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26-02-2020, 11:51 AM
65c lol yeah sure balance

Moved bid down to 60c now.

Move ‘me up and ....

26-02-2020, 11:54 AM
55c, top-up and dump at 90c am i right

26-02-2020, 11:58 AM
55c, top-up and dump at 90c am i right

They play the reef fishes like puppet masters.

Know your stock and know who is playing you.

26-02-2020, 12:02 PM
Good entry point around $0.80... fair value $1.20 imo (ceteris paribus)

26-02-2020, 12:47 PM
They play the reef fishes like puppet masters.

Please tell me - what is a reef fish?
It would also be nice if you would make some predictions - or even tell us what you might bet on with a particular timeframe.

26-02-2020, 01:26 PM
Moved bid down to 60c now.

Move ‘me up and ....

um, I’m glad that at least you and your trader friend keep watching this stock and keep move the bid value constantly. It means this company still worth something.:)

26-02-2020, 01:28 PM
Good entry point around $0.80... fair value $1.20 imo (ceteris paribus)
Hi, can you please give more specific detail about how to calculate the fair value for this company, thanks a lot.:t_up:

26-02-2020, 03:05 PM
Hi, can you please give more specific detail about how to calculate the fair value for this company, thanks a lot.:t_up:

I use roughly 6x ARR or revenue for March 30. I also have a acquisition premium I am using which can drive it up to 10x ARR or more depending on likelihood. I still think Maccas will buy them.

I am hesitant to go higher than 6 at this stage due to the restraint of trade by Macca’s. You could play around with the 40 rule which means PLX is doing well revenue/profit wise.

26-02-2020, 03:19 PM
BS is when someone wrote that he bought a heap of Serko shares at 29c.

Now that is Class A BS.

Guess who that BS artist is?

You are not going to win this battle when you have been uncovered for posting untruths, Whatsup - it is not a good thing to have it publicized too often.

You know what to do.

BS BAL, I own shares in approx. 50 different companies in 4 different bourses ranging in value from 10 k to 500k , Im not going to verify that every time some poor disillusioned poster disagrees with me, IMHO PLX will turn out to be a far better investment than MMH will be in 5 years time. IMHO PLX has a real future where as MMH is pie in the sky promoted by a looser W and his side kick, no business plan, no debate, no business case , no costings, no budget, no real reason to relocate except hot air by a bunch of investors that hope they have backed the right horse.

Show me anywhere in the world where a $10,000,000,000 + investment would be made without a business case study ( only pie in the sky N Z !!!!! ) The POA will stay where it is. !!

26-02-2020, 03:40 PM
BS BAL, I own shares in approx. 50 different companies in 4 different bourses ranging in value from 10 k to 500k , Im not going to verify that every time some poor disillusioned poster disagrees with me, IMHO PLX will turn out to be a far better investment than MMH will be in 5 years time. IMHO PLX has a real future where as MMH is pie in the sky promoted by a looser W and his side kick, no business plan, no debate, no business case , no costings, no budget, no real reason to relocate except hot air by a bunch of investors that hope they have backed the right horse.

Show me anywhere in the world where a $10,000,000,000 + investment would be made without a business case study ( only pie in the sky N Z !!!!! ) The POA will stay where it is. !!

You were caught lying. Your credibility in anything you write reflects that lie accordingly.

You write about posters ramping and posters writing because they are envious and jealous about missing out - because you do not agree or like their views but those comments actually say a lot about you as an individual.

I do not need to ramp up or down, and I do not need to lie. I give my view and anyone is free to agree, disagree, ignore or totally disregard. It is what it is.

Stop digging yourself deeper is my sincere advice to you.

26-02-2020, 04:11 PM
You were caught lying. Your credibility in anything you write reflects that lie accordingly.

You write about posters ramping and posters writing because they are envious and jealous about missing out - because you do not agree or like their views but those comments actually say a lot about you as an individual.

I do not need to ramp up or down, and I do not need to lie. I give my view and anyone is free to agree, disagree, ignore or totally disregard. It is what it is.

Stop digging yourself deeper is my sincere advice to you.

BSBAL don't be such a loser !

26-02-2020, 04:12 PM
BSBAL don't be such a loser !

Well, you write what you want - we know you for what you are.

26-02-2020, 04:26 PM
I use roughly 6x ARR or revenue for March 30. I also have a acquisition premium I am using which can drive it up to 10x ARR or more depending on likelihood. I still think Maccas will buy them.

I am hesitant to go higher than 6 at this stage due to the restraint of trade by Macca’s. You could play around with the 40 rule which means PLX is doing well revenue/profit wise.

Well done,Thanks:)

26-02-2020, 04:36 PM
I use roughly 6x ARR or revenue for March 30. I also have a acquisition premium I am using which can drive it up to 10x ARR or more depending on likelihood. I still think Maccas will buy them.

I am hesitant to go higher than 6 at this stage due to the restraint of trade by Macca’s. You could play around with the 40 rule which means PLX is doing well revenue/profit wise.

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk very cheap?

26-02-2020, 05:02 PM
BS BAL, I own shares in approx. 50 different companies in 4 different bourses ranging in value from 10 k to 500k , Im not going to verify that every time some poor disillusioned poster disagrees with me, IMHO PLX will turn out to be a far better investment than MMH will be in 5 years time. IMHO PLX has a real future where as MMH is pie in the sky promoted by a looser W and his side kick, no business plan, no debate, no business case , no costings, no budget, no real reason to relocate except hot air by a bunch of investors that hope they have backed the right horse.

Show me anywhere in the world where a $10,000,000,000 + investment would be made without a business case study ( only pie in the sky N Z !!!!! ) The POA will stay where it is. !!

B S BAL, This is why the Harbour Bridge cycle clipon costs have escalated from $50,000,000 to $350,000,000, in 2 years and still no starting date, just imagine what the cost of moving the PoA to Whangarei would be when the mug punters say it will cost $10,000,000,000 yeh right try multiplying that by 2 or 3 times then show me the value in the exercise, its just like the mugs that want to move Eden Park from its present site, $1,000,000,000 cost for a stadium on the waterfront that only is filled once a year when the All Blacks play, the Blues garner 5,000-10,000 spectators if they are really lucky twice a year so show me the economics for both projects, no you cannot, so sh@t up or PUT UP !

26-02-2020, 05:04 PM
Good opportunity to get out before the next wave down.


As expected - move 'em up and sell 'em down.

Well done to them!

26-02-2020, 05:11 PM

As expected - move 'em up and sell 'em down.

Well done!

still a few to go

26-02-2020, 05:12 PM
still a few to go

Whoever is their broker is doing a great job. :t_up:

26-02-2020, 05:58 PM
I mean this is the first time in a while i've seen them sell off.
Probably had fears of a market crash

26-02-2020, 06:13 PM
Last time Bradley sold shares was feb last year. He sold 2M for $600k.Clearly not a smart move he should have waited.

26-02-2020, 06:14 PM
Last time Bradley sold shares was feb last year. He sold 2M for $600k.Clearly not a smart move he should have waited.

He will have the last laugh.

26-02-2020, 06:22 PM

As expected - move 'em up and sell 'em down.

Well done to them!

Scott Bradley has not been involved in the company since he resigned in May 2018. The company has changed dramatically since Craig Herbison took over. You'll also notice the average sale price of $0.80 does not support any idea that he timed his sales with insider knowledge, given the share price history since September 2019.

26-02-2020, 06:27 PM
Very odd that Bradley retained a 5.025% shareholding . This means he has to declare to the market his next transaction as he is a substantial shareholder. I would of sold out to under 5% so that my share transactions were none of any body else’s business

26-02-2020, 06:37 PM
They are doing cash up every year

https://static1.squarespace.com/static/576b37b0579fb30cbde2318a/t/5c8eaa80104c7b066eb7b13e/1552853633535/SPH+Notice+Scott+Bradley+Rebecca+Bradley+Sharbo+LL C+270219.pdf

26-02-2020, 06:37 PM
Scott Bradley has not been involved in the company since he resigned in May 2018. The company has changed dramatically since Craig Herbison took over. You'll also notice the average sale price of $0.80 does not support any idea that he timed his sales with insider knowledge, given the share price history since September 2019.

MFD IMHO you are wasting your precious energy. There is no changing Balance, so time to move on and appreciate that your best response is a successful investment in PLX.

In my case I've a tab over 100k shares now all free held and I sleep well at night immune from market gyrations and Balance's rants.

26-02-2020, 07:03 PM
Scott Bradley has not been involved in the company since he resigned in May 2018. The company has changed dramatically since Craig Herbison took over. You'll also notice the average sale price of $0.80 does not support any idea that he timed his sales with insider knowledge, given the share price history since September 2019.

That doesn't suit Balance narrative, who accuses the founder and ex-CEO of 'move em up sell em down' and retain 5% shareholding! LOL. Fortunately I think everyone here see's through his thin veneer of just hating on the company because of entrenched hate towards all reverse listings and particularly the original promoters (whom he can't tell whether they are even shareholders anymore).

ROFLMAO, onwards upwards.

26-02-2020, 07:30 PM
That doesn't suit Balance narrative, who accuses the founder and ex-CEO of 'move em up sell em down' and retain 5% shareholding! LOL. Fortunately I think everyone here see's through his thin veneer of just hating on the company because of entrenched hate towards all reverse listings and particularly the original promoters (whom he can't tell whether they are even shareholders anymore).

ROFLMAO, onwards upwards.

Watch the cash bleed - why buy the cow when you can get the milk very cheap. :t_up:

26-02-2020, 08:03 PM
Watch the cash bleed - why buy the cow when you can get the milk very cheap. :t_up:

"talked to my friend" .. whoa, stop right there, you have a friend? ROTFLMAO. :D

26-02-2020, 08:11 PM
"talked to my friend" .. whoa, stop right there, you have a friend? ROTFLMAO. :D

Ah, another into the hole! Feel like a bet, Baa_Baa?

How does $10k sound? Easy money for you, you must reckon, right?

Or are you like snow leopard - another paper animal.:D

Not that I ever thought a sheep is good for anything except lamb racks or pulling the wool over its own eyes. :t_up:

26-02-2020, 08:22 PM
Ah, another into the hole! Feel like a bet, Baa_Baa?

How does $10k sound? Easy money for you, you must reckon, right?

Or are you like snow leopard - another paper animal.:D

Not that I ever thought a sheep is good for anything except lamb racks. :t_up:

Hey big bully man, always want a bet eh, always comes down a bet for you? I don't bet, never have never will, I invest in great companies and great potential. Good night, seven years of slagging PLX, enjoy your life I need a break from you so back on ignore. Ta ta.

Oliver Mander
26-02-2020, 08:42 PM
Sorry everyone, I don't normally muck in on this sort of stuff, but can we get this thread back on track? Balance, you are entitled to your opinion and you have made your point clear. No need to keep posting.

27-02-2020, 06:52 AM
Increased revenue growth, deal with McDonald’s and White Castle (that everyone seems to think is a small little burger place it’s decent in America) + new super indo deal . Currently trading in a consolidatory zone established over months

Strong buy and hold imo

27-02-2020, 06:54 AM
Balance’s perspective is important to this thread. I am a shareholder and after being underwater for a number of years I am substantially in the black. I hold shares and do not trade so I take a different view to the prospects of the company. If at some stage I agree with Balance which may happen I will be out. I don’t want this thread to be run by fan boys the alternative view is very important.

27-02-2020, 07:47 AM
Balance’s perspective is important to this thread. I am a shareholder and after being underwater for a number of years I am substantially in the black. I hold shares and do not trade so I take a different view to the prospects of the company. If at some stage I agree with Balance which may happen I will be out. I don’t want this thread to be run by fan boys the alternative view is very important.

