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08-06-2018, 10:50 PM
up a little again today care of the Edison report, can snk maintain this , but the biggest question to my mind , is what does the manji family trust have in mind -- snk's biggest share holder.

29-06-2018, 11:46 AM

See page 11. Look at all those salaries. Just lol. Company is worth about $1m yet was paying it'self like a NZX50 company.


Wow! just Wow! That is actually quite comic if it wasn't so tragic.

29-06-2018, 12:09 PM
They are not snacking they are gorging. So happy to have excited this clown car.

29-06-2018, 12:15 PM

See page 11. Look at all those salaries. Just lol. Company is worth about $1m yet was paying it'self like a NZX50 company.

It is really silly to see all those staff receiving so much money, while the results of the company are dismal to say the least.

I have friends who are in IT receiving what I would say great remuneration, but they feel it is not enough. This reminds me of Wynyard. Staff were earning roughly $140,000 and the company went under. I have to keep reminding them, it is not what you earn but what you spend.

Lorne Ranger
29-06-2018, 06:18 PM

See page 11. Look at all those salaries. Just lol. Company is worth about $1m yet was paying it'self like a NZX50 company.


Truly Outrageous. Buyers need to do due diligence for this kind of vampiric corporatism. No wonder Snakk wanders around aimlessly its a drained corpse.

28-08-2018, 09:59 AM
Sharetrader got a shout out with a direct link to this thread :) :) Even as someone who is receptive to the current government I believe he is the total wrong guy for the job

28-08-2018, 10:14 AM
Sharetrader got a shout out with a direct link to this thread :) :) Even as someone who is receptive to the current government I believe he is the total wrong guy for the job

IMHO , Flaky comes to mind !

28-08-2018, 10:16 AM
Sharetrader got a shout out with a direct link to this thread :) :) Even as someone who is receptive to the current government I believe he is the total wrong guy for the job

Exactly the right person for the job - all smokes and mirrors like this government.

28-08-2018, 11:13 AM
Exactly the right person for the job - all smokes and mirrors like this government.

I wonder if Snakk got a mention on his CV?

Lorne Ranger
28-08-2018, 11:20 AM
Blimey. What on earth was the quality of the 60 in the first round that they ended up going with this guy??!! If I was one of those 60 I'd be feeling about as good as Snakk shares right now.

28-08-2018, 01:05 PM
I wonder if Snakk got a mention on his CV?

Thanks.... I snorted tea out my nose, laughing ;)

28-08-2018, 01:25 PM
I wonder if Snakk got a mention on his CV?It gets a mention on his linkedIN profile "NZAX-listed Snakk Media helps brands find and reach consumers using apps, games and social media on their smartphones, tablets and other smart screens. The company generates revenue every time it successfully targets and delivers an ad across its networks of mobile websites, apps and games. The ads are targeted to ensure the right audiences see them at the right time and place.

Snakk is one of the first publicly listed companies in the world that has met the rigorous social and environmental performance standards required to become a certified B Corporation."

Edit: But no mention of that other entrepreneurial success "Feverpitch"

28-08-2018, 03:14 PM
It's not that he's a bad person or done anything wrong, it's just that he's given WAY too much credit than he actually deserves.

There are 60 other candidates for the job. Most likely 30 of these would be better and more qualified.

And having met her, Curran is a prime example that you dont need to be intelligent to be an MP

28-08-2018, 03:34 PM
And having met her, Curran is a prime example that you dont need to be intelligent to be an MPThat she kept her Broadcasting portfolio is proof that Adern has a very shallow pool of talent available to her.

28-08-2018, 03:36 PM
That she kept her Broadcasting portfolio is proof that Adern has a very shallow pool of talent available to her.

so what talents do they both have ?

03-09-2018, 09:24 AM

Derek not wanted by real IT people ...’he’d take more from the job than give’

03-09-2018, 10:11 AM

Derek not wanted by real IT people ...’he’d take more from the job than give’

So it's just not this forum that questions his abilities....“has potential to become a major embarrassment for the government”...go on just do it! :-)

03-09-2018, 10:24 AM
So it's just not this forum that questions his abilities....“has potential to become a major embarrassment for the government”...go on just do it! :-)Clare probably asked him how he helped create a $856m company out of Sky TV. "Well Clare, it started of as a $1.9b company when I joined the Board......."

