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22-09-2017, 09:38 AM
So the SP this morning should move north and the SPP looks a bit more attractive?

Looks like a second bite at the cherry on the SPP, if you've only applied for say $10k SPP can you get the extra $5k today or that's it no second chance to top up on the SPP?

22-09-2017, 09:40 AM
So the SP this morning should move north and the SPP looks a bit more attractive?

Looks like a second bite at the cherry on the SPP, if you've only applied for say $10k SPP can you get the extra $5k today or that's it no second chance to top up on the SPP?

I dont see any reason why not as long as it is in by due date etc.

22-09-2017, 09:53 AM
Yep that's right but what if you've filled in the form and posted it, will ntl send out another form? But will be too late by then.

22-09-2017, 09:55 AM
Sorry if this question has been asked, but am I able to partake in the SPP if I had NTL shares prior to the SPP announcement, but sold them on-market before the SPP close date (today). Needed to free up some cash so made a slightly hasty decision to sell.

I can scan and email the form no worries, but would it matter if the bank deposit doesn't arrive today? Also, the form at http://www.newtalismangoldmines.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/SPP-Offer-Clarification-and-Form.pdf says "Australia" on it - would this work for NZ? I'm stuck at work without my forms and don't have time to get home and pick them up.

22-09-2017, 09:55 AM
You didnt make a copy?

22-09-2017, 09:56 AM
So Rahu was what it was all about. The concentrator from what M Hill told me will cost about less than 400 thousand dollars. we may need say three if all works well using a little more than one million. The rest to buy other developments and Rahu.
Buying Rahu to me is like a farmer buying his neahbour. That usually is successful as the cost on means of production is spread over more production. Positive.
Now all we need to make it a great day is for National to have tomorrow a celebration day. Otherwise it is a green govt with labor in toe.

22-09-2017, 09:58 AM
Sorry if this question has been asked, but am I able to partake in the SPP if I had NTL shares prior to the SPP announcement, but sold them on-market before the SPP close date (today). Needed to free up some cash so made a slightly hasty decision to sell.

I can scan and email the form no worries, but would it matter if the bank deposit doesn't arrive today? Also, the form at http://www.newtalismangoldmines.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/SPP-Offer-Clarification-and-Form.pdf says "Australia" on it - would this work for NZ? I'm stuck at work without my forms and don't have time to get home and pick them up.

If you sold before the 25th August I think you would be ineligible as those who were registered on that date are only applicable.

22-09-2017, 10:02 AM
interesting timing on the newcrest announcement existing shareholders who now want to take up the SPP will not have any time to sell their existing holdings to fund their SPP purchase!

22-09-2017, 10:02 AM
Yep that's right but what if you've filled in the form and posted it, will ntl send out another form? But will be too late by then.

Stuff posting anything. Just send in the extra money and an email confirming. Once they have the money it will all get sorted. You could miss out if you mail at this very late stage. If you still want to mail get it registred and then if today you have some backup. But complicated better to email.

22-09-2017, 10:06 AM
Sorry should clarify I sold only about a week ago (so held before 25th August for over a year).

I presume that makes me eligible?

22-09-2017, 10:09 AM
Sorry should clarify I sold only about a week ago (so held before 25th August for over a year).

I presume that makes me eligible?
Yep I think you are in.

22-09-2017, 10:22 AM
You are 100% in, lucky to get a second bite eh!

OK after todays announcement and the positivity here and hotcopper have gone the full whack and gone balls in 15k. Barring a cataclysm before close of business today will transfer the full amount of the SPP and will fully support it.

Good luck to all in the SPP, and here's to NTL becoming one of the stars in the gold mining world.

22-09-2017, 10:43 AM
Yep I think you are in.


You wouldn't happen to know if this form http://www.newtalismangoldmines.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/SPP-Offer-Clarification-and-Form.pdf will be accepted for a NZ shareholder as well?

Otherwise I need to do a mad dash across town in my lunch break to get the form I received in the post.

Would Computershare be able to confirm this if I called them up?

Thanks for your help :)

22-09-2017, 11:11 AM
Sam, Phone them, from what I understand they will take a scaned form and a D Dep into their bank acc, let us know how they reply, GLuck

22-09-2017, 12:02 PM
Hell they took a bad photo of my form and I got the acceptance email today

22-09-2017, 12:06 PM
All eligable holders were sent personlised forms sent which had to be used.

22-09-2017, 12:46 PM
ASX has jumped to 2.1 - hang on for the ride

22-09-2017, 01:24 PM
ASX has jumped to 2.1 - hang on for the ride

Today's announcement has helped the SP.

A lot still depending on NZ elections and dilution effect/success of current fundraise. Going to be very interesting next week. Good luck to Holders.

Disc - not holding

22-09-2017, 01:51 PM
A quick question for all of you to ponder regarding Rahu.
Why give up the rights to it to Newcrest only to take it back from them some years later?


22-09-2017, 02:52 PM
A quick question for all of you to ponder regarding Rahu.
Why give up the rights to it to Newcrest only to take it back from them some years later?


They touched on it at the AGM. From memory it was becuase at the time they did not have the resources or cash to progress Rahu (so 20% of something was better than nothing). But now with the progress at Talisman and SPP funding they think it is worth the time and $$$

22-09-2017, 02:56 PM
They touched on it at the AGM. From memory it was becuase at the time they did not have the resources or cash to progress Rahu (so 20% of something was better than nothing). But now with the progress at Talisman and SPP funding they think it is worth the time and $$$

Cashflow issues sounds about right.

Bummed I missed the AGM, I would really have liked to meet some ST people face to face. :)

22-09-2017, 03:30 PM
Cashflow issues sounds about right.

Bummed I missed the AGM, I would really have liked to meet some ST people face to face. :)

Yes it was invaluable taking a day trip from Wgtn and look the management in the eye when they answer questions

22-09-2017, 04:26 PM
Oh well - will this be the end of the 2.2c cap?

22-09-2017, 05:19 PM
With the Rahu announcement I am more confident the SPP will be successful. Perhaps indeed NTL has investors lined up to take up any shortfall. I doubt they would have spent money on Rahu and let the bulk sampling suffer. Positive move as long as they don't stretch themselves financially.

22-09-2017, 05:21 PM
And Im in. Scanned form to CS today, $$$ sent. Lets see if we all get pro rata or full allotment.

Upcoming announcements:
SPP $ raised
How many concerntrators will be purchased
How much did Rahu cost
3rd resource estimate(I think they said Nov)
From there, more and more good news - I hope

Paint it Black
22-09-2017, 06:20 PM
And Im in. Scanned form to CS today, $$$ sent. Lets see if we all get pro rata or full allotment.

Upcoming announcements:
SPP $ raised
How many concerntrators will be purchased
How much did Rahu cost
3rd resource estimate(I think they said Nov)
From there, more and more good news - I hope

Never a dull moment with NTL I'm also in with 15K and probably the options in November. A big evening coming up tomorrow!

24-09-2017, 10:46 AM
Well we have a free licence to dig for 3 years under a National govt. provided they don't go to bed with the Greens. Therefore the SPP becomes important as to be able to buy 3 Concentrators, the extra for Rahu, would make great use of the time. I too looked into the eyes of the Directors and decided to go in at $ 15k

24-09-2017, 11:01 AM
Rahu. I'm trying to learn more. As I understand, nothing has tested above 2 gms/tonne so far. The reef there is an extension of very rich Talisman reef.

"31 drill holes, totalling 4585 metres, have been completed into this structure and have intersected highly anomalous Au and Ag values with some high-grade gold and silver intercepts ] ......{, the sites which have been targeted by Newcrest for drilling will be finalized and applications made to commence drilling at Rahu as soon as possible. Resource estimation carried out based on these results has determined a JORC 2012 compliant resource of 41,590 oz. gold and 258,400 oz. silver in the indicated and inferred categories. Exploration Targets have been estimated at 14 million tonnes ranging between 0.5g/t and 2.0g/t Au for between 225,000 oz. and 902,000 oz. gold.
I wonder why Newcrest would sell out, after they have done this drilling. I'm comfortable directors will have good reasons, but anyone got ideas or know more about Rahu? To me 2 gms/tonne not viable underground mining, & Newcrest would keep in if they thought 20 gms/tonne was in there somewhere.

24-09-2017, 03:21 PM
Greens in desperate survival mode, they will not be thinking at all about trying to shut down any pre existing mining approvals that are environmentally friendly.
Election is a success for NTL.

Best case- Nats and Winny
Worst case - Labour and Winny and Greens with hardly any say about anthing.

Game on for SP now !!!!

24-09-2017, 06:37 PM
Mbro I remember M Hill saying to me once that Newcrest were drilling in all the wrong places. Naturally if you know where the right place is then go for it . Note Newcrest drills are not waisted as they add to the info of the area.
Will be interesting to see what NTL pays for the 80%.Will have to be a discount on the drill costs to Newcrest.
Should hear this week how the SPP went.

24-09-2017, 06:51 PM
Greens in desperate survival mode, they will not be thinking at all about trying to shut down any pre existing mining approvals that are environmentally friendly.
Election is a success for NTL.

Best case- Nats and Winny
Worst case - Labour and Winny and Greens with hardly any say about anthing.

Game on for SP now !!!!

Yes a good result. Even if Winston goes with Labour the greens are going to have little say, and they'll focus on climate change and water rather than try and target the 40 odd Companies mining responsibly on DOC land.
If the SPP is successful then these two now positive facets should see the share price climb a bit.

25-09-2017, 12:08 PM
I have been watching election closely.
One thing, is that Winston is not bothered at all about losing Northland to national.
I think he knew he most likely would anyway, as by elections are not a true test.
He smiled and had a little chuckle about losing it.

He is playing hard ball with nats, waiting on specials to confirm that left block has a stronger position of 63 versus 61, and then he can bargain harder with national.

He will have a very long list of demands, as this is his last hurrah.
In his own words, he will not waste this opportunity.
My words - to screw the maximum he can for himself !!!
But at end of the day, he wont want to be a pedestal for Jacinda Taxinda Stardust, a 3rd wheel to an Axis of Evil.
He will want to be the main man, deputy prime minister, a very big tail wagging and leading the dog.

Have been watching the Greens very closely when being asked about National.
Shaw has a look of shock and astonishment when anyone mentions working with National.
Almost as if he has never even considered it.
I am very certain he would not do it, as he campaigned on a change of government and staying with labour.
He is a man of his word.

