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17-07-2015, 12:33 PM
No, interesting that you guys are talking about it though, considering the mention of it (which I thought as odd) in the SSH notice:

"Details of transactions and events giving rise to ceasing of substantial holding
Details of the transactions or other events requiring disclosure: As a result of on market sales,the issue of new ordinary shares by Vmob Group Limited and the consolidation of its capital on a ratio of 1 new share for 25 shares held Snakk Trustees Limited has ceased being a substantial security holder in Vmob Group Limited."

I think it's plausible they were left out of the last two placements by the board (after all, they did mention it was for "sophisticated" investors), and Snakk weren't happy about it so they've done their best to sabotage the efforts. Wouldn't surprise me.

I think it's a valid observation that ceasing to be a substantial security holder has nothing to do with the share consolidation, so why they mentioned it in the announcement is a mystery.

The theories as to why Snakk are selling down are intriguing, they sure do evoke a lot of emotion amongst some shareholders!

Considering that they have no say on VMob's company business and no one can control what they do with their shareholding, there seems to be no point in worrying or wondering about what they do with their remaining 3.2m shares, or why they do it.

17-07-2015, 12:55 PM
I assume consolidation was mentioned to explain the huge reduction in numbers of shares. As pointed out, most of the fall is due to consolidatino and only about $200k worth is due to sales (which is about 2 weeks average turnover).

Agree, that makes sense.

17-07-2015, 01:20 PM
I think it's a valid observation that ceasing to be a substantial security holder has nothing to do with the share consolidation, so why they mentioned it in the announcement is a mystery.

The theories as to why Snakk are selling down are intriguing, they sure do evoke a lot of emotion amongst some shareholders!

Considering that they have no say on VMob's company business and no one can control what they do with their shareholding, there seems to be no point in worrying or wondering about what they do with their remaining 3.2m shares, or why they do it.

BAA. Is it worth being aware of what snk trustees decide to do.
As has been seen evidenced on other stocks, when they want out of a stock, they will make a large dump as quickly as they want and with no regard to the SP.
It could put a lot of downward pressure on the SP as other traders hit their stops. The fact they have tactically gone below 5% means no more disclosure.
4% dumped into this illiquid stock will not be a pretty sight.

17-07-2015, 02:12 PM
Maybe his strategy is to sell off as they ASX list....

17-07-2015, 03:02 PM
Maybe his strategy is to sell off as they ASX list....

Maybe it's already started having already sold about 653,724 shares.

BAA. Is it worth being aware of what snk trustees decide to do.
As has been seen evidenced on other stocks, when they want out of a stock, they will make a large dump as quickly as they want and with no regard to the SP.
It could put a lot of downward pressure on the SP as other traders hit their stops. The fact they have tactically gone below 5% means no more disclosure.
4% dumped into this illiquid stock will not be a pretty sight.
@axe I think I mentioned that I do make myself aware of what the large shareholders are doing by monitoring the top-20. I just don't worry about things I can't influence or change. In fact it's worked out pretty good for me being able to accumulate lower for longer and maintain a nice SP average.

19-07-2015, 08:56 PM
Is anyone considering an increase in the probability of an MS buyout with the tighter integration of VMob's solutions in to the Azure platform and the Mobile Engagement platform? The two company's are now inextricably linked. David and Goliath.

20-07-2015, 09:14 AM
Is anyone considering an increase in the probability of an MS buyout with the tighter integration of VMob's solutions in to the Azure platform and the Mobile Engagement platform? The two company's are now inextricably linked. David and Goliath.

I don't see it Baa, Vmob would get lost inside a big company like MS. MS is right now restructuring itself, in that environment a small loss making section would get the flick... big companies have silly rules durin g these periods to cut expenditure requiring you to get 20 signatures to get an airfare approved etc etc... better for Vmob to be owned by a Goog or FB. See Goog market cap jumped by 60 bil in one day ..... they could port their backend to goog eyes shut the real advantage is that MS can introduce them to big retail, Goog doesnt have the same relationships with IT dept that MS have.

20-07-2015, 08:54 PM
I don't see it Baa, Vmob would get lost inside a big company like MS. MS is right now restructuring itself, in that environment a small loss making section would get the flick... big companies have silly rules durin g these periods to cut expenditure requiring you to get 20 signatures to get an airfare approved etc etc... better for Vmob to be owned by a Goog or FB. See Goog market cap jumped by 60 bil in one day ..... they could port their backend to goog eyes shut the real advantage is that MS can introduce them to big retail, Goog doesnt have the same relationships with IT dept that MS have.

You may be correct it-guy, time will tell whether VMob are in Microsoft's pocket but in any event it's a good backstop for shareholders knowing a buyout is a future possibility. VMob are on record saying they will look to diversify to other platforms, but I sense the MS wave of euphoria will sweep them along a single platform pathway.

In the shorter term I'm pretty excited about the NZD exchange rate falling against all currencies VMob are selling into, by my calculations there is an average 20% revenue upside on the table right now since the highs of the currencies of their customers.

Looking forward to the half year results!

21-07-2015, 09:15 AM
I don't see it Baa, Vmob would get lost inside a big company like MS. MS is right now restructuring itself, in that environment a small loss making section would get the flick... big companies have silly rules durin g these periods to cut expenditure requiring you to get 20 signatures to get an airfare approved etc etc... better for Vmob to be owned by a Goog or FB. See Goog market cap jumped by 60 bil in one day ..... they could port their backend to goog eyes shut the real advantage is that MS can introduce them to big retail, Goog doesnt have the same relationships with IT dept that MS have.

I'd have to agree. Microsoft would look at VML the same way Xero looks at all the add-ons for their product.

You wouldn't expect Xero to be looking to buyout GEO would you.... which is the same type of scenario VML is to Microsoft.

Also if you go through the Azure website, they have hundreds of bolt-on services from external businesses. Azure is more focused on building a "hosting eco-system" to compete against Amazon. They then promote the best add-ons the same way Apple advertises some of the best apps on their iOS platform.

Incidentally VEND is about to get a global push by Apple for the upcoming iPad ads. 27 apps are being highlighted.

21-07-2015, 08:52 PM
Good points on the bouyout possibilities thanks for that.

What's your views on the forex effect?

"In the shorter term I'm pretty excited about the NZD exchange rate falling against all currencies VMob are selling into, by my calculations there is an average 20% revenue upside on the table right now since the highs of the currencies of their customers.

21-07-2015, 09:31 PM
Good points on the bouyout possibilities thanks for that.

What's your views on the forex effect?

"In the shorter term I'm pretty excited about the NZD exchange rate falling against all currencies VMob are selling into, by my calculations there is an average 20% revenue upside on the table right now since the highs of the currencies of their customers.
I think it means nothing much relatively speaking; having a 20-30% boost to nothing means nothing but having it to a lot means a lot so for it to have much of an impact they really need to be growing the revenue, let's see another 1700% AMCR increase this year eh.....

21-07-2015, 09:53 PM
Good points on the bouyout possibilities thanks for that.

What's your views on the forex effect?

"In the shorter term I'm pretty excited about the NZD exchange rate falling against all currencies VMob are selling into, by my calculations there is an average 20% revenue upside on the table right now since the highs of the currencies of their customers.

The NZD they raised to spend and grow overseas is now getting 20% less right BAA?

22-07-2015, 09:59 AM
The NZD they raised to spend and grow overseas is now getting 20% less right BAA?
VMob's marketing agreement with Microsoft is funding headcount and sales in the US market, at least. The direct expenses will be mainly in Auckland with the new premises and growing staff was development is concentrated in NZ.

Did you buy in axe?

22-07-2015, 10:17 AM
Good points on the bouyout possibilities thanks for that.

What's your views on the forex effect?

"In the shorter term I'm pretty excited about the NZD exchange rate falling against all currencies VMob are selling into, by my calculations there is an average 20% revenue upside on the table right now since the highs of the currencies of their customers.

Provided that the majority of the headcount for VMOB is in NZ, I'd say the exchange rate could work in their favour. It really depends on how much revenue is generated ex-NZ.

I remember reading the Snakk revenue announcements when the exchange rate was high, that when the converted the revenue back to a lower exchange rate (to the rate when they first listed I think), it made a considerable difference. But 99% of their revenue was generated ex NZ.

VMOB has some pretty big local contracts, so at a stab maybe 25% of their income is local?? Do they break this out anywhere?? With the exchange rate where it is today, you would think this kind of information would be beneficial for investors.

When you look at the benefits of growth purely through the exchange rate, I guess you also need to look across the board to see what other businesses will get big upside. Diligent quickly comes to mind.

22-07-2015, 11:44 AM

22-07-2015, 12:04 PM

Meh. That was soooo last weeks news. Lol

... next thing you know they'll be announcing a new customer, or completion of the McD's USA rollout, or 7-Eleven rollout, or Korea. :t_up:

... or maybe an ACMR update. :t_up:

Nah that won't happen.

22-07-2015, 06:25 PM
VMob's marketing agreement with Microsoft is funding headcount and sales in the US market, at least. The direct expenses will be mainly in Auckland with the new premises and growing staff was development is concentrated in NZ.

Did you buy in axe?

No I did not buy in..... :)

22-07-2015, 07:36 PM
No I did not buy in..... :)

Curiosity will want to literally kill the cat when VMob is $5 and you're still wondering. 🐱🔫 I know this is not your cup of tea but still good to have your outside view shared from time to time though, so don't stray too far away. When on the register it's all rose coloured lol. 😍

25-07-2015, 08:13 AM
Gaynor just doesn't get it, putting vmob in this light

2nd half of article


25-07-2015, 09:26 AM
Gaynor just doesn't get it, putting vmob in this light

2nd half of article


I dunno Winner - seems like the main purpose of the article is a very public question to the FMA to do something about Mr Sorenson. VML is ancillary.

30-07-2015, 05:24 PM
It has been quiet, but I just discovered something. We were discussing the chance of Microsoft buying vMob.

This company called Capptain, seems to be extremely similar to vMob?:
And it was acquired by Microsoft in May 2014:

Keen on what others think after you've had a look.

30-07-2015, 06:33 PM
It has been quiet, but I just discovered something. We were discussing the chance of Microsoft buying vMob.

This company called Capptain, seems to be extremely similar to vMob?:
And it was acquired by Microsoft in May 2014:

Keen on what others think after you've had a look.

Thanks for posting Klid. IMO this information makes it less likely that MS would be interested in acquiring VML (as they now own a similar coy). But then I hope VML aren't building their business simply in order to sell out to MS.

I would prefer to hope that VML are concentrating on building on the opportunities they have through Ikea, MacDonalds etc. If they do not perform with these contracts, then why would anyone be interested in acquiring them?

When VML show evidence of client results/benefits and related financial benefits to VML then I their SP may take off.

Still a risky investment IMHO ( Disc: Holding a small amount.)

31-07-2015, 01:18 AM
This is price manipulation, pure and simple.

This is a very serious allegation, based on nothing more than 5 trades.

This is a reasonably illiquid stock, with a complete lack of information from the company for months, and a large bid/ask spread.

And you're claiming stock manipulation? All I'm seeing is 5 trades. You'll have to come up with something more than that to convince me.

What has this alleged manipulator gained from the manipulation?

31-07-2015, 02:32 AM
This is a very serious allegation, based on nothing more than 5 trades...

What has this alleged manipulator gained from the manipulation?

Probably a wrong and unfair allegation Baa as I can tell you that it was me buying that small amount at 36c which I changed to match the 37c at close. The 37c seller removed the remaining lot post close or perhaps lumped the rest with the 40c lot to give this split now. I bought 8000 total so someone else also bought 2000 post close at 37c. I was actually a little surprised at the time because it started off at 37c and then as I was ordering it dropped to 35c (I was originally just going to buy all at 37c until that happened).

I wouldn't pay too much attention; just a few people doing some trades.

But hey no worries; I get accused of manipulating stock prices all the time, but usually it's my incompetent broker, ASB Securities :confused:

31-07-2015, 06:39 AM
OK, apologies, allegation withdrawn. Post deleted.

31-07-2015, 08:52 AM
No worries, I think the only "manipulation" could be this "Selling", I have drawn on a pretty little graph:

31-07-2015, 08:55 AM
I went to one of the VMOB presentations this week - included a senior guy from MS in Seattle. I don't know about acquisition, but they sure see VMOB as a pretty important tool for their Azure platform for big retail clients.

02-08-2015, 03:03 PM
Will the falling NZD have a very positive effect on VML?

02-08-2015, 03:06 PM
Yes its likely their big clients pay in foreign currency so the fall in the NZD means they have earnt more than they realise.

02-08-2015, 07:03 PM
Don't forget the free Webinar this coming week, http://pages.vmob.com/intelligent-personalization-webinar/ there is an option to get the recording if you can't attend.

"Intelligent personalization.

Free webinar: learn how smart use of big data and the Internet of Things is giving global brands the ability to connect with customers on a personal level; boosting satisfaction and driving revenue."

02-08-2015, 11:27 PM
I just re-read the full year and the IKEA announcement. They appear to me like really good news, why is it that the market has reacted so negatively/neutrally?

02-08-2015, 11:48 PM
I just re-read the full year and the IKEA announcement. They appear to me like really good news, why is it that the market has reacted so negatively/neutrally?

From the full year you can see the cash burning very fast, so much more cap to be raised and burnt. Current holders will be diluted more.
"Close eyes and hope for a buyout from MSFT" / "when its on the ASX the ozzies will go nutz for it and we can all bail then" seem to be the two current strategies coming from holders.

03-08-2015, 08:45 AM
I just re-read the full year and the IKEA announcement. They appear to me like really good news, why is it that the market has reacted so negatively/neutrally?

They are really good news, though the company doesn't release any financial information with the announcements so it is near impossible to determine how good the good news really is! There is also a persistent seller in the market content to offer modest parcels to buyers at ever decreasing prices effectively capping the share price. The positive outcome of this however is that patient accumulators are enjoying lower prices for longer.