03-09-2018, 10:45 AM
Clare probably asked him how he helped create a $856m company out of Sky TV. "Well Clare, it started of as a $1.9b company when I joined the Board......."

Classic! :lol::lol::lol:

14-09-2018, 10:45 AM
Nice payout ...... Why not take this off Currans salary for failing to comply with procedure correctly ...


14-09-2018, 11:02 AM
Nice payout ...... Why not take this off Currans salary for failing to comply with procedure correctly ...

Not only that - she should be kicked out of Parliament. Totattaly and absolutely incompetent at every imaginable level.

14-09-2018, 11:03 AM
Just lol.

How does this guy manage to get so much money from people for doing so little all the time?Simply put - these people are fuskwits

14-09-2018, 01:08 PM
Simply put - these people are fuskwits

Could not have put it more succinctly myself......

14-09-2018, 01:10 PM
Simply put - these people are fuskwits


Sideshow Bob
14-09-2018, 01:41 PM
Complete disgrace.

14-09-2018, 01:53 PM
Complete disgrace.

With his luck he should apply for the Fonterra head honcho job

14-09-2018, 01:55 PM
How does this tosser keep falling on his feet! I agree this whole fiasco is a complete disgrace!

14-09-2018, 02:08 PM
With his luck he should apply for the Fonterra head honcho job

CV probably in the pipeline......ego's large enough (The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves)

14-09-2018, 02:09 PM
Haha - gotto to hand it over to Handley. He not only has the ‘journalists’ (especially at the NZ Herald) eating out of his hands and swallowing whatever he shoots their ways, he obviously has the same effect on some politicians as well!

Good on him - Handley reveals others for who they really are.

Get the drift? :D

14-09-2018, 02:10 PM
With his luck he should apply for the Fonterra head honcho jobIts not luck. He has the required skill - take a large sum of money and make it smaller.

14-09-2018, 02:23 PM
Its not luck. He has the required skill - take a large sum of money and make it smaller.

Nail on zee head, Minimoke! Haha!

He could not possibly do worse than those overpaid prized monkeys at Fonterra.

Could he? Scary thought!

Sideshow Bob
21-09-2018, 08:05 AM
From Mr Handley:


21-09-2018, 08:09 AM
From Mr Handley:


What a FkWit. He is still saying he co-founded the B team.

21-09-2018, 08:12 AM
Quote..The last few weeks have been a distressing time for my family and I who returned to Auckland last weekend in time to take up this position

Yet Listener article had reported them comming home 16/3/18..https://www.noted.co.nz/currently/profiles/derek-handley-talks-trump-business-and-coming-home/

Was he already talking to the Govt?

21-09-2018, 08:13 AM
From Mr Handley:

Oh god, he just wants to make me puke.

But he would have been a good appointment. A man amongst his day dreaming, lying and scheming peers.

Take for example his "co-founding the B team" and then compare it to the B Team website - where is Handley mentioned on here?: http://www.bteam.org/team. The actual truth being closer to his arse licking of Branson and offering / grovelling to work for him for free for a year.

Sideshow Bob
21-09-2018, 08:17 AM
He is actually mentioned here - http://www.bteam.org/about/ in the paragraph under the video.

21-09-2018, 08:27 AM
He is actually mentioned here - http://www.bteam.org/about/ in the paragraph under the video.As a "supporter" not a "co-founder"

21-09-2018, 08:30 AM
Quote..The last few weeks have been a distressing time for my family and I who returned to Auckland last weekend in time to take up this position

Yet Listener article had reported them comming home 16/3/18..https://www.noted.co.nz/currently/profiles/derek-handley-talks-trump-business-and-coming-home/

Was he already talking to the Govt?I see he mentions the Aera Foundation - his charitable foundation. I wonder which charity he has donated his $107k compo payment.

Edit - what a prat. Cant even manage his citizenship and days out of the country. Best we dont delve too deeply on what wheels were oiled to get over that problem.

Sideshow Bob
21-09-2018, 08:53 AM
As a "supporter" not a "co-founder"


Too be clear, ain't no supporter. Or of Clear Currant.

