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18-04-2020, 01:47 PM
I do hold, and a lot more than Rosco. I have held about the same length of time but my average purchase price is ~0.008, so not quite in the same boat. However, Rosco's post is exactly what I think many, including myself, feel like. Its been a long time (and I know many have held much longer!) and every quarterly update is starting to blend together. The progress is immensely slow.

I have been very very positive about this whole operation in the past. At any given slice of time it seems like it could be a really great venture, doing the right things environmentally, etc. But over the long term the positivity has faded. I consider myself a patient person, but this isn't about patience, its about tolerance - the company does keep making promises that are not being fulfilled. Do you recall the hysteria when they sold that 100k of gold years ago now and declared themselves a producer instead of just a prospector? Its that type of message, repeatedly, that has worn us down. "We are there!" when we are not. "This capital raise will see is producing!" when it will not. "The bulk sampling is starting soon" when it isn't. "The pilot plant will be used to generate some revenue"... is it ever going to happen?

I am not pleased with the apparent management of the company, especially in terms of communication.
I am not on the sidelines throwing stones, I am in the game and the stones are falling from the sky onto our heads... and weirdly not everybody seems to notice them.

As said before, there is a lot of potential here. The upside really is potentially very significant, and I am a 'believer' in that sense. I continue to hold. But I feel strongly that shareholder value here has not been maximised, and a different team running the show would have done a better job. Even if/when the upside hits, and the share price increases... I will not be able to shake the feeling that despite the good times, they could have been so much better, and much earlier.

18-04-2020, 03:11 PM
With a total of
38,130,706‬‬ voting power its pretty marginal lol.

134.6M needed seems that the key moaners are only on here :bored::laugh::) or HC and probably only have small holdings.

Looks like it's an odd 52M now.

18-04-2020, 03:26 PM
I to have far to many shares and options in this,and have said before it's time matt was given other responsibilities,let him do what he is good at prospecting.

It is time to bring in new management that can get this company over the line.I hate to say it but $400k ayear doesn't give you a lot of incentive to get into production.

18-04-2020, 03:58 PM
The CEO answers to the board of directors. They appoint the CEO and monitor his performance. The board is supposed to represent us the shareholders. New Talisman obviously has a very weak board and therein lies the problem.

18-04-2020, 04:24 PM
Issuing considerable numbers of new shares to tide things through another 6 or 12 months does little to preserve
maintain or enhance value for many holders, as has been the case over the past 10-15 years

The recent developments though a bit more encouraging, must be viewed against the time the projects have
been underway and considerable number of Capital Raises along the way, with extracting meaningful resources
still sitting in the future, whenever that may be.

Having indirectly been a small holder in NTL (and HGL) for approaching 15 years, I have basically ignored recent
Capital Raises considering these to be more good money sent into a bottomless pit with little real value likely back
any time soon and when or if it does eventuate, so severely diluted, it will be a small fraction of ingoing share cost

18-04-2020, 08:20 PM
Yes time to piss or get off the pot Matt.
No more fluff, time for real progress with new team at the helm. Stop milking shareholders. Prime Ministers of countries are earning less than you.

18-04-2020, 08:52 PM
Well, I sold my last 100,000 on thursday, and bought something else that is 50 % under valued in this bear. Stocks are on the rise I think, and no time to waste or miss the opportunity, which is clearly not happening here. This stock didn’t go down with the crash, but clearly not going to go up. I might by back on the next hype, but happy to leave with a good gain over all.....All the best guys......

20-04-2020, 08:26 AM
Well, I sold my last 100,000 on thursday, and bought something else that is 50 % under valued in this bear. Stocks are on the rise I think, and no time to waste or miss the opportunity, which is clearly not happening here. This stock didn’t go down with the crash, but clearly not going to go up. I might by back on the next hype, but happy to leave with a good gain over all.....All the best guys......

Master Yoda, wise you are.

Im a holder for past 15 years or so. Lost some money, made it back, now sitting at a relatively low holding (1m) at 2c from a CR a few years ago.
Will it ever happen, well, I certainly hope do
What will happen is that Matt Hill will take his $400k salary every year. By the time NTL is producing (or, I hate to say it, failing to produce) he will have a pretty penny in the bank.

I can easily see COVID being blamed for next 12 months, and it will be why next SPP will be needed.
I cant see any good news for at least 18mths, but am going to hold, as I do believe 5c SP is possible - barring more diltuion

20-04-2020, 08:58 AM
I'm hopeful that with Terra Firma finally involved, things will speed up exponentially (it wouldn't be hard), including starting up the processing plant. The last quarterly stated enquiries had been placed with equipment suppliers. I expect the design of the plant to be finished by now and its construction started.

20-04-2020, 09:23 AM
. I expect the design of the plant to be finished by now and its construction started.
I hope you are right haewai but I am not that optimistic.

20-04-2020, 09:24 AM
Master Yoda, wise you are.

Im a holder for past 15 years or so. Lost some money, made it back, now sitting at a relatively low holding (1m) at 2c from a CR a few years ago.
Will it ever happen, well, I certainly hope do
What will happen is that Matt Hill will take his $400k salary every year. By the time NTL is producing (or, I hate to say it, failing to produce) he will have a pretty penny in the bank.

I can easily see COVID being blamed for next 12 months, and it will be why next SPP will be needed.
I cant see any good news for at least 18mths, but am going to hold, as I do believe 5c SP is possible - barring more diltuion

I concur with this scenario minus the last bit about the 5c SP. A 0.002c SP is probably my guess.

20-04-2020, 10:26 AM
I am expecting an optimistic report at the end of the month,after all they have had a good 4 weeks to polish things up!

20-04-2020, 10:37 AM
I concur with this scenario minus the last bit about the 5c SP. A 0.002c SP is probably my guess.

It's not that I don't understand your frustration....I share it. But I think your are missing the importance of the JORC Review. If it comes in at close to NTL's figures, players in the industry will take note. They will be saying "Hmmm...$800 million Kiwi profit in JORC. Let's take a stake, roll the Board and get into it."

That's if Matt hasn't already pulled finger and sorted a processor for the ore. The dollars are there. Either NTL management gets its act sorted or one of the big boys will. Either way it's great news for all holders.

20-04-2020, 11:50 AM
It's not that I don't understand your frustration....I share it. But I think your are missing the importance of the JORC Review. If it comes in at close to NTL's figures, players in the industry will take note. They will be saying "Hmmm...$800 million Kiwi profit in JORC. Let's take a stake, roll the Board and get into it."

That's if Matt hasn't already pulled finger and sorted a processor for the ore. The dollars are there. Either NTL management gets its act sorted or one of the big boys will. Either way it's great news for all holders.

Good point Jonu. As I understand it, the JORC review is for the entire Talisman mine, including the deeps.

There was a lot of uncertainty when the first set of scoping study numbers for the deeps were released in June 2018, but the numbers were positive, even given the gold price at the time (now about 40% higher). Deeps were 18,000 ounces /yr over nine years = 162,000 oz = $NZD 450 million from just the deeps, admittedly with low certainty. The current market cap is weighed down because of other reasons.

20-04-2020, 12:52 PM
The main thing that now worries me, is a change in the plan by management, that they have sort of avoided.
Word is they have abandoned getting the plan to get the pilot plant producing small amounts of gold, and I just don't know why, maybe they cant afford the pilot plant changes AND the cost of design and resource consent and ordering and installation and proving and activating full scale operation.
It appeard the decision is to put all funds and all resources totally into the main plant, go for gold.
The problem with this, is that it will well over a year, from order date alone to getting it in NZ installed and working is a year.
The issue now, is that CR is 100% required.

I don't like this late change of plan.
They should have kept with the pilot plant concept of processing the high grade pay dirt.

UNLESS, they have a concrete plan, now, to send ore to off site processors.
The problem now with Covid19, is everyone will be catching up on their own business, who is going to on extra work from NTL ????

21-04-2020, 01:17 PM
The volumes, bids and asks are impressive but also confusing at the moment.
Buyers have come out of nowhere in there droves...
Price isn't moving - .006 lined up to buy @ 15+millon selling @ .007 13m with .008 on very low.
Is this day traders, sharese, someone selling down or what? I don't get it.

Are the numbers on the resource review very good?
Has a deal been struck on processing?
Is TF taking over the running of the mine?
or is this normal??

21-04-2020, 01:25 PM
Make that 17+ millon at .006
the tables have turned on the ask vs. bid

21-04-2020, 01:26 PM
quite often you see a higher level of volume prior to the 3 monthly report,it's not a bad idea to position yourself in case of good news.If its just the usual no major advances,but no bad news the share price will stay the same and you can unload.

21-04-2020, 01:27 PM
The volumes, bids and asks are impressive but also confusing at the moment.
Buyers have come out of nowhere in there droves...
Price isn't moving - .006 lined up to buy @ 15+millon selling @ .007 13m with .008 on very low.
Is this day traders, sharese, someone selling down or what? I don't get it.

Are the numbers on the resource review very good?
Has a deal been struck on processing?
Is TF taking over the running of the mine?
or is this normal??

Looks to me it's building a nice head of steam and ready to blow! Volume hasn't been too bad. I suspect a lot of the sells at 0.7 are people flipping what they bought at 0.6.
That'll disappear on some solid news.

21-04-2020, 02:52 PM
Fingers crossed jonu
Bids @ .006 over 19 million now

21-04-2020, 03:03 PM
When you look across the NZX, how many stocks do you see that have genuine upside to them in the current environment?
A lot that were over sold have recovered or are possibly over priced. I reckon NTL and WDT (sorry, couldn't help myself) are two that stand out. I've put my money where my mouth is with both.

21-04-2020, 03:14 PM
Have been holding for a few years and luckily I got in just before the share price rocketed after a capital raise at 0.5c.
But I just can't take it anymore, the slow progress and I now believe Matt is not the right guy for this stage of the mine.
Will keep a million shares as I'm not giving up completely, and I'll probably dive in again at the next inevitable capital raise.
I know the potential is there, and I'd love all the long term believers to get some reward.
My guess it'll be 2023 before real gold comes out that mine. Who knows where the gold price will be then.

21-04-2020, 04:34 PM
Buyers building, but come from nowhere - shares touched $0.005 the other day, so not sure where the enthusiasm has come from.
From update on COVID, we can assume planning continues on paper and mind, but not at mine of processing.

21-04-2020, 06:15 PM
SP in Australia at .007. Should be. 008 in NZ. Special agent 007 been around far to long now. Be good to see some upward movement even if it is punters getting in before quarterly announcement.

21-04-2020, 06:19 PM
SP in Australia at .007. Should be. 008 in NZ. Special agent 007 been around far to long now. Be good to see some upward movement even if it is punters getting in before quarterly announcement.

Special Agent 006 seems to have been filling in at times today..

008 would probably need to see something much more meaningful than the wad of past
promises & performance seen thereon along the way..

If they were to install some large Oil Storage Bunkers in the unused Depths & procure some free Oil
008 may have special interest..

21-04-2020, 08:56 PM
Haha yes fill all the tunnels with black gold (Oil)
from there we could just open a bank based / backed on assets underground
then get money in from the Cartels and bingo have the NZ gangs on security and hello a profitable company.
hahaha sorry had a few to many shampers ����

22-04-2020, 08:36 AM
When you look across the NZX, how many stocks do you see that have genuine upside to them in the current environment?
A lot that were over sold have recovered or are possibly over priced. I reckon NTL and WDT (sorry, couldn't help myself) are two that stand out. I've put my money where my mouth is with both.

jonu, what about the CR they will need soon? Are you not worried this will push the price back down to.. jeez it's hard to pick a number

22-04-2020, 08:50 AM
I'm curious about the commercial term sheet signed with TF: perhaps a CR isn't needed if TF is paying for the plant?

22-04-2020, 09:44 AM
jonu, what about the CR they will need soon? Are you not worried this will push the price back down to.. jeez it's hard to pick a number

NTL has enough for about 6 quarters in the bank. That's without any cashflow positive extraction. I have made my views felt strongly to Matt about no CR in the current environment. IMHO he is in agreement and doesn't see the need.

They have opportunities in front of them that won't involve paying for the upscale processing plant. I'm the most optimistic I've been in years with NTL, partly due to the massive and likely sustained lift in the Gold Price. To that extent it's good fortune..literally.

DISC: I have significant skin in the game and have had since 2013, increasing throughout this period and a large uptake in the last SPP. I've got my frustrations with them too, but I'm not some day trader sitting on a few hundred thousand shares throwing rocks....as are some on this forum and HC.

22-04-2020, 10:38 AM
NTL has enough for about 6 quarters in the bank. That's without any cashflow positive extraction. I have made my views felt strongly to Matt about no CR in the current environment. IMHO he is in agreement and doesn't see the need.

They have opportunities in front of them that won't involve paying for the upscale processing plant. I'm the most optimistic I've been in years with NTL, partly due to the massive and likely sustained lift in the Gold Price. To that extent it's good fortune..literally.

DISC: I have significant skin in the game and have had since 2013, increasing throughout this period and a large uptake in the last SPP. I've got my frustrations with them too, but I'm not some day trader sitting on a few hundred thousand shares throwing rocks....as are some on this forum and HC.
Then this shows that you are not objective as you've got too much to lose to be wrong...

