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07-12-2021, 09:20 AM
Nothing like a success story is there

07-12-2021, 10:45 AM
Nothing like a success story is there

They were oversold down to 0.4's after Task acquisition. Trend flatlined, very low volume sales were all that really deflated SP from 0.6 /0.5's (see historical volume trades crossed against SP trending momentum). Sellers starting to recognise and gain confidence that the dip has formed plus new contracts announced. Market since stabilised and rally's up off lower dip trough. Pretty standard, was always coming after such a large 35% discount off previous SP level on offer. We are happy to have acquired more.
2022 looking good. Dan does have a good proven track record. Positive for PX1/Task collaboration will see benefits for the company. Was a smart decision to join both companies. Steady hands often catch the first 20-25% reversal bounce, then the second subsequent 20% rally . Will likely see more funds find there way to PX1 as investors see opportunity and beating market trends, (bargain hunter buyers) who diversify more of portfolio out of for example energy stocks etc that will take a bit longer for a recovery due to dividends not being quite as appealing as previous. General global news and WHO comments already coming out that might have been a bit premature and an overreaction out of caution to effects of Omicron. World slowly but surely will learn to 'roll with the punches' as each new seasonal variant arrises (it's not anything new in that aspect, similar to influenza/ yearly flu shots). Sporting events will become a part of our normal lives again as will everything else.

Unless traders jump in today will likely see low stable movement today. Followed by another push rally up to the 0.5's end of week maybe. Those on the fence waiting to see direction that haven't yet but would like to get in on the dip, sense of motivation will likely be stronger as see 0.45 level broken (and sustained) pushing past 0.46. Then will likely find a bit of sticky resistance around the 0.52-0.55. Unlikely will surge past this level until further positive updates, extensions of contracts to more venues and continued forward momentum. However if this happens sooner and Task really is proving itself then that might be key and could see SP rise sooner than we might think. When tracks back into 0.60's/0.70's (where it was at only 2 months ago). 0.50's will most definitely be looked back upon as a buying opportunity soon to follow. Remember the SP only momentarily dipped down to 0.5 level when Covid first completely rocked the markets in March 2020. Then rallied to $1.50. Now has touched down on double lower end trough. When SP reaches back to even just 0.70's, would be a 50% return on today's SP. Not many stocks have that potential currently (while securing good potentially extensive contracts /see links in posts above). Hence the attraction for value buyers looking for strong returns in shorter time frames. Once the market catches on and sees PX1 has stabilised found its dip and is rallying, combined with positive announcements will see more volume trading, which in turn will attract more confidence and more volume in turn driving SP back up to where it would otherwise comfortably be sitting. Not going to go as far as making calls for peak $1.50 just yet, (far too early). But 0.70 level is conservative and the first port of call quite comfortably.

Will likely see some of the volume that was hoping to buy in at just passed bottom of dip, realising they will need to up their bids to not miss out on getting in sub 0.50

07-12-2021, 11:01 AM
They were oversold down to 0.4's after Task acquisition. Trend flatlined, very low volume sales were all that really deflated SP from 0.6 /0.5's (see historical volume trades crossed against SP trending momentum). Sellers starting to recognise and gain confidence that the dip has formed plus new contracts announced. Market since stabilised and rally's up off lower dip trough. Pretty standard, was always coming after such a large 35% discount off previous SP level on offer. We are happy to have acquired more.
2022 looking good. Dan does have a good proven track record. Positive for PX1/Task collaboration will see benefits for the company. Was a smart decision to join both companies. Steady hands often catch the first 20-25% reversal bounce, then the second subsequent 20% rally . Will likely see more funds find there way to PX1 as investors see opportunity and beating market trends, (bargain hunter buyers) who diversify more of portfolio out of for example energy stocks etc that will take a bit longer for a recovery due to dividends not being quite as appealing as previous. General global news and WHO comments already coming out that might have been a bit premature and an overreaction out of caution to effects of Omicron. World slowly but surely will learn to 'roll with the punches' as each new seasonal variant arrises (it's not anything new in that aspect, similar to influenza/ yearly flu shots). Sporting events will become a part of our normal lives again as will everything else.

Unless traders jump in today will likely see low stable movement today. Followed by another push rally up to the 0.5's end of week maybe. Those on the fence waiting to see direction that haven't yet but would like to get in on the dip, sense of motivation will likely be stronger as see 0.45 level broken (and sustained) pushing past 0.46. Then will likely find a bit of sticky resistance around the 0.52-0.55. Unlikely will surge past this level until further positive updates, extensions of contracts to more venues and continued forward momentum. However if this happens sooner and Task really is proving itself then that might be key and could see SP rise sooner than we might think. When tracks back into 0.60's/0.70's (where it was at only 2 months ago). 0.50's will most definitely be looked back upon as a buying opportunity soon to follow. Remember the SP only momentarily dipped down to 0.5 level when Covid first completely rocked the markets in March 2020. Then rallied to $1.50. Now has touched down on double lower end trough. When SP reaches back to even just 0.70's, would be a 50% return on today's SP. Not many stocks have that potential currently (while securing good potentially extensive contracts /see links in posts above). Hence the attraction for value buyers looking for strong returns in shorter time frames. Once the market catches on and sees PX1 has stabilised found its dip and is rallying, combined with positive announcements will see more volume trading, which in turn will attract more confidence and more volume in turn driving SP back up to where it would otherwise comfortably be sitting. Not going to go as far as making calls for peak $1.50 just yet, (far too early). But 0.70 level is conservative and the first port of call quite comfortably.

Will likely see some of the volume that was hoping to buy in at just passed bottom of dip, realising they will need to up their bids to not miss out on getting in sub 0.50

Hmm ... so far this looks to me like an unbroken text book downtrend:


Nice to hear what you hope for what might happen in such a detail, but unless you have some insider knowledge you want to share with us ... it is just that - hope. If they find a way to make more money from their customers than they spend into them, they might be in the long run successful, otherwise there might be some hype driven jitter and long term they will fold.

07-12-2021, 11:04 AM
Well done Baabaa and max ......your efforts have made PX1 top of the leaderboard today .....the star of the NZX

Good stuff

Only a few read this forum to help share info/news to each other (maybe a couple of other analysts). There is not a strong following, far from having any effect on the NZX. More likely investors and analysts are simply starting to see the same as us. Also takes a little while to flow on through media to mainstream. ie Sports venues and Tasks signing etc

07-12-2021, 11:45 AM
Duly noted. 12 wk EMA will be first to break @ 0.5. Recent MACD, OSC and Momentum all showing signs of trend change.

No selling pressure today showing from yesterdays ~10% gain, also a positive sign indicating a rallying trend change from the dip.

The following quote is of key importance. The fact they won this contract from all other competitors speaks to the benefits and strengths over competitors.

“The Venues NSW team had a lot of considerations to weigh up as we contemplated several key factors in this key technology decision. Not only is scalability and architecture vital, but we were also focused on the customer experience journey at SFS and an uplift from the previous system’s capabilities at SCG. It was important to consider the efficiencies gained from the one solution across all our venues. TASK came up trumps in every facet of the evaluation and we are delighted to report that the team have proven to be knowledgeable, supportive, and agile in adapting solutions to business problems at every turn. We’re really looking forward to a future of innovation and partnership with this exceptional company” said Tim Blight, Head of Technology at Venues NSW.

08-12-2021, 04:15 PM
Last traded price on ASX AU 45.75c and on NZX NZ 44.5c, wow what a disparity. You'll be forgiven to think that NZD is higher than AUD.

08-12-2021, 08:41 PM
Strong finish on ASX at AU 47c...

08-12-2021, 08:56 PM
Strong finish on ASX at AU 47c... More volume than NZX today and a few %$ higher, maybe the Aussies are catching on to how well TASK are doing and now they're effectively listed on ASX?

09-12-2021, 09:47 AM
NZX SP to play catchup to ASX.

09-12-2021, 09:59 AM
NZX SP to play catchup to ASX.

More likely ASX bringing it down again ... so far highest NZX bid for PX1 is 44 cents, highest ASX bid is 43 cents (but sure, still a bit early for the ASX).

Remember - one sunray does not make a summer ...

09-12-2021, 10:34 AM
Remember - one sunray does not make a summer ...

A sentiment that some will find hard to swallow.

13-12-2021, 01:22 PM
More volume than NZX today and a few %$ higher, maybe the Aussies are catching on to how well TASK are doing and now they're effectively listed on ASX?

You're on the button. Hence buy orders pushing through over past 5 trading days. Wouldn't be surprised if see a few existing sell orders that have been sitting on market get removed as fearful hands start feeling more secure. All it really takes are a few sellers dropping out, for example 1 seller 90,000 @ 49.5 to change their mindset and in turn free upwards movement back into 0.50 level.

14-12-2021, 08:37 AM
"The Consultation Process has resulted in a headcount reduction of 55 (non-engineering roles) and annual staff cost savings of approximately $8 million."

Sad but that's the harsh corporate reality when you're a listed outfit and this was not entirely unexpected after bringing TASK and PX1 together.

14-12-2021, 08:41 AM
"The Consultation Process has resulted in a headcount reduction of 55 (non-engineering roles) and annual staff cost savings of approximately $8 million."

Sad but that's the harsh corporate reality when you're a listed outfit and this was not entirely unexpected after bringing TASK and PX1 together.

A big part of the rationale for merging TASK & Plexure.

And no problem getting new jobs for the staff being made redundant - plenty of jobs out there so a good outcome for both company & staff.

14-12-2021, 08:53 AM
A big part of the rationale for merging TASK & Plexure.

And no problem getting new jobs for the staff being made redundant - plenty of jobs out there so a good outcome for both company & staff.

For sure and market loves these sort of permanent cost reductions.

14-12-2021, 08:56 AM
Essentially the end of Plexure per se it seems ……..Plexure on its own probably would not have survived much longer …..lucky for shareholders Dan rode into town and put Plexure out of its misery while giving shareholders hope that they’ll end up with a decent return in the future

14-12-2021, 09:00 AM
For sure and market loves these sort of permanent cost reductions.

Permanent cost reductions and heaps more.new contracts …..all good going forward

And I’m sure TASK.ASX will be seen in better light by the market than the badly tainted PX1 name

14-12-2021, 09:03 AM
Essentially the end of Plexure per se it seems ……..Plexure on its own probably would not have survived much longer …..lucky for shareholders Dan rode into town and put Plexure out of its misery while giving shareholders hope that they’ll end up with a decent return in the future

There’s still the McDonald’s contract which will continue to bleed Plexure/TASK for years to come however.

14-12-2021, 09:37 AM
Permanent cost reductions and heaps more.new contracts …..all good going forward

And I’m sure TASK.ASX will be seen in better light by the market than the badly tainted PX1 name

Yep, we won't see PX1 on NZX this time next year, it would've been shunted to ASX with ticker TSK.ASX and price of A$ 1+..

14-12-2021, 09:39 AM
"The Consultation Process has resulted in a headcount reduction of 55 (non-engineering roles) and annual staff cost savings of approximately $8 million."

Sad but that's the harsh corporate reality when you're a listed outfit and this was not entirely unexpected after bringing TASK and PX1 together.

New broom et al , well done imo!!

14-12-2021, 10:02 AM
New broom et al , well done imo!!

Task was always going to be the saving grace for the combined company. Plexure's integration systems still had value to Task, hence the acquisition. Onto better and brighter company future. The tides have turned. Yes great for shareholders. As we have been noting previously this hasn't really yet been realised or factored into current SP. These levels will soon be looked back on as a nice discounted re-entry point come 2nd quarter 2022

Market is loving the news also, largest volume we have seen moving on open in a long while. 0.48 volume sold through. If 0.49 volume sells through looking like the rally we have been commenting on is happening sooner than mentioned in previous posts.

14-12-2021, 10:06 AM
New broom et al , well done imo!!

