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31-10-2017, 10:48 AM
I cant see why you would buy them at 2.2 when you can buy quite easily under that price, I wouldn't expect much more than what they already got.
SP will start acting normal once this dreadful drawn out SPP thing is finally over.

Hey BM - are you still around, I know you were buying up large earlier. What's your take - holding / selling / buying?

31-10-2017, 12:02 PM
Why, wh..............y, WHY are they taking junkits to Fiji, Venuatu the bloody 18-30 contiki bus tours around Europe!!! to look for new mines. Who goes on these junkits? Are wives, kids, fishing buddies included? Really leaves a nasty taste in the mouth raising funds via spp then to read that in the quarterlies. WTF they have two mines on the go ready for gold to come out whats with the all expense paid holidays courtesy of shareholders!

I could just be blowing off because I ran our of milk for my cereal. But as a shareholder, how can I get details of what they did on these trips, expenses, who went, what they found out, check out their phones for holiday snaps? Just smacks as a stupid waste of time and our money.

My thoughts as well. They need to keep their eye on the ball, and stop looking at the hotties in the stands. Realise the value in the present assets, and then consider other long term opportunities.

31-10-2017, 01:08 PM
Haha typical - ASX goes up while NZX goes down

31-10-2017, 03:32 PM
My thoughts as well. They need to keep their eye on the ball, and stop looking at the hotties in the stands. Realise the value in the present assets, and then consider other long term opportunities.

Like any good :-) listed company, they will be trying to maximise long term shareholder value.

My cup of noodles did taste a little bitter after thinking about the bar tab in Fiji.

01-11-2017, 05:17 AM
Yoda that is the current and previous quarter for comparison
Yea i got that ,but the way the NZX had it made me laugh . There might be buying opportunity though if things brighten up.

01-11-2017, 08:13 AM
Just finished 4 days doing the north south route over the Kaimai's, very wet, didn't find any gold in those streams :(

Didn't see any gold mines, just a few remnants of the old mines, have no idea what on earth the protestors go on about, the environmental foot print from a mine must be minimal.
Unless they feel the heart and soul of the mountain is ripped out when miners take out the gold and silver.

Certainly property trading is a lot easier than share trading, making a quick 50k and 100k here and there, but I have great confidence in the mine management, so happy to leave a lazy 100k here for the long term and watch the gold start coming out.

01-11-2017, 05:28 PM
Alright people - gold's coming out of the ground this / next month.

01-11-2017, 10:35 PM
So the quarterly report casually confirms to shareholders Rahu has been acquired. Just neglects to mention price or purchase terms. Tisk! Very forgetful of them! Market seems unimpressed.
Less raised from SPP than they would have got from November Options if they had not undertaken it. Both are interesting initiatives I didnt see coming.

01-11-2017, 11:16 PM
Where did you get this source from Clint’s? Personally I think it might be better to wait until all the holiday makers have gone home and avoid any additional attention, although getting gold out before the November share offer ends would help sell that offer. At current prices why would anyone buy!

02-11-2017, 08:26 AM
So the quarterly report casually confirms to shareholders Rahu has been acquired. Just neglects to mention price or purchase terms. Tisk! Very forgetful of them! Market seems unimpressed.
Less raised from SPP than they would have got from November Options if they had not undertaken it. Both are interesting initiatives I didnt see coming.

Most likely didn't pay anything for it, and 100% ownership was transferred back to NTL

02-11-2017, 09:02 AM
So why would Newcrest do this, is it a dead duck and not worth the effort?

02-11-2017, 09:21 AM
So why would Newcrest do this, is it a dead duck and not worth the effort?

Rehabilitation costs? I have no idea, but sometimes mines etc are worth less than zero.

02-11-2017, 09:35 AM
So why would Newcrest do this, is it a dead duck and not worth the effort?

Unsure, may not see it as worth their time and effort, since they are such are large company they can buy up mines which are more advanced and come in and reap the reward, they may come back if NTL advance it.

Why would Newcrest outlay a lot of money when they don't need to, let an exploration company do that, come in and buy it up once resource is proven and the know how much they will make, purely a business decision.
basically de-risking themselves

This is just my thoughts, I don't know how the strategic business decisions of Newcrest operate, but if I was someone like Newcrest I would be scouring the world for near operating mines and just pulling out the gold

02-11-2017, 11:40 AM
Had a good read of the last announcement, and I am quite upbeat and excited despite the share price.
I kind of think, well I wouldn't mind buying in now at 1.8c but then I certainly would not be able to buy the amount of shares I now have, at that price anyway.
While I am a little in the red I do like the confidence and excitement of NTL about the gold mine and the start of its operations.

They said this will be the only operating gold mine in NZ, is everyone sure that is correct, if so, very cool indeed.
I thought their were others around Waihi and in the Kaimai's ??

With Newcrest affectively handing Rahu to NTL, do you think their are some behind the scenes agreements about Newcrest buying out or taking a holding in NTL.
That is being worked on, sort of make it more simple operation for Newcrest.
Save on mine management and admin costs to have the one organisation handling both mines.
And give NTL the funding to go bigger faster and harder quicker.

I sense the SPP is more pig headedness to finish the process and reward the faithful, more a red herring the market has taken bait line and sinker.
Management seem confident, they seem to think the 2.2 SPP price was a discount, and they see future value beyond the 5.5c option value.

Will be interesting to see what happens to market sentiment and SP when the results of bulk sampling come back.

02-11-2017, 11:53 AM
Where did you get this source from Clint’s? Personally I think it might be better to wait until all the holiday makers have gone home and avoid any additional attention, although getting gold out before the November share offer ends would help sell that offer. At current prices why would anyone buy!

Hi - it was Bulk Sampling I was referring to, has been in a number of announcements and mentioned at the AGM.


02-11-2017, 11:56 AM
That is it this was scuppered last time the samples came back and the spp just torpedoed the share price. Hoping there won't be any distractions this time, would be good to see the sp going north even for a short jump(to at least 0.23)

02-11-2017, 12:06 PM
I would expect some positive news to get the November options back in the money, they aint "scuppered" yet.

Some of the reaction to the spp and quarterly has been pretty silly. Fundamentals have improved with the re-acquisition of Rahu and the funds are in place to get the concentrators and get digging. A short term blip in the sp will be shown for what it was in the next few months.

02-11-2017, 12:51 PM
Had a good read of the last announcement, and I am quite upbeat and excited despite the share price.
I kind of think, well I wouldn't mind buying in now at 1.8c but then I certainly would not be able to buy the amount of shares I now have, at that price anyway.
While I am a little in the red I do like the confidence and excitement of NTL about the gold mine and the start of its operations.

They said this will be the only operating gold mine in NZ, is everyone sure that is correct, if so, very cool indeed.
I thought their were others around Waihi and in the Kaimai's ??

With Newcrest affectively handing Rahu to NTL, do you think their are some behind the scenes agreements about Newcrest buying out or taking a holding in NTL.
That is being worked on, sort of make it more simple operation for Newcrest.
Save on mine management and admin costs to have the one organisation handling both mines.
And give NTL the funding to go bigger faster and harder quicker.

I sense the SPP is more pig headedness to finish the process and reward the faithful, more a red herring the market has taken bait line and sinker.
Management seem confident, they seem to think the 2.2 SPP price was a discount, and they see future value beyond the 5.5c option value.

Will be interesting to see what happens to market sentiment and SP when the results of bulk sampling come back.

I think they were referring to the fact it is NZ's only solely underground gold mine, I realise Oceana has underground at Macreas but that is open pit as well.

Regarding Newcrest, yes they maybe interested when it is up and running, but I'd say it would be years down the track. At the moment it is just another bow on NTL's string with potential to investigate and expand operations and tout oh we are mining New Talisman but we also have Rahu as well, not just a one trick pony.

02-11-2017, 12:58 PM
I would expect some positive news to get the November options back in the money, they aint "scuppered" yet.

Some of the reaction to the spp and quarterly has been pretty silly. Fundamentals have improved with the re-acquisition of Rahu and the funds are in place to get the concentrators and get digging. A short term blip in the sp will be shown for what it was in the next few months.

I agree Jonu,
The share price may have taken a hit, but the gold hasn't its still there waiting to come out just a matter of time, when it does share price will reflect that

02-11-2017, 05:27 PM
Hhat the h@ll will it take to get the oppies over the line later on this month, if that does not happen the what is the fall back plan ?

02-11-2017, 06:59 PM
Hhat the h@ll will it take to get the oppies over the line later on this month, if that does not happen the what is the fall back plan ?

They don't need a fallback plan as such, they are already funded to do what they have planned. I'm picking however an upgrade on JORC from Mystery vein which has been mentioned more than once as now being accessible

02-11-2017, 08:10 PM
The 21/2 mill $ would have come in very handy, some S Hers would subscribe anyhow but not all !

02-11-2017, 08:39 PM
As long as the gold is still in the ground, just be happy with the 400+% SP appreciation, albeit eroding. It will be or not when they 'prove' the 'probable'.

02-11-2017, 08:51 PM
Hhat the h@ll will it take to get the oppies over the line later on this month, if that does not happen the what is the fall back plan ?

Good point WU. In fact if do not get the opps converted then the SPP was a waist of time as the OPPS money would equal the SPP money. I think the management underestimated the effect of the election and the final outcome was just about as bad as it could get.
It is time that the company stopped mining the shareholders for cash and mine the mine to create cash.

02-11-2017, 10:13 PM
Good point WU. In fact if do not get the opps converted then the SPP was a waist of time as the OPPS money would equal the SPP money. I think the management underestimated the effect of the election and the final outcome was just about as bad as it could get.
It is time that the company stopped mining the shareholders for cash and mine the mine to create cash.

agree, Ive been in this one for years and years and........ !

06-11-2017, 11:21 PM
After the awesome Dubbo Deep announcement, if the directors had sat me down and said "how can we destroy all the value of the November options, and raise no money from them?' I would have replied "that would be quite hard to do'. But it looks like they may have snatched failure from the jaws of that particular shareholder success. Unless there is a miracle within 23 days, lol.

07-11-2017, 08:51 AM
I am hopeful that there will be a good announcement for the mystery vein. This vein is already accessible and has never been mined before. This company needs cash flow which is a fact which I am sure has not escaped the directors and management attention.

Oliver Mander
07-11-2017, 11:27 AM
Oh that can't be good news...selling half his holding (or have I read that wrong?)

07-11-2017, 11:37 AM
Isn't it saying hes bought another 130000 shares?

07-11-2017, 11:41 AM
Oh that can't be good news...selling half his holding (or have I read that wrong?)

I think that you have got it wrong, he hasnt sold them, he is no longer "Director of his Family trust" so his interests have changed.
Look on the ASX it is easier to read.

07-11-2017, 11:41 AM
Oh that can't be good news...selling half his holding (or have I read that wrong?)

"Nature of transaction: Resignation as director of Hill Family Group
on 27 October 2017 resulting in no longer having an indirect interest in Hill
Family Group Pty Ltd or Nimpod Pty Ltd"

Oliver Mander
07-11-2017, 11:41 AM
Isn't it saying hes bought another 130000 shares?

Number held in class before acquisition or disposal: 103,140,599

Number held in class after acquisition or disposal: 52,408,038

07-11-2017, 11:46 AM
Number held in class before acquisition or disposal: 103,140,599 *First notice still as director

Number held in class after acquisition or disposal: 52,408,038 *First notice post directorship resignation

Looks like the first notice he resigned as director of his trusts, so indirect ownership of shares under his personal name reduced by around half, then the second notice is he purchased about a hundred thousand shares in his personal name.

Just reshuffling the cards, or creative accounting, or whatever you want to call it.

07-11-2017, 11:48 AM
The "disposed" amount correlates to the shares held by Hill Family Group, seeing as M Hill has resigned as a director of this entity he no longer has any interest in the shareholding held by this entity.

He has not sold down any shares, simply stepped away from a entity that has a current holding.

07-11-2017, 11:49 AM
Looks like the first notice he resigned as director of his trusts, so indirect ownership of shares under his personal name reduced by around half, then the second notice is he purchased about a hundred thousand shares in his personal name.

Just reshuffling the cards, or creative accounting, or whatever you want to call it.

Agree, he has reshuffled and purchased some more

Sorry can't copy and paste it nicely

No. of securities held prior to change 52,408,038 Ordinary Shares

Value/ConsiderationNote: If consideration is non-cash, provide details and estimatedvaluation
A$1,600 for 100,000 sharesNZ$510 for 30,000 shares
No. of securities held after change 52,538,038
Nature of changeExample: on-market trade, off-market trade, exercise of options,issue of securities under dividend reinvestment plan, participation inbuy-backOn Mar

09-11-2017, 09:44 AM
NTL has 3 weeks to get the sp back up to AUD 2 cents for the 28/11/17 oppies to come into play. I'm expecting a nice trickle of news with Mystery vein Jorc and maybe some of those small sample results coming back as well. Beyond that she's all onwards and upwards once the bulk sampling and Rahu drill results start to come through.

Paint it Black
09-11-2017, 05:29 PM
NTL has 3 weeks to get the sp back up to AUD 2 cents for the 28/11/17 oppies to come into play. I'm expecting a nice trickle of news with Mystery vein Jorc and maybe some of those small sample results coming back as well. Beyond that she's all onwards and upwards once the bulk sampling and Rahu drill results start to come through.

I hope so - I'm ready to exercise the options should the price come up over the next 2 weeks but pointless I guess if they are still down. I'd rather do it this way than buy the same number today at the cheaper price - somewhat strange many would think but I guess the risk is reduced by waiting. The volumes are very low at present so it won't take much positive news to quickly lift the SP. Management are no doubt acutely aware of the importance of harvesting the options by the 28/11/17.

09-11-2017, 08:26 PM
It will be interesting to see what effect "no new mines on Conservation land" declaration yesterday on the "speech from the throne" at Parliaments opening will have.

09-11-2017, 09:13 PM
It will be interesting to see what effect "no new mines on Conservation land" declaration yesterday on the "speech from the throne" at Parliaments opening will have.

Actually quite reassuring in respect of NTL. NTL alteady has a 25 year mining permit and an existing mine!

Paint it Black
09-11-2017, 09:31 PM
It will be interesting to see what effect "no new mines on Conservation land" declaration yesterday on the "speech from the throne" at Parliaments opening will have.

If the rule of law prevails little effect - the protestors will no doubt feel emboldened but the fact is NTL has a permit and if that is defaulted by Eugenie Sage NTL will be entitled to significant compensation. I'm also confident the police will continue to uphold the law. Hopefully Winston will install some balance into the decision making to change the law which in any case will take several years to implement. The land is not Schedule 4, it is an existing mine and the focus is likely to be applied to open cast so it ought to be business as usual. Once the gold starts coming out and more and more locals are either directly employed or enjoy the tourism/business spin offs a boutique mine in the future can offer then eventually the protesters enthusiasm will quickly diminish. Besides only 3 years max to the next election - possibly a lot less!

10-11-2017, 08:16 AM
I agree Particularly about the positive affects that a profitable mine can have on the karangahake region

14-11-2017, 08:53 AM
2 weeks only from today to get to get the options over. Do we think they actually care to get them over ? or need them for that matter ?

14-11-2017, 09:15 AM
I think it will be interesting to see if there are any announcements in the next week or two outlining progress made with the concentrators, if there is nothing forthcoming before the options it might signal that the management have given up on them.

14-11-2017, 09:18 AM
And given up on the faithful s/holders that followed them for such a long time, thankfully I am a new holder.

14-11-2017, 09:20 AM
How new? I am since mid Jul this year.

14-11-2017, 09:21 AM
I think it will be interesting to see if there are any announcements in the next week or two outlining progress made with the concentrators, if there is nothing forthcoming before the options it might signal that the management have given up on them.

I hope you do know that you are not allowed to "time" announcements. And as such there is nothing management can do about whether the options will be exercised or not. "trying" to get the SP above exercise price is futile and fraught with danger.

14-11-2017, 09:23 AM
Hey - Yes I am aware of that however I would expect we are due some progress report on the concentrators and it would not surprise me if it happens in the next week or two.

14-11-2017, 09:44 AM
Perhaps the half yearly report may hold some promise? Last year was released on last Friday in November (25/11). This year would be Friday 24/11...

15-11-2017, 08:58 AM
This is a litmus test for me. If these guys can't somehow turn these options into a viable thing then we can expect the share price to take a serious tumble on the 29/11... So I'll possibly just wait till then - if I can somehow trust myself to overcome their (so far) poor business actions...

15-11-2017, 09:28 AM
While many (including myself) may believe the spp was poorly executed - let's not forget that the last 12 months for ntl have been overall very successful. This includes the previous spp at 0.005. One misstep does not destroy a company.

15-11-2017, 09:37 AM
While many (including myself) may believe the spp was poorly executed - let's not forget that the last 12 months for ntl have been overall very successful. This includes the previous spp at 0.005. One misstep does not destroy a company.

Amen - I think we just need some nice progress reports to come out to get this back on the move.

15-11-2017, 11:39 AM
They are miners working on getting the gold out of the ground, not share brokers.

They wanted more funds to speed up the operations, for shareholders.

If the share market doesn't believe that and the buyers and sellers of shares don't want to pay x amount for shares on or about of that date.

That is no business of theirs.

They give people the option to buy shares on the market and as options.
That is job done by their financial controllers, market does the rest.

The management at NTL then keep doing what we want them to do.
Get that bloody gold out the fastest way they can.

15-11-2017, 02:48 PM
True. If Shareholders had supported the SPP better we wouldn't be doubting them now and their ability to predict the markets reaction. They only wanted to get on with it as fast as possible.

15-11-2017, 06:55 PM
Longer term for the mine looks great, especially once gold gets up a bit in price. However, I bet on a promising horse a few months ago, the November options. Right now I am back at last weeks Melbourne cup. With a whipping, is there still any chance for a win for Options? Or will I be ripping the ticket up? Lunging for the line, Options look to be losing strength, 2 cent share is gaining ground.....

You do, of course, get a longer bang for your buck gambling on junior miners than you do on horses :-)

21-11-2017, 10:21 AM
Just in case anyone missed this...


21-11-2017, 03:02 PM
Yeah it was up on the Hot Copper and looks good, business as usual.
All eyes now rest on the miners doing what us shareholders expect them to do, mine that gold.

21-11-2017, 03:13 PM
Whats with the SP

1.6 1.7 1.8 and in AU its stable.

21-11-2017, 04:35 PM
Whats with the SP

1.6 1.7 1.8 and in AU its stable.

Judging by the turnover, nothing is with the SP.....

21-11-2017, 05:12 PM
Judging by the turnover, nothing is with the SP.....
Just people taking the opportunity to offload?

21-11-2017, 05:39 PM
Just people taking the opportunity to offload?

Judging by the trades, no offloading going on at all. Just $2,326 traded in Aus and $1,040 in NZ. Rats and mice.

23-11-2017, 11:25 AM
Most of my predictions for this stock have been wrong lol so I guess I'm on a bit of a roll!!! A bit more crystal ball gazing and fortune telling .......... so for next weeks options to be worth anything, there would have to be some sort of positive announcement either today or tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!!

23-11-2017, 03:42 PM
Looking over some old reports on companies to watch I came across TROY {TRY} . Not that many years ago they were trading at 4.80 dollars now trading at 10.7 cents. Why well it is all to do with grades. TROY grade is 2.7g/ton. NTL reports 17.6 g/ton at Maria. I understand that it takes about roughtly 3g/t to break even.
Bulk sampling is to start early 2018 and with the concentrator things will be looking up next year.

27-11-2017, 11:02 AM
Most of my predictions for this stock have been wrong lol so I guess I'm on a bit of a roll!!! A bit more crystal ball gazing and fortune telling .......... so for next weeks options to be worth anything, there would have to be some sort of positive announcement either today or tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!!

Its NTL...

27-11-2017, 01:50 PM
Looks like the 2c oppies are probably worthless at this point...

Paint it Black
27-11-2017, 04:01 PM
Looks like the 2c oppies are probably worthless at this point...
Afraid so - had my cheque book out ready to go too! Not so sure about even buying in at 1.6c at present.

27-11-2017, 04:32 PM
Looks like the 2c oppies are probably worthless at this point...

Yes - I would agree. The SPP took them down.

The share price was @ 0.007 prior to the 12/7/2017 - resource upgrade announcement. After a nice uptrend through to 25/8/2017 it was @ 0.027 and overall still climbing. NTLOA looking great the trading day before the SPP announced.

27-11-2017, 04:36 PM
They seem to be asleep at the wheel.

27-11-2017, 04:49 PM
Agreed - I was expecting an update over the last few days but appears there is nothing to announce.

27-11-2017, 05:24 PM
The announcement I want is that good progress is being made at the mine site and that bulk sampling is about to start. The company needs to put behind it all talk about the great grades and about any further thoughts about mining the shareholders for more cash.It is either make or break----get on with gold mining.

28-11-2017, 06:50 AM
Very wise words digger

28-11-2017, 02:05 PM
Change to permit pending. Anyone have knowledge of such?



28-11-2017, 03:15 PM
Change to permit pending. Anyone have knowledge of such?



Looking into the change application reports I can see the NTL has a change to the permit that was submitted 09/05/2017 that is still listed as "under evaluation" it is listed as a change of conditions application

28-11-2017, 03:26 PM
Looking into the change application reports I can see the NTL has a change to the permit that was submitted 09/05/2017 that is still listed as "under evaluation" it is listed as a change of conditions application

*Crystal ball gazing..........*

Rahu is now going to be included as part of Talisman mining permit.

Yeah, no f&%#ing idea tbh...

28-11-2017, 07:20 PM
*Crystal ball gazing..........*

Rahu is now going to be included as part of Talisman mining permit.

Yeah, no f&%#ing idea tbh...

Ha ha
Good to get Rahu piggybacked, but I cant see gold coming out a 2000 foot deep hole ( where it looks good to extraordinarily good gold should be - 100 gms/tonne? ) for virtually ever. However it didn't cost us anything to get 80% of Rahu back, by the look of it.

28-11-2017, 07:30 PM
My 700 000 options and 100 million more of other shareholders options are about to go to oblivion. Roughly speaking $1.8m gained from SSP, but $2.8m lost on November options. I have 10 Canadian gold /silver junior miners/ prospectors shares, and have never seen a company snatch defeat ( in fundraising) from the jaws of success, so emphatically. November options looked such a dead winner to me! Still, better than betting on the horses ...

28-11-2017, 08:10 PM
Yes - I would agree. The SPP took them down.

The share price was @ 0.007 prior to the 12/7/2017 - resource upgrade announcement. After a nice uptrend through to 25/8/2017 it was @ 0.027 and overall still climbing. NTLOA looking great the trading day before the SPP announced.

The AGM ( full of expectation and bon
amee ) seems along time ago and little old me had $45 k ready to ex my oppies which I think the company could have used,

28-11-2017, 08:15 PM
Maybe...but the wheels will have likely fell off the ntl bandwagon even without the spp...3 months is a long time.

28-11-2017, 10:35 PM
My 700 000 options and 100 million more of other shareholders options are about to go to oblivion. Roughly speaking $1.8m gained from SSP, but $2.8m lost on November options. I have 10 Canadian gold /silver junior miners/ prospectors shares, and have never seen a company snatch defeat ( in fundraising) from the jaws of success, so emphatically. November options looked such a dead winner to me! Still, better than betting on the horses ...

This is bang on. Explain to me the smaller cap raise/SPP at a lower price when you could have had everyone take up the OAs at A$0.02/share when the underlying was trading at A$0.027.

29-11-2017, 07:43 AM
My 700 000 options and 100 million more of other shareholders options are about to go to oblivion. Roughly speaking $1.8m gained from SSP, but $2.8m lost on November options. I have 10 Canadian gold /silver junior miners/ prospectors shares, and have never seen a company snatch defeat ( in fundraising) from the jaws of success, so emphatically. November options looked such a dead winner to me! Still, better than betting on the horses ...

Bad management and a desperation for funding was clearly behind this. These problems are still there......and there were heaps of warnings on this site.

Holders take care.

29-11-2017, 08:58 AM
Bad management and a desperation for funding was clearly behind this. These problems are still there......and there were heaps of warnings on this site.

Holders take care.
They made a misteak with the recent capital raising. I guess they must have thought that with all the excitement about the resource upgrade and a 2.7c shareprice that a capital raising at 2.2 would work. The capital raising prior to this was highly successful.
To be fair management have done an excellent job overall. They must be very close to digging out gold from the mine. The ore concentrator and the mining robots giving better access to the gold seams have got to be good for the future profitability. My concern is still the cost of Rahu and to what degree that will reduce the cash on hand.

29-11-2017, 10:05 AM
So the deadline for NTLOA was yesterday and yet they're still listed. Any chance of an extension?

Paint it Black
29-11-2017, 11:23 AM
So the deadline for NTLOA was yesterday and yet they're still listed. Any chance of an extension?

I doubt extensions are allowed but how about another SSP? However let's not get down on management and remember where we were a short time ago with an SP of 0.5c. Once the yellow stuff starts arriving we will be all popping the corks!

29-11-2017, 11:43 AM
Hopefully that's coming soon - looks like we are heading back to sub 1c

Having said this - it's the best volume day we've had in a while :)

29-11-2017, 01:21 PM
I have learnt a lesson from this stock. Dont get caught up in all the hype and whatever you do, dont double down. Get rich quick shares are not for me! I can see that slow and steady and well managed is the way for me to go. Had I put my cash from a couple of the dogs I have invested in into something that has already delivered like HBL I would have been much better off. As I say, good learning curve for me as really i did NOT DYOR. I do hope that the good news will come soon and perhaps I'll recover some of my losses and I hope others that are more heavily invested get to see their investment flow and are able to say 'told you so'.

29-11-2017, 01:41 PM
I have learnt a lesson from this stock. Dont get caught up in all the hype and whatever you do, dont double down. Get rich quick shares are not for me! I can see that slow and steady and well managed is the way for me to go. Had I put my cash from a couple of the dogs I have invested in into something that has already delivered like HBL I would have been much better off. As I say, good learning curve for me as really i did NOT DYOR. I do hope that the good news will come soon and perhaps I'll recover some of my losses and I hope others that are more heavily invested get to see their investment flow and are able to say 'told you so'.

Ramping (while not as prevalent as that other site) does happen here too. Notice how all the posters talking up the NTL investment they swore they were in for the long haul have gone silent?

29-11-2017, 02:26 PM
Ramping (while not as prevalent as that other site) does happen here too. Notice how all the posters talking up the NTL investment they swore they were in for the long haul have gone silent?

Maybe I was one of those. I haven't been selling, although with a crystal ball I would obviously been a lot better off to have sold at high 2s and be buying back in now. Mind you the volumes traded at these lower prices are pretty light so wouldn't really have suited me anyway.

There's no less gold in the ground than there was yesterday. I'm holding tight. The worm will turn....big time

29-11-2017, 02:27 PM
I bought into the hype and the SPP,lost a bit on the options,but this stock has always been a punt,and you should invest accordingly.In fact bought a few more today.

Disc holding hoping for more fun!

29-11-2017, 02:49 PM
I'm a long term holder and proponent (and still am), and have "gone quiet" because from my point of view (and everything is relative) things are going well.

I'm up over 150% and don't believe the story has changed. Buy as many as you can afford to loose and sit back and relax for a few years...

Or... fret on a daily basis over what you *think* management are up to. Is up to you.

Just as equally the nay sayers all seem to magically vanish when the SP rises...

(disc: not financial advice, dyor etc etc)

29-11-2017, 02:59 PM
I'm a long term holder and proponent (and still am), and have "gone quiet" because from my point of view (and everything is relative) things are going well.

I'm up over 150% and don't believe the story has changed. Buy as many as you can afford to loose and sit back and relax for a few years...

Or... fret on a daily basis over what you *think* management are up to. Is up to you.

Just as equally the nay sayers all seem to magically vanish when the SP rises...

(disc: not financial advice, dyor etc etc)

What Humpty said (but I am only up 80%)...!!

Sure I am disappointed that the options expired worthless, but the gold is still there and if we believe what the company says, it is due to start coming out very soon... Just sit tight...

29-11-2017, 02:59 PM
Where to now management ? whats the fall back position ?

29-11-2017, 03:01 PM
Where to now management ? whats the fall back position ?

Commence bulk sampling...not a fall back, just what they said they would do.

29-11-2017, 03:10 PM
My first purchase was 09/07/2015 - and I am in this for the long haul. Holding long term is still fine. Recent purchases hoping for a risk free get rich quick are finding that is not how the world works. Volatility is the nature of this end of the market.

I am quiet mostly because no announcements have been out for a time - therefore no fundamental changes to the investment profile for me.

All these recent trades are relatively low volume so I continue to hold and monitor for top up opportunities.

30-11-2017, 09:08 AM
My first purchase was 09/07/2015 - and I am in this for the long haul. Holding long term is still fine. Recent purchases hoping for a risk free get rich quick are finding that is not how the world works. Volatility is the nature of this end of the market.

I am quiet mostly because no announcements have been out for a time - therefore no fundamental changes to the investment profile for me.

All these recent trades are relatively low volume so I continue to hold and monitor for top up opportunities.

