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Harvey Specter
09-02-2016, 12:27 PM
9 February 2016Dear ShareholderNOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING

"enable shares held by shareholders who hold less than a minimum holding to be compulsorily sold bySnakk after giving at least four weeks’ notice to affected shareholders"

Does anyone know what the min is?500 shares - https://www.asbsecurities.co.nz/section240.asp

Did you think of trying google?

Unusual move given I didn't think Snakk had cash to burn to buy out shareholders.

09-02-2016, 05:00 PM
500 shares - https://www.asbsecurities.co.nz/section240.asp

Did you think of trying google?

Unusual move given I didn't think Snakk had cash to burn to buy out shareholders.

So 500 shares today = 12,500 shares pre consolidation.

Look like those who put in a couple of thousand dollars into the stock when it was trading in the 10s (pre consolidation) are going to end up with no shares, and a small cheque from Snakk.

10-02-2016, 08:36 AM
How does that work.....can a company consolidate again 1000x : 1 and then all shareholders are below the threshold and will have to accept their small cheque? And where is Snakk getting the funds to buy this back?

Harvey Specter
10-02-2016, 08:55 AM
How does that work.....can a company consolidate again 1000x : 1 and then all shareholders are below the threshold and will have to accept their small cheque? And where is Snakk getting the funds to buy this back?If they consolidated 1000:1 then I assume the price would be above $10 so the minimum holding would be 25 shares. Have a look at the link above. it is a sliding scale. Basically you need to be holding above $250 but safer to think a minimum holding is about $500.

Funding is a good question, though in theory, they maybe able to take out a lot of shareholders for $100k, which isn't a lot of money in the scheme of things.

10-02-2016, 09:29 AM
Thanks for that Harvey, yes I get what you mean from the link above. What I was getting at was, if the SP drops drastically, can a company just do another consolidation and then shareholder get below a threshold again and then cheaply (from the business point) get rid of more shareholders?
Let just say Snakk drops to 0.49c a share... can they do a 2:1 again? Does anything stop them from doing so?

10-02-2016, 09:35 AM
Thanks for that Harvey, yes I get what you mean from the link above. What I was getting at was, if the SP drops drastically, can a company just do another consolidation and then shareholder get below a threshold again and then cheaply (from the business point) get rid of more shareholders?
Let just say Snakk drops to 0.49c a share... can they do a 2:1 again? Does anything stop them from doing so?

As long as they meet listing rules, including minimum number of shareholders, they can keep consolidating or splitting.

NZX is super hungry for fees so it will bend backwards to accommodate any listing.

Snakk's consolidation is understandable as it is attempting to be taken seriously in Asia - a penny dreadful commands zero respect.

Serial spliter - AOR or WID as it was infamously known.

Harvey Specter
10-02-2016, 11:38 AM
Let just say Snakk drops to 0.49c a share... can they do a 2:1 again? Does anything stop them from doing so?
No need to do a 2:1. If they drop below 50c, then the minimum holding increases from 500 to 1000 shares, so they could take out that next batch of investors.

10-02-2016, 02:06 PM
Thinking about it, to me at least, this is a good idea.

Keep "dead wooding" until you are left with "serious investor type shareholders" in the company. That would get rid of "penny type shareholders", the share register would stabilise - and no longer would the company be labelled a penny dreadful. Might also stop shares selling in one tenth of a cent increments (for god's sake!!) and tiny parcel sales unrealistically influencing the market cap. Ridiculous watching up to 10% of a market cap get wiped off because someone can't get by without having to some dump shares for say, $200. :confused:

Harvey Specter
10-02-2016, 02:09 PM
One of the main benefits of buying out small holders is reducing the admin costs. Having to send an annual report to people with only $100 invested - waste of money. It is also a good way to get out if you have stranded shares eg. for some reason got left with a tiny amount of shares after you thought you had sold completely as there is no brokerage.

10-02-2016, 02:42 PM
Thinking about it, to me at least, this is a good idea.

Keep "dead wooding" until you are left with "serious investor type shareholders" in the company. That would get rid of "penny type shareholders", the share register would stabilise - and no longer would the company be labelled a penny dreadful. Might also stop shares selling in one tenth of a cent increments (for god's sake!!) and tiny parcel sales unrealistically influencing the market cap. Ridiculous watching up to 10% of a market cap get wiped off because someone can't get by without having to some dump shares for say, $200. :confused:

Eh - so why do people get sucked into all these backdoor jobs with their share prices set at penny dreadful levels?

Suits the promoters just fine as these backdoor jobs typically are for SUCKERS.

10-02-2016, 03:07 PM
Eh - so why do people get sucked into all these backdoor jobs with their share prices set at penny dreadful levels?

Suits the promoters just fine as these backdoor jobs typically are for SUCKERS.

I agree with Balance. Quality companies try to broaden their investor registry, not cull it!

10-02-2016, 03:17 PM
Eh - so why do people get sucked into all these backdoor jobs with their share prices set at penny dreadful levels?

Suits the promoters just fine as these backdoor jobs typically are for SUCKERS.

I'm sure you must have been looking in the mirror when you posed that question me ole Balance. So when you sort out your answer - let us all know.

I certainly wouldn't take you for a SUCKER mate - but you did after all invest into SEA a little while ago. If a "penny dreadful" has a SP of less than say....5c - then SEA is well in there!

10-02-2016, 03:22 PM
One of the main benefits of buying out small holders is reducing the admin costs. Having to send an annual report to people with only $100 invested - waste of money. It is also a good way to get out if you have stranded shares eg. for some reason got left with a tiny amount of shares after you thought you had sold completely as there is no brokerage.

So suck in the punters with a backdoor at penny dreadful sp - cheap, see?

Company pumps out the good news, create volume in the stock, punters pile in with their $2k, $5k and $10k and the promoters and directors and management feed the ducks.

Sp collapses and many of the punters/suckers become small holders - and get taken out of their misery, by the very SAME company PEB which welcomed them with open arms and heaps of good news in the first place! :(

Promoters and directors cry into their champagne - delirious at yet another group of suckers. :D

Don't they ever learn?

10-02-2016, 03:23 PM
I'm sure you must have been looking in the mirror when you posed that question me ole Balance. So when you sort out your answer - let us all know.

I certainly wouldn't take you for a SUCKER mate - but you did after all invest into SEA a little while ago. If a "penny dreadful" has a SP of less than say....5c - then SEA is well in there!

Haha - I doubt very much the definition of SUCKER includes one who makes money out of a stock like SEA.

23-02-2016, 08:41 AM

23-02-2016, 08:47 AM

So after using many of the 3,500 'small' investors for 'backdooring' its entry into the market (and pumping out the good news so that the original promoters walk away with 1200% gains by selling to many of the 3,500 investors), Snakk now does another backdoor on them.

Have to laugh.

25-02-2016, 04:31 PM
Some good numbers & positive commentary on Q3 today...very encouraging and always nice to have some decent cash in the bank.

I particularly like how they seem to have their costs under control now. With that SEA market continuing to grow, hopefully the previous shackles have now been well broken and never to be revisited. It certainly appears Mark and Co finally have their finger firmly on the pulse of this little baby. Keep going like this (well managed growth) and it will be a teenager before we know it.

04-03-2016, 01:41 PM
Slip sliding away.

Now at all time low of 76c and still way overvalued against the 10c paid by the original promoters and directors.

Notice the market maker bid price going from 78c to 76c to 75c and now, 74c.

Always 2c below the prevailing market price and not wanting to be hit! :D

04-03-2016, 02:54 PM
Slip sliding away.

Now at all time low of 76c and still way overvalued against the 10c paid by the original promoters and directors.

Notice the market maker bid price going from 78c to 76c to 75c and now, 74c.

Always 2c below the prevailing market price and not wanting to be hit! :D

Said with a thick yankee accent and a very tiresome sounding tone ...."LET IT GO MICHAEL" :bored:

11-03-2016, 05:20 PM
Share consolidation at 83c, now down to 72c......great work. Did better as a penny dreadful!

18-03-2016, 04:40 PM

Nice work!

18-03-2016, 05:23 PM
Still the same company so matters not - over time should be a good move, often does work out that way in my experience.
Share consolidation at 83c, now down to 72c......great work. Did better as a penny dreadful!

19-03-2016, 11:20 AM

Nice work!

They are getting on with it. Lot of hard work to go, but the world of mobile is still in its infancy.

I pitched some of their software to a potential new client this week. They were blown away.

Hoping to be able to start giving them some more business again soon.

21-03-2016, 04:03 PM
21 March 2016

Snakk Media the subject of an online scam

Snakk has been the subject of an online scam. The financial loss, being NZ$215,000 (before any recovery, see below), will not affect ongoing operations or Snakk's investment plans for FY17. Likewise, it will not affect the Company’s KOMs for FY16 and FY17. The Company has over NZ$3 million in current available cash reserves.

The Board has engaged the Company’s auditors, Staples Rodway, to conduct a forensic investigation into the matter to independently assess the fraudulent activity and Snakk's position with respect to recovery of the funds. The matter has also been reported to Netsafe Orb who will alert the appropriate authorities.

Our bank is pursuing the recipient bank and the activity has been logged with its fraud unit. We will reassess our options for the recovery of the funds after the success or otherwise of those activities is known and it has received Staples Rodway’s report.

Immediate action has been taken to improve the relevant controls. In addition, Staples Rodway will review the Company’s procedures and monitoring activities as part of their engagement to ensure that appropriate processes are in place to prevent a repeat of an incident of this nature.

For enquiries, please contact:
Heidi Aldred, Company Secretary,+61 410 802 992 (tel:%2B61%20410%20802%20992), investors@snakkmedia.com

www.snk.co.nz (http://twitter.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=18223adf75e6cb3573ca0a4e5&id=f44930fc32&e=bd62996845)
www.twitter.com/snakkmedia (http://twitter.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=18223adf75e6cb3573ca0a4e5&id=06c88f4958&e=bd62996845)

21-03-2016, 04:12 PM
And $83,000 worth of shares sold or for sale at 70c. This incident really broke the camels back for someone.

