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Snow Leopard
07-06-2021, 02:40 PM
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hitchhiker%27s_Guide_to_the_Galaxy_(travel_gui de)) describes the Marketing Department of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation as: "A bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes."

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRYzhzk0xSl0oNXkPl_uy_KV2sNBoJM e2O5g&usqp=CAU

07-06-2021, 09:12 PM
This long weekend I’ve bought a couple of $1 hot chocolates on the McDonalds app it appears many other people are also doing this.

09-06-2021, 02:13 PM
The chart (https://invst.ly/v1ce8) is encouraging after a long volatile period and down trend, the tide may have turned. Log scale Daily, down trend channel breakout, 9/21 EMA crossover-up, stalled at the 50EMA resistance close to the 61.8% Fib retrace. Not showing the basic indicators, though they're not stretched at this point. Might take a bit of working through this, perhaps even a backtest of the breakout. My $0.66's are looking good so far.

Seems to be heading back to lower hand of that channel

Probably fall to 66 cents again to make it a screaming buy

09-06-2021, 02:15 PM
Share price back to when Pita Pit deal was announced

That went down well

09-06-2021, 02:22 PM
At least that guy Scobie Ward hasn't sold

See his shares are held by Forbar ....maybe there is a lot known by the special ones that we are not privy to

09-06-2021, 06:49 PM
Seems to be heading back to lower hand of that channel

Probably fall to 66 cents again to make it a screaming buy

Yep Winner
The rally to 80c gave a bit of enthusiasm for the short term investors but it petered out and failed to break through that 83c resistance...creating yet another lower high and indicating the down trend is continuing..

If the downtrend is continuing then a lower low must be odds on..Hmm Winner maybe your 66c bottom is optimistic ...if that 66c happens to be the next low point then that would probably trigger buy signals showing the downtrend is weakening (ending?) ...However a 60c (current bottom limit of the downtrend channel) is just as likely.

Sorry guys..TA is being a Party Pooper

Vee Vee
09-06-2021, 10:29 PM
Well Hoop if we are headed lower and PX1 is going to make heaps in future it might be a great buying opportunity.
If they aren't going to make heaps then it will be a different story. Whoever's crystal ball works best will come out well

09-06-2021, 11:18 PM
Well Hoop if we are headed lower and PX1 is going to make heaps in future it might be a great buying opportunity.
If they aren't going to make heaps then it will be a different story. Whoever's crystal ball works best will come out well

Confucius says "Man with crystal balls makes very fragile investor". :D

Disc: PX1 is on my watchlist

10-06-2021, 02:09 PM
Could be on margin account then

10-06-2021, 03:15 PM
Yep Winner
The rally to 80c gave a bit of enthusiasm for the short term investors but it petered out and failed to break through that 83c resistance...creating yet another lower high and indicating the down trend is continuing..

If the downtrend is continuing then a lower low must be odds on..Hmm Winner maybe your 66c bottom is optimistic ...if that 66c happens to be the next low point then that would probably trigger buy signals showing the downtrend is weakening (ending?) ...However a 60c (current bottom limit of the downtrend channel) is just as likely.

Sorry guys..TA is being a Party Pooper

Jeez Hoop - surely not as low as 60 cents this time round

That be a disaster

10-06-2021, 04:46 PM
Jeez Hoop - surely not as low as 60 cents this time round

That be a disaster

One man's (or woman's) disaster is another man's (or woman's) opportunity.
Re: Life of Brian.

10-06-2021, 05:50 PM
One man's (or woman's) disaster is another man's (or woman's) opportunity.
Re: Life of Brian.

Wynyard, Provenco, Feltex, CBL, Intueri and Pike River come to mind about disasters and opportunities! :scared:

Sometimes there are simply none!

PS. Unless the opportunity is shorting.

10-06-2021, 06:07 PM
Wynyard, Provenco, Feltex, CBL, Intueri and Pike River come to mind about disasters and opportunities! :scared:

Sometimes there are simply none!

PS. Unless the opportunity is shorting.

Awwww geeeez Balance Shuuuuush you know that Wynyard word puts the fear of god into this Bear! :scared: :ohmy:

10-06-2021, 06:27 PM
Awwww geeeez Balance Shuuuuush you know that Wynyard word puts the fear of god into this Bear! :scared: :ohmy:

Just as Provenco puts the fear of the Almighty into me!

That’s how we become better investors, hopefully.

10-06-2021, 06:46 PM
Just as Provenco puts the fear of the Almighty into me!

That’s how we become better investors, hopefully.

Provenco ended up as Invenco and apparently is doing really well these days...with Peter Maire’s involvement.

All they needed was some decent people to lead them and keep them focused

Makes you wonder if history might repeat .... whoever picks up the remnants of Plexure one day and actually turns them around will do very well

10-06-2021, 07:11 PM
Provenco ended up as Invenco and apparently is doing really well these days...with Peter Maire’s involvement.

All they needed was some decent people to lead them and keep them focused

Makes you wonder if history might repeat .... whoever picks up the remnants of Plexure one day and actually turns them around will do very well

Oh you really are down on Plexure aren’t you, poor thing. Stocks shouldn’t upset their owner, best just to be rid of them, move on so to speak, save yourself the anguish. Better still wait until PLX meets your high bar and buy some then? Or not if it doesn’t. Tech spec just isn’t for some.

10-06-2021, 09:31 PM
Oh you really are down on Plexure aren’t you, poor thing. Stocks shouldn’t upset their owner, best just to be rid of them, move on so to speak, save yourself the anguish. Better still wait until PLX meets your high bar and buy some then? Or not if it doesn’t. Tech spec just isn’t for some.

W69 is challenging his and holders’ conviction in PX1. Just like he does with other stocks like HLG.

Ask him about Serko and you will know he does know how to invest in Tech stocks.

The old ‘if you own a stock you must not criticise or critique it’ is the reason why many are burning in the likes of ATM & dare I say, PX1.

10-06-2021, 09:47 PM
I confess I am now in the “not so sure” which way this one will go camp. I have felt pretty bullish about PX1 until recently but now I can hear No Worries Winner and Balance whispering caution in my ears. I dont see that as a bad thing. The Bear can still be quite impulsive and in the past I would probably be hoovering shares up right now thinking they are a bargain. But right now I am listening to Winner And Balance and Baa Baa as part of my decision making process. So thank you guys for posting your differing points of view, very much appreciated :)

11-06-2021, 08:38 AM
https://www.plexure.com/resource/webinar/webinar-optimizing-the-customer-journey/?utm_campaign=Virtual%20Roundtable%20-%2004%2F08%2F20&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=132939214&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--Eb7MDfIFuJYAX0UrUiKTefY5DFQP0CML-ywgCjNO71YW0dJVJkmxJ0zlSQZmg8pHIZv6NNLTy6y4zmmiNZP nPy2aPfw&utm_content=132939214&utm_source=hs_email

11-06-2021, 08:57 AM
Do we have to wait until interim results to find out what the pita pit deal is worth approximately?

11-06-2021, 09:36 AM
https://www.plexure.com/resource/webinar/webinar-optimizing-the-customer-journey/?utm_campaign=Virtual%20Roundtable%20-%2004%2F08%2F20&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=132939214&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--Eb7MDfIFuJYAX0UrUiKTefY5DFQP0CML-ywgCjNO71YW0dJVJkmxJ0zlSQZmg8pHIZv6NNLTy6y4zmmiNZP nPy2aPfw&utm_content=132939214&utm_source=hs_email

Love this bit some - ‘..we will share how we helped the world’s most iconic brands achieve massive lifts in key consumer engagement metrics.”

Forgot to add at great expense (to ourselves)..like ‘we’re here to help you no matter the cost to us’

Hope the virtual Roundtable goes well.

11-06-2021, 10:02 AM
Do we have to wait until interim results to find out what the pita pit deal is worth approximately?

I doubt we will ever know, probably pretty small considering the size of the brand in NZ. Previous contracts were convoluted in that they took several years after the contract was signed to even recognise any revenue.

The main problem I see with Plexure is that they seem to have a product incapible of selling itself. Even the second largest customer (Ahold) wasn't sold through their marketing team but through the chief digital officer moving from Macdonalds to Ahold (and probably recognising that they can get work done for almost the same cost as in house). This isn't the next Afterpay or Xero where the customers love the product and image, and you get a great snowball effect.

Apps are by their nature easy to create, hence why competitors like Airship are so much more successful with the cookie cutter approach. Combined with a unalligned management, lots of buzzwords, a complete inability to acquire and retain staff, a recent poor result, a founder who saw no value, and a shareholder base that is constantly desperate for the "next" contract announcement in order to see any value created.

There is a reason why this is cheap, but I hope it works out. I almost like the CEO despite having 0 tech experience.

Beginning to see the light Balance. Great trading stock though due to large retail ownership.

17-06-2021, 12:22 PM
Morbid fascination time again

I see Plexure and Blis at the bottom of the NZX leaderboard today (or leading the losers)

Says a lot

17-06-2021, 08:48 PM
Morbid fascination time again

I see Plexure and Blis at the bottom of the NZX leaderboard today (or leading the losers)

Says a lot

Neither ended in the top 10 falls today

Snow Leopard
17-06-2021, 11:04 PM
Neither ended in the top 10 falls today

Not to worry, there is always tomorrow :t_up:

Disc: Ex-holder of both.

18-06-2021, 08:34 AM
Not to worry, there is always tomorrow :t_up:

Disc: Ex-holder of both.

and tomorrow came, and the CFO is


18-06-2021, 08:38 AM
Bugger - Andrew had enough(?) and leaving

Only sensible person in management team

As Snowie says 'there's always tomorrow'


18-06-2021, 08:45 AM
Bugger - Andrew had enough(?) and leaving

Only sensible person in management team

As Snowie says 'there's always tomorrow'


The new customer must have decided to headhunt the best part of plexure

18-06-2021, 08:50 AM
Andrew probably sell all his cheap shares (most around 20 cents I think) now before they lose much more value

18-06-2021, 08:58 AM
Suppose we can't really read too much into why Andrew is resigning

Been there a while and probably thought he just needed a change

Pity he won't be there when they announce the $100m revenues achieved

18-06-2021, 10:29 AM
Market seems to think Andrew fleeing a sinking ship ....wonder whose next?

And Hoop did mention share price 60 cents the other day

18-06-2021, 10:37 AM
Andrew should feel quite flattered - a sign of how respected / recognised he was is the $9m wiped off Plexures market cap .... and maybe counting

Will Craig be even more of a loose cannon now Andrew has left

18-06-2021, 11:55 AM
Share price bouncing back

As somebody said the other day one man's disaster is another man's opportunity.

Seems like good bargain hunting for some today

18-06-2021, 12:03 PM
Share price bouncing back

As somebody said the other day one man's disaster is another man's opportunity.

