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28-04-2015, 04:22 PM
Also how/when do they decide the listing price on the ASX? If I buy 25 shares at $0.019 and those 25 shares are consolidated into 1 share, I paid $0.475 for that one share. What happens if the listing price for ASX is NZD$0.4? Do I then lose value?

28-04-2015, 04:30 PM
Also how/when do they decide the listing price on the ASX? If I buy 25 shares at $0.019 and those 25 shares are consolidated into 1 share, I paid $0.475 for that one share. What happens if the listing price for ASX is NZD$0.4? Do I then lose value?

VML will pick a price for its ASX listing.

On opening day, the market will decide what it's worth.

For instance, MJP.ASX was selling pre-IPO shares for $3.00NZ each. They did a 1:10 dilution to make the price more attractive for the IPO. The IPO price was 40AU cents per share. On listing day, it traded briefly below 40 cents then went up to about $3.15 over a week or so.

There was no reason for such a jump - just goes to show, the market decides what it trades at after listing :D

29-04-2015, 04:18 AM
Oh dear, looks like Wallace and BaaBaa have arranged for all their posts to be deleted. Shame

Methinks they have been approached by VMob to participate in the next cap raising and as now they are 'insiders' they thought it prudent to wipe the slate clean

29-04-2015, 06:46 AM
Got to be careful on anonymous Internet forums. One day they're there, nek minnit they're gone.

Maybe they finished selling into all of this great news, to take advantage of that placement...


29-04-2015, 07:31 AM
And their gone.....

OK back to the tape, someone is selling at 2c and someone else is buying, this has been happening for some time now, it doesn't look retail on either side. The seller is too patient and the buyer knows the game.

Its great that you have dedicated your life to this board and saving people from the impending doom of a possible pump and dump Robbo. If Robbo decides to delete his hourly service to the great uneducated / unsuspecting / unwashed we will be back down to a few pages of posts based on market news and chart analysis, wow imagine that. Remember its all built into the chart and the tape never lies.

29-04-2015, 07:54 AM
And their gone.....

OK back to the tape, someone is selling at 2c and someone else is buying, this has been happening for some time now, it doesn't look retail on either side. The seller is too patient and the buyer knows the game.

Its great that you have dedicated your life to this board and saving people from the impending doom of a possible pump and dump Robbo. If Robbo decides to delete his hourly service to the great uneducated / unsuspecting / unwashed we will be back down to a few pages of posts based on market news and chart analysis, wow imagine that. Remember its all built into the chart and the tape never lies.

And they're back!

29-04-2015, 08:03 AM
I wish I had known about this function earlier - Now in place
ahhhhhh no more negavity

One thing I've learnt in years of being on forums; never ignore the posters who argue against an investment.Sure some are obvious downrampers and many holders are uprampers(its human nature). Posters with money invested tend to look for views that support their view and disregard opposing views so can become biased and sometimes pawns to people with other agendas e.g. wanting to influence the s/p,have little power trips, or are employed by the company in question for example.
Im not saying this is happening here( more on another forum i go to) but who knows. Ignoring posters often means you are getting a biased picture and one can miss warning signs.
This is general rant and not aimed at VML but a response to montys reaction.

29-04-2015, 08:19 AM
One thing I've learnt in years of being on forums; never ignore the posters who argue against an investment.Sure some are obvious downrampers and many holders are uprampers(its human nature). Posters with money invested tend to look for views that support their view and disregard opposing views so can become biased and sometimes pawns to people with other agendas e.g. wanting to influence the s/p,have little power trips, or are employed by the company in question for example.
Im not saying this is happening here( more on another forum i go to) but who knows. Ignoring posters often means you are getting a biased picture and one can miss warning signs.
This is general rant and not aimed at VML but a response to montys reaction.

Totally agree.

29-04-2015, 08:27 AM
Totally agree.
As do I. I can understand it can be confusing for people when people are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

This cahoots deleting of posts hardly adds any value to a now disjointed thread, so I don't know about that -- perhaps if too much unrelated banter wasn't entered into in the first place none of that would have been deemed necessary.

Anyway, Joshuatree I think that is important to note. I recall Pacific Edge dropping from $1.70 to $0.65 all whilst similarish thoughts were being voiced; downrampers "attacked in the street" type behaviour. Not cool.

29-04-2015, 08:53 AM
Oh dear, looks like Wallace and BaaBaa have arranged for all their posts to be deleted. Shame

Methinks they have been approached by VMob to participate in the next cap raising and as now they are 'insiders' they thought it prudent to wipe the slate clean

Really, you know more about it than I do. Not sure where Wallace's posts have gone though.

29-04-2015, 08:56 AM
Welcome it-guy, post a chart, it would be good to have a fresh viewpoint. Who do you think it is sitting on .02

And their gone.....

OK back to the tape, someone is selling at 2c and someone else is buying, this has been happening for some time now, it doesn't look retail on either side. The seller is too patient and the buyer knows the game.

Its great that you have dedicated your life to this board and saving people from the impending doom of a possible pump and dump Robbo. If Robbo decides to delete his hourly service to the great uneducated / unsuspecting / unwashed we will be back down to a few pages of posts based on market news and chart analysis, wow imagine that. Remember its all built into the chart and the tape never lies.

29-04-2015, 09:06 AM
"attacked in the street" type behaviour

Deleting their posts in tandem is fairly good proof that they were working in tandem for some purpose. Deleting their posts is probably an inference that the plan is over.

Anwyay, VML's placement advertising has been released: https://nzx.com/files/attachments/212023.pdf

I think it's interesting that VML disclosed some of the spin-off information of their highly confidential contract with McDonalds:

McDonalds Global Contract
Example potential of VMob in one global account
- Total McDonald’s Stores Globally – 33,500
- Countries 119
- Customers per day 68 million
- VMob currently deployed in 3 markets / 3,800 stores
12% of stores globally
- US has 13,500 stores so total will be 17,300 or 52% of global
stores when VMob goes live in US in 2015

However, I am saddened that they would disclose this information one day earlier (28 April) to their potential placement punters than they did to the market in general.

I also see they've decided to do a SPP for existing investors - another strange twist in the VML saga. From "pre-IPO" to "private placement" to "private placement and SPP."


29-04-2015, 10:24 AM
Deleting their posts in tandem is fairly good proof that they were working in tandem for some purpose. Deleting their posts is probably an inference that the plan is over

Yes, too funny really. People who (probably) work for the outfits in question should have the decency to declare it.

as for it-guy, well, they possibly forgot they signed up a few months ago as IT_GUY?

they should be Baa'ed:eek2:

29-04-2015, 10:29 AM
Yes, too funny really. People who (probably) work for the outfits in question should have the decency to declare it.

as for it-guy, well, they possibly forgot they signed up a few months ago as IT_GUY?

they should be Baa'ed:eek2:

it-guy signed up last evening / IT Guy signed up a few months ago

it-guy has not made any 'friends' yet

29-04-2015, 11:27 AM
I have to ask what your connection to this company is besides being a shareholder. It seems you are very close to management and the company if so what role ,tasks, contracts ,work, representation do you do.? Full disclosure please.Thankyou

Baabaa maintained no connection in any way.Would it be an offence if he was?

29-04-2015, 11:35 AM
And in the meantime the VMob good news train just rolls along.
at the @icomglobal awards dinner VMob has been the category winner for
data creativity mobile award
data venture challenge mobile award and
Data venture challenge overall award.

none of this will impact on share price and will probably go well under the radar, but these awards add to the growing list of achievements. Many here remain cynical of VMob. That is fine, but the industry and the growing list of companies who are part of the VMob story see it otherwise.

29-04-2015, 11:35 AM
Both Baa and Wallace D are still on the members list so haven't actually disappeared unlike Moosie aka BFG( Actually there was a post from The Moose on a NBR article on the CFO of Xero resigning so he's still around but not on here)

29-04-2015, 11:43 AM
Baabaa maintained no connection in any way.Would it be an offence if he was?



http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2013/0069/latest/DLM4091319.html (or http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2013/0069/latest/DLM4091310.html)




29-04-2015, 11:43 AM
I have been in touch with Baa
he ( or she) advises that he /she is alive and well and that absence is only a technical hitch and will be back as soon as problems are sorted. Don't fret the debate can continue.

29-04-2015, 12:08 PM
Thanks Monty, I can see everything that's going on and post as well, but apparently no one can see it, except me. I can't see Wallace's posts either as it happens. Hopefully STMod can sort it out.

And when this post is revealed, I can categorically state and re-assure everyone that I have absolutely no association with VMob except for being a shareholder, and a happy one at that.

Thanks to all the lovely members for your kind thoughts. :)

29-04-2015, 01:03 PM
I think that McDonalds info was already known information as they already said they were commencing immediate deployment in the US which has 14,267 restaurants according to Wikipedia.

I found their points around their relationship with Microsoft as interesting as I never knew this and wonder if it ever was announced, or perhaps it is something new as a result of that price sensitive announcement yesterday titled Collaboration Plans with Microsoft but:

- VMob is one of Microsoft’s largest global Azure partners – multi million dollar Azurerevenues from global Enterprise clients (EPG)
- Microsoft account managers get credited with selling VMob in the same was as sellingany core Microsoft product like Office365

I don't know about the second part of the first point, and I think they mean "way" not "was" in the second one but it's very interesting. Also the barrage of capital they seem to want to raise this year:

- Pre IPO round May 2015 and SPP to existing NZ investors
- Capital raise at IPO to further accelerate global opportunity

I hope that they can raise a very decent amount such that it would actually add to the current market capitalisation in a meaningful way, which doesn't seem like too harder of a task.

29-04-2015, 09:46 PM
I have been in touch with Baa
he ( or she) advises that he /she is alive and well and that absence is only a technical hitch and will be back as soon as problems are sorted. Don't fret the debate can continue.

Fret if you fell into the VML honey trap. Never know who could be lulling you into buying their shares... :D

But hey I guess those buyers can always turn back to the great analysis on this thread by the tireless altruistic bulls. Oh wait, it's gone :D So have they :D

I'm sure there's a great story where I am the villain. Or is it something to do with this upcoming placement?

29-04-2015, 10:08 PM
Well I hope this all becomes clear fairly soon.

First point, I've never sold a single VML share and don't intend to anytime soon. I've been accumulating as best I can afford to.

Secondly, yes, I do think VML is a success in the making, I don't really mind much about whether anyone else is convinced, all I do is post my views and whatever info I think helps people make up their own minds.

Lastly, I've said it before but apparently you can't see it at the moment, that I have nothing to do with VMob except owning their shares, and I'm happy about that, very happy actually.

Just a happy shareholder.

Fret if you fell into the VML honey trap. Never know who could be lulling you into buying their shares... :D

But hey I guess those buyers can always turn back to the great analysis on this thread by the tireless altruistic bulls. Oh wait, it's gone :D So have they :D

I'm sure there's a great story where I am the villain. Or is it something to do with this upcoming placement?

30-04-2015, 01:00 AM

Subtle reminder, - Exercise caution in dealing with people you don't know offering advice and people who don't clearly advise or disclose who they work for.


30-04-2015, 07:07 AM
Well I hope this all becomes clear fairly soon.

First point, I've never sold a single VML share and don't intend to anytime soon. I've been accumulating as best I can afford to.

Secondly, yes, I do think VML is a success in the making, I don't really mind much about whether anyone else is convinced, all I do is post my views and whatever info I think helps people make up their own minds.

Lastly, I've said it before but apparently you can't see it at the moment, that I have nothing to do with VMob except owning their shares, and I'm happy about that, very happy actually.

Just a happy shareholder.

Great news everyone, I managed to use Google Cache to dig up all of Baa Baa and Wallace's posts! All 70-odd pages of them! Woo-hoo!

They will be freely available this evening once I upload them to some webspace.

If we all work together we can overcome the technical difficulties that led to them asking for all their posts to be deleted. :D

30-04-2015, 07:28 AM
This expo stuff costs big money Great that someone else is helping pay the bill, and Microsoft will have a well located stand in the main hall, not a small booth in hall 9. :D

Microsoft will also provide additional assistance including a joint presence at several key international events including the Mobile World Congress (Spain), Retail Live Week (UK), Inside Retail (Australia), NRF (US) and Consumer Electronics Show (US).

I wonder how Anheuser–Busch are going to use the platform, beer purchases are a recurring purchase well suited to mobile advertising and voucher redemption. Anheuser–Busch have developed some engaging i-phone/android phone apps around sports events that they sponsor,

Loving it :D

30-04-2015, 08:35 AM
Welcome back BaaBaa and Wallace. It was getting a little quiet around here without you.

30-04-2015, 10:13 AM
VML seems to be taking a hammering.

With 1.4bn shares on offer, and a large recent placement at 1 cent, there is people sitting on cheap shares everywhere.

Makes me think of a few possible scenarios:
1) Holders selling down at high prices to take advantage of the placement which will invariably be at a discount.
2) Holders know what the placement price is/will be so they are taking profits to buy back shares at a discount.
3) Market thinks the shares are overvalued, a race to get out the door.
4) Buyers have seen through the consolidation guise and are not interested in buying VML.

Be careful out there :D

30-04-2015, 11:00 AM
I wonder qhat their losses are since they've been ramping up salese tc.they should throw in a few negative comments in their annpuncements or at leastsomemore numbers to balance things out a bit. Surely it can't be all positive news. Seems a bit smoke and mirrors at the moment.they really need to balance out all their positive anouncements or provide more details.The market doesnt react poositively to these recent announcements. So most people must be a bit suspicious. i get a feeling of smoke and mirrors too.
Time will tell i will hang in there though not selling at this point. Famous last words.

30-04-2015, 11:10 AM
See what you mean Mule.Down re 16% to 1.6c on all this positive news?

30-04-2015, 11:15 AM
See what you mean Mule.Down re 16% to 1.6c on all this positive news?

If the shareprice drops another .9 cents they will have to either change the consolidation ratio or can the prospect of an ASX listing :D

0.8*25=20 cents (ASX listing limit)

30-04-2015, 11:20 AM
W would all love more information mule. As a shareholder it is frustrating that the details are not known. Therefore all share purchases to date are purely speculative based on the good Niels stories that are streaming. We all undertake our purchase decisions based on a variety of factors and weigh tings on those factors. Some place decisions on the financial information that is available ( very limited) and others on the contract announcements such as McDonalds and Microsoft, seven-11 etc.

what I am hoping for is solid information in the upcoming financial year end, and the prospectus for the listing on the ASX between July and October this year.

A few few of us here have been to investor presentations and read everything that is publically available on VMob. Our investments are based on the potential and faith. I am comfortable that I have bought as many shares as I can afford, but I will now hold pending some solid information being released.

it seems all buses have abandoned VMob pending solid information inspite of the recent spate of positive announcements. Maybe I should purchase a few more while the price is so low ( inspite of being a bit overloaded already

Harvey Specter
30-04-2015, 11:36 AM
VML seems to be taking a hammering.

With 1.4bn shares on offer, and a large recent placement at 1 cent, there is people sitting on cheap shares everywhere.

Makes me think of a few possible scenarios:
1) Holders selling down at high prices to take advantage of the placement which will invariably be at a discount.
2) Holders know what the placement price is/will be so they are taking profits to buy back shares at a discount.
3) Market thinks the shares are overvalued, a race to get out the door.
4) Buyers have seen through the consolidation guise and are not interested in buying VML.

Be careful out there :DNOt ruling out 3 and 4 but 1 and 2 happen every time a SPP is proposed (not just for VML). The big issue with SPP is whether people will be able to buy back the same amount (at a discount) that they sold at 'market' price, or as more often happens, the SPP is scaled.

30-04-2015, 01:18 PM
Hey Robbo - have you managed to get in as price has dipped? :D

I read that you like charts, we are at the 20 week SMA, and just above the McD's price gap from 1.4c its a great technical entry right here, if you dont agree at what level would you buy in?

