View Full Version : MIO - Miclyn Express Offshore

Snow Leopard
19-10-2012, 01:41 PM
Thought I would mention this in passing.

Assumed this was some sort of pharmaceutical company with name like that but I was wrong.

They basically do offshore vessels for oil & gas round the world, and seem to be gaining customers and are busy re-balancing their fleet, that is buying & selling vessels as opposed to getting them to float level.

Kicking around on a P/E of 10 but I think there is more upside than down to them over the medium term.

do your own, of course

best wishes
Paper Tiger

19-10-2012, 02:34 PM
That a coincidence , i was reading a positive article about them a few days ago, got m interested in them

have sent it in personal message

19-10-2012, 02:58 PM
I hold. Takeover quite likely in the next 12 months and on a forward PE of around 8.5-9. ROE is 20% plus, debt levels ok and the chart is starting to look good

19-10-2012, 03:13 PM
All aboard !!

I now hold , in a spontaneous mood !!

19-10-2012, 03:20 PM
Havent seen the boatshed before
heres the link , well worth a look


19-10-2012, 08:48 PM
Havent seen the boatshed before
heres the link , well worth a look


As it looks like MIO wont be around for much longer, another "similar" styled company worth a look is MRM. They provide services to the O&G industry & look to benefit from the large scale pipeline of projects off WA.

Disclosure: Nil held at present

22-10-2012, 01:02 PM
Thanks for putting this back on my radar Paper Tiger. I put this on the buy list a year ago, but never pulled the trigger. I think its because I went with NZO instead... looks like that cost me a bit.

Picked up a small amount of MIO this morning. Lets see if I get it right this time.

24-04-2013, 06:46 AM

Clearly got my timing wrong. But interesting to read this article about the major holders trying to lift their stakes. I bought more yesterday. Hopefully a take over in the making.

Snow Leopard
24-04-2013, 12:58 PM

Clearly got my timing wrong. But interesting to read this article about the major holders trying to lift their stakes. I bought more yesterday. Hopefully a take over in the making.

I lost interest in this in early February, taking a very small profit.
I was surprised to see how much it has fallen since.

Hopefully you have got in just as they float off after grounding themselves.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger