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28-07-2019, 09:39 AM

Good read.

28-07-2019, 11:33 AM

Good read.

Yes nice to see Watson getting a taste of Karma.....however I’m wondering why have you posted this on the PLX thread and what is the relevance to today’s PLX?

07-08-2019, 04:27 PM
PLX sure getting hammered over the last week, whatsup ?

07-08-2019, 04:39 PM
PLX sure getting hammered over the last week, whatsup ?

hyped up tech stock , look at the asx tech ones too getting hammered as everyone runs for the exit. change the competition places for sure

07-08-2019, 06:29 PM
Last update (22/07/2019) - The Company now has over 128 million end users on its platform in over 54

If you look on their website now - Plexure powers mobile engagement in 78 languages to more than 132 million users in 56 countries worldwide.
Looks like they are definitely growing their users in the background?

07-08-2019, 06:41 PM
120 million users last month
128 million users this month
8 millon user growth

Checking past comments, additional 4 million since white castle update

07-08-2019, 08:17 PM
hyped up tech stock , look at the asx tech ones too getting hammered as everyone runs for the exit. change the competition places for sure

You say hyped up, but it’s only just caught up to the facts about the present and the potential for the future. Are you looking for a re-entry after selling 1.20?

Traders like yourself are adept at timely posts that sow seeds of confidence or concern, like for example your posts on ‘get your income while you can’ but now it’s ‘get out while you can’, so nice ride up the gentaillers but you’re out of them already and fossicking around PLX looking for a low buy?

07-08-2019, 10:33 PM
A frothy tech stock isn't really a safe haven. And when everyone's favourite racist uncle is starting trade wars and threatening economic chaos yet again, frothy stocks are surely going to be hit the hardest. It'll all come right when he makes the "greatest, most beautiful deal ever" or some other meaningless statement and the music keeps playing.

08-08-2019, 04:15 AM
You say hyped up, but it’s only just caught up to the facts about the present and the potential for the future. Are you looking for a re-entry after selling 1.20?

Traders like yourself are adept at timely posts that sow seeds of confidence or concern, like for example your posts on ‘get your income while you can’ but now it’s ‘get out while you can’, so nice ride up the gentaillers but you’re out of them already and fossicking around PLX looking for a low buy?

maybe my choice of words was wrong instead of overhyped maybe i should have said it had been showing a bit to much exuberance of late. anyway to explain it more i answered whatsup question tech stocks are being sold off for reasons mickey crikey has mentioned.

In NZ In the last mth

PLX - 17%
PPH - -7%
VGL - 7%
IKE - 5%

plx up the most this yr so of course its going to fall the most when sentiment changes , is it short term sentiment who knows.

In aus in the last 10 days

APX -17%
WTC -15%

when defensive is the trade tech will suffer full stop.

In answer to your other questions. (get your income why you can ) was very wise in hindsight and i still own gentailers and i might only sell when rates start going up esp if rates are going to zero.
and your second part if you re - read the comment get out why you can was in reference to the poor liquidity on the nzx and i said when the nzx falls one day it would be hard to get out.

As an aside im surprised a person like yourself who looks at charts did not notice the over brought situation of plx at 1.10 - 1.20 and the exerburance of the asx tech stocks at the same time clear warnings signs of top coming so knowing this you would understand this correction was due at some stage , prices dont go up in a straight line. I would think long term investors understand corrections happen and is part of the journey.

08-08-2019, 12:13 PM
120 million users last month
128 million users this month
8 million user growth

I wonder how valuable this user data is compared to the likes of Facebook and Google??!! As this variable increases.... if PLX can work out how to monetise this to a broader advertiser segment.... revenue's could grow very quickly.

It'd be interesting to know what cross over user data is shared between PLX advertisers.

15-08-2019, 11:45 AM
I wonder how valuable this user data is compared to the likes of Facebook and Google??!! As this variable increases.... if PLX can work out how to monetise this to a broader advertiser segment.... revenue's could grow very quickly.

It'd be interesting to know what cross over user data is shared between PLX advertisers.

The companies commissioning Plexure's work 'owns' the customers - not Plexure.

Looks like the backdoor boys are dumping the rest of their shares?

Great opportunity :p for the believers to load up! :t_up:

15-08-2019, 12:09 PM
The companies commissioning Plexure's work 'owns' the customers - not Plexure.

Looks like the backdoor boys are dumping the rest of their shares?

Great opportunity :p for the believers to load up! :t_up:

Bal, hardly a dumping only one trade of 1 milliom shares , two months ago, get on board yourself before a upbeat AGM .

15-08-2019, 12:46 PM
Bal, hardly a dumping only one trade of 1 milliom shares , two months ago, get on board yourself before a upbeat AGM .

AGM & pronouncements from this company have always been upbeat - and the backdoor promoters & directors have always sold down and out on the back of pronouncements - what's new?

I do have my BUY order in - at 23c which is where is is headed towards. Most likely I will have to pull it though - not a big fan of parting with my hard earned money to fund the luxurious lifestyles of the backdoor boys & girls which some here seem to love doing?

15-08-2019, 01:01 PM
AGM & pronouncements from this company have always been upbeat - and the backdoor promoters & directors have always sold down and out on the back of pronouncements - what's new?

I do have my BUY order in - at 23c which is where is is headed towards. Most likely I will have to pull it though - not a big fan of parting with my hard earned money to fund the luxurious lifestyles of the backdoor boys & girls which some here seem to love doing?

Balance-A suggestion--May be you should amend your buy order price to 10 Cents...(that was the lowest point in 5 years).In that way you can save your hard earned money more...LOL

15-08-2019, 01:10 PM
AGM & pronouncements from this company have always been upbeat - and the backdoor promoters & directors have always sold down and out on the back of pronouncements - what's new?

They definitely weren't upbeat around 2017 when the company was trying desperately to avoid running out of money and income was flat. They were very upbeat before that under previous management, and more recently when the exceptional results have justified upbeat reports.

15-08-2019, 01:13 PM
Looks like the backdoor boys are dumping the rest of their shares?

Looks can be deceiving.

Name any promoter who still has stock and "have always sold down and out on the back of pronouncements."

Name any current Director who "have always sold down and out on the back of pronouncements".

Waiting. :D

15-08-2019, 01:30 PM
Looks can be deceiving.

Name any promoter who still has stock and "have always sold down and out on the back of pronouncements."

Name any current Director who "have always sold down and out on the back of pronouncements".

Waiting. :D

Answer is soooooo obvious.

Newbies take note of how the backdoor play the game - Plus SMS. :t_down:

As I wrote, they love to suck others (but especially newbies) into funding their luxurious lifestyles.

ENJOY! :t_down:

15-08-2019, 01:36 PM
Like you Baa Baa.... still waiting for Balance to deliver facts not rants.

15-08-2019, 01:46 PM
Like you Baa Baa.... still waiting for Balance to deliver facts not rants.

Newbies take note - postings so similar to what I saw in Plus Sms, Snakk, Pike River, NZOG etc etc .

15-08-2019, 01:56 PM
Like you Baa Baa.... still waiting for Balance to deliver facts not rants.
you will have a long wait,I just put him on my ignore list,things don't seem to be out of balance anymore

15-08-2019, 02:11 PM
Newbies take note - postings so similar to what I saw in Plus Sms, Snakk, Pike River, NZOG etc etc .

Bal, sometimes you talk so much B S, to lump Pike R with Plus SMS and Snakk, Pike was split off from NZOG which was floated mid 1980's.

15-08-2019, 02:15 PM
Like you Baa Baa.... still waiting for Balance to deliver facts not rants.
He didn't answer my question either. From ATM thread, when prices was running to ATM, he kept saying "Shorters are burning". See what happens now and he is sooooo quiet on the discussion. I gave him a bit of credibility until I found he doesn't answer a single post that he doesn't have any fact at all. You know what you need to give to such a person, ignorance.

15-08-2019, 02:22 PM
Newbies take note - postings so similar to what I saw in Plus Sms, Snakk, Pike River, NZOG etc etc .

All of which I have NEVER held.....and doubt I have ever posted on ???

So once again, please show us the evidence of your claims.

15-08-2019, 02:38 PM
He didn't answer my question either. From ATM thread, when prices was running to ATM, he kept saying "Shorters are burning". See what happens now and he is sooooo quiet on the discussion. I gave him a bit of credibility until I found he doesn't answer a single post that he doesn't have any fact at all. You know what you need to give to such a person, ignorance.

First and foremost, shorters (if you bother to look at ASX shorts - https://www.shortman.com.au/stock?q=a2m) have been burning and are still burning - but obviously not as badly as they were when ATM sp was heading higher. Well worthwhile reading and understanding these things.

Secondly, there are enough posters in this forum who know that you have to use sources of information outside of NZX announcements & pronouncements & company propaganda (oops - PR spin).

Up to you to believe or not to believe - not my job to convince you.

But backdoors are backdoors - they do not change spots.

15-08-2019, 02:40 PM
Bal, sometimes you talk so much B S, to lump Pike R with Plus SMS and Snakk, Pike was split off from NZOG which was floated mid 1980's.

I am referring to the chronic emotions thrown by the 'wedded to the stock posters' at yours truly here for daring to state the obvious!

Why do I get the feeling that some posters feel that postings on some stocks are reserved for cheerleaders, backdoor promoters and manipulators?

15-08-2019, 02:57 PM
First and foremost, shorters (if you bother to look at ASX shorts - https://www.shortman.com.au/stock?q=a2m) have been burning and are still burning - but obviously not as badly as they were when ATM sp was heading higher. Well worthwhile reading and understanding these things.

Secondly, there are enough posters in this forum who know that you have to use sources of information outside of NZX announcements & pronouncements & company propaganda (oops - PR spin).

Up to you to believe or not to believe - not my job to convince you.

But backdoors are backdoors - they do not change spots.
You brought facts to the shorter one, so now bring the facts to the questions you have not answered?

"There are a lot of information available out there, you go find yourself and it is not my job to bring it and prove it to you.". I have heard this a lot of times out on the internet people spreading news about they are not sure about but only guessing. Also a very popular strategy used by communists.

If it is not your job to convince me, then why do you even start it in the first place? So where are the answers to the questions have not been answered so far?

15-08-2019, 02:58 PM
You brought facts to the shorter one, so now bring the facts to the questions you have not answered?

"There are a lot of information available out there, you go find yourself and it is not my job to bring it and prove it to you.". I have heard this a lot of times out on the internet people spreading news about they are not sure about but only guessing. Also a very popular strategy used by communists.

If it is not your job to convince me, then why do you even start it in the first place? So where are the answers to the questions have not been answered so far?

Because newbies are easily sucked in and need balance.


15-08-2019, 03:03 PM
I am referring to the chronic emotions thrown by the 'wedded to the stock posters' at yours truly here for daring to state the obvious!

Why do I get the feeling that some posters feel that postings on some stocks are reserved for cheerleaders, backdoor promoters and manipulators?

Because when people ask you to be specific, you won't - and they frequently say so. You interpret that as your posts not being welcome. As far as I am concerned, they are - but I often find your inability to back up your rants with some facts very frustrating.