22-04-2020, 10:47 AM
Then this shows that you are not objective as you've got too much to lose to be wrong...

I could have been dumping at these prices and emerged unscathed...opportunity lost elsewhere excepted. I'm not sitting on a loss hoping to recover.
This share could be trading at 1.5 at the moment. It probably would be without a lot of the uninformed doom and gloom expressed on this forum.

22-04-2020, 11:05 AM
I could have been dumping at these prices and emerged unscathed...opportunity lost elsewhere excepted. I'm not sitting on a loss hoping to recover.
This share could be trading at 1.5 at the moment. It probably would be without a lot of the uninformed doom and gloom expressed on this forum.
I took the time to have a look at your old posts jonu,and there is not hint of a lack of objectivity,I find your positive posts to (and I hate to use the word) balance some of the more negative posts that appear on NTL.I firmly believe that everyone has an opinion but it is how you express it,is what matters.
Keep the posts coming,and lets hope for some good news at the end of the month.

22-04-2020, 11:53 AM
I'd second what steveb says - I value your objective posts, jonu.

Bloomberg reports that the Bank of America forecasts the price of gold 18 months out will be US$3,000.
Their spokesman said "the Fed can't print gold".

(US$3000 = NZ$5,000 at current rate)

Oh, and my usual comment here, before someone informs me - I know it doesn't matter what the gold price is if we aren't producing any.
(Although I don't truly believe that)

22-04-2020, 02:03 PM
Higher than usual volumes on the ASX so far including a modest sale (half million) at A0.8c
The VWAP is 0.702 there.
Some excited commentary on HC, including talk of a 'breakout'.
Who knows?

22-04-2020, 02:08 PM
Higher than usual volumes on the ASX so far including a modest sale (half million) at A0.8c
The VWAP is 0.702 there.
Some excited commentary on HC, including talk of a 'breakout'.
Who knows?

That's the highest volume on the ASX for quite some time. Lookout if their goldbugs decide to run with it :t_up:

22-04-2020, 02:57 PM
I'd second what steveb says - I value your objective posts, jonu.

Bloomberg reports that the Bank of America forecasts the price of gold 18 months out will be US$3,000.
Their spokesman said "the Fed can't print gold".

(US$3000 = NZ$5,000 at current rate)

Oh, and my usual comment here, before someone informs me - I know it doesn't matter what the gold price is if we aren't producing any.
(Although I don't truly believe that)

Thanks steveb and Lion.

Here's the link to the BofA article.


Horrible to think what it would mean for NTL. :t_up:

22-04-2020, 03:03 PM
Aussie listing getting hammered - anyone hazard a guess why there is often such a discrepancy between NZX/ASX listings even when AUD is close to NZD? It works both ways, when the ASX listing was up, the NZX one didn't move.

Now the reverse has happened; the ASX listing is down to 0.5cps but NZX still trading at 0.7!

22-04-2020, 03:07 PM
Could be arbitrage trading happening...exploiting the difference between the 2 exchanges. Certainly some strange trades going through to run it back from 0.8
Possibly someone with deep pockets having fun.

22-04-2020, 03:56 PM
Can't imagine anyone finding that funny. Poor sod who just paid $35k to see its value drop $10k an hour later... 'Sickening' is the word that comes to mind.

22-04-2020, 03:59 PM
Can't imagine anyone finding that funny. Poor sod who paid $35k to see its value drop $10k...

Well presumably it wasn't them manipulating the price was it. Possibly the person who sold them and then crash the price on small volume. They play rough on the ASX.

22-04-2020, 04:08 PM
VWAP is the same on both exchanges .07 so makes not a lot of difference either way. If you are looking at just the one large trade,it could well have been someone needing to close out a position for some obscure reason.

23-04-2020, 10:55 AM
Bit more interest being shown 20m on the buy side and 14m on the sell side. I suspect this could be a turning point.
A very positive quarterly report may give the share a lift. Clearly many small buy and sell orders.

23-04-2020, 11:03 AM
What we need to see is a real step forward toward production, not just rehashed words of what has already been said for many quarters.
I'm not confident, but fingers crossed.

23-04-2020, 11:58 AM
As a holder from the mid 1980's Im confident that once NTL starts mining this share will be the most sort after\interesting share in the NZX, but how long that will be is any ones guess !! .

If they want another C R I again will max out my opportunities.

23-04-2020, 12:43 PM
I think it is time for the board to unequivocally come out and state there will be no further capital raising via the shareholders,ie an SPP.

It is time to do a deal with Terra Firma and start production,funds can then be sourced from other avenues,but until they have an income no one in their right minds are going to lend them money.

23-04-2020, 01:10 PM
With covid 19 and cost to government to date they will be looking at all possible revenue streams. NTL have complied with environmental issues so Govt/Green party will now be more likely to want income streams flowing from taxes and royalties from an active producing mine.
Now is the time to go hard and push to production. There won’t be a better time in getting governmental approvals through. Is Matt up to bringing this baby. Home. If and when it happens watch the gold fever.

23-04-2020, 02:44 PM
My worry is that possibly 2 months of CV3 and 4 is another 2 months of expenses with limited progress towards the main manufacturing plant.
If I don't see in the next report, mention of specific work being done and a timetable for the pilot plant to actually produce gold to have some income.
Or some plan for another party to take ore and process it for them.
That CR is a sure bet.

They need to do one or the other, if not both, but it seems confirmed now that they are not getting the pilot plant converted to making gold.

23-04-2020, 02:49 PM
I thought they were using the pilot plant to make that sludge they turned up with at the agm,claiming it was as good as gold.

23-04-2020, 03:49 PM
I thought they were using the pilot plant to make that sludge they turned up with at the agm,claiming it was as good as gold.

NTL said as much too. This is from the last annual report:

At the mine face NTL has substantially completed the refurbishments required to commence extraction phase and your companysits poised at the commencement of production which is planned to reach a steady state of 360 ounces per month at 8 months fromcommissioning of pilot plant which will commence processing of first high grade batches through the plant at the end of July.

Pilot plant was commissioned at the end of July; over eight months ago. Where are the 360 ounces.... Still poised and just around the corner I guess.

24-04-2020, 08:05 AM
a claytons gold mine? i suspect the idea behind this operation was "There be gold here".

24-04-2020, 08:16 AM
NTL said as much too. This is from the last annual report:

Pilot plant was commissioned at the end of July; over eight months ago. Where are the 360 ounces.... Still poised and just around the corner I guess.

Matt Hills martini glass is poised and right next to him - it is Friday after all.

24-04-2020, 05:19 PM
a claytons gold mine? i suspect the idea behind this operation was "There be gold here".

"Show us the Gold - Matt !" would seem to be what is appropriate

26-04-2020, 11:16 AM
from update on 17/04/2020
"As you would be aware the resource estimate review by AMC was due to be delivered Q1 2020, however the impact of COVID–19 has delayed the delivery of the final JORC 2012 review. We now expect this to be delivered by the end of April 2020."

We should expect the upgraded resource estimate this week.

Any guesses on how much of an increase this could be? I understand it will include the previously excluded Talisman Deeps and Mystery Vein so could be substantial?

27-04-2020, 10:45 AM
I believe up over 400,000oz Gold, let alone silver and other metals.
Possibly this sparked the massive increase in volumes on the ASX last week.
20m shares traded after been a dead dodo for so long and at one stage it got as high as .008

27-04-2020, 06:20 PM
I believe up over 400,000oz Gold, let alone silver and other metals.
Possibly this sparked the massive increase in volumes on the ASX last week.
20m shares traded after been a dead dodo for so long and at one stage it got as high as .008

some believed Rumours must have hit ASX - you reckon ? ..

why weren't we put in the loop in Kiwiland about this ?

28-04-2020, 09:55 AM
Tasty buy order lined up this morning. 5 million plus shares. Go you good thing

28-04-2020, 11:10 AM
:t_up::t_up::t_up: interesting times

28-04-2020, 02:56 PM
NZX NTL looking well primed to bust out here. Massive queue to buy and steadily shrinking sell. The Quarterly just needs to reassure us with real progress on sorting a processor. There is serious money to be made even in bulk sampling at the current gold price.

28-04-2020, 03:17 PM
some believed Rumours must have hit ASX - you reckon ? ..

why weren't we put in the loop in Kiwiland about this ?

Maybe they where, as Jonu said she's well primed.

28-04-2020, 03:56 PM
Maybe they where, as Jonu said she's well primed.

The encouraging thing is the SELL side isn't reloading as it has done the last couple months. That's what suggests the breakout, along with the massive BUY queue and good volume.

28-04-2020, 05:48 PM
The encouraging thing is the SELL side isn't reloading as it has done the last couple months. That's what suggests the breakout, along with the massive BUY queue and good volume.

Must be rumour of the faint aroma of something on the very distant horizon some time in perhaps the very distant future .. funny how volatile troubled times induce those sort of symptoms .. but many have also been fooled as well ..

28-04-2020, 05:54 PM
Must be rumour of the faint aroma of something on the very distant horizon some time in perhaps the very distant future .. funny how volatile troubled times induce those sort of symptoms .. but many have also been fooled as well ..

More like the reality that all NTL needs to do is sort a processor

28-04-2020, 07:16 PM
Either way, I see any bounce as temporary, as the reality is there needs to be a firm plan of how this gold is coming out of the ground.
Matt has failed to deliver this, at least not in any reasonable or firm time frame.
It's all wishy washy, almost there, just need to to do this or that...this consent, that processor, blah blah blah.
I'm sure eventually it will happen, but I doubt I will read anything in this quarterly that's going to make me do a u-turn.
In the meantime, I'll put my million shares in the drawer with 2022 on the box hoping I'm not being too optimistic.

29-04-2020, 07:48 AM
Well if the news tomorrow is not good enough I predict an exodus of biblical proportions with very little credibility to convince shareholders that this is a stock worthy of investment for at least the next year - just in time for another capital raise.
"Once bitten, shame on you. Twice/thrice/fourtimes bitten shame on me!"

29-04-2020, 08:14 AM
A lot of shares change hands just before an update.I call them just in case sales,I would not read to much into it.If I was a buyer I would wait for some good news before I parted with my hard earned.After all the potential here is huge,and if you have to pay a couple of points over todays price it should not make much difference in the long run

29-04-2020, 08:23 AM
A lot of shares change hands just before an update.I call them just in case sales,I would not read to much into it.If I was a buyer I would wait for some good news before I parted with my hard earned.After all the potential here is huge,and if you have to pay a couple of points over todays price it should not make much difference in the long run

Agreed. I've had a quick look over the effect on the share price after each quarterly release for the past two years and have noticed a sharp drop in almost all instances (the other was no effect).

29-04-2020, 09:40 AM
I think you (flugenbear,steveb and youngatheart) are missing a few critical differences here.

1.They now have the means to mine (didn't previously)

2.They are consented to bulk sample (had this for a while but didn't have the means)

3. They don't need a Cap Raise if they aren't stockpiling ore (they're not)

4. All they need is a processor that can handle say minimum 100 tonne per month (bugger all). At 10g per tonne (low by NTL grades) thats a kilo of gold per month. 80k PROFIT per month. And that's based on only 100 tonne. The processor is key for positive cashflow.

29-04-2020, 10:04 AM
I think you (flugenbear,steveb and youngatheart) are missing a few critical differences here.

1.They now have the means to mine (didn't previously)

2.They are consented to bulk sample (had this for a while but didn't have the means)

3. They don't need a Cap Raise if they aren't stockpiling ore (they're not)

4. All they need is a processor that can handle say minimum 100 tonne per month (bugger all). At 10g per tonne (low by NTL grades) thats a kilo of gold per month. 80k PROFIT per month. And that's based on only 100 tonne. The processor is key for positive cashflow.

One other critical difference that you missed. They are New Talisman Gold Mines. Do have any confidence of the above happening in the near future?

29-04-2020, 10:06 AM
One other critical difference that you missed. They are New Talisman Gold Mines. Do have any confidence of the above happening in the near future?

Yes. They will have options. It's a matter of matching the logistics with the cost.

29-04-2020, 12:05 PM

Can you let us know why you think they have the means to mine?They still do not have resource consent,or do you know something we don't.
They do have resource consent for bulk sampling but that is for just 20000 cubic mtrs of ore a year.

29-04-2020, 12:19 PM

Can you let us know why you think they have the means to mine?They still do not have resource consent,or do you know something we don't.
They do have resource consent for bulk sampling but that is for just 20000 cubic mtrs of ore a year.

It's essentially the same thing.

20,000 cubic metres amounts to approx 24,000 tonne, or 2000 tonne per month. I believe that's about all they could cope with anyway.
At 10g per tonne (low for NTL) that's 20kg of gold per month.

29-04-2020, 12:55 PM
But they have had the ability to bulk sample since sept 2018 and no gold has been produced:-

29-04-2020, 01:04 PM
But they have had the ability to bulk sample since sept 2018 and no gold has been produced:-

Yes. The processor has been the issue. OGC mothballing really stuffed things up in my view. The pilot plant proved the system works, but it would appear the actual machinery isn't worth scaling up, they would have to build an entirely new plant, or have someone with an existing consent do it for them without the cost of building the plant.