21-09-2018, 08:57 AM
Just so we don’t end up with a defamation claim from this lying deluded prat the B team was set up by Richard Branson and Jochen Zeitz along with 14 other people – see here: https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/the-b-team-challenge-leaders-revealed?INTCMP=SRCH

21-09-2018, 09:02 AM
As a "supporter" not a "co-founder"

Not according to him - he was definitely a co-founder.


Excerpt : "Aera founder Derek Handley was the co-founder of The B Team, with Sir Richard Branson, Jochen Zeitz and the Virgin Unite Foundation. The B Team is a not-for-profit initiative formed by a global group of business leaders to catalyse a better way of doing business, for the wellbeing of people and the planet. B Team leaders come from around the world and include Noble Laureate Muhammad Yunus, Arianna Huffington, Unilever CEO Paul Polman and Ratan Tata. Backers include the Ford, Rockefeller and Tiffany and Co. Foundations."

21-09-2018, 09:09 AM
Not according to him - he was definitely a co-founder.


Excerpt : "Aera founder Derek Handley was the co-founder of The B Team, with Sir Richard Branson, Jochen Zeitz and the Virgin Unite Foundation. The B Team is a not-for-profit initiative formed by a global group of business leaders to catalyse a better way of doing business, for the wellbeing of people and the planet. B Team leaders come from around the world and include Noble Laureate Muhammad Yunus, Arianna Huffington, Unilever CEO Paul Polman and Ratan Tata. Backers include the Ford, Rockefeller and Tiffany and Co. Foundations."
Even a ning nong knows that once on the internet forever on the internet. Apparently our potential government Chief Technology Officer (and Minister)doesn't know this - which ought instantly disqualify him as a candidate.

For the record, I'm best mates with Barrack Obama. It has to be true because I wrote it on a website.

21-09-2018, 10:43 AM
https://www.whaleoil.co.nz/tag/derek-handley/interesting reading.....what a pity he did not get the job....they certainly deserved him...

21-09-2018, 11:10 AM
Maybe co-founding and co-leading the same


21-09-2018, 11:49 AM
Maybe co-founding and co-leading the same

https://idealog.co.nz/workplace/2012/10/handley-branson-head-new-international-initiative-b-teamHow to spot self written news: "The B Team, which boasts Kiwi entrepreneur Derek Handley as CEO"

Perhaps best to go closer to the source. On the B Team Web site they say: "In 2013, following a series of workshops with civil society leaders, systems experts, sustainability pioneers, economists and entrepreneurs, a group of business leaders came together to advance a plan for better business. Inspired by the work of Lester Brown (http://www.earth-policy.org/books/bng) and the B Corp movement (http://www.bcorporation.net/), they called it “Plan B”. From these discussions emerged The B Team we have today."

Now go back to 8 November 2012. Page one of Snakk Sharetrader thread. "Derek HAndley to list Snakk. So what was he doing in 2012 / 2013. Listing Snakk or being CEO?

Now go back to the beginning of 2012. Strange no mention of the B Team here https://www.webstock.org.nz/12/speakers/handley.php

Lets go back a bit further. A matter of public record that Handley became a Director of Snakk on 16 July 2011. Cant have been working too hard on the B Team then.

21-09-2018, 12:15 PM
I am surprised with all this talk about Derek he does not take a law action suit against people for defamation of character. I am not for him nor against him as I don’t know him well enough to write something up about him. Have any of you people worked with him as you all seem to know about him personally

21-09-2018, 12:25 PM
I am surprised with all this talk about Derek he does not take a law action suit against people for defamation of character. I am not for him nor against him as I don’t know him well enough to write something up about him. Have any of you people worked with him as you all seem to know about him personally
The thing about defamation is that there are two main defenses: telling the truth and honest opinion. Do you think Derek wants to go there?

Dont worry about trying to know the person - just get to know their actions and results. Start with looking at Snakk and Sky TV. Then maybe Magpie and Feverpitch

21-09-2018, 02:00 PM
The thing about defamation is that there are two main defenses: telling the truth and honest opinion. Do you think Derek wants to go there?

Dont worry about trying to know the person - just get to know their actions and results. Start with looking at Snakk and Sky TV. Then maybe Magpie and Feverpitch

The annoying thing is that NZ actually managed to get rid of the guy. Now he's back. Damn you Jacinda. Damn you!

25-09-2018, 07:34 AM
The annoying thing is that NZ actually managed to get rid of the guy. Now he's back. Damn you Jacinda. Damn you!

Gets worse - https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12130996

Clare thought that he was 'Star Trek' material!

Holy Buddha - we are all in trouble with this star-eyed Jacinda character government!

25-09-2018, 07:38 AM

Funny how the fawning NZ Herald never asks about 'Snakk'?

25-09-2018, 08:24 AM
"A bit Star Trek" lol haha that made my day!

25-09-2018, 08:24 AM
Entrepreneur Derek Handley says he has still not been given an explanation from the Government on why it withdrew its offer to appoint him as the country's first chief technology officer.

"Neither have I heard personally from Minister Hipkins, Minister Woods or the Prime Minister during this challenging time, which has been disappointing from a Government that highlights compassion and kindness as hallmarks of their leadership," he said in a statement on Tuesday.

Perhaps one should look in the mirror.....starting with your leadership and an explanation as to why Snakk has been such a dismal failure. And perhaps instead of asking Govt to show some honesty and transparency to start with your own!

25-09-2018, 08:39 AM
Entrepreneur Derek Handley says he has still not been given an explanation from the Government on why it withdrew its offer to appoint him as the country's first chief technology officer.

"Neither have I heard personally from Minister Hipkins, Minister Woods or the Prime Minister during this challenging time, which has been disappointing from a Government that highlights compassion and kindness as hallmarks of their leadership," he said in a statement on Tuesday.

Perhaps one should look in the mirror.....starting with your leadership and an explanation as to why Snakk has been such a dismal failure. And perhaps instead of asking Govt to show some honesty and transparency to start with your own!

Poor Derek.

Poor poor Handley.

Guess he was celebrating his ability to land yet another easy one - $400k a year plus expenses plus promise of support staff. Think of the fun he could have had!

Whatever happened to Team 'B' etc etc.

An entrepreneur taking up a full time paid job? Unheard of!

25-09-2018, 08:50 AM
Very poor form and judgement on Handleys part. At this level he didn't get the job, you accept the outcome (which included a settlement - and surprised it didn't include a confidentiality clause. Yet another stuff up on Governments part) and keep your peace. You don't keep litigating it in the media.

Perhaps now he has the time to focus on Sky TV and drag them out of the doldrums and into this century and beyond.

25-09-2018, 08:53 AM
Gets worse - https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12130996

Clare thought that he was 'Star Trek' material!

Holy Buddha - we are all in trouble with this star-eyed Jacinda character government!
Urh - is this entrepreneurial thought leader futurist really using an Iphone 5S? That is soooo 2013.

25-09-2018, 09:01 AM
Do babies actually “POP”

Good idea this NZ led new Davos model

see weed
25-09-2018, 09:27 AM
Entrepreneur Derek Handley says he has still not been given an explanation from the Government on why it withdrew its offer to appoint him as the country's first chief technology officer.

"Neither have I heard personally from Minister Hipkins, Minister Woods or the Prime Minister during this challenging time, which has been disappointing from a Government that highlights compassion and kindness as hallmarks of their leadership," he said in a statement on Tuesday.

Perhaps one should look in the mirror.....starting with your leadership and an explanation as to why Snakk has been such a dismal failure. And perhaps instead of asking Govt to show some honesty and transparency to start with your own!
Good one. And maybe secretly payback time, Hipkins, Woods and Jusina Oneterm might of had shares with snakk back in 2013.

25-09-2018, 10:11 AM
Just read first email...talk about 'piss in pocket'.....came close to bringing up my breakfast!

25-09-2018, 10:17 AM
Just read first email...talk about 'piss in pocket'.....came close to bringing up my breakfast!

Lots of “LOVE’ eh

Don’t think he’s Jacinda’s ‘friend’ anymore

25-09-2018, 12:40 PM
Lots of “LOVE’ eh

Don’t think he’s Jacinda’s ‘friend’ anymore

I do wonder if one of his emails that contained his list of "requirements" was maybe one of the freak out moments Labour may have had over this position.