04-08-2015, 08:59 AM
Nice, VMob ACMR grows 41% in first 4 months of FY16 to NZ$4.5m


04-08-2015, 09:16 AM
You missed the more important bit hidden away at the end: the ASX IPO has been postponed to allow "management to focus on commercial activities".

04-08-2015, 09:35 AM
I missed nothing, just posted a headline and a link, that's all.

41% AMCR growth in 4 months great news as far as I'm concerned! As a rough guide, sans guidance - straight line that to 12 months = ~$8.97m AMCR up 280% on FY15.

Seems a good decision to focus on commercial growth, build shareholder value.

04-08-2015, 09:38 AM
You missed the more important bit hidden away at the end: the ASX IPO has been postponed to allow "management to focus on commercial activities".

Agree MikeyBC - the last bit is the important bit. Interesting times ahead.

"Due to the significant momentum in the business and ongoing commercial
negotiations, the Board believes that it is in the best interests of
shareholders for management to focus on commercial activities and therefore
delay the timing of the proposed IPO on the ASX."

04-08-2015, 10:11 AM
The announcement is indeed good news. And I believe there are some strong hints that there are some more substantial contracts in the pipeline. It's would expect some more announcements in the coming months and once these announcements are made maybe then they will progress the ASX listing. That is the optimistic view. However the shares still wallow at circa 35 to 38 cents. That to me is a Concern.

Im also interested is a break even point. The ACMR is not $ in the bank. When are we going to see all these great news stories translate into cold hard cash? Banking contracts is one thing. But as a faithful shareholder I would like to see a lot more.

04-08-2015, 10:29 AM
The SP is effectively capped by a persistent seller whose at present happy with .36 reloading to fill the buys. The seller will eventually stop, then you'll see .36 and below was a bargain. Just presents sustained accumulation opportunity.

04-08-2015, 10:37 AM
The ASX listing has always felt a little odd to me.

I first thought it a little strange back in December when the capital raise was announced, that it was in AUD. Maybe it's going to attract more Australian investors if it's priced in AUD. But you're still selling the same small, risky NZ company whether it's priced in NZD or AUD. Was the promise of a forthcoming ASX listing made to investors in December to help entice buyers?

Then there was the public announcement of the ASX listing. VML is still a tiny company listed that's not even listed on the main board of the NZX but they are planning to list on the ASX? Seriously? I'm sure that being listed on two exchanges isn't that expensive but is it really a cost that should come out of a loss-making company with $2.9m of revenue last year?

I think that postponing the listing is probably a good idea but surely VML could've seen that months ago and not even announced the listing in the first place.

Good to see that revenue is increasing but that news is really just the bread surrounding the ASX listing sandwich.

04-08-2015, 11:01 AM
The "ongoing commercial negotiations" intrigues me. It could mean more clients…. however it could also be a significant investor/partner?? (a la Xero)

Agree revenue increases without details of cash burn is of little relevance or help to the SP.

04-08-2015, 03:52 PM
Is there any reason VML would delay the ASX listing, that wouldn't be positive?

If VML is hungry for cash, there must be a good reason to delay the listing right?

04-08-2015, 04:00 PM
A few back of the envelope calculations. They seem to be scaling up nicely. Depending on the USA deployment the ACMR could sky rocket with the USA roll out.

$4.5*1.41=$6.35 next quarter? I assume these figures are just the Japan/EU markets.

04-08-2015, 04:01 PM
A few back of the envelope calculations. They seem to be scaling up nicely. Depending on the USA deployment the ACMR could sky rocket with the USA roll out.

$4.5*1.41=$6.35 next quarter? I assume these figures are just the Japan/EU markets.

04-08-2015, 04:31 PM
Can't see VML going to ASX or dual, better step would be NZX in my opinion. Does anyone know who the big seller is ? Holding the price back after good announcements.

04-08-2015, 04:50 PM
Can't see VML going to ASX or dual, better step would be NZX in my opinion. Does anyone know who the big seller is ? Holding the price back after good announcements.

From stuff /
VMob is the second NZAX-listed mobile marketing technology firm to pull back from an ASX listing inside a week.

This must refer to you Baa!
VMob is valued on the NZAX at $24 million but has generated a disproportionate amount of interest among some traders after striking a global deal with fast-food giant McDonald's in January.

04-08-2015, 10:12 PM
Thanks Crackity, didn't pick that up. If no ASX, NZX must be the next step. NZAX doesn't really cut it now, and SH's would enjoy the better level of compliance and reporting.

04-08-2015, 10:22 PM
Can't see VML going to ASX or dual, better step would be NZX in my opinion. Does anyone know who the big seller is ? Holding the price back after good announcements.

Pretty sure https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/267081

04-08-2015, 10:29 PM
I note Robbo's comments on another media source...

"Due to the significant momentum in the business and ongoing commercial negotiations, the Board believes that it is in the best interests of shareholders for management to focus on commercial activities and therefore delay the timing of the proposed IPO on the ASX. A further update will be provided to the market when the Board has confirmed the timing of the ASX listing.

Ha ha ha ha ha... Oh my, this is classic VML all over again:

(2) At the end, include some bad news about something that was formerly a HYPE HEADLINE from (1), above.
(3) Try to justify (2) with more potential BIG HEADLINE NEWS from (1).

Anyway, here let me translate: "We can't afford an ASX listing. Our revenue:loss ratio means that $4.5m ACMR isn't actually a good thing anyway. Our on-going commercial negotiations relate to an enormous dilution at a massive discount to someone. It is not in the best interests of shareholders at all, particularly when you don't know what we're doing. Edit: And our CFO quit, what a coincidence.

Classic VML, quack quack quack keep feeding those ducks and keep feeding Sorenson.

05-08-2015, 08:15 AM

Pretty sure https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/267081

aha, Sorenson; makes sense thanks klid. Prob needs the $ for Mega. The quicker he exits the better for all shareholders.

05-08-2015, 12:59 PM
aha, Sorenson; makes sense thanks klid. Prob needs the $ for Mega. The quicker he exits the better for all shareholders.

As I've said in the past.... I would value this company around the $10 million mark... not the $25 million its valued at now.

Anyone who thought Australians would pump the value of this company further North were dreaming.

VML is still a great prospect though with great technology. In a few more years they potentially could be another Diligent amassing huge cashflow.

Just not right now.

05-08-2015, 06:30 PM
From the full year you can see the cash burning very fast, so much more cap to be raised and burnt. Current holders will be diluted more.
"Close eyes and hope for a buyout from MSFT" / "when its on the ASX the ozzies will go nutz for it and we can all bail then" seem to be the two current strategies coming from holders.

Hmm option 2 is off the table as ASX listing delayed.

Option 1 however looking very likely. "Due to the significant momentum in the business and ongoing commercial negotiations"
Clearly they are in negotiations with a buyer.

05-08-2015, 10:28 PM
Hmm option 2 is off the table as ASX listing delayed.

Option 1 however looking very likely. "Due to the significant momentum in the business and ongoing commercial negotiations"
Clearly they are in negotiations with a buyer.

I don't reckon. Just sounds like they are securing more big brand clients. McDonalds in the US rollout ? Still think they will go NZX, may needs some waivers though.

06-08-2015, 03:29 AM
It's a valid theory axe. However it's equally likely that they just can't handle the dilution right now and feel they are growing fine as it is. Like they said. Surely now would be a terrible time for a buy out just as it's a terrible time to be capital raising. Someone could take the whole company for $30m based on the last 12 months of not-huge-volume trade prices.

06-08-2015, 10:08 AM
It's a valid theory axe. However it's equally likely that they just can't handle the dilution right now and feel they are growing fine as it is. Like they said. Surely now would be a terrible time for a buy out just as it's a terrible time to be capital raising. Someone could take the whole company for $30m based on the last 12 months of not-huge-volume trade prices.

Now that VML is working on Amazon hosting integration, the chances of the buyer being Microsoft become less and less.

I think this technology would be more suited towards an SAP or SalesForce.com type buyer.

However I don't think they will sell out at all.

06-08-2015, 06:14 PM
Now that VML is working on Amazon hosting integration, the chances of the buyer being Microsoft become less and less.

I think this technology would be more suited towards an SAP or SalesForce.com type buyer.

However I don't think they will sell out at all.

I think they would if they could. The question is to who, and when. SAP and SF are logical options. MS is possible if VMob becomes a critical enabler for their large clients through Azure and VMOB effectively becomes indispensable - becomes a defensive protectionist buy. Still very possible.

11-08-2015, 11:14 AM
ASM presentations here, a video recording should be published in due course https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/268210

11-08-2015, 11:17 AM
ASM presentations here, a video recording should be published in due course https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/268210
pg.35 is interesting

11-08-2015, 12:23 PM
Certainly some interesting announcements today.

Head office relocating to San Francisco. Interesting move. Could be good for company growth, or could just be an expensive junket. I guess time will tell.

And VML is looking at moving the the NZX main board from NZAX. Probably a good move if the growth is going to continue. Reasonably good explanation for why the ASX listing was considered and rejected. https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/218175.pdf

Although, it looks like there will be yet another capital raise. Hopefully, if the company actually takes off, one day a capital raise will support the company for more than just the next few months. To be fair, it's probably hard for a company this size to raise $20 million or so. At least it keeps a few bankers off the streets and in employment.

Harvey Specter
11-08-2015, 12:38 PM
And VML is looking at moving the the NZX main board from NZAX. Worth trying but in my view, they should go to the NXT which is their natural home given their size - if NZX had launched it properly all these small caps wouldn't be trying to avoid it.

11-08-2015, 01:16 PM
I went to one of the VMOB presentations this week - included a senior guy from MS in Seattle. I don't know about acquisition, but they sure see VMOB as a pretty important tool for their Azure platform for big retail clients.

Hey welcome McD, just wondering if you got any insights into how significant the MS partnership will be in terms of speed to market and volume sales? How bullish was the MS guy? TIA.

11-08-2015, 01:48 PM
Worth trying but in my view, they should go to the NXT which is their natural home given their size - if NZX had launched it properly all these small caps wouldn't be trying to avoid it.

The Chairman gave a good rationale for rejecting the NXT as a realistic option, by inference even more illiquid than the NZAX. It was only considered by them because of the technicalities of dual listing NAZX and ASX ... I would've thought that NZX might have thought about that before now.

Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if in the bright future of VMob that they never list on the ASX and end up on the NAZ eventually.

What do you think of the numbers Harvey, seems like excellent growth in past 4 months at 41% ACMR, plus unrealised ACMR still in the signed customers being implemented.

Harvey Specter
11-08-2015, 03:43 PM
BaaBaa - no doubt the NXT is a absolute basket case and I understand why everyone is trying to avoid it.

Putting in the 1700% growth was highly misleading and a bit disappointing. The 41% is still impressive (given its only 4 months so over 100%pa) and as they point out, justifies a much higher EV/Revenue multiple, especially given the big names they have attracted. They obviously need more (big) clients as revenue will take a huge hit when they eventually lose the McD contract (nothing lasts forever).

The need a good strategic investor much like Xero has Theil etc (ie. someone willing to continue investing as higher valuations as they hit more milestones) as the continual need for more cash to fund the high growth puts constant downward pressure on the shareprice. Thats what they should be focusing on with the next private placement, not rich friends just wanting to get in at a discount and then sell out. Even a Milford/PIE/ACC/NZSuper would be good.

11-08-2015, 06:26 PM
I'll have to give all that a good read but on the face of it it seems like they are saying that Sorensen is retarded.

11-08-2015, 06:55 PM
I'll have to give all that a good read but on the face of it it seems like they are saying that Sorensen is retarded.

Definitely not retarded - unethical is a possibility - immoral also a maybe.....

11-08-2015, 08:17 PM
Thanks Baa_Baa. Sounded convincing to me. Clearly a close relationship with Scott who looks to be a class act. The MS guy was very pro VMob as a customer solution. I could easily see exponential growth, and think we have just seen the tipping point. Just my view.

11-08-2015, 08:21 PM
Definitely not retarded - unethical is a possibility - immoral also maybe.....

i would recommend counting your fingers after shaking his hand should you meet him.....

I hope you can't get sued for liable from this thread! Should we just say that VMob would be a better place without some legacy issues. I imagine the Chairman would be working on sorting them out. Strong signal at the meeting today.

11-08-2015, 08:33 PM
Thanks Baa_Baa. Sounded convincing to me. Clearly a close relationship with Scott who looks to be a class act. The MS guy was very pro VMob as a customer solution. I could easily see exponential growth, and think we have just seen the tipping point. Just my view.

No worries McD, we welcome your insights here. Post more often, keep us up to speed with what you see going on.

Scott sure has the relationship nouse doesn't he. He's formed an impressive relationship at the highest levels with MS, but I don't for a second think those MS guys would put their reputations, their core strategy, and their solutions on the line for anything less than a dead cert! There's no way the head of Azure would pick Scott to take the centre stage at the Global Business Partners conference without enormous confidence he's doing the right thing, for MS and VMob.

VMob have chinned a very high bar, above anything any other NZ Tech has achieved as far as I'm aware. This opens an almost incomprehensible opportunity, which we may be only seeing the beginnings of. Bodes well for shareholders, very well indeed.

11-08-2015, 08:39 PM
I hope you can't get sued for liable from this thread! Should we just say that VMob would be a better place without some legacy issues. I imagine the Chairman would be working on sorting them out. Strong signal at the meeting today.

Hey Plutus, there's only a thin veneer between an anonymous handle and being outed.

Some might think a little more about whether it's a clever strategy to keep sticking the borax to a shareholder who is perfectly within their rights to buy or sell their shares whenever they choose to do so. It might not be convenient, but some may be relishing the opportunity to accumulate lower for longer.

So, I take it that you attended the AS meeting. I couldn't this time and am waiting for the video. What's your insights?


11-08-2015, 08:40 PM
I hope you can't get sued for liable from this thread! Should we just say that VMob would be a better place without some legacy issues. I imagine the Chairman would be working on sorting them out. Strong signal at the meeting today.

Lucky I sort of hedged my bets eh, BTW I believe you could possibly get sued for libel - seems to happen to HC every so often - fair comment is more or less ok though.....

