR. It could be said it would be stupid for management to present the facts. As long as the mine produces gold profitably in the end then the end justifies the means. If the mine never produces and management has always believed that was a more than likely outcome then of course that is a different story. I do believe that management and the board believe this mine will be profitable and so I do understand to an extent the pressure Matt Hill would have felt.

I am sure that Matt Hill has a lot of knowledge and has had a very positive effect on the operation aside from the recent alleged events.

In my view this company has not been good with public relations. A board member with PR expertise could have made a significant difference.

I only wish that all these past events could be put behind us and production could be started as soon as possible.

Agree, its tough for the Board, but they are obligated to tell us what they think is realistic. Playing the incompetence card is wearing very thin.
I think this thing can make money too, or maybe thats more my heart trying to over-ride my brain for my investments sake. Its a sad state now, anything they say, we doubt. I fear for another CR, cant see it being as succesful as they have been in the past.

27-07-2020, 10:06 AM
About 12 hours since my last post.. Looks like everyone is very happy with the status que,as no replies.

One point needs making. While this FMA investigation is still underway Matt or any other board members will not be able to discuss the matter. That is the way our judicial system works. Probably why VINCE has not replied to my post last week as well.
Anyways it appears very one is happy. Have to be with gold closing over 1900 US. That is about 2900 kiwi and extraction cost are less that 1000 kiwi.[[Actuall posted as 750 but better add a bit].
Question for the AGM. How is the full mining concent proceeding. When can we expect some update on progress??
We need to ask them to produce a business plan,then at least we have something documented,then if they miss any deadlines or decide not to go ahead with an expected project, we can expect some sort of explanation.

27-07-2020, 05:18 PM
No need for capital raise or any further delay.
I've costed the price to get 26 tonne per container, picked up from the mine by swinglifter, to port of Tauranga, and off loaded in Brisbane at $3350 all inclusive.

From what I'm lead to believe, we are already at the ore face.

If you simply Bobcat the 15g/tonne RAW ore out the shaft and into the container, and ship it to Australia for processing, then 26t x 15 g =390g =13.755 ounces x US$1900oz = US$26134.50 =NZ$39201 - $3350 less internal Aust transport, less processing, NZ admin and extraction = CASHflow to shareholders.
NO capex required.

If we have sufficient amounts of concentrate @ 800g/t that needs further processing, then the above exercise would gross a mere $2074800 per container.

Conversion may not be optimim compared to a custom built plant, but ask yourself a pragmatic question, do you want 9/10ths of something, or 10/10ths of nothing, like you have now?
Obviously, cash generated could pay for NZ based facility later.

Another yr of Matts salary would pay freight on 120 containers.

Enough of unready, unsteady, just GO!!!!!!

27-07-2020, 06:36 PM
Amended the above, because I omitted the NZD/USD conversion when first posted

27-07-2020, 09:06 PM
Gold has Finally broken it’s all time highs :t_up:
Fingers crossed for some good news from the mine.

27-07-2020, 09:21 PM
Looking at the NZX-ASX miners / prospectors shares , this must be the last one to have a SP rise.

27-07-2020, 09:24 PM
No need for capital raise or any further delay.
I've costed the price to get 26 tonne per container, picked up from the mine by swinglifter, to port of Tauranga, and off loaded in Brisbane at $3350 all inclusive.

From what I'm lead to believe, we are already at the ore face.

If you simply Bobcat the 15g/tonne RAW ore out the shaft and into the container, and ship it to Australia for processing, then 26t x 15 g =390g =13.755 ounces x US$1900oz = US$26134.50 =NZ$39201 - $3350 less internal Aust transport, less processing, NZ admin and extraction = CASHflow to shareholders.
NO capex required.

If we have sufficient amounts of concentrate @ 800g/t that needs further processing, then the above exercise would gross a mere $2074800 per container.

Conversion may not be optimim compared to a custom built plant, but ask yourself a pragmatic question, do you want 9/10ths of something, or 10/10ths of nothing, like you have now?
Obviously, cash generated could pay for NZ based facility later.

Another yr of Matts salary would pay freight on 120 containers.

Enough of unready, unsteady, just GO!!!!!!

Getty, now that's lateral thinking, Im going to add Paul to your name now,

28-07-2020, 08:42 AM
No need for capital raise or any further delay.
I've costed the price to get 26 tonne per container, picked up from the mine by swinglifter, to port of Tauranga, and off loaded in Brisbane at $3350 all inclusive.

From what I'm lead to believe, we are already at the ore face.

If you simply Bobcat the 15g/tonne RAW ore out the shaft and into the container, and ship it to Australia for processing, then 26t x 15 g =390g =13.755 ounces x US$1900oz = US$26134.50 =NZ$39201 - $3350 less internal Aust transport, less processing, NZ admin and extraction = CASHflow to shareholders.
NO capex required.

If we have sufficient amounts of concentrate @ 800g/t that needs further processing, then the above exercise would gross a mere $2074800 per container.