I've been with HGD since 2006. Started off with a few thousand shares now accumulated over that time to several millions of shares, majority of that are free carried shares now.
Still, I'll probably have grey hairs by the time the SP has any real meaningful value.
Just like property - There's the quick flip and the long-term capital gain...

Steady as she goes!

30-11-2017, 09:34 AM
No mention of any liabilities for Rahu so I have to assume there were no significant costs in taking it back. 4.3 M$ in the bank plus another 1.9 M$ to add to that from the SPP.

All good

30-11-2017, 10:12 AM
No mention of any liabilities for Rahu so I have to assume there were no significant costs in taking it back. 4.3 M$ in the bank plus another 1.9 M$ to add to that from the SPP.

All good

Yer all very good there, still doing what they are good at, pump the share price, raise money and go quite untill next time they want to mine the shareholders again.
25 years on and good to see that they are sticking to what they know. They got me this time, I thought they were just doing it to put the NTLOA in the money

30-11-2017, 10:22 AM
Yer all very good there, still doing what they are good at, pump the share price, raise money and go quite untill next time they want to mine the shareholders again.
25 years on and good to see that they are sticking to what they know. They got me this time, I thought they were just doing it to put the NTLOA in the money

Well that point of view would involve ignoring the updated prefeasibility study due shortly, the commencement of bulk sampling due shortly and the reaquisition of Rahu. Add to that the refurbishment of the mine which is well underway I would say they are beavering away behind the scenes.

30-11-2017, 11:11 AM
Yer all very good there, still doing what they are good at, pump the share price, raise money and go quite untill next time they want to mine the shareholders again.
25 years on and good to see that they are sticking to what they know. They got me this time, I thought they were just doing it to put the NTLOA in the money

Matthew Hill has a significant shareholding in NTL. This makes me confident that my interests are aligned with the managements interests.

30-11-2017, 11:31 AM
Matthew Hill has a significant shareholding in NTL. This makes me confident that my interests are aligned with the managements interests.

Yes water down everyones holdings time after time. His would have one of the most watered down this time, if the SPP was any good. I think that it shows you that he didnt want to put much new cash in himself this time and Yes it was very good to see that a spent very few $$ a few weeks back buying some on the marked

30-11-2017, 08:04 PM
Playing any stock is just educated gambling IMHO. Ive seen businesses manipulate their profits (auditors cant find everything), Ive worked for companies that have committed large fraud.
Luckily had more ups than downs in NTL over the past 10years, but was one of the many well out of the money back then when I believed the hype, back in the day when get a mining permit was the good news.
I agree with comments above - DYOR - there is gold there, there is a model to say how much, until its out and processed, there are no guarantees.
DISCL: holding, but not as much as I used to. Also looking to top up - if My better half will let me ;-)

01-12-2017, 10:57 AM
To be honest I doubt we'll see any new developments this side of Christmas ....

01-12-2017, 11:15 AM
No bulk sampling report for little Timmy to have with his turkey?

01-12-2017, 11:27 AM
No bulk sampling report for little Timmy to have with his turkey?

I would like to see an announcement that bulk sampling has been started / concentrators have been acquired.

01-12-2017, 03:39 PM
Looks like they made a cool AU$20,095.66 on 1,004,783 options being exercised... ;-)

02-12-2017, 12:32 PM
Playing any stock is just educated gambling IMHO. Ive seen businesses manipulate their profits (auditors cant find everything), Ive worked for companies that have committed large fraud.
Luckily had more ups than downs in NTL over the past 10years, but was one of the many well out of the money back then when I believed the hype, back in the day when get a mining permit was the good news.
I agree with comments above - DYOR - there is gold there, there is a model to say how much, until its out and processed, there are no guarantees.
DISCL: holding, but not as much as I used to. Also looking to top up - if My better half will let me ;-)

Yes, they got me good too, but I got out mostly. I'll be back in. looking at the trend, I'll be back buying at 0.7c ( shares, not options, lol)

Blue Horseshoe
03-12-2017, 04:09 PM
I would prefer those that sold to stay out and just leave it to the pros.

04-12-2017, 11:44 AM
Interesting to see both exchanges trading at the same price. I reckon a puff of good news and we are away again. Hopefully the nervous nellies and short term traders have all bolted, in which case it should be a steady rise.

The updated prefeasibility study due this month should make very interesting reading with the increased grades and concentrator use lifting the profit margins hugely.

05-12-2017, 12:23 PM
Anyone know why our presumably expired and worthless November options still show on NZ sharemarket page?

05-12-2017, 02:31 PM

Onwards and Upwards.

05-12-2017, 02:32 PM

Onwards and Upwards.

Now that's what I'm talking about!

05-12-2017, 02:37 PM
And soon to be Outwards

05-12-2017, 02:38 PM
And soon to be Outwards
Well done to everyone that held (and those that had the balls to buy)

05-12-2017, 02:43 PM
I think we have just witnessed the end of cheap NTL shares. Next barrier 2.5-3 cents area.

05-12-2017, 02:45 PM
Looks to me there is a big barrier at 1.8 cents.

05-12-2017, 02:48 PM
Looks to me there is a big barrier at 1.8 cents.

I mean in reference to what people bought in at in the SPP.

1.8 will be blown away

05-12-2017, 02:52 PM
Hasn't had much of an impact on the shares. Missed it was there a market halt?

05-12-2017, 02:52 PM
Im just amused at the timing of the announcement - options lapse, couple of days later, the good news. The world is full of twists and turns.

05-12-2017, 02:55 PM
Hasn't had much of an impact on the shares. Missed it was there a market halt?

Give it time FBJ, it was only half an hour ago. Yes there was a halt and they are up 20% for the day on NZX. I'd call that an impact!

05-12-2017, 02:58 PM
Oh there it is was still showing down 0.001 on the nzx webpage, now up 20%. Great day. Steak for dinner tonight. Followed by a long golden shower!!!!

05-12-2017, 03:15 PM
Give it time FBJ, it was only half an hour ago. Yes there was a halt and they are up 20% for the day on NZX. I'd call that an impact!

I would call it sweet F A.
it is only back to where it was a few days ago

05-12-2017, 03:18 PM
To be fair the announcement basically states that a few pebbles of ore will be moved nearer to the front door shortly...

05-12-2017, 03:20 PM
I would call it sweet F A.
it is only back to where it was a few days ago

I take it you weren't buying at 1.4. I topped up a few more...raised my average cost in doing so

05-12-2017, 03:41 PM
Oh there it is was still showing down 0.001 on the nzx webpage, now up 20%. Great day. Steak for dinner tonight. Followed by a long golden shower!!!!

really.... ;)

05-12-2017, 03:43 PM
I take it you weren't buying at 1.4. I topped up a few more...raised my average cost in doing so

No I wasnt, but mine are now all free carried
I see that it has already run out of puff and might even end up down for the day.

05-12-2017, 03:45 PM
No I wasnt, but mine are now all free carried
I see that it has already run out of puff and might even end up down for the day.

Very often these type of nothing announcements are great selling opportunities as the uninitiated climb in initially only to see the rally falter. I see they are offered at 1.5 in Australia at the moment. Might have some legs in it yet but I can see it drifting back down to 1.5 in NZ over the coming weeks.

05-12-2017, 03:46 PM
I think those of us that got a little excited a while back have now had our expectations tempered. I certainly wont be buying any more. Maybe we will see a slow and steady increase. But whatever, i'll be pleased if I get my money back.

05-12-2017, 03:53 PM
No I wasnt, but mine are now all free carried
I see that it has already run out of puff and might even end up down for the day.

Wishful thinking methinks (that is if you are realising you have missed the boat for cheapies). Still up 20% on my screen

05-12-2017, 04:02 PM
Wishful thinking methinks (that is if you are realising you have missed the boat for cheapies). Still up 20% on my screen

Maybe you need to look again.
hopefully tomorrow will be a better day or a good last minute close for today

05-12-2017, 04:37 PM
Maybe you need to look again.
hopefully tomorrow will be a better day or a good last minute close for today

My 2mil shares for sale at 50c are looking like a bargain if anyone wants them :)

05-12-2017, 04:41 PM
My 2mil shares for sale at 50c are looking like a bargain if anyone wants them :)

Aww gee Clints, they're a barrier to the ones at a $1 (they aint mine)

05-12-2017, 04:43 PM
Aww gee Clints, they're a barrier to the ones at a $1 (they aint mine)

Seeing I am a nice guy - if my 2mil go at 50c I will buy the 25,000 at $1

05-12-2017, 04:44 PM
I like the part in the release that talks of more updates by the 14th December

05-12-2017, 05:06 PM
Those updates would be to do with equipment purchase or what they're doing with Rahu?

05-12-2017, 05:11 PM
I like the part in the release that talks of more updates by the 14th December
lets hope that it's not like the last time they gave a specific date on an hyped announcement and hit us with the SPP instead.

05-12-2017, 05:23 PM
lets hope that it's not like the last time they gave a specific date on an hyped announcement and hit us with the SPP instead.

or even better a vote to extend the expired options 6 months

05-12-2017, 05:53 PM
Life is a lot more fun if you take a positive view. 10c per share by Christmas next year.

05-12-2017, 05:58 PM
or even better a vote to extend the expired options 6 months

great news that we might finally be away.That is the only news I wanted to hear--that we are onto gold extraction. Does anything else matter for SP appreciation.
WK6332,I do not think you can favor one class of security over another. The options as I see it expired and that is that. I could be wrong but i believe the company if it needs more money can just issue new options but head shareholder would have to be included. I have experience with NZOG where they did that.

05-12-2017, 06:11 PM
great news that we might finally be away.That is the only news I wanted to hear--that we are onto gold extraction. Does anything else matter for SP appreciation.
WK6332,I do not think you can favor one class of security over another. The options as I see it expired and that is that. I could be wrong but i believe the company if it needs more money can just issue new options but head shareholder would have to be included. I have experience with NZOG where they did that.