Seems like good bargain hunting for some today

You must be really bored for a Fri and may need to give yourself a break from giving us hourly updates and focus on other mundane things of importance. At the end of the day, market does what what market has to. And its upto each individual holder to decide their position, I'm keeping mine for long term.

18-06-2021, 12:06 PM
Share price bouncing back

As somebody said the other day one man's disaster is another man's opportunity.

Seems like good bargain hunting for some today

I would doubt that Andrews resignation is "one man's disaster", while we don't know the exact reason, usually it's fairly innocuous as people get on with their lives. Five years is a good innings, he's done very well imo with the ASX IPO and keeping the books in order. Market tends to over react, especially jumpy PX1 shareholders .. LOL. Good buying opportunity for some eh?

18-06-2021, 12:27 PM
Subscribers only but enough to look at another point of view. Still holding a few atpit.

Why a CFO’s exit should make investors take note

Read more at:

18-06-2021, 12:28 PM
Opportunies coming, loading up now....

18-06-2021, 12:34 PM
Market seems to think Andrew fleeing a sinking ship ....wonder whose next?

And Hoop did mention share price 60 cents the other day

Rather telling sort of an announcement - he has resigned. No notice given and points towards fundamental disagreement in the ranks imo.

So fundamental disagreement about what?

18-06-2021, 12:46 PM
Rather telling sort of an announcement - he has resigned. No notice given and points towards fundamental disagreement in the ranks imo.

So fundamental disagreement about what?

If it is as you say, which I sincerely doubt, why would the CFO continue in a consulting capacity until a replacement is found? That's imo why the announce is open-ended ... he probably has some personal reasons for moving on but is happy to continue in a consulting capacity until replaced. That's not a fundamental disagreement imo, it is an amicable departure in due course.

18-06-2021, 01:01 PM
Rather telling sort of an announcement - he has resigned. No notice given and points towards fundamental disagreement in the ranks imo.

So fundamental disagreement about what?

I've just read the announcement again. It does seem a little odd that there is no indication at all of when he is leaving. It's even possible to read it as saying that he's leaving immediately, but it's totally unclear. Would be a pretty bad sign if that is the case.

18-06-2021, 01:03 PM
If it is as you say, which I sincerely doubt, why would the CFO continue in a consulting capacity until a replacement is found? That's imo why the announce is open-ended ... he probably has some personal reasons for moving on but is happy to continue in a consulting capacity until replaced. That's not a fundamental disagreement imo, it is an amicable departure in due course.

I have seen executives resign (as Andrew has gone) due to fundamental disagreements and stay on in a consultancy role until a replacement is found.

Reason? Role has changed from executive to consultant - accountability & responsibility has changed as well.

18-06-2021, 01:07 PM
I have seen executives resign (as Andrew has gone) due to fundamental disagreements and stay on in a consultancy role until a replacement is found.

Reason? Role has changed from executive to consultant - accountability & responsibility has changed as well.

He also might be the only person who really knows how things work ..... lack of depth in finance structure?

18-06-2021, 01:12 PM
If I was a CFO in a company that is going to experience rapid growth I wouldn’t be resigning. To me it means one of 2 things either he was asked to or he has come to the conclusion the company is going nowhere and there are greener pastures elsewhere.

18-06-2021, 01:19 PM
If I was a CFO in a company that is going to experience rapid growth I wouldn’t be resigning. To me it means one of 2 things either he was asked to or he has come to the conclusion the company is going nowhere and there are greener pastures elsewhere.

Couldn't agree more. If you've been given options and the "big customer" is just around the corner, you'd be wanting to stick around to give affect to those options.

Did any Xero CFO's bail in their run?

Remember how Phil norman said "ive never been more confident of Plexures future". Wonder if that still applies.

18-06-2021, 01:27 PM
If I was a CFO in a company that is going to experience rapid growth I wouldn’t be resigning. To me it means one of 2 things either he was asked to or he has come to the conclusion the company is going nowhere and there are greener pastures elsewhere.

From the Annual Report, Andrew holds 1,518,614 shares and is in the top-20 shareholders. He doesn't need to work for the company and draw a salary to enjoy the benefits ongoing of the company growth. He may also have some of the 5.38m options awarded to "Key Executives" and staff but the holders of those are not disclosed.

If Andrew were to have sold a swag of his shares and resign, well I'd have a different view.

18-06-2021, 01:37 PM
From the Annual Report, Andrew holds 1,518,614 shares and is in the top-20 shareholders. He doesn't need to work for the company and draw a salary to enjoy the benefits ongoing of the company growth. He may also have some of the 5.38m options awarded to "Key Executives" and staff but the holders of those are not disclosed.

If Andrew were to have sold a swag of his shares and resign, well I'd have a different view.

As a CFO he has very limited opportunity to sell shares with out raising suspicions of insider trading . As an ex employee he can do what ever he likes. My bet is that he will sell his shares and the investing public will not have to be advised. I will watch the top 20 but of course that only has to be updated once per year so it is not reliable information.

18-06-2021, 01:45 PM
From the Annual Report, Andrew holds 1,518,614 shares and is in the top-20 shareholders. He doesn't need to work for the company and draw a salary to enjoy the benefits ongoing of the company growth. He may also have some of the 5.38m options awarded to "Key Executives" and staff but the holders of those are not disclosed.

If Andrew were to have sold a swag of his shares and resign, well I'd have a different view.

He sold 320,000 at around $1.40:

Like it when CFO picks the top

But he has had to front up with $300k last 6 months to get the cheap ones from exercising options .I’m assuming he personally had to front with the cash here[

18-06-2021, 01:58 PM
As a CFO he has very limited opportunity to sell shares with out raising suspicions of insider trading . As an ex employee he can do what ever he likes. My bet is that he will sell his shares and the investing public will not have to be advised. I will watch the top 20 but of course that only has to be updated once per year so it is not reliable information.

Often ex-employees and directors are locked in after they resign, for a number of months, to disclosures. I'd have to re-read the policy but I won't 'bet' on it either way.

Did you know that any shareholder can request the top-20 from their company at any time and the list is current as at that time, in this case sourced from Computershare.

18-06-2021, 02:09 PM
He sold 320,000 at around $1.40:

Like it when CFO picks the top

But he has had to front up with $300k last 6 months to get the cheap ones from exercising options .I’m assuming he personally had to front with the cash here[

You're referring to the sales of shares that were applied to converting options in November last year taking his shareholding from 385,022 to 1,000,000 shares? I think that's what happened.

I'd be more inclined to reference his more recent exercise of 518,614 options to shares for $98,333.20 consideration on 16 March 21 this year (only 3 months ago), taking him from 1,000,000 shares to 1,518,614 shares.

These are not the signs of a company executive who has lost faith in the company!

18-06-2021, 02:11 PM
Tough audience here, like everyone is so down on Plexure. I wonder how many of the negative nellies actually have any shares, let alone a sizeable holding (relative to portfolio size).

18-06-2021, 02:14 PM
You're referring to the sales of shares that were applied to converting options in November last year taking his shareholding from 385,022 to 1,000,000 shares? I think that's what happened.

I'd be more inclined to reference his more recent exercise of 518,614 options to shares for $98,333.20 consideration on 16 March 21 this year (only 3 months ago), taking him from 1,000,000 shares to 1,518,614 shares.

These are not the signs of a company executive who has lost faith in the company!

Wouldn’t he need to employed to exercise options?

At 20 cents I wouldn’t miss that opportunity

18-06-2021, 02:21 PM
Wouldn’t he need to employed to exercise options?

At 20 cents I wouldn’t miss that opportunity

Neither would I miss that opportunity!

Like I said earlier, we only know the Directors options holdings, not 'Key Executives' or staff. So we have no idea whether he has any options left to exercise. Maybe there's a disclosure coming?

Either way, I think the market jitters on PX1 are as usual overly dramatic. No one minds the market dramatics when the SP is going up and everyone goes Debbie Downer on them when the market dramatics are down.

I just accumulate, the market keeps giving me the opportunity. Maybe I'm the only one interested in the long-term opportunity for Plexure.

18-06-2021, 02:27 PM
Tough audience here, like everyone is so down on Plexure. I wonder how many of the negative nellies actually have any shares, let alone a sizeable holding (relative to portfolio size).

Sold 58% of mine with the rest then become 'free'

So my paper profit on Plexure has moved about a bit - from $1.35X to $0.66X where X is the number of shares currently held

Wasn't seduced by the cheap $1.20 ones in the capital raise either

Can be 'so down' on Plexure if I want .... still $0.66X up but but $0.69X could have been quite rewarding if else where but c'est la vie. Hold a bit longer because the big payday might just be around the corner ...like next week

18-06-2021, 02:52 PM
You are not alone, bro.

18-06-2021, 03:19 PM
Andrew looks to have had 10 jobs in the last 22 years, so had a good innings at PLX. Reckon he'll be looking for a CEO job next, he's probably in his late 40's and there's no chance of climbing the ladder at PLX.

Snow Leopard
18-06-2021, 05:14 PM
Tough audience here, like everyone is so down on Plexure. I wonder how many of the negative nellies actually have any shares, let alone a sizeable holding (relative to portfolio size).

Always a worry that sort of post.

Shows an irrational emotional attachment (gosh 3 long words in a row).

Disc: I held some once, I am sure that counts.

18-06-2021, 05:39 PM
Always a worry that sort of post.

Shows an irrational emotional attachment (gosh 3 long words in a row).

Disc: I held some once, I am sure that counts.

Saw the same with ATM. Says it all.

18-06-2021, 05:56 PM
Tough audience here, like everyone is so down on Plexure. I wonder how many of the negative nellies actually have any shares, let alone a sizeable holding (relative to portfolio size).

ive lost enough selling out to qualify to comment on my disdain for the way the CR and “new customer” were pitched.

23-06-2021, 02:10 PM
Share price 65 at the moment

Hope it holds else we will see a new lower low in this pretty calamitous down trend

23-06-2021, 02:20 PM
Always good to be cautious until PX1 lives up to its promises.

FWIW - I've taken some profits and reduced my holding to 'free held.' Only 6% of my portfolio these days.

23-06-2021, 07:38 PM
McDonald's first-ever U.S. loyalty program will launch nationwide on July 8.
Fast-food chains are looking to rewards programs to hold onto the digital customers the companies gained during the pandemic.
McDonald's is also looking to use the loyalty program to add a personal touch to the customer experience.

23-06-2021, 08:21 PM
PLX is trying to carve out a niche in CRM, and the market is mind boggling huge. Just look at Salesforce’s revenue rising from US$21 billion in 2021 to US$ 26 billion in 2022… huge bucks in these cloud based Filofaxes. Can PLX do it? Reckon if they land a couple of decent contracts, might be the next Salesforce acquisition, fingers crossed.

23-06-2021, 09:56 PM
McDonald's first-ever U.S. loyalty program will launch nationwide on July 8.
Fast-food chains are looking to rewards programs to hold onto the digital customers the companies gained during the pandemic.
McDonald's is also looking to use the loyalty program to add a personal touch to the customer experience.

