View Full Version : Robert Kiyosaki's New Book- Unfair Advantage

09-04-2011, 01:02 PM

Robert Kiyosaki proclaims to get into debt. Get into good debt. This is mainly because of central banks printing money. The only good debt I can associate this with is property investment.

If you don't have enough of a deposit to get into property, what other "good debts" can you get into?

Also, has anyone read the book yet?

09-04-2011, 01:16 PM

10-04-2011, 02:09 PM
I would suggest performing some due digence on Robert Kiyosaki.

He has made clearly exaggerated claims about his own military service that are dishonorable as well as failing to accept legitimate challenges made regarding his own nebulous investment record.

I don't think he is an much an investor as a snakeoil salesman.

There's a couple websites that have systematically outer him.

There's also videos of a Canadian TV investigative reporter absolutely skewering him.

10-04-2011, 05:27 PM
RK is better known for his "Rich Dad / Poor Dad" series of books. He's not so well known for his self improvement course which involved participants right of passage that had them pressing an arrow into their throats until it broke.

I rate him a teller of yarns with a financial theme. In terms of quality he's possibly no better no worse than the likes of Rod Oram, Mary Holm, Martin Hawes though these folks have some qualifications which RK doesn't - as I recall.

Haven't read the latest book so don't know what his "good debt" is. Though we should by now know Bad Debt is one used to buy a depreciating asset. I've still got to read the Hubbard book so could be a while before I get to this one.

On the basis that some knowledge is good knowledge it might be worth a read. Though we also should know a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

In support of RK we all know getting into debt is a good thing. You need to use someone else's money to grow. Theres pretty much no company on the NZX (or anywhere) that has no debt. Its their asset debt ratios that are important as is their ability to repay and consequence of non-payment.

10-04-2011, 07:33 PM
He has made his fortune out his books & speeches not his investing skills

10-04-2011, 08:09 PM
NZ article on the same theme:


And to answer your question as well as debt to buy property, you could get a margin loan to buy shares. Revenues and share price will go up with inflation, hopefully at a slower rate than the loan interest.

10-04-2011, 09:25 PM
Rich dad poor dad is an inspirational book - there is no doubt about that. I think the 'rich dad' in his book doesn't exist from what I read about him. All theory and sounds good but!! I will not read any more of his books.

I spotted a book written by his wife Kim in the book shop few months ago!!

Thumbs down from me.

11-04-2011, 09:06 AM
Re Kiyosaki - definately inspirational and the amount of people that have said that reading RDPD was the start of them investing proves this. The books are light on detail though. Haven't read any of the recent ones and think other books probably do a better job of the detail. Also RK is into gold and silver. Given he has a very strong income stream from his books, it makes sense that he can invest more of his money in a store or wealth rather than a wealth creator (shares and property).

Re - unfair advantage, the different between inflation and interest rates is the key. If assets are inflating at a rate higher than the interest rate, then it is definately best to be leveraged. We have just gone through a period of low inflation enforced by the RB by using high interest rates so it will be interesting to see what happens in the next few years. With our dollar high at the moment the country could afford to print some money but getting the balance right will be difficult.

With the imbalance in the economy we may see a period of high inflation buyt lower interest rates. That is Chch rebuild and dairy farms cause higher inflation but the rest of the economy struggling so RB cant put up interest rates.

11-04-2011, 02:31 PM

Robert Kiyosaki proclaims to get into debt. Get into good debt. This is mainly because of central banks printing money. The only good debt I can associate this with is property investment.

If you don't have enough of a deposit to get into property, what other "good debts" can you get into?

Also, has anyone read the book yet?

Still makes me laugh how property is the only easy way to get debt... 'Safe as houses' right?