Conversion may not be optimim compared to a custom built plant, but ask yourself a pragmatic question, do you want 9/10ths of something, or 10/10ths of nothing, like you have now?
Obviously, cash generated could pay for NZ based facility later.

Another yr of Matts salary would pay freight on 120 containers.

Enough of unready, unsteady, just GO!!!!!!

Something along these lines is definitely an option, although it would be good to concentrate the ore before shipping. I know NTL have considered this previously, and with Gold sitting at 1940 USD overnight it has to be an option, either raw or concentrated. NTL has already said they want to advance the face of Mystery, which they suspect further in will have have pockets of the hundreds of g/t that have been found previously.

As far as I'm aware there is little to stop them doing this. I suspect they have been timing their run with the 2 year bulk sampling and move to full mining consent. I say bite the bullet and go!

28-07-2020, 08:49 AM
Something along these lines is definitely an option, although it would be good to concentrate the ore before shipping. I know NTL have considered this previously, and with Gold sitting at 1940 USD overnight it has to be an option, either raw or concentrated. NTL has already said they want to advance the face of Mystery, which they suspect further in will have have pockets of the hundreds of g/t that have been found previously.

As far as I'm aware there is little to stop them doing this. I suspect they have been timing their run with the 2 year bulk sampling and move to full mining consent. I say bite the bullet and go!

Its probably the HDC restriction of one blast event per day and 4 truck movements per day that is holding this option up.

28-07-2020, 08:58 AM
Its probably the HDC restriction of one blast event per day and 4 truck movements per day that is holding this option up.

I have no expertise in how many tonne a blast would loosen, but 2 containers a day is within the current truck movements. 60k per day positive cashflow. Remember they already have a few hundred tonne stockpiled.

As I've said several times before...the POG rise has fallen in our laps. The profitability of this mine has approximately doubled in the last 18 months or so.

28-07-2020, 09:02 AM
4 truck movements a day will be plenty for this boutique.
26 tonne x 4 loads per day = 104 tonne = payday.

Plenty of Aussie miners do the same thing, moving raw ore long distances to a 3rd party treatment.
of my earlier figures, only @ $90/t is the sea component, so many of the other costs would be faced anyway.

28-07-2020, 09:15 AM
Good to see the sellers at 0.8 thinning out a bit pre-open.

Hold em tight folks. Good times are a coming.

28-07-2020, 09:18 AM
Furthermore, i see this as complying with any existing consents, no need for long drawn out Resource management hearings for treatment options.
This is a turkey, oops, turnkey operation.

28-07-2020, 09:20 AM
Getty, Im just glad your location doesnt say Waihi - hahah

28-07-2020, 09:23 AM
why would that be?

Blue Horseshoe
28-07-2020, 09:24 AM
Getty for inderpendent director

28-07-2020, 09:31 AM
$400k pa and I.m yours

Blue Horseshoe
28-07-2020, 09:34 AM
$400k pa and I.m yours

If your pulling that much gold out, your worth it.

28-07-2020, 09:37 AM
why would that be?

Our friend Bullish/Matt Hill was location Waihi. :-)

28-07-2020, 09:37 AM
$400k pa and I.m yours

Im happy to nominate!!

28-07-2020, 10:40 AM
No need for capital raise or any further delay.
I've costed the price to get 26 tonne per container, picked up from the mine by swinglifter, to port of Tauranga, and off loaded in Brisbane at $3350 all inclusive.

From what I'm lead to believe, we are already at the ore face.

If you simply Bobcat the 15g/tonne RAW ore out the shaft and into the container, and ship it to Australia for processing, then 26t x 15 g =390g =13.755 ounces x US$1900oz = US$26134.50 =NZ$39201 - $3350 less internal Aust transport, less processing, NZ admin and extraction = CASHflow to shareholders.
NO capex required.

If we have sufficient amounts of concentrate @ 800g/t that needs further processing, then the above exercise would gross a mere $2074800 per container.

Conversion may not be optimim compared to a custom built plant, but ask yourself a pragmatic question, do you want 9/10ths of something, or 10/10ths of nothing, like you have now?
Obviously, cash generated could pay for NZ based facility later.

Another yr of Matts salary would pay freight on 120 containers.

Enough of unready, unsteady, just GO!!!!!!

Brilliant idea. However, I have doubts about getting a large container truck from the mine to the main road. First, there is a couple of kilometers of very narrow, steep windy road down to the bridge over the river. This bridge is a very narrow Bailey type bridge which ends right at the main road, which is a fairly narrow 2 lane highway. A container truck coming from Tauranga could not just make a sharp turn left over bridge. The roads would need to be blocked to allow the truck to go over to the wrong side and possibly make the difficult turn. I don't think the authorities would allow this to happen on a regular basis. Of course, smaller trucks could be used and the container reloaded at a different site.