This news is interesting. It makes me wonder If Plexure has involved in this program. If so, this could be a potential opportunity for Plexure to convert its contract with McDonald from site base to usage base.

Here is another news earlier this year about MCD's loyalty program.


The snippet below from the news makes me wonder more whether Pleasure has involved.

The loyalty program is one part of the company’s new “MyMcDonald’s” platform, which ties together its various tech investments, like its app and digital menu boards, and make it easier for customers to order and pay for their food. Like many other restaurant chains, the coronavirus pandemic has led to a surge in McDonald’s digital orders, further accelerating the trend that was in place before the crisis.

24-06-2021, 01:37 PM
This news is interesting. It makes me wonder If Plexure has involved in this program. If so, this could be a potential opportunity for Plexure to convert its contract with McDonald from site base to usage base.

Here is another news earlier this year about MCD's loyalty program.


The snippet below from the news makes me wonder more whether Pleasure has involved.
this is interesting, wonder if we can work out who is providing the platform and service to them?
Any other loyalty programs start with “my” and then the company names? From dynamic yield or Plexure? Hmmm

24-06-2021, 02:46 PM
The fast-food giant has successful rewards programs in other countries, like France, but this is the closest it’s come to bringing one to its home market.

I think plexure signed most of Europe countries include France

24-06-2021, 03:07 PM
Forgive me but I thought the current PX1/McD agreement was limited to Japan and excluded USA?

I would have thought that if PX1 is driving the MacD's loyalty launch (https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/mymcdonalds.html) in the USA, then this info would be materially significant to PX1 holders and announced accordingly??

The fact that PX1 is silent is a concern..... hope I'm proved wrong.

24-06-2021, 03:17 PM
....I would have thought that if PX1 is driving the MacD's loyalty launch (https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/mymcdonalds.html) in the USA, then this info would be materially significant to PX1 holders and announced accordingly....

I would have thought that if PX1 is not driving the MacD's loyalty launch in the USA, then this info would be materially significant to PX1 holders and announced accordingly

24-06-2021, 03:28 PM
Forgive me but I thought the current PX1/McD agreement was limited to Japan and excluded USA?

I would have thought that if PX1 is driving the MacD's loyalty launch (https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/mymcdonalds.html) in the USA, then this info would be materially significant to PX1 holders and announced accordingly??

The fact that PX1 is silent is a concern..... hope I'm proved wrong.

Plexure say they work "with McDonalds in 63 markets around the world". My understanding is that the USA is not one of them.

This information about MyMcDonalds loyalty app exploring loyalty, personalisation and mobile pay, was first broadcast in November last year as McD's announced they were beginning testing (with quite a lot of USA stores). It was further updated in the Media during February 2021.

Since then, the testing has concluded apparently and they're going live across the USA stores with MyMcDonalds.

I would expected to have heard back in November, or latest February, if Plexure were working with McD's USA to integrate Loyalty, Personalisation and Mobile Pay ... which they didn't announce.

Conceivably it could be Plexure underlying technology and they did not announce due to sensitivity to McD's testing programme and the potential that it did not go any further. If so a Plexure announce could happen soon now that McD's have announced.

However, I seriously doubt that Plexure has any role in the MyMcDonalds USA rollout. Happy to be pleasantly surprised, but I am not expecting it at all.

24-06-2021, 03:31 PM
...... I seriously doubt that Plexure has any role in the MyMcDonalds USA rollout. Happy to be pleasantly surprised, but I am not expecting it at all.

My thinking too.

24-06-2021, 03:37 PM
My thinking too.

Don't you think that would seriously undermine Plexure's credibility? It would undermine it with me. What are they if their tech offering isn't an easy sell to their cornerstone shareholder and largest customer?

24-06-2021, 03:51 PM
Don't you think that would seriously undermine Plexure's credibility? It would undermine it with me. What are they if their tech offering isn't an easy sell to their cornerstone shareholder and largest customer?

McD's USA has never been a customer. If you look into the ownership model of McDonalds worldwide, you'll see that the corporate parent owns relatively few stores and does not dictate the information technologies that store owners (franchisee's) use. The country parent has more say in their country, than the Corp from my observation

Do people realise or know how 'sticky' these Apps are, and particularly the back-end platform technology (where the real magic happens)? Once they're installed and running marketing campaigns, getting the customer to change platforms is massively disruptive.

Not to say it can't or won't happen, it's just not as easy as you imply. I don't understand why now you think this undermines Plexure's credibility ... nothing new has happened with McD's USA ergo, you'd have to say that credibility in your eyes was undermined long long ago?

My guess is that if Plexure hypothetically secured all McD's worldwide, there'd be a whole new bunch of reasons to moan about them, like the chorus of "single client risk" which some say is already excessive.

24-06-2021, 04:08 PM
I would have thought that if PX1 is not driving the MacD's loyalty launch in the USA, then this info would be materially significant to PX1 holders and announced accordingly

Crikey! Sssoooo PX1 should announce things that haven't happened.....

Here's some suggestions...

PX1 is pleased to announce it had nothing to do with the Black Caps win last night.
PX1 is pleased to announce it has not achieved $100 mill revenue.

24-06-2021, 05:39 PM
McD's USA has never been a customer. If you look into the ownership model of McDonalds worldwide, you'll see that the corporate parent owns relatively few stores and does not dictate the information technologies that store owners (franchisee's) use. ...

Sure, it doesn't dictate, but you would think they would be very influential. Wouldn't you? And would you not think they would say " hey you should look at these guys who are the bomb in this space". You don't think it tells you something critical about Plexure?

24-06-2021, 05:41 PM
... PX1 is pleased to announce it had nothing to do with the Black Caps win last night.
PX1 is pleased to announce it has not achieved $100 mill revenue.

Not wanting to be critical of your post Left Field but I don't think those three things are comparable. Do you?

24-06-2021, 05:45 PM
Sure, it doesn't dictate, but you would think they would be very influential. Wouldn't you? And would you not think they would say " hey you should look at these guys who are the bomb in this space". You don't think it tells you something critical about Plexure?

How would you know that they're not saying exactly that? How would you know whether they were saying that. There's no way that is knowable. What's the point of your message?

24-06-2021, 07:03 PM
However, I seriously doubt that Plexure has any role in the MyMcDonalds USA rollout. Happy to be pleasantly surprised, but I am not expecting it at all.

I would agree with everything here.

PX1 have agreements with McDonalds in many countries but US hasn't been one. I would like to hope that Plexure has something to do with this MyMcDonalds app but I think it's unlikely. And if it were happening, I would expect to see a bump in the SP by now. News leaks out and PX1 can move on pretty low volume.

24-06-2021, 07:17 PM
I’ve been doing a bit of research on Plexure over the last month, and have a question Baa Baa.

Can these guys can deliver a product whereby a business/client can “bolt on” their tech under a SAS model?


Snow Leopard
24-06-2021, 07:25 PM
....under a SAS model?....

SAS as in SAS [ https://www.sas.com/en_my/home.html ] ?

or did you mean

SaaS: Software as a Service

or did you mean something else ?

Special Air Service?
Scandinavian Airlines Systems?

24-06-2021, 08:15 PM
How would you know that they're not saying exactly that? How would you know whether they were saying that. There's no way that is knowable. What's the point of your message?

My naïve assumption would be that Plexture could invest a chunk of money developing a marketing app thing for an international company like McDonalds and with a bit of tweaking it could be rolled out across all the branches/franchises across the world. Sure, you would have to change the language, the pictures of chubby smiling consumers, but the basic thing would be reproducible. Afterall McDonalds, for example, sells exactly the same unappetizing stuff in Paris as it does in New York. If you have spent a chunk of money developing a McDonalds marketing app for Japan and McDonalds USA thinks its better value to get someone else to develop a McDonalds marketing app for the USA, what exactly has Plexure developed for McDonalds? If it doesn't transfer between countries, how well does it transfer in any other aspect? Are they developing anything of any value or are they just a service industry?

24-06-2021, 09:10 PM
Let's do some fact check before we guess what's going on here.


It seems the US market is part of the deal. I only remembered the CEO said China is the big market excluded in the contract with McDonald. Please correct me if I am wrong.

If Plexrue has involved in the loyalty program implementation, I don't think Plexure will need to disclose anything before the program has successfully rolled out.

Within such a short timeframe for McDonald to roll out its loyalty program, it must have leveraged some of its existing technologies to achieve that.

I can speculate that Plexure would have some involvement in this program. The involvement could be to provide new API access to Plexure's platform. It could be some changes to work with other systems in McDonald. Who knows...

Plexure kept getting a large chunk of non-recurring revenue from its customer in the past years. Especially, there was a huge increase in non-recurring revenue in FY21 as quoted below.

Considering there were no new clients for Plexure in the past year, Plexure could be working on some projects for its existing customers.
I think my speculation is somewhat reasonable. :)

Recurring revenue (representing
licence and support fees) increased by $2.199m or 14% to $18.315m,
while non-recurring revenue increased by $1.929m, or 22% to $10.835m.

25-06-2021, 08:06 AM
Good post.... I hope you are right.

I would simply like PX1 to keep shareholders better informed.....instead of having to speculate.

25-06-2021, 09:38 AM
Crikey! Sssoooo PX1 should announce things that haven't happened.....

Here's some suggestions...

PX1 is pleased to announce it had nothing to do with the Black Caps win last night.
PX1 is pleased to announce it has not achieved $100 mill revenue.


You made my day, the funniest post I have ever read ever!!!!

25-06-2021, 11:27 AM
Have been requested by Andrew to post the following on his behalf.

By Email Fri, Jun 18, 12:10 PM - verified.
************************************************** *****

Hi all - its Andrew Dalziel here the CFO of Plexure.

Just thought I'd let you know that there is nothing sinister behind my departure. I have been commuting from Wellington to Auckland for 5 years. As my children have gotten older its been become harder to manage the home life (sports / school etc) so I have chosen my family over my current role.

I first joined Plexure in August 2015 to help with an ASX listing. It finally happened in 2020 so its a good time to leave. There is $42m in the bank as at 31 March and the Company has good prospects so its time for someone else to have a go.

And yes I will have to sell some shares to pay a tax bill at some stage but I'm still going to be a holder (as I was before I joined the company).

So thanks for all the support.



25-06-2021, 11:45 AM
All the best looking after the family Andrew - the kids will love having you around more

25-06-2021, 11:53 AM
Great to hear your viewpoint Andrew.

I wish you well and thank you.

25-06-2021, 11:55 AM
I have called Andrew and spoke to him, he said Good Luck to me :)

What does that mean?

25-06-2021, 12:07 PM
I have called Andrew and spoke to him, he said Good Luck to me :)

What does that mean?

Depends whether you are a holder or not :);

Anyway - great to see Andrews clarification ... cheers for that (and to Vince for relaying it).