I assume that you are not just here out of the goodness of your heart and that "at the right price" you would own vmob "again" not that i am looking to front run your order :D

30-04-2015, 01:26 PM
Hey Robbo - have you managed to get in as price has dipped? :D

Slow stochastic still has a way to go down yet. Trading halt doesn't come into effect until closing time tomorrow.

That SMA200 looks juicy.


30-04-2015, 03:47 PM
Global Recognition for VMob at I-COM Awards


30-04-2015, 05:08 PM
Interesting Bid of 10,000,000 at $0.001

The M word comes to mind.

30-04-2015, 05:09 PM
Its Quiet round here, too quiet... is everyone long now? Can we all hold hands and sing Kum ba yah?

Month end and approx 25mil shares transacted for April, only about 1.7% of float. I think this may change once Aussie listing goes through, if the big boys "got to get out of this place" they need more liquidity. :D

30-04-2015, 05:20 PM
Are It- guy and Wallace the same. I guess they aren't because nothing has been disclosed.

30-04-2015, 05:24 PM
Are It- guy and Wallace the same. I guess they aren't because nothing has been disclosed.

Nah, Wallace probably works for Vmob - doesn't seem prepared to front with any disclosures, either way.

it-guy has a pair of antlers

30-04-2015, 05:39 PM
Interesting Bid of 10,000,000 at $0.001

The M word comes to mind.


30-04-2015, 05:55 PM
VML seems to be taking a hammering.

With 1.4bn shares on offer, and a large recent placement at 1 cent, there is people sitting on cheap shares everywhere.

Makes me think of a few possible scenarios:
1) Holders selling down at high prices to take advantage of the placement which will invariably be at a discount.
2) Holders know what the placement price is/will be so they are taking profits to buy back shares at a discount.
3) Market thinks the shares are overvalued, a race to get out the door.
4) Buyers have seen through the consolidation guise and are not interested in buying VML.

Be careful out there :D

5) A few holders not wanting to be locked in for a week or so during the consolidation trading halt. Could be a bit weak tomorrow also, providing a buying op if you're into buying before consolidations.
I'm holding and would normally be out during a consolidation but in this case happy to stay in pending any possible upside announcements prior to post consolidation trading.
A week is a long time in this space.

30-04-2015, 06:07 PM
6) the lower the share price the lower the placement could price and still look respectable, only 56k nzd turnover, not much if you believe this puppy will be higher later and you want to get more for your 100k ..... key here is they have to get out and they can only do this if they can get the price and liquidity up. the entire 25mil shares traded this month is only 500k nzd, total market cap is 26mil less after dilution, doesn't look like the pump (before the dump) has happened yet to me.

That said there have been some reasonable sized blocks selling/buying this last month, perhaps 5 insiders managed to get 100k out each... I don't see it, who was doing ALL the buying down at 1.2c there was a lot of buying down there.

30-04-2015, 07:50 PM
7. I went to ask Wallace D for some disclosure on his "Just ask Wallace" thread (what f'ing arrogance....) only to find it's all over. On that basis, reason #7 will be the blue-eyed brigade have realised it was all a pump, and are selling out.

listen to the advice of uncle Vince......#1089

30-04-2015, 08:01 PM
Maybe the big boys who are not intimately involved with the company would rather see a listing price on the ASX closer to .30 cent than 50 cent. The listing price has to be attractive to the Aussie market. This is not buy sell or hold advice. After all, nobody really knows what the shareprice will do. It could go up down or sideways :)

30-04-2015, 10:44 PM
Just a note, - Baa Baa has done nothing wrong just to clear the air on that!


01-05-2015, 09:52 AM
To think, today could be the last day to get in before the CONSOLIDATION ROCKET SHIP blasts off!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

01-05-2015, 09:53 AM
haha some Muppet is front running the Muppets' order

01-05-2015, 09:55 AM
haha some Muppet is front running the Muppets' order


Watch as they SLOWLY MOVE THEIR 10M BUY ORDERS up the bid side of the ledger :D

01-05-2015, 10:01 AM
nah I think its just that brokers like ASB now allow Muppets to enter digital orders on the NZX Alternative Market.....

01-05-2015, 10:42 AM
nah I think its just that brokers like ASB now allow Muppets to enter digital orders on the NZX Alternative Market.....

Don't you see? Can't you tell? By reducing the number of shares it sweeps under the carpet evidence of capital raisings in the past.

The Institutional Muppets know this, they are going to find you (http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/12/04/article-0-0F0CF85A00000578-505_468x306.jpg):D

01-05-2015, 01:56 PM
Just a note, - Baa Baa has done nothing wrong just to clear the air on that!


Thanks Vince.

01-05-2015, 04:46 PM
ouch never did understand how Arria managed to work their magic.... at least I can understand how vmob works. Still it points to the fact that investors can be wise to exit JUST AFTER A FLOAT.....


Arria listed on AIM, the London Stock Exchange's international market for growth companies, in December 2013.
Its shares swiftly rocketed to a high of 282.5p after the float, before slumping to 73.5p by March 2014.
The stock fell more than 72 per cent to close at 8.5p, giving Arria a market capitalisation of less than 9 million pounds, following yesterday's announcement about the Shell contract.

01-05-2015, 10:08 PM
So that's it for the penny share, $0.017 close and the queue is erased, RIP phase one of VMob's future, it's be an exciting ride so far.

@ 25 times consolidation holders have 25x less stock next week, but logically @ $0.425 for the open on Thursday 7th May, the new queue will be interesting to watch when and as it develops prior to open.

Along with all the amazing good news this week, which the nervous nellies and the down-rampers have largely negated, I would expect a stream of more good news starting early next week and leading up to the pre-IPO capital raising and SPP, maybe signing some new customers, posting some implementation results, maybe even some new revenue/ACMR numbers.

It will be a test of confidence in the future of VMob. I'm on board for sure, this company has success written all over it.


01-05-2015, 10:26 PM
So that's it for the penny share, $0.017 close and the queue is erased, RIP phase one of VMob's future, it's be an exciting ride so far.

@ 25 times consolidation holders have 25x less stock next week, but logically @ $0.425 for the open on Thursday 7th May, the new queue will be interesting to watch when and as it develops prior to open.

Along with all the amazing good news this week, which the nervous nellies and the down-rampers have largely negated, I would expect a stream of more good news starting early next week and leading up to the pre-IPO capital raising and SPP, maybe signing some new customers, posting some implementation results, maybe even some new revenue/ACMR numbers.

It will be a test of confidence in the future of VMob. I'm on board for sure, this company has success written all over it.


There's another way for stocks to shake off "penny dreadful status" - that is when the market decides the share is undervalued and bids up the share price. This has not occurred with VMob. They call it "institutionalisation" but in reality its "sweeping years of shareholder neglect under the carpet" :D

Guess when the time comes I'll have to switch onto ASX forums and start educating the masses over there.

Perhaps I could reference some of the bullish information flying around here over the last few weeks - esp those buyers hoovering up shares in the mid 2 cent range :D

01-05-2015, 11:22 PM
, this company has success written all over it.


A certainty ,eh, written like some else used to on the CRP thread. Goodluck, but do you have to spread it so blatantly thick in a Pied piper, follow me way? It tends to blemish the quality of your opinions/ and other details.

02-05-2015, 08:43 AM
A certainty ,eh, written like some else used to on the CRP thread. Goodluck, but do you have to spread it so blatantly thick in a Pied piper, follow me way? It tends to blemish the quality of your opinions/ and other details.
This thread displays many similarities to the old SNK thread with about the same amount of hype let's hope the company doesn't head the same way. Disc-Was tempted to buy some at 1.7c but then thought yeah/nah leave it alone.

03-05-2015, 09:03 PM
A certainty ,eh, written like some else used to on the CRP thread. Goodluck, but do you have to spread it so blatantly thick in a Pied piper, follow me way? It tends to blemish the quality of your opinions/ and other details.

Certainty is your word Josh. VML also aren't trying for a precedent licence from a dysfunctional EPA to vacuum the ocean floor, so I don't see the relevance of your comparison with CRP.

I do think VMob are and will be very successful, they have broken through into revenue generation, their ACMR is growing quickly, they have an A-List of customers and great prospects, they have been recognised by IT and Retail sector awards as best in class, they have tremendous support from Microsoft, and are positioning for growth and listing on the ASX. As a shareholder I'm excited about their success and prospects for the future.

04-05-2015, 01:45 PM
"This company has success written all over it"; because baabaa has bought shares in it.:). Sounds pretty "certain" alright.More relevant than ever. Some posters when they buy into a stock will say anything to get it over the line; including ,ramping;pulling people who want someone to follow, promoting it big time(CRP). Mixing facts with normalising a sure thing. Its a shame because their facts are intermingled with crosby/textor speak and makes the whole post suspect; when it isn't. Great promotion there baabaa , blindspot intact.

04-05-2015, 02:22 PM
"This company has success written all over it"; because baabaa has bought shares in it.:). Sounds pretty "certain" alright.More relevant than ever. Some posters when they buy into a stock will say anything to get it over the line; including ,ramping;pulling people who want someone to follow, promoting it big time(CRP). Mixing facts with normalising a sure thing. Its a shame because their facts are intermingled with crosby/textor speak and makes the whole post suspect; when it isn't. Great promotion there baabaa , blindspot intact.

I had to Google what you meant by crosby/textor speak - a very apt observation, Joshuatree:

An unmatched pedigree (http://www.crosbytextor.com/about/) The C|T Group is the creation of campaign strategists, Lynton Crosby and Mark Textor. We offer an unmatched pedigree combining comprehensive experience in market research, strategic communications and campaign execution.

The C|T Group delivers powerful, targeted solutions built on the foundation of research and insights into the highest levels of business, capital markets, government, bureaucracy and the media.

We appreciate the impact of timely information and the need to identify and focus resources on your most persuadable 'swing' targets and stakeholders.

Combined with understanding the elements of effective corporate leadership and the power of values-based communication, these lessons have been applied, with great success, for corporate clients, industry associations, investors and governments.


04-05-2015, 04:12 PM
What as a matter of interest would your assessment be of the alternate behaviours here be, it's been really horrible being on the receiving end of it.

I'm interested in hearing others views on last weeks investor presentation, it would be good to have some rational discussion. Is there anything you've picked up on?

"This company has success written all over it"; because baabaa has bought shares in it.:). Sounds pretty "certain" alright.More relevant than ever. Some posters when they buy into a stock will say anything to get it over the line; including ,ramping;pulling people who want someone to follow, promoting it big time(CRP). Mixing facts with normalising a sure thing. Its a shame because their facts are intermingled with crosby/textor speak and makes the whole post suspect; when it isn't. Great promotion there baabaa , blindspot intact.

05-05-2015, 09:54 AM
I didn't find out anything material (no surprise you aren't meant to....) but I was surprised by how many McD's stores where not yet online. The monthly forward numbers are not real revenue they are projected and it would be easy to bias this upwards and then just be able to say (they where subject to contract cancels etc etc etc), easy legal out.

I liked fact Microsoft want them on the booth. VMOB does have the look of a bunch of sharks made good... I don't see any offloading or dumping going on, the daily turnover seems pretty low in $ for anyone big to be exiting. The ponzi continual private placements and options don't impress me BUT I am willing to hold for now. Highly speculative play but could turn a big trading opportunity. I can't see how these boys are going to exit to institutional investors without some hard $$$ rolling in on the revenue side.

05-05-2015, 12:43 PM
I didn't find out anything material (no surprise you aren't meant to....) but I was surprised by how many McD's stores where not yet online. The monthly forward numbers are not real revenue they are projected and it would be easy to bias this upwards and then just be able to say (they where subject to contract cancels etc etc etc), easy legal out.

I liked fact Microsoft want them on the booth. VMOB does have the look of a bunch of sharks made good... I don't see any offloading or dumping going on, the daily turnover seems pretty low in $ for anyone big to be exiting. The ponzi continual private placements and options don't impress me BUT I am willing to hold for now. Highly speculative play but could turn a big trading opportunity. I can't see how these boys are going to exit to institutional investors without some hard $$$ rolling in on the revenue side.

Everyone turn your mid-2-cent-range hoovers off for the time being: (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/directtrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3865316)

VMob Group Limited (VMob) announces that it is about to undertake a placement to raise up to NZ$3.0 million through the issue of up to 187.5 million ordinary shares at an issue price of NZ$0.016 per share (or 7.5 million ordinary shares at an issue price of NZ$0.40 per share post consolidation). The placement will be made to wholesale investors in New Zealand andsophisticated investors in Australia.

Consistent with the advice set out in the Company's investor presentation released to the market on 29 April 2015, VMob also confirms its intention to offer its New Zealand shareholders the opportunity to participate in a Share Purchase Plan (SPP), which will be launched later this month. The target raising from the SPP will be NZ$500,000 but the Company will reserve theright, at its discretion, to accept over-subscriptions. Pricing for the SPP will be the same as the pricing offered to those parties participating in the private placement.


05-05-2015, 12:46 PM
No wonder the huge rush for insiders/people in the know to sell out before the trading halt :D

No wonder the coincidental glass floor of 1.6 cents :D

I think Baa_Baa put it best in his comments on the PushPay thread:

The PAY money go round insider share allocations interest free loans and entitlements machine fires into action. Some great deals being shared amongst insiders, considering the lofty share price presently $4.50 https://www.nzx.com/markets/NZAX/securities/PAY/announcements

Harvey Specter
05-05-2015, 12:57 PM
But the great thing is there is a public pool!

But at $500k that is only about $500 for each shareholder.

05-05-2015, 01:00 PM
But the great thing is there is a public pool!

But at $500k that is only about $500 for each shareholder.

Not public, just a very small allocation available for existing holders.

Can't wait for the announcement... VML SPP OVERSUBSCRIBED and all the fa la la la hype to go with it :D

The Real Bud Fox
05-05-2015, 01:28 PM
The capital raising(s) are only marginally dilutive given the amount raised. The bigger picture is VML having money to fund any cash burn during its ramp up/growth phase. There's some real haters on here. I'm indifferent. I just think the long game is important.....now I'll wait to be lambasted.

05-05-2015, 01:41 PM
The bigger picture is VML having money to fund any cash burn during its ramp up/growth phase.

I'm not convinced the cash will last that long.

They did a PP in late January of $2.17m. I'm not sure how much money they had before that placement but they have announced that they have got $900k left. Money is being spent pretty quickly.

Best case, they have spent $1.3m in 3 months although it is probably much more. So, the $3m (or $3.5m including SPP) will only last 8 months. And that's the best case. I'd be expecting another capital raise by the end of the year.

Harvey Specter
05-05-2015, 01:42 PM
The capital raising(s) are only marginally dilutive given the amount raised. The bigger picture is VML having money to fund any cash burn during its ramp up/growth phase. There's some real haters on here. I'm indifferent. I just think the long game is important.....now I'll wait to be lambasted.I happy with VML. Just disappointed the SPP is so small - will have to apply for the maximum $15k worth just to ensure you get the maximum scaled amount which will probably be in the $500 - $1000 range.

05-05-2015, 02:50 PM
Will be problematic if they don't manage to place the issue at 1.6c pre-consolidation.... on a positive side insto will be paying more then retail did pre the McD's announcement.

They seem to be expanding sales team in US/Europe and team in NZ, pretty expensive to do all this but necessary if you want to win the big spender accounts.

If they can convince Insto to get in at 1.6c I am well happy with my lot.

05-05-2015, 03:49 PM
I read today reports that McDonalds Global are looking at a restructure to boost flagging sales. The Herald reports Mcdonalds will "restructure its global empire, slash costs and spruce up its menu in a turnaround plan released today called "a modern, progressive burger company."