15-08-2019, 03:09 PM
Because when people ask you to be specific, you won't - and they frequently say so. You interpret that as your posts not being welcome. As far as I am concerned, they are - but I often find your inability to back up your rants with some facts very frustrating.
I think he is just lonely and wants some attentions.

15-08-2019, 03:23 PM
Here's the playbook if you want to look through the eyes of a recidivist detractor:

1. You must absolutely loathe any reverse listing, simply because it reverse listed (back door). You don't need any more reason than that. It enables you to conjoin the current occupant of the listing with all the prior failed occupants of the listing, even though mostly no current occupant has anything to do with any of the prior occupants and are usually not even remotely similar businesses. For sport you must also compare all other reverse listed company's with the current company, especially those that have have failed, so it stands to reason the current company will fail as well, simply because it was a reverse listing.

But wait, there's more:

2. You must pathologically hate the promoters even more than reverse listings. While on face value the promoters take a big risk, in reality they get their truckload of shares at fractions of pennies and upon listing are on-paper worth 100's fold more. They reduce the risk of their seed investment and make a lot of money by selling into any price rise. That's worth hating on now isn't it? Even if prices drop to small fractions they can still sell down into any buying activity and still make a lot of money. You could go to town hating on that, despite the company wouldn't exist or list if the promoters hadn't taken the initial risk.

There is still more if you want to be a true master troll:

3. Not only must you hate promoters, you must utterly despise two promoters in particular that are behind quite a few reverse listings. You must be fearless and use your anonymous platform to name and shame them, preferably until they threaten the website and you with legal defamation. Only then will you feel fulfilled, though not sufficiently to stop disparagingly referring to promoters per se, you'll just stop naming them.

It helps if you can also:

4. Completely ignore any facts or evidence that contradicts your views, like for example the company actually signing up global customers, growing revenue, achieving profit, being bought into by their largest customer. You must ignore all that or anything else remotely positive, or better still allude to all off it as a certain pathway to doom (by conjoining 1. and 2. above).

5. Fabricate untruths or even lies that support your views, it doesn't matter because most people don't actually know the truth, like for example whether there are even still promoters involved selling down their ill-gotten stock, or better still that the Directors are always selling their stock into any buying activity (ill gotten stock preferably by performance shares for not actually performing).

6. Justify your actions by insisting it's all for the newbies and back that by saying how many thankful emails you got from them.

Finally it is essential that you have:

7. Oodles of time to troll and taunt every comment anyone ever makes on the threads of the stocks that you loathe and despise (for the reasons 1. and 2. above).

Still waiting :D

16-08-2019, 10:22 AM
Please keep falling I want to top up.

16-08-2019, 10:52 AM
Because when people ask you to be specific, you won't - and they frequently say so. You interpret that as your posts not being welcome. As far as I am concerned, they are - but I often find your inability to back up your rants with some facts very frustrating.

Some basic facts for the newbies :

1. Once a shareholder drops below 5%, there is no further requirement for the shareholder to disclose any further movements in the shareholding - unless the shareholder is also a director or senior executive of the company.

2. It is possible however to get a fortnightly updated list of the top 100 shareholders of any public listed NZX company but you must have a friendly broker whose firm has subscribed to the service. I do and along with other information I can from various brokers, there is an absolute understanding that I will not publish/post that information. From time to time, I share some pertinent infor as some of the posters in this forum here well know.

3. Some shareholders hide their shareholdings with nominee companies, trusts & custodian services. Again, it is possible to have a look at the actual holders of shares in the nominess/trusts/custodians. A more involved process.

2 is easy to get. 3 is not worth the hassle unless it is really important - eg. in takeover situations.

16-08-2019, 10:56 AM
Good please go down further I need to buy in again. 97c

Please keep falling I want to top up. 79c

Thought you would be well back in already. :D

16-08-2019, 10:59 AM
Still waiting :D

Read #2782 and you can keep waiting.

Enjoy :



16-08-2019, 11:36 AM


Thought you would be well back in already. :D

I am have a large chunk. Need to maintain ratios... cant have too much in the fun category.

16-08-2019, 11:37 AM
fyi: $0.75 > anyone want to sell? Put it up.

11 jobs up on board, loyalty scheme launch, new customers, more than happy to take the risk. Would like info on Macca's US operations i.e. who is running the equivalent of Plexure Japan for Maccas?

Macca's has gone from $100 in 2015 to $218 in 2019 18% CAGR.. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/14/mcdonalds-the-hottest-dow-stock-this-month-may-be-set-to-tumble.html still think theres life in there still.

17-08-2019, 01:09 PM
Please keep falling I want to top up.

I agree, put my toes in on some good wins, now looking at a good time to buy a bigger share.

Not sure what Balance's problem is. It's totally possible for different outcomes for companies given the same starting position. Businesses rarely continue to be what they started out as and most go through a bunch of revolutions before getting a winning formula. Most important at this stage is runs on the board and having the right people in charge (the two are often linked). With relatively recent changes and relatively recent wins, they may have just got the combination right.

Also not sure about the insistence that customers using their app aren't their customers. It is true, in the strictest sense of the word, however I would suggest people think a bit deeper. Their app downloads are their customer base, as that's how these businesses work. As numbers of customers downloading and using the customer loyalty/discount app rise, so do Plexures value as their revenue is a function of the downloaded app count. Absolutely the inputs to the function may change over time (less or more value per customer depending on agreements with their clients).

Another way to look at this - if they had 10 traditional customers (McDonalds etc) and each of them only had 10 of their customers download Plexures app, do you think Plexure would have millions in revenues? Not a chance. However if each customer had 100m people download their app, would this result in Plexure having millions in revenue? You bet it would...

When I go to the bank, I am not going as a Microsoft customer. But you bet your bottom dollar Microsoft's value extracted from each bank as a software supplier is a function of the number of customers that bank has, depending on its reach within the bank and various other factors.

Also remember data is the new oil. The goldmine of data that is given to Plexure with over 100m customers is huge. The value of this data grows exponentially each time they sign a new client and get more customers downloading their app as it allows greater understanding of their customers and more oppourtunity.

But it is a risky stock, as are most "start ups" (this one has been going for a while so not sure it is a start up?), particularly in growth phase. Only invest what you know you can lose!

22-08-2019, 07:31 PM
So quiet here, you be mistaken for thinking PLX hasn’t just proposed a doubling of directors fees to $500k and a shareholder dilution of 5%, up to their max limit 12% staff options.

And no online feed of the AGM?

23-08-2019, 08:06 AM
So quiet here, you be mistaken for thinking PLX hasn’t just proposed a doubling of directors fees to $500k and a shareholder dilution of 5%, up to their max limit 12% staff options.

And no online feed of the AGM?

Not quiet on the share trading front - moving 'em up on light volume, sucking the punters in (next Xero, see?) and selling 'em down in big volumes.

Who is kidding who?

23-08-2019, 08:16 AM
Disappointed I did not get sucked in at 19 cents.Was trying to buy at 18.
Opportunity missed.

23-08-2019, 08:18 AM
Disappointed I did not get sucked in at 19 cents.Was trying to buy at 18.
Opportunity missed.

You had the opportunity to buy at $1.20 - why did you not take it last month to ride this thing to $60 (like Xero)? :D

Then, there’s PEB (which used to trade up to $1,70) languishing at 23c which must be an outstanding opportunity - given its potential market of billions of dollars (just like Plexure). Go for it, man!

Don’t look back in regret when PEB becomes a $60 stock.

23-08-2019, 08:22 AM
Would have loved to have been sucked in big time at 19 cents.
Selling at $1.20 would have completed a great trade.
Opportunities every day,just seeing them is sometimes difficult.
Good luck to those who saw,and took advantage of PLX's opportunity.

23-08-2019, 08:26 AM
Would have loved to have been sucked in big time at 19 cents.
Selling at $1.20 would have completed a great trade.
Opportunities every day,just seeing them is sometimes difficult.
Good luck to those who saw,and took advantage of PLX's opportunity.

Don’t miss out on PEB and SeaDragon!

SeaDragon now moves in 100% increments! A savvy investor like you with a keen eye for opportunities must have already made mega bucks from it - from the same backdoor boys who brought Plexure to the market.

23-08-2019, 09:22 AM
Don’t miss out on PEB and SeaDragon!

SeaDragon now moves in 100% increments! A savvy investor like you with a keen eye for opportunities must have already made mega bucks from it - from the same backdoor boys who brought Plexure to the market.

I will leave PEB and SEA to you.
You have followed them,while I have not.

23-08-2019, 10:08 AM
I will leave PEB and SEA to you.
You have followed them,while I have not.

Percy, Bal's two favourite shares, one of which he has loads of (SEA ) and the other PEB ( he/she wishes he/she owns ) fog at its best imo.

23-08-2019, 10:41 AM
Percy, Bal's two favourite shares, one of which he has loads of (SEA ) and the other PEB ( he/she wishes he/she owns ) fog at its best imo.

Dare we also mention MPG!!??:scared:

23-08-2019, 11:12 AM
Don’t miss out on PEB and SeaDragon!

SeaDragon now moves in 100% increments! A savvy investor like you with a keen eye for opportunities must have already made mega bucks from it - from the same backdoor boys who brought Plexure to the market.

I had no idea you were a financial advisor. But on checking your picks for 2019 and seeing how you so consistently sit at 199th out of 199 entries I should have known. CVT wont be helping today again either.

23-08-2019, 11:35 AM
I had no idea you were a financial advisor. But on checking your picks for 2019 and seeing how you so consistently sit at 199th out of 199 entries I should have known. CVT wont be helping today again either.

Thanks for the compliment!

23-08-2019, 01:05 PM
I had no idea you were a financial advisor. But on checking your picks for 2019 and seeing how you so consistently sit at 199th out of 199 entries I should have known. CVT wont be helping today again either.

I think that is Balance’s aim is to be at the bottom. Probably requires as much skill as being at the top. Personally I hope he has made a mistake by Picking NTL.

07-09-2019, 01:55 PM
Bal, Very informative article in the N Z Herald today, should allay your fears if they roll out and hit their numbers as hoped for.

08-09-2019, 08:19 AM
Bal, Very informative article in the N Z Herald today, should allay your fears if they roll out and hit their numbers as hoped for.


Adding on staff by the hundreds to service MacDonalds (80% of PLX's revenues) :ohmy: - rather similar to the story of Provenco when it won the Petronas contract (75% of PVO's revenues) and we know what happened to Provenco.

NZ Herald article should activate some waiting on the sidelines however to put in a few hard-earned dollars into the next 'Xero'.

Heck, those who have made or missed out on making millions of dollars on Xero would be crazy not to jump in, right?

BTW, that was how Snakk managed to get tens of millions of dollars of punters' money (next Xero, see?) - not for itself but for the backdoor boys.

And the backdoor boys will be waiting to help out with the tens of millions of Vmob stock which they paid 5c for.

After they have helped the sp up first first thing tomorrow morning, of course? Push it up to $1.00, suck the punters in and then, feed the quaking ducks? :t_up:

08-09-2019, 12:45 PM

Adding on staff by the hundreds to service MacDonalds (80% of PLX's revenues) :ohmy: - rather similar to the story of Provenco when it won the Petronas contract (75% of PVO's revenues) and we know what happened to Provenco.

NZ Herald article should activate some waiting on the sidelines however to put in a few hard-earned dollars into the next 'Xero'.