21-03-2016, 07:01 PM
Unfortunately, these spear phishing attacks do occur from time to time, although they do not appear to be as generally successful when aimed at the technology sector.

It's pleasing to see that SNK have reported the breach, have taken steps of mitigate the current damage and to shore up systems and processes to ensure this does not occur in the future. Hopefully we will get to see the no-doubt comprehensive report & recommendations from Staples Rodway.

21-03-2016, 07:23 PM

Just lol.

And I thought the first one out of the blocks would be me 'ole mate Balance.

He who laughs last ....

21-03-2016, 10:27 PM
Was this Moosies revenge , the BFG is back !!!!!

22-03-2016, 10:06 AM
21 March 2016

Snakk Media the subject of an online scam

Snakk has been the subject of an online scam. The financial loss, being NZ$215,000 (before any recovery, see below), will not affect ongoing operations or Snakk's investment plans for FY17. Likewise, it will not affect the Company’s KOMs for FY16 and FY17. The Company has over NZ$3 million in current available cash reserves.

The Board has engaged the Company’s auditors, Staples Rodway, to conduct a forensic investigation into the matter to independently assess the fraudulent activity and Snakk's position with respect to recovery of the funds. The matter has also been reported to Netsafe Orb who will alert the appropriate authorities.

Our bank is pursuing the recipient bank and the activity has been logged with its fraud unit. We will reassess our options for the recovery of the funds after the success or otherwise of those activities is known and it has received Staples Rodway’s report.

Immediate action has been taken to improve the relevant controls. In addition, Staples Rodway will review the Company’s procedures and monitoring activities as part of their engagement to ensure that appropriate processes are in place to prevent a repeat of an incident of this nature.

For enquiries, please contact:
Heidi Aldred, Company Secretary,+61 410 802 992 (tel:%2B61%20410%20802%20992), investors@snakkmedia.com

www.snk.co.nz (http://twitter.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=18223adf75e6cb3573ca0a4e5&id=f44930fc32&e=bd62996845)
www.twitter.com/snakkmedia (http://twitter.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=18223adf75e6cb3573ca0a4e5&id=06c88f4958&e=bd62996845)

What a kick in the guts.

22-03-2016, 10:17 AM

Just lol.

I kind of know how they feel. Although I have not fallen for any online scams as such I do feel I have been scammed a little by being enticed into buying shares in a couple of NZX/NZAT listed tech companies based on hype release to the market :)

Tony Two Gloves
22-03-2016, 11:06 AM
I confess Sommelier it was me! I read the article and thought that is it, this is the last thing this Company needs and although these things can be sophisticated, really $200K? They now look like they will throw good money after bad in an attempt to recover some - good luck with that! I had 50,000 shares and I attempted to sell the lot yesterday at .70, I have now calmed a little and have withdrawn my remaining 30,000 that did not sell - Stockholm Syndrome as the torture continues.........

22-03-2016, 12:38 PM
What a kick in the guts.

I agree Cobber.

My bottom jaw would not drop if this was the result of some schmuck trying to teach Snakk and/or Handley a self appointed lesson. As we all know, you do not want to be a tall poppy in NZ - we hate them!

I really do hope Snakk has the last laugh!

28-04-2016, 04:42 PM
We made the list of top 50 Tech Pioneers in Aus & NZ! http://www.techpioneers.com.au/ whoopy sh.. 34th place and looks who at 32nd place...

13-05-2016, 12:15 PM
And $83,000 worth of shares sold or for sale at 70c. This incident really broke the camels back for someone.

Back in March that comment........now 58c....the camels really F%&#@^ now!

13-05-2016, 01:04 PM
When does this thing become so cheap you have to buy it?

Probably a big part of the issue is its on the nxt market. Hardly any other stocks on there. I cant trade them asb platform electronically. Probably the same for so many other trading platforms out there. Plus, the colours on NXT make it hard to read. Any company thinking about moving to NXT willfully is probably not going to doing itself or shareholders any favours.

13-05-2016, 01:08 PM
Probably a big part of the issue is its on the nxt market. Hardly any other stocks on there. I cant trade them asb platform electronically. Probably the same for so many other trading platforms out there. Plus, the colours on NXT make it hard to read. Any company thinking about moving to NXT willfully is probably not going to doing itself or shareholders any favours.

What do you mean its on the nxt market? I can still see it like any other stock on my ANZ securities login. looks exactly the same as FBU and SPK for what its worth...

13-05-2016, 01:15 PM
My asb platform doesn't allow me to place electronic orders for this stock. That's what annoys me. I wont be the only person. Now, i don't know how many foreign brokers would normally trade nz markets electronically or by phone, i don't know how they do it. But i reckon if you use to do it electronically and now you cant - it might just mean the difference between a trade or not . That would be my concern. (not sure how foreign orders are transacted though).

13-05-2016, 01:20 PM
Maybe someone can shed some light on the average number of trades pre NXT listing and post NXT listing for average over a month or couple of months. Would be interesting know.

13-05-2016, 01:26 PM
What do you mean its on the nxt market? I can still see it like any other stock on my ANZ securities login. looks exactly the same as FBU and SPK for what its worth...

Their revenue is about to overtake their market capitalisation, but their share price continues to drop.

I also think there could be a strong possibility that Derek Handley will dump his stock when his year long tie-up contract completes later this year. Someone must be guaranteeing his losses. If the shareprice continues to drop, that cheque is only going to get larger.

(Provided that Derek stipulated as a condition to not sell for a year is that if the shareprice were to drop, that Snakk underwrites the difference).

Snow Leopard
13-05-2016, 02:38 PM
Maybe someone can shed some light on the average number of trades pre NXT listing and post NXT listing for average over a month or couple of months. Would be interesting know.

SNK Pre NXT from 7-Jul-2015 to 4-Nov-2015 (128 trading days)

Total Volume: 15460926; Average Daily Volume: 120788.

SNK NXT from 5-Nov-2015 to 12-May-2016 (128 trading days)

Total Volume 4229245; Average Daily Volume: 33900.

Post/Pre %: 28%

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

13-05-2016, 03:12 PM
Thanks P. Tiger

SNK has also had a consolidation during this period which does muddy the waters a bit.

Snow Leopard
13-05-2016, 03:20 PM
Thanks P. Tiger

SNK has also had a consolidation during this period which does muddy the waters a bit.

Updated numbers with all volumes adjusted for the 20:1 share consolidation from 28-Jan-2016 and quoted as post consolidation equivalents.

SNK Pre NXT from 7-Jul-2015 to 4-Nov-2015 (128 trading days)

Total Volume: 773046.3; Average Daily Volume: 6039.

SNK NXT from 5-Nov-2015 to 12-May-2016 (128 trading days)

Total Volume 906282.25; Average Daily Volume: 7080.

Post/Pre %: 117% - More volume since moving to NXT :ohmy:

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

18-05-2016, 12:36 PM
Trading now at equivalent of 2.9c pre-consolidation.

But do the folks at 'Eat My Lunch' know what they are doing, describing Handley as a 'game changer'?


Will become 'Your lunch has been eaten' soon?

18-05-2016, 02:21 PM
Trading now at equivalent of 2.9c pre-consolidation.

But do the folks at 'Eat My Lunch' know what they are doing, describing Handley as a 'game changer'?


Will become 'Your lunch has been eaten' soon?

What an absolute load of s hite, but nothing amazes me anymore......he's been eating other peoples lunches ever since he came on the scene!

25-05-2016, 04:42 PM
Who is the "Manji Family Trust"?



25-05-2016, 10:31 PM
Raf Manji is an accountant? Turned chch city councillor.

26-05-2016, 08:30 AM
Probably trying to keep the the price up. If it falls to far he may not get his money back. Do some calculations. Imagine SNK posts a $500000 NPAT. Then work out the P/E , EPS, and then you decide what the market cap should be according to your logic.
Now, with Manji being a big holder, and great news happens. The SP move could be bigger. Nothing is set in stone. After all things. The market will set the price.

Tony Two Gloves
02-06-2016, 03:26 PM
He is keen, but fair play is buying at an all time low. He can have mine if he gives me what I paid for them!!

02/06/2016 15:14
REL: 1514 HRS Snakk Media Limited

SSH: SNK: SSH Notice - Manji Family Trust

Disclosure of movement of 1% or more in substantial holding
or change in nature of relevant interest, or both
Sections 277 and 278, Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013



To Snakk Media Limited

Relevant event being disclosed: 1% Movement in Holding

Date of relevant event: 01 June 2016

Date this disclosure made: 02 June 2016

Date last disclosure made: 25 May 2016

Substantial product holder(s) giving disclosure

Full name(s): Manji Family Trust
Summary of substantial holding

Class of quoted voting products: Ordinary Shares

Summary for Manji Family Trust
For this disclosure,--
o (a) total number held in class: 1,300,000
o (b) total in class: 15,712,242
o (c) total percentage held in class: 8.27%

For last disclosure,--
o (a) total number held in class: 1,130,000
o (b) total in class: 15,712,242
o (c) total percentage held in class: 7.19%

Details of transactions and events giving rise to relevant event

Details of the transactions or other events requiring disclosure: On-Market
Purchase for total consideration of $1,160,257.76

Details after relevant event

Details for Manji Family Trust

Nature of relevant interest(s): Registered holder and
beneficial owner of financial product

For that relevant interest,--
o (a) number held in class: 1,300,000
o (b) percentage held in class: 8.27%

02-06-2016, 04:07 PM
I'm obviously not paying enough attention if I don't think 170,000 shares went through in the last 5 trading days.

And that must be a typo with the figure? $1.16m for $102k worth of shares. Or is there another explanation?

Tony Two Gloves
14-06-2016, 01:07 PM
Is this SP finally starting to claw back some ground? Nice to see more buyers than sellers for a change, looking forward to some good news....