Market likes it ( as it should ! !! )

14-12-2021, 10:14 AM
Looks like it broke 0.49. 1 Stickler seller at 0.495 then back up into the 0.5's range for reasons in previous post comments. Now volume buyers are feeling more confident coming in setting the momentum forward. Looking like 0.50 breakthrough point today on the cards. Rally has been in motion since lower trough formed in the 0.4's range.

14-12-2021, 10:21 AM
Happening as we speak. Those that have been sitting on the fence are jumping back in as expected. Back up to at least CR price today. Sooner than we were predicting pre-xmas. Possible could now see 0.6 level tested pre xmas (or sooner at this rate).

Just as quickly as it fell 20%, will now rise 20% round 1, then another 20% round 2. A quick 20% return for those that bought in and were following our posts back when levels touched down low 0.4's. Now another 20% on the upside to be made from 0.5 to 0.6 level.

Looks like a few unsteady hands still with the mentality to sell at where they bought in CR 0.52. After being in the red for a bit, probably thinking might just get out and break even. However better to remember why you bought in at CR price in the first place, hold confidence and realise the 20% upside now rather than sell for nothing at 0.52.

14-12-2021, 10:31 AM
Happening as we speak. Those that have been sitting on the fence are jumping back in as expected. Back up to at least CR price today. Sooner than we were predicting pre-xmas. Possible could now see 0.6 level tested pre xmas (or sooner at this rate).

To test that range, needs another/more new contract announcement/s.

14-12-2021, 10:45 AM
Agree, might hover around 0.49-0.52 level for a bit, before we have another positive update sending SP back up into 0.6 range. Will need to be in at 0.5 level as next bounce will likely be news related and a quick rally like todays.

55,000 traded through 0.5. As nervous sellers accumulate at 0.50 they are getting hit by mid size buys, all positive, momentum, MACD, technicals looking supportive.

Pushing through 12EMA key level.

TSK ASX ($1) does have a nice ring to it doesn't it

14-12-2021, 01:25 PM
There’s still the McDonald’s contract which will continue to bleed Plexure/TASK for years to come however.

Unless I'm mistaken, there is no evidence that the Mc'Donalds contract in TOTO is loss making. Do you have some numbers to the contrary?

14-12-2021, 01:27 PM
Permanent cost reductions and heaps more.new contracts …..all good going forward

$8m is a large chunk of labour expenses saved, 55 FTE 'non-engineering' staff. That's a huge boost to the second half financials.

14-12-2021, 03:10 PM
$8m is a large chunk of labour expenses saved, 55 FTE 'non-engineering' staff. That's a huge boost to the second half financials.

Yes, one of the reasons why we are seeing more volume buying at 0.51 today and will likely see SP sitting back in CR 0.52 at close today.

14-12-2021, 04:10 PM
Unless I'm mistaken, there is no evidence that the Mc'Donalds contract in TOTO is loss making. Do you have some numbers to the contrary?

Forgotten what TOTO stands for …..knew once …..can you please remind me …cheers

14-12-2021, 04:20 PM
Forgotten what TOTO stands for …..knew once …..can you please remind me …cheers

as a whole.
in all; overall.

14-12-2021, 04:31 PM
as a whole.
in all; overall.

With you now ... thought you were referring to TOLO ... a thing Plexure use

15-12-2021, 09:49 AM
With all the other different analysts positive comments yesterday afternoon, looking like we might see the possibility of pushing through the 0.52 (CR SP) price sooner than we thought.

15-12-2021, 10:35 AM
With all the other different analysts positive comments yesterday afternoon, looking like we might see the possibility of pushing through the 0.52 (CR SP) price sooner than we thought.

Gee Maxtrade you do love this stock eh. Hope you arent planning on giving us a running commentary for every cent it goes up :p

15-12-2021, 11:22 AM
Gee Maxtrade you do love this stock eh. Hope you arent planning on giving us a running commentary for every cent it goes up :p
Better that than a whinge every time it drops one

15-12-2021, 12:02 PM
Better that than a whinge every time it drops one

Haha, no worries. Some find such helpful. A while back we were asked to justify our reasoning why we commented that low 0.4's was going to be where the lower trough formed. And why the 0.52 level would quickly be re-established. Which was disputed at the time. Ok will leave you guys to it then. Best of luck to all and merry Christmas. See you in the 0.6's early next year.

15-12-2021, 12:31 PM
Happy xmas to you as well maxtrade .I hope your optimism carries on through the new year .

15-12-2021, 05:01 PM
Haha, no worries. Some find such helpful. A while back we were asked to justify our reasoning why we commented that low 0.4's was going to be where the lower trough formed. And why the 0.52 level would quickly be re-established. Which was disputed at the time. Ok will leave you guys to it then. Best of luck to all and merry Christmas. See you in the 0.6's early next year.

Dont leave the building because of those comments Maxtrade, please keep posting :)

15-12-2021, 05:12 PM
Dont leave the building because of those comments Maxtrade, please keep posting :)

Agree Rupert …maxtrade gives us hope things will be ok …..along with baabaa

15-12-2021, 05:28 PM
Haha, no worries. Some find such helpful. A while back we were asked to justify our reasoning why we commented that low 0.4's was going to be where the lower trough formed. And why the 0.52 level would quickly be re-established. Which was disputed at the time. Ok will leave you guys to it then. Best of luck to all and merry Christmas. See you in the 0.6's early next year.

Who is the “our” and “we” you often refer to Maxtrade ? Your business or organisation, or the wider market, etc?

29-12-2021, 09:11 AM
Herbie exercised 333,3330 options …….. suppose getting the shares for about 18 cents too good an offer to turn down no matter how you feel about the company

27-01-2022, 03:44 PM
As Plexure share price sinks lower and lower (now 42 cents) do we assume the much touted pipeline of new business was just a pipe dream

Must be a lot of pissed off ‘investors’ out there at the moment

Surely not a gone burger is it?

27-01-2022, 04:05 PM
Mkt pretty much in red across the board.
Not likely to get better any time soon with the Omicron scarient out there and the Russia / Ukraine altercation potential simmering. Hold all bets for the mo.

07-02-2022, 02:45 PM
About a year ago Plexure surpasses market guidance …..share price was about 110 but the exciting news wasn’t enough to stop the share price confusing it’s fall.

Another announcement soon ….not going to be good methinks ….. share price in the 30’s?

14-02-2022, 03:33 PM
Hang in there Plexure -- don't let share price go to the low 30's

Very quiet on this thread -- everybody sold up and moved on?

14-02-2022, 04:01 PM
Hang in there Plexure -- don't let share price go to the low 30's

Very quiet on this thread -- everybody sold up and moved on?

Still holding Winner….rightly or wrongly….:confused:

14-02-2022, 10:06 PM
Hang in there Plexure -- don't let share price go to the low 30's

Very quiet on this thread -- everybody sold up and moved on?

Hopefully our friendly sheep Baa Baa is still holding :D

15-02-2022, 12:12 PM
Down she goes .... 38 cents now

The whole saga over the last two years has been one big con job

Plexure being seen for what it really is .... a loss making services company ....without any competitive advantage

What's amazing is that the company still has a market cap of $130m

Sorry Rupert - seems news not getting any better

My 'free' ones were worth 115 once .... sold half .....but 'profit' diminishing fast ...along with many others goted sucked in good and proper

15-02-2022, 12:18 PM
Plexure should be issued with a speeding ticket ---- would give them the opportunity to say 'Nothing to report and we are in full compliance with of Disclosure rules'

15-02-2022, 12:45 PM
Down she goes .... 38 cents now

The whole saga over the last two years has been one big con job

Plexure being seen for what it really is .... a loss making services company ....without any competitive advantage

What's amazing is that the company still has a market cap of $130m

Sorry Rupert - seems news not getting any better

My 'free' ones were worth 115 once .... sold half .....but 'profit' diminishing fast ...along with many others goted sucked in good and proper

You'll post this on the serko thread one day

15-02-2022, 12:46 PM
Oh darn :crying:

15-02-2022, 01:33 PM
Appears to me someone shorting their own stock, mostly single sellers and buyers Aussie been the same 1m traded on 8th.

18-02-2022, 05:54 PM
37c and heading towards 23c on the charts.

Who is still holding?

18-02-2022, 07:42 PM
OH dear its looking a grim task ahead .

18-02-2022, 07:47 PM
37c and heading towards 23c on the charts.

Who is still holding?

Not me. As the great financial guru K. Rogers once said: "you've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them."
I folded.

19-02-2022, 10:38 PM
Not me. As the great financial guru K. Rogers once said: "you've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them."
I folded.

Same here :/

25-02-2022, 08:39 AM
So the '$45 million to $47 million revenue' was out of fantasy land after all

But never mind 'The pipeline remains extremely strong' and we very happy with things

So no worries ..... it's all all hunky dory

25-02-2022, 09:01 AM
Wow they cut the fat... 40% less head count over at plexure. Must have been a lot of dead weight there

Not all bad. YTD 20% growth in recurring revenue. With 40% less slugs working

Not a holder. Never again

25-02-2022, 10:40 AM
Plexure notes that the Group is seeing additional customer demand and hardware revenue is expected to rebound as market conditions normalise.

Sounds good.

25-02-2022, 10:44 AM
Plexure notes that the Group is seeing additional customer demand and hardware revenue is expected to rebound as market conditions normalise.

Sounds good.
Sounds like more of the same old rhetoric

25-02-2022, 10:55 AM
$13m in the bank doesn't seem much .

25-02-2022, 11:43 AM
$13m in the bank doesn't seem much .

my thoughts as well

25-02-2022, 06:08 PM
$13m in the bank doesn't seem much .

After settling the TASK transaction on October 1st 2021 the cash at bank should have been around NZ$17m so they've used NZ$4m in 5 months....might not be too bad given the costs of terminating 50-odd employees/contracters? (not sure the actual costs involved)

Regardless it seems they have about 18 months cash so unless they can get cash neutral by the end of calendar 2022 expect another cap raise.

01-03-2022, 11:52 AM
DOWN again today 7% atm, where to from here ?

01-03-2022, 11:55 AM
Down is the only pathway I see. I say this as an ex-believer and ex-holder.

01-03-2022, 05:13 PM
Another good win from the TASK team https://www.nzx.com/announcements/388183 a five year contract extension with Food Co covering 450 of Foodco’s Jamaica Blue and Muffin Break branded stores globally, including Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Singapore and Malaysia.

01-03-2022, 05:16 PM
Another good win from the TASK team https://www.nzx.com/announcements/388183 a five year contract extension with Food Co covering 450 of Foodco’s Jamaica Blue and Muffin Break branded stores globally, including Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Singapore and Malaysia.

Good stuff ….but not overly exciting is it? how much revenue retained.?

Better than losing a customer though so suppose good news

wonder who told them to make an announcement ..like anything will do as long as it’s positive ……be awful looking if share prices drops into the 20s

02-03-2022, 05:01 PM
sounds like a cool jazz band... and on late nite jaaazzz we have a set from the Jamaica Blues and Muffin Break Band... nice.

09-03-2022, 02:29 PM
Good win today

09-03-2022, 03:20 PM
No mention of revenue associated with this win. If it was noteworthy, I'd expect them to provide a figure

09-03-2022, 03:23 PM
No mention of revenue associated with this win. If it was noteworthy, I'd expect them to provide a figure

Miliions (probably not zillions) I suspect ….but it’s recurring so no worries

And the launching pad for extra new clients

14-03-2022, 09:07 AM
Russians bombs on Poland's doorstep

Hope our staff in Poland aren't getting worried and that this war doesn't spread to Poland and NATO countries

16-03-2022, 08:59 AM
WOW another HUGE win ……cool as


Love Plexure announcements …..this one scored 8.7 (out of 10) on the bull **** monitor (use of buzz words)

16-03-2022, 09:13 AM
WOW another HUGE win ……cool as


Another good win, TANK have 99 stores throughout NZ. The significant aspect of this deal is that the solution is the combined TASK & Plexure technologies, so we're seeing now that the synergy has "traction" as they say.

16-03-2022, 09:17 AM
Good that Plexure coming out with all these good stories all of a sudden …no doubt to pump up the share price

Been four announcements since 25th Feb …..one highlighted a lot of positives and one or two negatives and the others been super good news.

