View Full Version : Automated Trading BOTS ....forex bot program

17-11-2012, 06:53 PM
Whats the view on automated trading yet another way to get rid of humans ? must say I hate the bots selling 1-3 shares at a time

"Insider trader"


Automated trading has come of age. Anyone can do it now...

It has many benefits including not having to sit in front of your computer all day and night - now that is a big benefit.

Now before you read on, lets look at some of the results* we are gaining without any human intervention


18-11-2012, 09:33 AM
This is the "microtrading phenomenon" that fools are buying into. Just utter madness, no way on God's green earth I'd rely on a robot to automate financial trades for me, especially when robots are capable of going awry on their trades. I am hugely skeptical of some of the people behind these microtrading firms too.

Yes there a lot of advertising for one in particular at present, making sound easy and the millions will come rolling in - cannot be that easy otherwise everyone would be jumping on board. Minimum account holding is $25K - not sure what the "price" for buying the system that you have no control over is though, I would imagine $10K +
(this is for FX trading only as far as I can tell)

18-11-2012, 03:29 PM
I have also heard that one lot of people pushing this FOREX microtrading can also sell you software to "invest" in horse racing.
That tells it all then !

18-11-2012, 05:54 PM
Jay - I understand they sell for as high as $25k, but this may include the money you need to put into a trading account.

I have also heard that one lot of people pushing this FOREX microtrading can also sell you software to "invest" in horse racing.

yes it does .....I did once used a forex test program started out with 10k play money ended up losing half in a short time as the buy-sell margin commission's just kill ya if you get it wrong much like i remember with my real CFD , options I invested in great when you get it right in a big way ...as always the guys taking no risk running the show profiting from the commissions on your trades are the big winners

18-11-2012, 08:53 PM
yes it does .....I did once used a forex test program started out with 10k play money ended up losing half in a short time as the buy-sell margin commission's just kill ya if you get it wrong much like i remember with my real CFD , options I invested in great when you get it right in a big way ...as always the guys taking no risk running the show profiting from the commissions on your trades are the big winners

Yes, the modern version of the merchant who sold shovels to aspiring gold prospectors!


19-11-2012, 10:05 AM
Yes when you think about it the "middle man" is nearly always the guy that gets the best profit for effort from the deal....

19-11-2012, 01:10 PM
I wonder if they have a "guarantee" that you will make x% or x$ within a given period or your monry back - if so probaly a gross return - excluding commissions/fees!

21-11-2012, 12:43 PM
Hi have used Forex trading bots on demo accounts and the results were less than convincing. Hmm actually they were convincing - enough to tell me not to run with bots. Wiped out the demo account in 24 hours. Of course it was a free bot so an expensive one might be better. The problem with bots is they can't account for the dynamics of trading. They are programed to set parameters. As long as the trading situation fits all is well. When it changes the bots cause massive losses.

27-11-2012, 01:16 PM
Here's an interesting story on shorting - whatever your views on the subject!


28-11-2012, 03:52 PM
Carson Block is now saying that it is becoming to dificult..

Here's an interesting story on shorting - whatever your views on the subject!