As normal there would be no votes for the options and only votes for shares held. shareholders would need to vote on it, if it was ever put up.
I have held options before where it has happened. I see the chance is very low and i am not counting on it.

05-12-2017, 06:51 PM
I'd certainly vote against it...Why should an options holder be given an extension? A positive announcement occurs following the end of their contract and they'd expect an extension...it's a ridiculous concept

05-12-2017, 07:46 PM
I agree there should not be an extension ( and I have ntloa options). The question is why didn’t this announcement come out last week or better yet 10 days ago. NTL could have used the additional capital. It certainly would have help fund additional inforstructure. We need the gold to start flowing and a processing plan on place to put real numbers around the value of the mine now

05-12-2017, 08:17 PM
). The question is why didn’t this announcement come out last week or better yet 10 days ago.w

That would be illegal and directors would be liable.

05-12-2017, 09:21 PM
Exactly. The announcement didn’t tell us anything that they couldn’t have reported 10 days ago. So why didn’t they!

05-12-2017, 10:11 PM
8.18 gms/ tonne, max. Thats within good to average range for underground. Only agreed by council to allow 20,000 m2 out, & some doubt if that's per year or in total over the two year consent. Say 6gms/ tonne x 40 000 t. Concentrator quadruples that - 24 g, 3/4 an ounce per tonne, 30,000 oz, thats say $30m profit over two years, $15m a year, I guess thats a $150m company if it happened. $150m , 2 billion shares, 7.5c @ 10% yield. If it happens, and is allowed to continue past second year. The gamble continues!

05-12-2017, 10:20 PM
Anyone know why NTLOA still live quoted? Surely they die on the 29th Nov? There can't be an extension, surely, despite recent commentary?

06-12-2017, 09:10 AM
I don't think you can fault the positive news that keeps coming back from NTL about progress in the mine itself.

Unfortunately I was a bit asleep at the wheel when it went down to 14-15-16, busy sorting out my property developments (a lot harder and takes a lot more time than flipping).

Or I would have line purchased the shares at those levels.

But I cant keep buying everything when NTL hits those low's or I would end up owning the whole gold mine myself :)

Ooohhh... now that's an idea.

06-12-2017, 09:15 AM
8.18 gms/ tonne, max. Thats within good to average range for underground. Only agreed by council to allow 20,000 m2 out, & some doubt if that's per year or in total over the two year consent. Say 6gms/ tonne x 40 000 t. Concentrator quadruples that - 24 g, 3/4 an ounce per tonne, 30,000 oz, thats say $30m profit over two years, $15m a year, I guess thats a $150m company if it happened. $150m , 2 billion shares, 7.5c @ 10% yield. If it happens, and is allowed to continue past second year. The gamble continues!

I am certain that that it is 20,000 m3 per annum from all the information that I have read. The density of the rock is about 2.5 tonnes /m3. That would make your above ball park calculated profit $37.5m per annum. Share price of 17.5 c per share at a PE of 10.

I think that the material that they are sampling is rubble left behind from the previous mining operations so I expect the mined grades to be higher.

06-12-2017, 09:16 AM
There are three sell orders for 50c and $1...Thats "heights of optimism" eh?

06-12-2017, 09:33 AM
Looking like impressive opening volume. Why on earth would you sell sub 2.2? (that being the SPP level) I guess everyone has their own strategies.

06-12-2017, 09:51 AM
Looking like impressive opening volume. Why on earth would you sell sub 2.2? (that being the SPP level) I guess everyone has their own strategies.
I guess if you bought at .014 selling now would net you a cool 30% profit,but I know what you mean why would you sell with tonnes of gold down there!

06-12-2017, 10:05 AM
Well there's. People could be listening to that moose. Silly people.

06-12-2017, 10:09 AM
[QUOTE=Fatboyj;695265]Well there's a well, downramp the stock to oblivion. People could be listening to that moose. Silly people.

I gave up engaging with the Moose as we were talking at cross purposes most of the time. He is a brilliant hindsight trader, I'll give him that.

06-12-2017, 10:30 AM
You did a fantastic job against moosie Jonu. LOL'd many times reading that thread.

NTL 28/11/17 AUD $0.02 Options (https://www.nzx.com/instruments/NTLOA), these are still showing on the nzx at 0.1c. Is nzx just slow at removing them or they going to be resurrected in an upcoming announcement?

06-12-2017, 10:39 AM
You did a fantastic job against moosie Jonu. LOL'd many times reading that thread.

NTL 28/11/17 AUD $0.02 Options (https://www.nzx.com/instruments/NTLOA), these are still showing on the nzx at 0.1c. Is nzx just slow at removing them or they going to be resurrected in an upcoming announcement?

Surely after the last fiasco they wouldn't pull a stunt like this again

06-12-2017, 11:15 AM
You did a fantastic job against moosie Jonu. LOL'd many times reading that thread.

NTL 28/11/17 AUD $0.02 Options (https://www.nzx.com/instruments/NTLOA), these are still showing on the nzx at 0.1c. Is nzx just slow at removing them or they going to be resurrected in an upcoming announcement?

Someone in admin just has not gotten around to it yet. Its that simple.

06-12-2017, 12:29 PM
Someone in admin just has not gotten around to it yet. Its that simple.

Yeah it's been clear lately they are miners, not managers.

06-12-2017, 12:33 PM
Yeah it's been clear lately they are miners, not managers.

The NZX are miners? Now I am really confused :)

06-12-2017, 12:35 PM
The NZX are miners? Now I am really confused :)Minor miners perhaps?

06-12-2017, 02:32 PM
The NZX are miners? Now I am really confused :)

More poor quality down ramping.

06-12-2017, 02:34 PM
[QUOTE=Fatboyj;695265]Well there's a mega downramper on fatporflio that's his mission to well, downramp the stock to oblivion. People could be listening to that moose. Silly people.

Yikes. Really embarrassing himself there. What a raving loon!

06-12-2017, 02:35 PM
More poor quality down ramping.

Hey Humpty, how is my comment "down ramping".

06-12-2017, 02:57 PM
Some serious volume building on the bid side now. Even The Mooster won't hold it back!

06-12-2017, 03:28 PM
Sorry, that was directed at the comment you were quoting. (Post blaming NTL for NZXs responsibilities etc...)

06-12-2017, 03:41 PM
[QUOTE=Fatboyj;695265]Well there's ale could be listening to that moose. Silly people.

Sorry I dont see it, where is the MEGA DOWNRAMPER ?
He hasnt said that that there is no gold there and he dosent seem to pushing it down to get in cheep, nor is he doing a pump and dump either.(or a NTL stile pump and hand out) the NTL team is doing a good job of keeping the share price down themselves, they dont need any help.
It looks like that share holders dont trust them until they have some real cash coming in, or very close to coming in.
Too many been caught out to many times.

06-12-2017, 04:06 PM
Go back and read his diatribe over the last 6 weeks or so. The Moose got badly shafted on SNK and now he sees conspiracies where there are none. I can't figure out if he is annoyed he missed out on buying sub 1c or is just as skitterish as all hell. Maybe he's both.

06-12-2017, 04:23 PM
Go back and read his diatribe over the last 6 weeks or so. The Moose got badly shafted on SNK and now he sees conspiracies where there are none. I can't figure out if he is annoyed he missed out on buying sub 1c or is just as skitterish as all hell. Maybe he's both.

Sorry I dont need to, NTL are good at doing there own shafting, look back at most of there share price falls, they seem to mostly start like this- We are fully funded for now- blar blar, good news, good rise- hand out, goes down, some pay up, price goes up a bit, and then second crack, who wants some shortfall???

06-12-2017, 04:33 PM
Sorry I dont need to, NTL are good at doing there own shafting, look back at most of there share price falls, they seem to mostly start like this- We are fully funded for now- blar blar, good news, good rise- hand out, goes down, some pay up, price goes up a bit, and then second crack, who wants some shortfall???

About 25 years worth of this if I am not mistaken either.

06-12-2017, 04:35 PM
Sorry I dont need to, NTL are good at doing there own shafting, look back at most of there share price falls, they seem to mostly start like this- We are fully funded for now- blar blar, good news, good rise- hand out, goes down, some pay up, price goes up a bit, and then second crack, who wants some shortfall???

If you don't put that in context of where they are in their development I guess you will see what you want to see. I was caught by the SPP but other than that I have no complaints as I'm in for the long haul anyway. I can see why people who bought at the top of the last surge are worried with the drop, but medium to long term I believe anything under 3 will look seriously cheap.


06-12-2017, 04:41 PM
Sorry I dont need to, NTL are good at doing there own shafting, look back at most of there share price falls, they seem to mostly start like this- We are fully funded for now- blar blar, good news, good rise- hand out, goes down, some pay up, price goes up a bit, and then second crack, who wants some shortfall???

I am of the firm belief that NTL has taken that lesson on board and the hand out will be reaching for the gold in the mine and not into SH pockets.
Market some of those high quality samples we have been told about and the SP will be north of the 3 cents it last reached. For now I would say it is not going higher as cash is needed for Christmas.
Cheers to all NTL holders for the seasons.

06-12-2017, 05:18 PM
If you don't put that in context of where they are in their development I guess you will see what you want to see. I was caught by the SPP but other than that I have no complaints as I'm in for the long haul anyway. I can see why people who bought at the top of the last surge are worried with the drop, but medium to long term I believe anything under 3 will look seriously cheap.


So you only got caught once ? or about once a year?
I believe that under 3 looks cheep NOW and would have been v v cheep if the ntl team didnt fix it, dont need medium to long term, the issue is that the share price was shot down by a failed SPP after them saying they were ok for cash.
there is a high chance that 3c would have been long ago and we would be well above that by now with more cash in the bank.