But in that time the share price has gone from 36.5 cents to 31.5 cents ….14%

Maybe pumping not going to inflate something that’s dead in the water

16-03-2022, 09:40 AM
Are they TANKING?

16-03-2022, 09:47 AM
Are they TANKING?

Maybe a new chapter in THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE

All his talk in the announcement of platforms and rails and points and even baabaa uses traction

21-03-2022, 09:46 AM
Share price has fallen a lot since TASK took over

And that cap raise at bargain basement price of $1.20 doesn’t seem that long ago.

04-04-2022, 04:05 PM
Need them to announce another win or two in next week or so to stop share price sinking into the 20's

04-04-2022, 05:29 PM
Need them to announce another win or two in next week or so to stop share price sinking into the 20's

Last year Annual Reporting date was announced 5th May and the Report released 20th May. I'm more interested in how close to guidance they are (now withdrawn).

This will imo have more bearing on the share price than announcing a new win at the beginning of the FY22/23 year, unless it was something humungous like Super Indo full rollout, or Ahold Delhaize adopt TASK/Plexure.

Market has ignored all of the previous Task "wins", so thinking it will somehow be different with another "win" might be optimistic. The the pachyderm in the room is NO deals from Plexure for donkey's ages.

On the bright side, Plexure/TASK shares are at a good level to accumulate, get 4 - 5 shares more now than at the peak price or the capital raise.

The new owners and major shareholders of Plexure will be pissed about the current share price, probably scratching their heads about what to do about it, cos nothings worked so far since the merger.

20-04-2022, 11:25 AM
PX1 share price into the 20’s

Maybe even go into the teens by end of year

Hope they don’t run out of cash and need another cap raise ….at 10 cents

This is getting worse by the day

20-04-2022, 11:51 AM
I remember paying $1.20 for the last cap raise, thought it was a bargain when the SP was $1.50.

Saw it all crumble away until i got out at 60 cents. Boy did i learn a lot. Didnt even know what I was investing in to be honest. All good, relatively cheap lesson learned. And hey- getting out at 60 is better than 20 cents something

I bet the new owners that got paid millions to take over this mess still laugh when the look at their bank accounts.

20-04-2022, 11:59 AM
I remember paying $1.20 for the last cap raise, thought it was a bargain when the SP was $1.50.

Saw it all crumble away until i got out at 60 cents. Boy did i learn a lot. Didnt even know what I was investing in to be honest. All good, relatively cheap lesson learned. And hey- getting out at 60 is better than 20 cents something

I bet the new owners that got paid millions to take over this mess still laugh when the look at their bank accounts.

Almost like all (maybe not all) got sucked in good and proper eh

Company making good progress I'm told so no worries

20-04-2022, 12:39 PM
PX1 share price into the 20’s

Maybe even go into the teens by end of year

Hope they don’t run out of cash and need another cap raise ….at 10 cents

This is getting worse by the day

Maybe in the teens today at this rate

Bankruptcy / administration pending ....surely not

20-04-2022, 12:47 PM
Maybe in the teens today at this rate

Bankruptcy / administration pending ....surely not

Crikey I better cancel the buy order I had in years ago at 23 cents that never got hit.!.lol

20-04-2022, 01:31 PM
Crikey I better cancel the buy order I had in years ago at 23 cents that never got hit.!.lol

This might be the next PAZ Percy! Might end up being good buying at this price :D

I still hold :(

Using the investing technique called HOPE :cool:

20-04-2022, 01:59 PM
This might be the next PAZ Percy! Might end up being good buying at this price :D

I still hold :(

Using the investing technique called HOPE :cool:

No I do not see them as a potential PAZ.
I do hold MSL in Aussie which is in the same sector.
Sector not doing well,but with stadiums etc reopening, perhaps the tide is slowly turning.

20-04-2022, 02:42 PM
No I do not see them as a potential PAZ.
I do hold MSL in Aussie which is in the same sector.
Sector not doing well,but with stadiums etc reopening, perhaps the tide is slowly turning.

Hmmm the MSL chart looks way better than the PX1 one Percy. I swap ya?! :D

20-04-2022, 02:46 PM
Hmmm the MSL chart looks way better than the PX1 one Percy. I swap ya?! :D

Thank you,......................but no thank you...............lol

20-04-2022, 04:41 PM
April 2017, that's when I brought in, 21c, nice 7 bagger, until it rained, and my bag was a paper bag, and I'd just done the shopping, and now all I have is a broken aubergine on the pavement.... and then I wake up and find it's all a dream...I wish lol
Go the All Blacks, bring back the crowds!

30-04-2022, 05:29 PM
Plexure Group Issues Options and Restricted Share Units

29/4/2022, 4:27 pmSECISSUEPlexure Group Limited (PX1) are today issuing 161,397 Restricted Share Units (RSUs) and 198,102 share options to senior managers and staff.
The RSUs are issued to senior managers and staff and will vest in equal tranches on 28 April 2023, 2024 and 2025, if performance incentive targets are met and participants remain employed by the company. Participants will not be required to pay a cash amount on exercise as the RSUs are in recognition of meeting performance incentives.
The share options are issued under the company's Employee Share Option Scheme (ESOS). Options vest in three equal tranches on the 12, 24 and 36 month anniversary of the grant date and upon exercise participants can elect to pay the exercise price of 16.01 cents per share or the cashless exercise as set out in the scheme rules. The exercise price of 16.01 cents per share, being a 50% discount on the 20-day volume weighted average price (VWAP) as at 1 April 2022 of 32.03 cents per share.
Following the issue of the RSUs and Options the total number of shares, live options, deferred share rights and RSUs is:
Ordinary Shares 353,582,379
Options 4,606,437
Deferred Share Rights 20,020,965
Restricted Share Units 3,819,699
Copies of the RSU Scheme Rules and the modified ESOS Rules are available on Plexure's website

Maybe a good deal for employees !! might give them a reason to work harder if they buy in at this price 16 cps at v w a p

30-04-2022, 07:11 PM

Go back to March 2020 and the prophetic comments from one Balance. :p

Those who followed the suggestion to trade the stock before the inevitable unravelling of its unsustainable business model would have done okay.

Those who hurled abuse at anyone who questioned PX1 business model have only themselves to commiserate with.

01-05-2022, 11:22 AM
You are quite right to Crow I told you so ,well done Balance .
Do you still see 20 cps or less will the maccas contract see the 16cps v w a p on offer to staff a bad incentive for them .
Onwards & upwards

16-05-2022, 10:38 PM
Gee .. what's going on with this outfit ? ;)

17-05-2022, 08:42 AM
Gee .. what's going on with this outfit ? ;)

Reality setting in methinks ….realisation they don’t really have much to offer and basically just a service company

17-05-2022, 08:48 AM
Reality setting in methinks ….realisation they don’t really have much to offer and basically just a service company

With a horrendously expensive Macca servicing contract - just like Provenco did with Petronas.

At least Provenco did not sign an exclusivity deal in the case of Petronas so was able to stretch out its pretence longer before the inevitable happened for the company.

PX1 needs to see if it can ditch the Macca contract.

30-05-2022, 11:12 AM
So will the 11.4% rally last Friday be substantiated with the analyst call today?

30-05-2022, 12:35 PM
So will the 11.4% rally last Friday be substantiated with the analyst call today?

Not bad set numbers at first glance, investor call would probably throw more insight.

30-05-2022, 12:42 PM
No wonder they withdrew the guidance for FY22 revenues of $45 – 47 million .... after confirming it a few times

Actual $32.6m is a big miss

At least they got all that cash saying that in the first place ...pack of rogues

30-05-2022, 12:44 PM
Not bad set numbers at first glance, investor call would probably throw more insight.

Do you really want to listen to that call mate .....they'll only tell you the good stuff you want to hear

Does Plexure really have a future?

30-05-2022, 12:47 PM
Do you really want to listen to that call mate .....they'll only tell you the good stuff you want to hear

Does Plexure really have a future?

I’m only interested in Q&A session and hope they get a good grilling, at least it’ll help me make up my mind to hold or offload…

30-05-2022, 03:12 PM
Jeez, 323,000,000 users

And that just Plexure

That’s a lot of people

Does that mean each user brings in 6 cents

31-05-2022, 04:56 AM
ManagementcommittedtoensuringthatthePlexureDivisio noperationsare cash positive in FY23”

The above would be a considerable achievement. I guess they will have to renegotiate those “legacy contracts with McDonalds”

31-05-2022, 08:11 AM
ManagementcommittedtoensuringthatthePlexureDivisio noperationsare cash positive in FY23”

The above would be a considerable achievement. I guess they will have to renegotiate those “legacy contracts with McDonalds”

Why would McDonalds renegotiate the contract? Anyone who has ever dealt with the Yankee multinational know they play hard ball.

31-05-2022, 01:29 PM
I’m only interested in Q&A session and hope they get a good grilling, at least it’ll help me make up my mind to hold or offload…

Sp heading towards 20c and below.

So we’re management grilled as sp is certainly getting grilled!?

31-05-2022, 01:45 PM
sp heading towards 20c and below.

So we’re management grilled as sp is certainly getting grilled!?

offload underway!

31-05-2022, 02:34 PM
Why would Macca buy PX1? They already obtain all the services they want at other PX1 shareholders’ expense for their $5m investment!

And there were many posters/shareholders who thought the sun shone out of the big ‘M’ backside!

Told you so!

14-06-2022, 05:19 PM
s p 18.2 Oh dear me this bear market crazy

Sp heading towards 20c and below.

15-06-2022, 08:29 AM
s p 18.2 Oh dear me this bear market crazy

Sp heading towards 20c and below.

You mean towards 2c?

74% down the dunny so far in the last 1 year and down 85% from the $1.20 capital raise sp in 2020.

Thread has gone deadly quiet like the sp.

Now is actually the time for the believers who were screaming anyone who dared to question PX1’s business strategy to front up and convince us that the stock is now an outstanding buy.

If it was so good at $1.20 as they asserted, it must be an absolutely buy of the century at 18.2c !!!!!!

15-06-2022, 08:44 AM
s p 18.2 Oh dear me this bear market crazy

Sp heading towards 20c and below.

Surprised me it’s taken so long to get this low

What’ll happen when punters realise they don’t actually have much to offer customers besides a ‘service’ …no real tech stuff that is

Whoops I forgot that they are pretty high up on the Gartner Magic Quadrant

More than magic needed here to stop shareprice becoming a penny awful.

15-06-2022, 09:58 AM
What’ll happen when punters realise they don’t actually have much to offer customers besides a ‘service’ …no real tech stuff that is

Whoops I forgot that they are pretty high up on the Gartner Magic Quadrant

Can you explain what you mean by this? The combined TASK and Plexure solution is entirely technology, with some consulting and support services.

Manage every customer interaction and transaction through TASKs all-in-one, integrated transaction management platform. SaaS-based and infinitely scalable, the TASK application platform offers an enterprise Point-of-Sale (POS) and terminal management solution with inventory management, business intelligence, analytics and real-time sales reporting. Integrate loyalty, digital signage, self-service kiosks and hardware, mobile app development and graphic design capabilities and wrap it all in a 24/7 service and support wrapper

And Plexure is the big data analytics engine behind all of that.

15-06-2022, 11:26 AM
Maybe I badly worded my post

To me it seems that all the analytics / intelligence stuff that Plexure / Task creates little in the way of value for PX1 shareholders even though they say have 323,000,000 users …to me it’s just the tools that they, as you say, for them to be provide a ‘24/7 service and support’

Hopefully their customers get heaps of value / benefits out of it. Maybe I just don’t get it but little value / benefits seem to come Plexures way.

15-06-2022, 11:44 AM
323 M users is 5% of the planets population . If that is not profitable for them then there is no hope. Most of those users are tied to maccas and therein lies the problem. Maccas stopped them from selling to other fast food companies and the foray into the supermarket chains went nowhere. I sold out when I came to the conclusion that they were not able to attract new major customers. I made good money on plexure and will be back in if the story changes.

