View Full Version : Artemis spud- CUE MEO MOG

Crypto Crude
18-11-2010, 05:25 PM
The spudding of Artemis is fast approaching, early next week infact...
As a huge 12 TCF target with upside, any discovery will set baggers alight...


A 32% Gelogical chance of success makes this a reasonable bet when factoring in risk return...
in saying that,

Because of the huge current financial risks emphasised by the stocks running up means I am not tipping this as a current buy...

this thread will be a good page to link this highly anticipated well between our companies...

ASX & Media release
Artemis-1 progress report No. 2
Key Points:
At 06:00 hours (Perth time) on 17th November, rig had travelled 181.7 nm of the 646.7 nm journey (28.1%)
Expected arrival at Artemis-1 is late on Tuesday 23rd November depending on weather
MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA (17th November, 2010)
MEO Australia Limited (ASX: MEO; OTC: MEOAY) advises that as at 06:00 hours (Perth time) on Wednesday 17th November, the Songa Venus semi-submersible drilling rig had been towed a distance of 181.7 nautical miles or 28.1% of the 646.7 nautical mile journey to the Artemis-1 location.
Assuming the average speed achieved on the journey to date is maintained, the rig is anticipated to arrive at the Artemis-1 location late on Tuesday 23rd November, however the actual tow speed achieved will be a function of the prevailing weather and sea state conditions.
Artemis-1 is anticipated to spud shortly after being anchored on location.

talk more soon...

28-11-2010, 06:27 PM
About 25 days to finish drilling?

Could be an early Christmas present!

28-11-2010, 09:30 PM
About 25 days to finish drilling?

Could be an early Christmas present!

My best mate owns quite a few of these. I would just love this Artemis to come in...especially when Shrewdy is shouting a keg.

Seriously, this OXX has been very shrewdly put together. ( over a very long time ) The rewards could be just around the corner.

Good luck all.

30-11-2010, 10:15 AM
The spudding of Artemis is fast approaching, early next week infact...
As a huge 12 TCF target with upside, any discovery will set baggers alight...

Because of the huge current financial risks emphasised by the stocks running up means I am not tipping this as a current buy...

talk more soon...
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What kind of a ramp is this Shrewdy?:p

Its going to be a pretty bleek day. Today.:crying:

How bout giving us a number to wish for.:scared::lol:

Best possible outcome = ???? cents per share to CUE :p

30-11-2010, 10:57 AM
Its going to be a pretty bleek day. Today.:crying:

Why's that?

30-11-2010, 11:17 AM
Why's that?US Markets looked pretty grim when I checked first thing this morning. I see they came back a bit in the last few hours though.

Crypto Crude
30-11-2010, 06:00 PM
theres a couple of baggers in this if we strike Gas...
We wont know exactly how far the share price runs until we find out details
of sand thickness, Permeability, Porosity, early Indications look good, but this is still only a 30%er...

a 30%er at a few baggers...
exciting times...

30-11-2010, 06:48 PM
Yeah, this could go crazy. There was some good research done by some of the boys on HC (the operative words being 'some').

However, for me, it was a BESBS. I didn't get out at the top but did OK.

Good luck.

01-12-2010, 08:42 AM
Further downside on MEO to come yet? I dont think any results from the drilling are due for a good 10 days at least, so could be a time to get in cheap over the coming few days. Just gotta pick your entry point and wait for all this selling to stop! Under 50c seems cheap though!