The modern progressive burger company got my attention. There is also a plan to cut $300m in spending. Worth noting that this is a drop in the bucket of the $35b in sales in the USA.

I can't help but think that VMob will be a part of the future of McDonalds as they think of different and more effective ways of doing things.

So when I get the chance I will increase my modest holding just a little more and maintain the support I have had for VMob over the past couple of years. I am looking forward to the listing on the ASX later this year. But right now im looking forward to the investor disclosures that may accompany the next round of capital raising

05-05-2015, 04:12 PM
They (McD's) need to make real bloody burgers mate... like burger fuel or the Tokoroa takeways..... the current little crop of so called food which is the same in every country doesn't cut it in the new NZ gourmet burger economy... that said those high end buyers are well connected to facebook offers etc etc. I see facebook as one of vmob's biggest competitiors.... MoD is one of the biggest property owning companies in the World, they will redesign the menu, suck it up and move forward.

05-05-2015, 04:37 PM
I do agree re the blandness of the McDonalds Burgers. And I prefer them done on the BBQ. Actually I prefer Burger King (much tastier) out of the American stable of mass produced fast food stable. But saying that McDonalds does sell $35b in the USA per annum. They do have 36,000 outlets world wide. They feed 1% (or 68m people) of the world population everyday and they are the biggest.

That is not a bad client to have.

And hopefully VMob are signing up other significant clients as they expand. but I want to see the money. ACMR growth at 1600% is good but now last years news. what is the ACMR projections going to be on 1 July 2015, 1 October 2015 and 1 Jan 2016. We need the income projections and the detail in the information. Hopefully the upcoming listing on the ASX will mean much information will be provided, or they may have some difficulty raising the money they want.

06-05-2015, 08:59 AM
Will be problematic if they don't manage to place the issue at 1.6c pre-consolidation.... on a positive side insto will be paying more then retail did pre the McD's announcement.

And on the topic of capital raising, VML says (https://nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/263957):

Formal meeting matters

1. Ratification of Previous Share Private Placements

To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution of the Company:

“That the 8,205,511 ordinary shares issued by the Company for private placement capital raising without shareholder approval since the last Annual Meeting, as allowed under NZAX Listing Rule 7.3.5, be ratified with immediate effect under, and for the purpose of, NZAX Listing Rule 7.3.5(a)(iii).”
The Company may wish to raise further capital for growth in the short term and wishes to ensure that it has the flexibility to do so without exceeding the 25% threshold described above. NZAX Listing Rule 7.3.5(a)(iii) allows further headroom to be created for this threshold if previous share issues within the last 12 months are formally ratified by the shareholders by way of an ordinary resolution. Accordingly, the Company is seeking that Resolution 1 is passed in order to allow the Board the flexibility to decide on any such further capital raising.

So, now VML are lining themselves up for more discretionary capital raisings.Why, knowing that they would do a pre-IPO capital raising and IPO capital raising, did they issue shares to themselves at such a discount? WHY? Not that the reason matters, because now when it's time to do a capital raising to the public (at an inflated price to what they paid) they need shareholder approval to do it because they've nearly reached their limit :D:D:D

Oh man this company just gets better and better - how they make me laugh and bring joy to all the kid's faces! :D:D

06-05-2015, 11:13 AM
They have to keep raising money because they are a start-up - and are still in the burning cash game. Its an unusual situation to be listed at this point in the game, normally a start-up business is going out to Vulture caps, having initially been angel funded, AND is a non listed entity at this point. Normally Listing or acquisition is the exit plan. Standard expection is a 20x return as many DONT MAKE IT.

At such an early point in any new tech space (this one being real time geo-location based client engagement) you don't expect profit, rather growth and attempt to become 1 of the dominate 3 in the global game. in fact retail normally don't even know the numbers as they are private companies at this stage ... normally.

There is no real issue with this as long as they keep extending the runway based on client onboarding.... SaaS is expensive to setup, Xero don't turn a profit and there is not much bleating so you can turn the no profit bleat off /NO_PROFIT_BLEAT=OFF :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Voucher marketing is a huge business globally, still early days.

VCs expect to fund a 2nd and a 3rd round of funding in a normal start-ups life....

Robbo just as Baa is a constant up-ramper you are a constant down-ramper can you see no future in the geolocation based client engagement space? then sell up and go invest somewhere else?

Its a great civic duty , reminding us of the individuals behind VMOBs past, your a bloody legend.

06-05-2015, 11:29 AM
They have to keep raising money because they are a start-up - and are still in the burning cash game ... your a bloody legend.

Directors selling shares to themselves at 1 cent a pop, dancing a merry-ho jig about a contract they knew about, then following up with a further capital raising at a 60% premium a month or two later isn't normal startup/cash burn behaviour. VML burns cash and is relatively low on money, I get it, but selling cheap shares to yourself with insider information then trying to hock off the same deal to others at a 60% premium down the track is a bit... A bit... A bit fresh, isn't it? :D

You mention XRO, just imagine if the XRO directors did that. There would be blood in the streets. :D

06-05-2015, 01:27 PM
Not sure there is any advantage in participating in the upcoming capital raise as the IPO on the ASX may offer discounts on this price and the SP may track down. Hard to judge what will happen over the next 6 months but I would be asking for more certainty around bothering with a 6% discount which isn't relevant to me at this stage because the SP could track down 20%.

06-05-2015, 01:32 PM
Not sure there is any advantage in participating in the upcoming capital raise as the IPO on the ASX may offer discounts on this price and the SP may track down. Hard to judge what will happen over the next 6 months but I would be asking for more certainty around bothering with a 6% discount which isn't relevant to me at this stage because the SP could track down 20%.

Robbo24's intuition card reads:

Between now and ASX raise VML will release another shockingly amazing contract announcement.
The ASX listing will be at a premium (albeit a small one) to the placement/SPP because otherwise it would be harder to sell an illiquid stock to placement investors.

ASX listing is meant to be all fancy and beautiful, hence the consolidation.

Now to ponder how shockingly amazing the contract announcement will be. :D

06-05-2015, 01:44 PM
Yes I have been waiting for one of these to justify investing further funds. It reminds me of the have to buy now advertising retailers do when you can actually wait....

06-05-2015, 01:51 PM
Yes I have been waiting for one of these to justify investing further funds. It reminds me of the have to buy now advertising retailers do when you can actually wait....

Oh you meant like this? :D


06-05-2015, 02:53 PM
First rule of sales is to create urgency

Robbo - where are the insider share sale notifications?


06-05-2015, 03:06 PM
First rule of sales is to create urgency

Robbo - where are the insider share sale notifications?


Sorry I'm not sure I know what you mean by that?

06-05-2015, 03:29 PM
Sorry I'm not sure I know what you mean by that?

the link was from the nzx here they are again

three major insiders declaring increased ownership of VMOB as required by NZX.

Mike Corden 4.3-> 8.1 mil
Scott Bradley 415 -> 432 mil
Phil Norman 50 -> 78 mil

Collectively an increase of 48 million shares, who exactly is doing all the "selling you refer to", they have to be reported sales on the NXZ even if after hours? and the insiders will under general ongoing disclosure have to declare the sales.

Unless you know a super sneaky selling method? please tell us and the regulators how they are doing so?

06-05-2015, 03:32 PM
Relevant interest
Both the D&O and SSH disclosure requirements refer to ‘relevant interest’. The meaning of ‘relevant
interest’ is set out in sections 5 – 5B of the Act and includes registered ownership, beneficial
ownership and the power to exercise control over a security.
Method of Disclosure
Both D&O and SSH disclosure notices must be provided to NZX for release to the market, by using
MAP or by emailing NZX at announce@nzx.com. Announcements are published under the public
issuer’s listing code between 8.30am and 5.30 pm on trading days.
SSH disclosures must be sent to NZX in both PDF and Word format. Documents which are illegible,
for example due to very small print, or cannot be published in a legible format, will not be released
by NZX.
Standard template forms for disclosure can be downloaded from the MAP website,
The potential consequence of failing to comply with either the D&O or SSH disclosure obligations is a
fine on summary conviction of up to $30,000, as well as civil remedies that can include forfeiture of
shareholdings or removal of voting rights.
Directors’ & Officers’ Disclosure
Directors and officers of public issuers have statutory disclosure obligations when they hold or
transact in securities of the public issuer of which they are a director or officer.
The basic D&O disclosure requirements are:
 directors and officers must disclose relevant interests and dealings in relevant interests,
within five trading days of becoming a director or officer or transacting in securities
 a director or officer has up to 30 days to disclose an acquisition or disposal of a relevant
interest that was provided under a share top-up plan, a dividend reinvestment scheme, or
an employee share scheme
 disclosure must be made to NZX and recorded in the interests register of the issuer
 the obligation to disclose continues for six months after ceasing to be a director or officer.
Sections 19T – 19Y of the Act contain the full disclosure requirements and should be read in
conjunction with:
 the Securities Markets (Disclosure of Relevant Interests by Directors and Officers)
Regulations 2003 (the D&O Regulations) which provide the framework on how disclosures
must be made
 the Securities Markets Act (Disclosure of Relevant Interests by Directors and Officers)
Exemption Notice 2004, which provides for certain exemptions or variations from the
regime, for example by allowing an extended period of time (30 days) in relation to the disclosure of relevant interests obtained via share top-up plans, dividend reinvestment
schemes and employee share schemes.

06-05-2015, 03:34 PM
who exactly is doing all the "selling you refer to"

You'll have to refer me to the "selling [I] refer to" because I genuinely do not know what you are talking about?

06-05-2015, 05:18 PM
Directors selling shares to themselves at 1 cent a pop, dancing a merry-ho jig about a contract they knew about, then following up with a further capital raising at a 60% premium a month or two later isn't normal startup/cash burn behaviour. VML burns cash and is relatively low on money, I get it, but selling cheap shares to yourself with insider information then trying to hock off the same deal to others at a 60% premium down the track is a bit... A bit... A bit fresh, isn't it? :D

You mention XRO, just imagine if the XRO directors did that. There would be blood in the streets. :D

Ah selling new shares not there own... mmm so you are just pissed you cant buy shares on the private placements, hell just ask they will sell you some you just have to want enough....

and I would go easy on the insider info stuff FMA have looked at this and I don't see notice of a prosecution. does it look dogey ... yes. can anyone prove it, probably not...

sure these guys get paid salaries and if the runway runs out they are out of a job... but they seem happy to stump up cash right now, I wonder why? what do they know as insiders, that makes them want more shares?? insiders buying more shares is one of the best indicators for retail to follow and buy a stock and there is NO disclosures (as required by LAW) that they (insiders) are selling ANY OF THEM YET.

the pump is just beginning - the insiders are still buying stock.

06-05-2015, 06:28 PM
and I would go easy on the insider info stuff FMA have looked at this and I don't see notice of a prosecution. does it look dogey ... yes. can anyone prove it, probably not...

Thanks for your fine legal analysis. They admitted it constitutes insider trading but for a short term exemption. Make hay while the sun shines, as they say.


Heads they win, tails you lose as Balance would say. :D

06-05-2015, 10:09 PM
Directors selling shares to themselves at 1 cent a pop, dancing a merry-ho jig about a contract they knew about, then following up with a further capital raising at a 60% premium a month or two later isn't normal startup/cash burn behaviour. VML burns cash and is relatively low on money, I get it, but selling cheap shares to yourself with insider information then trying to hock off the same deal to others at a 60% premium down the track is a bit... A bit... A bit fresh, isn't it? :D

You mention XRO, just imagine if the XRO directors did that. There would be blood in the streets. :D

Robbo, I appreciate your constructive criticism, but those are some pretty big accusations. Ill point out that the offer was open to "eligible persons" in NZ and "sophisticated investors" in Australia (https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/258789). Its certainly cheaper to make such an offer. Most Securities Act requirements that apply when securities are offered to the public will not apply if the only persons who are eligible to invest, and do invest, under an offer are 'eligible persons'. No prospectus or investment statement is required for such an offer - which is why it is cheaper faster and more risk for the investor - No prospectus means just that. No indications , no promises.

At the time the price was set, - VMOB was trading in the range .009 -.011 for quite a prolonged period. The shares were not really cheap. They were at a slight discount (9.9 %) to market rate which is standard practice. The fact that that the share price was trading so low and they discount to the next available price point. For example, NTL did a capital raise (Trading at .010 - discounted to .008) (thats 20% discount) . Only difference, they produced a prospectus and offered to all NZ shareholders (and possible Aus ones too). So in "HINDSIGHT" the may appear cheap now. But everyone who plays the sharemarket wishes they had "hindsight" before they made that particular trade....

VMOB have made no secret of cash burn, the need to raise funds, the pursuit of new customers etc, expected time to profitability. People just have to go back an read the seemingly boring announcements.

06-05-2015, 11:26 PM
Robbo, I appreciate your constructive criticism, but those are some pretty big accusations. Ill point out that the offer was open to "eligible persons" in NZ and "sophisticated investors" in Australia (https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/258789). Its certainly cheaper to make such an offer. Most Securities Act requirements that apply when securities are offered to the public will not apply if the only persons who are eligible to invest, and do invest, under an offer are 'eligible persons'. No prospectus or investment statement is required for such an offer - which is why it is cheaper faster and more risk for the investor - No prospectus means just that. No indications , no promises.

At the time the price was set, - VMOB was trading in the range .009 -.011 for quite a prolonged period. The shares were not really cheap. They were at a slight discount (9.9 %) to market rate which is standard practice. The fact that that the share price was trading so low and they discount to the next available price point. For example, NTL did a capital raise (Trading at .010 - discounted to .008) (thats 20% discount) . Only difference, they produced a prospectus and offered to all NZ shareholders (and possible Aus ones too). So in "HINDSIGHT" the may appear cheap now. But everyone who plays the sharemarket wishes they had "hindsight" before they made that particular trade....

VMOB have made no secret of cash burn, the need to raise funds, the pursuit of new customers etc, expected time to profitability. People just have to go back an read the seemingly boring announcements.

The part of the Securities Act you refer to is about offers to the public. Those parts are irrelevant to what I am talking about. That is, people with insider information whether they are sophisticated or not. Otherwise you would be suggesting its ok for insiders to trade so as long as they are sophisticated investors. I am familiar with the legislation and regulations. VML openly said in their announcement that they made use of a section that temporarily allows insiders to trade if by way of placement. The section temporarily exempts them from the prohibition on insider trading. That means the conduct is still insider trading but through that exemption it is not illegal - until next year.

So, in summary they placed themselves bottom barrel 1 cent shares when as directors they knew or ought to have known about the big contract announcement. Now they want you to quack quack quack 3 months later at a 60% premium.

Insider trading, yes. Illegal in the circumstances, no. Right thing to do to give the market confidence in your NZAX listed company claiming a want for "institutionalisation"? No no no no no no I am afraid not, not in my opinion. :D

07-05-2015, 08:02 AM
give the market confidence in your NZAX listed company

Insto likes to see insiders putting their own money on the line... so yes. If Insto refuse to pay 1.6c level and want close to the 1c level then you will be right, if Insto pay up 1.6c you are wrong. Place your bets....

07-05-2015, 08:17 AM
Insto likes to see insiders putting their own money on the line... so yes. If Insto refuse to pay 1.6c level and want close to the 1c level then you will be right, if Insto pay up 1.6c you are wrong. Place your bets....

In my view, the "insiders buying is a great sign" rule does not apply when they are doing so at strategic times with insider information that is not available to the market :D

07-05-2015, 09:53 AM
Whats up with the buyer at 55c?! Orders been there for a few days...