Heck, those who have made or missed out on making millions of dollars on Xero would be crazy not to jump in, right?

BTW, that was how Snakk managed to get tens of millions of dollars of punters' money (next Xero, see?) - not for itself but for the backdoor boys.

And the backdoor boys will be waiting to help out with the tens of millions of Vmob stock which they paid 5c for.

After they have helped the sp up first first thing tomorrow morning, of course? Push it up to $1.00, suck the punters in and then, feed the quaking ducks? :t_up:

IMHO as we all know Petronis was a slush fund for the polies in Sth America, McDonalds is a different kettly of fish so to speak, please keep an open mind with this one its totally a different company now,

ps have you read the Sat business article ?

08-09-2019, 04:37 PM
IMHO as we all know Petronis was a slush fund for the polies in Sth America, McDonalds is a different kettly of fish so to speak, please keep an open mind with this one its totally a different company now,

ps have you read the Sat business article ?

I read the article.

We shall discuss the similarities between PLX and PVO another time but there are many.

Let's see how my prediction of what the backdoor boys do tomorrow first, shall we?

08-09-2019, 05:06 PM
I read the article.

We shall discuss the similarities between PLX and PVO another time but there are many.

Let's see how my prediction of what the backdoor boys do tomorrow first, shall we?

What about the CEO Herbison Balance. He seemed to me to do the right thing when he took over.
He concentrated on getting the company cash flow positive by laying off a lot of staff. It could be said of course that he had no choice by that stage since investors me included would not be giving them any more money.

How do you rate Herbison?

09-09-2019, 09:10 AM
I read the article.

We shall discuss the similarities between PLX and PVO another time but there are many.

Let's see how my prediction of what the backdoor boys do tomorrow first, shall we?

I do not think that this article will move the S P today, imo PLX is now a result driven
company that it has its building blocks in place and will respond accordingly, up or down !!

09-09-2019, 09:37 AM
I do not think that this article will move the S P today, imo PLX is now a result driven
company that it has its building blocks in place and will respond accordingly, up or down !!

Macca's making a play with the Monopoly launch which is run through the PLX system. Always been successful for them. I see they are asking for you to download the app to be eligible. I think they are making the app a requirement can someone confirm?

09-09-2019, 10:07 AM
Macca's making a play with the Monopoly launch which is run through the PLX system. Always been successful for them. I see they are asking for you to download the app to be eligible. I think they are making the app a requirement can someone confirm?

yes the app is essential. Very smart marketing

10-09-2019, 09:30 AM
I do not think that this article will move the S P today, imo PLX is now a result driven
company that it has its building blocks in place and will respond accordingly, up or down !!

Considering the article is hidden by a paywall, 98% of the country can't even read it.

All eyes will be on 6 month results announced sometime in November.

10-09-2019, 09:37 AM
Considering the article is hidden by a paywall, 98% of the country can't even read it.

All eyes will be on 6 month results announced sometime in November.

The article was in the Saturday morning Herald which is quite well read.

The SGM on the 26th September is an important date.

10-09-2019, 09:52 AM
Considering the article is hidden by a paywall, 98% of the country can't even read it.

All eyes will be on 6 month results announced sometime in November.

just as well the 2% are the movers and shakers eh

23-09-2019, 05:00 PM
The article was in the Saturday morning Herald which is quite well read.

The SGM on the 26th September is an important date.

Yes, ASM this Thursday. Don't think they're doing a webcast though, bit of a bugger.

Tht it'll be easy enough for tech company like them to sort one out.

24-09-2019, 12:02 PM
Notice that JML Capital (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/PLX/341498/308312.pdf) have recently acquired an additional 2 Mill PLX shares (approx) at an av price of 80c taking their stake to 5.85%

JML appears to be a vehicle for Lib Petagna a senior manager at Morrison & Co.

24-09-2019, 12:10 PM
Notice that JML Capital (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/PLX/341498/308312.pdf) have recently acquired an additional 2 Mill PLX shares (approx) at an av price of 80c taking their stake to 5.85%

JML appears to be a vehicle for Lib Petagna a senior manager at Morrison & Co.

Think they've actually reduced their holding, now below 5% threshold. And they're probably ones that been feeding the sell side over past few months.

24-09-2019, 12:39 PM
Think they've actually reduced their holding, now below 5% threshold. And they're probably ones that been feeding the sell side over past few months.

Thanks sb9 and Baa Baa my error. Appreciate the clarification.

26-09-2019, 11:16 AM
Thanks sb9 and Baa Baa my error. Appreciate the clarification.

Here we go.... increased revenue guidance : https://www.nzx.com/announcements/341676

26-09-2019, 01:15 PM
market doesn't like the news?

26-09-2019, 01:34 PM
market doesn't like the news?

‘Good’ news to help JML Capital sell more shares.

26-09-2019, 01:36 PM
market doesn't like the news?

Prob want to see actual 1H numbers and if there is a profit. At least the company is growing. And acquisitions could help fuel this.

I think the SP is positioned for some big jumps in the coming 8 months.

26-09-2019, 01:36 PM
market doesn't like the news?

‘Good’ news to help JML Capital sell more shares.

26-09-2019, 01:44 PM
‘Good’ news to help JML Capital sell more shares.
Hey bal, how are you? Just a question, so were the ATM’s shorters burning in fact?

26-09-2019, 01:54 PM
Hey bal, how are you? Just a question, so were the ATM’s shorters burning in fact?

You obviously have not been reading the ATM thread and my comments.

Gotto read the tea leaves, pg.

26-09-2019, 02:12 PM
You obviously have not been reading the ATM thread and my comments.

Gotto read the tea leaves, pg.
I hold ATM too and have been reading all comments there. So I was asking if you knew what was really happening with it like you were so sure.

26-09-2019, 02:21 PM
Here we go.... increased revenue guidance : https://www.nzx.com/announcements/341676

Market might not like it that while the revenue$ itself is forecast to grow, the growth rate of revenue drops from FY19 44% to a range between 24.3% lower end $21m and 36.1% upper end $23m.

So the lower end guidance growth rate could be almost ~1/2 or upper end ~2/3 the growth rate last FY.

26-09-2019, 02:47 PM
Market might not like it that while the revenue$ itself is forecast to grow, the growth rate of revenue drops from FY19 44% to a range between 24.3% lower end $21m and 36.1% upper end $23m.

So the lower end guidance growth rate could be almost ~1/2 or upper end ~2/3 the growth rate last FY.

In terms of dollar amounts, I think it is in line with the previous guidance and there wasn't a surprise with the latest revenue guidance. I see that there is a new customer Loyalty NZ added on top of White Castle and hopefully this will be able to help them reach the upper end of the revenue guidance, or even higher. It doesn't look like they were announcing every each little customer acquired like some people were saying here.

JML Capital was a holder of convertible notes. It is a bit of pain but inevitable that they kept selling the shares on the market...

26-09-2019, 03:03 PM
In terms of dollar amounts, I think it is in line with the previous guidance and there wasn't a surprise with the latest revenue guidance. I see that there is a new customer Loyalty NZ added on top of White Castle and hopefully this will be able to help them reach the upper end of the revenue guidance, or even higher. It doesn't look like they were announcing every each little customer acquired like some people were saying here.

JML Capital was a holder of convertible notes. It is a bit of pain but inevitable that they kept selling the shares on the market...

I don't think they've ever given revenue guidance until now, unless my memory is fading. Loyalty NZ (Fly Buys) has been a customer since very early days, insignificant revenue. White Castle is promising but small compared to McD's. Haven't heard anything about IKEA lately, or 7-Eleven. Anheuser-Busch gone AWOL. Will never know the revenue breakdown of specific customers.

Only things I took from the report that - positive - "we look forward to securing new customers in a variety of categories in FY20". - negative- "will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact our expansion plans and platform investment will have on our financial results cannot be accurately assessed".

Market hates uncertainty and any form of downgrade, including reducing revenue growth%

26-09-2019, 11:06 PM
Amy comment about the USA rollout? I.e. Macca’s intentions. I didn’t see any from a brief read.

27-09-2019, 08:55 AM
‘Good’ news to help JML Capital sell more shares.

Bal, You could if you had wanted to in order to put your engative ideas about PLX to rest attended the AGM as a guest. Ask any questions that you obviously have about of the company and its business plan guage for yourself just where they are heading with this most cutting edge and exciting business plan.

If you still have you apparent negative thoughts after that then Id say there is no helping you, professional jealousy is a dreadful disease /sickness that you obviously harbour, why didn't you buy PLX when you identified it as a change around story or did you own it in a previous life ?

27-09-2019, 11:38 AM
If you still have you apparent negative thoughts after that then Id say there is no helping you, professional jealousy is a dreadful disease /sickness that you obviously harbour, why didn't you buy PLX when you identified it as a change around story or did you own it in a previous life ?

Better caution you that I have been accused of the same thing when I wrote about PEB, Pike River Coal and Plus SMS.

In fact, several posters even went as far as to accuse me of being an agent for another company in the case of PEB - talking down the price to facilitate a takeover!

We all know what happened to all these 3 companies, right?

27-09-2019, 11:40 AM
I don't think they've ever given revenue guidance until now, unless my memory is fading. Loyalty NZ (Fly Buys) has been a customer since very early days, insignificant revenue. White Castle is promising but small compared to McD's. Haven't heard anything about IKEA lately, or 7-Eleven. Anheuser-Busch gone AWOL. Will never know the revenue breakdown of specific customers.

Only things I took from the report that - positive - "we look forward to securing new customers in a variety of categories in FY20". - negative- "will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact our expansion plans and platform investment will have on our financial results cannot be accurately assessed".

Market hates uncertainty and any form of downgrade, including reducing revenue growth%

In other words, it is going to cost us a lot to service Macca as we are going to have to employ 60 more staff etc etc.

Macca will suck PLX dry if the company is not careful - saw it with Provenco & Wynyard.

27-09-2019, 11:48 AM
In other words, it is going to cost us a lot to service Macca as we are going to have to employ 60 more staff etc etc.

Macca will suck PLX dry if the company is not careful - saw it with Provenco & Wynyard.

Have taken that on board.

27-09-2019, 12:14 PM
Have taken that on board.

Glad you have.

Always a worry when a company boasts of revenue growth but has no idea seemingly as to how much that growth is going to cost.


27-09-2019, 12:23 PM
In other words, it is going to cost us a lot to service Macca as we are going to have to employ 60 more staff etc etc.

Macca will suck PLX dry if the company is not careful - saw it with Provenco & Wynyard.
What do you mean by "we"? I thought you have never been a holder?

27-09-2019, 12:43 PM
Only things I took from the report that - positive - "we look forward to securing new customers in a variety of categories in FY20". - negative- "will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact our expansion plans and platform investment will have on our financial results cannot be accurately assessed".

Market hates uncertainty and any form of downgrade, including reducing revenue growth%

What do you mean by "we"? I thought you have never been a holder?

‘We’ as in Baa Baa’s post above.

Please read ATM thread Re your question on shorts.

27-09-2019, 03:45 PM
In other words, it is going to cost us a lot to service Macca as we are going to have to employ 60 more staff etc etc.

Macca will suck PLX dry if the company is not careful - saw it with Provenco & Wynyard.

That's why I think you'll see some of these businesses merge or acquired.

PLX states they have 150 million users from memory - but after researching their competitors.... some of those have 2 billion users.

I think if PLX are focusing on strengthening their US based business, the proposition of acquiring or being acquired by one of their European competitors would work in their favour to help reduce international servicing costs.

At the end of the day, all these businesses have the same cost structure issue to contend with. What is clear is that this vertical is massive.

27-09-2019, 04:03 PM
I am a shareholder and at the moment quite substantially in the black since my average buy in price is 28c. I take the view that Plexure has a good future.

However I do appreciate Balance’s posts to remind us of an alternative viewpoint

Thanks Balance

27-09-2019, 07:30 PM
Yep it doesnt hurt to have a little balance in your life. It helps keep an impulsive Bear grounded :)

30-09-2019, 04:13 PM
I am a shareholder and at the moment quite substantially in the black since my average buy in price is 28c. I take the view that Plexure has a good future.

However I do appreciate Balance’s posts to remind us of an alternative viewpoint

Thanks Balance

Pleasure, Brain and glad you appreciate some balance.

I sincerely believe Plexure should take a leaf out of Serko and Xero - talk the story up by all means but be totally open with how the company is going to scale up in terms of revenues, costs and the resulting impact on building up long term sustainable profitability.

This business of not being able to forecast EBITDA - Plexure is either very naive or incompetent as the informed market can be incredibly patient and tolerate short term pain for substantial long term gain.

I hope for shareholders’ sake that it is naivety.

30-09-2019, 04:45 PM
Pleasure, Brain and glad you appreciate some balance.

I sincerely believe Plexure should take a leaf out of Serko and Xero - talk the story up by all means but be totally open with how the company is going to scale up in terms of revenues, costs and the resulting impact on building up long term sustainable profitability.

This business of not being able to forecast EBITDA - Plexure is either very naive or incompetent as the informed market can be incredibly patient and tolerate short term pain for substantial long term gain.

I hope for shareholders’ sake that it is naivety.

Agree with you and hope your assumption is right re EBITDA.

Reduced my exposure last week after ASM by a third to lock in some profits and also to keep some powder dry for any future opportunities.

10-10-2019, 01:07 PM
Hmm anyone else thinking of topping up? :confused:

10-10-2019, 01:13 PM
Hmm anyone else thinking of topping up? :confused:

Have considered it but I already own too many of these things and don't like buying in if I can't see a new reason for the latest weakness. Maybe there is a reason but I haven't seen one. Although PLX does move around quite a bit on pretty low volume.

10-10-2019, 03:31 PM
The Plexure Cheerleading crowd has gone deadly quiet? No more Poms Poms and Rah Rah Rah?

Strange as I would have thought that as they loved the stock so much at $1.00 and above, they would be in ecstasy buying more at 71c?

Anyway, hope everyone learnt a lesson from the postings in recent months on this stock - be them good or bad.

Note the trades today - sell down to 71c on decent volumes, and ramped back up to 77c on 2260 shares (2000 at 76c from 71c, and 260 shares at 77c). What does that tell you? Learn something, I hope.

10-10-2019, 04:47 PM
The Plexure Cheerleading crowd has gone deadly quiet? No more Poms Poms and Rah Rah Rah?

Strange as I would have thought that as they loved the stock so much at $1.00 and above, they would be in ecstasy buying more at 71c?

Anyway, hope everyone learnt a lesson from the postings in recent months on this stock - be them good or bad.

Note the trades today - sell down to 71c on decent volumes, and ramped back up to 77c on 2260 shares (2000 at 76c from 71c, and 260 shares at 77c). What does that tell you? Learn something, I hope.

Bal , Envy an jealousy is the worst form of hatred, get on board before the next financial update.

10-10-2019, 04:54 PM
Bal , Envy an jealousy is the worst form of hatred, get on board before the next financial update.

Envy & jealous indeed - like I was missing out on Plus SMS & Snakk & SeaDragon?

Heed the history of the backdoor listings, Whatsup.

10-10-2019, 05:43 PM
Envy & jealous indeed - like I was missing out on Plus SMS & Snakk & SeaDragon?

Heed the history of the backdoor listings, Whatsup.

Backdoor listing , yeh you only have to get one of them right in a life time and you are set up for ever, have a look at ABA, a 1,000,000 +% return, back door at its best imho.

10-10-2019, 05:54 PM
Backdoor listing , yeh you only have to get one of them right in a life time and you are set up for ever, have a look at ABA, a 1,000,000 +% return, back door at its best imho.

Oh wow! Certainly worthy of being in the backdoor crowd, you are!

ABA is trading at $4.64 so even if you invested in Eldercare way back in 2000 when it was 13c, you made 3569% - not bad but a far far cry from the 1m+% return.

Try Diligent at 6100% if you pick the bottom at 12c.

Stick with the facts rather than with the rah rah rah Plus SMS (oh, Plexure) cheerleading hype, please. :D

10-10-2019, 06:00 PM
The Plexure Cheerleading crowd has gone deadly quiet? No more Poms Poms and Rah Rah Rah?

Strange as I would have thought that as they loved the stock so much at $1.00 and above, they would be in ecstasy buying more at 71c?

Anyway, hope everyone learnt a lesson from the postings in recent months on this stock - be them good or bad.

Note the trades today - sell down to 71c on decent volumes, and ramped back up to 77c on 2260 shares (2000 at 76c from 71c, and 260 shares at 77c). What does that tell you? Learn something, I hope.

Umm that The Big Boys are playing with The Bear to entice The Bear to buy thinking the bottom has been reached when it hasnt and down she goes again tomorrow :eek2:

10-10-2019, 06:02 PM
I think it was good buying today @ $0.72 :D but dont tell Balance :p

10-10-2019, 06:13 PM
I think it was good buying today @ $0.72 :D but dont tell Balance :p

Good on you, Bear.

Better than buying at $1.20, right?

10-10-2019, 06:39 PM
Good on you, Bear.

Better than buying at $1.20, right?

Yep better than buying at $1.20 for sure....but better than not buying @ $0.72? Hmm well time will tell but I am really trying to learn and to kerb my impulsive side and find a better balance so I wont blindly hold onto what I have like I have in the passed. If it gets down near my buy in price I will bail asap. One Wynyard in a Bears lifetime is more than enough :sleep:

10-10-2019, 07:31 PM
Yep better than buying at $1.20 for sure....but better than not buying @ $0.72? Hmm well time will tell but I am really trying to learn and to kerb my impulsive side and find a better balance so I wont blindly hold onto what I have like I have in the passed. If it gets down near my buy in price I will bail asap. One Wynyard in a Bears lifetime is more than enough :sleep:

You may well be investing in the share market well into your 90’s and on that basis you may well come across several Wynyards but hopefully the ATMs and xero’s will balance things out substantially in your favour. Plexure is not the only game in town as there are other shares with good potential that are probably worth throwing some dosh at. FOMO, greed and fear are not good investment strategies. Investing is an extremely tricky business but boy is it fun.

11-10-2019, 09:09 AM
Yep better than buying at $1.20 for sure....but better than not buying @ $0.72? Hmm well time will tell but I am really trying to learn and to kerb my impulsive side and find a better balance so I wont blindly hold onto what I have like I have in the passed. If it gets down near my buy in price I will bail asap. One Wynyard in a Bears lifetime is more than enough :sleep:

Better than the devil you know than the devil you don't.

You know you are dealing with the backdoor boys so be cautious at all times.

11-10-2019, 02:20 PM
Better than the devil you know than the devil you don't.

You know you are dealing with the backdoor boys so be cautious at all times.

Thanks Balance. Your experience and knowledge I am grateful for.

I am somewhat cautious and also positive. The uptake of the program and services for this business look good. Brand. I am a fan of the analytics and strong components of where the product (App and services) are directed.

I look forward to seeing this share grow and hope that it can be a superb result, even for the tag of back door activity.

Disc. Holding. Small portion on low buy in and small portion on higher buy in. For me it is a long play - which is where I'd see this business getting purchased by an offshore Tech and Data company. Perhaps XERO could buy it and that would simply be dandy.

11-10-2019, 03:38 PM

Some pretty big names to be sharing a top 10 list with..

31-10-2019, 08:36 AM
Good result for holders (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/PLX/343469/310850.pdf)......nice day ahead (just don't tell Balance!)

31-10-2019, 08:47 AM
Good result for holders (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/PLX/343469/310850.pdf)......nice day ahead (just don't tell Balance!)

Actually nothing really has changed from what they said in the ASM... (the SP is downhill from then...)

Really doubt it will be a nice day......

31-10-2019, 08:59 AM
Actually nothing really has changed from what they said in the ASM... (the SP is downhill from then...)

Really doubt it will be a nice day......

Apart from the financials.

Revenue UP 45% at $11.8 MILLION.

Cash up 121% @ %13.6 million

Whats not to like about this update ?

31-10-2019, 09:05 AM
All looks good but I will not be happy until they are less reliant on McDonalds.

Disclosure - Sold some to buy Ike.

31-10-2019, 09:26 AM
Actually nothing really has changed from what they said in the ASM... (the SP is downhill from then...)

Really doubt it will be a nice day......

You have to keep the good news coming ...even if repeating a lot of it

Keep the believers happy and hopefully get more disciples on board

31-10-2019, 10:24 AM
I think it was good buying today @ $0.72 :D but dont tell Balance :p

Seems like it was good buying @ $0.72 but in the interests of being a balanced investor I have sold down a few to buy my upcoming allocation of SKO. Feels like a win win so no worries eh Winner :D

31-10-2019, 10:26 AM
You have to keep the good news coming ...even if repeating a lot of it

Keep the believers happy and hopefully get more disciples on board

Bal/Winner , You have to give PLX SOME credit considering where they have come from, IMHO they are on track to build a very successful business model , they have established very good U S connections in what I understand to be a very tough environment to do business, TWT please give them a couple of years for your credibilities sake !!!

31-10-2019, 10:27 AM
Seems like it was good buying @ $0.72 but in the interests of being a balanced investor I have sold down a few to buy my upcoming allocation of SKO. Feels like a win win so no worries eh Winner :D

And if you recall, I congratulated and commended you for buying at 72c and not getting sucked in at $1.20?

31-10-2019, 10:33 AM
And if you recall, I congratulated and commended you for buying at 72c and not getting sucked in at $1.20?

Yes you did but the greedy Bear had nibbled a few too many and is now feeling more Balanced :)

31-10-2019, 11:02 AM
All looks good but I will not be happy until they are less reliant on McDonalds.

Disclosure - Sold some to buy Ike.

I haven’t sold down on PLX but have definately been buying IKE.

31-10-2019, 11:24 AM
Actually nothing really has changed from what they said in the ASM... (the SP is downhill from then...)

Really doubt it will be a nice day......

I'm actually wondering if they low-balled their guidance back in September. They have always earned more in the last 6 months compared to the first 6 months.... which means they have blown past their high end guidance of $23 million.

31-10-2019, 12:20 PM
I'm actually wondering if they low-balled their guidance back in September. They have always earned more in the last 6 months compared to the first 6 months.... which means they have blown past their high end guidance of $23 million.

Always good to under sell/under promise and over deliver..... agree full year results looking good.