Yes, that's fair. I haven't disagreed with his argument that the McDonald's contact may not be profitable (although it has numerous other benefits like increasing scale and experience, and it gave them significant publicity leading to other deals).

I'll listen to reasonable criticism, and disagree with unfounded criticism.

27-02-2020, 08:35 AM
If I remember correctly at the last SGM they said that the way that the McDonalds contract was written was not ideal and they would have done it differently today. You make a very good point MFD regarding scale, experience and publicity. Let’s hope the overheads of the deal will not be as bad as Balance suggests and Plexure can bring more quality clients on board.

27-02-2020, 08:51 AM
Balance’s perspective is important to this thread. I am a shareholder and after being underwater for a number of years I am substantially in the black. I hold shares and do not trade so I take a different view to the prospects of the company. If at some stage I agree with Balance which may happen I will be out. I don’t want this thread to be run by fan boys the alternative view is very important.

That's the right attitude to take, Brain and you will go far imo.

Some posters here (Whatsup, the sheep baa baa, snow leopard etc) treat any negative comments about PLX almost as personal attacks on them, and they respond with personal attacks on the 'offending' (in their small minds) poster. And they are not good at taking as they try to give.*

I have always taken the attitude that negative or alternative views are actually very helpful to test my views and convictions on a stock I am positive on and invest in - it's called conviction but be prepared to say you are wrong.

Go over to Serko thread (you can try Heartland or Diligent too) and you can see a lot of negative comments but did they ever stopped me from investing and buying more? Not at all! In fact, my last top up investments in Serko was at 29c and Heartland was 56c.

So keep up the good and positive attitude, Brain! Well done!

* One poster here blatantly lied and was caught lying, and still persist in digging himself deeper and deeper.

27-02-2020, 10:16 AM
Thank you Balance, I don't post often but I certainly appreciate looking at both sides. And having your input certainly adds some "Balance" to the otherwise overly glossiness one can gleam while lurking as I do XD

27-02-2020, 10:32 AM
Thank you Balance, I don't post often but I certainly appreciate looking at both sides. And having your input certainly adds some "Balance" to the otherwise overly glossiness one can gleam while lurking as I do XD

You are welcome, madmat. Appreciate your post.

I do wish PLX well actually as I hope for the sake of NZ Inc (& the future of our children and their children) that we have heaps of companies like Xero, ATM, Serko and FPH to make a great future.

Need though for them to be totally transparent to be able to properly gauge whether PLX is a Provenco, Wynyard or a Serko - and imo PLX is not transparent. A lot of hype around contracts - DANGER!

Oliver Mander
27-02-2020, 12:13 PM
my wrist is duly slapped.
fair enough, I absolutely agree its important to have perspective from all sides. Just felt like same ground being re-hashed...but don't want to discourage discussion in any way shape or form!

27-02-2020, 12:22 PM
my wrist is duly slapped.
fair enough, I absolutely agree its important to have perspective from all sides. Just felt like same ground being re-hashed...but don't want to discourage discussion in any way shape or form!

No offence meant and no offence taken. That’s how we can all learn from one another.

Compare and contrast with those who are very quick to post personal attacks, and think they will get away with that!

28-02-2020, 09:24 AM
Hi all. Shall we start discuss will the Novel coronavirus affect Plexure, in my opinion, more ppl will stop travel and stay home, they still need use app to order food like McDonald and White Castle, they still need use app to buy grocery from supermarket like 7-11 and super Indo, most of time they will use loyalty NZ to get their reward point, but they may stop going to shop in Ikea.

after all I think the total user may increase because they have to use app at home to check stock availability or order at home before collect them.

28-02-2020, 12:09 PM
Balance a genius during market crashes

28-02-2020, 12:13 PM
Thank you Balance, I don't post often but I certainly appreciate looking at both sides. And having your input certainly adds some "Balance" to the otherwise overly glossiness one can gleam while lurking as I do XD

Ok, posted for an hour and now, deleted after receiving PMs of thanks.

Cannot give away too many trade secrets to those who do not appreciate anyway.

Observe and learn.

28-02-2020, 01:10 PM
One thing to observe, madmat, while you are lurking :

Thank you ;)

Observe and learn.

Interesting thank you, yeah before this would have required a bit of capital, but now with the likes of Sharsies it may be more prominent?

28-02-2020, 08:12 PM
Justin, be very careful what good news you post about PLX or Bal could rip you to shreds and could finish by calling you a lier.

hi whatsup,I really appreciate the view from balance, always check and balance really important for everyone here, and there are some bad new as well like ppl reluctant to shop in Ikea, and ppl start panic about the recession coming soon and shareholders may need more money than share.

and the worst scenario is NZ get heavy affected by novel coronavirus:(, I wish those smart IT guy can work at home instead of work together inside office.

02-03-2020, 10:32 AM
isn't it exaggerate 13% drop in the opening? I mean without any news...

02-03-2020, 10:40 AM
isn't it exaggerate 13% drop in the opening? I mean without any news...

That’s what can happen in share market crashes ..you don’t need news

Spec shares are more volatile as well

Maybe sub 50 cents soon

02-03-2020, 11:21 AM
isn't it exaggerate 13% drop in the opening? I mean without any news...

Crikey - Maybe Balance has been buying!!??

MauroNZ - fear can do this..... especially if your risk appetite is low or your average buy price is higher than today's SP. Just remember, for each buyer, there is a seller.

For some sellers today, they may be simply taking some profits off the table and may buy back if the SP goes lower.

As always DYOR and take responsibility for your own decisions.

02-03-2020, 12:04 PM
That’s what can happen in share market crashes ..you don’t need news

Spec shares are more volatile as well

Maybe sub 50 cents soon

Sub 50 cents?

When market works out that McD is milking the cow dry, even 20c may be too expensive for PLX!

How can you buy a company where the management and directors have no idea or are unwilling or are unable to assess how much it is going to cost for them to service & support all these wonderful contracts they have won?

Provenco and Wynyard come to mind, over and over again!

02-03-2020, 01:29 PM
Different market conditions now to keep on accessing capital & cash.


Feb 2020 : "The Company will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact of the Company’s expansion plans and platform investment cannot be accurately assessed at this juncture."


Oct 2019 (4 moths earlier) : "As previously stated, the Company will not be providing EBIT guidance. The Company has a number of options regarding investment in its future and the cash reserves to support these. These options include investing in the platform, investing in new products, investing in the growth of the Company by deploying more sales and supporting resources, and exploring potential acquisitions. While all these options are costed, decisions around when we execute on any of these will impact EBIT."

Sep 2019 (5 months earlier) : "The Company will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact of the Company’s expansion plans and platform investment cannot be accurately assessed at this juncture."

02-03-2020, 01:37 PM
At last report they had 13 million dollars in the bank including the 5 million from the McDonald's buy in. There is no need, and no reported plans, to raise capital unless they want to make an acquisition. They were cash flow positive at the last report.

02-03-2020, 02:21 PM
Crikey - Maybe Balance has been buying!!??

MauroNZ - fear can do this..... especially if your risk appetite is low or your average buy price is higher than today's SP. Just remember, for each buyer, there is a seller.

For some sellers today, they may be simply taking some profits off the table and may buy back if the SP goes lower.

As always DYOR and take responsibility for your own decisions.

Thanks mate, I'm not an expert but I know drops can happen and I understand the fear. Though in my short life of holding shares I haven't sold even one (over 6 years, but at the beginning I wasn't following closely). Just surprised the drop without a reason, I guess is just a reminder of the emotions. Surely is an opportunity for a lot of people.

02-03-2020, 02:23 PM
coronavirus will reduce the chance of acquisition and expansion investment,at least they can focus on service & support all these wonderful contracts.

i don’t know why plexure worst-hit today so far compare to other tech stock in NZX like pushpay(church) serko(travel) and vista(cinema).

02-03-2020, 05:49 PM
Recovered pretty well today tbh.
I don't see why coronovirus would impact plexure making more deals, businesses worst case scenario may suffer but they'll probably need applications like plexure to increase sales again, or even to promote discounting to get people to come back to buy.

02-03-2020, 07:50 PM
What a dumb ass comment balance. Global markets are getting hammered.

Point is even pertinent when global markets are getting hammered!

03-03-2020, 12:05 AM
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk cheap?

Hi Balance, I’m curious Why MCD bought 10% of this cow and only get the cheap milk from this cow, what’s the special of this cow compare with other cows and their milks? Thanks.

03-03-2020, 07:54 AM
[QUOTE=Balance;795559]Why buy the cow when you can get the milk cheap?

You read it here first.


And I keep asking you to make some predictions with a timeline - which would be useful, but you just keep fighting with other posters - which isn't. You clearly have a "snit"on PLX, but I have no way of judging whether your warnings are based on anything more than that.

So - once again - What do you think will happen - and when?

03-03-2020, 09:11 AM
Let’s see business completely unchanged in the long term already was at a consolidated region prior to the dip . Nothing but improving news with a new major contract yeah I’m sure well be ok

03-03-2020, 09:46 AM
[QUOTE=Balance;795559]Why buy the cow when you can get the milk cheap?

You read it here first.


And I keep asking you to make some predictions with a timeline - which would be useful, but you just keep fighting with other posters - which isn't. You clearly have a "snit"on PLX, but I have no way of judging whether your warnings are based on anything more than that.

So - once again - What do you think will happen - and when?

I have provided you and other posters (as I have with Pike River and PEB for example) of why you need to be careful with Plexure based upon my observations.

My warnings on Pike River & PEB were attacked as nonsensical, envy, misinformation etc etc.

Now, why don't you ask that question of the company you have invested in and have so much blind faith in - as to this statement from their management?

"The Company will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact of the Company’s expansion plans and platform investment cannot be accurately assessed at this juncture."

03-03-2020, 10:25 AM
technicals might be starting to go negative on the dailies 70c looks like big support

03-03-2020, 10:42 AM
Zero Credibility - caught lying Whatsup.

What other lies have you been telling since you started posting on ST? :t_up:

What are you specifically worried about? Do you think they'll go bust based on the McDonald's contact? Or do you just think it won't be as profitable as some hope? I'm expecting the company to spend a whole bunch of money this year as they invest for the future using their pile of retained profits and McDonald's investment - no point in sitting on that pile of cash. There's always risks in investing for growth but there are positive signs with more customers coming on board. What would be your red flags in the next set of financials?

03-03-2020, 10:50 AM
BOING:cool: (off major support too)

03-03-2020, 10:55 AM
What are you specifically worried about? Do you think they'll go bust based on the McDonald's contact? Or do you just think it won't be as profitable as some hope? I'm expecting the company to spend a whole bunch of money this year as they invest for the future using their pile of retained profits and McDonald's investment - no point in sitting on that pile of cash. There's always risks in investing for growth but there are positive signs with more customers coming on board. What would be your red flags in the next set of financials?

Growth in costs blowing out faster than growth in revenues - watch for that for one thing.

If you are genuinely interested in doing some analysis, have a go through Wynyard's financials before they went bust - they were winning a lot of contracts but the contracts were costing them more and more to service and support until the inevitable happened. Likewise, Provenco being another good example.

Plexure could be different but company has stated it is embarking on a huge expansion in staff numbers (and costs) - last article I read, they added on 100 staff and are looking to add more. The contracts better be coming - thick n fast n profitable!

"The Company will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact of the Company’s expansion plans and platform investment cannot be accurately assessed at this juncture."