The jump in the Gold Price is the game changer. NTL may as well just get digging as long as they have a processor lined up. There is no point stockpiling ore in the meantime.

29-04-2020, 01:32 PM
At last all the 0.7c sellers have been taken out

29-04-2020, 01:54 PM
Agreed Brian, It would be nice to see this stock back over 1
I started this joy ride :scared: back when it was 1.8c a share its taken a lot of effort, faith and risk to get my avg cost price down to .7 so anything over that is a bonus to me and I have no plans to give these away any time soon.
If there is a sharp drop after the quarter youngatheart my current buy order will snap up all I can.

29-04-2020, 02:15 PM
As said earlier, the gamechanger is the gold price.

As I see it there are 2 ways to look at NTL.

First as a conventional business. Will they succeed and in what timeframe? Are they suitably financed? etc. The snail like progress made is a valid concern.

Second as exposure to gold as a commodity. Providing the peer review of JORC comes in close to the company's model, you can regard that as stock. It's stock that is appreciating in value at a steady rate. It's not going to disappear. I haven't seen anyone predicting a crash in the gold price. Most are calling for a significant lift.

29-04-2020, 03:49 PM
As said earlier, the gamechanger is the gold price.

As I see it there are 2 ways to look at NTL.

First as a conventional business. Will they succeed and in what timeframe? Are they suitably financed? etc. The snail like progress made is a valid concern.

Second as exposure to gold as a commodity. Providing the peer review of JORC comes in close to the company's model, you can regard that as stock. It's stock that is appreciating in value at a steady rate. It's not going to disappear. I haven't seen anyone predicting a crash in the gold price. Most are calling for a significant lift.

I just look at it as another way of buying gold. The NZD gold price has now taken out all time highs, and is now 3000 an ounce. This thing is levered to the price. It's like buying an option.

On that basis alone fair value is at least double the current SP.

29-04-2020, 04:12 PM
I just look at it as another way of buying gold. The NZD gold price has now taken out all time highs, and is now 3000 an ounce. This thing is levered to the price. It's like buying an option.

On that basis alone fair value is at least double the current SP.

Agreed. I think there might be a slow awakening to this.

29-04-2020, 04:33 PM
Come on guys the gold in the ground is worthless until you start production,even then it only has a potential value.So what happens if they don't get resource consent to mine?Or an earthquake,or mine collapse.

Just don't get carried away with gold fever,we will get there and yes the share price will react,but there is a reason why the current price is so low,and that probably has something to do with Matt Hills inability to deliver said gold!

29-04-2020, 04:41 PM
Come on guys the gold in the ground is worthless until you start production,even then it only has a potential value.So what happens if they don't get resource consent to mine?Or an earthquake,or mine collapse.

Just don't get carried away with gold fever,we will get there and yes the share price will react,but there is a reason why the current price is so low,and that probably has something to do with Matt Hills inability to deliver said gold!

Then apparently this stock is not for you steveb. If you think gold in the ground is worthless until you start production why do people all over the world buy into exploratory miners?

As I have already pointed out to you, NTL has a consent to produce hundreds of kilos of gold per year. The only obstacle at present is a processor. If you disregard that it's up to you, continue to gnash your teeth. And what ever you do, don't buy or sell any shares until NTL are producing.

29-04-2020, 04:43 PM
Higher volume and wiping out .007. Quarterly report has been prepared/printed but as yet not released. There must be some carrots in there. Lets hope its 36 carats gold.

29-04-2020, 04:49 PM
As I have already pointed out to you, NTL has a consent to produce hundreds of kilos of gold per year. The only obstacle at present is a processor.

Jonu, I can't recall exactly, but I thought we needed a consent for the new processor?
I thought I recall seeing something like up to 1 year for the consent...but i'll be honest I can't find this anywhere so perhaps I was dreaming.
Good to finally see the SP move up a notch...let's hope it stays there after the quarterly....or keep rising!
Perhaps all will be clearer tomorrow....

29-04-2020, 04:51 PM
Jonu, I can't recall exactly, but I thought we needed a consent for the new processor?
I thought I recall seeing something like up to 1 year for the consent...but i'll be honest I can't find this anywhere so perhaps I was dreaming.
Good to finally see the SP move up a notch...let's hope it stays there after the quarterly....or keep rising!
Perhaps all will be clearer tomorrow....

Ideally the processor would already have a consent.

29-04-2020, 05:34 PM
Then apparently this stock is not for you steveb. If you think gold in the ground is worthless until you start production why do people all over the world buy into exploratory miners?

As I have already pointed out to you, NTL has a consent to produce hundreds of kilos of gold per year. The only obstacle at present is a processor. If you disregard that it's up to you, continue to gnash your teeth. And what ever you do, don't buy or sell any shares until NTL are producing.-
You seem to have a problem with actually reading the information on this site and inwardly digesting it.Your comment that "The only obstacle at present is a processor"is just not true.The pilot plant has been running since june last year:-
You are not seriously suggesting that they go ahead with the main gold processing plant,with a price tag in the millions,just to process the 20000 cubic mtrs they are allowed to remove.Remember they DO NOT have resource consent for the long term running of the mine

29-04-2020, 06:01 PM
You seem to have a problem with actually reading the information on this site and inwardly digesting it.Your comment that "The only obstacle at present is a processor"is just not true.The pilot plant has been running since june last year:-
You are not seriously suggesting that they go ahead with the main gold processing plant,with a price tag in the millions,just to process the 20000 cubic mtrs they are allowed to remove.Remember they DO NOT have resource consent for the long term running of the mine

I can assure you I digest a lot of information on this stock. I have no indigestion whatsoever :)

The ideal is for them to engage with a processor who will either have an existing plant and consent or will build one. I haven't suggested spending millions on anything.

I have already stated 20,000 m3 is about all they can probably handle. They have consent for that for bulk sampling. A full mining consent for the same or slightly lesser amount is a fait accompli. The Environment Court has already approved that quantity. They can hardly go back on it.

The 30%+ increase in the gold price in recent months means NTL is sitting on approx $800 million dollars profit gold against a market cap of 21.5 million. You apparently don't place any value on that gold. I do. Even if that gold in the ground is given a 50% discount due to risk factors, it is still $400 million.

Who is having trouble digesting information?

I gather you are a shareholder. If you are happy for the share price to sit at 0.6 so you can accumulate I think/hope that bus has left the station. Personally I topped up another 1.5 million shares on the open this morning at 0.7. Hopefully my last chance to do so. If not, I have a buy order for 5 million more at a lower price. Win/win I reckon.

29-04-2020, 08:50 PM
I just looked up the link below on how how to value in the ground gold for junior miners

Not sure when this was published or what gold price it was based on but get US$17.7M or NZ$29M (.61 exchange rate). Using the figures below

• US$20 per ounce Inferred x 389,200
• US$30 per ounce for M&I x 23,100
• US$160 per ounce for P&P x 57,480

So that would say currently NTL is under valued based on todays price by about NZ$6.5M and current resource estimates.

29-04-2020, 11:40 PM
I just looked up the link below on how how to value in the ground gold for junior miners

Not sure when this was published or what gold price it was based on but get US$17.7M or NZ$29M (.61 exchange rate). Using the figures below

• US$20 per ounce Inferred x 389,200
• US$30 per ounce for M&I x 23,100
• US$160 per ounce for P&P x 57,480

So that would say currently NTL is under valued based on todays price by about NZ$6.5M and current resource estimates.

The original article is from 2010 with a Gold Price USD 1076.50.
Gold is now over 1700 USD.
You can bet grades per tonne at NTL are above anything they have used for their modelling, so while it suggests NTL is undervalued at present, it is out by several multiples.

30-04-2020, 08:53 AM
I can assure you I digest a lot of information on this stock. I have no indigestion whatsoever :)

The ideal is for them to engage with a processor who will either have an existing plant and consent or will build one. I haven't suggested spending millions on anything.

I have already stated 20,000 m3 is about all they can probably handle. They have consent for that for bulk sampling. A full mining consent for the same or slightly lesser amount is a fait accompli. The Environment Court has already approved that quantity. They can hardly go back on it.

The 30%+ increase in the gold price in recent months means NTL is sitting on approx $800 million dollars profit gold against a market cap of 21.5 million. You apparently don't place any value on that gold. I do. Even if that gold in the ground is given a 50% discount due to risk factors, it is still $400 million.

Who is having trouble digesting information?

I gather you are a shareholder. If you are happy for the share price to sit at 0.6 so you can accumulate I think/hope that bus has left the station. Personally I topped up another 1.5 million shares on the open this morning at 0.7. Hopefully my last chance to do so. If not, I have a buy order for 5 million more at a lower price. Win/win I reckon.
You just don't get it do you.They have signed (last year) a term sheet with Tera Firma outlining the terms and conditions for the development of a processing plant.Why would you keep saying that they need to engage with a processor who has a plant?
To say the resource consent is a fait accompli is misleading at best,if you need to say something like that you should at least quantify it by saying in your opinion.

30-04-2020, 09:26 AM
You just don't get it do you.They have signed (last year) a term sheet with Tera Firma outlining the terms and conditions for the development of a processing plant.Why would you keep saying that they need to engage with a processor who has a plant?
To say the resource consent is a fait accompli is misleading at best,if you need to say something like that you should at least quantify it by saying in your opinion.

I get it just fine thank you. Have a read of the paragraph in the last Quarterly that discusses processing.

If you wish...IMHO the Environment Court can hardly go back on their precedent decision granting 20,000m3.

30-04-2020, 10:12 AM
Good to see some healthy debate and some good information - thanks team. Lets hope the quarterly gives the SP a decent nudge.

Agree with above, NTL is a gold fever punt, more promises than delivery - any newbies to NTL need to do their own research!!!!

Personally, Im battling my better judgement to put all my eggs in one basket. NTL, go you good thing.

30-04-2020, 10:17 AM
The original article is from 2010 with a Gold Price USD 1076.50.
Gold is now over 1700 USD.
You can bet grades per tonne at NTL are above anything they have used for their modelling, so while it suggests NTL is undervalued at present, it is out by several multiples.

I just looked up the link below on how how to value in the ground gold for junior miners

Not sure when this was published or what gold price it was based on but get US$17.7M or NZ$29M (.61 exchange rate). Using the figures below

• US$20 per ounce Inferred x 389,200
• US$30 per ounce for M&I x 23,100
• US$160 per ounce for P&P x 57,480

So that would say currently NTL is under valued based on todays price by about NZ$6.5M and current resource estimates.

I just look at it as another way of buying gold. The NZD gold price has now taken out all time highs, and is now 3000 an ounce. This thing is levered to the price. It's like buying an option.

On that basis alone fair value is at least double the current SP.

I have been trying to figure out how to multi-quote different posters but am not being successful in an intelligible manner.

However Lego Man can feel vindicated by the formula posted by Chippy, perhaps even on the light side. Bearing in mind my reply as to the age of the article and the massive rise in Gold Price.

The JORC Peer Review will hopefully wake up the market on the ASX. Fingers crossed it is within Cooee of NTL's workings.

30-04-2020, 10:21 AM
I just looked up the link below on how how to value in the ground gold for junior miners

Not sure when this was published or what gold price it was based on but get US$17.7M or NZ$29M (.61 exchange rate). Using the figures below

• US$20 per ounce Inferred x 389,200
• US$30 per ounce for M&I x 23,100
• US$160 per ounce for P&P x 57,480

So that would say currently NTL is under valued based on todays price by about NZ$6.5M and current resource estimates.

Not a bad way to look at it and a great post. if that is from 2010 and keeping those numbers and only increasing it by the % increase in gold over that time.
The "value of in the ground" is 41m.. :t_up: as someone else brought up, current share price is
approximately 50% under valued IMO I agree this this.

30-04-2020, 11:08 AM
Report must be released today? Or was that just a target they were shooting for? I would be less and less optimistic the longer it takes, in my experience good news gets released quickly.

Of course I could be well wrong!

30-04-2020, 11:10 AM
Due to being NZX and ASX listed they never release early.

30-04-2020, 11:21 AM
Due to being NZX and ASX listed they never release early.

Good point

30-04-2020, 01:45 PM
Cash flow quarterly just released @ 1-40 but its the activities report is the one that should be of interest to us S Hers !!

30-04-2020, 01:47 PM
Its here - though through ASB, there isnt a PDF to open yet

Ohhhhhhh "Activities originally scheduled for the following quarter have commenced earlier than anticipated."

30-04-2020, 01:48 PM
Only a cashflow report on DB. Big spending on admin again. Bank account running short soon.

30-04-2020, 01:54 PM
Read it wrong, lol

30-04-2020, 01:55 PM
Only a cashflow report on DB. Big spending on admin again. Bank account running short soon.

HTF can they spend approx. $366,000 on admin in the quarter when the first 3 weeks of the qr the company was still on its Xmas break!! TOTAL BS !!

30-04-2020, 01:57 PM
So they've spent $1.4m in 3 months, with only $2.5m left. Does that mean they'll be needing more money in 6 mths time!?!

Where do you get 1.4m from?

30-04-2020, 01:58 PM
So they've spent $1.4m in 3 months, with only $2.5m left. Does that mean they'll be needing more money in 6 mths time!?!

No, they spent a little over 500k in the quarter. You are looking at the annual figure. 5 quarters of cash left at current burn rates.

30-04-2020, 01:58 PM
HTF can they spend approx. $366,000 on admin in the quarter when the first 3 weeks of the qr the company was still on its Xmas break!! TOTAL BS !!

Maybe it was someone's holiday pay, lol.

30-04-2020, 02:14 PM
Its here - though through ASB, there isnt a PDF to open yet

Ohhhhhhh "Activities originally scheduled for the following quarter have commenced earlier than anticipated."

Are you sure about that? Not showing on NZX board.

30-04-2020, 02:14 PM
Or lots of spending on external resources supporting the mining plan, resource consent and verification of the JORC.

Doesn't look like much capital spending on a processing plant though.

30-04-2020, 02:16 PM
Admin and corporate costs.

These mutts are laughing all the way to the bank.

30-04-2020, 02:19 PM
Ohhhhhhh "Activities originally scheduled for the following quarter have commenced earlier than anticipated."

They say this every quarter, you'd think they would be improving their predictions by now.

30-04-2020, 02:22 PM
Its here - though through ASB, there isnt a PDF to open yet

Ohhhhhhh "Activities originally scheduled for the following quarter have commenced earlier than anticipated."

Oh I see, you are quoting from the Cashflow Report. Activities Report still to come.

30-04-2020, 02:38 PM
Anyone feel happy about that?

Exact same resource consent update as the last quarterly
No progress on a processing plant, just more talking, no mention of the Terra Firma arrangement
Very unclear update to the peer review of the resource estimate, but appears no material change
Lots of pointing at the level 4 lock-down impacting activities, when in reality this occurred at the end of the quarter
And zero gold produced

30-04-2020, 02:40 PM
WOW someone just had a guts pull and dropped their 4.5 million shares cant blame them based on this quarters progress, covid-19 aside which was only the last 4 weeks period.

30-04-2020, 02:51 PM
"Once bitten, shame on you. Twice/thrice/four/FIVE times, shame on me!"

30-04-2020, 02:58 PM
Anyone feel happy about that?

Exact same resource consent update as the last quarterly
No progress on a processing plant, just more talking, no mention of the Terra Firma arrangement
Very unclear update to the peer review of the resource estimate, but appears no material change
Lots of pointing at the level 4 lock-down impacting activities, when in reality this occurred at the end of the quarter
And zero gold produced
Yeah it's worse than I thought but I have to admit entirely expected.
This is just one share you need an awful lot of patience with.

Blue Horseshoe
30-04-2020, 03:01 PM
Wow, things ticking along nicely, looking good.
Amazing how the NTL team can get this mine up and restored on such a small budget, hats off to you all.

30-04-2020, 03:23 PM
Anyone feel happy about that?

Exact same resource consent update as the last quarterly
No progress on a processing plant, just more talking, no mention of the Terra Firma arrangement
Very unclear update to the peer review of the resource estimate, but appears no material change
Lots of pointing at the level 4 lock-down impacting activities, when in reality this occurred at the end of the quarter
And zero gold produced

Not happy, just frustrated that things remain just out of reach.
Don't under estimate the significance of the JORC Review. The guy doing it apparently chairs the JORC Committee.
Wasn't expecting any gold to be produced, but was hoping for more firm indication of a processor.

30-04-2020, 04:20 PM
"Once bitten, shame on you. Twice/thrice/four/FIVE times, shame on me!"

I think im up to 9 times bitten - hahahaha

Underwhelmed again, but not surprised.

30-04-2020, 04:36 PM
Hey is not to bad
I was hoping they would get the JORC Review over the line but no
It will come soon enough, they understand how share holders are feeling and know they have to get it over the line ASAP.
It would be good if they sorted out the report format into a better structure.

30-04-2020, 04:40 PM
You would think at some point the need for bulk sampling will become redundant.
It's taken so long and still nothing. The consent has been in place for years.
By the time they get things sorted to do it they'll probably have the full mining consent....(yes...perhaps even the government bureaucrats will be faster than NTL getting a processing deal...)

So we pretty much know there is a very viable amount of gold to be mined.
We know the price of gold is better than ever.
I think I remember a figure of 25 million needed just to mine Talismen deeps, even two years ago it would have been profitable, with today's gold price it must be very worthwhile.
To my mind NTL lack a commercial guy to get this going.
Matt Hill doesn't seem to be that guy.
Not his fault, I'm sure it's not his area of expertise, he is a miner afterall.
But someone needs to get this over the finish line and get the capital needed to kick this baby into life!

30-04-2020, 05:21 PM
Hey is not to bad
I was hoping they would get the JORC Review over the line but no
It will come soon enough, they understand how share holders are feeling and know they have to get it over the line ASAP.
It would be good if they sorted out the report format into a better structure.

you are clearly a glass half full sort of chap Ltw. The only good thing I can think of saying is that they could not be accused of spin.

30-04-2020, 05:43 PM
I hold a lot, and I expected exactly this, but am still disappointed. You can refer to my post from the 18th, but to reiterate, the potential is here but the company is not maximising shareholder value in the slightest. If this ever succeeds its going to be in-spite of management, not because of them. I continue to hold because of the potential, but the feeling grows every month that the potential is being squandered.

This report is the same as every quarter. We are years away from getting any gold.

I questioned why they are not using the pilot plant to at least get something out the door, but I think they are trying not to trip some timer related to when the bulk sampling period starts. I agree with the poster above though, the bulk sampling might be useless at the rate these guys are going. I would rather see them start anything at this point.

I am actually quite surprised that Jonu is not more outwardly annoyed here, as an apparently substantial holder. There is a very significant opportunity cost to having our capital tied up here, where it apparently does jack all, than elsewhere. Easy to say with hindsight, but if I had put my NTL funds in with the rest of my portfolio back in 2013, and purchased now instead (or better yet, in 2-3 years time?) I would be a lot better off.

30-04-2020, 06:04 PM
Hey is not to bad
I was hoping they would get the JORC Review over the line but no
It will come soon enough, they understand how share holders are feeling and know they have to get it over the line ASAP.
It would be good if they sorted out the report format into a better structure.

Many shareholders would think that NTL would understand that shareholders are unhappy to put it mildly but I think the underlying impression is that NTL do not give a stuff about that. I am interested in your comment that NTL think that they need to get it over the line ASAP. From my point of view urgency and shareholder communication is something they do not understand.

30-04-2020, 07:25 PM
what disappoints me the most is that on 17/04 they said the following as part of the Covid update. That was less than 2 weeks ago
- "As you would be aware the resource estimate review by AMC was due to be delivered Q1 2020, however the impact of COVID–19 has delayed the delivery of the final JORC 2012 review. We now expect this to be delivered by the end of April 2020."

today, they gave us no date at all for when this will be completed except "it is under final review"

30-04-2020, 08:23 PM
what disappoints me the most is that on 17/04 they said the following as part of the Covid update. That was less than 2 weeks ago
- "As you would be aware the resource estimate review by AMC was due to be delivered Q1 2020, however the impact of COVID–19 has delayed the delivery of the final JORC 2012 review. We now expect this to be delivered by the end of April 2020."

today, they gave us no date at all for when this will be completed except "it is under final review"

This is what happens. They never do what they say they will do. The CEO and the board have a total disregard for shareholders. I am totally pissed off with the attitude of board and management.

30-04-2020, 08:24 PM
what disappoints me the most is that on 17/04 they said the following as part of the Covid update. That was less than 2 weeks ago
- "As you would be aware the resource estimate review by AMC was due to be delivered Q1 2020, however the impact of COVID–19 has delayed the delivery of the final JORC 2012 review. We now expect this to be delivered by the end of April 2020."

today, they gave us no date at all for when this will be completed except "it is under final review"

That is such a great example of what NTL seem to be all about. Can't even forecast 2 weeks ahead :t_down:

30-04-2020, 08:37 PM
The major hurdle for NTL is public relations because NTLs biggest problem is potentially political. The board and CEO seem to have no experience in this area. These guys cannot even handle shareholder relations.

30-04-2020, 09:18 PM
You would think at some point the need for bulk sampling will become redundant.
It's taken so long and still nothing. The consent has been in place for years.
By the time they get things sorted to do it they'll probably have the full mining consent....(yes...perhaps even the government bureaucrats will be faster than NTL getting a processing deal...)

So we pretty much know there is a very viable amount of gold to be mined.
We know the price of gold is better than ever.
I think I remember a figure of 25 million needed just to mine Talismen deeps, even two years ago it would have been profitable, with today's gold price it must be very worthwhile.
To my mind NTL lack a commercial guy to get this going.
Matt Hill doesn't seem to be that guy.
Not his fault, I'm sure it's not his area of expertise, he is a miner afterall.
But someone needs to get this over the finish line and get the capital needed to kick this baby into life!

Matt Hill is a investment banker according to the NTL website.

30-04-2020, 09:45 PM
Just referring to the Prospectus dated 15th May 2002 to issue 49M warrants @ 9 cents with an initial payment of 1 cent which stated..

""The Directors believe the property has potential for a 2 million ounce gold deposit in extensions and parallel structures to previously mined areas, amenable to underground mining.""

Has this mob produced any gold yet or still just talking about it....? :bored:

01-05-2020, 01:24 AM
Just referring to the Prospectus dated 15th May 2002

wow really - 18 years ….

01-05-2020, 08:12 AM
Even without reading there quarterly cashflow, Im picking there will be another (attempt to) capital raise before we see an ounce of gold produced.

Unfortuantely, if we dont stump up, NTL will tip over.

01-05-2020, 08:37 AM
All I can say is just don't get me started,I would probably need parliamentary privilege to get away with what I would like to say,I dread to think what is going to happen to the SP after the bonus shares are delivered this month and next!

01-05-2020, 08:50 AM
If this is such a great mine, why didn't Oceanagold just buy it out and use their setup down the road to mine and process the gold. Instead they choose to mothball their operation... Or am I missing something?

01-05-2020, 09:42 AM
If this is such a great mine, why didn't Oceanagold just buy it out and use their setup down the road to mine and process the gold. Instead they choose to mothball their operation... Or am I missing something?

You are missing something

01-05-2020, 09:49 AM
I hold a lot, and I expected exactly this, but am still disappointed. You can refer to my post from the 18th, but to reiterate, the potential is here but the company is not maximising shareholder value in the slightest. If this ever succeeds its going to be in-spite of management, not because of them. I continue to hold because of the potential, but the feeling grows every month that the potential is being squandered.

This report is the same as every quarter. We are years away from getting any gold.

I questioned why they are not using the pilot plant to at least get something out the door, but I think they are trying not to trip some timer related to when the bulk sampling period starts. I agree with the poster above though, the bulk sampling might be useless at the rate these guys are going. I would rather see them start anything at this point.

I am actually quite surprised that Jonu is not more outwardly annoyed here, as an apparently substantial holder. There is a very significant opportunity cost to having our capital tied up here, where it apparently does jack all, than elsewhere. Easy to say with hindsight, but if I had put my NTL funds in with the rest of my portfolio back in 2013, and purchased now instead (or better yet, in 2-3 years time?) I would be a lot better off.

I am annoyed inwardly and outwardly. I just know there is no benefit in throwing my toys out of the cot. I would probably be a lot more inclined to do so if the POG wasn't rising so strongly. That has fallen in our laps and NTL need to utilise it.

I think most people posting see the potential, hence the frustration. Matt needs to concentrate on the quickest track to some production to get some cashflow, not necessarily the optimum route. That can follow.

As to opportunities forgone Meister, you're right. However I could have been tied up in other stocks that have plunged 40-50% in the last 8 weeks so that can be swings and roundabouts.

Paint it Black
01-05-2020, 01:21 PM
I am annoyed inwardly and outwardly. I just know there is no benefit in throwing my toys out of the cot. I would probably be a lot more inclined to do so if the POG wasn't rising so strongly. That has fallen in our laps and NTL need to utilise it.

I think most people posting see the potential, hence the frustration. Matt needs to concentrate on the quickest track to some production to get some cashflow, not necessarily the optimum route. That can follow.

As to opportunities forgone Meister, you're right. However I could have been tied up in other stocks that have plunged 40-50% in the last 8 weeks so that can be swings and roundabouts.

Thanks Jonu. I'm likely in the same boat as you - extremely frustrated but not quite throwing the toys out. I've been to many AGM's where much has been said and presented but at the end of the day nothing actually produced other than progress reports and getting the mine safe (which is an achievement). It seems there is a reluctance to trigger the bulk sampling window of 2 years and there is now more importance given to finding a processing company rather than self controlling and doing the processing in house. I really thought the pilot plant was meant to be the way forward with this with initially albeit small quantities of concentrate produced which could then be economically transported to a refiner (say in Perth). This would have created cashflow and equally importantly let Oceania know we are not waiting around for them. Totally agree with you that although this may not be the optimum route he must get some extraction work moving now.