08-11-2019, 03:36 PM
Results to 30th September just arrived in my in box. Will someone please tell me what to think.
Revenue $11.7M - up 45% - almost all of it from contracts. Profit up "only" 8%.

08-11-2019, 04:23 PM
Results to 30th September just arrived in my in box. Will someone please tell me what to think.
Revenue $11.7M - up 45% - almost all of it from contracts. Profit up "only" 8%.

Scroll back to 31 October to see what people thought at the time the report was released. I think it's still looking good but the company still needs to deliver a lot of continued growth to justify the price.

08-11-2019, 07:49 PM
Thank you. I should have clicked on the link at the time. I have reread the thread, but even if I had seen the report I wouldn't have found it nearly as enlightening as your clearly expressed opinion. I feel slightly stupid, but that is an increasingly common occurrence and I am (getting) used to it.

08-11-2019, 08:01 PM

Into MSCI micro index - interesting.

09-11-2019, 12:25 PM

Into MSCI micro index - interesting.

Surprised you didnt suggest they entered through the back door, Balance.

10-11-2019, 11:35 AM
Surprised you didnt suggest they entered through the back door, Balance.

Is that possible? :p

Anyway, I will warrant to say that the backdoor boys will be very happy with this development - another great opportunity for them to sell shares into the requirement by tracker funds to buy PLX shares by 26 Nov.

20-12-2019, 11:09 AM
I was analysing this stock again given the recent downtrend. I guess the positives we have as holders going for us is that they have a proven product which Macca's seem to like - furthermore, their deal with whitecastle has the potential to generate revenue that's not yet reflected in the shareprice (a simple look at the chart and you can see that no one really valued the deal - I guess this is understandable since it is speculative what it could lead to)

I'm tempted to top up at this level.. having initially re-entered this stock at 78c after it being a 5-bagger for me when I entered at 0.20c last year.. however I think I might wait and see how their new products such as analytic studios etc are doing. From their social media it seems like the company is rapidly expanding.

That said i'm in the red right now after foolishly topping up at 0.90c after that recent revenue announcement :( but hopefully in a years time that may prove to have been a smart choice

20-12-2019, 11:36 AM
I'm tempted to top up at this level.. having initially re-entered this stock at 78c after it being a 5-bagger for me when I entered at 0.20c last year.. however I think I might wait and see how their new products such as analytic studios etc are doing. From their social media it seems like the company is rapidly expanding.

That said i'm in the red right now after foolishly topping up at 0.90c after that recent revenue announcement :( but hopefully in a years time that may prove to have been a smart choice

I've been similarly conflicted. Hard to know if it's just a bit of noise pushing it down on low volume, or if it really is a change in sentiment. In the absence of any news, it could be either of these things, I think, although I'm hoping it's nothing.

20-12-2019, 11:44 AM
From what was said at previous announcements, I had hoped we'd have new customers by now. I think for now McDonald's will be keeping them busy and providing plenty of growth, but we will need to see more customers to get another kick up I think. I sold off a few at a dollar or so to lock in a small profit, will let the rest ride.

21-12-2019, 09:25 AM
IMO a good 2-5 year hold. 150m app users now (good organic growth) and lots of hiring to get their big data systems up to 400m. Which they could probably just do it with McDonalds once worldwide. I keep an eye on their job listings to see what's up. At the moment their IT and finance teams are undergoing expansion. The IT team is using the right tech and the right architecture to deliver (as an IT person myself I can confirm). Having hired 40 new staff this year, I am expecting huge upgrades to their platforms and potentially new products over the next 12 months. Have talked to a couple of people working there too who rate it.

Am buying more at these levels, the future looks bright to me.

30-12-2019, 02:34 PM
IMO a good 2-5 year hold. 150m app users now (good organic growth) and lots of hiring to get their big data systems up to 400m. Which they could probably just do it with McDonalds once worldwide. I keep an eye on their job listings to see what's up. At the moment their IT and finance teams are undergoing expansion. The IT team is using the right tech and the right architecture to deliver (as an IT person myself I can confirm). Having hired 40 new staff this year, I am expecting huge upgrades to their platforms and potentially new products over the next 12 months. Have talked to a couple of people working there too who rate it.

Am buying more at these levels, the future looks bright to me.

I’d like to see a profit for this financial year. Pointless running a $24 million revenue generating business if you can’t make any money. Only then will the share price rocket up another notch.

30-12-2019, 03:14 PM
I’d like to see a profit for this financial year. Pointless running a $24 million revenue generating business if you can’t make any money. Only then will the share price rocket up another notch.

I would think that profit is highly unlikely this year. They have ramped up hiring and spending since getting the money from McDonalds. I'm guessing there will be an increased loss from last year.

Will be interesting to see if their increased spending starts showing any gains in revenue (and customers) though.

31-12-2019, 09:58 AM
IMO a good 2-5 year hold. 150m app users now (good organic growth) and lots of hiring to get their big data systems up to 400m. Which they could probably just do it with McDonalds once worldwide. I keep an eye on their job listings to see what's up. At the moment their IT and finance teams are undergoing expansion. The IT team is using the right tech and the right architecture to deliver (as an IT person myself I can confirm). Having hired 40 new staff this year, I am expecting huge upgrades to their platforms and potentially new products over the next 12 months. Have talked to a couple of people working there too who rate it.

Am buying more at these levels, the future looks bright to me.

Sounds like Provenco & Wynyard all over again.

Huge huge risk being dependent upon one major customer and building up staff numbers and costs o service that one major customer.

Growth for growth's sake - okay while the tech sector hums along but when the music stops, Plexure will stop too.

31-12-2019, 10:12 AM
Sounds like Provenco & WYNYARD all over again.

Huge huge risk being dependent upon one major customer and building up staff numbers and costs o service that one major customer.

Growth for growth's sake - okay while the tech sector hums along but when the music stops, Plexure will stop too.

Oh no its that W word again :ohmy::scared:

31-12-2019, 10:22 AM
Oh no its that W word again :ohmy::scared:

Management and directors yet to articulate any kind of clear path to profitability or realisation of value.

Remember Orion Health? Another great example of growth for growth’s sake.

31-12-2019, 10:25 AM
I would think that profit is highly unlikely this year. They have ramped up hiring and spending since getting the money from McDonalds. I'm guessing there will be an increased loss from last year.

Will be interesting to see if their increased spending starts showing any gains in revenue (and customers) though.

A competitor acquisition would have been a much better fit. You score new staff and revenue streams at the same time. They turned a profit for the 1st half of the year.... I’m optimistic they will do the same in the 2nd half. Wait and see I guess.

13-01-2020, 11:11 PM
The sp keep dropping to 0.75 today

14-01-2020, 02:11 PM
Sweet, may top up a little

21-01-2020, 12:40 PM
Good article linked from Plexure's Twitter:


21-01-2020, 01:05 PM
Good article linked from Plexure's Twitter:


With Google dropping the announcement last week that they are removing third party data tracking from Chrome, more and more companies are going to have to go down the app road. First party data is only as good as the assets companies own. Plexture is perfectly positioned for this....

21-01-2020, 01:12 PM
Good article linked from Plexure's Twitter:


Thanks for posting. A good article to explain PLX's unique position. Only a matter of time till this one fly's IMHO.

07-02-2020, 12:58 PM
Any news today?

07-02-2020, 12:58 PM
It did this same movement a couple of weeks ago and then dropped right back down

Maybe just volatility added by the index

07-02-2020, 02:12 PM
PLX does tend to move around quite a bit on fairly low volume (although volume today does seem a little higher than normal). If the SP got above 85 I might think there was something going on, but it hasn't been outside a fairly tight range from maybe 73 to 85 in months.

10-02-2020, 08:35 AM
Finally PLX coming out with sales forecast that meets market Expectations that they are a real growth company


10-02-2020, 08:39 AM
Finally PLX coming out with sales forecast that meets market Expectations that they are a real growth company


Market reaction today will be very interesting, will we be on our way now or will it be ho hum until more details are released ?

10-02-2020, 08:43 AM
Scobie Ward increases its share holding by 25.6% they must see something very worth while as they now own 13+ %, hmmmm whatsup !! ? should be a boomer next ann imo !

Looks like its happening .

10-02-2020, 08:44 AM
Finally PLX coming out with sales forecast that meets market Expectations that they are a real growth company

Ticks the boxes for me. Income up 45 to 48 % on last year. Onwards and upwards!! (Note no profit indications given - but hey, that's usual these days.)

10-02-2020, 09:03 AM
Ticks the boxes for me. Income up 45 to 48 % on last year. Onwards and upwards!! (Note no profit indications given - but hey, that's usual these days.)

Cracker revenue growth, expect EBIT to be flat with large headcount growth and platform spend. Not looking for profit, show me growth … tick ✅🤑

10-02-2020, 09:06 AM
No wonder there was an uptick in T O and price late last week !!

10-02-2020, 09:17 AM
Not insider trading at all!

10-02-2020, 09:20 AM
6x or 8x revenue multiple? $150M -$200M val or $1.10 $1.50 .

Snow Leopard
10-02-2020, 09:21 AM
No wonder there was an uptick in T O and price late last week !!

Maybe, but it looked totally random over the weekend :( .

A combination of a significant uplift in average daily turnover and a closing over $0.89 and my infallible software will flag it for me.

Until then when in Porto drink port: https://www.quintadonoval.com/en/

10-02-2020, 10:30 AM
Managed to re enter just before this news at 0.74 lucky break however history shows that up trends on basic guidances don’t really uphold well

10-02-2020, 10:32 AM
Managed to re enter just before this news at 0.74 lucky break however history shows that up trends on basic guidances don’t really uphold well

My amateur TA reading shows it breaking through the golden cross this morning on solid volume.

10-02-2020, 12:23 PM
What’s the fair value now? Its good time to top up more?

10-02-2020, 12:26 PM
What’s the fair value now? Its good time to top up more?

As Schrodinger says .....6x or 8x revenue multiple? $150M -$200M val or $1.10 $1.50 .

And 8x revenue is a pretty conservative multiple

10-02-2020, 12:42 PM
As Schrodinger says .....6x or 8x revenue multiple? $150M -$200M val or $1.10 $1.50 .

And 8x revenue is a pretty conservative multiple

Just based on that? sounds very easy.

10-02-2020, 12:57 PM
Just based on that? sounds very easy.

Sounds easy eh ....but often a big difference between what should / could be and reality

10-02-2020, 01:38 PM
Plexure does quite well on the Rule of Forty that many analysts use to come up with valuations. On that basis some would say that PLX trading at 4 times Revenues is really cheap.

The years of bad vibes associated with this company holding it back I reckon

10-02-2020, 01:46 PM
Unfortunately, I sold out when SP was weak a several weeks ago - I needed cash for my first home deposit so it was inevitable! Glad to see that PLX is doing well and current market cap at approximately 4 times of revenue sounds very cheap for them given its growth rates so far. However, I also understand Balance's advice of having a risk of being hugely dependent on a single customer which is Maccas for them. I think once PLX can show that it is capable of diversifying its customer bases, then it will be revalued to much higher multiples...... time will tell

10-02-2020, 01:52 PM
Plexure does quite well on the Rule of Forty that many analysts use to come up with valuations. On that basis some would say that PLX trading at 4 times Revenues is really cheap.