03-03-2020, 11:06 AM
Balance why is plexure up today you said you and your professional trading friend said it would go to 60

03-03-2020, 11:09 AM
Balance why is plexure up today you said you and your professional trading friend said it would go to 60

he said even 20c may be too expensive for PLX on yesterdsy:scared:

03-03-2020, 11:23 AM
"The Company will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact of the Company’s expansion plans and platform investment cannot be accurately assessed at this juncture."

Last week you were complaining that PLX would spruik any minor accomplishment with an announcement and you wanted less of it. Now you're complaining that there is no guidance, and you're wanting more communication. Moving the goalposts, perhaps.

As a growth company, especially one that relies on a small number of customers, I would be very surprised if PLX were to offer guidance. As far as I can tell Xero hasn't offered any meaningful guidance, ever. As a smaller and riskier company, any guidance that Plexure could offer would basically be worthless and would have to change as soon as they gain or lose a single customer.

If Plexure offered guidance they would have to make more announcements because guidance would have to be changed regularly.

But then your problem with Plexure isn't a lack of guidance, it's a lack of trust (backdoor listing, etc, etc, etc). If Plexure offered guidance, that wouldn't increase your trust in the company. They could do everything that you demand but because of their past actions you'll always find another problem.

03-03-2020, 11:23 AM
Growth in costs blowing out faster than growth in revenues - watch for that for one thing.

If you are genuinely interested in doing some analysis, have a go through Wynyard's financials before they went bust - they were winning a lot of contracts but the contracts were costing them more and more to service and support until the inevitable happened. Likewise, Provenco being another good example.

Plexure could be different but company has stated it is embarking on a huge expansion in staff numbers (and costs) - last article I read, they added on 100 staff and are looking to add more. The contracts better be coming - thick n fast n profitable!

"The Company will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact of the Company’s expansion plans and platform investment cannot be accurately assessed at this juncture."

The trick will be spotting the difference between cost blowouts and sensible investment in the future. The current CEO did a great job stabilizing the company and stopping the bleeding so I'd be surprised to see him undo that good work and expect them to invest cautiously.

I was never in Wynyard but vaguely observed the fall from grace, I'll try to find time to read through their announcements before they fell over.

I guess the next couple of years will give us our answer - as I mentioned above I sold enough at around a dollar to cover my buy in and am happy to let the rest ride for now.

03-03-2020, 11:56 AM
Ok, posted for an hour and now, deleted after receiving PMs of thanks.

Cannot give away too many trade secrets to those who do not appreciate anyway.

Observe and learn.

Those who read when it was posted can look at the trades today and assess how the ‘ramp ‘em up, sell ‘me down’ is unfolding

03-03-2020, 01:04 PM
Those who read when it was posted can look at the trades today and assess how the ‘ramp ‘em up, sell ‘me down’ is unfolding

Or : The DOW had its biggest day ever and true to form, the sheep mentality of the world followed suit. Everyone who went down yesterday like Air NZ, AIA... blah blah... they are all up.

03-03-2020, 03:12 PM

...make some predictions with a timeline

So - once again - What do you think will happen - and when?

Balance’s ‘prediction’ is that as a company it’s going to end in tears for Plexure ...but just like you don’t know when you are going to die the when it’s going to end in tears could be anytime

In the meantime the share price will go up and it will go down ....and a few will make themselves rich in the meantime ...but it will up in tears.

And Balance is right a lot more times than wrong.

03-03-2020, 06:10 PM
I have said it before and will say it again Balance’s view is of interest to me and I am sure a number of other people following this thread. I have been wondering why Balance’s view causes so much concern to a number of sharetraders.
The only thing that I can come up with is that some people are over exposed to Plexure and his comments are causing people to be fearful.

I am interested in Balance’s ramp them up and sell them down theory. Today I sold 10,000 of my shares at 80 cents. I hope to replace them at a lower price. I do not usually trade shares so this is my first attempt. It will be interesting to see how I go. If I lose money I will not blame Balance.

03-03-2020, 07:13 PM
depend on balance’s view, even 20c may be too expensive for PLX,um,how about pick up them on 10c:cool:

Wynyard was too expensive at 5c and Provenco was too expensive at 1c - depends on where anyone sees value at.

Trading is an entirely different matter and PLX has been one of those excellent 'move 'em up & sell 'em down' stocks - just look at the chart.

I have said it before and will say it again Balance’s view is of interest to me and I am sure a number of other people following this thread. I have been wondering why Balance’s view causes so much concern to a number of sharetraders.
The only thing that I can come up with is that some people are over exposed to Plexure and his comments are causing people to be fearful.

I am interested in Balance’s ramp them up and sell them down theory. Today I sold 10,000 of my shares at 80 cents. I hope to replace them at a lower price. I do not usually trade shares so this is my first attempt. It will be interesting to see how I go. If I lose money I will not blame Balance.

Good observation, Brain.

I have over the decades of investing been over-exposed many a time to some companies and I test my courage of conviction against the negative comments from others against my own view. If I lose sleep over my over-exposure, I downsize my exposure accordingly. Works a charm.

03-03-2020, 08:06 PM
Wynyard was too expensive at 5c and Provenco was too expensive at 1c - depends on where anyone sees value at.

Trading is an entirely different matter and PLX has been one of those excellent 'move 'em up & sell 'em down' stocks - just look at the chart.

Good observation, Brain.

I have over the decades of investing been over-exposed many a time to some companies and I test my courage of conviction against the negative comments from others against my own view. If I lose sleep over my over-exposure, I downsize my exposure accordingly. Works a charm.

What the similar point between Wynyard, Provenco and Plexure?

04-03-2020, 10:53 AM
Contract driven companies requiring huge ongoing servicing and support.

hi balance

i did some google search, unfortunately there are not much info available, but I still got some.

Provenco busted because their debt burden and sluggish market due to financial crisis 2008 and Wynyard busted because they running out their funds from their lender.

I’m glad if you like to share more of their story

Let’s back to Plexure, they don’t have any debt at moment and they got around 13.6m at bank (30/10/2019), 2019 financial year their net loss after tax is 0.7m. And they’re investment to build capability to support up to 500 million end users. and it now has more than 128 million users globally on its platform (22/7/2019)

Finally, let’s forget market going up and down, it’s happens every day, and no one can buy lowest and sale highest and coronavirus which will gone next couple of months, let back to fundamental of this company.

What’s the specific reason do you think the plexure will going busted like other two?

04-03-2020, 11:15 AM

Quite a few off-topic posts deleted.

Opinions, facts, relevance - not arguments please.


04-03-2020, 11:47 AM
Let's back to Plexure, they don't have any debt at moment and they got around 13.6m at bank (30/10/2019), 2019 financial year their net loss after tax is 0.7m. And they're investment to build capability to support up to 500 million end users. and it now has more than 128 million users globally on its platform (22/7/2019)

They're up to at least 150 million users according to the website, not sure when this article was published. Still growing nicely, minimum 17% increase in users over 6 months.


04-03-2020, 12:07 PM
They're up to at least 150 million users according to the website, not sure when this article was published. Still growing nicely, minimum 17% increase in users over 6 months.


Jeez, 150 million users ...that’s a lot of users

But please enlighten me ...I’m not too sure how Plexure monetize this

04-03-2020, 12:53 PM
Jeez, 150 million users ...that’s a lot of users

But please enlighten me ...I’m not too sure how Plexure monetize this

from their announcement on 09/02/2020 the Company is updating its revenue guidance for the financial year ending 31 March 2020 to a range from $24.5m to $25.0m.

but the uncertian point is from same announcement The Company will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact of the Company’s expansion plans and platform investment cannot be accurately assessed at this juncture.

04-03-2020, 01:25 PM
Jeez, 150 million users ...that’s a lot of users

But please enlighten me ...I’m not too sure how Plexure monetize this

I'd recommend this interview with the CEO


Discusses how the revenue is generated and other interesting things, although it is a couple of years old now.

PLX charge to develop the app, charge for ongoing licenses depending on what services are required, and (in 2018) were pushing to 'more transaction based pricing'. The first two rely on attracting new customers and upselling options, the latter would have some relation to number of customers.

04-03-2020, 01:34 PM
hi balance

i did some google search, unfortunately there are not much info available, but I still got some.

Provenco busted because their debt burden and sluggish market due to financial crisis 2008 and Wynyard busted because they running out their funds from their lender.

I’m glad if you like to share more of their story

Let’s back to Plexure, they don’t have any debt at moment and they got around 13.6m at bank (30/10/2019), 2019 financial year their net loss after tax is 0.7m. And they’re investment to build capability to support up to 500 million end users. and it now has more than 128 million users globally on its platform (22/7/2019)

Finally, let’s forget market going up and down, it’s happens every day, and no one can buy lowest and sale highest and coronavirus which will gone next couple of months, let back to fundamental of this company.

What’s the specific reason do you think the plexure will going busted like other two?

Provenco went broke because it could not win enough new lucrative contracts after the $178m Petronas contract which launched Provenco's sp into the blue sky. The Petronas contract gave Provenco the credibility it needed with its forecourt management & payment system to aggressively gear up and went after other contracts. Alas, whatever contracts they won after that were simply insufficient to offset the horrendous servicing & support costs of the Petronas contract. That's the long and short of the story - I know it well as I knew one of the executives very very well. He attended a Conference in Las Vegas where delegates from other companies stood up and applauded the Petronas contract. Little did they know that Petronas milked Provenco very very well with the contract!

Wynyard won numerous contracts but made little money from the contracts - that's why they went broke. Story again of costs.

As for Plexure, the similarity with Provenco is particularly apt - big contract which has the punters salivating about the blue sky ahead but it is already clear imo at this stage that the contract will bleed PLX dry.

04-03-2020, 01:50 PM
Provenco went broke because it could not win enough new lucrative contracts after the $178m Petronas contract which launched Provenco's sp into the blue sky. The Petronas contract gave Provenco the credibility it needed with its forecourt management & payment system to aggressively gear up and went after other contracts. Alas, whatever contracts they won after that were simply insufficient to offset the horrendous servicing & support costs of the Petronas contract. That's the long and short of the story - I know it well as I knew one of the executives very very well. He attended a Conference in Las Vegas where delegates from other companies stood up and applauded the Petronas contract. Little did they know that Petronas milked Provenco very very well with the contract!

Wynyard won numerous contracts but made little money from the contracts - that's why they went broke. Story again of costs.

As for Plexure, the similarity with Provenco is particularly apt - big contract which has the punters salivating about the blue sky ahead but it is already clear imo at this stage that the contract will bleed PLX dry.

What untter nonsense. What are you on? Would McDonalds wilfully send a company that they have equity in, and arent in any form of serious competition with, broke.? You bluster more than that Croatian Jones .

04-03-2020, 01:55 PM
What untter nonsense. What are you on? Would McDonalds wilfully send a company that they have equity in, and arent in any form of serious competition with, broke.? You bluster more than that Croatian Jones .

You obviously have zero experience in the real commercial world.

IBM - check out how they used to invest in various companies & award these companies contracts to supply IBM services & products. Then, follow up on how those companies fare.

It’s the real world out there, Lola - $5m for McD is like 5c for a millionaire.

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk cheap? For $5m, McD has locked PLX into a binding exclusive (no other fast food competitor) contract with plenty of servicing & costs to come. That's my reading and you are free to disagree.

04-03-2020, 03:04 PM
What untter nonsense. What are you on? Would McDonalds wilfully send a company that they have equity in, and arent in any form of serious competition with, broke.? You bluster more than that Croatian Jones .

Hi balance

when do you predict it will happen? It’s really crucial question, coz most of us here have to prepare for escape, thanks.

04-03-2020, 03:10 PM
Hi balance

when do you predict it will happen? It’s really crucial question, coz most of us here have to prepare for escape, thanks.

You have time as there are plenty enough die-hard believers out there as you can see from the abusive posts hurled in my direction for daring to give my view.