07-05-2015, 09:53 AM
In my view, the "insiders buying is a great sign" rule does not apply when they are doing so at strategic times with insider information that is not available to the market :D

I think VML explained the involvement of the directors well with this "VMob received legal advice on the private placement process which, as previously announced to the market on 11 December 2014, involved negotiations with interested parties to raise the desired capital. Those parties were mostly made up of high net worth individuals and institutions. Some of those parties were keen that VMob directors also participate in the capital raising to demonstrate their confidence in the company and further align their interests with those of other shareholders."

When someone asks me to invest in their business, the first thing I want to know is how much have they invested and why are they not putting in more now. What risk are they taking on or are they just offloading that risk to others. The fact the directors put their money in gives me a certain level of comfort. They do point on in their release that the insider trading rules do not apply to private placements, but that was only to defend themselves against accusations.

I'm not worried and only small amounts involved anyway. I assume once listed in the ASX there will be tighter regulation anyway, so for those concerned about all this then the ASX listing must be good.

07-05-2015, 10:00 AM
When someone asks me to invest in their business, the first thing I want to know is how much have they invested and why are they not putting in more now.

What if they answered with:

(1) We know about negotiations of a secret contract with a big company.
(2) We are going to put in some of our own money at 1 cent.
(3) The announcement is going to follow soon after the completion of the placement to us.
(4) It is foreseeable to us and general market principles that the big contract announcement will make the shareprice go higher.
(5) Then we are going to do a capital raising for a 60% premium, 90 days or so later.

When they ask you to invest at 1.6/40 cents in their business, how do you respond?

07-05-2015, 10:10 AM
What if they answered with:

When they ask you to invest at 1.6/40 cents in their business, how do you respond?

How much have they invested personally to date, have they sold any, and are they putting in more now.

07-05-2015, 10:15 AM
How much have they invested personally to date, have they sold any, and are they putting in more now.

A very good set of questions in response. I have some others I would ask too:

(1) What else do you know that I do not know? Good and bad?

07-05-2015, 10:38 AM
The difficulty here is the lack of transparency of the contracts. This may be for valid commercial reasons or not but it makes any sort of valuation here impossible.

To compare with XRO, they can announce the number of paying customers and revenue. The value of each XRO customer can easily be evaluated by going to their website and seeing that it costs maybe $30 per month to be a customer. Lots of customers, each paying a low amount. Highly transparent revenue model for someone outside the tent.

VML is completely different. Small number of customers. Just a couple of dozen, isn't it? Contracts are secret so we don't know what they are charging, what sort of volume of transaction each contract is worth, what it costs VML to fulfil their obligations. Nothing. Also losing or gaining a large customer could be a big deal but we've got no deals.

VML could announce a contract tomorrow with Visa and notify NZX of price sensitive information. But it could just be VML issuing company credit cards to all their staff. Or it could be worth $1 million per month. We've got no way of knowing.

Even some transparency around the value of the capital raising would be useful. Is it even related to the current SP? Or just the amount of money sitting the directors' bank accounts divided by the number of shares they want to issue?

07-05-2015, 11:18 AM
Having the one big contract McD's is holding the value down, high risk if they lose it etc etc, another 2-3 contracts the same size and suddenly you have a diversity of incoming revenue and a trend.

No doubt at that point robbo will complain that they knew these where in the pipeline but didn't disclose it.... of course they know what meetings they are in, sales presentations etc etc so do their staff who have access to 34mil options at a pre consolidation strike price of 1.8c... not very motivational if you think this is puppy will still be at 1.8c in 24 months aye...

By then VML will be much higher, alternatively they don't deliver and loose McDs and VML will be much lower , place your bets... the combined 48 million shares the insiders purchased last placement would have been an inward flow of around $480k from the three insiders I linked above.

VMOB have to execute, Robbo will sell doubt on this issue as he can't short he can only buy lower.... he has , I believe, been long before, strange for one who hates the company directors actions so strongly

07-05-2015, 12:59 PM
I checked my portfolio this morning and it said I had made $112,000 on Vml, It appears my shares haven't been exchanged 25/1. Is it the same for everyone else?

08-05-2015, 10:15 AM
I checked my portfolio this morning and it said I had made $112,000 on Vml, It appears my shares haven't been exchanged 25/1. Is it the same for everyone else?

OMG maybe the VML computer screwed up and they forgot to consolidate you omgomgomg

08-05-2015, 11:23 AM
Robbo. You have to understand this time it's actually different.
I mean look at the quality of people VMOB have and then you can see their synonymous with successful listings in the markets.

Highlights include

Jasons Travel Media, New Zealand Finance Holdings, Plus SMS, Aquaria 21 to name a few.


Sean JoyceNon Executive DirectorSean holds a BA/LLB (Hons) degree from Auckland University and is the principal of Sean Joyce – Corporate Counsel, an Auckland based corporate law firm.


Listing of shakk Media Limited on the NZAX• Listing of Delegat’s Group Limited on NZSX

• Listing of Jasons Travel Media Limited on NZAX

• Listing of Eastern Hi Fi Group Limited on NZAX

• Listing of New Zealand Finance Holdings Limited on NZSX

• Listing of Dominion Finance Holdings Limited on NZSX

• Listing of Zintel Group Limited on NZAX

• Software of Excellence International Limited – pre IPO placement, IPO and NZX listing

• National Mail New Zealand Limited – pre IPO convertible note placement, IPO and NZX listing

• Numerous rights issues of debt and equity securities for listed issuers

Debt Securities and Listings• Issue of Kauri Notes by Savings & Loans Securities Limited – a “re-pack” of an international hedge fund security issued by Merrill Lynch International

• Listing of Capital Notes issued by Dominion Finance Holdings Limited on the NZDX

• Rights Issue for Mandatory Convertible Notes in Software of Excellence International Limited

• Listing of Capital Notes issued by Delegat’s Group Limited on NZDX

• Prospectus issues for debt securities, life insurance, superannuation schemes and unit trusts for numerous issuers including ASB Bank Limited and Sovereign Assurance Company Limited

• Issue of Debenture Stock by New Zealand Finance Limited

• Issue of Debenture Stock by Numeria Finance Limited

• Issue of Debenture Stock by Dominion Finance Group Limited

• Issue of Debenture Stock by North South Finance Limited

• Issue of Debenture Stock by Finance Direct Limited

NZX and NZAX Reverse Listings• Reverse listing of SeaDragon Marine Oils into Claridge Capital Limited on the NZSX

• Reverse listing of VMob Limited into Velo Capital Limited on the NZAX

• Reverse Listing of RIS Group Limited into Holly Springs Investments Limited on the NZAX

• Reverse listing of Orion Minerals Group Limited into RLV No 3 Limited on the NZAX

• Reverse listing of ICP Bio Limited into Australian Property Holdings Group Limited on the NZX

• Reverse listing of Charlies Trading Company Limited into Spectrum Resources Limited on the NZX

• Reverse listing of Plus SMS Holdings Limited into RetailX Limited on the NZAX

• Reverse listing of New Image International Limited into Selector Group Limited, a company listed on NZX

• Reverse listing of Media Technology Group Limited into Strathmore Group Limited on the NZX

• Reverse takeover and listing of Queen Charlotte Holdings Limited by Aquaria 21 on the NZX

• Reverse takeover and listing of AQL Holdings Limited by Organic Interceptor on the NZX

• Reverse takeover and listing of Strathmore Group Limited on the NZX

• Reverse takeover and listing of Fever Pitch International Limited by Kidicorp Group Limited on the NZAX

08-05-2015, 11:37 AM
Robbo. You have to understand this time it's actually different.
I mean look at the quality of people VMOB have and then you can see their synonymous with successful listings in the markets.

Silly me - I have learned the following things from my mistake:

Wear your reverse listing participation as a badge of pride (even if the reverse listings are the same shells over, and over, and over, and over). The dank, horrid taint of association with failure cannot last forever.
Even in the face of death (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11369041), the FMA will still be chasing companies you were involved in. Purgatory never got so litigious.
Plus SMS is a highlight.
For all your issuer needs, Let's Ask Seano (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCQQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.seanjoyce.co.nz%2Fdownloads%2 FJoyce.ADLS.pptx&ei=YPZLVYuqFsermAXooIHgBQ&usg=AFQjCNGPYhPGf00fUTQtSdHD1Cskpo89eg&bvm=bv.92765956,d.dGY).


08-05-2015, 12:41 PM
US Sales Director https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/260371 exit?

08-05-2015, 12:43 PM
Silly me - I have learned the following things from my mistake:

Wear your reverse listing participation as a badge of pride (even if the reverse listings are the same shells over, and over, and over, and over). The dank, horrid taint of association with failure cannot last forever.
Even in the face of death (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11369041), the FMA will still be chasing companies you were involved in. Purgatory never got so litigious.
Plus SMS is a highlight.
For all your issuer needs, Let's Ask Seano (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCQQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.seanjoyce.co.nz%2Fdownloads%2 FJoyce.ADLS.pptx&ei=YPZLVYuqFsermAXooIHgBQ&usg=AFQjCNGPYhPGf00fUTQtSdHD1Cskpo89eg&bvm=bv.92765956,d.dGY).


Did I see NZF in that list
http://www.sharechat.co.nz/article/e5042a16/nzf-enters-voluntary-administration-after-second-reverse-listing-fails.html?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NZF+enters+voluntary+administration+a fter+second+reverse+listing+fails&utm_content=NZF+enters+voluntary+administration+af ter+second+reverse+listing+fails+CID_6d4b9b15a4b36 42290b2ea0c899cd73b&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=httpwwwsharechatconzarticlee5042a16nzf-enters-voluntary-administration-after-second-reverse-listing-failshtml

08-05-2015, 12:58 PM
Did I see NZF in that list
http://www.sharechat.co.nz/article/e5042a16/nzf-enters-voluntary-administration-after-second-reverse-listing-fails.html?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NZF+enters+voluntary+administration+a fter+second+reverse+listing+fails&utm_content=NZF+enters+voluntary+administration+af ter+second+reverse+listing+fails+CID_6d4b9b15a4b36 42290b2ea0c899cd73b&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=httpwwwsharechatconzarticlee5042a16nzf-enters-voluntary-administration-after-second-reverse-listing-failshtml

What uncannily good timing that my post was made at exactly the same time (11:37am) as this announcement (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/directtrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3868038).

Let's Ask Seano (chair of NZF) if this will give him more or less time to deal with the bubbling powderkeg of growth that is VML.

11-05-2015, 09:40 AM
VMob Live in Japan https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/264148

11-05-2015, 10:05 AM
VMob Live in Japan https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/264148

I assume this is the latest version?:


11-05-2015, 10:16 AM
I assume this is the latest version?:


You'd think Vmob would post a link to their wonderful creation. I mean hell, if you're going to post a superfluous and uninteresting announcement then you might as well point readers into the direction of what you're talking about...

11-05-2015, 10:17 AM
Found this interesting article:


"A set of “customer-focused” initiatives will include a new loyalty program with coupons and a mobile app to gather real-time customer feedback." If VMob help them turn around the business this will be a very valuable company.

11-05-2015, 10:22 AM
You'd think Vmob would post a link to their wonderful creation. I mean hell, if you're going to post a superfluous and uninteresting announcement then you might as well point readers into the direction of what you're talking about...

True Robbo, they obviously aren't the best marketers but I will be watching with interest on the app results.

11-05-2015, 02:09 PM
Im am quite interested in the time the roll out of the McDonalds Japan roll out has happened. The announcement was made on 29 September 2014. That makes the implementation time about 8 months. For a significant rollout I think this is quite fast, if the rollout is 100% complete. Now the trick will be to get all the people who have downloaded the app to upgrade to the latest version and then get a whole lot more people signing up as well.

As usual details are very thin. But we are about a month away from the release of the year end accounts. I did see a comment that the MCDonalds USA rollout was a priority in early 2015. So can we expect that to be completed in October - December 2015?

11-05-2015, 03:12 PM
Im am quite interested in the time the roll out of the McDonalds Japan roll out has happened. The announcement was made on 29 September 2014. That makes the implementation time about 8 months. For a significant rollout I think this is quite fast, if the rollout is 100% complete. Now the trick will be to get all the people who have downloaded the app to upgrade to the latest version and then get a whole lot more people signing up as well.

As usual details are very thin. But we are about a month away from the release of the year end accounts. I did see a comment that the MCDonalds USA rollout was a priority in early 2015. So can we expect that to be completed in October - December 2015?

Its not hard , most users just upgrade all apps from google play store and apple app store to latest versions. I always just update all, as do most people i know...

11-05-2015, 03:18 PM
Its not hard , most users just upgrade all apps from google play store and apple app store to latest versions. I always just update all, as do most people i know...

I can hear the collective Japanese sigh of annoyance right now... Here's what it looks like:

(1) The following apps are updated: McDonalds Japan App ^_^
(2) *Person walks down the street*
(4) Japanese person sighs and says to themself "Oh ffs not more of this spyware crap on my phone"
(5) Japanese person uninstalls the app and/or goes to settings/notficiations and unticks "receive notifications from Mcdonalds Japan App ^_^

VMob would be better to design an app to disable annoying notifications - that's where all the money is :D

11-05-2015, 03:41 PM
I can hear the collective Japanese sigh of annoyance right now... Here's what it looks like:

(1) The following apps are updated: McDonalds Japan App ^_^
(2) *Person walks down the street*
(4) Japanese person sighs and says to themself "Oh ffs not more of this spyware crap on my phone"
(5) Japanese person uninstalls the app and/or goes to settings/notficiations and unticks "receive notifications from Mcdonalds Japan App ^_^

VMob would be better to design an app to disable annoying notifications - that's where all the money is :D

BaaBaa talked me into trying the FlyBuys app ......useless and annoying as and no trace of it on the phone anymore

Maybe I just not of those punters who like getting blasted with offers all the time

11-05-2015, 04:09 PM
BaaBaa talked me into trying the FlyBuys app ......useless and annoying as and no trace of it on the phone anymore

Maybe I just not of those punters who like getting blasted with offers all the time

Each to their own. I've found the FlyBuys App useful, firstly I don't need the plastic card anymore, just wave the phone/barcode in front of the scanner at point of sale. The notifications can easily be turned off so but that defeats the real value. My FlyBuy reward points have jumped up recently since I'm more aware of which retailers offer points, and those that are offering special x2 x4 rewards points etc, and I choose to go there to buy stuff in favour of others that don't reward loyalty.

We'll find out soon enough whether VMob's solutions are driving increased foot traffic and revenue to retailers. The early signs have been encouraging.

11-05-2015, 04:16 PM
Asuming the Japanese consumer uses their phone in a similar manner then it could be good. There is potential that they may even embrace McDs through an app more than Europe, time will tell

11-05-2015, 04:25 PM
Im am quite interested in the time the roll out of the McDonalds Japan roll out has happened. The announcement was made on 29 September 2014. That makes the implementation time about 8 months. For a significant rollout I think this is quite fast, if the rollout is 100% complete. Now the trick will be to get all the people who have downloaded the app to upgrade to the latest version and then get a whole lot more people signing up as well.

As usual details are very thin. But we are about a month away from the release of the year end accounts. I did see a comment that the MCDonalds USA rollout was a priority in early 2015. So can we expect that to be completed in October - December 2015?

The VMob solution roll-out is across McDonald's Japan's 3,200 restaurants, including back office integrations etc. VMob have forecast the USA 13,500 stores + Netherlands live during 2015 (52% of global McDonalds stores) so that would be an acceleration of the per-store rollout timeframe which you'd expect with a ramp up in development personnel and association with Microsoft.

I'd like to hear more about how the other customers are progressing as well, like 7-Eleven in Australia, Oliver’s Foods Australia and Anheuser-Busch in the USA .. speaking of which it hasn't been made clear has it, whether VMob have signed up just the Beer business or whether they've got a slice of the Theme Park business or both?

12-05-2015, 05:07 PM
VMob got another $3m capital, subject to shareholder approval https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/264225 and Tim Cook Director has taken up another 250k shares. SPP to come "later this month" at same price $0.40

13-05-2015, 08:11 AM
Good to see insiders still buying in.

13-05-2015, 08:35 AM
Good to see insiders still buying in.

Got to love their confidence:

A further announcement will be made to the market when the share placement is approved by shareholders and completed.

Even if one assumes the VML board has the votes they need amongst shareholders then it is still incorrect to say "when" - surely the word is "if" :D

13-05-2015, 09:26 AM
Got to love their confidence:

Even if one assumes the VML board has the votes they need amongst shareholders then it is still incorrect to say "when" - surely the word is "if" :D

What are they saying using the word 'when' unless they have total confidence that shareholders will approve the resolutions. Surely it's not just a naive choice of word.

13-05-2015, 09:35 AM
What are they saying using the word 'when' unless they have total confidence that shareholders will approve the resolutions. Surely it's not just a naive choice of word.

The appropriate formulation for such a sentence would read "The Board has total confidence that shareholders will see the value in this transaction. A further announcement will be made to the market if the share placement is approved by shareholders and completed."

The Board is not there to make decisions for the shareholders, or to substitute its opinion with that of the shareholders.

Then again, it is unlikely the Board would see it that way because they are cementing a price floor with a 60% price increase on their 1 cent buying with insider information of the McDonalds contract in January.

Just wait until the next announcement that includes their blowout expenses and loss for the period. It will be all daisies with "WE DID SOME MINT CAPITAL RAISINGS SO WE R GOOD TO GO!!111"

Ha - classic VML.

13-05-2015, 10:01 AM
.. Then again, it is unlikely the Board would see it that way because they are cementing a price floor with a 60% price increase on their 1 cent buying with insider information of the McDonalds contract in January.

How does a board "cement a price floor" when it is the market that determines the share price? For example, if the market sold down VML to below $0.40, then the current cap raising and the planned SPP would be a poor deal for investors. Are you giving the Directors credit for powers that they simply do not have?

13-05-2015, 10:03 AM
How does a board "cement a price floor" when it is the market that determines the share price? For example, if the market sold down VML to below $0.40, then the current cap raising and the planned SPP would be a poor deal for investors. Are you giving the Directors credit for powers that they simply do not have?

You've been in the game long enough to know the effect of a capital raising and the price it's issued at, Baa_Baa.

13-05-2015, 10:17 AM
You've been in the game long enough to know the effect of a capital raising and the price it's issued at, Baa_Baa.

That's not what I was asking, I thought you were suggesting that the Directors can set a price floor, which seems incongruous as only the market can set the price. The Directors can of course influence the share price. For example, the thing I'd be nervous about now if I sold is that they make another announcement that pops the price, crafting a nice gain for the new insto's and Mr Cook, and I'd be on the sidelines buying in higher than I sold! At least holders can top up a few in the SPP at the same price as the cap raising.

13-05-2015, 10:32 AM
You've been in the game long enough to know the effect of a capital raising and the price it's issued at, Baa_Baa.

I told you how good the 1.6c/1.7c level was in a previous post, it had great technical's and is now the placement level, that's how these things work...

13-05-2015, 10:33 AM
That's not what I was asking, I thought you were suggesting that the Directors can set a price floor, which seems incongruous as only the market can set the price. The Directors can of course influence the share price. For example, the thing I'd be nervous about now if I sold is that they make another announcement that pops the price, crafting a nice gain for the new insto's and Mr Cook, and I'd be on the sidelines buying in higher than I sold! At least holders can top up a few in the SPP at the same price as the cap raising.

yeah that's their style, and poor Robbo is still down ramping vs being quiet and long......

13-05-2015, 10:39 AM
That's not what I was asking, I thought you were suggesting that the Directors can set a price floor, which seems incongruous as only the market can set the price. The Directors can of course influence the share price. For example, the thing I'd be nervous about now if I sold is that they make another announcement that pops the price, crafting a nice gain for the new insto's and Mr Cook, and I'd be on the sidelines buying in higher than I sold! At least holders can top up a few in the SPP at the same price as the cap raising.

OK Baa_Baa, silly me, capital raising prices do not act as a price floor. What a foolish comment for me to make. The directors are not cementing a nice 60% price floor over their 1 cent shares. How very foolish of me to think that. Now that Baa_Baa is happy, next topic:

I told you how good the 1.6c/1.7c level was in a previous post, it had great technical's and is now the placement level, that's how these things work...

Yes very comical, much like sitting at the red light saying "green" until it goes green then taking the credit. You've been long and talking about it all day. Every day is a great day to buy in it-guy world. If Wallace was around we could ask him, Let's Ask Wallace.

How very comical that just prior to the trading halt and the announcement of the capital raising price that the market suddenly decides to sell down to 1.6.

What a wonderful ride the VML game is :D

But hey - I sold out at 62.5 cents and got called out as a heathen, I still feel soooo silly.

13-05-2015, 11:40 AM
OK Baa_Baa, silly me, capital raising prices do not act as a price floor. What a foolish comment for me to make. The directors are not cementing a nice 60% price floor over their 1 cent shares. How very foolish of me to think that ...

5 buyers wanting 99,700 shares below $0.40 don't think that there is a price floor.

13-05-2015, 12:04 PM
5 buyers wanting 99,700 shares below $0.40 don't think that there is a price floor.

I may give you too much credit sometimes Baa_Baa... Sigh...

13-05-2015, 12:31 PM
I may give you too much credit sometimes Baa_Baa... Sigh... Well if you're going to be serious for a change, who do you think the large trader is that controlled the pre-tradinghalt price and going to do / doing the same at $0.40?

13-05-2015, 03:26 PM
Well if you're going to be serious for a change, who do you think the large trader is that controlled the pre-tradinghalt price and going to do / doing the same at $0.40?

Its "dark forces?" ah nah no that's that fixing cricket thing....

13-05-2015, 09:30 PM
The last few weeks has seen a lot more market information shared by VMob, it gives perspective on the profound changes occurring in the global retail sector. Mobile devices backed by realtime big-data are overtaking traditional internet purchasing services, with personalisation, presence, relevance and timing co-inciding with VMob's solutions ability to drive increased foot traffic, upselling and revenue to retailers, which drives revenues to VMob. If you want to understand why VMob is winning awards, global recognition in IT and Retail, and the attention of Microsoft, it's all posted here https://twitter.com/vmoblive and is usually updated daily. Some investors might prefer to ignore this detail, but those who want a sense of the opportunity for VMob will include it in their research.

14-05-2015, 03:37 PM
I can hear the collective Japanese sigh of annoyance right now... Here's what it looks like:

(1) The following apps are updated: McDonalds Japan App ^_^
(2) *Person walks down the street*
(4) Japanese person sighs and says to themself "Oh ffs not more of this spyware crap on my phone"
(5) Japanese person uninstalls the app and/or goes to settings/notficiations and unticks "receive notifications from Mcdonalds Japan App ^_^

VMob would be better to design an app to disable annoying notifications - that's where all the money is :D

then I find this in my facebook feed LMAO They must have been reading this thread and taken your advice Robbo...


14-05-2015, 04:16 PM
then I find this in my facebook feed LMAO They must have been reading this thread and taken your advice Robbo.

Indeed, and Vmob's solution to the problem:

(1) Get an employee to write a blog (http://blog.vmoblive.com/2015/05/avoiding-push-overload/) to make it seem like VMob cares about the problem:

Possibly the be best way to make sure you’re not contributing to push overload – short of not doing it at all – is by doing it properly. If you’re blasting the same push message to everyone with your app regardless of what you know about them (because data), you’re doing it wrong (https://www.internetretailer.com/2014/10/14/what-kind-push-notifications-are-you-sending-customers).

(2) Paraphrase a few points from the blog you linked to (http://asmarterplanet.com/mobile-enterprise/blog/2015/03/pushing-mobile-app-users-brink.html) in point (1), above.

(3) Continue sending annoying push messages to people.

Summary: Send annoying push messages to people, say they are not annoying because they are personalised, try to keep VMob investors bullish even though the push messages are obviously annoying, keep money coming in, buy in for directors for a good price when they know about the McDonalds contract :D

15-05-2015, 09:24 AM
so Robbo , by your own reasoning , that the insiders issues shares to themselves, then release news (that you claim they knew ahead of placement) to lock in safe position, SO right here right now at 40c where they are buying shares should be a great place to buy.....
If what you say is true, they will release new news soon and we will see vmob up at 60c with you bleating that they knew the new news ahead of us....

leopards don't change their spots....


15-05-2015, 11:28 AM
"Pricing for the SPP will be the same as the pricing offered to those parties participating in the private placement." https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/263913 (May 5)

"VMob also re-confirms its intention to offer its New Zealand shareholders the opportunity to participate in a Share Purchase Plan (SPP), which will be launched later this month. Pricing for the SPP is expected to be the same as the pricing offered to those parties participating in the private placement." https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/264225 (May 12)

Did anyone else notice the change in the wording between the two announcements? Pricing for the SPP has gone from "will be the same" to "expected to be the same".

That is a big change in wording over a week in announcements.

15-05-2015, 11:38 AM
"Pricing for the SPP will be the same as the pricing offered to those parties participating in the private placement." https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/263913 (May 5)

"VMob also re-confirms its intention to offer its New Zealand shareholders the opportunity to participate in a Share Purchase Plan (SPP), which will be launched later this month. Pricing for the SPP is expected to be the same as the pricing offered to those parties participating in the private placement." https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/264225 (May 12)

Did anyone else notice the change in the wording between the two announcements? Pricing for the SPP has gone from "will be the same" to "expected to be the same".

That is a big change in wording over a week in announcements.

yes I did I notice - a bit concerning!

15-05-2015, 12:34 PM
I noticed that too, and the arrogance in their statement about having the resolutions approved. I'm going to vote no. They don't NEED to issue over 25% in my opinion.

Is anyone going to the meeting on the 22nd? I want to appoint someone as a proxy for the other rubbish? Let me know details by PM if you want.

15-05-2015, 01:25 PM
The change in wording re the SPP is unsettling, I assume nothing is an oversight so that therefore would be a deliberate change and not a simple mistake.

My view though fwiw is that the SPP itself is not just to placate shareholders (though imagine the ruckus if there was no SPP at all), it's about a top-up to the pre-IPO cap raise, for the period to listing on ASX. This gives the directors some flexibility in how much the SPP raises. The SPP is a relatively small cap raise as well, though they reserve the right to exceed the stated SPP cap up to the $15k individual limit imposed by NZAX listing rules. Personally I'm ambivalent whether I get the SPP or not, only that an SPP is at the same price as the pre-IPO.

The Resolutions proposed will enable VMob flexibility to raise the amount of capital they require to fund the company, essentially in three tranches 1. pre-IPO, 2. SPP, and 3. backstop if needed. Shareholders already know that there's isn't enough cash to continue with current business and fund the ASX IPO, costs are exceeding revenue which you'd expect at this phase.

I interpret that Resolution 1 is critical to the heath of the company. Raising capital is essential. Voting this down would be madness for a shareholder. The SPP enables the Directors to top-up capital over the pre-IPO capital raises, but in toto not exceed the 25% threshold.

Resolution 2 gives the company the option of raising more capital above the 25% but the discretion to do so or not as the directors see necessary. Voting down Resolution 2 would remove the flexibility for a backstop capital raising, except up to the 25%.

I've voted in favour of both resolutions.

As as shareholder I have and want no part in determining the literal requirements for capital and trust the Directors to exercise discretion in raising only the amount of capital required, no more, no less. I would also want no part of a move to vote down the resolutions which would put the viability of the business at risk, and lessen or remove the ability of the Directors to oversee capital management.

15-05-2015, 02:19 PM
"Pricing for the SPP will be the same as the pricing offered to those parties participating in the private placement." https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/263913 (May 5)

"VMob also re-confirms its intention to offer its New Zealand shareholders the opportunity to participate in a Share Purchase Plan (SPP), which will be launched later this month. Pricing for the SPP is expected to be the same as the pricing offered to those parties participating in the private placement." https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/264225 (May 12)

Did anyone else notice the change in the wording between the two announcements? Pricing for the SPP has gone from "will be the same" to "expected to be the same".

That is a big change in wording over a week in announcements.

The folks at VMOB were awesome to quickly reply to my email regarding the changes in the wording for the SPP.

"It is our intention that the pricing will be the same as that paid by investors in the recent private placement, however the issue price will be subject to an NZX formula, being the lower of:
(a) NZ$0.40per share (being the price payable by investors in VMob’s recent private placement); and
(b) the average end of day market price of the Shares over the seven business day period up to the closing date of the SPP ."

Remember you shareholders can always email investors@vmob.co. Axe likes to axe too many questions :)


15-05-2015, 02:41 PM
The folks at VMOB were awesome to quickly reply to my email regarding the changes in the wording for the SPP.

"It is our intention that the pricing will be the same as that paid by investors in the recent private placement, however the issue price will be subject to an NZX formula, being the lower of:
(a) NZ$0.40per share (being the price payable by investors in VMob’s recent private placement); and
(b) the average end of day market price of the Shares over the seven business day period up to the closing date of the SPP ."

Lolllllll....... VML is such a laugh of a company. Laugh a minute stuff.

I guess they'll have to stoke the merry old hype machine to get the share price up before the closing date.

Fortunately they haven't set a closing date, giving them time to come up with their song and dance routine.

They should also sign off their emails with "PLZ SEND US EMAIL FOR ADDITIONAL INFO TO THIS ANNOUNCEMENT"

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

16-05-2015, 06:03 PM
"VMob all of the firm's growth till now are just steps leading to global domination."


18-05-2015, 09:16 AM
"VMob all of the firm's growth till now are just steps leading to global domination."


Meanwhile the shareprice is below the placement/SPP price. How foolish can the market be?

Why is nobody hoovering up the shares below 40 cents?

Surely even a price slightly above 40 cents is a bargain for this wonderful example of a company!


Harvey Specter
18-05-2015, 10:17 AM
Meanwhile the shareprice is below the placement/SPP price. How foolish can the market be?

Why is nobody hoovering up the shares below 40 cents?

Surely even a price slightly above 40 cents is a bargain for this wonderful example of a company!

:D:D:D:D:DThe big boys will have to do something about that or the SPP will be at a lower price than the placement - imagine the outrage at the Northern Club.

19-05-2015, 09:29 AM
Meet Daniel Lee, the McDonalds Senior Director Digital Experience, Asia Pacific, AMEA, Africa - "originally from New Zealand". Note the reference to working in Japan, this will be the McDonalds guy who is heading up the projects with VMob. “We are working with a customer database of 20 million mobile members." http://www.careersmcdonalds.com/apmea/our-stories/digital-driving-mcdonalds-revolutionary-transformation/ link courtesy of Bill McHargue, Senior Vice President Sales @VMoblive. https://twitter.com/billmchargue

19-05-2015, 09:56 AM
Meet Daniel Lee, the McDonalds Senior Director Digital Experience, Asia Pacific, AMEA, Africa - "originally from New Zealand". Note the reference to working in Japan, this will be the McDonalds guy who is heading up the projects with VMob. “We are working with a customer database of 20 million mobile members." http://www.careersmcdonalds.com/apmea/our-stories/digital-driving-mcdonalds-revolutionary-transformation/ link courtesy of Bill McHargue, Senior Vice President Sales @VMoblive. https://twitter.com/billmchargue

This is sure to cause a breakout in the share price of VML.

The power of Daniel Lee will surely bring the buyers out of their shell.

The power of Daniel Lee will change the market perception of VML.

The power of Daniel Lee will cause VML to be the next Apple.


19-05-2015, 11:33 AM
The big boys will have to do something about that or the SPP will be at a lower price than the placement - imagine the outrage at the Northern Club.

I hardly think that this share will be spoken about at the Northern Club !!

19-05-2015, 03:55 PM
Bought a cheeky 20k at $0.395. vMob you can stick the SPP where the sun don't shine.
Still have 2200 to trade can someone please sell 2200 @ market.

19-05-2015, 04:47 PM
Bought a cheeky 20k at $0.395. vMob you can stick the SPP where the sun don't shine.
Still have 2200 to trade can someone please sell 2200 @ market.

Excellent, you might even be able to top up for lower than 40 cents if/when the share price gets poleaxed downwards :D

When is the FY report due, again? :D

20-05-2015, 12:57 PM
As you’ve registered your interest in future VMob investor updates, I wanted to let you know that we're holding a special meeting of shareholders on Friday 22nd of May at the Hilton Hotel on Princes Wharf in Auckland.
The meeting will take care of a number of formal matters as laid out in our market announcement to the NZX on 6th May (which can be found here (http://click.vmob.co/VqHn000fn00U2f0Nl4myk30)). I'll also be giving a quick update on the business and, due to a few requests, we'll also do a quick demo of the VMob platform. It will be a great opportunity for you to learn a bit more about the business.
Topaz Room 2 & 3,
Hilton Hotel,
Princes Wharf,
147 Quay Street,
22 May 2015 commencing at 2:30pm
I look forward to seeing you there if you are in the area and able to make it. If you will not be in Auckland (and I understand that may well be the case) we will also have any minutes and presentations from the meeting available online at the completion of the meeting.
If you are planning on coming, please let me know via a quick reply email.
Kind Regards,
Scott Bradley

20-05-2015, 01:27 PM
If you are planning on coming, please let me know via a quick reply email.
Kind Regards,
Scott Bradley

Dear Scott,

Will Daniel Lee be in attendance at the meeting?

Kind regards,
robbo24 :D

20-05-2015, 01:41 PM
Work it robbo, we're relying on you to get us hefty discount off the pre-IPO raise for the SPP, or sooner. It'd be a shame if you hadn't done enough before Scott goes to work on the investors on Friday. Get to it!

20-05-2015, 01:57 PM
Work it robbo, we're relying on you to get us hefty discount off the pre-IPO raise for the SPP, or sooner. It'd be a shame if you hadn't done enough before Scott goes to work on the investors on Friday. Get to it!

Did VML use an emailing list to accept expressions of interest?

That's so Web 1.0, I can't believe VML is so yesterday.

That SPP discount seems to be coming along just nicely, better get your hoover out.

Hopefully those in the know didn't steal all your thunder by emptying out their dustbins just before the trading halt came into play :D

20-05-2015, 02:32 PM
Odd question "accept expressions of interest", a shareholder would know the answer, you don't have any idea, like putting in your "special vote" at the meeting with the hand written message (LOL, you sure suckered him haven't you).

Now get with the programme and back to down-ramping, a measly 1 cent discount to the SPP is not "coming along nicely" at this rate the 7-day prior average will do a better job at getting our SPP discount than you have.

Did VML use an emailing list to accept expressions of interest?

That's so Web 1.0, I can't believe VML is so yesterday.

That SPP discount seems to be coming along just nicely, better get your hoover out.

Hopefully those in the know didn't steal all your thunder by emptying out their dustbins just before the trading halt came into play :D

20-05-2015, 03:14 PM
Odd question "accept expressions of interest", a shareholder would know the answer, you don't have any idea, like putting in your "special vote" at the meeting with the hand written message (LOL, you sure suckered him haven't you).

Now get with the programme and back to down-ramping, a measly 1 cent discount to the SPP is not "coming along nicely" at this rate the 7-day prior average will do a better job at getting our SPP discount than you have.

Are you saying there isn't a large blank space that is a perfect size for hand writing, underneath the tick boxes on voting form for the special meeting? It seemed to me to be a perfect place to write down my thoughts, invited or not.

Also, I think you need to calm down Baa_Baa.

That deflated feeling you're getting isn't caused by me. It's caused by the lack lustre performance of your shares. I have absolutely nothing to do with the lack lustre performance of your shares. I do not control the share price. I have no effect on the share price. If you want to be happy again just offload your shares or something, your recent tranche at 50+ cents hasn't devalued that much yet...

20-05-2015, 03:37 PM
These prices are just fine by me but lower would be better for the meantime. Your psychology lesson is wasted on my "sea of red herrings" that you chose "not to ever swim in again", but I guess you just love the hollow vacuous zero credibility sound of your own blathering into the internet.

Now get us a better entry price, do your work!

Are you saying there isn't a large blank space that is a perfect size for hand writing, underneath the tick boxes on voting form for the special meeting? It seemed to me to be a perfect place to write down my thoughts, invited or not.

Also, I think you need to calm down Baa_Baa.

That deflated feeling you're getting isn't caused by me. It's caused by the lack lustre performance of your shares. I have absolutely nothing to do with the lack lustre performance of your shares. I do not control the share price. I have no effect on the share price. If you want to be happy again just offload your shares or something, your recent tranche at 50+ cents hasn't devalued that much yet...

21-05-2015, 02:28 PM
Now get us a better entry price, do your work!

Plenty of time for this floppy ol' stock to droop before the price is determined... :D


Harvey Specter
21-05-2015, 02:33 PM
Plenty of time for this floppy ol' stock to droop before the price is determined... :D

https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/213414.pdfHow is SPP price determined? 5 day VWAP ending on 25th?

21-05-2015, 02:53 PM
I remember the recent 55-65 cent days of VML...

I have the hoover on full bore.�� people giving away their shares.

And now look... The SPP could be below the recent placement price of 40 cents :D

How is SPP price determined? 5 day VWAP ending on 25th?

Issue price will be lesser of the price paid in the private placement, being NZ$0.40, and the volume weighted average price in the 7 trading days from 17 June 2015 to 25 June 2015 (inclusive). (https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/213414.pdf)

21-05-2015, 03:04 PM
I remember the recent 55-65 cent days of VML...

And now look... The SPP could be below the recent placement price of 40 cents :D

Issue price will be lesser of the price paid in the private placement, being NZ$0.40, and the volume weighted average price in the 7 trading days from 17 June 2015 to 25 June 2015 (inclusive). (https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/213414.pdf)

Am I correct in thinking shareholders will not know the final price when they apply? "Issue price to be determinedfollowing the close of the offer on25 June 2015" Is that normal practice?

Harvey Specter
21-05-2015, 03:06 PM
Issue price will be lesser of the price paid in the private placement, being NZ$0.40, and the volume weighted average price in the 7 trading days from 17 June 2015 to 25 June 2015 (inclusive). (https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/213414.pdf)I was close - out by 2 days. I missed that as it wasn't in a box so overlooked it think it was part of the form.

21-05-2015, 03:12 PM
Am I correct in thinking shareholders will not know the final price when they apply? "Issue price to be determinedfollowing the close of the offer on25 June 2015" Is that normal practice?

Indeed. MRP did something similar (albeit with a full prospectus in a well established company) where you also knew the range of the price you might pay ($2.40 to $2.80 or something like that if I remember correctly).

However, this is a bit different... You've got a market right now where nobody wants to pay more than 40 cents (1.6 cents in pre-consolidation price) for VML shares. However, people who want to do something more useful with their shares still have to sell on market. This pushes the price down.

Meanwhile, if you do want to buy more VML shares (as a shareholder) then why would you bother with the SPP at a max of 40 cents when you can buy below 40 cents right now?

So who is stronger? The people who want to put their money somewhere useful for 5-6 weeks, or the people hoovering up the VML shares? :D

Harvey Specter
21-05-2015, 03:14 PM
So who is stronger? The people who want to put their money somewhere useful for 5-6 weeks, or the people hoovering up the VML shares? :DAnd with the SPP not having a discount to market, no one is buying in (at high prices) to try and take advantage of the discounted SPP.

21-05-2015, 03:20 PM
And with the SPP not having a discount to market, no one is buying in (at high prices) to try and take advantage of the discounted SPP.


I guess another GLOBAL MEGA CONTRACT (that you're not allowed to know the details of) will have to be employed to make the deal sweet.

Thing is, do they have another one to announce? Or did they use that GLOBAL MEGA CONTRACT (McDonalds, that you're not allowed to know the details of) to set a nice floor above their insider-and-mates 1 cent placement a few months ago?

21-05-2015, 03:28 PM
Indeed. MRP did something similar (albeit with a full prospectus in a well established company) where you also knew the range of the price you might pay ($2.40 to $2.80 or something like that if I remember correctly).

However, this is a bit different... You've got a market right now where nobody wants to pay more than 40 cents (1.6 cents in pre-consolidation price) for VML shares. However, people who want to do something more useful with their shares still have to sell on market. This pushes the price down.

Meanwhile, if you do want to buy more VML shares (as a shareholder) then why would you bother with the SPP at a max of 40 cents when you can buy below 40 cents right now?

So who is stronger? The people who want to put their money somewhere useful for 5-6 weeks, or the people hoovering up the VML shares? :D

mmm, all SPPs I have participated in have been at a set price. In those cases the SPP has been announced with a price taken from the previous 5-7 days trading, so price set before the SPP is announced.

22-05-2015, 12:55 PM
Reminder Shareholder meeting today.
You should allready know.
22 May 2015 commencing at 2:30pm

22-05-2015, 04:23 PM
The Board is pleased to advise that all resolutions to be considered at the
Special Meeting were approved.

Yours faithfully?
Phil Norman

22-05-2015, 05:01 PM
The Board is pleased to advise that all resolutions to be considered at the
Special Meeting were approved.

Yours faithfully?
Phil Norman

Typical of ASB Securities to do something like inserting a question mark. It's not here:
But at least they've just changed their password requirements so that you can have up to 100 characters instead of the 8 that it has been for years.

The directors & co are getting their shares at 40c no matter what right?

23-05-2015, 11:34 PM
The directors & co are getting their shares at 40c no matter what right?

Yup - 40 cents placement. Its good the directors are buying.

24-05-2015, 08:22 PM
Yup - 40 cents placement. Its good the directors are buying.

There's no evidence suggesting that the Directors are or will be buying, you'd think they have enough invested already and might like to see fresh money coming in. The upcoming SPP is on top of a successful $3m cap raise and a chance for shareholders to accumulate at $0.40 minimum or 7-day VWAP average prior to 25 June. The max SPP investment will be $15k as per NZAX rules.

Over the next few months discussion may gradually move to the ASX listing focus where the liquidity is far greater. HotCopper.com.au already has a thread for VML. Enjoy.

24-05-2015, 11:04 PM
There's no evidence suggesting that the Directors are or will be buying, you'd think they have enough invested already and might like to see fresh money coming in. The upcoming SPP is on top of a successful $3m cap raise and a chance for shareholders to accumulate at $0.40 minimum or 7-day VWAP average prior to 25 June. The max SPP investment will be $15k as per NZAX rules.

Over the next few months discussion may gradually move to the ASX listing focus where the liquidity is far greater. HotCopper.com.au already has a thread for VML. Enjoy.

The directors also wear a shareholder hat.

Wearing their shareholder hat they would probably prefer no great news to be announced so they can buy in the SPP for cheaper than 40 cents. Besides, they got some freshies in at 40 cents, why hurry with the news?

Given the apologist, docile nature of VML shareholders I'm sure this won't be a problem.

Thing is, even the biggest VML flag waving one-eyed, shareholding, newsletter reading, meeting attending investor who bought in above 40 cents must feel pretty silly.

Heads they win tails you loss.

25-05-2015, 10:33 AM
Anyone can see it is a ridiculous notion to suggest the Directors are hanging out for a lower price than the successful $3m pre-IPO placement, when the SPP is capped at $15k per shareholder as per NZAX rules. A fanciful suggestion that the price is being suppressed by withholding market information so that Directors can scoop up another whopping $15k worth of shares each, a rounding error on their already substantial personal investments in VMob.

I hope people aren't sucked into believing such utter drivel.

The directors also wear a shareholder hat.

Wearing their shareholder hat they would probably prefer no great news to be announced so they can buy in the SPP for cheaper than 40 cents. Besides, they got some freshies in at 40 cents, why hurry with the news?
.. snip

Harvey Specter
25-05-2015, 10:57 AM
Agree - I would actually be disappointed if the directors forgo the $3m placement but took part in the SPP which they know will be scaled.

25-05-2015, 11:12 AM
Agree - I would actually be disappointed if the directors forgo the $3m placement but took part in the SPP which they know will be scaled.

Tim Cook is the only named Director that increased holdings ($100k worth) in the pre-IPO cap raise, now approved by shareholders. Good to see instos in NZ and sophisticated money in Aus getting into VMob, a significant vote of confidence.

NZAX https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/264225 "Bell Potter and CMB Capital facilitated the raising on behalf of VMob, securing funds from wholesale investors in New Zealand and sophisticated investors in Australia. Tim Cook, a director of VMob, also participated in the placement increasing his holding in the Company by 250,000 ordinary shares to 688,505 ordinary shares."

25-05-2015, 11:19 AM
Anyone can see it is a ridiculous notion to suggest the Directors are hanging out for a lower price than the successful $3m pre-IPO placement, when the SPP is capped at $15k per shareholder as per NZAX rules. A fanciful suggestion that the price is being suppressed by withholding market information so that Directors can scoop up another whopping $15k worth of shares each, a rounding error on their already substantial personal investments in VMob.

I hope people aren't sucked into believing such utter drivel.

Are you sure they only use one CSN? :D If only Wallace was here, we could Ask Wallace if it's common to control more than one CSN.

Shucks, it's awful to be so wrong. Perhaps you can offer a more accurate narrative as to why the mighty VML stock price is languishing?

I guess I just thought I would branch out from the obvious ones: dilution, dilution, mates, dilution, mates. Really looking forward to your narrative Baa_Baa, provided you can be heard over that Hoover! :D (lol j/k! :D)

25-05-2015, 11:44 AM
Are you sure they only use one CSN?
Are you sure they're not?

If only Wallace was here, we could Ask Wallace if it's common to control more than one CSN. Wallace can't answer he's been banned. I thought you'd moved on to Lets Ask robbo who knows everything because he's a professional, Moose said so.

Shucks, it's awful to be so wrong. About what?

Perhaps you can offer a more accurate narrative as to why the mighty VML stock price is languishing? So your accurate narrative of the price weakness is speculation that there are multiple CSN's in play? That's a good one. Credibility waning.

I guess I just thought I would branch out from the obvious ones: dilution, dilution, mates, dilution, mates. Really looking forward to your narrative Baa_Baa, provided you can be heard over that Hoover! :D (lol j/k! :D)

Is it any wonder that so few people bother discussing anything around here with such petty predictable trolling and unrelenting personal attacks? Pitiful, zero credibility.

03-06-2015, 01:54 PM
SPP Record day today 5pm. Notice/Entitlement letters 5 June. Can't wait to get some shiny new shares, the FY15 results out, and this cap raising process out of the way. There should be the inevitable good news that will come along with it.

03-06-2015, 02:56 PM
Interested to hear how Japan is going

03-06-2015, 03:01 PM
I wonder how big the loss will be for FY15 and how big the loss:revenue ratio will be. It was pretty big in the last report, like 3:1 or something.

VML chewing through capital, I wonder if an ASX listing will boost revenue.

Ryman have lots of retirement villages in Australia yet they are just considering an ASX listing because investors and residents are asking for it.

I can't find much evidence of anyone asking for VML to be listed on the ASX.

I think VML will surprise with how much money they spend. They spend money on a blog nobody even comments on.


03-06-2015, 04:42 PM
I wonder how big the loss will be for FY15 and how big the loss:revenue ratio will be. It was pretty big in the last report, like 3:1 or something.

VML chewing through capital, I wonder if an ASX listing will boost revenue.

Ryman have lots of retirement villages in Australia yet they are just considering an ASX listing because investors and residents are asking for it.