Their is about a 1% chance if things went very bad with Winston's negotiations.
So Winny had better not push his luck too far, as that could force Nats and Green's to do an unholy alliance to defeat the greater evil.

25-09-2017, 12:28 PM
Hey what about winny or the greens do nothing. They are not compelled to and they can always say the people have spoken. You wanted MMP and now you have it.

A no majority govt. A product of MMP

26-09-2017, 12:27 PM
Can't be long until an announcement regarding the uptake of the SPP

26-09-2017, 02:42 PM
Lets hope they have already put in the purchase order for the concerntrators

26-09-2017, 03:32 PM
Any idea if they are getting these from Germany or China? And what timeframe we looking at before they're operational?

26-09-2017, 03:34 PM
Any idea if they are getting these from Germany or China? And what timeframe we looking at before they're operational?

They were asked this at the AGM but were still looking at their options

26-09-2017, 03:36 PM
Any idea if they are getting these from Germany or China? And what timeframe we looking at before they're operational?

I thought I was told it was Canadian.

26-09-2017, 04:05 PM
Yay price dipped back to 2.2c
Got another $25,000

I will be a major shareholder soon, just cant help myself.

This and my new venture to buy 10 houses for $600,000NZ next year with 20% return :)

26-09-2017, 04:48 PM
Yay price dipped back to 2.2c
Got another $25,000

I will be a major shareholder soon, just cant help myself.

This and my new venture to buy 10 houses for $600,000NZ next year with 20% return :)

Your a brave man - brought a few properties myself over the last 18 months, be interesting to see what investment opportunities lie in the next 12

26-09-2017, 05:38 PM
Yay price dipped back to 2.2c
Got another $25,000

You are sounding like the couta1 of the goldies ...

Disc: My wee $3500 initial investment was pushing the boat out for me ....

26-09-2017, 07:32 PM
Hey Blue, you can buy a place for me in ChCh, and I can rent it from you - cant say I will be able to pay you 20% though :-)

26-09-2017, 07:33 PM
Yay price dipped back to 2.2c
Got another $25,000

I will be a major shareholder soon, just cant help myself.

This and my new venture to buy 10 houses for $600,000NZ next year with 20% return :)

I mean no offence by this but; your posts here and on HC read a lot like someone attempting to drive the SP up by influencing the buying and selling behaviour of people on this forum. Indeed the volumes are so small that it's entirely possible that this stock is being pushed and pulled almost entirely be people like yourself (for example ANZ will let me day trade $60k of stock if I want to, that's more than enough to move the needle in a big way on this stock).

Fundamentals aside, if Labour/NZ FirstGreens drop a bomb and form a coalition and the SPP is unimpressive, this stock, short term is going to hurt. Even more so if it turns out the Rahu is a lemon. None of or some of these things could foreseeable happen and the company could have much more up it's sleeve but it's all an odds weighted gamble.

I've been in and out multiple times now, and had I held a little longer in places and had I sold (the morning of the SPP announcement comes to mind) a little sooner I would have a few more $$ in the bank. But I've done pretty well overall.

If in fact you do have the millions of shares you profess to have, bear in the mind that your recent accumulation pales in book value compared to those who got in at the 0.5-0.7 mark before this all got a bit out of control. Many of us, myself included, could watch our gains run away heartbroken, but it will take some hefty moves to end up in the red.

From one trader to another. Be careful out there.

26-09-2017, 08:36 PM
Yay price dipped back to 2.2c
Got another $25,000

I will be a major shareholder soon, just cant help myself.

This and my new venture to buy 10 houses for $600,000NZ next year with 20% return :)

And this is why I support a capital gains tax.

26-09-2017, 09:29 PM
Yay price dipped back to 2.2c
Got another $25,000

I will be a major shareholder soon, just cant help myself.

This and my new venture to buy 10 houses for $600,000NZ next year with 20% return :)

I think there will be plenty more chances to pick up more at that price or less in the coming weeks.
I'm not too worried about a Labour led government having any short to mid term impact on NTL, but it will have a negative sentiment affect. And I think the SPP is going to disappoint some, even though it may still be a good outcome consideing how poorly it was timed. I think there'll be a 1 in front of the share price soon and time to top up then.

26-09-2017, 10:31 PM
My guess is that there will be a 3 in front of it by years end and there will be no chance of picking up any under 2 cents.

27-09-2017, 06:28 AM
My guess is that there will be a 3 in front of it by years end and there will be no chance of picking up any under 2 cents.

Brain, I'll be a very happy man if you're right.
There could be a good announcement in Dec with further JORC upgrades so it's very possible. There's 2 or 3 months to go before then I don't expect this to be a one way ride.

27-09-2017, 07:02 AM

Fundamentals aside, if Labour/NZ FirstGreens drop a bomb and form a coalition and the SPP is unimpressive,.

Its not even a bomb anymore according to the markets (www.betfair.com) with National now at 1.45 and Labour at 3.20 to provide the next PM. On monday morning it was Nats at 1.08 and Labour at 12.00. So the market is changing its mind on this.

27-09-2017, 08:11 AM
My guess is that there will be a 3 in front of it by years end and there will be no chance of picking up any under 2 cents.

I agree but I think you are underselling the 3, more likely closer 4.5 to 5.5

27-09-2017, 08:16 AM
And this is why I support a capital gains tax.

I agree, I think a capital gains tax would be great, especially since I never intend to sell my rentals but pass them on to my children, and because I already pay 50% tax on flipping houses (33% income tax, 15% GST)

And if you say capital gains tax each year on the unrealised gains, then we already pay that, its called rates and it pays for a huge amount of services that non home owners use.

As a property investor and trader I fully support a comprehensive tax to fully catch all the dodgy people who aren't paying it.

27-09-2017, 09:48 AM
My guess is that there will be a 3 in front of it by years end and there will be no chance of picking up any under 2 cents.

Surely you don't mean 31 / 32 cents??? :eek2:

I'm gobsmacked........ haha

27-09-2017, 08:15 PM
This made me think of NTL when it arrived today: from someone in US gold that I follow. Saying world gold production has plateaued, & therefore:

"All of those cutbacks during the lean years are taking a heavy toll. Capital investment is at an unsustainable level. A whole lot more is needed, unless the major miners want to put themselves out of business.
From this we can draw a few conclusions.
First, major miners are going to start having to buy quality deposits at a much faster rate. We've seen some acquisitions already this year, but we will see more.
Second, quality deposits with robust economics are going to enjoy a premium in the market.
There is no way around it. Gold producers cannot possibly push through development of projects fast enough to replace dropping production and capitalize on rising prices.
They will have to pay a premium for smaller projects that are close to production to small miners that have made it through the lean years.
Meanwhile, with gold prices above $1,200, we’ll continue to see junior miners' shares appreciate in value as their projects progress. The major miners will only have to pay more the longer they wait."
Credit to http://www.outsiderclub.com/editors/adam-english

27-09-2017, 08:31 PM
This made me think of NTL when it arrived today: from someone in US gold that I follow. Saying world gold production has plateaued, & therefore:

"All of those cutbacks during the lean years are taking a heavy toll. Capital investment is at an unsustainable level. A whole lot more is needed, unless the major miners want to put themselves out of business.
From this we can draw a few conclusions.
First, major miners are going to start having to buy quality deposits at a much faster rate. We've seen some acquisitions already this year, but we will see more.
Second, quality deposits with robust economics are going to enjoy a premium in the market.
There is no way around it. Gold producers cannot possibly push through development of projects fast enough to replace dropping production and capitalize on rising prices.
They will have to pay a premium for smaller projects that are close to production to small miners that have made it through the lean years.
Meanwhile, with gold prices above $1,200, we’ll continue to see junior miners' shares appreciate in value as their projects progress. The major miners will only have to pay more the longer they wait."
Credit to http://www.outsiderclub.com/editors/adam-english

Very interesting Mbro. And yes, a direct correlation to NTL.

29-09-2017, 10:21 AM
One week on and all quite on the western front. Getting a bit impatient.

29-09-2017, 10:36 AM
One week on and all quite on the western front. Getting a bit impatient.

My pick is 5.15 today. that will give us the weekend to consider the situation.

29-09-2017, 11:02 AM
It would be great to have some certainty. I recall you Digger in the days of NOG/NZO and PRC as being quite knowledgeable and usually right on the button. Although you couldn't foretell the disaster. No more of that.=, I hope

29-09-2017, 11:49 AM
I for one though the SP would be north of this now. There's been a few good new items come out and the SPP finished. Must be the uncertainty of the Election, however either way it goes the Greens are effectively nullified. Its good to see Winnie not holding the country to ransom...(what's that I hear you say?)

29-09-2017, 12:29 PM
My pick is 5.15 today. that will give us the weekend to consider the situation.

I will go with 3:30 - 4:30pm

29-09-2017, 02:56 PM
I'm wondering whether they have used the shortfall mechanism to bring Newcrest on board as part of the Rahu deal.

29-09-2017, 05:02 PM
ASX now at 2.1

29-09-2017, 05:34 PM
ASX now at 2.1

so what is the sudden movement since 4 pm nz time. Somebody know something---makes you wonder

29-09-2017, 06:18 PM
Boo. Was hoping to have some results to mull over this weekend...

29-09-2017, 06:20 PM
Also, the Sharetrader clock needs to be wound forward an hour for daylight saving... it's 20 past 6, not 5.

Paint it Black
29-09-2017, 06:23 PM
Boo. Was hoping to have some results to mull over this weekend...

79 million shares purchased in the SPP = $1.7 million which is a good result to buy a concentrator or two. the Australian market is responding in the right direction.

29-09-2017, 06:23 PM
Announcement coming at 6.30 on the ASX

29-09-2017, 06:23 PM
Ooo, some sort of announcement coming through on Hot copper...not price sensitive. Seems like things are timed for the ASX these days.

29-09-2017, 06:41 PM
79 million shares purchased in the SPP = $1.7 million which is a good result to buy a concentrator or two. the Australian market is responding in the right direction.

I don't see any trades since the announcement was made on the ASX unless I'm missing something. 1.7 million is a fair result all things considered and close to what I expected. Let's see where to from here!

29-09-2017, 06:47 PM
Neither. Is your market data delayed 20mins? Or no?