14-06-2016, 04:48 PM
Is this SP finally starting to claw back some ground? Nice to see more buyers than sellers for a change, looking forward to some good news....

The SP deserves some reward. Revenue has increased and losses dramatically reduced. They have worked hard over the last 12 months.

01-07-2016, 08:40 AM

Strictly for those who followed Derek Handley into this dog.

Can you hear the original shareholders who sold out for their 2400% gain laughing like well fed hyenas in the background?

""I'm never really sure what I can contribute to events like today but I've chosen to share with you reflections of the future and the power of forks in the road to the individual's journey," he said. "

Wow! Inspirational!

Now is that with Snakk oil?

01-07-2016, 09:50 AM
Annual Report out today.......this statement does it for me....'Snakk is well-positioned to take advantage of an incredible market opportunity.' They have been saying that since day one!

02-08-2016, 08:36 AM

67% discount to its peers according to Edison.

Now is that with Derek in there or with Snakk oil?

23-09-2016, 05:18 PM
Where to for Snakk....from 67c 6mths ago down another 1c today to 55c. Really not a lot of interest since they changed to NXT with all the bells and whistles!

25-09-2016, 07:39 PM
I'll be attending the AGM tomorrow and will live blog it here... hopefully it's interesting and full of amazing new ideas of how they plan to rapidly deliver revenue to shareholders!

25-09-2016, 09:03 PM
Are you going to live stream it or just comment? I'll just be comment-posting things as they happen. If I do each thing as an individual post, it makes it easier for further comments to be discussed on that particular point.

I'm actually not sure if Snakk are live streaming it already.

26-09-2016, 09:54 AM
...And your reporter is live on the scene ;)

Very friendly so far, I've already had both the Chairman and the COO come up and introduce themselves to me and have a chat. Both are quite positive in general about the future.

COO has been in the company for 6 weeks.

Awaiting presentation to begin. Only a few chairs set out, not expecting many people.

26-09-2016, 10:10 AM
Good question about how often the Board meets.

Formally once a month, but in addition, weekly communications as it is a very active Board. That's a good sign.

26-09-2016, 10:14 AM
Robert Antulov and Martin Reigel are up for reelection. They both have really good backgrounds in media and tech for this Board.

Resolutions carried.

26-09-2016, 10:37 AM
Very positive review of business that has occurred over the last year. I'm from a media agency background, and everything seems exactly what I would expect to see, in terms of how the business flow works and where business comes from, and where the innovative initiatives over the last year will play out.

26-09-2016, 10:38 AM
Question about the NXT listing and complaints it is difficult.

Regulations require various disclaimers etc, but generally the NXT is considered good.

26-09-2016, 10:39 AM
What is being done to recover the 'theft' of money situation?

Strengthening the Board, working through legal channels, but unfortunately the money has gone.

26-09-2016, 10:43 AM
The overhang of the Handley shares is a real problem, and discussions are ongoing.

26-09-2016, 10:46 AM
Any info of the future growth and forecast? I am sure SH cant be very happy with this performer;)

26-09-2016, 10:59 AM
Not exactly, but there are plenty of opportunities for growth through implementation of the investments they've made recently, plus the bonus savings to be made through exiting Handley relations.

A shareholder is asking plenty of very detailed questions about historical activities and lines from the report. The above comment is a general summary of the outcomes.

Concern about the original Angel Investors who paid .005c or .01c slaughtering our share price. Interesting discussion. The new Board are mindful of the 'chequered' history which is out of their control, but essentially are moving forward as a new business, doing the best they can with new people, new initiatives, new growth plans.

26-09-2016, 11:06 AM
Good discussion about how the first thing the new Chair did was to implement proper and professional governance. They're all actively involved, and are shareholders "we're all in this together".

"The market is growing; we are building for the future"
- Chairman

26-09-2016, 11:12 AM
Martin Reigel says he would have liked to have seen more growth, but feels strongly and confidentally about the foundations they are building and that the growth stage is still to come.

26-09-2016, 11:14 AM
Rob Antulov has no regrets about being a director. He's looking forward to seeing the growth in new sectors like South East Asia, plus also this industry of digital location based advertising is still newish and growing rapidly.

26-09-2016, 11:21 AM
Mark Ryan is asked why he stayed, when things seem like they're evaporating in front of him.

He says he loves the roller coaster challenge. Talking to the variety of people that Snakk has provided (eg tech opportunities), the people in the business, it becomes personal, and he finds it enormously exciting. It's become an obsession to get the job done, and he has the right team around him now to do it. It's just taken a bit longer than expected, but the business is operating as best as it can in this market. He's very confident about the future growth.

26-09-2016, 11:40 AM
No expectation of profit this quarter, as investment in people and technology is taking precedence to lay the foundations for big growth in the long term.

26-09-2016, 11:54 AM
Meeting closed. Morning tea time!

26-09-2016, 12:24 PM
Also, fun fact: Mark is a ShareTrader lurker :)

26-09-2016, 02:13 PM
Thanks Blendy, good analysis.

Mr Market obviously not impressed. New all time low this morning.

Was there any mention of Manji Family Trust?

Yes but they could attend to days meeting was in H K .

26-09-2016, 04:41 PM
Also, fun fact: Mark is a ShareTrader lurker :)

If is wasn't for the Handley factor, this would be a great little business. Great personal and some great tech.

Nice to hear they have shut down some of Handley's investments.... I'd say since he was ousted as Chairman, Snakk has actually got better as a business.

26-09-2016, 09:39 PM
If is wasn't for the Handley factor, this would be a great little business. Great personal and some great tech.

Nice to hear they have shut down some of Handley's investments.... I'd say since he was ousted as Chairman, Snakk has actually got better as a business.
I think the buy-one-give one lunches suits Handley better, making the world a better place one day at a time.

12-10-2016, 01:30 PM
I think the buy-one-give one lunches suits Handley better, making the world a better place one day at a time.

There won't be anything left to buy any lunches if the share price keeps falling as it is! Slow demise of a so called flyer.

12-10-2016, 08:55 PM
$10.5M annual earnings
15% yoy audited growth
62% normalised gross margin
$2.2M cash raised in oversubscription
Costs managed to EBITDA positive
High growth market positioning

Yet market cap @ $7.2M? 1year return at -52% & 1 day results at -8%

Are NZ investors really this averse?
A fart in Silicon Valley is worth more. Why stick around?

12-10-2016, 09:23 PM
For NZ Tech startups, or even NZ Tech high growth companies:

NZX ... the doldrums. Lost in an antipodean backwater market, a poor fit for investor norms, everything misunderstood, heavily marked down SP's supported only by the few, an uphill battle for all.

NZAX ... the alternative to being misunderstood. Largely ignored, out of sight out of mind, illiquid and a pitiful choice, typically massively marked down on SP, propped up by the exuberant and expectant.

NXT ... the alternative to the alternative market. A dim and quickly fading shadow of the largely ignored market. An idiotic notion for the desperate and dateless, no liquidity, a dead end no one knows or cares about.

12-10-2016, 09:37 PM
For NZ Tech startups, or even NZ Tech high growth companies:

NZX ... the doldrums. Lost in an antipodean backwater market, a poor fit for investor norms, everything misunderstood, heavily marked down SP's supported only by the few, an uphill battle for all.

NZAX ... the alternative to being misunderstood. Largely ignored, out of sight out of mind, illiquid and a pitiful choice, typically massively marked down on SP, propped up by the exuberant and expectant.

NXT ... the alternative to the alternative market. A dim and quickly fading shadow of the largely ignored market. An idiotic notion for the desperate and dateless, no liquidity, a dead end no one knows or cares about.

Oh dear thats a bleak post :( but probably true. The only positive thing I can say about Snakk is its sp is higher than Wynyards and infortunately I hold both :t_down:

13-10-2016, 02:51 PM
Oh dear thats a bleak post :( but probably true. The only positive thing I can say about Snakk is its sp is higher than Wynyards and infortunately I hold both :t_down:

The scariest thing about this stock is Handley and how much he owns. If the Snakk board negotiate with him NOT to sell.... who is paying for Handley's paper losses that are incurred by the SP gradually falling??

Now I know he bought in at some stupid low price.... but the fact is, he needs to realise that profit at some point. If he holds for another 12 months.... and the SP were to drop to 0.25 cents, he's just lost 50% by holding.

If the Board can't convince him to Hold - then there's a big chance the SP will drop anyway - 15% of the company for sale on the NZAX which is bereft of investors..... probably not the most well planned "exit strategy". Unless he can find 1 buyer.

27-10-2016, 07:01 PM

Handley devotees - here's a fix for you. Admire and appreciate your inspirational leader as he waxes lyrical about his plans to cultivate more like HIM!

And he has shaven his head - to reinforce how many investors have had their funds shaved by Snake oil?

02-11-2016, 08:47 AM

Another treat for Handley devotees.

13-11-2016, 08:43 AM

Handley devotees need to read this.

13-11-2016, 08:52 AM

Handley devotees need to read this.

Wonder if Derek will return to NZ - a refugee in his old country

13-11-2016, 09:57 AM
Wonder if Derek will return to NZ - a refugee in his old country

Poor old Derek - talked the talk and boosted Snakk's share price to stratosphere level for the backdoor boys - they walked away with 2400% gains and he walked away in shame. Not a smart businessman after all?

13-11-2016, 03:05 PM
Wonder if Derek will return to NZ - a refugee in his old country.......yep, politics next.....didn't he elude to this some time ago.....god bless NZ!

13-11-2016, 05:00 PM
.......yep, politics next.....didn't he elude to this some time ago.....god bless NZ!

Wonder if he will be able to use snake oil to get NZers to vote him in?

13-11-2016, 05:13 PM
Wonder if he will be able to use snake oil to get NZers to vote him in?
He's probably been taking notes off the master while living in New York

16-11-2016, 04:20 PM
Some good numbers & positive commentary on Q3 today...very encouraging and always nice to have some decent cash in the bank.