They thought they were paying someone $400k.

The request list turned this silo into a multi million $$ venture that had no real outcomes.

25-09-2018, 12:58 PM
Wasnt DH mingling with Key and National a few years ago - guess whichever way the wind blows

25-09-2018, 01:14 PM
Wasnt DH mingling with Key and National a few years ago - guess whichever way the wind blows

certainly appears mates with the labour crowd....

25-09-2018, 02:18 PM
From noted 2 years ago..The guests included lawyer Mai Chen, a sales rep from a big alcohol company, broadcasters Clarke Gayford and Brooke Howard-Smith, someone from New Plymouth-based International Volunteer HQ, young law graduates and MP Jacinda Ardern, who made a presentation on Labour policy after the entrée was served. During the mains, Handley asked Bell to talk about drug policy reform. Later, the two men went out with the law grads and discussed the topic for so long, they outlasted the young ones at the bar. “He showed a personal and genuine interest in these complex issues,” says Bell. “There aren’t a whole lot of philanthropists jumping into drug law reform.”

Drug reform, Handley's got it under control....sorry Donald

19-10-2018, 03:48 PM
3.5c has to be an all time low...what cash left should be burnt up very rapidly with Hol pay...NO wait, lets have another rights offer!

19-10-2018, 03:59 PM
3.5c has to be an all time low...what cash left should be burnt up very rapidly with Hol pay...NO wait, lets have another rights offer!

I could sell my small little unit, make a takeover offer for Snakk at these prices and still have money left over.

29-10-2018, 10:36 AM
The metrics they use do my head in. They cover their numbers in so much gobbledygook it hardly makes sense anymore.

29-10-2018, 10:45 AM
The metrics they use do my head in. They cover their numbers in so much gobbledygook it hardly makes sense anymore.

but it does to the new Asian investor, are they off in a positive direction now ?

29-10-2018, 10:49 AM
but it does to the new Asian investor, are they off in a positive direction now ?

Who knows. I briefly held it at 11c and sold at 9.5c in 2014. I follow it only as an example of wealth destruction.

29-10-2018, 11:15 AM
New investor is joining the board with a $55k investment. Unsure how they class Mr Yee an independent when he will hold over 7% of the company.

Same goes for Independent directors Mr James and King with their convertible loans. Seem hard to stay 'independent' while the company owes you money or that then gets converted into a decent slice of the company.

NXT listing rules state "at least two directors must be independent directors" - so how do the board determine 'independence'?

I guess the NZX will be more worried about Snakk continuing to pay their listing fee rather than chasing down these sub $1m Market Cap 'Mutts' on compliance issues. Can't afford to lose another listing no matter how bad it is :D

06-11-2018, 08:45 AM
Edison report out hard to understand where the future lies .

06-11-2018, 09:11 AM
Edison report out hard to understand where the future lies .Didnt think it said much at all.

Only perhaps "The only one of these reported numbers noticeably adrift from target is that for compensation torevenue. This is down to several factors; firstly that revenues from managed services were belowthose anticipated; secondly that the working capital constraints have been in part behind the delaysin bringing new products and services to market; and, thirdly, the compensation bill was swelled bypayment of compensation for loss of office to the previous head of sales"

So revenue down, they paid compo to the Head of Sales, and their numbers are so poor no valid comparison of peers can be done. No clues on how they will improve on this KOM other than increase ni working capital should eliminate one excuse and there should be no more compo paid to other staff.

Sideshow Bob
19-11-2018, 08:41 AM

Wasn't even a citizen.

19-11-2018, 08:53 AM

Wasn't even a citizen.

I missed this news which above artile led to https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12144619

30-11-2018, 11:58 AM
How odd. About an hour ago I thought I heard a plug being pulled and something going down the gurgler.

30-11-2018, 12:01 PM
So sad for Derek Handley - he cannot add this to his long long list of successes.

Guess he can always lie and say that he left it in good hands after setting it up.

What a muppet!

30-11-2018, 01:35 PM
Didn't I read somewhere that the excs were coming to the party with a C R ?

30-11-2018, 04:45 PM

Is this finally the end?

It's never truly the end for backdoor listings...


04-12-2018, 10:31 AM
Didn't I read somewhere that the excs were coming to the party with a C R ?


They are talking to Derek Handley about him coming back and getting some funds from Jacinda. He is so gooood at that!

04-12-2018, 10:35 AM
Landlord must be picky.....they've had long enough to empty rubbish and vacuum!

04-12-2018, 10:40 AM
Landlord must be picky.....they've had long enough to empty rubbish and vacuum!To be fair, shredding paper does create a bit of dust.

04-12-2018, 10:42 AM
To be fair, shredding paper does create a bit of dust.

Especially when it's all hand jobs?

07-12-2018, 10:32 AM
...And suspended.


07-12-2018, 10:46 AM
...And suspended.

I wonder if Derek saw that in the future?

07-12-2018, 11:54 AM
I wonder if Derek saw that in the future?

Nothing to do with him - he left the company in very good shape when he quit years and years ago.

07-12-2018, 12:02 PM
Nothing to do with him - he left the company in very good shape when he quit years and years ago.So you are saying he did see the future

07-12-2018, 12:39 PM
So you are saying he did see the future

You put it so well!

Quick to claim credit (Team B etc) but quicker to distance himself from disasters - that's Derek.

07-12-2018, 01:05 PM

Is this still going on?
Oh dear. In the interests of fairness I tried to find a positive comment but only ended up with examples like this "I have not received the refund and I would be no longer supporting any crowdfunding projects as Kickstarter is not taking any responsibility. It has been very consistent bad experience of a completed project not delivering as promised as well as not refunding properly when projects are not taking off as planned. Shame on your Kickstarter and Project Owners."

Just the kind of background we need from Chief Govt CTO Wonk.

I reckon Clare Curran read as much of Dereks file as Ian Lees Galloway dod of Scroubeks.

07-12-2018, 04:14 PM
NZX Regulation ("NZXR") advises that Snakk Media Limited ("SNK") has still
not provided to NZX its preliminary announcement which, under the NXT Market
Rules, was due to be announced to NZX on or before Friday, 30 November 2018.......possibly no one remaining to file it!

07-12-2018, 04:28 PM
.......possibly no one remaining to file it!Look in the bottom of the shredding machine

11-12-2018, 12:41 PM
SEA must be next to go....think they were into SNAKK for around $3.75m in the early days

Snow Leopard
11-12-2018, 03:58 PM
Announcement says that their Australian subsidiary is in administration.

So Snakk Media Limited survives for now, but I guess it will follow suit in due course.

SEA sold it's Snakk shares many years ago.

11-12-2018, 09:03 PM
Announcement says that their Australian subsidiary is in administration.

So Snakk Media Limited survives for now, but I guess it will follow suit in due course.

SEA sold it's Snakk shares many years ago.

and this is now a shell waiting another life with less than a million M C, the lowest on the NZX !!

07-02-2019, 10:32 AM

He of Viking Capital & ICP Bio throws in the towel :D

And guess Mr Marvin Yee who invested $55,000 will simply have to treat his investment as a 'look-see' fee?

07-02-2019, 07:28 PM
Dust to dust eh Handley, more govt advice in the offering on how not to do things ?

11-03-2019, 08:58 AM

To give the Handley devotees their fix. :D

20-03-2019, 10:23 PM

What does this mean? Are they planning on doing another back door listing as a shell company?

It seems to mean that a week ago the company went into liquidation and they didn't announce it to the market, and all shareholders are fecked unless they apply as a creditor, which they are not, for recompense on any moneys retained or recovered. The option is left open to sell the company as part of the recovery but as the receiver alludes, the recoveries are slim to none (paraphrased).

In plain english, it's 'over rover'. Your investment in this dog, which you should have seen coming a long time ago, has vanished.

21-03-2019, 08:41 AM
Agree with you Swift but haven't bothered putting it on here....just inwardly thanking the sellers for the opportunity instead!

Most of the negative subjective comments on here have not been based on the object numbers - but more so on the apparent obsessive dislike of RH & Co by the self appointed "thread influencers". A couple of recent board exits have given them more fodder to chew over unfortunately.

