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23-01-2014, 04:09 PM
My head is spinning and all snaaked out reading this thread now,I feel the only cure may be to hit the sell button then I won't be drawn to read it so much but yeah/nah will wait till march and see what transpires and take a couple of panadols ever now and then to stop the spinning:cool:

DOYR! Are you a trader or an investor?

23-01-2014, 04:10 PM
If its any consolation- Didnt Derek grow up in Hong Kong? So having roots there might not make his company being there that far fetched. Many eggs, many baskets so to speak.
(and who wouldnt want to pay less tax if the option was there)

disc: holding a small amount

23-01-2014, 04:11 PM
Twitter IPO in the bag, Derek Handley's Iliad fund names four targets Share on facebook (http://www.nbr.co.nz/opinion/twitter-ipo-bag-derek-handleys-iliad-fund-names-four-more-targets-CK#) Share on twitter (http://www.nbr.co.nz/opinion/twitter-ipo-bag-derek-handleys-iliad-fund-names-four-more-targets-CK#) Share on linkedin (http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=300&winname=addthis&pub=xa-51101acf2fae63fe&source=tbx-300&lng=en-NZ&s=linkedin&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbr.co.nz%2Fopinion%2Ftwitter-ipo-bag-derek-handleys-iliad-fund-names-four-more-targets-CK&title=Twitter%20IPO%20in%20the%20bag%2C%20Derek%20 Handley's%20Iliad%20fund%20names%20four%20targets% 20%7C%20The%20National%20Business%20Review&ate=AT-xa-51101acf2fae63fe/-/-/52e083bcdb8a8187/2&frommenu=1&uid=52e083bc9ad4922d&ct=1&pre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbr.co.nz%2Fcategory%2Fcatego ry%2Fderek-handley&tt=0&captcha_provider=nucaptcha) Share on email (http://www.nbr.co.nz/opinion/twitter-ipo-bag-derek-handleys-iliad-fund-names-four-more-targets-CK#) More Sharing Services (http://www.nbr.co.nz/opinion/twitter-ipo-bag-derek-handleys-iliad-fund-names-four-more-targets-CK#)

http://www.nbr.co.nz/sites/default/files/imagecache/article_image/0Derek-Branson_c_2.jpgDerek Handley on the day of Snakk's March 6 NZAX IPO

Related links

Kickstarter opens to Kiwis (http://www.nbr.co.nz/opinion/crowdfunded-equity-possible-nz-april-1)
AUT lands 10-year SpaceX deal (http://www.nbr.co.nz/article/aut-lands-10-year-spacex-deal-ck-119141)
Snakk raises $6.5m for expansion and takeovers (http://www.nbr.co.nz/article/snakk-raises-65m-expansion-and-takeovers-wb-140607)

Geoffrey Handley raising $100m for mobile-only tech fund (http://www.nbr.co.nz/article/geoffrey-handley-raising-100m-mobile-focused-investment-fund-ck-eniac-3-p-150369)

With the Twitter IPO in its bag, Derek Handley's Iliad Fund is lining up at least four more targets.
Mr Handley is best known for co-founding mobile ad outfit The Hyperfactory with his brother Geoff. In mid-2010, the company was sold to US media giant Meridith Corporation in a deal up to worth up to $US22 million (http://www.nbr.co.nz/opinion/chris-keall/a-hint-what-meredith-paid-the-hyperfactory) plus earnouts. More recently he's been in the news as cofounder of another mobile ad space play, Snakk Media (http://www.nbr.co.nz/article/snakk-raises-65m-expansion-and-takeovers-wb-140607) [NZAX:SNK (https://www.nzx.com/markets/NZAX/securities/SNK)], which recently enjoyed a successful IPO on the NZX Alternative Market.
Mr Handley formed Illiad in 2011, and say's it has "under 20" investors, although he's looking to expand.
"I set the fund up as a way of making iconic fast-growing companies like Facebook and Twitter accessible to New Zealand investors in the lead up runway period before they go public."
Local listings Xero, Geo Op, Snakk "are all fantastic as opportunities and diversity for Kiwi investors and of course building the local start-up scene is vital and it's amazing to see it growing," he says.
"But access to incredible high-growth brands that move at lightening speed, that the average investor would not have otherwise been able to invest in at all - is another story altogether and has much greater opportunity for greater breadth and depth."
Utilising his venture capital (VC) industry links, Mr Handley was able to buy private equity shares in Twitter two years before it went public - and it went public with a bang. Twitter shares listed on the NYSE at $26 in the partial float on November 7, netting the social network $US1.8 billion and implying a market cap of $US14 billion. Frenzied trading followed, with the stock rising 73% on their first day of trading to close at $US44.90 (they closed Friday at $US43.98).
Iliad's other investment, Facebook, plunged after its (in hindsight) May 2012 IPO, and took a year to recover to its listing price.
Mr Handley says the fund sold most if its Facebook shares - in just the last month - but is holding on to Twitter.
How much money did Iliad make from Facebook and Twitter. It depends what the fund paid for its private equity shares a couple of years back, and Mr Handley's mum on that point. All he'll say is that it's a pretty small fund (though "seven figures").
Who are the next targets?
Mr Handley says Iliad is "looking closely" three companies: SpaceX (the Elon Musk-founded private company that won a contract (http://www.nbr.co.nz/article/aut-lands-10-year-spacex-deal-ck-119141) to ferry cargo - and soon astronauts - to the International Space Station, Dropbox and Square (the mobile payment firm set up by Twitter cofounder Jack Dorsey).
He add, "Another one we're looking at is Fab - barely two years old, and about to do $200 million in revenue (http://www.fastcodesign.com/3016913/how-fabcoms-jason-goldberg-hustled-his-way-to-325-million)." (Yes, actual revenue - unlike superhot but earnings-less Snapchat. The one-year old company's private equity shares are in hot demand; it is said (http://www.theverge.com/2013/11/15/5106950/google-snapchat-4-billion-buyout-rumor) to have turned down a $US4 billion offer from Google).
Assuming all goes well then we will look at different ways to expand it so that a much broader base of Kiwis can get access to these companies. There are various models and mechanisms that we can consider using to expand the fund, and we’ll be reviewing these more closely next year. Eg the new market the NZX is talking about will be an interesting one to watch, as is the new legislation being introduced around crowd funded equity.
And what next for Iliad?
"Assuming all goes well, then we will look at different ways to expand it so that a much broader base of Kiwis can get access to these companies," Mr Handley says.
"There are various models and mechanisms that we can consider using to expand the fund, and we’ll be reviewing these more closely next year.
"For example, the new market the NZX is talking about will be an interesting one to watch, as is the new legislation around crowd-funded equity."
Crowd-funded equity will be possible shortly, thanks to the Financial Markets Conduct Bill (http://www.nbr.co.nz/tags/financial-markets-conduct-bill), which was passed by Parliament on August 28 and comes into force on April 1 next year (the law already allows for non-profit crowdfunding sites, such as PledgeMe.co.nz, but until April 1 at least it is illegal to make a return, or to offer equity; the new law also allows for peer-to-peer lending. In the US, legislative change is also expanding the role of crowdfunding sites.Crowd-funded equity will become legal under the JOBS [Jumpstart our Business Startups] Act, which came into law on September 23).
Meantime, there's a lot to keep Mr Handley occupied. He's CEO of the not-for-profit Plan B (http://bteam.org/), cofounded by Sir Richard Branson - and he has one of the first seats booked on Sir Richard's Virgin Galactic.
ckeall@nbr.co.nz (ckeall@nbr.co.nz)

23-01-2014, 04:13 PM
DOYR! Are you a trader or an investor?
Investor in this one,have done own research happy with potential once the snake population is reduced

23-01-2014, 04:30 PM
Good. If you are confident in your analysis then hold.

23-01-2014, 04:38 PM
I'm with Schorodinger here mate. If you invested in SNK and DYOR then who cares what this thread is jabbering on about today (none of it is anything new after all)! What exactly are you worried about (that needs a cure)?
Humor chucked in here tumeric:D

23-01-2014, 04:46 PM
Plenty of liquidity this week. Things are finally livening up a bit! Big buyer(s) certainly still in the market

Moosie you are incorrigible.

23-01-2014, 05:34 PM
“We’re all part of what was a very small mobile community that has grown exponentially over the years - but leaders are the same.”


How did that article start about Geoffrey and end up about Big D?

23-01-2014, 05:38 PM
Where's the trader in you Moosie? Bollinger squeeze breakout and a break of the major 12 cent support and the 11 cent support. All on big volume too. Maybe this chart stuff is all a lie and it'll recover back to 12 tomorrow, but if I was a holder (which I never will be) I would be very very worried.

23-01-2014, 05:41 PM
Plenty of liquidity this week. Things are finally livening up a bit! Big buyer(s) certainly still in the market

Us investors need the traders so we can profit from them.

23-01-2014, 05:48 PM
Just remember the 50% fib retracement is 11.2 .....support if broken becomes resistance ......maybe heading to 10

That was 3 weeks ago we you bought up fib retracements moosie

Is today the 68% retracement?

23-01-2014, 05:57 PM
There looks to be decent support, but like any stock that doesn't have much exciting news being announced or generally high expectations on big deals being announce the price will flake and given large offloads too, we can see where the trend leads until the next good news internal/external whatever it will be. The numbers certainly hold up for the business, but thats all we have and well it makes sense that on no value increasing news we will likely see a decline. Given whats been said, the only known date we can expect news is sometime in March. If we have to wait till March then gosh fellow shareholders, brace yourself for the Snakk Roller-coaster! (No Snacks allowed)

23-01-2014, 06:37 PM
There looks to be decent support, but like any stock that doesn't have much exciting news being announced or generally high expectations on big deals being announce the price will flake and given large offloads too, we can see where the trend leads until the next good news internal/external whatever it will be. The numbers certainly hold up for the business, but thats all we have and well it makes sense that on no value increasing news we will likely see a decline. Given whats been said, the only known date we can expect news is sometime in March. If we have to wait till March then gosh fellow shareholders, brace yourself for the Snakk Roller-coaster! (No Snacks allowed)

Wash your mouth out with snake-oil.

What do you mean no exciting news - heck, the last one was just 3 days ago!

The 20th Jan was all rah rah rah - impressive milestones, confident, top IT growth company, dual listing in Australia etc.

23-01-2014, 06:42 PM
Recently I had occasion to check on the status of my SNK shareholding. Much to my amazement a green arrow made a brief cameo appearance alongside but was shortly replaced with the customary red. Encouraged by this I have decided to retain all 300 shares to await further developments.

23-01-2014, 06:52 PM
RSneak ly I had occasion to chsent won the status of my SNK shareholding. Much to my amazement a green arrow made a brief cameo appearance alongside but was shortly replaced with the customary red. Encouraged by this I have decided to retain all 300 shares to await further developments.
Just give them to Moosie to Snaak on the brokerage costs are worth the same as the value of the shares

23-01-2014, 07:07 PM
Wash your mouth out with snake-oil.

What do you mean no exciting news - heck, the last one was just 3 days ago!

The 20th Jan was all rah rah rah - impressive milestones, confident, top IT growth company, dual listing in Australia etc.

Oh I forgot - positive news are always followed by a feeding of the ducks, after all the excited ducks have lined up.

I wonder why that is?

If Snakk's directors, management and insiders are so exuberant and positive about the company's prospects, they should be buying?

23-01-2014, 07:31 PM
Just give them to Moosie to Snaak on the brokerage costs are worth the same as the value of the shares
Yes, but I will be laughing on the other side of your face when they are 1 dorra

23-01-2014, 09:08 PM
Oh I forgot - positive news are always followed by a feeding of the ducks, after all the excited ducks have lined up.