I particularly like how they seem to have their costs under control now. With that SEA market continuing to grow, hopefully the previous shackles have now been well broken and never to be revisited. It certainly appears Mark and Co finally have their finger firmly on the pulse of this little baby. Keep going like this (well managed growth) and it will be a teenager before we know it.

Trading at an all time low now, dear Dentie.

It is doing a Benjamin Button?

16-11-2016, 04:26 PM
Trading at an all time low now, dear Dentie.

It is doing a Benjamin Button?

Am I reading this right, down 50% from value in Feb?

16-11-2016, 04:27 PM
Bought Nov 13 at 11.8c and sold Feb 14 at 9.5c. Best loss I've ever made.

16-11-2016, 07:47 PM
Trading at an all time low now, dear Dentie.

It is doing a Benjamin Button?

ha ha ha (ad infinitum)....you really do honestly make me laugh Balance....but you certainly don't surprise me.

Only you (& maybe one or two others!) would make the effort to trawl back over a period of 9 months to selectively pick out a post that suits whatever purpose you are trying to run.

This is clear evidence that my earlier post ON ANOTHER THREAD has definitely hit a raw nerve (and I knew it would). Consciences can be quite haunting sometimes eh?

For the record, I post my opinion based on what I see at that time and certainly make no apologies for doing so. No one (not even you) can predict with accuracy what will happen in a Company subsequent to one's post.

One thing that makes me have a clear conscience is that nobody makes an investing (or trading) decision based on my opinions. But, as S/T's pied piper, I wonder how many followers lost money after chasing you into SNK...or was that SEA?

What a joke.

17-11-2016, 10:00 AM
ha ha ha (ad infinitum)....you really do honestly make me laugh Balance....but you certainly don't surprise me.

Only you (& maybe one or two others!) would make the effort to trawl back over a period of 9 months to selectively pick out a post that suits whatever purpose you are trying to run.

This is clear evidence that my earlier post ON ANOTHER THREAD has definitely hit a raw nerve (and I knew it would). Consciences can be quite haunting sometimes eh?

For the record, I post my opinion based on what I see at that time and certainly make no apologies for doing so. No one (not even you) can predict with accuracy what will happen in a Company subsequent to one's post.

One thing that makes me have a clear conscience is that nobody makes an investing (or trading) decision based on my opinions. But, as S/T's pied piper, I wonder how many followers lost money after chasing you into SNK...or was that SEA?

What a joke.

At this point in time.... a fair value for these shares would be around 10 - 15 cents.

17-11-2016, 10:05 AM
Am I reading this right, down 50% from value in Feb?

Yup - down 50%, and down some 85% since the backdoor boys sold out in 2013.

Wonder how Handley is going to get rid of the rest of his shareholding.

Could be the opportunity for a lifetime to buy cheap off him for the Handley devotees?

Tip - don't pay more than 1c however.

17-11-2016, 10:13 AM
At this point in time.... a fair value for these shares would be around 10 - 15 cents.

Far too generous a valuation? Handley and the backdoor boys obtained their shares at 0.05c or 1 cent (post 20 to 1 consolidation).

17-11-2016, 10:16 AM
I reckon a capital raise on this is imminent

17-11-2016, 10:23 AM
I reckon a capital raise on this is imminent

Why , ? from what I understand they have some millions in the kitty, almost at cash flow positive and only 15 million shares on issue !

The elephant in the room is Handley's shares imho.

17-11-2016, 03:56 PM
Why , ? from what I understand they have some millions in the kitty, almost at cash flow positive and only 15 million shares on issue !

The elephant in the room is Handley's shares imho.

I.dont.have.spacebar.right.now.I.guess.we.will.hav e.to.wait.and.see.must.be.due.for.annoucnements.so metime.

17-11-2016, 04:16 PM
Just checked in with Mobile Embrace (MBE.ASX) and they are down more than 45% after a Market Update and they were supposed to be a better play in Snakk's industry.

30-11-2016, 08:46 AM

2.7% yoy sales growth - not exactly hyper growth company now, is that?

But Handley devotees rejoice - he has got his new 'idea' covered by Forbes magazine.


Eh - no mention of snake oil?

30-11-2016, 09:02 AM

2.7% yoy sales growth - not exactly hyper growth company now, is that?

But Handley devotees rejoice - he has got his new 'idea' covered by Forbes magazine.


Eh - no mention of snake oil?

So will he be "paying it forward ' to SNK shareholders ??

30-11-2016, 09:19 AM
So will he be "paying it forward ' to SNK shareholders ??

Will have to ask one of the Handley devotees who thought he walked on the Waikato River and landed a plane on the Hudson River?

30-11-2016, 09:42 AM

2.7% yoy sales growth - not exactly hyper growth company now, is that?

But Handley devotees rejoice - he has got his new 'idea' covered by Forbes magazine.


Eh - no mention of snake oil?

Just luv the zen pic of Handley in article.......I did say politics next....but I now see religion....

30-11-2016, 09:51 AM
Just luv the zen pic of Handley in article.......I did say politics next....but I now see religion....

No doubt many of his Snakk devotees will be following him to his new religion too?

30-11-2016, 09:55 AM
I heard that he had join Bishop Tamaki's fuc! sorry flock !

30-11-2016, 10:37 AM
I heard that he had join Bishop Tamaki's fuc! sorry flock !

Basically runs under same priciples as what he has done with Snakk.......fleeced the flock.......

30-11-2016, 11:03 AM
Basically runs under same priciples as what he has done with Snakk.......fleeced the flock.......

Haha - new converts probably this time though, lining up for enlightenment from the self-anointed one from Team 'B'?

08-12-2016, 10:14 AM
An outstanding example of the ones who really make a difference for others - none of the high profile 'fleece the flock' backdoor stuff so prevalent on NZX in the last few years.



08-12-2016, 02:46 PM
An outstanding example of the ones who really make a difference for others - none of the high profile 'fleece the flock' backdoor stuff so prevalent on NZX in the last few years.



Half year results out: https://www.nxt.co.nz/companies/SNK/announcements/293520

It amazes me how many software companies hide behind the same old mantra : "Increased costs due to investing under the hood of the engine of the business".

Guys you're in the software game, innovation never sleeps so these costs should always be part of your business plan. To use it as an excuse for a massive increase in your loss is ridiculous.

I see Employee Benefits has increased by $1 million.

Handley owns 13% of the company which currently has a valuation of $6,000,000 which equates to $780,000.

08-12-2016, 04:24 PM
Half year results out: https://www.nxt.co.nz/companies/SNK/announcements/293520

It amazes me how many software companies hide behind the same old mantra : "Increased costs due to investing under the hood of the engine of the business".

Guys you're in the software game, innovation never sleeps so these costs should always be part of your business plan. To use it as an excuse for a massive increase in your loss is ridiculous.

I see Employee Benefits has increased by $1 million.

Handley owns 13% of the company which currently has a valuation of $6,000,000 which equates to $780,000.

Excellent and insightful point re increased costs Cobber - hope the newbies are taking note.

Handley will be kicking himself he was uncovered trying to sneak out of his shareholding so could only get a few shares away - unlike his backdoor co-conspirator promoters who sold out completely, banking 2400% gains from those who bought off them in the hype, sitting on 90% losses which mean the sp has to go up 9 times before they get their money back.

08-12-2016, 05:51 PM
2.7% revenue growth....imagine if they didnt spend on marketing and sales what the growth would have been. Snakk is going be doing another raising sooooon.

22-12-2016, 11:40 AM
It was only a matter of time......https://www.nxt.co.nz/companies/SNK/announcements/294811

22-12-2016, 12:33 PM
It was only a matter of time......https://www.nxt.co.nz/companies/SNK/announcements/294811

......and I thought this was it, like the end

30-12-2016, 08:50 AM

Quietly and low profile, she built multi-million dollars proper and profitable businesses, including a non profit organization.

The contrast with Handley and Snakk cannot be more stark.

I know Handley, Snakk personnel and above all, the media read this thread in this forum so the message to them as we finish off 2016 is that one genuinely hopes they reflect on the nonsense of hyping up a backdoor listing vehicle, designed to make 2400% returns for the promoters and insiders, and leaving behind ill will and losses for everyone else.

May 2017 be a turnaround and good year for Snakk - those of you who are working in there deserve better. Your shareholders deserve better.

The media has not changed over the decades, making heroes out of those without any real substance but who wine and dine and entertain them. They should reflect on their role.

30-12-2016, 09:30 AM

Quietly and low profile, she built multi-million dollars proper and profitable businesses, including a non profit organization.

The contrast with Handley and Snakk cannot be more stark.

I know Handley, Snakk personnel and above all, the media read this thread in this forum so the message to them as we finish off 2016 is that one genuinely hopes they reflect on the nonsense of hyping up a backdoor listing vehicle, designed to make 2400% returns for the promoters and insiders, and leaving behind ill will and losses for everyone else.

May 2017 be a turnaround and good year for Snakk - those of you who are working in there deserve better. Your shareholders deserve better.

The media has not changed over the decades, making heroes out of those without any real substance but who wine and dine and entertain them. They should reflect on their role.

Good post Balance

Happy Mew Year to you

30-12-2016, 10:08 AM

Quietly and low profile, she built multi-million dollars proper and profitable businesses, including a non profit organization.

The contrast with Handley and Snakk cannot be more stark.

I know Handley, Snakk personnel and above all, the media read this thread in this forum so the message to them as we finish off 2016 is that one genuinely hopes they reflect on the nonsense of hyping up a backdoor listing vehicle, designed to make 2400% returns for the promoters and insiders, and leaving behind ill will and losses for everyone else.

May 2017 be a turnaround and good year for Snakk - those of you who are working in there deserve better. Your shareholders deserve better.

The media has not changed over the decades, making heroes out of those without any real substance but who wine and dine and entertain them. They should reflect on their role.