11-08-2015, 08:54 PM
Hey Plutus, there's only a thin veneer between an anonymous handle and being outed.

Some might think a little more about whether it's a clever strategy to keep sticking the borax to a shareholder who is perfectly within their rights to buy or sell their shares whenever they choose to do so. It might not be convenient, but some may be relishing the opportunity to accumulate lower for longer.

So, I take it that you attended the AS meeting. I couldn't this time and am waiting for the video. What's your insights?


Insights - the preso said it all really. CEO very focussed on the big picture, Chairman focussed on the governance and strategy. Oh, and they should pick a better venue for the AGM next time - took me a phone call to find it.

11-08-2015, 08:54 PM
Yep, NXT seems a poor choice, fortunately VMob have decided to do down the NZX route.

My view is that VMob's solution is very sticky. It sits in between the marketing strategy & programs, the back end CRM's and the up stream Apps/IOT devices. It will display via it's big data analysis and dashboards whether and how much the customers are converting their marketing programs into increased business revenues, by driving foot traffic, up selling and cross selling. VMob's solution is so deeply embedded in the fabric of their customers marketing programs, it is a lens on the customers marketing performance. It isn't likely, imho to be easily or readily extracted.

As for strategic investors I'd beg to differ that the NZ insto's would be the good source of capital. I think VMob are a bit more astute and are focused on securing investors who have a footprint in their market of IOT, Big Data, Mobile and Retail ... and big money to back their confidence. This they alluded to in Phil's address to shareholders. The focus shifted firmly to growth.

One day we'll look back on $5m cap raise as a rounding error. They carefully crafted a 25% capital raise ceiling in their previous cap raise/shareholders resolutions. They've hidden nothing from shareholders, saying they need to raise capital to get through to the ASX listing. Whether or not it's the ASX, they have about 2.5 months to raise $5m, which I calc at about 17% dilution, offset by promises to grow share value.

We'll see about all that, however we're riding a frisky pony here with enormous potential and I think they have massively over achieved and exceeded even the most optimistic shareholders expectations of even one year ago.

11-08-2015, 10:11 PM
Have read it all. (p.s. https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=retarded - I of course meant the second meaning not the literal age based meaning that you're seemingly assuming.)
They're basically saying that they reckon they should be valued a lot higher, so that's basically what they're saying.

Anyway I think all that is good, but it's not clear to me whether they are doing this capital raising because they absolutely have to or because they want to - they mention having a requirement to do and then allude that they will use it to ramp up things in the U.S... I don't mind either way given that they had previously assumed raising some capital from the ASX listing it's just a little unclear about the detail behind it. AMCR is quite close to last loss figure.

12-08-2015, 12:15 AM
Anyway I think all that is good, but it's not clear to me whether they are doing this capital raising because they absolutely have to or because they want to - they mention having a requirement to do and then allude that they will use it to ramp up things in the U.S...

I'm pretty sure they are raising cash because they have to. Basically all of this year they've been surviving on about three months cash.

On p 33 of the presentation, it says they've got $2.05 million in cash and have cash burn of 700k per month. So that looks like they're still working with three months cash.

Revenue and ACMR might have increased significantly, but with headcount going from 24 to 65 in the past 16 months, so have expenses.

12-08-2015, 09:15 AM
I'm pretty sure they are raising cash because they have to. Basically all of this year they've been surviving on about three months cash.

On p 33 of the presentation, it says they've got $2.05 million in cash and have cash burn of 700k per month. So that looks like they're still working with three months cash.

Revenue and ACMR might have increased significantly, but with headcount going from 24 to 65 in the past 16 months, so have expenses.

Not forgetting that Microsoft have chipped in to the finances as well, although we don't know precisely how much, I understand that a "seven figure sum" was mentioned, without share dilution of shareholders equity.

This will defray costs and they've stated the purpose to accelerate sales and product development, I presume it's not out of the question that Microsoft will continue to 'invest' in the rapid growth of VMob.

12-08-2015, 10:34 AM
I have been looking at the numbers for VMob. I know the cash burn rate is high, and understand the rationale for the high burn rate. I guess the ACMR of $4.5m might take a while to build up - but build up it will. Id love to see the ACMR continue to grow and maybe reach $8-9m by the end of the year. But is this possible?

I suspect it is off the back of the McDonalds Global and in particular the USA launch we have seen exponential growth from a very low base. So Vmob are going to need to secure some very large clients to continue this growth. I was hoping some months back that there might have been further announcements. Ikea while good is not enough. But then procurement processes in massive organisations is a difficult and time consuming exercise.

but I wanted to look at some of the numbers again. in earlier posts I have done some back of envelope calculations.

They say that VMob has 20m people using their Apps
there are 17300 mcdonalds stores (and 20,000 places in total - pg 32 of presentation)
We know clients include Esso (Mobil) Ikea and 7-eleven. (they really need a few more I think)

but on page 29 they outline the pricing solution

I have run the numbers based on low end estimates but using their own numbers (and there may be an upside to these numbers.

price solution

low end




revenue month

Revenue annual






core service





Internet of things










BI + Analytics






Am I missing anything here, or is VMob on the cusp (using their own information) of breaking even?

Harvey Specter
12-08-2015, 11:25 AM
As for strategic investors I'd beg to differ that the NZ insto's would be the good source of capital.Agree but there is a hierarchy and an NZ Insto with a long term view is better than someone just wanting shares at a discount so they can flick.

12-08-2015, 01:11 PM
Agree but there is a hierarchy and an NZ Insto with a long term view is better than someone just wanting shares at a discount so they can flick.

Chair Norman is known to have seriously good connections in the investor world and probably part of the reason he is there. The CEO won't want to be diluted, so think all the right tensions are there for a fair capital raise.

12-08-2015, 06:27 PM
The CEO won't want to be diluted, so think all the right tensions are there for a fair capital raise.

Welcome to the forum Plutus. The CEO has diluted at nearly every capital raise over the last 24 months. You can see from these two SSH notices.

SSH: VML: SSH Notice: Sharbo Limited
30/06/2015 16:39
REL: 1639 HRS VMob Group Limited

SSH: VML: SSH Notice: Sharbo Limited

Disclosure of movement of 1% or more in substantial holding or change in
nature of relevant interest, or both

Date of relevant event: 29 June 2015
Date this disclosure made: 30 June 2015
Date last disclosure made: 30 January 2015

Substantial product holder(s) giving disclosure
Full name(s): Scott Bradley, Rebecca Bradley, Sharbo Limited

For this disclosure,--
(a) total number held in class: 17,281,095
(b) total in class: 66,494,449
(c) total percentage held in class: 25.99%

For last disclosure,--
(a) total number held in class: 432,227,361
(b) total in class: 1,468,406,587
(c) total percentage held in class: 29.44%

as at 16:13:42, Tuesday 18 February, 2014 (NZDT)
SSH: VML: SSH Notice - Sharbo Limited
Date of relevant event: 23 December 2013

Date this disclosure made: 18 February 2014
Date last disclosure made: 4 December 2013

Substantial security holder(s) giving disclosure
Name(s): Scott Bradley, Rebecca Bradley, Sharbo Limited
Contact details: Scott Bradley - Mobile 021 722 556 - Email

For this disclosure,--
(a) total number held in class: 415,727,361
(b) total in class: 1,263,268,816
(c) total percentage held in class: 32.89%

For last disclosure,--
(a) total number held in class: 414,147,361
(b) total in class: 1,212,221,163
(c) total percentage held in class: 34.16%

Why do you think he will not want to be diluted in the next raise?

12-08-2015, 06:32 PM
Here is another one for you. :)

Date this disclosure made: 4 July 2013
Date last disclosure made: 22 August 2012

Substantial security holder(s) giving disclosure
Name(s): Scott Bradley, Rebecca Bradley, Sharbo Limited
Contact details: Scott Bradley - Mobile 021 722 556 - Email

Summary of substantial holding to which disclosure relates
Class of listed voting securities: Ordinary shares
Summary for: Scott Bradley, Rebecca Bradley, Sharbo Limited
For this disclosure,--
(a) total number held in class: 412,767,361
(b) total in class: 945,865,146
(c) total percentage held in class: 43.79%

For last disclosure,--
(a) total number held in class: 412,767,361
(b) total in class: 780,566,771
(c) total percentage held in class: 52.88%

Going back to 2013.

12-08-2015, 09:36 PM
Here is another one for you. :)

Date this disclosure made: 4 July 2013
Date last disclosure made: 22 August 2012

Substantial security holder(s) giving disclosure
Name(s): Scott Bradley, Rebecca Bradley, Sharbo Limited
Contact details: Scott Bradley - Mobile 021 722 556 - Email

Summary of substantial holding to which disclosure relates
Class of listed voting securities: Ordinary shares
Summary for: Scott Bradley, Rebecca Bradley, Sharbo Limited
For this disclosure,--
(a) total number held in class: 412,767,361
(b) total in class: 945,865,146
(c) total percentage held in class: 43.79%

For last disclosure,--
(a) total number held in class: 412,767,361
(b) total in class: 780,566,771
(c) total percentage held in class: 52.88%

Going back to 2013.

Hi axe. Thanks for that info. I guess that is all relative to absolute value. If the share price is being kept down by a current overhang and therefore undervalued (my view) not the right time to get overly diluted.

13-08-2015, 09:04 AM
Hi axe. Thanks for that info. I guess that is all relative to absolute value. If the share price is being kept down by a current overhang and therefore undervalued (my view) not the right time to get overly diluted.

Plutus, that statement is worthy of a politician! It makes no sense at all.

13-08-2015, 09:30 AM
I have been looking at the numbers for VMob. I know the cash burn rate is high, and understand the rationale for the high burn rate. I guess the ACMR of $4.5m might take a while to build up - but build up it will. Id love to see the ACMR continue to grow and maybe reach $8-9m by the end of the year. But is this possible?

I suspect it is off the back of the McDonalds Global and in particular the USA launch we have seen exponential growth from a very low base. So Vmob are going to need to secure some very large clients to continue this growth. I was hoping some months back that there might have been further announcements. Ikea while good is not enough. But then procurement processes in massive organisations is a difficult and time consuming exercise.

but I wanted to look at some of the numbers again. in earlier posts I have done some back of envelope calculations.

They say that VMob has 20m people using their Apps
there are 17300 mcdonalds stores (and 20,000 places in total - pg 32 of presentation)
We know clients include Esso (Mobil) Ikea and 7-eleven. (they really need a few more I think)

but on page 29 they outline the pricing solution

I have run the numbers based on low end estimates but using their own numbers (and there may be an upside to these numbers.

price solution
low end

revenue month
Revenue annual


core service

Internet of things


BI + Analytics


Am I missing anything here, or is VMob on the cusp (using their own information) of breaking even?

Since Scott placed PushPay into his comparisons list for ACMR its quite interesting to read this today :


13-08-2015, 03:14 PM
Plutus, that statement is worthy of a politician! It makes no sense at all.

LOL, must have been tired. I would make a sh!t politician. Let me try and put it a little clearer. Founding Executives accept dilution with growth and capital raising, as long as the value of their shareholding increases as opposed to being hung-up on the actual %. The second point is it appears there has been a single large seller in the market putting a lid on the price (the overhang). It is not attractive to capital raise too much while the price is arguably below where it should be. For the sake of all us s/h's, i just hope they don't raise too much as these levels. Does that make sense Jonu ?

13-08-2015, 10:39 PM
Encouraging news with the shift to San Francisco. Being closer to the innovation center of the world is positive. Maybe VMob will get more USA friends to bankroll them going forward by basing the management team there. This wont be cheap but we will see how it goes. I sthe company is getting near the point of doing a $20-50m serious raise to properly fund the USA?

14-08-2015, 09:24 AM
Encouraging news with the shift to San Francisco. Being closer to the innovation center of the world is positive. Maybe VMob will get more USA friends to bankroll them going forward by basing the management team there. This wont be cheap but we will see how it goes. I sthe company is getting near the point of doing a $20-50m serious raise to properly fund the USA?

I agree the move of HQ to San Fran is a good thing, get closer to the big time, though it's not necessarily a huge cost as they already have an office and presumably they will move in there, so just relocation costs?

https://www.google.co.nz/maps/@37.7872932,-122.3989167,3a,75y,221.46h,97.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skkcwU0vIJ3tQnyBicKqy3A!2e0!7i1 3312!8i6656!6m1!1e1?hl=en

14-08-2015, 09:33 AM
If you couldn't make it, the Annual Meeting 2015 - Recording is here: http://www.vmob.com/investors.html

Phils speech is read directly from his Chairmans Address published 11 Aug, though it is interesting to see him present for his emphasis that you don't get reading a report.

Scott's presentation is very good IMO, he covers the product, the market, the partnership with Microsoft and the company plans very well. Again it is good to see his emphasis, I thought particularly his sense of the opportunity for VMob and pure delight at how much progress they've made in the past year.

If you're short for time, at the 1:00h mark in the recording there is a sum up and a couple of insightful shareholder questions. Phil seemed cautious about shareholders asking questions on video and twice during the meeting encouraged conversation after the meeting. It's a good illustration that if you really do have questions for the Directors and key management, you have to attend the ASM.

17-08-2015, 12:40 PM
Well that's finally been solved, the missing 750k shares from the pre-IPO placement have been issued. https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/218583.pdf

Easy to confuse this with 'more shares' being issued, even 'surprise shares', ergo more dilution, but it's not, just someone who is late to front up with their payment (not surprisingly being $37.5k in the hole immediately on payment based on the current SP).

Not that any of that has stopped someone immediately dropping a 116k Ask at .36 into the market. Wonder what they're up to. LOL.

24-08-2015, 04:45 PM
I came in earlier today to pick a few up at 32c just before some other buying took it up to 35c. It's come off a bit now probably 'cause of uncertainty about tonight's US Equity market movements. VML's volume is only slightly above daily average, and so wouldn't make too much of a few bids and offers coming and going.

Discl: I'm done buying now until the market is no longer so bearish...which could take a while.