I wonder why that is?

If Snakk's directors, management and insiders are so exuberant and positive about the company's prospects, they should be buying?

No way man it's a socially inclined policy of theirs to sell altruistically below true value. Good news is an opportunity to do the right thing and redistribute wealth to the masses.

Such a selfless act by the B TEAM!,

23-01-2014, 09:21 PM
Reading all the posts on SNK I just don't know whether to laugh or cry. It seems there are two schools of thought. One says that its all a scam (in the same vein as Plus SMS, ALQ, CER etc) to benefit the founders/insiders, another is that SNK is the next leading tech company with growing revenues that will finally lead to huge profits. I know which story I would rather believe.

23-01-2014, 09:21 PM
Reading all the posts on SNK I just don't know whether to laugh or cry. It seems there are two schools of thought. One says that its all a scam (in the same vein as Plus SMS, ALQ, CER etc) to benefit the founders/insiders, another is that SNK is the next leading tech company with growing revenues that will finally lead to huge profits. I know which story I would rather believe.

23-01-2014, 09:25 PM
Reading all the posts on SNK I just don't know whether to laugh or cry. It seems there are two schools of thought. One says that its all a scam (in the same vein as Plus SMS, ALQ, CER etc) to benefit the founders/insiders, another is that SNK is the next leading tech company with growing revenues that will finally lead to huge profits. I know which story I would rather believe.
And And all all in in stereo stereo yet yet

23-01-2014, 09:29 PM
And And all all in in stereo stereo yet yet

Im not sure what it is but sometimes on Chrome I have that problem yes yes. Asks me if I want to leave the page and if I do hey presto presto 2 posts for the price of 1.

23-01-2014, 09:36 PM
Wash your mouth out with snake-oil.

What do you mean no exciting news - heck, the last one was just 3 days ago!

The 20th Jan was all rah rah rah - impressive milestones, confident, top IT growth company, dual listing in Australia etc.

Well not to say it's not exciting, but it's quite fluffy as you don't know when it will happen and your purely going on the hunch that once listed Australians will be more aware of it and start buying and pushing the price higher. It's an announcement that you can say is exciting for some and has no effect for others. Also apart from the dual listing theres nothing new that everyone doesn't know already.

23-01-2014, 10:41 PM
Why are all of the insiders selling. If this is such a good company shouldn't they be buying. I would steer clear of this one.

One day I will write about some of the characters I have met (not here) who bought shares in Snakk. Fascinating insights into human psychology.

24-01-2014, 06:49 AM
Why are all of the insiders selling. If this is such a good company shouldn't they be buying. I would steer clear of this one.

I don't know Mr Handley, or any of the other "insiders" who are selling (of any Company - not just Snakk) ... but what I do know is not everyone is motivated by the accumulation of money far in excess of what they personally want or need. Once they have accumulated enough for their personal level of satisfaction ... they then give an opportunity for others to accumulate some. Some people just get a kick out of starting up businesses .... they leave the growth of those businesses to others with more skill.

Then of course there are others who just want to keep stacking it up and stacking it up and stacking it up for no other purpose because they can and probably for self adulation purposes.

Why steer clear of a Company just because the "insiders" might be selling to do other things? Surely the reason to steer clear of any company is because their financials (or other fundamentals) don't stack up?

24-01-2014, 08:20 AM
I don't know Mr Handley, or any of the other "insiders" who are selling (of any Company - not just Snakk) ... but what I do know is not everyone is motivated by the accumulation of money far in excess of what they personally want or need. Once they have accumulated enough for their personal level of satisfaction ... they then give an opportunity for others to accumulate some. Some people just get a kick out of starting up businesses .... they leave the growth of those businesses to others with more skill.

Then of course there are others who just want to keep stacking it up and stacking it up and stacking it up for no other purpose because they can and probably for self adulation purposes.

Why steer clear of a Company just because the "insiders" might be selling to do other things? Surely the reason to steer clear of any company is because their financials (or other fundamentals) don't stack up?

I agree with most of this. However there is a general investing rule that we prefer our insiders to have skin in the game. GEO directors have agreed not to sell for 2 years (I think). Not a deal breaker but it does contribute to the risk profile.

Of course RAK could be looked at..

24-01-2014, 09:35 AM
Wouldn't you want to be one too given the chance? Don't be shy now...

A question like that always tells more about the questioner than he intended.

24-01-2014, 09:40 AM
So now we know moosie wants to be a billionaire and would sell his soul to be one :P?
Being a firm atheist I will happily sell my soul to anyone keen, i'll even discount it, 1mil for 1 soul

24-01-2014, 10:22 AM
What's wrong with wanting to be wealthy? As Gordon Gecko so succinctly said "GREED IS GOOD".

Tall poppy syndrome there Balance?

Moose, it's how you get wealthy.

Madoff and David Ross were very wealthy, so is Warren Buffett.

Mark Hotchin and Eric Watson are still wealthy, so is Stephen Tindall.

Note the difference between the six?

Do values like integrity, fair play, morality and concern for fellow beings matter to you?

24-01-2014, 10:22 AM
Derek Handley is a greedy person! He is quoted as stating that he has aspirations of becoming a billionaire. He is selling because he has a better use for the money. Be warned!

You check his background. lost $100,000 after 2001/2002 dotcom bubble as share trader.

Then set up a firm in New York for mobile ads business, failed to list at Nasqa during the 2003-2007 boom. Financial crisis started, and have to sell the firm in 2010/2011.

After that, his brother is doing VC kind of things, and he started SNK back in NZ and got the firm listed, where listing regulation less restricted than USA. And where investors are more honest and trustful to local firms.

He started shopping around, bought Facebook, Twitter. Sold facebook this Oct, may still hold Twitter.

He started his career as a share trader, and always call himself as an entrepreneur. Doing VC things all the time, the only purpose to setup firms is to go public listed, and maximum make his own wealth.

I do not know other NZ tech companies founders whether doing VC stuff all the time. However, I know some great company founders focus on their own company growth and management.

It is hard to judge Derek's behavior. but from what he is doing, I will not trust this guy because SNK could be the tool for him doing the VC stuff. just like his holding in facebook or twitter. eventually, all be sold.

24-01-2014, 10:27 AM
After I read Derek story, I decided to be a VC guy, not a share trader. I will team up a tech company which doing online gambling and lottery stuff and try to list it a few years later. hahahahaha~~~

24-01-2014, 10:28 AM
Im already well versed in Handley thank you very much Numerals.

CEO Mark Ryan tweeted (just for Balance) today:

Thanks @SnakkMedia Team for the all-staff meet today. So many great things happening. 2013 was big... 2014 is going to be huge..!

Yes, we know that as you are now quoting from Chairman Handley's book.

24-01-2014, 10:28 AM
Moose, it's how you get wealthy.

Madoff was incredibly wealthy, so is Warren Buffett.

Mark Hotchin and Eric Watson are still wealthy, so is Stephen Tindall.

Note the difference between the five?

There is a thing call morality.

Atta boy!!! (or girl sorry?).

Now we are onto it .... it's about how it is earned and how it is used.

I don't want to be sanctimonious or anything, but Wealth and Greed are not the same thing. Greed is not good and ultimately the price is paid for this sad character trait. Mark those words if you like.

24-01-2014, 10:41 AM
I made good money out of Eric Watson. You just had to know when to get in and when to get out.

J R Ewing
24-01-2014, 10:43 AM
I made good money out of Eric Watson. You just had to know when to get in and when to get out.

Did you really know, or was there an element of luck in that?

24-01-2014, 10:56 AM
Did you really know, or was there an element of luck in that?

Usually it was just riding the trend and jump off the moment when things got murky and others still tried to make sense of it.

24-01-2014, 12:09 PM
if you've been following this thread you should know why they are selling. im off this thread for awhile,tired of the endless continual negativity on repeat when others can't even be botheted doing basic research


have you seen any SNK developed apps, mobile websites and games?

24-01-2014, 12:25 PM
have you seen any SNK developed apps, mobile websites and games?

Yes. Some case studies were given here http://youtu.be/9o6KJzGFb-g

24-01-2014, 12:27 PM

You can't handley the truth.

24-01-2014, 01:55 PM
Just got a letter from snakk explaining all that's being talked about on here and am happy with that for now,im beginning to wonder if snakk isn't the only company listed on the exchange by the amount of attention its getting on here

24-01-2014, 02:10 PM
I expecting a lift in SNK's sp now that SEA has completed its sale. If it's still trading under 11c when I sell some of my OGC next week, I may come in to join the rest of you still hanging in there (after I try a little better to understand SNK's products and fair value!).

Meanwhile, like SEA Directors, I'm also investing $ in the new plant they need to produce more diversified Omega-3 products. Call me old fashioned but I prefer to invest in products I understand.


24-01-2014, 02:24 PM
Mind posting her up?
I don't have the technology here at home to post whole letter up but points covered are Asia Pacific tech 500,Q3 revenues,asx dual listing,micro dreams foundation and interest bearing loans,chair completes initial transfer of shares and his plan to transfer approx 10% of his shares in total,the rise of smart screens,hope that helps

24-01-2014, 02:36 PM
Seems like you all know this but it's 2:30 on stuff so news for me! :)

24-01-2014, 02:47 PM
It's been signaled for some time now they were wanting out so the money could be put to better use.

I gather fish oil has a better outlook than snake oil then?

discl: dont hold, never will, but find the thread very entertaining

24-01-2014, 02:53 PM
I gather fish oil has a better outlook than snake oil then?

discl: dont hold, never will, but find the thread very entertaining

Selling listed Shell Corporation shares have more fun than a real business and product.

24-01-2014, 03:01 PM
discl: dont hold, never will, but find the thread very entertaining

I totally agree.

Post #3738 - moosie walks out, slamming door.
Post #3748 - moosie pops head back in to ask for a biscuit.


24-01-2014, 03:10 PM
I totally agree.

Post #3738 - moosie walks out, slamming door.
Post #3748 - moosie pops head back in to ask for a biscuit.


Don't be so unkind to one of Handley's disciples.

He cannot help himself as he is caught in the vortex of the Handley doctrine.

24-01-2014, 05:36 PM
Sigh, at least with the SeaDragon shares the overhang was off market. Our buyer is selling down pretty ruthlessly for 5-10% profit. At least they should be out pretty soon, another high volume day. Only positive I can see is that major support is again being built and that retail holders are staying out at this price point. Same old story, hopefully better next week :)

It's like you never left Moosie!

Have you turned your mind to the idea that old Handlebars might be the one offloading? He's got to get the next snake ready for B Team altruism.

25-01-2014, 09:00 PM
Have no idea unfortunately as I don't have access to such private information. Unfortunate end to the day.

I hope some on here will be attending the Auckland meeting next Wednesday. No doubt there will be some animated discussions about this company!

Turmeric, Mr Ryan said he'd get back to me next week. As I am in Auckland all week next week I will not be posting your answer for awhile, sorry! Mr Ryan did allude to a market announcement over this time in the last e-mail though. We shall see.
*Shuts door nicely and gives Balance his wooden spoon back* :)

This is the famous toilets where a certain ST character writes his best ST posts!


25-01-2014, 09:01 PM
Have no idea unfortunately as I don't have access to such private information. Unfortunate end to the day.

I hope some on here will be attending the Auckland meeting next Wednesday. No doubt there will be some animated discussions about this company!

Turmeric, Mr Ryan said he'd get back to me next week. As I am in Auckland all week next week I will not be posting your answer for awhile, sorry! Mr Ryan did allude to a market announcement over this time in the last e-mail though. We shall see.
*Shuts door nicely and gives Balance his wooden spoon back* :)

This is the famous toilets where a certain ST character writes his best ST posts!