Thanks Balance for sharing Linda's story. Otherwise I would have missed it. Yes the contrast is stark between the likes of her and the likes of Handley. All Handley seems to do it talk himself up, Linda on the other hand is quiet and unassuming.
I hope Snakk does have a future because it would be sad to see another tech company on the NZX go the wayside but I think you were right all along, it was a way for the back door people to profit from the "naive" hype and promise investors. On the other side, a fool and his money is parted easily, all the warning signs were there as was all the information. Caveat Emptor and all.

30-12-2016, 02:36 PM
"Snakk’s Singapore-based headquarters has run campaigns for global brands including Unilever, Visa, Ikea, McDonald’s and Airbnb. These campaigns extended into Asian regions as diverse as Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, India and Macau, as well as venturing into Brazil, Mexico and the United Arab Emirates."

...And where was Snakk....http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11774815

05-04-2017, 04:03 PM
I can't believe I saw value in this dog at stome stage and managed to get out with only a very small loss. I only want to bring this thread up again in the hope that new posters will read and learn.

05-04-2017, 04:05 PM
I can't believe I saw value in this dog at stome stage and managed to get out with only a very small loss. I only want to bring this thread up again in the hope that new posters will read and learn.

Interestingly its almost at pre-consolidation prices... I mean did it not trade at around the 12 cents mark for a very long time? Since then what was it a 20-1? Just wow!

05-04-2017, 04:18 PM
They had the gall to post this on their FB page last week http://blog.snakkmedia.com/3-mobile-trends-that-diversify-digital-advertising/ knowing full well it was crumbling around them.......

05-04-2017, 04:21 PM
Interestingly its almost at pre-consolidation prices... I mean did it not trade at around the 12 cents mark for a very long time? Since then what was it a 20-1? Just wow!

And the promoters and originally shareholders are laughing like well fed hyenas with their 2400% gains after sucking in the punters with promises of HUGE potential (like Xero).

I actually met an accountant the other week who confessed he bought a few during the hype as he missed out on Xero. His firm uses Xero for their clients and he said he should have bought in the early stages because it is a great product. Not wanting to miss out on the next big one, he jumped into Snakk when there was saturation coverage of Derek Handley in the media. SAD.

05-04-2017, 04:24 PM

Amazing! Golden opportunity for Derek Handley to get some media attention and he did not!

05-04-2017, 04:37 PM
Lol:) Isnt he doing some sandwich or lunch business now?

What?......more snakks? It's been a pleasure never owning this one

05-04-2017, 04:42 PM
Lol:) Isnt he doing some sandwich or lunch business now?

Handley believes he can feed the multitude? By multiplying the number of media reporting mugs out there who used to feed off his every word.

06-04-2017, 09:22 AM
And the promoters and originally shareholders are laughing like well fed hyenas with their 2400% gains after sucking in the punters with promises of HUGE potential (like Xero).

I actually met an accountant the other week who confessed he bought a few during the hype as he missed out on Xero. His firm uses Xero for their clients and he said he should have bought in the early stages because it is a great product. Not wanting to miss out on the next big one, he jumped into Snakk when there was saturation coverage of Derek Handley in the media. SAD.

Handleys money is still stuck in this business. It ain't worth millions anymore but somewhere closer to $200,000.

06-04-2017, 11:41 AM
Edison last year thought it should had EV of $8.4m.

06-04-2017, 11:52 AM
Handleys money is still stuck in this business. It ain't worth millions anymore but somewhere closer to $200,000.

He is only still in there because he was caught out selling shares under the dual cloak of transferring shares to a charitable trust.

I can recall a few like Moose accusing me of spreading false information until they read the SSH carefully at that time.

06-04-2017, 11:59 AM
LOL, someone put a 4c bid in and it got filled almost immediately.

wow mkt cap of 628k.... probably worth a bit more as shell value.. might put in a bid at 4.1 myself :)

06-04-2017, 12:00 PM
LOL, someone put a 4c bid in and it got filled almost immediately.

Any liquidators online? I would like a brief quote on disposal values and if its worth more than $630K?

06-04-2017, 12:41 PM
This thread reminds me more and more of Plus SMS and CER (Certified Organics) every day!

Posters ignoring some very obvious and telling signs but wanting to stop others from pointing the signs out!

Amazing how history repeats itself!

Way way back in February 2014.

Oh well, there were many who were happy to trust the Team B guy to buy $1 bets off the promoters and directors for $20!

BTW - if you deconsolidate the shares back to 1:20, you get 0.4c vs 12.0c in Feb 2014 - so 96.7% loss. :D

06-04-2017, 01:18 PM
One lesson to learn from this is to be wary of "group think". There have been a number of posts on this thread that were critical of the strategy and operation of the business, but these individuals were mocked for their negativity. I see the same thing occurring in several other discussion threads.

06-04-2017, 03:16 PM
I lost fair bit of money on this about two years ago. That said , I have for at least a year maintained that one of the worst things for this stock was moving to the NXT market. I cannot place online orders for this stock and therein lies a big barrier to trading. I often don't buy shares when I hit the phone order only wall. I did buy today though.

07-04-2017, 11:37 AM
Another announcement

Looks like they're barely growing while cost increasing. No wonder all the employees are leaving.

My guess that a takeover from Manji and going private is the only way out.

So revenue has actually grown YoY, but not as much as was budgeted. Maybe March turned out to be a crap month for billings??

07-04-2017, 11:55 AM
wasn't the March qr ment to reflect the Xmas trade?

21-04-2017, 03:49 PM
Surely the only thing left to do now, is turn the lights off.

21-04-2017, 07:48 PM
Surely the only thing left to do now, is turn the lights off.


Not just yet - the founding Chairman may yet give some insight into how Snakk will burst forth with exuberance in his thoughts about NZ's future!

Afterall, he surely should not be talking about NZ's future if he cannot articulate a future for Snakk?


"“We live in an era where the fastest growing technology channels in history are colliding: social media, smartphones, and tablets,” says Handley. “Time spent by consumers on these new screens and channels is rising at a faster rate than time spent viewing other kinds of media, and this is significantly disrupting traditional advertising models and providing a tremendous opportunity for Snakk’s shareholders.”

21-04-2017, 09:08 PM

Not just yet - the founding Chairman may yet give some insight into how Snakk will burst forth with exuberance in his thoughts about NZ's future!

Afterall, he surely should not be talking about NZ's future if he cannot articulate a future for Snakk?


"“We live in an era where the fastest growing technology channels in history are colliding: social media, smartphones, and tablets,” says Handley. “Time spent by consumers on these new screens and channels is rising at a faster rate than time spent viewing other kinds of media, and this is significantly disrupting traditional advertising models and providing a tremendous opportunity for Snakk’s shareholders.”

Regurgitating 2012 statements from Handley isn't helpful, useful or even informative. Get some new material.

22-04-2017, 11:17 AM
Regurgitating 2012 statements from Handley isn't helpful, useful or even informative. Get some new material.

On the contrary - it confirms how much BS was around and how the media and public are still very happy and willing to swallow gallons of BS.

22-04-2017, 11:20 AM
In porn terms it would described as'''guzzling'''

22-04-2017, 12:40 PM
In porn terms it would described as'''guzzling'''

This is the most damning aspect of the state of the media and stockbroking in NZ - the likes of Derek Handley are not being held accountable for the utterances they made/make. Especially when they were/are complicit in ramping up share prices with their wildly bullish and positive commentaries (dutifully regurgitated by the well entertained and grossly overfed media) to create multi-million windfalls for promoters who happily sold their shares into the hype created.

Snk's sp of 9c on Friday is less than the 12c the promoters were selling their millions of shares at after the backdoor listing job - without taking into account the 20:1 consolidation!

22-04-2017, 03:17 PM
Plus SMS: Lots of hype, no delivery. The whole thing descended into a bazaar farce, most of which is detailed here: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=10753959

Take a good long read of the article, noting some familiar names and their actions.

Let's not forget that Snakk has (IMO) a viable business model. I hope they get the execution right and that the board & management team aren't interfered with.


Those who bought off the promoters are sitting on 96% losses if they are still holding.

23-04-2017, 05:08 PM

Those who bought off the promoters are sitting on 96% losses if they are still holding.

Wow, that quote takes me back a few years! Yup, the Sorenson Syndrome strikes again.

My advice to everyone on this thread, is to start compiling a black-list of directors names that you can use to help filter out prospective share market purchases. To quote Balance, "History repeats".

24-04-2017, 09:03 AM
Wow, that quote takes me back a few years! Yup, the Sorenson Syndrome strikes again.

My advice to everyone on this thread, is to start compiling a black-list of directors names that you can use to help filter out prospective share market purchases. To quote Balance, "History repeats".

Yup - tracking with a black-list of directors and managers is an excellent way to steer clear of the wealth destructive investments out there.


Excerpt : "Handley is an investor and advisor in one of New Zealand’s most well-known social enterprise, Eat My Lunch, which uses a ‘buy one, give one’ model approach to children’s lunches. He also invests in other organisations and leaders with a social mission".

Sounds like the person Snakk shareholders know?

03-05-2017, 10:40 AM

YOY revenue going backwards so out goes the growth story and the guzzillions of lovely advertising related revenues and fees which Snakk was going to capture.

Manji family pumps in another $110k via placement of shares at 20c. So must be hope in there!

03-05-2017, 11:24 AM
Why would they pay a premium of 122% for those shares.....I dont understand it, come someone explain the benefits for Manji trust?

03-05-2017, 12:39 PM
Why would they pay a premium of 122% for those shares.....I dont understand it, come someone explain the benefits for Manji trust?

Record shows that Manji bought first 5% at $1.07 per share, then more at 85c, 70c, 60c until Jan 2017 when another 1.22% was bought at 41c per share.

Guess 20c looks really cheap compared to all the purchases they have bought to date?

Hope they have a strategy - their acquisition of shares so far suggests otherwise.

03-05-2017, 01:20 PM
Won't be long until this is Manji Media.


Agree, that's what I speculate

03-05-2017, 01:41 PM
I think he's been rather smart.

He's built up a controlling stake slowly by averaging down over time. He's now the largest holder and it looks like Handley has given up as he has not participated in this latest funding. The road is now clear for him.