I can't find much evidence of anyone asking for VML to be listed on the ASX.

I think VML will surprise with how much money they spend. They spend money on a blog nobody even comments on.


At this stage revenue growth is far more important. They have enough external governance and pragmatism to keep the capital requirements sensible.

03-06-2015, 04:49 PM
SPP Record day today 5pm. Notice/Entitlement letters 5 June. Can't wait to get some shiny new shares, the FY15 results out, and this cap raising process out of the way. There should be the inevitable good news that will come along with it.

You surely want the FY15 results out before you apply for the SPP? When will the cap raising process be out of the way?

03-06-2015, 05:47 PM
At this stage revenue growth is far more important. They have enough external governance and pragmatism to keep the capital requirements sensible.

One read of the Vmob blog and you may reconsider that position Schroddo! :D

03-06-2015, 07:44 PM
Let's have a look at this.

I wonder how big the loss will be for FY15 and how big the loss:revenue ratio will be. It was pretty big in the last report, like 3:1 or something.
I agree, a loss is a certainty, there's no secret in that, with expansion into international offices, investment in growing sales and marketing, growing staff numbers and product development. I see that as positive utilisation of investors capital. The loss FY15 is a closed book. It won’t be mitigated by the revenues of the past 2-3 months, or the recent alignment with Microsoft which will absorb a reasonable percentage of costs on the FY16 book. Think of Microsoft as an investor in VMob defraying expenses that otherwise we investors or revenue would be picking up.

The ratio of costs to revenue will be very interesting though, as revenue lags ACMR we don't yet know the revenue effect or lag-time to revenue of a 1600% ACMR growth ($3.2m up from $550k). I would expect the ratio to be fairly high, possibly above previous FY14 as expansion/growth draws on capital, however these should be one-off costs on a per country basis. Costs for staff expansion however are also going to emerge in the results, these could be ongoing costs expansion as they relate directly to implementations and servicing customers in new markets. Summary, good point, eyes on costs, revenue:costs ratio, revenue lag:ACMR, fixed costs carried forward:ongoing revenue.

VML chewing through capital, I wonder if an ASX listing will boost revenue.
I think that utilising investor capital and revenue for growth, at this point in in time, to achieve customer implementation and acquisitions and expansion into international markets is to be expected, is a good investment and is not surprising. There is no linkage to listing on the ASX and company revenue. I don’t think these thoughts could be connected.

Ryman have lots of retirement villages in Australia yet they are just considering an ASX listing because investors and residents are asking for it. I can't find much evidence of anyone asking for VML to be listed on the ASX.
I guess this has come from reading the RYM thread today where on NBR the point was made that RYM enjoy residents taking up shareholdings in the company. It's a long bow to draw, or more to the point irrelevant, to compare RYM to VML. I think the supposition trying to be made although put in an odd way, is what motivates VMob to list on the ASX?

I think it's pretty simple really, the ASX taps into a much larger base of investment capital which will be required for funding the bridge between now and profitability, much more efficiently than an NZAX listing or ongoing insto/private investor capital raising rounds. I also think VMob's business model, despite being a SaaS basis, lends itself to earlier profitability than some might assume. The reason is that VMob’s SaaS customers are large organisations and the VMob platform is a footprint in their marketing programs that drive SaaS revenue from those big customers, plus App revenue for loyalty redemptions. Think of it like this ... the SaaS revenue comes from the 10's of thousands of retail stores being hosted on the VMob Azure platform, the cream revenue comes from App users redemptions. This is quite different and a much more appealing business model for investors than consumer targeted SaaS, like XRO for example.

I think VML will surprise with how much money they spend. They spend money on a blog nobody even comments on.
VMob can only spend the money that investors put to them, and the revenue that they justifiably earn, after costs, while remaining a viable entity. Spending it all shouldn't surprise anyone for a company that has moved to a rapid growth/expansion phase. Investors should be very happy about that, imagine the reaction if VMob wasn’t growing customers, or market share! If VMob didn't spend all of our investment and revenue, after costs, we'd be moaning about not growing the company and badgering them for return of capital.

Do we finally have the basis for an investors discussion? I’d like to share my other thoughts about what VMob could be doing for us investors, but I’m not sure this is the right forum. Some may have picked up on discussion on other boards focused on where VMob is intending to list soon, which is where I’ll be progressively focusing more of my thoughts on in the future.


03-06-2015, 08:36 PM
You surely want the FY15 results out before you apply for the SPP? When will the cap raising process be out of the way?

Axe, your curiosity with VMob is endearing though as has been pointed out it doesn't really fit with your investment profile, as you've stated it to be. VMob is a growth company, it has uncertainties and plenty of questions to answer, which probably won't happen in the timeframe or manner we investors want it to. The ASX listing in due course will force more rigid reporting disciplines.

I have no idea when or how VMob will precisely sequence their announcements, I assume though that they will be forced to announce the FY15 results in the timeframe NZAX requires, and this will be amongst the SPP and preceding the ASX listing.

It's more interesting I think to ponder when the interjections of positive announcements and their timing will occur in the preset course of events that we already know about. VMob has a lot up it's sleeve that we aren't privy to yet. They say it's because of contract confidentiality and I can understand that, but from the shareholders meeting they definitely know that their investors expect and deserve more timely information.

So the thing we investors can look forward to is the upside surprises amongst the process of raising capital and listing on the ASX, tempered carefully against their obligations to keep customer commercials confidential.


03-06-2015, 08:44 PM
Baabaa, please be not offended

The first part of your post above is very succinct and is a good overview of where Vmob are. If you changed the word VMob into Xero (and a couple of other words) it would equally apply to Xero.

But you seem awful disparaging of Xero.

I just find the different views you have of each interesting when they both a strategy of spending to grow with profit a long off goal...... Just an observation

03-06-2015, 09:07 PM
VMob has a lot up it's sleeve that we aren't privy to yet. They say it's because of contract confidentiality

Really? better be careful about disclosure timing - ask PEB

03-06-2015, 09:15 PM
I have a simple question... Why would companies like 7eleven and an Mcdonalds not want to disclose the value of the contract?? If anything I would have thought it to be the other way around. As in Vmob wouldn't like potential customers to know the cheap deals offered to early adopters/influencers?

03-06-2015, 09:21 PM
Investors - would you expect the FY15 results before you decide on the SPP?

03-06-2015, 09:34 PM
No offence taken winner, none at all.

The difference is that VMob IMHO is undervalued presently, whereas XRO is overvalued, though both are valued on sentiment as neither offer a fundamental basis for valuation!

So valuation of SP for both VML and XRO is purely sentiment based, at this point in time. That upsets the FA's who expect and deserve guidance and detailed financial performance results and forward guidance. But we're all getting to grips with the NZ techs who've listed recently, none of whom (VML and XRO included) realise that talking to their market is different to talking to their owners. The IT industry is full of oversell and under deliver, with hype intermingled. They just don't get it, that investors look at the whole picture, they hold them to account for their prognostications as well as their results.

The thing that VML has that differs from XRO, but does not make them an equal or better investment per se (it just makes them different), is that VML make money from the SaaS hosting of 10's thousands of large customers retail marketing programs (much higher monthly revenues from fewer customers), with the cream coming from the retail App driving voucher redemptions. XRO on the other hand rely on acquiring accounting practices and their customer bases, both of which are hosted SasS solutions, XRO rely on millions, VML rely on thousands.

I don't like XRO because it's grossly overpriced with no fundamental basis. I think it’s way overpriced at the moment. If they split 1:5 it would help sentiment. A split would relate to sentiment better. They have declining growth in established markets and uncertain prospects in growth markets. It obviously wouldn't change whether it's overvalued or not.

I do like VML because it's under priced IMO, though it also has no fundamental basis, yet, though due to non-disclosures which they had better rectify soon or be punished. I think VML has been overlooked in the recent market dynamics and will surprise to the upside. I also think it could go to profit in 18-24 months no problem if they want to (I suspect the Directors would like that, to differentiate and return on their investment). They have astutely moved to consolidate, raise capital and look to list on the ASX. Upside announcements will be tempered against commercial contract disclosure constraints, it galls me but I can live with it in the meantime.

There’s so much to say, to discuss, it’s just impossible with all the noise around here.


03-06-2015, 09:51 PM
Really? better be careful about disclosure timing - ask PEB

Yes that's true, I've asked the FMA for clarification although it's clear in the NZAX rules that disclosure is not all that important, unfortunately. It will be important with the ASX listing though! I think the point you're making Xerof is that if the company does make an announcement, they had better deliver, and I completely agree with that.

03-06-2015, 09:53 PM
I have a simple question... Why would companies like 7eleven and an Mcdonalds not want to disclose the value of the contract?? If anything I would have thought it to be the other way around. As in Vmob wouldn't like potential customers to know the cheap deals offered to early adopters/influencers?

Good questions Ginger, I think it's because the retail sector are in a world of hurt and they won't want to give away an inch of leniency to their competitors by having a supplier tell the world what they're doing to advance their cause.

03-06-2015, 09:56 PM
Investors - would you expect the FY15 results before you decide on the SPP?

That's a good question as well, though you can see that the bid/ask spread has closed and today $0.39 will sell your VML and you can buy VML at $0.40, if you want to. This is the SPP price as it stands today.

04-06-2015, 08:52 AM
Yes that's true, I've asked the FMA for clarification although it's clear in the NZAX rules that disclosure is not all that important, unfortunately. It will be important with the ASX listing though! I think the point you're making Xerof is that if the company does make an announcement, they had better deliver, and I completely agree with that.

It is just as important as anywhere else.

The Act says this (http://legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2013/0069/latest/DLM4091387.html) and this (http://legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2013/0069/latest/DLM4091388.html).

Section 10 of the NZAX rules (https://www.nzx.com/files/static/NZAX_Listing_Rules_Final.pdf) says what it says.

You'll note it is basically identical to rule 10.1 the NZX rules (https://nzx.com/files/static/cms-documents/NZX_Main_Board_Debt_Market_Listing_Rules_dated_27_ November_2014__secure.pdf).

Then you'll note both of these have exactly the same effect of the relevant ASX rules (http://www.asx.com.au/documents/rules/Chapter03.pdf).

To conclude: If you think VML would have fallen foul of ASX rules then it follows that you should think they have fallen foul of NZAX rules.

04-06-2015, 08:55 AM
VMob wins BIG Gong at MS World awards https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/265183

04-06-2015, 10:24 AM
VMob wins BIG Gong at MS World awards https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/265183

Nice this all helps with the brand and business leads in USA and Aust. Microsoft can open a lot of doors. Would love to know how the Japan project is progressing...

04-06-2015, 10:37 AM
Nice this all helps with the brand and business leads in USA and Aust. Microsoft can open a lot of doors. Would love to know how the Japan project is progressing...

Certainly does, it's massive having this recognition from Microsoft, at a global level. Awesome for VMob.

The Japan rollout has completed, VMob announced that recently. It'd be nice to see some stats on the App uptake, redemptions, upsells etc, not to mention revenue arising. McD's Japan is closing stores though.

Harvey Specter
04-06-2015, 02:53 PM
Whats the SPP price. Its now trading at 38c which I am pretty sure is below what the 5 day vwap was so dont expect a big take up unless they release a better announcement than being Microsofts favourite company.

05-06-2015, 02:50 PM
Some good exposure for NZ tech companies! (Xero, VMob, Vend): http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/69093268/xero-halfway-to-a-million-customers-as-vend-strikes-deal-with-apple

10-06-2015, 09:28 AM
Investors - would you expect the FY15 results before you decide on the SPP?

Where are the FY15 results? :D

10-06-2015, 12:49 PM
So I just got my SPP documents. Won't it be easy to manipulate the "average end of day market price of the Shares over the seven business day period from, and including, 17 June 2015 to and including 25 June 2015?

10-06-2015, 12:53 PM
So I just got my SPP documents. Won't it be easy to manipulate the "average end of day market price of the Shares over the seven business day period from, and including, 17 June 2015 to and including 25 June 2015?
I received mine a couple of days ago and was wondering the same.

Harvey Specter
10-06-2015, 01:28 PM
I received mine a couple of days ago and was wondering the same.Should really use VWAP. I assume the big boys will ensure the SPP doesn't go at a discount.

11-06-2015, 10:22 AM
I would like more info on Japan so I can make a more informed decision about piling more money into this puppy. Content to remain the same until more guidance is provided.

11-06-2015, 12:28 PM
It's a bit ridiculous isn't it? You can buy more than $15,000 worth right now at 40c.
I've already bought some at 39c and don't see any point bothering with an SPP, if it goes lower it goes lower; I take confidence in the 7.5m going for 40c.

Harvey Specter
11-06-2015, 01:47 PM
It's a bit ridiculous isn't it? You can buy more than $15,000 worth right now at 40c.
I've already bought some at 39c and don't see any point bothering with an SPP, if it goes lower it goes lower; I take confidence in the 7.5m going for 40c.
Strange.Same happened with WYN. Doing a SPP at the same time as a institutional offer doesn't seem to work as they just want to dump it quickly, hopefully at a small gain. The placement needs to be to strategic investors or locked up for a period of time.

12-06-2015, 09:31 AM
VML Annual Report: https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/214810.pdf

Geez it costs a lot of money for this company to make money... A whopping $4m+ loss... Every $2 you put in you get $1 back, sweet deal! :D

12-06-2015, 09:38 AM

As discussed on page 4 of the annual report (https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/214810.pdf):

For the year ended 31 March 2015, total revenue grew 474% over the same period last year, to $2,940m. Annualised Committed Monthly Revenue (recurring revenue) grew even more strongly to $3,181m, an increase of 1,707% over 2014. Recurring revenue is a key metric for Software as a Service (SaaS) businesses such as VMob.

Today is going to be an awesome day for holders!!!


12-06-2015, 09:47 AM

As discussed on page 4 of the annual report (https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/214810.pdf):

Today is going to be an awesome day for holders!!!


Real revenue, like selling stuff, was only $2.3m Robbo

12-06-2015, 09:49 AM
Break down

(a) Operating revenue 2,297k
Operating revenue consisted of the following items:
License revenue 725k
Deployment and integration revenue (i) 1,177k
Consulting fees 266k
Support fees 129k

Wonder where the 10 cents a voucher at Macs gets included?

12-06-2015, 09:54 AM
Real revenue, like selling stuff, was only $2.3m, Robbo

Don't forget your comma or you'll end up like VML, saying you make billions instead of millions.

Or perhaps they got M mixed up with K.

Or are you saying they are earning 2.4 million Robbos?

12-06-2015, 10:19 AM
Don't forget your comma or you'll end up like VML, saying you make billions instead of millions.

Or perhaps they got M mixed up with K.

Or are you saying they are earning 2.4 million Robbos?

If 1 ROBBO = NZ$1,000 we be sweet then

Wonder what a Big Mac with a voucher off my smart phone is worth in ROBBOs

12-06-2015, 10:23 AM
Cash burn was $5.8m

End of March $1.9m in bank

How much today?

12-06-2015, 10:27 AM
Cash burn was $5.8m

End of March $1.9m in bank

How much today?

Let's give them 300k per month * 3 = 900k
Then let's give them capital raising = 3m

3m + 900k + 1.9m = 5.8m

It's totally Fibonacci :D

Oh but wait they have a MINT SPP coming up soon, that'll pay for the ASX listing won't it???? Home free after that???? :D

12-06-2015, 10:32 AM
Let's give them 300k per month * 3 = 900k
Then let's give them capital raising = 3m

3m + 900k + 1.9m = 5.8m

It's totally Fibonacci :D

Oh but wait they have a MINT SPP coming up soon, that'll pay for the ASX listing won't it???? Home free after that???? :D

Fibonacci prefers $500k a month

So $1.9m MINUS $1.5m PLUS $3.0m gives $3.4m as at June (7 months left)

12-06-2015, 10:34 AM
Robbo - Snakks up another cent today

12-06-2015, 10:38 AM
Just a wee bit of sarcasm and mockery on the thread this morning.....everyone had their first ☕️ of the day?