20-06-2022, 09:06 PM
323 M users is 5% of the planets population . If that is not profitable for them then there is no hope. Most of those users are tied to maccas and therein lies the problem. Maccas stopped them from selling to other fast food companies and the foray into the supermarket chains went nowhere. I sold out when I came to the conclusion that they were not able to attract new major customers. I made good money on plexure and will be back in if the story changes.

Sp 15.7c - total market cap of $55m!

And PX1 paid A$120m to 'merge' with TASK!

The company had $42m in cash as at 31 March 2022 and raised another $20m to pay cash of A$30m over to TASK.

TASK vendors must be laughing like well fed Dingoes!

20-06-2022, 10:21 PM
Sp 15.7c - total market cap of $55m!

And PX1 paid A$120m to 'merge' with TASK!

The company had $42m in cash as at 31 March 2022 and raised another $20m to pay cash of A$30m over to TASK.

TASK vendors must be laughing like well fed Dingoes!
I think all shares have taken a hammering and mostly “growth stocks”. This share has not proven itself and I wonder if it will survive the next couple of years if not few months. Phil Norman must be shaking in his boots, as he is invested financially as well, yet has not bought anymore shares. I asked the question to him whether or not management/directors would buy into the company to show support to others about the company. They have shown little faith in the company so far.

Ps Phil was the founding Chairman of Xero Limited, arguably New Zealand’s most successful publicly listed technology company, spending five years on the board before retiring in 2012.

21-06-2022, 04:56 AM
ManagementcommittedtoensuringthatthePlexureDivisio noperationsare cash positive in FY23”

The above would be a considerable achievement. I guess they will have to renegotiate those “legacy contracts with McDonalds”

I also read this comment in the full year results and did wonder given that the Net decrease in cash held was $(28,009) for the year. However, I did some analysis on the annual and half reports and I have found that the following items which either have had or will have a significant impact on the Cash Flows (note: all number are in thousands):

Business acquisition net of cash acquired less Capital Raise and Share Capital raising costs $(7,723)
Movement in Working Capital $(6,166)
Annualised reduced salary and wage costs $(8,000)
Acquisition Costs recognised within operating expenses $(1,300)
Add back Term Deposits $424

The total of these amounts is $22,765, when adjusting for these amounts the net decrease in cash held is $(5,244). This is still a large cash outflow but when I broke it down further into first and second half of the year, I found that the net decrease in cash for the first half was $(3,892) and the second half was $(1,352). This shows that achieving net positive cash flow may not be as difficult as first thought when looking at the FY22 Financial Statements.

Other items to consider which are not included above:

The first half included the ex-CEOs pay-out of $(1,080) which I haven't deducted from the numbers above, but you probably could also deduct this as the ex-CEOs role was taken up by Daniel Houden who was already employed by Task.
The full $(8,000) annualised reduced salary and wages was deducted above, depending on the payment of notice periods and redundancy there may have been some savings in the current year as it was reported that salary and wage costs reduced by 40% (Q4 vs. Q3 FY22). I did also notice there were restructuring costs of $(1,600) which I haven't included (these might be the notice period and redundancies paid).
Increased recurring revenue, both Task and Plexure reported increased recurring revenue throughout the year, some of this revenue would have only been received for part of the year.
Increased IT costs going forward – these increased $(2,400) for the Plexure division in FY22, these costs may continue to increase in FY23.
Other professional fees and other expenses seem high and may decrease going forward.

21-06-2022, 07:47 AM
Decades later isn't Xero still making losses?

21-06-2022, 08:09 AM
Decades later isn't Xero still making losses?

Xero & Sky TV (in its earlier years) are all about building up subscriber numbers and ever growing recurring annuity incomes.

The market knows how to value such stocks - especially the overseas markets.

So PX1 got lucky and raised good money in Australia at $1.20, remember? But it does not take the market long to figure out that the huge Macca numbers mean bugger all - in fact, the Macca contract is sucking the life out of the company for a miserly $5m!!!!

21-06-2022, 08:50 AM
Which overseas market has valued Xero correctly? The market that valued it at Au$156 a share? or the overseas market valuing it AU$11 Billion less at AU$73 a share?

21-06-2022, 09:06 AM
Which overseas market has valued Xero correctly? The market that valued it at Au$156 a share? or the overseas market valuing it AU$11 Billion less at AU$73 a share?

Market conditions have changed - it's that simple.

Was the market right to value it at $1.00 years ago?

21-06-2022, 10:17 AM
Xero & Sky TV (in its earlier years) are all about building up subscriber numbers and ever growing recurring annuity incomes.

The market knows how to value such stocks - especially the overseas markets.

So PX1 got lucky and raised good money in Australia at $1.20, remember? But it does not take the market long to figure out that the huge Macca numbers mean bugger all - in fact, the Macca contract is sucking the life out of the company for a miserly $5m!!!!

Isn’t that what plexure is about as well growing subscribers and customers. They are currently failing at getting customers. Also I can totally agree that maccas is not successful for them for now.

Plexure needs to increase their pricing to maccas to remain a float, which maybe they have offered in the long run. Trust me maccas don’t want plexure to go broke. It would cost them way to much to start from scratch with their own platform.

21-06-2022, 10:21 AM
Isn’t that what plexure is about as well growing subscribers and customers. They are currently failing at getting customers. Also I can totally agree that maccas is not successful for them for now.

Plexure needs to increase their pricing to maccas to remain a float, which maybe they have offered in the long run. Trust me maccas don’t want plexure to go broke. It would cost them way to much to start from scratch with their own platform.

Macca has the platform set up by PX1 for a fraction of the actual cost at PX1 cost.

If push comes to shove, they can get their in-house IT to maintain it from hereonin.

Seen it all before.

IBM used to do this kind of contracts a lot. Surprises me that the directors of PX1 (supposed to be veterans of the IT world) fell for it or were they so desperate for a deal, any deal before they go broke?

21-06-2022, 02:34 PM
[QUOTE=Balance;963563]Macca has the platform set up by PX1 for a fraction of the actual cost at PX1 cost.

If push comes to shove, they can get their in-house IT to maintain it from hereonin.

Seen it all before.

IBM used to do this kind of contracts a lot. Surprises me that the directors of PX1 (supposed to be veterans of the IT world) fell for it or were they so desperate for a deal, any deal before they go broke?[/QUOTE

They we’re desperate. Beggars cannot be choosers.

21-06-2022, 03:18 PM
Macca has the platform set up by PX1 for a fraction of the actual cost at PX1 cost.

If push comes to shove, they can get their in-house IT to maintain it from hereonin.

Seen it all before.

IBM used to do this kind of contracts a lot. Surprises me that the directors of PX1 (supposed to be veterans of the IT world) fell for it or were they so desperate for a deal, any deal before they go broke?

Can you clear your inbox please

21-06-2022, 03:36 PM
Can you clear your inbox please

Done - done

26-06-2022, 03:13 PM
Lefty from another place said:

"Hidden in all the great news about the Plexure/Task merger around the week of my departure were a couple of concerns to me;

1.) Despite all the talk about 'synergies' between Task and Plexure's marketing services.....they mentioned that the Plexure systems were not able to 'talk' to the Task systems and we were told the two systems needed considerable work to allow full integration."

They are integrated now. As the Chair said in his Report ... "strong SaaS revenue growth, continued contract extensions and a number of early wins with joint customers such as Pita Pit and TANK where the end-to-end Group capabilities will be delivered."

"2.) the MacD contract renewal/expansion negotiations were still not resolved"

Fair enough, they still aren't, despite Plexure 11% recurring revenue increase to $20.4m (vs TASK $15.4m annualised) the CEO said ... "has led to significant platform usage increases year on year [...] This level of platform usage growth has historically resulted in significant cost increases within Plexure [...] To date, revenue increases have not matched pace with these costs. [...] The legacy structure of the Plexure Division has resulted in an
unacceptable loss for the year. [...] My number one priority now is to address our legacy commercial contracts to ensure that the Division becomes cash flow positive in the FY23 Financial Year.

Tough talk eh, let's see if he can deliver on that promise. Share price up 11% from the low this week for whomever snaffled the low, or gulped a few of the 40,000 offered at $15.6c at close on Tuesday. Really requires only chump change now for a decent punt.

Another thing that I consider is the Houdens who ran a successful profitable growing business in TASK, effectively took over Plexure, now holding the largest share 35% of the company which at cap raise price is now about 85% down in value. You'd think their focus will be on returning the Group to profit (mainly Plexure), growth and boosting the share price.

26-06-2022, 03:39 PM
Take care Baa Baa.
Remember the Buffet quote.
“When a management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact.”

26-06-2022, 04:22 PM
Take care Baa Baa.
Remember the Buffet quote.
“When a management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact.”

Thanks Percy, wise words.

So if Plexure's McD's contract is not profitable which is implied in the CEO's words (even though they don't break out the company financials), then first option is to renegotiate to profitability - basically that McD's represents 95% of Plexure subsidiary revenue and needs to pay for the platform costs that they use, plus some margin. Second option if that doesn't work is to liquidate the Plexure subsidiary (not the Group), which would lose the revenue but make the Group more profitable, then transfer the assets and customers to TASK and move on without McD's. Third option is that if liquidated, McD's would be in a pickle so they're the natural buyer of Plexure, but does the Corporation really want to centralise and support this international service to its mostly global franchises. And so on, back to option 1.

I think the Board will be feeling pretty stink about their 2020/21 Plexure company growth strategy which sucked the kumara during Covid. It's clear as day now that the TASK acquisition/merger/reverse takeover was a life line for the Group, without which the Group looks like it would have folded eventually anyway. The lingering annoying doubt is why nothing seems to have come from any of the big Plexure prospects, like SuperIndo and Ahold Delhaize gone nowhere, 7-Eleven gone nowhere, White Castle how's that going, the rest are chicken feed like LoyaltyNZ.

26-06-2022, 04:28 PM
The sector is not easy.However the out look is improving.
I hold shares in MSL on ASX.

01-08-2022, 08:43 AM
All sorted - McDonald’s all fixed and transformation complete

Nothing to stop Plexure/Task becoming great now

Need to get rid of that Plexure name now …..change name to TASK sooner than later


01-08-2022, 08:54 AM
Guidance revenues circa $56m

That ‘deserves’ a share price circa $1

But sentiment around Plexure stinks so badly share price will probably never get that high

Suppose 30 cents this year will be a good outcome

01-08-2022, 09:27 AM
A huge turn around in EBITDA from a loss of $13.1 mil to a profit of $3.7 mil.
Market cap is currently $64 mil.at share price of 18.3 cents.

01-08-2022, 09:31 AM
McDonald’s will have a non-exclusive perpetual licence to use the intellectual property in the Plexure platform solely for its own business purposes following the end of the agreements and Plexure will be required to provide transitional services for a period of up to 12 months (on a further payment basis to the extent incremental costs are incurred) following the end of the agreements.

So at the end of the term their key customer no longer has to pay. Seems like they've made a deal to keep themselves alive in the short term, and just hope they can sort something longer term.

01-08-2022, 09:32 AM
When Plexure was last profitable, the share price was over $1.50+. Now they are bigger, and better.

Good hold, glad I stuck to my guns and ignored the negative sentiment and bought more at the BARGAIN price of around $0.17!

01-08-2022, 10:15 AM
Guidance revenues circa $56m

That ‘deserves’ a share price circa $1

But sentiment around Plexure stinks so badly share price will probably never get that high

Suppose 30 cents this year will be a good outcome

Might get to that 30c mark by end of day's trading by the looks...

01-08-2022, 10:33 AM
Past 30 cents now, but that surely can’t last aye winner.

01-08-2022, 10:43 AM
that is a great update. well done holders. forget about winners 30 cents. this going to the moon

01-08-2022, 10:44 AM
A huge turn around in EBITDA from a loss of $13.1 mil to a profit of $3.7 mil.
Market cap is currently $64 mil.at share price of 18.3 cents.