It's only a tiny raising, so Snakk will be back for more. Once he's hit 20% Snakk will be forced to sell to him or go under. If he can buy the lion's share at a low level he's done well.

Snakk has losses of $10m, he's effectively going to buy it for pennies on the dollar. Once it's gone private he'll restructure it and get costs down. It will be a good business from there. It's in a good fast growing industry so who knows what kind of opportunities it will bring further down the road.

It's basically a story of capitalism. Sharp rise, sharp fall, restructure, re-birth, sharp rise again etc.

Could be but then, may not be given the track record of this company.

Manji could have just bought off Hand*** and fast track to 20%.

Tax losses are gone once ownership changes.

Suspect Manji was sucked in by Edison's valuation of $1.80 per share in their 'comprehensive' research report of Oct 2015.

Throwing in $110k to try and save the money they have already sunk into this barking dog.

03-05-2017, 08:28 PM
I doubt Handley would have sold to him as it would look really bad for Handley's "image". I think Handley would rather go down with the ship.

Regardless of what's happen with Snakk I do still think Handley still has a reputation to defend. He's likely to come back with something else in the not too distance future.

The Edison reports have been rather one sided. They have covered them from the beginning and basically have said the same thing every time.

edit: not saying Handley has a good image, just that he's trying to defend it.

Am sure he still harbors grandiose perceptions of what his image is.

For Snakk shareholders, especially those who fell under his spell in the early days of listing, his image shall always be one of facilitating yet another massive transfer of wealth to the already rich (and greedy) from the gullible via yet another backdoor job.

09-05-2017, 10:17 AM
Another Madison report out today, the buy has moved up to .13 today at lease someone wants to buy some!

09-05-2017, 10:20 AM
Another Madison report out today, the buy has moved up to .13 today at lease someone wants to buy some!

Only another 2000% of gains required for those who bought off the promoters and directors and they break even!

Bring out the champagne!

09-05-2017, 10:28 AM
Only another 2000% of gains required for those who bought off the promoters and directors and they break even!

Bring out the champagne!
Don't hold your breath.

12-05-2017, 01:00 PM
Can someone bring me up to speed, how a company with revenues of around 10 Million with a 50%GP (Estimate) has a market cap of 2.1 million. Is it their lack of growth over the last year or do the markets just not like the model. Or maybe both?? Or have the initial investors just moved on.

12-05-2017, 02:02 PM
People just not liking the business I think.....it wasnt a good listing to start with so trust is also an issue.

31-05-2017, 09:38 AM
Dear god that FY result makes for some grimm reading (EPS -20.59c)

31-05-2017, 09:52 AM

Income basically static but expenses went up 246% and loss increased 230%.

Cash down to $566k, cash burn running at $200k+ a month - can see where this is going.

Another backdoor job.

31-05-2017, 10:24 AM
Where to for this one......http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11865898
Can't tracking devices be purchased off AliExpress which are tracked by your phone?

Yes, definitely. There's already plenty of competition in this space, even using GPS and an internet-based tracking service UI.

At this stage, I'm not sure what their product/service differentiation is supposed to be.

31-05-2017, 11:07 AM

Bring back Derek to Snakk - maybe he can arrange yet another backdoor job?

31-05-2017, 11:19 AM
From what I understand the key differentiator with Magpie is that it tracks globally using 3G mobile. Most trackers are bluetooth/short range.
Gotta love the timing of the announcement of both.

31-05-2017, 11:47 AM
No equity on sale. Must be good then.


14-06-2017, 09:02 AM
$1.87m market cap now.

Manji must be itching to take this company private as their first 5% cost them $853K - the equivalent of 50% of the company today!

In fact, they could have taken over the whole company for the money spent on acquiring 17% of the company so far!

Must be something in the company that the rest of us are not seeing?

Maybe the tea leaves served in the Snakk cafeteria?

14-06-2017, 09:26 AM
Meanwhile, Derek Handley devotees will be very pleased to know that he is impacting his 'wisdom' and new found concerns for human beings to all and sundry:


Don't Snakk shareholders (sucked into the imploding vortex of Snakk) wish that Derek will lift the gloom from the company's prospects and share price?

Guess not, as he does not even mention Snakk in any of his re-introductions:


Best to sweep Snakk and his enriching of those who are already very wealthy at the expense of others under the carpet huh?

JR Ewing
14-06-2017, 12:09 PM
The board has still not given any info on what if anything they have planned to either stop the trading losses or obtain further funding. It's clear from the recent market updates that the company will soon be insolvent if it continues on its current trajectory, yet the main thrust of the directors comments seem to be about how great their "partner" UberMedia is. Is UberMedia going to take them over or provide funding?

14-06-2017, 04:47 PM
Well, if anybody wants out in open to considering off market transaction volume offers below 10 cents or 0.10. Last traded price was 11.5 cents. just PM me.

JR Ewing
15-06-2017, 02:11 PM
Well, if anybody wants out in open to considering off market transaction volume offers below 10 cents or 0.10. Last traded price was 11.5 cents. just PM me.

I'm tempted, are you OK with me selling short?

30-06-2017, 04:38 PM
Long winded way of asking for more money........SNK – Snakk Media 2017 Annual Report
30 June 2017
SNAKK MEDIA LIMITED (NXT: SNK) – Snakk Media 2017 Annual Report
Snakk Media Limited (Snakk, NXT: SNK) has today released its Annual Report for the 12 months ended
31 March 2017.
Snakk has made significant progress across a number of fronts over the last 12 months, including:
• Strengthening the management team with the appointment of a new highly experienced and
capable CEO, as well as a new Head of Sales, CFO and accounting team.
• Re-positioning itself with a more diversified product suite, distribution channels and associated
revenue streams.
• Improving internal processes and controls, including Sales, Finance, Accounting and Ad
After careful consideration, and with input and advice from specialist independent advisers, Snakk’s
Directors formed the judgement that it was appropriate to prepare the 2017 financial statements on a
going concern basis. The Directors acknowledge that this depends on a number of assumptions, including
the ongoing need for Snakk to generate sufficient cash flows from ongoing operations. Further information
is set out in Note [1] of the financial statements included in the 2017 Annual Report.
Snakk notes that the company’s Independent Auditor, Staples Rodway, considers that it has been unable
to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the viability of the planned initiatives and upon
which to form an opinion as to whether the application of the going concern assumption in the preparation
and presentation of the 2017 financial statements is appropriate.
Reflecting these circumstances, and market uncertainty, the Directors have appointed an advisory firm to
help it identify and consider strategic capital options. Snakk will keep shareholders updated as to any
material developments arising from this process.
Name of senior manager or director
authorised to make this announcement
Joel Williams
Chief Executive Officer
Contact phone number + 612 7903 1500
Contact email address Joel.williams@snakkmedia.com
Date of release 30 June 2017
Snakk Media Limited’s shares can be traded on the NXT Market. Snakk Media Limited is required

30-06-2017, 05:02 PM
Oly sheet !!!

30-06-2017, 06:11 PM
Yep sounds v bad

JR Ewing
30-06-2017, 06:59 PM
A while ago Mark Ryan was the bright hope that would fix the ills of the Handley era. Reading the current announcement you could conclude that they think his leaving has STRENGTHENED the management team! Hmmm.....

07-07-2017, 05:13 PM
I'd luv to know even just half the story............
SHINTR: SNK: SPH Notice - Manji Family Trust 01:52p.m.
07/07/2017 13:52
REL: 1352 HRS Snakk Media Limited

SHINTR: SNK: SPH Notice - Manji Family Trust

Disclosure of movement of 1% or more in substantial holding
or change in nature of relevant interest, or both
Sections 277 and 278, Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013

To Snakk Media Limited

Relevant event being disclosed: 1% Movement in Holding

Date of relevant event: 5 July 2017

Date this disclosure made: 7 July 2017

Date last disclosure made: 10 May 2017

Substantial product holder(s) giving disclosure
Full name(s): Manji Family Trust

Summary of substantial holding
Class of quoted voting products: Ordinary Shares

Summary for Manji Family Trust

For this disclosure,--
o (a) total number held in class: 2,967,376
o (b) total in class: 16,262,242
o (c) total percentage held in class: 18.25%

For last disclosure,--
o (a) total number held in class: 2,699,046
o (b) total in class: 15,712,242
o (c) total percentage held in class: 17.18%

Details of transactions and events giving rise to relevant event
Details of the transactions or other events requiring disclosure: On-Market
Purchase of 268,330 shares for total consideration of $32,823.13

Details after relevant event
Details for Manji Family Trust
Nature of relevant interest(s): Registered holder and beneficial owner of
financial product

For that relevant interest,--
o (a) number held in class: 2,967,376
o (b) percentage held in class: 18.25%
o (c) current registered holder(s): Forsyth Barr Custodians
o (d) registered holder(s) once transfers are registered: n/a

For a derivative relevant interest, also--
o (a) type of derivative: n/a
o (b) details of derivative: n/a
o (c) parties to the derivative: n/a
o (d) if the substantial product holder is not a party to the derivative, the
nature of the relevant interest in the derivative: n/a

Additional information
Address(es) of substantial product holder(s): 15 Thornycroft Street,

Contact details: Raf Manji, rafmanji@gmail.com, +64 274185119

I, Raf Alfred Manji, certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
the information contained in this disclosure is correct and that I am duly
authorised to make this disclosure by all persons for whom it is made.
End CA:00303763 For:SNK Type:SHINTR Time:2017-07-07 13:52:14

golden city
08-07-2017, 09:26 AM
What is manji trust intention. A full take over or back door listing something else

golden city
08-07-2017, 09:27 AM
Can't see sneak turn to profitable anytime soon

08-07-2017, 06:18 PM
IMHO Handley is the fiss of death for any company , one big hot air / ego machine, get back to the slums of New York where he belongs imho !