25-06-2021, 12:09 PM
Depends whether you are a holder or not :);

Anyway - great to see Andrews clarification ... cheers for that (and to Vince for relaying it).

Please clarify in both scenarios?

25-06-2021, 12:14 PM
Please clarify in both scenarios?

Just use your imagination ...

25-06-2021, 12:23 PM
Just use your imagination ...

I have no imagination................

25-06-2021, 12:33 PM
I have no imagination................

That's sad.

Well, last time I talked as a share holder with the CEO of a loss making startup (different industry and different country) he wished me "Good Luck" as well at the end of our chat. After that discussion I sold out and the relevant share price kept dropping.

Anyway - probably just a coincidence and enough said ... you need to do your own research :p ...

25-06-2021, 12:40 PM
Intriguing sort of statement from the company & CFO imo.


It's clear that the company keeps a close eye on this thread (a good thing) and decided that there's enough concerns expressed about the way the CFO is leaving for PX1 to issue a clarifying statement to try & allay fears.

There's plenty of concerns expressed about how the company has failed to land another decent deal (after the wink wink nudge nudge during lat year's capital raising & listing on ASX) so why not do the same to allay fears?

25-06-2021, 12:55 PM
Intriguing sort of statement from the company & CFO imo.


It's clear that the company keeps a close eye on this thread (a good thing) and decided that there's enough concerns expressed about the way the CFO is leaving for PX1 to issue a clarifying statement to try & allay fears.

I also corresponded with Andrew after it was announced that he had resigned, as I have done from time to time over the past few years. He was unable to post the comments himself for some ST login reasons. It is word-for-word what he wrote (email) to me on 18 June.

He was not compelled by the company to put out that message, rather he personally thought it the right thing to do as a significant shareholder, in consideration of the speculation here (which imo was typically suspicious and cynical.)

He has other messages as well, but it's not for me to relay them, he may do so himself if he can get logged onto ST.

I thanked Andrew for his excellent work while at Plexure, including completing the ASX listing which he mentioned and wish Andrew all the best for his next endeavours.

25-06-2021, 02:10 PM
Have been requested by Andrew to post the following on his behalf.

By Email Fri, Jun 18, 12:10 PM - verified.
************************************************** *****

Hi all - its Andrew Dalziel here the CFO of Plexure.

Just thought I'd let you know that there is nothing sinister behind my departure. I have been commuting from Wellington to Auckland for 5 years. As my children have gotten older its been become harder to manage the home life (sports / school etc) so I have chosen my family over my current role.

I first joined Plexure in August 2015 to help with an ASX listing. It finally happened in 2020 so its a good time to leave. There is $42m in the bank as at 31 March and the Company has good prospects so its time for someone else to have a go.

And yes I will have to sell some shares to pay a tax bill at some stage but I'm still going to be a holder (as I was before I joined the company).

So thanks for all the support.


Andrew Legend @Andrew, he always answered my emails. Good guy! And good luck to him.

25-06-2021, 05:30 PM
I have called Andrew and spoke to him, he said Good Luck to me :)

What does that mean?

Not a lucky week this week ….share price down

29-06-2021, 03:38 PM
Looking like there’s a bit of support here at these levels. Maybe a bit of “buying when others are fearful” going on?

29-06-2021, 03:56 PM
Looking like there’s a bit of support here at these levels. Maybe a bit of “buying when others are fearful” going on?

It always is in a downtrend. Lets face it, why would you otherwise buy into a downtrend? Sometimes the buyers win and sometimes (statistically more often) the sellers.

However - looking at the chart, it does not appear that there are currently too many fearless buyers around, doesn't it? Ongoing down trend - fine example for any textbook.


29-06-2021, 03:56 PM
Looking like there’s a bit of support here at these levels. Maybe a bit of “buying when others are fearful” going on?

There always is in a downtrend (buying going on when others are fearful), otherwise it would not be a downtrend, wouldn't it? Sometimes the buyers win and sadly (for the buyers) more often the sellers.

However - looking at the chart, it does not appear that there are currently too many fearless buyers around, doesn't it? Ongoing down trend - fine example for any textbook.


30-06-2021, 03:13 PM
It’s a downtrend until it isn’t.

01-07-2021, 08:34 AM
Email 2.52am today

Plexure signs deal with Pita Pit

01-07-2021, 10:24 AM
Email 2.52am today

Plexure signs deal with Pita Pit

Got that too and tht what the *&%^....

02-07-2021, 11:22 AM
Post on FB - https://www.facebook.com/plexurelive

Re 1 year relationship with Superindo - "Here's to the next phase of our partnership"

02-07-2021, 11:26 AM
Post on FB - https://www.facebook.com/plexurelive

Re 1 year relationship with Superindo - "Here's to the next phase of our partnership"

Jeez …beating target by 232% is really cool

Go Plexure ….get lucky

02-07-2021, 02:36 PM
Jeez …beating target by 232% is really cool

Go Plexure ….get lucky it’s a shame the performance of the customers doesn’t really convert into $$$’s for Plexy…

02-07-2021, 04:33 PM
it’s a shame the performance of the customers doesn’t really convert into $$$’s for Plexy…

Always been a concern that Plexure make more money for their clients than they do for themselves...

04-07-2021, 03:02 PM
Always been a concern that Plexure make more money for their clients than they do for themselves...

Always a concern growth tech company make more money for their clients than they do for themselves (at growth stage), can I re-word it?

05-07-2021, 09:05 AM
André Gaylord from Genesis joins Plexure as CFO.

05-07-2021, 09:13 AM
André Gaylord from Genesis joins Plexure as CFO.

Not very inspiring, but I bet he is good with numbers.

05-07-2021, 09:24 AM
Not very inspiring, but I bet he is good with numbers.

He says he's accomplished at M&A modelling

06-07-2021, 11:25 AM
He says he's accomplished at M&A modelling
Pita Pit Merger incoming? Lol

06-07-2021, 11:25 AM
In a few days we find out who’s been behind the McDonald’s loyalty program development in the USA don’t we?

06-07-2021, 11:31 PM
In a few days we find out who’s been behind the McDonald’s loyalty program development in the USA don’t we?
um...not sure.
But Im keen to know what you know if you could expand your thoughts on this please.

07-07-2021, 05:21 PM
um...not sure.
But Im keen to know what you know if you could expand your thoughts on this please.
here’s a link to the CNBC article about it
https://www.google.co.nz/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/06/22/mcdonalds-will-launch-its-loyalty-program-nationwide-in-july.html Read the whole thing, particularly the last three paragraphs it mentions tying together it’s tech investments

07-07-2021, 09:18 PM
Due to come to life again?

07-07-2021, 11:17 PM
here’s a link to the CNBC article about it
https://www.google.co.nz/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/06/22/mcdonalds-will-launch-its-loyalty-program-nationwide-in-july.html Read the whole thing, particularly the last three paragraphs it mentions tying together it’s tech investments
Thanks for this.
I thought the US used a different company to run its app...?
If McD used Plexure to produce the US app, then it would need to be disclosed at the time Plexure was awarded the US contract?
Question marks cos I'm just mulling things over...

08-07-2021, 07:18 AM
Thanks for this.
I thought the US used a different company to run its app...?
If McD used Plexure to produce the US app, then it would need to be disclosed at the time Plexure was awarded the US contract?
Question marks cos I'm just mulling things over...
cheers yes I believe they use dynamic yield for their US platform plus probably a couple of other partners. However it is possible that being a shareholder in Plexure has encouraged McDonald’s US to maybe start using Plexure for the US investments in tech and platforms. Just a speculation, however I noticed yesterday that volume was above average and on a green day, not by much but it’s something… maybe someone knows something?
quite happy that I loaded up at 0.68 ��.

08-07-2021, 07:37 PM
Due to come to life again?

Hmmm ..I'm asking myself the same question...watching this pup closely as it getting close to start firing medium term buy signals. Whether it does or not is another story...The early June rally creating a couple of buy signals was a misfire, so this time caution is needed..

Chartwise because of the rally misfire PX1 is trying to cement in a double bottom pattern. A confirmed double bottom pattern** (Adam & Eve type) will have a target price of 95c if the price rises above 80c [breakout](confirmation price).

**Bulkowski says..buying in before the DB pattern is confirmed has a success rate of only 1 in 3. so this is a pattern to wait until after it has formed (confirmed). Once this Bullish DB pattern is confirmed the failure rate is 17% in Bear Markets and only 3% in Bull markets... After the breakout there is a high 68% chance the price will throwback to the breakout price before moving up again (second chance buy in).

Disc: have none

15-07-2021, 04:38 PM
Do we know what the Pita Pit deal was worth yet? And did Plexure design the Maccas rewards loyalty program?

22-07-2021, 04:50 PM
Must be some form of update soon. This has been a very quite place for awhile just speculation

23-07-2021, 11:23 AM
https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/artificial-intelligence-in-retail-market-2021-global-industry-overview-by-size-share-trends-growth-factors-historical-analysis-opportunities-and-industry-segments-poised-for-rapid-growth-by-2023-2021-07-21?tesla=y&utm_content=173844152&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&hss_channel=fbp-337131153009455&fbclid=IwAR3dBm9Nbk6PrekNDOAHWzEKAHAioynMxwnxWVCBJ llRSXLfyz3ys6QyLEM

23-07-2021, 11:32 AM
https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/artificial-intelligence-in-retail-market-2021-global-industry-overview-by-size-share-trends-growth-factors-historical-analysis-opportunities-and-industry-segments-poised-for-rapid-growth-by-2023-2021-07-21?tesla=y&utm_content=173844152&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&hss_channel=fbp-337131153009455&fbclid=IwAR3dBm9Nbk6PrekNDOAHWzEKAHAioynMxwnxWVCBJ llRSXLfyz3ys6QyLEM

That's interesting, thanks for posting. Look at the companies Plexure is listed with as "Major Players"!


23-07-2021, 12:24 PM
If you are still holding onto Plexure after the half truths of the cap raising and promise of new customers, i can get you a referral for a checkup.

23-07-2021, 12:57 PM
Holding has been significantly reduced however I still "believe" something will come for this one. All good things take time ;)

24-07-2021, 10:18 PM
That's interesting, thanks for posting. Look at the companies Plexure is listed with as "Major Players"!


I still remember Wynyard being announced next to the likes of palintir

30-07-2021, 10:05 AM
I think there will be a BIG announcement about the new HUGE customer on Monday

Monday first trading day of August - seems about right

30-07-2021, 10:11 AM
Do you have a crystal ball, a lot of faith, or insider knowledge?

30-07-2021, 10:14 AM
Do you have a crystal ball, a lot of faith, or insider knowledge?

Even if I had inside knowledge I wouldn't believe it

Exceptional growth ahead I'm told

30-07-2021, 10:19 AM
Even if I had inside knowledge I wouldn't believe it

Exceptional growth ahead I'm told

Hope you are right W69 or a negative reputation coming your way for getting me excited lol (jk)

30-07-2021, 10:19 AM
I'm a holder, but certainly requires a lot of patience and discipline.