24-08-2015, 05:17 PM
That was me selling at 0.35c. I had it on from last week; I really didn't think it would hit. Oh well, maybe I'll buy some WYN with the cash.
Where did that 36c seller (~90k) disappear to though I wonder.

Harvey Specter
24-08-2015, 05:24 PM
My best performing share of the day. Only one in the green.

24-08-2015, 05:32 PM
My best performing share of the day. Only one in the green.

Haha, same story here. Kind of wish it would've been any other holding to take the green but better than none!

24-08-2015, 05:59 PM
Where did that 36c seller (~90k) disappear to though I wonder.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm... a very good question.

24-08-2015, 09:25 PM
Where did that 36c seller (~90k) disappear to though I wonder.

Hmmm... a very good question.[/QUOTE]
Might see a global 711 agreement tomorrow?

26-08-2015, 11:15 AM
Might see a global 711 agreement tomorrow?[/QUOTE]

Not so sure - a seller withdrawing is different from a buyer entering. News might be more about share deals rather than a sales deal. Maybe both :)watching with interest... Looks cheap at these levels.

26-08-2015, 05:09 PM
Both seemed to happen though. 100k buyer at 0.33 is the largest single order I've seen in a while.

For comparisons sake I like to compare WYN but they are ten times bigger in every respect. Market cap of WYN $177 mil whether or not that's fair it is what it is... so it's conceivable you'd have VML at $17.7 mil or about $0.26.

Just saying :)

27-08-2015, 09:51 AM
Both seemed to happen though. 100k buyer at 0.33 is the largest single order I've seen in a while.

For comparisons sake I like to compare WYN but they are ten times bigger in every respect. Market cap of WYN $177 mil whether or not that's fair it is what it is... so it's conceivable you'd have VML at $17.7 mil or about $0.26.

Just saying :)

Interesting that you disclose selling @ .35 and now you are making some unsubstantiated comparisons to WYN who have nothing in their business or market that is common with VML except to develop software. Are you hoping for a lower buy price? .26 would be awesome buying but it seems there is a larger buyer happy to pay .33 and almost filled in 2 days. The large seller seems to be gone for the meantime, maybe they don't see the point of selling under .37/38 where they parked for weeks. That said I'm sure a few people are happy accumulating at these or lower levels; I guess they look forward to the SP being 10x more some day.

I'd be interested to hear more about your research and conclusions.

27-08-2015, 10:10 AM
Interesting that you disclose selling @ .35 and now you are making some unsubstantiated comparisons to WYN who have nothing in their business or market that is common with VML except to develop software. Are you hoping for a lower buy price? .26 would be awesome buying but it seems there is a larger buyer happy to pay .33 and almost filled in 2 days. The large seller seems to be gone for the meantime, maybe they don't see the point of selling under .37/38 where they parked for weeks. That said I'm sure a few people are happy accumulating at these or lower levels; I guess they look forward to the SP being 10x more some day.

I'd be interested to hear more about your research and conclusions.

Hi Baa; thanks for your response. I don't think the comparison is unsubstantiated; as mentioned "they are ten times bigger in every respect." - I refer to their revenue, recent capital raise and recent share price as just some of the metrics matching this fact. All around 10x vMob. I am sure the other metrics are probably the same, I don't know... employee numbers? etc?

I only sold a small portion of my holdings at $0.35, and it was kind of accidental (I pretty much forgot about it). No I am not looking for a lower buy price however in saying that if I could buy for $0.26 I think I would take that up.

As far as I can tell that "larger buyer happy to pay .33" might have been a one-off. I don't see any big stacked buys right now.

Harvey Specter
27-08-2015, 10:34 AM
Hi Baa; thanks for your response. I don't think the comparison is unsubstantiated; as mentioned "they are ten times bigger in every respect." - I refer to their revenue, recent capital raise and recent share price as just some of the metrics matching this fact. All around 10x vMob. I am sure the other metrics are probably the same, I don't know... employee numbers? etc?Growth is substantially different, it part due to VML growing quickly of a small base. For SaaS, espeically those still loss making like both of these, growth is a very important metric so cant be ignored.

Disc: hold both.

27-08-2015, 11:26 AM
Growth is substantially different, it part due to VML growing quickly of a small base. For SaaS, espeically those still loss making like both of these, growth is a very important metric so cant be ignored.

Disc: hold both.

Exactly. Sales momentum is impressive. Happy to accumulate a few at these levels.

27-08-2015, 12:23 PM
Good point, growth is one thing that doesn't match that 10:1 ratio, and I agree.

But there's been no vMob news recently and the recent smashing of pretty much every tech stock in the world hasn't been reflected in vMob and I wonder if that's just because of the size of the market.

27-08-2015, 01:36 PM
Good point, growth is one thing that doesn't match that 10:1 ratio, and I agree.

But there's been no vMob news recently and the recent smashing of pretty much every tech stock in the world hasn't been reflected in vMob and I wonder if that's just because of the size of the market.

That's one thing that Xero goes on about a lot. They have raised a lot of money and have $250m in the bank which should last them a while.

In contrast, VML is constantly raising capital and announced another capital raise a couple of weeks ago (I think). They seem to be perpetually in need of money to keep the lights on for the next few months.

What happens, given the recent correction/coming bear market/coming zombie apocalypse, if capital markets gum up a bit more and VML can't raise the money to keep the lights on any longer? That possibility should really be on an investor's radar. I know I haven't considered it until now.

01-09-2015, 04:14 PM
Great to see VMob included in Edison Research's Technology showcase next week in Auckland, along with Straker, Vista and SLI. Great profile to some heavy weight tech investors.

01-09-2015, 06:32 PM
Great to see VMob included in Edison Research's Technology showcase next week in Auckland, along with Straker, Vista and SLI. Great profile to some heavy weight tech investors.

Agree, good profile for the investor exposure. Caution though, around these parts there's not much good that people have to say about Edison! I presume a 'Research Report' will accompany or precede the showcase event. For my part I'll still be interested to see how Edison develops their views from the last report, as there have been a whole raft of positive developments for VMob that weren't in the forecasts.

And other news today, the NZX listing planned for 2 October pending no issues meeting the NZX conditions; shareholders don't revolt (why would they?); and getting the NZX waivers required. You'd think they wouldn't be posting the pre-break announcement without a fairly high degree of confidence it will all go ahead. Goodbye NZAX listing and good riddance, jmho.

01-09-2015, 09:08 PM
Agree, good profile for the investor exposure. Caution though, around these parts there's not much good that people have to say about Edison! I presume a 'Research Report' will accompany or precede the showcase event. For my part I'll still be interested to see how Edison develops their views from the last report, as there have been a whole raft of positive developments for VMob that weren't in the forecasts.

And other news today, the NZX listing planned for 2 October pending no issues meeting the NZX conditions; shareholders don't revolt (why would they?); and getting the NZX waivers required. You'd think they wouldn't be posting the pre-break announcement without a fairly high degree of confidence it will all go ahead. Goodbye NZAX listing and good riddance, jmho.

They wouldn't announce unless they had it in the bag. Just one more legacy issue to sort out, and will be upward.

04-09-2015, 06:24 PM
They wouldn't announce unless they had it in the bag. Just one more legacy issue to sort out, and will be upward.

I reckon you're onto it with that one Plutus. When the "legacy issue" is sorted out, the coiled spring unloads and we're off. Something to ponder over the next few weeks. Must be a dilemma for the "legacy issue" broker, keeping the cap on and scrimping a few pennies here and there, or to back off leading into and during the transfer to NZX, let the imminent great HY results boost the market and feed the FOMO appetite. All will be revealed, we're off to the NZX 2nd October, unless the shareholders are revolting. Well, most aren't but some are .. Lol.

04-09-2015, 06:58 PM
I reckon you're onto it with that one Plutus. When the "legacy issue" is sorted out, the coiled spring unloads and we're off. Something to ponder over the next few weeks. Must be a dilemma for the "legacy issue" broker, keeping the cap on and scrimping a few pennies here and there, or to back off leading into and during the transfer to NZX, let the imminent great HY results boost the market and feed the FOMO appetite. All will be revealed, we're off to the NZX 2nd October, unless the shareholders are revolting. Well, most aren't but some are .. Lol.

As long as it is FOMO and not FOBS.....( BS = being shafted....) :)

04-09-2015, 07:10 PM
As long as it is FOMO and not FOBS.....( BS = being shafted....) :)

Joy germ :t_down: If so you can take it for the team Crackity, an apt handle :sleep: Lol. Us sheeple have enjoyed sustained buying at these depressed prices while VMob have been booking results, which will all be revealed in the next few weeks. Onwards to the NZX!

04-09-2015, 07:24 PM
Joy germ :t_down: If so you can take it for the team Crackity, an apt handle :sleep: Lol. Us sheeple have enjoyed sustained buying at these depressed prices while VMob have been booking results, which will all be revealed in the next few weeks. Onwards to the NZX!

Possibly not the best acronym choice with my nom de share.....good luck to all holders - go get em tiger ( and sheep ...) :)

04-09-2015, 08:46 PM
Possibly not the best acronym choice with my nom de share.....good luck to all holders - go get em tiger ( and sheep ...) :)

Like it Crackity, we sheeple have been loving these low prices for longer. Not everyone can afford to just 'buy a position', some of us chip in a few $ when we can, building a position, which has been facilitated nicely recently by the one who shall remain nameless. Who would have guessed we could keep loading up during times when VMob have been posting amazing results that the market has simply ignored. There's the coiled spring ... I suspect great things in the not too distant future, not the least getting us out of the NZAX doldrums and onto the main board. These VMob guys haven't put a foot wrong, their solution is on the money, in the right place at the right time, and backed by the giant Microsoft. That's a big part of the answer as to why I wouldn't be concerned about capital (which was recently questioned), VMob are ingrained in the MS Azure revenue story and the giant won't let that go any time soon. I'm more confident now than when I started buying, it's just a matter of time, and patience.

04-09-2015, 10:59 PM
I reckon you're onto it with that one Plutus. When the "legacy issue" is sorted out, the coiled spring unloads and we're off. Something to ponder over the next few weeks. Must be a dilemma for the "legacy issue" broker, keeping the cap on and scrimping a few pennies here and there, or to back off leading into and during the transfer to NZX, let the imminent great HY results boost the market and feed the FOMO appetite. All will be revealed, we're off to the NZX 2nd October, unless the shareholders are revolting. Well, most aren't but some are .. Lol.

I hear that there has been a big off-market this week. Guessing that overhang might now be sorted. Might ring HO next week to ask if its true. Sounded legit.:t_up:

05-09-2015, 04:07 PM
Where did you hear that McD??

07-09-2015, 09:15 AM
Where did you hear that McD??

Heard the same over the weekend. Makes sense. see my previous comment #1551.

07-09-2015, 11:32 AM
Where did you hear that McD??

Ask the company for an updated Top 20 shareholder report. They should know movements 3 days after any trade.

Snow Leopard
07-09-2015, 04:33 PM
Just had a look at the latest presentation (https://nzx.com/files/attachments/220223.pdf).

Ignoring all the 'we are eating lots of disk space fluff' but the continuing growth of ACMR (recurring revenue) looks useful.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

07-09-2015, 06:29 PM
Just had a look at the latest presentation (https://nzx.com/files/attachments/220223.pdf).

Ignoring all the 'we are eating lots of disk space fluff' but the continuing growth of ACMR (recurring revenue) looks useful.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

VML are doing alright.... but the ACMR slide towards the end where they compared themselves to other similar business types listed on the NZX I thought was interesting.

So I checked up on Pushpay.... 69.2% ACMR growth in the 1st quarter alone. VML did 41% in 4 months.

Geo is a write-off (in my opinion) and both Xero and Diligent have a massive cash hoard to see them through so investors needn't worry about capital raising.

So maybe VML is valued pretty much where they ought to be?? I certainly can't see them doing anything like the 1700% they did for the last financial year. 150% would be satisfactory I would think. That would get them around the $7 million mark.


08-09-2015, 06:16 PM
Is the latest Cap raise 20% Dilution for current holders @ a 9% discount to the SPP?

Who is still accumulating?

The increase in FTE from 48 @ FY15 to 65 now. That should translate to a hefty increase in costs. There were 24 FTE @ FY2014 - 10 of which were on 100k+ .

08-09-2015, 06:32 PM
I was accumulating at 32c but not anymore. I like this company, - its management, product, partnerships and strategy...but cash burn could become a problem - extra FTE, cost of head office relocation to San fran, etc.

Sitting on what I have now until I see more concrete evidence of earnings.

Having said that, didn't Edison value this stock at 1.3c pre consolidation and before the MacDonalds deal in Japan? That is, 34c post consolidation. That seemed undervalued then - soon after the sp shot up to 2.5c = 62.5c.

Threre's value in this pup...but we won't know just how much until they show us the money. Meanwhile, it's speculative.

08-09-2015, 06:50 PM
Is the latest Cap raise 20% Dilution for current holders @ a 9% discount to the SPP?

Who is still accumulating?

The increase in FTE from 48 @ FY15 to 65 now. That should translate to a hefty increase in costs. There were 24 FTE @ FY2014 - 10 of which were on 100k+ .

30 day VWAP under 3% below today's close. Been accumulating up to 34cps. Like Bobcat see value upside with NZX listing, new look share register, growing MS relationship. Ticking the boxes people.

08-09-2015, 10:55 PM
Having said that, didn't Edison value this stock at 1.3c pre consolidation and before the MacDonalds deal in Japan? That is, 34c post consolidation. That seemed undervalued then - soon after the sp shot up to 2.5c = 62.5c.

No, you've remembered that wrong. Edison only seems to value stocks at vast multiples of the current price! They're a PR firm rather than an analysis firm, aren't they?

Their analysis from December 2014 (available here: http://www.edisoninvestmentresearch.com/research/report/vmob-group or http://www.edisoninvestmentresearch.com/?ACT=18&ID=13260) has a value (pre-consolidation) of 3.8c or and "upside case" of 5.2c. Post-consolidation these are 95c and 130c (it was a 25-to-1 consolidation, wasn't it?)

So that's between 2.7 and 3.7 times the current price.