10-07-2017, 09:18 AM
What is manji trust intention. A full take over or back door listing something else

If your strategy was a takeover, wouldn't you engineer a lot of bad news to reduce the shareprice? Why pay anymore than you need to?

19-07-2017, 05:54 AM
I wonder if Manji or an entity he is affiliated with has a GSA (general security agreement) registered with PPSR (personal property securities register) (www.ppsr.govt.nz/) for Snakk? Perhaps someone with login access to the PPSR could search for us ? Or someone could ask the company I suppose. Any volunteers?

12-10-2017, 08:16 AM

Devotees of Handley will be pleased to know that he has found life after Snakk - maybe you should too?


12-10-2017, 08:38 AM

Devotees of Handley will be pleased to know that he has found life after Snakk - maybe you should too?


It's all about ME!........and stuff any shareholders...

12-10-2017, 08:55 AM
What a drop kick , talk about a muckin fuppet !.

12-10-2017, 09:13 AM
What a drop kick , talk about a muckin fuppet !.

Don't be like that - devotees can use their Snake experience to learn 1,000 Maori words with their mentor over the next year!

Very 'whai hua', one supposes, to help them recover their lost money in Snakk.


12-10-2017, 10:02 AM

Devotees of Handley will be pleased to know that he has found life after Snakk - maybe you should too?


He really is a chasing the flavour of the month kinda guy isn't he!

12-10-2017, 10:38 AM
So what is actually going to happen to this company? I know its as good as dead but how will it die?

12-10-2017, 10:55 AM
So what is actually going to happen to this company? I know its as good as dead but how will it die?

Another backdoor job soon.

12-10-2017, 03:59 PM
Manji will buy it for pennies on the dollar.

Edit: They'll probably just give it away to him.

And then what happens to us mugs that still hold these stinker shares?

12-10-2017, 04:38 PM
And then what happens to us mugs that still hold these stinker shares? You'll be skunked.

12-10-2017, 05:24 PM
And then what happens to us mugs that still hold these stinker shares?

Hey RB, you ask that question after your experience with WYN?

12-10-2017, 06:02 PM
Hey RB, you ask that question after your experience with WYN?

Yes you make a very valid and painful point Baa Baa :( Snakk has just taken longer to die and the optimist in me kept thinking it might recover. I clearly have lots to learn but I am not sure I have what it takes anymore :mellow:

12-10-2017, 06:38 PM
Yes you make a very valid and painful point Baa Baa :( Snakk has just taken longer to die and the optimist in me kept thinking it might recover. I clearly have lots to learn but I am not sure I have what it takes anymore :mellow:

As a Buddhist, Handley believes in reincarnation so expect Snakk to get a new life being the product of another backdoor 'event'. :D

12-10-2017, 07:00 PM
As a Buddhist, Handley believes in reincarnation so expect Snakk to get a new life being the product of another backdoor 'event'. :D

Won't help the current shareholders though will it (rhetorical question) they'll be right royally shafted by an insane share dilution in a reverse listing. A very slightly better outcome than complete failure and de-listing, but not worth the paper the shares are written on. Best that SNAKK gets their act together and delivers, else its destiny and that of the shareholders is bleak.

12-10-2017, 07:22 PM
I have the buy order in at .010

My guess, Manji waiting for the average trading price to be low enough, that he can offer a margin on the average trading price. I reckon it has a way to fall yet.

I doubt we will see a captial raise attempt. If manji is a secured creditor, they may just let the company go bust an shareholder wont get anything.

I got 20000 shares in it.

In the green.....

so far...

12-10-2017, 07:30 PM
I have the buy order in at .010

My guess, Manji waiting for the average trading price to be low enough, that he can offer a margin on the average trading price. I reckon it has a way to fall yet.

I doubt we will see a captial raise attempt. If manji is a secured creditor, they may just let the company go bust an shareholder wont get anything.

I got 20000 shares in it.

In the green.....

so far...

Interesting viewpoint. Why do you think Manji has consistently bought all those shares, why does he/she see value in SNK, why would he/she acquire into the bottom and end-life of the company unless there was an expectation of an after life? A successful future for SNK is not apparent to outsiders looking in. Do you as a supporter, albeit at low prices, have some insights that you can share?

12-10-2017, 07:38 PM
Interesting viewpoint. Why do you think Manji has consistently bought all those shares, why does he/she see value in SNK, why would he/she acquire into the bottom and end-life of the company unless there was an expectation of an after life? A successful future for SNK is not apparent to outsiders looking in. Do you as a supporter, albeit at low prices, have some insights that you can share?

Backdoor listing. Ideally, they need to raise capital. I dont think we will see them do it, they would need an underwritten capital raise , if unsucessful, SP fall below value of cash, assetts + goodwill = Manji pounce. Im just speculating.

With many listed companys, I see the same things happen over and over again. Too much emphasis on growth, using shareholders and debt without concentration on delivering value to shareholders. Shareprice falls, can even happen if the product is good. Although this method works for some companies, these are not the majority. That and I really think a lot of executives dont actually really understand market phycology ( and neither do the specialists they pay).

12-10-2017, 08:48 PM
I wonder if Manji or an entity he is affiliated with has a GSA (general security agreement) registered with PPSR (personal property securities register) (www.ppsr.govt.nz/ (http://www.ppsr.govt.nz/)) for Snakk? Perhaps someone with login access to the PPSR could search for us ? Or someone could ask the company I suppose. Any volunteers?

If you can answer my question here above, then you will have a lot more insight into which way things could go. I dont have a login though

13-10-2017, 11:07 AM
Record shows that Manji bought first 5% at $1.07 per share, then more at 85c, 70c, 60c until Jan 2017 when another 1.22% was bought at 41c per share.

Guess 20c looks really cheap compared to all the purchases they have bought to date?

Hope they have a strategy - their acquisition of shares so far suggests otherwise.

Manji's track record.

Do they know what they are doing?

13-10-2017, 03:51 PM

Devotees of Handley will be pleased to know that he has found life after Snakk - maybe you should too?


and here again today, http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11932543

All this media presence, I wonder if he's preparing to reverse another listing in?

"As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."

13-10-2017, 05:24 PM
Africa the dogs breakfast of a continent suits the man !

13-10-2017, 08:31 PM
How the hell does this guy get so much media time.....
Nobody seems to be be doing a story about his past businesses....SNK in particular. The dude throws on some sort of rag shirt and everyone seems to think he is some Ghandi or Mandela

13-10-2017, 08:53 PM
Yes he gets way too much self promoting media attention. Gives me the creeps. He must have lost a bucket load of money with this mutt? I certainly hope so :mad ;:

JR Ewing
13-10-2017, 11:36 PM
Yes he gets way too much self promoting media attention. Gives me the creeps. He must have lost a bucket load of money with this mutt? I certainly hope so :mad ;:
Nah. He put basically nothing in, so had nothing to lose. His shares cost him 3/10 of Stuff all. I’m pretty sure even at current prices he can sell at a profit.

14-10-2017, 01:38 AM
Nah. He put basically nothing in, so had nothing to lose. His shares cost him 3/10 of Stuff all. I’m pretty sure even at current prices he can sell at a profit.

Think you may be correct on that..

Any one know what his original investment ( Probable prior to the " BACK DOOR " IPO ) in this was ???..

Is he still Swanning around the " To be seen at " Conferences of the World ????.

I am sure he would be impressing all and sundry at those events with his command of the Maori language...

Disc. Never a holder..

01-11-2017, 11:20 AM

"May be turning the corner"

Handley devotees who followed him into the Snakk(e) Pit, Rejoice!

01-11-2017, 11:30 AM

"May be turning the corner"

Handley devotees who followed him into the Snakk(e) Pit, Rejoice!

01-11-2017, 11:56 AM

The pit has some Magpies as well...

"5,984 backers pledged $262,055 to help bring this project to life"

Rather sad that Handley is reduced to getting around $45 pp from 5,984 magpies to move his latest 'creation' along?

During the Snakk(e) pit heydays, he was fronting the hype which made many millions of dollars for his 'co-backdoor-promoters' who sold shares into the pit. You would think that they would now recognise his contribution and contribute some dollars to help him out?

01-11-2017, 01:55 PM
"5,984 backers pledged $262,055 to help bring this project to life"

Rather sad that Handley is reduced to getting around $45 pp from 5,984 magpies to move his latest 'creation' along?

During the Snakk(e) pit heydays, he was fronting the hype which made many millions of dollars for his 'co-backdoor-promoters' who sold shares into the pit. You would think that they would now recognise his contribution and contribute some dollars to help him out?

What's the difference with GPS tracking devices available off AliExpress and Handley's? Marketing?

09-11-2017, 05:57 PM

A fix for Handley devotees who must be wondering what their hero has been up to.

He is encouraging young people to chase their dreams rather than get a sensible job. Wonder if he will be kind enough to pass his Snakk Oil secrets of doing backdoor jobs for promotors to the young ones. :D


There's more!


He is preaching about NZ lagging the curve. Not too difficult to lag the curve, I would have thought, if Snakk Oil is promoted for the already rich to make even more money off the inexperienced and naive through backdoor jobs (again!).

09-11-2017, 08:05 PM
Drop kick, Muckin Fuppit !!

10-11-2017, 08:43 AM
Drop kick, Muckin Fuppit !!

Don't be unkind to him.

He probably had a life-changing experience, recognized that he should have not been involved with peddling Snakk Oil?

Hence, the driving desire to improve the world now for all mankind.

10-11-2017, 10:09 AM
Don't be unkind to him.

He probably had a life-changing experience, recognized that he should have not been involved with peddling Snakk Oil?

Hence, the driving desire to improve the world now for all mankind.

How true. And SeaDragon the other oil peddlers, still appears tainted by his short presence.

18-11-2017, 05:51 PM

Snakk worshippers and Handley devotees rejoice!

Greater things are planned for them too - post Snakk!

18-11-2017, 07:19 PM

Snakk worshippers and Handley devotees rejoice!

Greater things are planned for them too - post Snakk!