On a more positive note I was heartened with the Activities Report saying ' More recently a series of discussions with a high profile NZ industry group was advanced .... and currently working on a heads of agreement .... for the development of a JV. This is good news if it really is advanced but in any negotiation one needs a good Plan B and surely getting production moving on even a small scale does this.

01-05-2020, 01:35 PM
On a more positive note I was heartened with the Activities Report saying ' More recently a series of discussions with a high profile NZ industry group was advanced .... and currently working on a heads of agreement .... for the development of a JV. This is good news if it really is advanced but in any negotiation one needs a good Plan B and surely getting production moving on even a small scale does this.

To me, that section read a bit like " I had an idea, so I talked to these guys, who said come back with more info". It sounds like a distraction that will take another year to work through, getting us further away from production

01-05-2020, 01:40 PM
I'm with you guys. A very mumbo jumbo report. I gave one of my clients a project report like this i'd get my ass kicked.
Anyhow IMHO we have to read between the lines a little.
Matt I know you read these forums please take note! The quality of the layout and information in these reports is rubbish.
As our CEO if your writing them get someone else to, if someone else is fire them or rip them a new one.
Communication is key here it doesn't matter if the news is good or bad it needs to be clear and of a high quality.

01-05-2020, 02:00 PM
To me, that section read a bit like " I had an idea, so I talked to these guys, who said come back with more info". It sounds like a distraction that will take another year to work through, getting us further away from production

Thats the way I see it too. In general I am totally confused by this update. They are now talking about a 300 tonne/month plant which is not big. The intention is to take 20,000 cubic meters per year under bulk sampling which is about 50,000 tonnes/year or 4000 tonnes per month. 300 tonnes per month is about one truck movement per day. I think there are a few issues that NTL are not telling investors about.

01-05-2020, 02:16 PM
so the JORC review was due by the end of april,so they should have had that yesterday? So shareholders would expect to be informed when,a couple of days for the company to inwardly digest.We should hear on monday.
Either way we should hear on monday!!!!

01-05-2020, 07:45 PM
Higher volume and wiping out .007. Quarterly report has been prepared/printed but as yet not released. There must be some carrots in there. Lets hope its 36 carats gold.

I guess we just saw a further false dead cat bounce based on Aussie hot air, before the latest report released towed things back down
yet again on the 'nothing much new has happened' aside from a bit more of bank balance vanishing .. ;)

Seems like very deeply entrenched repetitive symptom with NTL ..

02-05-2020, 08:39 AM
the stragety here is simply... put the mine back into a state where it can attract a lot of money... but dont actually mine anything.. a money hony gold pot... i assume share holders cant roll the board...

02-05-2020, 01:00 PM
I think that it has reached the stage where it will be very lucky if it will attract any more money - despite what they may promise.

02-05-2020, 01:35 PM
I think that it has reached the stage where it will be very lucky if it will attract any more money - despite what they may promise.

I think a big issue is not having consent to mine.
Before a big player is going to step up and give them the cash they need I think having consent is going to be crucial. Probably why they haven't been able to achieve anything more than what they can convince us shareholders to stump up by dangling a carrot of how close we are....when the reality is we aren't really close at all....well that is what I have come to the conclusion of, others might beg to differ.
With the mining being on DOC land and the greens wielding some power in govt who knows if they ever even get the consent, it's far from certain.
And don't think CV19 will change the attitudes of the greenies, tree huggers and frog lovers.
It won't.
It'll be a battle to get the consent.
I think they'll be successful eventually.
But perhaps all this will ever be is bulk sampling.
Might be why they are taking their precious time.

03-05-2020, 01:30 AM
A few larger shareholders in NTL - aren't there ..

Wonder what their feeling on NTL's progress to date & regular hand outstretched for more readies could be ?

04-05-2020, 08:51 AM
When are those newly issued shares available to be sold again?

04-05-2020, 10:36 AM
When are those newly issued shares available to be sold again?

End of June

04-05-2020, 11:33 AM
The loyalty shares don’t issue till 24 July 20 according to my records?

04-05-2020, 11:45 AM
The loyalty shares don’t issue till 24 July 20 according to my records?

Correct silly me!

04-05-2020, 01:37 PM
$0.008 - did someone read something in the quarterly that I missed - hahaha, low volume I know.

Undervalued too I hear :-)

04-05-2020, 02:02 PM
It's that huge wall of 40million shares to buy at 0.006c from some 200 odd buyers that's what's putting the pressure on..

04-05-2020, 02:56 PM
A few larger shareholders in NTL - aren't there ..

Wonder what their feeling on NTL's progress to date & regular hand outstretched for more readies could be ?

I have posted it previously that of the top 20 share holders - in the last 12 months most of them have actually increased their total number of shares. So maybe their feelings are pretty positive. :)

04-05-2020, 04:01 PM
A person bought 8 million shares at 3pm. They paid 0.008 cents. That's a pretty gutsy call unless the JORC reports out soon????

04-05-2020, 04:03 PM
But have their holdings increased more than the dilution the company keeps creating with the constant share purchase plans?

04-05-2020, 04:16 PM
But have their holdings increased more than the dilution the company keeps creating with the constant share purchase plans?

The key assumption here is that there will need to be more capital raisings. This will be avoided if they actually process the 500 tons of Ore ready to be processed or have enough of a plan for banks to start lending.

04-05-2020, 04:23 PM
Good to see a chunk of the 0.8 wall taken out. Hopefully we will see more of it. Plenty of reasons for people to take a stake.

1. NTL undervalued compared to assets in the ground IMHO

2. Easy way to gain exposure to the rising Gold Price on the NZX

3. NTL Quarterly essentially announces there will be no material change to JORC from the Peer Review.

4. Safe Haven stock on the NZX

5. One of very few stocks on NZX that has massive upside whether the economy recovers or not.

04-05-2020, 04:29 PM
Invest in NTL , lots of good reasons? i cant think of any good reasons at the moment? if the man paying himself a lot of money was removed from his position and the whole board rolled and this smooth talking gold fingered man kept on with a PERFORMANCE correeeeeeeeeeeeect then YES. But when will the share holders unit and DO THING to stop this shockling run company!!!!

04-05-2020, 05:01 PM
Something does seem to be stirring. 8 mill to be taken out at .008 ballsy move. SP rebound back to .008 after what most have said “same ole qtrly report”, suggests there could be something not too far away. I’ll be hanging in for my loyalty shares anyway.

05-05-2020, 01:27 AM
IMO .. you brave bods may not become millionaires with NTL, but instead have the opportunity to rub shoulders with other hopefuls in the NTL Million Shares Club (100 Million probably brings a bonus invite to the exclusive CEO's Round Table Club offering a few more glossies of what the elusive is supposed to look like)

By the time the yellow stuff comes out of the ground based on past progress, there's bound to have been more than a few further CR rounds (just to make sure no-one forgets how they are done) with obvious eye watering incremental advances in the current few billion shares on the loose.. but just beware that the counters onboard may have do another CR just to get more advanced computers capable of dealing with all the zeros in the small fractions on any severely diluted returns, in the event a smell of something does mysteriously surface from the depths .. ;)

there seems to be larger far easier 'gold' with better certainties lurking elsewhere, with less waiting & punishment to plucking time for my money..

05-05-2020, 08:37 AM
nztx - you crack me up lol.
You very much sound like someone who brought in at the high end, got burnt had to sell out cheap at a big loss and is now sulking at the possibility that there could be light at the end of the tunnel and this could produce a few millionaires.
I to brought in near the peak of SP but have carefully managed it to the point where current SP has me in the up side. would i sell at the moment - NO CHANCE I have a plan that will keep me here for a few more years yet and if the price drops low enough i will buy more. Is there a risk? "Hell Yeah" but with risk comes reward. BLT proved that to me.

05-05-2020, 01:18 PM
I'm with you there, Ltw. A lot of long-term holders have been burnt and have good reason to be cynical and even bitter, but do they really think NTL don't intend to eventually produce gold? I've been invested for two years and my current average buy price is not quite down to current SP, (well done you!) but not far away either.

No-one here has mentioned the changing RMA rules yet.

"The government has announced legislation will go before Parliament in June taking away public and council input into major works.
Instead projects will be vetted by a panel of experts, but only for a period of two years."

Could it make a big difference to NTL? Might it apply to us? Might it be possible to shift some of that wonderful ore and process it at the Oceana plant? Nice thought!

05-05-2020, 02:16 PM
Boyoboy, I cannot wait for this outfit to get into production, its been a long wait , circa 1986 , Im a patient investor but this one is testing me, comeon you fish heads when will that happen and please do we have enough cabbage to get us through to that date ?

05-05-2020, 02:44 PM
I Must say it's nice to see it stacking up so well.

05-05-2020, 04:54 PM
Haven’t really looked into NTL before. Had a look through some of the old NZP&M reports. Lots of hard work has been thrown into developing the mine. Numerous JV’s but just about always found to be too small to be developed and relinquished.

A bit cynically narrow vein deposits like Maria exhibit extreme grade variation over short distances making JORC reserve reporting really difficult. Bit of a winners curse because if it had no hopes you could just relinquish, move on and sleep well but it is just tempting enough to keep you on the hook. Perfect for a small explorer to haul in small amounts of shareholders money to keep the wages being paid but never enough capital to develop a mine.
Find it interesting that even in 1976 Southern Cross Minerals who had the area permitted withdrew from the area because of environmental pressure groups. Do you think consenting will be easier now than in mid 1970s?
Numerous modern exploration efforts since 1971 but still no working mine at Talisman is pretty undeniable.

If we contrast that to Oceana Gold who is desperate to keep Martha infrastructure feed and they have preferred to explore WKP. Another similar steeply dipping narrow vein deposit but with heaps more potential reserves. They have said it would take 8 years to develop, plenty of old shafts and adits in the area so not unique to Talisman.

Do NTL holders think the company can get a mine negotiated, consented and operating faster than Oceania Gold? If not, I would guess it’s 8 years of capital raises until the job is done. That is if shareholders hold their feet to the fire.
NTL is a hard pass for me but I am ever the optimist. With enough capital and a decent overhead structure (private family run company) it could be a profitable small mine for someone and provide much needed jobs and royalties for the country.

Last note suggest holders look at the sums needed for infrastructure for an underground mine and think how much cash NTL has:

05-05-2020, 06:55 PM
Different kettle of fish but it can be done
https://i.stuff.co.nz/business/121303634/west-coast-economy-boosted-by-miners-returning-to-work?fbclid=IwAR0TrtwaIHCt2vxk8fjtgBS3Srav_kXj6lv8 ljv-wEPlbqX5PH6_nxGa08Q

05-05-2020, 07:46 PM
This should be called the Gunna gold company, they have been gunna extract some gold for 20 years by the numerous reports, and after all this time they have produced Yep Sweet FA.

Posted 30/05/2013

The opportunity cost of holding the NTL / HGD dream, even for recent arrivals, is simply tragic.

05-05-2020, 08:08 PM
Posted 30/05/2013

The opportunity cost of holding the NTL / HGD dream, even for recent arrivals, is simply tragic.

Staggering isn’t it, some folks here might be concerned to see what their investment in this dog could have earned them had it been invested in any asset that actually made a ROI.

I get it though, the allure of a share that is less than one cent, where even a modest investment reaps millions of shares, that could hit pay dirt. Hard to resist for the folks who are hoping for a king hit multi bagger.

A fun fact, go back to the beginning of the thread and look at all the vocal optimists over the years and how they faded and many of whom eventually capitulated.

Truth is, long holders have been let down badly, diluted into oblivion, are at the mercy of a horrendous consolidation and have earned nothing or worse lost heaps.

The saying that the company is expert in mining the shareholder but not so the gold is pretty much on point.

06-05-2020, 05:06 AM
nztx - you crack me up lol.
You very much sound like someone who brought in at the high end, got burnt had to sell out cheap at a big loss and is now sulking at the possibility that there could be light at the end of the tunnel and this could produce a few millionaires.
I to brought in near the peak of SP but have carefully managed it to the point where current SP has me in the up side. would i sell at the moment - NO CHANCE I have a plan that will keep me here for a few more years yet and if the price drops low enough i will buy more. Is there a risk? "Hell Yeah" but with risk comes reward. BLT proved that to me.

Not really .. but have an indirect Ave cost that is very slightly north of what I want to admit, even if the Losses are fairly minor ..
Nothing a couple of well timed buys couldn't have fixed for a good gain, probably north of what the hopeful long term holders are hanging out for, possibly lurking elusively beyond the distant horizon, like NTL's still buried yellow stuff..

This outfit is simply one that I refuse to throw further bucks at for each periodic Cap Raise they come up with, each on relatively similar explanations & I can't be bothered throwing further gold down a bottomless mine averaging down either..

Who knows, the same Dollar amount applied & time invested looking at HGL & NTL over the years chucked in general direction of the TAB may well have reaped spectacularly more favourable results, even with a blindfold on & using dartboard picking likely runners .. ;)

Perhaps the hopefuls & budding goldbugs here can see something I haven't in excavating through over 20 years of HGL/NTL releases & reports which interestingly all seem to exhibit a strangely similar theme .. Fed the same line often enough, perhaps some fools are seeing through the bulldust being handed out to exact another wad of gold ..