25-01-2014, 09:09 PM
This is the famous toilets where a certain ST character writes his best ST posts!


I wasn't going to be so mean

good piece of fundamental analysis eh .... like DIL growth rates and deferred income

25-01-2014, 09:15 PM
The toilets don't have a 97% retention rate though... It would be concerning if they did.

28-01-2014, 09:49 AM
new website for the SNK


Harvey Specter
28-01-2014, 10:03 AM
new website for the SNK

http://www.snack-media.com/contact/about-us/Wrong Snack

28-01-2014, 10:10 AM
Wrong Snack

yes, sorry for the wrong post

Harvey Specter
28-01-2014, 10:20 AM
Haha, yes - Snack != Snakk

yes, sorry for the wrong postDon't you know how to spell!!!! ;)

Looking at your name, you are obviously a numbers man, not a speller ;)

28-01-2014, 10:24 AM
Don't you know how to spell!!!! ;)

Looking at your name, you are obviously a numbers man, not a speller ;)

haha ~~snack everywhere :lol:

28-01-2014, 10:31 AM
I'm wondering if he is a metals man...

That's the old company info, now taken over by Wu Kuang Rare Earth Elements Ltd

Blue Horseshoe
28-01-2014, 02:25 PM
Lots of sellers. Very little buying interest. This stock is only heading one way.

UP UP UP And Away.

28-01-2014, 02:28 PM
UP UP UP And Away.

Handley is good - he has his disciples now calling DOWN as up.

What next?

Threat of lots of little snakes unless Chairman Handley's message is heeded?

28-01-2014, 02:32 PM
Handley is good - he has his disciples now calling DOWN as up.

What next?

Threat of lots of little snakes unless Chairman Handley's message is heeded?
Hey balance go and check out the snakk 2 thread you'll see you are very much part of the Chronicles of Snakk saga,Snakk will be on the up again come march:cool:

Blue Horseshoe
28-01-2014, 02:38 PM
Good afternoon Snakk Trolls.

28-01-2014, 04:03 PM
Theres still life in this stock yet, last time I rode the bounce from 9 back up to 14, a great return, pity the first time i rode it from 13 to 10 but thats another story :) its just a matter of when its going to bottom out and trend the other way. People write it off to easy but it can be a ok trading stock.

28-01-2014, 04:52 PM
What we also mustn't forget is that anyone holding this stock from the day it listed, and/or from the SPP are in the red!
Didn't it list at $0.065 though? Or was it not available for the public until it went up to like $0.35 or whatever the same day?!

I'm a bit off this company, but will hold a very small amount long term just in case ;)

28-01-2014, 05:10 PM
I agree it can be a good trading stock. What readers of this thread need to be aware of though is that many posts on here should be considered in that (trading) light. One could easily read many of the posts on here thinking SNK is a great long term hold when all the poster is doing is trading it.

What we also mustn't forget is that anyone holding this stock from the day it listed, and/or from the SPP are in the red! While if you'd put your money else where over the same time period you'd have to have made some pretty poor decisions not to be significantly up!

Caution is warranted with this stock IMHO!
Not trading it have held since last may went in the blue after last announcement but back in red now as per usual,will hold until next significant announcement and see what transpires if nothing will flick off,its one of those you never know type stocks kinda like wee bet at the races

29-01-2014, 08:11 AM
No-one was able to buy any shares on market at 6.5c. From memory that was the official start price (so when it hit 40c that day it was considered a 33.5c gain), but the first trade from memory was at 12c and it didn't go below 12c that opening day

Correct, although the first issue from some shell company was for 'zilch'...I received the huge total of 2047 Snakk shares, as I held Claridge Capital shares at the time.

29-01-2014, 03:42 PM
Buying depth looking sick as the sell side piles up.

Take away all those 'fictitious' bids of 100k from 9.4c to 10.0c, and the traders are going to start dumping soon.

Why fictitious? Seen them mysteriously disappearing when the bids start getting hit.

Last chance to get out before the boys really start to bail out.

29-01-2014, 03:47 PM
Buying depth looking sick as the sell side piles up.

Take away all those 'fictitious' bids of 100k from 9.4c to 10.0c, and the traders are going to start dumping soon.

Why fictitious? Seen them mysteriously disappearing when the bids start getting hit.

Last chance to get out before the boys really start to bail out.

Bring on the DUMP, I want to load up at.08 !!

29-01-2014, 03:56 PM
Bring on the DUMP, I want to load up at.08 !!

Don't worry, just sit there.

SeaDragon probably beat Chairman Handley to the punch, selling down its shares to traders who still think there's a bob to be made.

29-01-2014, 04:44 PM
GH got the hots for Lorde or something .... his twitter account getting a bashing today ....if I was his boss I'd sack him ... should be working not tweeting

30-01-2014, 10:01 AM
You can't be serious! This company has no future. Get out while you can!!!
Off course it has a future,haven't you been reading the Chronicles of Snakk,as Karen Carpenter sang Its only just begun:cool:

30-01-2014, 10:04 AM
Facebook reports earnings today. I expect that should be of interest to some.

From JPMorgan, "we expect mobile to account for 63% of total ad revenue in 2014."

It seems that all Wall street analysts have good prospective on mobile advertising growth of Facebook in 2014.

Should I buy some snake.........

30-01-2014, 10:07 AM
Who can translate below thing into plain English, cannot understand those technical words. What is CPM, CPC

"Our premium inventory for example is highly targeted and designed to provide the most engaging experience for brands and consumers alike, this can trade for anywhere between $40cpm to $60cpm. Our performance inventory reaches a broader, less targeted audience and is used by brands as a low cost, direct response solution, this inventory can trade for as low as $0.40cpc.

Dozens of other products fall somewhere in-between and the pricing is determined by the amount of audience targeting required and the experience a brand is trying to create."

30-01-2014, 10:14 AM
from FB announcement.
-- Mobile advertising revenue represented approximately 53% of advertising revenue for the fourth quarter of 2013, up from approximately 23% of advertising revenue in the fourth quarter of 2012.

discl. hold small parcel - highly speculative - DYOR

30-01-2014, 12:28 PM
I've been reading all the negative views lately and I'm starting to go along with them...not a lot of takers and looking dead in the water at this stage. Seen it all before, the top runners have done exactly that, made their profit out of virtually nothing and now conjuring up their next fleece job!

J R Ewing
30-01-2014, 12:42 PM
Could this be where Handley is heading...


30-01-2014, 12:53 PM
Could this be where Handley is heading...


JR you are onto it...as it says in the article....."The smell alone - I feel like I need to take a shower for a week,"

30-01-2014, 04:40 PM

Wonder if Chairman Handley covers this scenario in his book?

30-01-2014, 05:00 PM

Wonder if Chairman Handley covers this scenario in his book?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZLUa8JUR18 Probably still trying to get answers from his mirror also !

30-01-2014, 05:17 PM
the moose has gone quiet on the SNK thread 4 days without a post very unusual.
Have you gone cold on SNK moosie or have you been bullied out by all the negative comments about this dodgy company.

Gone quiet while he offloads? :scared:

30-01-2014, 08:39 PM
the moose has gone quiet on the SNK thread 4 days without a post very unusual.
Have you gone cold on SNK moosie or have you been bullied out by all the negative comments about this dodgy company.

If you have read his posts ,he is out of town on business in Auckland. Cheers

31-01-2014, 04:05 PM
Not sure whether this made it to ST forum, I know there was something written but can't find whether it was Cameron Slater's perspective....

31-01-2014, 04:38 PM
Very quiet on Snakk Media's Facebook page..nothing since 11th January... just hope they are working hard and not partying as a lot of the pics show!!!

03-02-2014, 09:41 AM
Sign me up Moosie :)

03-02-2014, 09:43 AM
In replies to Mr Mark Ryan's emails today I have agreed to set up a personal message service for those wishing to receive hard information about the company which will not be posted on here. He has serious (and very rightfully founded) concerns about the thread due to a few certain members.

I too feel this thread has been hijacked and descended into disorganisationwith little meaningful commentary.

Ergo, if you would like to be added to this list please say so here or PM. Cheers.


The way I read your post Moosie, Mr Ryan is going to supply you with information that is not available to the market. Can you please confirm that is the case? If not, why go covert?

03-02-2014, 09:54 AM
Sign me up to Moosie. Cheers

03-02-2014, 10:01 AM
The way I read your post Moosie, Mr Ryan is going to supply you with information that is not available to the market. Can you please confirm that is the case? If not, why go covert?

jonu, ANY share holder can phone him, he is very approachable and informative with his replys, why don't you contact himself with any questions that you may have, company or financial, you may be pleasantly surprised.

03-02-2014, 10:01 AM
He is not going to supply me with price sensitive information as per NZX rules. Information will be in line with previously posted email by him. I understand his concerns and am looking to keep investors informed since there is a reluctance to post on here anymore but feel they need this info.

Moosie, the responsibility to keep the market informed belongs to the company. If Mr Ryan is going to regularly ply you with information that he hopes you will forward to a select group, I think you and Mr Ryan are on thin ice. A Moose would be well advised not to walk on thin ice!

The Real Bud Fox
03-02-2014, 10:05 AM
In replies to Mr Mark Ryan's emails today I have agreed to set up a personal message service for those wishing to receive hard information about the company which will not be posted on here. He has serious (and very rightfully founded) concerns about the thread due to a few certain members.

I too feel this thread has been hijacked and descended into disorganisationwith little meaningful commentary.

Ergo, if you would like to be added to this list please say so here or PM. Cheers.


I agree that this thread has gone down hill. Fast.

But, honestly, the CEO of a company sending emails out to some but not the entire market?! That would breach a number of listing rules and be unethical.

Also, I'd be worried if any CEO would have 'serious concerns' or even have the time to read an on-line forum like this.

I'm sure they'd be too busy running the company and have better things to do.

03-02-2014, 10:12 AM
I also am rather concerned the way this thread has gone and I would appreciate you Moosie adding me to your list. I have also contacted the company and found them very helpful. Thanks

03-02-2014, 10:14 AM
This is pending Mr Ryans approval. Should have mentioned that sorry. Right now I am just gathering a list of interested parties.

That's not what you said earlier Moosie. You said it was "agreed". Be sure to let us know when the covert inside info message service is up and running. I'm sure the NZX will be extremely interested. Maybe they might even request to be on the list to make sure the market is informed!

Harvey Specter
03-02-2014, 10:15 AM
I agree that this thread has gone down hill. Fast.

But, honestly, the CEO of a company sending emails out to some but not the entire market?! That would breach a number of listing rules and be unethical.

Also, I'd be worried if any CEO would have 'serious concerns' or even have the time to read an on-line forum like this.

I'm sure they'd be too busy running the company and have better things to do.
There is now two threads, both equally as diabolical.

Maybe he should consider a shareholder newsletter? All in all, it is probably no different to the info that they circulate to funds, brokers and analysts. Have you ever read an analysts report and wondered how they know that much detail.

Given the amount of time he spends dealing to Moosie, I am sure he has had time for a quick look

03-02-2014, 10:45 AM
Im in please moosie
Cheers ,Blocker3

03-02-2014, 10:50 AM
please add me to the list too. Having said that, why don't you just post it to the 2nd snakk thread and ask the hijackers to stop flaming the thread with their grumpiness

03-02-2014, 11:09 AM
I find it odd Mr Ryan is trying to control what is said about his company !, sure there is a bit of crap said on here, but that happens, just get on with running the Company and ignore all the crap said on forums like this. Serious investors will be weeding through the rubbish and taking note of the good stuff anyway.
In saying that, as I have a reasonable SNK holding, I woudlnt mind being added to the list.