At 30 cents the market cap is now $106 mil.

01-08-2022, 11:06 AM
At 30 cents the market cap is now $106 mil.
Goodness gracious, the market cap. We now just need Elon to tweet about this to sky rocket

01-08-2022, 11:31 AM
So at the end of the term their key customer no longer has to pay. Seems like they've made a deal to keep themselves alive in the short term, and just hope they can sort something longer term.

Looks like it. They can take it all in-house after 5 years.

01-08-2022, 11:55 AM
that is a great update. well done holders. forget about winners 30 cents. this going to the moon

I did say ‘deserves’ to be $1 on that guidance

Just have to get rid of that stink hangs around them (like sheep dip) …..maybe happening and soon to be smelling of roses

$1 by Xmas

01-08-2022, 12:02 PM
I did say ‘deserves’ to be $1 on that guidance

Just have to get rid of that stink hangs around them (like sheep dip) …..maybe happening and soon to be smelling of roses

$1 by Xmas

this could be a billion dollar company one day W69

01-08-2022, 01:02 PM
Almost parity between both markets, ASX-31c and NZX-32c in respective currencies.

01-08-2022, 02:42 PM
Congratz on everyone that kept faith and held on or those bought while it was cheap, the current CEO is definitely above and beyond the past CEOs and it really shows, onwards and upwards for this stock!

01-08-2022, 03:01 PM
Looks like it. They can take it all in-house after 5 years.

Or they can continue with Plexure under a new agreement. Sounds fairly simple to me.

01-08-2022, 04:31 PM
The F23 guidance of $56m revenues is really good (F22 only $32m)

But not that good when only a year ago they were touting $45m to $47m for F22

Surely they wont be 'withdrawing this guidance' at some time

01-08-2022, 04:56 PM
The F23 guidance of $56m revenues is really good (F22 only $26m)

But not that good when only a year ago they were touting $45m to $47m for F22

Surely they wont be 'withdrawing this guidance' at some time

I think a 172% revenue increase on pcp and a 1680% EBITDA increase on pcp would be outstanding.
FY22 was $32.6 inc 6-months of Task.

Cheer up oh ye of little faith.

01-08-2022, 04:56 PM
Given today's update, I would have thought around 5-8x revenue would be a good place to sensibly put PLX IF they can start growing more customers at a decent clip (which going by recent history is not yet proven). For the time being 2-3x revenue seems a sensible range. Absent of any proper DCF calculations.

01-08-2022, 09:03 PM
PX1 up 87.86% in the week 26 July to 1 Aug.

Noice. Got some?

02-08-2022, 09:58 AM
PX1 up 87.86% in the week 26 July to 1 Aug.

Noice. Got some?

Sold out 34.5 on the way down a while back, buying back in 0.18 was always going to be a winner. Back up to 0.50 plus on this update, positive earnings,/rally, what do PX! holders think close will be end of week?

02-08-2022, 10:03 AM
Sold out 34.5 on the way down a while back, buying back in 0.18 was always going to be a winner. Back up to 0.50 plus on this update, positive earnings,/rally, what do PX! holders think close will be end of week?

I was going to say 40 cents but won't as that will put the mockers on it

02-08-2022, 10:03 AM
After yesterday’s announcements, directors can now add to their holding if they wish. Let’s see how many shares will be swallowed by them if any.

02-08-2022, 10:07 AM
PX1 up 87.86% in the week 26 July to 1 Aug.

Noice. Got some?

Got......... HEAPS

02-08-2022, 10:15 AM
Got......... HEAPS

Not being negative or throwing water on the fire, but isnt it surprising what an update with one renewed 5 year contract with McDonald's can really do to a share price. For those with large money available it's easy to see how quickly that money can be basically doubled in such a short space of time. Likely with positive earnings revenue will see previous Cap Raise SP form a support and possibly resistance platform. Who here see's 0.5-0.55 being the next level to meander at. I know thee are some here who feel it's going to soar right past that??

Where else can you make another 16% return in half an hour! Gains made this morning so far. After yesterdays and the weeks prior :) Crazy stuff! No wonder shares are still such a sort after base to make money off!

True, smart move. Pleanty who sold will be buying back in this week though so will likely seee continued upwards pressure which is well overdue for PX1. Congrats to holders who held steady and those that were able to buy in on this rally. Upside still another 20-30% gain to settle in at previous support level CR ~0.52. Seems a pretty safe bet at this stage, who concurs ?

02-08-2022, 10:19 AM
You have to remember there was risk in this share prior to yesterday’s announcement. I wasn’t prepared to throw loads of good money after bad money until I saw some positive news. Glad for shareholders seeing some positive news. But buying loads at 18 cents is just gambling in my eyes. I bought a few as a gamble, but not loads as it was a gamble. It paid off.

02-08-2022, 10:33 AM
Pretty brisk trading this morning and looks like only matter of time before 40c gets taken off. I think first target is recent cap raise price of 52c and slow grind upwards from there until HY results or further trading update on progress.

For sure Dan is the man, he doesn't seem to be mucking around and there is a sense of urgency in his actions, pleasing for shareholders.

02-08-2022, 12:41 PM
D Ters bailing ATM, well done if you made money in the trade.

02-08-2022, 03:33 PM
Over 2 million shares traded and 40 cents is holding for now. Is this a sign that directors or institutions are buying up some shares or just small retail investors/gamblers/traders.

02-08-2022, 03:47 PM
Over 2 million shares traded and 40 cents is holding for now. Is this a sign that directors or institutions are buying up some shares or just small retail investors/gamblers/traders.

Looks like retail mostly, lots of relatively small value trades. https://stocknessmonster.com/trades/px1.nzx/

03-08-2022, 08:36 AM
Looks like retail mostly, lots of relatively small value trades. https://stocknessmonster.com/trades/px1.nzx/
Thanks for that. It looks like a couple of directors have purchased as well


03-08-2022, 08:46 AM
Thanks for that. It looks like a couple of directors have purchased as well


Looks like GM (bought heaps-600k) and CFO (moderate-30k) y'day. Good on them.

03-08-2022, 08:49 AM
Thanks for that. It looks like a couple of directors have purchased as well


Yes, good sign

Russ Bennett, General Manager, 600k @ $0.39 avg
Andre Gaylord, CFO, 30k @ $0.35 avg

03-08-2022, 08:55 AM
Yes, good sign

Russ Bennett, General Manager, 600k @ $0.39 avg
Andre Gaylord, CFO, 30k @ $0.35 avg
Very +ve and reassuring signal!

03-08-2022, 09:09 AM
Yes, good sign

Russ Bennett, General Manager, 600k @ $0.39 avg
Andre Gaylord, CFO, 30k @ $0.35 avg

Always a good sign

A sign that they believe the story they told last year and it might have legs after all

03-08-2022, 09:31 AM
When the GM is buying $234k worth of shares at 39 cents a share thats a pretty good sign business is going well!

Also means no incoming material announcements expected for the time being too.

03-08-2022, 10:05 AM
When the GM is buying $234k worth of shares at 39 cents a share thats a pretty good sign business is going well!

Yes but everyone should be ready and take care for the traders who will be cashing out taking profits off this run likely today. As soon as SP looks like flatlining, momentum slows, indicators will signal traders to take the profits off the table and SP will follow its normal course of action for a bit of retracement to find its true support level. From my models this may be around 34.5c. Probably bounce around a bit 34c-40c until finds true stabilisation level to form a lower end trough. ie keep an eye out for signs of short term profits being taken out today and pre Friday close. Once they do others will follow and could quite quickly see a short sharp fall. Those were some very solid gains over the last couple of days, many will be happy cashing out with that.

If we don't see the large parcel chunks buying up today pushing SP through, then that will be the sign of momentum change. Buy depth may rapidly be pulled to follow (ie easy to cancel buy orders sitting in market depth that may simply be being used as a prop to drive SP). Likely see a touch down at least back into mid 0.3's when this happens. Any signs of retracements traders will be more than happy with the gains of over 100% on this one, fuelling the sell when indicators look set to drop. Just a heads up.

So far no continuation of any volume buyers on opening today. Some small play shaz drip buys for a few dollars coming through at 42.5, not the best sign. Might be a sign to cash out profits on this one. To those who are working their money of course. For long term traders who are just sit and wait 10 years well they might not be bothered trying to put their money to work. Who knows what 10 years does with a company like this though, nobody really does. Hence why we like to make on the trade swings. Definitely just had a massive swing trade up, when the swing goes one way, it soon dips back the other way and oscillates back and forth until coming to a neutral plateau :)

03-08-2022, 10:19 AM
Yes but everyone should be ready and take care for the traders who will be cashing out taking profits off this run likely today. As soon as SP looks like flatlining, momentum slows, indicators will signal traders to take the profits off the table and SP will follow its normal course of action for a bit of retracement to find its true support level. From my models this may be around 34.5c. Probably bounce around a bit 34c-40c until finds true stabilisation level to form a lower end trough. ie keep an eye out for signs of short term profits being taken out today and pre Friday close. Once they do others will follow and could quite quickly see a short sharp fall. Those were some very solid gains over the last couple of days, many will be happy cashing out with that.

For sure there will be profit taking at these levels, the stocks up well over 100%, so there will always be profit taking in the short term and for the share price to consolidate at these levels. So far the trading depth looks health

03-08-2022, 11:06 AM
Interesting to note current market cap of PX1 sitting around $150ml and that of PEB $437ml. Just for comparison as they were two stocks being in limelight this week.

03-08-2022, 11:10 AM
Yeah agree. Question the authenticity of some of those holding trades around 41-42.5 though. Probably substantial amount being used as a prop. Once profits start being pulled, reversal breakdown keep an eye out for those bids rapidly being pulled might see that buy depth disappear pretty darn quickly there. Miss out on profit gains once that happens as once brakes through 41.5 will then likely see rapid retracement to mid 0.3 range. Which would mean missing out on 25% profit gains from current level. Only $100k sitting there available at or above 41.5 level. Not much on the scale of things. Will only take a few larger profit pullers to come in, ie a few hundred k cashing out their 100% gains and next thing SP will likely be sitting right around 0.3- 0.34.5 range which will be sitting comfortably right around 61.8% FIB retracement from this rally, very likely.

If today reaches hitting another 10% gain that will be the cream on the crop, traders will def pull at that point after 3 day double digit gains. Look for the sell down once (if) 10% reached today. May happen swiftly so be on your game. They will be sitting with their sells on the trigger, nerves of steel the larger traders, as they know they can swing the market with a few sizeable sells. Building up enough bid volume to actually buy at the level they want to cost average at on their sell. Starting to get pretty good volume on the bid side to hold a couple of hundred k sells and still get their cost average price around the 0.40 mark (reaping 100% plus gains).

Sorry to expose trading plays for those larger traders out there, but hey it's only fair that the smaller guys understand how it all works and the influence and reality of how this plays so they can follow suit and make some money as well. It's not all about the big fish, would like my kids to have this knowledge and understanding rather than struggling, wouldn't you? ;)

03-08-2022, 11:27 AM
Yeah agree. Question the authenticity of some of those holding trades around 41-42.5 though. Probably substantial amount being used as a prop. Once profits start being pulled, reversal breakdown keep an eye out for those bids rapidly being pulled might see that buy depth disappear pretty darn quickly there. Miss out on profit gains once that happens as once brakes through 41.5 will then likely see rapid retracement to mid 0.3 range. Which would mean missing out on 25% profit gains from current level. Only $100k sitting there available at or above 41.5 level. Not much on the scale of things. Will only take a few larger profit pullers to come in, ie a few hundred k cashing out their 100% gains and next thing SP will likely be sitting right around 0.3- 0.34.5 range which will be sitting comfortably right around 61.8% FIB retracement from this rally, very likely.

If today reaches hitting another 10% gain that will be the cream on the crop, traders will def pull at that point after 3 day double digit gains. Look for the sell down once (if) 10% reached today. May happen swiftly so be on your game. They will be sitting with their sells on the trigger, nerves of steel the larger traders, as they know they can swing the market with a few sizeable sells. Building up enough bid volume to actually buy at the level they want to cost average at on their sell. Starting to get pretty good volume on the bid side to hold a couple of hundred k sells and still get their cost average price around the 0.40 mark (reaping 100% plus gains).