06-05-2020, 05:34 AM
Lets go back over 100 years -

Talisman Gold Mine in the Karangahake Gorge at Waitawheta.


More history here:

Talisman Mine - Karangahake


06-05-2020, 08:06 AM
Haven’t really looked into NTL before. Had a look through some of the old NZP&M reports. Lots of hard work has been thrown into developing the mine. Numerous JV’s but just about always found to be too small to be developed and relinquished.

A bit cynically narrow vein deposits like Maria exhibit extreme grade variation over short distances making JORC reserve reporting really difficult. Bit of a winners curse because if it had no hopes you could just relinquish, move on and sleep well but it is just tempting enough to keep you on the hook. Perfect for a small explorer to haul in small amounts of shareholders money to keep the wages being paid but never enough capital to develop a mine.
Find it interesting that even in 1976 Southern Cross Minerals who had the area permitted withdrew from the area because of environmental pressure groups. Do you think consenting will be easier now than in mid 1970s?
Numerous modern exploration efforts since 1971 but still no working mine at Talisman is pretty undeniable.

If we contrast that to Oceana Gold who is desperate to keep Martha infrastructure feed and they have preferred to explore WKP. Another similar steeply dipping narrow vein deposit but with heaps more potential reserves. They have said it would take 8 years to develop, plenty of old shafts and adits in the area so not unique to Talisman.

Do NTL holders think the company can get a mine negotiated, consented and operating faster than Oceania Gold? If not, I would guess it’s 8 years of capital raises until the job is done. That is if shareholders hold their feet to the fire.
NTL is a hard pass for me but I am ever the optimist. With enough capital and a decent overhead structure (private family run company) it could be a profitable small mine for someone and provide much needed jobs and royalties for the country.

Last note suggest holders look at the sums needed for infrastructure for an underground mine and think how much cash NTL has:

Many of the issues you canvass have already been addressed Waikaka.

The environmental lobby have already had their shot in Environment Court and been dismissed. NTL has Resource Consent to Bulk Sample to the tune of 20,000m3 per year for 2 years. An RC to mine the same number of m3 per year will be hard to stop. They have a 25 year Mining Permit from the government.

As far as infrasructure goes, NTL have already refurbished the shafts they wish to use and installed a new ventilation plant.

As mentioned repeatedly earlier, their issue is a processor, and very inconveniently, OGC mothballed theirs while they revamp the Martha pit. NTL are now in discussions with an alternative processor. With the Gold Price and exchange rates at current levels NTL will make approx $2000 NZD profit per oz.

Their JORC reserves Peer Review is imminent and the Quarterly suggested it was coming in at expectations. A Peer Review will also often indicate more clearly a joining of the dots to where further reserves lie and this will possibly hold tremendous upside for NTL Reserve Ounces with a bit more Geo work to be done.

The market is waking up to the fact that NTL's gold in the ground (to be confirmed by the Peer Review) is a safe haven in volatile times and gives exposure to Gold on the NZX. As far as Opportunity Cost...yes, it is an issue to long term holders such as myself, however I could also have taken a massive hit in recent weeks had I been invested elsewhere. I have taken the opportunity to increase my holding over the last 2 months.

06-05-2020, 08:15 AM
Lets go back over 100 years -

Talisman Gold Mine in the Karangahake Gorge at Waitawheta.


More history here:

Talisman Mine - Karangahake


Thanks NZTX. Great links. I am not an investor but have a friend who is.
Had no idea it was so extensive.
Cheers, RTM

06-05-2020, 09:37 AM
NTL are now in discussions with an alternative processor.

That's not correct. They're talking with other parties about collaborating on a processing plant. The actual plant doesn't exist yet.

06-05-2020, 09:51 AM
That's not correct. They're talking with other parties about collaborating on a processing plant. The actual plant doesn't exist yet.

Splitting hairs I think.

06-05-2020, 10:54 AM
Haven’t really looked into NTL before. Had a look through some of the old NZP&M reports. Lots of hard work has been thrown into developing the mine. Numerous JV’s but just about always found to be too small to be developed and relinquished.

A bit cynically narrow vein deposits like Maria exhibit extreme grade variation over short distances making JORC reserve reporting really difficult. Bit of a winners curse because if it had no hopes you could just relinquish, move on and sleep well but it is just tempting enough to keep you on the hook. Perfect for a small explorer to haul in small amounts of shareholders money to keep the wages being paid but never enough capital to develop a mine.
Find it interesting that even in 1976 Southern Cross Minerals who had the area permitted withdrew from the area because of environmental pressure groups. Do you think consenting will be easier now than in mid 1970s?
Numerous modern exploration efforts since 1971 but still no working mine at Talisman is pretty undeniable.

If we contrast that to Oceana Gold who is desperate to keep Martha infrastructure feed and they have preferred to explore WKP. Another similar steeply dipping narrow vein deposit but with heaps more potential reserves. They have said it would take 8 years to develop, plenty of old shafts and adits in the area so not unique to Talisman.

Do NTL holders think the company can get a mine negotiated, consented and operating faster than Oceania Gold? If not, I would guess it’s 8 years of capital raises until the job is done. That is if shareholders hold their feet to the fire.
NTL is a hard pass for me but I am ever the optimist. With enough capital and a decent overhead structure (private family run company) it could be a profitable small mine for someone and provide much needed jobs and royalties for the country.

Last note suggest holders look at the sums needed for infrastructure for an underground mine and think how much cash NTL has:

Waik---, This is fantastic news for N Z, the Coast, all NZers and Greenies who can well take note of what is possible in order to realise a trapped resource, well done and good luck xxxxx.

ps I could be interested in investing once that option is available, good to have another listing for the "sports board " .

06-05-2020, 01:49 PM
I would think that Talisman is way closer to producing gold than Blackwater. It would be great if NTL could secure some funding from the PGF. Probably too much to ask.

Management need to give a timeline for developing this mine and to stick to it. This should now be possible.

06-05-2020, 02:00 PM
To make NTL a really interesting investor scenario perhaps they should consider a share consolidation

say - 1 new for every 50 old shares would make life interesting & provide more than enough encouragement
for coaxing yet more gold out of the patiently waiting hopefuls .. for another 5 or so periodic CR's ;)

Call it a Subscription to NTL's long journey into the depths ..

06-05-2020, 02:01 PM
To make NTL a really interesting investor scenario perhaps they should consider a share consolidation

say - 1 new for every 50 old shares would make life interesting & provide more than enough encouragement
for coaxing yet more gold out of hopeful.. for another 5 or so CR's ;)

Once we are up and running that is the plan.

06-05-2020, 02:21 PM
To make NTL a really interesting investor scenario perhaps they should consider a share consolidation

say - 1 new for every 50 old shares would make life interesting & provide more than enough encouragement
for coaxing yet more gold out of the patiently waiting hopefuls .. for another 5 or so periodic CR's ;)

Call it a Subscription to NTL's long journey into the depths ..

nztx, those of us that are long standing shareholders are well aware of NTL's history, and the snail like crawl to where we are now. What I'm not hearing from you is why it can't be successful from this point in time, with the milestones they have so slowly achieved. The POG has gone to near all time highs, making NTL a far more enticing proposition, wouldn't you admit?

It's very easy to throw rocks from the outside, I do it myself continuously at the Labour government. What's not so easy to ignore is the $800 million profit for NTL that will be underpinned by the JORC Review and the current POG (which most pundits are tipping to keep rising). That and the extra JORC reserves which NTL will likely be able to add with a little more geo work after the review.

06-05-2020, 03:53 PM
nztx, those of us that are long standing shareholders are well aware of NTL's history, and the snail like crawl to where we are now. What I'm not hearing from you is why it can't be successful from this point in time, with the milestones they have so slowly achieved. The POG has gone to near all time highs, making NTL a far more enticing proposition, wouldn't you admit?

It's very easy to throw rocks from the outside, I do it myself continuously at the Labour government. What's not so easy to ignore is the $800 million profit for NTL that will be underpinned by the JORC Review and the current POG (which most pundits are tipping to keep rising). That and the extra JORC reserves which NTL will likely be able to add with a little more geo work after the review.

I know where you're coming from there & indirectly a long term well diluted down holder here
Approaching 35 years plus some, to reach nearer the point is a long lead time
Assuming no further diluting CR's on the approx 3.2 billion shares now, annualised some must be looking at this
in relation to other options & general growth over the duration.
For newer entrants, prospects must look more exciting, depending on the further wait, whatever that may be or hold in store
Excuse the pun, but hopefully Matt can pull something tangible out of the Hat

06-05-2020, 04:01 PM
I know where you're coming from there & indirectly a long term well diluted down holder here
Approaching 35 years plus some, to reach nearer the point is a long lead time
Assuming no further diluting CR's on the approx 3.2 billion shares now, annualised some must be looking at this
in relation to other options & general growth over the duration.
For newer entrants, prospects must look more exciting, depending on the further wait, whatever that may be or hold in store
Excuse the pun, but hopefully Matt can pull something tangible out of the Hat

There are a lot of shares on issue, but not 3.2 billion.

06-05-2020, 04:14 PM
Total Number of Shares:

Top 20 holders total:


number 20 has

06-05-2020, 04:29 PM
There are a lot of shares on issue, but not 3.2 billion.

I must have been dreaming of the next estimated CR to facilitate getting the Snail onto the next level of progress needing to be anticipated & built in for the cover-all pre-requisite cash burn to achieve such milestone

Should we include Options, warrants and all the other similar junket jobs into the calculations ?

Apologies, but the metrics & distant possibles still don't differ too much on the 2.7 billions of sub 1c scrip floating around out there


06-05-2020, 04:43 PM
I must have been dreaming of the next estimated CR to facilitate getting the Snail onto the next level of progress needing to be anticipated & built in for the cover-all pre-requisite cash burn to achieve such milestone

Should we include Options, warrants and all the other similar junket jobs into the calculations ?

Apologies, but the metrics & distant possibles still don't differ too much on the 2.7 billions of sub 1c scrip floating around out there


Such a back handed apology accepted? Yeah/nah.

It's clear you hold a grudge here....maybe with good reason, but I still haven't heard a decent rebuttal from you on the current prospects (pun intended), just a lot of moaning on the history. We get that already.

06-05-2020, 05:31 PM
Such a back handed apology accepted? Yeah/nah.

It's clear you hold a grudge here....maybe with good reason, but I still haven't heard a decent rebuttal from you on the current prospects (pun intended), just a lot of moaning on the history. We get that already.

Do you have info on the number of -

Outstanding Warrants ?
Outstanding Options ?

these must potentially dilute possible existing shareholder's cut of any alleged potential spoils further, surely ?

06-05-2020, 06:24 PM
I would think that Talisman is way closer to producing gold than Blackwater. It would be great if NTL could secure some funding from the PGF. Probably too much to ask.

Management need to give a timeline for developing this mine and to stick to it. This should now be possible.

I assume the following extract from the quarterly is probably not the PGF, but perhaps the NZ Industry Group is funded by the PGF?

"More recently a series of discussions with a high-profile NZ industry group were advanced. The focus was on the potential for a formal collaboration that could facilitate funding, delivery, and operation of a joint processing plant as part of a broader industry offering. NTL is currently working on the delivery of a heads of agreement setting out the key criteria that would need to be met for the development of a Joint venture."

06-05-2020, 07:17 PM
I assume the following extract from the quarterly is probably not the PGF, but perhaps the NZ Industry Group is funded by the PGF?

"More recently a series of discussions with a high-profile NZ industry group were advanced. The focus was on the potential for a formal collaboration that could facilitate funding, delivery, and operation of a joint processing plant as part of a broader industry offering. NTL is currently working on the delivery of a heads of agreement setting out the key criteria that would need to be met for the development of a Joint venture."

That is a very interesting interpretation Chippie. It would make sense. You could be right.

06-05-2020, 08:30 PM
Such a back handed apology accepted? Yeah/nah.

It's clear you hold a grudge here....maybe with good reason, but I still haven't heard a decent rebuttal from you on the current prospects (pun intended), just a lot of moaning on the history. We get that already.
I’m starting to wonder if some of these grudge holders are actually Greenies or OGC share holders trying to down grade NTL it cracks me up how they all come out of the woodwork as the share price starts to move upward. Makes you wonder....

06-05-2020, 08:33 PM
I’m starting to wonder if some of these grudge holders are actually Greenies or OGC share holders trying to down grade NTL it cracks me up how they all come out of the woodwork as the share price starts to move upward. Makes you wonder....

Not guilty .. lol

06-05-2020, 09:40 PM
I’m starting to wonder if some of these grudge holders are actually Greenies or OGC share holders trying to down grade NTL it cracks me up how they all come out of the woodwork as the share price starts to move upward. Makes you wonder....

Yes Ltw, I hold the same suspicions.

06-05-2020, 09:49 PM
Well i do wonder weather someone should have placed a performance contract on Mr Hill becuase it sure looks like everyone is suffering from GOLD FEVER... :)

06-05-2020, 10:27 PM
And we wonder what your motives are, seemingly intelligent folks in an absolute dog of a stock that has fleeced so many investors time and time again over so many years. You want newbies ehh? encourage them with the gleam of gold so you can trade to the suckers or you're connected to that vampire management sucking out huge fees for such a penny dreadful. And a few of you are free carried having loaded up years ago, dont forget to tell that to all the "fresh blood" newbies sucked in as you pump it. Dwarves and Goblins and Orcs and Hobbits take your pick and play your roles ehh. You'd be better off with the occasional lotto ticket . Newbies you have been warned, you are being played.

06-05-2020, 10:32 PM
And we wonder what your motives are, seemingly intelligent folks in an absolute dog of a stock that has fleeced so many investors time and time again over so many years. You want newbies ehh? encourage them with the gleam of gold so you can trade to the suckers or you're connected to that vampire management sucking out huge fees for such a penny dreadful. And a few of you are free carried having loaded up years ago, dont forget to tell that to all the "fresh blood" newbies sucked in as you pump it. Dwarves and Goblins and Orcs and Hobbits take your pick and play your roles ehh. You'd be better off with the occasional lotto ticket . Newbies you have been warned, you are being played.

JT .. blunt but very much to the point .. VG

mind you, even the worst of (dogs) stocks are capable of being harvested across the bumps to make a few bucks for those with balls of steel .. ;)

06-05-2020, 10:39 PM
Exactly and there are some owners doing just that fleecing the "true naive believers" and its legal so buyer beware i guess:D. When i buy a share its mostly as an investment.So i think of it as being an owner in that company, everything has to stack up including my manager/ CEO who works for me.To me this company fails to make any grade in almost every aspect.

07-05-2020, 06:30 AM
And we wonder what your motives are, seemingly intelligent folks in an absolute dog of a stock that has fleeced so many investors time and time again over so many years. You want newbies ehh? encourage them with the gleam of gold so you can trade to the suckers or you're connected to that vampire management sucking out huge fees for such a penny dreadful. And a few of you are free carried having loaded up years ago, dont forget to tell that to all the "fresh blood" newbies sucked in as you pump it. Dwarves and Goblins and Orcs and Hobbits take your pick and play your roles ehh. You'd be better off with the occasional lotto ticket . Newbies you have been warned, you are being played.

Another stone thrower who hasn't bothered to evaluate the company on present circumstances. The POG makes this a no brainer even for you JT.

07-05-2020, 08:05 AM
Whenever i hear that word "no brainer" a great big WARNING signal goes off. Your response says it all.There is one thing going for NTL, the price of gold. Unfort in reality thats fools gold as i know that that gold has not been extracted in over how many years despite promises timelines and how many cap raises? Meanwhile the CEO is now getting what $400-$450,000 and has chosen not to drop it.

07-05-2020, 08:29 AM
In Aramaic Jonu translates to both small mountain, and floor covering.

Ha, I couldnt resist, said in jest.

Newbies, NTL = do your own research, only put in what you can afford to lose!!!!!

07-05-2020, 01:13 PM
To all those throwing stones it would be helpful to newbies if they would declare the extent of loss that they chose to take that affects their bias instead of condemning those exercising greater patience and belief.

07-05-2020, 01:32 PM
To all those throwing stones it would be helpful to newbies if they would declare the extent of loss that they chose to take that affects their bias instead of condemning those exercising greater patience and belief.

Exactly or if they hold an amount worth worring about IMHO unless you have 1m or more shares your not really got any skin in the game.
even 1m is light but like Landyman states only put in what you can afford to lose or not need in a hurry

07-05-2020, 01:33 PM
To all those throwing stones it would be helpful to newbies if they would declare the extent of loss that they chose to take that affects their bias instead of condemning those exercising greater patience and belief.

First share I ever purchased. That was back in 2013 at .013. Was excited because of the history and potential. I know the Gorge like the back of my hand. I then participated in two capital raising in the following couple of years (cant remember which ones) which never really amounted to any progress at all. Remember those old maps they bought, or the Chinese takeover, the Rahu propect, Broken Hill Prospecting?

For the newbies. I would of have invested in 20 or so companies since NTL and this one has been worst one hands down, both in terms of investment and general trust in operation. Bloated management backed up by dead ends (used to entice more SH investment), snail like progress and the consistent dilutions. Stay away and invest in something else, anything else.

07-05-2020, 01:37 PM
To all those throwing stones it would be helpful to newbies if they would declare the extent of loss that they chose to take that affects their bias instead of condemning those exercising greater patience and belief.

That's a loaded question. I'm throwing stones, (missed timelines, broken promises, overspending in every quarter, lack of strategy) and am in the green and have held for five + years.

07-05-2020, 01:40 PM
Exactly or if they hold an amount worth worring about IMHO unless you have 1m or more shares your not really got any skin in the game.
even 1m is light but like Landyman states only put in what you can afford to lose or not need in a hurry

That's a horrible attitude to take. If somebody has 2k in the bank and invests 1k in NTL how come their skin in the game is any different to somebody that invests 100k but has 10m in the bank?

07-05-2020, 01:46 PM
Seem like a theme from current holders saying, all that stuff is in the past. Future is looking better. Invest in where it is going.

From their 31 march cash-flow statement they have $2.5 million on hand and spend about $360k a quarter

So how much does it take to actually mine under ground these days? Not just mucking around propping up an old tunnel but actually get mining.

Just lucky we have Oceania Gold next door and even better they have estimated costs in 2015 for Correnso.
They estimated an upfront capital cost of $23 million (that covers ventilation, tailings storage etc), $50 million a year in drill bits, consumables, bulldozer, diesel, and earthworks etc, $28 million in processing (buying mills, reagents, tanks, water treatment).

pg 113

Correnso is a larger resource and so has the advantage of a lower per tonne rate through the infrastructure. Talisman will likely need to spend something similar but have higher costs per tonne but also perhaps higher per tonne Au.

Righto New Talisman might be talking a good game but do you think they can raise $100 million needed to actually get an underground mine going. Got to raise the money upfront before you start selling any gold and paying it back.

And just a reminder Correnso goes underground at the bottom of the Waihi pit so no big consenting risk and they have their own processing plant etc.

Not held, never have held and would only review holding once mine is in development and they start being honest about costs.

07-05-2020, 04:13 PM
First share I ever purchased. That was back in 2013 at .013. Was excited because of the history and potential. I know the Gorge like the back of my hand. I then participated in two capital raising in the following couple of years (cant remember which ones) which never really amounted to any progress at all. Remember those old maps they bought, or the Chinese takeover, the Rahu propect, Broken Hill Prospecting?

For the newbies. I would of have invested in 20 or so companies since NTL and this one has been worst one hands down, both in terms of investment and general trust in operation. Bloated management backed up by dead ends (used to entice more SH investment), snail like progress and the consistent dilutions. Stay away and invest in something else, anything else.

OK - So if it's such a dog and you brought in at .013 in 2013 Why did you not sell in 2017 when it peaked up over 2c (think it nearly got to 3c 100% return!!) LOL. I started in 2018 @ 1.8 and managed to get myself into a position where if I sold today I'd be quite happy if I wait until the bonus shares are issued at this price I'd be wrapped. I am actually hoping that when the bonus shares are issued we get a big drop and at that point I will buy more.

07-05-2020, 04:21 PM
You'll be wrapped in what exactly?

Why did you not sell in 2017 when it peaked up over 2c

Maybe many did and bought again later. Maybe some of us are investors, not traders. Anyway, as Ben Graham stated "In the financial markets, hindsight is forever 20/20, but foresight is legally blind. And thus, for most investors, market timing is a practical and emotional impossibility. "

07-05-2020, 04:23 PM
That's a horrible attitude to take. If somebody has 2k in the bank and invests 1k in NTL how come their skin in the game is any different to somebody that invests 100k but has 10m in the bank?

It is why I ask the question: are posters holders or greenies or opposition holders that just want to throw stones.
Newbes YES there is risks in any stock the bigger the risk the bigger the reward or fall understand this and your a jump ahead of most. NTL is a risky share but if they do start processing one would hope to make a pretty penny.
My comment above relates to if I have 5m shares and throw stones I have a bit more weight in those stones than old mate with his 50,000 shares who is crying because he feels he's been ripped off and his shares diluted. in my eyes dilution only hurts when you have a very large holding or % in the company.

07-05-2020, 04:29 PM
I still haven't heard any rebuttal from the stone throwers as to why NTL can't succeed from this point. We know the history.

JT says the only thing it has going for it is the POG.

That's a pretty big thing IMHO. And if you read a few of my previous posts you'll know there is a lot more than that.

07-05-2020, 04:55 PM
I still haven't heard any rebuttal from the stone throwers as to why NTL can't succeed from this point. We know the history.

JT says the only thing it has going for it is the POG.

That's a pretty big thing IMHO. And if you read a few of my previous posts you'll know there is a lot more than that.

I'm certainly not a stone thrower, but you have to admit there are plenty of reasons why this might not be successful.
1. No resource consent for full mining
2. After several years talking about bulk sampling, still hasn't happened.
3. Limited ability to raise necessary capital
4. The next couple of years gold price should be OK, but what happens when the NZD strengthens again and the price of gold drops

For the record I am still a holder, though over the years have reduced from 20 million to 1 million shares.
Even though I have sold, I'd be very happy to see this Company succeed and produce meaningful quantities of gold.
Just that there are still several hurdles for that to happen.

07-05-2020, 05:08 PM
The rebuttal is 346 pages long. (and counting)

07-05-2020, 05:08 PM
I'm certainly not a stone thrower, but you have to admit there are plenty of reasons why this might not be successful.
1. No resource consent for full mining
2. After several years talking about bulk sampling, still hasn't happened.
3. Limited ability to raise necessary capital
4. The next couple of years gold price should be OK, but what happens when the NZD strengthens again and the price of gold drops

For the record I am still a holder, though over the years have reduced from 20 million to 1 million shares.
Even though I have sold, I'd be very happy to see this Company succeed and produce meaningful quantities of gold.
Just that there are still several hurdles for that to happen.

Fair post - in that time 20m to 1m may I ask have you lost, = or gained in the process?

07-05-2020, 05:15 PM
Seem like a theme from current holders saying, all that stuff is in the past. Future is looking better. Invest in where it is going.

From their 31 march cash-flow statement they have $2.5 million on hand and spend about $360k a quarter

So how much does it take to actually mine under ground these days? Not just mucking around propping up an old tunnel but actually get mining.

Just lucky we have Oceania Gold next door and even better they have estimated costs in 2015 for Correnso.
They estimated an upfront capital cost of $23 million (that covers ventilation, tailings storage etc), $50 million a year in drill bits, consumables, bulldozer, diesel, and earthworks etc, $28 million in processing (buying mills, reagents, tanks, water treatment).

pg 113

Correnso is a larger resource and so has the advantage of a lower per tonne rate through the infrastructure. Talisman will likely need to spend something similar but have higher costs per tonne but also perhaps higher per tonne Au.

Righto New Talisman might be talking a good game but do you think they can raise $100 million needed to actually get an underground mine going. Got to raise the money upfront before you start selling any gold and paying it back.

And just a reminder Correnso goes underground at the bottom of the Waihi pit so no big consenting risk and they have their own processing plant etc.

Not held, never have held and would only review holding once mine is in development and they start being honest about costs.

I'll just leave this here:
Someone was talking about Admin costs a little while back. I don't think we are comparing apples here ;)
I do look forward to reading the full document though. :t_up:

07-05-2020, 05:42 PM
Seem like a theme from current holders saying, all that stuff is in the past. Future is looking better. Invest in where it is going.

From their 31 march cash-flow statement they have $2.5 million on hand and spend about $360k a quarter

So how much does it take to actually mine under ground these days? Not just mucking around propping up an old tunnel but actually get mining.

Just lucky we have Oceania Gold next door and even better they have estimated costs in 2015 for Correnso.
They estimated an upfront capital cost of $23 million (that covers ventilation, tailings storage etc), $50 million a year in drill bits, consumables, bulldozer, diesel, and earthworks etc, $28 million in processing (buying mills, reagents, tanks, water treatment).

pg 113

Correnso is a larger resource and so has the advantage of a lower per tonne rate through the infrastructure. Talisman will likely need to spend something similar but have higher costs per tonne but also perhaps higher per tonne Au.

Righto New Talisman might be talking a good game but do you think they can raise $100 million needed to actually get an underground mine going. Got to raise the money upfront before you start selling any gold and paying it back.

And just a reminder Correnso goes underground at the bottom of the Waihi pit so no big consenting risk and they have their own processing plant etc.

Not held, never have held and would only review holding once mine is in development and they start being honest about costs.

Waikaka, for someone to spend so much time on this post and be so ill informed about NTL is the reason I question your motives. Uninformed scaremongering.

NTL have already published their cost per ounce to mine. At present POG it has a approx $2000 profit margin per ounce.

They are already at the face of the vein in 2 shafts, with refurbishment and ventilation done.

By all means go and buy yourself some OGC shares on the ASX. Just stop dumping wild figures at NTL's door.

07-05-2020, 06:27 PM
Fair post - in that time 20m to 1m may I ask have you lost, = or gained in the process?