03-02-2014, 11:16 AM
Moosie, the responsibility to keep the market informed belongs to the company. If Mr Ryan is going to regularly ply you with information that he hopes you will forward to a select group, I think you and Mr Ryan are on thin ice. A Moose would be well advised not to walk on thin ice!

I do not think that Moosie will be on thin ice here. I regularly contact companies and get snippets of operational info that is not material and worthy of a market announcement. Nothing wrong there.

03-02-2014, 11:19 AM
Moosie please add me to your list. The reality is that Forums like this are open (and thank goodness for that.) There will always be a range of opinions expressed (love them or hate them). We are all grown up enough to sift through the opinions to glean the real facts.

If SNK think they are hard done by, they should read the the RAK thread and see they are not alone. If SNK (or RAK) want to improve investor perceptions - more informed and factual market info' is always a good start!!

(Disc; Happy to hold a few snaks... for the time)

03-02-2014, 11:23 AM
Moosie please add me to your list. The reality is that Forums like this are open (and thank goodness for that.) There will always be a range of opinions expressed (love them or hate them). We are all grown up enough to sift through the opinions to glean the real facts.

If SNK think they are hard done by, they should read the the RAK thread and see they are not alone. If SNK (or RAK) want to improve investor perceptions - more informed and factual market info' is always a good start!!

(Disc; Happy to hold a few snaks... for the time)

Not sure what you mean hard done by?

We are meerly stating the fact that the Snakk business model may not be as profitable or scaleable as the speculators think it is. Investors should be thanking people for giving them a differing point of view.

03-02-2014, 11:26 AM
I just wish all major shareholders would hurry up and ditch all their shares in stead of drip feeding them out

03-02-2014, 11:34 AM
NOT market sensitive. This is for inquisitive investors with real questions looking for facts.

Do tell us the facts. I get mine from company press releases, research and financials. Is there something I am missing about the business model?

03-02-2014, 12:13 PM
For someone as lazy as me.... I bought a small Snakk parcel because Mobile Media Advertisment is where the bucks will be made so if not Snakk are there any other players listed on the NZX or ASX I could invest in?

03-02-2014, 12:32 PM
There is now two threads, both equally as diabolical.

Maybe he should consider a shareholder newsletter? All in all, it is probably no different to the info that they circulate to funds, brokers and analysts. Have you ever read an analysts report and wondered how they know that much detail.

Given the amount of time he spends dealing to Moosie, I am sure he has had time for a quick look

Harvey, in my experience of shareholder newsletters, they are just a rehash /summary of recent press releases and company reports. Which is how it should be when you think about it. If this is all Mr Ryan and Moosie are planning, what's the point?

03-02-2014, 01:18 PM
Since there is insinuation made here by Moose and Mr Ryan that there have been hard facts/information furnished by Snakk via Moose to the market via this thread, I think it is only fair that Moose (and the other Snakk supporters) summarised some of the hard facts/information provided so far via this thread.

So here's the challenge, Moose - I hope you can and will rise up to the challenge.

see weed
03-02-2014, 01:39 PM
In replies to Mr Mark Ryan's emails today I have agreed to set up a personal message service for those wishing to receive hard information about the company which will not be posted on here. He has serious (and very rightfully founded) concerns about the thread due to a few certain members.

I too feel this thread has been hijacked and descended into disorganisationwith little meaningful commentary.

Ergo, if you would like to be added to this list please say so here or PM. Cheers.


Good on you Moosie. Keep up the good fight. Add me to your list and was good to meet you last week at Windsor Castle. Next time you are in Auckland we will meet you at the Zoo Keepers Son and share info, if possible. On that note i might buy some more this afternoon.

03-02-2014, 01:46 PM
theres a tasty 600k on the buy for the sellers to hit at 10c come on take one for the team

see weed
03-02-2014, 01:50 PM
jonu, ANY share holder can phone him, he is very approachable and informative with his replys, why don't you contact himself with any questions that you may have, company or financial, you may be pleasantly surprised.

Same here, Mark Ryan always answers my emails within 24hrs.

03-02-2014, 01:52 PM
Time for a rest Balance

03-02-2014, 01:54 PM
I'm not feeding the piggies anymore Balance. I know you will go on and on about how I am ducking the question, but if you don't know the answers by now after being on here so long then I can suggest a few alzheimers medications. I've had enough and I will be keeping others informed who are happy to receive info on the company they have invested in/are looking at. if they want the a "balanced" view they can come here.

I have better things to do with my life. ciao.

Thought so.

Last recall I had was you insinuating Derek was going to make an announcement re his shareholding - of a generous nature.

11 Jan 2014 : " I hate to say history repeats repeats repeats on this thread, but you can never rule it out. Thats the risk you take. However, did you not note my post last night about Derek seeking to give away ANOTHER lot of multi-million shares to a charity? Hardly seems like the guy thats going to fleece the NZ market eh? Your rep would never recover from that one, andwe all know he banks on that to a huge degree!"

When the announcement came out, you could not wait to alert everyone to the announcement - without bothering to even read the announcement!

13 Jan 2014 : "Told ya so:


tis a straight donation, otherwise it wouldn't be classified as charitable!"

Further :

13 Jan 2014 : "Man you guys are scathing no matter what! The man donated some shares in a growing company that will keep accruing in value (hopefully!). Handley has always stated he is committed to his charities. be glad there are still people like this left in the world!"

When the announcement was read by us, it revealed :

1. Derek had been selling shares on market.

2. He was going to sell more shares via a transfer to another account, the transfer to include an undefined number of shares to a charitable trust.

Chalk and cheese between the insinuation and pre-announcement hype, vs the actual announcement itself.

03-02-2014, 01:57 PM
Question then :

So does the above information so generously provided by Snakk and signaled ahead re Derek's shareholding constitute the hard information ?

Or the hard information is the announcement itself?

see weed
03-02-2014, 02:02 PM
I just wish all major shareholders would hurry up and ditch all their shares in stead of drip feeding them out

Not just major holders but also all the smaller holders pushing the sp up and down through fear and greed.

03-02-2014, 03:11 PM
My view - he transferred these to this charity so they can be sold not held!

agree with that

Moosie, don't do it. Or at least phone FMA for some free advice before you get entangled in areas of the wilderness that moose should not inhabit

03-02-2014, 03:19 PM
Not sure what you mean hard done by?.

Perhaps you missed the point I made when I said....

There will always be a range of opinions expressed (love them or hate them). We are all grown up enough to sift through the opinions to glean the real facts.

Thus 'Hard done by" IMHO will mean what it means to whomever wants to be offended... the rest of us will just get on with investing and sifting/interpreting the differing views.

Personally I welcome all views whether I disagree with them or not.

03-02-2014, 03:23 PM
Duly noted. Just an idea right now so nothing has been done yet.

Not an idea, Moose.

"In replies to Mr Mark Ryan's emails today I have agreed to set up a personal message service for those wishing to receive hard information about the company which will not be posted on here."

Sorry but hard information is just that - hard.

Agreed means that Mark Ryan and you have discussed, and you have agreed.

03-02-2014, 03:29 PM
Add me on the list if it eventuates mr moose

03-02-2014, 03:37 PM
Add me on the list if it eventuates mr moose

Mr Moose is back-tracking so fast that his left hoof just went back into the Yukon River?


PS. Sorry, Moose, could not resist that.

03-02-2014, 03:40 PM
Careful you don't end up overbalancing and falling in with him :P

03-02-2014, 03:56 PM
Careful you don't end up overbalancing and falling in with him :P

On solid ground and looking at the snakes slithering back into their holes.


03-02-2014, 04:23 PM

Mcap / comment ratio of SNK = $6900
Mcap / comment ratio of TEL = $1570000

03-02-2014, 04:28 PM

Mcap / comment ratio of SNK = $6900
Mcap / comment ratio of TEL = $1570000

Was that counting both threads?

Good measure - amkes SNK look cheap

03-02-2014, 04:30 PM
Was that counting both threads?

Yes but not normalised for time.

03-02-2014, 04:47 PM
Haha, brilliant!! The thread(s) really are an embarrassment but great for a laugh ;)

We need to extend this. There might be a pattern emerge that we can trade on..

03-02-2014, 06:55 PM
We need to extend this. There might be a pattern emerge that we can trade on..
Hope you can make a bob out of this but after a few days away this thread sounds like a shoal of piranha caught in a drying up stream with that catfish Balance sitting on the bottom waiting for bits to come his way.Only hope Moosie is not tempted to cross the river.
To a few of you I would reflect if you are investors or just grumpy posters wanting a fight to fill in your time......IMHO.

04-02-2014, 12:21 AM
In replies to Mr Mark Ryan's emails today I have agreed to set up a personal message service for those wishing to receive hard information about the company which will not be posted on here. He has serious (and very rightfully founded) concerns about the thread due to a few certain members.

I too feel this thread has been hijacked and descended into disorganisationwith little meaningful commentary.

Ergo, if you would like to be added to this list please say so here or PM. Cheers.


Sophisticated investors only plz, preferably those with money and without a lawyer.

04-02-2014, 09:26 AM
Down to 10.2c yesterday and only 150k shares on the bid at 10.1c.

Who will be fast enough to get out before those 'lucky' to get the 9c and 10c stock from Seadragon start to panic?

Notice how some of the 100k to 200k bids are already starting to disappear as the offers move closer to them?

Classic phantom bids designed to give naive traders a false sense of comfort that there is plenty of interest out there in the stock!

04-02-2014, 10:06 AM
Worth reminding you, in order to offer a bit of balance to the point (which may well be a valid one) that you are making.

The next day it got quickly chomped up. Maybe the "phantom bidder" was too slow.... OR maybe it wasn't a phantom bidder. Either way, it didn't disappear.....

What I observe is that a number of sizable 10c bids have disappeared as the sp descends towards 10c.

For the newies, be alert to this - one of the oldest tricks in the book to give the illusion of support and buying interest.

04-02-2014, 10:08 AM
Worth reminding you, in order to offer a bit of balance to the point (which may well be a valid one) that you are making.

The next day it got quickly chomped up. Maybe the "phantom bidder" was too slow.... OR maybe it wasn't a phantom bidder. Either way, it didn't disappear.....

There are other ways of manipulating a shareprice without phantom bidders. For a small cost of $29.90 (bro) you can put up some bids and sell into them yourself...... (not saying that this is happening but it can) to create some illusion of support. :)

04-02-2014, 10:28 AM
I'm not much of a chartist, but my reading of it is that it looks awfully sick having broken through 10.5 and by extension heading for 7. Is that a fair reading? Someone with more expertise in this care to comment?

04-02-2014, 11:50 AM
That is one of the weirdest announcements to market I have seen for a while.

04-02-2014, 11:51 AM
WOW, Company ann out and December revenue passed the $1,000,000.00 mark for the first time, bearing in mind that Dec is the busiest month of the year lets hope that this trend continues !!

04-02-2014, 11:58 AM
That is one of the weirdest announcements to market I have seen for a while.

Perhaps they've read the last 5 pages of this thread :P

04-02-2014, 11:58 AM
That is one of the weirdest announcements to market I have seen for a while.

My thoughts too. Two cornerstone s/holders bail and its "positive". Snk always big on talk of revenue, on costs-not so much. As I've said before the advertising industry are hugely into "contras" which you can show as revenue, but there is a balancing cost associated with it. Maybe this is why these guys with impressive growth in revenues have been running bigger losses.

04-02-2014, 12:18 PM
keep an eye on the cost of margin, EBT. SNK is able to make $2 billion "revenue" next month, but for profit?