Sorry to expose trading plays for those larger traders out there, but hey it's only fair that the smaller guys understand how it all works and the influence and reality of how this plays so they can follow suit and make some money as well. It's not all about the big fish, would like my kids to have this knowledge and understanding rather than struggling, wouldn't you? ;)

Thanks Maxtrade, appreciate you sharing your trading knowledge :)

03-08-2022, 12:18 PM
Nice to see management buying shares for once and not just options being excercised. I am feeling optimistic about the future for this company since the Task merger.

03-08-2022, 01:02 PM
Yes but everyone should be ready and take care for the traders who will be cashing out taking profits off this run likely today. As soon as SP looks like flatlining, momentum slows, indicators will signal traders to take the profits off the table and SP will follow its normal course of action for a bit of retracement to find its true support level. From my models this may be around 34.5c.

It has been interesting reading this thread while also watching the SP drop from 45.5 down to its current 39.0 over the past hour.

03-08-2022, 01:03 PM
Thanks Maxtrade, appreciate you sharing your trading knowledge :)

No worries, my pleasure. textbook today, hit that 10% third day in of large gains, now sure enough we are experiencing the sell I was mentioning would happen today. Brokers have been given the sell signal, (taking profits off table) selling down in 20,000- 50,000 parcels to feed the market rather than swamp the sell depth. Hence the rapid 15% decline so far today to where it is now. See how quickly the big volume just evaporated it was sitting around 41.5. Thats how it goes. But suspect we will see a continuation at least into mid 30/s, possibly back down to 0.30. Hope 0.30 holds for actual investors in OEB rather than these swing trade plays. You might want to consider joining the flow rather than opposing it. Take some profits and look to renter on stabilisation in the lower 0.30's

Hopefully they don't shoot me for making public 'their' trade models ;) Anyway hope this has helped a few along the way today. And to have a better understanding. Fib would say low 0.30's, obviously no crystal ball and everyone should do their own due diligence.

03-08-2022, 01:12 PM
It has been interesting reading this thread while also watching the SP drop from 45.5 down to its current 39.0 over the past hour.

Yeah and I wouldn't trust that Firewood sitting at 37.5 either if they really one of the shares they would have taken them already. That will be a mock block which will be primarily pulled as soon as half 0.38 sell through. Real genuine support will likely see build 0.30/0.31

Only a $100k worth of shares sitting for profit takers above ~33, will still be considered good profits to take those while they last. As seen on how quickly lost 15% off todays peak on the retracement, can just as quickly drop $100k more, that's nothing. They use it like a money making machine. It was pretty obvious to me this was going to happen today. They will probably take a pause post lunch, try and let the market think that's it and let buyers queue up again so have enough shares available to do another round of sell and maximise average sell price. Always goes in a couple of rounds. It's hard not to be fooled sometimes and thinking that must be the bottom of the retracement and FOMO to not miss out so buy back in too early when see bid volumes building. That's just restocking enough volume for the rest of the sell. Still will be plenty of people wanting to take profits. Signs have gone off today that they won't want to miss out by capitalising on this overpriced run. Was too quick too much, over bought.

BTW they don't put their sells in the market depth. They come in and sell on bid volumes already present. That explains why you can see a fall like today but when you look at the sell volume in market depth it has remained very slim all day, such as now. it becomes almost irrelevant when profits are being. cashed out. As sellers/brokers obviously don't see any benefit on showing sell volume in the market depth when they are trying to get the best cost average profitable sell through on the way down. Makes sense.

03-08-2022, 08:49 PM
LinkedIn is a decent source of news about Plexure and Task. Subscribe and Follow them both if you want to see their updates.

Maybe Kathryn will buy a few shares as well?


03-08-2022, 08:52 PM
Anyone want to post some excerpts from the NBR article? I don't subscribe but Plex made the news.


Revenue almost doubles. Nice.

03-08-2022, 09:18 PM
Kathryn says ... "to deliver on the worlds largest QSRs ambition".

Unbelievable really, but very exciting, despite so many cynical shareholders and wanna-be shareholders forget, we've got the largest QSR in-the-world as our customer, in 66 countries, processing 140+ millions transactions every day, global scale delivery, driving business into their restaurants.

Plexure and now Task, a New Zealand and now Australian combined digital success story supporting the largest QSR in the world, and a 5 year contract renewal with a +5 right of extension, and a host of other QSR end-to-end retail customers. At the leading edge of technology enabled retail restaurant quick service delivery. That's what you own when you have some PX1, the best of the best.

Don't listen to the cynics and naysayers, none of them have been right, ever. Ignore the market which is schizophrenic -except for when it presents below-value buying and accumulating opportunity. That's now.

04-08-2022, 08:46 AM
LinkedIn is a decent source of news about Plexure and Task. Subscribe and Follow them both if you want to see their updates.

Maybe Kathryn will buy a few shares as well?


She sure did and bought a hefty lot of them..

04-08-2022, 08:53 AM
She sure did and bought a hefty lot of them..

How about that, Kathryn buys 190,773 @ avg $0.41

Great sign these senior managers buying in.

04-08-2022, 08:57 AM
Kathryn Byrne bought 190,773 shares for $79,743.67, thats 41.8 cents a share, loving managements confidence

Now we know who was buying yesterday, given the amount of volume going through, the largest buyers in the past few days have been the management team

04-08-2022, 09:47 AM
Kathryn Byrne bought 190,773 shares for $79,743.67, thats 41.8 cents a share, loving managements confidence

Now we know who was buying yesterday, given the amount of volume going through, the largest buyers in the past few days have been the management team

Management also bought in a large volume along with a couple of Instos in Sept 2021. On positive news. Resulting in a short lived spike in SP followed by a long downtrend. $80k is a relatively small amount for traders who started cashing out profits yesterday. Takes a while for profit take to filter through. Especially when an SP goes from a low level to over 100% gains in a few days. Will need to persevere through profits being sold off, as a result SP experiences sell down pressure. Which is actually good for long term holders as if we see a low end trough form after the traders cash out profits on this one. Then SP can stabilise and actually follow results next year. ie once the swing centres and can then gradually build off (not spike off). This is exactly why we saw the 15% decline from yesterdays peak. Over 100% gains were never going to be sustainable, especially third day of run.

Bids lost momentum within 20 min after opening, not a positive sign for any substance for daily upward pressure. Downside risk much greater than any further upside potential today. RSI far too high, mom -ve, oscillators still indicating downside risk from the rapid extension of SP. Still needs to recalibrate.

04-08-2022, 11:48 AM
Management also bought in a large volume along with a couple of Instos in Sept 2021. On positive news. Resulting in a short lived spike in SP followed by a long downtrend. $80k is a relatively small amount for traders who started cashing out profits yesterday. Takes a while for profit take to filter through. Especially when an SP goes from a low level to over 100% gains in a few days. Will need to persevere through profits being sold off, as a result SP experiences sell down pressure. Which is actually good for long term holders as if we see a low end trough form after the traders cash out profits on this one. Then SP can stabilise and actually follow results next year. ie once the swing centres and can then gradually build off (not spike off). This is exactly why we saw the 15% decline from yesterdays peak. Over 100% gains were never going to be sustainable, especially third day of run.

Bids lost momentum within 20 min after opening, not a positive sign for any substance for daily upward pressure. Downside risk much greater than any further upside potential today. RSI far too high, mom -ve, oscillators still indicating downside risk from the rapid extension of SP. Still needs to recalibrate.

Sure as eggs. Only $50k left until 0.375 breaks down right now, profits starting to funnel down the gurgler, then it will be interesting to watch consolidation rate from there. Keep an eye on that level for traders who haven't cashed out yet.

04-08-2022, 02:21 PM
So far looks like breather day with things moving slowly. Tmrw might be interesting more profit taking to push price down or buyers be back to push price other way.

04-08-2022, 03:27 PM
So far looks like breather day with things moving slowly. Tmrw might be interesting more profit taking to push price down or buyers be back to push price other way.

Was hoping for holders 3.75 support might have held, unfortunately looks like its failing though. A further 5% drop not the nicest 'break day' for some. Even worse for those that were still buying in above 0.40 up to 0.45 on day priors peak. Where we are now is almost a 20% loss of potential profits. (20% swing might any other time be considered a crash. However after the exorbitant rapid SP increase its all part of consolidating retracement to a more normalised level. Still wouldn't risk buying on the decline off the back of the rally (still catching a falling knife). Would get more enticed if touches down 0.30. Many traders might still sell out now then buy back in around 0.30, hoping to see some stabilisation form there after around mid 0.3's. Trying to exercise another 15% profit gain trade (0.30- 0.35), on top of the profits they would have already made by cashing out now. Then will likely take a break for a while bobbling around there and the dust will settle.

Still only $100k available sitting above 0.32 again that's not a lot in the scale of things. When that same $100k just basically doubled itself from 0.18- 0.36. Still some very content campers taking that off the table. Them watching it consolidate looking for another re-entry 0.30. Time will tell... I do know from experience its hard for folk to sit back and watch their profit gains they thought they just made disappear in front of their eyes. Hence why we are seeing people take those profits still today, even as we speak. I hope some like minded folk have been able to reap the max profits off this rally by following this thread the last couple of days and were able to maximise their gains when first started posting about this a few days ago :)

04-08-2022, 06:29 PM
With Directors buying @ .40 would expect buyers to come on board at anything sub .40c

04-08-2022, 06:50 PM
With Directors buying @ .40 would expect buyers to come on board at anything sub .40c
I love directors willingness to purchase more and so will I if share price goes sub 30 cents. I bought a few around 18 cents and picked up 10,000 at 15.5 cents. Would be keen to add a lot more if they do as they promise

04-08-2022, 06:55 PM
With Directors buying @ .40 would expect buyers to come on board at anything sub .40c

Hey Curly, much as I like PX1, you can't ignore that the SP from the recent June 21 low has bolted almost 200% to the high a couple of days ago. That's a heck of a lot of profit for anyone brave enough to have been buying before the McD contract announce, or even immediately after it.

I don't follow Maxtrades TA analysis, but one thing they do have right imo is there's a big backlog of very short term high trade profits here and it will take some time to work through now that the SP has turned over. I expect a gradual decline in the SP until PX1 announce something special again.

A bit more optimistically, bear in mind that the insiders weren't allowed buy before the McD contract announce, so they're probably a bit bummed at missing the SP as it dropped down into the teens, when they probably knew the good news was coming. So they piled in after the announce and bought in up to around 0.41. They do that with the intention of longer term success, not short term trading, so they're probably not too concerned what happens to the SP in the meantime.

05-08-2022, 10:06 AM
I love directors willingness to purchase more and so will I if share price goes sub 30 cents. I bought a few around 18 cents and picked up 10,000 at 15.5 cents. Would be keen to add a lot more if they do as they promise

Yeah tend to agree, SP retracing to 0.30. An unknown if would breach through 0.3 by much though, too early to tell? As Baa Baa commented will need to sit and wait for the backlog of short term profit takes to filter through, with a gradual decline in SP. Hence what we have been observing the past 2 days. Traders will be thinking 'Pull your profits while you still can' at this stage 3rd day decline, but still very tidy profits to be realised even at 0.30. Hence likely selling down through the 3's, (still comfortable sells). A meagre $40,000 sitting on market above 33.5 today, the bid volume has rapidly dissipated last few days.

05-08-2022, 10:20 AM
Director William Charles Crichton bought 264,000 shares for $111,000 at a cost of 42 cents per share.

Add that with:
Kathryn Byrne 190,773 shares for $79,743.67 at a cost of 41.8 cents per share
Russell Bennett 600,000 shares for $234,806.96 at a cost of 39.1 cents per share
Andre Gaylard 30,000 shares for $10,500 at a cost of 35 cents per share

Total of $436,050.63 spent on 1,084,773 shares

05-08-2022, 10:31 AM
Director William Charles Crichton bought 264,000 shares for $111,000 at a cost of 42 cents per share.