09-09-2015, 01:58 PM
No, you've remembered that wrong. Edison only seems to value stocks at vast multiples of the current price! They're a PR firm rather than an analysis firm, aren't they?

Their analysis from December 2014 (available here: http://www.edisoninvestmentresearch.com/research/report/vmob-group or http://www.edisoninvestmentresearch.com/?ACT=18&ID=13260) has a value (pre-consolidation) of 3.8c or and "upside case" of 5.2c. Post-consolidation these are 95c and 130c (it was a 25-to-1 consolidation, wasn't it?)

So that's between 2.7 and 3.7 times the current price.

Yeah and they were valuing Snakk at > 12 cents, so I wouldn't bother reading too much into their reports.

Snow Leopard
09-09-2015, 02:41 PM
Is the latest Cap raise 20% Dilution for current holders @ a 9% discount to the SPP?

Who is still accumulating?

The increase in FTE from 48 @ FY15 to 65 now. That should translate to a hefty increase in costs. There were 24 FTE @ FY2014 - 10 of which were on 100k+ .

A Tiger rule of thumb was that a FTE needed at least $200K of annual revenue to break even, but that was a few years ago.
So assuming that $250K would do it then $16M a year revenue would be good.

This new $5M will not last them long - there will be back for more this year.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

10-09-2015, 12:49 PM
VMob in the finalists for: NZ Innovators Awards 2015

In the categories:



Well done VMob.

10-09-2015, 07:07 PM
...... continual optimistic postings won't hold the SP up by themselves.......... From AIR thread. Are you still holding VML BAA?

10-09-2015, 08:23 PM
From AIR thread. Are you still holding VML BAA?

Axe, you're a joy. Of course I still hold VML, I haven't sold a single share in fact I have bought more at these depressed prices, quite a lot more, relatively speaking, though similar to the sentiment of the large holders (although they did it off market) who are now inhabiting the T20 list. Have you bought any yet?

Honestly Axe, I genuinely think VMob is an exceptionally good investment with a great product in the right place at the right time, in high growth mode, leading into a market which is incomprehensibly large, partnered with one of the largest IT companies on the planet.

I'd hate to miss out just because of a brief but sustained period of negative sentiment. Even the recent posts of esteemed members fail to see the true ACMR picture, they don't realise the numbers have been public for at over a month (the shareholders meeting was where they were originally released), let alone the upside revenue from how many millions of 'users' are engaged on the platform through their mobile devices.

VMob will make some investors very very happy. Others will wonder what the heck happened while they questioned and doubted the minutiae of the day to day sentiment.

Jmho as always, not advice.


11-09-2015, 09:58 AM
Axe, you're a joy. Of course I still hold VML, I haven't sold a single share in fact I have bought more at these depressed prices, quite a lot more, relatively speaking, though similar to the sentiment of the large holders (although they did it off market) who are now inhabiting the T20 list. Have you bought any yet?

Honestly Axe, I genuinely think VMob is an exceptionally good investment with a great product in the right place at the right time, in high growth mode, leading into a market which is incomprehensibly large, partnered with one of the largest IT companies on the planet.

I'd hate to miss out just because of a brief but sustained period of negative sentiment. Even the recent posts of esteemed members fail to see the true ACMR picture, they don't realise the numbers have been public for at over a month (the shareholders meeting was where they were originally released), let alone the upside revenue from how many millions of 'users' are engaged on the platform through their mobile devices.

VMob will make some investors very very happy. Others will wonder what the heck happened while they questioned and doubted the minutiae of the day to day sentiment.

Jmho as always, not advice.


I agree they also have fantastic technology.

My issues are more around sales conversion. Last financial year they had 1700% growth in ACMR, but this year in the first 4 months that has reduced substantially to 41% growth.

Employee numbers are growing quickly which means costs are ballooning, especially with a new HO in San Fran.

So my concern is the capital raising that's going to need to take place and how much that would further dilute any holdings I might have should I buy.

Another point to consider, VML may need to go through further "growth pains" before the good times come which might mean todays share price looks high compared to where it might be heading. The 6 month interim report will tell that story.... how big has the loss grown too.

Harvey Specter
11-09-2015, 10:49 AM
The 1700% was always an anomaly due to a low base. Ideally they would still be running at over 200% but over 100% is still great. Remember that they will have great growth from McD as more stores come online. Any new customers will just increase that growth further.

11-09-2015, 01:56 PM
trying to delete this post.

11-09-2015, 02:13 PM
I agree they also have fantastic technology.

My issues are more around sales conversion. Last financial year they had 1700% growth in ACMR, but this year in the first 4 months that has reduced substantially to 41% growth.

And I wonder how much of that 41% is due to the Ikea deal, of which there hasn't been anything similar announced since.

11-09-2015, 03:44 PM
And I wonder how much of that 41% is due to the Ikea deal, of which there hasn't been anything similar announced since.

Ikea is a 5 month trial too.

But if the trial is successful, it could be worth quite a bit.

I know VML has lots of leads from he Microsoft global presentation.... its how many of those they manage to convert. And considering the costs are quite large... many companies might need to budget for it for next year.

Interesting stuff though.

11-09-2015, 07:42 PM
Here's the VMob 101 on what they actually do for their customers that makes a difference http://pages.vmob.com/mobile-awesomeness/ . It's worth the effort ... click on the link saying "If you want to go straight to the download, now’s your chance. (http://pages.vmob.com/mobile-awesomeness/)" ... have a read.

It's possibly a big step for investors to take in quite how Vmob are leading the revolution in conjoining mobile marketing with big data analytics to revitalise bricks and mortar sales.

It's a massive global opportunity and VMob are a leader in thought and solutions, ahead of the product curve, partnered with the largest IT cloud platform provider in the world, who are blessed with many of the largest retail customers in the world, who want what VMob have got.

Connect the dots. Incredibly, you can still buy in at cornerstone investor prices.

15-09-2015, 08:33 AM
I hear that there has been a big off-market this week. Guessing that overhang might now be sorted. Might ring HO next week to ask if its true. Sounded legit.:t_up:

Received an updated Top 20 shareholder list this morning and compared it to the last public list in the '15 Annual Report. Looks like Sorensen is selling or has sold. Snakk Trustee has gone and the Nominee Company c/o Jones Young which may include him as well, has reduced. Not a surprise, but can anyone else confirm ?

15-09-2015, 09:26 AM
Received an updated Top 20 shareholder list this morning and compared it to the last public list in the '15 Annual Report. Looks like Sorensen is selling or has sold. Snakk Trustee has gone and the Nominee Company c/o Jones Young which may include him as well, has reduced. Not a surprise, but can anyone else confirm ?

Can someone explain to me why Sorensen would be bailing out of this stock if VML's SP was about to explode?

There is a lot of talk that the SP is going to go through the roof.... so I can't understand why Sorensen would not hang around to reap the rewards.


15-09-2015, 02:07 PM
Can someone explain to me why Sorensen would be bailing out of this stock if VML's SP was about to explode?

There is a lot of talk that the SP is going to go through the roof.... so I can't understand why Sorensen would not hang around to reap the rewards.


Other priorities I would venture to guess, Cobber. Maybe Mega is burning cash.

15-09-2015, 09:59 PM
Received an updated Top 20 shareholder list this morning and compared it to the last public list in the '15 Annual Report. Looks like Sorensen is selling or has sold. Snakk Trustee has gone and the Nominee Company c/o Jones Young which may include him as well, has reduced. Not a surprise, but can anyone else confirm ?

Hey McD, good post thanks ... there has been significant reductions in holdings (to date ~ 66%) from those who should not be named here (including the one who has freaked out some previous trolls, and the other one who has never even been mentioned but regularly plays the game .. HS .. Bc (cough) [like why would they bother with this .. is it a training course for their graduate intake or something?] just saying.

And, a whole new group of new/accumulating shareholders coming onto the register. This is encouraging and timely. With HY results just around the corner, moving to the NZX and the concerted selling pressure of the 'feared one' (lol) diminishing ... or gone, I'd expect to see some really nice upside coming soon.


16-09-2015, 08:11 AM
Hey McD, good post thanks ... there has been significant reductions in holdings (to date ~ 66%) from those who should not be named here (including the one who has freaked out some previous trolls, and the other one who has never even been mentioned but regularly plays the game .. HS .. Bc (cough) [like why would they bother with this .. is it a training course for their graduate intake or something?] just saying.

And, a whole new group of new/accumulating shareholders coming onto the register. This is encouraging and timely. With HY results just around the corner, moving to the NZX and the concerted selling pressure of the 'feared one' (lol) diminishing ... or gone, I'd expect to see some really nice upside coming soon.


If things go right and all stars align the share price could possibly double by Christmas? Power to the sheeple!

18-09-2015, 09:19 AM
If things go right and all stars align the share price could possibly double by Christmas? Power to the sheeple!

Well you won't be relying on the NZX to make that happen :


Looks like VML are going to have to put in some great 6 month numbers if they are to double the share price which will get their market capitalisation up to $40 million so they can move to NZX next year.

23-09-2015, 12:09 PM
Looks like VML are going to have to put in some great 6 month numbers if they are to double the share price which will get their market capitalisation up to $40 million so they can move to NZX next year.

Thats one option. Or , if share availability on the market was to dry up... could also influence market cap.

25-09-2015, 01:55 PM
Paul Henry is buying. http://www.3news.co.nz/tvshows/paulhenry/the-success-of-vmob-2015092510#axzz3mhWpF1Wz

25-09-2015, 02:54 PM
I saw the clip of Paul Henry and Scott. no doubt this will be part of an offensive to boost the share price and get some well deserves publicity for VMoB. I just hope it all works. we have been waiting a very long time.

25-09-2015, 03:39 PM
I saw the clip of Paul Henry and Scott. no doubt this will be part of an offensive to boost the share price and get some well deserves publicity for VMoB. I just hope it all works. we have been waiting a very long time.

I think a move to the NZX main board would increase exposure. And be good for shareholders, also with the possibility of dual listing to the asx. I think most other shareholders would likey agree about the possible benefits of increased exposure on the main board. I would support the cap raise but funds are tight right now. But i would think, once that capital is raised, we might see a magic migration upwards of the share price until the requirements are met. Disc, i am a holder. Traders could slow the rise though.

25-09-2015, 03:42 PM
Paul Henry is buying. http://www.3news.co.nz/tvshows/paulhenry/the-success-of-vmob-2015092510#axzz3mhWpF1Wz

Richard Long did ads for Hanover too.......just saying

Harvey Specter
25-09-2015, 03:55 PM
I saw the clip of Paul Henry and Scott. no doubt this will be part of an offensive to boost the share price and get some well deserves publicity for VMoB. I just hope it all works. we have been waiting a very long time.They have to get to the 50m market cap one way or another. A marketing campaign for retail investors wont go astray.

25-09-2015, 04:29 PM
Paul Henry is buying. http://www.3news.co.nz/tvshows/paulhenry/the-success-of-vmob-2015092510#axzz3mhWpF1Wz

Paul Henry was buying Derek Handley a year ago too.

25-09-2015, 04:38 PM
Lots of people are still buying Derek Handley. I got a Victoria Alumni email about how successful he is just this morning.

25-09-2015, 05:07 PM
People buying VML as well, just not on market. Very encouraging.

25-09-2015, 05:10 PM
Paul forgot to ask him when they will make a profit and pay a dividend.

25-09-2015, 07:28 PM
... snip ... Looks like VML are going to have to put in some great 6 month numbers if they are to double the share price which will get their market capitalisation up to $40 million so they can move to NZX next year.

Not sure about the maths there Cobber, my calc's are nowhere near double target SP for the desired market cap.

(67,244,449 + 14,705,882 = 81,950,331) / $0.48810053 = 40m
say $0.49 = 40% increase on current SP at $0.35

Not such a high bar after all. Been there before a few times.

Snow Leopard
25-09-2015, 07:59 PM
Not sure about the maths there Cobber, my calc's are nowhere near double target SP for the desired market cap.

(67,244,449 + 14,705,882 = 81,950,331) / $0.48810053 = 40m
say $0.49 = 40% increase on current SP at $0.35

Not such a high bar after all. Been there before a few times.

Might be a high bar Baa Baa barring some new residue announcements.

Market cap follows revenue/profit/whim,
Share price follows RPS/EPS/WPS (with apologies to Steve Fleming)

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

R/E/W[ps]=Revenue/Earnings/Whim [per share]

25-09-2015, 08:19 PM
Hey PT, welcome back.

The ACMR announced at the annual SM and regurgitated recently at the Edison meeting was very encouraging .. well I think so, being only a few short months into the FY and a nice % upwards. But it's been a drought of performance data since then.

The proof will be the HY results as one expects implementations to have made great progress on ACMR and conversion to revenue, in McD's USA (about half of worldwide), with Japan done, Nederlands done, Korea underway .. not to mention Ikea on board etc etc. I'd also like to see the other 'name brands' factoring into results.

The flock are already bleating for profit (go figure), even though the company has only recently shifted from no-revenue-start-up to high-growth. But my focus is on accelerating ACMR growth, conversion to revenue, customer retention (especially), a converging ratio of earnings to costs, and new customer sign-ups.

Strangely there is little mention of the shift in the T20. We have a few new larger shareholders, some with distinction and very fine pedigree, and a great deal less of one who shall remain nameless.

01-10-2015, 09:07 PM
I'd like to put out there, a warm welcome to Annette Presley, our newest substantial T20 investor with 750k shares @ 28/9. Great to have you on board!

02-10-2015, 08:50 AM
Must see an opportunity aye. Baa baa, jump over to the asx and tell me what you think of mmj after doing a bit of research.

02-10-2015, 01:42 PM
She may have made as much as $80m from selling callplus. The 'opportunity' she sees could just be a dabble with a quarter-of-a-million dollero. Also, I'm not usually the cynical type, but are her and Scott friends?

02-10-2015, 01:46 PM
She may have made as much as $80m from selling callplus. The 'opportunity' she sees could just be a dabble with a quarter-of-a-million dollero. Also, I'm not usually the cynical type, but are her and Scott friends?