As I said to my friend, trade PLX & play the game by all means until the next results come out in May.

If the results come out as I expect (management boasting about adding on numerous staff positions to support & service contracts, and inability to forecast EBIT) - costs rapidly outstripping revenues & equity markets continue as it currently is, making it difficult for cash burning companies to raise new capital, be ready to bail out fast then.

Those hurling abuse at my direction will of course choose to disagree which is fine. Everyone is entitled to make their own investment decisions, be them right or wrong.

04-03-2020, 03:33 PM
You have time as there are plenty enough die-hard believers out there as you can see from the abusive posts hurled in my direction for daring to give my view.

As I said to my friend, trade PLX & play the game by all means until the next results come out in May.

If the results come out as I expect (management boasting about adding on numerous staff positions to support & service contracts, and inability to forecast EBIT) - costs rapidly outstripping revenues & equity markets continue as it currently is, making it difficult for cash burning companies to raise new capital, be ready to bail out fast then.

Those hurling abuse at my direction will of course choose to disagree which is fine. Everyone is entitled to make their own investment decisions, be them right or wrong.

hi balance

It’s really tough decision exit before or after next results, it’s like flipping a coin in 50/50 chance:eek2:

04-03-2020, 05:53 PM
hi balance -It’s really tough decision exit before or after next results, it’s like flipping a coin in 50/50 chance:eek2:

Only an issue if you think Balance is right.

Balance's predictions of an imminent demise of PLX have been proven wrong for over 4 years now and in the last 2 years PLX has outperformed the NZX50 by about 300%.


As said before, there is no sense in arguing with Balance...... a successful investment is ample reward.

04-03-2020, 06:00 PM
I don't think balance actually understands what plexure does

04-03-2020, 06:03 PM
I don't think balance actually understands what plexure does

Ok - you tell us then.

How does the McD contract work?

04-03-2020, 06:22 PM
Ok - you tell us then.

How does the McD contract work?

As you're aware, we don't know the details. From the link I posted earlier and subsequent interviews, we know the company was attempting to move to a more transaction-based (recurring and scaling nicely as they grow) - I don't think we know how far they got with this. We know that they have a separate agreement with McDonalds for each country they are working in (which continues to grow - they added 17 in 2018-19 and were operating in 58 countries at the last report, although it's not clear this is all with McDonalds). At the last half-year report, $7.8 million of the total $11.8 million revenue was recurring revenue (66%), and this grew at 59% vs overall revenue growth of 45%. So one way or another, they are increasing recurring revenue faster than the one-off setup and consulting costs.

Other things we know is the current CEO turned the company around and made it cash-flow positive where it was previously bleeding cash and reliant on raising capital. They had $13.6 million in the bank at last report when their total operating expenses for the half year was $10.5 million ($11.7 million revenue). They have stated "The Company does notintend to raise further capital to fund ongoing operations in the current financial year". Numbers of customers continues to grow very nicely as they start up in new countries with McDonalds. In the last 6 months they have brought on two new large customers.

I appreciate the argument that the McDonald's contract may not be a huge cash-cow, but I do not see the same existential threat that you seem to.

04-03-2020, 06:38 PM
Note 3 in the AR Financials was interesting at the time .....lead me to believe they were more a support company than anything else

In light of recent posts on here I wonder what Note 3 will look like in 2020 report

04-03-2020, 06:54 PM
As you're aware, we don't know the details. From the link I posted earlier and subsequent interviews, we know the company was attempting to move to a more transaction-based (recurring and scaling nicely as they grow) - I don't think we know how far they got with this. We know that they have a separate agreement with McDonalds for each country they are working in (which continues to grow - they added 17 in 2018-19 and were operating in 58 countries at the last report, although it's not clear this is all with McDonalds). At the last half-year report, $7.8 million of the total $11.8 million revenue was recurring revenue (66%), and this grew at 59% vs overall revenue growth of 45%. So one way or another, they are increasing recurring revenue faster than the one-off setup and consulting costs.

Other things we know is the current CEO turned the company around and made it cash-flow positive where it was previously bleeding cash and reliant on raising capital. They had $13.6 million in the bank at last report when their total operating expenses for the half year was $10.5 million ($11.7 million revenue). They have stated "The Company does notintend to raise further capital to fund ongoing operations in the current financial year". Numbers of customers continues to grow very nicely as they start up in new countries with McDonalds. In the last 6 months they have brought on two new large customers.

I appreciate the argument that the McDonald's contract may not be a huge cash-cow, but I do not see the same existential threat that you seem to.

Great post mfd, I have been to 3 meetings in the last 2 years and try to understand PLX business model.
I think Balance view of this company was correct up to the time the new CEO Craig Herbison took the helm.
Also Balance was correct in my view that the McD deal was not good. However PLX was pushed in a corner financially as I understand, and there were not many options.
However in Craig Herbison the company seem to have found an answer, he created a good team around himself and better deals seem to be in the making. New features included new features for McD are often transaction based I believe.

Balance some time ago you mentioned that good money can be made when a company is turned around. Is it possible that PLX is being turned around at present? Just as MVN was but unless one follows those turn around companies closely it can be easy to miss.

04-03-2020, 07:04 PM
Note 3 in the AR Financials was interesting at the time .....lead me to believe they were more a support company than anything else

In light of recent posts on here I wonder what Note 3 will look like in 2020 report

hi winner69

what do you mean note 3? Can you please explain more specifically. Thanks.

04-03-2020, 07:54 PM
hi winner69

what do you mean note 3? Can you please explain more specifically. Thanks.

Justin I think the below note is what winner is referring too.

3. Revenue from contracts with customers 2019-------2018
License revenue (i)----------------------------9,702------6,868
Consulting revenue (i)-------------------------6,987------4,507
Other Revenue-----------------------------------139--------178
(i) License and Consulting revenue is recognised over time, the unutilised portion of revenue is
recognised as deferred revenue in the balance sheet. For detailed breakdown of deferred revenue
refer to Note 17.

04-03-2020, 09:13 PM
Justin I think the below note is what winner is referring too.

3. Revenue from contracts with customers 2019-------2018
License revenue (i)----------------------------9,702------6,868
Consulting revenue (i)-------------------------6,987------4,507
Other Revenue-----------------------------------139--------178
(i) License and Consulting revenue is recognised over time, the unutilised portion of revenue is
recognised as deferred revenue in the balance sheet. For detailed breakdown of deferred revenue
refer to Note 17.

Thanks forest

I’ve seen another breakdown somewhere (can’t find now) which split it down further ....actual license income was A surprisingly low proportion of revenues with support and consultant making up the greater proportion

04-03-2020, 09:56 PM
Why does that matter? You can be picky at revenue all you want, the reality is the revenue streams have all grown.

04-03-2020, 11:17 PM
In 2019 financial year they did not turn profit because of the convertible note expense, Hope they can turn profit in 2020 financial year.

05-03-2020, 07:45 AM
Why does that matter? You can be picky at revenue all you want, the reality is the revenue streams have all grown.

The consulting revenue will be labour intensive which can grow only by hiring more staff. The licensing revenue should be reoccurring and the part which should show very high growth.

05-03-2020, 08:18 AM
Why does that matter? You can be picky at revenue all you want, the reality is the revenue streams have all grown.

Hit a nerve did I cadalac?

I didn’t say revenue wasn’t growing ...agree pretty strong growth though not outstanding.

I was pointing out the revenue split in light of the high multiples PLX trades out and how 150 million users is awesome.

All I was saying was that the parts of the business that generate huge profits like license fees and possibly some monetisation from the 150 million users is the smallest part of their revenue stream.

Support/implementation/consulting are the larger part and as brain points out very labour intensive, ie service related.

That mix may change and it needs to if PLX is continued to be valued as a pure software company with high margins when it appears (at least to me) more a service per se company.

We’ll see what develops eh

05-03-2020, 08:19 AM
Thanks forest

I’ve seen another breakdown somewhere (can’t find now) which split it down further ....actual license income was A surprisingly low proportion of revenues with support and consultant making up the greater proportion

17. Deferred Revenue
Deferred customer revenue relates to income invoiced to customers in advance during a financial
period, part of which will be recognised in the statement of comprehensive income in the subsequent
financial period. All deferred revenue is classified as current liability.

Deferred license revenue----------- 2,617------ 1,251
Deferred consulting revenue------- 1,271------ 1,195

A bit more detail, not sure if winner was referring to this. What is noticeable that in 2018 the deferred licence and consulting revenue were similar, in 2019 the deferred consulting revenue only crept up while the deferred licenced revenue more than doubled. I think this could be a sign of better quality earnings for this company. What do others think?

05-03-2020, 08:33 AM
In 2019 financial year they did not turn profit because of the convertible note expense, Hope they can turn profit in 2020 financial year.

I see the guy (saviour) who redeemed those convertible notes sold a lot of the shares last September at 80 cents.

. Not a SSH any more so no more disclosures ...wonder if he’s sold out completely by now

05-03-2020, 09:07 AM
I see the guy (saviour) who redeemed those convertible notes sold a lot of them last September at 80 cents.

. Not a SSH any more so no more disclosures ...wonder if he’s sold out completely by now

At last years AGM I asked the question of ownership of the convertible notes and was told that they were in multiple safe hands.

05-03-2020, 09:16 AM
Sorry I wasn’t being defensive I was actually just asking out of genuine interest since I’m still learning

05-03-2020, 09:48 AM
I asked the question of ownership of the convertible notes and was told that they were in multiple safe hands.

From their 2019 financial results:

Impact of Convertible Note
During the year ended 31 March 2019, all of the note holders chose to convert to equity on either the 4 April 2018 or 29 March 2019. As a result, the convertible note liabilities on the balance sheet have been extinguished and 13,942,171 shares have been issued at a price of 12 cents.

It’s said all of note holders,is that means no more convertible note at moment?

05-03-2020, 09:52 AM
I asked the question of ownership of the convertible notes and was told that they were in multiple safe hands.

Lou got 6.5m shares at 12 cents on redemption last April

Disclosed he sold ~1.5 million at average 80 cents last September

Took him below 5% so no more disclosures

Probably sold the other 6.6 million by now ..taking his profits and leaving the future profits for you guys

Did ok didn’t Lou for being the white knight in times of need.

05-03-2020, 10:03 AM
I asked the question of ownership of the convertible notes and was told that they were in multiple safe hands.

Looks like 12,534,000 (or so) shares were issued from convertible note. JML Capital had an SSH notice that they acquired 6,534,000 (or so) of those shares. So that leave about 6 million shares unaccounted for, and implies at least 2 holders of the convertible note. 6 mil is under 5% so there were no other notices, and JML only needed to notify because they already held 2 million shares.

05-03-2020, 12:14 PM
Thanks Winner, Mikey, Whatsup, Justin and a few others.... nice to see some useful discussion on this thread.

05-03-2020, 01:21 PM
I’m assuming that the increase in recurring revenue is all coming from new business. Do they ever lose customers?

05-03-2020, 01:50 PM
I’m assuming that the increase in recurring revenue is all coming from new business. Do they ever lose customers?

They certainly used to. Back in the bad old days with the previous CEO they announced numerous customers who subsequently disappeared from announcements. The company seems to do things a bit more professionally these days, although it's probably fair to say the turn around on fortunes was largely based on McDonald's. I've never seen revenue broken down by customer, but we have to hope some of these new customers get up and running and help diversify the company a little more.

As I mentioned before, the company deals with different country's McDonald's separately so being charitable you could consider them all different customers. Growth has come from more use within markets, McDonald's buying new features, and adding new countries.

05-03-2020, 01:55 PM
I’m assuming that the increase in recurring revenue is all coming from new business. Do they ever lose customers?