Harvey Specter
04-02-2014, 12:21 PM
My thoughts too. Two cornerstone s/holders bail and its "positive". Not really cornerstone shareholders, just large shareholders wanting to exit in the short term. Definitely positive news though ideally they would have sold to proper cornerstone investors.

As it has had an effect on the shareprice, completely unrelated to the business, it is understandable why they made the disclosure. A monthly shareholder update, with revenue figures would be great but without them being able to disclose customers, a tweet might be all they can fill. Maybe a revenue figures with a recent casestudy.

04-02-2014, 12:31 PM
Not really cornerstone shareholders, just large shareholders wanting to exit in the short term. Definitely positive news though ideally they would have sold to proper cornerstone investors.

As it has had an effect on the shareprice, completely unrelated to the business, it is understandable why they made the disclosure. A monthly shareholder update, with revenue figures would be great but without them being able to disclose customers, a tweet might be all they can fill. Maybe a revenue figures with a recent casestudy.

Harvey, are you happy to hear only of revenues? I'm not sure what you mean by case study, but I doubt they are likely to portray their margins e.g client "A" placed a 100k contract and it was filled with cost of 75k to SNK. Client "A" saw a 10% lift in sales directly related to the campaign.

Something like that would be very helpful, but realistically I can see them supplying the good news side but not the costs, which is understandable. However if you are going to release revenue figures, surely some idea of outgoings in the same period is not too much to expect?

04-02-2014, 12:34 PM
Everyone harps on and on about it then calls it "weird" when its put to bed. Jesus wept...

no it just feels like being in a parallel universe:

ZER increases stake in NZO = bad news
SEA sells off SNK = good news

04-02-2014, 12:42 PM
Harvey, are you happy to hear only of revenues? I'm not sure what you mean by case study, but I doubt they are likely to portray their margins e.g client "A" placed a 100k contract and it was filled with cost of 75k to SNK. Client "A" saw a 10% lift in sales directly related to the campaign.

Something like that would be very helpful, but realistically I can see them supplying the good news side but not the costs, which is understandable. However if you are going to release revenue figures, surely some idea of outgoings in the same period is not too much to expect?

Jon, you are looking for toooooooo much of announcement , THIS IS A MONTHLY UPDATE, short and crisp, no massive detail, that's for the quarterly.

04-02-2014, 12:46 PM
Seems to take them forever to come up with quarterly revenue announcements. (They are voluntary so no rush)

Many companies released quarterly revenues already. Even Xero has filed a quarterly cash low statement. Maybe SNK don't use Xero

04-02-2014, 12:54 PM
They will be compelled to release on time once they list in the ASX. I for one appreciate their voluntary release of them on the NZX.

When they go onto the ASX do you think moosie or anyone else that they will upgrade to the main NZX board here?

04-02-2014, 12:56 PM
so only 2 large s/h to go with there selling?

04-02-2014, 01:04 PM
so only 2 large s/h to go with there selling?

Bull, Why would they sell when they will most probably receive a 100% return on their original investment via dividends eventually!

04-02-2014, 01:07 PM
Bull, Why would they sell when they will most probably receive a 100% return on their original investment via dividends eventually!

dividends these companies dont pay divs they buy growth

04-02-2014, 01:23 PM
They will be compelled to release on time once they list in the ASX. I for one appreciate their voluntary release of them on the NZX.

Captain Handley, the hype machine is running out of fuel!! We need more raw hype otherwise the selling module will deactivate!!

04-02-2014, 01:42 PM
whew,!! SNK buyers back, that nice green arrow has re-appeared.

04-02-2014, 01:56 PM
whew,!! SNK buyers back, that nice green arrow has re-appeared.

I see though that the usual piranha mentioned yesterday are still swimming around in their vicious circles and the grumpy posters who wouldn't know a crisp monthly update from a wind up notice are still present.Where's Balance ? ..must be down deep again penning an epistle..Ahoy there...

04-02-2014, 02:31 PM
I think he is busy purchasing Snakk shares

04-02-2014, 02:50 PM
He should buy some !, wont have anything to be grumpy about then!

04-02-2014, 02:53 PM
My thoughts too. Two cornerstone s/holders bail and its "positive". Snk always big on talk of revenue, on costs-not so much. As I've said before the advertising industry are hugely into "contras" which you can show as revenue, but there is a balancing cost associated with it. Maybe this is why these guys with impressive growth in revenues have been running bigger losses.

"so myself and the Board see this milestone as a
positive outcome for the business and for the Snakk share price.

As a result we have acquired a far greater spread of new investors, with the
vast majority of our shareholders understand the long-term view of investing
in a company that is operating in a high-growth market."

Since Mark is commenting on the movement of shares, rather interesting he kept quiet on Chairman Handley's selling?

So, Mark (we know you read this thread), how many more shares are you expecting Derek to sell and why is he selling on-market (given your obvious dis-taste)?

Would you consider the exit of Derek as a shareholder a positive as well?

Also, if most of the shareholders understand the long term nature of investing in Snakk, why is Derek selling?

Cannot have it both ways - be a man and man up to the questions.

04-02-2014, 02:56 PM
As for the growth in revenues, big yawn.

Rakon and Wellington can tell you all you want to know about growth in revenues - when will costs be overtaken to generate a profit?

Bet you that Derek is trying to sell a few shares today - the big holders*always sell after an announcement, plus time is running out for him as 31 March approaches and it's accounts time.

Will most of the revenues be reflected in a big growth in receivables again?

04-02-2014, 03:14 PM
Balance - I think that between us we have sufficiently warned the posters on this thread. Some will listen, some will not. Those that do not will not only be wasting their money, but also their time!
Good comment the point I would make is that Balance etc go on and on and on and on in the same vain as if there are fifty new shareholders a day that need to be educated.Its getting past boring.He won't ring the Company because he is known as a grumpy anti company poster.IMHO.

04-02-2014, 03:15 PM
Balance - I think that between us we have sufficiently warned the posters on this thread. Some will listen, some will not. Those that do not will not only be wasting their money, but also their time!

Don't really care about the Moose, Sea Weed, Copper etc of the world - they are donkey deep as far as I can ascertain in propagating Snakk's hype to suck others in.

Postings are more for the newies so they get a 'balanced' view.

04-02-2014, 03:38 PM
Good comment the point I would make is that Balance etc go on and on and on and on in the same vain as if there are fifty new shareholders a day that need to be educated.Its getting past boring.He won't ring the Company because he is known as a grumpy anti company poster.IMHO.

I agree all the way.

I think that this Thread is the same as a rugby match. A big battle of words has gone on and each has said their view.(and counter view and counter view).One person has been off side all day (for weeks) and if I was Ref now I would be pulling the YELLOW card out and sending some one off. He needs a rest (and we all need a rest also). Cheers

04-02-2014, 03:44 PM
Fair call! I can see a lot of money being made (by Derek, Sorenson, etc) and lost (unassuming investors) here!

Add Block3 to the list of Moose, Sea Weed and Copper.

04-02-2014, 03:47 PM
They may even then want to buy SNK shares instead of conventional presents.

This is the sort of quality analysis and posting from Blocker3.

Newies - take note.

04-02-2014, 03:53 PM
This is the sort of quality analysis and posting from Blocker3.

Newies - take note.

Good to see that you have been into my history of Threads postings.

Have a nice day Balance


04-02-2014, 04:06 PM
Good to see that you have been into my history of Threads postings.

Have a nice day Balance


The day we see a quality posting from you - be it analysis, research, financials or a probing question to Mark - rather than your usual 'Buy Snakk as sp is going higher', will be the day Snakk's real potential (down or up) becomes clear.

04-02-2014, 04:08 PM
I agree all the way.

I think that this Thread is the same as a rugby match. A big battle of words has gone on and each has said their view.(and counter view and counter view).One person has been off side all day (for weeks) and if I was Ref now I would be pulling the YELLOW card out and sending some one off. He needs a rest (and we all need a rest also). Cheers

Blocker, it's a bit concerning, but not entirely surprising, that the irritable nature of the cheerleaders has increased markedly with the decline of the SP. I don't want anyone to get burnt. I have no wish for SNK to do poorly, but I don't like the way they do things and I don't trust the Chair. I also worry about his alignment with Branson (at least philosophically). Again I recommend a biography of Branson by Tom Bower. It's a hatchet job, but a very well researched one and Branson didn't sue!

04-02-2014, 05:07 PM
hot spot for SNK next financial figures.

Other expenses, need more detailed items
The increasing account receivables

There is no value to invest in this kind of firm. Profit has been eaten by suppliers and employees.

They double the revenue, then double the employment benefits, then double Mr. Dereck' director fees. What the next financial reports, you may find out the trend.

They tried to get as much as from the company, then dump the share already is in sky high price, then go for next listing snake.

Conclusion: shareholders paid Mr. Derek to decrease the share price and reduce their capital. So win-win situation for him to receive the capital gain and high employment benefit plus director fee.

04-02-2014, 05:10 PM

Nice one - 1.5m shares at 5c for Mr Joyce.

Mark and Moose and Sea Weed and Blocker13 and Copper, question for you - is Mr Joyce one of the long term shareholders so robustly highlighted by Mark in today's announcement?

04-02-2014, 05:10 PM
Announcement AFTER 5pm, as opposed to the ra-ra BEFORE lunch today. 1.5 million options exercised today for Boyce-ex snakk trustee.
Good little pump from CEO and 1.6 million shares traded today. Oh me oh my!

04-02-2014, 05:18 PM
Announcement AFTER 5pm, as opposed to the ra-ra BEFORE lunch today. 1.5 million options exercised today for Boyce-ex snakk trustee.
Good little pump from CEO and 1.6 million shares traded today. Oh me oh my!

You mean that they sold 1.5 million around 10c this morning, then issued 1.5 million new shares at the price of 5c this afternoon ? What a wonderful business, making profit $75,000 a day by two announcements.

04-02-2014, 05:20 PM
You mean that they sold 1.5 million around 10c this morning, then issued 1.5 million new shares at the price of 5c this afternoon ? What a wonderful business, making profit $75,000 a day by two announcements.

No - I mean I bet Mr Boyce doesn't have too many left.

04-02-2014, 05:22 PM
No - I mean I bet Mr boyce doesn't have too many left.

Could you figure out how many those share options left for those insiders?

04-02-2014, 05:23 PM
Oh dear.
They just can't seem to help themselves and yet no doubt wonder why there is so much cynicism.
Very sloppy.

04-02-2014, 05:27 PM
Mr.Sean Joyce wrote a listing booklet for SNK?

http://www.seanjoyce.co.nz/downloads/Joyce.Guide%20to%20Listing%20%2812%20March%202013% 29.pdf

So...........It seems that half of co-founders, management group have investment banking, wall street, share trading and analysts background. Interesting thing lol ~~~all legal business

04-02-2014, 05:30 PM
That is one of the weirdest announcements to market I have seen for a while.

Ah yes, but as we now see it was weirdness with a purpose

04-02-2014, 05:31 PM

Nice one - 1.5m shares at 5c for Mr Joyce.

Mark and Moose and Sea Weed and Blocker13 and Copper, question for you - is Mr Joyce one of the long term shareholders so robustly highlighted by Mark in today's announcement?
How the heck would I know.Why don't you ring the Company and find out for yourself instead of boring some of us yet again.

04-02-2014, 05:32 PM
I concede. Not a good look at all after all the others before...

Moosie, just keep that thought stuck on your antlers with a postit for when the next "pump" comes. I was cynical before, but this just takes my breath away.

04-02-2014, 05:34 PM
Announcement AFTER 5pm, as opposed to the ra-ra BEFORE lunch today. 1.5 million options exercised today for Boyce-ex snakk trustee.
Good little pump from CEO and 1.6 million shares traded today. Oh me oh my!