30-07-2021, 10:27 AM
Hope you are right W69 or a negative reputation coming your way for getting me excited lol (jk)

I got an alert this morning there's a PX1 announcement

There was but a bit of a disappointment

Monday might just be the day

02-08-2021, 09:01 AM
I got an alert this morning there's a PX1 announcement

There was but a bit of a disappointment

Monday might just be the day I got excited about that too lol.

02-08-2021, 09:03 AM
I think there will be a BIG announcement about the new HUGE customer on Monday

Monday first trading day of August - seems about right

toyworld partnership?

03-08-2021, 09:34 AM
Oh well, nothing said yesterday

Probably need to wait another year

Craig seems to have gone into hiding …been very quite on the media scene of late

Probably too embarrassed to show his face

Did see that Plexure was named as Top Key Player in Artificial Intelligence in Retail Market Report, which states "The artificial intelligence in 3retail market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 35%, during the forecast period (2018 - 2023)."

That’s pretty cool …better hire more staff

04-08-2021, 11:08 AM
Plexure Group Limited (NZX & ASX: PX1) Chairman, Phil Norman, today announced the Company's Chief Executive, Craig Herbison, has resigned with immediate
effect from today, 4 August 2021. Mr Herbison has also resigned as a Director of the Company with effect from the same date.

04-08-2021, 11:15 AM
Oh well, nothing said yesterday

Probably need to wait another year

Craig seems to have gone into hiding …been very quite on the media scene of late

Probably too embarrassed to show his face

Did see that Plexure was named as Top Key Player in Artificial Intelligence in Retail Market Report, which states "The artificial intelligence in 3retail market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 35%, during the forecast period (2018 - 2023)."

That’s pretty cool …better hire more staff

Looks like you got it right, too hard pushing water uphill.

They are really going nowhere.

04-08-2021, 11:28 AM
CEO resigning with immediate effect to..."focus on other priorities, including my young family"

I do believe other similar occurrences have been followed by scandals coming out, hopefully not here. Maybe they will be able to entice someone with experience growing a tech company at scale over to NZ given everything happening around the world?

04-08-2021, 11:33 AM
How many shares does Mr Herbison currently hold?

04-08-2021, 11:39 AM
CEO resigning with immediate effect to..."focus on other priorities, including my young family"

Wow! CEO and CFO both out within 6 weeks. And Craig leaving with immediate effect is a huge concern.

04-08-2021, 11:40 AM
CEO resigning with immediate effect to..."focus on other priorities, including my young family"

I do believe other similar occurrences have been followed by scandals coming out, hopefully not here. Maybe they will be able to entice someone with experience growing a tech company at scale over to NZ given everything happening around the world?

Didn't the CFO resign a while ago also to focus on family? Maybe these people running the business don't see any exciting future for this company anymore and probably lost interest.

04-08-2021, 11:46 AM
Was this the big news W69 was telling us about. I didnt know it was going to be bad news, Winner!

Dont mind Herbison leaving because lets be real he hasnt really executed. The issue is as mentioned above 'leaving with immediate effect'.

04-08-2021, 12:05 PM
How many shares does Mr Herbison currently hold?

Non I believe, he was given options at one stage. I do not believe the options have been converted into shares.
Clever man Craig, it seems he realised right from the start not to spend money on this company.

04-08-2021, 12:08 PM
Finally! A shot in the arm for plexure, or a shot to the head. He’s been very quiet though, hope he’s ok

04-08-2021, 12:14 PM
Finally! A shot in the arm for plexure, or a shot to the head. He’s been very quiet though, hope he’s ok

He leaves immediately with no plausible explanation, clearly a shot to the head.

04-08-2021, 12:23 PM
Could this actually be a good thing for Plexure? To be honest I never saw Craig do anything special apart from a few basic pitch webinars..

04-08-2021, 12:25 PM
Jeez all those heavily discounted shares punters got at $1.20 just under a year ago are now only 50% of that

Great story they told back then …great opportunity today for believers to top up

Yep about 60 cents a great price

04-08-2021, 12:31 PM
Time Phil Norman went as well. He’s been around Plexure far too long (>10 years)

What he’s presided over in the last year or so has been a disaster

Xero went to great heights after he left them

C’mon Phil, time to go

04-08-2021, 12:39 PM
Buyers at A$0.41 on the ASX

04-08-2021, 12:41 PM
Didn't the CFO resign a while ago also to focus on family? Maybe these people running the business don't see any exciting future for this company anymore and probably lost interest.

Last one to leave, please remember to switch off the computers.

04-08-2021, 12:48 PM
Maybe Craig has gone to join Andrew at Kami

Kami bigger (revenues) than Plexure

04-08-2021, 12:54 PM
Those of us who have followed the company a little longer will remember Craig stabilising the company when he arrived 4 years ago and stopping it from going under back then. I do agree the last year has been a little slow moving, maybe the cause of him leaving.

All the best to him, we probably wouldn't still be afloat without him, and let's hope the replacement is better suited for the next phase.

04-08-2021, 12:54 PM
Maybe Craig has gone to join Andrew at Kami

Kami bigger (revenues) than Plexure

Now that’s a thought!

He has done such a great job for PX1 that he was headhunted to join Kami.

Hence the resignation with immediate effect.

04-08-2021, 01:02 PM
Valuable bloke that Craig.

At 61 cents he took 8c off the share price, which is $13.876 million capitalization.

Was he worth it?

04-08-2021, 01:15 PM
What’s the worst scenario with ceo resignation with immediate effect?

04-08-2021, 01:18 PM
No rudder, and without CFO, no one to put their oar in either!

04-08-2021, 01:21 PM
What’s the worst scenario with ceo resignation with immediate effect?

As always - it depends :):

If we know why he really resigned it might be easier to find an answer.

04-08-2021, 01:41 PM
As always - it depends :):

If we know why he really resigned it might be easier to find an answer.

The CEO resigning abruptly without a credible explanation = the growth story they have been peddling is munted.

04-08-2021, 01:45 PM
What’s the worst scenario with ceo resignation with immediate effect?

And as a Director which probably follows as a matter of course

Clean break …seems knowledge goes with him

04-08-2021, 01:46 PM
The CEO resigning abruptly without a credible explanation = the growth story they have been peddling is munted.

Leaving to spend more time with the family is never that convincing as a reason. When it is with immediate effect it doesn't seem credible at all. Did he suddenly, just today, realise that he had a family?

Snow Leopard
04-08-2021, 02:38 PM
....Did he suddenly, just today, realise that he had a family?

Have you never watched The Inner Circle (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7715754/) ? :ohmy:

04-08-2021, 03:09 PM
Leaving to spend more time with the family is never that convincing as a reason. When it is with immediate effect it doesn't seem credible at all. Did he suddenly, just today, realise that he had a family?

Could be marital issues? potential issue relating to someone at work.....

Whatever the case, if you were just about to sign large customers or close more mcds territories there is no way youd be leaving. travel is also a poor excuse in this climate

04-08-2021, 03:19 PM
Wonder if Craig checks on ST ...his mate seemed to

04-08-2021, 03:25 PM
Could be marital issues? potential issue relating to someone at work.....

Whatever the case, if you were just about to sign large customers or close more mcds territories there is no way youd be leaving. travel is also a poor excuse in this climate

Actually travel is a perfectly legitimate reason in this climate - 4 weeks in quarantine per trip have proven to be too much for many an executive. Good friend of mine has spent 16 weeks in quarantine travelling for work between NZ & Oz in the last year.

04-08-2021, 03:31 PM
Actually travel is a perfectly legitimate reason in this climate - 4 weeks in quarantine per trip have proven to be too much for many an executive. Good friend of mine has spent 16 weeks in quarantine travelling for work between NZ & Oz in the last year.

My comment was on the assumption he hasnt been travelling, you could be right.

04-08-2021, 04:37 PM
No rudder, and without CFO, no one to put their oar in either!

PX1 gone from my portfolio today. I did well, up over 160% on my DCA. Cashed up on this news. Better options elsewhere. GLH.

04-08-2021, 04:45 PM
The last 6 months.


What will the next 6 bring?

04-08-2021, 07:39 PM
The days of CEOs staying in the same job for years are not so common these days. Particularly with progressive companies. The average tenure is approximately 5 years. Beyond that you risk CEOs running out of ideas, becoming stale and out of energy. Sounds like he has “other priorities” ie more $$$$ and more time at home. My guess he will have secured a new position paying more for less hours. Money doesn’t not talk, it screams.
He does say he is confident Plexure is well positioned for future success.
So watch this space. New man, fresh ideas and new drive. Just part of the CEO merry go round.

04-08-2021, 07:51 PM

Quit your shares when the CEO or CFO quits unexpectantly & without proper explanation.

05-08-2021, 09:11 AM
IMHO I believe a change of CEO is for the best for Plexure. However, temporarily not having one looks very dodgy and the resignation was quite unexpected. I’ve seen companies turn around first hand from having a change of CEO with a fresh mindset and greater ability to execute (AMD with Lisa Su for example). Worth a hold in my portfolio at least.

05-08-2021, 10:06 AM

Quit your shares when the CEO or CFO quits unexpectantly & without proper explanation.

3 instances YTD of big volumes being sold down along with the sp :

1. 20 May - revenue downgrade

2. 18 May - CFO resigns

3. 4 Aug - CEO resigns

Credibility is gone (certainly in Australia with the $1.20 placement last year with plenty of undelivered promises) so ....

.... PX1 will either have to scale back growth plans to conserve cash, or do further capital raising (if it's even possible) at heavily discounted prices.

No compelling reason to invest or hold this stock imo.

05-08-2021, 10:19 AM
Plexture chair Phil Norman has been quoted in the media saying:

Since joining Plexture in 2017, Mr Herbitson has lead the business through a significant transition from a loss making entity to becoming cashflow positive and profitable in 2018 and 2019"

Does this reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of where Plexture's true value lies? Or, if that isn't the case, speak to a Plexture's strategy being off the mark?

Those who understand investing in the tech sector would know that tech companies such as Plexture are valued based - at a high level - on a multiple of their revenue, with revenue growth being a key determinate of what that multiple might be.

The basic model for delivering value to shareholders is one of acquisition. With the above valuation context in mind, the strategy of such tech companies is to grow revenue as quickly as possible, so that a) the revenue base to be multiplied is as large as possible, and b) quicker growth = larger multiple.

Growing as fast as possible means investing heavily in all areas of the business - the result of which is, in most cases, a cash deficit and/or trading loss. As opposed to traditional models of value whereby a business is valued based on a measure of it's underlying profitability (eg: a EBITDA multiple), in the case of tech it is more often than not a good thing if the business has a cash deficit

To that end, Norman's words above do seem to be a cause for concern - is there anything that relates to Plexture in particular that people know of, which would mitigate or explain this?