The years of bad vibes associated with this company holding it back I reckon

Thanks Winner, I appreciate it.

10-02-2020, 02:31 PM
Solid company with significant opportunities . People are forgetting they have a deal with White Castle that everyone seems to ignore and say they are dependent on McDonald’s all the time

Has been hints at further American contracts . I do wish their ikea and 7 eleven contracts yielded more

10-02-2020, 05:04 PM
Closed up .07 @ .86 for an otherwise down day, not much red ink today, the real financial released will be interesting reading.

11-02-2020, 08:58 AM
My mates at Clare Capital had a nice chart of selected companies showing share price gains in 2019

Plexure was a close second behind SmartPay and way ahead of the others

Interesting that the bulk of share price increase came from being rerated (higher multiples) rather than sales growth.

What’ll drive the share price in 2020 to $1.50?

11-02-2020, 09:48 AM
[QUOTE=winner69;790642]Finally PLX coming out with sales forecast that meets market Expectations that they are a real growth company


Good that PLX is generating revenue growth (to be expected actually when it has MacDonalds as its sole major client) but rather telling that :"The Company will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact of the Company’s expansion plans and platform investment cannot be accurately assessed at this juncture."

It is unacceptable for any company NOT to know the impact of servicing a new major contract - which is what the update sounds to me.

Reminding me of the likes of Provenco & Wynyard - companies landed 'big' contracts which then proceeded to strangle the companies with costs and expenses to service the contracts.

Be careful, folks out there - growth for growth's sake is the philosophy of a virus. Ultimately, left unchecked it will kill the host cells!

11-02-2020, 10:45 AM
[QUOTE=winner69;790642]Finally PLX coming out with sales forecast that meets market Expectations that they are a real growth company


Good that PLX is generating revenue growth (to be expected actually when it has MacDonalds as its sole major client) but rather telling that :"The Company will not be providing EBIT guidance as the impact of the Company’s expansion plans and platform investment cannot be accurately assessed at this juncture."

It is unacceptable for any company NOT to know the impact of servicing a new major contract - which is what the update sounds to me.

Reminding me of the likes of Provenco & Wynyard - companies landed 'big' contracts which then proceeded to strangle the companies with costs and expenses to service the contracts.

Be careful, folks out there - growth for growth's sake is the philosophy of a virus. Ultimately, left unchecked it will kill the host cells!

They have millions in the bank and I think the US hasn't fully kicked into gear. I agree they need to be prudent and we dont want a Wynyard i.e over hiring v confirmed revenue.

My main concern is the company being sold (taken off the table) when it could really scale into the billions.

11-02-2020, 11:51 AM
Maybe, but it looked totally random over the weekend :( .

A combination of a significant uplift in average daily turnover and a closing over $0.89 and my infallible software will flag it for me.

Until then when in Porto drink port: https://www.quintadonoval.com/en/

Hard to beat a good port. Especially in a storm.
One of your boxes could be ticked today.

11-02-2020, 12:10 PM

They have millions in the bank and I think the US hasn't fully kicked into gear. I agree they need to be prudent and we dont want a Wynyard i.e over hiring v confirmed revenue.

My main concern is the company being sold (taken off the table) when it could really scale into the billions.

Company being sold off - that you don't have to worry about as the promotors and directors had been selling into the 'positive' news! If they believed it had real takeover prospects, they would have held and in fact, been buying.

A company with one major client that is costing it mega-bucks to service - MacDonalds has already effectively taken over the company at a cheap price to service its needs imo.

11-02-2020, 01:34 PM
Most likely acquirer I read its 80% of revenue?

12-02-2020, 10:01 AM
Apparently tech stocks prices globally have risen much faster than sales growth ....rather like the lead up to the big collapse in tech stocks at the turn of the century

PLX sales up 40% odd last year ...share price up 220%

12-02-2020, 10:31 AM
Apparently tech stocks prices globally have risen much faster than sales growth ....rather like the lead up to the big collapse in tech stocks at the turn of the century

PLX sales up 40% odd last year ...share price up 220%

Although is that more because they were perpetually on the verge of running out of money, and now they aren't, rather than as a result of a tech stock bubble?

I remember the days of 3 or 4 capital raises per year, each at lower and lower valuations. They were very uncertain times.

12-02-2020, 10:35 AM
There’s some stocks that go up even more than that based on an idea.

Atleast plexure has growing sales and good North American opportunities. Every trade comes with risks and if you sit back and try justifying why a growth stock doesn’t warrant the markets approval it’s a good way to sit out on short term swing trades and or potential good long entries

12-02-2020, 10:51 AM
PLX sales up 40% odd last year ...share price up 220%

How could that be? Balance has been continually warning against investing in PLX.

Although is that more because they were perpetually on the verge of running out of money, and now they aren't, rather than as a result of a tech stock bubble?

And even looking marginally profitable??? (it's not all about sales.)

FWIW one of my better investments of late......SP up over 100% up in 2 yrs with my remaining holding de-risked and 'free held'.

As usual DYOR and be responsible for your own decisions.

20-02-2020, 08:45 AM
Market update today.....

20/2/2020, 8:32 am MKTUPDTEPlexure Group (NZX: PLX), today announced it will deploy its mobile marketing technology into one of Indonesia’s largest supermarket chains. Plexure will power Super Indo’s mobile engagement platform to deliver deeply personalized offers, messages and loyalty programs that improve customer experience. Super Indo and Plexure are aiming to launch the new technology in March 2020.
Established in 1997, Super Indo has over 170 stores located across Indonesia, Super Indo is majority owned by Ahold Delhaize, which has a 51 per cent stake in the company. Ahold Delhaize is one of the world’s largest grocery retailers and a global leader in e-commerce. It operates more than 6,500 stores across the United States, Europe and Indonesia, and serves more than 50 million shoppers each week.

Snow Leopard
20-02-2020, 08:47 AM
Plexure sign contract with Super Indo:

Brings back nostalgic memories of living in Yogyakarta:
walking the Jalan Tikus into town;
having a leisurely brunch at ViaVia;
visiting some new museum, art-gallery or district;
shopping at Super-Indo on Jalan Parangtritis;
and then taking a Becak home ( an easy journey as it is down hill all the way ).

Might buy some PLX purely because of that :mellow:

20-02-2020, 09:00 AM
Good catch, new sector customer with potentially massive footprint. 😎

20-02-2020, 09:14 AM
Good catch, new sector customer with potentially massive footprint. ��

Please DO NOT ask Bal for his/her comment !

20-02-2020, 09:50 AM
Good catch, new sector customer with potentially massive footprint. 

This will be like how McD's started, with Japan - prove it, then global rollout 13,000 stores. Super Indo, 170 grocery stores Indonesia - prove it, then 6,500 stores world wide! Half the size of McD's footprint. I wonder what the customer traffic in a grocery store is compared to a McD's QSR?

Massive. Underpinning the growth story, second new customer, huge potential.

20-02-2020, 09:59 AM
Man I was about to sell out as part of a swing trade yesterday after re entering on a dip, lucky haha

20-02-2020, 10:02 AM
Dont swing trade

20-02-2020, 10:06 AM
Market update today.....

20/2/2020, 8:32 amMKTUPDTEPlexure Group (NZX: PLX), today announced it will deploy its mobile marketing technology into one of Indonesia’s largest supermarket chains. Plexure will power Super Indo’s mobile engagement platform to deliver deeply personalized offers, messages and loyalty programs that improve customer experience. Super Indo and Plexure are aiming to launch the new technology in March 2020.
Established in 1997, Super Indo has over 170 stores located across Indonesia, Super Indo is majority owned by Ahold Delhaize, which has a 51 per cent stake in the company. Ahold Delhaize is one of the world’s largest grocery retailers and a global leader in e-commerce. It operates more than 6,500 stores across the United States, Europe and Indonesia, and serves more than 50 million shoppers each week.

With this new deal, we might see them past a buck soon and never under that mark...

20-02-2020, 10:13 AM
love the way they announced this as a market update not price sensitive,up over 5% and sellers drying up.I would call that price sensitive.

Snow Leopard
20-02-2020, 10:19 AM
Plexure sign contract with Super Indo:

Brings back nostalgic memories of living in Yogyakarta:
walking the Jalan Tikus into town;
having a leisurely brunch at ViaVia;
visiting some new museum, art-gallery or district;
shopping at Super-Indo on Jalan Parangtritis;
and then taking a Becak home ( an easy journey as it is down hill all the way ).

Might buy some PLX purely because of that :mellow:

So this gets more weird:

Super-Indo is a Ahold Delhaize JV [ link to click (https://www.aholddelhaize.com/en/brands/joint-ventures/super-indo/) ]

the other JV they have is Pingo Doce in Portugal [ another link to click (https://www.aholddelhaize.com/en/brands/joint-ventures/pingo-doce/) ] and effectively the prime supplier of groceries to the Snow Leopard at present.

I might buy some more purely because of this :mellow: :mellow:.

20-02-2020, 10:20 AM
love the way they announced this as a market update not price sensitive,up over 5% and sellers drying up.I would call that price sensitive.

Move 'em up and sell 'em down.

You know the drill.

20-02-2020, 10:28 AM
Move 'em up and sell 'em down.

You know the drill.

This morning's announcement kinda undercuts your McD's theory though Balance. This is a step through a very big door.

20-02-2020, 10:37 AM
Move 'em up and sell 'em down.

You know the drill.

You really do have a chip on both shoulders , Old Girl , don’t you?

20-02-2020, 10:48 AM
Swing trading is an extremely powerful tool if you actually monitor the market on a daily basis and track fundamental and technical changes.

Swing trading let me exit plexure above its last peak above $1 and then to not have my money sitting in it while it remained within a consolidated zone for months.

Obviously you can’t predict when an announcement will happen but if you’re willing to put in effort to track a stock and it’s nature the risk of “‘missing out” vs the benefit of re entering at a dip. You can’t predict where a company will go and I don’t like the idea of sit and hold irrationally , sure it works but it doesn’t work a lot of the time too

20-02-2020, 10:57 AM
I bought @ chunk @ 35c and it went to $1.20 last year. How confident are you on timing? I think from memory there are 10 good trading days in year the rest dont really return anything hence swing trading is a waste of time. Gradually selling small chunks of winners over 10yrs+ is better.

I dont buy into your "consolidation zone" especially for a tech stock.

To highlight how dumb swing trading is: McDonald's today announces they are purchasing PLX for $800M. How does sitting on the sidelines with swing trading help you?

20-02-2020, 11:00 AM
I bought @ chunk @ 35c and it went to $1.20 last year. How confident are you on timing? I think from memory there are 10 good trading days in year the rest dont really return anything hence swing trading is a waste of time. Gradually selling small chunks of winners over 10yrs+ is better.

I dont buy into your "consolidation zone" especially for a tech stock.

To highlight how dumb swing trading is: McDonald's today announces they are purchasing PLX for $800M. How does sitting on the sidelines with swing trading help you?

Strawman argument. Why would McD's offer 5x Market Cap? Horses for courses. There is no "right" formula.

20-02-2020, 11:01 AM
You need to read better. I am highlighting that you need to be inthe market to benefit. Using a hybrid swing trade argument means your consolidation zone might tell you to "stay away". Ive seen my holds jump 40% in a day from takeovers.