I tock up all my SPP to support them and have since sold most of them off at a break even. I dont intend to buy any more NTL as I have to great % of my holdings in it already and have been in for the long haul and not about to jump the boat just before payday.

06-12-2017, 05:24 PM
I am of the firm belief that NTL has taken that lesson on board and the hand out will be reaching for the gold in the mine and not into SH pockets.
Market some of those high quality samples we have been told about and the SP will be north of the 3 cents it last reached. For now I would say it is not going higher as cash is needed for Christmas.
Cheers to all NTL holders for the seasons.

Thanks Digger, when you talk I tend to listen. Have a good break

06-12-2017, 06:14 PM
So you only got caught once ? or about once a year?
I believe that under 3 looks cheep NOW and would have been v v cheep if the ntl team didnt fix it, dont need medium to long term, the issue is that the share price was shot down by a failed SPP after them saying they were ok for cash.
there is a high chance that 3c would have been long ago and we would be well above that by now with more cash in the bank.

I tock up all my SPP to support them and have since sold most of them off at a break even. I dont intend to buy any more NTL as I have to great % of my holdings in it already and have been in for the long haul and not about to jump the boat just before payday.

I don't understand your strategy unless you had cashflow problems. You say you're not going to jump just before the payday in one breath and the one before it say you sold your SPP shares at breakeven, which sounds pretty much a contradiction to me.

Failed SPP? It did knock the SP to hell but put another 1.9 million in the bank which we will get the benefit of with the concentrators. If you are in for the long haul the SP today doesn't matter squat.

06-12-2017, 08:16 PM
I don't understand your strategy unless you had cashflow problems. You say you're not going to jump just before the payday in one breath and the one before it say you sold your SPP shares at breakeven, which sounds pretty much a contradiction to me.

Failed SPP? It did knock the SP to hell but put another 1.9 million in the bank which we will get the benefit of with the concentrators. If you are in for the long haul the SP today doesn't matter squat.

I had the holding that I was happy with, the SPP came, I supported it ( with a short to medium play this time) as I have many times before ( the news that followed turned it in to a short play) also when I sold, I was thinking/hoping that I would need that money and a lot more for my NTLO. the lack of expected news saw a end to that.

Low share price dose matter, 1 simple example is when a company wants to rase money it makes it easy with a good share price, less water.
I think that when I first got NTL shares there was a few hundred million shares now look how that has grown, they keep on adding water water water and promises into a leaky bucket.
I think that we are close to having a good share price (payday with the pebbles being close to the gate) and I would love to buy another house with my share in a few years, but I am not going to bet my current house on it.

06-12-2017, 08:59 PM
I had the holding that I was happy with, the SPP came, I supported it ( with a short to medium play this time) as I have many times before ( the news that followed turned it in to a short play) also when I sold, I was thinking/hoping that I would need that money and a lot more for my NTLO. the lack of expected news saw a end to that.

Low share price dose matter, 1 simple example is when a company wants to rase money it makes it easy with a good share price, less water.
I think that when I first got NTL shares there was a few hundred million shares now look how that has grown, they keep on adding water water water and promises into a leaky bucket.
I think that we are close to having a good share price (payday with the pebbles being close to the gate) and I would love to buy another house with my share in a few years, but I am not going to bet my current house on it.

Fair enough. Good to hear your perspective

12-12-2017, 09:06 AM
"A detailed update on progress at Talisman project areas is currently being finalised which will be released as part of the Half Yearly report to be released by the 14th December"
So very soon, hope it's a good one!

13-12-2017, 10:02 AM
"A detailed update on progress at Talisman project areas is currently being finalised which will be released as part of the Half Yearly report to be released by the 14th December"
So very soon, hope it's a good one!

Yes. Should be today or tomorrow. The updated prefeasibility report can't be far away either.

13-12-2017, 10:03 AM
1.9's just been wiped out, and there's more buyer than sellers now (ANZ Securities)

*edit - someone just added more at 1.9

13-12-2017, 03:50 PM
Half yearly.


13-12-2017, 04:14 PM
Half yearly.


Seems like a pretty positive announcement - not sure why the SP dropped

13-12-2017, 05:19 PM
Seems like a pretty positive announcement - not sure why the SP dropped

Its called "buy the rumour, sell the fact"

13-12-2017, 05:29 PM
Its called "buy the rumour, sell the fact"

Maybe so Blackcap, but there's lots of nice facts in the half yearly. Mine refurbishment so far under budget, Rahu drilling to commence first quarter next year, further prospecting at Taukani Hill....more JORC rerates to come

18-12-2017, 10:38 PM
5th December- board positive announcement, getting ready for extraction. Market yawns, shares unchanged at 1.8c.

13th December - reasonable to good half-yearly report. Market shrugs, shares 5 days later now down to 1.7c.

Could shareholders & watchers now be so wary and beaten by the last 6 months of the board's twists and turns as to not be willing to act on company announcements?
I'm still smarting from the total destruction of my November options which looked a likely win just months before. NTL still a good junior miner prospect, but I'm not surprised to see the share price languishing. It takes a while for the dog to come back after its whipped, lol.

19-12-2017, 06:20 AM
5th December- board positive announcement, getting ready for extraction. Market yawns, shares unchanged at 1.8c.

13th December - reasonable to good half-yearly report. Market shrugs, shares 5 days later now down to 1.7c.

Could shareholders & watchers now be so wary and beaten by the last 6 months of the board's twists and turns as to not be willing to act on company announcements?
I'm still smarting from the total destruction of my November options which looked a likely win just months before. NTL still a good junior miner prospect, but I'm not surprised to see the share price languishing. It takes a while for the dog to come back after its whipped, lol.

Yes Mbro mostly I agree with what you say,but I think you have underscored a few things. Firstly it is coming up to Christmas and while this Santa thing is all nice and rosey it has to be paid for. About a decade ago I read a report that surveyed just buying the 10 days before Christmas and selling end of January. This was the best strategy period to trade and required no other knowledge to make a profit. So for now I would say NTL has done well to not fall too much.

After the high quality grades announced some 4 months ago I posted about the percentage gains the SP would make once production starts. The birds in the bush tells us where to look but the bird in the hand is what will move the SP from here. I am not really excited about exploration drilling at Rahu. For now I believe it is just more birds in the bush and I would much prefer action solely along the lines of production and production development. Rahu can wait.

20-12-2017, 07:56 AM
Last few days have been doing the Waihi rail trail, amazing all the history of the Woodstock and Tailsman mines that is along that trail.
Nice easy 3 days of biking and staying in motels Paeroa and Waihi.

I was surprised at the sheer size of the infrastructure and scale of operations.
They even built Damns and used certain rivers just for the gold mining.

Quite a significant scale of destruction compared to todays boutique process of NTL.
A lot of gold must have come out of their to make it worth while.
NTL are in their now, going at targeted area's with high tech capability, I think its quite exciting to see what they can find.
Wandering around those mountains and gorges and going into a few tunnels and old mines, makes you think :)

Just how far away you could be from "The Motherload" :)

So just what are the shares worth if they do strike something significant Digger ?

20-12-2017, 08:44 AM
Ditto. I’ve spent a reasonable amount of time exploring around the old talisman mine workings and to be fair it’s a really awesome tourist attraction now, while I was there last time 3 buses of tourist we’re walking around. I explored the surrounding roads with the help of google maps to see how easy it was to find the NTL enterance, which wasn’t easy. However as soon as the trucks start bring out loads of ore, this will attract attention. For that reason I hope the large scale extraction is delayed until late Feb/early March, even though it we need the cashflow, we need the addition attention even less. Better to stockpile now and get busy in the autumn. We still need to see a processing agreement in place too. Once these two are ticked off, I can’t see any other barriers to the SP taking off.
What other issues does everyone else see ahead of NTL?

03-01-2018, 12:12 PM
Hopefully this will not be an AUful year, and that NTL can shows it has come of AGe.
Happy New Year to all NTL holders!! Excuse my poor attempts at humour :-)

03-01-2018, 02:51 PM
Ditto. I’ve spent a reasonable amount of time exploring around the old talisman mine workings and to be fair it’s a really awesome tourist attraction now, while I was there last time 3 buses of tourist we’re walking around. I explored the surrounding roads with the help of google maps to see how easy it was to find the NTL enterance, which wasn’t easy. However as soon as the trucks start bring out loads of ore, this will attract attention. For that reason I hope the large scale extraction is delayed until late Feb/early March, even though it we need the cashflow, we need the addition attention even less. Better to stockpile now and get busy in the autumn. We still need to see a processing agreement in place too. Once these two are ticked off, I can’t see any other barriers to the SP taking off.
What other issues does everyone else see ahead of NTL?

The flat earth gaia brigade are the biggest issues for me, continuously delaying progress because they don't like how the law was ruled against them.
Who knows what kind of nefarious schemes they got going on to try and delay progress? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

09-01-2018, 10:34 AM
At the risk of being called a ramper for posting here - what's going on with the SP? Almost like someone doesn't want it to go up, each time it hits .018 a sale goes through to put back to .017

10-01-2018, 08:19 AM
It's the usual small volume fluctuation for a small cap stock with no significant news releases. I suspect we won't see any serious movement prior to further news on the progress of the mine.

11-01-2018, 07:04 PM
Gold Fever!!!!!!:)

Sitting down at Waihi after a dozen Corona's and having done the Rail Trail, my confidence is super high in the mine.

This is all minor trades that don't really hold much water.

When Gold starts coming out of the mine as well as news, AND current shareholders keep their **** together and don't sell out.....

Then the news will spread and new buyers will jump in and the SPP will naturally rise.

I see value above 10c
And before 10 corona's over 5c

11-01-2018, 09:13 PM
"Sitting down at Waihi after a dozen Corona's" Wishing I was there!

11-01-2018, 09:23 PM
Me too. Cheers from London. Where tea and beer are served at more or less the same temperature.