05-08-2021, 10:55 AM
The context here is the previous CEO almost ran the company into the ground by chasing expansion without worrying about whether it was profitable. The ship has now been steadied and the last cap raise allows them to aim for growth again.

If they hadn't become cashflow positive in 2018-19 they probably wouldn't exist today - that's Craig's contribution.

05-08-2021, 10:59 AM
PX1 gone from my portfolio today. I did well, up over 160% on my DCA. Cashed up on this news. Better options elsewhere. GLH.

Me also sold out last holding, but at a loss. Been pondering this one for a while, I think there is no evidence they can meaningfully deliver their strategy and now it seems the CEO agrees?

05-08-2021, 11:05 AM
Me also sold out last holding, but at a loss. Been pondering this one for a while, I think there is no evidence they can meaningfully deliver their strategy and now it seems the CEO agrees?

Also exited at a small loss, too many red flags for me.

05-08-2021, 11:08 AM
Plexture chair Phil Norman has been quoted in the media saying:

Since joining Plexture in 2017, Mr Herbitson has lead the business through a significant transition from a loss making entity to becoming cashflow positive and profitable in 2018 and 2019"

Does this reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of where Plexture's true value lies? Or, if that isn't the case, speak to a Plexture's strategy being off the mark?

Those who understand investing in the tech sector would know that tech companies such as Plexture are valued based - at a high level - on a multiple of their revenue, with revenue growth being a key determinate of what that multiple might be.

The basic model for delivering value to shareholders is one of acquisition. With the above valuation context in mind, the strategy of such tech companies is to grow revenue as quickly as possible, so that a) the revenue base to be multiplied is as large as possible, and b) quicker growth = larger multiple.

Growing as fast as possible means investing heavily in all areas of the business - the result of which is, in most cases, a cash deficit and/or trading loss. As opposed to traditional models of value whereby a business is valued based on a measure of it's underlying profitability (eg: a EBITDA multiple), in the case of tech it is more often than not a good thing if the business has a cash deficit

To that end, Norman's words above do seem to be a cause for concern - is there anything that relates to Plexture in particular that people know of, which would mitigate or explain this?

Good post wagwan and generally your comments are how tech gets valued

However I see Plexure not a pure tech play - rather an outfit that uses tech to deliver customer outcomes but in doing that has a high servicing component

The servicing cost - people cost 70% of sales - wow

05-08-2021, 11:15 AM
The context here is the previous CEO almost ran the company into the ground by chasing expansion without worrying about whether it was profitable. The ship has now been steadied and the last cap raise allows them to aim for growth again.

If they hadn't become cashflow positive in 2018-19 they probably wouldn't exist today - that's Craig's contribution.

Not sure you've got the point I'm making

Chasing growth at the expense of profit is essentially the aim in tech. Completely different from most other sectors and traditional models of valuation, yes, but understanding this is at the crux of investing in tech businesses.

Yes you have to raise capital to fund that growth from time to time, as there is essentially an on-going cash burn - the investors decision to do so depends on their assessment of future acquisition potential.

Examples of this model / approach are found all through the US - think Uber, Netflix etc etc

I would suggest that if Plexture wouldn't be around today without turning to profitability it reflects a fundamental issue with the business - their offering, strategy and value proposition (ie: if the business had a bight future, and was burning cash and required more, why would investors not step up to provide?)

NB: the strategy from the ​acquirers perspective is that they have the existing cost base covered in terms of infrastructure, staff etc etc, so essentially can add the revenue from acquisition straight onto top line, and only have to add marginally to cost base - this turns the existing 'business' from loss making to profitable - both in accounting and cash terms - overnight

05-08-2021, 11:19 AM
Good post wagwan and generally your comments are how tech gets valued

However I see Plexure not a pure tech play - rather an outfit that uses tech to deliver customer outcomes but in doing that has a high servicing component

The servicing cost - people cost 70% of sales - wow

Thanks - and yep agree largely. Although that people cost wouldn't be as much of an issue if it resulted in significant sales growth or new clients!

I think too many fundamental issues with PX1. People bought on the promise of big new clients, accelerated revenue growth and as a result SP appreciation.

Seems that may have just been a good story, although would love to be proven wrong

05-08-2021, 11:37 AM
Sorry to those who are selling at a loss.

FWIW my first large purchase was way back when they were PLX in October 2018 at 21c when they announced the McD deal. ( I also remember days when PLX touted IKEA as a BIG client......and still wonder what happened to that?)

So long term large holder but recent CFO and CEO resignations plus non delivery of their "two MAJOR clients" pa promise made me decide to get out.

If the news changes and the trend reverses I may be back, but in the meantime it is about capital preservation/appreciation for me.

GLH and as always DYOR and take responsibility for your own decisions.

05-08-2021, 11:49 AM
Yes, the company needed stabilising because it ran out of options for raising capital. The company was taken much more seriously after Craig took over and would have likely run out of money otherwise. Fully understand those selling out, it's been disappointing that new large clients haven't appeared.

05-08-2021, 11:59 AM
Not sure you've got the point I'm making

Chasing growth at the expense of profit is essentially the aim in tech. Completely different from most other sectors and traditional models of valuation, yes, but understanding this is at the crux of investing in tech businesses.

Yes you have to raise capital to fund that growth from time to time, as there is essentially an on-going cash burn - the investors decision to do so depends on their assessment of future acquisition potential.

Examples of this model / approach are found all through the US - think Uber, Netflix etc etc

I would suggest that if Plexture wouldn't be around today without turning to profitability it reflects a fundamental issue with the business - their offering, strategy and value proposition (ie: if the business had a bight future, and was burning cash and required more, why would investors not step up to provide?)

NB: the strategy from the ​acquirers perspective is that they have the existing cost base covered in terms of infrastructure, staff etc etc, so essentially can add the revenue from acquisition straight onto top line, and only have to add marginally to cost base - this turns the existing 'business' from loss making to profitable - both in accounting and cash terms - overnight

wagman, ZERO comes to mind, I think it just about went broke twice before the heavy hitters came onboard with very big dollars to sustain the losses and now look at it,

05-08-2021, 12:16 PM
wagman, ZERO comes to mind, I think it just about went broke twice before the heavy hitters came onboard with very big dollars to sustain the losses and now look at it,

PX1 is no XRO.

It is more like Provenco.

Take that as read.

05-08-2021, 12:53 PM
Wonder how Scobie Ward feels about Plexure now

Hope he doesn't feel he has to sell out

05-08-2021, 12:54 PM
PX1 is no XRO.

It is more like Provenco.

Take that as read.

BAL, NO ONE SAID IT WAS, IMO Zero and this is from a long standing S Her circa April 2009, is just an example of a company that almost went broke a couple of times , we all know that they are different business models but some take more money and time than others ie PEB etc.

05-08-2021, 01:19 PM
1 order 360,000 at $0.570

05-08-2021, 01:23 PM
BAL, NO ONE SAID IT WAS, IMO Zero and this is from a long standing S Her circa April 2009, is just an example of a company that almost went broke a couple of times , we all know that they are different business models but some take more money and time than others ie PEB etc.

One of my informal indicators - if posters feel the need to start to shout, than this is a pretty reliable indicator that company is moving towards the "roll up their toenails" - phase. This is what 19 out of 20 start-ups tend to do.

Make no mistake - PX1 is still a startup, and even a pretty slow one ...), and only 5% of startups do succeed (and even a smaller number of them turn into a XRO, amazon or google).

Just wondering where these 95% of startup investors are who bought into the loosing startups? Anybody ever heard from them?

Imagine - you are standing in a group of 20 people and you know 19 of them will be randomly executed. Same chances to win - do you feel save with the business model?

Another way to look at it might be - you have twenty dollars to invest and put one dollar on each of 20 startups. You know 19 will go down statistically. Will this startup pay back not just the dollar you paid for it, but as well the 19 dollars you lost in the other companies?

Maybe this thread should better be used for contemplation instead of for shouting :):

05-08-2021, 01:44 PM
My comment was on the assumption he hasnt been travelling, you could be right.

You are right - Craig has not been doing any international travel vs plenty before Covid.


"Craig's gone from constant air travel to no travel," the director said.

Something really smells with his resignation with immediate effect.

Excerpt :

"Plexure director Jack Matthews told the Herald that people shouldn't read too much into the seemingly abrupt nature of Herbison's departure."

"This didn't come out of thin air. Craig has expressed concerns about work pressure and wanting to spend more time with his family for a while."

Really? Anyone read or heard anything about work pressures and him wanting to spend more time with his family?

PX1 shareholders, particularly those who bought shares in the $1.20 placement last year, deserve better than ‘spend time with family’ reason for his sudden & unexpected exit.

05-08-2021, 01:49 PM
One of my informal indicators - if posters feel the need to start to shout, than this is a pretty reliable indicator that company is moving towards the "roll up their toenails" - phase. This is what 19 out of 20 start-ups tend to do.......:

I don't know if that is much of an indicator but maybe. If you hold enough companies, some will give you a good feeling over and over again as they execute well, demonstrate competence, good communication and endurance and some companies make you feel quite the opposite as they stumble along. Best thing you can do is hold companies that make you feel good. Drop the dogs and don't look back.

05-08-2021, 02:24 PM
".......Maybe this thread should better be used for contemplation instead of for shouting :):

After I read these posts I felt frustrated with some of these forum posters..I said to myself "I love to shout"..Then my inner voice said "Go ahead you have my permission"......."Ok thanks"...


Buying long term into a down trending stock is equivalent to venturing into a forest where bears live, the risk of being mauled is very high...anyone with any common sense will know this.

If you have this masochistic desire to purchase PX1 at least wait until the down trend ends and reverses.


05-08-2021, 02:40 PM
Buying long term into a down trending stock is equivalent to venturing into a forest where bears live, the risk of being mauled is very high...anyone with any common sense will know this.

Only a New Zealander would think that. If you wander into a forest with bears in it, the chances of being mauled is actually very low. Ask a Canadian.

05-08-2021, 02:54 PM
Only a New Zealander would think that. If you wander into a forest with bears in it, the chances of being mauled is actually very low. Ask a Canadian.

What's the NZ equivalent? Sitting in the outhouse in sub zero temperatures?

Snow Leopard
05-08-2021, 02:55 PM
We have Sun Bears (https://malaysianwildlife.org/malayan-sun-bear-helarctos-malayanus/)


05-08-2021, 03:20 PM
We have Sun Bears (https://malaysianwildlife.org/malayan-sun-bear-helarctos-malayanus/)

If you are in the forest and a bear looks at you like that, sell all your PX1 shares and leave immediately

05-08-2021, 03:33 PM
aux and nzx trade at same price 0.6

05-08-2021, 09:42 PM
Only a New Zealander would think that. If you wander into a forest with bears in it, the chances of being mauled is actually very low. Ask a Canadian.

Actually a Canadian messaged me..A 4 legged hairy friend with antlers that many on ST would know and respect...and sadly missed.
He allowed me to post this part of his message....No offense to Biscuit just nice humourous banter ...enjoy :D:D.