20-02-2020, 11:03 AM
I bought @ chunk @ 35c and it went to $1.20 last year. How confident are you on timing? I think from memory there are 10 good trading days in year the rest dont really return anything hence swing trading is a waste of time. Gradually selling small chunks of winners over 10yrs+ is better.

I dont buy into your "consolidation zone" especially for a tech stock.

To highlight how dumb swing trading is: McDonald's today announces they are purchasing PLX for $800M. How does sitting on the sidelines with swing trading help you?

Trust me, McDonalds has done the deal of the century with Plexure - unlimited support* which will cost Plexure dearly so why buy the cow when you can have the milk for bugger all?

* Reason why Plexure cannot forecast its earnings.

20-02-2020, 11:06 AM
Balance think more strategically. I read somewhere McDs is 80% of their revenue maybe $20M contract per year. At some point its going to be mission critical and they will need to internalise the tech to reduce risk to the business. All roads point to a takeover.

20-02-2020, 11:11 AM
I don’t really need to defend my strategy it’s worked for me and allows me to place a defined risk with every trade I undertake and I actually materialise my profits by making informed decisions about my position sizing.

If you actually read my post properly I said based on fundamentals and technicals not just on the stock chart

Have fun sitting and holding gambling on the idea a stock will keep growing and having your money stuck for months on end whereas you could have shifted it into a bagger. ASX and NZX have more than enough stocks combined to not have to rely on a single stock.

20-02-2020, 11:13 AM
I am having lots of fun thanks=)

20-02-2020, 11:15 AM
Balance think more strategically. I read somewhere McDs is 80% of their revenue maybe $20M contract per year. At some point its going to be mission critical and they will need to internalise the tech to reduce risk to the business. All roads point to a takeover.

Not going to happen.

Why buy the cow when you have the milk for bugger all.

20-02-2020, 11:17 AM
I am having lots of fun thanks=)

I actually take back all the comments, everyone has their own way of trading and their own strategy, just do whatever works for you 👍

20-02-2020, 11:17 AM
You need to read better. I am highlighting that you need to be inthe market to benefit. Using a hybrid swing trade argument means your consolidation zone might tell you to "stay away". Ive seen my holds jump 40% in a day from takeovers.

I can read just fine thank you. Perhaps you need to articulate your argument with a little more finesse.

20-02-2020, 11:22 AM
I actually take back all the comments, everyone has their own way of trading and their own strategy, just do whatever works for you 

Heres a book I read a few years ago when I struggled to decide on when to sell https://www.amazon.com/Art-Execution-worlds-investors-millions/dp/085719495X

Essentially the best fund managers were more likely to get a stock wrong but hold their winners and sell small portions over time, the "connoisseur"

20-02-2020, 11:36 AM
I’m not swing trader, after today’s announcement, I believe this company got more potential in the future, I will be a long time holder, and I will top up more if price back to around .90 cents.

20-02-2020, 11:42 AM
I’m not swing trader, after today’s announcement, I believe this company got more potential in the future, I will be a long time holder, and I will top up more if price back to around .90 cents.

Agreed. Based on profit guidance update a few weeks back, they already have this financial year in the bag. This contract is going to give them a great start for the next financial year showing growth is continuing.

20-02-2020, 11:46 AM
TA Charts fired off mass buy signals on Friday 7th February...A very happy Chartist:D

20-02-2020, 12:11 PM
Hmmm can't see where to delete the attached thumbnail image

20-02-2020, 12:15 PM
TA Charts fired off mass buy signals on Friday 7th February...A very happy Chartist:D

Well done Hoop, thanks for posting :)

20-02-2020, 01:09 PM
Great TA chart.... thanks for posting Hoop

20-02-2020, 01:18 PM
Agreed. Based on profit guidance update a few weeks back, they already have this financial year in the bag. This contract is going to give them a great start for the next financial year showing growth is continuing.

My trading contact (who loves trading this stock) is having the time of his life - most predictable stock as far as he is concerned.

Says to pass on his thanks!

20-02-2020, 01:48 PM
My trading contact (who loves trading this stock) is having the time of his life - most predictable stock as far as he is concerned.

Says to pass on his thanks!

Different strokes for different folks Balance. I'm also winning.... I'm glad we're all on this party train together.

20-02-2020, 04:15 PM
Was this announcement predictable though balance?? are you implying its dodgey

20-02-2020, 05:05 PM
Was this announcement predictable though balance?? are you implying its dodgey

Don't take any notice of Bal he/she is pi$$ed that he/she didn't climb onboard 12 months ago, imho he/she will down ramp PLX even when its a 10 bagger !

20-02-2020, 05:49 PM
Don't take any notice of Bal he/she is pi$$ed that he/she didn't climb onboard 12 months ago, imho he/she will down ramp PLX even when its a 10 bagger !

This is true, some very experienced investors often get things completely wrong. Much like Snoopy who suggested ATM was worth 10c when it was at 50c and basically said you would be mad to buy it. No matter how many posts from a few of us explaining the potential and showing their revenue numbers. A lot of people listened to Snoopy and I have met a couple who are quite bitter about selling out at <60c after reading Snoopy's posts. Or the people who were calling me "mad" for investing in Xero in their IPO and at 80c, also seasoned investors.

Although Balance is a very seasoned investor that brings massive value to this forum, it is likely he will get things wrong. IMO this is one of them. Most people don't understand what Plexure even do, particularly older folk who don't understand the tech. As an IT guy who understands (and wants to work for!) Plexure, they have a massive oppourtunity in front of them. It's just about execution. So your gamble with them is that they will get the execution right and that their data products will remain in front of the competition. That's mostly about having the right people making the right decisions and having sales people that can attract and win customers.

Check out who works their and their backgrounds via linkedin profiles if you want, needless to say I am a happy investor.

20-02-2020, 07:05 PM
Don't take any notice of Bal he/she is pi$$ed that he/she didn't climb onboard 12 months ago, imho he/she will down ramp PLX even when its a 10 bagger !

Pissed off? Down ramp?

Yes, like I was so pissed off and gutted on missing out on Plus SMS and Wynyard.:D

You are not going to win that argument with me, Whatsup - just like with MMH.

Treat what I write as cautionary postings - trade the stock and you will win that way.

20-02-2020, 09:02 PM
Pissed off? Down ramp?

Yes, like I was so pissed off and gutted on missing out on Plus SMS and Wynyard.:D

You are not going to win that argument with me, Whatsup - just like with MMH.

Treat what I write as cautionary postings - trade the stock and you will win that way.

The comparisons to Wynyard are endless, but totally invalid Balance. Wynyard had a product that did nothing like they said it would do. They also made a series of massive stuff ups in their revenue forecasting (counting revenue before it had come in) which are stupid mistakes to make.

Just because you (may or may not have) got burned by them does not make every NZ tech company the same. Particularly those that have shown they have very good products and are able to sell them to multiple large international conglomerates who report they are extremely pleased in partnering with them. Your pessimism towards Plexure reeks of unabashed cynicism and your vehemence that they won't succeed in the face of signing new contracts is souring your reputation. I recommend toning it down to "be cautious because of xyz", not using invalid comparisons and over the top exaggerations.

20-02-2020, 11:21 PM
The comparisons to Wynyard are endless, but totally invalid Balance. Wynyard had a product that did nothing like they said it would do. They also made a series of massive stuff ups in their revenue forecasting (counting revenue before it had come in) which are stupid mistakes to make.

Just because you (may or may not have) got burned by them does not make every NZ tech company the same. Particularly those that have shown they have very good products and are able to sell them to multiple large international conglomerates who report they are extremely pleased in partnering with them. Your pessimism towards Plexure reeks of unabashed cynicism and your vehemence that they won't succeed in the face of signing new contracts is souring your reputation. I recommend toning it down to "be cautious because of xyz", not using invalid comparisons and over the top exaggerations.

Such little faith in your stock.

See, I have seen posters here attack me on Pike River, PEB, Snakk, Plus SMS etc and I have never backed off.

Guess why?

21-02-2020, 08:36 AM
This is true, some very experienced investors often get things completely wrong. Much like Snoopy who suggested ATM was worth 10c when it was at 50c and basically said you would be mad to buy it. No matter how many posts from a few of us explaining the potential and showing their revenue numbers. A lot of people listened to Snoopy and I have met a couple who are quite bitter about selling out at <60c after reading Snoopy's posts. Or the people who were calling me "mad" for investing in Xero in their IPO and at 80c, also seasoned investors.

Although Balance is a very seasoned investor that brings massive value to this forum, it is likely he will get things wrong. IMO this is one of them. Most people don't understand what Plexure even do, particularly older folk who don't understand the tech. As an IT guy who understands (and wants to work for!) Plexure, they have a massive oppourtunity in front of them. It's just about execution. So your gamble with them is that they will get the execution right and that their data products will remain in front of the competition. That's mostly about having the right people making the right decisions and having sales people that can attract and win customers.

Check out who works their and their backgrounds via linkedin profiles if you want, needless to say I am a happy investor.

Nice to have your input on this thread. Much more 'balanced.' Thanks.

21-02-2020, 09:12 AM
Such little faith in your stock.

See, I have seen posters here attack me on Pike River, PEB, Snakk, Plus SMS etc and I have never backed off.

Guess why?

But Bal sometimes even you can be wrong --------- right ?

21-02-2020, 09:21 AM
But Bal sometimes even you can be wrong --------- right ?

But of course.

24-02-2020, 09:17 AM
Sharp drop on light volume late on Friday. Traders getting out for the weekend I guess. Here's when we see it's in the hands of traders or investors. Back towards a buck or back to 90?

24-02-2020, 09:22 AM
Sharp drop on light volume late on Friday. Traders getting out for the weekend I guess. Here's when we see it's in the hands of traders or investors. Back towards a buck or back to 90?

Great news bursting into grocery, huge customer and massive market potential. As the SP stabilises between news, as it does, good opportunities to accumulate.

24-02-2020, 10:39 AM
Sharp drop on light volume late on Friday. Traders getting out for the weekend I guess. Here's when we see it's in the hands of traders or investors. Back towards a buck or back to 90?

Traders will always trade....that's what they do..... Longer term investors not worried about daily gyrations, it's all about sharing the company's vision of where it is headed.

Only a matter of time before PLX sits above $1 (again.)

But then again I'm a tab biased so as always DYOR.

24-02-2020, 11:55 AM
Move 'em up and sell 'em down.

You know the drill.

No - I don't know the drill. You keep saying "move em up and sell em down" and it is not particularly useful - at least to me.

What would be more useful would be for you to tell us exactly what you think is happening and what you think is going to happen. You don't like this company - something to do with the way it was listed and the original promoters who are long gone - but you make it hard to know whether you have a bee in your bonnet and are right (eg PEB so far), or whether you just have a bee in your bonnet.

24-02-2020, 12:36 PM
Looks like everythings dipped today not really worried

24-02-2020, 01:30 PM
top up some more today :)

24-02-2020, 01:59 PM
top up some more today :)

Agreed. I just snaffled last on offer @ 88 (at the moment). I figure a bounce back towards 95 is on the cards.

24-02-2020, 02:41 PM
My trading contact (who loves trading this stock) is having the time of his life - most predictable stock as far as he is concerned.