Sommelier - Is that "friends" .....:)

02-10-2015, 09:30 PM
She may have made as much as $80m from selling callplus. The 'opportunity' she sees could just be a dabble with a quarter-of-a-million dollero. Also, I'm not usually the cynical type, but are her and Scott friends?

You don't think $250k investment is significant, moving into 10th place on the T20 at 1.12%? I wish I could have that amount invested, it would be significant to me for sure.

Annette is a person of distinction in investment circles and clearly a very successful business woman in high technology. I wouldn't call her investment in VMob "a dabble", more so a significant vote of confidence and who knows, there may be more coming.

We can be reasonably sure about the source of her shares as well, as the trade was off-market and another previously very substantial shareholders holdings have reduced markedly, which should give others who have feared that selldown some cause for relief, if not celebration.

Your comment about friendship doesn't warrant a serious response, hence I assume why Crackiti gave it the bird, which it deserves imo.

I'm certainly very encouraged having Annette on board and perhaps one day she will even consider joining the board, assuming an invitation. I would definitely vote for her.


05-10-2015, 11:38 AM
Baa, sounds like you have an up to date T20 list? What does it look like now with new entrants?

05-10-2015, 12:28 PM
Baa, sounds like you have an up to date T20 list? What does it look like now with new entrants?

At 28 Sept pre the current CR, 59% of VMob is owned by the T20 (40% is owned by the Directors who are the T4 and only 2 hold more than 5% each), 41% is held by the remaining shareholders. Since August there have been 3 new people and 3 new entities on the T20 amounting to around 3.5m shares. Four other entities have dropped out of the T20 but may still be shareholders. One entity has since April notably sold around 3m shares (~1.5m sold between mid-Aug to mid-Sept) with 667k remaining at #14 with 0.99%, a further 120k sold and this entity would be off the T20. These volumes of sale/purchase have been predominantly off-market, as is obvious from on-market volumes.

05-10-2015, 11:31 PM
Check out the power of the VMob platform. This needs to be refined but a realtime facial recognition tool and a realtime beacon/loyalty offer is amazing. These guys can further refine this as they work closer with McDs and IKEA (29 mins in)


06-10-2015, 12:02 PM
Check out the power of the VMob platform. This needs to be refined but a realtime facial recognition tool and a realtime beacon/loyalty offer is amazing. These guys can further refine this as they work closer with McDs and IKEA (29 mins in)


Wow, technically it is amazing stuff and illustrates the power of the Azure technologies that VMob's platform is built on. VMob is setting very high standards in Retail marketing techniques and are getting excellent technical recognition from this, it's exciting to see Microsoft giving the stage to our CTO to showcase the VMob platform capabilities.

As investors we have to trust that it flows through to real performance results for VMob's customers, ongoing ACMR growth and new sales. It will be great to have that trust replaced with facts, so looking forward to the HY results.

06-10-2015, 02:29 PM
Check out the power of the VMob platform. This needs to be refined but a realtime facial recognition tool and a realtime beacon/loyalty offer is amazing. These guys can further refine this as they work closer with McDs and IKEA (29 mins in)


The best part of the video is @ 29:00. The technology is demonstrated in a live environment. There's a cool camera directly linked to the platform so it can change the digital display to match your age / gender / demographic. The platform is really accurate and recommends the children's novelty chips for the 43 Y/O male and a Happy meal for the 28 Y/O male.

Axe gonna buy some VML this week if the stars continue to align.

Harvey Specter
06-10-2015, 02:57 PM
The best part of the video is @ 29:00. The technology is demonstrated in a live environment. There's a cool camera directly linked to the platform so it can change the digital display to match your age / gender / demographic. The platform is really accurate and recommends the children's novelty chips for the 43 Y/O male and a Happy meal for the 28 Y/O male.

Axe gonna buy some VML this week if the stars continue to align.6 terabytes of data and it doesn't suggest to an overweight 43yo male walking into a McD that he should supersize his combo - has to be a fail. The system shouldn't assume you are walking in with a kid, shouldn't it be sensing if there is a kid there?

Disc: Hold - did you hear how many end users they have in Japan!

06-10-2015, 08:29 PM
6 terabytes of data and it doesn't suggest to an overweight 43yo male walking into a McD that he should supersize his combo - has to be a fail. The system shouldn't assume you are walking in with a kid, shouldn't it be sensing if there is a kid there?

Disc: Hold - did you hear how many end users they have in Japan!

LoL ... very dry Harvey, maybe they could fine tune the marketing response to sell the larger guy a yummy McD's salad, a sugar free beverage and a free voucher for a dietician! Amazing to see how the facial recognition worked though isn't it. That's massive data being crunched in remarkably quick time, and personalised to one customer in millions. Incredible and it happens many thousands of times a day, every day.

And those Japan end user numbers are eye watering, imagine how that translates to McD's USA which should be near to completing implementation! Remember our earnings per million end-users ;) I think we're going to hear some great results from the HY with heaps of promise for the future.

That and the vote of confidence from our newer large shareholders all bodes well for a slingshot move up in the share price (pun intended) on good news. I can almost feel the FOMO building. Even seem to have got the axe interested, at these prices I can understand why and have availed myself of a few more!

06-10-2015, 09:56 PM
McDonalds Japan already had a McDonald's app in place so all users simply update their app to the McDonalds platform. By contrast that USA had no McDonalds app, so essentially McDonalds and cmob are building the user base from zero. I also understand that mcdonalds USA has now rolled out so number need to build.

I also think hick the build may be a little slower gopiven the comparison of Japan which is incredibly tech savvy vs usa which might lag behind somewhat.

06-10-2015, 10:02 PM
Personally I'd like to see Vmob secure some more significant clients from. A range of enterprises to demonstrate diversity of application say a hotel group, supermarket chains, car rental, airlines, etc.oh and Esso on a global contract.

2015 was supposed to be the landmark year for Vmob. They seem like a coiled spring, but the talk to date has not been matched by the walk.

Yet i i hold the faith. I'm not selling and I'm not accumulating. Just sitting tight.

07-10-2015, 10:20 AM
Personally I'd like to see Vmob secure some more significant clients from. A range of enterprises to demonstrate diversity of application say a hotel group, supermarket chains, car rental, airlines, etc.oh and Esso on a global contract.

2015 was supposed to be the landmark year for Vmob. They seem like a coiled spring, but the talk to date has not been matched by the walk.

Yet i i hold the faith. I'm not selling and I'm not accumulating. Just sitting tight.

What most people seem to forget is that companies need to have an app before they can use VML's API's.

Apps are a considerable expense in their own right. Then you have VML's fee's on top of that.

On the flipside.... VML's stocks could go up now that Apple is letting Adblockers onto iOS. Advertising to find customers or promote deals just got a lot harder.

VML in my mind is a 5 year play. In fact they are so far ahead of the retail industry, the only companies they can sell to are those at the innovative end of retailing (ie McDonalds, Ikea, etc).

Harvey Specter
07-10-2015, 10:49 AM
What most people seem to forget is that companies need to have an app before they can use VML's API's.Everyone (big multi national that is) has an app these days dont they?

The biggest issue is creating a reason for users to download the App in the first place. Targeted value add ad's would be one - especially if I dont actively have to use it as the deal is pushed to me at the right time.

11-10-2015, 07:46 PM
The ambition is inspiring, here's Scott our CEO imagining the future of VMob achieving the 'Netflix of retail'. Seems a long way off with the SP wallowing around at the cornerstone investor levels however therein lies the opportunity, buying the global disruptor of retail marketing at bargain basement prices. http://theregister.co.nz/opinion/2015/10/becoming-netflix-retail

12-10-2015, 10:49 AM
An interesting and encouraging report from PWC http://www.pwc.com/gx/en/advisory-services/digital-iq-survey-2015/campaign-site/digital-iq-survey-2015.pdf This report illustrates that the business outcomes company CEO's are focused on (page 7), and the Retail & Consumer sector well advanced in Digital IQ (page 10), are right in the sweet spot for VMob's solutions.

13-10-2015, 04:42 PM
AXE didn't buy VML... yet. Axe threw some fingers at a fally knife elsewhere. But do not fret VMLers. Still watching. There are probably some big things to come through before Xmas.

21-10-2015, 12:01 PM
Um I appreciate that there has only been one small trade this morning - but VMob has risen 7 cents or 20.59%. I suspect this is a trade almost in error - but maybe there is another reason. Does anyone know of any rumours?

Harvey Specter
21-10-2015, 12:08 PM
Um I appreciate that there has only been one small trade this morning - but VMob has risen 7 cents or 20.59%. I suspect this is a trade almost in error - but maybe there is another reason. Does anyone know of any rumours?Less than $500 so it might just be to dispose of the rest of a holding after a partial sale previously.

21-10-2015, 02:28 PM
less than $500 to increase the value of your holding by 20% - priceless :) (wasn't me)

Harvey Specter
21-10-2015, 02:36 PM
less than $500 to increase the value of your holding by 20% - priceless :) (wasn't me)Wouldn't have been a fund - they only do that on the last day of the month.

21-10-2015, 07:57 PM
Less than $500 so it might just be to dispose of the rest of a holding after a partial sale previously.

I would think that's unlikely HS? Ask was at .41, there was no Bid at .41 (it was at .35) so nothing to 'dispose into', the initiator was on the buy-side, someone I suspect just put a modest buy in probably at market.

At least they have discerning taste and appreciation for good value and a bright future. Besides, I bet there's not a single holder who doesn't like the look of a 20%+ lift in their portfolio today, whether or not that sticks is another matter.

Half years results due soon enough, last year they were released 28 Nov if I recall correctly. Eyes on ACMR growth, reducing expenses to revenue ratio, new business, and completed implementations.

22-10-2015, 01:42 PM
Can anyone recommend an AFA who could assist with signing off on an eligible investor certificate. My previous guy doesn't work that area any longer. Feel free to PM me with suggestion or if you may be able to assist. Cheers

Snow Leopard
22-10-2015, 01:52 PM
Tuesday $0.34
Wednesday $0.41 (+20.6%)
Thursday $0.34 (-17.1%)

The joys of low liquidity securities :laugh:.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

Harvey Specter
22-10-2015, 02:27 PM
Tuesday $0.34
Wednesday $0.41 (+20.6%)
Thursday $0.34 (-17.1%)
It went up over 20% but only went down 17% so i'm happy :scared::confused::scared:

22-10-2015, 02:27 PM
Capital raise done, settles tomorrow with allotment 27th next week. https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/272130 Happy that's out of the way. Next thing will be the HY results.

22-10-2015, 02:38 PM
That's only the first tranch of the capital raise out the way. They are still looking to raise up to 5million with no closing date on the capital raise, so eligible investors, high net worth individuals and institutions can still support.

Harvey Specter
22-10-2015, 02:47 PM
That's only the first tranch of the capital raise out the way. They are still looking to raise up to 5million with no closing date on the capital raise, so eligible investors, high net worth individuals and institutions can still support.correct - see Absolutes post at #1676. Dont expect to see any shareprice appreciation until those with access to a AFA or CA willing to sign them off as eligiable can buy shares at 34c.

Everyone else will need to buy at 41c like the sucker yesterday. ;)

22-10-2015, 03:02 PM
correct - see Absolutes post at #1676. Dont expect to see any shareprice appreciation until those with access to a AFA or CA willing to sign them off as eligiable can buy shares at 34c.

Everyone else will need to buy at 41c like the sucker yesterday. ;)

59k available at .34 today, on market. But that's small beer really isn't it.

Abs144, you're correct, I should have read the notice more thoroughly.

23-10-2015, 01:11 PM
It's exciting to see VMob's largest customer McDonalds reporting strong turnaround for Q3.

"McDonald's is the world's leading global foodservice retailer with over 36,000 locations serving nearly 69 million customers in over 100 countries each day."

The McDonalds financials announced: http://news.mcdonalds.com/Corporate/Press-Releases/Financial-Release?xmlreleaseid=123071

And in the news:

Here's a quote that should encourage VMob shareholders: "Other efforts have focused on improving order reliability and beefing up McDonald's digital presence with a mobile app that has been downloaded more than two million times." http://news.yahoo.com/mcdonalds-profits-rise-shares-surge-005532440.html

Other news of the McDonalds turnaround:

Looking forward to hearing more from VMob on how their solution is contributing to key retail business metrics, like increased foot traffic, increased sales, voucher redemptions etc.

23-10-2015, 02:52 PM
Hey Baa, yep that's a nice piece of information. Thanks

23-10-2015, 02:53 PM
"Other efforts have focused on improving order reliability and beefing up McDonald's digital presence with a mobile app that has been downloaded more than two million times." .

This in interesting because MCDonalds USA did not have a app prior to the Launch of the VMob -McDonalds digital playform. in other words there have been 2m fresh new downloads. McDonalds Japan and some of the other countries already had an app in place prior to VMob. But also about a month ago I understand that there were only about 1m downloads of the McDonalds USA app. Long may the number of downloads continue to increase

Also the great news is that the digital platform is a key part of the future of McDonalds marketing strategy - and VMob is at the centre of that strategy (I hope)

25-10-2015, 11:55 AM
VMob's Personalisation Platform scores another gong this week with a 'Highly Commended' at the NZ Innovators Awards 2015 in the category Information Communications Technology & Cloud Solutions.

"This category is open to innovators and innovative organisations that specialise in telecommunications, information technology systems, software, hardware, product development and software as a service. This broad category is one of the largest and includes cloud based solutions and customer offerings (such as Apps)."

Well done VMob!

29-10-2015, 10:33 AM
Timothy Cook just stumped up $200,000 of his own money in the placement. That seems like a good endorsement doesn't it.

29-10-2015, 11:24 AM
Timothy Cook just stumped up $200,000 of his own money in the placement. That seems like a good endorsement doesn't it.


He had an interest in 7% of the VML through CAM.
He disposed of his shareholding in CAM; Cam was holding most of his interest in VML.

If you have disposed of 6% of the VML for an undisclosed sum - spending 200K now does not qualify as a glowing endorsement IMO.