05-08-2021, 09:46 PM
Plexure is supposed to give update on renegotiation contract with McDonald’s in August. I guess something is wrong here. The negotiations might failed or MacDonald don’t want to use Plexure in the future. Quite scary picture in these cases.

05-08-2021, 09:58 PM
Plexure is supposed to give update on renegotiation contract with McDonald’s in August. I guess something is wrong here. The negotiations might failed or MacDonald don’t want to use Plexure in the future. Quite scary picture in these cases.

Then it will be clear why the CEO & CFO left?

06-08-2021, 07:27 AM
Plexure is supposed to give update on renegotiation contract with McDonald’s in August. I guess something is wrong here. The negotiations might failed or MacDonald don’t want to use Plexure in the future. Quite scary picture in these cases.

Macdonalds dispense Plexure services .... always a possibility .....and top brass walking away might be the signature

Be and of Plexure if that happened?

Lots of people left to serve Pita Pit eh

Current share good when the chance of 5 cents possible

06-08-2021, 09:24 AM
Just a few things to keep in perspective.

29/3/21. Exceeded guidance.

20/5/21. Ann Report, Increases revenue 15%, Loss of $7.93M, still leaving $42.4M in CASH, NTA 21.4c.

!/6/21. Signs Pita Pit as new client.

5/7/21. New CFO appointed.

Macdonalds own 9.9%. Did they invest, only to take their business elsewhere?
Their contracts are only done on an individual country basis anyway.

Conclusion. All of the above is known to the marketplace, enough cash to keep going, so recent sellers must have only had faith in Craig Herbison??

06-08-2021, 09:27 AM
One of Plexure’s greatest advocates on here is BaaBaa ….even seems to have insights into inner workings at Plexure.

You been quite mate

What you say about recent developments

06-08-2021, 09:57 AM
One of Plexure’s greatest advocates on here is BaaBaa ….even seems to have insights into inner workings at Plexure.

You been quite mate

What you say about recent developments

yes I have been hoping that Baa Baa would post his thoughts as well

06-08-2021, 09:58 AM
yes I have been hoping that Baa Baa would post his thoughts as well

Long gone from PX1, one suspects.

06-08-2021, 10:14 AM
Then it will be clear why the CEO & CFO left?

I guess this kind of negotiation with someone more powerful would require endless face to face meetings. It is a hard job for anyone in the hot seat.

06-08-2021, 10:16 AM
Actually a Canadian messaged me..A 4 legged hairy friend with antlers that many on ST would know and respect...and sadly missed.
He allowed me to post this part of his message....No offense to Biscuit just nice humourous banter ...enjoy :D:D.


It's a real shame so many of those guys like Moosie don't post on here anymore. ATM and PX1 both out foxed me this year I have to admit.

06-08-2021, 10:20 AM
Long gone from PX1, one suspects.

That was mean bring Provenco up the other day ;)

06-08-2021, 11:07 AM
That was mean bring Provenco up the other day ;)

Looks to me like PX1 is heading the same way as Provenco unless they land another major profitable contract soon imo.

Provenco bled to death as you recall after winning the Petronas multi million dollar contract. Was not able to win another oil company contract (or any other major contract) after that - servicing the Petronas contract proved to be more than the contract price!

06-08-2021, 11:10 AM
Looks to me like PX1 is heading the same way as Provenco unless they land another major profitable contract soon imo.

Provenco bled to death as you recall after winning the Petronas multi million dollar contract. Was not able to win another oil company contract (or any other major contract) after that - servicing the Petronas contract proved to be more than the contract price!

'Servicing' cost seems key --- its very high at Plexure

06-08-2021, 12:06 PM
'Servicing' cost seems key --- its very high at Plexure

Yes this service cost issue seems to be the underlying issue running through many of our minds.

In Theory (ok sometimes doesn't work in practice) 101 Marketing. A small company should be very careful when signing up a very powerful and large client which can dominate the Balance Sheet and makes that small company very vulnerable.

Oops..PX1 has suddenly fallen 10% before recovering to 55c..big seller at 53c ..someone desperate to get out..Not a good look..eh

06-08-2021, 12:43 PM
Yes this service cost issue seems to be the underlying issue running through many of our minds.

In Theory (ok sometimes doesn't work in practice) 101 Marketing. A small company should be very careful when signing up a very powerful and large client which can dominate the Balance Sheet and makes that small company very vulnerable.

Oops..PX1 has suddenly fallen 10% before recovering to 55c..big seller at 53c ..someone desperate to get out..Not a good look..eh

Hope its not that Scobie Ward selling

Must be gutted how its turning out I think

06-08-2021, 12:50 PM
Hoop just wanted to say thanks for your TA Chart posts on PX1.

My own charts aren't as pretty as yours so I don't post them, however I started reducing my overweight holding some time ago due to the TA signals you have noted. I shifted to a less risky 'free holding' as the SP slipped and held this position as a major customer gain could have changed things in a flash, however the recent CEO announcement means the odds are now against this. GLH.

06-08-2021, 12:53 PM
Hope its not that Scobie Ward selling

Must be gutted how its turning out I think

Or, perhaps he is the buyer, and will get nominated onto the board, closing 13 August.

06-08-2021, 01:05 PM
Hoop just wanted to say thanks for your TA Chart posts on PX1.

My own charts aren't as pretty as yours so I don't post them, however I started reducing my overweight holding some time ago due to the TA signals you have noted. I shifted to a less risky 'free holding' as the SP slipped and held this position as a major customer gain could have changed things in a flash, however the recent CEO announcement means the odds are now against this. GLH.

I don't understand the comment re "free money".

Why do you think a "free holding" is less risky? It is money you own and you can either use it to do something desirable or useful with this money, or you can lose it. What difference does it make whether the money was a gift (free money?), an inheritance (free money?), whether you made it as capital gain ("free money?") coming from this share or from some other share ("not so free , but still free money?"), or whether you earned it doing your job (clearly not free ....).

If you own a certain amount of money - what difference does it make to you in which way you managed to make this money in the first place?

You do have an opportunity to do something useful with this money ... and you might lose it.

06-08-2021, 01:16 PM
Yes this service cost issue seems to be the underlying issue running through many of our minds.

In Theory (ok sometimes doesn't work in practice) 101 Marketing. A small company should be very careful when signing up a very powerful and large client which can dominate the Balance Sheet and makes that small company very vulnerable.

Oops..PX1 has suddenly fallen 10% before recovering to 55c..big seller at 53c ..someone desperate to get out..Not a good look..eh

Big sellers vs many small Sharesies type buyers - heading towards a very ugly conclusion imo.

06-08-2021, 01:35 PM
I don't understand the comment re "free money"..

I used the words 'Free holding'. My definition of that is that I have taken my original investment money out previously (by selling at a profit.) Any remaining shares were essentially "Free held' IMHO. I use this as a de-risking tool.

Just my terminology, you are free to think/do differently.

Sideshow Bob
06-08-2021, 01:37 PM
Big sellers vs many small Sharesies type buyers - heading towards a very ugly conclusion imo.

Don't worry, the Sharsies buyers are "buying in the dip" :scared:;)

06-08-2021, 01:38 PM
I haven't posted because I'm trying to find out what's really going on, I don't believe the CEO leaving 'immediately' for 'family reasons'. That's BS in my book.

This is what worries me more, on the day before the CEO announcement:

Full legal nameHSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited
Vacation Date03 Aug 2021

Full legal nameSHARBO LIMITED
Vacation Date03 Aug 2021

Full legal nameVIX Investments Ltd
Vacation Date03 Aug 2021

06-08-2021, 02:11 PM
Interesting Baa Baa. :scared: According to the 2021 Annual report showing Top 20 shareholders HSBC Custodial and Sharbo Limited had a combined holding of 3.58%.

06-08-2021, 02:36 PM
I haven't posted because I'm trying to find out what's really going on, I don't believe the CEO leaving 'immediately' for 'family reasons'. That's BS in my book.

This is what worries me more, on the day before the CEO announcement:

Full legal nameHSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited
Vacation Date03 Aug 2021

Full legal nameSHARBO LIMITED
Vacation Date03 Aug 2021

Full legal nameVIX Investments Ltd
Vacation Date03 Aug 2021

Where has that disclosure come from Baa Baa?, its not on NZX announcements.

Anyway, on the same day, there were several announcements, with the likes of Vanguard reducing stakes in SPK from 5.21 to 3.535%, CEN 5 to 3.052%, so just part of the big boys games?

06-08-2021, 02:44 PM
The Vanguard notices all related to transactions on the 28th, and rather than sell downs, were listed as In Specie, indicating a fairly substantial tranche of their NZ shares handed over to party unknown in lieu of payment.
Found the whole thing deeply curious, and would love to know what was behind it.

Can’t see any connection to Plx though.

06-08-2021, 02:45 PM
Where has that disclosure come from Baa Baa?, its not on NZX announcements.

Anyway, on the same day, there were several announcements, with the likes of Vanguard reducing stakes in SPK from 5.21 to 3.535%, CEN 5 to 3.052%, so just part of the big boys games?

I don't think any of them were 5%+ so no need for notice. Companies Office, scroll down and click on 'Show History' (https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/244518/shareholdings?backurl=H4sIAAAAAAAAAC2LQQrDMAwEf%2B NrXiBKT73kEGg%2FIKylCSSyK8kh%2BX1NyG1nmB0qf%2BFDLl tlXfpysOX5sRUBebAKm6Q4KwgaS%2FQk%2FWhacTRDYtlZM2Ri xUphDemqzk8%2FOD3H8eZ3cDR%2FWWn10n%2BZSXRydwAAAA%3 D%3D)

I missed this one as well, the day of the CEO announce.

Vacation Date04 Aug 2020

06-08-2021, 02:50 PM
Total volume on market hasn't been enough to exit those four large shareholders. I don't know what they've done to get out, or where their shares have gone to. Only thing I'm focusing on is why all of them recorded 'vacated' on 3rd or 4th August. Too much just for coincidence, with the CEO leaving.

06-08-2021, 02:50 PM
Thanks for info, looks like the Herbison departure was leaked in advance.

06-08-2021, 02:55 PM
Thanks for info, looks like the Herbison departure was leaked in advance.

It does look dubious doesn't it. Large shareholders don't exit completely, at the same time, just because a CEO resigns. One of them, Sharbo, is the founder of the company.

So we may not know (yet) the real reason for the CEO resigning, and leaving 'immediately'.

06-08-2021, 02:57 PM
Here is another for Sharbo


06-08-2021, 02:59 PM
Hit the documents tab on your link Baa_baa, you can see that “particulars of shareholding” were updated for the first time in nearly 5 months, so possibly just accounting for all changes within that time?

Interesting to note that prior to this year, they were usually updated every 1-2 months, but recently some much larger gaps..