12-01-2018, 09:52 AM
If I had a dozen corona I would no longer be sitting. :sleep:

12-01-2018, 10:39 AM
Currently sitting on the beach in raro :) cocktails galore :) thanks ntl I owe you one. Quietly accumulating again :)

13-01-2018, 01:56 PM
Happy New Year
One day NTL WILL be 5c - which is good. Then I will have made back everything I lost supporting the SPP, and lost betting on the November options! Let the work continue. :-)

Gold Fever!!!!!!

Sitting down at Waihi after a dozen Corona's and having done the Rail Trail, my confidence is super high in the mine.

This is all minor trades that don't really hold much water.

When Gold starts coming out of the mine as well as news, AND current shareholders keep their **** together and don't sell out.....

Then the news will spread and new buyers will jump in and the SPP will naturally rise.

I see value above 10c
And before 10 corona's over 5c

15-01-2018, 10:06 AM
Gold price sitting at $1337 USD at the moment. I was quite happy at $1250. Every increase is all extra profit for NTL as we head into extraction mode.

15-01-2018, 10:20 AM
Gold price sitting at $1337 USD at the moment. I was quite happy at $1250. Every increase is all extra profit for NTL as we head into extraction mode.

Yawn......wake me up when they make their first profit.

15-01-2018, 10:20 AM
1337 gold price. Lets have some 1337 news coming out in the next months to get some sp action going.

15-01-2018, 10:23 AM
Yawn......wake me up when they make their first profit.

Are you that keen to pay 10c? :p

15-01-2018, 10:31 AM
Are you that keen to pay 10c? :p

Always happy for you folk to make your money first......wish you well....just leave something for me when the first sniff of profitable extraction occurs. ;)

15-01-2018, 10:45 AM
Depending on your definition of "profitable extraction" that could be this month.

They are already at the ore face. There is also existing spoil to remove that they know contains good grades. The real action will come with the installation of the concentrators which hopefully will be in this quarter.

15-01-2018, 10:54 AM
And when they finally sort out who is going to process it!!?. Whats the prob here?
Kinda like going to the dentist and having an old filling removed, the cavity cleaned out and replaced with Gold. The dentist is a concentrator and the final cost is often higher then estimated:). I put off going as long as i can, ditto here too much risk of pain, financially for me personally.

15-01-2018, 11:04 AM
And when they finally sort out who is going to process it!!?. Whats the prob here?
Kinda like going to the dentist and having an old filling removed, the cavity cleaned out and replaced with Gold. The dentist is a concentrator and the final cost is often higher then estimated:). I put off going as long as i can, ditto here too much risk of pain, financially for me personally.

Do you seriously think they have a problem with finding a plant to buy/process high grade ore?

15-01-2018, 11:10 AM
Hopefully not - but an announcement that they have secure this would be good.

15-01-2018, 11:13 AM
It's just JT being disingenous. There has been no suggestion there is a problem with possible processors. Quite the opposite. They just want to choose the one most suitable and profitable

15-01-2018, 12:42 PM
Gold price sitting at $1337 USD at the moment. I was quite happy at $1250. Every increase is all extra profit for NTL as we head into extraction mode.

Although in NZD terms, doing OK, but not really going anywhere: https://gogold.co.nz/Pricing.php

(Still feeling pretty positive about this one, though).

15-01-2018, 04:25 PM
Someones keen, just took out 2mil at 1.8

15-01-2018, 04:37 PM
Just saw this posted over at hotcopper and wanted to share and see if the figures makes sense here. When ore starts coming out we'll some great traction in the sp this year -

"Hello Everybody,

I was just thinking about all the negative comments. Some numbers run through my head, so please tell me if my numbers make no sense.

So we have a really high grade mine, if they use the concentrator, I understood that they can easily get a 100 g/t out of the mine.

here are some of my calculations:

5000t / year

5000*100=500000/31,5 =15 873 oz * 1100 nzd (1800 nzd-700 nzd( all in cost ))= 17 460 300 nzd

10000t / year

=34 920 600

20000t / year

=69 841 200

and this is profit, so I dont get what is bad about these numbers, they will have a lot more money than now and can expand more rapidly than before.

I am not calling myself any expert, but this makes sense to me"

15-01-2018, 04:52 PM
Just saw this posted over at hotcopper and wanted to share and see if the figures makes sense here. When ore starts coming out we'll some great traction in the sp this year -

"Hello Everybody,

I was just thinking about all the negative comments. Some numbers run through my head, so please tell me if my numbers make no sense.

So we have a really high grade mine, if they use the concentrator, I understood that they can easily get a 100 g/t out of the mine.

here are some of my calculations:

5000t / year

5000*100=500000/31,5 =15 873 oz * 1100 nzd (1800 nzd-700 nzd( all in cost ))= 17 460 300 (tel:17 460 300) nzd

10000t / year

=34 920 600 (tel:34 920 600)

20000t / year

=69 841 200 (tel:69 841 200)

and this is profit, so I dont get what is bad about these numbers, they will have a lot more money than now and can expand more rapidly than before.

I am not calling myself any expert, but this makes sense to me"

Probably in the ball park. Don’t forget they can take out 20000 cubic meters / year which is about 50000 tonnes. So if you want to be really optimistic then your 70M$ is a tad pessimistic. The mine should be a profitable one. Time will tell how profitable. There may be a few fish hooks we are not aware of.

15-01-2018, 05:26 PM
So we have a really high grade mine, if they use the concentrator, I understood that they can easily get a 100 g/t out of the mine.

here are some of my calculations:

5000t / year

5000*100=500000/31,5 =15 873 oz * 1100 nzd (1800 nzd-700 nzd( all in cost ))= 17 460 300 nzd

10000t / year

=34 920 600

20000t / year

=69 841 200

and this is profit, so I dont get what is bad about these numbers, they will have a lot more money than now and can expand more rapidly than before.

Sounds about right to me. Even if the outputs are optimistic figures, since this is the first year and they might for god knows why focus on prospecting the other place, the pessimist in me says the lower bound of their extraction would be 2500t (concentrated) this year. That's still ~$17.5M (see above) / 2 = $8.7M in profits. At a market cap of $39M, that's a PE ratio of 39/8.7 = ~4.5. That's unheard of, considering the average PE for gold mines is about 22, and considering it's really pessimistic compared to everyone else.

Another way I looked at it; considering there is about ~470,000 oz (taken from half-year) with another possible 300k-600k oz (https://www.nzx.com/announcements/306728, 2nd paragraph), being harsh that's 600k oz of gold. At $1800/oz price and $700/oz cost, that's $660M of profits NTL is sitting on. Even if they didn't maximise production potential and took the entire 25 years to mine all that (which they won't), that's an average of $26.4M per year, or an average PE ~1.5.

Seems like the best PE ratio going forwards in the world, let alone NZX. I've been hoping that everyone selling at 1.8c just hasn't run the numbers, or plan to buy back right before it rockets up. They make me feel like I'm missing something REALLY REALLY obvious, and that either my FOMO or the sunk cost fallacy are going to do a Brutus to my savings.

Disc: all in NTL, bought in at an average of 2.45c. Did swap some for ATM earlier, but swapped back in a nick of time before that too dropped -.-

15-01-2018, 05:37 PM
Perhaps one thorn in the calcs is the estimated costs per tonne. While around $700/tonne might be right if they were trucking unconcentrated ore from the site, by the time you extract a larger amount of ore and then concentrate it, I expect the cost per trucked (concentrated) tonne will be higher. Either that, or I am tying myself in knots.

Edit: Another way or putting it. $700/tonne might be about right for trucked ore with 10g/tonne, but ore with 100g/tonne has a lot more pre-work done to achieve that (extracting a larger volume and concentrating).

15-01-2018, 05:41 PM
Perhaps one thorn in the calcs is the estimated costs per tonne. While around $700/tonne might be right if they were trucking unconcentrated ore from the site, by the time you extract a larger amount of ore and then concentrate it, I expect the cost per trucked (concentrated) tonne will be higher. Either that, or I am tying myself in knots.
Wouldn't that make the cost go down in that case?
More concentrated => fewer tons of ore need to be transported to get the same amount of gold => fewer trucks needed to transport the same amount of gold => transport cost per ounce goes down

15-01-2018, 05:49 PM
Wouldn't that make the cost go down in that case?
More concentrated => fewer tons of ore need to be transported to get the same amount of gold => fewer trucks needed to transport the same amount of gold => transport cost per ounce goes down

I am thinking out loud with this, but yes transport cost per ounce of gold retrieved is less. But I think the overall cost per tonne of concentrated ore containing 100g/tonne is higher as follows:

Normal ore total cost per tonne: Cost to extract one tonne. Plus cost to transport one tonne. Plus a share of the overheads.

Concentrated ore total cost for tonne: Cost to extract several tonnes (definitely a higher cost), Plus concentration costs (extra cost). Plus cost to transport one tonne (same). Plus a share of overheads (maybe higher per tonne, not sure?)

15-01-2018, 06:26 PM
I am thinking out loud with this, but yes transport cost per ounce of gold retrieved is less. But I think the overall cost per tonne of concentrated ore containing 100g/tonne is higher as follows:

Normal ore total cost per tonne: Cost to extract one tonne. Plus cost to transport one tonne. Plus a share of the overheads.

Concentrated ore total cost for tonne: Cost to extract several tonnes (definitely a higher cost), Plus concentration costs (extra cost). Plus cost to transport one tonne (same). Plus a share of overheads (maybe higher per tonne, not sure?)

Oh, that makes sense. I'm new to mining industries, so I don't know whether the savings in transport and final refinery costs (less ore / oz = less cost / oz to refine I guess) are enough to cancel out the expense of running the concentrator. At a guess of +/-$100/tonne, assuming $700 would be the cost without a concentratior, gives a +/- to my profit estimates of 9%.

Still a happy camper either way.