Jonu: The way I read it is 1.5M shares "ISSUE OF SECURITIES"

I see no 1.5M trade today but only small sales totalling 1.6M

Can you please explain "Good little pump from CEO and 1.6 million shares traded today"

04-02-2014, 05:40 PM
Jonu: The way I read it is 1.5M shares "ISSUE OF SECURITIES"

I see no 1.5M trade today but only small sales totalling 1.6M

Can you please explain "Good little pump from CEO and 1.6 million shares traded today"

Blocker, I don't know if Mr Boyce has sold the lot, but there were some quite big reloads around 10.5 today. If you can't see what has gone on here you are just the kind of investor SNK craves.

04-02-2014, 05:47 PM
Blocker, I don't know if Mr Boyce has sold the lot, but there were some quite big reloads around 10.5 today. If you can't see what has gone on here you are just the kind of investor SNK craves.

So what you are saying. There was no 1.5M sale today.

04-02-2014, 05:52 PM
So what you are saying. There was no 1.5M sale today.

Right Blocker. There was no one 1.5m sale today. Your Point?

04-02-2014, 06:00 PM
Annual Report showed 13.7 mil options outstanding ...most at 5 cents some at 6.5 cents

04-02-2014, 06:02 PM
I feel another chapter of the Chronicles of Snakk in the making,that's right folks chapter 4 will soon be released titled 'The Rise of Baron Balance and his Army'

04-02-2014, 06:05 PM
By the looks of it Joyce and Norman's options had their vesting period reduced pre float ....that's how I read the accounts but heck what do I know, could b completely wrong again

Whose Norman?

04-02-2014, 06:05 PM
I feel another chapter of the Chronicles of Snakk in the making,that's right folks chapter 4 will soon be released titled 'The Rise of Baron Balance and his Army'

Maybe "The Fleecing of the Innocent".

04-02-2014, 06:16 PM
Maybe "The Fleecing of the Innocent".
Hmmm now your got me thinking I think there could be a slot in this tale for a chapter titled The Silence of the Mooses (No offense Moosie)

04-02-2014, 07:00 PM
How the heck would I know.Why don't you ring the Company and find out for yourself instead of boring some of us yet again.

Because I am not a cheerleader like you.



04-02-2014, 07:07 PM
Because I am not a cheerleader like you.


You can't take any criticism which is not IMHO the sign of a balanced poster.I am beginning to believe you may not be a shareholder in any company.How long have you been invested in the market.

04-02-2014, 07:34 PM
Since 31 March 2 mill new options issued to NEDs and 2 lots of 1.5 mill have been converted to shares. One lot was in June (were those Norman's) and todays 1,5 mill

They tend to work out what execs etc deserve in March and issue some more then

04-02-2014, 07:41 PM
Since 31 March 2 mill new options issued to NEDs and 2 lots of 1.5 mill have been converted to shares. One lot was in June (were those Norman's) and todays 1,5 mill

They tend to work out what execs etc deserve in March and issue some more then

Good posts Winner ..Get a bit more of what's going on.Despite what one of our posters keeps harping on about .I actually sold some today and my name is not Joyce.Like normal people I have to pay the Visa,Sky ,Rates and all other things

04-02-2014, 08:20 PM
Announcement AFTER 5pm, as opposed to the ra-ra BEFORE lunch today. 1.5 million options exercised today for Boyce-ex snakk trustee.
Good little pump from CEO and 1.6 million shares traded today. Oh me oh my!

It cannot be! This is a moral high ground Team B company!

Mark Ryan specifically stated today that Snakk Trustee reduced its holding to ZERO! The pronouncement was obviously made to give investors comfort that there would be no more cheap shares to be unleashed onto the market!

"As of last week another previously significant
shareholder, Snakk Trustees Limited, also reduced its holdings to zero."

Maybe Mark should have added " But Wait! There's more! There are options they can convert at 5c which they can sell into the market."

04-02-2014, 08:22 PM
Please report.

Admin knows I am giving sound advice to a little boy.

First rule of investing, especially in a highly speculative share like Snakk, is not to do so with money you need to pay normal expenses with.
I nearly sold Xero,MBE,PEB etc etc etc but sold some SNK....Withdraw your stupid assumptions....

04-02-2014, 08:33 PM
They seem happy and bemused? I wonder why.

04-02-2014, 08:34 PM
1.6 million retail investors? what i am selling 50000 at 10.1c, 115000 at
10.2c, .......then 35000 at 10.3c , looks like retail trade, but seller is large amount holder

04-02-2014, 08:35 PM
In replies to Mr Mark Ryan's emails today I have agreed to set up a personal message service for those wishing to receive hard information about the company which will not be posted on here. He has serious (and very rightfully founded) concerns about the thread due to a few certain members.


I have serious concerns too. Especially after today.

04-02-2014, 08:55 PM
Balance,would you have the courtesy to answer the question whether you hold any shares in anything or not and stop posting irrelevant stuff....

04-02-2014, 09:09 PM
After a hard day on the market tis the time to sit back and relax and open the Chronicles of Snakk Chapter 4 The Rise of Baron Balance and his army. The baron mounted his horse aptly named high gathered his troops in order to hunt down the peasant moosie and his followers,moosie was totally involved with dealing with the carnage following the collapse of the emperors castle,the wounded had their wounds dressed with bandages filled with maple syrup known to accelerate healing he knew the evil baron would soon arrive showing no mercy on the loyal followers of emperor handley who was in hiding himself after flying away on the snake named sea,the baron had no time for little peasant boys and had established his army by propaganda to date but was about to put substance to his claims that the current Snakk kingdom was a farce by heavily assaulting the emperors loyal followers,meanwhile moosie had to pay a quick visit to his friend couta who was struggling over at ground Xro and just managing to keep his head above water so to speak,moosie also had others to gather along the way namely copper and blocker these two had a good knowledge of the barons despicable ways,longhaul would also come along to add endurance to the peasants, this was shaping up to be a great battle with mountains of Snakks at stake for the victors

04-02-2014, 09:25 PM
Brilliant Couta...If it's made into a film I may have a bit part.Gotta go to bed for a kip so will be back for tomorrow's battle.
kind regards....

04-02-2014, 09:31 PM
That mark guy even communicates with moosie when he is at weddings on waiheke ....good on him

Tweet a couple of days ago

@markryansydney: Last minute packing for early flight to @mewoki and the gorgeous Monique wedding tmrw at Waiheke Island NZ. Good times..!

04-02-2014, 10:24 PM
I hope Facebook reports good growth numbers for Q1-14 so I can infer that SNK will have similar numbers when they regurgitate that information via NZX announcements.

04-02-2014, 10:47 PM
Few posts have been deleted by yours truly :angry:


04-02-2014, 11:10 PM
why is there a big consipiracy about Sean Joyce exercising his options? He is associated with Sorensen. For probably the same reasons Sorensen is selling out, Joyce is exercising his options.

For the newbies reading this thread, since Balance emphasises them so much, the following is mere suggestion and is not verifiable as fact as of today:
1. Sorensen and Joyce, as well as Bakery Boys, are quitting because Snakk gonna go downhill. This may well be the case, but there are other reasons that may be plausible.
2. The 1.6m shares or whatever traded today consist partially or almost entirely of the newly issued shares of Joyce. This may well be the case, but nobody knows.
3. The management of Snakk are plotting something evil to destroy the wealth of shareholders, then run off laughing their heads off. This may well be the case, but who knows until it really happens. Some posters here have emphasised the dodgy nature of some personas involved in the company, but conveniently forget about the reputable ones who have built their name through competency, effort and hard work? Tim Alpe, Michelle Kong, Mark Ryan?

Insomuch the naysayers want to protect newbies from what they think is a scam, I think they should restrain from misrepresenting their own unverifiable claims and conspiracies as fact. These newbies should really not be denied a chance to get a BALANCED assessment of the company without all the nonsense from both sides of the camp.

Disc: shareholder of no significance; not Sorensen; not Joyce; not Mark Ryan or anyone of much significance. Just another random guy on an internet forum.

04-02-2014, 11:22 PM
Disc: shareholder...

I enjoyed your post.

SNK has taught me some valuable things. Things like backdoor listings, buying things with options, selling a nondescript product, filling announcements with achievements of other companies (but not my own), draftinga trust deeds that let me control my assets while avoiding direct ownership (yet holding out that it is a charity, and announcing as such).

And much much more!

Thanks blah for putting up your capital for me to learn.

J R Ewing
04-02-2014, 11:32 PM
For some time I have been saying that if the original owners of this business really thought it had great potential they would never have listed it in the first place. If I understand it correctly, today you have people intimately associated with the company (how else would they come to hold options) converting these options early. Are these options being converted early? (I can't check just now) but this would only be done in order to sell shares and these shares are now being sold for less than the spp in the back door listing.
If options are being converted early in order to sell shares on market now shareholders should take note and get out while they can. Anyone who held options in a company they thought was going to do well would be absolutely delighted to hold them - it's a case of heads I win, tails I don't lose anything. You only convert now if you think the sp will be lower on the date they expire.

J R Ewing
04-02-2014, 11:40 PM
For those of you that are bitching about Balance going on about the same stuff - history is repeating. I had the same opinion some years ago on the NZO thread and can tell you that I would have lost less money if I had taken his advice.

Mark Ryan
05-02-2014, 12:04 AM
Hi all,

While I've made it a career rule not to participate in online forums for companies I'm actively involved with, a recent post by moosie_900 (#3807, page 254) has led to me seeking to clear the air with the readers of this forum.

Moosie_900 sent me an email requesting information (#3585, page 239). He asked if he could post the response, as had also been done by other investors who had emailed the company direct. I agreed. He then sent another email, asking more information, also requesting that he post the response.

I sent the following reply late last week. It has been my final communication to moosie_900 in regard to his request to post my response:
From: Mark Ryan [mailto:mark.ryan@snakkmedia.com]
Sent: Friday, 31 January 2014 12:31 AM
Subject: RE: One other question...


A quick update. I haven’t replied yet as we’ve been busy with a few things; wrapping up the Q3 results, prepping for a heavy Board meet, closing our overhang and much more. I’m in Auckland for a Board meeting on Monday, and after that I’ll be back to you.

However after keeping an eye on the ST forums over the last few weeks I’m now extremely reluctant to see any responses I provide to you appear on the forum with my approval. Turmeric asked some great questions about how exchange rates impact on our reported figures, and our historical revenue. I duly supplied answers for both which were then posted. The level of response and critical thinking applied to the hard facts I provided was lightweight at best.

When I saw the reaction to my detailed reply after you posted it… it was apparent that it had ceased to be a discussion about Snakk, or the mobile advertising industry, ‘helping newbies’, or anything really. The descent into farce has been even more pronounced of late. While I’m obviously happy to respond as clearly as I can to any genuine investor query, I simply won’t feed the trolls. As George Bernard Shaw said “I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it”.

So XXXXXXX, as what I’d call a ‘highly engaged’ ST forum participant, and also a guy with his head screwed on the right way, the question is how do I respond to you openly as an investor without also feeling like I’m feeding trolls or wrestling pigs..?

After all, I’ve got a business to run – and from what I can see, engaging with this forum via you isn’t going to grow meaningful value for my 3500+ shareholders any time soon. If ever.

Your thoughts..?


I haven't agreed to any arrangement regarding the provision of any 'hard' information to anyone associated with this forum. Or anywhere else. Simple.

While I fully acknowledge that any reply I send in response to a public query may end up on forums, I won't be using a proxy to do so on my behalf, or sending information to a select few.