29-09-2017, 07:22 PM
Neither. Is your market data delayed 20mins? Or no?

Yes 20 min.
Market closed now and I didn't see any trading after the announcement except an XT trade after close...?

29-09-2017, 07:50 PM
Same. I guess a lot of NTL "enthusiasts" have dropped $15K recently on shares at a similar price to today's.

30-09-2017, 09:01 AM
Blink and you miss it. Seems like NTL sneaked out a news release after close on the ASX. IMHO it's never a good look in business or politics for a 'news' release to be issued this late on a Friday afternoon. You've got to wonder, 'what are they hiding?'

Has NTL has raised a mere $NZ1.7 mill in its recent cap raise? How long will this last before they are back looking for more contributions?

30-09-2017, 09:42 AM
Blink and you miss it. Seems like NTL sneaked out a news release after close on the ASX. IMHO it's never a good look in business or politics for a 'news' release to be issued this late on a Friday afternoon. You've got to wonder, 'what are they hiding?'

Has as NTL has raised a mere $NZ1.7 mill in its recent cap raise? How long will this last before they are back looking for more contributions?

Presumably they will be announcing to the NZX Monday morning so not so hidden really.

1.7 million should cover the basics of what they wanted to do and they still have the funds coming from the November options which are in the money.

30-09-2017, 10:19 AM
All things considered 1.7M$ raised is a success. The elephant in the room is now the Rahu deal. I guess this will be a multimillion cost but I am sure they have investors lined up to take up the shortfall.

onwards and upwards

Paint it Black
30-09-2017, 05:32 PM
All things considered 1.7M$ raised is a success. The elephant in the room is now the Rahu deal. I guess this will be a multimillion cost but I am sure they have investors lined up to take up the shortfall.

onwards and upwards

Agree - maybe Newcrest will buy in at 2.2c? The options should also help together with Win doing the right thing in 2 weeks time.

30-09-2017, 08:37 PM
Agree - maybe Newcrest will buy in at 2.2c? The options should also help together with Win doing the right thing in 2 weeks time.

I have the idea outcome. A bit out of the way but in the long run good for everyone not just NTL.
Labor gets in behind WINNY . He becomes the PM with J Arden the 2IC . This would be great for J Arden as she is tooooo young to take on the role. Three years experience in Govt and she can have it next time. The greens will be useful in confidence and supply otherwise they can be the door matt.

30-09-2017, 08:38 PM
Yes I think you are right about Newcrest. Hill's comment about appreciating Newcrest "completing the transaction in a short space of time" is the clue and I am sure this arrangement would suite Newcrest. As a shareholder I am OK with it as well. The sooner NTL get gold out of this mine the better.

30-09-2017, 10:37 PM
Yes I think you are right about Newcrest. Hill's comment about appreciating Newcrest "completing the transaction in a short space of time" is the clue and I am sure this arrangement would suite Newcrest. As a shareholder I am OK with it as well. The sooner NTL get gold out of this mine the better.
It's certainly possible and would be a good way for Newcrest to expand. Unless they think Rahu is a dog and simply wanted out, which is equally possible.
I don't think NTL should shift their focus to Rahu unless they have plenty of cash, which they don't yet. So let's get the stuff out we know is there already and Rahu can come later, IMO.

02-10-2017, 06:44 PM
Just highlighting the 8% paper profit for people who participated in the SPP

This is based on NTL at 2.3 cents and NTLOB at .04 cents currently

Not too bad at this stage

02-10-2017, 09:52 PM
Options at 0.4c for redemption at 2 1/2 times current price, in a penny gold miner, about one hundred years in the future, are a very gold bug type of investment :-). I'm not knocking it. I now own a whole bunch of them myself! Let's see how it pans out ( good pun?) in three years, I'm seeing 10c or 0.1c!

03-10-2017, 07:44 AM
Just highlighting the 8% paper profit for people who participated in the SPP

This is based on NTL at 2.3 cents and NTLOB at .04 cents currently

Not too bad at this stage

Good on you. Good luck holders. (Disc not holding.)

03-10-2017, 09:22 AM
Just highlighting the 8% paper profit for people who participated in the SPP

This is based on NTL at 2.3 cents and NTLOB at .04 cents currently

Not too bad at this stage

I struggle to give any value to the options.
5.5c seems a long way off.
But so is 2022 and lots of possibilities.
All in all I'm bullish for the next year or so.

03-10-2017, 09:32 AM
I struggle to give any value to the options.
5.5c seems a long way off.
But so is 2022 and lots of possibilities.
All in all I'm bullish for the next year or so.

l agree.I sold my options yesterday for 0.4. The options do not have any value until the share price is north of 5.5 c . More value in the head shares at this stage. When the head shares reach 5.5 I will be a happy cat.

03-10-2017, 01:25 PM

03-10-2017, 01:37 PM
"been calculated usinga black Scholes calculation of between up to 2.1 cents per option"

Really would appreciate NTL proof reading these before release. The above and the recent minor mistakes on official releases make the company look less professional.

That being said - not surprised the spp closed with a shortfall given the timeframe and uncertainty. I will consider participating further personally - feeling more and more bullish on this one.

03-10-2017, 01:42 PM
If I were going to invest money in NTL I would do so via the options. This is an almost binary situation. Come 2022 either the company will have done well, or not at all. No real in between. A 0.4 cent entry is far more attractive than a 2 cent entry. Either 1/5 of the cost of an entry via stock (with no dividend coming anyway) or you can get 5x the exposure. I would be selling shares and buying options if I had any.

03-10-2017, 02:25 PM
Putting aside my (irrational) fear of options, you are correct. However heads does allow you to set stop losses and exit if things don't look so good. Options will be difficult to exit if things turn south quickly.

03-10-2017, 02:54 PM
If level 16 at Talisman is 200 feet below sea level, & they are saying high-grade gold is deeper at Rahu than Talisman, we are talking deep. There is talk of drilling 600 m test drills at Rahu - 2000 feet. It would need a lot of gold down there to encourage digging a new 2000 foot deep underground mine in New Zealand I suspect. Prohibition shaft was the deepest in NZ, 2700 feet deep, 1/3 below sea level. 750k oz gold @ 15g/tonne. Closed 1951.

03-10-2017, 03:55 PM
I wonder if there’s a bit of financial issues?

03-10-2017, 03:57 PM
I wonder if there’s a bit of financial issues?

Not having enough money would be the main one!

03-10-2017, 04:07 PM
Not having enough money would be the main one!
I was thinking more along daily operational cost rather than progressing at a faster rate

03-10-2017, 04:17 PM
I was thinking more along daily operational cost rather than progressing at a faster rate

Costs that may be increasing after the acquisition of rahu?

Ntl were quite clear about their intentions for the money raised as part of the SPP.

I would be interested to know how they are funding the rahu acquisition if anyone is aware?

03-10-2017, 05:24 PM
Note the change in wording for the shortfall offer compared to the initial spp. The funds are now also to be applied to Rahu in some form:

"Funds raised will be applied to the acceleration of Talisman and accelerating the program at Rahu for which the company has sighted and will soon be commencing the drill target at Rahu."

Emphasis mine.

03-10-2017, 05:40 PM
The issue is that they don't really give a **** about the short term SP fluctuations or what the market thinks about them.
They are just plodding along trying to get more funding to ramp up production because they really want that gold out as fast as they can.
But they are doing it in such a silly way that they are shooting themselves in the foot too.

Gold Fever

They wouldn't be expanding operations though if they weren't finding any gold.

Looks to me though, that a lot of selling was lined up in the days before this announcement, to me it looks like people knew about the announcement today.

Big rally's at 1.8c though.

I would think some have sold at 2.3 and 2.2 and 2.1 and are now buying back at 1.8c

03-10-2017, 05:55 PM
The issue is that they don't really give a **** about the short term SP fluctuations or what the market thinks about them.
They are just plodding along trying to get more funding to ramp up production because they really want that gold out as fast as they can.
But they are doing it in such a silly way that they are shooting themselves in the foot too.

Gold Fever

They wouldn't be expanding operations though if they weren't finding any gold.

Looks to me though, that a lot of selling was lined up in the days before this announcement, to me it looks like people knew about the announcement today.

Big rally's at 1.8c though.

I would think some have sold at 2.3 and 2.2 and 2.1 and are now buying back at 1.8c

Well if they don't give a **** about what the market thinks about them they should stop asking it for money!

Every annoucement brings surprises and misdirection...Id be surprised if anybody has any trust in them.

04-10-2017, 10:49 AM
Some of you guys are gonna burn yourselves out panicking over the SP at this stage. We are still pre-bulk sampling! If you believe, quietly accumulate (disc: just my opinion), otherwise join the headless chicken show! Good luck all.

04-10-2017, 11:04 AM
It appears Mr Hill has brought his allocation


see weed
04-10-2017, 11:14 AM
Some of you guys are gonna burn yourselves out panicking over the SP at this stage. We are still pre-bulk sampling! If you believe, quietly accumulate (disc: just my opinion), otherwise join the headless chicken show! Good luck all.
Well I'm all out now. Was only in for 5 weeks....1.8mill. Gone back to divi stocks. Made a loss but will put it down to a donation towards the good cause. Funny, made a similar loss with heritage gold about 16 year ago. Good luck to holders.

04-10-2017, 11:36 AM
Well I'm all out now. Was only in for 5 weeks....1.8mill. Gone back to divi stocks. Made a loss but will put it down to a donation towards the good cause. Funny, made a similar loss with heritage gold about 16 year ago. Good luck to holders.

I would have thought a man of your experience would have known not to dabble with penny dreadful's mate. Its a funny thing, every five or so years one feels tempted to go back and have a flutter on something they know is more than likely to burn them, my very occasional weakness is visiting Sky City. A den on iniquity it surely is just like my Dad told me, but every five years or so I head in for a flutter to confirm you can't win, I know I won't win and probably at a core level don't in fact want to win but do it from time to time nonetheless...not sure why I do it...suppose others weakness is on poorly funded miners hoping to hit the jackpot just like I do at the Casino lol
Interesting thing, human psychology isn't it mate :)

see weed
04-10-2017, 11:51 AM
I would have thought a man of your experience would have known not to dabble with penny dreadful's mate. Its a funny thing, every five or so years one feels tempted to go back and have a flutter on something they know is more than likely to burn them, my very occasional weakness is visiting Sky City. A den on iniquity it surely is just like my Dad told me, but every five years or so I head in for a flutter to confirm you can't win, I know I won't win and probably at a core level don't in fact want to win but do it from time to time nonetheless...not sure why I do it...suppose others weakness is on poorly funded miners hoping to hit the jackpot just like I do at the Casino lol
Interesting thing, human psychology isn't it mate :)
Yeah, I also have a gambling problem with those poker machines since way back from 1974, but it's all fun. Having another gamble now with nzo at the moment.