We don't know. They used to create a big fanfare about all their customers. Now it's much quieter. Their website lists about 11 customers but they have had others. Is IKEA still a customer? White Castle? Who knows?

I think most of the increase is coming from growth with existing customers (such as McDonald's expanding to more countries), but I don't think we have any way of knowing.

I'm sure PLX (and their customers) doesn't want to share too much information about this but it makes it hard to make investment decisions.

05-03-2020, 03:40 PM
Has balance been given a yellow card or something ...bit quiet last few days

05-03-2020, 04:53 PM
Has balance been given a yellow card or something ...bit quiet last few days

Busy with home renovations - messy & dusty & expensive!

What do they say about 'A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step!'?

The consulting revenue will be labour intensive which can grow only by hiring more staff. The licensing revenue should be reoccurring and the part which should show very high growth.

There is no question in my mind that PLX's business is labour intensive and therefore, a high cost to revenue ratio proposition.

How do we know that?

Well, the company boasted of adding on 60 staff in the year up to September 2019 and required another 50 to service the contracts PLX had won. Assuming each staff costs $100k - that's an additional $5m to be added to the staff costs - on top of the $6m already added to the wages bill in 2019. Not counting all the other costs associated with adding on staff.

What contracts had PLX won to that point? There's McD & White Castle.

Does not sound like a Serko or Xero type software business to me where the basic platform is in place & generates recurring & annuity incomes.

05-03-2020, 05:11 PM
hi balance

It’s really tough decision exit before or after next results, it’s like flipping a coin in 50/50 chance:eek2:

Nobody is going to ring a bell as to when to get on and when to get off a stock - just have to ask shareholders of CBL, Feltex, Plus SMS, Wynyard, Pike River Coal, PEB, Snakk etc etc.

More so when a stock is 'performing'.

All we can do is to analyze what information is available, read between the lines, assess management's track record, keep an eye on who's buying & selling, stock activity - and manage our exposure accordingly.

It's not flipping a coin 50/50 - more like managing your exposure so you sleep well at nights.

05-03-2020, 05:23 PM
Busy with home renovations - messy & dusty & expensive!

What do they say about 'A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step!'?

There is no question in my mind that PLX's business is labour intensive and therefore, a high cost to revenue ratio proposition.

How do we know that?

Well, the company boasted of adding on 60 staff in the year up to September 2019 and required another 50 to service the contracts PLX had won. Assuming each staff costs $100k - that's an additional $5m to be added to the staff costs - on top of the $6m already added to the wages bill in 2019. Not counting all the other costs associated with adding on staff.

What contracts had PLX won to that point? There's McD & White Castle.

Does not sound like a Serko or Xero type software business to me where the basic platform is in place & generates recurring & annuity incomes.

Agree ..it doesn’t sound like a Serko type company ...to much in the way of consulting / servicing etc.. all labour intensive

I think that’s how Lib at JML saw it as well ....sell and move on to something better

05-03-2020, 05:48 PM
Agree ..it doesn’t sound like a Serko type company ...to much in the way of consulting / servicing etc.. all labour intensive

I think that’s how Lou at JML saw it as well ....sell and move on to something better

Lib (Infratil) is a very seasoned investor and knows his stuff.

Now why would someone like him leave big money on the table given he has access to good information in Plexure?


05-03-2020, 06:02 PM
Lib (Infratil) is a very seasoned investor and knows his stuff.

Now why would someone like him leave big money on the table given he has access to good information in Plexure?


My one regret with PEB was not bailing out completely when the Masfens sold down a big part of their shareholding (at 60c and $1.20) to the eager beavers out there when PEB started announcing all the great developments in the US with the health industry - and it seemed like the right decision at that time as PEB share price soared ever higher.

Hindsight says the Masfens knew exactly what they were doing.

05-03-2020, 08:11 PM
Busy with home renovations - messy & dusty & expensive!

What do they say about 'A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step!'?

There is no question in my mind that PLX's business is labour intensive and therefore, a high cost to revenue ratio proposition.

How do we know that?

Well, the company boasted of adding on 60 staff in the year up to September 2019 and required another 50 to service the contracts PLX had won. Assuming each staff costs $100k - that's an additional $5m to be added to the staff costs - on top of the $6m already added to the wages bill in 2019. Not counting all the other costs associated with adding on staff.

What contracts had PLX won to that point? There's McD & White Castle.

Does not sound like a Serko or Xero type software business to me where the basic platform is in place & generates recurring & annuity incomes.

They are still hiring in their website,in balance‘s opinion,they will add 11m in their labor cost in FY2020, if they can achieve the highest target of revenue to 25m, compare to revenue in FY2019 16.9m,um, definitely, they are in huge bleeding :scared:

05-03-2020, 08:45 PM
Lib (Infratil) is a very seasoned investor and knows his stuff.

Now why would someone like him leave big money on the table given he has access to good information in Plexure?

Couldn't agree more, always follow the money !!

06-03-2020, 04:18 AM
JML capital is still on the share register with 6666461 shares so he has not sold any since.
I guess it could be argued that he saw a better investment opportunity in September so he sold some of his holding. He has retained a substantial number of shares so possibly thinks Plexure still has legs but is probably not running as fast as before.

06-03-2020, 04:50 AM
Scobie Ward had about 14M shares most of them purchased from Sharbo (the Bradleys ). They appear to be hidden in Forsyth Barr Custodians allocation. No substantial notices from him as far as I can see. With that shareholding he would have very close ties to Plexure. At the last AGM I noticed he received an enthusiastic greeting from Andrew Dalziel at the registration desk. I would assume Scobie is not a mug.

06-03-2020, 06:59 AM
JML capital is still on the share register with 6666461 shares so he has not sold any since.
I guess it could be argued that he saw a better investment opportunity in September so he sold some of his holding. He has retained a substantial number of shares so possibly thinks Plexure still has legs but is probably not running as fast as before.

Couldn't agree more, always follow the money !!

Eh, how do you know that JML Capital is still on the register with 6,666,461 shares?

You realize of course that once any shareholding falls below 5% threshold, the shareholder does not have to disclose any further selling?

06-03-2020, 07:49 AM
They are still hiring in their website,in balance‘s opinion,they will add 11m in their labor cost in FY2020, if they can achieve the highest target of revenue to 25m, compare to revenue in FY2019 16.9m,um, definitely, they are in huge bleeding :scared:

That's a full year impact ($11m) and excludes other costs (premises, travel, staff incentives etc etc) - so will be really interesting to see what the FY20 results reveal.

Point being this - PLX is NO Xero or Serko or Diligent is my assessment - it's a labour intensive huge cost operation requiring detailed and ongoing customization of customers' needs & requirements.

Comes down to whether PLX is properly or fully charging for its services or as I suspect, is taking on contracts like McD as huge loss leaders. Those of you who think you know Plexure so well, by all means enlighten those who are on the sidelines wondering whether to jump in or stay out. You will get your second wave of buying support then.

06-03-2020, 08:31 AM
Eh, how do you know that JML Capital is still on the register with 6,666,461 shares?

You realize of course that once any shareholding falls below 5% threshold, the shareholder does not have to disclose any further selling?

Latest shareholding list at Companies Office

06-03-2020, 09:03 AM
That's a full year impact ($11m) and excludes other costs (premises, travel, staff incentives etc etc) - so will be really interesting to see what the FY20 results reveal.

Point being this - PLX is NO Xero or Serko or Diligent is my assessment - it's a labour intensive huge cost operation requiring detailed and ongoing customization of customers' needs & requirements.

Comes down to whether PLX is properly or fully charging for its services or as I suspect, is taking on contracts like McD as huge loss leaders. Those of you who think you know Plexure so well, by all means enlighten those who are on the sidelines wondering whether to jump in or stay out. You will get your second wave of buying support then.

Hi Balance, I think PLX has potential. The potential is in the number of end users. 140 million of them and rising. The aim seem to be to add an payment option to there apps at some stage. If they can successfully accomplice this than charging for transaction fees will be more acceptable to their customers. The closes business model one would compare it with would be PPH, a app which keeps the end user connected to the business which also facilitate payments for a transaction fee. Businesses are already paying large transaction fees to credit card companies so if some or all of this transaction fee would go to PLX than there would be no net cost to the Mc Donald, IKEA etc. This should make selling their apps to big businesses not to hard.

06-03-2020, 09:10 AM
Latest shareholding list at Companies Office

Unfortunately the list at Companies Office is updated once a year!

All companies are required to keep an updated shareholders' register (by law) so public companies use the registry managers to do so.

Used to be able to get a list of the top 100 shareholders of any public company from my broker but freaking licensing requirement does not allow that anymore.

06-03-2020, 10:03 AM
Unfortunately the list at Companies Office is updated once a year!

All companies are required to keep an updated shareholders' register (by law) so public companies use the registry managers to do so.

Used to be able to get a list of the top 100 shareholders of any public company from my broker but freaking licensing requirement does not allow that anymore.

The last note at Companies Office for Lib was dated last October so things might be different now

I heard on street he’s sold quite a few more

06-03-2020, 11:21 AM
Hi Balance, I think PLX has potential. The potential is in the number of end users. 140 million of them and rising. The aim seem to be to add an payment option to there apps at some stage. If they can successfully accomplice this than charging for transaction fees will be more acceptable to their customers. The closes business model one would compare it with would be PPH, a app which keeps the end user connected to the business which also facilitate payments for a transaction fee. Businesses are already paying large transaction fees to credit card companies so if some or all of this transaction fee would go to PLX than there would be no net cost to the Mc Donald, IKEA etc. This should make selling their apps to big businesses not to hard.

And you think that the McD of the world is going to allow anyone else to access their customer base to clip the ticket, without them taking it first?

Anyone investing in companies like PLX need to be second guessing what the company is promising vs the realism of what they are promising.

Gentrack is a good example of those left scrambling to get out when the promises fail to materialize.

06-03-2020, 11:28 AM
That's a full year impact ($11m) and excludes other costs (premises, travel, staff incentives etc etc) - so will be really interesting to see what the FY20 results reveill get your second wave of buying support then.

That warning they keep on putting out - ”The Company will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact of the Company’s expansion plans and platform investment cannot be accurately assessed at this juncture” is code for we’re spending like hell to keep the customers happy and will probably run at a loss this year

06-03-2020, 11:50 AM
[QUOTE=Balance;796386]And you think that the McD of the world is going to allow anyone else to access their customer base to clip the ticket, without them taking it first?

Mm, not sure I understand what you are getting at. At the moment if a person buys a burger at Mc D and pays with a credit card the credit card company clips the ticket, what would be the difference if PLX was the payment facilitator instead and clips the ticket?

06-03-2020, 12:16 PM
[QUOTE=Balance;796386]And you think that the McD of the world is going to allow anyone else to access their customer base to clip the ticket, without them taking it first?

Mm, not sure I understand what you are getting at. At the moment if a person buys a burger at Mc D and pays with a credit card the credit card company clips the ticket, what would be the difference if PLX was the payment facilitator instead and clips the ticket?

Paint us the scenario then of how PLX clips the ticket on a payment system - without McD being involved - bearing in mind that payment systems like Etfpos, Credit Cards, Applepay, Alipay etc etc proliferate already. These companies have the scale and the credibility & add value to McD in that McD needs them to facilitate sales - what has PLX got?

PLX to spend money into building a payment platform to compete with them? If they do that, you better run!

Potential upside is great but must be based on realism.

06-03-2020, 01:00 PM
Unfortunately the list at Companies Office is updated once a year!

All companies are required to keep an updated shareholders' register (by law) so public companies use the registry managers to do so.