It can be tempting to enter the fray on anonymous forums like Sharetrader, particularly when the discourse is informative, meaningful, stimulating or just plain entertaining. However I'll be making this one post to clarify this particular situation to all readers, then deleting my account and getting back to work.

However, as some of you are already aware, I try to personally respond quickly and openly to any current or potential shareholder that contacts Snakk. That won't change, and I encourage each of you to do so. Anyone that has reached out to Snakk in the past and not been responded to, please get back in contact with me directly. And of course anyone who has questions regarding the email above can get in touch any time.

I wish you all much success in 2014.


+61 409 225 820

05-02-2014, 05:28 AM
Hi all,

While I've made it a career rule not to participate in online forums for companies I'm actively involved with, a recent post by moosie_900 (#3807, page 254) has led to me seeking to clear the air with the readers of this forum.

Moosie_900 sent me an email requesting information (#3585, page 239). He asked if he could post the response, as had also been done by other investors who had emailed the company direct. I agreed. He then sent another email, asking more information, also requesting that he post the response.

I sent the following reply late last week. It has been my final communication to moosie_900 in regard to his request to post my response:
From: Mark Ryan [mailto:mark.ryan@snakkmedia.com]
Sent: Friday, 31 January 2014 12:31 AM
Subject: RE: One other question...


A quick update. I haven’t replied yet as we’ve been busy with a few things; wrapping up the Q3 results, prepping for a heavy Board meet, closing our overhang and much more. I’m in Auckland for a Board meeting on Monday, and after that I’ll be back to you.

However after keeping an eye on the ST forums over the last few weeks I’m now extremely reluctant to see any responses I provide to you appear on the forum with my approval. Turmeric asked some great questions about how exchange rates impact on our reported figures, and our historical revenue. I duly supplied answers for both which were then posted. The level of response and critical thinking applied to the hard facts I provided was lightweight at best.

When I saw the reaction to my detailed reply after you posted it… it was apparent that it had ceased to be a discussion about Snakk, or the mobile advertising industry, ‘helping newbies’, or anything really. The descent into farce has been even more pronounced of late. While I’m obviously happy to respond as clearly as I can to any genuine investor query, I simply won’t feed the trolls. As George Bernard Shaw said “I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it”.

So XXXXXXX, as what I’d call a ‘highly engaged’ ST forum participant, and also a guy with his head screwed on the right way, the question is how do I respond to you openly as an investor without also feeling like I’m feeding trolls or wrestling pigs..?

After all, I’ve got a business to run – and from what I can see, engaging with this forum via you isn’t going to grow meaningful value for my 3500+ shareholders any time soon. If ever.

Your thoughts..?


I haven't agreed to any arrangement regarding the provision of any 'hard' information to anyone associated with this forum. Or anywhere else. Simple.

While I fully acknowledge that any reply I send in response to a public query may end up on forums, I won't be using a proxy to do so on my behalf, or sending information to a select few.

It can be tempting to enter the fray on anonymous forums like Sharetrader, particularly when the discourse is informative, meaningful, stimulating or just plain entertaining. However I'll be making this one post to clarify this particular situation to all readers, then deleting my account and getting back to work.

However, as some of you are already aware, I try to personally respond quickly and openly to any current or potential shareholder that contacts Snakk. That won't change, and I encourage each of you to do so. Anyone that has reached out to Snakk in the past and not been responded to, please get back in contact with me directly. And of course anyone who has questions regarding the email above can get in touch any time.

I wish you all much success in 2014.


+61 409 225 820

With respect Forums are never a good idea to respond directly to comments and information to shareholders. Company secretary, company announcements, NZX etc, press etc otherwise it all gets personal. Good Luck. :D

05-02-2014, 07:12 AM
With respect Forums are never a good idea to respond directly to comments and information to shareholders. Company secretary, company announcements, NZX etc, press etc otherwise it all gets personal. Good Luck. :D
Exactly, forums or blogs, whatever you call them, accept them for what they are...warts and all...

05-02-2014, 08:31 AM
Thank you Mark Ryan for your posting, and I understand your reluctance to engage in an online forum. However I don't see that dissenting voices need be trolls or pigs, but I concede that happens too. What I find interesting is that the only point you seek to clarify was stirred up by "head screwed on the right way" Moosie, who would have appeared to have dropped you right in it.

Some clarification on the timing of yesterday's announcements would have been welcomed, but that is your perogative.

05-02-2014, 08:32 AM
If someone has no interest in this company why would they continue to be on this thread?

Question: What Is an Internet 'Troll'? How Should I Deal With Trolls?
Answer: An internet 'troll' is an abusive or obnoxious user who uses shock value to promote arguments and disharmony in online communities. Named after the wicked troll creatures of children's tales, an internet troll is someone who stirs up drama and abuses their online anonymity by purposely sowing hatred, bigotry, racism, mysogyny, or just simple bickering between others. Trolls like a big audience, so they frequent blog sites, news sites, discussion forums, and game chat. Trolls thrive in any environment where they are allowed to make public comments.

At the lighter end of the troll spectrum, trolls can be personal friends who like to goad and joke with their buddies online. In this case, 'trolling' will mean 'stop hassling me, or I won't invite you to my birthday party'.

At the harsher end of the troll spectrum, trolls are cruel and malicious users who want to set an online community on fire with hate and discord.

The Sad Truths of Internet Trolls:

Trolls are immune to criticism and logical arguments. True trolls cannot be reasoned with, regardless of how sound your logical argument is.
Trolls do not feel remorse like you and me. They have sociopathic tendencies, and accordingly, they delight in other people having hurt feelings.
Trolls consider themselves separate from the social order.
Trolls do not abide by etiquette or the rules of common courtesy.
Trolls consider themselves above social responsibility.
Trolls gain energy by you insulting them.
Trolls gain energy when you get angry.
The only way to deal with a troll is to ignore him, or take away his ability to post online.

05-02-2014, 08:48 AM
It cannot be! This is a moral high ground Team B company!

Mark Ryan specifically stated today that Snakk Trustee reduced its holding to ZERO! The pronouncement was obviously made to give investors comfort that there would be no more cheap shares to be unleashed onto the market!

"As of last week another previously significant
shareholder, Snakk Trustees Limited, also reduced its holdings to zero."

Maybe Mark should have added " But Wait! There's more! There are options they can convert at 5c which they can sell into the market."

So how does an ex director hang onto to options?

And can exercise them on the same day as Snakk conveniently makes a rah rah rah announcement?

This snakk has forked tongues!

05-02-2014, 08:52 AM
Hi all,

I haven't agreed to any arrangement regarding the provision of any 'hard' information to anyone associated with this forum. Or anywhere else. Simple.

+61 409 225 820

He has just called Moosie a liar.

That's how I read Mark's response.

Great mate you have there, Moose.

05-02-2014, 08:58 AM
more noise that doesn't contribute to Snakk in any way... go back to the snakk2 thread balance and leave this one for actual information/discussion of the stock/company itself

05-02-2014, 09:02 AM
more noise that doesn't contribute to Snakk in any way... go back to the snakk2 thread balance and leave this one for actual information/discussion of the stock/company itself

Tells me a lot about Snakk and its directors and management.

Making an announcement designed to drive the sp higher with half truths is not acceptable.

So where is the actual information?

05-02-2014, 09:04 AM
Keep up the good work Balance, you are putting the facts out there for all to see. If the readers don't want to listen, that's their perogative.

Moosie, seems there is no agreement, you are a puppet moose, and the hand just withdrew his support. Good outcome IMO, steer clear was my early advice, and remains so

05-02-2014, 09:06 AM
I was referring to post# 3952 - we can all read Mark Ryan's reply and form our own opinions on it without personal attacks. I saw new posts on the thread and opened it to potentially see something worth reading - your post wasn't. My 2c. (as I don't have anything helpful to add I will not by replying again myself :) )

05-02-2014, 09:06 AM
I've added balance to my ignore list until he manages to post something constructive again.

05-02-2014, 09:06 AM
Tells me a lot about Snakk and its directors and management.

Making an announcement designed to drive the sp higher with half truths is not acceptable.

So where is the actual information?

Balance.....complain to someone.There must be one of the watchdog committees that you have good relations with.

05-02-2014, 09:06 AM
Interesting song


05-02-2014, 09:10 AM
Anyway.... I'm figuring FY revenue of $7 - $7.5m. Anyone want to agree or disagree. (Not making any guesses as to profit or loss at this stage).

Blue Horseshoe
05-02-2014, 09:17 AM
After suppressing the share price for so long to gain more cheap shares.
Wouldn't be surprised if Balance files for a substantial share holding notice soon.

05-02-2014, 09:30 AM
Anyway.... I'm figuring FY revenue of $7 - $7.5m. Anyone want to agree or disagree. (Not making any guesses as to profit or loss at this stage).

If revenue reaches that level, SNK is still making loss. First thing is to look the expenses details and ask company to comment on it.

If anything logically not fit, then dump the shares.

The Real Bud Fox
05-02-2014, 09:35 AM
Based on quarterly reporting and the comment re. December I would hope annualised revenue would be closer to $10m. Like 000831 I'd be looking closely at costs. I'm just not sure if the model is scaleable and there are true economies of scale.

05-02-2014, 09:36 AM
After suppressing the share price for so long to gain more cheap shares.
Wouldn't be surprised if Balance files for a substantial share holding notice soon.

If Forsyth Barr allows, I believe that he will short sell SNK in the first place, rather than buying.

05-02-2014, 09:37 AM
money for jam suckers

05-02-2014, 09:43 AM
Based on quarterly reporting and the comment re. December I would hope annualised revenue would be closer to $10m. Like 000831 I'd be looking closely at costs. I'm just not sure if the model is scaleable and there are true economies of scale.

The company refused to disclose its major clients. We do not know their business model. How many champions they run monthly, annually, and how much the clients pay for each champion. What are the other revenue and its proportion, apart from mobile champions.

To be one of a benefits of listing on NZAX, the annual report may be different to those listed on NZX? They just used it.

I start to do some research on the whole mobile advertising industry. pick up 4-5 listed OZ, UK, SINGAPORE companies, to read their 2013 annual reports. That may help.

Hope it is not a NZ "Enron Corporation".

05-02-2014, 09:50 AM
Has anyone previously heard of the "Snakk mobile network". I note it was mentioned on their site last year and trying to understand what this is. Informed answers would be most helpful.

05-02-2014, 09:54 AM
Has anyone previously heard of the "Snakk mobile network". I note it was mentioned on their site last year and trying to understand what this is. Informed answers would be most helpful.

I don't exactly know what it is you are referring to or in what context, but it sounds a lot like the network of websites, apps etc that they serve their mobile advertising to.

05-02-2014, 09:57 AM
The company refused to disclose its major clients. We do not know their business model. How many champions they run monthly, annually, and how much the clients pay for each champion. What are the other revenue and its proportion, apart from mobile champions.

To be one of a benefits of listing on NZAX, the annual report may be different to those listed on NZX? They just used it.

I start to do some research on the whole mobile advertising industry. pick up 4-5 listed OZ, UK, SINGAPORE companies, to read their 2013 annual reports. That may help.

Hope it is not a NZ "Enron Corporation".

Not to detract from your point, but is it all that important to know who Snakk's clients are, particularly when these clients mostly come from advertising agencies? Much like is it that important to know the very customers Xero sells its software to? Or who buys Coke, and in what quantities?

05-02-2014, 09:59 AM
Has anyone previously heard of the "Snakk mobile network". I note it was mentioned on their site last year and trying to understand what this is. Informed answers would be most helpful.

Try to have a look at big mobile website, it has everything with its clients. That the firm I am looking for, in real business. Not subcontract from other agents, they deal directly with real clients.