28-07-2020, 10:56 AM
Thankyou for that input Elia.
I was in the area many years ago, and there was a layby area near to what I was told was the original mine opening.
However it doesnt change much, all we have to is to put the ore into half ton bags as used for fertiliser, either in the mine, or outside it, which are easily handled by Bobcat, then cart it with a ute we already have, or small truck to marshalling area to load the container.

28-07-2020, 11:08 AM
If we do it this way, with a ramp, the cartage will be much cheaper, because we wont need a swinglifter to go to & fro all the way to Taraunga, just a skeleton trailer, the container need not be put down.
This will offset any handling, and make the job easy at the destination.

28-07-2020, 11:15 AM
does anyone know if Oceania Gold have been approached to do some processing,would certainly be cheaper and greener.

28-07-2020, 11:18 AM
Matt should be able to answer that, but if so, it should of been happening by now.
That is why I am suggesting a viable alternative, to get almost instant cashflow , without any capex or cash raising.

28-07-2020, 11:19 AM
As I've said several times before...the POG rise has fallen in our laps. The profitability of this mine has approximately doubled in the last 18 months or so.

If we go into an parallel universe thought experiment,but in this universe MATT began mining years ago what would we be saying now about selling all this gold at a fraction of todays price.
Gold has just gone 1950 at the moment. There is IMHO more than 50% chance by years end it will be in the range of 2500 to 3000. Not only does the world have covid-19 but the China ,US thing is looking like it will not resolve. My thinking again IMHO is that China and a few other countries will not use the US dollar for much longer. So it is either Bitcoins or GOLD,and bitcoins have only a short history. What the world needs is certainty which only gold can give

28-07-2020, 11:22 AM
Are you saying Matt is a defacto futures contract?

28-07-2020, 11:24 AM
I think with this crowd running the show there is a high chance the POG would have dropped back down by the time we see any meaningful gold.

Disclaimer: I have zero confidence in management hence my pessimistic outlook.

28-07-2020, 11:31 AM
I agree with that.
I know a mining manager who is currently managing a rest home in Australia, who would love to come back to NZ to fire up this mine...

28-07-2020, 11:36 AM
It will be an interesting cash flow report in a couple of days time,as the money runs out they will need to raise some.They probably would not get very far at the moment.But if they take Getty's advise and start production,the share price would be more positive with new investors coming in,which in turn would make a new SPP more palatable

28-07-2020, 11:45 AM
It will be an interesting cash flow report in a couple of days time,as the money runs out they will need to raise some.They probably would not get very far at the moment.But if they take Getty's advise and start production,the share price would be more positive with new investors coming in,which in turn would make a new SPP more palatable

steveb, time and time again people have panicked with little basis about an imminent cash raise. Time and time again I have pointed out 2+ million in the bank. Outgoings during lockdown other than the bill for the Peer Review should have been minimal. Strongly positive cashflow is achievable per a number of routes....most recently highlighted by Getty.

I get frustrated with posters determined to shoot us in the foot

28-07-2020, 12:02 PM
Are you saying Matt is a defacto futures contract?

Looks like it. In last half hour gold has gone up 14 dollars on top of the 100 dollars in the last few weeks. Something worldwide is afoot.

So it is for all of us to ask what would we do if we solely owned the mine.Well I for one would sit on it for a year. We have waited a long time now so what is another year with these fast moving events. This reminds me of an old farmer i used to know. He worked his farm for more than 50years and sold it for one million dollars. Six months later without ever farming it the new owner sold it for two million.

We are with gold on the crest of a wave. lets ride it. Matt your good at doing nothing so do nothing for another year. By then IMHO the world will be on a new gold standard,and from what I have been reading gold will have to be about $30,000 to balance the books.
To HELL with the short term do not sell now.
In the meantime keep your comments coming in about the company. We can be sure MATT reads them so he can have considered answere ready.
See you all at 11 am on the 6th August for the live broadcast.

28-07-2020, 12:07 PM
Jonu thats why I said it would be an interesting cash flow report,2 mil would not last long if management want to process on site also raising a loan without being in production is not going to happen.Or are you suggesting they use up the consent they currently have to produce a cash flow positive position,and hopefully pay for the new processing plant before the ore quota is used up.

28-07-2020, 12:09 PM
I like the way you say think about sole ownership Digger, more people should think like that, it will interesting to see what other posters say.

28-07-2020, 12:11 PM
But if we put everything on care and maintainence, Matt & crew can be stood down without pay for that year.

28-07-2020, 12:21 PM
Jonu thats why I said it would be an interesting cash flow report,2 mil would not last long if management want to process on site also raising a loan without being in production is not going to happen.Or are you suggesting they use up the consent they currently have to produce a cash flow positive position,and hopefully pay for the new processing plant before the ore quota is used up.

Initially shipping ore, either concentrated or not, will result in several millions of dollars of profit. NTL can reassess it's processing route at a later date. There has been grades of 800-1000g per tonne in this mine. NTL suspect there will be pockets of those grades still to be hit...and Mystery vein is a prime suspect.