Management often buys shares, I would too as an owner of a company you need to believe in its future success otherwise there wouldn't be any real point being in the company. Doesn't mean it controls a share price or it's movements though. Especially as Baa Baa noted above, they often don't really care what happens to SP in the short /mid term, they are hoping for better things long term. What we have at the moment is real substantial profits available for investors/traders to take off the table now. That is why and what we are seeing currently. Once the backlog of short term profits are taken then the stock can find its stabilisation and base of there. Until then will likely see a downtrending. Look what happened with ERD, management bought in at levels much higher than current SP. Same thing even with AIR NZ. They are looking 20 years out. Traders and mid term investors aren't.
SP until that time.

05-08-2022, 10:42 AM
Director William Charles Crichton bought 264,000 shares for $111,000 at a cost of 42 cents per share.

Add that with:
Kathryn Byrne 190,773 shares for $79,743.67 at a cost of 41.8 cents per share
Russell Bennett 600,000 shares for $234,806.96 at a cost of 39.1 cents per share
Andre Gaylard 30,000 shares for $10,500 at a cost of 35 cents per share

Total of $436,050.63 spent on 1,084,773 shares

We all know insiders buying is a good sign for the future. I look at it like this. If you've got a $100k to invest and a choice of thousands of things you could invest in, and the one thing you choose is the company you work for, then that's because you think it's the single best investment you could make at that time. A better investment than anything else.

That's why we like insiders who choose to invest in the company.

05-08-2022, 02:27 PM
Article in NBR today (paywalled)...anyone care to share the snippets pls, tia.
Plexure stock upgraded to ‘buy’ by Ord MinnettAustralian broker ups target price by 55% after McDonald’s renews contract.

05-08-2022, 02:30 PM
Someone is happy to clean out any available stock around or under 40c mark. Great sign of consolidation before next leg up.

One more positive announcement in the short term like new contract and additional renewals should see sp run hard. And I believe there's one around corner soon.

05-08-2022, 02:37 PM
Article in NBR today (paywalled)...anyone care to share the snippets pls, tia.
Plexure stock upgraded to ‘buy’ by Ord MinnettAustralian broker ups target price by 55% after McDonald’s renews contract.

Mainly what you and baabaa say

Mcdonalds contract alone worth more than $45m a year / company now derisked / should be at 3.5 times ARR which is A$0.58c / but their target now A$0.56 / all go from here as TASK get the new contracts / SURE BET (I added that lol)

05-08-2022, 02:41 PM
Given how many insiders are buying its a good sign of strong morale inside the company and many big plans in the pipeline. Seems like they are taking turns around the table buying! How many more insiders they got left to buy?

Likely wont be seeing any big announcements coming up since theres so many insiders buying, so this month is all about consolidating the share price, bringing in new shareholders that will hold for the next leg up.

The value of the company will likely bound around the $150 million market cap mark until the market can figure out how this company will grow since its such an unpredictable one for any investor to know what comes around the corner, but given how things have developed it should be positive.

05-08-2022, 03:48 PM
NZX Between 20/04/22 to 29/07/22 only three month when SP was under 30c total of 6.2 million shares traded

Last 5 Days between 30c - 46c total of 5.86 million shares traded.............

05-08-2022, 03:52 PM
NZX Between 20/04/22 to 29/07/22 only three month when SP was under 30c total of 6.2 million shares traded

Last 5 Days between 30c - 46c total of 5.86 million shares traded.............

Wonder how much of that was volume under 20c or so. That's range profit takers would be looking to lock in short term 100% or more gains.

05-08-2022, 04:02 PM
Wonder how much of that was volume under 20c or so. That's range profit takers would be looking to lock in short term 100% or more gains.

Roughly its about 3mln+ that were under 20c..

05-08-2022, 04:14 PM
Roughly its about 3mln+ that were under 20c..

Yup close, I make it ~2.7m under $0.20 between 14/6 and 29/7

05-08-2022, 04:15 PM
Wonder how much of that was volume under 20c or so. That's range profit takers would be looking to lock in short term 100% or more gains.

Answer: From 15/06/22 to 29/07 when SP was 20c or below total traded 2.52 million shares, appeared to be good accumulate time to me.

05-08-2022, 04:20 PM
Answer: From 15/06/22 to 29/07 when SP was 20c or below total traded 2.52 million shares, appeared to be good accumulate time to me.

Nit picky, but the SP went under .20 on 14th. ;)

05-08-2022, 04:21 PM
Answer: From 15/06/22 to 29/07 when SP was 20c or below total traded 2.52 million shares, appeared to be good accumulate time to me.

Yup close, I make it ~2.7m under $0.20 between 14/6 and 29/7

Thanks champs, so its fair to assume that most of those would've profited out..if not all

05-08-2022, 04:27 PM
Nit picky, but the SP went under .20 on 14th. ;)

True................ opened 21c closed 18c :)

05-08-2022, 04:34 PM
Thanks champs, so its fair to assume that most of those would've profited out..if not all

Not me selling, I just accumulate.

05-08-2022, 04:37 PM
Not me selling, I just accumulate.

Same here, doubled my holding around 36c the other day (didn't have guts to buy when it was going down prior to this week's announcement). Happy to lock them for longer term.

My theory is basically if you can get stock under price paid by McDonalds which was 39c in 2019, its bound to be good investment imo.

05-08-2022, 04:55 PM
Looks like bullish close coming up for the week, playing as I suspected :D

05-08-2022, 07:29 PM
Trending up, not down. Picked up another 18k at .37c. Good point re getting in at below McDonalds price. Happy buying at below Directors purchase price. Should be interesting to see what happens next week.

08-08-2022, 08:22 AM
Trending up, not down. Picked up another 18k at .37c. Good point re getting in at below McDonalds price. Happy buying at below Directors purchase price. Should be interesting to see what happens next week.

Yes, this week would be interesting to see. For me, first target is recent cap raise price of 52c. A Good week of global markets sentiment and we should get there reasonably swiftly.

08-08-2022, 10:11 AM
I love directors willingness to purchase more and so will I if share price goes sub 30 cents. I bought a few around 18 cents and picked up 10,000 at 15.5 cents. Would be keen to add a lot more if they do as they promise

Friday had a second short 12.5% pulse, likely see a pullback again Monday Tuesday to mid 0.3's again. If finds support at the 0.35 mark a couple more times might feel a bit more confident that a lower end trough forms. Still a bit risky buying in at the 0.40 mark today with the amount of profit takers still waiting gin the works to cash in on the run. A bit more time bouncing off a low to establish would be required to solidify a confident level to accumulate. 0.3-0.34 would work, going sub 0.30 might be being a little hopeful? Depends on how many profits want to be taken off this and the following week. 12.5% Friday gain likely to taper back, it's the old oscillating swing in action currently, great for traders. Hope you do well Ggcc :)

08-08-2022, 10:41 AM
Friday had a second short 12.5% pulse, likely see a pullback again Monday Tuesday to mid 0.3's again. If finds support at the 0.35 mark a couple more times might feel a bit more confident that a lower end trough forms. Still a bit risky buying in at the 0.40 mark today with the amount of profit takers still waiting gin the works to cash in on the run. A bit more time bouncing off a low to establish would be required to solidify a confident level to accumulate. 0.3-0.34 would work, going sub 0.30 might be being a little hopeful? Depends on how many profits want to be taken off this and the following week. 12.5% Friday gain likely to taper back, it's the old oscillating swing in action currently, great for traders. Hope you do well Ggcc :)
Thanks although I’m not really a trader. On this share I have taken a gamble and it has paid off. I will keep holding these until I see a reason to get out. Which made me think are there more longterm holders buying up more now as some risk has been taken off the table?

I would hate to short on this share if management are buying.

08-08-2022, 12:59 PM
Friday had a second short 12.5% pulse, likely see a pullback again Monday Tuesday to mid 0.3's again. If finds support at the 0.35 mark a couple more times might feel a bit more confident that a lower end trough forms. Still a bit risky buying in at the 0.40 mark today with the amount of profit takers still waiting gin the works to cash in on the run. A bit more time bouncing off a low to establish would be required to solidify a confident level to accumulate. 0.3-0.34 would work, going sub 0.30 might be being a little hopeful? Depends on how many profits want to be taken off this and the following week. 12.5% Friday gain likely to taper back, it's the old oscillating swing in action currently, great for traders. Hope you do well Ggcc :)

Might run top to 0.45 again before taking the next swing down.

08-08-2022, 01:27 PM
Might run top to 0.45 again before taking the next swing down.

Agree with run upto 45c mark, but doubt if retracement will be that significant. Seems as though one or two instos are supporting the bid side (one of them might be Ord Minnet as per NBR last week).

08-08-2022, 01:40 PM
Agree with run upto 45c mark, but doubt if retracement will be that significant. Seems as though one or two instos are supporting the bid side (one of them might be Ord Minnet as per NBR last week).
I doubt whether institutional investment will be happening at this present time, unless management can prove that this deal has transformed them in such a way they can invest client money happily. The risk has been lowered enough for small investors, but has it ticked the boxes yet for institutions. I’m not sure it has yet. Plus we would see loads more shares getting traded. Happy to be wrong

08-08-2022, 01:53 PM
Agree with run upto 45c mark, but doubt if retracement will be that significant. Seems as though one or two instos are supporting the bid side (one of them might be Ord Minnet as per NBR last week).

If it was Ord Minnet, you'd think it would be on ASX, but there's no volume there.

Last week ... "Plexure stock upgraded to ‘buy’ by Ord Minnett. Australian broker ups target price by 55% after McDonald’s renews contract 'de-risked'" McD 5 year contract signed (with +5), revenue estimated to rise from $27m FY22 to $45m FY23.

08-08-2022, 02:06 PM
If it was Ord Minnet, you'd think it would be on ASX, but there's no volume there.

Last week ... "Plexure stock upgraded to ‘buy’ by Ord Minnett. Australian broker ups target price by 55% after McDonald’s renews contract 'de-risked'" McD 5 year contract signed (with +5), revenue estimated to rise from $27m FY22 to $45m FY23.

I doubt whether institutional investment will be happening at this present time, unless management can prove that this deal has transformed them in such a way they can invest client money happily. The risk has been lowered enough for small investors, but has it ticked the boxes yet for institutions. I’m not sure it has yet. Plus we would see loads more shares getting traded. Happy to be wrong

Both of you raise very fair points.

09-08-2022, 10:06 AM
Both of you raise very fair points.

Not much urgency or volume on the sell side so hasn't been large volumes needed on the buy side to be maintaining. So don't think any insto action at play. Just the swing is starting to swing a little less. Will be interesting to see if there is a pulse up in the SP during todays trading with currently little volume on offer. Will be keen to watch where any resistance builds, mid 0.4's higher?

09-08-2022, 10:36 AM
Not much urgency or volume on the sell side so hasn't been large volumes needed on the buy side to be maintaining. So don't think any insto action at play. Just the swing is starting to swing a little less. Will be interesting to see if there is a pulse up in the SP during todays trading with currently little volume on offer. Will be keen to watch where any resistance builds, mid 0.4's higher?

There's plenty of volume on offer, it's just higher priced than now. TA has a weak horizontal resistance around 0.435 then stronger resistance 0.54. Currently overbought, tracking sideways, but not pulling back to those low numbers you were predicting.

10-08-2022, 11:03 AM
Bid side loaded with full ammunition, 45c to test today??

10-08-2022, 03:57 PM
Bid side loaded with full ammunition, 45c to test today??

Not today by the looks. I will be surprised to see it going too much higher without anymore positive news or updates. Most likely heading up slowly to half year results in November

11-08-2022, 09:33 AM
Not today by the looks. I will be surprised to see it going too much higher without anymore positive news or updates. Most likely heading up slowly to half year results in November

May be today with strong global market sentiment overnight.