31-01-2018, 04:11 PM
Quarterly report was released just over half an hour ago:


Nothing exciting to me. They did state the 2013 prefeasibility study (using dated concentrations, might I add) providing an EPS of 0.165. An attractive figure, and higher ore concentrations and the acquisition of ore concentrators indicate that it's an under-estimate. Cash in the bank is enough for at least 2 years, but by that time gold will be coming out and cash flows will be the last of our worries.

Seems like everyone must be impatient: ~3.5M sold at 1.6c after the report was released, taking out a large chunk of the bidders. Someone read it very quickly considering 900k was sold 1 minute before the NZX release :eek2:.

01-02-2018, 09:33 AM
Quarterly report was released just over half an hour ago:


Nothing exciting to me. They did state the 2013 prefeasibility study (using dated concentrations, might I add) providing an EPS of 0.165. An attractive figure, and higher ore concentrations and the acquisition of ore concentrators indicate that it's an under-estimate. Cash in the bank is enough for at least 2 years, but by that time gold will be coming out and cash flows will be the last of our worries.

Seems like everyone must be impatient: ~3.5M sold at 1.6c after the report was released, taking out a large chunk of the bidders. Someone read it very quickly considering 900k was sold 1 minute before the NZX release :eek2:.

Also - Rahu JV drilling results confirm nothing significant. Drilling deeper within next quarter might throw up some curveballs if they do manage to find a sizeable reserve.

01-02-2018, 10:11 AM
I wasn't expecting anything spectacular from this quarterly. That will come with the updated prefeasibility study, the grade results and the concentrator installation. Still, good progress being made on budget.

I like the bit about the gold bearing ore being stock piled. Instant cashflow once they decide on how they want to treat/sell it :t_up:

09-02-2018, 10:20 AM
Just had the rest of my order filled at 1.4. Can't believe my luck.

09-02-2018, 10:32 AM
Just had the rest of my order filled at 1.4. Can't believe my luck.
I feel like topping up too, but I might wait until next week in case it drops again.

09-02-2018, 10:34 AM
Just had the rest of my order filled at 1.4. Can't believe my luck.

We need some good news soon or this will tank

09-02-2018, 11:18 AM
Currently trying to move some money around to top up, this is getting back to levels before resource upgrades.

09-02-2018, 11:27 AM
Currently trying to move some money around to top up, this is getting back to levels before resource upgrades.

It jumped from 0.7 on the original announce, a way to go.

09-02-2018, 01:02 PM
Sorry was referring to the further upgrades after the initial bump in sp

10-02-2018, 10:31 AM
Just had the rest of my order filled at 1.4. Can't believe my luck.

hey snap, nice work Jonu !!!

27-02-2018, 09:18 AM
Cmon guys we need the signed offtake refining agreement or the installation of the concentrator! There must be a good pile of ore ready to send out.

28-02-2018, 07:15 AM
You must remember how NZ works, we have 4 weeks over Christmas where nothing happens, workers and tradesman literally disappear, this isn't the United States.
Then you have a whole bunch of public holidays and Easter, NZ gets off to a very slow productivity start each year.
My development projects in property certainly work that way.

These things do take time unfortunately and I wouldn't be expecting good new of what they are accomplishing for quite a few months.

28-02-2018, 09:33 AM
Despite earlier telling myself I had enough I couldn't help it yesterday and topped up with another 150k shares @ 1.5.

I agree that productivity in NZ between mid-December and January is non existant. Still, it can't be long now for some of the results and decisions about concentrators and processors.

28-02-2018, 10:29 AM
Despite earlier telling myself I had enough I couldn't help it yesterday and topped up with another 150k shares @ 1.5.

I agree that productivity in NZ between mid-December and January is non existant. Still, it can't be long now for some of the results and decisions about concentrators and processors.

Is it alright to ask the total holdings of shares with NTL all you posters have?
1,000s / 10,000s / 100,000s / 1,000,000s / 10,000,000s?

28-02-2018, 10:45 AM
Is it alright to ask the total holdings of shares with NTL all you posters have?
1,000s / 10,000s / 100,000s / 1,000,000s / 10,000,000s?

I'm in that last bracket. What about you Stumpy?

28-02-2018, 11:05 AM
I'm in that last bracket. What about you Stumpy?

I'm in that second to last bracket, hopeful to get into that last one very soon.

28-02-2018, 11:09 AM
More importantly whats your average entry price per share guys? Some smart cookies got in at re $0.005 cents or 002 or? Much greater risk averaging in now, just hope a processor for the ore is sorted soon, why is it taking so long? Not holding.

28-02-2018, 11:14 AM
I'm in 2nd to last as well. Hoping for some good news soon

I averaged in at .012 and sold at .025 - .029 and got back in at .02 so I am still up.

28-02-2018, 06:57 PM
2nd to last also

28-02-2018, 07:02 PM
2nd to last, average 0.006. Slowly dragging that up...

28-02-2018, 07:20 PM
Second to last bracket... but almost the last...! Average under 1c

28-02-2018, 08:33 PM
Second to last at a average of 1.03. Will not be buying any more as this is still a bit of a punt. It seems to be a very promising investment but the unexpected can happen. I hope all of us risk takers do very well out of it. I look forward to a Porsche or a Tesla Roadster sitting in my garage.

28-02-2018, 10:26 PM
Well ,last or second to last is usually the bottom end , but i asume you mean the top end. :cool: As for me , i bought at .006 and sold 3/4 at .027 , started off with 2mil now have 500k . Buying E road at the mo. Im not really sure where this is going.......
Had a great cycle ride through the tunnel last week . Awesome place

Paint it Black
01-03-2018, 07:38 PM
Well ,last or second to last is usually the bottom end , but i asume you mean the top end. :cool: As for me , i bought at .006 and sold 3/4 at .027 , started off with 2mil now have 500k . Buying E road at the mo. Im not really sure where this is going.......
Had a great cycle ride through the tunnel last week . Awesome place

Yes must do that cycle ride as well on the E Bike - a great way to move around - went from Ngaruawahia to Hamilton and back along the River Trail last Saturday very easily and enjoyed the scenery as well as the cricket on Sunday. Put me in the last bracket patiently waiting for breaking news! Averaging 0.009 having been accumulating from the Heritage Gold days.

02-03-2018, 09:39 AM
Well ,last or second to last is usually the bottom end , but i asume you mean the top end. :cool: As for me , i bought at .006 and sold 3/4 at .027 , started off with 2mil now have 500k . Buying E road at the mo. Im not really sure where this is going.......
Had a great cycle ride through the tunnel last week . Awesome place

Great strategy Yoda, 450% up , then take most of the money off the table and leave the rest free carried. Your risk has been minimalised. Hereon the risk is to the upside until/if they execute extraction and processing successfully and there is no certainty there. Being free carried like Yoda and anyone else is the smart play imo but depends on your own risk/reward situ. Make money dont lose it( like i just have with "safe" CBL:(

02-03-2018, 12:03 PM
Great strategy Yoda, 450% up , then take most of the money off the table and leave the rest free carried. Your risk has been minimalised. Hereon the risk is to the upside until/if they execute extraction and processing successfully and there is no certainty there. Being free carried like Yoda and anyone else is the smart play imo but depends on your own risk/reward situ. Make money dont lose it( like i just have with "safe" CBL:(

A few years back I did this a few times by flipping on ASX markets with HGD/NTL & EKM/GOR.
Bought a large chunk in the morning, by afternoon SP went up, sold them later in the afternoon, made a few thousand $NZD in a couple of hours.... :cool:

07-03-2018, 09:51 PM
A few years back I did this a few times by flipping on ASX markets with HGD/NTL & EKM/GOR.
Bought a large chunk in the morning, by afternoon SP went up, sold them later in the afternoon, made a few thousand $NZD in a couple of hours.... :cool:
did the same with PIL a few weeks ago , up 80% in an hour '!
best not to be greedy though or might loose heaps .
i wonder if this will go to 0.013 tomorrow.........

09-03-2018, 04:40 PM
Oz going off this afternoon with a late flurry of buying. Both exchanges now 1.5. Makes NZ lookcheap

09-03-2018, 04:46 PM
Oz going off this afternoon with a late flurry of buying. Both exchanges now 1.5. Makes NZ lookcheap

What you should really be doing is selling your shares in Australia and buying them back in NZ. Voila instant profit!!

09-03-2018, 04:50 PM
What you should really be doing is selling your shares in Australia and buying them back in NZ. Voila instant profit!!

Trouble is mine are held on the NZX

09-03-2018, 04:57 PM
Trouble is mine are held on the NZX

Why don't you shunt them to the ASX? Your broker can do that for you. Fill in a form or however they do it these days and you can have them transferred to the ASX.

09-03-2018, 05:37 PM
What you should really be doing is selling your shares in Australia and buying them back in NZ. Voila instant profit!!

Never enough liquidity for that

Interesting bit of traffic today though...

09-03-2018, 05:57 PM
well actually not that interesting...looking at the depth it appears one person has bought a fair chunnk on the ASX and the NZX has done some old fashioned copying what the Aussies do in the last few minutes before NZx market close

17-03-2018, 08:59 AM
Promised update by the first Q of 2018. Less than 2 weeks

18-03-2018, 11:26 AM
Excellent news.

19-03-2018, 09:29 AM
Promised update by the first Q of 2018. Less than 2 weeks

Where was that promise made?

19-03-2018, 12:12 PM
Had a peak today

Where on earth has that massive block of sellers gone ?????????

Is something going on that we don't know about.

Looks like some people could possibly be in the know ?

19-03-2018, 05:35 PM
Had a peak today

Where on earth has that massive block of sellers gone ?????????

Is something going on that we don't know about.

Looks like some people could possibly be in the know ?
Quite possible that they just realized it won't get sold at this rate and decided to wait for an announcement, or their orders expired.

The shares will become more liquid when the gold starts pouring out of the mine and into our pockets. The price will beat the 3.1c historical high shortly after that anyway.