Look at SNK website, all about share price, prospective, no sample of works, no clients, no anything about their products or applications, distribution channels, any news from business operations, 3-5 years long term plan. Any announcements from that company is to lift up share price and then insiders, such as director or his associates, ex-director, and listed lawyer, have been cashed out, options exercised at low price.

Feel wired? Or targeted audience might be you, shareholders. Product may be no. of shares.

05-02-2014, 09:59 AM
Actually I believe snakk is behind the 8 ball already, facebook the obvious leader in mobile advertising has already moved on from the old technology snakk uses of mobile,tablet advertising to cross screen advertising which is the future.

Harvey Specter
05-02-2014, 10:10 AM
So how does an ex director hang onto to options? They had either vested, or had no vesting period.

05-02-2014, 10:22 AM
I don't exactly know what it is you are referring to or in what context, but it sounds a lot like the network of websites, apps etc that they serve their mobile advertising to.

This was exactly how Snakk referred to it - "Snakk mobile network". Yeah sounds like a collection of publishers. What I really want to know is is Snakk is the aggregator or is it "owned" by someone else. Of course they will be using other existing networks in their campaigns too.

05-02-2014, 10:26 AM
They had either vested, or had no vesting period.
Could yesterdays two announcements which coincidentally came same day have been in the pipeline and we're released after a confirming Board meeting.Might explain a few things.

05-02-2014, 10:42 AM
They had either vested, or had no vesting period.

Oh well, 10.2m options to go then for ex-directors who have nothing to do with the company except provide the backdoor listing.

Good on them.

05-02-2014, 10:46 AM
After suppressing the share price for so long to gain more cheap shares.
Wouldn't be surprised if Balance files for a substantial share holding notice soon.

Tells us exactly the sort of person and poster Blue Horseshoe is.

You may behave that way, BH - just don't assume others do.

But thanks for revealing your true colours.

05-02-2014, 10:48 AM
For those of you that are bitching about Balance going on about the same stuff - history is repeating. I had the same opinion some years ago on the NZO thread and can tell you that I would have lost less money if I had taken his advice.

I think Moose has just found out the very hard way that he has been set up big time?

05-02-2014, 10:52 AM
SNK shares office with its contracted designer and law firm?

Level 5, 104 Commonwealth Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010

Phone: +61 282 027 506
Email: investors@snakkmedia.com


Level 27 Santos Place, 32 Turbot Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000 Australia

Phone: +61 408 780 433
Email: investors@snakkmedia.com


Cannot find any info about the Melbourne Office address, but when I used google map.................try youself

Blue Horseshoe
05-02-2014, 11:01 AM
Look I think these guys will make more money out of the defamation cases than they have selling Snakk shares for peanuts.

05-02-2014, 11:05 AM
Look I think these guys will make more money out of the defamation cases than they have selling Snakk shares for peanuts.

I am sure Moose will be happy to testify and I am sure the media will be very interested.

But will Chairman Handley like the investigative spotlight?

05-02-2014, 11:11 AM
I am sure Moose will be happy to testify and I am sure the media will be very interested.

I saw value created here by Mark. good idea to sell his comment on ST to media for $$$. Grab the chance, move

05-02-2014, 12:33 PM
Look at MOKO (MKB.ASX) similar listed firm as SNK.


PAGE 10. after 5 years grow in revenue, it still flight with the profit. 5 years negative earnings, although it has expanded into US.


Let's ignore the other expense. 2013 its revenue 6 million. 4.3 million direct service cost. 1.64 million legal and professional expense (similar to SNK, exercise options, new issues shares, etc) , employment benefits 2.5 million. Just ignore other expense, profit - 2.44 million. Does not see any financial benefit existing from this kind of mobile advertising agent companies.

Then we have a look at the its ASX announcements history, Jesus!!!!!!


05-02-2014, 01:33 PM
I see the juicy bid of 300k shares @ 10 has walked as the price has drifted down this morning.

On another note I reckon there must be a lot more work being done at HB museum today.

07-02-2014, 02:35 PM

Please keep things under control on this thread. Everybody has their right to their own opinion even if you don't agree with it, it's what ShareTrader is about.


07-02-2014, 03:09 PM
Look at MOKO (MKN.ASX) similar listed firm as SNK.

I don't think chasing growth at the expense of profit is a bad thing (see Xero), particularly in a high growth industry such as mobile advertising.

However some of the numbers for MKB are crazy (please correct me if I'm wrong). As it's recent peak of 35cents, that suggested a MCAP of AU$170m on FY revenue to June 2013 of AU$6m I hope MKB was on track for amazing revenue growth.

Setting aside profit and loss for a minute, SNK is sitting on MCAP of $27m and I'm projecting FY revenue to March 14 of NZ$7m or so (back of the envelope calculations). Doesn't seem too crazy to me.

As they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating, 2014 will be interesting however it plays out.

J R Ewing
07-02-2014, 03:25 PM
Thanks for reinstating Vince. I hope everybody plays nicely from now on :)

07-02-2014, 03:25 PM
One, problem. Where did the "Where did the Snakk thread go?" thread go?

07-02-2014, 03:36 PM
I don't think chasing growth at the expense of profit is a bad thing (see Xero), particularly in a high growth industry such as mobile advertising.

However some of the numbers for MKB are crazy (please correct me if I'm wrong). As it's recent peak of 35cents, that suggested a MCAP of AU$170m on FY revenue to June 2013 of AU$6m I hope MKB was on track for amazing revenue growth.

Setting aside profit and loss for a minute, SNK is sitting on MCAP of $27m and I'm projecting FY revenue to March 14 of NZ$7m or so (back of the envelope calculations). Doesn't seem too crazy to me.

As they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating, 2014 will be interesting however it plays out.

I am doing research on the whole industry. I am look at annual reports of a few listed companies in OZ, UK, SINGAPORE, CHINA and US.
All in similar growth in revenue, but loss to shareholders.

The top 1 Chinese mobile media firm, 12580 Media Ltd CEO has wrote an article about the status of the industry. This firm started up three years ago revenue from 4 million to around 0.1 billion NZD as a lead of marketer, agent and publisher. It employed around 100 designers, 120 sales and 20 management team members. Large commission (30%), employment benefits with large account receivables. Sadly, the shareholders and co-founders have no positive profit within three years(2010-2013), although it has over 40 clients from world 500. The CEO has concluded three threats in this industry and warned those investors, negative cash flow, large account receivables (bad debt) and commissions.

MKB.ASX is struggling with positive profit within 5 years. 5 years mate, if 5 year growth in revenue (annual 140%) it still cannot reach the breakpoint, that's the real trouble. When the tech bubble busts, we know there would be no safety margin existing for this industry, this company. I still remember some dotcom companies bust in 2001-2002. Very similar situation.

07-02-2014, 03:57 PM
One, problem. Where did the "Where did the Snakk thread go?" thread go?

Please don't delete your post Theracay, or it will be 'Where did the "Where did the Snakk thread go?" "thread go?" post go?'

The Real Bud Fox
07-02-2014, 04:29 PM
Glad to see some posts on SNK's trading prospects from the likes of 000831 and Longhaul rather than meaningless posts.

I'd expect SNK to have strong revenue growth, at least in the short to medium term, as advertising dollars migrate away from TV and print, so this is a good thing. However, I'm mindful of costs and still really can't get my head around whether the business is scaleable or if each new 'job' needs new creative.

VML's business model is apparently scaleable which may well be the difference if times do become lean.

07-02-2014, 04:51 PM
Glad to see some posts on SNK's trading prospects from the likes of 000831 and Longhaul rather than meaningless posts.

I'd expect SNK to have strong revenue growth, at least in the short to medium term, as advertising dollars migrate away from TV and print, so this is a good thing. However, I'm mindful of costs and still really can't get my head around whether the business is scaleable or if each new 'job' needs new creative.

VML's business model is apparently scaleable which may well be the difference if times do become lean.

I agree Bud Fox, except I don't think times becoming lean is necessarily a factor. If it's not scaleable, growing costs alongside growing revenue is always going to be a problem.

Anyway thanks Vince for reinstating the thread.

07-02-2014, 05:34 PM
I had a bad dream - instead of deleting the thread Vince had the power somehow to delist SNK

That would have solved all our hassles

07-02-2014, 06:52 PM
I had a bad dream - instead of deleting the thread Vince had the power somehow to delist SNK

That would have solved all our hassles

Wouldn't that have made it a good dream Winner?

07-02-2014, 07:24 PM
Can we please not return to filling this thread with inane comments?

steve fleming
07-02-2014, 08:48 PM
Look at MOKO (MKB.ASX) similar listed firm as SNK.


PAGE 10. after 5 years grow in revenue, it still flight with the profit. 5 years negative earnings, although it has expanded into US.


Let's ignore the other expense. 2013 its revenue 6 million. 4.3 million direct service cost. 1.64 million legal and professional expense (similar to SNK, exercise options, new issues shares, etc) , employment benefits 2.5 million. Just ignore other expense, profit - 2.44 million. Does not see any financial benefit existing from this kind of mobile advertising agent companies.

MKB has a completely different business model to Snakk.

MKB is essentially a 'publisher' - it owns the mobile platform upon which advertising is placed

Advertisers pay MKB to advertise on the MKB sites, and they pay service providers such as SNK a small amount to facilitate the campaign

as with any media business, the real money is owning the content (i.e. Facebook, Twitter) and not being one of the hangers on providing a commodity type service (SNK)

If you go this site you will see a research report with some amazing forecast earnings growth for MKB http://www.fostock.com.au/researchreports

The only ASX listed business kind of similar to SNK is MBE, which has a small mobile advertising division that is a key competitor of SNK in Australia. However MBE are potentially looking to sell off this mobile advertising business

MBE are focussing on monetising content, rather than providing a low margin commoditised service like mobile advertising

11-02-2014, 10:34 AM
down breaking through 10c soon.

11-02-2014, 10:46 AM
down breaking through 10c soon.

I think so too. If it does I wouldn't be confident of it holding above 9 for long either. From then on it will require genuine results to lift it. I hope for long term holders this eventuates, or otherwise it really could get ugly.

11-02-2014, 10:56 AM
I think so too. If it does I wouldn't be confident of it holding above 9 for long either. From then on it will require genuine results to lift it. I hope for long term holders this eventuates, or otherwise it really could get ugly.

I guess most of selling started from some holders receiving the Mr. Mark's shareholders explanation letter. They sent the announcement as a letter to all shareholders. Some long term holders who do not check the price and company stuff, may suddenly understand and change mind after seeing this letter. Funny thing..........sent announcement to every shareholder.

Better have a stop loss point somewhere nearby below 10c. Very dangerous position on graph.

11-02-2014, 11:02 AM
I guess most of selling started from some holders receiving the Mr. Mark's shareholders explanation letter. They sent the announcement as a letter to all shareholders. Some long term holders who do not check the price and company stuff, may suddenly understand and change mind after seeing this letter. Funny thing..........sent announcement to every shareholder.

Better have a stop point somewhere nearby below 10c. Very dangerous position on graph.

Are you saying Mark Ryan's post on here was circulated in a shareholder newsletter?

11-02-2014, 11:06 AM
Are you saying Mark Ryan's post on here was circulated in a shareholder newsletter?

No, he mailed the company announcement to all shareholders.


More selling will be coming through after some holders find out the truth.

meanwhile, once the SP breaks through 10c (a very important psychological price), will trigger some stop loss selling, bringing the price further down to 8-9 cent to look after some real buying supports. However, where is massive bids coming from after we know the company and niche industry operations. The only buyer may save SNK is Mr. Derek and SNK itself. Buy them back for the shares that they sold. Apparently, it is not going to happen.