04-10-2017, 12:04 PM
Speculative stocks are not for the faint of heart, or the short term investor (despite needing short term attention).

I wouldn't call ntl a poorly funded miner, on the contrary there are plenty of funds in the bank. To me, the question now is - are the further funds worth the fast pacing of the next steps in the process. Opinions vary.

04-10-2017, 12:15 PM
I would have thought a man of your experience would have known not to dabble with penny dreadful's mate. Its a funny thing, every five or so years one feels tempted to go back and have a flutter on something they know is more than likely to burn them, my very occasional weakness is visiting Sky City. A den on iniquity it surely is just like my Dad told me, but every five years or so I head in for a flutter to confirm you can't win, I know I won't win and probably at a core level don't in fact want to win but do it from time to time nonetheless...not sure why I do it...suppose others weakness is on poorly funded miners hoping to hit the jackpot just like I do at the Casino lol
Interesting thing, human psychology isn't it mate :)

This has really been my 1st flutter on the sharemarket - I purchase 4mill shares when they were 1.2 and I have to admit it has been entertaining, since that time (mid Jun) I have also picked up holdings in OCA, THL, MEL, ATM and PIL but nothing so far has come close the emotions generated by NTL. I know it could go either way but what a ride so far :)

04-10-2017, 12:56 PM
Well I'm all out now. Was only in for 5 weeks....1.8mill. Gone back to divi stocks. Made a loss but will put it down to a donation towards the good cause. Funny, made a similar loss with heritage gold about 16 year ago. Good luck to holders.

i have to admit I am thinking of quitting and taking the loss on the nose too (because as usual I came in at the top). I let myself get caught up in the hype and I definitely did not DYOR :) Only good thing is I decided not to throw more money at it and didnt participate in the SPP. I've also thrown a bit of money at SGC on the ASX as a punt but I feel somewhat more hopeful that i will see some profits on that sooner than I ever will on NTL. Yeah I should definitely stick to dividend stocks that I know and trust.

04-10-2017, 01:40 PM
ASX and NZX now the same on 2.0 what do they know that we don't?

04-10-2017, 01:50 PM
ASX and NZX now the same on 2.0 what do they know that we don't?

Nothing at all. Just a silly trader on the ASX buying a measly $1,000 worth at 2 cents when he/she could have bought them in NZ. See the bid is at 1.8 and not many.

04-10-2017, 03:14 PM
This has really been my 1st flutter on the sharemarket - I purchase 4mill shares when they were 1.2 and I have to admit it has been entertaining, since that time (mid Jun) I have also picked up holdings in OCA, THL, MEL, ATM and PIL but nothing so far has come close the emotions generated by NTL. I know it could go either way but what a ride so far :)

Well done to you mate. What this highlights is that one's degree of fun is directly proportional to one's point of entry upon the rollercoaster ride :)...and one's point of exit...

04-10-2017, 03:19 PM
Its a funny thing, every five or so years one feels tempted to go back and have a flutter on something they know is more than likely to burn them

Way off topic, but eating KFC is my version of this.

To those that are baling, seems a bit short term to me. I think the fundamentals are pretty sound, although I do wish they would stop throwing out random surprises.

04-10-2017, 04:08 PM
And when they do throw them out, can they please have them proof read so they don't repeatedly look like muppets.

04-10-2017, 05:22 PM
Way off topic, but eating KFC is my version of this.

To those that are baling, seems a bit short term to me. I think the fundamentals are pretty sound, although I do wish they would stop throwing out random surprises.

Yes. Its a bit hard to see if they cared much for existing November option holders - anyone can now buy at 2.2 c with a 1/5th NTLOB option from the company, up till 5 weeks before expiry of my options with a similar redemption price. It will be interesting to see if these November options prove worthless, or at the minimum dearer than buying shares would have been. I imagine they have a plan, lol, I just wish I could see what it is. I would have thought raise money for buying and progressing Rahu in 6 months when some Talisman gold might have been sold, that would have brought in investment money better than this latest process- unless we are about to see 600 million shares, 23% stake, go to someone....

04-10-2017, 05:34 PM
If the spp had never existed, and the rising sp had caused enough interest into full conversion of NTLOA - the current ~118 million options would have put almost $2.4m in the ntl coffers. Without causing issues for current heads or option holders.

Makes me again wonder if the spp could have been better timed.

04-10-2017, 06:41 PM
I agree with Clints. Hard to see repeated errors in major releases to the market, when people that supposedly have a clue should be having a cursory glance over it before release to NZX:ASX, who should be also subsequently glancing over it to see if it makes sense.
Kind of makes a mockery of the whole thing.

Next thing they will be using txtspeak in announcements and using a possesive adjective in place of a contraction and we will know that the whole thing is really a big nz scam. Another good giveaway is that the facebook, linkedin and google+ links on their website dont work....has anybody checked that??

Company secretary needs to either go back to middle school or download grammarly or some other kind of software that translates neanderthal. It is actually starting to be embarrassing; recommending people look at investing and then some kind of garbled babble that gets redacted the next day comes out.

04-10-2017, 06:58 PM
This has really been my 1st flutter on the sharemarket - I purchase 4mill shares when they were 1.2 and I have to admit it has been entertaining, since that time (mid Jun) I have also picked up holdings in OCA, THL, MEL, ATM and PIL but nothing so far has come close the emotions generated by NTL. I know it could go either way but what a ride so far :)

If you think this is good, wait till you get to highly speculative stocks over on the ASX. Its like coro compared to shorty , much more established and bigger audience. Try some lithium or biotech (LCT is getting ready to fire, but you might just be able to put a foot in that door- plus its actually NZ tech with the auckland island piggies) and then see how you like it......Its what we're all here for....Oh that and a return on the way :)

04-10-2017, 07:06 PM
I agree with Clints. Hard to see repeated errors in major releases to the market, when people that supposedly have a clue should be having a cursory glance over it before release to NZX:ASX, who should be also subsequently glancing over it to see if it makes sense.
Kind of makes a mockery of the whole thing.

Next thing they will be using txtspeak in announcements and using a possesive adjective in place of a contraction and we will know that the whole thing is really a big nz scam. Another good giveaway is that the facebook, linkedin and google+ links on their website dont work....has anybody checked that??

Company secretary needs to either go back to middle school or download grammarly or some other kind of software that translates neanderthal. It is actually starting to be embarrassing; recommending people look at investing and then some kind of garbled babble that gets redacted the next day comes out.

As someone has already said I'd rather have good keen miners that can't do paperwork well, than greate corporate kings who don't know mining. I was at AGM & think they have a plan. Top three shareholders, including Mr Hill, only control 25% of the company, Board look very good in my opinion, I think they all have more to gain from making NTL a 5c to 10c share than any other motive. Buy junior mining shares, forget the money & spin the wheel, I say...

04-10-2017, 07:15 PM
If you think this is good, wait till you get to highly speculative stocks over on the ASX. Its like coro compared to shorty , much more established and bigger audience. Try some lithium or biotech (LCT is getting ready to fire, but you might just be able to put a foot in that door- plus its actually NZ tech with the auckland island piggies) and then see how you like it......Its what we're all here for....Oh that and a return on the way :)

Hahaha - funny you mention this, I just brought Galaxy today (it's quite high at the moment but I see potential)

04-10-2017, 07:41 PM
The shortfall placement is similar to what they did last year, and it was quite successful.
This time around I don't expect it be quite so, but let's see, the cutoff date is awhile away and anything can happen up until then.
However I think this placement shows there is no deal in the pipeline with Newcrest, and when Matt Hill said they'd let current holders get first bite, this is what he meant.

04-10-2017, 07:58 PM
If the spp had never existed, and the rising sp had caused enough interest into full conversion of NTLOA - the current ~118 million options would have put almost $2.4m in the ntl coffers. Without causing issues for current heads or option holders.

Makes me again wonder if the spp could have been better timed.

Exactly. I was waiting to see if they were gonna screw us with a capital raise (I was suspect after the delays) again or tell the market, " Nope, we are funded for the bulk sampling and have no plans for a capital raise at the moment" I reckon if they did that the price could easy have hit .060 - .080 range.

04-10-2017, 09:24 PM
The shortfall placement is similar to what they did last year, and it was quite successful.
This time around I don't expect it be quite so, but let's see, the cutoff date is awhile away and anything can happen up until then.
However I think this placement shows there is no deal in the pipeline with Newcrest, and when Matt Hill said they'd let current holders get first bite, this is what he meant.

OR....maybe this is part of the deal with Newcrest and they are about to fill their boots at 2.2 cents

04-10-2017, 09:30 PM
I'll be the first to admit it was a very poorly timed capital raise. But they'll hopefully have around 3 million more in cash, and there is still time then for things to settle after the shortfall placement and the options still being in play to raise even more.
It's been a bit messy but at the end of the day the fundamentals have not changed and there is now more money to speed things up. I hope they prioritise where the spend it and get the bulk sampling cranking efficiently as possible. Rahu can wait.

04-10-2017, 10:05 PM
And when they do throw them out, can they please have them proof read so they don't repeatedly look like muppets.
Like this one again...?

i recon about 150 to 200 people took part to raise. $ 1.7 mil
not many really.
I didn't go for it this time, and was lucky to get in early, last year, and when i saw all the reds come on the screen at 027c i decided to sell most .
i usually wait to long and miss the top, but i think i will buy back some at 018 if it gets there again if there are heaps of green buyers to support . You defiantly have to go with the heard mentality with this one, unless you believe the long term story. I think i will always keep some in, just to keep the adrenaline going unless it looks hopeless , or it begins to stagnate .
i really want this to work .i think it would be great for the underdogs to win

05-10-2017, 07:46 AM
Exactly. I was waiting to see if they were gonna screw us with a capital raise (I was suspect after the delays) again or tell the market, " Nope, we are funded for the bulk sampling and have no plans for a capital raise at the moment" I reckon if they did that the price could easy have hit .060 - .080 range.