Used to be able to get a list of the top 100 shareholders of any public company from my broker but freaking licensing requirement does not allow that anymore.

Thanks for clarifying that Balance. I have always assumed that the top 10 or 20 on the Companies office website was kept up to date in other words that it was useful information to work out what the less than 5% guys were doing. Clearly it is not.

06-03-2020, 03:53 PM

Paint us the scenario then of how PLX clips the ticket on a payment system - without McD being involved - bearing in mind that payment systems like Etfpos, Credit Cards, Applepay, Alipay etc etc proliferate already. These companies have the scale and the credibility & add value to McD in that McD needs them to facilitate sales - what has PLX got?

Eftpost, Credit Cards etc as you say have scale and credibility and facilitate sales. That is usefull but that is all they do.

PLX is working also on scale and credibility, but PLX is also working on creating repeat purchasing through the use of their app's.
The ability to stay in contact with the end customer is what appeals to the companies and is the feature the companies do not have with their current payment facilitators.
Many of us already give our utility companies access to our accounts to pay bills, it would be a logical step if we give companies (maybe through a third party) access to our accounts.
What could be easier, order a burger on a app and payment is automatic.

06-03-2020, 04:00 PM
PLX CEO Craig Herbison has a some banking experience which is more than likely helpful with payment systems if they go that way.
See below.

Craig Herbison is an internationally experienced leader with over 20 years of digital and brand marketing, business transformation, sales and corporate leadership experience. Originally qualifying as a barrister and solicitor in 1990, Craig then moved into the advertising industry. With the emergence of digital marketing in the late 1990’s, Craig worked in Web development and in digital agencies in New Zealand and the UK.

In the UK, Craig led the digital marketing launch of the world’s first 3G mobile operator ‘3’ and ran the digital and CRM Vodafone relationship globally for WPP. He returned to Australasia in 2006 and worked in corporate marketing roles for Vodafone regionally, Sensis and led the brand transformation of Telecom NZ to ‘Spark’ a few year ago.

In 2011, he joined the BNZ executive team as its first ever CMO and assumed an expanded role in 2014 running BNZ’s retail, small business and insurance businesses. During his tenure, he took BNZ back into mortgage brokers after an absence of twelve years, which produced $1.1Bn of new lending in the first year. Craig was responsible for 2,500 staff and 174 retail stores at BNZ. Craig was also previously a director of Loyalty New Zealand, the operator of Fly Buys in New Zealand.

06-03-2020, 09:28 PM
Thanks forest , very impressive experience of CEO, I saw somewhere in their presentation, they already start doing payment system in their MCD Japan Apps

08-03-2020, 10:08 AM
Thanks forest , very impressive experience of CEO, I saw somewhere in their presentation, they already start doing payment system in their MCD Japan Apps

You right Justin, payment system already in place in Japan. This is also confirmed in yesterday's NZ Herald article named "The great Kiwi company you've hardly heard of".

Must read if you think this company has not changed its culture.

09-03-2020, 09:22 AM
Bal have you read the Sat N Z Heralds article, comments please ?

09-03-2020, 09:45 AM
In the Herald article Herbison states that the staff levels have changed from 30 to 120. Of the original 30 only 6 staff were retained. On that basis Herbison certainly seems to be focussed.

170 million users currently and investment so that the platform can serve 500 million people (7% of the worlds population) is also of interest.

09-03-2020, 09:54 AM
Bal have you read the Sat N Z Heralds article, comments please ?

Still choking on his coffee after reading it .....and recalling the time when SMS said they were accessing 5% of the worlds population ( or something like that)

Oliver Mander
09-03-2020, 01:18 PM
Thought I'd post the link to the article. Suffice to say, I agree with it :t_up:.
Only thing is, its 2,745 stores in Japan that have adopted the payment system (not 745).
But yes, Herbison's commentary around culture are very relevant. Was a good line of inquiry.

Disclosure: author

09-03-2020, 01:52 PM
Im picking that this article was written up in the Herald as a update in the business plan to give a honest state of the rebirth of PLX as against the constant down ramping from BAL ! , comments please BAL ( and truth only ) ?

09-03-2020, 02:20 PM
Thought I'd post the link to the article. Suffice to say, I agree with it :t_up:.
Only thing is, its 2,745 stores in Japan that have adopted the payment system (not 745).
But yes, Herbison's commentary around culture are very relevant. Was a good line of inquiry.

Disclosure: author

Well done Sylvester Cat Author and Journalist. Good to get an this update.

Oliver Mander
09-03-2020, 02:52 PM
Well done Sylvester Cat Author and Journalist. Good to get an this update.

Don't know about journalist :scared:....but if anyone ever needs a consultant with experience in strategy development, implementation, planning, finance or technology then let me know :t_up:.

09-03-2020, 03:11 PM
In the Herald article Herbison states that the staff levels have changed from 30 to 120. Of the original 30 only 6 staff were retained. On that basis Herbison certainly seems to be focussed.

170 million users currently and investment so that the platform can serve 500 million people (7% of the worlds population) is also of interest.

120 staff,depend on balance‘s view,100k per person,thats 12m,nice to see its well below their earning perdiction 25m for Fy2020

and More than 170 million registered users, interacting 41 million times every day,seems like the numbers keep climbing every day, thats really impressive.

09-03-2020, 03:52 PM
120 staff,depend on balance‘s view,100k per person,thats 12m,nice to see its well below their earning perdiction 25m for Fy2020

and More than 170 million registered users, interacting 41 million times every day,seems like the numbers keep climbing every day, thats really impressive.

For FY19 staff costs was 40% of expenses, if the ratio is maintained that makes total expenses 30m.

09-03-2020, 04:43 PM
For FY19 staff costs was 40% of expenses, if the ratio is maintained that makes total expenses 30m.

Unlikely however as you ramp up staff (giving a higher % of expenses), which then gives you capacity for bringing in more revenue.

09-03-2020, 05:34 PM
For FY19 staff costs was 40% of expenses, if the ratio is maintained that makes total expenses 30m.


09-03-2020, 05:38 PM
Still choking on his coffee after reading it .....and recalling the time when SMS said they were accessing 5% of the worlds population ( or something like that)

Been too busy with the reno to bother too much about the collapsing markets and PLX but .....

"The $1 Billion Kiwi Blockbuster You've Never Heard Of"


27 July 2019 - sp $6.20 Today - sp $2.92 (down 53%)

Get the picture of when companies use the NZ Herald to talk up their prospects and share prices?

Derek Handley (Snakk) used to do it a lot (get articles in the NZ Herald about how great Snakk and he were) but the master of it was of course none other than Plus SMS.

You have to wonder where the NZ Herald 'journalists' come from, don't you?

09-03-2020, 05:46 PM
I mean the herald has wrote about fisher and paykel and about Xero before too wtf is your point ?

09-03-2020, 06:16 PM
You right Justin, payment system already in place in Japan. This is also confirmed in

yesterday's NZ Herald article named "The great Kiwi company you've hardly heard of".

Must read if you think this company has not changed its culture.


"The $1 Billion Kiwi Blockbuster You've Never Heard Of"

Similar headlines and notice how with each spike upwards of Plexure sp with the headline grabbing articles, the 'move 'em up and sell 'em down' crowd has been having a fun time making $$$$ from the reef fishes? From $1.20 in July 2019 to 90c to 72c - should be heading the other way given the interviews and articles about Plexure and the great strides it is making.

But still no indication of EBIT from all the spending and hundreds of millions of customers (read PEB speak).

I mean the herald has wrote about fisher and paykel and about Xero before too wtf is your point ?

Draw your own conclusion.

BTW - Plexure ain't no FPH, XRO in case you are wondering.

09-03-2020, 06:25 PM

"The $1 Billion Kiwi Blockbuster You've Never Heard Of"

Similar headlines and notice how with each spike upwards of Plexure sp with the headline grabbing articles, the 'move 'em up and sell 'em down' crowd has been having a fun time making $$$$ from the reef fishes? From $1.20 in July 2019 to 90c to 72c - should be heading the other way given the interviews and articles about Plexure and the great strides it is making.

Draw your own conclusion.

BTW - Plexure ain't no FPH, XRO in case you are wondering.

Do you think the 73c has anything to do with the current general market decline?

09-03-2020, 06:29 PM
Do you think the 73c has anything to do with the current general market decline?

See the trend?

Anyway, it is what it is - I call PLX for how I see things and when posters here write about me 'down ramping', it tells me that there's a lot of ramping going on with them - 'move 'em up and sell 'em down.'

You choose who you want to believe in terms of intentions.

PS. Much regret expressed to me via PMs & on the PEB thread about believing those who accused yours sincerely here of 'down-ramping'.

09-03-2020, 06:33 PM
See the trend?

Anyway, it is what it is - I call PLX for how I see things and when posters here write about me 'down ramping', it tells me that there's a lot of ramping going on with them - 'move 'em up and sell 'em down.'

You choose who you want to believe in terms of intentions.

PS. Much regret expressed to me via PMs & on the PEB thread about believing those who accused yours sincerely here of 'down-ramping'.

I seriously hope you're joking right now. The whole market is down, or are you intentionally trying to be annoying?

09-03-2020, 06:41 PM
I seriously hope you're joking right now. The whole market is down, or are you intentionally trying to be annoying?


A month after the amazing NZ Herald article about "The $1 Billion Kiwi Blockbuster You've Never Heard Of" Vista Group, the company announced its results and the sp headed south and has not recovered - 53% down.

PLX will announce in May 2020 - let's see how the market reacts to the results, ok?

09-03-2020, 06:50 PM

A month after the amazing NZ Herald article about "The $1 Billion Kiwi Blockbuster You've Never Heard Of" Vista Group, the company announced its results and the sp headed south and has not recovered - 53% down.

PLX will announce in May 2020 - let's see how the market reacts to the results, ok?

Hey Balance - wasn’t The Herald keen on Orion Health in the early days?

How’s reno progressing ...must catch up soon.

09-03-2020, 07:04 PM
Hey Balance - wasn’t The Herald keen on Orion Health in the early days?

How’s reno progressing ...must catch up soon.

Getting there - have a hippie tradesman (he looks like one anyway) but he is damn good! Can understand why homeowners do not like to do reno though - inconvenient, messy, noisy & dusty!

The NZ Herald does what it does - publish articles about companies and that's useful, except when the articles are written courtesy of PR consultants without any proper investigation into alternative views or per normal practice, zero follow up.

Derek Handley & Snakk would have to be the prime example of how the NZ Herald was used to promote and ramp up the profile and share price of Snakk, to the ultimate detriment of the reef fishes out there.

09-03-2020, 09:05 PM
Getting there - have a hippie tradesman (he looks like one anyway) but he is damn good! Can understand why homeowners do not like to do reno though - inconvenient, messy, noisy & dusty!

The NZ Herald does what it does - publish articles about companies and that's useful, except when the articles are written courtesy of PR consultants without any proper investigation into alternative views or per normal practice, zero follow up.

Derek Handley & Snakk would have to be the prime example of how the NZ Herald was used to promote and ramp up the profile and share price of Snakk, to the ultimate detriment of the reef fishes out there.

Do you think Gaynor “ uses the Herald” too?

09-03-2020, 09:10 PM
Do you think Gaynor “ uses the Herald” too?

One word - Diligent.

Thanks to the bad-mouthing by Brian & Milford, DIL's sp crashed down to a low of $2.56 and two years later, company was taken over for over $7.00.


Poor Warminger - actually a very smart guy but he was 'seduced' by the dark side. Tragic.

09-03-2020, 09:13 PM
Thought I'd post the link to the article. Suffice to say, I agree with it :t_up:.
Only thing is, its 2,745 stores in Japan that have adopted the payment system (not 745).
But yes, Herbison's commentary around culture are very relevant. Was a good line of inquiry.