29-10-2015, 12:02 PM
Thanks axe

29-10-2015, 01:32 PM
Axe, at the time it did seem a bit unusual, though not as a warning bell for VML, more as an interesting occurrence between the two shareholders of CAM, that held shares in VML.

The conclusion I came to was that there was obviously some relationship between the CAM shareholders that no longer worked, one could speculate on that, but to what end?

I have comfort that CAM are still holding a total of 3.8m of shares.

TC is still buying shares in his own name, and has basically doubled-down twice with 1.3m shares now, which as a Director is an excellent sign. So I don't really get your point to be honest, are you speculating about Tim's VML interest via CAM and his exit, or do you know something more about this?

Finally, eligible investors and insto’s are still acquiring VML in $200k - $500k lots, so obviously they are interested in the prospects for the future.



He had an interest in 7% of the VML through CAM.
He disposed of his shareholding in CAM; Cam was holding most of his interest in VML.

If you have disposed of 6% of the VML for an undisclosed sum - spending 200K now does not qualify as a glowing endorsement IMO.

29-10-2015, 07:51 PM
axe, Mr Cook never had an equity interest in CAM, therefore never disposed of the shares. And, CAM still holds their VML shares. He had some shares in his own right which is has obviously just added to, in a big way. Always good to see Directors buying up. Gives us all confidence.


He had an interest in 7% of the VML through CAM.
He disposed of his shareholding in CAM; Cam was holding most of his interest in VML.

If you have disposed of 6% of the VML for an undisclosed sum - spending 200K now does not qualify as a glowing endorsement IMO.

29-10-2015, 10:58 PM
In the double quotation below is an exert from the SSH that I linked to. Note that TC was a joint shareholder in Cottisloe Holdings Limited (the ultimate holding company of CAM).

My understanding is that if TC was a joint shareholder in Cottisloe and Cottisloe is a parent company of CAM when TC disposes of his joint shareholding in Cottisloe he is disposing of his interest in CAM which disposes of his interest in 5.8% of VML.

I am not saying that there is anything untoward going on. My point is that if you think that buying 200K worth of shares is a great sign then you need to view that in context of a director disposing of his interest in 5.8% of the company.

"" As previously disclosed although Timothy John Cook’s personal shareholding in VML does not in itself constitute a substantial holding, he was at the time a director of CAM and a director of, and a joint shareholder of all the shares in, Cottisloe Holdings Limited (the ultimate holding company of CAM), the registered holder and beneficial owner of 6.467% of VML. Taken together, the relevant interests of Timothy John Cook and CAM constituted 4,237,090 ordinary shares (7.214%) of VML ""

axe, Mr Cook never had an equity interest in CAM, therefore never disposed of the shares. And, CAM still holds their VML shares. He had some shares in his own right which is has obviously just added to, in a big way. Always good to see Directors buying up. Gives us all confidence.

29-10-2015, 11:07 PM
Hope this helps 7696

29-10-2015, 11:23 PM
Who is Keith Goodall you may ask?

It just might be the same Keith Goodall that is on the Board of Mexicali fresh? http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU1209/S00834/new-members-join-mexicali-fresh-board.htm

Is he up with the play in the new age of digital disruption? - make up your own mind http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU1510/S00921/investors-back-mobi2go-with-11m.htm

Hopefully Keith should be able to get Mexicali to trial some VML apps and help consumption of Burger Wisconsin


30-10-2015, 12:49 AM
Who is Keith Goodall you may ask?

It just might be the same Keith Goodall that is on the Board of Mexicali fresh? http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU1209/S00834/new-members-join-mexicali-fresh-board.htm

Is he up with the play in the new age of digital disruption? - make up your own mind http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU1510/S00921/investors-back-mobi2go-with-11m.htm

Hopefully Keith should be able to get Mexicali to trial some VML apps and help consumption of Burger Wisconsin


I think many moons ago he used to be a director of the Ken Wikeley / Rainbow property offshoot - Questar Corp - he has probably learnt stuff since those days though.

I've DMOR and happy to share :)
Riding with the punchesBy: Pardon, David
Abstract:Examines the effect of the 1987 sharemarket crash (Black Monday) on investors. The following chief executive officers survey the events of 1987and make predictions for 1988 : Olly Newlands - Landmark Corporation, Charles Bidwell - Ceramco, Keith Goodall - Questar Corporation and Robyn Cameron of the New Zealand Beef and Lamb Marketing Bureau..

30-10-2015, 11:15 AM
I have been kindly informed that my thoughts regarding TC shareholdings in CAM and Cottisloe are incorrect. :)

30-10-2015, 09:16 PM
I have been kindly informed that my thoughts regarding TC shareholdings in CAM and Cottisloe are incorrect. :)

Rest easy that there's about $1.5m new reasons to be confident, so far, afforded by astute sophisticated investors, notwithstanding the virtual exit of one who shall remain nameless, as to why we should just chill out and enjoy the ride.

03-11-2015, 01:33 PM
Here's the McDonalds USA App. https://itunes.apple.com/app/id922103212 .. pictures, describes the features, and some interesting reviews. iTunes doesn't report number of downloads.

On Google Store for Android, updated today US time (2 Nov), there's been 1mn - 5mn downloads, rated 4/5, 13,600 ratings.

This in interesting because MCDonalds USA did not have a app prior to the Launch of the VMob -McDonalds digital playform. in other words there have been 2m fresh new downloads. McDonalds Japan and some of the other countries already had an app in place prior to VMob. But also about a month ago I understand that there were only about 1m downloads of the McDonalds USA app. Long may the number of downloads continue to increase

Also the great news is that the digital platform is a key part of the future of McDonalds marketing strategy - and VMob is at the centre of that strategy (I hope)

03-11-2015, 02:14 PM
Just a thought, do you think McDonalds USA (14,339 stores at YE 2014) would roll out their App which has functionality delivered by the VMob platform, if there were McD's stores that could not participate, ergo ... is the McDonalds USA rollout complete?

Perhaps a formal announcement from VMob is imminent.

03-11-2015, 05:18 PM
I have no idea BaaBaa but my understanding is that the McDonalds USA roll out was to every restaurant - and I have no idea if the roll out is complete or not. I really do not know the logistics of a country wide roll out. there are several components to a rollout and each country may take some of the enhancements, but not necessarily all of them therefore it is difficult to calculate the revenue from information available.

Id love to see another Vmob announcement. But the procurement processes for any corporate and market is complex. when is the next report due (end of September 2015 quarter??)

03-11-2015, 06:15 PM
I have no idea BaaBaa but my understanding is that the McDonalds USA roll out was to every restaurant - and I have no idea if the roll out is complete or not. I really do not know the logistics of a country wide roll out. there are several components to a rollout and each country may take some of the enhancements, but not necessarily all of them therefore it is difficult to calculate the revenue from information available.

Id love to see another Vmob announcement. But the procurement processes for any corporate and market is complex. when is the next report due (end of September 2015 quarter??)

Good points Monty, we can't forecast the incremental revenue of voucher redemptions but it is encouraging that 'coupons' are in the latest major release of the McD's app, so revenue comes to VMobs for those redemptions. Many of the reviews (the positive ones) seem attracted to the freebie offers (coupons) on sign-up and ongoing, so another positive indicator. The bigger revenue comes from stores monthly subscriptions, albeit probably at a favourable discount for the volume and early mover customer status of McDonalds Corporation, hence hopefully we have finished or are close to completing the USA rollout. 14,339 stores x monthly subscription revenue. The other revenue stream is the 'per-millions' of end-users, which is not a large sum but given the 10's of millions of end-users of VMob's customer base, it all adds up.

The HY report was released on 28 November 2014, so that's all we have to go on for the HY to end-september 2015. I too am eagerly awaiting the report. It wouldn't surprise me but would be pleasing to begin hearing about how those implementations (Ikea trial, USA McD's, Korea McD's etc) are progressing and whether VMob have signed any new customers, particularly off the Microsoft alliance relationship. Lots to look forward to.

04-11-2015, 09:49 AM
Posted this morning via VMob's twitter feed, worth a read: McDonald’s app quickly serves 1.5M offer redemptions since launch

Quotable quotes!

"... launched this summer, has seen more than 2 million downloads and 1.5 million offer redemptions"

"... will begin testing national advertising for app later this month"

"... high hopes the strategy will boost sales, which saw a 4 percent increase in comparable sales for the third quarter ended Sept. 30"

"... Whilst we are still in the early phases, our turnaround plan is working"

"... Customers are beginning to respond to the actions we are taking and this progress is reflected in our third quarter results"

18-11-2015, 02:31 PM
Some interesting stats emerging from VMob, presumably from their experience now having real data flowing through the platform (ref step 5 of the infographic in particular). http://blog.vmob.com/2015/11/infographic-mobile-awesomeness-the-metrics-that-matter/

19-11-2015, 08:20 AM
Thanks baa baa. Some interesting reading. The app markets is extremely competitive. And a little scary.

23-11-2015, 05:13 PM
anybody knows when the financial statements come out?

23-11-2015, 05:19 PM
anybody knows when the financial statements come out?

Hey welcome allanatnz. :)

Early to mid Dec, from reliable source. Last year was 28 Nov so a bit later this time.

23-11-2015, 05:36 PM
Thanks Baa Baa. I bought some shares these days. Thought it would be a big potential, as mobilephone become an "organ" of human being. ;)

23-11-2015, 05:51 PM
Thanks Baa Baa. I bought some shares these days. Thought it would be a big potential, as mobilephone become an "organ" of human being. ;)

I think so too, if not an organ certainly an appendage .. lol.

VMob are doing great things. The McDonalds USA initial rollout should be complete. Korea McD's should be well underway. Japan McD's is done and maybe into second phase. There are other customers like IKEA, Anheuser-Busch, and 7-Eleven that we'd like to hear about as well.

I am expecting to see significant growth in ACMR, growth in revenue, completed implementations and I hope to see a converging revenue to expense ratio. If there are some new customers, that won't be in the HY report, but would be nice to accompany the HY report as news in the lead up to Xmas.

There are some very very patient shareholders who deserve a bit of good news and a re-rate in the share price. Which is what VMob also need to hit the .49 target for an NZX listing in March.

25-11-2015, 01:19 PM
When do the unamed directors come up for election. It would be good if those with say corporate law experience were replaced with more tech focused directors.

So Mr Joyce has resigned as Director effective yesterday https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/274072 ... with Mr Sorensen's massive sell down we could surmise that his services are better placed elsewhere. So endeth another chapter, one which occupied minds and many pages of debate here.

Thoughts move on to who will replace the outgoing Director, if anyone. There is one excellent candidate, imho, who recently joined the register, assuming they were invited and available.

27-11-2015, 03:26 PM
Well, this is terrific news Sharon Hunter appointed to the VMob Board, she has impeccable credentials and will be a great asset to VMob.




30-11-2015, 09:12 PM
Thanks for information. It sounds good. I am looking forward to the financial statements.

Well, this is terrific news Sharon Hunter appointed to the VMob Board, she has impeccable credentials and will be a great asset to VMob.




30-11-2015, 09:37 PM
Well, this is terrific news Sharon Hunter appointed to the VMob Board, she has impeccable credentials and will be a great asset to VMob.




and she will greatly improve the photo of the Board in
the annual report ;)

30-11-2015, 09:48 PM

and she will greatly improve the photo of the Board in
the annual report ;)

30-11-2015, 09:51 PM
Massive sale around $0.34. Anyone knows who is abandoning this company?

30-11-2015, 10:15 PM
Massive sale around $0.34. Anyone knows who is abandoning this company?

General rule is for every seller you also have a buyer :) -, a similar question could be 'massive trade at .34 - Anyone knows who is investing in this company? '

01-12-2015, 05:30 AM
Yes, you are right. Crackity. Think positively:t_up:

General rule is for every seller you also have a buyer :) -, a similar question could be 'massive trade at .34 - Anyone knows who is investing in this company? '

01-12-2015, 01:09 PM
I don't have a good feeling about this... if the upcoming report was a good one wouldn't the recently departed Director want to hang around to take the credit for it?

01-12-2015, 08:44 PM
Another senior executive resigned today. Doubt what is happening inside.:scared:

I don't have a good feeling about this... if the upcoming report was a good one wouldn't the recently departed Director want to hang around to take the credit for it?

01-12-2015, 08:54 PM
Another odd is the second half year is silent. No major announcement, compared with the first half year. Not a good feeling. Anyway, hold it!

01-12-2015, 09:04 PM
Another senior executive resigned today. Doubt what is happening inside.:scared:

Who resigned today?

01-12-2015, 09:14 PM
I don't have a good feeling about this... if the upcoming report was a good one wouldn't the recently departed Director want to hang around to take the credit for it?

Its quite likely that the resigning Director, who is closely associated with a previously large shareholder, is no longer required to hold a Director position.

01-12-2015, 09:23 PM
Who resigned today?
Sorry, it is not today. It is at the end of this year.

"VMob Group Limited (VMob) is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen
Davies to the role of Chief Financial Officer. Stephen will commence his
role early in the New Year, with Steve Allan, current Chief Financial
Officer, leaving the business at the end of this year."

01-12-2015, 09:32 PM
Sorry, it is not today. It is at the end of this year.

"VMob Group Limited (VMob) is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen
Davies to the role of Chief Financial Officer. Stephen will commence his
role early in the New Year, with Steve Allan, current Chief Financial
Officer, leaving the business at the end of this year."

No worries, Steve Allen actually resigned in July, it was announced 24 July and although he was due to leave earlier he agreed to stay on for a while longer, presumably until a replacement was found. Steve has been a delight to deal with, I can't speak highly enough of his excellent shareholder relations. I wish him well on his next adventure. Stephen takes over as CFO shortly.

01-12-2015, 09:48 PM
Another odd is the second half year is silent. No major announcement, compared with the first half year. Not a good feeling. Anyway, hold it!

Do you mean no major announcements in the last two months? Even then, the last new customer was IKEA in July, so I guess you're correct that it's been a long time since we've heard anything about new customers. Winning major awards like being named Microsoft business partner of the year (amongst others) etc, which exposes VMob to untold opportunity has filled the gap somewhat.