Says to pass on his thanks!

Out at 98c, looking to get set back at around 80c.

Entirely predictable.

'Move em up and sell em down."

24-02-2020, 02:45 PM
Out at 98c, looking to get set back at around 80c.

Entirely predictable.

'Move em up and sell em down."

Don't be so greedy Balance. :D Should've got back in @ 88. Here's hoping you missed the boat.

24-02-2020, 02:56 PM
Don't be so greedy Balance. :D Should've got back in @ 88. Here's hoping you missed the boat.

Not me - I am no trader.

But why around 80c*?

Wait for the full year's results and imo, it will become abundantly clear that the McDonalds' deal is a 'bleeder' for PLX. Once you read that PLX was looking to add between 60 to 100 staff to service the business, you know that McDonalds has done the classic IBM deal.

IBM deal you say? Yes - IBM puts some money into a company it contracts to obtain services or products off, and that company attempts to leverage off the IBM connection but alas, finds it is hamstrung by the contract and proceeds to bleed until the inevitable.

Provenco found out the hard way with its Petronas deal and Wynyard was so busy signing up deals it forgot that to survive, sales is half the equation only - the sales must also be profitable.

Onwards and downwards to April!

* May be lower.

24-02-2020, 03:03 PM
Not me - I am no trader.

But why around 80c*?

Wait for the full year's results and imo, it will become abundantly clear that the McDonalds' deal is a 'bleeder' for PLX. Once you read that PLX was looking to add between 60 to 100 staff to service the business, you know that McDonalds has done the classic IBM deal.

IBM deal you say? Yes - IBM puts some money into a company it contracts to obtain services or products off, and that company attempts to leverage off the IBM connection but alas, finds it is hamstrung by the contract and proceeds to bleed until the inevitable.

Provenco found out the hard way with its Petronas deal and Wynyard was so busy signing up deals it forgot that to survive, sales is half the equation only - the sales must also be profitable.

Onwards and downwards to April!

* May be lower.

If you're right it is a bad business model for McDs. Why would they want to push one of their suppliers to the brink? I doubt McDs have any interest in acquiring PLX. They normally stick to their knitting.

24-02-2020, 03:05 PM
If you're right it is a bad business model for McDs. Why would they want to push one of their suppliers to the brink? I doubt McDs have any interest in acquiring PLX. They normally stick to their knitting.

Who said anything about McD having any interest in acquiring PLX?

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk cheap?

24-02-2020, 03:05 PM
Who said anything about McD having any interest in acquiring PLX?

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk cheap?

Can't get the milk if the cow is dead.

24-02-2020, 03:13 PM
Can't get the milk if the cow is dead.

The cow will be kept alive by others but McD will get the milk as contracted cheap.

24-02-2020, 03:23 PM
Learn the hard way years ago to avoid backdoor listed companies.

If a business is good and can stand scrutiny, it will go full frontal - not try and sneak in the backdoor.

First post 2013 - hate reverse listings.


Look at who are behind the listings.

We have in NZ, a Stock Exchange which puts profit above all else.

Second post 2013 - hate these promoters.

Wait for the full year's results and imo, it will become abundantly clear that the McDonalds' deal is a 'bleeder' for PLX.

Onwards and downwards to April!

* May be lower.

Almost seven YEARS later, still down ramping. Boring. Credibility on PLX, none. :t_down:

24-02-2020, 03:44 PM
i especially like mcd back up this business,as secured one major customer who never leave :mellow:

24-02-2020, 04:18 PM
First post 2013 - hate reverse listings.

Second post 2013 - hate these promoters.

Almost seven YEARS later, still down ramping. Boring. Credibility on PLX, none.

Down ramping?

Ramping up?

You write in a language that only rampers understand. :D

Related to Plus SMS & Snakk?

25-02-2020, 09:55 AM
Not me - I am no trader.

But why around 80c*?

Wait for the full year's results and imo, it will become abundantly clear that the McDonalds' deal is a 'bleeder' for PLX. Once you read that PLX was looking to add between 60 to 100 staff to service the business, you know that McDonalds has done the classic IBM deal.

IBM deal you say? Yes - IBM puts some money into a company it contracts to obtain services or products off, and that company attempts to leverage off the IBM connection but alas, finds it is hamstrung by the contract and proceeds to bleed until the inevitable.

Provenco found out the hard way with its Petronas deal and Wynyard was so busy signing up deals it forgot that to survive, sales is half the equation only - the sales must also be profitable.

Onwards and downwards to April!

* May be lower.

Told my friend to reset buy back of stock sold at 98c at 75c - that's where it will be by end of month.

25-02-2020, 10:25 AM
Man you must feel like a magic man balance. Great timing with the general market decline 😂

25-02-2020, 10:27 AM
Man you must feel like a magic man balance. Great timing with the general market decline ��

Panic sellers already out for the day. I reckon back to mid to high 80s this afternoon

25-02-2020, 12:41 PM
I hate this market ..not a happy chartist now :p

I've posted a chart update as it is very interesting..probably only if one is a chartist...anyway.. I find it interesting textbookwise...
This sudden market awareness of the Coronavirus effect has completely turned the Global investor sentiment from very optimistic to very pessimistic within a few days..
Plex chart shows the more extreme event because of the sudden optimistic sentiment with the upgrade disclosure announcement...

The Plex chart shows the two sudden sentiments very clearly with the bearish Candlestick Island reversal pattern...Also in play and I assume helps create this Island reversal pattern is the fact that without the Virus sentiment there was a 60% chance of a throwback (Bulkowski)..The extent of the rise after the breakout also makes it painful if a throwback occurs...Throwbacks after a breakout is a temporary phenomenon when profit takers are active, one they disappear there is a very good chance the price bounces off the support and resumes upwards again..
The Virus sentiment effect does cast doubt and the Bearish Island reversal pattern also casts doubt..

DISC: happened too quickly to exit (probably would not have anyway with high growth stocks)...If selling apply the rule ...sell near resistance, never near support.


25-02-2020, 01:08 PM
Thanks Hoop.
Afternoon rally has begun for the NZX. Currently looking very oversold compared to the ASX. Hopefully will flow to some of the small caps like PLX that have taken a disproportionate hit.

25-02-2020, 03:07 PM
Thanks Hoop.
Afternoon rally has begun for the NZX. Currently looking very oversold compared to the ASX. Hopefully will flow to some of the small caps like PLX that have taken a disproportionate hit.

Good opportunity to get out before the next wave down.

25-02-2020, 03:09 PM
Told my friend to reset buy back of stock sold at 98c at 75c - that's where it will be by end of month.

I hope your friend ignored your advice. They would have done well today.

25-02-2020, 03:12 PM
I hope your friend ignored your advice. They would have done well today.

Patience, my friend - it will be 75c soon enough.

Remember - why buy the cow when you can get the milk delivered to you cheap.

25-02-2020, 03:15 PM
Patience, my friend - it will be 75c soon enough.

Remember - why buy the cow when you can get the milk delivered to you cheap.

Not if the US bounces back tomorrow. NZX has clawed back approx 60% of this mornings losses as it aligned with Oz. The sky hasn't fallen, but there has been some good buying.

25-02-2020, 03:19 PM
Not if the US bounces back tomorrow. NZX has clawed back approx 60% of this mornings losses as it aligned with Oz. The sky hasn't fallen, but there has been some good buying.

The trend is your friend, as is often quoted but more often misunderstood.

And if the US drops further?

Plenty of downside yet for high beta stocks.

25-02-2020, 03:29 PM
And if the US drops further?

Plenty of downside yet for high beta stocks.

And if it doesn't? Guess we will know tomorrow. You're very noisy on PLX Balance, not so much on your MMH lately. Down to Nov levels currently. And no guarantee Shane will be back. Focus Balance....focus.

25-02-2020, 03:38 PM
And if it doesn't? Guess we will know tomorrow. You're very noisy on PLX Balance, not so much on your MMH lately. Down to Nov levels currently. And no guarantee Shane will be back. Focus Balance....focus.


Not a smidgent of worry in the world - solid assets, solid operations, huge valuable land bank and plenty of upside all the way to $50 per share.

PLX? As I have written before - 'they move 'em up, and they sell 'em down.' Trade by all means as my friend does - just don't get caught when the tide goes out.

25-02-2020, 08:47 PM

Not a smidgent of worry in the world - solid assets, solid operations, huge valuable land bank and plenty of upside all the way to $50 per share.

PLX? As I have written before - 'they move 'em up, and they sell 'em down.' Trade by all means as my friend does - just don't get caught when the tide goes out.

B S Bal ! sounds like you are trying to convince yourself that what you are saying you are trying to believe !

25-02-2020, 09:32 PM
B S Bal ! sounds like you are trying to convince yourself that what you are saying you are trying to believe !

BS is when someone wrote that he bought a heap of Serko shares at 29c.

Now that is Class A BS.

Guess who that BS artist is?

You are not going to win this battle when you have been uncovered for posting untruths, Whatsup - it is not a good thing to have it publicized too often.

You know what to do.

26-02-2020, 08:32 AM
The trend is your friend, as is often quoted but more often misunderstood.

And if the US drops further?

Plenty of downside yet for high beta stocks.

Just talked to my friend - his bids taken down to 65c. There's a long long way for PLX to fall yet before the results which are expected imo to show PLX bleeding funds to support McD contract & now, Indo contract - sounding more and more like Provenco & Wynyard everyday (contract driven hype).

But a great stock to trade!

You know the drill - 'you move 'em up and you sell 'em down'.

Entirely predictable except for those who have swallowed the story from the market movers hook, line and stinker (stinker).

Snow Leopard
26-02-2020, 08:36 AM
Just talked to my friend ....

I think it is nice that you have a friend.


26-02-2020, 08:39 AM
I think it is nice that you have a friend.


I feel a bet coming on.

What says you?

26-02-2020, 08:41 AM
I feel a bet coming on.

What says you?

does it involve your lawyer lol

26-02-2020, 08:46 AM
does it involve your lawyer lol

Always - only way to keep the bet legal and honest. Deposit bets with lawyers who will draft binding unconditional bet agreement. Lawyers will verify details of the bet and vet evidence. Loser pays legal fees for both lawyers. See anything wrong with the arrangement?

Last bet I took, yielded me a very nice $10k with another investor but that was a while ago.

Bet big when you have nothing to hide and you always put your money where your words are. None of the BS so prevalent with some posters.

26-02-2020, 09:10 AM
Just talked to my friend - his bids taken down to 65c. There's a long long way for PLX to fall yet before the results which are expected imo to show PLX bleeding funds to support McD contract & now, Indo contract - sounding more and more like Provenco & Wynyard everyday (contract driven hype).

But a great stock to trade!

You know the drill - 'you move 'em up and you sell 'em down'.

Entirely predictable except for those who have swallowed the story from the market movers hook, line and stinker (stinker).

Im glad that you and your friend analyze it still worth some penny like 65c,make me
some confident, thanks and good luck.

26-02-2020, 09:13 AM
Im glad that you and your friend analyze it still worth some penny like 65c,make me
some confident, thanks and good luck.

He's a trader - no intention of holding PLX as an investment.

26-02-2020, 10:08 AM
65c lol yeah sure balance