12-06-2015, 10:51 AM
That's more like it .....share price moving up on that report

The words were pretty good

12-06-2015, 10:54 AM
The real measure of loss is how the company presents it in its abstract to its FY annual report (https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/265585).

Scotty B doesn't mention any loss in his abstract so I guess it's not a big deal.

Scotty B just says it's all going awesome and triple figures and McDonalds :D

12-06-2015, 10:54 AM
Next thing you will be telling me is Truescreen is forging ahead!

hang on - aren't they selling shares to shareholders as well?

12-06-2015, 10:55 AM
Next thing you will be telling me is Truescreen is forging ahead!

hang on - aren't they selling shares to shareholders as well?

Let me ask you something Crackity - do you think Scott Bradley even eats McDonalds?

Think about that for a second.

12-06-2015, 10:59 AM
Healthy Eating by Scott Bradley on Prezi (http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&ved=0CCsQFjAGahUKEwjTxvXV3ojGAhVLrLwKHWhUAHA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fprezi.com%2Frsph3skdgdc-%2Fhealthy-eating%2F&ei=XRJ6VZOkJ8vY8gXoqIGABw&usg=AFQjCNHg8QJQ7BGbKdNkTSVpmTt8ZYUq9g&sig2=gKmXxlfiI0sq1fYdzeGnIA)prezi.com/rsph3skdgdc-/healthy-eating/
May 13, 2013 - You can ask staff for advice on ingredients. You can see that all ingredients are fresh. Cheaper than buying fast food Who likes McDonalds?

12-06-2015, 11:06 AM
BUZZ Vmob up as much as 2.6% .........

Vmob seem as unable to talk there shareprice up as robbo is able to talk it down....

its a talkfest ?

12-06-2015, 11:21 AM
Healthy Eating by Scott Bradley on Prezi (http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&ved=0CCsQFjAGahUKEwjTxvXV3ojGAhVLrLwKHWhUAHA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fprezi.com%2Frsph3skdgdc-%2Fhealthy-eating%2F&ei=XRJ6VZOkJ8vY8gXoqIGABw&usg=AFQjCNHg8QJQ7BGbKdNkTSVpmTt8ZYUq9g&sig2=gKmXxlfiI0sq1fYdzeGnIA)

May 13, 2013 - You can ask staff for advice on ingredients. You can see that all ingredients are fresh. Cheaper than buying fast food Who likes McDonalds?

LOL - it must be him... The opening line is:

CHING CHING! Advantages of going to a supermarket...

The annual report says VML is a multi-billion dollar (or multi thousand million dollar) company - CHING CHING!

12-06-2015, 11:28 AM
LOL indeed - aren't we having fun today!

12-06-2015, 11:36 AM
Fibonacci prefers $500k a month

So $1.9m MINUS $1.5m PLUS $3.0m gives $3.4m as at June (7 months left)

Minus a mill or two on an ASX listing. Plus whatever dregs they can scrape together on the ASX listing.

LOL indeed - aren't we having fun today!

Ha ha haaa, ho ho hooo and a couple of tra la las... That's the way we get things done in the merry old land of Oz.

12-06-2015, 12:49 PM
Man I wish I was time rich enough to comment more frequently. It'd be like having my own comedy club. And I'd be the star. And it would be cutting, witty, satirical comedy, and everyone would love me.

12-06-2015, 01:20 PM
Man I wish I was time rich enough to comment more frequently. It'd be like having my own comedy club. And I'd be the star. And it would be cutting, witty, satirical comedy, and everyone would love me.

Everyone puts in the time that they can to help put together a comprehensive forum. Every little bit helps so just do what you can :D

Do you think the company released its ACMR figures (on their own, with no mention of total losses) before the capital raising to help develop an interest in the company?

Do you think this has meant that the FY15 report is a flop because now the only new information is the increase in loss?

12-06-2015, 02:44 PM
the chickens lips are not moving fast enuf vmob holding at 40

fear is hard to sell to a fanatical bunch of longs robbo

A NY vulture once said to me, as long as your not making money you can sell a dream... as soon as you tunr a profit I can value you, sell out pre profit

12-06-2015, 02:58 PM
the chickens lips are not moving fast enuf vmob holding at 40

fear is hard to sell to a fanatical bunch of longs robbo

Do you think I have an influence on the stock market?

15-06-2015, 01:14 PM
Should really use VWAP. I assume the big boys will ensure the SPP doesn't go at a discount.

Does VML have the benefit of big boys? :D

I wouldn't have thought any single portfolio has a VML interest big enough to warrant market intervention of that nature... Big boys are usually value investors at heart, has the story changed? Was the story ever that good to begin with? :D

Harvey Specter
15-06-2015, 01:43 PM
Does VML have the benefit of big boys? :DSnakk Trustees is second largest holder. They are willing to play the game to their advantage.

15-06-2015, 01:56 PM
Snakk Trustees is second largest holder. They are willing to play the game to their advantage.

Is Snakk Trustee a big boy?

Harvey Specter
15-06-2015, 01:59 PM
Is Snakk Trustee a big boy?
Depends on your definition. He is willing and able to manipulate the shareprice on these small stocks (VML and SNK) which in my books makes him a 'big boy". He is not a Mum and Dad investor but you are right, he isn't a large institutional fund either.

16-06-2015, 10:31 AM
It probably takes around 6 months before a company agrees to trial VMOB another 6 months to complete a test run etc etc, a long sales cycle.

The Global McD's contract is now highlighting there success and opening doors to senior exec's from other big retail. I expect a lot of announcements late this year, this would be after an Aussie listing.

16-06-2015, 11:19 AM
It probably takes around 6 months before a company agrees to trial VMOB another 6 months to complete a test run etc etc, a long sales cycle.

The Global McD's contract is now highlighting there success and opening doors to senior exec's from other big retail. I expect a lot of announcements late this year, this would be after an Aussie listing.

Hope, expectation, whatever you want to call it, it's not really a good investment strategy or a measuring stick of entry/exit, is it?

Those guys who bought in at 25 cents in January (especially the ones who bought up while they knew about the long sales cycle of the McDonalds contract before it was announced) are the only ones who will be happy with where things are at for VML :D

17-06-2015, 08:57 AM
Sweeeeet, more options! https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/215067.pdf

Albeit at a higher price than the SPP but still, options are options.

I wonder how SPP uptake is going to go given the sad state of the SP...


17-06-2015, 09:17 AM
Sweeeeet, more options! https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/215067.pdf

Albeit at a higher price than the SPP but still, options are options.

I wonder how SPP uptake is going to go given the sad state of the SP...


Must be some sophisticated calculation to come with such an exact number of 40.8 cents

17-06-2015, 09:24 AM
Must be some sophisticated calculation to come with such an exact number of 40.8 cents

Well, they're getting a better deal than the staff who were secured and retained with options at 45 cents (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3820621).

VML might as well secure and retain staff with magic beans (http://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/1735802/JACK-AND-THE-MAGIC-BEANS).


18-06-2015, 04:50 PM
So I just got my SPP documents. Won't it be easy to manipulate the "average end of day market price of the Shares over the seven business day period from, and including, 17 June 2015 to and including 25 June 2015?

Wow, off to a flying start VML.

Place your bets - will the SPP be oversubscribed at 40 cents or undersubscribed at 40 cents? :D

I hope they get enough to cover their losses! :D

19-06-2015, 09:00 AM
A good summary of an outstanding FY15 for VMob. http://theregister.co.nz/news/2015/06/customer-personalisation-gurus-vmob-quadruple-revenue

Notice recent references on social media, to the hospitality industry and VMob working with Microsoft and some of the world’s leading chains. Warming up the market for another announcement in a new industry sector.

19-06-2015, 09:24 AM
A good summary of an outstanding FY15 for VMob. http://theregister.co.nz/news/2015/06/customer-personalisation-gurus-vmob-quadruple-revenue

Notice recent references on social media, to the hospitality industry and VMob working with Microsoft and some of the world’s leading chains. Warming up the market for another announcement in a new industry sector.

The article skips over the hard-hitting facts:

VMob’s revenue grew to $2.9 million but it lost $4.4 million from 2014 to 2015.

Although it doesn't mention the potential ASX listing... Gee wizz I hope that hasn't come off the boiler :D

19-06-2015, 12:48 PM
Warming up the market for another announcement in a new industry sector.
OK, waiting for it... :)

It mentions that they're growing in leaps and bounds. Really shows with their market cap.
That's like me saying, I have to run this 1km race, and in the first minute I ran 1m, but in the first two minutes I ran 8m, my progress skyrocketed!!! But it still sucks.

You can sell all your VML shares now and buy the same amount of shares in ERA (ASX). Wonder if that would be a good idea.

19-06-2015, 01:28 PM
OK, waiting for it... :)

It mentions that they're growing in leaps and bounds. Really shows with their market cap.
That's like me saying, I have to run this 1km race, and in the first minute I ran 1m, but in the first two minutes I ran 8m, my progress skyrocketed!!! But it still sucks.

You can sell all your VML shares now and buy the same amount of shares in ERA (ASX). Wonder if that would be a good idea.

Oh so that's how it is? This thread is going to turn into a "shares other than VML to buy" thread?

NZX:DIV has always interested me, I'll take the DIVVML cross for my bet :D Klid's got the ERAVML cross for his.

19-06-2015, 01:34 PM
Do you not have anything better to do than troll robbo?

19-06-2015, 01:58 PM
OK, waiting for it... :)

It mentions that they're growing in leaps and bounds. Really shows with their market cap.
That's like me saying, I have to run this 1km race, and in the first minute I ran 1m, but in the first two minutes I ran 8m, my progress skyrocketed!!! But it still sucks.
.. snip

2014 to 2015
497% increase in Operating revenues
1707% increase in ACMR
Revenue to Loss ratio reduced by 4.65x

That's progress.

You have to dig way down into the details and analyse it along with your own research if you want to find anything worth niggling about, but to grumble about progress, well that's way off the mark. It seems few bother doing the research.

Don't worry, the SPP will be over later next week, probably at a reduced price to the pre-IPO at this rate, then it'll be time to release the good news and reward the faithful. The ASX listing won't be until Oct-Dec timeframe.

19-06-2015, 02:20 PM
2014 to 2015
497% increase in Operating revenues
1707% increase in ACMR
Revenue to Loss ratio reduced by 4.65x

That's progress.

You have to dig way down into the details and analyse it along with your own research if you want to find anything worth niggling about, but to grumble about progress, well that's way off the mark. It seems few bother doing the research.

Don't worry, the SPP will be over later next week, probably at a reduced price to the pre-IPO at this rate, then it'll be time to release the good news and reward the faithful. The ASX listing won't be until Oct-Dec timeframe.

I'm not too sure the continuous disclosure obligations on VML allow them to withhold any news, good or bad, on the basis of an SPP. Do you think it is common practice for VML to do that? If so, is it their goal to reward the faithful with such behaviour?

Revenue to loss ratio is only of nominal use in isolation. As revenue increases, so does the size of additional capital raisings to keep the company going... Are investors really going to throw exponentially larger amounts of money at VML?

Information provided by VML is on the thin side and any information that does come out is all happy-days.

Spend some time to make a chart that shows the number of shares and options on issue, the MCAP and the share price... That is a mess. :D

19-06-2015, 03:11 PM
I'm not too sure the continuous disclosure obligations on VML allow them to withhold any news, good or bad, on the basis of an SPP. Do you think it is common practice for VML to do that? If so, is it their goal to reward the faithful with such behaviour?
Really, these are rhetorical questions surely as you seem pretty certain previously trotting out clauses from the NZX rules, though with no evidence as usual. It is of a course a matter of timing and because no-one has any idea about when things actually happen, you’d be drawing a long bow to assume wilful breach of participant rules, however you’d also be foolish not to think that the whole cap raising process hasn’t been carefully choreographed and stage managed. Nothing untoward there.

Revenue to loss ratio is only of nominal use in isolation. As revenue increases, so does the size of additional capital raisings to keep the company going... Are investors really going to throw exponentially larger amounts of money at VML?
The FY15 losses are as expected and are unsurprising except in their much reduced ratio to revenue. VMob is growing revenue at a rapid rate, which is offsetting the requirement for capital. There is no correlation to revenue and capital raising unless you factor in expenses and growth in expenses, and the ratio is certainly not exponential. Someone is over exaggerating now, for what effect one wouldn’t know.

Information provided by VML is on the thin side and any information that does come out is all happy-days.
Yes it is. This was raised at the shareholders meeting. Do you remember what Scott said in response?

Spend some time to make a chart that shows the number of shares and options on issue, the MCAP and the share price... That is a mess.
There was plenty of interesting detail in the FY15 results, especially the movements. It’s great to see VMob directors taking significant stakes in their own company, and incenting key personnel with options and aligning interests and motivations. Remember three new sales directors hired in the USA. One has to ask whether to; a. do not invest in growing the business, b. fork out more capital to fund the growth, or c. permit some dilution with options.

The shareholders voted in vast majority to support both resolutions regarding the shares and issuance. Apparently a couple of special forms with handwritten notes were agin the motions.:t_down:

19-06-2015, 03:23 PM
Really, these are rhetorical questions surely as you seem pretty certain previously trotting out clauses from the NZX rules, though with no evidence as usual. It is of a course a matter of timing and because no-one has any idea about when things actually happen, you’d be drawing a long bow to assume wilful breach of participant rules, however you’d also be foolish not to think that the whole cap raising process hasn’t been carefully choreographed and stage managed. Nothing untoward there.

Your previous post said the SPP is nearly over then it will be time for good news. News is conditional upon the completion of the SPP. I'm assuming nothing, merely asking your thoughts. Do you think any listed companies do that?

Yes it is. This was raised at the shareholders meeting. Do you remember what Scott said in response?

Someone sure did, didn't they Baa_Baa. Maybe that's why Scott has started posting more of this superfluous VMob blog:D (http://blog.vmoblive.com/2015/06/the-holy-grail-of-marketing/)

It’s great to see VMob directors taking significant stakes in their own company, and incenting key personnel with options and aligning interests and motivations. Remember three new sales directors hired in the USA. One has to ask whether to; a. do not invest in growing the business, b. fork out more capital to fund the growth, or c. permit some dilution with options.

Actually, those directors do know when things are going to happen (you say above: It is of a course a matter of timing and because no-one has any idea about when things actually happen). Do you remember last January before the McDonalds contract was announced? Do you think the directors who bought into the capital raising knew or ought to have known that was going on with that contract? Does that situation contradict what you're saying? :D

19-06-2015, 03:35 PM
There is no correlation to revenue and capital raising unless you factor in expenses and growth in expenses, and the ratio is certainly not exponential. Someone is over exaggerating now, for what effect one wouldn’t know.

I didn't say the ratio was exponential. I said the amount of money people have to give to VML to grow its revenue will grow exponentially.

However, we can look at it another way too. Like when Monty said:

If the projections I have done on the possible impact of the McDonalds Global Contract then VMob are going to go through a significant growth period. Revenue I believe is set to increase exponentially and this company will hopefully soon shed its penny dreadful status. Maybe the NZAX is soon not going to be the appropriate place for listing?

You replied to him:

Agree Monty, with your growth expectation, and whether NZAX is appropriate for VML to be listed upon, after listing on ASX. My point is about disclosure rules, which exist to inform investors.

If revenue is growing exponentially, then there is a correlation between revenue and loss, then loss is increasing exponentially alongside revenue, so the amount of money people have to hand over to VML to meet those losses increases exponentially too.

Hope this helps :D