06-08-2021, 03:10 PM
Hit the documents tab on your link Baa_baa, you can see that “particulars of shareholding” were updated for the first time in nearly 5 months, so possibly just accounting for all changes within that time?

Interesting to note that prior to this year, they were usually updated every 1-2 months, but recently some much larger gaps..

Yes you're probably right, the updates are registered by the CFO, this one shows the big movements (http://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/244518/31680395/entityFilingRequirement?backurl=%2Fcompanies%2Fapp %2Fui%2Fpages%2Fcompanies%2F244518%2Fdocuments%3Fb ackurl%3DH4sIAAAAAAAAAC2LQQrDMAwEf%252BNrXiBKT73kE Gg%252FIKylCSSyK8kh%252BX1NyG1nmB0qf%252BFDLltlXfp ysOX5sRUBebAKm6Q4KwgaS%252FQk%252FWhacTRDYtlZM2Rix UphDemqzk8%252FOD3H8eZ3cDR%252FWWn10n%252BZSXRydwA AAA%253D%253D) ,and issued by the new CFO. Still, it's a surprise especially to see Sharbo and VIX go. Something just doesn't seem right.

06-08-2021, 03:11 PM
Anyone seeing any parallels between this, and PPH?

06-08-2021, 06:33 PM
Seeing a big sale on Friday morning made me wonder if there was going to be a bad news disclosure when the NZX closed for the weekend.

No announcements... nothing, nada, zilch....so....No news is good news..eh.... Hmmm

06-08-2021, 07:03 PM
Is a new CEO priced in?

08-08-2021, 12:06 PM
Buy, Hold or Sell?

I am so Perplexured on this one. I had high "hopes"/ blind optimism with the CEO. Where the ... is the new customer. Pita Pit NZ is that it... surely they have something going on with Ahold Delhaize?

Just a few of the brands we should be able to connect with surely if Super Indo is doing good things....


For now I hold but quite nervously as have already DCA down to improve average. After participating in the oversubscribed SPP. What a blessing in disguise that was to have only received a nominal amount at $1.20


08-08-2021, 12:29 PM
I had to exit on Friday. The ship was already looking a bit rudderless, and now the captain has jumped overboard there were just too many red flags for me.

Happy to jump back in once we have some surety around a few of those flags. Until then GLTAH.

08-08-2021, 12:36 PM
Buy, Hold or Sell?

I am so Perplexured on this one. I had high "hopes"/ blind optimism with the CEO. Where the ... is the new customer. Pita Pit NZ is that it... surely they have something going on with Ahold Delhaize?

Just a few of the brands we should be able to connect with surely if Super Indo is doing good things....


For now I hold but quite nervously as have already DCA down to improve average. After participating in the oversubscribed SPP. What a blessing in disguise that was to have only received a nominal amount at $1.20


Well, I guess traders can always hope for the famous dead cat bouncing ... which would not be unusual after such a hard fall. Otherwise - pretty ugly trend chart, isn't it?


Long term investors clearly must see something which makes this company standing out out of the crowd of startups (Remember - Between 18 to 19 out of every 20 die without ever paying their share holder funds back) - and I mean in a positive way.

Does Plexure look that healthy compared to the other startups who are going to die a premature death? Is this the best Startup candidate you can think about? If the answer to that question would be no, than its clear - SELL and invest into the other company ... if you really must invest into startups, this is.

I don't know what the survival rate of sinking ships is, which even the captain already abandoned - but I recon it is not that amazing.

However - never say no, there is always a chance of a whale lifting the sinking boat and bringing it safely to shore. She'll be right ;) - won't she?

09-08-2021, 01:39 PM
PX1 having a good day on the bourse today

Panic over

09-08-2021, 02:28 PM
Plexure is supposed to give update on renegotiation contract with McDonald’s in August. I guess something is wrong here. The negotiations might failed or MacDonald don’t want to use Plexure in the future. Quite scary picture in these cases.
I spoke with Phil Norman and he mentioned Mcdonalds leaving Plexure would be costly to Maccas and not happening at all. McDonald's is extremely happy with Plexure and they have a close relationship. With Pita Pit it is a doorway to a bigger contract. Plexure needs to earn their stripes was mentioned.

He also mentioned costs sourcing people in IT had increased greatly from last year.

He indicated another Capital raise will be happening in the future for possible mergers or acquisitions and that the directors were onboard for putting in money themselves for this if it needed to be done.

A lot of this stuff I have mentioned I read between the lines. So DYOR

09-08-2021, 04:39 PM
PX1 having a good day on the bourse today

Panic over

Yep No Worries now eh Winner :D :p

10-08-2021, 07:14 PM
Spoke to Phil also, he seemed like a good sort. Didn’t sound like he was sweating over the CEO leaving either, it was in the pipeline. However they realise the growth is not as much as expected and possibly looking at M&A opportunities like Ggcc mentioned.
Edit: update - also he mentioned that Andrew Dalziel is actually stepping in to help them out a bit since craig decided to leave.

10-08-2021, 07:50 PM
I spoke with Phil Norman and he mentioned Mcdonalds leaving Plexure would be costly to Maccas and not happening at all. McDonald's is extremely happy with Plexure and they have a close relationship. With Pita Pit it is a doorway to a bigger contract. Plexure needs to earn their stripes was mentioned.

He also mentioned costs sourcing people in IT had increased greatly from last year.

He indicated another Capital raise will be happening in the future for possible mergers or acquisitions and that the directors were onboard for putting in money themselves for this if it needed to be done.

A lot of this stuff I have mentioned I read between the lines. So DYOR

Of course he would appear positive if they need to do a further capital raise, he sold the crap out of the last one. Not a fan!

11-08-2021, 11:09 AM
I sold. Lost heaps. Don't want to talk about it. Removed from watchlist.

I once said this could be a $1b company LOL


11-08-2021, 01:28 PM
I sold. Lost heaps. Don't want to talk about it. Removed from watchlist.

I once said this could be a $1b company LOL


Writing on the wall when CFO & CEO left - 'for family reasons'.

Gave my view that McDonalds has stitched up PX1 real good with its 'bleed the company dry' servicing and restrictive customer contract - everything which has happened support that view imo.

11-08-2021, 01:40 PM
Writing on the wall when CFO & CEO left - 'for family reasons'.

Gave my view that McDonalds has stitched up PX1 real good with its 'bleed the company dry' servicing and restrictive customer contract - everything which has happened support that view imo.

Its a blocking share. Deliberate!

11-08-2021, 01:42 PM
Its a blocking share. Deliberate!

But of course! A big player vs a small bit player desperate to get a contract - it's a no brainer as to who is going to win.

Helped PX1 to tell a good story though and raised money at $1.20 per share with 'another big contract' just around the corner!

11-08-2021, 02:43 PM
But of course! A big player vs a small bit player desperate to get a contract - it's a no brainer as to who is going to win.

Helped PX1 to tell a good story though and raised money at $1.20 per share with 'another big contract' just around the corner!

You know what they say about putting your head in the crocodiles mouth.

11-08-2021, 03:16 PM
I'm totally out now. Been in since 2015.

I think that Craig might have failed to execute with new customers but he did help the company stabilise and survive as they were doing cap raises at ever lower valuations. Losing both CEO and CFO without warning in a couple of months was bad enough but losing the CEO with immediate effect was a huge red flag for me.

There might still be a future for this company but without further announcements of what the future holds, it feels way too risky right now. And it was already a pretty risky bet anyway.

11-08-2021, 04:41 PM
I'm totally out now. Been in since 2015.

I think that Craig might have failed to execute with new customers but he did help the company stabilise and survive as they were doing cap raises at ever lower valuations. Losing both CEO and CFO without warning in a couple of months was bad enough but losing the CEO with immediate effect was a huge red flag for me.

There might still be a future for this company but without further announcements of what the future holds, it feels way too risky right now. And it was already a pretty risky bet anyway.

Looking at the depth, Sharesies buyers with their nickel & dime bids vs volume sellers who are allowing the bids to build up and then, selling down.

Like McDonalds vs PX1, not hard to work out who are going to win!

12-08-2021, 08:35 AM
Heaps of NZ’s IT companies sold for mega-bucks to overseas acquirers :

There has been a string of offshore tech sales this year, which has included the $100m+ sale of EzyVet, plus the sale of Vend ($455m), Timely ($135m), Seequent ($1.45b), Ninja Kiwi ($203m), Education Perfect (in a majority-control deal valuing the firm at $455m) and the $500m Hawaiki Cable (a deal now in front of the Overseas Investment Office), while December saw the sale of local retail hero Mighty Ape to Australia's Kogan for $128m.

Begs the question, doesn’t it, as to why PX1 still around like a bad smell if it’s business and software is so **** hot as was spun during the capital raise last year?

13-08-2021, 12:52 PM
I am now fully out of this one as well biggest disappointment and ..... not happy with Craig he pumped the ASX listing and CR so hard was everywhere prior pumping this with false promises.

I will watch for now but had to protect my capital and accept the loss on this spec.

GLTAH that decide to stay on board.

13-08-2021, 01:07 PM
I was out at 70c. 40% down. Cut my losses with this one. What a **** show of a company. Waiting months for a big customer. No update on indo's big supermarket chain. Ceo leaving. Continuinely issuing shares to employees that so far have brought no value to the business.

After months of waiting they announce they sign with pita pit. Big whoopee. GL to all. Thankfully I didn't average down.

13-08-2021, 01:12 PM
I have it on good authority that the reason for Herbisons departure was a 'disciplinary' type matter that in no way was related to the financial performance of the company both now or impending. On that basis, there should be no sell off relating to his departure unless of course people thought that his worth/value to the company was the same as the share sell off on a relative basis.

13-08-2021, 01:20 PM
What good he have done... Spread false information to the market about the next big customer.

I took a smallish hit on this one and would be very cautious about re entering. Good luck every one that stays.

13-08-2021, 01:53 PM
I have it on good authority that the reason for Herbisons departure was a 'disciplinary' type matter that in no way was related to the financial performance of the company both now or impending. On that basis, there should be no sell off relating to his departure unless of course people thought that his worth/value to the company was the same as the share sell off on a relative basis.

Good to hear other side of story, thanks for sharing.

13-08-2021, 02:06 PM
I have it on good authority that the reason for Herbisons departure was a 'disciplinary' type matter that in no way was related to the financial performance of the company both now or impending. On that basis, there should be no sell off relating to his departure unless of course people thought that his worth/value to the company was the same as the share sell off on a relative basis.

Thanks for sharing however it doesn't quite explain the CFO's recent departure/replacement or is that just a quirk of timing?

13-08-2021, 02:06 PM
I have it on good authority that the reason for Herbisons departure was a 'disciplinary' type matter that in no way was related to the financial performance of the company both now or impending. On that basis, there should be no sell off relating to his departure unless of course people thought that his worth/value to the company was the same as the share sell off on a relative basis.

As in breaching investors’ & shareholders’ trust in the company?