I bought in at a capital raise about 3 years ago for .5 cents so it's far to say I've done ok out of it.
3 years ago I was very optimistic.
Just frustrated we still seem a way off.
3 years ago I thought we'd be mining full on now.
Yes lots of good stuff has been done.
But it hasn't happened quickly.
Potential is still there.
I don't want to dump on Matt too much but the reality is he hasn't got this to try line.
I feel we're still in the opposition half and after 20 rucks we just made a couple of metres.

07-05-2020, 06:50 PM
For the newbies. I would of have invested in 20 or so companies since NTL and this one has been worst one hands down, both in terms of investment and general trust in operation. Bloated management backed up by dead ends (used to entice more SH investment), snail like progress and the consistent dilutions. Stay away and invest in something else, anything else.

I have to assume you have not purchased NZO. This is the absolute example of management incompetence and how to destroy shareholder wealth. A heap of people probably wish they listened to Balance all those years ago especially when they did the option conversion at $1.50 only to see the cash still sitting in the bank paying for the management fees.

07-05-2020, 06:55 PM
For traders there has been plenty of opportunity for making money on NTL through the highs and lows.

For investors who purchased at .5 cents they are okay

For everyone else it is about risk and reward. If you do not think there is a chance of making money then do not buy NTL shares. I honestly do wonder why there is so much effort trying to "save"people from investing their money in a highly speculative share. That is what this game is about.

If you want certainty then keep your money in the bank

07-05-2020, 07:13 PM
For traders there has been plenty of opportunity for making money on NTL through the highs and lows.

For investors who purchased at .5 cents they are okay

For everyone else it is about risk and reward. If you do not think there is a chance of making money then do not buy NTL shares. I honestly do wonder why there is so much effort trying to "save"people from investing their money in a highly speculative share. That is what this game is about.

If you want certainty then keep your money in the bank

Well said Chippie

07-05-2020, 07:22 PM
"I honestly do wonder why there is so much effort trying to "save"people from investing their money in a highly speculative share. That is what this game is about. If you want certainty then keep your money in the bank "

Or alternatively...

If interested in investing in gold shares, and making a return on that investment, maybe locate and invest in a gold share (or more than one) that has been increasing in value.

Plenty of them out there in the recent environment.

Clearly, this isn't one of them, and hasn't been for VERY VERY long time......(as the 346 pages highlights)

Where is that Bap9 poster from a decade ago who used to tell us this was gonna blow.....?

07-05-2020, 07:43 PM
For traders there has been plenty of opportunity for making money on NTL through the highs and lows.

For investors who purchased at .5 cents they are okay

For everyone else it is about risk and reward. If you do not think there is a chance of making money then do not buy NTL shares. I honestly do wonder why there is so much effort trying to "save"people from investing their money in a highly speculative share. That is what this game is about.

If you want certainty then keep your money in the bank

Bang on there.

07-05-2020, 08:17 PM
"Or alternatively...

If interested in investing in gold shares, and making a return on that investment, maybe locate and invest in a gold share (or more than one) that has been increasing in value.

Plenty of them out there in the recent environment.

That sounds easy, let's have a little contest. Pick two gold shares based on todays price and we compare which has gone up the most in 6 months. I pick NTL and AMG (on ASX). What are your two picks?

08-05-2020, 10:14 AM
that sounds easy, let's have a little contest. Pick two gold shares based on todays price and we compare which has gone up the most in 6 months. I pick ntl and amg (on asx). What are your two picks?


11-05-2020, 01:54 PM
15m buys at .007 :ohmy: the table is stacked just under 50m on the buy side vs. 16 on the sell.
This JORC review must be in NTL's hands!!

12-05-2020, 12:50 AM
15m buys at .007 :ohmy: the table is stacked just under 50m on the buy side vs. 16 on the sell.
This JORC review must be in NTL's hands!!

based on the long & winding past track record, it's tempting to try to guess the 'fooled' ; 'fools' & 'who gets the gold' parts of the relevant equation set to roll out.. ;)

BTW 0.007 was almost too tempting recently to ignore on increasing the membership stake with the eager cheering 'in crowd', but unfortunately things ran away far too soon to allow a decent swipe at the action with the net ..

12-05-2020, 08:41 AM
BTW 0.007 was almost too tempting recently to ignore on increasing the membership stake with the eager cheering 'in crowd', but unfortunately things ran away far too soon to allow a decent swipe at the action with the net ..

You'll possibly or probably get another chance at the next capital raise. Hooray!

12-05-2020, 08:50 AM
someone thinks NTL has a chance, or knows something we don't
Buyers - 17M shares at .07 and 22M at .06

12-05-2020, 09:07 AM
Sellers disappearing quicker than a Labour Minister :D

Looks like NTL is ready to join the party, break its bubble and head for another level.

12-05-2020, 09:09 AM
[QUOTE=Chippie;814460]someone thinks NTL has a chance, or knows something we don't
Buyers - 17M shares at .07 and 22M at .06[/QUOTE

111 presumably individual orders make up the 17m shares or an average of 170,000 shares per order. This is interest from the general population. I doubt if they know anything we don’t. I think we are just seeing some interest here. POG probably driving it

12-05-2020, 09:37 AM
??? Maybe what they need to do to get the share price to lift is put out an announcement that next week there'll be an announcement that the end of the year report will be out at the end of the year (which is at the end of the month), lol....
It worked for PLX...

12-05-2020, 11:24 AM
I like the seller who is trying to get $0.02 - selling their whole portfolio perhaps?? - 8 shares on offer - ha

12-05-2020, 11:47 AM
[QUOTE=Chippie;814460]someone thinks NTL has a chance, or knows something we don't
Buyers - 17M shares at .07 and 22M at .06[/QUOTE

111 presumably individual orders make up the 17m shares or an average of 170,000 shares per order. This is interest from the general population. I doubt if they know anything we don’t. I think we are just seeing some interest here. POG probably driving it

If you look at the way Shareses are buying you could assume 40-50% possibly a lot more of the 111 are buyers wanting under 10,000 shares couldn't you?

19-05-2020, 09:24 AM
15m buys at .007 :ohmy: the table is stacked just under 50m on the buy side vs. 16 on the sell.
This JORC review must be in NTL's hands!!

Still delayed. Now nearly two months late. And the resource consent was supposed to be lodged nearly six months ago.

The preliminary annual results are due at the end of next week, so there might be an update there, but it should really only cover the same ground as in already released quarterlies. Hope directors don't congratulate management or themselves on achievements in the annual results.

19-05-2020, 09:53 AM
Major BUY recommendation on physical Gold over night in the U S , wont do anything for us here , we need to be producing the stuff but it builds it strong foundation for when that happens.

19-05-2020, 11:56 AM
On 17th of april management advised that the jorc review would be advised at the end of the month.I like most shareholders presumed they would let us have details of this report,but no management obviously don't deem it important enough.Wonder what other information they are sitting on?

19-05-2020, 03:46 PM
One would think there is a cost to an announcement so maybe its cost saving to issue the report with the end of year results. Or maybe it gives you guys one report to moan over not two :)

19-05-2020, 04:47 PM
Looks like they're doing pretty well with the cost savings to avoid reporting or even delivering the updated JORC results as a whole. They must have saved a lot from that. Same as everything else that was promised. Might be better for them to close down and save all their investors capital. That would be the best cost savings at this stage lol.

19-05-2020, 04:48 PM
(LTW) One would think there is a cost to an announcement so maybe its cost saving to issue the report with the end of year results. Or maybe it gives you guys one report to moan over not two

So you think withholding a report revaluing the company's major asset in order to save an announcement cost is both (a) sensible and (b) worthy of a laugh? Says much about you.

20-05-2020, 12:10 PM
Mate, don't take it to heart i was mearly pointing out that sometime if you have nothing good to say don't say anything.
You never know maybe we'll see the report shortly, today even, maybe by the end of the week who knows but i'd expect to see it buy the end of the month at the latest.

As we wait Gold continues to increase in value.

26-05-2020, 09:22 AM
I had an image of the Talisman Gold Mine circa 1916 framed to hang above my home office. After a 3 week delay (appropriate :rolleyes:) it arrived this morning.

Time will tell if its to become a relic of a stock which helped clear this young families mortgage or a reminder of a lesson to never trust a company who promises but never seems to deliver (on time at least).


26-05-2020, 09:46 AM
I had an image of the Talisman Gold Mine circa 1916 framed to hang above my home office. After a 3 week delay (appropriate :rolleyes:) it arrived this morning.

Time will tell if its to become a relic of a stock which helped clear this young families mortgage or a reminder of a lesson to never trust a company who promises but never seems to deliver (on time at least).


Nice Skene.

I presume the mine photo usurped the horrible lion/baboon whatever it is. Double points! :p

26-05-2020, 09:56 AM
The frustrated baboon and TGM pictures are more related than you might think ;)

27-05-2020, 12:02 PM
So this was the summary from LAST YEAR's Full Year Report released 30th May 2019 ...

During the year the company completed the final steps in cementing the transition to developer with upgrades to the entire level 8 area. The mine now has full access through to both the Mystery and Dubbo veins for
extraction of ore and has over 500 tonnes stockpiled ready for processing.

The metallurgical route for processing of ore was developed during the year, the plant is in place and the application for resource consent has been lodged. It is important to note that the resource consent requirements for the pilot plant are much less complex than those for bulk sampling consent and are expected to be processed expediently. Ore for processing continues to be stockpiled while the consenting process is complete. Once the pilot plant has received consent and processed sufficient ore to confirm recovery rates and other data, the plant can be scaled up to match planned extraction volumes from the mine.

The company has recently advanced discussions for 3rd party processing of
Talisman ore and has received an indicative proposal by a company that has expressed interest in operating, constructing and financing the processing plant for the Talisman mine.

The company has commenced discussions with a NZ based end buyer of concentrate. Should a formal agreement be reached the plant will be constructed to the end specifications of the customer.

The next phase will see the company will commence extraction and processing of ore with high grade batches being selected for processing through the pilot plant while other ROM ore will be stockpiled for processing once upgrades to increase volumes are completed. This will allow for gold and concentrate to be produced in small batches from high grade ore delivering the first revenues from production.
From a financial perspective the last year has seen an increased investment in the mine development as the rehabilitation phase was completed.

The company ended the financial year in a position that, with the ongoing support of its shareholders will complete the final stage toward gold production over the coming months cementing New Talisman as the newest underground producer in NZ."

27-05-2020, 12:08 PM
So what can we expect from this Fridays release?

27-05-2020, 12:18 PM
So what can we expect from this Fridays release?

Why do you expect a release on Friday ?The only thing they do consistently are the quarterly reports.

27-05-2020, 01:05 PM
Full Year Report has been released on the last business day of May for the past 3 years... Though I hear your frustration...

27-05-2020, 01:10 PM
I'm predicting some false promises, missed deadlines combined with a nice sprinkling of BS. Enough to get some new shareholders excited for the next share dilution.

27-05-2020, 01:23 PM
I'm predicting some false promises, missed deadlines combined with a nice sprinkling of BS. Enough to get some new shareholders excited for the next share dilution.

Spot on !! :(

27-05-2020, 01:26 PM
I'm predicting some false promises, missed deadlines combined with a nice sprinkling of BS. Enough to get some new shareholders excited for the next share dilution.

Sadly true.

Last annual report promised scaling up of the pilot plant, an agreement with a NZ buyer of concentrate, and revenue. None of which has happened or even been subsequently commented on management. All BS.

27-05-2020, 01:36 PM
So What's on your wish list guys?What would you like to see in the report,for me I would just like a factual report without all the window dressing.

27-05-2020, 02:06 PM
It's an annual report, looking back at what was achieved vs that forecast in the last report, and a forecast of the results of the next financial year. So there should be robust explanations for the missed milestones and deliverables over 2019/20 and a clearly timed pathway for actions in 2020/21.

27-05-2020, 02:35 PM
It's an annual report, looking back at what was achieved vs that forecast in the last report, and a forecast of the results of the next financial year. So there should be robust explanations for the missed milestones and deliverables over 2019/20 and a clearly timed pathway for actions in 2020/21.

Yeah, right...!! Hand me that Tui...

28-05-2020, 08:39 AM
If there is any good news, there will be a Capital raise attached - history is best indicator of the truth.

With amount of promises made, inconceivable that there hasnt been more gold extracted. Maybe I should fight Matt Hill left handed!!

29-05-2020, 07:46 AM
An open letter from Stevenson Mining on the West Coast to JA requesting a revisit on the decision not to allow an open cast coal mine in the name of jobs generation.

Has Matt Hill moved to speed up consent in a similar manner?


29-05-2020, 09:08 AM
I talked to Matt before Christmas, and I would be 90% sure this is where a lot of his time is going. I is more than aware of the risk that RMA and environmental have on the full mining approval. Personally I think he knows what he is doing, but still very frustrated with the current delays

29-05-2020, 09:34 AM
I've never opened a mine so couldn't disagree. The delays I understand. Its the communication I wish was a little better.

29-05-2020, 01:33 PM
I've never opened a mine so couldn't disagree. The delays I understand. Its the communication I wish was a little better.

Don't we all