Disclosure: author

"The $1 Billion Kiwi Blockbuster You've Never Heard Of"


Yup - penty of readers loved the story on Vista Group as well - probably bought and/or hung onto VLG shares too in the back of that fantastic article.

Sp went up after the article to ATH and just about a month later - CRASH!

Can't tell us that the company did not know things were not going well with a financial year ending 30 June 2019 but don't let the reality of the pending bad results get in the way of the great NZ Herald article.

Wondering aloud (did FMA ever investigated) who sold leading to the shocking results.

09-03-2020, 09:14 PM
Do you think Gaynor “ uses the Herald” too?

Does one think our resident Sylvestor Cat "used the Herald" too with his article? I thought it was a good article, bringing into public consciousness a few things that aren't apparent from discussions here but well researched investors do already know.

Best to ignore the trolls. PLX isn't SNK, isn't WYN, isn't PEB, etc. Caught now in a global markets downturn where everything gets sucked into the downdraft, who knows how low it goes, but it won't be because PLX was a reverse listing or the promoters are crooks, or anything the king troll says.

09-03-2020, 09:27 PM
"The $1 Billion Kiwi Blockbuster You've Never Heard Of"


Yup - penty of readers loved the story on Vista Group as well - probably bought and/or hung onto VLG shares too in the back of that fantastic article.

Sp went up after the article to ATM and just about a month later - CRASH!

Can't tell us that the company did not know things were not going well with a financial year ending 30 June 2019 but don't let the 'good' news get in the way of the reality.

Wondering aloud (did FMA ever investigated) who sold leading to the shocking results.

yeah man its not like Vista Group and ATM are real companies, both have fake warehouses and fake workers

09-03-2020, 09:48 PM
yeah man its not like Vista Group and ATM are real companies, both have fake warehouses and fake workers

My error, VGL went up to ATH (all time high) after NZ Herald’s article before crashing a month later due to shocking results - ATH not ATM.

10-03-2020, 10:29 AM
Does one think our resident Sylvestor Cat "used the Herald" too with his article? I thought it was a good article, bringing into public consciousness a few things that aren't apparent from discussions here but well researched investors do already know.

Best to ignore the trolls. PLX isn't SNK, isn't WYN, isn't PEB, etc. Caught now in a global markets downturn where everything gets sucked into the downdraft, who knows how low it goes, but it won't be because PLX was a reverse listing or the promoters are crooks, or anything the king troll says.

Should have sold out Baa_Baa when the 'move 'em up and sell 'em down' crowd pushed this backdoor job above $1.00 - clear as daylight what they were doing.

Missed that so you should be looking to buy when the March 2020 results come out - bet you that it is going to be a SHOCKER! [/COLOR]

Then, be ready to play along with the 'move 'em up and sell 'em down' crowd - unless you are of course one of them, as I know some of the posters here are.

10-03-2020, 10:41 AM
Balance everything is down today? Are you blind?

10-03-2020, 10:46 AM
Balance everything is down today? Are you blind?

Yup - everything is down but as Warren Buffett famously said, we will find out who has been swimming naked when the tide goes out.

You have been swimming with the ‘move ‘em up and sell ‘em down crowd’ or haven’t you notice?

I pick PLX as one of the companies swimming naked - as the results to March 2020 will show.

Fair enough?

10-03-2020, 10:52 AM
I pick PLX as one of the companies swimming naked - as the results to March 2020 will show.

Fair enough?

Finally - a prediction!

10-03-2020, 11:09 AM
collapsing thru 70c major support

10-03-2020, 11:43 AM
Balance backing up a fleet of trucks?

10-03-2020, 11:52 AM
Topped up at .610 come at me balance

10-03-2020, 12:27 PM
Balance backing up a fleet of trucks?

As in joining the ‘move ‘em up and sell ‘em down’ crowd?

Do feel free to join them.

The most despicable and repugnant behaviour on this site are from those cesspool creatures who do ramping up and down - and think it’s all okay. And because they behave like sewage scumbags, they assume everyone else is like them.

A curse on them all.

10-03-2020, 12:44 PM
Balance going to DCA plexure just for you. Will top up below 0.610 for free money

10-03-2020, 01:00 PM
Balance going to DCA plexure just for you. Will top up below 0.610 for free money

Enjoying the fall from $1.00 then when you could have got out at that ‘move ‘em up and sell ‘em down’ episode?

You could have bought back 50% more shares today.

Sometimes it pays to read and listen, huh?

10-03-2020, 01:47 PM
I sold out at $1.05 the first time (3 bagger) I bought plexure and recently bought back at 0.72 and today at 0.61

I’m actually ok balance this is free float for me too. I sold out because I swing trade and don’t believe in blindly holding companies for 10 years but I’m happy to hold for 3month- 2 years and plexure doesn’t seem like a bad long either

10-03-2020, 03:23 PM
I sold out at $1.05 the first time (3 bagger) I bought plexure and recently bought back at 0.72 and today at 0.61

I’m actually ok balance this is free float for me too. I sold out because I swing trade and don’t believe in blindly holding companies for 10 years but I’m happy to hold for 3month- 2 years and plexure doesn’t seem like a bad long either

Good on you and I wish you well.

To each their own and I certainly do not have to stoop as low as the scumbags in having to ramp up or down as some of the sewage pond creatures here do to make good gains and invest properly - so a plague and curse on them.

When you see any poster here writing about others ramping up or down, you know that they are the ones who do it.

10-03-2020, 04:29 PM
As in joining the ‘move ‘em up and sell ‘em down’ crowd?

Do feel free to join them.

The most despicable and repugnant behaviour on this site are from those cesspool creatures who do ramping up and down - and think it’s all okay. And because they behave like sewage scumbags, they assume everyone else is like them.

A curse on them all.

Well you are acting like one of them so an own goal curse:t_up:

10-03-2020, 04:34 PM
Well you are acting like one of them so an own goal curse:t_up:

Ah - so you know what you are then. :D

10-03-2020, 10:00 PM
Time for everyone to take a deep breath. Balance has made a prediction that the March results will show that PLX have been skinny dipping all this time.
Perhaps he is right, or perhaps there is an eel in the pond. But it would be good if everyone could "ramp down" the personal rhetoric because otherwise it will just keep escalating

10-03-2020, 10:13 PM
We've had a revenue upgrade and a new contract. Not sure why you would sell during this time for a loss when it's clearly clear skies ahead baby

10-03-2020, 11:01 PM
balance please make prediction for us which stock will going up in next results please,we can all move there.:)

11-03-2020, 08:51 AM
We've had a revenue upgrade and a new contract. Not sure why you would sell during this time for a loss when it's clearly clear skies ahead baby


Wow! A sleeper stock ready to take off. Billion dollar Kiwi blockbuster taking on the world! :t_up:


And nothing but good news - processing billions of transactions. Think of the clicks! :t_up:


Guess those who sold when there was all that wonderful news around (before the annual results came out a month later) did the right thing? :eek2:

And selling PLX at a loss at the current levels can only mean you have been buying at levels generated by the hype ramped up by the 'move 'em up and sell 'em down' crowd.

11-03-2020, 08:54 AM
balance please make prediction for us which stock will going up in next results please,we can all move there.:)

I bought some FBU yesterday via my cheeky bid and have a cheeky bid on Sky City too. :t_up:

"He who dares, Wins"

"Fools thread where angels dare not venture"

Cool as fresh crisp sweet watermelons in the fridge during a scorching day outside. :D

11-03-2020, 11:31 AM
Sky City? Was that wise? I would think that they would be the first to shut down as soon as the virus takes off...

Snow Leopard
11-03-2020, 11:35 AM
...'move 'em up and sell 'em down'....

Can you sing that to the Rawhide tune?


11-03-2020, 01:35 PM
Can you sing that to the Rawhide tune?


Haha - good one!

Should use the video for the next 'move 'em up and sell 'em down' episode!

11-03-2020, 02:53 PM
Sky City? Was that wise? I would think that they would be the first to shut down as soon as the virus takes off...

Wish the McDonald’s,7-11,White Castle, Super Indo, IKEA, Loyalty NZ and so on don’t have to be shut down:ohmy:

12-03-2020, 12:55 PM
Sky City? Was that wise? I would think that they would be the first to shut down as soon as the virus takes off...

Not yet blood on the street (so sp not quite there yet) but if one is looking for a post-coronavirus recovery stock, Sky City is one I am happy to add to the portfolio.

Am surprised myself how resilient the stock is so far - considering casinos in other countries have dropped a lot more and it is considered to be sensitive to the downturn in tourism, leisure and accommodation sectors.

12-03-2020, 01:20 PM
I wouldn’t trust resilience , Serko was “resilient” for a week and is crashing now . Be wary of lags . Would wait before punting

12-03-2020, 01:39 PM
I wouldn’t trust resilience , Serko was “resilient” for a week and is crashing now . Be wary of lags . Would wait before punting

Which is why you wait with stocks like SKC at a much lower price - if you don’t have it yet and want to add to the portfolio.

12-03-2020, 03:46 PM
Ugh. SKC could go lower still if the Dow Jones Index opens 900 pts lower as anticipated... https://money.cnn.com/data/premarket/

13-03-2020, 05:55 PM
DCA crew checking in bought a cheeky bit at 0.520

17-03-2020, 07:56 PM
Easy 1-day 25% gain. DCA is king

18-03-2020, 12:07 PM
the company have to issue the statement how they cope with covit19

18-03-2020, 12:15 PM
It won’t affect revenue guidance for May said it here first

19-03-2020, 09:58 AM

Good update, will be interesting to see what size the profit is. Given from past updates this will probably jump a few days then get hammered down with the market.

19-03-2020, 10:05 AM
Called it. Glad topped up at 0.39

19-03-2020, 10:51 AM
Called it. Glad topped up at 0.39

Well done! I almost bought some at $0.41 but chickened out :mellow:

19-03-2020, 10:53 AM
Mr market need to know how and will covit19 affect their business . And there are nothing in this update.

19-03-2020, 11:48 AM
14 million cash and a profit in year 2020. They make it clear they can manage their costs through this period. If Mcds close their branches world wide PLX would have a problem. People will continue to eat. Maybe they won't eat out as much as usual, but I can't see this being catastrophic for an IT support industry. I have bought back in.

19-03-2020, 12:08 PM
Actually I see many mcds in Europe and America suggest their customers to order and pay via their app and drive through or pick it up contactless

19-03-2020, 12:15 PM
Actually I see many mcds in Europe and America suggest their customers to order and pay via their app and drive through or pick it up contactless

Agreed, takeaways will be the way forward. Don't forget Mdconalds is on Uber eats too

19-03-2020, 12:28 PM
Apparently long drive in queues at fast food joints in US. People at home driving to get food then going back home. Will it substitute walk in traffic - no, but it will have limited downside.

19-03-2020, 12:32 PM
Agreed, takeaways will be the way forward. Don't forget Mdconalds is on Uber eats too

in recession period, if ppl like to save delivery fee and get some bargain, they will use mcd app instead of Uber eats

19-03-2020, 12:35 PM
Certainly an irrational market at present. Substantial cash in bank. FY 2020 profit. Won't have to cash raise. Can manage costs according to market pressures. At this price it looks well oversold. Warren Buffett mentality required.

19-03-2020, 12:36 PM
Apparently long drive in queues at fast food joints in US. People at home driving to get food then going back home. Will it substitute walk in traffic - no, but it will have limited downside.
If ppl can preorder and prepaid via Mcd app and pick up on time, it will reduce the waiting time in queues.