11-08-2022, 11:30 AM
Not today by the looks. I will be surprised to see it going too much higher without anymore positive news or updates. Most likely heading up slowly to half year results in November

Stalemate. No urgency to sell, yet buyers steam running out? Traders focusing over on their other stocks that may have a bit more swing in them currently. Next to no volume trading

11-08-2022, 03:52 PM
Stalemate. No urgency to sell, yet buyers steam running out? Traders focusing over on their other stocks that may have a bit more swing in them currently. Next to no volume trading
Yup and by the looks all buying support gone. We should see some downward pressure from here, but no fire sale going on yet, which is good. Just hopeful longterm investors waiting now, until a price they are willing to pay to get more shares. As you mentioned stalemate.

16-08-2022, 12:04 PM
There's plenty of volume on offer, it's just higher priced than now. TA has a weak horizontal resistance around 0.435 then stronger resistance 0.54. Currently overbought, tracking sideways, but not pulling back to those low numbers you were predicting.

Might be a bit too soon to make that call Baa Baa, broken through 0.40. Previously mentioned mid 0.3's to look for consolidation. Tracing that way currently. Time will tell. The wind puffed out of the sails. Think will need to reach mid 0.31-0.34 to pickup another gust. Otherwise meander in the doldrums with the current slowing pushing it backwards.

16-08-2022, 04:56 PM
Might be a bit too soon to make that call Baa Baa, broken through 0.40. Previously mentioned mid 0.3's to look for consolidation. Tracing that way currently. Time will tell. The wind puffed out of the sails. Think will need to reach mid 0.31-0.34 to pickup another gust. Otherwise meander in the doldrums with the current slowing pushing it backwards.
I agree, but there will be people waiting at that price to get on board or shareholders adding more for their longterm holding. If they do what they say they are doing this share will grow fast.

22-08-2022, 09:19 AM
As expected, name change to Task Holdings, ticker to be TSK and primary listing shunted to be on ASX with secondary listing on NZX. Changes to Board as well, all happening in sync.

22-08-2022, 09:35 AM
As expected, name change to Task Holdings, ticker to be TSK and primary listing shunted to be on ASX with secondary listing on NZX. Changes to Board as well, all happening in sync.

Understandable and always on the cards PX1 rip !!

22-08-2022, 09:58 AM
As expected, name change to Task Holdings, ticker to be TSK ...

I wonder why it wasn't mention in the NZX release, or have I something? It's front and centre on the ASX announcement (https://hotcopper.com.au/threads/ann-plexure-group-board-change-name-and-primary-listing-change.6905107/) though.

Found it, just had to look (https://www.nzx.com/announcements/397305) .. lol

22-08-2022, 10:50 AM
Makes senses for a name change, Plexure works behind the scenes with McDonalds and other corporates which the average consumer or customer won't notice, their expansion is pretty much capped too as seen in the past years. Task on the other hand are constantly approaching new customers and is more out in the open market, it will also be the business that generates the most profit in the future.

Task's presence is much larger and more known in Aus so changing to ASX makes sense when it comes to attracting more investors and raising capital. Probably more creditable and convincing too when they are trying to sell to Aus businesses to say they are ASX listed rather then NZX listed.

22-08-2022, 11:45 AM
Strong open on cards for ASX with indicative price of 40c AU, which is 44.44c NZ.

22-08-2022, 12:18 PM
Strong open on cards for ASX with indicative price of 40c AU, which is 44.44c NZ.
We might see this hit 50 cents within a week.

22-08-2022, 03:28 PM
A bit more info on the proposed changes here (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/task-completes-reverse-takeover-of-plexure-shifts-primary-listing-to-asx/CWEWMBULRMKPLW3JYLRTBJ3EOQ/). Four directors stand down, Chair person changes. Head Office to stay in New Zealand.

Makes senses for a name change, Plexure works behind the scenes with McDonalds and other corporates which the average consumer or customer won't notice, their expansion is pretty much capped too as seen in the past years. Task on the other hand are constantly approaching new customers and is more out in the open market, it will also be the business that generates the most profit in the future.

Task's presence is much larger and more known in Aus so changing to ASX makes sense when it comes to attracting more investors and raising capital. Probably more creditable and convincing too when they are trying to sell to Aus businesses to say they are ASX listed rather then NZX listed.

22-08-2022, 04:59 PM
We might see this hit 50 cents within a week.

Might be a bit hopefully for a name change and ASX/NZX. Until any new contracts more likely to bobble around 0.40. Have a minor rel small vol rise in SP followed by the subsequent swing back the opposite direction until anything more solid

22-08-2022, 05:04 PM
Might be a bit hopefully for a name change and ASX/NZX. Until any new contracts more likely to bobble around 0.40. Have a minor rel small vol rise in SP followed by the subsequent swing back the opposite direction until anything more solid
With directors changing I think there is more than just a name change happening. One of the new directors is specifically useful in mergers and acquisitions.

As a positive, Aussies are more gutsy with growth stocks than kiwis, although as a negative Aussies are not always fond of nz companies encroaching into their territory.

We will see where we go from here 😊

23-08-2022, 10:18 AM
With directors changing I think there is more than just a name change happening. One of the new directors is specifically useful in mergers and acquisitions.

As a positive, Aussies are more gutsy with growth stocks than kiwis, although as a negative Aussies are not always fond of nz companies encroaching into their territory.

We will see where we go from here 😊

Looking like market aligning to cash out a bit on yesterdays 6% gains, likely see a bit of swing on the flip side today as once again short term trades profits are taken off the table. Will be interesting to see where bottom of swing lays, if its around 0.36-0.38 on the dip again before stabilising around 0.40 once more?

31-08-2022, 10:25 AM
Looking like market aligning to cash out a bit on yesterdays 6% gains, likely see a bit of swing on the flip side today as once again short term trades profits are taken off the table. Will be interesting to see where bottom of swing lays, if its around 0.36-0.38 on the dip again before stabilising around 0.40 once more?
Still dropping and I’m hovering over the buy. But if I can get sub 30 cents I’ll be happier during these economic times

02-09-2022, 04:52 PM
Heavy selling pressure. Like I mentioned earlier quite keen to pick up some more sub 30 cents. I wonder who’s selling though with such urgency

14-09-2022, 06:20 PM
Might be a bit too soon to make that call Baa Baa, broken through 0.40. Previously mentioned mid 0.3's to look for consolidation. Tracing that way currently. Time will tell. The wind puffed out of the sails. Think will need to reach mid 0.31-0.34 to pickup another gust. Otherwise meander in the doldrums with the current slowing pushing it backwards.

Pretty close to our previous post. Will be many traders & investors looking at this current pullback preparing to re-enter again. Another 25% return will be open if hits 0.32. Once then re-establishes 0.40 as a stabilisation level again. Pretty easy to make money trading this stock with a little patience. Especially with the recent (seemingly forgotten already) positive news and directors buy in points). Pretty comfortable trade to make here on this retracement. Fib supporting also.

Good fortunes favour a little patience. Many seemed to disagree with my previous posts on this but it has followed very closely to what was proposed. Looking for a support buy once bottoms on this dip, back up to 0.4+

Money can be made with stocks like this even in a weaker overall general market.

14-09-2022, 07:10 PM
[QUOTE=Maxtrade;975110]Pretty close to our previous post. Will be many traders & investors looking at this current pullback preparing to re-enter again. Another 25% return will be open if hits 0.32. Once then re-establishes 0.40 as a stabilisation level again. Pretty easy to make money trading this stock with a little patience. Especially with the recent (seemingly forgotten already) positive news and directors buy in points). Pretty comfortable trade to make here on this retracement. Fib supporting also.

Good fortunes favour a little patience. Many seemed to disagree with my previous posts on this but it has followed very closely to what was proposed. Looking for a support buy once bottoms on this dip, back up to 0.4+

Money can be made with stocks like this even in a weaker overall general market.[/QUOTE

Concur your views… almost all the directors purchased this stock in the 40c levels… thought of waiting for an entry at 32c but couldn’t resist today … entered at 33.5c . I am not a trader though. I find this pretty cheap at this price.

14-09-2022, 08:06 PM
[QUOTE=Maxtrade;975110]Pretty close to our previous post. Will be many traders & investors looking at this current pullback preparing to re-enter again. Another 25% return will be open if hits 0.32. Once then re-establishes 0.40 as a stabilisation level again. Pretty easy to make money trading this stock with a little patience. Especially with the recent (seemingly forgotten already) positive news and directors buy in points). Pretty comfortable trade to make here on this retracement. Fib supporting also.

Good fortunes favour a little patience. Many seemed to disagree with my previous posts on this but it has followed very closely to what was proposed. Looking for a support buy once bottoms on this dip, back up to 0.4+

Money can be made with stocks like this even in a weaker overall general market.[/QUOTE

Concur your views… almost all the directors purchased this stock in the 40c levels… thought of waiting for an entry at 32c but couldn’t resist today … entered at 33.5c . I am not a trader though. I find this pretty cheap at this price.
In this current volatile market I see don’t know where the bottom is. I have a longterm investment strategy in this share as do you by the sounds, so buy in not really that important at these prices.

Next week they have their meeting and we might see some more of their future growth plans. Fingers crossed it will show more of an outlook for beyond 2023

15-09-2022, 08:34 AM
Note the highlighted bit re cash position as at end of Aug'22.

15/9/2022, 8:30 am MKTUPDTEPlexure Group Presentation to Bell Potter Conference
Auckland, New Zealand - Plexure Group Limited (NZX/ASX:PX1), soon to be “TASK Group Holdings” (TASK), today released a presentation to be made at the 2022 Bell Potter NZ Company Investor conference.
The presentation is attached to this ASX and NZX announcement.
The presentation notes that cash in bank at end of August 2022 was NZD$25.3m, up from $13.9m at end of March 2022, with negligible financial debt - reflecting the strong financial position of the Group.

15-09-2022, 08:40 AM
Note the highlighted bit re cash position as at end of Aug'22.

15/9/2022, 8:30 am MKTUPDTEPlexure Group Presentation to Bell Potter Conference
Auckland, New Zealand - Plexure Group Limited (NZX/ASX:PX1), soon to be “TASK Group Holdings” (TASK), today released a presentation to be made at the 2022 Bell Potter NZ Company Investor conference.
The presentation is attached to this ASX and NZX announcement.
The presentation notes that cash in bank at end of August 2022 was NZD$25.3m, up from $13.9m at end of March 2022, with negligible financial debt - reflecting the strong financial position of the Group.

That’s HUGE news eh sb9

Task must be on fire

Great results coming up in November methinks

15-09-2022, 08:46 AM
That’s HUGE news eh sb9

Task must be on fire

Great results coming up in November methinks

100%, think we'll probably get more snippets at the ASM next week about their progress.

15-09-2022, 08:53 AM
100%, think we'll probably get more snippets at the ASM next week about their progress.

And Bell Potter will be telling all their clients once again how good TASK is and what a great future they have


15-09-2022, 10:29 AM
Mkt already responding. Up .02, go you good thing.....again.

15-09-2022, 12:56 PM
100%, think we'll probably get more snippets at the ASM next week about their progress.

This is the highlight for me, "business now​ profitable" ... already :)

15-09-2022, 01:07 PM
PX1 up 20% so far today

Brad say something good at ASM and another 20% maybe

15-09-2022, 04:09 PM
PX1 up 20% so far today

Brad say something good at ASM and another 20% maybe

Not too sure if you are taking the micky. Not much has changed from their original story. The only thing that has changed is the number of money in their bank account end of August. It will go up further if they can mention future figures with clarity or new contracts

15-09-2022, 04:16 PM
Been a good hold/accumulate since the sub 0.20 levels :)

15-09-2022, 04:17 PM
Is there any way to see the presentation in action? Can't actually find a Bell Potter Conference for NZ Company Investors anywhere!?

15-09-2022, 05:06 PM
... The only thing that has changed is the number of money in their bank account end of August. ...

Not the only thing, they announced in the presentation that the "business now profitable", and that's a lot sooner than some were expecting.