Perhaps he will find some talent where he lacks it. And a little bit of honesty would not go astray either!

30-11-2017, 11:40 AM

Public service - cannot allow the interim report of Snakk be released without Handley devotees not knowing.

30-11-2017, 05:44 PM

Public service - cannot allow the interim report of Snakk be released without Handley devotees not knowing.

I am beginning to believe you are a secret Handley follower Balance following them as you do :D

30-11-2017, 05:48 PM
I am beginning to believe you are a secret Handley follower Balance following them as you do :D

Sssssh ... ever heard of google alert?

30-11-2017, 07:18 PM
Sssssh ... ever heard of google alert?

Ahhh nope! :confused: And I wouldnt want alerts about these tw**ts unless it was to say they were giving me my money back! :mad ;:

18-01-2018, 08:10 AM

The Handleys pulling a quick one again....

18-01-2018, 08:52 AM
To be fair, they are refunding the mugs who put their money into the ill conceived venture.

How times have changed - a miserly $265,000 raised. One would have thought that some of the millions of dollars Handley made for his promoters and himself from Snakk would have found its way into Magpie if it was a really good idea?

And what of the Handley devotees? What has happened to those who thought Snakk was going to be a multi-billion dollar business as they eagerly bought 0.5c shares off the promoters at 12c - giving the promoters 2400% return? Why are they not supporting Magpie?

18-01-2018, 09:00 AM
very true Balance, but there must be a record of who pledged for it, and automatically just refund them. The project isnt going forward so I dont see why people need to "apply" to get their refund. Anyways, I await the day when a reporter does a "real" story on Derek, at the moment he is portrayed a guru in this part of the world.

18-01-2018, 09:06 AM
very true Balance, but there must be a record of who pledged for it, and automatically just refund them. The project isnt going forward so I dont see why people need to "apply" to get their refund. Anyways, I await the day when a reporter does a "real" story on Derek, at the moment he is portrayed a guru in this part of the world.

Shout the journalists a glass of cheap wine at a free for all corporate buffet and they will write whatever you want them to write.

18-01-2018, 10:41 AM
Derek's always got a story, don't think he needs to shout wine.......bit like Trump....it's all about me! Wonder how his Branson relationship is going or is that one done and dusted....

18-01-2018, 10:53 AM
Shout the journalists a glass of cheap wine at a free for all corporate buffet and they will write whatever you want them to write.It works so much better if you actually write the copy and then let the journalist use it from there. I don't think there are too many original journalist writing these days.

18-01-2018, 11:24 AM

More enlightenment for Handley devotees - courtesy of the fawning NZ Herald.

18-01-2018, 11:31 AM

More enlightenment for Handley devotees - courtesy of the fawning NZ Herald.
What did I just tell you?. Write the stuff and they will print it!

18-01-2018, 11:40 AM
What did I just tell you?. Write the stuff and they will print it!

One of his new year tips...• Write a letter of gratitude to somebody who did something that changed your life for the better who you have never really properly thanked - and post it.

Perhaps I should write him a letter of gratitude for helping me to identify a 'charlatan'.......

27-01-2018, 07:48 PM
the golden boy is hitting the news again in the Hearld ....puke making at its best...:t_down:

"Derek Handley is a futurist and entrepreneur who is passionate about shaping a better New Zealand"

30-01-2018, 09:08 PM
I never really fully understand these updates. Why can't they just say how much money they made, or didn't make

30-01-2018, 09:24 PM
I never really fully understand these updates. Why can't they just say how much money they made, or didn't make

Last 2 words.

31-01-2018, 11:40 AM

For Handley devotees as they look at their Snakk value dissipating - there are more important things in life than making money according to the Great One.

"be kind or charitable to others"

So be generous and 'donate' more of your funds to the next Handley IPO - he is using the money to improve the world and make it a better place.


31-01-2018, 11:49 AM

For Handley devotees as they look at their Snakk value dissipating - there are more important things in life than making money according to the Great One. :D
Interesting how he starts the article with a yarn about loosing the shirt off his back. He sure knows how to take the mick.

31-01-2018, 11:53 AM
Interesting how he starts the article with a yarn about loosing the shirt off his back. He sure knows how to take the mick.

"Perhaps it also compensates for anything you've done recently that you know you shouldn't have, like snapping at the barista taking too long to make your flat white."

What an absolute toss pot.

Just reading the article is puke inducing in itself. I hope not the majority of millenials (I know he is not but that is their ethos I have heard) are like him.

31-01-2018, 11:56 AM

" Be brave enough to take things off the list - choosing not to do something any more is a valid choice"

He has obviously taken Snakk off his list. Question is - have you and should you?


12-02-2018, 09:52 AM

Crypto Derek giving some bitcoin advice;)

12-02-2018, 10:12 AM

Crypto Derek giving some bitcoin advice;)
Thanks Derek. He mentions IBM. IBM Fabric uses blockchain but no coins. Or what about Corda that uses distributed ledger but not blockchain hence no coins.

And I wouldn't be calling ICO disruptive fundraising -its simply a way to circumnavigate regulations which protects punters

27-05-2018, 10:45 AM

More murmurings from "Futurist" Handley. That's a lovely little misrepresentation of the "Scottish Enlightenment" (but you'll get that when Wikipedia is your sole research point) and a lazy arse misquote of Voltaire.

27-05-2018, 11:31 AM

More murmurings from "Futurist" Handley. That's a lovely little misrepresentation of the "Scottish Enlightenment" (but you'll get that when Wikipedia is your sole research point) and a lazy arse misquote of Voltaire.

When you cannot dazzle them with brilliance .....

...... dazzle them with Bull DUST! (BS that is)

27-05-2018, 11:33 AM

More murmurings from "Futurist" Handley. That's a lovely little misrepresentation of the "Scottish Enlightenment" (but you'll get that when Wikipedia is your sole research point) and a lazy arse misquote of Voltaire.

Well connected though

Many at those Tech Awards probably smarter than our Derek

How’s Snakk going anyway?

27-05-2018, 02:11 PM

More murmurings from "Futurist" Handley. That's a lovely little misrepresentation of the "Scottish Enlightenment" (but you'll get that when Wikipedia is your sole research point) and a lazy arse misquote of Voltaire.Congratulations on reading that far. I nodded off after the first paragraph or two

27-05-2018, 04:59 PM
Well connected though

Many at those Tech Awards probably smarter than our Derek

How’s Snakk going anyway?

Snakks going really well winner, no worries there, its worth about 1% what I paid for it :eek2: :ohmy: Lucky I dont make mistakes like that anymore! :D

27-05-2018, 05:16 PM
Snakks going really well winner, no worries there, its worth about 1% what I paid for it :eek2: :ohmy: Lucky I dont make mistakes like that anymore! :D Well at least until the next WYN comes along anyway.

27-05-2018, 05:48 PM
Well at least until the next WYN comes along anyway.

:scared::scared::scared: AWW thats harsh Couta! :p I still hold SLI but no worries there eh :D

27-05-2018, 07:30 PM
:scared::scared::scared: AWW thats harsh Couta! :p I still hold SLI but no worries there eh :D HaHa, SLI stands for Slow Leaching Investment. Just stiick to Pedigrees going forward, leave the mongrels to Snakk on someone else.

27-05-2018, 07:33 PM
:scared::scared::scared: AWW thats harsh Couta! :p I still hold SLI but no worries there eh :D

No worries at all....!
I hold them too................................lol.

27-05-2018, 07:46 PM
No worries at all....!
I hold them too................................lol.

I was very excited to see you had added SLI to your portfollio a while ago Percy. I think that means we are both "well positioned"! :D

27-05-2018, 08:04 PM
I was very excited to see you had added SLI to your portfollio a while ago Percy. I think that means we are both "well positioned"! :D

Certainly agree with that.!..lol.

27-05-2018, 08:32 PM
No worries at all....!
I hold them too................................lol. Give me a call when they get back to $2.90.

27-05-2018, 09:08 PM
Give me a call when they get back to $2.90.

You will hear me load and clear if they do..!!!
7/3/2018. Brought 40,000 SLI at.26cents........
8/3/2018. Brought 30,000 SLI at 26 cents......
9/3/2018.Brought 20,000 SLI at .285 cents........
Total cost of 90,000 SLI $23,900 plus brokerage.
21/3/2018 Sold 40,000 SLI at .3489 cents..$13,956
So left holding 50,000 SLI at a NET cost of $9,944, or average cost of 19.89 cents per share.

27-05-2018, 10:30 PM
You will here me load and clear if they do..!!!
7/3/2018. Brought 40,000 SLI at.26cents........
8/3/2018. Brought 30,000 SLI at 26 cents......
9/3/2018.Brought 20,000 SLI at .285 cents........
Total cost of 90,000 SLI $23,900 plus brokerage.
21/3/2018 Sold 40,000 SLI at .3489 cents..$13,956
So left holding 50,000 SLI at a NET cost of $9,944, or average cost of 19.89 cents per share.

WOW way to go Percy! Your position is definitely better than mine! ;)

07-06-2018, 11:10 AM
Holding in.....just!

07-06-2018, 06:59 PM
You will hear me load and clear if they do..!!!
7/3/2018. Brought 40,000 SLI at.26cents........
8/3/2018. Brought 30,000 SLI at 26 cents......
9/3/2018.Brought 20,000 SLI at .285 cents........
Total cost of 90,000 SLI $23,900 plus brokerage.
21/3/2018 Sold 40,000 SLI at .3489 cents..$13,956
So left holding 50,000 SLI at a NET cost of $9,944, or average cost of 19.89 cents per share.

You will have to tell us about your worst investment decision someday Percy.

mine was buying 30,000 ATM shares at 80c average and selling them for 200c average.

07-06-2018, 07:00 PM
You will have to tell us about your worst investment decision someday Percy.

mine was buying 30,000 ATM shares at 80c average and selling them for 200c average.

Hindsight bias

07-06-2018, 07:05 PM
Hindsight bias
May well be but that decision will hurt for a very very long time