I convert share price to company capitalization. 6 c - on 2 billion shares - gives a company cap of $120m. To get to that level my guess is there needs to be 20,000 oz gold at $600/oz profit going into the bank before punters will pay that. It is all blue sky till there's gold in the mould! NTL is still an explorer with huge grade gold assay & a consent, NOT a miner. The wheel is still spinning in the casino....

05-10-2017, 07:59 AM
But if the Chinese start trading oil for gold later this year as they may, to cut out the dollar, some guess gold goes to US $13,000/ oz in three years. Just when NTL has gold coming out, and maybe 2m oz reserves deep in Rahu. That works out on the back of an envelope at $1.20/share for 3 billion shares. lol. https://goldsurvivalguide.co.nz/china-begins-to-reset-the-worlds-reserve-currency-system/. Junior gold is asymmetric: it can only fall to zero, but can on the other hand go to multiples of purchase price!

05-10-2017, 08:09 AM
I convert share price to company capitalization. 6 c - on 2 billion shares - gives a company cap of $120m. To get to that level my guess is there needs to be 20,000 oz gold at $600/oz profit going into the bank before punters will pay that. It is all blue sky till there's gold in the mould! NTL is still an explorer with huge grade gold assay & a consent, NOT a miner. The wheel is still spinning in the casino....

With the ore concentrators in place and working properly 20,000 oz should be easily achievable.

We must not forget that there is probably a good chance of a resource upgrade in the following weeks

06-10-2017, 12:07 PM
Has anyone out there got NTLOA 5.5c options on the Australia Register?
Computershare say I do, But they are quoted in the asx as NTLOB.

06-10-2017, 02:23 PM
Has anyone out there got NTLOA 5.5c options on the Australia Register?
Computershare say I do, But they are quoted in the asx as NTLOB.

I believe NTLOAs' are the November 2017 expiry options issued in the past. The new 5.5c 2022 redemption options are called NTLOB to differentiate them. Is that what you are asking?

06-10-2017, 02:48 PM
NTLOA are the 0.02 options expiring this year, they are only quoted on the NZX I understand.

NTLOB are the 0.055 recent spp options expiring in 2022 - quoted on both ASX and NZX.

wk6332 - if you bought in aud under the recent spp your options are displaying as intended.

Either way, the register is the source of truth should there be any discrepancies.

06-10-2017, 03:26 PM
NTLOA are the 0.02 options expiring this year, they are only quoted on the NZX I understand.

NTLOB are the 0.055 recent spp options expiring in 2022 - quoted on both ASX and NZX.

wk6332 - if you bought in aud under the recent spp your options are displaying as intended.

Either way, the register is the source of truth should there be any discrepancies.

Thanks Computershare are looking into it.
I clearly have NTL, NTLOA, NTLOB in the New Zealand holdings and NTL, NTLO and NTLOA in my Aussie holdings. The NTLOA options on my Aussie statement are the 30/9/2022 options

08-10-2017, 12:45 PM
Back from tramping up in those hills with the family, had a little dig in the rivers for gold but didn't find any.

However did find the "Tailsman" tavern in Katikati and I highly recommend the "Rock Bread" the service and the food.
If the New Tailsman is half as good as the Tailsman tavern all the share holders are on to a winner !!!

09-10-2017, 11:55 AM
Have had shares in NTL for quite a few months now, but have only just signed up to this forum. So rather than being a spectator, I can now give my 2 cents worth.

Firstly, I have to say I have been really disappointed with the handling of the SPP. And disappointed with the NZX announcements. Not just the timing, but also the content mistakes. Not very professional. But that is all history now.

So unless I’m missing something, and I would sure appreciate it being pointed out if I am:

1. Just over 2 billion shares issued.
2. Just over $20 million in the bank.
3. Current share price 2 cents.
4. Current market cap therefore about $40 million.
5. Current asset backing (just with money in the bank) = 1cent (or $20 million).
6. So is the current value of the company with the permits and consents given, infrastructure in place, JORC assessments released (and more to come), the POG where it is at the moment, and extraction of ore about to begin, worth the 1 cent (or $20 million) ‘premium’?!

It’s a bit of a no brainer IMHO. I’m planning on this being a big contributor to my retirement. I hope I’m not disappointed, but time will tell.

09-10-2017, 12:13 PM
Have had shares in NTL for quite a few months now, but have only just signed up to this forum. So rather than being a spectator, I can now give my 2 cents worth.

Firstly, I have to say I have been really disappointed with the handling of the SPP. And disappointed with the NZX announcements. Not just the timing, but also the content mistakes. Not very professional. But that is all history now.

So unless I’m missing something, and I would sure appreciate it being pointed out if I am:

1. Just over 2 billion shares issued.
2. Just over $20 million in the bank.
3. Current share price 2 cents.
4. Current market cap therefore about $40 million.
5. Current asset backing (just with money in the bank) = 1cent (or $20 million).
6. So is the current value of the company with the permits and consents given, infrastructure in place, JORC assessments released (and more to come), the POG where it is at the moment, and extraction of ore about to begin, worth the 1 cent (or $20 million) ‘premium’?!

It’s a bit of a no brainer IMHO. I’m planning on this being a big contributor to my retirement. I hope I’m not disappointed, but time will tell.

Hi dubya. I don't know where you get the 20 million in the bank figure from. They had about 6 million in the bank before they started the refurbishment spend, and said it gave them enough funding until 2020. They have since raised approx 1.7 million in the SPP. We won't know how much comes in through the shortfall until late this month, and then there is the november options due as well.

09-10-2017, 12:19 PM
Yeah thanks Jonu. Not sure where I got it from now either lol. Guess it was a Monday morning brain fade. Cheers

09-10-2017, 12:42 PM
An announcement in 10mins...

09-10-2017, 01:36 PM
An announcement in 10mins...

Have I missed something????

09-10-2017, 02:23 PM
There was an asx announcement but fairly standard stuff relating to spp.

09-10-2017, 02:24 PM
Was on ASX btw

10-10-2017, 12:54 PM
Project update announcement in 11 mins

10-10-2017, 01:10 PM
All looks very positive BUT with an SPP still hanging over our heads it will do nada to the share price and there lies the frustration.

10-10-2017, 01:13 PM
All looks very positive BUT with an SPP still hanging over our heads it will do nada to the share price and there lies the frustration.

They need to stop slapping Price Sensitive on all these operational announcements, that would help...

10-10-2017, 01:18 PM
They need to stop slapping Price Sensitive on all these operational announcements, that would help...
I remember a few months back (before SPP) they announced that they had made good progress on getting connections in the mine, it wasn't anything spectacular just an update and the SP went up about 5 points from it so from that point it was technically price sensitive, but at the moment they could come out saying the have found a gold nugget the size of a house and we'd still be at 2.2c at best.

Sorry for my frustrated sentiments but I did enjoy the ride pre SPP.

10-10-2017, 01:27 PM
I remember a few months back (before SPP) they announced that they had made good progress on getting connections in the mine, it wasn't anything spectacular just an update and the SP went up about 5 points from it so from that point it was technically price sensitive, but at the moment they could come out saying the have found a gold nugget the size of a house and we'd still be at 2.2c at best.

Sorry for my frustrated sentiments but I did enjoy the ride pre SPP.

They've also gone from almost exclusively just releasing quarterlies to constant updates. Screams of desperation and the same hunger all the shareholders are feeling - SP please RISE! ^

10-10-2017, 02:04 PM
good to get some information but I doubt whether it will affect the SP much at this point. I think NTL is a waiting game. Even though I am running at a loss on this at the mo, I am seriously considering ditching and moving my money to SGC:ASX as they seem much more poised to make some real money soon. Well at least I hope so :)

10-10-2017, 02:13 PM
They need to stop slapping Price Sensitive on all these operational announcements, that would help...
The NZX decides if each announcement is price sensitive, not NTL.

They've also gone from almost exclusively just releasing quarterlies to constant updates. Screams of desperation and the same hunger all the shareholders are feeling - SP please RISE! ^
When they were only releasing quarterlies, everyone was dying for more information (including myself). Seems a bit unfair to now criticise for release too much information? I'd much rather NTL be in the latter catagory, the more updates the better please!

This is a very good announcement. Looking forward to more in the future.

10-10-2017, 02:16 PM
The NZX decides if each announcement is price sensitive, not NTL.


Not anymore they don't - changed in May. https://map.nzx.com/static/forms/docs/NZX_ATH_Market_Participant_FAQs.pdf

10-10-2017, 02:41 PM
Ah - it appears I stand corrected. Apologies.

So the criteria is now just material information as assessed by the company? Seems a very low bar. No wonder we are getting more price sensitive announcements.

10-10-2017, 03:59 PM
Ah - it appears I stand corrected. Apologies.

So the criteria is now just material information as assessed by the company? Seems a very low bar. No wonder we are getting more price sensitive announcements.

Yep, and companies will be erring on the side of caution.

11-10-2017, 11:56 AM
good to get some information but I doubt whether it will affect the SP much at this point. I think NTL is a waiting game. Even though I am running at a loss on this at the mo, I am seriously considering ditching and moving my money to SGC:ASX as they seem much more poised to make some real money soon. Well at least I hope so :)

Hey Suse - was that you that just cleared out at 1.9?

12-10-2017, 08:31 AM
Hey Suse - was that you that just cleared out at 1.9?

no I'm still hanging in there. But I did top up on SGC. A fool and their money are easily parted :) I really should stick with solid stocks instead of these speccie mining shares but I like to have a bit of the portfolio available for some speculation as it makes life a bit more interesting (especially if things take off) All I can say is thank god for HBL being my slow and steady rock. And finally deciding to jump on the ATM bandwagon has mitigated NTL.

12-10-2017, 08:54 AM
Good on you - I currently hold 4mill NTL shares and am happy to hold and see what the future has in store. Must admit ATM has been fun lately.

12-10-2017, 09:16 PM
no I'm still hanging in there. But I did top up on SGC. A fool and their money are easily parted :) I really should stick with solid stocks instead of these speccie mining shares but I like to have a bit of the portfolio available for some speculation as it makes life a bit more interesting (especially if things take off) All I can say is thank god for HBL being my slow and steady rock. And finally deciding to jump on the ATM bandwagon has mitigated NTL.