Nothing wrong with swimming against the tide sometimes.....that's where the money's made - ask Soros! I'm happy with the last lot of numbers and, given their growth in their broadening markets etc...I'm looking forward to the next lot of numbers before reviewing things again.

Actually, given the current SP, I wouldn't be surprised if the Coy didn't start buying itself back!

Sell now and you're a bloody idiot.
This company is doing real figures in a high growth sector and has good market share in rapidly maturing regions.
The seed exits were contentious but the smart money is on a buy. PS just balanced and PE is on the rise.
Plenty pie in the sky stocks on NZAX but very few with $M's on the books and ++%'s in the outlook

Two of the more famous comments in 2015 when the writing was already on the wall.

21-03-2019, 10:53 AM
Ultimately their product was caught in a squeeze with the growth of social media use, they were having to fight with the crumbs.

Cost base (277k in director salaries, 400k leases and millions in salaries...) caught up with their inability to grow past 10M

24-03-2019, 02:35 PM

24-03-2019, 02:41 PM

Love the laughing Handley under the heading Snakk was most likely insolvent

But he left it a great state ...solvent with fantastic prospects

24-03-2019, 04:04 PM
Love the laughing Handley under the heading Snakk was most likely insolvent

But he left it a great state ...solvent with fantastic prospects

Poor old Moosie - remember him?

He had so much admiration and respect for the Great One, and the inside oil from a few in the company.

And they played him like a violin to serenade others as gullible as him into buying shares off the Great One and other backdoor shareholders.

25-03-2019, 08:56 AM
Poor old Moosie - remember him?

He had so much admiration and respect for the Great One, and the inside oil from a few in the company.

And they played him like a violin to serenade others as gullible as him into buying shares off the Great One and other backdoor shareholders.

Q Was Moosie D H in drag ?

30-07-2019, 09:42 AM

Getting ready to suck in the next generation of backdoor mugs.

30-07-2019, 12:08 PM

Getting ready to suck in the next generation of backdoor mugs.

From memory, weren't they listed on some NZX sh!tty sub standard exchange that had bugger all liquidity going through it?

30-07-2019, 01:45 PM
At least there is some hope ( whatever that means ) for the poor suffering Snakk share holders, lets hope it "they " can get it right this al la ABA which backed doored out of a petroleum company all those years ago time ( the only successful back doorer that Im aware of after soooooo many duds ) !!!

19-10-2020, 10:55 AM
At least there is some hope ( whatever that means ) for the poor suffering Snakk share holders, lets hope it "they " can get it right this al la ABA which backed doored out of a petroleum company all those years ago time ( the only successful back doorer that Im aware of after soooooo many duds ) !!!


CBD likely?


Surely not somehow related to our other thread!!!?

19-10-2020, 03:35 PM
Can't wait to see if my currently $126 market value Snakk investment (running at a 98% loss) will make any kind of increase....

19-10-2020, 03:51 PM
Can't wait to see if my currently $126 market value Snakk investment (running at a 98% loss) will make any kind of increase....

Each previous reincarnation of this dog had reaped Millions of dollars for the backdoor boys.

Just make sure you follow them - get in and get out as they hype up the ‘story’.

Better still, make sure you are in the loop for the placements etc.

It’s that hard and that simple!

28-10-2020, 08:56 AM
Each previous reincarnation of this dog had reaped Millions of dollars for the backdoor boys.

Just make sure you follow them - get in and get out as they hype up the ‘story’.

Better still, make sure you are in the loop for the placements etc.

It’s that hard and that simple!


Another opportunity for the suckers out there to suck the kumara!

28-10-2020, 10:36 AM

Another opportunity for the suckers out there to suck the kumara!

So do the poor suckers that owned shares in SNK when they went into liquidation get their shares back? :confused: Asking for a friend :D

28-10-2020, 03:14 PM
So yet another listed Shell probably with little in way of readies or prospects
after the Liquidators fees etc etc have gutted the job

Spose the next lot of suckers climbing in will supply the goodies that may or may not
bud into Good Wood .. ;)

22-02-2022, 02:28 PM
Here we go again....nothing short of 'Twitter Swindler'....Aera VC invests at the frontier of deep technology and sustainability to accelerate the world to a better future. blah, blah, blah...........