There has also been a lot of distractions, like the capital raising with no time limit and the ASX listing cancelled and deferred to an NZX listing. Then even that NZX listing got stuck with criteria like the pre-defined market cap within a timeframe. So there's been all this noise for months which is distracting for the company and shareholders.

What gives confidence in spite of all of this is the massively reduced holdings of a former shareholder whom some maligned openly on this forum. And a closely related Director has resigned as well. But better than that, there has been significant shareholdings taken during this period of relative quiet by some outstanding names with excellent credentials, topped off recently with a new Director with impeccable cred.

As you say ... "Anyway, hold it!"


01-12-2015, 10:27 PM
The last 6 months from VML have been very quiet on the most important front. No new big clients... (yet :))

The lack of leverage through the relationship with MSFT is underwhelming.
The inability to follow through with announced ASX listing has driven negative sentiment.
The 6 month chart is in a downtrend. Speculators will be looking elsewhere.
There is upcoming dilution as VMOB will need to raise capital. Not great for current holders unless they want to throw more money in to avoid dilution.

The good news is that if VML can add 2-3 more big name clients the SP should respond accordingly.


02-12-2015, 07:17 AM
No worries, Steve Allen actually resigned in July, it was announced 24 July and although he was due to leave earlier he agreed to stay on for a while longer, presumably until a replacement was found. Steve has been a delight to deal with, I can't speak highly enough of his excellent shareholder relations. I wish him well on his next adventure. Stephen takes over as CFO shortly.

Would you care to elaborate on your connection to this company Baa? I'm not sure too many CFO's would have direct dealings and "excellent shareholder relations" with shareholders. You obviously carry a flag for the company which is obviously your perogative, but if there is something more you should really disclose it. You have rightly or wrongly given me at least, the impression you have a reason to be beating the drum more than the average shareholder.

02-12-2015, 09:39 AM
Would you care to elaborate on your connection to this company Baa? I'm not sure too many CFO's would have direct dealings and "excellent shareholder relations" with shareholders. You obviously carry a flag for the company which is obviously your perogative, but if there is something more you should really disclose it. You have rightly or wrongly given me at least, the impression you have a reason to be beating the drum more than the average shareholder.

Sure I don't mind, as I've said a number of times before I am a shareholder and have no other association with VMob or knowledge of the company that is not in the public domain. All listed companies have obligations to their shareholders, for example providing the share register when requested and that is the extent of my dealings in this instance.

As for "beating the drum", well it's been said a lot less politely, but you are right that I have reason, in fact I have accumulated and hold large number of reasons. I want VMob to be extremely successful and am happy to advocate, share my research and views.


02-12-2015, 10:27 AM
The last 6 months from VML have been very quiet on the most important front. No new big clients... (yet :))

The lack of leverage through the relationship with MSFT is underwhelming.
The inability to follow through with announced ASX listing has driven negative sentiment.
The 6 month chart is in a downtrend. Speculators will be looking elsewhere.
There is upcoming dilution as VMOB will need to raise capital. Not great for current holders unless they want to throw more money in to avoid dilution.

The good news is that if VML can add 2-3 more big name clients the SP should respond accordingly.


Technically axe, the down trend stopped around September and the share price settled into a Basing Formation, where supply = demand and the share price fluctuates in a narrow price range.

A base formation following a share price decline is usually taken as a good sign, though that does assume good news follows. Arguably speculators would be looking at VML as a low-downside risk entry at these prices, with potential for significant upside. On the contrary view, the good news that has been announced for the most part has been ignored, for example IKEA a new customer barely moved the share price which was then was sold in to.

The base forming has been at and slightly under the current capital raise at .34 which has been going on for some time now and is open ended, there's no surprises expected about further capital raising beyond the current process. Not as obvious to many will be the parallel sell down of a very substantial shareholder, which in reality will have sucked up 3-3.5m existing shares that otherwise would have been issued in the CR. In my view most shareholders don't care too much about dilution as they don't hold enough stock for it to be particularly meaningful.

Your point about lack of leverage with MSFT is only partly true. VMob plainly said that MSFT invested in the company to accelerate the product development which we have seen a lot of reference to, but will probably go over most people heads as it's very technical. I agree that it would be good to see some new customers that can be directly attributed to the MSFT association.


02-12-2015, 11:10 AM
Would you care to elaborate on your connection to this company Baa? I'm not sure too many CFO's would have direct dealings and "excellent shareholder relations" with shareholders. You obviously carry a flag for the company which is obviously your perogative, but if there is something more you should really disclose it. You have rightly or wrongly given me at least, the impression you have a reason to be beating the drum more than the average shareholder.

Ill second Steve Allen as being very approachable and helpful. A real credit to the company who dealings with shareholders and investors made him instrumental in raising necessary capital for ongoing operations, expansion etc.

02-12-2015, 11:10 AM
Technically axe, the down trend stopped around September and the share price settled into a Basing Formation, where supply = demand and the share price fluctuates in a narrow price range.

A base formation following a share price decline is usually taken as a good sign, though that does assume good news follows. Arguably speculators would be looking at VML as a low-downside risk entry at these prices, with potential for significant upside. On the contrary view, the good news that has been announced for the most part has been ignored, for example IKEA a new customer barely moved the share price which was then was sold in to.

The base forming has been at and slightly under the current capital raise at .34 which has been going on for some time now and is open ended, there's no surprises expected about further capital raising beyond the current process. Not as obvious to many will be the parallel sell down of a very substantial shareholder, which in reality will have sucked up 3-3.5m existing shares that otherwise would have been issued in the CR. In my view most shareholders don't care too much about dilution as they don't hold enough stock for it to be particularly meaningful.

Your point about lack of leverage with MSFT is only partly true. VMob plainly said that MSFT invested in the company to accelerate the product development which we have seen a lot of reference to, but will probably go over most people heads as it's very technical. I agree that it would be good to see some new customers that can be directly attributed to the MSFT association.


I'm really interested in what the 6 month report will show.

I'm expecting costs to increase significantly.

I get the feeling no new "large" contracts have been signed up as we would have heard by now. IKEA is simply a 5 month test for a few stores from memory.

So my expectation is VML will be going through some growing pains.... perhaps the time its taking to get some 6 month financials is that they are going to overwhelm us with more stats to demonstrate their big data capabilities.

Either way, they have great technology.... but ramping up staff to do these integrations takes time. So costs will increase for both salaries and the new HQ which is all USD.

Flip side to all this.... exchange rate is favourable to NZD.

So we have question marks all over the place, hence a 6 month report to give the picture some more clarity.

I'm picking the shareprice will decrease over the coming months. But this is also a potential opportunity to accumulate.

02-12-2015, 06:55 PM
In my view most shareholders don't care too much about dilution as they don't hold enough stock for it to be particularly meaningful.


:) I have a differing view on how percentages work but we can go over that another time. :)

VML just needs to land 2-3 big name clients early in the new year, raise capital and migrate to the NZX. If they can do that (and hit 40mill MCAP) before 31/3/16 the future is very bright indeed.

However if they are relegated to the NXT exchange it may not be as rosey.

"Accordingly, NZX has decided to approve VMob's listing on the NZX Main Board
subject to VMob satisfying the following conditions precedent to listing:
(a) VMob successfully completes the private placement to raise $5 million, as
announced to the market on 8 September 2015; and
(b) VMob attains a market capitalisation of at least $40 million, by no later
than 31 March 2016." from VML: Proposed Move to Main Board Delayed 17/09/2015 17:20

03-12-2015, 10:00 AM
:) I have a differing view on how percentages work but we can go over that another time. :)

VML just needs to land 2-3 big name clients early in the new year, raise capital and migrate to the NZX. If they can do that (and hit 40mill MCAP) before 31/3/16 the future is very bright indeed.

However if they are relegated to the NXT exchange it may not be as rosey.

"Accordingly, NZX has decided to approve VMob's listing on the NZX Main Board
subject to VMob satisfying the following conditions precedent to listing:
(a) VMob successfully completes the private placement to raise $5 million, as
announced to the market on 8 September 2015; and
(b) VMob attains a market capitalisation of at least $40 million, by no later
than 31 March 2016." from VML: Proposed Move to Main Board Delayed 17/09/2015 17:20

I don't think they will have any problems raising the capital.

So how do you grow your market cap. Well their 6 month interim results are going to go along way in deciding their fate, as they certainly can't rely on their full 12 months results as they aren't released until 70 days after 31 March.

On Aug 4, they announced AMRC growth for April - July.

So my assumption is that they should be doing a release today to pump AMRC growth for Aug - Nov (the second 4 month period).

If no release comes, then one can start to assume sales have dropped off.

Meanwhile the guys over at PushPay have put a stake in the ground for where they expect to be in 5 years, and then continue to hit their targets. But they have god on their side.... so maybe an unfair advantage??

03-12-2015, 01:51 PM
I am watching the depth of trading. I think some people are buying in this share. Good news.

03-12-2015, 02:18 PM
I am watching the depth of trading. I think some people are buying in this share. Good news.

Nice optimistic view, but sell side easily outweighs buy side and people are only buying below 34 cents, when they start buying above 34 cents, then that will be good news.

03-12-2015, 03:07 PM
I am watching the depth of trading. I think some people are buying in this share. Good news.

Yes I can see someone has faith with a massive buy order of 500k @ 0.03 cents

04-12-2015, 09:06 AM
Good article here just posted via VMob's twitter account, the integration of the VMob platform with MS Power BI is announced: http://www.marketwired.com/press-release/vmobs-personalized-mobile-marketing-analytics-now-available-on-microsoft-power-bi-2078969.htm

"One of our pioneering partners in the practical application of marketing insights and analytics, VMob demonstrated McDonald's success with Power BI at our annual Worldwide Partner Conference this year." He continued, "Having proven its ability to deliver value to its customers through big data analytics, this value is now being opened up to the market through VMob's Power BI content pack. It's a positive step forward, and as a result we expect to see more brands utilize Power BI for their business insights."

"Given the growing number of channels competing for consumers' attention, understanding the methods most effective in driving in-store purchases can have a definite impact on a business' success," said Bradley. "Our integration with Microsoft Power BI makes it easy for retailers to visualize and understand vast stores of customer data and take the actions that lead to increased loyalty, higher conversion rates and additional revenue streams."

04-12-2015, 10:52 AM
Thanks for sharing, Baa.

Good article here just posted via VMob's twitter account, the integration of the VMob platform with MS Power BI is announced: http://www.marketwired.com/press-release/vmobs-personalized-mobile-marketing-analytics-now-available-on-microsoft-power-bi-2078969.htm

"One of our pioneering partners in the practical application of marketing insights and analytics, VMob demonstrated McDonald's success with Power BI at our annual Worldwide Partner Conference this year." He continued, "Having proven its ability to deliver value to its customers through big data analytics, this value is now being opened up to the market through VMob's Power BI content pack. It's a positive step forward, and as a result we expect to see more brands utilize Power BI for their business insights."

"Given the growing number of channels competing for consumers' attention, understanding the methods most effective in driving in-store purchases can have a definite impact on a business' success," said Bradley. "Our integration with Microsoft Power BI makes it easy for retailers to visualize and understand vast stores of customer data and take the actions that lead to increased loyalty, higher conversion rates and additional revenue streams."

07-12-2015, 10:37 AM
Morning! Trademates. A new week. Hope the statements come out this week.

07-12-2015, 10:50 AM
Found this page https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/vmob/competitors there are some competitors of Vmob. I am going to study these competitors to find out Vmob's position in the market.

Harvey Specter
07-12-2015, 12:59 PM
Found this page https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/vmob/competitors there are some competitors of Vmob. I am going to study these competitors to find out Vmob's position in the market.let us know if any have McD's as a customer and have Microsoft giving them stage time during their conference. ;)

Just because a competitor exists, doesn't mean it is a true competitor. Crunchbase will pick up any start-up based in San Fran thats put our a press release.

07-12-2015, 03:40 PM
Found this page https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/vmob/competitors there are some competitors of Vmob. I am going to study these competitors to find out Vmob's position in the market.

Urban AirShip looks pretty cool. Funded up to $76 million including Peter Thiel.

09-12-2015, 12:22 PM
Are they too busy to disclose any financial statements?:scared:

09-12-2015, 01:21 PM
Are they too busy to disclose any financial statements?:scared:

The NZAX disclosure rule 10.4 states that (paraphrased) the issuer must 'announce' within 75 days of the end of HY and issue the report no later than 4 months after HY.

But as I've already posted, we should expect the results early-mid Dec. Deadline date (75 days) for the 'announce' is Monday 14th Dec.

Be calm. Sophisticated investors have been buying millions of shares, not the piddly 1000's we see on the market.

09-12-2015, 04:35 PM
The NZAX disclosure rule 10.4 states that (paraphrased) the issuer must 'announce' within 75 days of the end of HY and issue the report no later than 4 months after HY.

But as I've already posted, we should expect the results early-mid Dec. Deadline date (75 days) for the 'announce' is Monday 14th Dec.

Be calm. Sophisticated investors have been buying millions of shares, not the piddly 1000's we see on the market.

So they have 3 working days.

10-12-2015, 08:51 AM
HY Interim Report announced https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/274891

10-12-2015, 09:13 AM
Total Revenue $3.3mil
Net loss after tax $3.2mil.
Market cap $24.5mil.
Not exactly "well positioned."

10-12-2015, 09:19 AM
Total Revenue $3.3mil
Net loss after tax $3.2mil.
Market cap $24.5mil.
Not exactly "well positioned."

They say they are in a strong position

This increase in momentum in the US will place VMob in a strong position to win more new business in the 2016 year.

10-12-2015, 09:24 AM
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm.

10-12-2015, 09:31 AM
Better than i thought. They did raise some capital recently. So they have some cash.

10-12-2015, 09:38 AM
Sound good!!!! :t_up:

10-12-2015, 09:43 AM
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm.

• ACMR forecast to exceed $10m in next six to nine months.

So taking a halfway point, this is roughly August next year. How do you get your companies valuation up to $40 million by March 31 based on this??