NTLs SP behaviour should now track along with fundimentals. Management destroyed the traders plaything so they're long gone. It's unlikely they'll be back unless something major comes to the fore. SP is more likely to follow mining progress now.

SGC 'looks' good buying at the moment but again you're delving into a very speculative stock. Things can go very badly very quickly as you saw with NTL. These type of stocks are a great way to learn what not to do. Most satisfying when they go well but go in expecting to lose and keep your wits about you. There's a reason why many top posters on this forum don't play in the spec field.

Be sure to have clear definition between your trading and investing too. You don't want to be paying capital tax where you don't have to...

12-10-2017, 10:02 PM
What we do not know about NTL is why the sudden SPP. We will not know until after the SPP shortfall is completed.
Going back before the SPP time we were told that NTL was fully funded until 2020 or there abouts. Suddenly then two things happened we had the SPP from out of the blue and suddenly we were buying Rahu. Why?? Is there some connection that we are not yet informed about. Is Newcrest or the Chinese firm about to take a stake in the company. If not then then I can see no reason for having the SPP and bother buying Rahu.
So in a nut shell I am lost and wait to hear the full story of why the SPP sudden explosion on us shareholders had to take place. Until this SPP is finally behind us the SP will go side ways. We need to stop raising money and start earning it through gold extraction.

12-10-2017, 10:22 PM
NTLs SP behaviour should now track along with fundimentals. Management destroyed the traders plaything so they're long gone. It's unlikely they'll be back unless something major comes to the fore. SP is more likely to follow mining progress now.

SGC 'looks' good buying at the moment but again you're delving into a very speculative stock. Things can go very badly very quickly as you saw with NTL. These type of stocks are a great way to learn what not to do. Most satisfying when they go well but go in expecting to lose and keep your wits about you. There's a reason why many top posters on this forum don't play in the spec field.

Be sure to have clear definition between your trading and investing too. You don't want to be paying capital tax where you don't have to...
Its hard to see what the "fundamentals" are in a company offering 600 million shares at 2.2 NZ cents when SP is 2.0c, up till 5 weeks before many of us have November options at that same level. Gone from making sense as an investment to just hoping, lol

12-10-2017, 10:31 PM
Just over a week to go before SPP out of the way followed by positive announcements???? to get the November options taken up. .03c here we come? Picked up another 775K at .018 today.

12-10-2017, 10:34 PM
What we do not know about NTL is why the sudden SPP. We will not know until after the SPP shortfall is completed.
Going back before the SPP time we were told that NTL was fully funded until 2020 or there abouts. Suddenly then two things happened we had the SPP from out of the blue and suddenly we were buying Rahu. Why?? Is there some connection that we are not yet informed about. Is Newcrest or the Chinese firm about to take a stake in the company. If not then then I can see no reason for having the SPP and bother buying Rahu.

So in a nut shell I am lost and wait to hear the full story of why the SPP sudden explosion on us shareholders had to take place. Until this SPP is finally behind us the SP will go side ways. We need to stop raising money and start earning it through gold extraction.

Well Digger I agree. And if you don't know whats up after your meeting with Mr Hill recently, we certainly know less. Board must know something...I hope. lol! I bought in because I thought NTL was about to be getting 20,000 cu metres rich ore gold out. Rahu needs a new 2000 foot deep mine, with new consents ( and yeah good luck to that, right?).Pipe dream stuff for a huge company, if anyone. All has become so unrealistically odd there must be a cunning plan, surely?

13-10-2017, 07:17 AM
Just over a week to go before SPP out of the way followed by positive announcements???? to get the November options taken up. .03c here we come? Picked up another 775K at .018 today.

Nice work I saw the 1.8c price while on holiday and would have jumped in if I was at home.
Will be good to see the end of that disastrous SPP.
Better buying at 1.8 and 2.2 most days of the week.

13-10-2017, 07:30 AM
I don't believe company can legally hold back significant information to suit timing of share offers etc. So assume they do not currently have unreleased good news.

13-10-2017, 08:01 AM
I am guessing positive announcements could be in the form of concentrators arriving / operational, speaking of which does anyone know how long these things take to setup when they arrive?

13-10-2017, 09:04 AM
I am guessing positive announcements could be in the form of concentrators arriving / operational, speaking of which does anyone know how long these things take to setup when they arrive?

Well I can find 8 different types of concentrator listed, so it depends on what they choose! I like this one, but who knows whats best! http://www.iconcentrator.com/

13-10-2017, 06:48 PM
Only 1 moving part!. Can someone fill me in why they haven't been working the mine and selling the Gold?
It looks like no agreement has been forthcoming for Oceania to process the ore so why hasn't it been shipped overseas in containers for processing.Generating income is what would get the share price going back up but it seems management are kicking the can down the road and sidetracking with rahu etc.

13-10-2017, 09:27 PM
Only 1 moving part!. Can someone fill me in why they haven't been working the mine and selling the Gold?
It looks like no agreement has been forthcoming for Oceania to process the ore so why hasn't it been shipped overseas in containers for processing.Generating income is what would get the share price going back up but it seems management are kicking the can down the road and sidetracking with rahu etc.

Takes time to make sure the mine is safe. They are doing a lot of reinforcement and refurbishment. The last thing that shareholders want is a cave in of the mine and injuries or worse still a death. The last update is well worth a read.

13-10-2017, 10:19 PM
Thx Blueman, looks like you are locked and loaded to. Here's to good times bro. You have got to do something to crack the mold. Go you good thing.

14-10-2017, 07:24 AM
Only 1 moving part!. Can someone fill me in why they haven't been working the mine and selling the Gold?
It looks like no agreement has been forthcoming for Oceania to process the ore so why hasn't it been shipped overseas in containers for processing.Generating income is what would get the share price going back up but it seems management are kicking the can down the road and sidetracking with rahu etc.

Try reading the company announcements and updates JT. They always said bulk sampling was due to start in December. The use of a concentrator will change how that is done and gives them more options on what to do with the ore. But you're a smart fella, you already knew that

14-10-2017, 02:02 PM
Thanks . Not a holder but drop by occasionly for a look. Doesnt fit my risk/reward comfort zone but that is a decision unique for each investor. It is good to see the rhetoric by some is now more realistic and measured. Im a bit cynical about the cap raise , the timing Rahu , how easy the extraction process will be etc. I personally value posters with no financial motive ,who question things.

17-10-2017, 12:12 PM
NZX and ASX now equal on 1.9c

17-10-2017, 01:15 PM
Does Aussie know something before NZ? Got to be good buying in NZ then.

18-10-2017, 08:47 AM
I notice there is no chatter about people buying the SPP getting closer to the end date like there was last time. Would be interesting to see the uptake from individual investors (either existing holders or new) and other companies looking for a larger stakeholding.

18-10-2017, 09:09 AM
I cant see why you would buy them at 2.2 when you can buy quite easily under that price, I wouldn't expect much more than what they already got.
SP will start acting normal once this dreadful drawn out SPP thing is finally over.

Blue Horseshoe
18-10-2017, 09:20 AM
If you were a company like Newcrest and you wanted a big stake the price would go through the roof,

This way your cap is only 2.2 cents, bargain.

18-10-2017, 09:29 AM
If you were a company like Newcrest and you wanted a big stake the price would go through the roof,

This way your cap is only 2.2 cents, bargain.

And I wonder if this will happen. Offer the existing shareholders as a sign of loyalty then open to the world. Don't you love speculation :)

18-10-2017, 10:55 AM
if you also cost in the attached B options to the SP you can effectively reduce the price by .0014,which is not to far away from current trading conditions

18-10-2017, 11:31 AM
So after the SPP concludes should we be expecting the share price to rise? or stay the same? there appear to have been some positive announcements lately.

18-10-2017, 11:37 AM
yes the SPP is actually creating a glut of available shares around the 2c mark,when these become unavailable,the old supply and demand should lift the SP,I am picking 2.7 within a couple of weeks of the SPP closing

18-10-2017, 11:53 AM
yes the SPP is actually creating a glut of available shares around the 2c mark,when these become unavailable,the old supply and demand should lift the SP,I am picking 2.7 within a couple of weeks of the SPP closing

I am picking these staying around 2.2 - 2.3 until we get confirmation in Dec about gold coming out. That is unless there has been a big buy in for some other entity.

18-10-2017, 12:14 PM
I'm in this camp with Clints. Once something positive is announced, interest will be pricked, and ..... hopefully ..... onwards and upwards!!!!

18-10-2017, 12:15 PM
I am picking these staying around 2.2 - 2.3 until we get confirmation in Dec about gold coming out. That is unless there has been a big buy in for some other entity.
I think you need to factor in the A options I am not sure an SP of 2.2-2.3 would see them all taken up. The options will be the next area of concern for the company,I am sure they will be pushing for more positive info to release.

18-10-2017, 12:16 PM
I am picking these staying around 2.2 - 2.3

I like your positivity but isn't the price around 1.9-2.0?

18-10-2017, 12:24 PM
I like your positivity but isn't the price around 1.9-2.0?
sorry - meant going to then staying at

18-10-2017, 12:37 PM
I like your positivity but isn't the price around 1.9-2.0?

Some serious RAMPING going on.

You always know the drill when you see some posters continuously anything to get the thread in front of the q in this forum.

Snakk did that very well for a while, I recall.

Plus SMS did even better! For a while.

18-10-2017, 12:44 PM
Some serious RAMPING going on.

You always know the drill when you see some posters continuously anything to get the thread in front of the q in this forum.

No ramping here, I currently have some sitting in the que to sell at .02 but I am wondering if they are a bargain at next weeks prices and are curious as to whether i should remove my listing and sell later. Last thing i want to do is get stuck in the conclusion of a ramping situation and have it drop lower than my currently listed price.

18-10-2017, 12:48 PM
Some serious RAMPING going on.

You always know the drill when you see some posters continuously anything to get the thread in front of the q in this forum.

Snakk did that very well for a while, I recall.

Plus SMS did even better! For a while.

So with an SPP coming to an end, a forum coming back to life is ramping? I am pretty new to this sharetrader forum so can you please school me, what does constitute posting in a thread that you wouldn’t consider ramping? The above prices are speculation only between current holders.

18-10-2017, 02:04 PM
Balance ramping the price,sorry SERIOUSLY ramping the price.You could have a look at todays trades before you pen an opinion.No trades in NZ and a drop in price in AUS.

Snow Leopard
18-10-2017, 02:11 PM
If you want to see [up] ramping in action have a look at this thread:

https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?7968-TIL-Trilogy-formerly-ECO-Ecoya :p

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

18-10-2017, 02:23 PM
If you want to see [up] ramping in action have a look at this thread:

https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?7968-TIL-Trilogy-formerly-ECO-Ecoya :p

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

As in ramping a stock with no substance so to sell out?

Plus SMS and Snakk anyone?

Sad when those who see, see not.

Sad when those who do, pretend not.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil - let evil prevail?


18-10-2017, 04:30 PM
It would take more than a bit of ramping to get the SP of these 2 junk up ha ha :laugh::laugh:

18-10-2017, 05:01 PM
ramping is just rubbish. The SP will lift when the gold starts coming out.I made this point several months ago. Finding world class gold deposits is about 30% of the rise. The other 70% will come if and when the gold matches the resource findings.

18-10-2017, 05:11 PM
ramping is just rubbish. The SP will lift when the gold starts coming out.I made this point several months ago. Finding world class gold deposits is about 30% of the rise. The other 70% will come if and when the gold matches the resource findings.
The voice of reason is back :)

18-10-2017, 05:26 PM
The voice of reason is back :)

and about time...

18-10-2017, 07:44 PM
As in ramping a stock with no substance so to sell out?

Plus SMS and Snakk anyone?

Sad when those who see, see not.

Sad when those who do, pretend not.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil - let evil prevail?


Not sure what has got Balance's knickers out of kilter, that is if there are any under the kilt.

No amount of ramping would budge the sp while the SPP shortfall is still open

18-10-2017, 08:44 PM
If you want to see [up] ramping in action have a look at this thread:

https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?7968-TIL-Trilogy-formerly-ECO-Ecoya :p

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

And about to happen again PT? :)

18-10-2017, 08:46 PM
Not sure what has got Balance's knickers out of kilter, that is if there are any under the kilt.

No amount of ramping would budge the sp while the SPP shortfall is still open

No need to get your knickers in a twist, missy but then, as the thread is titled - worth a look?


19-10-2017, 08:13 PM
Thoughts anyone?

19-10-2017, 08:23 PM
Do we have a water tight business ?

19-10-2017, 08:23 PM
Move on. Get ore out of ground. Make money.

My thoughts anyway

19-10-2017, 08:26 PM
Move on. Get ore out of ground. Make money.

My thoughts anyway

Agree. Nothing will change

Bulk sampling come Dec/Jan

19-10-2017, 08:30 PM
And possibility to scoop up some cheap shares as this coalition news rattles the cage + SPP effect...

19-10-2017, 08:33 PM
Winston has already crapped all over the Greens and made it clear he is in coalition with Labour only. I can't see the Greens having much influence. Mind you a week ago I didn't see Winston jumping with Labour.

I agree with other posters....business as usual for NTL.

19-10-2017, 08:47 PM
I look forward to buying some more cheap shares... as you are

19-10-2017, 11:25 PM
I can't see the Greens having much influence.

thats not how they see it
I think their political power has increased but will it will focus on NTL. I'm not so sure.

20-10-2017, 07:11 AM
thats not how they see it
I think their political power has increased but will it will focus on NTL. I'm not so sure.

Winston has just wiped his feet on the Greens as he walked into government. Then to get rid of the chewing gum stuck to his boot he went back and wiped again by announcing the coalition before the Greens had even had their meeting. He has made a very strong statement as to where the pecking order is. There is no way he would allow them to touch an existing business and I don't think Labour would have any appetite for it either.

20-10-2017, 08:48 AM
NZ First has policy to 'support the extractive industries' inside their environmental platform, with the usual platitudes alongside. I don't foresee any difficulty for ntl on this front. If it had been a greens/labour full coalition the story may have been substantially different.

20-10-2017, 12:45 PM

Significant climate action with a shift to a net-zero carbon emissions economy by 2050 (specific focuses will be on transport, energy and primary industries).
The establishment of an independent climate commission.
Support for a shift in farming to more sustainable land use.
Overhaul of the welfare system, removing "excessive sanctions" and a review of Working for Families.
Increase to conservation budget.
New water quality measures.
Free counselling for under-25s and access to mental health services and support for everyone.
Special needs education access.
Progress to end gender pay gap in public service.
A reduction in number of students living in hardship.
Increase in funding for drug and alcohol addictions services and a referendum on the personal use of cannabis by the 2020 election.

20-10-2017, 01:24 PM
Looks like a list that will not change NTL's plans one iota.

20-10-2017, 01:50 PM
I tend to think the market has spoken on this and common sense has prevailed.

20-10-2017, 01:52 PM
I thought today might be the end of the SPP. Keen to know

20-10-2017, 04:34 PM
I thought today might be the end of the SPP. Keen to know

Its Monday

21-10-2017, 10:00 PM
Its Monday

I think all else is incidental. Nothing matters till some gold is smelted! Get ore out and pour gold. Yes, I know December is target, but as Digger & I say...get some, any income, so NTL is not just an explorer but a real solid gold miner! Thats what will fix things, lol. Do you know how many gold companies choke at the final step, before that gold river runs?

22-10-2017, 08:17 AM
Its Monday
Interesting with Monday being a public holiday

23-10-2017, 11:26 AM
End of SPP will certainly take the shackles off the SP.
But would love to see some actual gold coming out of the mine, even if its just the bulk sampling coming back with good results and actual gold and income coming out of da mine.

see weed
23-10-2017, 12:32 PM
End of SPP will certainly take the shackles off the SP.
But would love to see some actual gold coming out of the mine, even if its just the bulk sampling coming back with good results and actual gold and income coming out of da mine.
Got caught in the hype and lost 7.7k in 4 weeks 4/8/17 to 6/9/17. But am happier now investing more in another liquid gold mine a2, which has boosted the old portfolio 40k plus in last 2 weeks. But good luck to all holders, might get back in one day when the gold flows.

24-10-2017, 01:26 PM
With the price of gold being quoted in US$ and given our weakening exchange rate it can only help the bottom line.

24-10-2017, 01:33 PM
Someone give me the bull case for NTL...

24-10-2017, 02:37 PM
Someone give me the bull case for NTL...
427,600 oz Au [https://www.nzx.com/companies/NTL/announcements/306728] @ $1,281.21 USD per oz [https://goldprice.org/]. I'm sure you can do the math.

That's just one.

It's a bit of a gold mine.

24-10-2017, 02:57 PM
Hmmm ASX is now at 2c, higher than NZX

24-10-2017, 03:53 PM
Hmmm ASX is now at 2c, higher than NZX

That trade at 2 cents was a cross trade so does not really apply. I see they are offered at 1.9 at the moment but best bid at 1.7. Not quite an arbitrage opportunity but there have been a few from time to time if you are prepared to do the paper work to shunt shares from registry to registry.

Oliver Mander
24-10-2017, 05:33 PM
Surely there should be some news on the SPP...???
Somewhat frustrated holder...no losses but no gains either on this one so far.

24-10-2017, 05:47 PM
Surely there should be some news on the SPP...???
Somewhat frustrated holder...no losses but no gains either on this one so far.

Not expecting that until about early next week at best.It only closes yesterday and you have to wait for snail mail to catch up[some people still post].Will be some processing and sorting out who is who ,etc.My quess is 4th nov

24-10-2017, 08:19 PM
427,600 oz Au [https://www.nzx.com/companies/NTL/announcements/306728] @ $1,281.21 USD per oz [https://goldprice.org/]. I'm sure you can do the math.

That's just one.

It's a bit of a gold mine.

If NTL was a dog, ( not the company being a dog which I don't think it is, but it being an animal) it seems to have run off into the scrub chasing a Rahu rabbit, when before Rahu announcement it had a bear by the balls in its cave. No indication there is gold in Rahu except very deep . Nor what has been paid or exchanged for it. You can buy similar companies with similar gold - even producing, for similar money globally.

Dragon: https://finance.google.com/finance?q=ASX:DRA&xpid=4132891&evtid=bOfuWaKmKoa78QXp7oqoCg&ep=sr

or todays hot tip, Mawson, after yesterdays released prospects:https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/maw.to?ltr=1 . Ive sold some NTL to buy Mawson, but its all a crapshoot, I'm sure you agree?

24-10-2017, 08:41 PM
If NTL was a dog, ( not the company being a dog which I don't think it is, but it being an animal) it seems to have run off into the scrub chasing a Rahu rabbit, when before Rahu announcement it had a bear by the balls in its cave. No indication there is gold in Rahu except very deep . Nor what has been paid or exchanged for it. You can buy similar companies with similar gold - even producing, for similar money globally.

Dragon: https://finance.google.com/finance?q=ASX:DRA&xpid=4132891&evtid=bOfuWaKmKoa78QXp7oqoCg&ep=sr

or todays hot tip, Mawson, after yesterdays released prospects:https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/maw.to?ltr=1 . Ive sold some NTL to buy Mawson, but its all a crapshoot, I'm sure you agree?

I think the excitable momentum of ntl was stopped by the spp...and that's a good thing...gives people the opportunity o stop and think...rahu is interesting but I don't think it has had much effect...the sp is 300% up on 4-5 months ago...and it has held at an easy 1.7c+ since the spp..What's not to like?

To expect much more over the very short term is blind gambling in my opinion...I like selling stocks more than buying!...But it's hard to find a reason to sell this one

24-10-2017, 08:49 PM
I think the excitable momentum of ntl was stopped by the spp...and that's a good thing...gives people the opportunity o stop and think...rahu is interesting but I don't think it has had much effect...the sp is 300% up on 4-5 months ago...and it has held at an easy 1.7c+ since the spp..What's not to like?

To expect much more over the very short term is blind gambling in my opinion...I like selling stocks more than buying!...But it's hard to find a reason to sell this one

Having said that if it turns out they have bought rahu expecting a successful spp to pay for it....then maybe it's sell o'clock!

24-10-2017, 11:06 PM
Having said that if it turns out they have bought rahu expecting a successful spp to pay for it....then maybe it's sell o'clock!