19-03-2020, 12:51 PM
In takeaway scenario. Mcds customers will like to order via their phone instead of self order touchscreen to avoid any finger contact and avoid queue with other ppl.

19-03-2020, 01:27 PM
In takeaway scenario. Mcds customers will like to order via their phone instead of self order touchscreen to avoid any finger contact and avoid queue with other ppl.and banks have waived contactless fees in response to current challenges

19-03-2020, 06:47 PM
Agree with posts above. McDonald’s strategic closing allowing drive through not sure anyone would be scared to get into a car and go outside in their own privacy.

The fact revenue has grown and even a profit which was unexpected signals the potential this company has especially in the environment of reduced foot traffic and companies needing to discount and do deals to sell things.

I note PLX often links articles written by companies like EagleEye which has been in this space for a long time and wouldn’t be surprised to see takeover / merger tbh

20-03-2020, 03:49 PM
We went to mcd today try to order on counter to use mcd app and get some deals, the staff are too busy to serve drive thru customers, nobody can serve us, then back to self order kiosk, and most of the customers order over there, some of them try to scan the barcode for deals from their app as well. If we can make order and collect in mcd app in NZ, that will be really safe and convenient for everyone here.

21-03-2020, 09:23 AM
The other side of it is the recovery phase. Once consumerism gradually builds back up, plexure will play an even more important role in encouraging spending.

It seems like they're trying to focus on other areas like groceries now too which is ideal even within the current circumstances.

23-03-2020, 12:23 PM
Oh dear. UK & Ireland McDs - including drive thrus - to close indefinitely...

23-03-2020, 12:27 PM
rewards and deals on the app to for delivery

24-03-2020, 07:33 AM
They are shutting completely. You can't order via the app, get delivery, no Uber Eats, nothing.

24-03-2020, 03:18 PM
I meant in other locations

24-03-2020, 04:05 PM
Its good to see NZ lockdown to prevent community transmission of Covid19, I hope we can get through this in 4 weeks period, and fastfood industry definitely will reopen first of all,stay strong and Kia kaha!

23-04-2020, 01:47 AM
Virtual Roundtable: Building Consumer Loyalty in Uncertain Conditions | Plexure


23-04-2020, 03:06 AM
Virtual Roundtable: Building Consumer Loyalty in Uncertain Conditions | Plexure


Yep, good sentiment among white castle for plexure. Luckily plexure works with big scale companies and not tiny little enterprises.

23-04-2020, 03:16 PM
Virtual Roundtable: Building Consumer Loyalty in Uncertain Conditions | Plexure


Nice work by PLX keeping busy during this time. Stock in my opinion has a great long term future, especially now that Apps are incredibly important while social distancing is in place and companies will be gaining a massive advantage having an app for their offerings. PLX are growing really well and the stock in my view is very undervalued.

28-04-2020, 10:20 AM
Nice work by PLX keeping busy during this time. Stock in my opinion has a great long term future, especially now that Apps are incredibly important while social distancing is in place and companies will be gaining a massive advantage having an app for their offerings. PLX are growing really well and the stock in my view is very undervalued.

Agree, with maccas NZ starting their business under level 3, should be busy days for plexure again.

28-04-2020, 10:28 AM
Maccas NZ is a very small part of their business and doesn't matter in the scheme of things.

28-04-2020, 10:30 AM
Maccas NZ is a very small part of their business and doesn't matter in the scheme of things.

Aware of that, but helps wind of change when you're domiciled locally...

28-04-2020, 10:42 AM
Fair enough.
Can anyone share guesses on how their contracts are setup with their customers. For example, is their revenue exposed to less people using the app (active users)? Do they achieve different revenues if more people are using different parts of the app e.g. the delivery function? How likely is it that their customers have a force majeure clause in these overseas markets?

28-04-2020, 11:48 AM
Agree, with maccas NZ starting their business under level 3, should be busy days for plexure again.

The big picture is that there is growing awareness how Apps can drive business. Macca's just part of the possibilities IMHO.
PLX well positioned and interesting times ahead.

(Disc - 10% of my portfolio and up 80% on my av hold SP.)

28-04-2020, 02:24 PM
Fair enough.
Can anyone share guesses on how their contracts are setup with their customers. For example, is their revenue exposed to less people using the app (active users)? Do they achieve different revenues if more people are using different parts of the app e.g. the delivery function? How likely is it that their customers have a force majeure clause in these overseas markets?

I don't believe Plexure actually makes or owns the apps. Pretty sure they are API based. So the app developer plugs into the API's supplied by Plexure. I only say this because I saw a PR release a few months back celebrating an award for the development of the NZ McDonalds app for the Monopoly Game. There was no mention of Plexure anywhere, but we know that the app was the front-end data collection for Plexure to manage customer profiles etc.

11-05-2020, 11:18 AM
FY results due out in about a week from today on Tue 19th May, interesting to see how they turn out to be...

11-05-2020, 01:54 PM
I am expecting a profit to be in the $1-2 million range. I have been playing around with my DCF model for Plexure and at a 40% growth in revenue which they pre-announced around $24-$25 million.

They said they are largely unaffected by Covid 19. My thoughts are they may actually benefit from this pandemic.

11-05-2020, 02:46 PM
FY results due out in about a week from today on Tue 19th May, interesting to see how they turn out to be...

Crikey.... up 10% so far today on an announcement that there will be an announcement.

11-05-2020, 02:57 PM
Crikey.... up 10% so far today on an announcement that there will be an announcement.

Incredible, isn't it. Hope there's no leaky ship syndrome here :p

11-05-2020, 03:03 PM
Incredible, isn't it. Hope there's no leaky ship syndrome here :p

Maybe we need Balance to down-ramp this!

11-05-2020, 03:07 PM
Maybe we need Balance to down-ramp this!

Balance likeva lot of us is very happy today

The world is a happy place

Onwards and upwards

11-05-2020, 03:47 PM
Damn. I was going to top up my shares at the lower prices. Missed the boat ;)

11-05-2020, 04:53 PM
I feel like people just buy anything with an announcement lately haha

Though I think this stock is a goodie and was pretty undervalued anyway.

11-05-2020, 05:41 PM
Maybe we need Balance to down-ramp this!

No we don’t. If we all keep quiet he may not notice. Just shut the door quietly and leave the room.

11-05-2020, 08:07 PM
the question is shall we hold or offload before result?:confused:

11-05-2020, 08:34 PM
Balance likeva lot of us is very happy today

The world is a happy place

Onwards and upwards

What’s there not to like about today indeed or the last month in the sharemarkets? 😉

11-05-2020, 08:36 PM
the question is shall we hold or offload before result?:confused:

If they make an announcement that there will be an announcement you’d have to think they are quietly proud of what they’re about to announce! Otherwise why bother. Follow the money, or better still anticipate and front run the money. Today probably prices in a decent result, but not a good or great result. A good or great result would see the price run up further, but eyes will be on the profit as they’ve loaded up on headcount to fulfill the orders. Fun times ahead, I reckon this is the sleeper tech play on NZX and has been for some time. Loaded up, ready for the awakening, gltah.

11-05-2020, 08:57 PM
up 17.65% today because they made an announcement that there will be an announcement And ppl think they are quietly proud of what they’re about to announce?

11-05-2020, 09:00 PM
We are only back to where we were two months ago, fire sale is over for now unfortunately.

Let's hope the announcement has lots of clever ways the company is making themselves useful in the present environment - contactless ordering and pickups could be up their alley.

12-05-2020, 07:48 AM
If they make an announcement that there will be an announcement you’d have to think they are quietly proud of what they’re about to announce! Otherwise why bother. Follow the money, or better still anticipate and front run the money. Today probably prices in a decent result, but not a good or great result. A good or great result would see the price run up further, but eyes will be on the profit as they’ve loaded up on headcount to fulfill the orders. Fun times ahead, I reckon this is the sleeper tech play on NZX and has been for some time. Loaded up, ready for the awakening, gltah.

Pretty much how I see it too. Fact that they didn't mention anything negative means they're surely on track or slightly better than guidance provided earlier.

12-05-2020, 08:01 AM
I reckon this is the sleeper tech play on NZX and has been for some time. Loaded up, ready for the awakening, gltah.

Locked down and loaded up while looking forward to being less locked down and more loaded up.

12-05-2020, 08:09 AM
Locked down and loaded up while looking forward to being less locked down and more loaded up.

Tech companies seem to be back in favour, looking at gains on NASDAQ, APT across the ditch (from low of $8 to $40 in less than 2 months :eek2:) and closer home PPH. Who will be next big winners here???

12-05-2020, 08:32 AM
Tech companies seem to be back in favour, looking at gains on NASDAQ, APT across the ditch (from low of $8 to $40 in less than 2 months :eek2:) and closer home PPH. Who will be next big winners here???

Agree......tech companies have a great advantage as they can transcend international boundaries, can grow exponentially, and have proven very resistant to covid.19! Now hopefully it's time for PLX to shine .
(Even my much battered VGL is looking interesting this week after a successful cap raise.)

12-05-2020, 10:15 AM
Up 10% already today .08 are we heading to $1-00 again ?

12-05-2020, 10:19 AM
Up 10% already today .08 are we heading to $1-00 again ?

Now approx. 14% !! must be something good coming, pity about the leaky boat !

12-05-2020, 10:24 AM
Up 10% already today .08 are we heading to $1-00 again ?

Thank positive mate ....heading to all time high

Tech is going to save the world

Maybe PLX is about to announce the release of an awesome tracking app that all the world wants to use to track and eliminate the virus.

That would be cool

12-05-2020, 10:32 AM
Thank positive mate ....heading to all time high

Tech is going to save the world

Maybe PLX is about to announce the release of an awesome tracking app that all the world wants to use to track and eliminate the virus.

That would be cool

Well technically they already track your Mcdonald eating habits, so maybe they can tell if a person has Corona if they start ordering too many hot chocolates!

12-05-2020, 10:38 AM
thank positive mate ....heading to all time high

tech is going to save the world

maybe plx is about to announce the release of an awesome tracking app that all the world wants to use to track and eliminate the virus.

That would be cool

ath $1-20 !

12-05-2020, 10:42 AM
ath $1-20 !

I started buying this up last week, as was expecting a good result, but nothing like this. The FY will have to be pretty juicy to justify current prices.

Good chance we could get to a level post report and sit there for another year, like last time.

12-05-2020, 10:48 AM
Pretty much how I see it too. Fact that they didn't mention anything negative means they're surely on track or slightly better than guidance provided earlier.

With all that cash in the bank... and considering how many businesses are struggling around the world, I'd love to hear about an acquisition to continue the growth story.

12-05-2020, 10:53 AM
I'd like to know how many other people own lots of both PPH and PLX. People's sentiment being bouyed by the good PPH SP increase might help explain this run for PLX.

12-05-2020, 11:12 AM
I'd like to know how many other people own lots of both PPH and PLX. People's sentiment being bouyed by the good PPH SP increase might help explain this run for PLX.

The Bear owns both. Fought the fear and topped up when things crashed in March, PPH @ $2.50 and PLZ @ $0.50 so doing ok at the moment but anything can happen and back down they will go ;)

12-05-2020, 11:29 AM
The Bear owns both. Fought the fear and topped up when things crashed in March, PPH @ $2.50 and PLZ @ $0.50 so doing ok at the moment but anything can happen and back down they will go ;)

Well done Bear! :"Be greedy when others are fearful.." as Mr Buffet would say. I've been enjoying the ride since 0.90 and .23 respectively and free-carrying both. I'm over-weight on PPH but added a few PLX at 0.63 only a few weeks ago, so happy with progress so far.

12-05-2020, 12:50 PM
Looking like a pump and dump.See where we are at with close today