That is very much the question that I await for the answer. Just what payment arrangement was made for Rahu. There have been speculation that maybe Newcrest get some SPP for there 80%,but we do not know. Still seems very odd to me that all of a sudden we have the SPP and buying Rahu with not much informing detail. This must all surface and I sure hope in the end it make since. The gold concentrator sure does but lately the rest is hiding in the dark.

25-10-2017, 03:49 PM
Just swapped out half of my meager holdings in NTL for ATM, another listing with massive hype which is probably going to crash now that I joined in.

Last time NTL seemingly withheld news (SPP instead of Bonanza updates), it caused the share prices to drop 33%... doubt it'll be the same with the pricing and reasoning on buying Rahu, but you never know with NTL! With any luck though, I'll be kicking myself down the track when they release amazing JORC updates on the last sites and bulk sampling results.

25-10-2017, 04:00 PM
Just swapped out half of my meager holdings in NTL for ATM, another listing with massive hype which is probably going to crash now that I joined in.

Last time NTL seemingly withheld news (SPP instead of Bonanza updates), it caused the share prices to drop 33%... doubt it'll be the same with the pricing and reasoning on buying Rahu, but you never know with NTL! With any luck though, I'll be kicking myself down the track when they release amazing JORC updates on the last sites and bulk sampling results.

Good luck with ATM, have been in there for a few months now and it's been exciting.

25-10-2017, 05:46 PM
Just swapped out half of my meager holdings in NTL for ATM, another listing with massive hype which is probably going to crash now that I joined in.

Last time NTL seemingly withheld news (SPP instead of Bonanza updates), it caused the share prices to drop 33%... doubt it'll be the same with the pricing and reasoning on buying Rahu, but you never know with NTL! With any luck though, I'll be kicking myself down the track when they release amazing JORC updates on the last sites and bulk sampling results.

I too have sold a large proportion of my NTL - the November options I stacked up allow me back in at 2.2c....if its worth buying back in after the next announcements take the price up above 2.2c

Given NTL only got $1.7m from the first round of the SPP, & in the process kneecapped the $2.4m they would have got anyway from us November options owners, they better be good positive reasons, lol, or options are worthless. Not currently how I saw it playing out, & just waiting for some rabbit being pulled out of a hat!

Given top shareholders only have a small proportion of company, my main consolation is I don't see this is a rich pump and dump for anyone. Although 200 to 300m shares have changed hands since Dubbo announcement, bought 0.5c, sold 1.9c to 3c, say $3m to $4.5m at a guess. Or was it 3 shares for 0.5c?

25-10-2017, 08:18 PM
I too have sold a large proportion of my NTL - the November options I stacked up allow me back in at 2.2c....if its worth buying back in after the next announcements take the price up above 2.2c

Given NTL only got $1.7m from the first round of the SPP, & in the process kneecapped the $2.4m they would have got anyway from us November options owners, they better be good positive reasons, lol, or options are worthless. Not currently how I saw it playing out, & just waiting for some rabbit being pulled out of a hat!

Given top shareholders only have a small proportion of company, my main consolation is I don't see this is a rich pump and dump for anyone. Although 200 to 300m shares have changed hands since Dubbo announcement, bought 0.5c, sold 1.9c to 3c, say $3m to $4.5m at a guess. Or was it 3 shares for 0.5c?

It's already been a pump and dump, don't underestimate the savvy traders who for a long time suffered the sideways down but sold into the 400+% gains. Try to look at it from the other side, like why would anyone sell to you at above .005? Because they can and now they have the fat profits in spite of all the uncertainty. This is the next phase, it will be what it will be.

27-10-2017, 10:45 AM
Just because a share price rises and some people sell, does not make it a pump and dump. Especially if the larger holders are increasing their holdings (#/%) throughout.

30-10-2017, 02:03 PM
Down to 1.8c again. Sentiment isn't looking great for the SPP.

30-10-2017, 02:11 PM
Honestly I can’t see who would buy them at 2.2 (I feel sorry for the people who did get their allocation at 2.2, starting to wonder if we will see that price again)

30-10-2017, 02:15 PM
Down to 1.8c again. Sentiment isn't looking great for the SPP.

My love hate relationship with NTL continues. In my head, I knew that participating in the SPP wasn't the right financial decision for my portfolio, but in my heart I want NTL to succeed. Still hopefully that in the medium term it will work out for us all.

30-10-2017, 04:16 PM
I think as holders we need to remember we own part of a mine with some of the highest grade gold worldwide. Once it starts coming out we will all be happy.

30-10-2017, 05:04 PM

30-10-2017, 07:03 PM
Only 6.2M shares issued for the shortfall offer or in other words an extra $137,000 raised. All a bit disappointing. There seems to be no record of Talisman receiving 1.7M$ from the original offer in the quarterly cash flow report.

30-10-2017, 07:45 PM
Quarterly cash flow for period ending 30th September isn’t it?

30-10-2017, 07:45 PM
Only 6.2M shares issued for the shortfall offer or in other words an extra $137,000 raised. All a bit disappointing. There seems to be no record of Talisman receiving 1.7M$ from the original offer in the quarterly cash flow report.

Surprised they raised a cent...why would any person have paid 2.2c in the last month!?

30-10-2017, 08:03 PM
Quarterly cash flow for period ending 30th September isn’t it?
They raised 1.7 M$ in September and the shares were issued in September

30-10-2017, 08:08 PM
Surprised they raised a cent...why would any person have paid 2.2c in the last month!?
If anybody wanted a substantial number of shares ie 50M or so then the shortfall would have been the only way to do it. The numbers of shares traded recently have only been a few million a day.
Rats and mice really in my opinion.

30-10-2017, 09:13 PM
Only 6.2M shares issued for the shortfall offer or in other words an extra $137,000 raised. All a bit disappointing. There seems to be no record of Talisman receiving 1.7M$ from the original offer in the quarterly cash flow report.

There is a "proceeds from issue of shares" of $1.25M? I suppose that is their SPP for September.

30-10-2017, 09:21 PM
I can't see anything other than 42k in purchases of property/plant/equipment for a Rahu purchase price. Thoughts anyone?

30-10-2017, 09:32 PM
When did they purchase Rahu? Was it after this quarterly report? And if it was only 42k that would have to be the bargain of the year, unless its just a very big hole.

30-10-2017, 10:08 PM
There is a "proceeds from issue of shares" of $1.25M? I suppose that is their SPP for September.
No that’s $1250 only

30-10-2017, 10:43 PM
When did they purchase Rahu? Was it after this quarterly report? And if it was only 42k that would have to be the bargain of the year, unless its just a very big hole.
The report showed that they owned 100% of Rahu as of the 30th Sept

30-10-2017, 11:06 PM
Key terms of the agreement include:

 Should Newcrest spend NZ$5.0 million on the Rahu Project a Joint Venture will beestablished at that time and a direct 20% interest transferred to NTL.

 In the interim 20% of the Rahu project will be held on Trust by Newcrest on behalf ofNTL subject to Ministerial consent.

 Newcrest will manage the exploration activity on the Rahu Project.

 If a joint venture is not established 100% of the project would be transferred to NTL
subject to Ministerial consent.

 Upon formation of a joint venture each party will be required pay their respective
exploration and development costs on a pro-rata basis.

 If NTL dilutes to below 10% equity, this equity would convert to a Net Smelter Return,
(NSR) of 2.5%.

30-10-2017, 11:07 PM
Does anyone know if the JV was established

31-10-2017, 07:12 AM
No that’s $1250 only

well the heading is "current quarter, NZD $000's" so I am presuming 1,250 is actually $1,250,000 which is $1.25M.

But I can see where the ambiguity comes in because if the headings are correct then they have overstated all other cashflows as well. Probably a balls up by the company. I just did some recon, and you are right it does look like 1,250 so maybe they are putting all the SPP cash in the next quarterly because they were waiting for the SPP to finish? Who knows.

31-10-2017, 07:14 AM
Does anyone know if the JV was established

No the JV wasn't established. I see your point, maybe NTL got Rahu back for nothing.

31-10-2017, 08:13 AM
No the JV wasn't established. I see your point, maybe NTL got Rahu back for nothing.

Which begs the question, what is it actually worth or did they just want the permits associated with it?

31-10-2017, 08:22 AM
That would be good because the price paid for Rahu has made me very wary of the share.
Probably the same for others and has probably been a major drag on the share price.

31-10-2017, 08:41 AM
Does anyone want to hazard a guess as to what the SP ends up today?

31-10-2017, 09:05 AM
Cashflow Report
30/10/2017, 4:53 pm GENERAL
APPENDIX 11 (Rule10.8.4)


Category of Securities Number Issued Number Quoted Paid-Up Value Cents
2,157,271,250 2,157,271,250
Issued during current
quarter: Nil Nil
Issued during current quarter Nil Nil
Exercise Price / Expiry Date
Quoted 118,530,578

Haha, thats one hell of a lot of shares.. !:eek2:

Its just the way it has been formatted by the NZX SITE.,....."

31-10-2017, 09:09 AM
Does anyone want to hazard a guess as to what the SP ends up today?

As a large holder I'm more interested in where it is the middle of next year. Fundamentals Clints....fundamentals, that is of course unless you are playing with small amounts and you might get lucky on low volume

31-10-2017, 09:11 AM
Yoda that is the current and previous quarter for comparison

31-10-2017, 09:27 AM
Why, wh..............y, WHY are they taking junkits to Fiji, Venuatu the bloody 18-30 contiki bus tours around Europe!!! to look for new mines. Who goes on these junkits? Are wives, kids, fishing buddies included? Really leaves a nasty taste in the mouth raising funds via spp then to read that in the quarterlies. WTF they have two mines on the go ready for gold to come out whats with the all expense paid holidays courtesy of shareholders!

I could just be blowing off because I ran our of milk for my cereal. But as a shareholder, how can I get details of what they did on these trips, expenses, who went, what they found out, check out their phones for holiday snaps? Just smacks as a stupid waste of time and our money.

31-10-2017, 09:31 AM
I understand Jonu's comment re the SP and next year. What I struggle with a bit (and it maybe due to me being new), management talk in the announcements about the SP going up xxx% and reaching 3.1c - then they completely scuppered it and shaved 42% off it practically overnight.

31-10-2017, 09:46 AM
I'm guessing a low of around 1.3-1.4, settling in the 1.5/1.6 range.